Visti Nakshtra Class Notes
Visti Nakshtra Class Notes
Visti Nakshtra Class Notes
When it comes to r asi and nakshtras we define moon and sun . Sun create s resources and moon is
sustaining. Your mother carried you in your womb and sustained you, she did not create your body bt
she sustained you. She fed you all necessary food and skeletal structure so when you were born you
could be sustained in life. those 9 months are very important, some astrologers base longevity on
conception chart and NOT birth time. Conception chart car ries knowledge about soul. Similarly
nakshtras are meant for sustenance. Rashi are what is available. Sun began everything. IS your atma in
this world. Sun is like jyotlinga, showing light, has come o n your head and you are put in t his world. You
are small spark of this light. In this light you carry all thekarm from past lives. The message w hich will
carry this karma is sustained by moon. Can you have your arm chopped off if not part of karma? Analyze
rashi to see if arm chopped off. The effect of that will be see n on body which is moon. Limbs of body can
be seen from the moon. Two ways,
w ays, Jainmini and nakshtra based ways to see this.So sun is causal
process, karma coming form sun and rashi sitting in horoscp, but effect of that on body is seen through
moon. This is relationship between rashi and nakshtra. Rahsi show cause , but nakshtra show what will
happen to the body. Normally
Normall y we don’t talk about nakshtra when it comes to body and disease, but
karma iteslef causul action is on rashi, not in mana-body,etc…
mana- body,etc…
This lieads to whole new system so see sense,mind , body,etc..First lesson is placement of planet in
nakshtra shows an ability
ability that you have. For example Saturns nakshatra shows ability you don’t habve,
Jupiter shows ability you do have, mars nakshtra show trait you feel you must protect, issues you will
fight for. Moon is most important. Story about soma who kidnapped tara. A nother name for tara is
nakshatra. Each nakshtra. Moon (soma) kidnapped tara – Jupiters
– Jupiters wife. AS a r esult of this mercury was
born, the bastard child. WE are all bastard children. WE need to remember this because merc ury ,,
Buddha went to his father Jupiter
Jupite r and not Soma / moon. To over come this misundersatnading we don’t
want moons nakshtra, we want Jupiters nakshtra. Don’t want mind to keep causing rebirth to us to do
this and that causing mundane desires.
Everytime I look at c hart of rishis or sage you learn SO much Jyoiths,lots of principles there. Rama was
born on pushya nakshtra while thitti was Shukla navami and sun exalted, moon in lagna in cancer. Funny
thing about Rama. Slight problem with this relation. If you take span of shukla navami thithi, from aries
add 96 degrees youll get to cancer plus 6 degrees. He was supposed to born on this, what degree of
cancer is pushya? After three degrees and 20 minutes. On navami thiti 8 thithi have past multiple by 12
is 96. 96 degrees is which degree from aries goes to 18 degrees of karka. Can he be born in pushya with
such a placement? Only small portion when this could happen, very very small portion – between 3
degre 20 minutes and 6 degrees. So very few could be bor n with this. Problem with this. IF lakshman
was born in ashlesha later in day moon was m ost likely not in pushya when rama was born. The speed it
had to move, so many people have doubts about t his. Some people think it may have been punarvasu
cuz it doesn’t make sense. Point is when moon and lagna in Kendra to e achother, something, valmiki
might be speaking of lagna nakshtra when talking. IT is said to see what is stronger, lagna or moon
nakshtra and calculate vimshottari from there. So both lagna andmoon are important.
First thing you do when you find these nakshtra DON’T look at lord of it. Look at devate. What
weapons does it hold. What vehicle does it hold? What symbols does nakshtra have? When vitist studies
has system. Symbol will tell you theme of nakshatra. Bharani is down triangle. Some say it is yoni. When
planet is here, usually theme is sexuality. Moon in bharani. Moon also shows upbringing and mother,
the emotions carried on mother are carried on to you. These are your first impressions. Bharani is scary
because yama lords it and they understand death. Can understand that when soul leaves body it is just
flesh. These people are not afraid of dead obje cts (not true- I hate that shit). But the understand death,
so might be scary to others. Usually such people depending on how afflicted, have some sort o f secual
issue with mother or from mother. Moaybe mother had seen some problems or something like that. The
theme is symbol. From bharani is yoni , sexuality.
