Pipeline : Processor and Memory/cache Communication

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 Pipelining is one way of improving the overall processing performance of a processor.

 This approach allows the simultaneous execution of several instructions.
 It is transparent to the programmer; it exploits parallelism (pseudo) at the instruction level by
overlapping the execution process of instructions.
 It is analogous to an assembly line where workers perform a specific task and pass the partially
completed product to the next worker.
 It decomposes an instruction into several segments or stages.
 Refer to discussion on processor and memory/cache communication , then initially an
instruction can be decomposed into two stages: fetch (F) and execution (E).
 Pipelining can be constructed by overlapping fetch stage of one instruction with execution stage
of the previous one.

Cloc 1 2 3 4 5
F1 E1
F2 E2
F3 E3
F4 E4

 The overall, the above scheme completes the processing of one instruction in each clock cycle.
 It means that the rate of instruction processing is twice of sequential operation.
 The rate can be improved four time of the sequential operation by further decomposing the E
stage into other stages like follow


(E)xecute (W)rite

So the instruction stages becomes


 One better approach is to decompose the instruction into five stages so that the rate becomes
five times of the sequential operation.

Where OF is Operand Fetch

 Further decomposing the instruction into more stages will produce a scheme called
superpipelined architecture; this, however, still completes processing of one instruction in one
clock cycle.

1 2 3 4 5 6
F1 D1 E1 W1
F2 D2 E2 W2
F3 D3 E3 W3
F4 D4 E4
F5 D5

 Another approach is completing processing of more than one instruction in one clock cycle.. This
is called superscalar.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
F1 D1 E1 W1
F2 D2 E2 W2
F3 D3 E3 W3
F4 D4 E4 W4
F5 D5 E5 W5
F6 D6 E6 W6
F7 D7 E7 W7
F8 D8 E8 W8
F9 D9 E9 W9
F10 D10 E10 W10

Pipeline Hazard
 Condition that leads to unexpected/incorrect behavior
 Three types of hazard
o Structural
Two instructions or more require the use of a given H/W resource at the same time.
o Data
Condition in which operands (input or output) of an instruction are not available at the time
o Control/Instruction
Condition in which an instruction is not available (miss operation) or an instruction affects
which next instruction is (branch instruction)
 Solution?
o Stall
o Pipeline Interlock Logic that detects hazard
o Partial Stall

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