Energy Technology-Flexible Lead-Free BaTiO3-PDMS-C Composite Nanogenerators
Energy Technology-Flexible Lead-Free BaTiO3-PDMS-C Composite Nanogenerators
Energy Technology-Flexible Lead-Free BaTiO3-PDMS-C Composite Nanogenerators
Accepted Article
Title: Flexible Lead-Free BaTiO3/PDMS/C Composite Nanogenerators as
Piezoelectric Energy Harvester
Authors: Cuixian Luo, Sihuan Hu, Mengjie Xia, Pengwei Li, Jie Hu, Gang Li,
Huabei Jiang, and Wendong Zhang
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Energy Technology 10.1002/ente.201700756
Flexible Lead-Free BaTiO3/PDMS/C Composite Nanogenerators as
Piezoelectric Energy Harvester
Cuixian Luo[a], Sihuan Hu[a], Mengjie Xia[a], Pengwei Li*[a], Jie Hu[a], Gang Li[a], Huabei Jiang[b],
Wendong Zhang[a]
A novel approach to develop high performance flexible piezoelectric when the C content of PNGs is 3.2 wt%.The generated electric energy
nanogenerators (PNGs) by employing lead-free BaTiO3/PDMS/C can be effectively stored by the energy storage capacitor (47μF) and
composite thin film has been proposed, among which lead-free BaTiO3 successfully used to light up a commercial red light-emitting diode
nanoparticles (NPs) has been successfully fabricated by a facile (LED). These results show that BaTiO3/PDMS/C composite is a
modified (nano-scale precursors) solid phase method. The synthesized promising candidate for large-scale lead-free piezoelectric
BaTiO3/PDMS/C composite PNGs exhibits an output voltage of ∼7.43
Accepted Manuscript
nanogenerator applications.
V by periodically beating from a vibrator, which is increased by 143%
compared to the PNGs without C doping. Meanwhile, the maximum
power could reach up to ∼7.92μW with the load resistance of 2MΩ
With the rapid development of sustainable and renewable energy and K0.5Na0.5Nb0.995Mn0.005O3), which could obtain a maximum output
generation technologies, high performance nanogenerators have been voltages and current densities of 2.2 V and 0.12 μA/cm2. Shin [29]
exploring during recent years [1-6]. Among which piezoelectric reported high-performance flexible NGs based on a composite thin
nanostructures-based nanogenerators (NGs) show superior advantages film, composed of hemispherically aggregated BaTiO3 NPs and poly-
because of their distinctive high power density, relatively smaller size, (vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropene) P(VDF-HFP), exhibiting
easy fabrication design, long cycle life and the environmentally high electrical output up to∼5 V and ∼750 nA by cyclic measurement
friendly characteristic [7-8]. Originally, ZnO nanowire arrays have been under bending stage. Park [30] reported the nanocomposite generator
used to fabricate such piezoelectric NGs due to their unique (NCG) achieving a simple, low-cost, and large area fabrication based
piezoelectric properties [9-10]. However, considering the relatively low on BaTiO3 NPs synthesized via a hydrothermal reaction and graphitic
piezoelectric coefficient of ZnO, it is desirable to design NGs made by carbons (such as single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes and
perovskite materials with large piezoelectric coefficients such as reduced graphene oxide), which repeatedly generated an open-circuit
BaTiO3, Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) and Pb(Mg,Nb)O3-PbTiO3 (PMN-PT)[11]. voltage (Voc) of ∼3.0 V and a short-circuit current signal of 300 nA.
Unfortunately, the component lead in PZT and PMN-PT has the Indeed, the electrical output of composite nanogenerator has
concern of toxic effect toward human health and environmental significantly increased. Whereas, the non-uniform distribution of
problems. Consequently, BaTiO3 has drawn significant attentions due conductive materials or their aggregation into large clusters can
to its non-polluting, simple and convenient preparation and low cost [12- decrease the effective surface area of fillers particles per unit volume,
. resulting in a lower dielectric permittivity [31]. Consequently, the choice
In contrast to its strong merits, the application of BaTiO3 films for of fillers and their mass ratio, as well as the effective surface area
flexible energy harvesting devices has been limited by its inherent would have great potential for high-power nanogenerators and large-
fragility property [15-17]. In order to solve the fragile problems of the output signal sensors with lightweight, flexibility, and low cost.
