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Api 510 - Book 6

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API 510 – BOOK 6



1. A vessel is to under go a hydrostatic test after a repair. The vessel’s

stress allowable at the test temperature is 15,000 psi and its stress
allowable at its operating temperature is 13,800 psi. The vessel’s MAWP
at its operational temperature is 125 psi. What will be the required test
pressure at the top of the vessel?
a. 203.8 psi
b. 169.6 psi
c. 176.6 psi
d. 143.7 psi
API 510
2. A cylindrical shell contains a welded long joint that is made using a
backing strip that remains in place. All of the radiography requirements
of UW 12 (a) have been met. For purposes of calculating circumferential
stress on the cylinder, what will be the value of the joint E used in the
a. 1.0
b. .85
c. .80
d. .90
3. A small exchanger has experienced internal corrosion of its tubes. The
tubes are required to withstand an external pressure of 350 psi. The
tubes have an O. D. of 2.0 inch and are 6 inches in length with a wall
thickness of .025 inch. What would be the approximate Factor A value
for this combination of length diameter and thickness of tube is?
(Out of Syllabus)
a. .0056
b. .00055
c. .057
d. 10

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 1

4. An additional 4 inch nozzle was added to a pressure vessel and is
similar to the one in Fig UW-16 1(i) The minimum thickness of the nozzle
is.377 inch and the shell minimum thickness is .750 inch. What is the
decimal value of the minimum throat required for two equal leg size
fillet welds on this attachment?
a. .235”
b. .263”
c. .250”
d. .750”
5. A cylindrical shell has a seamless hemispherical head on one end and a
seamless ellipsoidal head on the other end. The elliptical head is
attached by a type 2 weld meeting the spot radiography requirements of
UW-11(a)(5)(b). The shell has a single longitudinal joint. All category A
butt welds are type 1 with full radiography applied. The vessel will
require an MAWP of 50 psi. The material of the shell and headis SA-515-
Gr.60. The allowable stress at the operating temperature is 15,000 psi.
The heads inside diameter is 10’-0”. What is the required thickness of
the 2 to 1 ellipsoidal head?
a. .250
b. .235
c. .200
d. .1003
6. You have received the following tension test results for a welding
procedure, what is the ultimate unit stress for these two specimens?

Ultimate Ultimate Unit

Specimen Width Thickness Area
Total load Ib Stress
1 .750 .410 .308 22,600 ?
2 .748 .409 .306 25,800 ?
a. 1 = 72,380 2 = 83,314
b. 1 = 72,377 2 = 83,296
c. 1 = 73,377 2 = 84,314
d. 1 = 74,377 2 = 83,314

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 2

7. A pressure vessel has been measured to have a minimum wall
thickness of .235 inch after 5 years of service. The vessel’s original wall
thickness was .250. Its minimum allowable wall thickness is .195 inch.
How long until the next required inspection per API 510?
a. 10 years
b. 2. 5 years
c. 6.6 years
d. 6-12 years
API 510
8. Which types of butt-welded joints are allowed to be used to construct
vessels in lethal service?
a. A and D only
b. A,B,C and D are permitted
c. 1 and 2 dependent upon Category.
d. But welds are not permitted in lethal service.
9. After rolling a plate into a cylinder designed for internal pressure it is
measured for out of roundness;
a. It is acceptable if it is no more than 1% out of roundness.
b. It is acceptable if it is no more than 10% out of roundness
c. It is acceptable if it is no more than ½% out of roundness
d. It is acceptable if it is no more than 2% out of roundness
10. During the internal inspection of a vertical vessel a minimum thickness
reading of 1.270” was found on a shell course. The Data Report reflects
an original thickness of 1.50”, and allowable stress at 600 degrees of
14,500 psi, full RT, and a MAWP of 650 psi. The MAWP was based on
retirement diameter of 49.02 inches after the corrosion allowance was
expended; this yields a retirement thickness of 1.129 inches. Inspection
records indicate a corrosion rate of 0.025 inches a year. If the corrosion
rate does not change what is the maximum time before the next on-
stream or internal inspection?
a. 5 years
b. 5.6 years
c. 10 years
d. 2.8 years.
API 510

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 3

11. The inspection of bend tests for a welding procedure revealed an
opening in the concave side of the specimen, its greatest dimension
was 3/32 of an inch and does not show any sign of a welding flaw. This
opening is not cause for rejection because;
a. It is less than 1/8 inch.
b. The opening is not caused by a flaw and it is less than 1/8 inch.
c. The code does not address this issue.
d. The welder had faulty equipment provided at the testing lab.
12. What is the lowest metal temperature permitted to pneumatically test a
vessel per Section VIII Div. 1?
a. 30 ºF
b. 30 ºF above MDMT.
c. 30 ºF below MDMT.
d. There is no such requirement, it is only a recommendation.
API 510
13. When performing standard dye penetrant examinations, the greatest
temperature permitted for the part to be examined is;
a. 250 ºF
b. 600 ºF
c. 125 ºF
d. It does not matter;
Sec V
14. Regarding corrosion evaluation, for the purposes of determining
whether a weld joint efficiency or the surface remote from the weld
governs in calculations the following must be true for this to be a
a. The joints efficiency must be 1.0.
b. The joints efficiency must be less than 1.0
c. The joints efficiency must be exactly .90
d. The joints efficiency has no bearing on corrosion evaluations.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 4

API 510

15. The following describes the location of corrosion as measured in a

vessel shell with the following dimensions and minimums.
● .700 inch thickness minimum for shell form original calculations
● Longitudinal joint E = 85
● The thickness of the shell in the welded joint is .701 inch
● The thickness 3 inches remote from the welded joint is .698 inch.

Using the rules for corrosion evaluation in API 510 the following
conclusion can be made about the evaluation of the vessel for its
continued service without repair;
a. The thickness at the weld governs calculations.
b. The thickness remote from the weld governs calculations.
c. No such rule exits in API 510
d. Separate calculations will be required to determine which thickness
API 510
16. A 2 to 1 ellipsoidal head has experienced uniform corrosion on its inner
surface. To determine the governing thickness and evaluate the head
for continued service or the need for repair or derating we would.
a. Calculate the required thickn ess of the knuckle region using the
formula given in UG-32 of Section VIII Div 1.
b. Calculate the thickness required of the spherical portion of the head
using the formula from UG-27 of Section VIII Div, 1 for a spherical shell
c. Calculate the equivalent shell based on the heads inside diameter
d. Calculate both 1 and 2 above to determine the need for repair or
17. A 2 to 1 ellipsoidal head has experienced corrosion in the central
portion of the head and will require calculations for continued service
Using the following information, what is to be used as the dimension of
the spherical segment when evaluating the corrosion?
The vessel’s shell diameter is 96 inches

a. 96 inches
b. 76.8 inches
c. 80 inches
d. 38.4 inches

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 5


18. For calculating the required thickness of a standard torispherical head

which has a corroded area in its central portion, the head must be
evaluated using a spherical shell calculation. What shall be used as the
radius of the dished portion in the calculation?
a. One half the shell’s inside diameter.
b. 80 % of the shell’s diameter.
c. The shell’s diameter
d. The measured central portion of the head taken from its center and
based on 80 % of the shells diameter
19. An ellipsoidal head has experienced corrosion at a radius 31 inches
above the center of the head. The head is attached to a shell that is 8’ in
diameter using a type 2 weld that has been fully radiographed. This
corroded area may be considered within the spherical portion because
the greatest distance allowed for this calculation form the heads center
a. 76.8 inches
b. 38.4 inches
c. 80.0 inches
d. 40.0 inches
20. A vessel shell has scattered corrosive pits caused by hydrochloric acid.
The greatest pit depth found is .333 inches deep in a shell, which has
minimum required thickness of .521 inch. The sum of pit’s areas in a 8
inch diameter circle do not exceed 7 sq inches. This pit must be
repaired because the limit of the pit depth in this situation is;
a. 0.1302”
b. 0.2605”
c. 0.3000”
d. 0.3250” API 510

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 6

21. While inspecting a vessel you notice that there is corrosion that is
general, but varies over an area of the affected shell course, the vessel
has an inside diameter of 88 inches. You wish to average this corrosion
for purposes of evaluation. Circumferential stress governs in this
vessel, in inches what is the greatest length that can be used to average
this corrosion?
a. 40 inches
b. 39 inches
c. 29.33 inches
d. 88 inches
API 510
22. What is the required thickness of a 60 inch I.D. cylindrical shell if;
It has and allowable stress at design of 17,500 psi

The vessel’s Category A and D Type 1 joints are fully radiographed . All
Category B joints are Type 1 also and have been spot radiographed per
UW-11(a) (5) (b)
The vessel MAWP must be 350 PSI at 450ºF. The shell will see 11 psi of
static head at its bottom.
a. .6072”
b. .7388”
c. .7159”
d. .6266”
SEC viii
23. A hemispherical head formed form solid plate is 48.0 inches in inside
diameter this head is attached to a seamless shell and has not had
radiography on the Category A type 1 weld that attaches the head to the
shell. The vessel is horizontal and operates at 500 PSI water pressure
with an allowable stress on the head’s material of 15,000 PSI. The
head’s thickness required is?
a. .5741”
b. .5761”
c. 1.1432”
d. .2356”
Sec viii
24. A 3 1/2” weld procedure test coupon must be tensile tested. This will
require the cutting of the test coupon into smaller pieces. The tensile
testing machine is capable of pulling up to 1” thick specimens. How
many pieces will be required to for a complete test per section IX?
a. 6
b. 8
c. 2
d. 12

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 7

25. A round weld tensile specimen is tested and found to fail in the base
metal at a load of 14,876 Ib. The specimen was measured before the
test to have a diameter of 0.503 inches, the ultimate tensile strength of
this specimen is;
a. 74,863 pounds per square inch.
b. 18,829 pounds per square inch
c. 235,185 pounds per square inch.
d. 74,380 pounds per square inch.
Sec IX
26. A vessel has undergone welded repairs and will require a hydrostatic
test. This vessel is horizontal and has an I D. of 6 feet. The vessel
operates at 150 psi and the Data Report reflects an E of .85 for the
vessel based on RT-3. The limiting thickness of the vessel is its shell
course. The vessel is made of SA-5 15 Gr 70 material with an allowable
stress at temperatre of 15,500 psi its allowable stress at test
temperature is 17,500 psi. What is the required thickness of this vessel
and what shall the pressure be as read form a gage on the bottom of the
vessel during the test. The upper most part of the vessel is 6 feet above
the centerline of the vessel. The static head of water is .433 psi per
vertical foot.
a. T = 0.3621 Inch and gage pressure.will be 169.3 psi
b. T = 0.8750 inch and gage pressure will be 260.624 psi
c. T = 0.4234 inch and gage pressure will be 224.057 psi
d. T = 0. 4234 inch and gage pressure will be 254.32 psi
SEC Viii
27. During an internal inspection the following minimum thickness readings
were taken on a vertical vessel
Top Head Present = 0.235”
Shell Course Present =0. 225”
Bottom Head Present = 0.195”

This vessel has been in service for 6.5 years and all components had
an original thickness of0. 250 inch. The engineer calculated a
minimum thickness of the top head to be .145” and the bottom head
minimum thickness to be .155” and the shell’s minimum thickness to
be 0. 205” Based on the readings what is the Corrosion Rate for the
shell element?
a. 0.025”/ year
b. 0.0023”/ year
c. 0.020”/ year
d. 0.00384”/ year
API 510

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 8

28. Pitting has been discovered to be localized in a small area of an
ellipsoidal head. The depth of the pits does not exceed half of the
required wall thickness. A circle is drawn that takes in all the pits and
its diameter is 8 inches. The maximum area of all the pits in square
inches to allow averaging is;
a. 8 square inches;
b. 6 square inches
c. 7 square inches.
d. 5 square inches.
API 510
29. A cylindrical shell has been discovered to have uniform external
corrosion. The shells original thickness was 7/8 inch; it is presently .
745 inch in thickness. The original O.D of the shell was 30 inches. The
vessel operates at 650ºF with a stress allowable on the material of
15,000 psi 100 % RT was performed on the vessel. All joints are types 1
what is the vessel’s present MAWP? ( Use Formula in APX 1 for outside
a. 760 psi
b. 772.13 psi
c. 766.88 psi
d. 382.10 psi
Sec Viii APX 1
30. A shell course is being replaced with the new course being 60 inches in
inside diameter and 7/8 inches thick. The vessel course material is SA-
515 gr 60 plate at a design temperature of 750ºF the stress allowed is
13,000 psi The vessel joints are all type 2 and the vessel is stamped RT-
3. What is the MAWP of this shell course?
a. 298.11 psi
b. 316.74 psi
c. 150.35 psi
d. 335.38 psi
Sec viii
31. A standard ellipsoidal head with a 1 1/2” flange is attached to the
bottom of a vertical vessel. The heads inside diameter is 56 inches.
The vessel has a total elevation of 100 feet. The elevation at this head to
shell joint is 5 feet. What amount of hydrostatic head must he
considered for use in this head’s required thickness calculation?
a. 41.135 psi
b. 41.909 psi
c. 41 psi
d. 41.69 psi
Sec Viii

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 9

32. A torispherical head which can be calculated using UG-32 of Section VIII
Div. I has an outside skirt diameter of 84 inches and an inside knuckle
radius of 6 % O.D this means that the inside crown radius must be;
a. 42 inches
b. 5.04 inches
c. 84 inches
d. 2.52 inches

Sec Viii

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 10

(Example) B
1 C
2 D
3 B
4 C
5 A
6 C
7 C
8 C
9 A
10 D
11 C
12 B
13 C
14 B
15 D
16 D
17 B
18 C
19 B
20 B
21 C
22 D
23 B
24 B
25 A
26 C
27 D
28 C
29 C
30 A
31 D
32 C

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 11


1) STRESS AT TEST = 15,000 PSI

MAWP = 125 PSI

X 15,000/13,800 X 125 = 176,63Ø PSI
So Answer B

3) CALCULATE Do/t and L/Do

Do/t = 2.0/.025 = 80 L/Do – 69/2.0 = 3.0
FACTOR A = 00055

4) tmin = 0.377”
t1 + t2 > 1 ¼ tmin
t1 + t2 > 1.25 x .377 “
t1 + t2 = 0.47125” 

t1 OR t2 = 0.47125/2 = .02356”= 5.96 mm

Here .7 x tmin = 0.7 x .377 x 25.4= 6.7 mm or 6 mm whichever is more .
So choose 0.250 inch

5) UG – 32 (d) t= PD/2SE-0.2P
t= p t=[50x120/{ (2x15,000x1.0)-(0.2x50)]}=6,000/29,990
D=10’x12=120” t= 0.200”

6) Specimen 1. 22,600/.308 = 73,376.6

2. 25,800/..306 = 84,313.725

73, 377 & 84,314) So Ans is C

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 12

7) t orig = 0.250”
t present = 0.235” after 5 years
t minimum = 0.195”

Corrosion rate = (0.250”-0.235”/5) = 0.015”/5=0.003” Yr.

Remaining life = (0.235”-0.195”/0.003”) 13.33 Yrs.

Next internal inspection one-half remaining life or 10 years, use the smaller.

½ x 13.33 = 6.66 years.

13) On Stream or internal inspection

(1.270”-1.129”/0.025) =5.64 Yrs=remaining life!

½ remaining life or 10 Yrs use the smaller

½ x 5.64=2.82 Yrs

19) 80% of shells diameter 3rd Revision

.80 x 96=76.8”

80% OF 96=76.B”

20. shell tmin = 0.521” 3rd Revision

pit depth =. 333”

Rule says pit can not exceed ½ t min

.521”/2 = 0.2605”

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 13

21) ID of Shell = 88” 3rd Revision

1/3 of 88” or 40” which ever is less

.88/3 = 29.33”
3rd Revision
22) t=? t=PR/SE-0.6P

P=350 psi
S= 17, 500 psi Here p = 350 + 11 = 361
E= 1.0 PER UW-1,2 (a) t= 361x30/(17,500x1,0)-(0.6x361)=
R=60/2 = 30” t= 0.6266”

23) P=500 + HYDROSTATIC HEAD Note it is Horizontal shell

HH. = 4’ X .433 = 1.732 PSI 3rd Revision
P=501.732 PSI
E=.70 for category A Type 1 , No RT weld.

