Iotriskanalyzer: A Probabilistic Model Checking Based Framework For Formal Risk Analytics of The Internet of Things
Iotriskanalyzer: A Probabilistic Model Checking Based Framework For Formal Risk Analytics of The Internet of Things
Iotriskanalyzer: A Probabilistic Model Checking Based Framework For Formal Risk Analytics of The Internet of Things
Received March 10, 2017, accepted April 11, 2017, date of publication April 24, 2017, date of current version May 17, 2017.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2696031
ABSTRACT The Internet of Things (IoT) is being deployed for a plethora of use-case scenarios. In any
deployment, a number of configuration choices are available that achieve the mission goal. However,
IoT security incidents have demonstrated that different configurations are vulnerable to varied risk levels.
We propose the IoTRiskAnalyzer framework to formally and quantitatively analyze these risks using
probabilistic model checking. IoTRiskAnalyzer takes vulnerability scores, candidate IoT configurations,
and attacker’s capabilities as inputs. It then generates the system and threat models to compute attack
likelihood and attacker cost for each configuration. Evaluation indicates that IoTRiskAnalyzer is efficient
and automatically prioritizes the input configurations on the basis of risk exposure.
INDEX TERMS IoT risk analytic, formal risk modeling, probabilistic model checking, Markov decision
process, threat assessment, secure configuration planning, PRISM model checker.
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M. Mohsin et al.: IoTRiskAnalyzer: Probabilistic Model Checking-Based Framework for Formal Risk Analytics of the IoT
important to comprehend, quantify and analyze such risks achieve the system-level attack objectives. The framework
for subsequent configuration optimizations from a security thus produces an ordered set of configurations, prioritized on
viewpoint. the basis of risk exposure probabilities to different system-
System-level risk analysis mainly relies on likelihood of level attack scenarios.
exploitation of a given set of vulnerabilities, computed on
the basis of well-established risk analysis models, and is, B. PAPER ORGANIZATION
therefore, probabilistic in nature. Moreover, in a hostile IoT The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II covers
scenario, environmental events and attacker behavior (such the existing work in the relevant domains. In Section III,
as her preferences and sequence of exploiting vulnerabilities) we present a background of probabilistic model checking
are mostly unpredictable, thus making pure deterministic and the PRISM tool. Section IV gives an overview of
analysis unrealistic. On the other hand, simulation-driven IoT the research approach used by IoTRiskAnalyzer. Section V
risk assessment approaches [11], [12] cannot exhaustively presents a small-scale case study of a home security system,
quantify and analyze the risk exposure scores for complex and which is used to explain the working of our framework.
safety-critical IoT systems, owing to the incomplete coverage Lastly, Section VI explains the implementation and eval-
of all possible input vectors. Citing these requirements in this uation aspects and Section VII concludes the paper while
work, we present a novel probabilistic model checking [13] identifying some directions for the future work.
based framework called IoTRiskAnalyzer, developed using
a Markov Decision Process (MDP) [14] model. A formal II. RELATED WORK
model-driven verification approach, as utilized by IoTRisk- To the best of our knowledge, this is the first formal frame-
Analyzer, offers a powerful means to verify all possible work to probabilistically quantify the risk of exposures to
behaviors of reference model using a finite state space and complex system-level attacks on IoT systems, as a func-
thus, can precisely assess the cause and degree of security tion of individual device-level vulnerabilities and attacker
risks. The MDP models generated by our framework are used behavior. Nevertheless, our framework leverages existing
in the PRISM model checker [15] to automatically analyze efforts towards IoT-specific risk analysis and the use of for-
the system-level risk profiles. PRISM, an MDP-supported mal techniques for analyzing the security and consistency of
model checker, has already been extensively employed to the IoT systems. This section critically analyzes the existing
verify the security and safety aspects of a wide variety of efforts in the associated fields.
systems, including aerodynamics [16], smart grid [17] and
secure product design [18]. A. IoT-SPECIFIC RISK ANALYSIS
Our earlier work, IoTSAT [19], utilized Satisfiability Mod- With the rise in IoT-specific security breach incidents, the
ulo Theories (SMT) [20] to formally model and analyze field of risk assessment and management for IoT related
the threat resiliency and tactics for generic IoT systems. threats has also emerged as a dedicated research area.
