Revised Compendium On IR-DRDO Bio-Toilet

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(For official use only)

(Govt. of India)
(Ministry of Railways)


IRCAMTECH/MECH/GWL/Compendium on IR-DRDO Bio-Toilet/1.0/Rev-I

September – 2018


On the basis of MoU between Indian Railways and DRDO, the bio-toilet
system has been introduced in IR. Bio toilet is one of the major flag bearers of
“Swach Bharat” mission. Indian railway is putting all effort to make bio toilet
successful. Bio-toilet has now become an essential part of coaching stock. So it
has become necessary to have fully fledged knowledge of bio-toilet system for
the staff working at bottom line so as to streamline the system of maintenance,
guidelines for routine maintenance & operation of the system in open line
maintenance of coaching stock in coaching depots as well as in workshop

To counter the problems, issues, queries’ regarding the bio-toilet system and
its maintenance, CAMTECH has brought out this revised compendium. I hope
that this compendium will short out the problems of the staffs deputed for bio
toilet maintenance and fitment.

Maintenance related instructions issued by Railway Board and RDSO have

been included in the Hand Book.

The purpose of this handbook is to improve and consolidate the knowledge

and expertise in a nutshell for easy understanding of staff working at bottom-line.
There was a lot of up gradation in design and performance parameters of bio-
toilet as per guidelines of RDSO and railway board and there was a need to revise
this compendium in a simple and understandable for everyone.

It is clarified that this handbook does not supersede any existing procedures
and practices laid down in the maintenance instructions on Bio-Toilet system
issued by manufacturers or by Railway Board/RDSO.

I am thankful for the efforts of Shri D.Govind Kumar/ Ex. PED/CAMTECH,
Shri Sanjeev Garg Director (SS) Carriage, Dr. Dev rat Kamboj Scientist ‘F’, Dr.
Mukesh Kumar Meghvansi scientist ‘E’ of DRDE Gwalior who have given their
continuous support for this updated compendium.

I am also thankful for the sincere efforts of Mr. Prashant Saraswat SSE/Mech
CAMTECH, for bringing out this compendium.

(Manoj Kumar)
Place: CAMTECH/GWL Jt. Director / Mechanical

SN Description Page
i Preface ii
ii Index iv
iii Correction slips vii
Chapter-I Introduction of IR-DRDO Bio-Toilets
1.0 Environment Friendly Bio-Toilet System. 01
1.1 Benefits of green toilets 01
1.2 Types of Environment friendly toilets 02
1.3 Working of Biological toilet System ( Anaerobic ) 02
1.4 Degradation process of bacteria. 03
1.5 Advantage of IR-DRDO bio-digester over conventional toilet system 04
2.0 Adoption of Bio-toilet in Indian Railay 04
3.0 General Information of Bio-tank. 04
3.1 IR-DRDO Bio-digester tank for ICF/RCF coaches. 04
3.2 Other components of bio-digester tank 05
3.3 Sketch of Bio-digester tank 06
3.4 IR-DRDO Bio-digester Tank for LHB Coaches 06
3.5 Important Dimensions & Volume of Bio-digester Tank 07
Chapter-2 Variants of Bio-Toilets

1.0 Variant number one-Bio-toilet system with PLC: 08

2.0 Variant number two:- Bio-toilet system without any pneumatics, electronics 08
and electrical
3.0 Variant number three 09
4.0 Variant number four 09
Chapter-3 Mounting arrangement of Bio-digester

3.1 Welded J-Bracket 13

3.2 Direct mounting arrangement (Positive Mounting) 14
3.2.1 C-Mounting bracket. 15
3.2.2 Direct mounting bolted design 15
Chapter-4 Bio-digester interface and S-Trap

4.0 Provision of S-Trap in Bio-Toilets 17

4.1 Main features of S-Trap Design 18
4.2 Drawing of S-trap 18
4.3 Retro-fitment of S-trap in existing bio-digester 19
4.4 Retro-fitment procedure of S-Trap to RDSO Drawing No. CG-16008. In the 19
toilet already fitted with IR-DRDO Bio-Toilets to the Design CG-14053
4.5 Retro-fitment procedure of S-Trap for the toilets already fitted with IR-DRDO 20
Bio-Toilets in LHB Type coaches
4.6 Applicable Designs of Bio-Toilet tanks for Coaching Stock 22
4.7 Standardisation of dust-bin for Bio-toilets 23
Chapter-5 Retro-fitment

5.0 Qualifying criteria for retro fitment of Bio-Toilets in Existing Coaches 24

5.1 Procedure for retro fitment of Bio-Toilet tank on ICF/RCF design BG 25
5.2 Procedure / instructions for retro-fitment of IR-DRDO Bio Toilet for in-service 26
existing Crashworthy and retro-fitted CBC type Coaches
5.3 Procedure for Retro-fitment of IR-DRDO Bio-Toilet in ICF design SLR 28
5.4 Procedure for Retro-fitment of IR-DRDO bio toilet on old BEML Coaches as 29
per RDSO design CG-18090
5.5 Procedure / instructions for retro-fitment of IR-DRDO Bio Toilet for in-service 31
existing LHB type Passenger Coaches
5.6 Procedure / instructions for retro-fitment of IR-DRDO Bio Toilet for in-service 33
existing LHB power car
5.7 Procedure / instructions for retro-fitment of IR-DRDO Bio-Toilet for in-service 34
existing Hybrid LHB type Passenger Coaches
5.8 Procedure for Retro-fitment of IR-DRDO bio toilet in MEMU/TC as per 36
drawing no. MI005854 & MI005987

5.9 List of available design/drawings of IR-DRDO bio-digester tanks for 38

ICF/LHB coaches
Chapter-6 Quality control of Anaerobic Microbial Inoculum & effluent discharge
Parameters of IR-DRDO bio toilets