T = (PL/2SE – 0.2p) = [501.732x24 / (2x15,000x.70)-(0.2x501.732)

=12,041.568/20,899.6536 = 0.576161”

24) Thickness of coupon = 3.5”, 3rd Revision

Machine can handle max 1 inch thk.. So
3.5/4 = .875
4 pieces for each tensile test
2 tensile tests required 

2 x 4 = 8 pieces

25) Load = 14,876 16 3rd Revision

Diameter = .503”

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 14

A = Л r2 = 3.141 x (.503/2)2=314151 x 0.25152
A=3.141 x 0.06325225



LOAD 14,876
AREA 0.19867

= 74,863 PSI

26) 3rd Revision

t=? H. H. = 9X.433=3.897 PSI

P= 150+3.897=153.897 PSI
S=15,500 PSI at design
E= .85
R= 36”
S=17,500 at test

HYDRO. 1.3 X ( 17500/ 15 500) x 150=

1.3 x 1.12903 x 150 = 220.160 at the top

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 15

220.16 + 3.897 = 224.057 at the bottom

t= PR
------------ = 153.897x36 = 5540.292
SE – 0.6p ------------------------------- ------------------
(15,500x.85)-0.6x153.897) 13082.6618


0.4234” AND 224.057 PSIG

27) 0.250”-0.225 3rd Revision

------------------ = 0.0038461”

29) FROM APPX 1 for If OD Is given3rd Revision

P= SET This is the formula from APX 1

Ro- 0.4t

WALL LOSS=(7/8) “ - .745”-=0.875-0.745”=0.130”

O.D. = 30.0

Ro=30.0/2=150 (-0.130”) =14.87”

S=15,000 P= 15,000X1.0X0.745
P=? -------------------------
Ro=14.870” 14.87”- (.4X0.745)
-------------- = 766 .88PSI

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 16

30) P=? UG 27 3rd Revision

S=13,000 P= SE
E=80 -------------
t=7/8 = ..875” R+0.6t
R=60/2 = 30”


------------ = 298.11 PSI



95’ 100’


API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 17


(.25 X 56”)+ 1 ½

14” + 1.5” = 15.5”

15.5”/12” = 1.2916’

+ 1.2916
96.2916 X .433 = 41.69 PSI

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 18



It is recommended that you take this portion without referring to the ASME
Code or API books on your first attempt, to assess your strengths and
concentrate your studies on the most needed subject areas. It is
suggested that you write your answers on a separate sheet to keep this
copy clean for future studies.

33. What is the greatest allowed time between the testing of pressure
relieving devices per API 510?
a. 5 years
b. Pressure relief valves shall be tested at intervals that are frequent
enough to verify that the valves perform reliably.
c. 10 years.
d. Pressure relief devices must be tested at every shutdown
34. Who is responsible for the rerating calculations of a vessel?
a. The manufacturer or an owner-user engineer (or his designated
b. The chief inspector and the unit engineer.
c. The API authorized inspector.
d. A professional engineer only, is allowed to perform these calculations.
35. If the requirements of API 510 are met who determines if a temporary
fillet weld patch may be used in a repair?
a. The API authorized inspector.
b. An engineer competent in pressure vessel design and the API
authorized inspector.
c. A repair concern which holds a valid NBIC R stamp
d. Any of the above
510,sec viii
36. The maximum carbon content of weldable steel per ASME Code is?
a. .35 %
b. .035 %

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 19

c. .0035 %
d. 3.5 %
37. Per API 510 what is the recommended shell temperature during a
hydrostatic test of a vessel 1” thick?
a. 30ºF above ambient.
b. 65ºF above ambient
c. 10ºF above MDMT
d. 30ºF above testing liquids temperature.
38. If you were looking for the last date that a pressure relief valve was set,
where should this information always be?
a. In the product literature from the valve company
b. The API 510 mandatory computer inspection records.
c. Relief valve’s tag.
d. In the records of the repair shop
39. In what two ways may the probable corrosion rate for a new vessel be
determined before the first internal inspection?
a. Corrosion tabs and UT readings.
b. Consult Psychic Hot Line and Mr. Wizard
c. Ask a more experienced inspector or engineer
d. From data collected on vessels providing the same or similar service or
from published data on vessels providing comparable service.
40. A vessel is to undergo a hydrostatic test after an alteration; the test
pressure will be 785 psi. Using standard commercially available gauges
what is the minimum and maximum gage pressure range acceptable for
this test?
a. 0-1000 to 0-3000 psi
b. 0-1500 to 0-3000 psi
c. 0-1000 to 0-2500 psi
d. 0-850 to 0-1500 psi
Sec viii
41. Which of the following should a progressive record for a pressure
vessel contain?
a. The exact location on a plot plan.
b. The piping schedule for the vessel.
c. A complete weld map from the original construction plans.
d. Construction and design information, operating and inspection history.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 20

42. If performing an external inspection of a vessel what consideration need
be given the external insulation?
a. It shall always be removed to inspect underneath
b. If insulation is in good condition and the vessel operates within the high
and low temperatures stated in API 510 removal of insulation is not
necessary for inspection of the vessel.
c. Select portions must be removed for inspections.
d. You may not use any plug locations used for UT thickness reading to
inspect the vessel.
43. What must be considered important in the inspection of a metallic
a. That there are no dissimilar welds
b. That the linings made of pure alloy only
c. The vent holes exist in all liners.
d. That there are no holes or cracks present in the lining.
651, 510
44. What must be done prior to using special inspection procedures after
an alteration to a vessel in place of a hydrostatic test?
a. Check with the NBIC Authorized inspector
b. Consult with the chief inspector of the jurisdiction.
c. Make certain it is permitted by any jurisdictional rules that may exist
and consult with an engineer experienced in pressure vessel design
and the Authorized Pressure vessel Inspector.
d. Review all NDE procedures prior to commencement of the NDE used
to waive the hydrostatic test requirement.
45. If the corrosion rate of a vessel is determined to be less than a given
amount per year, it is possible to exempt the vessel from internal
inspections. What is the value of the corrosion rate that cannot be
a. 0.001” per year
b. 0.001” between inspections not to exceed 5 years between inspections
c. 0.005” per year
d. 0.005” between inspection not to exceed 3 years between inspections
46. What may happen if vessels are subjected to temperatures above
a. The relief device may fail
b. The rupture disk may implode
c. Phosphoric granulation at the grain boundaries
d. Creep of the vessel’s material may occur. 571

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 21

47. The definition of pressure vessels is;
a. A vessel for the containment of process fluids with or without internal
b. A container designed to operate below atmospheric pressure.
c. A container no greater than 6” in cross section
d. A container designed to withsland internal or external pressure
48. Which is the most severe stress caused by internal pressure in a
cylindrical shell?
a. Circumferential stress acting along the longitudinal sxis.
b. Longitudinal stress acting along the longitudinal axis
c. Circumferential stress acting along the circumferential axis.
d. Longitudinal stress acting along the circumferential axis.
Sec Viii
49. Of the following heads; which is normally required to be thickest all
things being equal?
a. Hemispherical
b. Flanged and dished
c. 2 to 1 elliptical
d. Forged flat heads
Sec Viii
50. The maximum interval between external visual inspections for an above
the ground vessel is;
a. Three years
b. Ten years
c. Five years
d. There is no maximum interval
51. What is the maximum inspection interval for a vessel with a remaining
safe operating life of less than four years?
a. The full remaining safe operating life up to a maximum of 4 years.
b. The full remaining safe operating life up to a maximum of 2 years
c. The full remaining safe operating life up to a maximum of 1 year.
d. The full remaining life of the vessel.
52. What does the term construction code mean, as it regards repairs to a
pressure vessel?
a. The current ASME code edition
b. The NBIC
c. The code the vessel was constructed to including non-standard and
jurisdictional special vessels.
d. The API 510 code. Viii

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 22

53. What code is used to evaluate a vessel after it has been placed in
a. ASME section VIII
b. ASME Section V
c. API 510
d. RP 572
54. When a vessel is to be entered for inspection which of the following
precautions should be observed?
a. The area should be roped off and no one else is to be working in the
b. Inspect the vessel for proper electrical grounding if a thunderstorm is in
the area
c. All hot work permits in the immediate area must be revoked until the
inspection is complete
d. OSHA rules should be reviewed and followed where applicable.
55. Liquid penetrant inspection can find which type of discontinuity?
a. Internal cracking of welds
b. Cracks open to the surface
c. Subsurface porosity
d. Subsurface plate laminations
Sec V
56. For proper internal or external visual inspection surfaces must be;
a. Wire brushed
b. Walnut shell blasted
c. Hydro blasted
d. The type of surface preparation depends on individual circumstances
and could be any of the above
57. Who normally performs welder certification test that is which
organization is responsible for performance and acceptance?
a. Inspection department
b. Company employing the welder
d. The company safety department
58. What is the definition of a construction code?
a. Any standard used to repair vessel
b. Any technique of construction
c. Any standard used to build a vessel
d. The code or standard to which a vessel was originally built. 510

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 23

59. Of the following tools which should the inspector have on hand for
vessel inspections?
a. Pencil and note pad, flash light and scraper
b. Social security card.
c. Clean fire retardant clothing
d. Electrical conductivity testing equipment to test liners.
60. The purpose of a welding Procedure Specification and its Procedure
Qualification Record is;
a. To make sure every one involved in the repair process has a listing of
nonessential variables
b. Make sure the welder follows the essential variables
c. To prove the weld will provide the required properties
d. Keep testing labs in business
Sec IX
61. Many of the problems that develop in operating vessels may be traced
a. Cold winters
b. On-stream inspections
c. Electrical shorts
d. Faulty materials and workmanship
62. The maximum content of iron in a nonferrous metal is
a. 35%
b. 50%
c. 75%
d. 45%
63. Which of the following types of over pressure protection is not found on
a pressure vessel?
a. Safety Relief
b. Pilot Operated
c. Rupture Disk
d. Pressure/vacuum vent
64. If steel of a vessel has exceeded its yield point upon the removal of
pressure and heat it will;
a. return to its original shape
b. Contain a permanent deformation
c. Split or rupture
d. Be oblong
572,Sec VIII

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 24

65. Of the types of stresses placed on a thin walled cylinder the most
severe is;
a. Circumferential
b. Longitudinal
c. Compressive
d. Radial
66. The report for qualifying a welder is;
a. WPS
b. PQR
c. WPQ
d. WQR
Sec ix
67. Which of the following inspection techniques requires direct visual
examination of the test specimen?
a. Radiography testing
b. Ultrasonic testing
c. Magnetic particle
d. Eddy current
Sec V
68. A welding procedure is a detailed plan developed by whom to ensure
sound welds.
a. API-510 Inspector
b. Welder
c. Quality Control Manager
d. Fabricator
Sec IX
69. The primary cause of deterioration in pressure vessels is;
a. Corrosion
b. Operating conditions
c. Improper installation
d. Water damage

70. High pressure may develop in a vessel as a result of;

a. Rapid venting of a vessel’s pressure source
b. Lowering heat below normal operating conditions
c. Thermal contraction of trapped fluids
d. Blocking off against a pressure source

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 25

71. Which of the following techniques is considered the primary means to
determine the minimum thickness of a vessel’s components?
a. A boat sample remove from a thin area
b. Measuring from a corroded area
c. Any suitable destructive method of examination
d. Ultrasonic thickness measurements.

72. The rules for impact testing of carbon steel in Section VIII vessel
materials require what kind(S) of impact test.
a. Brinell & Rockwell
b. Izod & charpy V-notch
c. Charpy V-notch only is acceptable
d. Brinell only is acceptable.

73. You have measured undercut on a girth weld during the repair to a
vessel, it was found to be 1/32 inch in depth. The base metal is 2 inches
thick, and you should?
a. Reject the weld
b. Accept the weld.
c. Consult the API 510 code for accept/reject criteria before making a
d. Consult with the chief inspector or Engineer

74. What is the minimum length of weld metal to be radiographed for a

Welder’s performance Qualification using an NPS 6 inch pipe coupon
made of P No 5 materials utilizing the SMAW process?
a. Six inches of weld metal
b. The entire circumference of the pipe coupon
c. Stops and starts only
d. None, not allowed by section IX

75. The API authorized pressure vessel inspector may give prior
authorization for repairs that do not involve;
a. Pressure tests
b. Radiography
c. Pneumatic testing
d. Final visual inspections

76. The two types of impact tests required by section VIII Div.1 are;
a. Izod and drop weight
b. Brinell and Rockwell
c. Charpy and Drop Weigth
d. Weld metal and Base metal

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 26

77. In Section VIII Div.1 acceptance of a radiograph is based on;
a. The speed of the film used.
b. The geometric unsharpness of the image
c. The absence of backscatter.
d. The ability to see the essential hole or wire, if a wire type IQI is used

78. A spot radiograph of a butt weld in a 1 inch thick of a vessel market RT-
3 was found to have a rounded indication, the dimension of such an
indication according to section VIII div 1 is;
a. 1/32 of an inch
b. 1/3 of an inch
c. 2/3 of an inch
d. None, rounded indications are not a consideration with spot

79. Section VIII Div 1, is very specific about the number of spot radiographs
required when applying it for quality control, the basic premise is to;
a. Insure that all welds are made perfectly
b. Make sure someone is held responsible for any poor welding
c. apply the radiographs immediately after welding in order to take
connective steps if needed.
d. fire as many welders as possible

80. A P No.1 material that is plate has been rolled into a cylinder and butt
welded. The cylinder is exactly 1-14” thick, and it is used in the repair of
a pressure boundary on a U stamped vessel, the following is a true
a. It must receive full radiography
b. It may be not spot radiographed
c. It may not be fully radiography
d. It may receive spot, full or no radiography depending on original the
original UI form

81. Charpy impact tests are intended to prove that a material is;
a. Tough at the desired MDMT of the vessel to be constructed using that
b. Some what prone to brittle fracture.
c. acceptable for use in high temperature service
d. not required to be heat treated

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 27

82. According to section IX, all welders must be re-tested for a process;
a. If they have not been tested before
b. If they have not used a process in the past 9 months or longer
c. If they have not used a process for the past 12 months or longer and
have not been welding with other processes
d. If the welder’s ability to make sounds welds with process is in doubt.

83. The testing apparatus used and the techniques for performing charpy
impact tests are found in;
a. Section VIII Div. 1 paragraph UG-84
b. SA-270
c. SA-370
d. Section IX paragraph 401.32

84. An above the ground vessel is required to receive an external

inspection ;
a. Every 4 years
b. At the half corrosion-rate life.
c. Every 10 years
d. Every five years or at the same interval as the internal inspection
whichever is less

85. before starting the inspection of a pressure vessel, especially one is

severe service the inspector should determine;
a. The pressure and temperature conditions under which the vessel has
been operated since the first inspection
b. The pressure and temperature conditions under which the vessel has
been operated during the period since the last two inspections.
c. The pressure and temperature conditions under which the vessel has
been operated since the current inspection
d. The pressure and temperature conditions under which the vessel has
been operated since the last inspection

86. The inability to draw the products of fractionation or distillation from

certain trays may
a. Indicate fouling or loss of tray parts in a process tower
b. Indicate that instrumentation is giving false readings.
c. Prove that the piping diameter is too small
d. Indicate that the trays have lost all bubble caps or tray valves, or
possibly the tray has collapsed

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 28

87. Prior to witnessing a pneumatic test of pressure vessel, which has been
repaired by welding the inspector should;
a. Determine if the vessel has had all relief devices removed
b. Observe that the digital pressure gage to be used for the test is of the
proper range
c. Check that the personnel conducting the test have been properly
trained to perform hazardous tests.
d. Make sure that the analog pressure gage is of the proper range for the
test pressure

88. Widely scattered pits may be ignored as long as the following are true
a. No pit depth is greater than one half the vessel’s required wall
thickness exclusive of the corrosion allowance.
b. The total area of the pits does not exceed 7 square inches (45 square
centimeters) within any 8-inch (20-centimeter) diameter circle
c. The sum of their dimensions along any straight line within the circle
does not exceed 2 inches (5 centimeters)
d. ?

What is the missing item in d above is?

a) The pit depths must be measured from the side the pit is located on
b) The 8 inch diameter is to be measured from the center of the deepest
c) There are no missing items there are only 3 items listed for this rule
d) The total area of the pits cannot exceed 3.5 square inches in a 4-inch
diameter circle.