SMT solvers primarily follow a constraint satisfaction Liu et al. [21] proposed a dynamic risk assessment method-
approach and therefore, cannot precisely capture the prob- ology for the IoT, inspired by the artificial immune system.
abilistic nature of risk-assessment and temporal behaviors Their approach computed the changing risk value of an IoT
of threat verification, as demonstrated by IoTRiskAnalyzer. system based on attack intensity as measured by different
On the other hand, the SMT models, being highly expressive attack detection agents. Roman et al. [22] discussed the secu-
due to the rich set of supported theories, can be used to accu- rity risks being contributed by the ever-increasing influx of
rately model the low-level details of complex IoT systems. IoT devices. The authors critically analyzed such emerging
Consequently, the formalisms adopted by IoTSAT and risks, their root causes, and viable mitigation techniques.
IoTRiskAnalyzer are complimentary in nature and both the Podgórski et al. [23], besides presenting a comprehensive
frameworks can be used in conjunction to plan, verify and literature review of related fields, also proposed a conceptual
develop a holistic security picture for complex IoT systems. framework for risk management in the domain of occupa-
tion safety and health under smart working environments.
A. PAPER CONTRIBUTIONS Djemame et al. [24] presented an implementation of a risk
The key contribution of this work is to present a framework, assessment framework for cloud service eco-systems with
i.e. IoTRiskAnalyzer, to realistically model and formally ver- capabilities to identify, evaluate and mitigate the risks. Their
ify the risk exposure to complex IoT Systems. As explained key contribution is the risk assessment model, comprising
further in Section IV, IoTRiskAnalyzer takes as input: (1) a of four risk categories, namely technical, policy, legal and
set of software, hardware, data and communication vulner- general. The literature, discussed above, dictates that the IoT
ability scores from relevant IoT security literature, (2) a set systems follow a dynamic and formidable risk posture, which
of candidate IoT configurations for achieving a mission and can be tackled using diverse approaches. However, none of
(3) the attacker behavior and capabilities. For each candidate these efforts employed a formal model checking based veri-
configuration, the framework generates the system and threat fication approach for risk analysis.
models, which are utilized to formally compute the likelihood A questionnaire-driven empirical study is another way of
and attacker cost for exploiting individual vulnerabilities to quantifying the security risks. Chang et al. [25] utilized this
approach to investigate enterprise risk factors for govern- proposed an approach to formally verify the correctness, reli-
ing the risk of IoT environments. Other works [26], [27] ability and safety of smart environments at the design stage,
conducted empirical risk analyses for smart home automa- using model checking. Coronato and Pietro [39] extended
tion systems. Still, other methodologies employed sce- Ambient Logic and Ambient Calculous to formally specify
nario [27], [28] and product-based [29] approaches for the requirements and verify their correctness in safety-critical
characterizing risks. These efforts focus on risk analysis of ubiquitous and pervasive systems.
individual devices or general category of devices and their The research contributions discussed above aim to verify
findings are based on expert opinions, experiences or domain- the anticipated behavior of targeted systems under non-
specific security incidents. Use of formal methods for auto- malicious situations. Therefore, these efforts do not cover
mated risk assessment, as presented by IoTRiskAnalyzer, can the threat analytics and risk verification for active adver-
leverage and extend such manual methods to automatically sarial attacks. Contrarily, the system model generated by
reason about risk applicability and countermeasures, not only IoTRiskAnalyzer is based on an assumption that the input IoT
on individual IoT entities but also for complex and large-scale configurations are consistent and stable under non-malicious