6.0 Significance of Quality Testing 40

6.1 Performance Parameters of Bio Toilet effluent & Inoculum 41
6.2 Guidelines for Coaching Depots for handling of Bacteria 41
6.3 Quality check and remedial action of the effluent discharged from bio-toilet 44
6.4 Performa for effluent discharged parameter testing from Bio-toilets 46
6.5 Abbreviations 47
6.6 Testing Scheme for Bio-Toilet Effluent in Coaching Depots 47
6.7 Technical specification for Chlorine tablets for use in IR- DRDO Bio- Toilets 56
6.8 Technical specification for KMNO4 tablets for use in IR-DRDO Bio- Toilet 58
6.9 Testing Scheme for Bacteria Culture (Microbial Inoculum) 59
6.10 Inoculum Generation Facilities On IR 83
6.11 Approved Drawing for Inoculum Generation Facility 100
6.12 Layout drawing showing Bacteria generation in plant 101
6.13 Instruments for analysis of Effluent parameters 102
6.14 Annexure IV ( The Environmental Laboratories) 114

Chapter-7 Maintenance Instructions on Bio-Toilet System for Coaching Depot


7.1 Instructions for pressurized cleaning of Bio-toilets 119

7.2 List of cleaning agents being used in mechanized coach cleaning in Bio- 119
Toilet system
7.3 Evaluation of Cleaning Agents provided by Railways 120
7.4 Mixing of Cleaning Agents 121
7.5 Maintenance of the Bio-toilet systems and Guidelines for handling of 122
7.6 Check List for Bio-Toilets for Maintenance Staff 122
7.7 Standardization of sticker for inoculum storage 123
7.8 Daily Maintenance proforma for bio-toilets 125
7.9 Welding Failure in J-Bracket mounting – Safety checks by staff 126
7.10 DO’s and DON’Ts for Bio-Toilet Maintenance in Open Line 127
7.11 Facilities required in Coaching Depots for maintenance of coaches fitted 129
with Bio-toilets.
7.12 Monitoring of IR-DRDO Bio-Toilets in Passenger Coaches 131
Chapter-8 Trouble-shooting

8.0 Trouble-shooting of Bio-Toilet System for Coaching Depots staff 132

8.1 Method of S-Trap choke Removing 132
8.2 Other general Process for choke removing 134
8.3 Evacuation Machine 141
8.3.1 Components of Evacuation Suction Machine 141
8.3.2 Features of Trolley Mounted Suction Machine 142
8.3.3 Technical specification for “Trolley mounted mobile sewage evacuation 143
machine” for IR-DRDO bio-toilet waste disposal from Indian railway coaches
Chapter-9 Annual Maintenance and operation contract (AMOC) for IR-DRDO
1.0 General 154
2.0 Introduction 154
3.0 Definitions 155
4.0 Technical 155
5.0 Scope of Work 156
6.0 AMOC Charges 164
7.0 Authority for Signing and Operation of the Contract 164
8.0 Responsibilities of Parties 164
9.0 Warranty 166
10.0 Validity of contract 166
11.0 Ownership of the rejected or defective components/or parts 166
12.0 Payments 167
13.0 Paying Authority 167
14.0 Records to be maintained by Maintenance Depots 167
15.0 EMD and Security Deposit 167
16.0 Performance Guarantee 168
17.0 Force Majeure Clause 168
18.0 Arbitration 168
19.0 Laws Governing the Contract 168
20.0 Determination 168
21.0 Subletting and Assignment 168
22.0 Other terms and conditions as per Standard General Conditions of Contract 168
23.0 Penalty 168
24.0 Instructions for POH of the coaches fitted with bio-toilets 170
Chapter-10 Terminology and Question Bank 174

The correction slips to be issued in future for these Guidelines will be
numbered as follows:

CAMTECH/2018/ MECH/GWL/Hand Book on Bio-Toilet for open line

staff/1.0/C.S. # XX date ….

Where “XX” is the serial number of the concerned correction slip

(Starting from 01 onwards)


Sr.No. of Date of issue Page No. and Item no. modified Remarks

Chapter -1
1. Environment Friendly Bio-Toilet System
To overcome the environmental degradation and maintain the hygiene in railway
premises, Indian Railway in association with DRDO (DRDE/Gwalior) has
developed IR-DRDO Bio-toilets. Bio-digester filled with ‘anaerobic bacteria’
converts human waste into liquid and gases. The gases escape to atmosphere and
treated waste water is discharged after chlorination.
The residual water from Bio-Toilet
 Is colorless, odorless and devoid of any solid particles.
 Requires no further treatment / waste management.
 Can be used for irrigation purposes.

IR-DRDO Bio-toilet system has following advantages:

 Elimination of toilet discharge on stations, railway tracks and coaching
 Improvement in cleanliness level of station area.
 Improvement in working environment of coaching depots & improved
working condition for maintenance staff.
 Reduced corrosion of rails and rails fittings.

Green toilet aims at - Zero-Defecation on the ground

Discharge on track, besides creating environmental issues along with
manual scavenging is problematic to workmen. A multi-directional strategy has
been implemented for adoption of Environment friendly toilets on IR passenger
coaches. A MOU was signed with DRDO for joint technology development. The
first prototype rake with bio-toilets based on the designs developed jointly with
DRDO is running successfully in Bundelkhand express since 18th January
2011. Indian Railways have decided that all coaches should be converted to
work with bio-toilet by December 2018.

1.1 Benefits of green toilet

 Completely Environment & user Friendly.

