Zamzama Gas Field, Southern Indus Basin Pakistan
Zamzama Gas Field, Southern Indus Basin Pakistan
Zamzama Gas Field, Southern Indus Basin Pakistan
Abbas Khan
Fahad Zaman
Huma Shafique
Abbas Khan
Fahad Zaman
Huma Shafique
The seismic lines and well data of Zamzama block was used in structural
interpretation and petrophysical analysis of the study area. Three prominent reflectors were
marked on the seismic sections. Based on the reflectors trend a fault is marked within the
dip lines which is reverse fault. The structure has been interpreted as plunging anticline
structure in which the Pab Sandstone of Upper Cretaceous age acting as primary reservoir
in this area. Two zones are marked in formation having the average saturation of
hydrocarbon 69.1% and 69.86% respectively.
We would like to express our gratitude to all those who gave us the courage to
complete this research work. We owe special thanks to Prof. Dr. Tahseenullah Khan, Head
of Department, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Bahria University, who
critically reviewed this research work and endowed us with his precious time.
We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to our supervisor Mr. Adil
Naseer, Senior Lecturer, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences for his
guidance, supervision and encouragement.
Lastly, we are also thankful to DGPC for providing seismic and well logs data.
2.1 Introduction 06
2.1.1 Southern Indus basin 07
2.1.2 Thar platform 08
2.1.3 Karachi trough 08
2.1.4 Kirthar foredeep 09
2.1.5 Kithar fold belt 09
2.1.6 Offshore Indus 09
2.1.7 Geologic/ tectonic boundaries map 10
2.1.8 Zamzama gas field 10
2.2 Zamzama Structure 11
2.3 Stratigraphy of area 12
2.3.1 Sembar Formation 12
2.3.2 Goru Formation 12
2.3.3 Parh Limestone 13
2.3.4 Moghalkot Formation 13
2.3.5 Fort Munro Formation 13
2.3.6 Pab Sandstone 13
2.3.7 Khadro Formation 14
2.3.8 Bara Formation 14
2.3.9 Laki Formation 14
2.3.10 Kirthar Formation 15
2.3.11 Nari Formation 15
2.3.12 Gaj Formation 15
2.3.13 Siwaliks 16
2.4 Borehole stratigraphy 18
2.5 Petroleum system 18
2.5.1 Source rock 18
2.5.2 Reservoir rock 19
2.5.3 Top seal and cap rock 19
3.1 Introduction 20
3.2 Basemap of the area 22
3.3 Time Depth chart 23
3.4 Fault picking 23
3.5 Marking of horizons 24
3.6 Velocity analysis 24
3.7 Interpreted seismic sections 24
3.8 Interpretation of seismic lines 25
3.9 Contour maps 27
3.9.1 Time contour map of Pab Sandstone 28
3.9.2 Velocity contour map of Pab Sandstone 29
3.9.3 Depth contour map of Pab Sandstone 30
4.1 Introduction 31
4.2 Well data 32
4.3 Petroleum prospect 32
4.4 Methodology 32
4.5 Raw log data 33
4.6 Pab Sandstone Zone-1 33
4.6.1 Calculation of volume of shale Zone-1 34
4.6.2 Calculation of average porosity Zone-1 35
4.6.3 Calculation of effective porosity Zone-1 36
4.6.4 Calculation of saturation of water and hydrocarbon Zone-1 37
4.7 Pab Sandstone Zone-2 38
4.7.1 Calculation of volume of shale Zone-2 38
4.7.2 Calculation of average and effective porosity Zone-2 39
4.7.3 Calculation of saturation of water and hydrocarbon Zone-2 40
Figure 1.1. Location of Zamzama gas field and surrounding areas 01
Figure 1.2. Geophone spread 05
Figure 2.1. Tectonic map of Lower Indus Basin 10
Figure 2.2. Map showing basins of Pakistan 11
Figure 2.3. Faulted Zamzama anticline. 12
Figure 3.1. Basemap of the area 22
Figure 3.2. Time-Depth chart of the formations 23