The devata is the knowledge the person has. Other person has Vishnu as devatea ( shravan). Can sustain
things..Someone else is magha. Pitrs. Pitrs are the rishis. First pitrs were rishis. Knoweldge you are
carrying is that of risis. What does t hat mean? You have knowledge of how families can grow and
maintain. A very positive thing. These people have been taught how to take care of life, ensure
family,etc..They are good mothers. Another negative aspect. Also means ancestors. IF any negative
karma is if there is ancestors there, a lot of cleansing needs to be done as far as ancestors are
concerned.Symbol of magha is throne. Theme is how to r ise in life. Can have great heights and great
falls. That is theme of life, born in the mind all the time.Vistis is uttara falguni. Upper portion of bed
post. Very important in marriage, theme is to find loved one. Very good matchmakers. Emtoional
around love stuff. Aryaman is here, causes family to grow. Such people know how to maintain family.
This is more expansions, pitrs is more about lineage to continue. Saturn afflicts hismoon, so instead of
getting the knwoeldge of families he tends to run away from it. Best thing t hei person can do is get a
spiritual family. Also family. A gurukulum.
Worship is important. Once a year on t hithi pravesh. You should do a nakshatra puja for your devata.
Doing so for next one year your health and mind will be protected. More importantly what you want to
attain in life you will attain in that one ye ar. Or if you want to become president will get close to
president int hat one year. But you can worship yama at sunrise, can do yama gayatri, but not worship
yama at sunrise….??? Can’t worship pitrs at sunrise. For people born in nakshtras like this. There are
birth nakshtra for certain grahas. Jupiter born in both falgunis, so people born there should do brhispati
gayatri, not third mandala, do the one in second mandala. Start from beggning. IF born in magha
worship surya with gayatri. Surya born in magha. Mars born in krittika nakshtra. Chandra in rohini, no
one can worship brahma! Mercury in ashlesha. Venus was born in swati. S ahni born in revati. Rahu in
bharani. Ketu, there seems to be some confusion – supposed to be dhanistha, not sure about this one…
IF moon is in rohini and cant worship brahma then you do moons gayatri. So if moon in swati nakshtra
do shukra gayatri. Can do this for planets cant be worshipped at sunrise. Can see these in vedic
remedies. If do nakshtra devate mantra everyday. Smooth life. Easy going. Right time, right resources.
Will have enough income, things will be fine. This is what normal people should do. IF you want to be big
time and famous, this is not for such people. For people who want to be big t ime do mantras of rashi
lagna. Would not do moon, because moon is sustenance, but lagna is c reation and surya aspect will help
you open up everything is there and build give it more energy – Visit very happen with this answer and
the detail given by student.
Navatara chakra, most common chakra used in jyotish. The only book that talks about this is satyacharya
by ???Small thing, maybe it was bigger once, but what he says is wonderful.
When we talk about nakshtras they have their own system of reckoning. Certain taras are good certain
tara are bad. Navatara is most common. Nine names and they repeat. 27 nakshatra system.
1-10-19 janma
2-11-20 –sampat – sustenance
4-13-22- shema – auspicious – 4 hou eproperty comfort
5-14-23- pratyak –inauspicous
7-16-25- vadaha?
8-17-26- mitra
9-18-27 – para mitra
3-5-7 can cause death, but some confusion. Mean you will die. More dynamic teaching here. If you saart
vimshottari form moon, make these taras from lagna, if starting vimshottari from lagna do these from
moon. The logic is these houses 3-5-7 is where ghanda comes. Proper analysis of these is not with dashs,
will see lord and where llords are placed. IS used to see how a certain planet Is affecting you rmind. IF
planet joing janma tara, if good planet then auspicious result from mind, you are happy. It make you
consider going on in this life. One malefic and you feel like leaving, Gives inauspicious experiences in
relation to janma tara if malefici here . When negatives arise comet to mind. Generally look what planets
in what tara form mon to see how it affects you. Some say you can even do it form atmakaraka, and
other places but he doesn go there so much..this does not relate to body parts..
Body parts start from krittika staic one and dynamic one from lagna. Divided into three parts and after
that nine portions to see which body part. This would require some research. He does not have many
clients who have lost body parts,etc… Worth experimenting to see what physical affects are , burning,
internal, various effect, but he doesn’t know m uch of its use.
