Welding Metallurgy of Dissimilar AISI 430/DQSK Steels Resistance Spot Welds
Welding Metallurgy of Dissimilar AISI 430/DQSK Steels Resistance Spot Welds
Welding Metallurgy of Dissimilar AISI 430/DQSK Steels Resistance Spot Welds
11 795
3 authors:
Masoud Alizadeh-Sh
Amirkabir University of Technology
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All content following this page was uploaded by Majid Pouranvari on 12 October 2015.
M. POURANVARI ([email protected]) is with the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
S. P. H. MARASHI and M. ALIZADEH-SH are with the Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Steel C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo
AISI430 FSS 0.024 0.513 0.383 17.002 0.066 0.026
DQSK Low-Carbon Steel 0.044 0.202 0.001 0.010 0.031 0.003
Fig. 6 — Fe-Cr phase diagram (Ref. 25). The chemical composition of the FZ
is superimposed to the diagram.
higher hardness of the LTHAZ com- In this work, the model was used to vere necking leading to the initiation
pared to the HTHAZ is due to marten- evaluate the failure mode transition of of the failure at this point.
site formation in ferrite grain bound- the FSS/DQSK dissimilar joint. Stage III. After the welds experi-
aries and its finer grain size. • The hardness ratio of the FZ to PF enced the first crack in the DQSK, the
3) The hardness of the FZ is higher location (i.e., DQSK’s base metal) is nugget is still connected to the other
than both that of the base metals and about HFZ/HPFL = 350/140 = 2.5. sheet. The final stage of the fracture
HAZs, which can be attributed to the • There are no reported experimen- occurs by partial separation of the
martensite formation in the FZ. The tal data for the ratio of shear strength nugget from the FSS sheet.
peak hardness in the HAZ of the to tensile strength of the FZ, which is
DQSK is lower than the FZ hardness. comprised of martensite and ferrite. Mechanical Properties
The ferrite and martensite formed in Therefore, a theoretical value for the
the FZ are harder than those in the ratio of shear strength to tensile To explore the quasistatic mechani-
HAZ of DQSK. This can be related to strength for the FZ is used. According cal properties of the spot welds, peak
the fact that ferrite and martensite to the von Mises criterion, the ratio of load and energy absorption were
phases in the FZ are enriched in shear strength to tensile strength of measured. Figure 11A shows the effect
chromium (Cr), an element that can metals is 0.58 (Ref. 30). of welding current on the peak load
strengthen both ferrite and marten- • Substituting the hardness ratio of and energy absorption. The experi-
site via a substitutional solid solution 2.5 and the sheet thickness of 1.5 mm mental results indicate that the weld-
strengthening mechanism. into Equation 4, a critical FZ size (DC) ing current has a significant effect on
of 4.1 mm is calculated. the load carrying capacity and energy
Failure Mode • As can be seen in Fig. 8, in welding absorption capability of the spot welds
currents lower than 7 kA, the FZ size under the tensile-shear static test.
Both interfacial failure (IF) and is lower than the DC; consequently, the Load carrying capacity and energy ab-
double pullout failure (DPF) modes welds failed in IF mode. On the other sorption capability of spot welds de-
were observed during the tensile-shear hand, welds made at welding currents pend on their physical attributes, es-
testing of the FSS/DQSK welds. It is equal or higher than 7 kA exhibited pecially weld nugget size, failure
well documented that the size of the higher FZ size than the DC and hence mode, and failure location strength.
FZ is the key physical weld attribute failed in pullout mode. According to Fig. 11B, the weld
controlling the failure mode transition As mentioned above, all spot welds nugget size significantly affects the
of spot welds (Refs. 10–17). made at a welding current higher than load-displacement characteristics of
The effect of welding current on 6.5 kA failed at double pullout mode. dissimilar FSS/DQSK welds. To exam-
the FZ size is shown in Fig. 9, indicat- No single pullout mode was observed. ine the relationship between the peak
ing the enlargement of the weld Figure 10A shows the fracture sur- load and failure energy and weld
nugget by increasing welding current face of welds failed in pullout mode, nugget size, a scatter plot of peak load
due to higher heat generation at indicating that the nugget is with- (and failure energy) vs. weld size was
sheet/sheet interface. According to drawn from both sheets (i.e., double constructed. Since the weld nugget has
Fig. 9, by increasing the welding cur- pullout mode). Figure 10B shows the a asymmetrical shape, the FZ size at
rent and FZ size, the failure mode was metallographic cross section of a typi- sheet/sheet interface in the DQSK
changed from IF to DPF. To avoid IF cal weld failed in DPF mode. Figure steel, which is smaller than that of the
mode, a minimum welding current of 10C is a representative load-displace- FSS side, was measured.
7 kA should be used for welding of the ment curve of the FSS/DQSK dissimi- As can be seen in Fig. 11C, there is
FSS/DQSK joint. The minimum FZ lar weld. The pullout failure mecha- a general linear relationship between
size required to avoid IF mode was nism of spot welds in the tensile-shear the peak load (and also failure energy)
4.18 mm. loading is dominated by necking of the and FZ size. Generally, increasing the
To analyze the failure mode transi- base metals. In the DPF, the nugget is FZ size increases the overall bond area
completely torn off from the sheet, and therefore increases the required
tion of spot welds during the tensile-
which experiences severe necking. force and energy for failure to occur.
shear loading, Pouranvari and Marashi According to Fig. 10B and C, the PF
(Ref. 10) proposed a simple analytical
model to predict the minimum FZ size
of FSS/DQSK welds can be divided
into the following stages: Conclusions
(DC) to ensure the pull-out failure Stage I. Both base metals are work
mode as follows: hardened under loading and experi- Metallurgical and mechanical charac-
enced through thickness straining. teristics of dissimilar resistance spot
4t ⎛ H PFL ⎞ Stage II. The failure is started by se- welds between an AISI 430 ferritic
DC = (6)
f ⎜⎝ HFZ ⎟⎠ vere necking of one sheet. In this case, stainless steel and DQSK low-carbon
the PF location is determined by the steel are investigated. The following
where t is the sheet thickness (mm), f competition between the necking of conclusions can be drawn from this
is the ratio of shear strength to tensile DQSK and FSS steel sheets. Since ten- study:
strength of the FZ, and HFZ along with sile strength and hardness of the 1) Fusion zone is featured by dual-
HPFL are hardness values (HV) of the DQSK is lower than that of the FSS phase microstructure of ferrite and
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