Industrial and Genset Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment Issue 16

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Installation manual

Exhaust gas aftertreatment

Industrial engines
DC09, DC13, DC16

399 091
01:07 Issue 17 en-GB
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden

Changes from the previous issue............................................................................ 3 Position ............................................................................................................. 39

Mounting........................................................................................................... 41
SCR and reductant .................................................................................................. 3 Connecting the reductant tank .......................................................................... 44
Vibration limits ................................................................................................... 3 Ventilation ........................................................................................................ 48
Available lengths of reductant hoses ................................................................ 49
System overview – Stage V ..................................................................................... 4 Coolant connections on the engine ................................................................... 50
System overview of mechanics ........................................................................... 4
System overview of electrics............................................................................... 5 Warnings and torque reduction for Stage V ...................................................... 51
Exhaust pipe ........................................................................................................ 6 Reaction at low reductant level......................................................................... 52
Reaction to faults in the exhaust gas aftertreatment system. ............................ 53
Components – Stage V ............................................................................................ 9 Regeneration of the particulate filter ................................................................ 54
Particulate filter unit............................................................................................ 9
Differential pressure sensor............................................................................... 12 Warnings and torque reduction for Stage IIIB/IV/Tier 4i/Tier 4f................... 55
SCR unit ............................................................................................................ 14 Reaction at low reductant level......................................................................... 55
Exhaust gas temperature sensor ........................................................................ 18 Reaction to fault in SCR system....................................................................... 56
NOx sensor........................................................................................................ 18
Periodic hydrocarbon evaporation for Stage IV/V/Tier 4f engines ................. 57
System overview – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i ............................. 20 Engines without exhaust brake ......................................................................... 58
System overview of mechanics ......................................................................... 20 Engines with exhaust brake .............................................................................. 58
System overview of electrics............................................................................. 21
Exhaust pipe ...................................................................................................... 22 Important data ...................................................................................................... 59

Components – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i .................................... 25

Oxidation catalytic converter ............................................................................ 25
Evaporator ......................................................................................................... 26
Hydrolysis catalytic converter........................................................................... 29
SCR catalytic converter..................................................................................... 31
Exhaust gas temperature sensor ........................................................................ 32
NOx sensor........................................................................................................ 32

Reductant tank ...................................................................................................... 35

Tank volumes .................................................................................................... 36
Dimensions........................................................................................................ 37

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 2

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Changes from the previous issue

Changes from the previous issue Rec. % by weight of urea Limit values according to ISO 22241
The changes made in this document compared with the previous issue are marked 32.5% 31.8-33.2%
with a line in the left-hand margin. The changes are also described below.

• Information about Stage V engines has been added. IMPORTANT!

• The illustration in section Drain hole for the reductant tank has been corrected.
Cleanliness is very important when working on the reductant circuit. Clean thorough-
• The illustration in section Connection of reductant doser for Stage IV/Tier 4f and ly around all parts to prevent dirt from entering the system.
Stage III B/Tier 4i has been corrected.
When working on the SCR system, the reductant connections may only be lubricated
with soapy water or with distilled water with a 3% urea mixture. Any other types of
SCR and reductant lubricants may block and damage the components in the SCR system.

SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) is a system in which reductant is added to the Reductant is highly corrosive. For this reason, only pipes and couplings resistant to
exhaust gases in order to reduce the nitrogen oxide (NOx) content. This document de- urea may be used in the SCR system. Always rinse away reductant spillage on con-
scribes SCR system components and how they should be connected. nections and other parts with lukewarm water to prevent corrosion. If reductant seeps
into electrical connections or electrical cables, these must be renewed.
Reductant is a solution consisting of urea and water, and is usually called AdBlue®,
DEF, ARLA 32 eller AUS 32, depending on the market. If the engine is equipped
with an SCR system, the reductant is added to the exhaust gases upstream of the cat- Vibration limits
alytic converter. This reduces nitrogen oxide emissions.
The components in the SCR system, including the oxidation catalytic converter,
Reductant in accordance with ISO 22241 contains 32.5% by weight of urea and evaporator, hydrolysis catalytic converter, SCR catalytic converter and reductant
freezes at approximately -11°C (12°F). When the solution freezes, ice and urea al- tank, may not be exposed to vibration levels above 3.0 g in the frequency range 8-
ways maintain the same concentration. Always store reductant at a temperature be- 500 Hz, if they are not engine-mounted.
tween -11°C and 30°C (12-86°F).
The installation contractor must install the SCR components in such a way that they
are exposed to as little vibration from the surroundings as possible. This applies to
IMPORTANT! e.g. vibrations caused by the firing order, timing gear or road. Resonant frequencies
under 300 Hz must be avoided. Scania refers to ISO standard 16750 for more infor-
In order for the emission control to meet the emission requirements set by the public mation on vibrations.
authorities, the reductant should be specified in accordance with ISO 22241.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 3

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
System overview – Stage V

System overview – Stage V

System overview of mechanics 9
X = the component is always supplied from the factory. O = the component may be
supplied from the factory as an option.
Component Supplied from
the factory
1. Exhaust pipe bend with connection for NOx sensor T131. X1 6
2. Exhaust bellows. O
3. Oxidation catalytic converter. X
4. Particulate filter. X 8
5 11
5. Exhaust bellows. O 4
6. Evaporator. X 3
7. SCR catalytic converter. X 13
8. Adapter with connection for NOx sensor T115 X
9. Pressure hose for reductant. X
10. Reductant return hose. X
11. Reductant tank. X
12. Coolant hose for heating the reductant tank and pump. -
13. Coolant hose, return from heating the reductant tank and -
reductant pump.
1. 90° exhaust pipe bend and exhaust brake is available as an option. 2

397 337
01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 4
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
System overview – Stage V

System overview of electrics

Connection of harness-to-harness connectors on the reductant tank is described in
section Connecting the reductant tank. Connection to the engine control unit is de-
scribed in 03:01 Electrical system.

