Chater-6 Opportunity Identification & Selection Concept of Idea Generation
Chater-6 Opportunity Identification & Selection Concept of Idea Generation
Chater-6 Opportunity Identification & Selection Concept of Idea Generation
-idea can be generated through vision, insight observation, experience, education, training and exposure of the
-idea generation involves new venture (project) identification and product selection.
-Entrepreneurs is the art of finding, developing and making profit from business opportunities.
-In order to grab the opportunities, entrepreneurs need to enhance their strength and eliminate(reduce) weakness.
2) Present work Environment: Entrepreneurs existing ventures vision, mission ,goals, strategies.
Entrepreneurs effort to overcome problems, entrepreneurs experience ,hobby, creativity, product of
existing business venture.
3) Out sources: Need, taste, preference of customer, outside consultant and experts member of distribution
channel, suggestions from friends, family, various medias, trade fairs activities and strategies of
competitors ,various information's provided by government.
4) R&D: Scientist & technologist are also very important source of new product, ideas new scientific
knowledge provides clues for new business ideas.
2) Reverse Brainstorming: It is the group method for obtaining new ideas focusing on negative aspect,
criticism is allowed.
4) Problem Inventory Analysis: It is method for obtaining new ideas and solutions by focusing on problems.
The consumers are provided with a list of problems and then asked to have discussion and it ultimately
results new product idea.
5) Checklist Method: In this method, new ideas are developed through a list of related issues or suggestions.
The entrepreneur can use the list of questions or statements to guide the direction of developing entirely
new ideas.
6) Dream/Big Thinking Approach: This is the method of thinking big by the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur
dream about the problem and its solution. Every possibility should be recorded and investigated.
7) Scientific Method: It includes principles, process, observation and experiments. This method involves the
entrepreneur defining the problem, analyzing data, developing and testing potential solutions and choosing
the best solution.
-Constrains Test: Before selecting an idea, it should be ensured whether the resources and inputs required for
idea would be available adequately or not. The idea should fit various resources of the enterprise.
-Risk Test: Risk refers possibility of loss or damage. The desirability of any idea largely depends on the risk
associated with that idea. Risk can be idea risk and process risk. Idea risks are associated with technical aspects of
the idea and process risks are associated with process, procedure, tools, techniques of idea.
2) Selecting Best Ideas: After evaluating all possible ideas, the best idea is selected on the basis of cost, time,
benefits, and risks. All ideas are classified into following categories after evaluation(i.e while selecting)
-Promising ideas
-Marginal ideas
-Rejected ideas
1) Prior Experience: Prior experience in the related sector helps entrepreneurs recognize opportunities in the
market and generating ideas
- Prior experience helps to build social network & contracts which may provide insights that lead to
2) Cognitive Factors: Cognitive factor is concerned with knowledge, learning, intellectual capacity insight etc,
Opportunity recognition may be an innate or natural skill considered as cognitive process. Cognitive factors provide
entrepreneurial alertness which is also new as “sixth sense” that allows entrepreneurs to see opportunities.
3) Social Networks: Social networks refers social and professional contact of an entrepreneur such as friends,
relatives, peers group, consultants etc. The extent and depth of an individual’s social network affects opportunity
recognition. Larger the social network, higher the possibility of opportunity recognition & idea generation.
4) Creativity: Creativity is the process of generation a novel or useful ideas. Creative entrepreneurs are able to
seek opportunities and generating ideas.
2) Facilitates Brainstorming: Enough time should be provided in order to generate new ideas. Time should be
managed for brainstorming.
3) Searching ideas: An organization should actively seek ideas in order to encourage innovation and creativity,
suggestion boxes, idea bank should be maintained.
4) Supportive Environment: An organization must be supportive towards regarding new ideas generation.
5) Avoiding/Tolerate mistake: In order to encourage creativity, mistakes should be tolerated to certain extent
this allows people to learn from their mistakes.
6) Reward Creativity: In order to encourage creativity, employees should be rewarded for new idea
generation. Reward motivates employees to come up with new ideas.
7) Implementation of ideas: Ideas should be converted into action, otherwise ideas remains on paper or
8) Provide opportunity to grow: In order to encourage, individual employees should be encouraged to face
challenges and grow according to their talents.
Protecting Ideas
Ideas, creativity, innovations are regarding as intellectual property. Intellectual property can be protected through
patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets etc.
i. Putting ideas into tangible form: Ideas are generated from human after brainstorming. They should be
converted into tangible forms by storming in logbook or computer hard disc.
ii. Securing the ideas: The ideas recorded in logbook or computer should be secured.
iii. Intellectual property Rights: The generate ideas can be secured through intellectual property rights
such as patent, copyright, trademark so that the ideas can’t be used and copied by unauthorized
It describes current status, expected needs and projected results of the new venture.
It covers various aspects of business venture such as production , marketing. Financial operations and
mgmt aspects.
It analyzes strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of business venture.
It describes venture’s opportunity, it’s product or services, context, strategy, team required resources and
potential financial returns (budget).it is also known as project proposal
1) Business description of new venture/product, service, production, marketing, finance, HR, R & D etc.
7) Resources needed
9) Employees
10) Shareholders
2) Risk mgmt: Under business plan, all aspects of new business venture are analyzed which helps
entrepreneur to deal with risk and uncertainties.(Risk refers possibility of loss or damage.)
3) Communication: Business plan includes informations and analysis of all stakeholders of the venture which
ultimately helps entrepreneurs to communicate with them.
