Fire Safety Self - Inspection Checklist: Quarterly Building Report
Fire Safety Self - Inspection Checklist: Quarterly Building Report
Fire Safety Self - Inspection Checklist: Quarterly Building Report
Quarter: Year
Fall ______ Building: ________________ Phone:_______________________
Winter ______
Spring ______ Safety Coordinator: ___________________ Date: _____________
Summer ______
Use the Checklist to conduct your own fire inspections in-between your annual Fire inspections.
1. If your answer is “Not Ok” Please file a work with Physical Plant at [email protected] and specify the “location” where the correction is
2. Complete and return this form to the Office of Risk Management.
Fire Protection Equipment OK OK Location
Fire extinguishers are fully charged and tagged.
*(it is charged if the yellow arrow in the pressure gauge is in the green area)
Fire extinguishers are accessible
Cabinet door is operable; extinguisher mounted at least 4” off
floor to not more than 5 feet top of extinguisher.
Fire extinguishers tags are current (serviced with last 12 months)
*(the tag expires one year from date of inspection)
Fire Sprinklers/detectors are free from obstruction
Exit and Corridor Doors-Must open and close and latch properly.
Must not be blocked, propped open or rendered inoperable unless
specifically permitted in writing by the Riverside Fire Department.
Agreements must be renewed every 5 years.
Electrical OK OK Location
Extension or phone cords are not stored on the floors.
Combustible materials are not stored near an electrical switch
gear or a space heater.
Electrical outlets are not exposed.
Dried out extension cords or “octopus” outlets are not used.
Electrical plates are not missing or cracked.
Light switches are not loose or weak.
Outlets are not cracked or plugged.
Plugs do not fall out of the outlet easily.
The building is free of all other electrical hazards.
Any outlets within 5 feet of a sink or drinking fountain are
equipped with a GFI. (If not, specify the location and place a work order
with Physical Plant)
A three foot working space is maintained in front of all electrical
No exposed wiring
Portable electric space heaters in offices are not allowed per the
Fire Code.
Exhibits / Collections / Book Stacks OK OK Location
Exhibits and collections are not overcrowded.
Exhibit case lights do not show signs of overheating.
Exhibits are not blocking exit routes and/or access to fire
protection equipment.
Extension cords are not used.
All vertical/horizontal openings in fire barriers are fire-stopped.
Salvage equipment and materials are provided and accessible.
Created by the Office of Risk Management & ADA
G:\My Documents\Safety\Inspection Forms\Quarterly Building Inspection Report.doc
Revised November 2011
The fire department is familiar with and has access to these areas.
Smoking regulations are enforced with employees and visitors.
Auditoriums and Classrooms OK OK Location
Safe capacity is posted and enforced.
Standing and sitting in aisles is prohibited.
Smoking regulations are enforced
Commons and Eating Areas OK OK Location
Safe capacity is posted and enforced.
Aisles and exit routes are unobstructed and illuminated.
Ranges, hoods, and exhaust ducts are clean.
Equipment OK OK Location
Desks or chairs are in good working condition.
Desks and file cabinet drawers are closed to prevent tripping.
The building is free of all other equipment hazards.
Miscellaneous OK OK Location
Change in occupancy or use. Changes in how a room or area is
used must be reviewed by the Fire Department. Examples
include office to laboratory; office to meeting room; classroom
to laboratory; etc.
Parking Lots/Grounds OK OK Location
There are no tripping hazards on the sidewalks, lawn and parking
The parking lot is adequately marked and lighted at night.
The parking lot/grounds are free of all other hazards.
In Accordance with NFPA 10: Must be performed by certified technicians
* VISUAL EXAMINATION - is performed on entire unit, carefully inspecting for signs of dents, rust,
corrosion, pitting or other shell damage
* CHECK PRESSURE GAUGE - to insure that the unit is in the proper range and that it is the proper gauge
* CHECK FOR TEST & MAINTENANCE DATES - to determine need for hydrostatic test, 6 year internal
maintenance or thorough shop check etc.
* WEIGH EXTINGUISHER - to insure correct amount of extinguishing agent
* REMOVE DISCHARGE HOSE / NOZZLE - to inspect for signs of blockage
* REMOVE PULL PIN - to insure that pin can be removed in the event of an actual fire emergency and install
new tamper seal
* CHECK HANDLE / LEVER - to insure smooth operation (not bent)
* CHECK MOUNTING BRACKET - to insure that unit is mounted securely and with the proper bracket
* INSTALL OR RE-INSTALL UNITS - to ensure proper, permanent location of unit
* CHECK HAZARD APPLICATION - to be sure that the fire extinguisher is the proper one for the potential
fire hazard
* ATTACH SERVICE TAG - filled out with all the proper information
Annual Service
Created by the Office of Risk Management & ADA
G:\My Documents\Safety\Inspection Forms\Quarterly Building Inspection Report.doc
Revised November 2011
Annual service is intended to give maximum assurance that the extinguisher will operate safely and effectively.
It includes all points covered in our inspection, and any necessary repair, replacement and/or subsequent
testing. A tag or label is securely fastened identifying the individual having performed the service.
6-Year Maintenance
Every 6 years, stored pressure extinguishers must be emptied and subjected to a full internal inspection and
applicable maintenance procedures, including a thorough examination of all mechanical parts, extinguishing
agent and expellant.
Hydrostatic Testing
A periodic test mandated by NFPA and the Department of Transportation (DOT) requiring highly specialized
test equipment to ensure the integrity of an extinguisher or cylinder at its listed operating pressure. Dry
chemical, Halotron, and other clean agent extinguishers are to be hydro tested at 12 year intervals. High
pressure carbon dioxide extinguishers are to be tested at 5 year intervals.
* YEARLY VISUAL INSPECTION ON HOSE - is performed. making sure that the hose is properly hung in
* VISUALLY INSPECT STANDPIPE VALVE for any sign of leakage or damage, and advise customer
* VISUALLY INSPECT NOZZLE - making certain that nozzles are in the closed position, inspect for cracks
and visible signs of damage
* VISUALLY INSPECT RACK AND HANGERS - for any bent or broken racks or pins
* CHECK FOR TEST AND MAINTENANCE DATES - to determine need for hydrostatic test or other
* HYDROSTATIC TEST - when required, includes the following:
- un-rack and remove hose
- place loaner hose
- hydrostatic test of hose, according to CODE requirements
- place hydrostatic test label based on pass and test procedures
- document test procedures
- refold fire hose to proper cabinet or rack specifications
- return and re-rack hose
- advise customer of deficiencies and take corrective action where required