1. NOx sensor T131 with control unit.
2. Exhaust gas temperature sensor T4012.
3. Exhaust gas temperature sensor T4010.
4. Differential pressure sensor T141.
5. Exhaust gas temperature sensor T113.
6. Reductant doser V117.
7. NOx sensor T115 with control unit. 5 4
8. Engine control unit.

400 242
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© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
System overview – Stage V

Exhaust pipe
Pipe lengths
Pipe sec- Description Pipe length (mm)
A From the adapter for NOx sensor Max. 1,700.
T131 to the oxidation catalytic
converter inlet.
A+B Total length from the adapter for Max. 2,700.
NOx sensor T131 to the evaporator B
intake, excluding the particulate
filter unit (oxidation catalytic con-
verter and particulate filter).
C From the adapter for NOx sensor At least 500 mm.
T115 to the exhaust outlet.

The exhaust gas temperature may drop excessively in the system if the total length
between the NOx sensor adapter outlet and the evaporator inlet exceeds 2,700 mm.
There is then a great risk that the engine will go into heating mode, which can in-
crease fuel consumption. The maximum permitted exhaust gas temperature reduc-
tion is indicated in 01:04 Exhaust system.

397 339
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© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
System overview – Stage V

Pipe sec- Description Pipe length (mm)

D Straight pipe section up- At least 200 mm.
stream of the adapter for
NOx sensor T115.
The requirement for pipe length D applies only if a 90° pipe bend is connected di-
rectly downstream of the SCR unit.

399 087
01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 7
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
System overview – Stage V

Pipe material
Scania recommends that the exhaust pipe between the particulate filter unit and SCR
unit be made from stainless metal type 1.4301 or 1.4509, US grade 316L or equiva-

Other instructions on exhaust system shape and fitting are available in 01:04 Exhaust

Other requirements
There must always be a flexible connection between the turbocharger and particulate
filter unit. Scania also recommends a flexible connection between the particulate fil-
ter unit and SCR unit due to tolerances and heat expansion. Also see 01:04 Exhaust

Tightening torque for V-clamps

The tightening torque for all V-clamps in the exhaust gas aftertreatment system is
20 Nm.


Scania recommends that the V-clamps in the exhaust gas aftertreatment system be
retightened when the engine has reached the operating temperature for the first time.
Carry out the retightening when the engine has cooled down again.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 8

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage V

Components – Stage V 1 2 3

Particulate filter unit

The particulate filter unit consists of an intake with oxidation catalytic converter, a
particulate filter and an outlet. The inlet with oxidation catalytic converter and outlet 360° 360°
can be rotated 360°. The arrows show the exhaust gas direction through the particu-
late filter unit.


There is a gasket between the oxidation catalytic converter and particulate filter, and

397 839
between the particulate filter and outlet. If the components are rotated: Detach the V-
clamps only so much that it is possible to rotate the components and be careful not to
damage the gaskets. Tightening torque: 20 Nm +-3 Nm. Particulate filter unit.
1. Intake and oxidation catalytic converter.
2. Particulate filter.
3. Outlet.


The particulate filter unit must not be positioned so that the oxidation catalytic con-
verter is lower than the particulate filter. There is a channel to the differential pres-
sure sensor inside the particulate filter where condensation may accumulate if the
oxidation catalytic converter is positioned lower than the particulate filter.

The positioning of the particulate filter unit is also limited by the inclination of the

400 845
differential pressure sensor. See Differential pressure sensor.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 9

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage V

Dimensions and attachment

The particulate filter unit is available in 2 versions. See the illustrations on the right
and below.

Engine L1 (mm) L2 (mm) L3 (mm)

DC09 603 747 305
DC13 679 823 380


397 837
L2 425

The particulate filter unit is supplied with 2 retaining straps with brackets. Attach the 4xØ13
brackets with flange screw M12 or a common screw of a suitable length. Use an M12
flange nut if necessary.

Tightening torques
M12 70 Nm

Retaining strap 39 Nm

397 838

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 10

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage V

When the particulate filter unit is installed, the clearances below should be observed
so that the particulate filter unit can be maintained and repaired in a simple way. The
clearances depend on how the particulate filter unit is installed. Dimension A, how-
ever, always applies.

mm Purpose
A 100 Renewing particulate filter.
B 140 Renew particulate filter with vertically installed bracket. In
order to renew the particulate filter, screw 1 must be

398 030
C 100 Renew particulate filter with horizontally installed bracket.


398 033
398 032

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 11

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage V

Differential pressure sensor

A differential pressure sensor must be fitted on the particulate filter.

Tightening torques
1. Union nut 40 Nm
2. Nut M6 8 Nm
3. Hexagon socket screw M6 8 Nm

399 644
The differential pressure sensor must be fitted so that there is no risk of it coming into
contact with water, as it is damaged by moisture.


The differential pressure sensor must not be inclined when compared to the horizon-
tal plane. There must be a continuous inclination in pipes and hoses in order to pre-
vent water from collecting in them and freezing.

400 364
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© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage V

max 30°
The differential pressure sensor must be slightly inclined when compared to the ver-
tical plane, so that condensation can run off it. Maximum installation angle is 30° rel-
ative to the vertical plane.

397 840
01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 13
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage V

SCR unit
The SCR unit consists of an evaporator and an SCR catalytic converter. The arrows 2
show the direction of exhaust gases into and out from the SCR unit.

399 084
SCR unit.
1. Evaporator.
2. SCR catalytic converter.

The SCR unit is available in 2 versions.

Engine L1 (mm) L2 (mm)

DC09 and DC13 up to 331 kW 518 763.5
DC13 over 331 kW 595 840.5

The tolerance for dimension L1 is ±3 mm.


399 085
L2 610

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 14

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage V

The SCR unit must be installed so that the reductant doser (1) meters downwards or 1
to one side. See illustration.

