Fixation For Revised Timeline
Fixation For Revised Timeline
Fixation For Revised Timeline
Government of India
Ministry of Road Transport &Highways
Zone-S&R (P&B)
Transport Bhawan, 1, Parliament Street, New Delhi -110001.
EE (S&R (P&B)
For DG (RD)&SS
Copy to:
1. All CEs in the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
2. Technical circular file of S&R (P&B) Section
3. NIC-for uploading on Ministry's website under "What's new"
Copy for kind information to:
1. Sr. PPS to Secretary (RT&H)
2. PPS to DG (RD) & 55/ ADG
3. PPS to AS&FA
4. PS to JS (T)/ JS (H)/ JS (LA&C)/ JS (EiC)
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