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Three Keys To

English Like A
How To Learn To Speak
English Quickly And
Automatically Without
Thinking In Your Mother

Three Keys To Speaking English Like A Native

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What Is The Best Way To Learn To Speak English?
Welcome! My name is David, and I’m really glad you are here. I hope you enjoy this
information and really get a lot out of it…especially if you are interested in finding a way to
learn to speak English fast, because this is the main focus that English students have.

Most English students want to be able to develop their listening skills so that they can
understand what others are saying…and they want to develop their speaking abilities so that
they can express themselves freely and automatically without embarrassing pauses or
stumbling over their words.

So, what I want to help you do is discover the best way to learn to speak English FAST! And I
want to help you cut through the clutter and noise that can prevent that from happening.

Three Keys To Learning English FAST!

Specifically, I want to share three keys for learning a new language that have really helped me
over the years. Because even though English is my native language, I know how it feels to learn
a new language. And it wasn’t so long ago that I was in the same place where you probably are
now…wanting to learn to speak a new
language fluently and proficiently.

I wanted to speak well, so that I could I learned English for more than 10
communicate well, make new friends, years and I have been living in UK for
travel around freely and independently, 3 years. I am very good at reading
get a better job and make more money, be English. I read a lot of textbooks,
a more culturally refined person, and all research papers, and so on. BUT I
the other nice benefits that go along with CANNOT speak English automatically
speaking a second language fluently and and fluently. I just cannot express
proficiently. But mostly, I just enjoyed myself. That's so embarrassing.
learning a new language because I liked it Because of this, I just afraid of talking
and I thought was a beautiful language. to people.
Although I do have to admit that at
times…it was extremely frustrating not to
be able to express myself or understand what others were saying. Sometimes I would learn a
new word, but then when I needed to use it I could no longer remember it. It was like the word
was on the tip of my tongue…but I just couldn’t say it.

Other times I would remember the word, but I couldn’t remember the right way to form the
sentences…which was just as bad. Or even worse, when I would say the words and
phrases…but say them totally wrong and everybody would laugh at me. It was downright
humiliating at times.

Three Keys To Speaking English Like A Native

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Why Is Learning English So Hard?
Imagine going somewhere with lots of people talking and laughing, but being afraid to say
something wrong. So I would just go off and sit in a corner, and feel stupid for not being able
to understand what they were saying.

Now, you might even be a lot like me and absolutely hate to study lists of verbs and boring
grammar rules. I knew there had to be an easy way to learn and I was determined to find it. So,
I set off on an amazing journey to discover how to learn a new language. I read books,
researched online, interviewed other successful language learners, and experimented a lot.

Well, the good news is that I finally did learn the language fluently and well,
that often times people are surprised to discover that it isn’t my mother tongue. But it took a
lot of dedication and hard work. But now it is so wonderful to be able to speak a new language
quickly and automatically.

Looking back over my own experience I realized that I had learned many interesting things
about the language learning process. I realized that there were three key areas that you must
focus on if you want to learn a language well.

And I never really did intend to share these with anyone else. But since my friends knew that
English was my mother tongue, lots of them were asking me to help them learn the language.
So, I started helping them out and coaching them along. It was a lot of fun, and they got some
great results. Some of them were able to start…

Talking With Native English Speakers In Months – NOT YEARS!

They were super-excited and told their friends…and things just started going crazy around
here. Soon, I was getting calls from all Portugal, Japan, and Mozambique with requests to help
them learn how to learn English to.

So, about a year or so back…we started focusing on helping people who lived outside of my
little city by creating material that would help them be more efficient language students. I
didn’t really intend to teach English online…because there are so many sites, books, and
programs already available on the market.

I originally just planned on boiling down my tips and strategies to help these English students
study more efficiently and make better use of the materials they already owned and had
access to. For example we created different websites and materials like:

 The EXLchallenge to share 90 different ways to learn and practice English

 The EXLsystem to help students develop 4 powerful habits with a Daily English Praxis
 The Elephant Report with 7 simple steps to develop your listening skills via podcasts
 And over 32 audio-books on different topics of focus

Anyway, it was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed sharing all of this information. I got lots of
positive feedback and great reviews on all this information.