Visit recommends Freedom Cole’s new book. Last time talked about 27 or 28 scheme. Coming to this
have you studied shree yantra? Real aspect of shri yantra that discerns it from other yantras ar e the
ways the triangles are put. Triangle in middle is forming and if you count the triangles, w ill come to a
number of 27. To activate any yantra must put some sindoor in the middle – that is the 28
nakshtra…Shree is embodying nakshtra somehow. What does shri and nakshtra have to do with
eachother? Shree Shakti is the maintaining energy as compared to the other energies, exures sustenece
and maintainence – just as the moon does? Can be just getting food or in form of spouse or great
support group from world. Basically all about Lakshmi. Main purpose of Lakshmi send from Venus (2
th th
and 7 house, food and dwara? The door to t he world – not just spouse from 7 ). Fame comes from shri
Shakti and seventh, not from 2 house. Everyone who will come to you for advice , ask questions know
th th
youetc…For Jyoitsh purposes see 7 hoe form moon to see who will come to you. 7 house form moon
will show how your fame is coming. Similarly how will your fame be sustained in the world? How long
will your fame last? From nakshatra dispositer of moon itself. IF m oon is Pushya, Saturn lord and well
plaed in chart may have lating fame. C haitanya mapabhu, Krishna, rama – their nakshtra lords would be
very strong in the chart. Krishna born in Rohini, moon rules this, is exalted in LAgna – doesn’t get any
body. Chaitanya nakshatra ruler is Mars, which is exalted in his chart. Rama, punavarsu or pushya both
Jupiter and Saturn exalted in chart.Some people have good placement of moon nakshtra not in rashi but
in navamasha which will be a blessing from God. Home much shri Shakti is there supporting you, this is
basic understanding that moon is thing sustaining you.
For every incarnation of Vishnu, moon must be strong in LAgna. That is real Vishnu avatar. Specific is
moon in lagna, guru –mars- sun – Saturn must have connection to each ot her in saturns navamasha or
makara since makara relates to kali yuga. Others are partial incarnations. Yuga calculations?
Achyutananda, predicted that in 2000 a chakra started which will last 184 years where interest in
spirituality, religion,temples will increase,..this is separate topic for mundane concerns and w hat not…
Shri Shakti comes from moon and nakshtra IF you want to sustain any activity in life must strengthen
nakshtra dipositor of yoga, or place in your chart you want strength in. Any worship of klakshmi is
souppossed to help Shakti in horoscope. Venus IS NOT LAKSHMI straight away. Venus has inherent
problem. Venus in seventh good? Okay, but your constantly running after opposite sex, your sense of
discrimination not working properly, sense not working properly. STright away. Venus always thinks
grass is greener on other side like mercury. Both are rajasic. Lakshmi is form that takes out this problem.
IF Venus has bad problems easier to do through maha vidya…If Venus is neecha or affliction, to rise out
of dirt use maha vidya. In normal cases use Lakshmi worship. Hari hara specific in prashna marga. Venus
associatedwith sattva is annporna, food goddnes, highest form of Venus, maintence. Venus in raj asic
placement is Lakshmi. Venusin tamasic placement is Yakshi? Which is a form of a spirit or ghost.
Basically form in which person will approach Venus. Can see where venusplaced and see how person
approaches sex, family,etc…Afflicted Venus shows warped ideas of re lationships. Should see Lakshmi as
mother and not a spouse, must come out of Venus’ weakness. See spouse as mother of creation and
start respecting her because of that. Ability to procreate and cause more life. That is what we are
starting to do when we worship Lakshmi. Don’t look at her wasit but what she gives you.
Naturally everyone wants to sustain arudha in this world. How do you do this in the world? Find
nakshtra AL is placed in. Degrre o f Lagna will be same as AL. Find nakshtra depositor of AL, wear a
gemstone and you are set for life. Visits is 3 degree AL, last pada of P. Bhadrapad. Lorded by Jupiter, if
he wears yellow sapphire will be good AL. Chandra is significator of gemstones. When we actually wear
gemstones it is strengthening NAkshtras, this is what is happening. All sorts o f stuff coming out of this,
yogi points,etc.. Comes from this and he doesn’t agree fully with this. Separate issue. Yogi point is all
about akash tattwa and binding you with world, also your approach to God. PEsons lagna is 15 leo, AL is
second nakshtra aries-bharani-venus – wear a Diamond? Not a follproof method because who says
Venus is good for you! Diamond good for someone else in class too. Sometimes the remedies mix very
well, if you get that life will be comfortable after that. Will get nice couch. Gemstones, before advising (
some people disagree with this). Some people have ver y fixed rules on gemstones. For ex ample, dhanus
th th
lagna diamond could be good IF venus has overpowering influence o n chart ( 6 and 11 lord). But
normally don’t advise this…Keep in mind what is chart showing you, don’t use simple drekkan or trikona
technique. What do you want to remedy? Is there ar e large yoga like kala sarpa? Forget other rules and
break the yoga. IF doubted good for someone, do jivakvacha? To gemstone and will ensure s tone will
not damage body no matter what. Every gemstone needs puja, to protect you. Put deity inside it. Don’t
rely on simple graha mantras and surely you will fall sick. Need to do with mantras from t he Rig Veda.
