Implementation of Transformational Leadership in Building Emotional Intelligence and Employee Performance

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Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol.

12, Issue-06, 2020

Implementation of Transformational
Leadership in Building Emotional
Intelligence and Employee Performance
Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara, Department of Psychology and Social Science, Mercu Buana University,Jakarta
Awalia Zulfa Arifin, Department of Psychology and Social Science, Mercu Buana University,Jakarta

Abstract-This research focuses on the implementation of the transformational leadership model of the Head of the
Work Unit in building emotional intelligence and achieving the performance of employees of the Special Capital
Region of Jakarta Regional Government. This research used a quantitative research approach with an explanatory
survey method (questionnaire). The sampling technique used cluster sampling with a total sample of 200 permanent
employees representing 9 Work Units of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government. The research
data were analyzed descriptively and the inferential statistics used simple multiple regression. The analysis shows
that all Head of Work Units implementing transformational leadership is relatively effective, the level of employees’
performance is moderate with quite good emotional intelligence. The results of inferential statistical analysis
conclude that the transformational leadership of the Head of the Work Units and the emotional intelligence of the
employees together (simultaneously) have a significant effect (40.1%) on the performance of the employees of the
Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government.
Based on the findings of the research, it is recommended that all Heads of Work Units of the Special Capital Region
of Jakarta need to implement transformational leadership effectively and build emotional intelligence development
in the work environment so that employees are able to achieve high performance in the Special Capital Region of
Jakarta Regional Government.
Keywords-transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, performance

Significant progress has been made over the past decade in the development of autonomous vehicles and
advanced The Jakarta Capital City Government is a government in the Special Capital Province of Jakarta, which is
different from other provinces. The Special Capital Region of Jakarta is led by a Governor like other provinces but
has 5 mayors who report directly to the Governor. The Special Capital Region of Jakarta Province as a special
government unit in its position as the Capital of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and as an
autonomous region has an important function and role in supporting the administration of the Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to give
specific tasks, rights, obligations and responsibilities in the administration of regional government. The Special
Capital Region of Jakarta Province as the Capitalof the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, as the center of
government, and as an autonomous region is faced with the characteristics of problems that are very complex and
different from other provinces. The Special Capital Region of Jakarta Province is always dealing with problems of
urbanization, security, transportation, environment, special area management, and other social problems that require
synergistic problem solving through various instruments.
The issue of leadership of the Jakarta administration was conveyed by Mr.Tjahjo Kumolo, the Minister of Home
Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in commemoration of the 488th Anniversary of the Special Capital Region of
Jakarta, expressing his concern regarding the still low absorption of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional
Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD). The media reported that until June 2015, the absorption of the Special
Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Budget was only around 10-20 percent. There are 5 (five) problems faced, why
is budget absorption in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta low? First, work culture. It is not easy to change the
bureaucratic work culture that has been decades from the old system to the new system using the e-budgeting and e-
procurement system. It is not only the bureaucratic apparatus that is difficult to adjust, but also Jakarta's partners
(suppliers) who are already accustomed to the old system. Second, human resources, not only the Special Capital
Region of Jakarta government apparatus but also the people who are related to business activities, procurement,
empowerment in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta province. Almost all of them are not ready to implement the
e-budgeting and e-procurement system that the Governor wants. Third, feel uncomfortable. Almost all bureaucratic

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201037
*Corresponding Author: Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara, E-mail: [email protected]
Article History: Received: Mar 05, 2020, Accepted: June 07, 2020
Implementation of Transformational Leadership in Building Emotional Intelligence and Employee Performance