Three Keys To Speaking English Like A Native

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But at the end of the year, as I sat down and looked back over the questions I was receiving
and realized that my work still wasn’t complete. I was receiving lots of questions about the
best way to learn English.

Is There A Secret Method?

Now, granted…I understand that most people asking these questions were referring to a
specific language learning method because every time you turn around…it seems like someone
has discovered a ‘revolutionary’ method.

But when you look a little closer, you realize that it is just something that has been repackaged
to try and rip more money out of your wallet. Because after receiving thousands of emails
from ‘ticked-off’ language students who are fed up with inefficient results…you begin to see a
growing trend.

These students are tired of spending thousands of dollars in expensive tuitions and materials
and years in the classroom…yet still remain unable to communicate efficiently in the language
like they want to. But unfortunately, many greedy people don’t really want to help you. Why
should they?

They Make More Money The Longer It Takes You To Learn?

But it’s great to know that English students like you are wising up to the game that has been
going on for so long and are starting to do something about it. It’s time to take back control of
your own language learning…just like when you learned to speak your mother-tongue.

Because having worked with hundreds of language students over the years and testing all
kinds of different methods…I have discovered something really interesting.

Do you want to know what it is?

Yes, some methods, techniques, or language learning approaches do work better than others.
But ultimately, the best way to learn a new language is the way you learned to speak your
mother tongue. That’s the bottom line. I mean think about it.

What Method Do Children Use To Learn A Language?

The truth is…children don’t have a set method or technique for learning. What child did you
ever see sit down with a notebook or a grammar book to learn how to speak their native

Children only begin to study grammar after they learn how to read and write. Children only
learn how to read and write after they start going to school. And most children learn how to
talk before going to school.

So, then why do so many teachers and schools insist on forcing you to learn grammar before
you even learn how to speak the language? Hmmm! Interesting question. Huh?

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So, Does That Mean That Grammar Is Bad?
No, of course not. Grammar structures are important for learning how to speak correctly and
properly. But there is a right time and place for it when learning a new language. And there is a
right way to teach it.

Now, that means that I already know what your next question is going to be. You want to
know how to study the language then if you can’t study grammar. And that is a great question.
It really is.

But unfortunately it’s the wrong question…because as you’ve already seen previously, children
don’t study grammar to learn their mother-tongue.

So, how do children learn their mother-tongue and learn to speak it fluently and proficiently?

Little children, can speak their mother-tongue automatically and without thinking by the time
they are four or five years old. Sure, they might not have a huge vocabulary…but they can carry
on a great conversation. And they never even studied the language formally!

All they do is observe how the language is used and then practice it themselves. Then they
keep observing and practicing constantly. And soon they are fluent and proficient speakers.

You can do the same thing. You just need to find ways to get in touch with the language
yourself. As I mentioned previously, there are over 90 different ways to learn and practice a
language. You have more opportunities to learn then children do.

You Can Learn To Speak English Fluently And Proficiently!

You just need to do what you did when you were a child. Just observe how the language is
used and then practice it yourself. That’s it.

I know that sounds a bit oversimplified. But I like keeping things simple. There is no need to
complicate it. If kids can do it…you can do it too. You just need to observe how the language is
used in Three Key Areas. So what are these three key areas? Well, I’m so glad you asked.

But before I tell you what they are, let me give you a practical example to help you understand
this better.

I want you to think of language learning like building a house. Okay? So, when you build a
house you need bricks which provide the main structure and form of the building. Then you
need cement to hold all those bricks together. And once that is done, you add the finishing
touches…like paint, decoration, etc.

Three Keys To Speaking English Like A Native

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Key Area #1: Vocabulary
So, I want you to think of vocabulary as the bricks in your language learning. Each word is a
new way to express yourself more easily and efficiently. Instead of having to explain what you
mean to someone…you can tell them exactly what you want to.

Often times you hear someone using a new word that you don’t know which can be extremely
frustrating, because if you don’t know what the word means…you won’t fully understand what
they are saying. And this can be extremely frustrating. You may understand the general idea,
but that one word will leave a big gap in your comprehension.