PNGs, silk fibroin, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and polydimethyl In this paper, we fabricated the high-performance flexible PNGs
siloxane (PDMS) are widely used as a matrix in the pure piezoelectric based on the composite film obtained by dispersing BaTiO3 NPs and
NPs [18-22]. It can be found that piezoelectric nanocomposites composed BaTiO3/C in a PDMS matrix. With the impact from the concentration
of piezoelectric NPs and flexible polymers have demonstrated of the synthesized and commercial BaTiO3 NPs, the thickness of the
remarkable flexibility towards flexible devices and wearable composite thin film and the concentration of the acetylene black, the
applications [23-27]. For Example, Kim [28] reported the silk fibroin-based output voltage and current of the fabricated PNGs have been measured
biodegradable piezoelectric composite nanogenerators using lead-free and analyzed. Under periodic external mechanical deformation by
ferroelectric nanoparticles (BaTiO3, ZnSnO3, Bi0.5 (Na0.82K0.18)0.5TiO3, beating from mechanical vibrator, electric signals are repeatedly
generated from the PNGs device and stored to operate a commercial
red LED.
[a] Cuixian Luo, Sihuan Hu, Mengjie Xia, Pengwei Li*, Jie Hu, Gang Li,
Huabei Jiang, Wendong Zhang
Micro Nano System Research Center of College of Information
Engineering and Key Lab of Advanced Transducers and Intelligent
Control System of the Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of
Results and Discussion
No.79, Yingze West Street, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030024, China Fig. 1a shows the SEM image of BaTiO3 powders sintered at
E-mail: [email protected] 1350 °C and the average particle size is about 1.2 ± 0.6 μm. The Ɛr, Pr,
[b] Huabei Jiang and d33 of BaTiO3 at sintered temperature (1350 ºC) in our previous
University of South Florida
ENB 343J, 4202 E. Fowler Ave. Tampa, FL 33620, USA paper are 3533, 16.24 μC/cm2 and 420 pC/N, respectively, as shown in
Table S1. From the XRD pattern it can be seen that the BaTiO3
nanocrystals have a typical perovskite-type tetragonal structure
(JCPDS-ICDD File No. 05-0626) with no diffraction peaks from any composite generator improves 1.4%-5.1% and its stability is better.
other impurities, as shown in Fig. 1b. The schematics of the PNG The reason of which could be attributed to the uniform size of BaTiO3
fabricating process are shown in Fig. 1c. The process contains four NPs prepared by nano-scale precursors in composite piezoelectric
main steps, including spin-coating, curing, peel-off and packaging, and matrix and the piezoelectric performance shows stable and reliable.
the detailed information of the fabrication process is described in the
Experimental Section. The practical image in the top right corner of
Fig. 1c shows the bend of the PNGs by human fingers, confirming its
suitability in flexible and embedded electronics.
Accepted Manuscript
Fig. 2. The output performance for BaTiO3/PDMS composite PNGs: (a) The
output voltage for PNGs with 10, 20, 30 and 40 wt % BaTiO3 NPs
concentration; (b) The output current for PNGs with different concentration of
BaTiO3 NPs (10, 20, 30 and 40 wt %).
process is shown in Fig. 3. Output voltages about 3.05, 3.49, 5.01, 7.43, are examined also at room temperature, as shown in Fig. 4b. It can be
3.67 and 0.33 V from the PNGs, for C fractions of 0, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4.0 found that the Pr value of BaTiO3/PDMS/C composite (7.5 μC/cm2) is
and 4.8 wt %, respectively, can be obtained (Fig. 3a). It can be found about two times of BaTiO3/PDMS composite without C (3.5 μC/cm2).
that the voltage increases from 3.05 V (C, 0 wt %) to 7.43 V (C, 3.2 The reason of which may be ascribed to the change of domain
wt %) firstly, then falls to 0.33 V (C, 4.8 wt %).The output current and structures of BaTiO3/PDMS composite with C addition [34].