89. The surface remote from a welded joint is determined as follows;

a. 1 inch on either side of the weld or twice the minimum thickness which
ever is greater.
b. 1 inch on either side of the weld or twice the minimum thickness which
ever is less.
c. For vessels with inside diameters less than 60 inches 20 inches or ½
the vessel diameter
d. 2 inches on either side of the weld

90. Before any repair to a pressure vessel in accordance with its code of
construction, what if any additional requirements for inspection may
need to be considered?
a. Jurisdictional requirements that might override the API 510 code
b. Who is doing the repair?
c. The quality of the repair materials
d. The need for qualified welding procedures

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 29

91. Some jurisdictions require that welded repairs to a pressure vessel be
documented by the completion and filing of;
a. A detailed report of the location and extent of repairs
b. A qualifications record of all repair personnel
c. A permit issued by the jurisdiction
d. The national Board of Boiler and pressure vessel inspectors form “R-1”

92. While inspecting an operating vessel you observe that cracks are
present in the connecting welds for a gauge glass, you also notice
vibrations are occurring in the assembly. Before you recommend
corrective actions you should;
a. Re-evaluate the materials used in the fabrication of the gauge glass
b. Write a report of the location with a recommendation for the type of
repairs needed
c. Research the inspection records for previous failures of this type
d. Check with a pressure vessel engineer to see if the cracks are caused
by fatigue failure

93. Which of the following describes a type/s of rupture disks?

a. Multiple layer of graphite impregnated Kevlar fibers
b. Various metals – usually flat except steel.
c. Impervious graphite –un-bulged
d. Various metals, usually pre-bulged or impervious graphite, usually flat.

94. The two types of graphitization are

a. Localized and random graphitization
b. Ferritic and martensite graphitization
c. Austenitic and martensitic graphitization
d. Circular or globular graphitization

95. The main reason(s) for inspecting heat exchanger bundles after removal
and prior to cleaning is/are;
a. Location of scale on tubes can reveal non-operational problems.
b. Deposits on the tubes can reveal acid contamination problems
c. Color of the tube ends can reveal de-zincification
d. Color of deposits and scale can scale can reveal corrosion problems

96. Hydrogen chloride becomes a problem when,

a. Exposed to air, it will thermally react and result in a fire.
b. Exposed to water, it forms hydrochloric acid.
c. Exposed to water it becomes unstable and can form an explosive
d. Exposed to water and air it produces formic acid

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 30

97. Which one of the following types of coating failures may not easily
a. Film lifting
b. Rust
c. Blisters
d. Film dispersions

98. Are nondestructive procedures allowed in lieu of hydrostatic testing, if

so what must be done?
a. Engineer experienced in pressure vessel design and the API inspector
must be consulted
b. The API inspector and NBIC inspector must be consulted
c. The API inspector must be consulted
d. An experienced engineer must be consulted

99. A new vessel has been installed what must be done in order accept the
vessel for operation?
a. A first internal inspection
b. A first internal inspection, however if a manufactures’ data report (Ut)
assuring that the vessel is satisfactory for its intended service is
available the first internal may be waived
c. Base line thickness readings must be taken per OSHA 1920 (j)
d. Base line thickness reading must be taken per OSHA 1910(j)

100. A vessel is in a service that subjects it to acidic fluids, what is a major

concern for this type of service?
a. Graphitic induced corrosion
b. Caustic blistering
c. Caustic embrittlement and cracking
d. Accelerated corrosion, Hydrogen blistering and Hydrogen induced

101. Ordinarily non-metallic coatings and linings can be most effectively

inspected by what technique?
a. Law holiday tester
b. Radiography
c. Hammer testing
d. Using a high voltage low current brush type electrode device (spark

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 31

102. A relief valve has been shipped lying down on its side; this is a
problem because;
a. Relief valves are often heavy and are sometimes difficult to upright
b. Flange faces may be damaged during shipment
c. Springs in the valve may shift and distort and as a result not exert the
same force on stems and seats.
d. Springs may slip out and be lost during shipment

103. A major concern(s) when inspecting a nozzle flange face is /are;

a. Brand name of the flange
b. Brand name of the gaskets used in the flange.
c. Surface corrosion in the bolt circle.
d. Distortion of the flange and the condition of the gasket seating

104. If there are leaks in a vessel’s insulation system or protective coatings,

corrosion can occur. At below what temperature is this corrosion
most likely to be a problem?
a. 250ºF
b. 212ºF
c. 350ºF
d. 275ºF

105. Which of the following is subject to de-alloying when exposed to steam

containing sulfur compounds?
a. Cuppro brass
b. Naval brass
c. Admiralty brass
d. Monel

106. Titanium alloys are subject to loss of ductility in certain environments

what is this condition called?
a. High temperature embrittlement
b. Low temperature embrittlement
c. Hi-alloy effect
d. Hydriding

107. Which of the following normally determines the frequency of shop

inspection /overhaul of a relief device?
a. Normal Basis
b. Manufacturer’s Basis
c. Other Basis
d. Inspector’s basis and analysis.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 32

108. Which of the following describes a crack in metal?
a. Cracks run parallel to the surface
b. Cracks run at right angles to the surface
c. Cracks are usually wide at one end and narrow at the other
d. Cracks run at obtuse angles to the surface

109. Which of the following describes a lamination in metal plate?

a. Laminations usually represent large cavities
b. Laminations are fish mouth type openings and are only found on the
edges of plate
c. Laminations run at a slant to the plate surface
d. Laminations run at an obtuse angle to the plate surface

110. Above what temperature must hydrogen attack be considered a

concern in an operating carbon steel vessel?
a. above 650ºF
b. below 650ºF
c. below 450ºF
d. above 450ºF

111. After removing an exchanger bundle you find a Prussian blue coating
on the tubes, what do you suspect causes this coating?
a. Amino acid
b. Cyanide
c. Ferri-ferrocyanide
d. Phosphoric acid

112. One major area of concern when inspecting guy wires for a vessel is
crevice corrosion where does this occur?
a. On the free end of the turn buckle
b. In the threaded areas
c. On the guy wires
d. Where the wires contact the ground

113. You are inspecting a failure in a vessel wall, what conditions would
you look for if it was believed that the fracture was brittle?
a. There is almost a no lack of ductility
b. The fractured surfaces has a smooth surface
c. The surface of the crack would have jagged edges.
d. There is an almost complete lack of ductility and the failure site will
have a faceted surface

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 33

114. what is the ideal time to inspect pressure relief valves?
a. When the unit is in operation
b. When the unit is out of operation
c. For relief valves when the boiler is undergoing Jurisdictional
d. When the inspection least interferes with the process and
maintenance manpower is readily available

115. Temper embrittlement is best described as;

a. Cracking due to operating at high temperatures above 700 degrees F
b. Loss of ductility and notch toughness due to exposure above 700
degrees F
c. Flaking of the metal surfaces, causing dip pits
d. Cracking due to low temperature service

116. Carbon dioxide considered corrosive when?

a. When combined with glycol
b. When combined with water
c. When combined with ethylene
d. When combined with water and high temperatures

117. If white salts are found at cracks in a vessel;

a. It is an indication that the vessel contains an alkaline based chemical
b. It is an indication that the vessel contains an acidic based chemical
c. It is an indication that the vessel contains a low pH chemical
d. It is an indication that the vessel had been operated above normal

118. The first consideration that must be given when the half bead temper
bead technique of repair is proposed should be;
a. Consultation with the jurisdiction
b. Time required to do the repair, and personnel safety
c. Suitability for a given fluid service and any corrosion resistance
d. Close monitoring of the welding operation.

119. A poor choice of material for ammonia service would be;

a. Stainless steels
b. Copper based alloys
c. Carbon steels
d. Carbon Molybdenum steels

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 34

120. when manufacturing lubricating oils and aromatics the following
chemical is used.
a. Phenol
b. Ammonia
c. Hydrogen cyanide
d. Glycol

121. Aluminum chloride can affect stainless steel in which of the following
a. Severe pitting corrosion only
b. Intergranular cracking only
c. Stress corrosion cracking only
d. Stress corrosion cracking and/or intergranular cracking can occur

122. The low temperature corrosion of gray cast irons is called;

a. graphitic corrosion
b. temper embrittlement
c. brittle fracture
d. incipient melting

123. A bulged metal rupture disk with the pressure on the concave side has
life expectancy of;
a. 5 years
b. 2 years
c. 1 year
d. Indefinite length

124. Most active of sulfur compounds found in refinery service is;

a. Mercaptans
b. organic sulfur compounds
c. hydrogen sulfide
d. polymorphic sulfides when combined with polymer products.

125. Which of the following are the materials could be expected to produce
reliable magnetic particle examination results?
a. Monels.
b. Cupro-Nickels
c. Austenitic Stainless Steels.
d. Common Carbon Steels.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 35

126. Which of the following is an example of a microstructure change in
a. Graphitization
b. Interstial Corrosion
c. Dembrittlement
d. Embossing

127. A common corrosive compound found in crude oil is;

a. Nitrogen compounds.
b. Phenolic acid
c. Napthinic acid.
d. Carbonic acid

128. Dezincification occurs by attacking metals which contain;

a. Copper – Zinc alloys containing less than 95% of copper used in water
b. Copper – Zinc alloys containing less than 85% of copper used in water
c. Copper – Zinc alloys containing less than 85% of copper used in
caustic service
d. Copper – Zinc alloys containing less than 95% of copper used in acidic

129. Which of the following describes a physical change in metal?

a. Intergranular conosion
b. Sensitization.
c. Banite solution.
d. Amphoric layering.

130. When looking for surface cracks in a vessel made of ferrous material
which of the following is the most capable of detection?
a. Fluorescent Penetrant Method.
b. Radiography
c. Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Method.
d. Close visual Inspection with good lighting.

131. The majority of vessel foundations are constructed using;

a. High grade (load bearing) concrete compounds.
b. Structural steel fireproofed with concrete.
c. Concrete reinforced with polymers.
d. Structural steel overlaid with refractory.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 36

132. Which of the following is considered a construction code?
a. ASME B 31.23
b. ASME 33.2
c. ASME Section V
d. ASME Section VIII Div. I

133. Vanadium Oxide corrosion is not known to occur below;

a. 1,050 ºF
b. 1,100 ºF
c. 950 ºF
d. 800 ºF

134. Under which of the following condition(s) should you require to the
removal of safety relief device(s)?
a. If a pressure test is being conducted in which the test pressure will
exceed the set pressure of the safety relief valve with the lowest
b. The safety relief device was opening on a regular, usexplainable basis
c. Seepage had been discovered and operators have been consulted.
d. Surface corrosion on the body of the device.

135. The rerating of vessel involves the;

a. Calculations from only a manufacturer experienced in pressure
b. Use of Non-Code requirements as established in accordance with the
alternative rules of B31.3.
c. Review Inspection records verify the pressure vessel has been in the
proposed service previously
d. Calculations from either the manufacturer or an owner-user engineer
experienced in pressure vessels.

136. Which of the following is a major concern when operating vessels that
utilize the fluidized bed principle?
a. Overheating
b. Erosion
c. Corrosion
d. Cracks

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 37

137. The inspection of a vessel to determine if a hydrogen blister is present
is often best performed by;
a. Researching the inspection records.
b. Determine the vessels material to see if hydrogen attack is likely.
c. Shining a flash light parallel to the vessel’s surface.
d. Recommending metallurgical tests for blisters in a laboratory.

138. When a crack is discovered in a vessel that is in a highly stressed

area. What action should you recommend be considered as a first step
in any effort to correct the flaw?
a. Using an insert patch.
b. Removing the crack using by grinding and inspect using an NDE
procedure before repair by welding.
c. Call in a pressure vessel engineer.
d. Design an overlay patch that has rounded corners.

139. Which of the following should be considered in determining the

material to be used for pressure relieving devices?
a. Temperature and pressure.
b. Pressure and corrosion resistance requirements.
c. Temperature, pressure, corrosion resistance requirements and
atmospheric conditions.
d. Atmospheric conditions and temperature.

140. When preparing to inspect a vessel which has had previous

inspections what is the initial step in preparation for the inspection?
a. Assemble all the required tools to perform the inspection.
b. Review previous inspection records.
c. Advice maintenance of any anticipated repairs.
d. Insure that all non-destructive examinations required have been

141. When rerating a pressure vessel, one of the steps of the rerating is the
documentation of the;
a. Calculations from the manufacturer or the owner-user’s engineer.
b. Approval of the operation’s engineering department.
c. Report from a professional engineer.
d. Approval of the ASME.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 38

142. Which of the following best describes a “Corrosion Button” as might
be found in a pressure vessel?
a. Buttons made of highly corrosion resistant material from which
corrosion loss can be measured.
b. Buttons which corrode at about the same rate as the vessel’s material
and are used to estimate the vessel’s corrosion losses.
c. No such thing exists; there is however a corrosion tab used in vessels.
d. A form of corrosive product produced by certain chemicals in a vessel
when is constructed of high chrome alloy material.

143. Why should weld probe or trepan inspection methods be avoided if at

all possible?
a. The repair concern will normally charge more to repair these
destructive tests sites in the vessel
b. These types of destructive test site (holes) are difficult to repair and the
weld quality of such repairs is likely to be poor.
c. Most jurisdictions prohibit such destructive tests.
d. NDE personnel are ill equipped to test such sites prior to repairs.

144. Pitting corrosion is usually found in a vessel by what means?

a. Thickness measurements at all the compass points at one foot
b. Scratching with a pointed scraper.
c. Each shell course and head shall be subjected to abrasive blasting.
d. Each shell course and head shall be wire brushed thoroughly.

145. The thinned areas of a vessel are to be evaluated for continued service
using the design by analysis methods of Section VIII Division 2. When
using this technique it is always true that;
a. The insurer of the vessel must be consulted with first.
b. Corporate engineering must approve this method of evaluation.
c. Consulation with a pressure Vessel engineer is required.
d. You must determine the materials used in the fabrication of the vessel.

146. Heavy wall process hydro-carbon reactors operate at high pressures

and have special inspection requirements, chief among these
requirements are inspections for what type of problem?
a. Laminations of the heavy wall plates used in construction
b. Crack damage.
c. Upset trays and down comers.
d. Severe corrosion in the top head due to corrosive vapors generated in
the process.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 39

147. The number of charpy impact specimens required for a 1-1/2” Thick
weld procedure test plate is;
a. 2 sets of 3.
b. 3 sets of 2.
c. 4 sets of 3.
d. Dependent on the type of material to be used in the construction of the

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 40


(Example) B
33 C
34 A
35 B
36 A
37 C
38 C
39 D
40 B
41 D
42 B
43 D
44 C
45 C
46 D
47 D
48 A
49 D
50 C
51 B
52 C
53 C
54 D
55 B
56 D
57 B
58 D
59 A
60 C
61 D
62 B
63 D
64 B
65 A
66 C
67 C

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 41

68 D
69 A
70 D
71 D
72 C
73 B
74 B
75 A
76 D
77 D
78 D
79 C
80 D
81 A
82 D
83 C
84 D
85 D
86 A
87 D
88 C
89 A
90 A
91 D
92 D
93 D
94 A
95 D
96 B
97 A
98 A
99 B
100 D
101 D
102 C
103 D
104 A
105 D
106 D
107 A
108 B
109 C
API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 42
110 D
111 C
112 B
113 D
114 D
115 B
116 B
117 A
118 C
119 B
120 A
121 D
122 A
123 C
124 C
125 D
126 A
127 A
128 B
129 A
130 C
131 B
132 D
133 B
134 A
135 D
136 B
137 C
138 C
139 C
140 B
141 A
142 A
143 B
144 B
145 C
146 B
147 A

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 43

Open Book API 510 Practice Exam A



1. A vertical vessel has been determined to need de-rating to a lower

MAWP. The new MAWP is based on the engineer’s calculations for
pressure allowed on the top shell section listed below. The vessel has
an elevation of 55 feet to its very top. The following pressure is
calculated to the bottom of the element listed.
Top shell section, elevation 40.3 feet, p= 458.3 Psi
a. 439.6 psi
b. 440 8psi
c. 451.9 psi
d. 457.6 psi

2. A shell course is being replaced in an existing vessel made of SA-515

GR. 55 rolled plate. The shell course will have a thickness of 1.25 inches
and inside radius of 40 inches. The Data Report on the vessel indicates
the original design called for a joint E of 10, a MAWP OF 675 psig at 450
degrees F and that the MDMT required is 5 degrees F. preheat to 200
degrees was used prior to welding Postweld heat treatment was
performed also. The ratio of design stress to allowable stress is. 90.
What reduction in MDMT can be taken for the ratio of design stress of
a. 20º F
b. 10º F
c. 15º F
d. 30º F

3. A hydrostatic test is being performed on a vertical vessel with an

elevation of 48 feet. The MAWP of the vessel in its normal operating
position is 225 psi. ALL RVs have been removed and the vessel is
blinded off from all other components. The gage will be installed at an
elevation of 22.5 feet. What shall this gage pressure be during the
hydrostatic test at the 22.5’ elevation? The materials design stress
allowed is 16,800 psi and the stress allowed at test temperature of 70
degrees F is 17,500 psi. H.H. is 433 psi per vertical foot.
a. 362.6 psi

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 44

b. 351.0 psi
c. 339.9 psi
d. 315.7 psi

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 45

4. During the internal inspection of a vertical vessel a minimum thickness
reading of 1.270” was found on a shell course. The Data Report reflects
an original thickness of 1.50”, and allowable stress at 600 degrees of
14,500 psi, full radiography, and a MAWP of 650 psi. The MAWP was
based on a retirement diameter of 49.02 inches after the corrosion
allowance was expended. Inspection records indicate a corrosion rate
of 0.025 inches a year. If the corrosion rate does not change what is the
maximum time before the next on stream or internal inspection?
a. 56 years
b. 10 years
c. 90 days
d. 2.815 years

5. A repair to vessel is planned. The vessel is built of SA-516 grade 70

normalized material. The vessel operates at an MDMT of 38ºF. This
vessel is in ordinary service and has thickness of 1.125 inch. It will not
receive postweld heat treatment. The coincident Ratio of stress is 0.90.?
This vessel cannot be exempted for impact testing per paragraph UG-20
(f) because;
a. SA-516 is not a P No. 1 material;
b. 38 ºF is too low a temperature.
c. It exceeds the thickness limit for a curve A material.
d. It exceeds the thickness limit for a curve D material.

