Questionnaire Directions: Please Put A Check Mark in The Parenthesis or in The Opposite Line To The
Questionnaire Directions: Please Put A Check Mark in The Parenthesis or in The Opposite Line To The
Questionnaire Directions: Please Put A Check Mark in The Parenthesis or in The Opposite Line To The
Directions: Please put a check mark in the parenthesis ( ) or in the opposite line to the
description which applies to you and answer the questions carefully.
1. Age:
( ) 18-20 years old ( ) 27-29 years old
( ) 21-23 years old ( ) 30 and above years old
( ) 24-26 years old
2. Sex:
( ) Male ( ) Female
3. Marital Status:
( ) Single ( ) Legally Separated
( ) Married ( ) Widowed
( ) Live-in
4. Religion:
( ) Catholic ( ) Born Again
( ) Iglesia ni Cristo ( ) Others: (please specify)
( ) Jehovah’s Witness . __________
1. What is your reason why you studied in URS Binangonan?
(You may checkmore than 1 item)
( ) Better employment opportunities ( ) Others: (please specify)
( ) Proximity ________
( ) Prestige or Branding
23. What is your basic pay per day? (In cash)_________ (Optional)
24. What is your average income per month? _________ (Optional)
25. What do you think is the main reason why you were able to get your current job?
( ) University ranking ( ) Occupation skills
( ) Work experience ( ) Religion
( ) Personal Connection ( ) Others: (please specify) _______
26. Is your current job your first job after college? ( ) Yes( ) No
27. Before this current job, how many job/jobs did you have? _____________
28. What was the main reason why you left your previous job and switched to this
current job?
( ) Salaries and Benefits ( ) Stressed Out
( ) Career Challenge ( ) Others: (please
( ) Related to special skills specify)___________
( ) Proximity to residence
29. Do you want to work away from your current location? ( ) Yes ( ) No
30. Where do you want to work away from your current location?
(You may check more than 1 item)
( ) Overseas ( ) Others: (please
( ) Metro Manila specify)___________
( ) Big Cities
31. In which country are you willing to work the most? _____________________
32. What is the main reason why do you want to work away from your current location?
(You may check more than 1 item)
( ) Better living condition ( ) Better experience/skills/career
( ) Be independent ( ) New environment
( ) Be near my friends/family/relatives ( ) Others: (please specify) ______
( ) Pursue further education
33. In total, how many jobs did you attained since you started working? This includes all
jobs that you have even before you graduated from College;
Before College Graduation? _______________
After College Graduation? _______________
TOTAL. _______________
In your opinion, to what extent as the program that you finished in College developed
your ?
4. Confidence to work
5. Written communication skills
I will read some statements about faculty skill/ clarity as well us preparations and
organizations in teaching. Taking into consideration all of the faculty with whom you
have interacted at the College/ University you graduated from, how often have you
experienced each?
Thank You!