Figure 3.3. Interpreted seismic line HPK 98A-31 25
Figure 3.4. Interpreted seismic line HPK 98A-32 25
Figure 3.5. Interpreted seismic line HPK 98A-33 26
Figure 3.6. Interpreted seismic line HPK 98A-34 26
Figure 3.7. Interpreted seismic line HPK 98A-36 27
Figure 3.8. Time contour map of Pab Sandstone 28
Figure 3.9. Velocity contour map of Pab Sandstone 29
Figure 3.10. Depth contour map of Pab Sandstone 30
Figure 4.1. Work flow of log interpretation 31
Figure 4.2. Log trends of Zone-1 33
Figure 4.3. Volume of Shale of Zone-1 34
Figure 4.4. Average porosity graph Zone-1 35
Figure 4.5. Effective porosity graph Zone-1 36
Figure 4.6. Saturation of water and hydrocarbon Zone-1 37
Figure 4.7. Log trends of Zone-2 38
Figure 4.8. Volume of Shale of Zone-2 38
Figure 4.9. Average and Effective porosity graph Zone-2 39
Figure 4.10. Saturation of water and hydrocarbon Zone-2 40
The Zamzama Gas Field (ZGF) in the Zamzama block, lies in Dadu district,
Sindh (Figure 1.1). The area of investigation is situated in the Kirthar foredeep of the
Lower Indus basin, which apart from the ZGF possess a number of oil and other gas
fields. The area is bounded by 26° 30' N to 27° N and 67° E to 67° 50' E and lies about
200 km away to the north of Karachi and 10 km to the west of Dadu (Courtesy, BHP
This research work is meant to interpret the seismic section of Zamzama Gas
Field acquired by BHP Petroleum in May 1999
Figure 1.1. Location of Zamzama Gas Field and the surrounding areas (Courtesy: OMV, Pakistan).
1.2 Objectives
Seismic lines (a total of 5), seismic base map from Landmark Resources
(LMKR) with the prior approval from the Directorate General of Petroleum Concession
(DGPC) were acquired for the study. Detail of seismic lines is as follows:
1.4 Acquisition parameters
General parameter
DATE : MAY1999,
CREW : WGC Seismic Crew 765A
SPREAD TYPE : Symmetric Spread
PROCESS : Final Stack
S.P : 7-727
COVERAGE : 6200%
Source Information
Recording Data
Format : SEG-D DEMUX
Receiver Information
1.5 Geophone Spread
Data acquisition of the given line is done by using the split spread.
2.1 Introduction
The area of investigation is tectonically complex (Kazmi and Jan, 1997). Shah
(2009) describes that “The drift in the Gondwana fragments is believed to have begun
in Jurassic; during which fast northward movement of the Indian plate during
Cretaceous followed by its counter clockwise rotation, formed a part of collision
process. Transform Zone (Chaman rift) resulted following renewed spreading in Indian
Ocean during post collisional northward movement of the Indian plate. The resultant
compressional forces produced some of the syntaxes, arcs and synclines throughout
Pakistan, probably in Early Oligocene. He further stated that the structure, so produced,
had probably been earlier influenced by pre-collisional tectonic elements in the syncline
and the shield areas of the Indian plate. The pre-collisional tectonic elements include
the development of belt like structures probably within anticlinal areas in the western
part of Indian plate, which was probably initiated in Jurassic and were fully emerged in
Cretaceous. These narrow, but sometimes, sharp ridges and belts along with their
associated intrusives and volcanic emplacements have been compared to island arcs by
Hunting Survey Corporation (1961) and with the worldwide oceanic ridges in their
origin (Zuberi and Dubois, 1963).