The SCR unit reductant doser should be positioned in a space where the ventilation
is as good as possible.


Maximum permitted ambient temperature at the reductant doser is 115°C.

400 178

On the SCR unit, there is a drain hole for emptying flush water (1). Scania recom-
mends that the SCR unit is positioned with the drain hole facing down.

399 674

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 15

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage V

Mounting 532.9
The SCR unit is fitted using the 7 holes on the front (1) and rear (2) bracket. Use at 511.9
least 3 of the holes on each end plate when mounting. The bracket thickness is 6 mm. 509.9 16.4




399 086
(7x) Ø10.5
Clearances 1. Front bracket on SCR unit.
When the SCR unit is installed, the clearances below should be observed so that the 2. Rear bracket on SCR unit.
SCR unit can be maintained and repaired in a simple way.

mm Purpose
A 140 Gaining access to the reductant doser and exhaust gas tem-
perature sensor, flushing clean the evaporator.
B 200 Checking the SCR catalytic converter using an endoscope,
draining flush water.

398 031

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 16

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage V

Fitting and connection of reductant doser

The reductant doser is fitted on the evaporator with 3 nuts.

Tightening torques
Nuts M6 10 Nm

Connection Remark 1
1. Reductant pressure pipe. Ø 8 mm
2. Reductant return pipe. Ø 10 mm 2
3. Electrical cable to reductant tank. V117

To ensure sufficient flow, hoses must not have any sharp bends and there must be no

399 088
spots where they are at risk of being pinched. The maximum bend radius for the hos-
es is 50 mm.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 17

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage V

Exhaust gas temperature sensor

The exhaust gas aftertreatment system is supplied with 3 exhaust gas temperature
sensors that must be fitted in the oxidation catalytic converter, particulate filter and
evaporator as illustrated. The sensors are connected to the EEC3 control unit in the
reductant tank. See Connecting the reductant tank. T4012 and T4010 have a common
cable harness which can be ordered in different lengths.

Make sure to position the sensors in the correct connection. The sensor body is
70 mm long for T4010 and 50 mm long for T4012.

NOx sensor T4012


399 089
The exhaust gas aftertreatment system is supplied with 2 NOx sensors with one con-
trol unit each: 148
• T131, which is located in the exhaust pipe bend or exhaust brake downstream of 108
the turbocharger.
• T115, which must be fitted in the supplied NOx adapter on the SCR unit outlet
Length of the electrical cable be- Tightening torques
tween NOx sensor and control


336 867
910 mm 50 ±10 Nm
NOx sensor.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 18

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage V

The adapter for NOx sensor T115 is available with different inside diameters for con-
nection of different pipe diameters downstream of the SCR system.
The sensor control units are connected to the EEC3 control unit in the reductant tank.
See Connecting the reductant tank. The control units should be fitted on the frame so
that they are shielded from radiated heat and knocks. The attachment holes have a
diameter of 8.3 mm. The electrical cables between the sensors and the control units
must not be spliced. The NOx sensors and control units must not be painted.

If the ambient temperature at the NOx sensor control units is too high, the control
units may be damaged.


Maximum permitted ambient temperature at the NOx sensor control units is 90 C.

Measure the ambient temperature when installation is complete. Refer to 01:08

340 441
Measuring instructions for installation inspection. 100


NOx sensor T115 must be fitted so that there is no risk of it coming into contact with 0
water, as it is damaged by moisture. The NOx sensor must be slightly inclined so that
condensation can drain from it. Maximum installation angle is 80° relative to the ver-
tical plane. This applies regardless of whether the exhaust pipe is installed horizon-
tally or vertically.
max 80 max 80

393 962
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© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
System overview – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i

System overview – Stage IV/Tier 4f and

Stage III B/Tier 4i 5

System overview of mechanics

Pos. Component Supplied Fitted by 3 6

from the fitter

factory 12

1 Evaporator with reductant doser1 X X

2 Pressure hose for reductant X X
3 Coolant hose for heating the reductant tank and - X
4 Coolant valve X - 11
5 Reductant return hose X X 8
6 Reductant tank X X
7 Coolant hose, return from heating the tank and - X

336 529
8 NOx sensor downstream of the turbocharger X -
with control unit2
9 Oxidation catalytic converter3 X X4
10 Exhaust gas temperature sensor X X
11 SCR catalytic converter X X
12 NOx sensor on the SCR catalytic converter out- X X
let side with control unit
1. Hydrolysis catalytic converter is used for DC16 Stage III B/Tier 4i.
2. Only Stage IV/Tier 4f.
3. Stage IV/Tier 4f only. Not DC13 085A and DC16.
4. Customer option.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 20

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
System overview – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i

System overview of electrics 4 6

Connection of harness-to-harness connectors on the reductant tank is described in
section Connecting the reductant tank. Connection to the engine control unit is de-
scribed in 03:01 Electrical system.
2 5
Component Fitted by fit-
1 Engine interface for SCR system -
2 Cable harness between engine and EEC3 control unit x 7
3 Electrical cable for NOx sensor downstream of the turbo- x 1
4 Electrical connection to SCR system -
5 Electrical cable for reductant doser x
6 Electrical cable for exhaust gas temperature sensor x
7 Electrical cable for NOx sensor on the outlet side of the SCR x

336 528
catalytic converter
1. Only Stage IV/Tier 4f.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 21

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
System overview – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i

Exhaust pipe
Pipe lengths


393 940

From To Pipe length (mm) Remarks

A Turbocharger Evaporator or hydrolysis catalytic con- 500-1,500
verter intake
B Turbocharger SCR catalytic converter intake Max. 3,500 Only applies to Stage IV/Tier 4f engines.
C Evaporator or hydrolysis catalytic converter outlet SCR catalytic converter intake 700-3,000
D NOx adapter Exhaust outlet Min.500 In order for the measurement of NOx content to
be correct.
Dimension B: For Stage IV/Tier 4f engines, the exhaust gas temperature may drop
too much in the system if the total length between the turbocharger and SCR catalytic
converter intake exceeds 3.5 metres. There is then a great risk that the engine will go
into heating mode, which can increase fuel consumption. The maximum permitted
exhaust gas temperature reduction is indicated in 01:04 Exhaust system.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 22

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
System overview – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i

Maximum pipe length to the oxidation catalytic converter

Max. 1000 mm
Maximum pipe length between the exhaust brake and the oxidation catalytic convert-
er intake is 1,000 mm.