When that happens, you may be so worried about understanding that one word that you
won’t understand anything else they say. And even worse, if you don’t have a certain word in
your vocabulary…that can mean that you will not know how to say what you want to.

Or even more frustrating…what about those words that you study, but then can’t remember
when you want to. It’s like your mind goes blank or the words all get stuck in your throat. That
would make any English student really upset.

Learn New Words Everyday

Well, there are several things that you can do to resolve these problems. The very first thing
you need to begin doing is set aside time to learn new vocabulary words often. You must set
aside time in your studies to add new words to your vocabulary.

Now this doesn’t mean that you have to just start randomly memorizing words from a
dictionary. That would be rather pointless. There are approximately 550,000 words in the
English language, but many of those are not used very frequently.

So, start off by learning the words that you still don’t know yet. If you are trying to say
something in English, and you realize that you don’t know how to say it yet…then write it down
and find out how to say it and use it to express yourself correctly.

Focus On The Most Common Words In English First

Go find a list of the 100 most common words online and make sure you know them first. Then
find a list of the 300 most common words and focus on those. Once you master them, move
on to the 1000 most common words.

By focusing on the words with the highest frequency, you will understand a large portion of
what you read and hear. You may be surprised to learn just how frequently the 1000 most
common words are used in the English language. But we will save that for another class.

Just remember that it isn’t enough to just learn the words separately. You definitely want to
look up those words in google or an index and begin to observe how they are used in context.
Begin using those words as often as you can.

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Learning English Is Like Fighting Karate
The more you use it, the easier it will become. You will really begin to assimilate the words. It’s
like learning to fight karate. You can’t stop to think about how to defend yourself in the middle
of a fight. That is why karate students train and practice ahead of time. When they are fighting,
they can attack and defend themselves automatically at lightening fast speeds. It’s instinctual.

It’s the same way with speaking English. You can’t stop in the middle of talking with someone
to try and remember a word. It needs to come quickly and automatically. That is why you need
to train and practice your English a lot. You need to make it a part of your active vocabulary.

As you observe how the word is used, you will grasp it implicitly. That is the best way to learn
words…just like children learn their mother-tongue. They hear those words used most
frequently and assimilate them well. Then they begin to use them.

Use Your English Dictionary

And last but not least, use your dictionary. It is a great tool. You can’t take your English teacher
everywhere you go, but you can take your dictionary. This is a very easy way to learn new
words every day.

You can look up the meaning of words you want to learn. You can find sample sentences that
will help you understand how the word is used in context. And it can also help you learn how
to pronounce the words you are learning correctly.

Obviously, it’s not as practical as learning words ‘live’ and it does take a little work…which is
why many English students don’t like to use their dictionary. But if you are serious about
learning the language well, then this is a tool that you can’t live without. Make sure you have
one and that you use it.

Remember, that just seeing the word once though isn’t enough to remember it forever. You
will need to make a conscious effort to practice that word and use it often. You will probably
need to practice and use a new word at least forty times to really make it a part of your active
vocabulary and be able to remember it when you are talking.

Key Area #2: Sentence Structures

The next area I want you to focus on are sentences structures in the English language. This is
the cement that holds all the bricks together. The language structures are the way the words
are put together to express yourself correctly and proficiently.

You may even recall a time when you knew all the right words to say what you wanted to, but
you didn’t know which order to put the words in or how to express yourself correctly.

Other times you may understand the words someone is saying, but not be able to understand
the meaning because they are used in a different structure that you haven’t learned yet.

Three Keys To Speaking English Like A Native

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This can cause a lack of comprehension on your part…or at least a partial lack anyways. And
this can be even more frustrating than previously…because just when you thought you had lots
of vocabulary under your belt then something like this happens.

Which means that you feel like you aren’t learning the language, and this is not true. You are
learning the language, and you do know a lot of vocabulary words. It just means that you also
need to focus on learning the sentence structures as well as vocabulary.

Learning English Grammar Implicitly

When you do this, you will begin to speak more fluidly and naturally as you understand how
the words flow together. All you need to do is keep practicing so that it becomes instinctual
and automatic…just like a trained karate fighter.