According to Shah (2009) “The most significant among these strips is named as
the axial belt, which divided the geosynclines and initiated the establishment of the two
great basins of Pakistan. The belt developed marginal to the western part of the Indian
shield and now to its east lies the Indus Basin and to its west the Balochistan Basin and
to the north great tectonic zone of the Tectonostratigraphic Basins and
Tectonostratigraphic Ranges, where each range or chain of mountains and associated
depression indicate a unique tectonostratigraphy”.
Shah (2009) defined the Indus Basin as the largest and more thoroughly studied
basin of Pakistan. The basin trends NE-SW for over 1600 km along its axis and the
width varies considerably with an average of 300 km. The basin contains sediments
ranging from Precambrian to Tertiary with marked absence of Ordovician, Silurian,
Devonian and Carboniferous (Shah, 2010). This basin is characterized by well-
developed platform deposits of the Jurassic age. Shah (2010) divided basin into, the
Upper Indus-Basin located north of 30th parallel and the Lower Indus Basin situated
south of 30th parallel. Approximately, the Upper Indus Basin covers more than 50,000
km2 area and in many ways the structural and stratigraphic conditions are different from
those of Lower Indus Basin. According to him, the Lower Indus Basin covers an area
of more than 250,000 km2 where along with other rocks excellent exposure of Jurassic
to Tertiary sedimentary section of about 13 to 16 km thickness, are present in its deeper
part, it is ideally suited for oil exploration. Distinctly except for some Tertiary
continental deposits, almost the entire sequence of Lower Indus Basin is of marine
origin. Bender and Raza (1995) divided the basin into Upper, Middle and Lower Indus
Basins (Figure 2.1).
As the Zamzama block lies in the lower Indus Basin and/or the Southern Indus
Basin, a detailed description of the Southern Indus Basin is given below.
2.1.7 Geologic / tectonic boundaries map
Figure 2.2 Map showing basins of Pakistan and location of the Zamzama gas field (Raza et al, 2008).
Figure 2.3. Faulted Zamzama Anticline (Courtesr, BHP Billiton).
a. Cretaceous system
2.3.3 Parh Limestone
This is very uniform distinct and persistent rock formation and exposed
extensively in the Kirther – Sulaiman region. It is thin – bedded, light grey, white or
cream colors with a persistent pink, purple to maroon colored band of interbeds of
variegated shales and marls. The limestone is hard, lithographic to porcellanneous,
platty to slabby with a concoidal fracture. In the type area in Parh range, the Parh
Limestone is 268 m thick through elsewhere its thickness ranges from 300 to 600 m. It
has a conformable contact with the underlying Goru Formation and is overlain
conformable by the MughalKot Formation (Kazmi 1988).
of Wirahab Nai in the Pab Range where it is 490 m thick, through its thickness ranges
from 240 m thick to 1000 m (Kazmi and Jan, 1997).
In the Sibi, Kalat and Khuzdar Districts, the Takatu limestone is overlain
conformably by the Mazar Drik Formation, which consists of interbedded grey
limestone and dark shale. The type area is Mazar Drik where the formation is about 30
m thick (Williams, 1959).
b. Paleocene system
c. Eocene System
2.3.10 Kirther Formation
It overlies the Laki Formation conformably in the Kirther area. It is distributed
widely and covers also the Sulaiman area and parts of Wazirstan. In these areas it
overlies the Ghazij Group conformably. The area is in the Kirther Range. The Formation
is mainly fossiliferous limestone interbedded with subordinate shale and marl. The
limestone is thick –bedded to massive, nodular lime-stone in some areas, grey to white
in color and locally contains algal and corraline structures. The thickness of the
formation ranges from 15 m to 30 m in western Kirther range to 1270 m in the Gaj River
type section (Cheema et al., 1977).
