Motor Grader: Global Version
Motor Grader: Global Version
Motor Grader: Global Version
Motor Grader
Global Version
Cat® 3176C ATAAC Engine Gross Vehicle Weight
Net Power (all gears) 164 kW/220 hp Base 18 810 kg
Variable Horsepower Arrangement front wheels 5310 kg
gears 1-3 164 kW/220 hp rear wheels 13 500 kg
gears 4-8 179 kW/240 hp Maximum 26 540 kg
front wheels 8810 kg
rear wheels 17 730 kg
Moldboard Blade Width 4267 mm
14H Motor Grader
The 14H blends productivity and durability to give you the best return on your investment.
✔ New feature
Structures Drawbar, Circle, Moldboard Serviceability
The 14H frame is designed and Versatile moldboard positioning and ✔ Caterpillar® re-engineered inspection
built to exceed the expectations of a long wheelbase improve material and service points, grouping them into
the customer. pg. 7 handling. Rugged construction and a convenient left-hand side, ground
replaceable wear parts minimize level ‘service center.’ Ground level
operation costs. pg. 8 fueling and extended engine and
hydraulic oil change intervals help
minimize downtime. pg. 9
Customer Support
Your Cat dealer offers a range of
services that help you operate longer
with lower costs. pg. 13
Cat 3176C ATAAC Engine
The six-cylinder, direct injection, turbocharged and air-to-air aftercooled engine is built for
power, reliability, low maintenance, excellent fuel economy and low emissions.
Advanced fuel system. The advanced
Diesel Engine Module (ADEM III) fuel
system is a Caterpillar exclusive electronic
control module which provides improved
engine response, performance, fuel
efficiency, troubleshooting, diagnostics,
and reduced emissions. The ADEM III
electronic engine control improves altitude
capability to 3300 meters without deration.
Turbocharged and Air-to-air aftercooled.
Turbocharger packs more dense air into the
cylinders for more complete combustion
and lower emissions improving performance
and engine efficiency. These benefits are
especially useful at high altitudes. Air-to-air
aftercooler reduces smoke and emissions by
providing a cooler inlet air for more efficient
combustion. This also extends the life of
the piston rings and bore.
Extended Engine Life. The large bore-stroke
design and conservative power rating
minimize internal stresses and increase
component life. The low engine speeds
reduce engine wear and sound levels.
Hydraulic Demand Fan. The hydraulic
demand fan control automatically adjusts
cooling fan speed according to engine
Cat 3176C ATAAC Engine. Variable Horsepower (VHP). cooling requirements. This system reduces
The innovative 3176C diesel engine Automatically increases horsepower demands on the engine, putting more power
delivers large-engine performance in higher gears when the machine can to the ground and improving fuel efficiency.
from a compact engine design. use it. In lower gears where traction is
Caterpillar engine oil. It is formulated
The six-cylinder engine is turbo- limited, horsepower is limited,
to optimize engine life and performance
charged and air-to-air aftercooled. reducing wheel slip and conserving
and is strongly recommended for use in
With high displacement and low rated fuel. Rimpull has been increased in all
Cat diesel engines. The engine oil change
speed, this engine provides excellent gears for greater productivity.
interval is increased to 500 hours.
fuel economy and durability that can
Lugging Performance. High torque
significantly reduce operating costs. Factory remanufactured parts. A large
output and torque rise makes the
choice of factory remanufactured parts
Improved Torque. Power curves 3176C very responsive. Its superior
and dealer proposed repair options increase
customized for the 14H increase lugging maintains consistent grading
machine availability and reduce total repair
peak torque for higher ground speeds speeds without the need to downshift.
and enhanced productivity.
Emissions Compliant. The new 14H has
reduced NOx, hydrocarbon, and particulate
emissions. The Cat 3176C meets or exceeds
all U.S. EPA Tier II and EU Stage II
emissions control standards worldwide.
Power Train
Matched Caterpillar components deliver smooth, responsive performance and reliability.
