Possible Solution To Past CM Examination Question
Possible Solution To Past CM Examination Question
Possible Solution To Past CM Examination Question
by Dr Peter Gardner
The information provided should be seen as an interpretation of the brief and a possible solution to a past question offered by
an experienced engineer with knowledge of the examiners’ expectations (i.e. it's an individual's interpretation of the brief
leading to one of a number of possible solutions rather than the definitive "correct" or "model" answer).
Chartered Membership Examination 5
Question 1. Theatre
Client’s Requirements
1. A new theatre and arts complex is to be built in a city centre: see Fig. Q1. The theatre is to be located below ground level
with practice facilities, office space and eating facilities above.
2. A clear space must be provided within the performance area of the theatre bounded by gridlines 1 and 3 and gridlines B
and C. No permanent structure may be provided in this space. At either end of the theatre space there is a service zone
where there are no structural restrictions. Access for maintenance must be provided to all parts of each zone.
3. Above the theatre is an internal/external dining space at elevation +0.0m. The architect has specified that the only
structural elements permissible on grid line 2 between gridlines B and C are slender columns. No bracing or walls are
4. A double storey rehearsal studio is at elevation +4.5m. The area available for rehearsal shall be maximised by limiting
columns to a minimum. Two floors of offices are located above the rehearsal space where there are no specific restrictions
on structure.
5. The architect wants to allow as much light as possible into the building on Gridline 2 and has stipulated that more than
70% of the elevation shall be glazed between gridlines B and C.
Imposed Loading
6. Roof 1.5 kN/m2
Floor loading Ground and theatre floors – 10.0 kN/m2
Elevated floors 5.0 kN/m2
Loadings include an allowance for partitions, finishes, services and ceilings.
Site Conditions
7. The site is level and located next to a busy road. Excavations may not approach the road closer than 1.0m.
Basic wind speed is 40m/s based on a 3 second gust; the equivalent mean hourly wind speed is 20m/s.
8. Ground conditions – The site is level and the single borehole at the centre of the building is representative of
the whole site. Ground water was found at -4.0 m
Borehole 1 Ground – 3.0m Made ground
3.0 m – 8.0 m Stiff clay. C = 80 kN/m2 Ø=0
Below 8.0 m Rock. Allowable bearing pressure = 800 kN/m2
c. Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all the principal structural elements
including the foundations. (20 marks)
d. Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and
disposition of the structural elements and critical details for estimating purposes. (20 marks)
e. Prepare a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the building and an outline construction
programme, including details of any temporary propping of the structure required above ground level
during construction. (10 marks)
4 Chartered Membership Examination
This question relates to a subterranean theatre with a four-storey structure above ground level,
comprising an open-plan dining area, rehearsal studio and offices on the upper two levels.
The brief
• Clear space provided within the theatre performance area between grid lines 1/3 and B/C.
This effectively means no supporting structure away from the perimeter, other than in the
two service zones.
• At level zero the dining room extends outside. There are no structural elements
permitted on grid line 2 between B and C, other than slender columns [ie an open facade
allowing slender columns but no bracing (again this restriction does not apply to the
service zones)].
• The facade on grid line 2 is required to let in as much light as possible and therefore more
than 70 per cent of the elevation between grid lines B and C must be glazed.
The issues
From the brief, and the summary above, it is clear that the examiners are looking for a design
that will necessitate limited structural members in certain areas connected with the theatre,
dining area and rehearsal studio, which will require transfer structures.
No internal support is allowed within the theatre area, necessitating a significant structural
arrangement to support the building above, particularly along grid line 2.
The dining area has a restriction along grid line 2 where no bracing or walls are permitted,
however there is no restriction on the number of [slender] columns, allowing the columns from
above to run through to the theatre roof (although common sense may suggest these should be
The rehearsal studio is to have a minimum number of internal columns. The literal interpretation
of "a minimum" is none, if this is practical (which it is in this case). Therefore, it seems
reasonable to work on the basis that not all internal columns from the offices above should be
CM Q1 2011
run-through. However a limited number of columns are desirable (to avoid over sized floor
beams). It should also be noted that section 1b relates to a client change where the rehearsal
studio is required to be column-free, reinforcing the interpretation that some columns are
expected/desired in the initial design.
The requirement for glazing on grid line 2 doesn't necessarily prohibit bracing, but commonsense
would suggest that aesthetics should be taken into account and heavy structural members should
be avoided. However, all the restrictions relating to the structure and glazing apply only between
grid lines B and C, therefore stability could be afforded by bracing or cores in the two service
zones, allowing the remainder of the elevation on grid line 2 to be completely glazed, with only
the columns and floors being visible.