Pipe material 2

336 766
The exhaust pipe between the evaporator or hydrolysis catalytic converter and the 3
SCR catalytic converter must be made from stainless metal type 1.4301 or 1.4509,
US grade 316L or equivalent. Scania also recommends that this material is used for 1. Oxidation catalytic converter.
other exhaust pipes downstream of the SCR catalytic converter. 2. Exhaust bellows.
3. Exhaust brake.
Other instructions on exhaust system shape and fitting are available in 01:04 Exhaust

Other requirements
There must always be a flexible connection between the turbocharger and evaporator
or hydrolysis catalytic converter. See 01:04 Exhaust system.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 23

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
System overview – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i

Tightening torque for V-clamps

The tightening torques for the V-clamps in the SCR system are indicated in the illus-
trations to the right.


Scania recommends that the V-clamps in the SCR system are retightened after the
engine has reached operating temperature for the first time. Carry out the retighten-
ing when the engine has cooled down again.

393 941
Stage IV/Tier 4f.
1. 22 Nm.
Other V-clamps: 20 Nm.

2 3

393 943
Stage III B/Tier 4i.
1. 20 Nm.
2. 22 Nm.
3. 10 Nm.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 24

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i

Components – Stage IV/Tier 4f and

Stage III B/Tier 4i
Oxidation catalytic converter
The oxidation catalytic converter is found on all Stage IV/Tier 4f engines, apart from
DC13 085A and DC16.

The illustration shows the dimensions of the oxidation catalytic converter.

Ø 122

Ø 180
An oxidation catalytic converter that is not engine-mounted should be positioned be-
tween the exhaust brake and evaporator. Maximum distance between the exhaust
brake and oxidation catalytic converter intake is shown in section Maximum pipe

336 527
length to the oxidation catalytic converter. 320


The oxidation catalytic converter is supplied with 2 retaining straps with brackets.
The attachment holes have a diameter of 11 mm. Attach the brackets with M10 hex-
agon socket screws.

Tightening torques
M10 39 Nm
Retaining strap 20 Nm

340 431
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© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i

1 2
552 796
Stage IV/Tier 4f
The illustration shows the dimensions of the evaporator.




338 663
Stage IV/Tier 4f: Evaporator for
1. DC09 and DC13.
2. DC16.

Stage IIIB/Tier 4i
For engines certified according to Stage III B/Tier 4i, an evaporator is used for DC09 530.5
and DC13. For DC16, see Hydrolysis catalytic converter.

The illustration shows the dimensions of the evaporator.


393 952
Stage III B/Tier 4i: Evaporator for DC09 and DC13.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 26

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i

The evaporator must be fitted in the direction of the exhaust gases as illustrated. The
evaporator should be positioned in a space where the ventilation is as good as possi- max 90
ble. max 90


393 948
Maximum permitted ambient temperature at the evaporator is 115°C.
The evaporator must not be rotated so that the intake is positioned below the reduct-
ant doser (1). Maximum permitted rotation 90°.
The evaporator must be fitted horizontally.

Mounting 80
The evaporator is supplied with two retaining straps with brackets. The attachment
holes have a diameter of 13 mm. Attach the brackets with flange screw M12 or a
common screw of a suitable length. Use an M12 flange nut if necessary.

Tightening torques
M12 70 Nm
Retaining strap 39 Nm

340 432
01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 27
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i

Connection of reductant doser

Connection Remark
1. Reductant return hose. Ø 10 mm
2. Pressure hose for reductant. Ø 8 mm
3. Electrical cable to reductant tank. V117
To ensure sufficient flow, hoses must not have any sharp bends and there must be no
spots where they are at risk of being pinched. The maximum bend radius for the hos-
es is 50 mm.

399 703
Reductant doser.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 28

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i

Hydrolysis catalytic converter

For DC16 Stage III B/Tier 4i, a hydrolysis catalytic converter is used. 466

The illustration shows the dimensions of the hydrolysis catalytic converter.



393 967
The hydrolysis catalytic converter must be fitted in the direction of the exhaust gases
as illustrated. The hydrolysis catalytic converter should be positioned in a space
where the ventilation is as good as possible. Maximum permitted ambient tempera-
ture 115°C.

395 006
01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 29
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i

The hydrolysis catalytic converter must be rotated so that the reductant doser (1) is
positioned in area 2.
3 1
+ 45˚
The hydrolysis catalytic converter must not be rotated so that the reductant doser (1)
is positioned in area 3.

+ 85˚ - 85˚
Connection of the reductant doser is described in section Connection of reductant

340 439


The hydrolysis catalytic converter is supplied with 1 retaining strap with bracket. The
attachment holes have a diameter of 13 mm. Attach the bracket with flange screw
M12 or a common screw of a suitable length. Use an M12 flange nut if necessary.

Tightening torques
M12 70 Nm
Retaining strap 39 Nm

337 276
01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 30
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i

SCR catalytic converter A

Emission class, Stage IV/Tier 4f
Engine Engine power (hp) Dimension A (mm)
DC09 84/85/87/89A 275-350 786

ø 348,5
DC09 86A 375-400 900
DC13 84/87/89A 350-450 900
DC13 85A 500-550 970

335 259
DC16 550-770 970

Emission class, Stage IIIB/Tier 4i

Engine Engine power (hp) Dimension A (mm)
DC09 200-400 786
DC13 350-550 858
DC16 550-700 1,060 130

The SCR catalytic converter is supplied with two retaining straps with brackets. The
attachment holes have a diameter of 13 mm. Attach the brackets with flange screw
M12 or a common screw of a suitable length. Use an M12 flange nut if necessary.