■ oil-bathed, air-actuated and spring-
Balanced hydraulics deliver consistent, precise and responsive control.
1 Lock valve
2 Line relief valve
3 Blade float detent
1 1
Load Sensing Hydraulics. A load Balanced Flow. Hydraulic flow is Independent Oil Supply. Large separate
sensing variable displacement pump proportioned to ensure all implements hydraulic oil supply prevents cross-
and the advanced proportional priority operate simultaneously. If demand contamination and provides proper oil
pressure-compensating (PPPC, or exceeds pump capacity, all cylinders cooling, which reduces heat build-up
“triple-PC”) hydraulic valves provide are reduced by the same ratio. and extends component life.
superior implement control and The result is improved productivity
Heavy Duty XT Hose. Caterpillar hose
enhanced machine performance and in virtually any application.
technology allows high pressures
efficiency. Continuously matching
Blade Float. Blade float, incorporated for maximum power and reduced
hydraulic flow and pressure to power
into the blade lift control valves, allows downtime, and intelligent routing
demands creates less heat and reduces
the blade to move freely under its own minimizes exposure to damage.
power consumption.
weight. By floating both cylinders,
Optional Hydraulic Lockout.
Implement Control Valves. PPPC valves the blade can follow the contours
Mechanically locks all moldboard,
have different flow rates for the head of the road when removing snow.
machine, and attachment control levers
and rod ends of the cylinder. Floating only one cylinder permits
during machine roading. This prevents
This insures consistent extension and the toe of the blade to follow a hard
implements from being accidentally
retraction properties for each cylinder, surface while the operator controls
engaged when the motor grader is
and improves operator ‘feel’ and system the slope with the other lift cylinder.
travelling down the road.
response. All control valves use lock
valves to maintain blade settings.
Line relief valves protect cylinders
from excessive pressure.
The 14H frame is designed and built to exceed the expectations of the customer.
1 Integrated bumper
2 Box-sectioned channels 3
3 Fully welded differential
Integrated Bumper. The integrated Rear Frame. Rear frame has two box- Front Frame. Continuous top and bottom
bumper ties the rear frame together into sectioned channels integral with fully plate construction provides consistency
a cohesive unit, to handle the loads welded differential case for a solid and strength. The flanged box section
possible with the new 3176C power working platform. design removes welds from high stress
train. This is especially important in areas, improving reliability and
ripping and snow removal applications durability, and increasing resale value
where graders are equipped with snow for the customer.
wing attachments.
Drawbar, Circle, Moldboard
Every component is designed for maximum productivity and durability.
1 Nylon composite
wear inserts
Blade. Heat treated moldboard rails, Circle Construction. One-piece forged Circle Drive Slip Clutch. The standard
tough-hardened cutting edge and end circle stands up to high stress loads. circle drive slip clutch protects the
bits, and large diameter bolts assure Raised wear surfaces prevent circle teeth drawbar, circle and moldboard from
reliability and longer service life. wear against the drawbar. The 64 uniformly shock loads when the blade encounters
spaced circle teeth are flame cut and heat immovable objects. It also reduces
Blade Positioning. The blade linkage
induction hardened to resist wear, and the possibility of the grader making
design provides extensive moldboard
the circle is secured to the drawbar by abrupt directional changes in poor
positioning, most beneficial in mid-
six support shoes for maximum support. traction conditions.
range bank sloping and in ditch cutting
and cleaning. Replaceable Wear Items. Tough, durable Drawbar Construction. The A-frame
nylon composite wear inserts are located drawbar uses box-section design for
Blade Angle. A long wheelbase allows
between the drawbar and circle, and high strength and optimum durability.
the operator to obtain an aggressive
between the support shoes and circle. The drawbar bottom face and the top
moldboard angle. This aggressive angle
This sacrificial wear system helps keep surface of the circle are machined to
permits material to roll more freely
components tight for fine grading and provide accurate adjustment and
along the blade, which reduces power
allows easy replacement. These inserts precise blading.
requirements. This is particularly
reduce rotational friction resulting in
helpful in handling very dry materials,
extended component life.
cohesive soils, snow and ice.