d. Oligocene System
The Upper Part of Nari Formation is mostly brown, fine – to- coarse- grained
sand stone with interbeds of shale. The lower part consists of interbedded grey to brown,
fossiliferous sandy limestones, calcareous sand stone and shale. At many localities the
Lower Part of the formation is a grey to brown shelly, nodular, and thick-bedded to
massive limestone which has been named the Nal member. The thickness of Nari
Formation ranges from 1045 m to 1820 m in the Kirther area (Khan, 1968; Iqbal, 1969)
e. Pliocene system
The Gaj formation is mostly shale which is variegated, grey and gypsiferous and
cross-bedded sandstone and fossiliferous brownish, argillaceous limestone. However, in
the southern part of the Kirther range in Karachi area, the formation predominantly
consists of yellow–brown sand stone and cream- colored or pinkish- white argillaceous
limestone. Its thickness ranges from about 90 m in Quetta area to 600 m in Kirther area.
(Khan, 1968; Cheema et al., 1977)
2.3.13 Siwaliks
The group is widely distributed in the Indus Basin, parts of the Calcareous Zone
of the northern axial belt and in the Waziristan— Parachinar areas. The lower contact
of the group is conformable in most of the localities. However, in parts of the western
Kirther Province and Quetta region, the contact is unconformable with the Kirther or
Laki formations The upper contact with the Lei conglomerate is usually unconformable.
The group has yielded an abundant vertebrate fauna consisting of nearly all types of
mammals together with varieties of reptile, fish and birds. The vertebrate fauna
indicates Middle Miocene to Early Pleistocene age (Kazmi and Jan, 1997).
Stratigraphic column is shown in Table 2.1.
Table.2.1 Stratigraphic column of Zamzama Area (BHP Billiton).
2.4 Borehole Stratigraphy
SIWALIK 8 1269
3.1 Introduction
Interpretation is a technique or tool by which we try to transform the whole
seismic information into structural or stratigraghical model of the earth. Since the
seismic section is the representative of the geological model of the earth, by
interpretation, one try to locate the zone of final anomaly. It is rare that correctness or
incorrectness of an interpretation is ascertained, because the actual geology is rarely
known in well manner. The test of good interpretation is consistency rather than
correctness. Not only a good interpretation be consistent with all the seismic data, it
also important to know all about the area, including gravity and magnetic data, well
information, surface geology as well as geologic and physical concept (Sheriff,1999)
An interpreter of seismic data may have good hold in both geology and
geophysics. It is the ingenuity and in-depth understanding of an interpreter to extract
geologic significance from aggregate of many minor observations. For example, down
dip thinning of the reflection might be result from normal increase velocity with depth
or thinning of the sediments or flow of the shale or salt may develop illusory structure
in the deeper horizon (Sheriff, 1999)
Main purpose of the reflection is to reveal as clear as possible the structure and
stratigraphy of the subsurface. Geologic meaning of the reflection is the indication of
the boundaries where there is change in the acoustic impedance; to distinguish the
different horizons with the seismic data we correlate the well information with the
seismic data. Seismic data have been interpreted in two modes, in first; well control and
used the well information to tie with the seismic data. In second, there is no well in the
area (frontier area), in this case the seismic data provide the definitions, structure and
estimate of the depositional environment, seismic velocity and seismic stratigraphic
concepts are used to define the lithology, gravity and magnetic data are used to decide
among the various interpretations (e.g. igneous plug or salt dome) (Dobrin and Savit,
There are two main approaches for the interpretation of a seismic section, stratigraphy
analysis and the structure analysis.
a. Stratigraphical interpretation
Stratigraphy analysis involves the delineating the seismic sequences, which
present the different depositional units, recognizing the seismic facies characteristic
with suggest depositional environment and analysis the reflection characteristic
variation to locate the both stratigraphy change and hydrocarbon depositional
environment . 3D work is especially important in recognizing the stratigraphic feature
with distinct shape. Hydrocarbon accumulation is indicated by the amplitude, velocity,
frequency or the change in wave shape. Variation of the amplitude with the offset is
also an important hydrocarbon indicator. Unconformities are marked by drainage
pattern that help to develop the depositional environment. Reef, lenses, unconformity
are example of stratigraphy traps (Sheriff, 1999)
b. Structural interpretation
In structural analysis main emphases is on the structural traps in which tectonic
play an important role. Tectonic setting usually governs which types of the structure
are present and how the structural features are correlated with each other, so tectonic of
the area is helpful in determining the structural style of the area and to locate the traps.