Increae your sattwa guna whith w hich you approach it. Lady decide to wear pearl and felt sick, so threw
it out. Then very qualified astrologer told her (ahyuta das at copper plate reader) and advised to wear
pearl again, but shocked. Person didn’t do jiva cavacha? To gemstone.
Moon has travveled certain portion in its nakshtra. Can be dicided in 1 2 signs. Divide nakshtra in 12
portions and see which number sign correlates to that number division you find. This sign is going to be
the course of your shree Shakti. Where she sits in your horoscope. When that portion is activated, shree
becomes stronger in you. You may get m arried. Get more money. May come into je welry or good
looking clothes. Some good things will come in this time. May have children. This is shree lagna. Source
of shri in life. Also calculate shool dasha. When the time comes for sign associated with this ( 7 sign
here?) then you could get married if Venus is here ecspecially…Jaimini says if lord of shree lagna is
exalted will make the person very wealthy. Put shool aside, see naryana dasha and when the sign
associated with shree comes, the shri will come..
Next principle.Find out degree of Sun including signs, and moon and signs, add them together. Calculate
from pushya nakshtra to where the deg ree will sit. THIS CALCULATION IS NOT TOTALLY CLEAR MUST
This is the yogi point. Pushya starts 3 degree 20 minutes of cancer. Visits is Pushya, his yoga with God
and spiritual people is coming through this nakshtra. Lord of this is Saturn. S o Saturn is going to show
how to sustain his spirituality, so as long as doing tradition is sustaining legence with God. Saturn in 11
shows old stuff, lineage. Very obsessed with what old people did. Sustains his interest.
Have talked about nakshatras. First talked about strengths and weakness. Next talked of devates, shri
and yogi point. The yogi planet is considered lord of your yoga nakshtra…Now small class on t he
bhamsa? This is the d27 chart. Whenever you t alk about nakshatra, strengths and wekness we are
talking about what goes on in mind at subconsoious mind too. Whenever talking about subconscious
mind must go to 27 and 30 d charts, these are the subconscious levels of the mind..d27 is subconscious
strengths nad eakness. Has two names, the bha chakra which means the sky. Can mean the signs,
because signs in sky based on suns movment. Whereas trimshamas we are in svar loka, no longer by soon as talking about svarga loka are talking about nakshatras. So bhuva loka is houses and
signs..Sun do not decide where nakshtra will fall, rising sign decides wher e signs and houses will be,
whereas if we talk about nakshtra are talking about stars…Not same nakshtras when analayzing chart.
Depending on which portion planet is in this 27 divison of c hart will be different. Taking sun sign dividing
into 27 portions…Which area in life there is more strength and more wekness. What is easier and what
is harder fgor you..Very easy method. In D2 7 houses chart, there are four types of signs – fiery
signs..these are first of the four yugs. What we learn is that where there is more shri Shakti there is
more sattva guna and there is more truth. Whever there is truth it will last. If no sattva guna it wont last.
Purans say say “om tat sat” before any activity to make sure it will last. Always say this. To be sure it will
last based on horoscope see d-27 chart. Will analayze nature of shri Shakti based on subconsoious level,
how much shri Shakti do each of your planets have. If planets in fiery signs in 2-27 will last. IF planets in
water signs – treat yuga signs, is good but not totally good. Dvarpa yuga are ariy signs and kali yuga are
the earthy signs…Plopanets in earthy signs means lots of har work. Take karaka…Take sun which is
atman..Analayze sun in spirituality here, if sun is in fiery signs here you will be able to do that easily .
Administratio for sun too.. Jupiter whether you can get involved in gnana, knowledge?.. Jupiter well
placed can easily learn Jyotish..Moon is mana, how strong is mind..Mars, do you have to fight for things
or do they have to try, ifm mars is in satya yuga things will come easy for you. Not even consider ex or
DB , jjust elements of signs. If mars in earth signs w ill have to fight even if exalted. Me, how is your
communication. Your vac. Have to work hard with it…ME bad placed w ill have to work hard at
profession. Exalted mercury makes people woirk very har din studies since it is in virgo. So those who
win in Kali yuga will win, mars in cap, me in virgo,etc.. Mon in Taurus has food they will win in kali yuga.
