HQS-HSE-PP-01 Fig040401-040405 Energy Isolation Posters

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Does the
PLANNING Can the equipment unplugged /disconnected
be unplugged from an electrical socket or equipment effect other equipment, systems
Task Assigned YES
disconnected from a mechanical energy or operations, or has it the potential to
Energy Isolation Required source? contain stored


· Does the Risk Assessment · Does the Risk Assessment · Does the Risk Assessment
determine that an Area Authority determine that a Competent determine that a Basic
Isolation Certificate is required Person Isolation is required Isolation is appropriate for the
(CAKES)? (CAKES)? task (CAKES)?
· Will other systems/equipment or · Is the task specifically for · Is there a single isolation point
operations be affected by the maintenance or repairs by under direct control and in line
isolation? persons designated competent to of sight of the person
· Is Remote operation/activation of the conduct the isolation for the performing the work?
equipment or system possible after defined task? NO
isolation? · Does the Procedure specify the
· Where the Person Performing Work use of a Competent Person
is unable to physically lock to isolate, Isolation?
Is the isolation point and associated · Does the task require removal of
tag outside his visual control guards or other safety devices?
throughout the task? · Is there potential for stored
· Does the Procedure state that an energy to be present after
Area Authority Isolation Certificate is disconnecting power source?
required? · Does the unplugged / ·
· Does the task require more than one disconnected equipment effect ·
type of isolation? other equipment, systems or

NOTE: OIM or Area Do not proceed! Seek
Is the Is the Is the
Authority at any time, for further advice. A higher
Answer ‘Yes’ to Answer ‘Yes’ to Answer ‘Yes’ to
any task may determine a NO NO NO level of isolation is
ANY of the above ANY of the above ANY of the above
higher level isolation required and must be
questions? questions? questions?
process than indicated in approved through the
this flowchart. Control of Work process

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Area Authority Competent Person Individual
Energy Isolation Required Energy Isolation Required Energy Isolation May be Used

Effective Date: September 4, 2017 Extract from Energy Isolation Policy (HQS-HSE-PP-01)
Task requires a Level 1 Energy Isolation

Has the Task

involving the Level 1 Energy Isolation been
approved using the Control of Work
NO Do not proceed!
Control of Work approval required.

The documented procedure must include: YES

The OIM assigns an Area Authority to authorize the
· The Level of Energy Isolation required for the
Energy Isolation. CAUTION!
task (Level 1 or Level 2)
· Identification of any auto, remote or pressure or The Area Authority, Responsible
temperature start function Person and Competent Person may
Area Authority assigns an appropriate Responsible
· The method of: be the same person, but cannot also
Person, Competent Person and Person Performing
be the Person Performing Work.
Ø Energy Isolation (utilizing hierarchy of control) Work for the task.
Approve through Control of Work
Ø Verifying that stored energy has been
and record on the Control of Work
The Task Planning and Risk Assessment process Log.
Ø The method of releasing stored energy
including a documented procedure for the
· An as-built drawing, diagram or schematic clearly
isolation must be conducted by the Responsible
Person, Competent Person(s) and Person
Ø The equipment being worked on
Performing Work
Ø All points of Energy Isolation
Ø All points for “Try To Operate”
· Details of any stored commands, fail-safe Area Authority reviews Task Planning and Risk
positions, reset and / or re-start sequence or Assessment (including procedure and schematic) and
indexing upon re-energizing equipment and Authorizes the Isolation.
systems with a Programmable Logic Controller
Competent Person(s) applies department padlocks
and isolation tags to each isolation point.

All Isolation keys are placed into a lock box and the
Responsible Person, Competent Person and Person
Performing Work place a personal padlock on the

Competent Person must utilize multi-hasps Are additional personnel

or a lock box.
YES involved in the task?

Person Performing Work must ensures all Where a physical lock out is not
persons involved in the task have a personal Have all possible additional processes/
padlock (or personal tag where tag out only means of equipment/system activation been NO controls must be implemented to
is used) on a multi-hasp at each isolation locked out. prevent uncontrolled removal of the
point or on the lock box relevant to the task. energy isolation – for example
YES Restricted Access.
Competent Person, Responsible Person and Person
Performing Work prove the isolation is effective using
Try to Operate from all local and remote control
Switch off and tag
points or by use of test equipment such as a multi-
meter, etc.
(Bleeding off/releasing any stored or trapped energy)
The Person Performing Work must
inform the Control of Work
Administrator on start, completion
Perform the task and suspension of the work and the
Control of Work Administrator must
update the Control of Work Log

Effective Date: September 4, 2017 Extract from Energy Isolation Policy (HQS-HSE-PP-01)
Task requires equipment to be isolated as part of
maintenance or repair by an authorized Competent

Person Performing Work Do not proceed! Seek further advice.
also the Competent
NO A Level 1 - Area Authority Energy
Person ? Isolation must be used.


the task require more than one type of YES

The documented procedure must include:

· The Level of Energy Isolation required for the
task (Level 1 or Level 2) Has the task,
· Identification of any auto, remote or pressure involving the Level 2 Energy
or temperature start function Isolation, been approved using the
NO Do not proceed! Control of Work
approval required.
· The method of: Control of Work process?
- Energy Isolation (utilizing hierarchy of
- Verifying that stored energy has been YES
The Task Planning and Risk Assessment
- The method of releasing stored energy
process must be conducted by Person
· An as-built drawing, diagram or schematic
Performing Work and must include a review
clearly indicating:
of the documented procedure.
- The equipment being worked on
- All points of Energy Isolation
- All points for “Try To Operate”
· Details of any stored commands, fail-safe Is remote
positions, reset and / or re-start sequence or operation/activation of the equipment
indexing upon re-energizing equipment and or system possible
systems with a Programmable Logic Controller after isolation?
other equipment/systems Do not proceed! Seek further advice.
be affected by the YES A Level 1 - Area Authority Energy
isolation Isolation must be used.