4) Attract Investor: A well-prepared business plan attracts investor to invest in new venture. Business plan is
used as obtaining loan from Bank and financial institutions.
5) Implementation: Business plan serves as an operational tool for guiding the new venture towards success.
It helps to put planning into action.
6) Increase Efficiency: Efficiency is concerned with more output from less inputs and time. Business plan helps
optimum utilization of resources which ultimately reduces wastage i.e cost reduction. Cost reduction is also
tools for profit maximization.
7) Control: Business plan establishes standard for performance as benchmark. Actual performance is
compared with standard performance to take corrective action.
8) Facilitates Business growth/Success: Proper business plan provides necessary strategies for business
9) Product/service: Business plan provides complete description of product and services offered by the
business venture.
10) Cash flows: Provides details about cash flow (investment and expenditure) and cash inflow of business
venture. it provides projected (budgeted) income and expenditure.
2. Business Description: In this section, the nature and form of business, the existing condition (i.e. old or
new venture) of business are described. Similarly, the nature of market demand and technical outline of business
are also explained.
3. Market Analysis: This section as the basis for a company’s sales plans. It covers various analysis about
competitors, customer, product or services, market acceptance, market demand etc. It covers various marketing
mix such as product, place, price, promotion, people, process, physical environment etc. The competitive analysis
details the competitor’s strength and weakness, providing a basis for discovering market opportunities. The
customer analysis provides information about needs, wants, desire, intention and behaviour of customers.
4. Development and Product Aspect: This section focuses on R& D and production of firm’s basis product or
services. Generally, in this section factors relating to production process, resources requirements and quality
assurance are explained.
5. Marketing Aspects/Marketing Strategy: This section describes the actual marketing strategy of business
venture. The strategy must be consistent with the objectives of the venture. This section explains how firm will
exploit its resources best to create a total marketing focus. Similarly, it analyzes the size of market in rupees,
market penetration rate, and pricing strategy.
6. Financial Aspects: This section covers the financing and cash flow requirements, cash inflows, cash
outflows of the business venture. It contains projections of income, expenses and cash flows as flows as
description of budgeting and financial controls. The monthly figures are generally given for the first two years,
followed by annual figure for next three to eight years.
7. Organization and Mgmt Aspect: This section shows the strength of the business ventures mgmt team by
high lighting knowledge, relevant experience, achievement and past performance. It includes key areas of mgmt’s
ability to provide planning, organization skill and leadership as well as specific mgmt and control systems.
8. Ownership: This section contains informations about ventures ownership. In this section the founder
describes the legal forms of the business, the contractual obligations of the owners. Similarly, equity position and
capital structure are also described.
9. Critical Risk: Risk refers uncertainty. Every new venture will have to face some potential hazards in the
particular industry (sector) and competitive environment. Entrepreneurs make the assessment of critical risks.
First, the entrepreneurs should indicate potential risk to new venture. The next step, discussion of what might
happen and finally, the entrepreneur should discuss the strategy that will present or minimize the risks.
10. Summary and conclusion: In this section key features are briefly summarized and highlighted .The
elements such as firm’s overall strategic direction, success factors, sales and profits.
11. Scheduling and Milestones: The section indicates when specific finance is needed when specific aspects of
particular marketing activities will be performed and delivery dates based production schedules.
12. Appendix: Appendix is provided at the end of business plan for reference. In this section, supplementary
informations such as organizational charts, important calculations, patent, mgmt resumes, articles, reports etc are
- If it is prepared by a team the entrepreneur should understand the contribution of each team member.
-If it is prepared by outside consultant, the entrepreneur should encourage the consultant for preparing effective
plan. Business plan should be developed through the true accurate and reliable informations.
- It is important to understand who the target audience of the business plan is.
The following guidelines should be followed while preparing and presenting the business plan:
1) Simple and short: Business plan should explain the business venture clearly and concisely. It should be made
reliable within short time. It should not exceed fifty pages.
2) Organize properly: The business plan should contain all components in systematic sequence. The overall
neatness is essential for effective presentation of Business plan.
3) Future –oriented: Business plan should point out (identify) future opportunities
4) Critical Risk: Critical risk should be properly highlighted in Business plan. Business risk refers uncertainty.
5) Effective Team: Business plan should provide evidence of effective team work in order to attract potential
6) Target Market: The Business plan should properly identify the target market and potential customers. The
needs, wants and desire of customer should be identified; different segments of target market should be analyzed.
7. Capture Interest: The Business Plan should attract/capture the attention of reader by emphasizing uniqueness of
the venture.
8. Appearance: the typing binding and printing should be attractive. The format, table of content should be well-
designed. Graphs and charts should be used.
ii) Start-up stage: In this stage the business venture is launched. Product is produced and marketed. Revenues
generating activities start. This stage is completed when the venture is established in the market.
iii) Early growth stage: It is the stage which requires careful co-ordination of resources. This stage expresses major
changes in markets, finance and resources utilization. Responsibility is shared; there is transition from
entrepreneurial style to managerial style.
iv) Later growth stage: it is the fourth stage represents as evaluation into an established enterprise when the
business venture is professionally managed. The companies (ventures) go for public sales of stock (i.e IPO)
Financial information is essential for preparing business plan. Before preparing business plan, the entrepreneur
must analysis capital requirements, sources of funds and profitability of venture through following aspects:
c) Current balance-sheet and projected balance sheet for the next 3 year
d) Determination of expected sales and expenses based on the market informations gathered earlier.