Tightening torques
M12 70 Nm
Retaining strap 39 Nm

340 434
01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 31
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i

Exhaust gas temperature sensor

An exhaust gas temperature sensor must be fitted on the inlet side of the SCR cata-
lytic converter. The tightening torque for the exhaust temperature sensor is 35-
40 Nm.

340 440
Exhaust gas temperature sensor.

NOx sensor
The exhaust gas aftertreatment system is supplied with 1 or 2 NOx sensors with con-
trol unit.

• SCR systems according to Stage IV/Tier 4f have 2 NOx sensors: T131, which is
located in the exhaust brake housing, and T115, which is fitted according to the
description on the following page.
• SCR systems according to Stage IIIB/Tier 4i have 1 NOx sensor: T115, which is
fitted as described on the following page. 108

Electrical cable length (mm) Tightening torque (Nm)

910 50 ±10


336 867
NOx sensor T131 and T115.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 32

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i

The sensor control units are connected to the EEC3 control unit in the reductant tank.
See Connecting the reductant tank. The control units should be fitted on the frame so
that they are shielded from radiated heat and knocks. The attachment holes have a
diameter of 8.3 mm. The electrical cables between the sensors and the control units
must not be spliced. The NOx sensors and control units must not be painted.
If the ambient temperature at the NOx sensor control units is too high, the control
units may be damaged.


Maximum permitted ambient temperature at the NOx sensor control units is 90 C.

Measure the ambient temperature when installation is complete. Refer to 01:08
Measuring instructions for installation inspection.

Fit the supplied NOx adapter on the outlet side of the SCR catalytic converter. The
adapter has a connection for NOx sensor T115 (black electrical cable). The NOx
adapter is available with different inside diameters for connection of different pipe
diameters downstream of the SCR system. The tightening torque for the V-clamp be-
tween the SCR catalytic converter outlet and the NOx adapter is 20 Nm.

340 441

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 33

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Components – Stage IV/Tier 4f and Stage III B/Tier 4i


The NOx sensor must be fitted so that there is no risk of it coming into contact with
water, as it is damaged by moisture. The NOx sensor must be slightly inclined so that
condensation can drain from it. Maximum installation angle is 80° relative to the ver-
max 80 max 80
tical plane. This applies regardless of whether the exhaust pipe is installed horizon-
tally or vertically.

393 962
The illustration shows an example of NOx sensor installation in a vertical exhaust
max 80

393 964
01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 34
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Reductant tank

Reductant tank 1 2 3 4 5
Reductant tanks come in 5 different sizes. The volumes specified below the illustra-
tion refer to fill volumes.
The reductant pump and EEC3 control unit are located on the reductant tank. The re-

397 143
ductant tank is heated via the engine cooling system.

Scania advises against manufacturing your own reductant tank. 1. 38 litres.

2. 60 litres.
The reductant tank and reductant pick-up unit are designed to withstand freezing. 3. 45 litres.
The logics for e.g. heating are also adapted for a special tank design. 4. 63 litres.
5. 70 litres.
A filler filter with magnet is fitted in the reductant tank to prevent the reductant from
becoming contaminated when topping up. The filler filter with magnet is used when
topping up at a filling station. A filler filter without magnet is also supplied which is
intended for use when manually topping up reductant.


In order to allow the reductant to expand when it freezes, the reductant tank must not
be filled to its full capacity. Refer to the next page.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 35

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Reductant tank

Tank volumes
The tank volumes specified in the table below are defined as follows:

• Total volume: The sum of fill volume, expansion volume and reserve volume. A
• Expansion volume (A): The space required for the reductant to expand if it freez-
es. The reductant expands by 7% when freezing, and the freezing point is -11°C.
• Fill volume (B): Volume available for metering.
• Reserve volume (C): The volume required to prevent air from entering the sys-
tem, and to cool the reductant doser. The system automatically stops metering re-
ductant when the level has dropped to the reserve volume.

The reductant doser is cooled using the reductant. If the reductant doser is not cooled,
it breaks after a few minutes under normal exhaust gas temperature. Therefore, there
must always be at least a reserve volume in the tank. C

397 144
Reductant tank 1 2 3 4 5
A Expansion volume (l) 5 8 7.5 10 7 1 2 3 4 5
B Fill volume (l) 38 60 45 63 70
C Reserve volume (l) 7 7 7.5 7 13
Total volume (l) 50 75 60 80 90

397 143
Volume for first filling 45 67 52.5 70 83

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 36

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Reductant tank

Dimensions 720 280

Dimensions for 38 litre reductant tank

Emission class Dimension A

Stage V/Stage IV/Tier 4f 671
Stage III B/Tier 4i 680 A

338 661
Dimensions for 60 litre reductant tank
725 280
Emission class Dimension A
Stage V/Stage IV/Tier 4f 788.3
Stage III B/Tier 4i 803

338 662
01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 37
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Reductant tank

Dimensions for 45 litre reductant tank Dimensions for 63 litre reductant tank

510 415 668 414


340 427
353 437
Dimensions for 70 litre reductant tank


349 418

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 38

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Reductant tank

Position 1 2 3 4
In order to renew the reductant filter in a simple way, the reductant tank must be po-
sitioned so that clearance A is at least 200 mm for the 38, 60 and 70 litre tanks and
300 mm for the 45 and 63 litre tanks. If the tank has a casing, it must be easily acces-

When carrying out repair work on the pump and control unit, the reductant tank A
should be removed. A

If the reductant is exposed to high temperatures, there is a risk that it separates. The

353 438
reductant then cannot reduce the amount of nitrogen oxide in the exhaust gases as it
should, which leads to the engine installation not meeting emissions requirements.
A = Free space required for prefilter renewal.
1. A = 200 mm (38 and 60 litre tanks).
REQUIREMENT! 2. A = 300 mm (45 litre tank).
3. A = 300 mm (63 litre tank).
The reductant tank must not be positioned close to the exhaust system or any sources 4. A = 200 mm (70 litre tank).
of heat which may cause the reductant to be heated to more than 55°C. Measure the
temperature in the reductant tank space when installation is complete. Refer to 01:08
Measuring instructions for installation inspection.