apparatuses in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta are not comfortable working. They feel that there is no one
who protects them if they do something wrong. At any time they could be called by the police, prosecutors and the
KPK. Therefore, they are very careful and afraid of carrying out their duties. As a result, not all orders from
superiors that they can do. Fourth, the APBD is not authorized by the DPRD. This makes the fear of some of the
Special Capital Region of Jakarta government officials. Some say it is not strong if the Special Capital Region of
Jakarta APBD is only based on Governor Regulation. If there is a problem, it is feared that the victims will be the
subordinates who will be the executors. Fifth, the Regional Budget is slow to be passed. As a result of the DPRD
conflict with the Governor, the discussion and ratification of the Regional Budget was not timely. This also becomes
a problem which causes very low budget absorption in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta until June 2015. As for
the problems of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government employees from 2017 to 2018) there
were 138 the Special Capital Region of Jakarta PNS employees receiving mild sanctions up to severe demotions and
dismissals related to performance problems and corrupt behavior (Data from the Regional Civil Service Agency/the
Special Capital Region of Jakarta BKD).
Effective governance requires strong support from all government institutions. Each government institution is an
instrument that functions to formulate and implement various government policies, whose main purpose is to
provide services to its citizens so that people's welfare is realized. The ability of each government institution to carry
out its tasks and functions to the fullest depends very much on the human resources (HR) or employees they have
because HR is a central factor in an organization and human beings are strategic factors in all organizational
activities. The importance of human resources is strongly felt by both central and local government agencies.
Especially for the Regional Government of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta. Efforts to provide quality human
resources in order to produce superior performance is not an easy matter. This is related to the complexity of
governance problems and their conditions are determined by many internal and external factors. Psychologically,
internal factors that affect employee performance include emotional intelligence, achievement motivation,
organizational commitment, while employees' external factors are leadership and organizational culture.
Organizationally, transformational leadership is appropriately applied to government organizations. This is
consistent with the opinion of Tjiptono and Syakhroza (2005) suggesting that "transformational leaders succeed in
changing the status quo in their organizations by paying attention to appropriate behavior at each stage of the
transformation process". If the old methods are considered no longer appropriate, the leader will develop a new
vision of the future with a strategic and motivational focus. The vision clearly states organizational goals and
simultaneously functions as a source of inspiration and commitment. Transformational leadership is a leadership in
which leaders are able to motivate subordinates to do things that are more than their intentions and more than they
might think. Leaders who implement transformational leadership will make goals more challenging and typically
achieve better performance (Bass & Riggio, 2006). The results of research conducted by Kotter and Haskett (in
Rashid, Sambasivan, and Johari, 2003) show that organizational culture has a significant influence on performance.
Another research conducted by Gordon et al. and Lim as quoted by Aidla and Vadli (2005) also concluded that a
stronger organizational culture will result in better performance in an organization. The performance of individual
employees in an organization is influenced by leadership and emotional intelligence, among others. This is in
accordance with several previous studies or studies indicating that organizational leadership can have a positive
relationship with performance. The results of O'Reilly's research found that an organizational culture created by its
leaders can improve organizational performance (in Dwyer, Richard & Chadwick, 2003).
The emotional intelligence factor is closely related to the improvement of one's performance in an organization.
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is an important factor in determining a person's career success. As the results of Segal's
(2000) research in Mangkunegara (2017) concluded that EQ has an important role in the workplace. In addition,
Goleman's research (2003) concluded that the intellectual intelligence factor (IQ) affects 20% for career success,
while 80% is contributed by other factors, including emotional intelligence. The results of research conducted by
Higgs (2004) show that there is a strong relationship between overall emotional intelligence with performance.
Therefore, the higher the emotional intelligence, the higher the individual's performance. Mardhatillah and Buana
(2018) show that HLI Leader and management should focus on enhancing emotional intelligence among
theemployees to achieve a work life balance.
Based on the problem of government conditions, particularly the regional government of the Special Capital
Region of Jakarta, questions arise, including: Is effective transformational leadership applied in the Special Capital
Region of Jakarta Regional Government? How much influence does transformational leadership and emotional
intelligence have on the performance of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government employees? To
answer it, the authors conducted research on Transformational Leadership in Building Emotional Intelligence and
employee performance of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government.

Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, Issue-06, 2020

Literature Review
In the discipline of Psychology, it seems that the problem of leadership is a very interesting problem to be
discussed. Even since the advent of science, many experts have discussed a variety of leadership issues that are
linked to other factors that affect performance achievement. State of the art in this research studies the field of Social
Sciences and Organizational Psychology.
Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership theory is the last approach that has been hotly discussed over the last two decades.
The initial concept of transformational leadership was introduced by Burns in (Jabnoun and al-Ghasyah, 2005)
which states that "transformational leaders increase the needs and motivations of subordinates and promote dramatic
changes in individuals, groups, and organizations"; Bass (Jabnoun and al-Ghasyah, 2005) defines that
"transformational leaders are those who increase individual and group confidence, arouse awareness and interest in
groups and organizations, and try to mobilize subordinates' attention for performance achievement".
Tjiptono and Syakhroza (2005) suggest that "transformational leaders succeed in changing the status quo in their
organizations by paying attention to appropriate behavior at each stage of the transformation process". If the old
methods are considered no longer appropriate, the leader will develop a new vision of the future with a strategic and
motivational focus. The vision clearly states organizational goals and simultaneously functions as a source of
inspiration and commitment.
Spreitzer, Perttula and Xin (2005) by adopting Podsakof et al. developed the dimension of transformational
leadership into 6 dimensions, namely articulating a vision, providing an appropriate model, fostering the acceptance
of group goals, setting high-performance expectations, providing individualized support, and intellectual
Thus, transformational leadership will have a positive influence on the relationship between superiors and
subordinates. With the concept of transformational leadership, subordinates will feel trust, admiration, pride, loyalty,
and respect for their superiors and motivated to do work with results that exceed targets that have been determined
together. Likewise, transformational leadership increases the awareness of followers by realizing ideas and values
such as justice, peace and equality (Sarros and Santora, 2001).
Performance and Performance Appraisal
The term performance comes from the word Job Performance or Actual Performance (actual work performance
achieved by someone). In terminology, the notion of performance is the quality and quantity of work achieved by a
leader or employee in carrying out their duties in accordance with the position of responsibility given to him. Ndraha
(2003) provides a detailed description of performance based on the origin of the word that the English verb perform
means to act, to carry, to execute. The word performance has a broad meaning. Some of the meanings are
entertainment, the act of performing, the execution or accomplishment of work, acts, etc. Therefore, performance is
defined as a product (in terms of entertaining: service) and can be interpreted as a process. Adam and Ebert argue
that “Efficiency, productivity, performance. These are terms we tend to use interchangeably performance is a
broader incorporating term, efficiency and productivity in overall achievement.”.As a process, performance consists
of the dimensions of input, throughput, output, and if extended to include outcomes, colored by the values of
efficiency, and productivity.
Mangkunegara (2017) argues that employee performance (work performance) is the result of the quality and
quantity of work achieved by someone in carrying out their duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to
them. Likewise, Rivai (2009) states that performance is a function of motivation and ability. Performance is a real
behavior that is displayed by everyone as a work achievement generated by employees in accordance with their role
in the company. Employee performance is a very important thing in the company's efforts to achieve its goals.

Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is a mental condition that belongs to someone who is gradated in the sense that each
person has a different level. This is in line with the opinion of Agustian (2008) that emotional intelligence is the
ability to feel which lies in honesty of conscience. William James in (Khodijah, 2006) states that emotions are states
of spiritual mind that are related to his condition. This is consistent with the opinion of Goleman (2005) that states
that mood coordination is the core of good social relations. Based on the opinions of experts, the authors define
emotional intelligence is the ability of employees to carry out their duties and obligations as employees who have

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201037
*Corresponding Author: Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara, E-mail: [email protected]
Article History: Received: Mar 05, 2020, Accepted: June 07, 2020
Implementation of Transformational Leadership in Building Emotional Intelligence and Employee Performance