Now, don’t confuse learning sentence structures with learning grammar. Although essentially
they are one and the same…since sentence structures are part of the English grammar…you
don’t necessarily need to focus on the explicit grammar rules.

You can learn the sentence structures implicitly without having to focus solely on memorizing
the grammar rules. Sure, you can look up the rules and go over them briefly so you are aware
of what they are and have a general idea of how they work.

The Science Of Learning English

But if all you do is memorize the rules, then you will have to stop and try to remember the
rules while you are talking…which means that you will have to pause a lot. When you do this,
you will not be able to speak English quickly and automatically.

So, the best thing to do is observe them being used in the language and then use those
sentence structures as frequently as possible. The more you train and practice these structures
you are learning…the better you will learn them. And then they will become almost instinctual
and automatic.

Sure, you will make some mistakes in the beginning. But this is okay. You are learning. You are
a learner. It’s okay to make mistakes. That is how you learn. Did you ever see a little child start
speaking their native language perfectly the first time they said something? Of course not.
They make lots of mistakes.

It’s like science. You have to become a language scientist. You have to observe how things
work in the language. Then you create a hypothesis of how it would work in a particular way to
express yourself. Then you create an experiment.

You say a sentence with those new words and structures you are learning. If you are correct,
than you know that your hypothesis is right. If you make a mistake and someone corrects you,
than you know how it works in that situation. Which means that now you can practice this
language pattern until you can use it quickly and automatically.

Three Keys To Speaking English Like A Native

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So, then you create new hypothesis about the language and test it out too. This the way
children learn to talk. This is the way you learned to speak your mother tongue. And it is a
great way to learn another language.

How can you do this. Well, remember that language is communication. The sole purpose of
children learning to talk, or you wanting to learn another language is primarily to express your
ideas and thoughts, and to understand those of other people. So, now the big question is…

How Do People Communicate?

And the answer is through stories and dialogues. When you talk with them, you exchange
ideas with each other. Usually, you tell each other stories about things that have happened to
you, or that others have experienced.

You tell, them what you did…what you are doing…and what you are going to do. And we do
this primarily by telling stories. And stories are generally more concrete and easier to
understand than dialogues.

For example, telling someone that you saw a yellow flower is something you can visualize and
imagine in your mind. It’s easy to assimilate. And all through the stories you are using different
sentence structures.

Are You Bold Enough To Learn English?

So, I highly recommend that you use stories to learn new sentence structures. Find short
stories that use this structure frequently, because then you will begin to grasp how that
structure is formed.

Once you have learned it well, then you can tell the story to others. You don’t need to invent a
new story right away. Tell the same story to many other people. This way you will be practicing
your speaking skills in a very natural way. Doesn’t that make sense?

Don’t be afraid to try it. There is no need for fear. Be bold and courageous. Remember that
you are a learner. You are learning the language. It’s okay to make mistakes. This is how you

Remember too, that you are a language scientist. You are observing the language the way it is
used. You are creating hypothesis about how these words and structures are used in different
situations. And then you are experimenting with them to see if your hypothesis work in that
situation or not. If not, someone will tell you the right way to use it.

That’s all there is to it. It is extremely easy. Don’t you agree?

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Key Area #3: Pronunciation
So, finally, the third and final area that you need to focus on is your pronunciation. This is like
the finishing that goes over the bricks and cement. This is the wallpaper, spackling, paint,
decoration, etc.

This is important, because if you know the right words, but don’t pronounce them
correctly…no one will understand you and look at you funny. Or they may understand
something totally different than what you are trying to say.

And if you are stumbling over the pronunciation of the words you are saying…then you won’t
be able to talk quickly and easily. And you will be embarrassed if people laugh at you for
sounding funny…which means that you won’t want to practice any more…which means that
your speaking skills will not develop properly.

So, this is an important area to focus on. And although most students think it is really difficult,
it is quite easy to do. Let me explain this concept with a really simple example.

Learning English Is Like Learning To Sing Your Favorite Song

Do you like listening to music? Do you like to sing? If so, then you will understand exactly what
I am trying to explain here. So, let me ask you how you learn to sing?

