19-03-10 Matthew 16 - 13-23 Peter Encounters The Suffering Savior
19-03-10 Matthew 16 - 13-23 Peter Encounters The Suffering Savior
19-03-10 Matthew 16 - 13-23 Peter Encounters The Suffering Savior
Matthew 16:13-23
The Only Christian Nation in Asia?
-quick search online”Christian Nation in Asia”Philippines among the topPew (2010) 1st Asia, 5th world
-BUT despite this, when we look at our country corruption, EJKs, drug abuse, political bickering, social inequality
-QUESTION: If we are supposedly the most Christian nation in Asia, why do we act so unchristian as a nation?
-PICTURE: A letter from a South Korean went viral”You go to church every Sunday but nothing has changed”
-writer’s diagnosis there is no change because we don’t love our country, we lack patriotism
-there is merit to this diagnosis let me move it further
We don’t know Jesus
-We go to church every Sunday, we are ranked among the top “Christian” nations but we are so unchristian in our actions, our
nation drowns in social ills—why?
-Many Filipinos only know facts/information about Jesus, they don’t really KNOW Him!
-Marami lang tayong alam tungkol kay Hesus, hindi natin talaga Siya kilala
-simply being part of a religion vs having a relationship with the redeemer
PICTURE: Malacanang papasukin niyo ako dahil marami akong alam tungkol sa Presidente vs kilala ka ng Pres.
-that’s the effect when we know the president, how much more when we really KNOW JESUS
Life of Peter
*Gospels are not strictly Chronological—differing view
John 1:35-42 Andrew, the brother of Peter, met Jesus through the testimony of John the Baptist, and he brought Peter to
meet the Savior | “We have found the Messiah” | “You are Simon, Son of John, you shall be called Cephas (Peter)
prophecy of the role that Peter will play in the future
- they didn’t immediately follow Jesus, it takes at least another encounter to fully convince them
*at least: because some include Jesus’ visit and healing of Peter’s mother-in-law as another encounter
Matthew 4:18; Luke 5:3-11, Mark 1:16 Jesus calls Simon and Andrew, James and John through the miraculous catch of fish
| “Do not fear, from now on, you will be catching men, When they brought their boats to land, they left everything and
followed Him”
-from then, on, they were travelling around with Jesus, witnessing His miracles and hearing his teachings
Salient miracles: healing of a leper, exorcisms, dead back to life, paralytic, blind, calming of a storm, feeding of 5000, 4000
Salient teachings/debates: Sabbath, tradition of the elders, Sermon on the Mount,
-mixed reactions: some were astonished by his authority (Mat. 7:29), some believed, some said he’s allied with demons
(Mat 9:34), he is a teacher from God (John 3)people are confused about Jesus
-makes our passage all the more relevant, because in the midst of differing voices, it directs us to two truths about Jesus,
effectively answering what I would say as one of the most important questions in this life: “Who is Jesus?”
-let’s go to our passage and prayerfully, we will be able to encounter Christ through His Word
*To say that you KNOW the Lord, you need to…
A. Acknowledge the IDENTITY of Jesus (vv. 13-20) Confession of Peter
POINT: Jesus is the Savior, He is the Son of God (truly man and truly God), He is the builder/cornerstone of the Church
PROOF: 1. Setting and Characters
Characters: Jesus and His disciples (Peter)—busy itinerary (moving around Galilee Gentile regionspreaching, healing
feeding 5000 and 4000 people walking on water debating religious leaders
Setting Ceasarea Philippi (14-hour walk north of Sea of Galilee), predominantly Gentile, center of worship for the
Canaanite god Baal, the Gk god Pan and the first Roman emperor Augustus, near Mt Hermon (Transfiguration?)*impt later
travelling on foot from the Sea of Galilee (Bethsaida), they are tired, and they are resting together in private
2. Discussions
- then, Jesus begins a discussion
First Discussion: Question(v. 13): “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”
-Son of Man: it is the Messianic title that Jesus uses most often humanity and humility (suffering servant) of the
Savior but also of His glory at Judgment in the end times (Daniel 7)
-Jesus first asked in general terms, not in a casual way because the Gk of asking (interrogating)
-Picture: Like a teacher employing the Socratic method—wanting to know people’s opinion about His identity
Answer (v. 14): a. John the Baptist- (resurrected- John 14:2)
b. Elijah- prophecy of the return of Elijah (who was taken up in heaven body and spirit) before the final judgment
(Mal 4:5), some believe Jesus fulfilled this because of His preaching about the coming Kingdom as well as
similarities in Elijah’s and Jesus’ miracles (providing bread, raising the dead back to life CSB)
c. Jeremiah- like Jeremiah Jesus preached judgment and repentance (Luke 13:3; Mat 11:21)
d. One of the Prophets- Like John the Baptist, some people considered Jesus a prophet or even the Prophet whom
God promised to send (John 6:14 cf. Deut 18:15)
-Picture: We are not so different in our time and day—Jesus is the all-loving bro (accept you, even if you live in utter
rebellion), cosmic judge (waiting for you to fail to condemn you to everlasting fire), genie, Jesus is the
religious icons, paintings, sculptures, talismans that we see (as if wood, metal, paint can hear us when we
pray), most radical feminist, founder of communism, brother of satan, lives right now in Davao, Rizal
Second Discussion: Question(v. 15): “Who do you say that I am?”
