Working For Patients (1989) : White Paper
Working For Patients (1989) : White Paper
Working For Patients (1989) : White Paper
Médico Reumatólogo, Doctor en Medicina, Especialista en Auditoría Médica N° A-007, Calidad en Salud, Calidad en Educación y
Acreditación Universitaria, Emeritus Member American College of Rheumatology Nº 15143, Fellow American College of Physicians Nº
046247, Individual Member International Society for Quality in Health Care N° 1000149. Director del Diplomado de Auditoría Médica
Basada en la Evidencia de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas - UPC
white paper
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José Leonardo Piscoya Arbañil
Médico Reumatólogo, Doctor en Medicina, Especialista en Auditoría Médica N° A-007, Calidad en Salud, Calidad en Educación y
Acreditación Universitaria, Emeritus Member American College of Rheumatology Nº 15143, Fellow American College of Physicians Nº
046247, Individual Member International Society for Quality in Health Care N° 1000149. Director del Diplomado de Auditoría Médica
Basada en la Evidencia de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas - UPC
The white paper was also positive about the role the private sector could play,
citing its
competitive tendering
exercise for
ancillary services
Ancillary services are provided in a healthcare setting but are not directly
involved in the provision of care, such as transporting patients or
cleaning. Close
as having been a success. The government suggested that there was scope for
wider use of competitive tendering beyond non-clinical services, and health
authorities were expected to consider private providers as part of their
purchasing role.
'The National Health Service at its best is without equal ... The National Health
Service will continue to be available to all regardless of income, and to be
financed mainly out of general taxation. But a major task now faces us: to bring
all parts of the National Health Service up to the very high standard of the best,
while maintaining the principles on which it was founded ... We aim to extend
patient choice, to delegate responsibility to where the services are provided and
to secure the best value for money. All the proposals in this white paper put the
needs of patients first.' (Margaret Thatcher in the foreword to Working for
patients 1989)
(Margaret Thatcher in the foreword to the 1989 white paper Working for
Administrative structure
The government proposed the establishment of an NHS Policy Board that
would determine strategy, objectives and the finances of the NHS and would
also set objectives for the NHS Management Executive. The NHS Management
Executive would deal with operational matters and would be responsible for
managing family practitioner services (FPSs). Regional health authorities
(RHAs) and district health authorities (DHAs) were to continue but would be
M. Barbieri N 0 182 - Lima 41, PERU Teléfono Celular movistar 51 1 999 920 948
Correo electrónico: [email protected].
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José Leonardo Piscoya Arbañil
Médico Reumatólogo, Doctor en Medicina, Especialista en Auditoría Médica N° A-007, Calidad en Salud, Calidad en Educación y
Acreditación Universitaria, Emeritus Member American College of Rheumatology Nº 15143, Fellow American College of Physicians Nº
046247, Individual Member International Society for Quality in Health Care N° 1000149. Director del Diplomado de Auditoría Médica
Basada en la Evidencia de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas - UPC
reduced in size and reformed into more businesslike organisations (ie they
would be smaller, with executive and non-executive directors, and no longer
contain members from interest groups, local authorities and so on). DHAs were
expected to delegate operational responsibilities to hospitals wherever possible.
The government proposed that DHAs should have a duty to purchase the best
possible services. This might mean a DHA purchasing services from other DHA
hospitals or from the private sector rather than their own hospitals.
The white paper also set out plans for independent audit. The government
proposed to give the Audit Commission responsibility for the statutory external
audit of NHS organisations in England and Wales. Previously this had been
undertaken by health departments. The government was keen to encourage a
greater focus on value for money and felt that scrutiny from an external,
independent body would be more effective. Working for patients also introduced
the concepts of clinical audit in hospitals and in
primary care
The provisions in the white paper were realised through the National Health
Service and Community Care Act 1990.
M. Barbieri N 0 182 - Lima 41, PERU Teléfono Celular movistar 51 1 999 920 948
Correo electrónico: [email protected].
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