 Odor free and does not produce any foul smell.
 Uses Natures’ products to clean human waste.
 Water positive solution & preserves ground water quality.
 Eliminates load on existing Sewerage System.
 Virtually maintenance free.
 Prevent damages to tracks due to corrosion.
 Improves aesthetics at Railway Stations.
1.2 Types of Environment friendly toilets are:

 Bio toilets- Converts human waste into bio-gas and water and after
sanitizing the water it discharges the water onto the track.
 Vacuum toilets: - Based on the principle of direct transport from the
toilet bowl to the tank aided by vacuum creation in the tank and pipeline.
 Zero discharge toilet systems: - In Zero Discharge toilet system, waste
is collected at terminus and then processed. Solid and liquid separation is
done in the tank itself and liquid is recycled as flush water.

Advantage of Anaerobic bio-toilet:

 Require less maintenance
 Simple in design
 Easier Retro fitment on existing coaches in service
 Can be in operation up to years together
 No oxygen and sunlight required for processing.

1.3 Working of Biological Toilet System (Anaerobic)

Human Waste

Anaerobic bacteria CO2+ Methane gases

(Liquid bacteria) released to atmosphere

Liquid waste


Disinfected liquid
discharged to track

Note: System does not require oxygen and also does not require
regular cleaning

1.4 Degradation process of Bacteria:

Brief about bacteria –aerobic/anaerobic

1.4.1 Aerobic Bacteria

 Growth rate of aerobic bacteria is relatively higher
 Requires forced aeration and large surface area
 Large amount of bio-mass is generated
 Disposal of bio-mass is again an environmental problem

1.4.2 Anaerobic bacteria

 Can process doubling its population within 6 to 8 hrs
 Dominates and de-composes matter into liquid and gases.
 Can be kept for 3-4 months at ambient temperature in bio-digester
 Can withstand subzero temperature as well as up to 60 0 C.
 Cold temperature would not affect the inside processing because
anaerobic process is exothermic in nature & thus in cold regions,
heat will be available inside the chamber because of chemical

1.5 Advantage of IR-DRDO Bio-Digester over Conventional Toilet
system: -
 No bad smell in toilets from the tanks
 No infestation of Cockroaches & flies
 Faecal matter in the tank not visible
 No clogging of digester
 Effluent is free from odour and solid waste
 No maintenance required
 Reduction in organic matter by 90%
 No requirement of repeated adding bacteria/ enzyme
 No need of removal of solid waste

2. Adoption of Bio-toilet in India Railway.

First bio-digester was put in operation on coach No. NCR-05207/A of the train
1123/1124 from date of 23.08.2006.

An MOU was signed between DRDO and Indian Railway on 29.03.10

regarding joint technology development using ‘DRDE Bio-digester’ for IR toilet
system and formation of joint working group.

The purpose of working group was the implementation of the technology

development in terms of provisions of the MOU.

3. General Information of Bio-tank

3.1 IR-DRDO Bio-digester Tank for ICF/RCF Coaches

These tanks are made of stainless steel and having following constructional

The size of the tank is 540 X 1150 X 720 MM with the provision of 04 nos
mounting brackets at both the sides along the length of the tank. Each bracket is with
the provision of 02 nos. M16 Size bolts which are tightened in the under slung on
mounting brackets.
Main parts of the Bio digester tank:
1. Stainless steel tank with 06 partition walls inside the tank
2. Poly grass mats for protection of bacteria inside the walls.
3. Ball valve with handle for operation during emergency for making toilet direct
discharge in case of choking. (P trap type)
4. SS fasteners in place of MS on tank covers.
5. Stronger bonding of Colonized rubber mats with vertical walls.

720 mm

540 mm

1150 mm

Important Dimensions & Volume of Bio-digester Tank:

1. Length - 1150 mm 2. Width - 720 mm,
3. Height – 540 mm 4. Total Volume of Tank – 400 ltr.
5. Effective Volume of Tank – 300 it. 6. Empty Tank weight – 110 Kg.
7. Full Tank Weight – 410 Kg. 8. Height from Rail level - 220 mm

3.2 Other components of Bio-Digester Tank

1. Mounting Bracket - 04 Nos

2. Safety Rope - 04 Nos
3. Locking Plate - 08 Nos
4. Hex. Head Bolt (M16 X70) - 16 Nos
5. Hex. Nut (M16) - 16 Nos
6. Spring Washer (B16) - 16 Nos
7. Hex. Head Bolt (M8 X35) - 16 Nos
8. ‘U’ Bracket(8 X20 X38) - 08 Nos

3.3 Sketch of Bio-Digester Tank

3.4 IR-DRDO Bio-digester Tank for LHB Coaches

These tanks are made of stainless steel and having following constructional

The size of the tank is 547 X 580 X 1680 MM (HXWXL) with the provision of 02
no’s inbuilt C-Type mounting system along the length of the tank. Each mounting is
with the provision of 02 nos. M16 Size bolts which are tightened with the inner and
outer head stocks.

Main parts of the Bio digester tank:

1. Stainless steel tank with 06 partition walls inside the tank
2. Poly grass mats for protection of bacteria inside the walls.
3. Ball valve with handle for operation during emergency for making toilet
direct discharge in case of choking.
4. SS fasteners in place of MS on tank covers.
5. Stronger bonding of Colonized rubber mats with vertical walls

3.5 Important Dimensions & Volume of Bio-digester Tank:

1. Length - 1680 mm 2-Width - 580 mm,
3. Height – 547 mm 4. Total Volume of Tank - 600 lt.
5. Effective Volume of Tank – 450 it. 6. Empty Tank weight – 120 Kg.
7. Full Tank Weight – 425 Kg. 8. Height from Rail level -220 mm.