-no longer a general question not in the third person very personal one that demands reflection
-btw, the “you” here is plural (addressed to all the disciples) moment of silence, as they considered the question
Answer (v. 16): Peter was the brave one who confessed:
a. Christ- Messiah, Anointed one, Savior
b. Son of the Living God- Jesus had a unique relationship with God (He is beloved by the Father Mat. 3:17); Jesus
and the Father are one (John 10:30)—full divinity of Christ; Living God in contrast to idols/pagan gods
-Practice: I can pause here and ask you the same question—“Who do you say Jesus is?” “Sino si Hesus sa iyong
buhay? you’ll have to answer this question sooner or later (your answer eternal life or eternal death)
-the answer that Jesus demands is not simply intellectual (parroting back data about Him), but one borne from a
genuine seeking and reflecting and asking from God
-Picture: This is my constant prayer about my walk with the Lord. I have the tendency to be all up in the head. The
things I know manifest so slowly in my heart, in my hands (constant prayer—may my relationship with you be
true) most of you who grew up in Christian families or those who’ve been Christians for a time can relate
-Practice: If you have the same struggle as I do, or perhaps you don’t KNOW Jesus yet, you don’t have a relationship
with Him yet Jesus reveals the key for us to KNOW Him as who He really is
(v. 17) we are utterly dependent on God’s grace in order to KNOW Jesus ask God to grant you the desire to
KNOW Jesus to grant you the means to KNOW Jesus to open Your eyes to Spiritual realities
-after you’ve done so, act in faith that God is answering even as you learn more about Jesus through the
Bible, through fellowships, sermons, the church family, daily experience
-Problem: How do you even begin asking God if you don’t have any desire in your heart? (Hebrews 4:14-16; 7:25)
-May we truly come to know Jesus
c. Builder and Cornerstone of the Church- third reality about Jesus, comes from His very lips
-Proof: (v. 18) Peter-Rock: Play of words here because Peter (petros) means small rock while Rock (petra) means
-I say to you small rock (Peter), upon this bedrock/foundation/boulder, I will build my church
-Problem: What is the Petra? Some interpret it as Peter himself (against Eph. 2:20)
-Some interpret it as Peter’s boulder-like confession about the identity of Christ
-but I align myself with those who say that the Petra refers to Jesus Himself (Eph. 2:20; 1 Peter 2:4-7;
Peter refers to Jesus as the Living Stone, the Corner Stone, and the other living stones are built on Him)
Why is this important? --> church: not the building, but “assembly of people gathered in Jesus’ Name (not
Peter’s or the apostles’ or the prophets’,” related to the OT assembly of Israel at Mt. Sinai, but now
referring to believers of Jesus “I will build my church”
-Picture: a. (v. 18b) Jesus’ Church is more powerful even against Hades (death) Incidentally Caesarea Philippi in
those times is known as a gateway to the realm of the dead their presence there is very deliberate
b. (v. 19) Jesus’ church has authority (represented by the key given to Peter, but also extended to all
believers Matthew 18:18) bind and to loose (in the context of Matthew 18, must be understood as the
authority, guided by God’s Word to proclaim heaven’s judgment whether a person is forgiven or not)
-that is, looking at the principles laid down in Scripture, a duly constituted body of believers is guided
by the Word and the Spirit to determine if a person is unrepentant (bound by sin) or already
repentant (loosed from sin)
RESTATE: There is so much happening in vv 13-20 but I don’t want you lose sight of the main point
-Here, Jesus wants us to acknowledge His IDENTITY: He is the Christ, the Son of God, the Builder and Cornerstone of the Church
-Through the Confession of Peter
-these are wonderful truths, but why does this section end with Jesus forbidding them to preach about His identity? (v.20)
We’ll find out in the next Point… *To say that you KNOW the Lord, you need to…
-Today, we continued following the life of Peter, but the passage is really very Christ-centered
-I go back: If we truly desire change (all levels) the heart of this message is what we need KNOW who JESUS Really is.. our
Suffering Savior.
-You truly know JESUS if you
A. Acknowledge His Identity Christ (Savior), Son of God, Builder and Corner Stone of the Church
-We learned this in Peter’s Powerful Confession
-Warning: ask God to move you beyond head-knowledge to a true love for the Savior
B. You share in His Mission involves suffering, with the promise of glory
-we learned this in Christ’s Correction of Peter
-learn from the persecuted church (persecution.org; opendoors.ph); read books about persecution, pray for them God
will use these to change your perspective and make you more bold, willing to suffer for Jesus
-If you KNOW Jesus in this way, your life will be changed. Probably not in the way you’re imagining change from eternity,
knowing that at His return He will tell you, “Well done! My good and faithful servant”
-If you don’t KNOW Jesus yet, alam mo bang ang Gospels are written precisely so that we’ll know Him? I pray that God will use
this message and the Bible to draw you to the Savior, until by grace you will believe in Himsaved
-Who is Jesus to you?