Structural traps include the faults, folds anticline, pop up, duplex, etc. (Sheriff, 1999)
Seismic section can predict the structure that scale up to few tens of kilometers.
For large scale interpretation, one have to use the grids of seismic lines. Unmigrated
section is not suitable for structure interpretation, because it creates many problems like
synclines becomes narrows and vice versa.
3.2 Base map of the area
Base map of the area shows two strike lines (HPK98A-31, 33) which are
oriented south-north direction and three dip lines (HPK98A-32, 34, 36; Figure 3.1)
which are oriented west-east direction.
3.3 Time Depth chart
Time depth chart is basically used for seismic to well tie. The horizons are
marked on basis of formations top by calculating the formation depth.
Kb = 45.3m
The faults are typically identified based on break in the continuity of the
reflectors. The prominent faults are obvious on the seismic record.
3.5 Marking of horizons
The first step in interpretation process is marking of horizon in which the
excellent reflectors were picked. Reflectors are marked based on prominent coherency
of reflections visible on the seismic section from the subsurface interfaces. Three
horizons were picked up on the lines of the Dadu area. The horizons are Dungan,
Khadro and Pab formations. Marking of horizon is done with the help of available well
data from which the depth of each reflector is taken and then by solving the velocity
window of seismic section the Vavg is taken. After that by using the relation T=S/V,
the time value is calculated for each reflector and thus the horizons are marked.
Z is the depth to the reflecting surface and t is the one-way transit time to the
reflector from the same reference.
Three horizons were marked on the seismic sections i.e. Dungan Formation,
Khadro Formation and Pab Sandstone. One faults was also marked on the seismic
section named F1. The fault is reverse fault in which hanging wall moves up along the
fault plane under the action of eastward oriented stress, which formed a large north–
south oriented and eastward verging thrusted anticline called Zamzama thrust fault.
3.8 Interpretation of seismic lines
Figure 3.3. Interpreted Seismic Line HPK 98A-31 which is strike line oriented South-North.
Figure 3.4. Interpreted Seismic Line HPK 98A-32 which is dip line oriented West-East.
Figure 3.5. Interpreted Seismic Line HPK 98A-33 which is strike line oriented South-North.
Figure 3.6 Interpreted Seismic Line HPK 98A-34 which is dip line oriented West-East.
Figure 3.7. Interpreted Seismic Line HPK 98A-36 which is dip line oriented West-East.
3.9.1 Time contour map of Pab Sandstone
The two way travel time is calculated and contoured using the Kingdom Suite
Software. The time is in milliseconds.
The above figure determines that Pab Sandstone has an anticline and syncline
pattern because the values of contours decreases and increasing towards the center
respectively. The closed contours show the small values of travel time which is the
indication of bulge area or an anticline structure.
3.9.2 Velocity contour map of Pab Sandstone
The seismic velocities increase with increase in depth due to the overburden
pressure and increase in density. The velocity contour map shows that where contours
are closing and the velocity decreases over that area indicates it is an elevated area. The
increase in velocity shows the increase in depth.
3.9.3 Depth contour map of Pab Sandstone
The depth of the formation is determined and contoured as the closeness of these
contours indicates the rapid variation in either time or depth while the larger spacing
between contours shows less variation. A thrusted fault can also be observed which is
dipping north-east direction.
4.1 Introduction
The objective and purpose of our petro-physical analysis is to determine
different rock properties that exists within the zone of interest in reservoir horizons in
order to depict pay zones present in reservoir horizons and to quantify the hydrocarbon
saturation present in it via log techniques. The following steps are followed to achieve
this objective.