Variants of Bio-Toilets

Initially Railway tested several variants of bio-toilets designed jointly by DRDO and
Indian Railway. The trials of these variants were carried out in train Bundelkhand
Express and Reva Express. Initially four variants were tested and after trial, second
variant with manual slider and P-trap was selected for retro-fitment in coaches as per
JWG meeting held at Coaching Depot Gwalior on 01.04. 2011.However with due
course of time, all these variants have been changed and no variant is in use presently.
Variants are for information only. Brief details of initial four variants are as following:

1. Variant number One-Bio-toilet system with PLC:

a. The retention tank of this system has been designed keeping in view the
DRDE bacteria. The Faecal matter will pass through a U-trap to the tank. U-
trap bend towards inlet side of the tank shall be slanted to achieve double
seal and will also eliminate gas emission to the toilet room. Vent hole is
provided on the top of the retention tank for venting out gases 9Preferable
in first and last chamber). One flapper valve is provided for water seal to
arrest foul smell and will also act as a passage to clear foreign materials
such as bottles, polythenes etc. This also acts as a fail-safe mode in case
of emergency. Since this system has PLC, this flapper valve can be opened
at pre-determined cycles; say 40 cycles or so, to clear the foreign materials
automatically through a chute which is open to ground. There is no speed
sensor which is the major cause of non-operation of toilet systems. In this
system the flushing is pressurized. As suggested by DRDE team, a chamber
having 1 litre capacity shall be provided after the chlorinator chamber. This
chamber has two outlets; one with tap for sample collection for testing the
performance of the bio-degradation (effluent discharge parameters) and
other for normal discharge i.e. chlorinated discharge. The tank exterior
should be painted with heat shielding paint.
b. This PLC can also be simplified by providing a counter and a solenoid valve
and the flushing system with gravity only. Thus eliminating all the complexes
of the system.

2. Variant number two: - Bio-toilet system without any pneumatics,

electronics and electrical:

The retention tank of this system is same as in variant-1 above. In this

system also the faecal matter will pass through a U-trap to the tank. But in
place of flapper valve, one slider valve has been provided which will be

operated manually from outside of the coach. Later on the system has been
re-designed with operating handle inside the lavatory. This also acts as a
water seal to arrest foul smell and also acts as a passage to clear foreign
material such as bottles, polythenes etc. manually. This also acts a fail-safe
mode in case of emergency. If anything goes wrong this valve can be kept
in open condition and the complete system act as the conventional chute
system type which is open to ground. There is no speed sensor, no
pneumatics and no electronics to alleviate electrical and mechanical
failures. In this system, the flushing is through the gravity head only.

3. Variant number three-

(a) Bio-toilet system with 50 mm outlet of pan without any pneumatics,
electronics and electrical: Western style commode with 50 mm dia opening
to be developed. The retention tank of this system is same as in option -1
above but without any chute arrangement. The commode chute is integrated
with flapper valve which operates manually through an integrated lever
arrangement. Water seal is its inherent features and requires no additional
U-trap. In this case no flapper or slider is required to provide fail-safe mode.
This system is deemed as fail-safe because there is no possibility of ingress
of any foreign material due to its less operating at the entry point itself. Once
this system is proved in western style toilet it can be tailored to Indian style
toilet. Till such time for Indian style can be opted:
(b) Indian style: For Indian style, a pan having 100 mm opening can be used
with a 10mm divider with across the width of the opening. Trap is achieved
through tapering off the inlet pipe inside the retention tank. This is also acts
as water seal because it is always being dipped in the water in first chamber
of the tank. This system is deemed as fail-safe because there is no
possibility of ingress of any foreign material due to its less opening at the
entry point itself.
4. Variant number four: -
(a) Bio-toilet system without any pneumatics, electronics and electrical in liquid
solid separator system design. The retention tank of this system is same as
in option-1 above but at the end of U-trap there will be a liquid solid
separator. This arrangement will prevent excess watering in the main
chamber. This will provide additional time for bacteria to digest more waste
and also prevents flushing out of bacteria.
(b) Bio-toilet system with liquid-solid separation system with pneumatics,
electronics and electrical: - The retention tank of this system is same as in
option-1 above but at the end of U-trap there will be liquid-solid separator.
This arrangement will prevent excess watering in the main chamber. This
will provide additional time for bacteria to digest more waste and also
prevents flushing out of bacteria.

SN Brief description Remarks
Pneumatics Electrics PLC Flush
01 Bio toilet system Yes Yes Yes Pressurized This system
with PLC Yes Yes Only Through can be tired
counter gravity out in two
02 Bio-toilet system no no no gravity Tank design
without any same as
pneumatics, variant 01
electronics and except
electrical manual slide
03 System with no no no gravity This system is
reduced bowl deemed as
opening, 50 mm fail safe
outlet of pan for because there
western style. Will is no
be without any possibility of
pneumatics, ingress of any
electronics and foreign
electrical. material due
For Indian style: For No No No Through to its less
Indian style, a pan gravity opening at the
having 100 mm entry point
opening can be itself.
used with a 10 mm
04 System with solid Yes Yes Yes Pressurized This
liquid separator with arrangement
pneumatics, will prevent
electronics and excess
electrical. watering in
Bio-toilet system No No No Through the main
without any gravity chamber. This
pneumatics, will provide
electronics and additional time
electrical with liquid- for bacteria to
solid separate digest more
system. waste and
also prevents
flushing out of

Fail safe mode exist- chute system can be operated without dismantling of tank

Fail safe mode exist- chute system can be operated without dismantling of tank

PLC = Programmable Logic Controller

Fail safe mode does not exist

Fail safe mode exist- chute system can be operated without dismantling of tank

Waste Flow Path in the tank


3 6

Mounting arrangement of Bio-digester
There are various designs of mounting arrangement for securing of bio
digester tank as per feedback and trials of zonal railways which are as follows: -

3.1 Welded J-Bracket.

As per RDSO letter no MC/CB/LF/Anaerobic dated 21.06.2012, initially bio-

tanks were fitted with J bracket, which were welded with head stocks and brackets
were part of coach body. Bio-tank rests over the J-bracket.
Though these brackets were simple to fabricate but this has lot of disadvantages:
I. J-brackets has higher tendency of corrosion especially at the edges.
II. Difficult to repair during retro-fitment because it involves down hand welding.
III. It infringes the tank body while mounting of bio tanks during retro-fitment.
IV. Welding of J-brackets fails eventually.