Well, first you listen to a song several times. Then after a bit, you start to hum along with the
melody. Then you sing along with the song by mimicking the singer. And then finally, you can
reproduce the song all by yourself when you are walking down the street or driving in your car.

Well, it’s the same with developing your pronunciation when you are learning a new language.
First you hear someone saying a particular word or phrase several times.

Then you begin to repeat the same phrase by mimicking them. You hear it, then you mimic it,
and then you hear it again. Each time you mimic the word or expression, you try to say it just
like you heard it.

This way you improve your pronunciation and sound more like a native speaker. This is
because there are certain sounds in the language you are learning that don’t exist in your
mother tongue. So, you must learn to pronounce these sounds correctly to be understood.

Talking Like A Native Speaker

Once that happens, you can begin producing these sounds naturally and automatically just like
a native speaker. You won’t be limited to plain old repetition and imitation. You will be able to
reproduce these sounds easily and automatically whenever you want to.

And remember that this only comes with practice…just like karate. The more you do train and
practice the better you will get. Practice makes perfect…and it makes permanent.

You will soon be able to pronounce these words easily and automatically any time you need to.
You will begin improving your pronunciation gradually.

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You Will Be A Much More Efficient Speaker.
So, don’t ever stop focusing on your pronunciation. Whenever you hear someone speaking, or
you are listening to music, or you are watching a movie…pay close attention to their
pronunciation. Use these opportunities to improve your skills and abilities in the language.

Better yet, don’t just pay attention to them…actually go out and look for new opportunities to
practice your pronunciation. Be proactive. Take the initiative in developing your language
learning skills.

Don’t be like many students who only study in the classroom. Studying in the classroom is
good, but then you need to go out and practice it. Learning the theory is one thing. Learning
some new words, structures and pronunciation is good too. But then you need to get out there
and practice.

Power Of Positive Habits When Learning English

Create the habit of using the language and developing your skills. Then it will become almost
automatic. You will see your language skills begin to improve on a steady, upward path as your
cycle rhythmically through each of these three key areas.

The more you practice, the faster you will make progress…because if you study eight hours a
day you will learn faster than someone who studies only one hour a day. But don’t worry if you
can’t study eight hours a day.

Take advantage of the time you have…even it’s only fifteen minutes per day. It’s still better
than not studying at all. Does that make sense?

How To Make The Most Of These Three Areas

So, now let’s talk about how to make the most of this information and really put it to
use…because it’s not enough to just read about this and then not do anything with it. You
need to actually apply this knowledge so that you can improve your English skills.

And as you improve your skills in each of these three key areas of focus you will be able to
speak the language more quickly and automatically…which means that you will be able to
apply these three areas to your language learning focus and become a more efficient

Now, before we actually break this down and talk about how to set proper language learning
goals…let’s take a look at some different scenarios that could apply to you and your learning.

Three Different Ways To Focus On These Three Areas

First off, you may not have a whole lot of time to study every day. Maybe you are a very busy
person and can only set aside about three days a week to study. So, for example if you could
only study on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday…then your schedule could look something like

Three Keys To Speaking English Like A Native

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 Monday: Focus on vocabulary
 Wednesday: Focus on structures
 Friday: Focus on pronunciation

Or if you can study a little everyday…which is even better for you…then you can focus on each
area twice a week. And your schedule could look something like this:

 Monday: Focus on vocabulary

 Tuesday: Focus on structures
 Wednesday: Focus on pronunciation
 Thursday: Focus on vocabulary
 Friday: Focus on structures
 Saturday: Focus on pronunciation

Or if you really have plenty of time to study each day…then the very best thing to do is focus
on all three areas every single day. This way you will rapidly see your skills improve as you
develop positive habits in each of these three areas on a daily basis.