self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, self-motivation and build harmonious relationships both
internally and externally.
Intelligence Employee emotion can be measured from several aspects that exist. Goleman (2005) suggests there
are 5 (five) dimensions in Emotional intelligence, namely:
a. Emotional self-awareness. The ability to recognize feelings that exist in yourself, this ability is the basis of
emotional intelligence. Employees who understand their emotions will be more able to direct their lives and control
themselves. An understanding of one's own feelings is fundamental to building one's fundamental emotional
b. Self-management/control of Emotional self-control. Management/self-control is the key to emotional
intelligence. Humane employees will always experience two things, happy and sad, calm and depressed, angry and
patient. In self-control, the most important thing is balance. Mood balance can create peace and happiness in life.
c. Self-Motivation. Positive Self-motivation with enthusiasm and confidence in yourself, motivating yourself
will lead to a passion for work, a passion for work coupled with a clear vision and action to realize success.
d. Social awareness is the ability to feel what is felt by others (coworkers, superiors, and consumers), employees
are able to understand the perspectives of others and create a relationship of trust and be able to align themselves
with various types of individual employees. With social awareness, managers have a social concern.
e. Relationship management (Building relationships) is the ability to handle emotions properly when dealing
with others (coworkers, superiors, consumers) and create relationships with others, influence, lead, deliberate, solve
work problems and work together in teamwork.
Frame of Reference
Psychologically, the performance of employees in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta regional government
organizations is influenced by transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, achievement motivation, and
organizational commitment. The transformational leadership model of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta
Governor analyzed greatly influences the achievement of his employees' performance. Especially when referring to
the opinion that transformational leadership". Transformational leadership models are the best leadership concepts in
explaining the success of leaders (Saros and Butchatsky, 2001). Even transformational leadership can be a catalyst
for social change (Asgari et al., 2008) and empirically found the fact that transformational leadership supports
performance (Stewart, 2006). Similarly, the results of Aarons's 2006 research on transformational leadership are
closely related to performance, (Aaron, 2006). Emotional intelligence is caused by internal factors (within
employees) and external factors, especially the leadership of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional
Government. Thus, the transformational leadership of the Head of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Work Unit
can affect the emotional intelligence and performance of employees of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta
Regional Government organization. This can be noted in Figure 2.1.

Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, Issue-06, 2020

Figure 2.1.Research Frame of Reference

Research Method
This research is a quantitative research using an explanatory survey method. According to Kerlinger, this
research is employed to study large and small populations, but the data studied is data by selecting and assessing the
population to find the relative induction, distribution, and interrelation of psychological variables that affect
performance. In the context of this research, a survey was conducted to examine the effect of 2 (two) independent
variables (transformational leadership and emotional intelligence) and one dependent variable (employee
performance) at the Government office (the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government). This research
was conducted on employees of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government in January to
November 2017 using a superior research funding source UMB Research Center. In this research, the dependent
variable (Y) is the performance of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government employees, while the
independent variable/independent variable (X) is transformational leadership (X1), emotional intelligence (X2). The
measurement of these variables is to use an ordinal scale. In this case, a more detailed explanation is in the research
To clarify the limits of the variable under research, the following operational definitions of the variables are
given: Transformational leadership is the Head of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government Work
Unit that increases individual and group confidence, raises awareness and interest in groups and organizations, and
tries to move subordinates' attention to performance achievement. Emotional intelligence is the ability of the Special
Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government employees to carry out their duties and obligations as employees
who have self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, and self-motivation and build harmonious
relationships both internally and externally of the organization. Employee performance is the work achieved by
employees in carrying out tasks in accordance with the responsibilities given with indicators: work results in
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201037
*Corresponding Author: Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara, E-mail: [email protected]
Article History: Received: Mar 05, 2020, Accepted: June 07, 2020
Implementation of Transformational Leadership in Building Emotional Intelligence and Employee Performance