3.2 Direct mounting arrangement (Positive Mounting)
To overcome the difficulties for repair and maintenance of welded design J
bracket mounting arrangement, design of has been reviewed and modified for
bolted type mounting arrangement. There are following two types of bolted design
bio digester in use one is being used for fitment in Production Unites and second
one is for retro-fitment in Zonal Railways.
For ICF design coaches

 Bolted design bio digester on C- Channel as per RDSO drawing no.

CG-11081 (or RCF drawing no MI0055 10) for ICF design coaches

 Direct mounting bolted design for retro-fitment as per RDSO drawing

no. CG-14053 alt-4 for ICF design coaches
For LHB coaches

 Bolted design bio-digester on C-channel as per RDSO drawing

no.CG-18100 for LHB design coaches.

 Bolted design bio-digester for retro-fitment as per RDSO drawing

no.CG-18100 for LHB design coaches.
For Hybrid coaches

 Bolted design bio-digester on C-Channel as per RDSO drawing no.CG-

18126 for hybrid coaches.

 Bolted design bio-digester for retro-fitment as per RDSO drawing no.

CG-18126 for hybrid coaches.
For old CBC fitted ICF type coaches

 Bolted design bio-digester for retro-fitment as per RDSO drawing no.

CG-15041 for CBC fitted ICF type coaches.
For DEMU coaches

 Bolted design bio-digester for retro-fitment as per RDSO drawing no.

CG-14053 for DEMU coaches.
For MEMU/TC coaches

 Bolted design bio-digester for retro-fitment as per RDSO drawing no.

MI005854 for MEMU/TC coaches.

 Applicable drawing of mounting arrangement of all types of coaches are

given in Annexure-I

3.2.1. C- Mounting bracket.
As the name indicates, C mounting bracket has extended member of both the
tank bracket and head stock channel bracket. Bracket of tank rest over the surface
of channel of under frame which makes a shape of ‘C’. This is easy to retro fit
without any high tendency of corrosion. In 12th JWG meeting held at Hubli, SWR on
29.04.14, it was adopted and suggested for implementation.

3.2.2 Direct mounting bolted design.

For strengthening of the Bio digester tank, alternate designs have been
developed by RCF and approved by RDSO for fitment in the bio toilet coaches. To
expedite the process of retro fitment of bio tanks, direct mounting bolted design is
being adopted by RDSO letter no MC/CB/LF/Anaerobic dated 02.03.2016. This
has many advantages which are as follows:-

I. It is easy to mount.

II. It has almost nil corrosion.

III. Has high strength for holding of tank.

Bio-digester interface and S-Trap
4.0 Provision of S-Trap in Bio-Toilets
In many cases it was found that rubber connector was torn/ damaged which
were causing leaking/spreading of faecal material over tank which gives foul
smell during rolling-in, rolling-out. Moreover, it is very inhuman for maintenance
staff to work under that coach, which breaches safety.

Also in jammed ball valve coaches whenever choking occurs, on board

housekeeping staff or departmental staff has to use picking tong or choke
remover. Due to sharp edges of picking tong rubber connector gets damage
which causes leaking/spreading of faecal material over tank.

Due to chocking en route, ball valve is operated to clear the choking. After
the blockage is cleared, ball valve is left unclosed or partially closed. This is
defeating the very purpose of making track free from faecal matter.

So it was decided to introduce a new system to eliminate above problems.

In 15th JWG meeting NWR presented the design of S-trap and conducted
successful trial of S-bend after which railway decided to extend the trial of S-
bend. Finally, it was decided to adopt S-trap in all coaches through RDSO letter
no MC/CB/LF/Anaerobic dated 06.10.2017. The S-Trap design was introduced
in place of P-Trap in the bio-toilet tanks as per recommendations of JWG

The status is as under -

a. Ball valve has been eliminated.

b. Item no. 3.3 of 14th JWG directed to undertake trial with S-trap on 10 coaches.

c. Provision was made initially for 02 AC in JP-MYS Exp. coaches and trial was

d. Further 10 GS coaches were nominated for fitment. These coaches are

running satisfactory.

e. 2 GS Coaches turned out by JUWS in the month of Feb-2015 with S-Trap.

These coaches are also running successfully.

f. 40 Coaches fitted with 60 mm dia S-Trap are also turned out by S.RLy on

g. Now 100 mm dia of S-trap has been recommended as per RDSO letter no
MC/CB/LF/Anaerobic dated 06.10.17.

h. Now all coaches turning out from PUs/workshops/depots are S-trap fitted bio-
digester tank only.

4.1 Main features of S-Trap Design are followings-

a. Complete elimination of foot paddle, Ball valve, P-trap and flexible rubber
hose connector from tank unit.

b. In place of existing 60 mm diameter P-trap, a ‘S’ band of 100 mm diameter

(ID) is directly coupled to commode pan thus increasing flow area and
streamline the waste flow into Bio-Toilet tank.

c. Less maintenance is required, as there is no rubber hose connector and no

wear and tear of rubber connector during cleaning.