6. An exchange has experienced internal corrosion of its tubes. The tubes

are required to withstand an external pressure of 350 psi. The tubes
have and O.D of 1.98 inch and are 88 inches in length with a wall
thickness of .025 inch. The value of L/DO is?
a. 44.44
b. .0225
c. 79.2
d. 4.44

7. Two nozzles are to be added to an existing pressure vessel. One nozzle

is 3.5 in O D. and the other is 2 in O. D., how close may these nozzles be
placed in the vessel wall without their areas of reinforcement
a. 2.5 inches
b. 3 inches
c. 5.5 inches
d. 2 inches

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 46

8. A pressure vessel has been measured to have a minimum wall
thickness of .235 inch after 5 years of service. The vessel’s original wall
thickness was .250. Its minimum allowable wall thickness is .195 inch.
How long until the next required inspection per API 510?
a. 13.3 years
b. 10 years
c. 5 years
d. 6 and 2/3 years

9. A vessel is undergoing a hydrostatic test after repair. The vessel is

marked with an MAWP of 100 psig at 750 ºF. The materials allowable
stress at operating temperature is 15,000 psi and its allowable stress at
test temperature is 17,500 psi. the visual inspection shall take place at;
a. 100 psi
b. No less than the MAWP of the vessel.
c. 116.66 psi
d. 106.66 psi

10. During an internal inspection a vessel’s shell was measured and found
to have a remaining wall thickness of .486 inches. It was last inspected 4
years ago. The retirement thickness of the vessel shell is .475 inches
and its previous thickness was .500 inches Based on this data, per API
510 what is the present corrosion allowance of the vessel?
a. 0.025”
b. 0.110”
c. 0.011”
d. 0014”

11. A vessel is constructed of rolled and welded SA-516 gr. 70 steel plate. It
is 96 inches in diameter with a communicating chamber, which extends
18 inches below this horizontal vessel. This vessel is in water service
and operates at working pressure of 150 psi. What will be the gage
pressure at working pressure as read on a gage mounted on the bottom
of the vessel’s communicating chamber?
a. 150 psi
b. 154 11 psi
c. 153.46 psi
d. 199.36 psi

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 47

12. A torispherical head was found to have minimum thickness of .523 inch.
This head is attached by a type 2 weld to a seamless shell. The category
B welds meet the requirements of UW-11 (a)(5)(b) and UW- 52 The heads
material has an allowable stress at operating temperature of 14,800 psi.
The head has an O.D. of 36” and an inside crown radius of 36”. What is
the welded joint’s efficiency that attaches the head to the shell?
a. 10
b. .85
c. .80
d. .90

13. In corrosive service the wall thickness used in the MAWP calculation
must be the actual thickness as determined by the inspection, but must
not be thicker than original thickness on the vessel’s original material
test report or Manufacturer’s Data Report __________________.
Fill in the blank;
a. Plus twice the estimated corrosion loss before the next inspection.
b. Minus twice the estimated corrosion loss before the next inspection.
c. Minus three times the estimated corrosion loss before the next
d. Plus four times the estimated corrosion loss before the next inspection.

14. A weld repair using the preheat and deposition welding methods
described in the API 510 is to be performed on a groove type repair in a
vessel wall, and will require a welding procedure qualified using notch
toughness tests. What would be the allowed depth of repair if the
procedure test groove was 2 inches in depth?
a. 2 inches or more
b. Less than 2 inches.
c. Not more than 1-1/2 inches.
d. Unlimited thickness would be permissible.

15. Per Section VIII Div. I a P number I material is required to be post weld
heat treated when it exceeds what thickness at the joint?
a. 1”
b. 1-1/8” and has not had the required pre-heat applied.
c. 1-1/4” and has not had the required pre-heat applied.
d. 2”

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 48

16. According to section IX of the ASME Code, which of the following is not
required to be present on the supporting PQR?
a. Weld coupon thickness.
b. Post-weld heat treatment applied or the lack of
c. Joint design.
d. Welding process used to make the PQR weld coupon.

17. Per Section IX a 3/8” PQR coupon will support the following range of
thicknesses in production.
a. 3/16 TO 3/4 inches.
b. 3/8 to 3/4 inches.
c. 3/8 to 1 inches.
d. 3/16 to 1 inches.

18. In order to substitute 4 side bends for the required face and root bend
tests the PQR coupon must be at least what thickness?
a. 1”
b. 3/4"
c. 3/8”
d. 1/2"

19. What is the required holding time at normal PWHT temperature for P
number I material with a thickness of 3”?
a. 2-1/4 hours.
b. 2 hours
c. 2-1/2 hours
d. P number I material is not required to receive PWHT per Section VIII.

20. Per Section IX, the following minimum number of tensile specimens is
required on the PQR.
a. 6.
b. 4.
c. 8.
d. 2.

21. According to Section IX which of the following describes all the

possible combinations for bends tests.
a. Four face bends.
b. Four root bends.
c. Four side bends.
d. Two face and two root or four side bends.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 49

22. While attempting to PWHT a vessel’s shell it is discovered that the
equipment on hand cannot reach the minimum temperature for the P
No. 1 Group 3 material that the vessel is constructed of It is 2 inches
thick at the location of heat treatment. If the vessel can be post weld
heat treated at a lower temperature, what is that lowest temperature?
a. 900 ºF
b. 1000 ºF
c. 950 ºF
d. Lower temperatures are not allowed on P No 1 Group 3 materials.

23. Which of the following is the maximum out-of roundness allowance for
a cylinder per ASME VIII?
a. 1%
b. plus or minus 1%
c. 1.2%
d. 2”

24. If a 3 inch thick welded plate specimen must be impact tested what will
be approximate required absorbed energy requirement if it has a 55 ksi
minimum yield strength?
a. 30 psi
b. 30 ft/lbs
c. 27 psi
d. 27 ft/lbs

25. What would be considered acceptable proof of having performed

Charpy Impact tests on the part of the manufacturer of steel plates per
Section VIII Div. I?
a. Shipment of the broken specimens with the plate.
b. Shipment of the broken specimens with the plate and certificates of
c. Shipment of reports or certificates of compliance from the
d. No proof is required beyond the invoice of the manufacturer listing
impacts as having been done.

26. The set pressure for a relief valve set at 200 psi may not exceed;
a. 206 psi.
b. 200 psi.
c. 203 psi.
d. 199 psi.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 50

27. The maximum reinforcement on a circumferential but welded joint made
in a plate shell of 2 inches in thickness is;
a. 1/32 inch.
b. ¼ inch
c. 1/16 inch.
d. 1/8 inch.

28. The inner wall of a jacketed vessel has corroded down to 0.635 inch; the
inner cylinder has a 45” O D in this corroded state, its unsupported
length is 120 inches. The vessel operates at an external pressure of 175
psig and a temperature of 300 ºF. The factor A has been calculated to be
00085, using the CS- 2 factor B chart what is the approximate value of
Factor B?
a. 17,000
b. 14,500
c. 11,500
d. 9,500

29. A vessel owner is repairing a vessel by replacing a duplicate seamless

ellipsoidal head, which is butt welded to the shell. The name plate is
marked RT-2, W and HT below the Code symbol. The owner is allowed
to use what type or types of butt welded joints to replace this head?
a. Any type permitted in Section VIII Div. I
b. Type 1
c. Type 2
d. Type 1 or 2

30. A Circular flat head at the top of a vessel is measured at 1.25 inches
thickness during inspection. The flat head has a diameter of 14 inches.
The vessel’s data is as follows;
MAWP is 500 psi C=0.33 S=17,500 psi E=1.0 what is required thickness
of this part?
a. 1.35940 inch
b. 1.24563 inch
c. .958633 inch
d. 1.75200 inch

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 51

31. A shell plate made of SA-285 grade C is to be used in a repair of a
vessel. What is the lowest temperature that this plate may operate at
without impact testing if it is 1.5 inches thick, will not receive post weld
heat treatment and has a 695º F maximum temperature and has
coincident Ratio is 1.0?.
a. 51º F
b. 14º F
c. 88º F
d. 14º F

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 52



(Example) B
1 C
2 B
3 D
4 D
5 D
6 A
7 C
8 D
9 C
10 C
11 B
12 C
13 B
14 B
15 C
16 C
17 A
18 C
19 A
20 D
21 D
22 D
23 A
24 B
25 C
26 A
27 B
28 C
29 D
30 A
31 C

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 53


Question 36 begins the closed book portion of this exam

It is recommended that you take this portion without referring to the ASME
Code or API books on your first attempt, to assess your strengths and
concentrate your studies on the most needed subject areas. It is
suggested that you write your answers on a separate sheet to keep this
copy clean for future studies.

32. The definition of ductility in metal is;

a. The ability to fail smoothly with minimum elongation.
b. The ability to deform plastically with deformation.
c. The ability to deform plastically with out rupture.
d. The ability to deform with rupture.

33. The minimum number of penetrameters used for a complete girth seam
of a cylinder which is radiographed in a single exposure containing 30
film holders is;
a. 30, one on each film holder.
b. 15 one every other film holder.
c. 3 which are 120 degrees apart.
d. 10 one every third film holder.

34. The reason a plate retains it shape after rolling is:

a. It is welded in place.
b. The outer fibers of the metal are stretched beyond the ultimate tensile
c. The outer fibers of the metal are stretched beyond the elastic limit of
the metal.
d. The inner fibers of the metal are stretched beyond the elastic limit of
the metal.

35. Which of the following utilizes direct visual inspection?

a. Radiography.
b. Ultrasonics.
c. Eddy current.
d. Dye penetrant.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 54

36. Which of the following methods may not be used to determine the
minimum thickness of a pressure vessel?
a. Any suitable NDE.
b. Measurements through drilled test holes.
c. Gauging from uncorroded areas.
d. Sawson gauging methods.

37. When determining the Maximum Allowable working pressure for a

vessel in corrosive service which of the following is the correct wall
thickness to use in the required calculations?
a. The as measured thickness, minus the expected corrosion loss before
the date of the next inspection..
b. The as measured thickness, minus twice the expected corrosion loss
before the date of the next inspection.
c. The as measured thickness minus three times the expected corrosion
loss before the date of the next inspection
d. May be a, b, or c above depending on circumstances.

38. What is the purpose of a welding procedure?

a. To prove that welders can perform a given weld.
b. To prove that a weldment will provide the desired properties for
c. To prove that the manufacturer has meet Section IX requirements.
d. To prove that anyone can perform the weld satisfactorily if qualified.

39. What is the definition of PQR?

a. A record that supports a WPS.
b. A Procedure Qualification Record.
c. A record of the essential variables used to weld a test coupon.
d. Pre-qualifying Record of a weld.

40. The following is a true statement about tensile testing specimens from
Section IX.
a. They are never allowed to fail below the stated UTS of the base metal.
b. They are never allowed to fail in weld metal.
c. They must not fail more than 5% below the listed UTS of the base
d. They must never fail by breaking.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 55

41. When performing a radiograph where is the lead letter B placed?
a. On the front of the film holder.
b. On the outside surface of the vessel
c. On the back of the film holder.
d. On the inside surface of the vessel.

42. In the Standard Practice For Measuring Thickness by the Manual

Ultrasonic pulse Echo Method SE 797 the scope statement includes an
temperature limit which is ______________
a. 250 ºF
b. 200 ºF
c. 50 ºF
d. 150 ºF

43. When performing a visual examination which of the following tools are
not required to be available;
a. A flashlight.
b. A pit depth gauge.
c. UT thickness measurement equipment.
d. A Bronson Corrosion Metric Device (BCMD).

44. Liquid penetrant testing is capable of detecting:

a. Subsurface porosity
b. Discontinuities open to the surface.
c. Embrittlement.
d. Internal flaws.

45. Which of the following is not re-rating a vessel

a. Increasing the MAWP.
b. Increasing the maximum design temperature.
c. Increasing the RV settings above the marked MAWP.
d. Adding a 4” nozzle to a vessel which has other 4” nozzles.

46. Hammer testing is not advisable when a vessel;

a. Is suspected of having very thin areas.
b. Is made of a soft metal such as aluminum.
c. Is under pressure
d. Has a flange face exposed.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 56

47. Which of the following contained in sludge will cause rapid corrosion?
a. Solid particles
b. Liquid droplets.
c. Acidic components
d. Gas suspended solid particles

48. Requalification by written exam is required for an API inspector who has
not been actively engaged in API inspections in the past;
a. One year.
b. Two years.
c. Three years
d. Four years.

49. One primary reason for inspecting pressure relief devices is to;
a. Determine the remaining life of the pressure relief device.
b. Measure and record the thickness data on the body of the valve.
c. Determine whether the device is functioning properly.
d. Clear the outlet piping of rainwater.

50. Which of the following best describes a part of the definition of

maximum allowable working pressure for a vessel?
a. The vessel’s design pressure.
b. The vessel’s design pressure plus the hydrostatic head.
c. The maximum gage pressure permitted at the bottom of the vessel.
d. The maximum gage pressure permitted at the top of the vessel, in its
operating position.

51. The symbol PHT on a vessel’s name plate indicates;

a. A combination pneumatic and hydrostatic test.
b. The vessel has been post-weld heat treated.
c. The vessel is good for high temperatures.
d. The vessel was partially heat treated

52. Which of the following describes types of Image Quality Indicator (IQI)
required in Section V Art 2?
a. IQIs shall be either the hole type or the shim type.
b. IQIs shall be either the wire type or the shim type.
c. IQIs Shall be either the shim type or the stepped type.
d. IQIs shall be either the hole type or the wire type.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 57

53. The primary purpose of metallic linings is;
a. Increase the thickness of the vessel wall to resist internal pressure.
b. Protect the pressure vessel wall from corrosion and or erosion.
c. Serve as internal insulation.
d. Prevent contamination of the contents.

54. If an duplicate ASME Code name plate is to be attached to pressure

vessel it must be placed only on;
a. The skirt
b. One of the heads (does not matter which).
c. On the shell.
d. Any permanent attachment to the vessel.

55. A welded carbon steel joint has a MDMT which is lower than 120 ºF
above what thickness must impact tested material be used.
a. 6 inches.
b. 4 inches.
c. 2 inches.
d. 3 inches.

56. For alteration or repairs, half bead/temper bead welding may be used as
an alternative for postweld heat treatment on vessels that require notch
toughness tests, but is limited to;
a. P No. 1
b. P No. 3.
c. P Numbers 1,3, and 4 steels.
d. P Numbers 3 and 1 but are restricted to certain group numbers.

57. A safety valve must be tested using;

a. Water.
b. Steam.
c. Air.
d. Product fluids only.

58. The mechanical working of weld metals using impact blows is defined
a. Hammering.
b. Forge welding.
c. Impact conditioning.
d. Peening.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 58

59. The welding position referred to as 2G in pipe is defined as;
a. The weld joint being horizontal and the part being vertical.
b. The weld joint being vertical and the part being horizontal,
c. The Weld joint being at 45 degrees + or – 15 degrees
d. The Weld joint being at 45 degrees + or – 5 degrees.

60. The maximum inspection interval for a vessel with a remaining life of 16
years is;
a. 10 years.
b. 5 years.
c. 8 years.
d. 16 years.