The reductant tank must not be twisted or tipped in relation to the lode line when it
is installed.

340 436
01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 39
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Reductant tank

Drain hole 140 140

At the bottom of the reductant tank, there is a drain hole for emptying reductant. Sca-
nia recommends that enough free space is left around the drain hole so that it is pos- 1 2
sible to access the drain hole and drain the reductant tank.



131. 5
The location of the drain hole for different reductant tanks is shown in the illustra-
tions. The tanks are shown from below. The holes have M18 threads.

269 296

4 5



399 083
1. 38 litre tank.
2. 60 litre tank.
3. 45 litre tank.
4. 63 litre tank.
5. 70 litre tank.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 40

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Reductant tank

Attaching the 38 and 60 litre tanks

The reductant tanks with a capacity of 38 and 60 litres are fitted using six M14 studs.
The bracket is threaded so that screws without nuts can be used if the studs are re-

340 437
Bracket for the 38 and 60 litre reductant tanks.


340 438

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 41

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Reductant tank

Attaching the 45 litre tank 390

The 45 litre tank is fitted by means of a bracket at the bottom of the tank. There are 15
2 methods of fitting the bracket. Either screw on the bracket by screwing M14 screws 55
into the threaded nuts, or fit the bracket using the 2 holes with a diameter of 14 mm.


353 440

Attaching the 63 litre tank

The 63 litre tank is fitted by means of a bracket at the bottom of the tank. There are
2 methods of fitting the bracket. Either screw on the bracket by screwing M14 screws 390
into the threaded nuts. In this case use at least six of the eight nuts. It also is possible 2x16
to fit the bracket using 6 holes with a diameter of 14 mm. 40,2

121,4 2x631

340 430
01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 42
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Reductant tank

Attaching the 70 litre tank

The reductant tank with a volume of 70 litres is fitted using the 6 holes with a diam-

55 30
eter of 15 mm.


349 421

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 43

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Reductant tank

Connecting the reductant tank

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Connecting the 38 and 60 litre reductant tanks
Connection Description
1. C316 Reductant doser (V117).
2. C4012 Exhaust gas temperature sensor up- 1
stream of catalytic converter (T113).
3. C4132 The exhaust gas temperature sensor
upstream of the oxidation catalytic
converter (T4012) and downstream of 10
the oxidation catalytic converter
Note: Only applies to Stage V.
4. Coolant from engine Union, Ø 16 mm 11
5. C4131 Differential pressure sensor (T141).
Note: Only applies to Stage V.
6. C7 Voltage supply from the engine,
7. C4011 NOx sensor downstream of catalytic
converter (T115).
8. C4051 NOx sensor upstream of the catalytic
converter (T131).
Note: Only applies to Stage IV/
Tier 4f and Stage V.
9. Coolant return to engine Union, Ø 16 mm
10. Pressure hose for reductant to reduct- SAE J2044, Ø 6.30 mm. 12
ant doser

397 834
11. Return hose for reductant to reductant SAE J2044, Ø 7.89 mm.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 44

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Reductant tank

Connection Description
12. Ventilation hose. -

Connecting the 45 and 63 litre reductant tanks

The illustration shows a 63 litre tank, but the connection is the same on the 45 litre

Connection Description 11
1. C7 Voltage supply from the engine,
2. C4132 The exhaust gas temperature sensor
upstream of the oxidation catalytic 10
converter (T4012) and downstream of 1
the oxidation catalytic converter
(T4010). 9
Note: Only applies to Stage V.
3. C4012 Exhaust gas temperature sensor up-
stream of catalytic converter (T113). 8
4. C4131 Differential pressure sensor (T141).
Note: Only applies to Stage V.
5. C316 Reductant doser (V117). 7
6. Pressure hose for reductant to reduct- SAE J2044, Ø 6.30 mm.
ant doser
7. Coolant from engine Union, Ø 16 mm 4 6
8. C4051 NOx sensor upstream of the catalytic
converter (T131).

397 835
Note: Only applies to Stage IV/ 5
Tier 4f and Stage V.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 45

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Reductant tank

Connection Description
9. C4011 NOx sensor downstream of catalytic
converter (T115).
10. Coolant return to engine Union, Ø 16 mm
11. Return hose for reductant to reductant SAE J2044, Ø 7.89 mm.
12. Ventilation hose. -

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 46

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Reductant tank

Connecting the 70 litre reductant tank

Connection Description 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. C4011 NOx sensor downstream of catalytic 1
converter (T115).
2. C4051 NOx sensor upstream of the catalytic 11
converter (T131).
Note: Only applies to Stage IV/ 12 8
Tier 4f and Stage V.
3. C4131 Differential pressure sensor (T141). 9
Note: Only applies to Stage V.
4. C7 Voltage supply from the engine, 10
5. C316 Reductant doser (V117).
6. Pressure hose for reductant to reduct- SAE J2044, Ø 6.30 mm.
ant doser
7. Coolant from the engine. Union, Ø 16 mm

397 836
8. C4012 Exhaust gas temperature sensor up-
stream of catalytic converter (T113).
7. C4132 The exhaust gas temperature sensor
upstream of the oxidation catalytic
converter (T4012) and downstream of
the oxidation catalytic converter
Note: Only applies to Stage V.
10. Coolant return to engine Union, Ø 16 mm
11. Return hose for reductant to reductant SAE J2044, Ø 7.89 mm.
12. Ventilation hose

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 47

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Reductant tank


Min 400
The reductant tank is supplied with a hose with ventilation filter. The filter must be
positioned high enough that the reductant cannot come into contact with the filter.
The filter should be positioned as high as possible, but at least 400 mm above the re-
ductant tank. The filter should be positioned so that it is protected from rain.