 Monday: Focus on vocabulary, structures, and pronunciation

 Tuesday: Focus on vocabulary, structures, and pronunciation
 Wednesday: Focus on vocabulary, structures, and pronunciation
 Thursday: Focus on vocabulary, structures, and pronunciation
 Friday: Focus on vocabulary, structures, and pronunciation
 Saturday: Focus on vocabulary, structures, and pronunciation

Study And Practice English Everyday

So, let’s tie this all together. Let’s talk about ways that you can begin to apply this in your day
to day life in a practical manner.

Let’s say that you do have an hour a day to study each day. You could do one of two things.
You could focus on each of these key areas for at least twenty minutes. That way you would
focus on them all every single day. That would be great.

But if you only have 15 minutes per day to study…don’t worry. You can still focus on each area
for 5 minutes apiece. Or you can focus on a different area each day. For example, on Monday
and Thursdays you can learn new vocabulary words…then on Tuesday and Friday focus on
sentence structures…and finally on Wednesday and Saturday work on your pronunciation.

And remember, to use what you are learning in the real world each day as well. Using and
practicing what you are learning will allow you to truly assimilate it and allow you to speak
automatically without having to translate or think about what you want to say.

Because if you don’t use it…you will eventually end up losing it. And I know that you don’t
want that to happen. Right?

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Practice Makes Perfect…And Permanent
It’s not really that difficult to do really. Remember that there are at least 90 different ways to
learn and practice what you are learning. So, there are plenty of ways to practice what you
learn in each of these areas.

Just focus on the ones that you really enjoy. If you like watching Prison Break…then watch the
series in English. If you like playing the guitar, then learn how to play the guitar in English. Do
what you love…and learning English will come naturally. It won’t even seem like you are

And don’t worry if you don’t have time to sit down and study formally. Children don’t. You
didn’t do that when you were learning your mother tongue.

Your Language Learning Goals

However, it is important that you set goals to shoot for. That way you can measure and track
your progress. If you don’t do this correctly, you may end up becoming discouraged or
frustrated if you don’t see how much you are really learning.

Goals are also important to challenge you to push on harder then you normally would.
Because so many things come up in our day-to-day lives…and because we only have 24 hours
in a day… we have to reprioritize what is important and what we are going to focus our
attention on.

Sure, you may want to learn English fluently this year…but things will come up to get your
focus off your goals. For example, your girlfriend/wife may want you to go with her to the mall.
Or a friend may invite you over for a barbecue or to watch a movie.

So, as these things happen…it’s easy to push your English goals off a little bit longer. You may
think that it is okay…and that you will get to it tomorrow. But then something comes up the
next day…so you have to set your goals aside again.

And as time goes along…you just keep pushing your goals back and reprioritizing in your day-
to-day life...which means that you never learn the language like you wanted.

You Need The Right Mindset To Learn English

But if you have the right mindset…and you set the right goals…then it will be much easier to
maintain your focus and reach your goals.

For example, if you set a goal to learn 10 new words this week and you learn two words
everyday…then you know you can reach your goal by Friday.

So, if someone calls you up and invites you to do something else…you can politely decline their
invitation and tell them that you have something important that you need to do.

Or you could just set aside some time to learn those two new words…and then go out and
have some fun. This way you track your progress and know you are reaching your goals and

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still have fun. And then you can look for opportunities to practice and use those words while
you are out with your friends.

Do you see why it is important to set clear, concise goals that you can measure and track.

So, now let’s talk about how to set clear, concise goals in each of these three areas.

Your Vocabulary Goals

You can decide on a number of words that you want to learn off the top of your head. For
example, you may want to learn the 1000 most common words in English in the next five

So, then you could sit down and set your short, mid, and long-term goals. Since you know that
you need to learn 1000 words in five months (your long-term goal)…you now know that you
need to learn 200 words per month (your mid-term goal).

Now, you just need to calculate how many words you need to learn each day (your short-term
goal). If you study only Monday through Friday…about 20 days per month…then you would
need to learn ten new words per day.

But if you study every day…for 30 days a month…then you we need to learn about 7 words
each day. So your goals can be really flexible…based on how much time you have to study and
how fast you want to reach them.

Your Structure Goals

This is basically the same as setting vocabulary goals…just that you won’t focus on so many all
at once. You may focus on one structure each week or month…depending on how fast you
want to learn these structures.