(a) Carrying out log interpretation to mark the suitable reservoir zones (pay zones).
(b) Computation of reservoir rock characteristics using various wire line logs.
(c) Interpretation of the measured parameters for the evaluation of the hydrocarbon
potential of the study area.
Log Readings
Lithology Identification
4.2 Well data
Composite suite of logs comprising gamma ray, spontaneous potential (SP),
resistivity log, porosity logs (density log, sonic log neutron log, combination of neutron-
density log) were run in well Zamzama-01 is acquired for log interpretation to estimate
the reservoir characteristics.
4.4 Methodology
For log interpretation, different types of standard cross plots and mathematical
charts have been used. The important reservoir parameter, which were calculated are
a) Volume of shale
b) Porosity of Formation
c) Water and hydrocarbon saturation
d) Resistivity of the Formation
The calculated values are plotted against depth for particular formation (Pab
Sandstone) encountered in Zamzama-01. Finally, the productive reservoir area is
delineated using depth contour map.
To evaluate the hydrocarbon potential of well, following reservoir parameters are
a) Average porosity(φav)
b) Average volume of shale (Vsh)
c) Average water saturation (SWav)
These zones of interest have been marked on the criteria based on marking of
crossover between neutron and density curves. Porosity measurements are done using
neutron log and the bulk density measurements using density log.
The Gamma ray log is used in the identification of lithology. Gamma ray log is
used in the interpretation for the calculation of Shale volume and Effective porosity.
The raw log data was obtained from LMKR. The data contained the raw log
curves. Following logs got obtained.
Figure 4.2. Log showing NPHI , RHOB, Resistivity, GR and caliper from 3474 to 3482 meter, with
marked zone of interest.
4.6.1 Calculation of volume of shale
Shale is more radioactive than sand or carbonate therefore gamma ray logs have
been used to calculate volume of shale in porous reservoirs. The volume of shale can
then be applied for analysis of shaly sands.
Calculation of the gamma ray index is the first step needed to determine the
volume of shale from a gamma ray log (the following formula from Schlumberger,
Zone 1:
Vsh =16.1%
Vclean =83.8%
4.6.2 Calculation of average porosity
Porosity plays an important role in production of well. If the porosity is greater
than 6%, Formation is regarded as productive Formation. Porosity of each meter is
averaged out to calculate total reservoir pore volume.
Formula for average porosity is
The equation will be:
Zone 1:
Avg Porosity =9.6%
4.6.3 Calculation of Effective porosity
The effective porosity is the interconnected porosity of a medium. It can be calculated
by using the formula:
Effective Porosity
PHIE = PHIA * (1 – Volume of Shale)
Zone 1:
Effective Porosity
4.6.4 Calculation of Saturation of water and hydrocarbon
The water saturation is calculated by using Archie’s Law
Zone 1:
Sw =31.9%
Sh =69.1%
4.7 Pab Sandstone Zone 2 (3652-3672m)
Figure 4.7 Log showing NPHI , RHOB, Resistivity, GR and caliper from 3652 to 3672 meter, with
marked zone of interest.
Zone 2:
Vsh =16.3%
Vclean =83.7%
4.7.2 Calculation of average and effective porosity (Zone-2)
Zone 2: Zone 2:
Average Porosity Effective Porosity
=6.6% =5.7%
4.7.3 Calculation of Saturation of water and hydrocarbon
Zone 1:
Sw =31.9%
Sh =69.1%
1. On the basis of seismic data interpretation, the Zamzama structure is a plunging
anticline feature with a north–south oriented and eastward verging. Zamzama play is
formed along Zamzama thrust fault.
2. The average porosity in the both zones of Pab formation is 8% and effective
porosity is 6.84%. In both zones of Pab Sandstone, the saturation of water on average
is 30 % and saturation of hydrocarbon is 70 %. Therefore, the Pab Sandstone is acting
as reservoir formation in this area.
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