An Investigation Into The Impact of Movable Solar Shades On Energy
An Investigation Into The Impact of Movable Solar Shades On Energy
An Investigation Into The Impact of Movable Solar Shades On Energy
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Buildings are huge energy consumers and are responsible for a large part of greenhouse gas emissions in
Received 13 July 2013 the world. Among building energy efficiency measures, solar shading plays a significant role in reducing
Received in revised form building energy consumption, especially in hot summer and cold winter zone of China. This paper carried
22 August 2013
out a field measurement of shading performance of movable shades installed on the south-facing facade
Accepted 22 September 2013
of a residential building in Ningbo city of China. The field tests show that external movable solar shades
have a good shading performance that can reduce solar transmittance to about 8% and keep indoor
illuminance at about 1000 lux with little fluctuations, indicating a suitable level for indoor environments.
Building energy
Movable solar shade
A building simulation study on energy, indoor thermal and visual performance of movable solar shades
Indoor thermal was further carried out. Several important indexes were adopted to give an in-depth analysis, including
Visual comfort energy performance, room base temperature, transmitted solar radiation, PMV-PPD and its distribution
as well as Discomfort Glare Index (DGI). Results show that movable solar shades used for south-facing
windows not only reduce building energy demand by 30.87%, but also improve indoor thermal com-
fort by 21% in summer as well as reduce dramatically extremely uncomfortable risks by 80.4%, and
meanwhile the visual comfort condition is also improved by 19.9%.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0360-1323/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Yao / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 24e32 25
2. Methodology
Fig. 2. The investigated building (a): before retrofit; (b): after shades installation.
J. Yao / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 24e32 27
Table 1
The setting of building enveloped and air-conditioner etc.
Parameter Value
2.5. Evaluation index Summer Daytime Shade 2/3 of Block excessive solar gain and keep
window area enough daylight
Nighttime Fully open Enable natural ventilation to decrease
For indoor thermal performance evaluation, many objective and
indoor temperature
subjective factors or indexes can be used. Here typical objective Winter Daytime Fully open Admit solar heat to warm indoor space
factors including room base temperature and transmitted solar Nighttime Fully closed Reduce heat loss
radiation as well as well-known subjective index PMV-PPD [30] Note: the season Summer means days from 6. 1e9.30 and Winter means days from
were adopted to give a comprehensive comparison. Room base 10. 1e5.31; Daytime means the time from 8:00e18:00 while Nighttime indicates
temperature, which represents hourly indoor air temperature 19:00e7:00.
28 J. Yao / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 24e32
Solar transmittance
200 without shading
150 shading
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21
test times
Fig. 5. Solar transmittance before and after solar shading. Fig. 7. Indoor illuminance before and after shading.
shading as shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that indoor illuminance solar transmittance in rooms by solar shades, the temperature
near windows (0.5 m) is more than 10,000 lux, and even more than reduction is obvious, ranging from 1 to 2.5 C in these days.
50,000 lux at some tests. This may induce daylight glare and Fig. 9 also presents the annual indoor air temperature reduction
decrease indoor visual comfort. after using solar shades. The temperature reduction reaches as high
On the other hand, the indoor illuminance kept about 1000 lux as about 5 C in summer. Moreover, its negative values of about
after shading with little fluctuation. Though this value is a little 0.8 C in winter means that room base temperature for the solar
higher than the best illuminance level of 100e300 lux for living, it shading case is higher than that of without solar shading. This is
is less than one tenth of the bare window case and do not exceed mainly due to closed solar shades which reduce heat loss during
the useful daylight illuminance of 2000 lux according to the liter- nighttime in winter. Therefore, solar shades show a high perfor-
ature [36]. Thus, this condition can be considered as a suitable in- mance in improving room base temperature both in summer and in
door visual environment. Therefore, external movable shades can winter.
not only reduce excessive solar radiation in summer and admit
solar gains in winter to warm rooms, but also control indoor illu- 3.2.2. Transmitted solar radiation
minance at a reasonable level that remains sufficient daylight. To illustrate the blocked solar radiation by solar shades in the
whole year, Fig. 10 presents annual transmitted solar radiation
3.2. Simulation analysis reduction (including beam and diffuse radiation) after using solar
shading. It is clear that solar radiation is substantially blocked by
The above field test showed that movable solar shades shades in summer with a maximum value of about 1600 W. On the
contribute to substantial solar radiation reduction and good other hand, there is only a small amount of prevented solar radia-
daylight control with little illuminance fluctuation in typical sum- tion, which is a minor negative impact induced by fully closed solar
mer days in summer. Although the test results are not new findings, shades during early morning (such as 7:00) and late afternoon
it gives architects and designers a deep understanding of the (such as 18:00). By the Fig. 10 alone, it is not easy to determine
benefit of movable solar shading since some of them may be not which part of radiation (beam or diffuse) is significantly reduced.
familiar with this benefit. The following section will further give To give a detailed analysis on transmitted solar radiation, Table 3
annual energy, indoor thermal and visual performance taking into lists annual transmitted beam and diffuse solar radiation. For these
account both summer and winter conditions.
Solar transmittance ratio
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1213141516171819202122
test times
Fig. 8. Room base temperature of south-facing rooms during typical days in summer
Fig. 6. Solar transmittance ratio. (dash line: no shading, solid line: shading).
J. Yao / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 24e32 29
Table 3
Annual transmitted solar radiation.
Annual energy demand (kWh/m )
25.00 23.97
20.00 18.36
15.00 13.91
Heating Cooling
Shading Without shading
Fig. 10. Annual transmitted solar radiation reduction (including beam and diffuse Fig. 11. Annual energy performance of the south-facing room with and without solar
radiation) after using solar shading. shading.
30 J. Yao / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 24e32
Fig. 12. Annual PMV index of south-facing windows for the two cases.
Fig. 14. PPD reduction of south-facing windows after using solar shading.
3.2.5. DGI
Fig. 16 presents the annual DGI distribution for south-facing
windows with and without solar shading. Because daylight
glare can only be experienced during daytime, the DGI value
during nighttime is 0 (the white area in the figure). Due to
Fig. 15. Annual PMV distribution of south-facing windows: (a) without solar shading;
Fig. 13. Annual PMV reduction of south-facing windows after using solar shading. (b) with solar shading.
J. Yao / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 24e32 31
24 Acknowledgments
a 40
This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of
17 30 Ningbo city (2012A610158) and Zhejiang Province (LQ13E080009),
25 and the author would like to thank the K.C.Wong Magna Fund in
Time (h)
13 Ningbo University.
9 15
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