IoT systems. scenarios and can only be compromised by an active adver-
sary through the exploitation of components’ vulnerabilities,
B. FORMAL APPROACHES TOWARDS IoT SECURITY as formalized by the threat model.
Corno and Sanaullah [30] surveyed and critically analyzed
the research contributions towards design-time formal veri- III. BACKGROUND
fication for smart environments. The authors categorized the A. PROBABILISTIC MODEL CHECKING
surveyed papers based on various factors and formalisms and Model checking [40] is a well-recognized and widely-
concluded that ‘‘no surveyed technique maintains a holistic adopted formal technique to verify functional, safety, secu-
[modeling] perspective’’. Another indirect inference from rity and reliability requirements in a number of application
their work is that the existing efforts mostly focus on formally domains. The key idea is to model the system as a state tran-
verifying the correctness and stability of entity interactions sition and express the desired system properties as formulas
and controls and a very limited literature exists towards the in temporal logic. The main benefit of model checking is the
use of formal methods for security analytic and risk verifica- automatic verification of the properties of interest. In case a
tion of such systems. property does not hold for a given model of the system, it also
Mundhenk et al. [31] proposed system-level security anal- provides a counter trace for debugging.
ysis of smart automotive architectures using a Continuous- Probabilistic model checking [13] is an advanced model
Time Markov Chain (CTMC) [32] model. Their approach checking technique in which uncertainties and randomized
was focused at design-time system verification, with a behaviors of stochastic systems are modeled by assigning
premise that specific vulnerabilities are not known a pri- probability values to the transitions in the state transition
ori. Moreover, CTMC being purely stochastic, cannot model model of the targetted system. The behavior of proba-
the non-deterministic behavior of attacker, as demonstrated bilistic systems can be modeled as discrete-time Markov
by our work. A model checking approach was used by chains (DTMCs), CTMCs [32] or MDPs [14]. DTMC and
Kang et al. [33] for performing security property verification CTMC are used for modeling the systems where the events
of a water treatment system. The scope of their research did are discrete and continuous, respectively, with respect to time.
not cover risk verification and concentrated on exploring a MDP is used to model the non-deterministic behavior of the
particular system, and is not generalizable. Furthermore, their systems.
work examined malicious alteration of sensing and actuation Since the attacker behavior and the IoT environmental
data only, and did not cater for the networking aspects and events are non-deterministic in nature, we have modeled our
associated attack patterns, as demonstrated by our frame- system as an MDP. Each transition in MDP from the current
work. Prior works in this area encompass static analysis of state to the next state is probabilistic and depends on the
security considerations in Computer Supported Cooperative current state of the system. Mathematically, the probability
Work (CSCW) systems [34] and a formal analysis technique of the transition from a current state S to a next state S 0 is
to uncover stealthy attacks in cyber-physical systems, while expressed as [41]:
utilizing the verification engine of Matlab/Simulink [35].
Pa (S, S 0 ) = Pr (St+1 = S 0 |St = S, at = a)
Use of formal techniques for proving the consistency of IoT where Pr represents the probability to transition from state S
systems is another popular research area. Guilly et al. [36] to S 0 and a denotes the corresponding action, which triggered
extended the Event Condition Action (ECA) language in that transition. The transition probabilities of all the state tran-
Timed Automata for isolating system anomalies and safety sitions is represented by a Transition Probability Matrix P.
hazards in smart home applications. Augusto and Hornos [37] The probability of the next state is then expressed as [41]:
leveraged Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) to model and verify
the behavior of smart systems. Corno and Sanaullah [38] Pr (S 0 ) = Pr (S) ∗ P
A variety of probabilistic model checkers, such as where Path-Prop is a path property using temporal oper-
MRMC [42], Vesta [43], Ymer [44], PRISM [15] and ators X (next state), U (until), F (eventually), G (globally),
ETMCC [45], are available to formally model and verify W (weak-until), R (release) and their complex combinations.
those systems, which exhibit random or probabilistic behav- The property mentioned above represents the maximum prob-
iors. We choose the PRISM model checker because of its ability that Path-Prop is satisfied by the paths from the
support for MDP models (not all probabilistic model checkers current state, for all possible resolutions of nondetermin-
support MDP) and time and memory efficiency as compared ism [14]. The minimum probability is computed similarly, by
to the other available tools [46]. using the PRISM keyword Pmin.