quantity, work results in quality, and efforts in achieving the performance of employees of the Special Capital
Region of Jakarta Regional Government.
The instrument is a measuring tool used to obtain quantitative information about objectively variations in
variable characteristics. The instrument used in data collection was a questionnaire related to employee performance
and was confirmed by the leadership of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government. Likewise, the
Questionnaire was used to obtain data on transformational leadership, emotional intelligence and employee
performance of the Regional Government of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta. The alternative answers to this
questionnaire are 5, namely: strongly agree (SS), agree (S), neutral, disagree (TS), and strongly disagree (STS).
Testing the instrument level of validity (validity) and the level of confidence of the instrument (reliability), so it is
feasible to be used as a measurement of research. The results of the research after testing the validity and reliability
then the normality of the data was tested using Chi-Square (X²) with the rejection criteria is reject H0 if X² count ≥
X² table. Data processing using SPSS version 23. Furthermore, the output of the SPSS program is seen to be a
significant level of 0.05,
The sampling method using cluster sampling with population is the entire subject of research. In this research,
the population is permanent employees of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government. The sample
of this research were 200 employees of the Regional Government of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta (Financial
Management Unit 33 respondents, BAPPEDA Unit 17 respondents, Legal Bureau 14 respondents, Education and
Mental Bureau 35 respondents, Economic Bureau 13 respondents, General Bureau 17 respondents, BKD 38
respondents, KDH & KLN 16 respondents, Kominfomas 17 respondents). Total respondents are 200 people.
Data collection techniques using a questionnaire.The instrument for measuring transformational leadership
uses a questionnaire prepared with a modification of the Likert model with 5 possible answers. These items are
arranged according to the terms of reference of the opinion of Spreitzer, Perttula, and Xin (2005) by adopting
Podsakof et al. Developing the transformational leadership dimension into 6 dimensions, namely articulating a
vision, providing an appropriate model, fostering the acceptance of group goals, setting high-performance
expectations, providing individualized support, and intellectual stimulation. Measurement of emotional intelligence
refers to the theory of emotional intelligence from Daniel Goleman, namely:Self-Awareness (Self-Awareness), Self-
Management (Self-control and emotional management), Self-Motive (Self-motive), Relationship Management
(fostering Relationships and Social Awareness (social awareness. Performance measurement tools use
Mangkunegara opinion references, namely quality work results, work results in quantity and efforts to achieve work
Descriptive statistics are used to analyze data by using and describing collected data. Data processing steps with
descriptive statistics are very helpful in further data processing. In accordance with the research objectives, the
researchers also used partial regression techniques to determine the effect of the independent variable with the
dependent variable. Furthermore, the BLUE (Best Linear Unlimited Estimated) Test is a test related to
Multicollinearity, Heteroscedasticity, Normality and Autocorrelation. The calculation of these effects is aided by
using the SPSS version 23 program. To test the hypothesis of this research, the researchers calculated the correlation
and coefficient of determination of the variables tested. Furthermore, the correlation value obtained is compared
with the value of r table if the value of r count < r table then it can be stated there is no positive and significant
relationship between these variables and vice versa. The coefficient of determination is used to see the effect of the
variable. Then multiple linear regression analysis is used.

Results And Discussion

Normality Test
Normality test aims to test whether in the regression model, variables have a normal distribution or not. A good
regression model is having normal or near-normal data distribution. The normality test results can also be seen with
the Kolmogorov - Smirnov approach that is if the K-S test results> compared to the significance level then the data
distribution does not deviate from the normal curve.

Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, Issue-06, 2020

Table 1. Normality Test Results With One-Sample Kolmogorov - Smirnov Technique

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

N 200
Normal Mean .0000000
Parameters Std. 4.74317515
Most Extreme Absolute .084
Differences Positive .046
Negative -.084
Kolmogorov-Smimov Z 1,237
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .094

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.
Source: Data processing results (2017)

From the results of the One-Sample Kolmogorov - Smirnov Test statistical test in Table 1 shows that the value of
Kolmogorov - Smirnov Z on Transformational Leadership, Emotional Intelligence and Employee Performance
variable data obtained Sig. value of 0.94 where p> 0.05, so it can be concluded that the tested data are normally
Homogeneity Test
This homogeneity was tested using the Barlett test. The data comes from populations that have homogeneous
variance using Chi-Square (X²) with the rejection criteria is reject H0 if X² counts ≥ X² tables.
Multicollinearity Test
Multicollinearity test means there is a strong relationship between some or all independent variables in the
regression model. If there is multicollinearity, the regression coefficient becomes very large and is usually
characterized by a value of a very large coefficient of determination, but in the partial test of the regression
coefficient, there is no or if there is very little significant regression coefficient. In this research, the value of
variance inflation factors (VIF) is used as an indicator of the presence or absence of multicollinearity among
independent variables VIF values must be greater than 10.

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201037
*Corresponding Author: Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara, E-mail: [email protected]
Article History: Received: Mar 05, 2020, Accepted: June 07, 2020
Implementation of Transformational Leadership in Building Emotional Intelligence and Employee Performance

Table 2.