4.2 Drawing of S-Trap

4.3 Retro-fitment of S-trap in existing bio-digester.
It has been decided by RDSO through its letter No. MC/CB/LF/Anaerobic dated
06.10.2017, to adopt 100% S-trap in all coaches. Hence it has been decided that
not only newly built coaches from production units, but also existing running
coaches fitted with bio-digester should be replaced with S-trap through retro-

Zonal railways are advised for implementation of S-trap and 100 mm lavatory pan
outlet to prevent the ingress of larger objects in the toilet pan and to eliminate the
problems related to hose connector, leakage from ball valve, and non-operational
opening closing mechanism of ball valve.

In continuation to above, instructions for retro-fitment of S-trap design in place of

P-trap fitted in IR-DRDO bio-toilets to the RDSO drawing no. CG-14053 along with
sketch for conversion of 150 mm outlet lavatories to 100 mm pan outlet is being

Accordingly, CAI for retro-fitment of S-trap in place of P-trap in existing in LHB

type coaches is also being issued.

All the coaches to be turned out from POH should have 100 mm outlet from
lavatory pan and also fitted with S-trap.

4.4 Retro-fitment procedure of S-Trap to RDSO Drawing No. CG-

16008. In the toilet already fitted with IR-DRDO Bio-Toilets to
the Design CG-14053.
RDSO has issued drawing no CG-14053 with P-trap, ball valve and ball
valve opening closing mechanism. For adoption of S-trap in lieu of P-trap,
following procedure shall be adopted.
1. Remove opening/closing mechanism fitted with ball valve from both ends.
2. Dismount clamps and hose connector between lavatory pan and P-trap.
Dismount all bolts used for mounting of bio-digester on under frame and lower
the bio digester tank with the help of lister or fork lifter.
3. Dismount the hose clamp; hose connector, P-trap and ball valve from bio-
digester tank including hardware used for mounting i.e. item no
15,16,17,18,19,20,21 of the drawing no. CG-14054.
4. For retro-fitment of S-trap design in existing design of IR-DRDO bio toilets to
the drawing no CG-14053 following shall be arranged as listed below.
a) For 100 mm lavatory pan outlet coaches all items of drawing CG-16008
except item no 11, 12.
b) For 150 mm lavatory pan outlet coaches, modify the 150 mm lavatory
pan outlet to the 100 mm as per arrangement shown in drawing no CG-
17045 and arrange all items listed under point 4(a) above.

5) Check the outlet of the existing lavatory pan for any damage /any other
surface defects. Prepare the surface of neck of lavatory pan for fitment of
rubber seal.
6) Insert rubber seal item no 02 (for 100 mm outlet lavatory pan) or item no
12 (for 150 mm outlet lavatory pan) on outlet of existing lavatory pan.
7) Align the S-trap item no 1 (for 100 mm outlet lavatory pan) or 11 (for 150
mm outlet lavatory pan) and insert S-trap on rubber seal provide on
lavatory pan.
8) Mount/fit the bio digester tank with the help of specified fastener and safety
wire rope to the procedure already defined and issued.
9) Check the location, position of supporting bracket item no 03 for resting of
S-trap on top plate of bio-digester tank and mark the location of studs item
no 10 to be welded on top plate of the tank.
10) Weld all studs of size M10 (item no 10 of drawing no CG-16008) and fit the
item no 03(support bracket) and item no 05 (U bracket) of the drawing no
11) Connect the item no 04 (PVC suction hose) of the CG-16008, along with
hose clamp to strap and fix it to the bio digester tank as shown in the
4.5 Retro-fitment procedure of S-Trap for the toilets already fitted
with IR-DRDO Bio-Toilets in LHB Type coaches
Design of S-trap has already been adopted by RCF for fitment of Bio-Toilets in
LHB Type Coaches by Removing P-Trap, Ball Valve and Ball valve opening
closing mechanism in the RCF Drawing No. MI005710 Alt – ‘f’.
For retro fitment of S-Trap In lieu of P-Trap in existing LHB Coaches following
procedure shell be adopted.
1. In case of inspection window of ball valve is available in bio-digester tank,
retro fitment can be done without lowering the tank.
2. Remove opening /closing mechanism item no.-13 of the RCF Drawing No.
MI005710 fitted with ball valve from both end dismount hose clamp, hose
connector between lavatory pan and P-Trap item no. 9, 10, 14.
3. In case of inspection windows of ball valve is not available in Bio-digester
Tank, dismount all bolts used for mounting of Bio-Digester on under frame
and lower the bio digester tank with the help of lister or fork lifter.
4. Dismount the P-Trap, ball valve and rubber seal (item no. 3, 4, 12 of
MI005531) from Bio digester tank including hardware used for mounting.
5. For retro fitment of S-Trap design in existing design of IR-DRDO Bio-Toilets
to the Drawing No. MI005710 alt ‘f’ or latest alteration, material for item no.
15 to 21 shell is arranged.

6. Check the outlet of the existing lavatory pan for any damage/any other surface
defects. Prepare the surface of neck of lavatory pan for fitment of rubber seal.
7. Insert rubber seal item no.16 (for 100 mm outlet lavatory pan) on outlet of
existing lavatory pan.
8. Align the S-Trap item no15 (for 100mm outlet lavatory pan) and insert S-Trap
on rubber seal provide on lavatory pan.
9. Mount/fit the bio digester tank with the help of specified fastener and safety
wire rope to the procedure already defined and issued.
10. Check the location, position of the supporting bracket item no 17 for resting
of S-Trap on top plate of bio digester Tank and mark the location of studs to
be welded on top plate of the tank.
11. Weld all stainless steel studs of size M 10 and fit the item no 17 (support
bracket) and item no. 19 (U- Bracket) of the drawing no. MI005710.
12. Connect the item no 18(PVC suction hose) of the MI005710, with hose clamp
(item no 20) to strap and fix it to the bio digester tank as shown in the drawing.

