Ventiladores - VENTI OELDE - Computational Fluid Dynamics For Fans and Plants PDF
Ventiladores - VENTI OELDE - Computational Fluid Dynamics For Fans and Plants PDF
Ventiladores - VENTI OELDE - Computational Fluid Dynamics For Fans and Plants PDF
To allow performance of a The first step is to create a any modifications in the ge- ition, one or more two-dimen-
CFD simulation a number of three-dimensional model of ometry can be quickly incor- sional sketches are produced.
work steps have to be carried the geometry using CAD soft- porated into the model by sim- These can be used for cre-
out in the sequence described ware with 3D capability. It ply entering the new dimen- ating three-dimensional mod-
below. It is presumed for this must be remembered at this sion, whereupon the entire els, for example by extrusion,
purpose that the geometry stage that in the case of flow model and any adjacent rotation or by means of Bool-
data and the boundary condi- simulations the 3D geometry zones adapt themselves to ean operations like cutting or
tions are known: of the flow zone is needed the new dimension. merging.
and not that of the structure,
as is usual in other types of This brings a significant time
analysis. Increasingly, the saving when optimizing the
created 3D models are com- model compared to the other-
pletely parameterized (Figs. 1 wise necessary new creation
and 2) in order to ensure that of a different model. In add-
Laminar boundary layer
Turbulent flow
k δ1
W max
d r
b) Discretization
4 Applications
In this case, after modification ent coming from the left was
of a pressure-side duct lead- considerably higher than
ing to a stack and containing that entering the collecting
several branches (Fig. 10), vi- duct from below. As can be
brations occurred on one of clearly seen from Fig. 11, this
the fans, causing an automat- causes a severe constriction
ic safety shutdown. These vi- of the air stream entering the
brations had not been experi- collecting duct from the bot-
enced prior to the modifica- tom left. As a consequence,
tion. As it could be presumed there were pressure fluctua-
that the vibration problems tions in excess of 250 Pa in
were a consequence of non- this supply duct (Fig. 12), and
optimum design of the supply these throttled the fan so se-
duct, this was analysed in verely that it reacted with sig- Figure 10 Stack geometry with marked problem zone
detail by CFD. The stack is nificantly increased vibration
around 70 m high while the velocities.
horizontal duct is approx. 3 m
high, 2 m wide and has a total
length of approx. 25 m. The
mentioned vibration problems
affected the fan upstream of
the marked duct. It was estab-
lished that the fan vibrations
were caused by poorly de-
signed cross-sections. The Pressure gradient at measuring points
measured flow velocity in the
horizontal section of the duct
Pressure in Pa
Time in s
Figure 13 Original geometry Figure 14 Duct with baffle plates
Outlet F3B 3
Time in s
Figure 16 Pressure gradient with baffle plates
4.2 Optimization of an
induced draught fan
Pressure loss outlet 1 = 261.365 [Pa] Pressure loss outlet 2 = 431.966 [Pa]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Pressure loss outlet 1 = 261.365 [Pa] Pressure loss outlet 2 = 431.966 [Pa] Velocity [m s^-1]
0 1500 3000 [m]
1750 2250
Figure 20 Total pressure profile with original design Figure 21 Strong swirl with original design
Optimization of the geometry swirling of the fan intake air in a lower pressure drop. The
involved redesigning the criti- (Fig. 21, red circles) was also mean pressure drop saving of
cal points highlighted in Fig. significantly reduced (Fig. 23), 275 Pa at a volume flow of
20 so that the cross-section enabling the fan to achieve its 500000 m³/h significantly cuts
transitions were smooth. This rated performance figures. the power consumption. The
redesigning succeeded in re- resultant power saving of
ducing the pressure drop at When the flow lines of the 49 kW, assuming 24-hour
the front inflow duct to the fan original duct design and the operation at an electricity price
by a factor of four, from 261 Pa optimized duct design are of 10 cent per kWh, leads to an
to 66 Pa (Fig. 22), while the compared (Figs. 24 and 25) it annual electricity cost saving of
pressure drop at the rear in- is obvious that the flow turbu- 43000 €.
flow duct that had been caused lence has been completely
by the poorly-designed hori- eliminated and the flow velocity Related purely to the flow
zontal duct end (Fig. 20, white of max. 70 m/s of the original through the duct, the pressure
circle) was even reduced to design has been reduced to drop coefficient ζ, which is de-
little more than one sixth the approx. 55 m/s, resulting in cisive for the system pressure
original figure. The severe decreased swirling and also drop, has been halved.