Interesintg..Shukra ..ohhh.relationships. Easy prediction. IF Venus in earthy sign in d-27 person will have
to work so hard on relationships. Such people have a lot of sorrow when it comes t o
relationships..Saturn, this is how much sorrow they will see and how much physical hard work to put in
to get what they want. To get what ? to overcome sorrow. To avoid stress and disease…Rahu is bhoga,
Ketu is moksha.. How easy are these aspects. Easier for you to walk over spiritual or material life? Once
you study this, you will think to just open s-27, forget the rashi..many people do this they are more
interested in your weakness and get more money out of you. This is useful to help people get over
weakenss… People like visit has Jupiter in earth sign here must work VERY heard to study astrology, but I
f I do will get a lot. This is the remedy you must remember. IF planet compels you to work hard. Work
hard. Kali yuga rasi you know you must fight and work hard for it . Just do it. You can give mantras, much
better…much easier.Is a way to give mantra for this. THi si place where atman and mans start talking to
each other and communicating. Shiva mantra best for atma, tell atma not to follow mind. Shiva makes
mana stronger. To strengthen must look at five tattwas. Are five mantras for shiva. If we do this can
remedy these weakeness we have…Take nama shivaya. Separate each syllable . na ma shi va ya. In t his
form we worship shiva to purify agni tattva. I F problem with sun mars Ke in horosscop must recite nama
shivaya. Talking D27 only here. Ma shivaya na (vayu or sa rahu). Next one is shivaya na ma is akash
(Jupiter). Putting nama after devatae you become c loser to devata. Next one is vaya na ma shi (small
exception on this one). Vaya na ma shi, exchange the shi with the ya so it is “ va shi na ma ya”. This is
only exception. This is earth/ mercury. Last one is ya na ma shiva ( JAla or Moon and Venus).
Can do this to increase akash tattwa do shivaya na ma, will help with Jupiter and astrology. If you w ant
to get children or marriage do the jala one. This I g reat for fixing problems in chart.
Must clarify how nakshtra are moving. How entire ayanamsa is moving. Will be simple about it. What is
ayanamsa. Have you noticed something peculiar. A math calculation the very easily proves earth is
moving around sun. Time it take moon in certain start ot go back to that same start / would
take 27 and a little bit days. This amount of days is also amount of nakshtras. Keep that in mind. When
you have measured this, if sun I sgo ing around earth that means when moon come back to place that
means exact time of month should be there..BUT ancients find out that new moon or full moon took 29
days..if whole thing revolving around earth the whole thing would take same amount of time. They
discovered, ecspecially greek philosphers that earth around sun and moon around ear th will give us
these differences. Otherwise would always be the same, months of 27 days. Astronomical proog that we
must be moving around the Sun.
Similarly when we calculate solar return or apparent movement of sun around earth. Position of
tropical Zodiac. Why do we do this? To measure seasons. The Equinox is time when seasons have
shifted. Spring equinox is in spring / aries. These are seasons. Calculate solar return, find out when it
comes back to that position and its degr ee. They figured out when it returns to this positon difference is
about 50 arc seconds every year. What is conclusion? Some people say stars / nakashtras are moving.
No! Just as this earth around sun, and sun is moving around something else. This is why difference is
occurring, sun is rotate around druhva loka, o r a point considering this. IN puranas. Some people say it
cant be possible, but I say whatever… Complete ayanamasha shift does not correspond to yugas, has
something to do with saptarishi movment. Don’t want to get in this. This is ayanamasha, it is not perfect
movement of sun moveing around this something. Just as earth moves around sun in eliptic circle, so
also sun moving around druvha loka in eliptic causing some things to be fater and simpler. This is simple.
Why problem in calculating ayanamsha? People confused when to consider tropical and sidereal z odiac
were the same. Some people claim there is more perfect because it aligns to a certain date, this is not a
right reasons separate issue. Second r eason is whether it always move with uniform arc se conds. I have
already shown that eliptic circle means variable speed for number two, but when was it same? Suray
siddhanta has given anser to two..Find out how long to go r ound bhuva loka how elipse was formed,all
in puranas. These people who have figured out this st uff other confusion is have years become csmaller
since earth is moving closer to sun. This can be know if moon is coming closer to earth…
When we understand that sun is also moving to drhuva loka center. IF we understand this astronomical
calulations will be perfect. For those people confused can g ive option, but if we can get the elipptical
movement perfect will have a perfect astronomical calculation. This is where all the probems lie. Why
important? The ayanmasha, sidereal zosiac is call naryana chakra. Tropical zodiac is syana chakra.