4.6 Applicable Designs of Bio-Toilet tanks for Coaching Stock.

A. For conventional coaches-:

 C-mounting bio-tank

 SLRD-Integrated bio-tank for

passenger and disabled

(RCF Drg No.MI006290)

 DSLR-Guard lavatory

B. For LHB Coaches -:

Common for all types

except power car.

4.7 Standardisation of dust-bin for Bio-toilets.

Standard dust bin as shown below has

been finalised by RDSO for fitment in the Bio-
Toilets of ICF/RCF design coaches and circulated
to zonal railways vide RDSO letter no. MC/CB/LF
dated 12.09.2013 with drawing no. CG-13031 (for
dustbin) and CG-13021, CG-13029, CG-13030 &
CG-13032 (for sub components). APD should
also be provided for safety of dust bins by
coaching depots & workshops.

In order to make track and railway premises free from open discharge it was
decided to expedite the implementation of bio-digester by way of retro-fitment.
For this RDSO has issued a design of bio-digester and procedure for retro-
fitment for BG coaches and LHB coaches.

5.0 Qualifying criteria for retro fitment of Bio-Toilets in Existing

In 12th JWG it was decided to set the qualifying criteria (defining the residual
thickness of the headstock) on which this design can be implemented.
RDSO has issued the qualifying criteria vide letter no MC/CB/LF/Anaerobic
dated 30.12.2015 defining the residual thickness of head stock beams for retro-
fitment of IR-DRDO bio-toilets in existing coaches, on the basis of FEM report
that “Reduction of cross section of outer & inner head stock beams may be
allowed up to 15% i.e. residual thickness 8.5 mm for inner head stock and 6.8
mm for outer head stock.
Therefore, coaches already retro-fitted with IR-DRDO bio digester will require
replacement of complete head stock beyond above specified criteria.
Further railways are also advised to ensure fitment of IR-DRDO bio digester
tank even in those coaches having corrosion more than the defined qualifying
criteria i.e. residual thickness 9.0 mm for inner head stock and 7.0 mm for outer
head stock, provided sufficient residual life is still available to last at –least one
to two POH depending upon the corrosion pattern of the concerned railway.
Therefore, it may also be noted that beside observation of the above
mentioned criteria, all other important members of head stock and all welded
joints should be thoroughly inspected for any defects and corrective action
should be taken accordingly.
It should be ensured by railways that all the coaches turned out from
workshop after POH are fitted with IR-DRDO bio-digester tanks following above
criteria or by replacing head stock if necessary.
Determination of the residual thickness of head stock beams should be done
as per criteria laid down in RDSO corrosion repair manual RDSO/2011/CG/CMI-
01 amendment 01 or latest version.
For assessment of cross section thickness at different locations of the head
stock and important members, proper surface cleaning/removal of corroded
layers should be done before measurement.
Measurement of thickness at such locations should be done by calibrated
vernier caliper scale/screw gauge at sufficient number of locations to determine

the residual strength of head stock for the purpose of the retro-fitment of IR-
DRDO bio-toilets.

5.1 Procedure for retro fitment of Bio-Toilet tank on ICF/RCF design

BG Coaches
1. Remove lavatory chute mounted on existing brackets.

2. Remove bracket welded on under frame provided for mounting of the lavatory
chute arrangement.

3. If any corrosion is evident on the structural member it should be repaired as

per procedure laid down in RDSO maintenance manual RDSO/2011/CG/CMI-
01(latest version).

4. Removal of buffer ribs & plates on outer head stocks.

5. Check that adequate clearance between under-frame and tank is available,

where tank has to be mounted. In some design of coach’s water filling pipe
for overhead tank and air brake piping for passenger emergency alarm signal
device (PEASD) or any other item may infringe, should be relocated.

6. Weld all strengthening/supporting brackets on outer and inner head stock of

under frame as per RDSO drawing no. CG-15036 with recommended
electrodes for welding with corten steel.

7. Check the alignment of all mounting brackets for each bio digester tank as
per applicable RDSO drawing no. CG-15028 or CG-14053 or CG-14004
(latest alteration only). Mark the location of each mounting bracket for making
holes of specified size on inner and outer head stock C channels as per RDSO
drawing no. CG-15036.

8. Drill the holes required for mounting brackets of IR-DRDO bio-digester on

inner and outer head stock of under frame as per RDSO drawing no. CG-
15036 with the help of suitable jig/fixture and recommended drilling tools for
in-position drilling.

9. Mark, cut, tack weld or weld to formulate the foundation provision of clutch
wire opening/closing mechanism as per CAI issued for this purpose.

10. Fix one end of safety ropes on inner head stock with specified size, material,
grade fastener only and properly tightened.

11. If bio digester tanks to be mounted as per drawing no. CG-15028, then first
mount all bolted design J brackets at the location marked in the drawing using
specified size, material, grade fastener only.

12. Load empty bio digester tank assembly with the help of fork lifter or any other
suitable arrangement.

13. Mount bio digester tank as per RDSO drawing no. CG-14004 or CG-14053 or
CG-15028. All mounting brackets should be properly fastened with specified
size, material, grade fastener only and properly tightened.

14. Align P-trap, rubber hose to the outlet of lavatory pan and fix it, after fixing of
P-trap and rubber hose, it should be sealed with suitable sealant to make joint
leak proof.

15. All the fasteners used should be to the specified size, material, grade
mentioned in the drawings and properly tightened.