61. A crack at a stress concentration must not be repaired without the

permission of the;
a. The unit engineer.
b. A pressure vessel engineer.
c. A professional engineer
d. Plant Manager.

62. If a pressure test is deemed necessary by the API inspector, it shall be

at a pressure that;
a. Conforms to the construction code used to establish the vessel’s
b. Does not exceed the set pressure of the lowest relief device.
c. Is always 1.5 times the MAWP.
d. Allows for the weight of the testing fluid.

63. All pressure relieving devices must be tested and repaired by;
a. The original valve manufacturer.
b. The Authorized Inspector.
c. A repair concern which holds the NBIC VR symbol.
d. A repair concern experienced in valve maintenance.

64. Sometimes it is allowed to substitute a higher preheat as an alternative

to PWHT, if this is done a;
a. Professional engineer must be consulted.
b. The authorized inspector must perform UT readings.
c. Metallurgical review must be performed.
d. Two PQRS must be completed.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 59

65. If stresses are high in a vessel and reversals are frequent the vessel
may fail because of;
a. Embrittlement.
b. Stress corrosion cracking
c. Fatigue.
d. Creep.

66. If distortion of a vessel’s parts are suspected;

a. It should be shut down immediately.
b. The overall dimensions of the vessel’s parts should be checked and
compared to original design details.
c. It should be subjected to profile radiography.
d. It should be decommissioned and scrapped.

67. When calculating the MAWP of a vessel after it is in service, the

resulting MAWP from these calculations cannot be higher than the
original MAWP unless;
a. The actual thickness as determined by inspection is used in calcutions
b. The actual thickness minus any expected corrosion loss before the
next inspection date is used in calculations.
c. The actual thickness is minus twice any expected corrosion loss before
the next inspection date is used in calculations.
d. A re-rating is performed per paragraph 7.3 of the API 510 Code.

68. The minimum actual thickness and maximum corrosion rate for any part
of a vessel may be;
a. Estimated.
b. Adjusted at any inspection.
c. Changed to fit production schedules.
d. Ignored if the vessel is not operating at pressures above 30 psig.

69. The item(s) that must be given attention when inspection riveted
vessels are;
a. Caisson straps for leaks
b. Strapped bars for corrosion.
c. Fayed edges for deterioration.
d. Caulked edges for leaks.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 60

70. If inspecting a vessel using non-destructive inspections, where can
guidance be found to accept or reject a condition in a weld that has
been discovered during the inspection?
a. Section V of the ASME Code.
b. Section VIII of the ASME or Code of construction.
c. API 510 Inspection Code.
d. NBIC.

71. Per API 510 the definition of actual thickness for determining MAWP of
a vessel is;
a. The as measured thickness less 2 times the present corrosion rate.
b. The most critical value of the average thickness that has been
c. The as measured thickness.
d. The original thickness less the original corrosion allowance.

72. When measuring the thickness of a corroded area of a ellipsoidal head,

the governing thickness may be as follows;
a. The thickness of the serrated region.
b. The thickness of the skirt of the head.
c. The wall reading at the spin hole within the head.
d. The thickness of the knuckle and/or the spherical regions.

73. The API authorized inspector shall not approve repairs to a vessel until;
a. After inspection has proven the repairs have been satisfactorily
completed and all required pressure test have been performed and
b. He has satisfied himself that the repairs have been completed.
c. Item b above plus all isolation steps used before the pressure test
have been removed and the vessels have been returned to an
operable condition.
d. He has been given permission by the plant manager.

74. All repair and alteration welding must be performed in accordance with;
a. Acceptable company standards.
b. API approved welding procedures
c. The applicable requirements of the ASME Code or another Code of
construction to which the vessel was built.
d. NBIC.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 61

75. Vessels with the following dimensions are exempt from both the API 510
and the ASME Section VIII codes
a. Vessels with an internal or external working pressure of not more than
50 psi with a limit on size.
b. Vessels with an internal or external working pressure of not more than
15 psi with a limit on size.
c. Vessels with an internal or external working pressure of not more than
50 psi with no limit on size.
d. Vessels with an internal or external working pressure of not more than
15 psi with no limit on size.

76. Four principal strip lining methods for vessels are;

a. Fillet butt, butt strap, joggle and the Jacobson modified.
b. Shingle, butt strap, Joggle/cap and the fillet butt.
c. Butt strap, Jacobson modified, joggle/cap and the shingle.
d. Shingle, Jacobson modified, fillet butt.

77. What is one of the most important elements in providing reliability in a

vessel’s operation?
a. Proper welding procedures in accordance with the ASME code
b. Regular scheduled external inspections made during equipment
c. Highly trained operations personnel.
d. A voidance of operational upsets and alerts.

78. Deterioration found in vessels is caused by three major forms of attack,

what are they?
a. Electrochemical, chemical,, mechanical actions.
b. Electrochemical, chemical,, mechanical actions. or a combination of
the three
c. Corrosion, abrasion, or cracks.
d. High temperature, low temperature and environmental corrosion.

79. Deterioration may be accelerated by;

a. Seismic movement.
b. Structural flaws.
c. Failing reinforcement pads.
d. Temperature, stress, vibration to name a few.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 62

80. Certain insulated vessels are subject to CUI, among these are vessels
who are;
a. Going from low temperature to high temperature conditions.
b. Going from high temperature conditions to low temperature conditions.
c. Undergoing metallurgical and chemical changes in the metal.
d. Exposed to mist or overspray from cooling towers.

81. Fatigue cracking occurring in a vessel can be a sign of;

a. Over pressure.
b. Formation shock.
c. Johnson effects
d. Excessive cyclic stresses.

82. Many of the problems that may develop in pressure vessels can be
traced to faulty materials or fabrication, what are some of the problems?
a. Out of plumb shells.
b. Obtuse components.
c. Cracking, leakage, blockage, and excessive corrosion.
d. Out of alignment source piping.

83. Which of the following problems is not caused by dimensional

tolerances outside of that allowed by the ASME code?
a. Stress concentrations and subsequent failure.
b. Leakage at welded joints.
c. Wasted materials during fabrication.
d. Distortion of the shape of the vessel.

84. One advantage of doing external inspections while a vessel is in service is;
a. The vessels do not then require an internal inspection.
b. The plant can continue to operate until the vessels shows signs of
c. The required work load can be reduced for the vessel during out of
service inspections.
d. Extra personnel can be eliminated during shut down periods.

85. The most common forms of CUI on vessels are of what descriptions?
a. Asbestos under scale attack and localized corrosion of carbon steel.
b. Asbestos under scale attack and chloride stress corrosion cracking of
austenitic stainless steels.
c. General corrosion of carbon steel and binate corrosion of stainless
d. Localized corrosion of carbon steel and chloride stress corrosion
cracking of austenitic stainless steels.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 63

86. On occasion, it may be desirable to enter a vessel before it has been
properly cleaned, if this is the case what API publication describes the
precautions necessary for entry?
a. API 2245A.
b. API 2256C
c. API 2134B.
d. API 2217A.

87. Use of nondestructive devices for inspection of vessels is subject to

requirements customarily met in gaseous atmospheres, where can a list
of these gaseous atmospheres be found?
a. OSHA 1910.
b. API publication 2217 A and 2214
c. API RP 572.
d. API RP 576.

88. External corrosion on stairs and ladders is most likely to occur where;
a. Stagnant pools of chemicals collect.
b. On parts where moisture is allowed to collect.
c. The ladders are not painted with an epoxy.
d. Vessels are located with a northern exposure.

89. Spalling of a foundation’s fire proofing can be caused by;

a. Chlorides found in coastal atmospheres.
b. Leaching of ground contaminates.
c. Snow born contaminants in northern climates.
d. Freezing of trapped moisture.

90. In order to inspect anchor bolts beneath the surface of concrete

foundations we;
a. Use eddy current testing on the top of the bolt.
b. Probe carefully with a pick along the bolts base.
c. Probe aggressively along the bolts base.
d. Use a sideways blow with a hammer.

91. If settling of a vessel is evident, the things that must be checked in the
vessel are;
a. Adjacent machinery for settlement
b. Ground conditions for water leaks that undermine the vessel
c. Distortion and cracking which may have occurred to the vessel’s
d. Sinking of the water table in the area.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 64

92. Catalytic reformers have been known to experience creep when
operated at temperatures;
a. Greater than 850º F.
b. Greater than 900º F
c. Greater than 850º F if not solution annealed.
d. Greater than 900º F if not normalized.

93. The following is a true statement about grounding connections for

a. The mandatory resistance maximum value is 15 ohms.
b. The mandatory resistance maximum is 10 ohms.
c. 5 to 25 ohms or less, but jurisdictional rules may determine maximum
values of resistance and should be checked.
d. 35 ohms maximum.

94. The following type(s) of external evidence of corrosion may not be

found on vessels;
a. Atmospheric.
b. Caustic embittlement.
c. Hydrogen blistering.
d. Kline’s Erosive Phenomena.

95. Leaks in a vessel are best found using what test method?
a. Vacuum testing.
b. Acoustic emissions testing.
c. Pressure testing.
d. Variable augmented pressure testing.

96. Fractionators, processing high temperature sulfur crude are susceptible

to sulfide corrosion. Where is the corrosion the most intense?
a. In the heat affected zones of welds.
b. In stagnant areas of the vessel which has poor circulation that allows
concentration of the chemicals.
c. In the bottom head and shell course.
d. In the top head and shell course.

97. What can make the installation of heat exchanger bundles extremely
a. The length of the bundle.
b. The diameter of the bundle.
c. Out of roundness in the exchanger shell.
d. Dilter- Johnson bundles.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 65

98. When a vessel is initially hydrostatically tested one of the good side
effects can be;
a. Beneficial stress redistribution at defects.
b. A thorough internal flushing.
c. Distortion.
d. The vessel’s shell often becomes perfectly round.

99. An in-situ chemical test can be administered to vessel parts to

determine the type of material that has been used in the vessel’s
construction Which of the following is the name of one such chemical?
a. Boric acid in a 20% solution of distilled water.
b. Nitric acid.
c. Phosphoric acid.
d. No such tests are possible in- situ, trepan samples must be sent to a

100. As regards a heat exchanger that has two fixed tube sheets, the major
disadvantage it has is;
a. It is limited in its diameter.
b. The bundles are hard extract.
c. The shell side cannot be exposed for cleaning.
d. Its length is limited to 30 feet.

101. If there is a concern about even slight leakage in an exchanger the

proper type to use is one which has;
a. One fixed tube sheet with a floating head.
b. One fixed tubes sheet with U tubes.
c. Two fixed tube sheets.
d. Double tube sheets.

102. Which of the following describes an induced draft air cooled

a. The tubes are finned.
b. The tubes are usually made of aluminum.
c. The fan is located above the tubes.
d. The fan is located below the tubes.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 66

103. Which of the following is not an advantage that a Fin-Type exchanger
has over a standard type?
a. Dissipate more heat for a given size of exchanger.
b. Be fit into a smaller area.
c. Can be used effectively with two fluids that have widely different heat
d. Requires more internal tube surface area.

104. When inspecting heat exchanger bundles, an overall heavy build up of

scale on steel tubes should raise a suspicion that it has experienced
what condition?
a. Loss of process control during operations.
b. Very dirty cooling mediums (usually cooling water).
c. General corrosion of tubes.
d. Has suffered from microbiological attack.

105. Tubes may be tested for thickness during visual inspections using
many different techniques, one of the most common and fastest is to;
a. Tap the tubes using a light ball peen hammer
b. Ultrasonic thickness testing of the tubes.
c. Measure the thickness using outside calipers.
d. Eddy current testing.

106. Locations where impingement corrosion in an exchanger is most likely

to occur include;
a. The outside surfaces of tubes at each end of the exchanger.
b. The outside surfaces of tubes opposite shell inlet nozzles.
c. The outside surfaces of tubes opposite shell outlet nozzles.
d. The outside surfaces of tubes opposite the channel head.

107. A very common problem with Air-cooled exchangers is the presence of

corrosion at the inlets, this is best found by;
a. Inspecting using eddy current NDE.
b. Visual inspections through the header-box plug holes.
c. Removal of the tube bundle.
d. Pressure testing.

108. Which of following does not describes a Rupture Disk Device’s use?
a. Protecting the upstream side of relief valves against corrosion.
b. Protecting the relief valves from plugging or clogging.
c. Minimizing leakage through relief valves.
d. The only pressure protection of vacuum vessels.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 67

109. For graphite pre-bulged metal rupture disks installed so that pressure
is against the concave side, the operating pressure of the protected
system is usually limited to;
a. 65% of the disk predetermined bursting pressure.
b. 70% of the disk predetermined bursting pressure.
c. 75-95% of the disk predetermined bursting pressure
d. 75-80% 65% of the disk predetermined bursting pressure.

110. Which of the following does not describe the main reasons for
inspecting relief devices?
a. To protect personnel and equipment.
b. To determine the condition of a device.
c. To evaluate the inspection frequency.
d. To insure that the device’s protective coating is of the proper type.

111. An important element in the accurate setting of all relief valve’s lifting
pressure is use of ;
a. Salisbury Test Blocks.
b. Properly calibrated gauges.
c. New seats and springs
d. Soap bubble testing.

112. What chemical substance often causes stress corrosion failure of

springs in relief devices?
a. Polymers.
b. Chlorides
c. H2S
d. Monosodium Glutamate

113. If damaged valve seats are discovered in a relief device what should be
suspected as the cause?
a. Erosion.
b. Severe under sizing
c. Improper or short piping spools at the inlet.
d. Corrosion, severe over sizing. Improper or lengthy piping at the inlet.

114. Sticking of newly installed relief valves can often be traced to;
a. Poor alignment of the valve disk.
b. Incorrect valve disk.
c. Short pipe inlet runs.
d. Long pipe inlet runs.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 68

115. In hydrogen sulfide service one issue that must be considered critical
when choosing over pressure protection is;
a. Hydrogen chloride attack on any carbon steel used in the construction
of the valve.
b. Picking the correct material for this service.
c. Nitric acid corrosion
d. Elastrometric seals must be used

116. One of the many things that must be considered when evaluating the
failure of newly installed relief device to open at its set pressure is;
a. The type of the gaskets used
b. The possibility of rough handling during shipment or installation.
c. The possibility of turning the valve flanges by a single bolt hole causing
d. The valve being to far from the protected pressure vessel

117. When the hydrostatic testing of discharge piping for pressure relief
devices is to be performed what can happen if precaution(s) are not
a. The disk, spring, and body of the area on the inlet of the valve can be
b. The disk, spring, and body of the area on the discharge of the valve
are fouled.
c. The disk, spring, and body of the area on the inlet of the valve can be
d. The disk, spring, and body of the area on the inlet of the valve can be

118. When setting time intervals between the inspections of relief devices,
which of the following best apply?
a. They must be done at least every 8 years.
b. They must be done at least every 3 years.
c. Definite time intervals must be established.
d. None of the above.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 69

119. As regards unscheduled inspections of relief devices, if a relief device
opens but fails to reseat properly;
a. It must be immediately repaired.
b. The urgency of repair will depend on the nature of the leakage and
production requirements.
c. The urgency will depend only on the value of the leaking fluid.
d. The urgency will depend on the type of leakage, and the
characteristics of the leaking substance such as whether it is toxic,
flammable, or fouling.

120. A Visual on-stream inspection of a relief device is not meant to ensure

which of the following items?
a. Installation of the correct device, and the company ID such as a tag,.
b. No gags or blinds left in place and all intervening block valves being
c. Upstream block valves are locked or chained in the proper position.
d. The valve’s discharge is pointed in the right direction.

121. Hydrogen sulfide corrosion in coking processes usually does not

occur below a certain temperature, what is that temperature?
a. 350º F
b. 550º F
c. 450º F
d. 250º F

122. Carbon dioxide when combined with moisture will form carbolic acid,
from where can the carbon dioxide be introduced in a process?
a. From decomposition of bicarbonates or from steam used in distillation.
b. From decomposition of tricarbonates.
c. From water used in distillation.
d. From decomposition of poly fluorides.

123. Corrosive carbon dioxide attack is generally considered to be;

a. Mild and usually not a concern.
b. A moderate concern.
c. Severe and of concern.
d. Very severe and a major concern.

