Activity 9 Let's Check and Let's Analyze
Activity 9 Let's Check and Let's Analyze
Activity 9 Let's Check and Let's Analyze
ACTIVITY 9: Now, that you know the essential concepts and terms in the study of
applications and effects of biotechnology and biodiversity to the society. Let’s try to
check your understanding on these concepts. Identify what is being asked in the
following questions below:
MODIFICATION 1. When a scientist is identifying a trait from an
organism and used them to develop a specialized
trait of a crop. What is this processed called?
TECHNOLOGY 2. In reference to item number 1, what biological
systems/ technology is used by the scientist to
modify the trait?
ON BIOSAFETY 3. What do you call to the strict compliance to be
implemented prior to the transportation and
distribution of living modified organisms?
6. Development of vaccines for medicines, injected
hormonal application to poultry industry, treatment for
water supplies and etc. are examples of ______.
ON BIOSAFETY 7. It has the focus on boosting awareness of
biodiversity’s importance by promoting actions to
foster biodiversity.
TECHNOLOGY 8. An extraction of DNA from a certain organism with a
desired trait has been inserted to unrelated species.
MODIFIED ORGANISMS 9. These are also known as transgenic organisms.
ON BIOSAFETY 10. A measure that assures safety and mitigates possible
adverse effect to the environment when not followed.
Let’s Analyze
ACTIVITY 9: Getting acquainted with the concepts in biotechnology and biodiversity,
it matters that you understand their relevance in the society. Thus, you are required
to explain briefly the following questions:
1. What role does the environment play in addressing the needs of a society?
- Our environment addresses the needs of our society through providing us
ecosystem services. Every inch of resources we have today were all
harnessed from the environment, and with its vast benefits, we were able to
thrive for survival and sustain life throughout centuries and eras of our history.
All materials that satisfies our needs and demands all came from the
environment, from the air we breathe, to the potable water we drink, and up to
the technology we have in this contemporary period were made possible
through the resources we get from the relationship we have established with
our environment. Through having an awareness about this role played by our
environment, we must now all be awakened from the reality. When we destroy
our environment, we also destroy our own life. Thus, always bear in mind to
value and protect our environment because it is what sustains life not just for
humanity but also, with the other organisms living with us.