Are all sources
Can all
of energy activation that cannot be
activation points be physically NO locked out within the individuals’
locked out?
line of sight?

Does the Where a physical lock out is not
YES task require isolation of more than one possible additional processes/controls
activation point? must be implemented to prevent
uncontrolled removal of the energy
isolation – for example Restricted
Isolation padlock key(s) must be placed into a Access.
Lockbox by the Competent Person performing the NO
isolation. The Person Performing Work and all other
personnel physically involved in the task must place Person Performing Work applies isolation
a personal lock on multi-hasp or lockbox. padlock(s)

Person Performing Work proves the isolation is

effective using Try to Operate from all local and
remote control points or by use of test
Switch off and tag
equipment such as a multi-meter, etc.
At anytime the Person Performing Work leaves the (Bleeding off/releasing any stored or trapped
area/isolated equipment; upon return, the isolation energy)
must be proven by ‘Try to Operate’ prior to
continuing work – where this is not practical the
position of the operating switch and security of the
tag must be confirmed. Perform the task

If the task requires to be handed over, the new

Person Performing work must confirm all isolations
are in place and proven effective by ‘Try to

Effective Date: September 4, 2017 Extract from Energy Isolation Policy (HQS-HSE-PP-01)
Task requires a Level 3 Energy Isolation

The Task Planning and Risk Assessment process

must be conducted by the Person Performing Work.
Note: For tasks conducted by a lone worker, at least
one other person must be involved in the Toolbox
Talk to provide an independent input into the Task
Planning and Risk Assessment process.

Can the
equipment be unplugged from an
(This does not include the opening
electrical socket or disconnected from a YES
or racking out of a circuit breaker)
mechanical energy

Does unplugging
Is the isolation
or disconnecting the equipment
YES required for maintenance
affect other equipment, systems
or repair?
or operations?


Does the task

involve the removal, bypassing or
YES disabling of equipment guards or YES
other safety devices?

Do not proceed! Seek further
Does the advice. A higher level of isolation
Equipment have a single is required and must be approved
Do not proceed! Seek further
Point of operation/valve remaining through the Control of Work
advice. A higher level of isolation is
required and must be approved
NO in the line of sight and sole control of process
the Person Performing Work
through the Control of Work
for the full duration of
the task.

YES Switch off and fully disconnect the

equipment from energy source
Is there a
potential for the point of
YES operation/valve to be activated
unintentionally or

Where practical, try to Operate by Person
Performing Work
At anytime the Person Performing Work (Bleeding off/releasing any stored or trapped
leaves the area/isolated equipment; upon energy)
return, the isolation must be verified by ‘Try
to Operate’ prior to continuing work – where Try to Operate by Person
this is not practical the position of the Performing Work
Perform the Task
operating switch and security of the tag must (Bleeding off/releasing any stored
be verified. or trapped energy)

This level of isolation must not be handed


Effective Date: September 4, 2017 Extract from Energy Isolation Policy (HQS-HSE-PP-01)

De-Isolation Level 1 De-Isolation Level 2 De-Isolation Level 3 De-Isolation Long Term

The Person Performing Work must ensure that The Person Performing Work must ensure that Long Term Isolation approved for de-isolation
The Responsible Person, Competent Person
the Task Planning and Risk Assessment process the Task Planning and Risk Assessment process using Control of Work process and an Area
and Person Performing Work must ensure that
is used and that all equipment is ready to is used and that all equipment is ready to Authority is assigned by the OIM
the Task Planning and Risk Assessment process
operate. operate.
is used and that all equipment is ready to
The Area Authority assigns an appropriate
The Person Performing Work must review the Person Performing Work reconnects power and
continues task. Responsible Person and Competent Person
documented procedure for stored commands,
The Responsible Person, Competent Person and fail-safe positions, reset and / or re-start
Person Performing Work must review the sequence or indexing.
documented procedure for stored commands, The Responsible Person, Competent Person and
fail-safe positions, reset and / or re-start Person Performing Work must ensure that the
sequence or indexing. Task Planning and Risk Assessment process is
All personal padlocks and keys are returned to
used and that all equipment is ready to
dedicated cabinet and departmental registers
Responsible Person informs Area Authority and are updated accordingly.
Competent Person that work is complete and
equipment can be de-isolated. Responsible Person informs Area Authority and
Competent Person that work is complete and
Person Performing Work de-isolates equipment.
equipment can be de-isolated.

Area Authority approves removal of isolation.

The Responsible Person, Competent Person and
Person Performing Work closes EIC. Person Performing Work must review the
documented procedure for stored commands,
Person Performing Work ensures personal fail-safe positions, reset and / or re-start
padlocks and keys are returned to dedicated sequence or indexing.
cabinets, departmental registers are updated
accordingly and that any personal tags are Person Performing Work returns
removed. closed EIC to the Control of Work Administrator. Area Authority approves removal of isolations.

Competent Person de-isolates equipment. Competent Person de-isolates equipment.

Responsible Person closes EIC and returns it to Responsible Person confirms equipment is
the Area Authority. ready to operate.

Responsible Person closes EIC and returns to

Area Authority must ensure closed EICs are the Control of Work Administrator.
returned to the Control of Work Administrator
before the end of every shift,.
The Maintenance Supervisor updates the Long
Term Energy Isolation Log.

All padlocks must be returned to their

dedicated storage cabinet.

Effective Date: September 4, 2017 Extract from Energy Isolation Policy (HQS-HSE-PP-01)

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