124. Organic acids are;

a. Very corrosive at any temperature.
b. Not very corrosive under any condition.
c. Very corrosive at low temperatures.
d. Very corrosive at high temperatures.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 70

125. Nitrogen compounds found in crude oil alone do not contribute to
corrosion; they do become a problem after catalytic cracking takes
place in a refining process. What must be formed to create a problem
from nitrogen compounds?
a. Ammonia and cyanides.
b. Hydrogen and pure nitrogen.
c. Hydroxide and nitrous oxide.
d. Cyanides and hydrogen oxide.

126. In alkylation units, where sulfuric acid is used as a catalyst, pitting is a

sign of;
a. Strong sulfuric acid concentration attack.
b. Weak sulfuric acid concentration attack.
c. Medium strength sulfuric acid attack.
d. Moisture in contact with sulfuric acid.

127. Phenol is also called;

a. A citric acid.
b. A carbolic acid.
c. A low grade sulfuric acid.
d. An alkaline compound.

128. Oxygen reacts with steels at high temperatures to cause what mode of
a. Flaking.
b. Cracking.
c. Scaling.
d. Intergranular cracking

129. As regards steel, its oxidation in air increases with increasing metal
temperature and decreases with increasing;
a. Moisture.
b. Chromium content.
c. Molybdenum content.
d. Carbon content.

130. Vanadium exists in some fuels and oxidizes to form vanadium

pentoxide when;
a. Exposed to sulfuric acid.
b. Burned in fuels.
c. Exposed to sodium sulfate.
d. Exposed to steam.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 71

131. In oxidizing atmospheres nickel sulfide is converted to nickel oxide
a. Attacks carbon steel components down stream in the process.
b. Forms a semiprotective oxide layer.
c. Is a major problem in a cracking unit.
d. Has no effect what so ever on the vessel’s components.

132. When austenitic stainless steels are heated to a range 750º F and 1650º
F upon cooling carbide precipitates can form, this is not usually;
a. A common occurrence.
b. A problem unless the steels are exposed to a corrodent.
c. Any concern what so ever.
d. A concern unless welding will be performed on the steel.

133. To avoid sensitizing the steels when polythionic acid corrosion is a

concern, there are several types of alloys that can be selected, chief
among these are;
a. Carpenter 20 alloys.
b. Titanium alloys.
c. High chrome content carbon steels
d. Type 321, 357, 304L and 316L stainless steels.

134. Of the following which indicates a very acidic pH measurement?

a. 7.0
b. 8.5
c. 3.5
d. 6.0

135. When two different metals are combined in the same service often one
will corrode and the other will not, the one that corrodes is referred to
as being less noble than the other. Which of the following terms is also
a description of the one which will corrode?
a. Cathodic.
b. Anodic.
c. Cathartic.
d. Anthrax.

136. Contact corrosion is also called what?

a. Electrolytic corrosion.
b. Crevice corrosion.
c. Dissimilar metal corrosion.
d. Galvanic corrosion.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 72

137. Marine organisms can cause biological corrosion, this type of
corrosion is considered to be;
a. Microscopic.
b. Macroscopic.
c. Incipient.
d. Very rare.

138. When Ferritic steels are heated to a temperature above 1,350º F, upon
slow cooling a solid solution of iron and carbon begins to from. What
is contained in this solution?
a. Ferrite and martensite.
b. Martensite and cementie
c. Stalactite and martensite.
d. Ferrite and cementite.

139. When speaking of materials acceptable for use in welding processes

the term S number refers to;
a. Materials which are listed in the ASME Boiler and pressure Vessel
Code Material specification.
b. Materials which are not listed in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code Material specification.
c. Alternative numbers for P Nos.
d. Alternative number for F Nos.

140. You are reading a WPS and see that it was qualified using P No. 5A to
P No 5A, you know that;
a. This WPS can be used to weld any P No. 5 material.
b. This WPS can be used to weld any P No. 5A to any metal from P Nos
5A, 4,3, or 1
c. This WPS can be used to weld only P No 5A
d. This WPS can be used to weld any P No. 5A to any metal from P Nos.
5A, 4 or 3.

141. A welding procedure must be requalified if;

a. There is a change in any essential variable.
b. There is a change in any nonessential variable.
c. There is Code revision which makes it obsolete, such as a base
material being dropped from the list of approved ASME Code
d. The welder is dissatisfied with the procedure.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 73

142. A welder must requalify if he has previously;
a. Not qualified without backing and is now required to perform a weld
without backing.
b. Has qualified without backing and is required to now weld with backing
c. Not welded with a given process.
d. Has welded with a process in two years.

143. The dimensions of test coupons for welding procedure qualification

tests can be found in;
a. Article 2 of Section V.
b. Article II of Section IX.
c. Article IV of Section IX
d. Article 4 of Section V.

144. Which of the following markings cannot be found on an ASME Code

Vessel’s nameplate?
a. The manufacturer’s serial no.
b. The manufacturer’s name.
c. The year built.
d. The names of all welders who worked on the vessel.

145. A relief valves in hydrofluoric acid service must be;

a. Be neutralized immediately after removal
b. Set using water only.
c. Set using hydrofluoric acid.
d. Set using air only.

146. The following is true about the hydrostatic testing of vessels;

a. Tests must be performed using non-volatile fluids.
b. Tests must be performed using water.
c. This test is the most dangerous of all pressure tests.
d. This test is the least dangerous of all pressure tests.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 74



(Example) B
32 C
33 C
34 C
35 D
36 D
37 D
38 B
39 C
40 C
41 C
42 B
43 D
44 B
45 D
46 C
47 C
48 C
49 C
50 D
51 D
52 D
53 B
54 D
55 B
56 C
57 B
58 D
59 A
60 C
61 B
62 A
63 D
64 C
65 C

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 75

66 B
67 D
68 B
69 D
70 B
71 B
72 D
73 A
74 C
75 D
76 B
77 B
78 B
79 D
80 D
81 D
82 C
83 C
84 C
85 D
86 D
87 B
88 B
89 D
90 D
91 C
92 B
93 C
94 D
95 C
96 C
97 C
98 A
99 B
100 C
101 D
102 C
103 D
104 C
105 A
106 B
107 B
API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 76
108 D
109 B
110 D
111 B
112 C
113 D
114 A
115 B
116 B
117 B
118 C
119 D
120 D
121 C
122 A
123 A
124 C
125 A
126 B
127 B
128 C
129 B
130 B
131 B
132 B
133 D
134 C
135 B
136 B
137 B
138 D
139 B
140 B
141 A
142 A
143 C
144 D
145 A
146 D

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 77

Open Book API 510 Practice Exam B


-40.3 55’
55-40.3= 14.7’

.433 x 14.7’= 6.365 PSI

458.300 - 6.365= 451.935 PSI

3) MAWP = 225 PSI 3Ø4.687 PSI



17,500 22.5
= 1.0416666


1.3 x 1.Ø416 x 225 = 3Ø4.687 PSI



48.0 – 22.5 = 25.5

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 78

25.5 x .433 PSI = 11.0415 PSI

+11.0415 .
315.7285 PSI



PR 650 x 24.51 15,931.5

t= = =
SE – 0.6P (14,500 x 1.0) – (0.6 x 650) 14.110

t = ?
P = 650
S = 14,500 PSI
R = (44.02/2) = 24.51

t=min 1.1290928


REMAINING C.A. 0.1409072”

C.A 0.1409072”
C.R 0.0250000”



= 2.815 YEARS

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 79


3.5 “ NOZZLE 1
+ 2.0” NOZZLE 2
5.5” TOTAL

5.5”/2 = 2.75” AVERAGE DIAMETER

2X 2.75” = 5.5”

ANSWER = 5.5”

8) tORIG. .250”
tPRES. - .235


t PRES .235
t MIN .195

C.A .040
C.R .003



=6.66 = 6 2/3” A YEAR

ANS 6 2/3 years

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 80


RATIO OF STRESS = = 1.166666

1.3 X 1.106 X 100 = 151.58


= 116.6 PSI


486 - .475 = .011”

96” = 8’

11) (8+1.5) = 9.5’ X .433 = 4.1135 PSI


154.1135 PSI
ANS 154.11 PSI



ANS .80



API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 81


P=500 PSI





FROM; UG – 34

t=d CP

t= .33x500
14 17,500x1.0

= 14 165

= 14 x 0.0094285

=14 x .0971004

= 1.3594056”

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 82




1. A welder has welded a performance test coupon in the 6G position, his

coupon will be required to pass.
a. 2 bend tests.
b. 4 bend tests.
c. 8 bend tests.
d. 6 bend tests.

2. For a hole type penetrameter that has the designation number 15 the
essential 2 T hole diameter must he;
a. 0.060
b. 0.030
c. 0.015
d. 0.045

3. In the pulse echo contact method of measuring thickness the velocity of

the material being measured is a function of the material’s physical
properties and is usually assumed to be a constant for a
a. its entire thickness
b. given class of materials
c. all ferrous materials
d. all non ferrous materials.

4. When an examination to the requirements of Section V is required by

the Code of construction it is the;
a. Responsibility of the plant inspector to establish nondestructive
examination procedures.
b. Responsibility of the plant quality department to establish
nondestructive examination procedures.
c. Responsibility of the examiner to establish nondestructive examination
d. Responsibility of the installer, fabricator or manufacturer to establish
nondestructive examination procedures.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 83

5. A welding procedure is being qualified for use with a vessel that will
require impact testing; the coupon will be 4 inches thick. How many
Charpy specimens will be required total?
a. 9
b. 6
c. 3
d. 12

6. A vessel was placed in service on 1/15/60 with an original wall thickness

of 875” It lost wall at an average rate of .005” per year until 1/15/75.
Service conditions have changed and this inspection, 1/15/96 the vessel
has a present wall thickness of .630”. The previous thickness 5 years
ago was .789”. If the present rate of corrosion continues and the
retirement thickness is .525”, what will be the retirement year of the
a. First quarter of 1997.
b. Second quarter of 1999.
c. Second quarter of 2001.
d. Last quarter of 1999

7. A vessel is marked RT-3 this indicates that all welded joint efficiencies
will be taken from Column B of table UW-12. The vessel contains only
Type 1 welded joints so all welds will have an E of ?
a. .90
b. .85
c. .70
d. .65

8. A vessel is to be pneumatically tested to a pressure of 172.7 psi and this

pressure has been adjusted for a stress ratio of 1.1666. The pressure
which the vessel should be inspected at will be;
a. 104.6 psi
b. 125.6 psi
c. 157.0 psi
d. 97.1 psi.

9. Two nozzles of 1.0” thickness are to be attached to vessel using fillet

welds, if the shell is 2.0” thick the value of t min for this configurations
( To be mentioned ) will be;
a. .707”
b. 1.0”
c. .750”
d. .530”.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 84

10. A circular flat held is to be attached to a cylindrical shell as depicted in
Fig UG-34 (f) the value of the thickness required for the shell has been
computed to be .358” and the actual thickness is .500”. The value of
Factor C in this calculation will be?
a. .46089
b. .20
c. .23628
d. .33

11. Local PWHT per API 510 Specifies that the area to be heat treated shall
extend for a given distance from the weld what would be the distance
required for the local PWHT of a 10 inch .500” thick nozzle in a 3 inch
thick shell?
a. 12 inches in all directions.
b. 3 inches in all directions.
c. 1 inch in all directions.
d. 6 inches in all directions.

12. When averaging a vessel’s corrosion over an area in which

circumferential stress governs, the corrosion must be a averaged using;
a. An 8” diameter circle.
b. The diameter of the vessel.
c. The most critical element in the corroded area
d. The longitudinal weld involved.

13. A vessel has pitting in a small area; the area will fit in an 8 inch diameter
circle with its center at the deepest pit. The shell course has a minimum
thickness of 740”. The pits within the circle are more than 2 inches apart
in any straight line with the following depths;

#1.385” #2.301” #3.235” #4.287”, this area cannot be ignored because;

a. The pits are too many in number.

b. The pits are too close together.
c. The square inches of the pits exceed 7 square inches.
d. One of the pits is too deep to allow averaging.

14. Name two types of water heaters.

a. Gas Fired and Electric
b. Floating Head, U-Tube, and Fixed Tube Sheet
c. Fixed Tube Sheet and Floating Tube Sheet.
d. Fixed Tube Sheet and Process Reheater.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 85

15. While inspecting a vessel you discovered the cylindrical shell has
corroded externally to a present thickness of 498” in thickness at its
thinnest point. The vessel’s corroded outside diameter is 95.82” and its
material has an allowable stress of 13,800 psi at 750º F The vessel shell
is seamless and it has met the spot radiography requirements listed in
UW-12(d). What will be the MAWP of the vessel?
a. 71.87 psi
b. 143.5 psi
c. 144.0 psi
d. 83.45 psi

16. When an owner-user chooses to conduct a RBI assessment, it must

include a systematic evaluation of both the likelihood of failure and the
associated consequence of failure. This likelihood of failure assessment
should be repeated whenever what happens?
a. Each time equipment or process changes are made.
b. After it has been in service for 5 additional years.
c. If operations reports any significant upset in the unit.
d. Each time equipment or process changes are made that could
significantly affect degradation rates or cause premature failure of the

17. Preheat and controlled deposition welding, as described in and, may be used in lieu of postweld heat treatment (PWHT) where
PWHT is inadvisable or mechanically unnecessary. Which of the
following describes the circumstances where an alternative to PWHT is
a. Preheating when notch toughness testing is not allowed and when
notch toughness testing is allowed.
b. Preheating when notch toughness testing is not required and when
notch toughness testing is required
c. When the pressure vessel engineer has approved the technique or the
API A.I. has approved this method.
d. Preheating method when notch toughness testing is not required and
controlled deposition welding when notch toughness tests are required.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 86

18. According to Section VIII the minimum NPS for a liquid relief valve is:
a. NPS 1”
b. NPS ¾”
c. NPS 7/8’
d. NPS1/2”

19. What temperature shall be used when calculating a pressure vessel’s

a. Nominal.
b. Maximum that it can obtain by design,
c. Average through wall temperature.
d. The average temperature experienced over the entire vessel’s design.

20. Which of the following explains the closest that two isolated un-
reinforced openings can be to each other without reinforcement
calculations being required?
a. 4 times their diameters
b. 3-1/2 times their diameters.
c. The sum of their diameters.
d. There is no such requirement

21. The required diameter of tell-tale holes for re-pads is?

a. Maximum NPS ¼”
b. Minimum NPS ¼”
c. Minimum NPS ½”
d. Maximum NPS ½”

22. While inspecting a torispherical head it was discovered to have some

severe corrosion and must be evaluated for continued service. This
corrosion occurs at a radius 33.256” from the exact center of the head.
The shell diameter of the vessel the head is attached to is 7”-o”. To
evaluate this head for continued service what is the greatest distance
from the center that the corrosion can be and still be allowed to use the
formula for spherical shells given is Section VIII Div. 1 of the ASME
a. 67.2”
b. 48.0”
c. 33.6”
d. 84.0”

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 87

23. If the head in problem number 28 corrosion cannot be evaluated using
the spherical formula for shells, what shall be done to evaluate it for
continued service?
a. Use finite element analysis.
b. Average the corrosion over the area in an 8-inch diameter circle.
c. Use the formula from UG-32 for torispherical heads.
d. Call in a pressure vessel engineer per the API 510 Code.

24. The minimum throat dimension for a fillet weld as shown in Fig UW-16
(c) for a 1” thick nozzle joined to a 2” thick head is.
a. .530”
b. .750”
c. .250”
d. 1.00”

25. A wire type IQI is to be used in lieu of a hole type for a single wall
source side radiograph, the thickness of the material to be radiographed
is 2.250” thick. What is the diameter of the wire that must be must to
evaluate the image quality of the radiograph?
a. 6
b. 8
c. 10
d. 12

26. The geometric unsharpness limitation for a material to be radiographed

which is under 2” thickness is;
a. 0.030’
b. 0.020”
c. 1.0”
d. 0.0020”

27. The inside surfaces of a vessel’s shell have corroded down to a

minimum thickness of .369”. The original thickness was .500”. The
vessel’s new inside diameter was 96 inches. What will be the internal
dimension used to calculate the vessel’s MAWP?
a. 96.262”
b. 48.0”
c. 96.0”
d. 48.131”

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 88

28. Thickness measurement instruments are divided into groups which are
a. Flaw detectors with CRT readout, Flaw detectors with CRT and direct
readout, and Flaw detectors with direct readout
b. Flaw detectors with direct and CRT readout
c. Flaw detectors with CRT or Flaw detectors with direct readout
d. All flaw detectors are direct read out, one has a meter the other has a
CRT display

29. What is the remaining life of a vessel corroding at a rate of 0.017 inch
per year when the last inspection measured 0.638 inch and the minimum
required thickness is 0.513 inch.
a. 4 years
b. 10 years.
c. 6.3 years.
d. 7.3 years.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 89

Open Book API 510 Practice Exam C


1 B
2 B
3 B
4 D
5 A
6 B
7 B
8 C
9 C
10 C
11 D
12 C
13 D
14 B
15 C
16 D
17 D
18 D
19 B
20 C
21 A
22 C
23 C
24 C
25 D
26 B
27 D
28 A
29 D

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 90




It is recommended that you take this portion without referring to the ASME
Code or API books on your first attempt, to assess your strengths and
concentrate your studies on the most needed subject areas. It is
suggested that you write your answers on a separate sheet to keep this
copy clean for future studies.