Re-engineered inspection and service points save time and expense.
Operator’s Station
The 14H includes innovative changes to improve operator efficiency and, in turn,
greater machine productivity.
Comfort and Convenience. Comfort and
convenience are designed into every
feature of the operator’s station.
Electronic Throttle Control.
ETC provides easier, more precise,
more consistent throttle operation.
Two modes on a single switch offer
flexibility for varying applications and
operator preference. Like cruise control,
ETC improves fuel efficiency.
Electronic Monitoring System.
Powerful monitoring and diagnostic
capabilities allow more efficient and
safer machine operation. The Cat
Electronic Monitoring System (EMS III)
keeps operators better informed of
machine status with:
■ Continuous tracking of all critical
■ Retrieval or adjustment of over
Environmentally Responsible Design
Caterpillar builds machines that help you create a better world.
Customer Support
Cat dealer services help you operate longer with lower costs.
Cat 3176C ATAAC engine, Variable horsepower (VHP)
1500 1500
1300 1300
Engine Torque
Engine Torque
1100 1100
900 900
700 700
500 500
300 300
200 200
Engine Power
Engine Power
160 160
120 120
80 80
40 40
350 350
300 300
250 250
200 200
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Engine Speed rpm Engine Speed rpm
Gross Gross
Net Net
kg kg
Accumulators, blade lift 71 Louver covers, with screen 7
Air conditioner with heater and pressurizer 84 Mirrors, dual inside mounted –
Air dryer 13 Mirrors, outside mounted 8
Batteries, extreme-duty, 1300 CCA 16 Mirrors, outside mounted, heated 11
Blade Mount, snow wing, frame-ready 91
4877 mm x 688 mm x 25 mm 149 Oil change system 2
Cab, ROPS, high profile, sound-suppressed 77 Power port, 12V 2
Canopy, ROPS, high profile, with rear wall and window -41 Push plate, front mounted 586
Converter, 25-amp, 24V to 12V 5 Radio ready, entertainment –
Cutting edges for 25 mm thick blade Receptacle, starting, plug-in 2
4.2 m blade: 203 mm x 19 mm 24 Rims, tires – refer to dealer price list
4.9 m blade: 203 mm x 25 mm 43 Ripper, rear 1552
Engine, VHP Ripper tooth, one 33
Extensions, blade 610 mm right/left Seat, cloth-covered, contoured air suspension –
for 25 mm thick blade 148 Seat, vinyl-covered, contour suspension –
Fan, defroster, front and rear 2 Snow arrangements,
Fuel system, fast fill 11 refer to Snow Arrangement Supplement
Graderbit system, standard bit type Sound suppression 5
4.2 m blade 127 Speedometer, ground sensing/tachometer 12
4.9 m blade 172 Steering, secondary 52
Guard, brake lines 8 Sunshade, rear window 3
Guard, lower platform 23 Windows, lower front, opening 33
Guard, transmission 98 Windows, sliding side 4
Hammer with mounting 5 Wipers, intermittent (3), front 0.5
Heater, engine coolant 1 Wiper and washer, rear, intermittent 7
Heater, cab, with pressurizer 18 European roading group which provides an additional
Hydraulic lockout 2 air tank, air circuit protection valve and two position
Hydraulic arrangements with one or more lights with integral turn signals. Dealer supplied
additional hydraulic valves are available for equipment is required to meet some specific country
rear ripper, dozer, snow plow and snow wing. on-road requirements 23
See dealer price list.
Lighting systems:
bar mounted, directional and headlights 13
cab mounted, directional and headlights 9
cab and bar mounted, directional,
headlights and work lights 22
cab and bar mounted, high, directional,
headlights and work lights 22
work lights, front and rear 6
snow wing light, right 18
warning light, cab or canopy mounted 3
Featured photos of machines may not always include standard equipment.
See your Caterpillar Dealer for available options.
HEHG5451 (04/2002) hr Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002 Caterpillar