353 441
01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 48
© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Reductant tank

Available lengths of reductant hoses

You can order reductant hoses with the total length 2.5 m, 4 m, 5 m or 6.5 m. Below
you can see how much of the reductant hose length from the reductant pump is not
available for installation. The value is the longest measurement which is unavailable,
no matter whether it is a pressure hose or return hose.

1 2 3 4 5

366 207
Hose length which is unavailable for installation, between the reductant pump and the marking.
1. 38 litre tank: 0.8 m.
2. 60 litre tank: 0.9 m.
3. 45 litre tank: 0.7 m.
4. 63 litre tank: 1.1 m.
5. 70 litre tank: 0.8 m.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 49

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Reductant tank

Coolant connections on the engine A B

The illustrations show coolant connections on each engine type for heating the re- 2
ductant tank.

1. Return fluid to engine

2. Coolant from engine

Use a hose with an inside diameter of 16 mm for connection to the nipples.

The hose material should be resistant to refrigerant. The material must be type EPDM
or similar, and must be able to withstand a working pressure of at least 3.5 bar.

340 415
To ensure sufficient flow, hoses must not have any sharp bends and there must be no 1 2
spots where they are at risk of being pinched.
A. DC09 and DC13.
B. DC16.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 50

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Warnings and torque reduction for Stage V

Warnings and torque reduction for Stage V

The system warns via CAN messages in the following cases

• emission-related faults,
• faults in the exhaust gas aftertreatment system,
• low reductant level in the reductant tank,
• the particulate filter needs to be regenerated.


There must be visual warnings in the instrument panel indicating emission-related

faults, faults in the exhaust gas aftertreatment system and low reductant level in the
reductant tank.
Emission-related faults should be indicated using the warning lamp in accordance Warning lamp for emission-related faults.
with ISO 7000 - 0640 (see illustration). For more information on connection, see the
message Malfunction Indicator in section DLN7 in 03:05 CAN interface.

There are no specific requirements for how other warnings should be displayed.
However, Scania recommends that the warning lamps described on the following
pages are used.
For all warnings, a fault code is generated via DM1 which describes in detail the
component affected by the fault and the type of fault.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 51

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Warnings and torque reduction for Stage V

Reaction at low reductant level

The system reacts to a low reductant level via the CAN message DLN8. For further
information on connection, see 03:05 CAN interface.

To indicate low reductant level, Scania recommends that the warning lamp according
to ISO 7000 - 2946 is used in accordance with the strategy below.

Level Warning lamp Status DLN8 Torque and speed control

20% Constant light Low Urea Level -
2.5% Flashes slowly (½ Fill Up Urea Torque is reduced by 1% per
Hz) minute to 75% of the highest
0% Flashes rapidly (2 Urea Tank Empty Torque is reduced by 1% per
Hz) minute to 50% of the highest

340 445
torque. The engine speed is re-
duced to 60% of the nominal Symbol for low reductant level.
engine speed.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 52

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Warnings and torque reduction for Stage V

Reaction to faults in the exhaust gas aftertreatment

The system reacts to faults in the exhaust gas aftertreatment system via the CAN
message DLN8. For further information on connection, see 03:05 CAN interface.

To indicate faults in the exhaust gas aftertreatment system, Scania recommends that
the warning lamp according to ISO 7000 - 2596 is used in accordance with the strat-
egy below.

Status DLN8 Time Torque reduction Time Torque and speed

Urea Quality After Torque is reduced After Torque is reduced
10 hours by 1% per minute 20 hours by 1% per minute
Dosing Error After to 75% of the high- After to 50% of the high-
10 hours est torque. 20 hours est torque. The en-
gine speed is
Monitor Fail- After After
reduced to 60% of
ure 36 hours 100 hours
the nominal engine
Lamp: Con- Lamp: Flashes slowly (½ Hz) Lamp: Flashes rapidly (2 Hz)

340 423
stant light
Once the fault has been remedied and the engine control unit has received an indica- Symbol for faults in the exhaust gas aftertreatment system.
tion that the SCR system is operating i.e. when the fault code has been acknowledged
in SDP3, torque returns to the normal level.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 53

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Warnings and torque reduction for Stage V

Regeneration of the particulate filter

The particulate filter is regenerated, i.e. cleaned, automatically. If a certain amount
of soot is accumulated, the engine enters a periodic and automatic program to reduce
the amount of soot. The engine can be used without any impact on operation.

However, if the particulate filter becomes full, it must be regenerated manually. The
engine cannot be used for approximately 45 minutes while manual regeneration is
carried out. To indicate that the particulate filter is full and needs to be regenerated
manually, the CAN message DPFC1 is used. See 03:05 CAN interface.

In order to indicate that the particulate filter needs to be regenerated manually, Scania
recommends that the symbol for particulate filter regeneration according to
ISO 7000 - 2433 is used.
Symbol for particulate filter regeneration
Warning lamp DPF Status Description
Constant light Lowest level The particulate filter is starting to become
full. Increase the load to improve automatic
regeneration or regenerate the particulate fil-
ter manually.
Flashes slowly (½ Moderate level Carry out manual regeneration as soon as
Hz) possible.
Flashes rapidly (2 Highest level The particulate filter is overfull. Manual re-
Hz) generation can only be carried out using

Other CAN messages related to the particulate filter are:

• DLN2: Shows current status for automatic and manual regeneration.