Collinearity Statistics
Model Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant)

transformational leadership (X1) .881 1,135

emotional intelligence (X2) .881 1,135
a. Dependent Variable: employee performance (Y)
Source: Data processing results (2017)
It can be seen that the R Square value is quite high at 38%, indicating a value greater than  5% and an overall
VIF value above 10% indicates no symptoms of multicollinearity.
Heteroscedasticity Test
Heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether in the regression model there is an inequality of variance from
residuals of one observation to another. If the correlation coefficient of each independent variable is significant at an
error rate of 5% (0.05) to identify the presence of Heteroscedasticity
Table 3.-Scatterplot Table Calculation of Heteroscedasticity Test

Source: Data processing results (2017)

You can see the scatter plot graph above that the point does not spread randomly either under the number 0 on
the Y-axis. This concludes that the regression model Heteroscedasticity has occurred. Then the data we use meets
the requirements for multiple regression.
Normative Test

Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, Issue-06, 2020

Normative assumptions are very important requirements in testing the significance of the regression coefficient
if the regression model is not normally distributed then the conclusions of the F test and t-test are still doubtful
because the statistics of the F and t-tests in the regression analysis are derived from the normal distribution.
Table 4.-Normal P-P Table Normative Test Plot Calculation

Source: Data processing results (2017)

The graph above confirms that the regression model obtained is normally distributed, where the data distribution
is around the diagonal line.
Research Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing in this research uses multiple regression analysis between transformational leadership and
emotional intelligence on employee performance. Performed using multiple regression analysis with Simultaneous
test (F test) to determine the effect of the independent variables together (simultaneously) on the dependent variable
with the SPSS Statistics 23 program.Generate SPSS output in the ANOVA table and SPSS output in the Coefficients
Based on the results of the multiple regression analysis of Transformational Leadership Variables and
Emotional Intelligence on Employee Performance analyzed using SPSS 23 for windows the following results were
Table 5.
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .634 .401 .396 4,569
a. Predictors: (Constant), emotional intelligence, transformational leadership
Source: Data processing results (2017)
Furthermore, the significance and linearity test of the multiple regression models of Transformational Leadership
and Emotional Intelligence towards the Employee Performance (Y) variable are performed using Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA).

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201037
*Corresponding Author: Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara, E-mail: [email protected]
Article History: Received: Mar 05, 2020, Accepted: June 07, 2020
Implementation of Transformational Leadership in Building Emotional Intelligence and Employee Performance

The calculation results are as follows:

Table 6. ANOVAb
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 2966.577 2 1483.288 71,063 .000a
1 Residual 4425.023 197 20,873
Total 7391.600 199
a. Predictors: (Constant), emotional intelligence, transformational leadership
b. Dependent Variable: employee performance
Source: Data processing results (2017)
ANOVA test results or F test obtained F count of 71,063 and F table of 3.04 (71,063 > 3.04) with a significant
level of 0,000, therefore, the probability value is smaller than 0.05, then it can be said that the variables of
transformational leadership and emotional intelligence together influence employee performance. Thus, the null
hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted in other words the independent variable
(transformational leadership) and (emotional intelligence) influence the dependent variable (employee performance).
Based on the calculation of multiple linear regression statistics obtained R Square 0.401, meaning that the
percentage contribution of the influence of transformational leadership variables and emotional intelligence
variables on employee performance achievement is 40.1%, or in other words, it can be concluded that
transformational leadership and emotional intelligence have a significant effect on performance by 40.1%.
Transformational Leadership Head of Work Unit and Emotional Intelligence Together (40.1%) Influences
Employee Performance in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government. The results of this research
support the results of research conducted by Kirkpatrick and Locke (2006) that the better the leader applies the
transformational leadership model, the higher the performance of subordinates (Boehnke et al., 2003). In addition,
Gadot (2006) assures that there is a significant influence of transformational leadership on performance. The results
of this research are consistent with the results of Givens's (2008) research concluding that "transformational
leadership has a direct effect on organizational performance as well as a positive effect on the behavior of
subordinates", Similarly, the results of Givens' research (2008) which concluded that "transformational leadership
has a relationship with the personal outcomes of organizational members (Hatter and Bass, 2005); Kirkpatrick and
Locke, (2006); Barling, Moutinho and Kelloway, (1998) and directly influence performance (Koh, Steers and;
MacKenzie, Podsakoff and Rich, 2001). Bass even concluded that "transformational leadership is a type of modern
leadership and is able to exert influence on subordinates in carrying out their main job obligations". This is because
the transformational leadership of the Head of the Work Unit is able to inspire the Special Capital Region of Jakarta
Regional Government employees. In addition, the transformational leadership of the Head of the Work Unit is able
to encourage the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government employees to look for new ideas in solving
problems, behave creative-innovative, increase self-confidence, commit long-term and be able to improve their
performance in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government. The results of this research also support
the results of research conducted by Kotter and Haskett (in Rashid, Sambasivan, and Johari, 2003) showing that the
organizational culture created by leaders has a significant influence on performance. Another research conducted by
Gordon et al. and Lim as quoted by Aidla and Vadli (2005) also concluded that a stronger organizational culture will
result in better performance in an organization. The performance of individual employees in an organization is
influenced by leadership and emotional intelligence, among others. This is consistent with some previous studies or
research indicating that organizational culture created by leaders can have a positive relationship with performance.
The results of O'Reilly's research found that an organizational culture can improve organizational performance (in
Dwyer, Richard & Chadwick, 2003). Humphreys (2005) states that leaders who implement transformational
leadership styles with the characteristics expressed by Bass (2005) will cause constant changes towards the
improvement of the organization. With these positive changes, subordinates/employees will be ready to accept the
tasks given by leaders without the burden, happy and satisfied in doing their work and will improve employee
performance. Even Bryman and Gardner and Cleavenger in Pounder (2001) termed transformational leadership the
new leadership and for more than 20 years has brought a new paradigm of leadership (Spreitzer, Perttula and Xin,
2005). The emotional intelligence factor is closely related to the improvement of one's performance in an
organization. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is an important factor in determining a person's career success. As the
results of Segal's (2000) research in Mangkunegara, (2017) concluded that EQ has an important role in the
workplace. In addition, Goleman's research (2003) concluded that the factor of intellectual intelligence (IQ) affects
20% for employee career success, while 80% is emotional intelligence. The results of research conducted by Higgs
(2004) show that there is a strong relationship between overall emotional intelligence with performance. The results

Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, Issue-06, 2020

of this research are also supported by the results of research conducted by Hidayati, et al. (2007) who concluded that
emotional intelligence influences performance.Yanto's research (2011) also concluded that there was a significant
influence on emotional intelligence on employee performance.

Conclusion And Suggestion

The results of the research conclude that the entire Head of Work Unit of the Regional Government of the
Special Capital Region of Jakarta (Financial Management Unit, BAPPEDA Unit, Legal Bureau, Educational and
Mental Bureau, Economic Bureau, General Bureau, BKD, KDH & KLN, and Kominfomas Office) implemented
relatively effective transformational leadership, moderate level of employee performance with good emotional
intelligence. The Transformational Leadership of the Head of the Work Unit and emotional intelligence jointly
influence (40.1%) significantly on the performance of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government
Based on the results of the research, the recommendations are as follows:
Recommendations for the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government: Considering that the
Transformational Leadership and Emotional Intelligence of employees affect the performance of employees, the
Head of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government Work Unit needs to socialize among others:
a. Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership is a type of modern leadership and is able to exert influence on subordinates
(employees) in performing their main job obligations. This is because the transformational leadership of the Head of
the Work Unit will be able to inspire the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government employees. In
addition, the transformational leadership of the Head of the Work Unit must be able to encourage the Special Capital
Region of Jakarta Regional Government employees to look for new ideas in solving problems, behave creative-
innovative, increase self-confidence, commit long-term and be able to improve their performance in the Special
Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government.
b. Emotional Intelligence
The working environment of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government needs to be built and
developed emotional intelligence (Developing Emotional Intelligence in The Workplace). This is so that all
employees have good emotional intelligence and they will be able to carry out their duties and obligations as
employees who have self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, and self-motivation and build harmonious
relationships both internally and externally by the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government
Recommendations for Further Research: Further research is suggested in addition to examining
transformational leadership and emotional intelligence influence on the performance of the Special Capital Region
of Jakarta Regional Government employees, it is also necessary to have an independent variable plus achievement
motivation, organizational commitment, organizational culture, employee engagement and organizational
performance of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Regional Government with a larger number of respondents and
the need to be supported by the opinions of government experts and practitioners as informants.

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*Corresponding Author: Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara, E-mail: [email protected]
Article History: Received: Mar 05, 2020, Accepted: June 07, 2020
Implementation of Transformational Leadership in Building Emotional Intelligence and Employee Performance

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