30. If a crack is discovered in a base metal it should be completely removed

and then the excavation examined using an appropriate NDE technique
before a welded repair is attempted. A concern that must be addressed
in this repair process is that;
a. This type of repair is difficult to make in the overhead welding position
b. The crack length must not exceed 6 times base metal thickness.
c. Any effort to remove the crack using arc gouging may cause the crack
to grow.
d. The crack tips must be drill bole stopped prior to welding.

31. The Inspection Department’s preparation for a vessel inspection cycle

should include.
a. Time coordination for contractors.
b. Information about the contractors who will do any welding.
c. The retirement thickness of vessels to be inspected to provide for a
plan of action if a problem is discovered, there may be little time for
consulting with others.
d. Identifying who last inspected the vessel

32. A hole type IQI is designated as a number 15 and its thickness is 0.015
inch, what would be the diameter of the 2T hole in this penetrameter?
a. 0.015 inch
b. 0.150 inch
c. 0.030 inch
d. 0.300 inch

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 91

33. Define re-rating according to the API 510 Code.
a. A change in either the temperature ratings or the maximum allowable
working pressure rating or change in both.
b. Replacement of parts with those rated at a higher pressure and
temperature than original design.
c. Replacement of a part with and identical component.
d. A change in the operating flows in the vessel above the original design.

34. A Permissible way to allow for corrosion in a vessel is to;

a. Place epoxy liners in the corroded area.
b. Increase safety device settings.
c. Re-rate below original design conditions.
d. Lower temperature and increase pressure on parts of the vessel not in

35. According to API 510 when would a repair constitute a rerating?

a. The repair changes the design pressure.
b. The repair changes the design temperature.
c. The repair changes the design pressure and/or the design
d. A new name plate stating a new design pressure or temperature.

36. In terms of creep, what must be considered?

a. The metal’s tensile strength.
b. The length of the vessel.
c. The time in service, operating temperature and level of stress.
d. The elastic limit of the metal.

37. What is the most important method of vessel inspection?

a. Radiographic profile surveys.
b. Ultrasonic onstream inspections.
c. Thermograph surveys.
d. Careful visual survey and inspections.

38. What metals might be subject to brittle fracture even at room

a. Carbon Steel.
b. Low Alloy Steel
c. Some Ferritic Steels.
d. Carton, Low alloy and Ferritic steels

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 92

39. Which of the following relief devices is intended to work with steam
a. Relief Valve.
b. Safety Relief Valve
c. Safety Valve
d. Balanced Safety Relief.

40. You notice that a pressure relief device has a closed bonnet. What type
of valve is it?
a. Relief Valve.
b. Safety Relief Valve
c. Conventional Safety Relief valve
d. Relief Valve and Conventional Safety Relief Valve.

41. While reviewing maintenance records you notice that the pre-bulged
rupture disks with pressure on the concave side have been in service
for three years. In this O K why or why not?
a. No, the recommended maximum service life for these burst disks is 2
b. Yes, the recommended maximum service life for these burst disks is 3
c. No, the recommended maximum service life for these burst disks is 1
d. Yes, as long as no sign of failure has been revealed by inspection.

42. A pilot operated safety valve has been installed in heavy crude services
is this OK?
a. Yes, these valves are very effective in this type of service.
b. No, these valves are not intended to operate at normal temperatures.
c. Yes, these valves have closed bonnets and are leak proof.
d. Possibly not, these valves may not operate properly in this service due
to the possibility of deposits clogging small pilot circuits, unless
equipped with filtration or other protective means.

43. Which of these is from the major groups of corrosion sources found in
refining operations?
a. Corrosion from components of slop oil.
b. Corrosion from chemicals used for cleaning.
c. Salt water corrosion.
d. Corrosion from components of crude oil.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 93

44. Of the following corrosive components which are not part of crude oil?
a. Hydrogen Chloride, organic/inorganic chlorides and hydrogen sulfide.
b. Mercaptans, organic sulfur compounds and carbon dioxide.
c. Dissolved oxygen and water, organic acids and nitrogen compounds
d. Chlorine, biological contaminants and hydrogenated oxides.

45. What component do all crude oils contain?

a. Middle weight Polythionic Mercaptans.
b. Sulfuric Disulfide.
c. Salts.
d. Bicarbonate Sulfate.

46. Where does Hydrogen Chloride normally evolve from in a process

a. Catalytic crackers.
b. Reboilers
c. Demisters
d. Furnaces.

47. Above what concentration is Sulfuric Acid not very corrosive?

a. 50%
b. 75%
c. 85%
d. 33.3%

48. The following describes what type of construction for a pressure


The cylindrical section is made up of a number of this concentric

cylinders fabricated together, one over the other, until the desired
thickness is obtained. This construction is sometimes used for heavy-
wall reactors and vessels subject to high pressure.
a. Borland reactor wall method.
b. Compressed ring method.
c. Multilayer method.
d. Multi-ring compressed wall.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 94

49. What does the following describe?
When the temperature of a vapor is reduced to the point where some or
the entire vapor becomes liquid by the transfer of heat to another fluid.
a. Condensers
b. Air Cooler.
c. Cooler
d. Re-boiler

50. What principle of cooling is used with exposed tube bundles under a
cooling tower?
a. Conductive
b. Radiant
c. Evaporative
d. Isometric

51. Which of the following are types of Air –Cooled Exchangers?

a. Induced Draft and Natural Convection.
b. Natural Flow and Forced Draft.
c. Forced Draft and Induced Draft.
d. Overhead Spray and Inverted spray assist units.

52. If carbon steel vessels cannot resist a corrosive fluid, what method of
construction is not normally used for such a vessel?
a. Plain carbon steel
b. Lined vessel using an alloy liner.
c. Lined vessel using a refractory liner.
d. Lined vessel using a glass liner.

53. Which of the following does not describe how metallic liners can be
installed in a pressure vessel?
a. The liner material is explosion bonded to the carbon steel part.
b. The liner material is rolled to the carbon steel plate as part of the
manufacturing process.
c. The liner material is welded to the carbon plate.
d. The liner material is attached with a high temperature thermo chemical
endothermic process.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 95

54. Prior to 1930, what specification was unfired pressure vessels built to in
a. API/ASME Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels for Petroleum Liquids
and Gases
b. Specifications of the user or manufacturer.
c. Jurisdictional requirements if any existed.
d. There were no standards or specifications prior to 1930.

55. An inspector should be familiar with the current ASME Codes and
previous editions of the Code, what other publications should be
knowledgeable of?
a. The API Industry Informer Magazine for the latest industry alerts.
b. Local, state and federal regulations and other specifications for the
construction of pressure vessels
c. ASNT rules for materials
d. There are no other publications to be concerned with

56. What is the most important factor(s) in determining the inspection

frequency of a pressure vessel?
a. Date placed in service.
b. Rate of deterioration and remaining corrosion allowance.
c. Remaining corrosion allowance.
d. Rate of deterioration.

57. Faulty materials can lead to what primary problems?

a. Cracking, leakage, blockage, and excessive corrosion.
b. Process upsets.
c. Production quotas not being met.
d. Multiple repairs.

58. Cracks in vessels are most likely to occur in vessels in what locations?
a. At sharp changes in shape, size or near weld seams
b. At weld seams.
c. At attachment welds for internals.
d. Where previous repairs have been performed

59. Before an inspection starts in a vessel, who else besides the safety man
should be informed?
a. Coworkers who will assist in the inspection.
b. Operations.
c. Repair concerns.
d. All persons working in the area of the vessel

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 96

60. Where will most of the cracks in a pressure vessel’s steel supports be
a. In areas that are not protected from the environment
b. Around ladders.
c. Around skirts.
d. Welded seams and adjacent areas.

61. If a vessel has had previous internal inspections, what should the
inspector do prior to his inspection?
a. Alert operations.
b. Review API 572 for methods of failure that pertain to the vessel to be
c. Review previous inspection records.
d. Call the vessel manufacturer and obtain all records held on file.

62. How may cracks be made to stand out from the surrounding areas being
a. Highly burnishing the area.
b. Abrasive grit blasting
c. Abrasive grit blasting followed by etching
d. Etching followed abrasive grit blasting.

63. Who should make the decision to trepan metal from a vessel for
metallurgical evaluation?
a. The API inspector.
b. The API Authorized Inspector
c. The NBIC Authorized Inspector.
d. Someone who knows how to analyze the problems related to repairing
the sample holes.

64. How may carburized austenitic stainless steel sometimes be detected?

a. By chemical testing in situ.
b. By the use of a magnet.
c. X-ray Fluorescence.
d. Trepanning.

65. When testing a vessel pneumatically what should be on hand to aid in

the visual examination?
a. A helper
b. Insulators to remove the insulation.
c. Soap solution or ultrasonic sound detector.
d. Acoustic emission equipment.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 97

66. When leakage is encountered for the first time in given service of an
exchange is it desirable to;
a. Call the manufacturer for probable locations.
b. Determine the nature of deterioration
c. Reassess the need for the exchanger in the process stream
d. Hydrostat the exchanger as soon as possible.

67. What does the complete record file of a vessel contain?

a. Advance data
b. Shop notes.
c. Basic data and field notes.
d. All previous owners of the vessel

68. What must an inspector consider when recommending the filling of pits
with an epoxy?
a. Is this permitted by the repair concern?
b. Will this epoxy hold up in this service?
c. The strength the epoxy will add to base metal being repaired.
d. What will be required to clean the pits prior to application of the epoxy?

69. The spark test is used for;

a. Inspection of leaks in glass, plastic or rubber linings
b. Determining the chemical volatility and corrosive nature of a
c. Metallurgical determination of alloys and their chemistry
d. Determining the chemical composition of deposit in a vessel.

70. A welder has performed a qualification test on a NPS 10 diameter pipe,

the welding groove was horizontal and the pipe was vertical, this
describes the position;
a. 4G
b. 6G
c. 5G
d. 2G

71. The difference between GMAW and the GTAW welding process is;
a. One uses alternating current and dc voltage the other does not.
b. Both use a consumable electrode made of tungsten and the other does
c. One uses a shielding gas and the other can not.
d. One is usually considered manual and the other semi-automatic.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 98

72. A used vessel has been bought and moved to a new site and installed.
What must the inspector do before certification of the vessel for
a. Insure that complete set of drawings is generated nothing areas of
special interest.
b. An internal inspection
c. Make sure that the vessel is properly supported and do a complete
hydrostatic test.
d. Witness a pneumatic pressure test.

73. List three places where category B welds are located in an ASME Code
Section VIII Div 1 vessel.
a. Longitudinal joint in shells, in nozzles and communicating chambers.
b. Circumferential joints in transitions in diameter, connecting heads to
communicating chambers and hemispherical heads to shells.
c. Circumferential joints in transitions in diameter, connecting heads to
communicating chambers and ellipsoidal heads to shells.
d. Circumferential joints in transitions in diameter connecting heads to
communicating chambers and the joints used to make a sphere from
two hemispheres.

74. Describe a Type 3 weld in accordance with ASME Section VIII Div.1.
a. A weld made form one side only with a backing ring, which remains in
b. A weld made from both sides, and which is restricted in diameter and
thickness limits.
c. A weld made from both sides.
d. A weld made from one side only, which does not have a backing ring.

75. What type material is always required to have a mill test report in
accordance with Section VIII Div 1 of the ASME Code?
a. ASTM pipe.
b. ASTM forged pressure parts.
c. Gray cast iron parts used for pressure.
d. Plate.

76. Plate that has been rolled into a cylinder retains its shape, this is
a. It is not a spring
b. Plastic deformation has occurred
c. It has been stretched beyond its elastic point.
d. It has experienced the Bolinger effect.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 99

77. You inspected a weld and it conforms to the minimum requirement’s of
the construction codes, but you rejected it because you learned that;
a. The welding procedure was too old.
b. The welder tested in accordance with section X not Section IX.
c. The procedure was qualified to ASME section IX not API 510
d. The procedure had not been qualified to Section IX

78. A welding electrode has the following marking ER 70.S3. What is

appropriate F-Number for this electrode?
a. 4
b. 3
c. 6
d. 8

79. What services is a relief valve intended for?

a. Steam
b. Gases
c. Incompressible fluids
d. Water only.

80. A New weld repair project is just starting, as the inspector you should
review the
a. The repairs concerns quality plan.
b. The procedures (WPR) (PWR).
c. The materials chemical test reports, as they become available
d. Welder’s certifications, the welding procedures, and the MTRs.

81. Wire IQI s must be placed so that;

a. They are parallel to the weld metal’s length.
b. They are perpendicular to the weld metal’s longitudinal axis and across
the weld.
c. They are perpendicular to the weld metal’s longitudinal axis but not
across the weld.
d. Wire IQI s are not allowed for weld evaluations.

82. You notice a workman applying blows to a weld with a pneumatic tool,
what is he doing?
a. Conditioning
b. De-fluxing
c. Re-distribution of weld metal
d. Peening

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 100

83. You notice that a new vessel, has had some small flat bars installed
inside near an opening. These bars are most likely;
a. Bolmar length bars used to monitor chemical reactions
b. Corrosion tabs for determination of new vessel corrosion rates at that
location in the vessel
c. Used for a dissimilar metal test.
d. Abandoned tray clips.

84. The pulse echo contact method can be applied to any material in which
ultrasonic waves will propagate at a ________________ throughout the
part, and from which back reflections can be obtained and resolved.
a. Varying velocity
b. Constant velocity
c. Constant velocity with attenuation
d. Varying velocity with attenuation

85. Scored Tension-Loaded rupture disks are normally made from________

a. Thinner material than the un-scored disks for the same pressure.
b. Thicker material that the un-scored disks for the same pressure.
c. A different material than un-scored disks for the same pressure.
d. The same thickness material as un-scored disks for the same

86. Who should be consulted with if an alteration is planned for a section

VIII Div.1.vessel?
a. A professional engineer
b. The NBIC inspector.
c. The department engineer over production
d. A pressure vessel engineer experienced in pressure vessel design.

87. What Codes may be used to determine a vessel’s MAWP?

a. The latest edition of the ASME Code or the construction Code to which
the vessel was built.
b. The latest edition of the ASME Code or the edition of the ASME Code
used for construction.
c. The API 510
d. The alternative rules of section VIII Div 2

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 101

88. Which of the following accelerates erosion in pressure vessels?
a. High temperature return lines.
b. Low temperature return lines.
c. Acidic components that are suspended in an aqueous solution.
d. Liquid droplets in vapor streams. Suspended solid particles in liquid or
vapor streams.

89. A welding electrode has the following marking E-7018-1. Explain the
meaning of the number-1 on the end.
a. The first lot of 7018 electrodes produced that month at the plant.
b. The electrodes are certified to be moisture free.
c. The electrodes have passed testing which allows use in certain impact
tested vessel fabrications, without further testing of the weld metal.
d. First quality electrode according to the Section IX.

90. The following describes what type of relief device?

The major relieving device is combined with and controlled by a self-
actuated auxiliary pressure RV.
a. Johnson Controls bi-directional value.
b. Pilot operated reverse flow pressure control
c. Pilot operated pressure relief valve
d. Pilot operated check valve.

91. A spot radiograph in accordance with UW-53 has revealed rounded

indications that exceed those allowed in Appendix 4 of Section VIII
Div.1. What must be done?
a. Two tracer radiographs must be performed and if they pass the area
that failed in the first shot repaired and retested.
b. Nothing.
c. The entire joint must be radiographed fully.
d. Ultrasonic inspection must be performed on the welded joint.

92. Using the contact pulse echo method of ultrasonic thickness

examination the basic formula for the instrument uses to calculate
thickness is ________________________
a. T = Vt/3
b. T = Vt/2
c. T = ½ Vt/3
d. T = ¼ Vt/2

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 102

93. A technician is spraying solvent to clean off the excess penetrant on a
weld, this is O K if;
a. It is not, this is never acceptable
b. It is spayed in a light mist and in short bursts.
c. It is sprayed on a lint free cloth prior to wiping the weld.
d. It is sprayed directly on the part.