the output power have a similar trend as the output voltage for varying It is known that the energy harvesting performances of piezoelectric
C content, as shown in Fig. 3b. The maximum power of 7.92 μW can materials are closely related to their piezoelectric coefficient d33 values,
be obtained with the load resistance of 2MΩ when the C contents of which can be expressed as:
composite PNGs reach up to 3.2%. Compared to the other works d33 =2Q11 0 r Pr (1)
(different materials doped BaTiO3 NPs), the output performance of our where Ɛ0 = 8.854 × 10−12 F/m is the permittivity of vacuum, and Q11
work improves obviously (Table 1). In Fig. 3c, it can be found that the (0.05-0.1m4/C2) is the electrostrictive constant of the paraelectric phase
conductivity goes rise when the concentration of C in mixture increase. [35]
. Based on the formula and the experiment results (Fig. 4), the d33
The output power of the PNG (C: 3.2 wt%) is calculated by measuring values of BaTiO3/PDMS/C and BaTiO3/PDMS composites are
Accepted Manuscript
the output voltage across a load resistance (Fig. 3d). The output voltage calculated as 15.3 pC/N and 5.4 pC/N, respectively [36-37]. These results
is steadily increased as the value of the load resistance is increased and indicate that the d33 of BaTiO3/PDMS composite with C doped
become saturated at 10MΩ load resistance. From these results, the increases by 183%, which can be ascended to the increment of Ɛr and
maximum output power is calculated to be about 7.92 μW at 2 MΩ Pr values. In addition, it can be explained that the addition of acetylene
load resistance. These good results with the addition of acetylene black black make the free electron less prone to recombination in composite
can be well explained by percolation theory [32]. PDMS, BaTiO3 and C material, resulting in a greater quantum yield of piezoelectric electrons
are usually considered as non-conductive phase, piezoelectric phase [38-39]
and conductive phase, respectively. The piezoelectric effect of BaTiO3
NPs plays a fundamental role in terms of piezoelectric property.
Dispersing conductive acetylene black into the nonconductive matrix Table 1 Output comparison of piezoelectric nanogenerators in bending
(PDMS) can form conductive composites. The electrical conductivity
of a composite is strongly dependent on the mass fraction of the Output Active
Form area Ref.
conductive phase (acetylene black). At low mass fractions, the Material Voltage Current
conductivity remains very close to the conductivity of the pure matrix (V) (μA)
(PDMS/ BaTiO3). As the conductive C increases in the matrix, the BaTiO3 Thin film 1 0.16 0.82 [8]
PDMS, BaTiO3 and C have significant synergistic action and the
piezoelectricity of the composite film rises rapidly. If the threshold of BaTiO3+PVC Composite 0.9 0.01 N.A. [26]
the certain mass fraction is exceeded, the whole piezoelectric
composite film is transformed into conductor with the rapid increasing Composite 3 0.3 1.3*1.3 [28]
of conductivity; and then the piezoelectricity goes down continuously
and the piezoelectricity of the composite film ultimately disappears [33]. BaTiO3+P(VD
Composite 5 0.75 4 [29]
BaTiO3+C This
Composite 13.5 5.13 2*2
+PDMS work
in the inset shows that the Vpp of the open-circuit voltage is about 13.5
V. The generated potential does not appear to change significantly after
4000 cycles, which indicates that the device is very stable.
Accepted Manuscript
their comparative piezoelectric activities. The output power generated
from the composite film PNGs with an embedded BaTiO3 NPs
concentration of 30 wt% and C concentration of 3.2 wt% could
produce a maximum output voltage of 7.43 V and easily light up a
commercial red LED by energy storage capacitor. BaTiO3/PDMS/C
Fig. 5. The performance measurement of BaTiO3/PDMS/C composite PNGs:
(a) Circuit schematic of LED driving and capacitor charging; (b) Driving the red
composite PNGs exhibit a good performance enhancement and
LED by output power from beating; (c) Rectified output voltage of the PNGs; (d) advantages such as easy fabrication, biocompatibility and
The voltage across energy storage capacitor by periodic lighting the red LED. environmentally friendly, which can be potentially adopted as a
valuable flexible power supply for realizing self-powered electronics.
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