Tropical zodiac used to predict weather. Based on new moons for each place,. Winds going on for
nd th
Denmark, planets in 2 and 7 from lagna casuing wind disturbance basd on tropical. Naryaana shows
what is happening to people, because in this light is coming down. Light from stars is light of the devas.
When they say devas reside in svargea loka they mean they reside in the stars. So in svarga loka we can
see how human beings are being influenced bcasue t hey cause light and intelligence. IT means life and
light is being created so that is coming from there.
This is the concept of vedic astrology. The whole t hing revolves around this. 12 signs must be based on
solar movement? In the 360 degreess of sun movment he has 12 n ew moons. Based on this they made
12 signs. SO we are not even talking about stars about zodiacal signs. SO nakshatras are beyond these
signs. But nakashtras used to pinpoint when leo witll start and end. Cant say I was born leo start sign.
Star sign of leo is very big, was 45 degrees, more than thirty degrees. Cannot say these signs are based
on actual start signs. No. They are based on full moon. Scorpio will be small. Capricorn is around 30. This
is mixed zodiac. Not basis of vedic astrology. Some people believe they were using 13 sings in I reland.
Doesn’t make sense. Basis is 12 full moons c ausing twelve signs. Why there are twelve..
Finally we must come from 12 signs to nakshtra basd on the moon. These nakshatras show sustenance
and maintanaence becasuet htye are re lated to the moon. There is some separating influence..moon is
desire that caused our birth. This atman which is sun was forced to be attached to that mana, so rasis
are FORCED to be attached to nakshtras and are being pulled by t he nakshatras. Otherwise how will we
say that nakashtras are deciding what signs will do. I t means nakshatras and moon caused our birth. IF
you understand this will know how long you stay in body and what has been put in the mind to casue
the birth. The desire. Among the panchanga the nakshtras has vayu tattwa. Why? Vayu has to do with
longevity. Not just this. Vayu is movement. How do you know you are moving somewhere? Yo have
covered span of space. Yau has a separating influence. Vayu and akash are opposites of each other.
Akash means everywhere, vayu means you have to differentiate. I am in this space and not this space.
This is ahamkara. I am this not that. Ve dic seers said I am this not that. Vayu has caused atma to be
attached to the mind. Naturally nakshatra caused you to be different form the atma. That nakahstara
for mind or others will show what casued your birth. Why did you think you were different?
Big difference between calling shani, yama, and other name s…Should be careful in how you are
appraoaching Saturn. IF you say different names is different. Kala is opposite sun, arki etc… He can
change his form in plantary system. IF auspicious is yama, inauspicious is shani. Have to get into tattwas.
IF you analyze creation tattwas c ame up to cause the changes..planets came later. Question is which
tattwas are causing various embodiments of ourselves to be there? Vayu tattwa has caused rebirth of
EVERYONE. You are this you are that, go ahe ad go play with that..
So nakshatras and vayu. Just as you see nakshatra lord t o see something?, can be used to see how long
your body will last. Since your incarnation ahs been united with you r mind and moon, as wella s lagna /
though coming in the lagna, to see your palce in this world your AL, these placement can be seen to see
your health. Upadesa. Count from lagna nakshtra to AL nakshtras. Co unt how many nakshtras are there.
Is it 1, 2, 3, etc.. IF number is odd sign it is very good for your health. You keep healthy. Way you think (
lagna) and way you are staying in this world ( AL) menas is good relationship. Even sign means you keep
bad health. Here we see how mind is working together with the sharira. IT shows what is not there…Are
you thinking properly in way to make sure your helath will be sustained? OR are you developing more
and more toxins? Are you deliberately eating wrong things without knowing..Doing something out of
your way casuing something wrong to health? Vistis LAgna is vishaka. AL is in purva bhadrapada. They
are in trines so it will be easy, it must be ninth nakshtra. That is odd so he keeps healthy. Someone else
has even number, better he follows others advice than his own regarding health. He must be very
careful. Very simple rule. Navatara system also used with t his but different. Even there ninth is