94. The term ‘Full Radiography” in Section VIII Div. 1 means that a vessel
must have;
a. 100% of its welds radiographed
b. All of the welds required by code to be fully radiographed examined
c. 100% of the all of the welds which exceed NPS 10 and or 1-1/8”
d. Radiography applied to all types of weld including fillet welds.

95. Indications observed by the dye penetrant NDE method are often larger
than the actual imperfection in the material. What is the accept reject
criteria based on?
a. The dimensions of the imperfection revealed by the inspection.
b. The dimensions of the developed test.
c. The dimensions of the developed test, following a written procedure.
d. The dimension size allowed by the prevailing code.

96. Spherical vessels are usually supported by;

a. Steel columns attached to the shell, or by skirts.
b. Concrete slabs.
c. Completely supported by resting on the ground.
d. Earthen embankments.

97. Vessels in water service are subject to maximum corrosion where;

a. Cooling waters are high in pH
b. Cooling waters are low in pH
c. Water temperatures are highest
d. Water temperatures are lowest.

98. Inspection of a reboiler used at the bottom of a tower will normally

reveal the most corrosion where.
a. The outlet of the hot fluid is located.
b. The inlet of the reboiler.
c. The mid section of the reboiler.
d. Anywhere, no particular place is worse than the other

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 103

99. Nonmetallic linings are often used to reduce the effects of corrosion,
any breaks in the lining reduce its effectiveness considerably, these
breaks are sometimes referred to as.
a. Vacations.
b. Holidays
c. Breeches.
d. Caverns.

100. Corrosion rates vary markedly for vessels in crude oil service based
a. Type of stock processed in the unit.
b. Temperature in the process.
c. Material of construction.
d. Type of stock processed in the unit, temperature in the process, and
materials of construction.

101. In the U.S. exchangers are manufactured to;

b. ASME B31 3
c. API Standards 665 and 661.
d. API Standards 660 and 661

102. The performance of some trays in a process vessel depends on,

a. The weight of the fluid
b. The temperature of the fluid
c. The viscosity of the fluid
d. The amount of leakage occurring at the tray.

103. When inspecting internals of a catalytic reactor, the inspection will

mostly consist of what?
a. Ultrasonic measurement
b. Profile radiography
c. Line scanning
d. Visual inspection with some picking and scrapping

104. Some relief valves are manufactured using resilient O-ring seals.
Which of following is a reason for these O-rings?
a. Resistance to chemical attack
b. To resist high temperature.
c. To promote a higher degree of tightness in the sealing surfaces.
d. To make metal parts slide easier.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 104

105. Simmer in a relief valve in best described as
a. A noise emitted when the valve opens too slowly.
b. A noise emitted when the valve opens too rapidly.
c. The audible or visible escape of compressible fluid between the seat
and disk of the valve.
d. A high pitched noise that varies with pressure changes.

106. What is the first step taken in the repair process when a relief valve
enters the repair shop before it is dismantled?
a. Profiling and reference charting.
b. Pop pressure test.
c. Chemical cleaning and decontamination
d. Visual inspection.

107. Notch toughness is defined as;

a. Charpy V notch
b. Breaking force.
c. The amount of force required to cause a material to deform plastically.
d. The amount of energy necessary to cause fracture in the presence of a
stress concentrator

108. Decarburization may be defined as;

a. A loss of iron from the surface of a nonferrous alloy.
b. A loss of carbon from the surface of a ferrous alloy
c. A loss of iron from the surface of a ferrous alloy.
d. A loss of carbon from the intergranular portion of the ferrous alloy.

109. When is Type 304 stainless steel considered subject to carbide

a. When used in corrosive service
b. When used in low pH service.
c. When used in high pH service
d. When it has been sensitized by thermal treatment.

110. If deciding on a technique(s) to use to inspect a vessel you must

a. The condition of the vessel and when the last inspection was.
b. The condition of the vessel during the last inspection.
c. The condition of the vessel and the environment under which it
d. The latest operational data such as logs.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 105

111. The period between internal inspections or on-stream inspections
shall not exceed;
a. The quarter corrosion rate life
b. One –half the corrosion rate life.
c. The estimated remaining life of the vessel or based on the corrosion
rate or 10 years which ever is which ever is less
d. One –half the estimated remaining life of the vessel or based on the
corrosion rate or 10 years which ever is less.

112. A repair to restore missing, removed or corroded clad or overlay must

by approved by;
a. The pressure vessel engineer.
b. The API inspector
c. Both the pressure vessel engineer and the API inspector
d. A professional engineer.

113. For clad vessels constructed with P-3, P-4 or P-5 base materials, the
base material in the area of a welded repair should be examined for
cracks using;
a. Visual inspection
b. Magnetic particle inspection
c. Ultrasonic examination
d. Dye penetrant examination

114. For equipment that is in hydrogen service at high temperatures any

repair must considered by an engineer for;
a. Degaussing of the metal.
b. Softening of the metal due to welding, grinding etc.
c. Reheating and outer pass temperature control
d. Out gassing of the metal.

115. The spherical radius R to be used for the calculation of a standard

torispherical head’s corrosion in it central dished portion is;
a. The diameter of the shell.
b. 80% of the shell’s diameter.
c. The equivalent radius of the shell.
d. 80% of the heads diameter.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 106

116. When repairing a vessel using welding by the half-bead / temper bead
technique when notch toughness is not a requirement, you may use
a. Shielded metal arc welding with the 7018 electrode only.
b. Gas metal arc welding with S70 sold core wire only.
c. Gas tungsten arc welding with E309 through E316 rod only.
d. Shielded metal, Gas metal and/or Gas Tungsten arc welding

117. During an inspection of a pressure vessel which has previously been

in service, thickness measurement locations should be taken based
a. Locations during previous inspection cycles.
b. Areas that have thinning.
c. Areas which have the most deterioration, or if deterioration or if
deterioration is wide spread enough readings to assure an accurate
determination of the remaining thickness.
d. Areas that have a known problem only.

118. If a vessel has a history of minor corrosion. How shall thickness

measurement locations be chosen?
a. The shell courses and heads must have one measurements taken at
the north, south east and west compass points.
b. One thickness measurement on each head and shell course when the
vessel is small, however more measurements are advisable when the
vessels are large.
c. Each shell course and head shall have one measurement taken at
0,90,180, and 270 degrees
d. Large vessels shell have it shall 12 per shall course and 8 taken per
head and nozzle.

119. Prior to a repair on a pressure vessel to its code of construction what

if any additional requirements for inspection must be met?
a. Jurisdictional requirements, if any, that exceeds those of the code of
b. The documentation of the repair materials should include mill test
reports for all material forms.
c. The qualifications of the repair concern performing the work must be
examined in detail
d. The need for qualified welding procedures

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 107

120. Jurisdictions can require that welded repairs to a pressure vessel be
made by repair companies that possess;
a. A jurisdictional competency certification certificate
b. A quality control program that is in place.
c. The “R” stamp from the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel
d. A license issued by the jurisdiction.

121. The hydrostatic head must be considered when rating a liquid filled
a. Bottom shell course’s material of construction.
b. Top formed head’s geometry.
c. Reinforcement pad material selection
d. Each component MAWP.

122. A vessel is undergoing a hydrostatic test per the rules of the ASME,
the pressure it shall be visually inspected at is;
a. The test pressure divided by 1.3
b. No less than the test pressure divided by 1.3
c. No less than the test pressure divided by 1.1.
d. No less than 4/5 the test pressure.

123. During the external inspection of an internally insulated vessel, you

find a blister is present. The vessel operates at elevated temperatures
and is in a service that might cause hydrogen attack. You feel that the
blister is from hydrogen, you should;
a. Issue a report with the location identified
b. Look into the records of the vessel for previous failures.
c. Check the fabrication details of the vessel to see if hydrogen attack is
d. Consult with a metallurgical and or a pressure vessel engineer.

124. A vessel due to corrosion has a remaining thickness that is below the
minimum required thickness. If the thinned areas are to be evaluated
for continued service using the design by analysis methods of Section
VIII Division 2. When this approach is used it is always true that;
a. The NBIC Authorized Inspector must be consulted.
b. Operations must agree.
c. Consultation with a pressure vessel engineer experienced in pressure
vessel design is required.
d. The materials used in the fabrication of the vessel and their notch
toughness must be known.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 108

125. If repairs, reratings or alterations are planned to any air-cooled heat
exchanger the following standard(s) in addition to API 510 should be
a. ASME Section VIII Div.1.
b. API Standard 661.
c. TEMA (Tubular Exchangers Manufacturers Association).
d. API 579

126. A welded repair to a vessel in planned, which of the following

statements does not apply to this situation?
a. The welding procedures must be qualified.
b. The welders performing the work must pass a performance
qualification test to Section IX.
c. Consultation with a pressure vessel engineer may be required.
d. The parts to be welded cannot be below 35º F

127. Which of the following items should not be included in a fully

documented quality control program for pressure relief devices?
a. Organizational chart, Statement of authority and responsibility, Repair
and Inspection program.
b. Organizational chart, Statement of authority and responsibility,
welding, non-destructive examination procedures and heat treatment.
c. Organizational chart Statement of authority and responsibility general
example of valve’s repair name plate.
d. The maximum set pressure for each rupture disk device.

128. As regards corrosion evaluation of a vessel part which contains a butt

weld how far on each side the weld does the welded joints efficiency E
extend when performing minimum thickness required calculations?
a. 1 inch
b. 1 inch or twice the minimum thickness of the weld which ever is less
c. 1 inch or twice the minimum thickness of the shell which ever is
d. This is not allowed the entire vessel part must be evaluated using the
E of the affected butt joint.

129. When inspecting nonmetallic linings in vessels it is true that if a liner

has bulged it has most likely also;
a. Spalled.
b. Cracked
c. Segregated identifiable components.
d. Of shingle type construction

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 109

130. If corrosion has occurred behind a nonmetallic liner, it possible that
there will be a
a. Large external bulge in the vessel’s outer skin
b. Small external bulge in the vessel’s outer skin
c. Disbonding of the liner from the base metal of the vessel part.
d. A very large corrosion build up on the external surface of the liner.

131. Excess thickness in vessel walls is common this is normally not as a

result of
a. Corrosion allowance.
b. Using nominal plate sizes rather than the exact calculated thickness
c. A reduction of safety valve settings or change in service.
d. Scale accumulations.

132. Chilling coils are;

a. Finned coils
b. Pipe coils
c. Copper
d. Very long and normally found in oval shaped vessels.

133. A balanced safety relief valve uses a bellows or other means to;
a. Seal the valve internals
b. Allow for part expansion during temperature increases.
c. Create backpressure at desired components in the valve.
d. Minimize the effects of backpressure on the operating characteristics
of the valve.

134. If heads are formed so that the pressure is on the concave side they
are considered by the ASME to be
a. Minus heads.
b. Seamless.
c. Plus heads
d. Spun heads.

135. A forget flat head attached to a vessel by butt welding must follow all
the rules for
a. Circumferential welds given in Part UW of Section VIII
b. Longitudinal welds given in Part UW of Section VIII
c. Circumferential welds given in Part UCS of Section VIII
d. Longitudinal welds given in part UCS of Section VIII

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 110

136. According to API 576, rupture disks that are removed for inspection
should really be;
a. Cleaned by an approved solvent for the service it is in.
b. Cleaned by light wire brushing and in no case scraped.
c. Cleaned by light scraping and then wire bushed lightly
d. Replaced, due to the likelihood they may fail prematurely after handling

137. One time that the manufacturer of a pilot operated pressure relief
device should be consulted about their device’s setting procedure is
a. The device is very old.
b. The device is in a non-corrosive service
c. The device will be set using water.
d. The device is in corrosive service

138. After a test and inspection cycle in a unit, pressure relief devices
should not be checked for;
a. Installation of the correct device
b. No gags or blinds left in place.
c. Seals installed to protect spring settings have not been broken.
d. Weather proof caps made of the proper material

139. Why is it important to check a relief valve for seat tightness?

a. Leakage can be a hazard to the environment and leakage leads to
fouled inoperable valves.
b. Leakage leads to fouled and gate valves.
c. Leakage leads to fouled rupture disks on the inlet.
d. Leakage leads to fouled rupture disks on the outlet

140. Normally when relief valves are removed from a system the inlet and
outlet piping is inspected, if block valves are closed and the unit is in
service what can be done to inspect this piping?
a. Use of special borescope, which utilizes a pressure chamber.
b. Radiographs can be performed to indicate major fouling or blockage.
c. Do in a hot tap in the vicinity of the suspected blockage
d. Probing using a high pressure sealed probing device.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 111

141. If severe corrosion is found on the tubes of an Admiralty Pipe Still it is
most likely to occur if;
a. The amount of hydrogen chloride is high in the overhead stream.
b. The amount of hydrogen chloride is low in the overhead stream.
c. The amount of hydrogen chloride is high in the overhead stream and
the pH is not controlled between 5.0 and 8.0.
d. The amount of hydrogen chloride is low in the overhead stream and
the pH is not controlled between 5.0 and 8.0.

142. The range of the IG position in degrees as used in welding for its
inclination of axis is;
a. 15 to 80.
b. 5 to 15.
c. 0 to 15.
d. 80 to 90.

143. In the liquid penetrant process penetration time is critical. The

minimum time shall be as required in;
a. The ASNT only
b. Table T-672 of Article 6 of Section V
c. Table T-572 of Article 5 of Section V
d. The API 510 Code

144. For welds the thickness on which a penetrameter is based is

a. Nominal single wall thickness of the base metal
b. Nominal single wall thickness of the base metal plus the actual
thickness of the weld reinforcement.
c. Nominal single wall thickness of the base metal plus the estimated
thickness of the weld reinforcement not be exceed the maximum
allowed by the referencing Code.
d. 20% of the single wall thickness plus weld reinforcement.

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 112

Closed Book API 510 Practice Exam C


30 C
31 C
32 C
33 A
34 C
35 C
36 C
37 D
38 D
39 C
40 D
41 C
42 D
43 D
44 D
45 C
46 D
47 C
48 C
49 A
50 C
51 C
52 A
53 D
54 B
55 B
56 B
57 A
58 A
59 D
60 D
61 C
62 C
63 D
64 B
65 C
66 B

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 113

67 C
68 B
69 A
70 D
71 D
72 B
73 C
74 D
75 D
76 C
77 D
78 C
79 C
80 D
81 B
82 D
83 B
84 B
85 B
86 D
87 A
88 D
89 C
90 C
91 B
92 B
93 C
94 B
95 C
96 A
97 B
98 A
99 B
100 D
101 D
102 D
103 D
104 C
105 C
106 B
107 D
108 B
API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 114
109 D
110 C
111 D
112 C
113 C
114 D
115 A
116 D
117 C
118 B
119 A
120 C
121 D
122 B
123 D
124 C
125 B
126 D
127 D
128 C
129 B
130 C
131 D
132 B
133 D
134 C
135 A
136 D
137 C
138 D
139 A
140 B
141 C
142 C
143 B
144 C

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 115

Open Book API 510 Practice Exam C


6) Metal Loss Calculation:

.789” t Previous
.630” t Actual
Metal Loss= .159”

Short term Corrosion Rate .159”

------- = .0318”
5 Yrs.

t Previous .630”
t Actual - .525”
Remaining C.A - .105”

Remaining Life:

Remaining C.A. .105”

-------- = 3.3 years R L
Short term corrosion Rate .0318”


API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 116

8) 1.1 X 157 = 172.7
UG – 100 (d)
Visual in section AT No LESS THAN TEST PRESS

PRESSURE = 172.7
------- = 157.0 PSI

10) FIG UG-34 (f)

C=0.33 X M.

M= tR/ tS= .358/.500= .716 ”

C= 0.33 x .716” = .23628”


- PER API 510 725 (d)




.740/2=.370” <.385”

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 117




P= 13,800X1.0X.498 6872.4
------------------------- = ----------
47.91-(0.4.X.498) 47.7108


28) API – 510- & 2


.80 X 84” (7 X 12) = 67.2



------- DIAMETER = 33.6 RADIUS

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 118


Tmin =3/4”

0.7 x .750 = .525”

LESSER OF .250” OR .525”

ANS: .250”

33) 96/2 = 48” RADIUS

48” + (,500 – 369) = 48.131”

35) t actual-t required = .638”-.513 = .125”


REMAINING LIFE = t actual – t required


= .125
------- = 7.35 Years

API 510 – BOOK 6 Page 119

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