There aren’t that many structures to learn…but it will take you some time to really focus on
each one to really grasp how they are used and to internalize them so that you can use them
fluently and automatically when you are speaking.

You may not totally grasp the structure completely in the time you wanted to. But if that
happens…do not worry about it. If you did the best you could…just move on to the next
structure you want to focus on.

After cycling through all the structures on your list…then set new goals and go back through
them again. Each time you cycle through your goals…you will internalize them better and
understand how they work more clearly.

But as you focus on this area, your speech will become more natural and fluid. You will sound
more like a native speaker as you stop ‘contaminating’ the language you are learning with
structures that come from your mother-tongue.

Three Keys To Speaking English Like A Native

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Your Pronunciation Goals
These are actually the hardest areas for you to improve because there are sounds that exist in
the language you are learning…that do not exist in your mother-tongue. These will be difficult
for you to pick up on in the beginning and you may never sound exactly like a native speaker.

But this is okay. Just remember that even the accents of native speakers vary from region to
region in English. In the United States alone…there are five main accents. So, you don’t have to
choose to sound exactly like one of them.

The important thing is that you speak clearly enough to be understood by the people you are
communicating with. Your accent will allow you to stand out and define you for who you
are…your identity so to speak. You don’t have to ‘lose your identity’ just to blend in with
everyone else.

As long as others understand you well…and you don’t make any gross pronunciation mistakes
that cause people to misunderstand you…that is okay.

Truth is, many of the sounds that we use in English will be similar to the sounds you make in
your mother-tongue. So, a brief time to focus on these areas should be sufficient to learn them

The rest of the sounds that exist in the English language are the ones that you will need to
focus on to learn them well. And just like the grammar structures…don’t worry about getting
them all perfect the first time around.

Just set aside whatever time you have available to focus on them and then move on to the
next sound. After focusing on each of the sounds…then re-evaluate your goals and go back
through them again.

This way, you will rapidly progress and cycle through all the sounds and pronunciations well in
a balanced manner. Otherwise you may just learn one sound well, but pronounce many other
sounds poorly.

Just Keep Moving Forward

It’s good if you can set aside time to focus on the language. But even if you can’t…look for
ways to learn the language throughout your day with podcasts, CDs, and other language cool
learning tools and technology that help you speed up the language learning process.

Realize that things in the real world aren’t perfect. So, you may not always have time to focus
on each area for the same amount of time. Don’t get tied up if you can’t. Just keep moving
forward and making progress.

And realize too, that at times you may need to focus on one area more than another. For
example, maybe in the beginning you will need to focus on vocabulary…and be able to express
yourself well with just a few basic sentence structures. Then as time goes on, you may need to
focus more on your pronunciation. I want you to know that this is okay.

Three Keys To Speaking English Like A Native

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And remember, just have fun with this. You are learning a new language. You are learning new
ways to express yourself. You are able to communicate in new ways. This is an exciting
opportunity. So, make the most of it.

I hope you enjoyed this little report. Make sure to leave your comments about these three
areas of focus on the blog. Tell us about your language learning experience and give us your
feedback as well at…

And if you have any questions, feel free to email me at

Warm Regards,
David A. Bailey, Jr

P.S. I’ll be releasing some new videos soon to help you gain clarity and focus in these three
areas. So, make sure to keep an eye out for these emails over the next few weeks on the blog.
If you want me to let you know as soon as they are ready…you can sign up for my VIP list at

Three Keys To Speaking English Like A Native

©2010 – All Rights Reserved
Three Key Areas Of Focus
Here is a quick overview of the three key areas to focus on to improve your English skills to
speak quickly and automatically.

Focus On Your Vocabulary

1. Develop Your Active Vocabulary
2. Try To Learn The Meaning of The Words Implicitly
3. Use Your Dictionary

Sentence Structures
1. Observe
2. Hypothesize
3. Experiment

Learn English Like You Learn To Sing

1. Listen
2. Mimic
3. Reproduce

Make sure you sign up for my VIP list at so you know when
the lastest videos will be released. ;)

Three Keys To Speaking English Like A Native

©2010 – All Rights Reserved

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