There are no clear heights specified for any of the usable spaces, but level heights are given. This
does place practical limitations on the depth of each floor zone, particularly in the theatre where
there is only six metres available and a substantial structure may be required in the ceiling to
support the building above.
The ground conditions are quite straightforward with three metres of made ground, a further five
metres of stiff clay and rock at eight metres (with a specified ground bearing pressure). Bearing
in mind the theatre floor is at -6.0m, once the foundations and theatre floor have been
constructed there will only be a short additional distance to reach the rock. Curiously, ground
water is specified at four metres, which has implications, particularly during the construction
phase (possible flotation in the temporary condition, depending on the construction techniques
employed) and waterproofing the below-ground structure. There may be contaminants in the
made ground.
The building is located in a city-centre and there is a roadway adjacent to grid line 1, which will
have an impact on the construction and the structural proposal. The roadway is two metres from
grid line 1 and the brief stipulates that the excavations must not be closer than one metre from
the road, allowing one metre for the construction of the basement retaining wall.
Structural options
There are various options, that address the constraints and lead to viable solutions:
Option 1. Probably the simplest option would be the provision of transfer beams at ground-level
supporting the building above (particularly along grid line 2). The principal concern with this
solution is the depth of the beams, particularly bearing in mind that the theatre has a total height
of six metres. A single 30 metre-span beam running along grid line 2 would require substantial
depth but an alternative would be a series of beams spanning 20 metres parallel to grid line A.
Additional structural efficiency could be afforded by a 2D grillage, although the additional
complexity of moment resisting joints in two directions probably wouldn't justify the gain,
especially as there is no limit to the number of beams that could be installed running parallel to
grid line A. See figure 1.
CM Q1 2011
Option 2. An alternative would be to support the theatre roof from above. There are various
options, the most obvious of which is a Vierendeel girder running along grid line 2. It could be
positioned at any of the four levels but the columns in the restaurant area are required to be
"slender" so it would be sensible to position any girder in one of the upper levels. The principal
problem with a Vierendeel girder is deflection, especially as this elevation is effectively fully
glazed. There is no reason why the Vierendeel should be restricted to one level, therefore my
proposal would be to specify a moment resisting frame across the three upper levels, the
complication and cost being justified on the basis of smaller member sizes and reduced
deflection when compared with a similar arrangement limited to one level. This would enable
hangers to extend from the bottom of the Vierendeel to support the theatre roof. See figure 2.
Option 3. A variation on option two would be to supply a truss at one level spanning between
grid lines B&C. This clearly would have a visual impact, as the diagonals would be seen
through the glass facade, but this would be a stiffer and cheaper option than the Vierendeel
girder, as long as the architect/client is content to see the structure. See figure 3.
Option 4. Another option would be to provide a truss at roof level with hangers supporting the
floors at each level, down to the theatre roof. There is no overall height restriction on the
building but clearly this would have a visual impact. It could be left exposed and made an
architectural feature, or clad to appear either as a parapet or as a false roof. Stability of the top
flange should be recognised as an issue (easily dealt with utilising support struts back to the
roof). See figure 4.
Option 5. Another variation would be to install an arch spanning the full length of the building
with hangers/struts supporting the various floors. As there is no restriction on structure between
grid lines A/B and C/D, the arch could start at ground level without infringing the requirement
for "no structure other than slender columns" in the restaurant entrance. It would clearly be an
architectural feature intentionally seen through the glass facade. See figure 5.
Option 6. A final variant would be diagonal ties extending from the roof across three levels
(complying with the specific requirement for an open restaurant entrance). This would have the
effect of reducing the span of the edge beam on grid line 2 to ten metres. As with option 5, this
could be made an architectural feature. See figure 6.
The service zones could be constructed as stiff cores with all lateral loads being transferred to
them via reinforced concrete floors acting as diaphragms.
CM Q1 2011
The Letter
The letter requires a response to the scenario that after the design has been completed the client
wishes the rehearsal studio to be column free. Depending on exactly how the remainder of the
building has been designed, this is unlikely to have an impact on the stability system but will
require additional transfer structures to carry the load from internal columns in the office areas to
the perimeter structure.
Providing deep beams in the floor of level three would be one option, although this would reduce
the overall height of the rehearsal studio. Another option would be to support any central
columns in the offices with either a longitudinal truss within the office corridors, or a truss
placed on the roof. Although all these options could be explained in your response to the client,
the one chosen would logically relate to your chosen scheme in section 1a.
From my perspective this is an ideal question offering some level of difficulty, which provides: a
vehicle to demonstrate your engineering knowledge, no complications in the brief, no undue
complexity and critically offering at least two "distinct and viable" solutions. For these reasons it
should be possible to produce a comprehensive and complete solution affording a comfortable
pass mark.
CM Q1 2011