42 84 - Seal and Impeller Replacement IandO
42 84 - Seal and Impeller Replacement IandO
42 84 - Seal and Impeller Replacement IandO
Date: january 30, 2020
Supersedes: new
I N S TA L L AT I O N A N D O P E R AT I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S Date: new
1 Electrical wiring caution: Exercise extreme care when 8 Pump impeller: The impeller is threaded onto the motor
handling power wiring. Ensure that the fuses are removed shaft. To prevent shaft rotation, a heavy screwdriver may
or breaker disconnected in the power line to the motor. be inserted between the motor fan blades if they are ac-
Disconnected power should be within sight of the pump cessible. Take care to not damage the fan blades.
being serviced and tagged with the reason for disconnec-
9 Remove mechanical seal from motor shaft: The mechani-
tion. If the pump and/or motor assembly is to be serviced
cal seal spring usually comes free with the impeller. The
on a bench, the motor wiring must be disconnected. This
mechanical seal rotating element must be pried loose with
may not be necessary if the pump is to be serviced in place
pry bars or screwdrivers. Once loosened, the seal may be
on the foundation.
pulled free of the shaft. Do not damage the carbon face
2 Isolation valves: If the system is not drained: Ensure when removing the rotating assembly. It may be needed
that the suction and discharge piping isolation valves are for analysis if seal failure investigation is required.
closed. Remove drain plug from the bottom of the casing
10 Remove seal seat from adapter: The mechanical seal
and drain the pump.
seat is pried loose from the recess in the adapter. If the
seat cannot be removed in this manner, remove the motor
disassembly procedures capscrews and separate the adapter from the motor. A
screwdriver may then be used to push the seat out of the
3 Mounting capscrews: The motor mounting capscrews
adapter from the rear.
must be removed from the foundation to permit removal of
the rotating assembly out of the pump casing 11 Remove old casing gasket: The former casing gasket
should be scraped from the casing and adapter, leaving
4 Prepare assembly for removal: Remove the casing
clean surfaces for the new gasket. A standard putty knife
capscrews and washers. Pry bars may then be inserted
and wire brush are useful for this purpose.
between the casing and adapter. Care should be taken not
to apply pressure to the outside diameter of the adapter, to
prevent possible breakage. Outside pressure should be on assembly procedures:
the casing only.
12 Replace mechanical seal: Clean the shaft sleeve surface,
5 Remove rotating assembly: The rotating assembly (motor, ensuring all the former seal elastomer pieces have been re-
adapter and impeller) may now be pulled back out of the moved. Inspect for damage. Replace if necessary. Inspect
casing. Prior to removing the rotating assembly ensure the water slinger and replace if damaged. Install a new seal
that the casing is supported properly. If flexible connec- seat in the adapter cavity, being sure the lapped (polished)
tors are installed in the piping, support the casing in such side of the insert is facing up. Ensure that the cavity has
a manner as to prevent the casing weight from hanging on been thoroughly cleaned. Lubricate the seat elastomer
the flexible connectors. with a small amount silicon or glycerine lubricant and
press down, straight and even, into the cavity. Do not press
6 Rotating assembly notes: The impeller is fastened
the seat in with bare fingers, use a clean cloth or the card-
directly to the motor shaft and must be removed in order
board disc typically supplied with the seal. Contamination
to replace the mechanical seal. This may be accomplished
of the polished and lapped seat face could cause leakage.
while the pump is still on the foundation or more conve-
If the adapter was removed from the motor, replace now,
niently, on a work bench.
taking care that the seal seat is carefully guided over the
7 Impeller hex nut: The impeller should be prevented from motor shaft. Lubricate the inside of the seal rotating as-
rotating while the hex nut is loosened. A heavy screwdriver sembly with a small amount of silicon or glycerine lubri-
may be inserted between the impeller blades to enable cant and slide onto the shaft sleeve with a twisting motion,
the impeller nut to be backed off with a socket wrench. carbon face first, until the carbon face is pressed firmly
Remove the impeller nut. against the seal seat. Pressing on the seal rotating assem-
bly metal parts, with a screw driver, all the way around the
i n sta l l at i on & 4270
o p era t i ng in str uction s Seal and Impeller replacement
seal, will ensure that the faces are mated properly. Remove 16 Slide rotating assembly into place: The rotating assembly
the spring retainer from the seal spring and place the seal (Motor, adapter and impeller combination) may now be
spring over the seal rotating assembly. pushed into place in the casing. Once in place, any casing
supports should be removed.
13 Replace pump impeller: Place the seal spring retainer onto
the impeller hub register. Slide the impeller in place on the 17 Casing capscrews: The casing capscrews are now installed
motor shaft. Take care and ensure that the seal spring is and evenly tightened with a wrench. Tighten the cap-
kept in place on the seal rotating assembly and fits well screws a little at a time, diagonally across the casing, to
into the retainer on the impeller hub and tighten down the assure even gasket pressure.
18 Motor mounting capscrews: The capscrews that hold the
14 Tighten impeller hex nut: Install the impeller hex nut. pump to the foundation are now installed and tightened.
Hold the impeller the same way as when the capscrew was
19 Isolation valves: Replace the casing drain plug and open
successfully loosened (Bar or screw driver placed carefully
the suction and discharge isolation valves.
between the impeller blades) and tighten the hex nut with
a socket wrench.
15 Install new casing gasket: Insert new casing gasket O-ring
into the register on the casing.
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