A. SYSTEM MODEL the threat classifications and relations, formally defined in our
The proposed framework generates a dedicated system model earlier work [19]. This paper classifies IoT threats as context
for each IoT configuration, where every candidate configu- (sensing), trigger (controlling) and actuation threats and then
ration uniquely defines the network, policy, functional and formally relates them as an interconnected threat propagation
environmental relationships of registered IoT entities. tree. The reference threat model [19] is based on the fact that
Mathematically, an IoT system configuration is defined as the attacker can meet her end objectives in multiple ways by
a quadruple < F, N , L, P > where: exploiting the vulnerable assets in conjunction with the intrin-
sic IoT couplings. However, for meaningful risk analysis,
F Environmental Features; IoTRiskAnalyzer extends this threat model by evaluating the
N Nodes pre-defined threat relationships in the light of (i) component
N = {(H ∪ G) ∧ (H ∩ G = ∅)} where; vulnerabilities, (ii) their exploitation probabilities and
G = Network devices (gateways, routers) and (iii) a non-deterministic attacker behavior with finite capa-
bilities. Our threat model is, therefore, composed of the
H = {S ∪ C ∪ D ∪ M } are Hosts, where; following building blocks.
S = Sensors
D = Cloud Servers (Aggregators) The threat model receives a finite set of vulnerabilities
V (|V | = Z ) and a Vulnerability Mapping (VM ) function,
M = Actors | M = {(A ∪ R) ∧ (A ∩ R = ∅)} where;
relating the IoT entities with the corresponding vulnerabili-
A = Controllable Actuating Devices (Actuators) ties, hosted by them.
R = Response Actors VM (bi ) : bi ⇒ M(V )
L Links | L ⊆ N × N ; bi ∈N ∪L
5) ATTACKER BEHAVIOR link and gateway modules, in accordance with the functional
The generic behavior of the attacker is depicted in Figure 3 as (FM ) and network (NM ) mappings, defined by the system
a finite state machine. This behavioral modeling is based on a model. The controller modules also implement the respective
probabilistic nature of exploitation of individual vulnerabili- operational policies (P) and accordingly, issue the commands
ties and a non-deterministic approach of the attacker towards for the actuator (A) modules, while following the functional
their exploitation. We assume a reasonable threat model, in mappings defined among them. The actuators, in turn, change
which the attacker is aware of the system vulnerabilities. the linked features as per their respective environment map-
She may attempt an exploit but fail or even choose not to pings. The response actor (R) modules represent authorized
target a known vulnerability, based on her preferences, such external agencies, which can access and respond to the sens-
as conserving resources, avoiding detection or paying the ing data stored in the cloud (D), through the corresponding
required cost. APIs.
Hence, at a given entry point, the choice of whether an
attacker attempts to exploit this vulnerability is modeled as
a non-deterministic decision. If a vulnerability (vi ) is targeted
by an attacker, there is a probability ei that it will be exploited
and 1 − ei that the exploit will fail. For each attempted exploit
the attacker has to pay an overhead, modeled as the Cost
variable (0 ≤ Cost ≤ Cap). It is initialized with zero and
is sequentially incremented with each exploit attempted by
the attacker.
The proposed framework models the IoT architecture, along
with the attacker components, as an MDP. We utilize a mod-
ular approach for generating the Markov model as depicted
in Figure 2.
IoTRiskAnalyzer generates dedicated modules for different
IoT entities, as defined by the system model. The feature mod- FIGURE 3. Attacker FSM.
ules (one for each feature fi ∈ F) model the non-deterministic
nature of environmental features being observed or impacted A dedicated attacker module is used to model the non-
by the system. Each fi ∈ F refers to a unique and physically deterministic attack behavior. It injects the threat vectors to
non-overlapping feature such as temperature, humidity and vulnerable system modules in accordance with the threat
motion. The sensor modules (one for each sensor si ∈ S) definitions and mappings (TM ), while following the attacker
define the concurrent sensing behavior, where each sensor behavior defined in Figure 3.