Pressure loss outlet 1 = 65.8793 [Pa] Pressure loss outlet 2 = 76.8992 [Pa]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Pressure loss outlet 1 = 65.8793 [Pa] Pressure loss outlet 2 = 76.8992 [Pa] Velocity [m s^-1]
0 1500 3000 [m]
1750 2250
Figure 22 Total pressure profile after optimizing design Figure 23 Swirl after optimizing design
Pressure loss outlet 1 = 261.365 [Pa] Pressure loss outlet 2 = 431.966 [Pa]
4.3 Optimization of a large
double-inlet fan DHRV 50
During the introduction phase max. 1.3. If these limits are ex-
of the software, its computa- ceeded, which takes place
tion accuracy was tested by more and more frequently, it is
comparing simulation and no longer possible to achieve
measurement using a test- maximum efficiency ratings by
bench fan of type HRV 63S means of the classical empiri-
and it was found that the simu- cal design methods for fans
lation deviated by less than (acc. to Prof. L. Bommes or
1% from the measured Dr.-Ing. Bruno Eck). However,
values. due to the substantial increase
in energy costs and also be-
The first results of an ongoing cause of the energy efficiency
optimisation of a large double- directives aiming at a reduction
inlet fan type DHRV 50B-2000 in CO2 emissions, it is impera-
are presented in the following. tive to achieve the highest pos-
This is an ongoing project sible fan efficiency rates. To Figure 26 Geometry DHRV 50B-2000
Figure 27 Mesh of DHRV 50B-2000 with detail of leading edges of impeller blades
quency of 893 min-1, a pres-
sure difference of 8500 Pascal
and a mass flow of 145.13 kg
s-1 at a process temperature
of 300 °C, the transient cal-
culation of the case can be
started (Fig. 29).
Figure 30 Flow line diagram Figure 33 Pressure distribution
in impeller and casing
the casing cut-off (the point at the casing, the casing cut-off, the impeller while approx. one basis of Figure 30, these
which the flow is divided) as where the flow is divided. It is third takes place in the cas- were projected as 2D flow
planned. extremely important that the ing, which thus acts as a lines onto a plane inserted in
flow divides at the centre of collecting plenum and diffuser. the centre of the casing. This
In addition to the flow lines, a the cut-off, as shown in Fig. One of the aims of the on- clearly shows that the vel-
diagram of the flow vectors is 32. If this does not happen, going optimisation of fan type ocities in the area of the cut-
a suitable way to visualize the the result is loss of fan effi- DHRV 50B is to achieve com- off (red circle in Fig. 34) are
characteristics of a technical ciency, vibrations and a sig- plete uniformity of the cur- slightly too high and that the
flow. The flow vectors indicate nificant increase in sound rently not entirely homoge- fluid does not flow away in
both the magnitude of the pressure level. neous pressure distribution at fully logarithmic manner
velocity and its direction. This the periphery of the casing. (black circle). In order to de-
is of great importance, espe- Figure 33 shows the pressure termine the optimization po-
cially in the case of flow turbu- distribution in the impeller and The optimization potential still tential at these points, differ-
lences. Figure 31 shows the casing. The right-hand image existing in the casing can also ent designs are currently
vectors at the leading edge of shows the inlet box. The pres- be seen from the flow lines being simulated and compa-
the impeller. Figure 32 shows sure distribution reveals that shown in Figure 34. To enable red. For instance, the casing
the flow vectors at one of the approx. two thirds of the pres- easier interpretation of the flow width is being varied in a
most critical fluidic zones of sure increase take place in lines than is possible on the number of increments in order
Figure 31 Vectors at leading edge of impeller Figure 32 Vector arrows on casing cut-off
Figure 34 Flow lines in 2D
A 1/ 09/ 10/ 1. Stu
5 Conclusions and
Subject to alterations
Within a period of one year important role in system en- In the field of turbomachinery
after the test phase, the CFD gineering and construction construction, CFD has, within
method had completely estab- because, besides enabling the space of just a few years,
lished itself at Venti Oelde. In purely aerodynamic assess- become an indispensable
addition to its primary function ment of a flow, it also allows tool for the optimization and
as a tool for optimizing and calculation of mixing proced- new design of turbomachines,
advancing the design of fans ures or heat transfers and as well as for the elimination
and their inflow and outflow distributions. of fluid-mechanic problems in
zones, the software plays an installed systems.
Industrial fans