• DLN8: Shows remaining time for manual regeneration.
• AT1S1: Shows the level of soot and ash as a percentage.
• ADC: Acknowledgement for safe start of manual particulate filter regeneration.
• CM1: Starting and stopping manual particulate filter regeneration.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 54

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Warnings and torque reduction for Stage IIIB/IV/Tier 4i/Tier 4f

Warnings and torque reduction for

Stage IIIB/IV/Tier 4i/Tier 4f
The system provides a warning via warning lamps if there are SCR system faults or
if the level of reductant in the reductant tank is too low.


Engines which are certified according to Tier 4 are required by law to have these
warning lamps. They must be installed correctly in the vehicle or machine. The warn-
ing lamps can be ordered via Scania and also accompany the Scania EMS display. If
the installer uses neither Scania warning lamps nor the Scania EMS display, then the
lamps used must have the same functionality and symbols.

More information about connection is available in section DLN8 in 03:05 CAN in-

Reaction at low reductant level

Reductant level Warning lamp Torque reduction1
20% Constant light
10% Flashes slowly (½ Hz) Torque is reduced by 1%
per minute to 70% of the
highest torque
0% Flashes rapidly (2 Hz) Torque is reduced to 0%
(low idling) within 2-10

340 445
1. Applies only to engines that are certified according to Tier 4. Symbol for low reductant level, ISO 7000 - 2596.

The engine resumes normal torque after reductant has been topped up so that the lev-
el in the reductant tank is at least 20%.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 55

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Warnings and torque reduction for Stage IIIB/IV/Tier 4i/Tier 4f

Reaction to fault in SCR system

Time Warning lamp Torque reduction1
Fault detected Constant light
After 30 minutes Flashes slowly (½ Hz) Torque is reduced by 1%
per minute to 70% of the
highest torque.

340 423
After 4 hours Flashes rapidly (2 Hz) Torque is reduced to 0%
(low idling) within 2-10
Symbol for fault in the exhaust gas aftertreatment system, ISO 7000 - 2596.
1. Applies only to engines that are certified according to Tier 4.

Once the fault has been remedied and the engine control unit has received an indica-
tion that the SCR system is operating i.e. when the fault code has been acknowledged
in SDP3, torque returns to the normal level.

If a new fault occurs within 40 hours of operation since the first fault, the warning
lamp will come on. After 30 minutes of operation, the warning lamp will flash rap-
idly and torque will be reduced to 0% (low idling) within 30 minutes.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 56

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Periodic hydrocarbon evaporation for Stage IV/V/Tier 4f engines

Periodic hydrocarbon evaporation for

Stage IV/V/Tier 4f engines
Periodic hydrocarbon evaporation is a function that raises the engine speed tempo-
rarily in order to prevent an excessive accumulation of hydrocarbons (HC) in the
SCR catalytic converter when exhaust gas temperatures are low.

The SCR catalytic converter accumulates hydrocarbons when the SCR system is
cold, i.e. if the exhaust gas temperature falls below 200°C. If the vehicle has been
idling for a long time and is then subjected to heavy loads, the temperature in the SCR
catalytic converter may become excessive. The hydrocarbons will not have time to
evaporate and may start burning, which can damage the SCR catalytic converter.
When the allowed amount of accumulated hydrocarbons has been reached, a warning
is output indicating that the engine must be warmed up. If the engine is idling without
load and the outdoor temperature is 20°C (68°F), the warning is output after approx.
eight hours. The time is reduced as the outdoor temperature becomes colder.

The warning is sent as a CAN message. More information about connection is avail-
able in sections ADC (Aftertreatment Desorption Control) and ADS (Aftertreatment
Desorption Status) in 03:05 CAN interface.

Periodic hydrocarbon evaporation can be selected with two different settings:

• Only warning.
• Warning and engine shutdown. Scania recommends that this setting is used for
unmanned applications.

If the engine is started again after an engine shutdown due to accumulated hydrocar-
bons, and is idling without load, the engine is switched off again after five minutes.
The measures during periodic hydrocarbon evaporation are different depending on
whether the engine is equipped with an exhaust brake or not.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 57

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Periodic hydrocarbon evaporation for Stage IV/V/Tier 4f engines

Engines without exhaust brake • Controlled environment.

If the engine is not equipped with an exhaust brake, the following occurs:

1. A warning indicating that the engine should be warmed up is sent via CAN from
the control unit to the coordinator.
2. If the engine is not warmed up and has been configured with engine shutdown,
the engine is switched off.

Engines with exhaust brake

1 2
1. DC09 and DC13.
2. DC16.

If the engine is equipped with an exhaust brake, the following occurs:

1. A warning indicating that the engine should be warmed up is sent via CAN from
the control unit to the coordinator.
2. A request for activation of periodic hydrocarbon evaporation, i.e. automatic in-
crease of the engine speed, is sent via CAN from the control unit to the coordi-

388 789
– The function is activated if a confirmation for allowed activation of the func-
tion is sent via CAN from the coordinator to the control unit. The engine speed Location of the exhaust brake.
is raised and the exhaust gas temperature increases so that hydrocarbons are 1. DC09 and DC13.
evaporated. The raised engine speed is active for a maximum of 45 minutes. 2. DC16.
The function is interrupted when the throttle is actuated or if the engine is un-
der load.
– If the activation request for the function is not confirmed, and the engine has
been configured with engine shutdown, the engine is switched off.
Conditions for when automatic hydrocarbon evaporation activation is allowed are
specified by the fitter. Below are some examples of conditions:

• Gearbox in neutral position to prevent the vehicle from moving.

• There are no active bodywork systems or power take-offs.

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 58

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden
Important data

Important data
Highest permitted reductant temperature 55°C
Maximum permitted ambient temperature at the SCR unit, evaporator or hydrolysis catalytic 115°C
Maximum permitted ambient temperature at the NOx sensor control units 90°C

01:07 Issue 17 en-GB 59

© Scania CV AB 2018, Sweden

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