can observe a single feature (as per environment mappings A typical IoT system is composed of both the sequential
EM ), however, multiple sensors can be deployed to observe and concurrent elements. Concurrency occurs due to the
the same feature (e.g., having multiple smoke sensors in the parallel sensing, actuation, controlling and communication
same room). The sensed values are then communicated to aspects of multiple entities; whereas the sequential behavior
the respective controllers (C) and cloud modules (D) via the originates due to the inherent dependencies and interaction
requirements (such as a controller can issue actuation com- The vulnerability analysis of the procured components
mands only after receiving the desired observations from reveals a few weaknesses in individual modules, as labeled
sensors). To address this aspect, we have used synchroniza- in Figure 4. The selected vulnerabilities have repeatedly been
tion labels for modeling concurrency and flags and counters discovered in several practically deployed home automation
for the sequential flow. devices [6], [8], [27], [51], [52]. The vulnerability labels as
well as their exploitation probabilities (after normalization)
are extracted from the empirical risk analysis study of smart
In order to illustrate the verification methodology used by our
home systems, presented by Jacobsson et al. [26], and are
framework, we consider a typical home security automation
given in Table 1. This work [26], presented a categorization
scenario where a tenant, who is a frequent out-of-town trav-
of the smart home system vulnerabilities with reference to
eler, wishes to automate his house. The tenant is especially
the attack surface (hardware, software, data, communication
concerned about the physical security and safety of his prop-
and human) and entry points (device, gateway, cloud, API
erty during his absence in this scenario.
and Apps) and assigned risk likelihood scores to each of the
identified vulnerabilities. Table 1 also enumerates the threats
associated with these vulnerabilities, in coherence with the
threat classifications and mappings (TM ), explained in the
leveraged literature [19], [26].
The attacker module models the non-deterministic FIGURE 5. Alternate configurations of example scenario.
attacker behavior of exploiting the identified vulnerabilities
(Table 1), as described in Figure 3. For instance, the PRISM VI. EVALUATION AND IMPLEMENTATION
commands to model the jamming of the link L4 are given In this section, we present and analyze the verification results
in Listing 1. Here, the variable link_L4_Jam represents of the example scenario (Section V), with an aim to establish
the status of the link L4. G1_A1A2_Tx_flag is the flag that the risk exposure scores significantly depend on the
for sequential flow, representing whether or not the Gate- candidate system configurations as well as the operational
way G1 has sent the data to actuators A1 and A2. The policies. To achieve this, we evaluated three candidate config-
counter variable is used for logical ordering of the possible urations, using our IoTRiskAnalyzer framework. We denote
attacks and cost defines the total number of vulnerabilities the reference configuration (Figure 4) as Config-1, and
attempted, which is always less than the attacker capability present the architecture of other two configurations in
(cap variable). The first command models the scenario when Figure 5. In Config-2, the location of the smoke sensor (S1)
an attacker attempts to jam the link L4 with the success proba- has been changed to form a mesh network over the Zigbee
bility of 0.4, while the second command captures the situation technology. This configuration does not require any extra
when the attacker chooses not to attempt the L4 jamming. budget as it only involves connectivity adjustments (NM )
The antecedent (left-hand side) of the implication specifies of existing devices. Contrary to that, we have introduced a
the satisfying conditions for the activation of that command redundancy in Config-3 by adding a new smoke sensor (S3),
and it is same for both the commands in Listing 1 to model which works on the Z-wave technology. The correspond-
the non-determinism. ing policies (i.e. C1-P1 and R2-P1) for Config-3 were also
changed as; ‘‘Config-3P1: Unlock the door and send the
B. FORMALIZING PROPERTIES fire-tender only if both sensors (S1 and S3) report smoke but
As a next step, the scenario-specific formal model is tested trigger alarm if any of the two sensors report smoke’’. The
against suitable properties, developed using the PCTL logic. security of all these three configurations was tested against
We classify these properties as system and attack properties, attacks mentioned in Table 2, by defining suitable properties
as defined below: as demonstrated in Listing 2.
the input parameters, such as connectivity, redundancy, model checker. This model can then be analyzed against suit-
vulnerable entry points and operational policies. During our able system and attack properties, using the PRISM tool. Our
experiments, IoTRiskAnalyzer exposed several such complex framework utilizes the default Hybrid engine of PRISM Ver-
attack vectors, which were otherwise difficult to comprehend sion 4.3.1 for verification of input model. It employs the mod-
through traditional approaches. The key findings of these ule renaming feature of PRISM, where ever applicable, for
experiments are summarized here: ensuring modeling scalability, as the generic system modules
1) Given a known set of vulnerabilities, the amount of can be utilized to model multiple instances of similar entities.
risk to system-level security threats vary significantly The performance of IoTRiskAnalyzer directly depends on
with system and policy configurations (as clear from the system size, the complexity of configuration require-
Figures 6 and 7). ments and the number of vulnerabilities and policies. To opti-
2) Introducing redundancy must equally be comple- mize the performance of IoTRiskAnalyzer, we implemented
mented by implementing a right set of policies for model-abstractions and model-decompositions at different
reducing risk exposure. As a counter-example, consider layers, as discussed ahead.
that in case of theft, the risk scores for Config3-P2 The role of a given component in a model generated by
were even higher than both the Configs-1 and 2, IoTRiskAnalyzer depends on: (a) Whether the component
despite the introduction of redundancy. contains any vulnerability or (b) Whether the component
3) Some candidate system and policy configurations offer actively transforms the state due to functional requirements.
a risk-tradeoff for different attack situations. These We applied an abstraction by omitting the modules not sat-
situations can be scrutinized through attack impact isfying the above-stated requirements. For example, in our
analysis, as demonstrated by our work. For example, reference scenario, router R1 and links L1 and L2 were
Config-3 is a preferred solution for the designer as not modeled, since they were transparent for the system and
it offers less risk to both high-impact attacks, despite inaccessible to the attacker. Another level of abstraction was
being weak against the medium-impact attack (i.e., applied over individual modules based on the policy. For
‘missed either alarm’). Moreover, within Config-3, example, a realistic temperature sensor may require a range
P1 is the preferred policy, owing to its minimum risk of integers to precisely model its behavior. However, if the
scores for the high-impact attacks. policy requires the decision to be made only at a threshold
4) Due to the inherent functional dependencies among IoT of 77◦ F, then the sensor can be modeled to observe and report
devices, individual vulnerabilities may be exploited to boolean values (i.e., T > 77 and T ≤ 77).
cause a cascaded impact. For example, a secure actu- In addition to abstractions, model-decompositions were
ator can be compromised by exploiting a vulnerable performed by splitting large system models into multiple
sensor, just because its controller is dependent upon the independent sub-systems, based on different types of entity-
context information produced by that sensor. mappings, as defined in Section IV. These abstractions and
decompositions considerably reduced the state space and
significantly improved the performance. As an example, the
We have used the Java API for implementing the IoTRiskAna- framework, while running on a Core-i7 machine with 8 GB of
lyzer framework. The API reads the input IoT configurations RAM, consumed small fractions of seconds, both for model
from a text file and automatically generates the MDP model, construction and property verification, for all configurations
in compliance with the language syntax used by the PRISM of our case study.
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M. Mohsin et al.: IoTRiskAnalyzer: Probabilistic Model Checking-Based Framework for Formal Risk Analytics of the IoT
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MUJAHID MOHSIN received the M.S. degree ZAHID ANWAR received the Ph.D. and M.S.
(Hons.) in information security from the National degrees in computer sciences from the University
University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, USA, in 2008
Pakistan, in 2010, where he is currently pursuing and 2005, respectively. He was a Software Engi-
the Ph.D. degree in computer and communication neer and a Researcher with IBM, Intel, Motorola,
security, under the supervision of Dr. Z. Anwar. the National Center for Supercomputing Appli-
He was a Researcher with CERN and the Cyber cations, xFlow Research, and CERN on projects
Defense and Network Assurability Center, Univer- related to information security and data analytics.
sity of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA. He is also He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow with Concordia
a Research Assistant with the Systems Research University, Canada, and a Faculty Member with
Group, NUST. His current research interests include automated security the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA, Fontbonne University,
analytics, the Internet of Things security, formal methods, and actionable USA, and the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST),
cyber threat intelligence. He was a recipient of the Ph.D. Scholarship from Pakistan. He is currently the Laboratory Director of the Systems Research
the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan, and the Rector’s NUST High Group, NUST.
Achiever Certificate in 2015.