16. Fix second end of the safety ropes properly routed through bio digester tank
as specified in RDSO drawing no. CG-14004 or CG-14053 or CG-15028
(latest alteration).

17. Check all the modification done for fixing of bio toilet tanks and rectify if any
deficiency noticed before dispatch of the coach.
18. Fill bacterial inoculums about 150 liters obtained from DRDE Gwalior or their
ToT holder just before putting coach into service.

5.2 Procedure / instructions for retro-fitment of IR-DRDO Bio Toilet

for in-service existing Crashworthy and retro-fitted CBC type

1. Ensure qualifying criteria of the coaches for retro-fitment of bio toilet as issued
for retro-fitment of bio toilet in ICF type coaches.

2. Remove lavatory chute / CDTS tank and its mounting arrangement / brackets
on under-frame.

3. If any corrosion is evident on the structural members, it should be repaired as

per extant practice and procedures & guidelines issued for dealing such

4. Check that adequate clearances are available for mounting of bio digester tank.

5. Cut the suitable pocket on longitudinal C channel as per details given in the
drawing no. CG-18208 for provision of support / mounting brackets.

6. Identify and mark the location of welding parts on under frame as per Drawing
No. CG-18208.

7. Mark & Drill holes Ø18 mm at the location shown in the drawing no. CG-18208
required for mounting bracket on outer head stock using suitable Jig & fixtures
and with the help of recommended drilling tools for in-position drilling.

8. Bracket (Item No. 2, 3 of Drawing No. CG-18208) to be pre-welded at the

location identified for welding for supporting brackets with recommended
electrode / wire for welding with corten steel, ensuring the correct pitching of
holes by suitable jig/fixture.

9. Mark, align and tag weld mounting brackets (item no.3 and 4) as per location
and distance specified in Drg. No. CG-18208. Ensuring the correct pitching of
holes by suitable jig/fixture. Full weld all the Brackets with recommended
Electrode / wire specified for Corten Steel, ensuring correct locations of
mounting holes of bio digester.

10. Mark, align and full weld brackets required for safety strap fixing arrangement to
the item no. 1 at the locations shown in the drawing no. No. CG-18208.

11. All the newly added Section, C Bracket, Mounting Bracket and corrosion
repaired objects should be duly painted with anti-corrosion epoxy coating (two
packs) as per RDSO specification No. M&C/PCN/123/2012.

12. Check the outlet of the existing lavatory pan for any damage / surface defects,
prepare the surface of neck of lavatory pan for fitment of rubber seal.

13. Connect the lavatory pan with S-Trap and rubber seal for Bio Digester Tank.

14. Load empty Bio digester tank to the RDSO Drg. No. CG-14053 or mirror
assembly with the help of fork lifter / lister or any other suitable mode. Bio
digester tank should be properly fastened to the mounting brackets with
specified make, size, material, grade fasteners only.

15. Connect the S-Trap with support bracket and its mounting on top plates of the
bio digester tank as per arrangement shown in the Drg. No. CG-16008.

16. Fix one end safety straps on inner side of the tank with specified make, size,
material, grade fasteners only.

17. Fix second end of safety strap on outer side of the tank with specified make,
size, material, grade fasteners only.

18. Fill the bio digester tank with 100 ltrs. of Anaerobic Microbial Bacteria Inoculum
obtained from DRDE or their approved ToT holders before putting coach into

19. Put sufficient chlorine / KMnO3 tablets in the chlorine chamber of the tank.

20. Check and ensure bio digester tank is properly mounted and fastened, rectify it
if any deficiency noticed during check. Ensure all safety measure has been
taken for safe running of the vehicle during retro-fitment of bio digester.

List of drawings for retro-fitment of IR-DRDO bio toilets in
crashworthy and CBC fitted coaches.
Sr.No Drawing alt Description
1. CG-18212 Nil Bolted design IR-DRDO bio digester tank mounting for
CBC fitted coaches.
Bio digester tank complete for IR-BG coaches fitted with
2. CG-14054 5
screw coupling
3. CG-14056 4 Bio digester tank for IR-BG coaches fitted with screw
4. CG-14057 2 Tank part-1
5. CG-14058 4 Top cover with evacuation interface assembly
6. CG-14067 2 Tank part 5
7 CG-18208 Nil Welding parts on under frame for retro-fitment of IR-
DRDO bio toilets in Crashworthy coaches
8 CG-18209 Nil Wire rope bracket
9 CG-18210 Nil Support bracket 1
10 CG-18211 Nil Support bracket 2
11 CG-16008 2 Strap arrangement for bolted design IR-DRDO bio toilets
12 CG-16009 1 S-trap 100 mm lavatory pan
13 CG-16010 2 Rubber seal for 100mm lavatory pan
14 CG-16011 Nil Bracket for mounting S-trap
15 CG-16012 1 S-trap 150 mm lavatory pan
16 CG-16013 2 Rubber seal for 150mm lavatory pan
17 CG-16014 Nil U bracket
18 CG-14059 Nil Tank part 2
19 CG-14060 Nil Tank part 3
20 CG-14064 2 Rubber sealing for top cover
21 CG-14065 Nil Tank part 7
22 CG-14066 Nil Tank part 4
23 CG-14067 2 Tank part 5
24 CG-14068 1 Tank part 6
25 CG-14069 1 Filter mesh
26 CG-14095 3 Sealing rubber

5.3 Procedure for Retro-fitment of IR-DRDO Bio-Toilet in ICF design

SLR coaches
1. Remove lavatory chute mounted on brackets from both lavatories.

2. Remove old bracket welded on under frame provided for mounting of the
lavatory chute arrangement.

3. If any corrosion is evident on the structural member it should be repaired as per

procedure laid down in RDSO maintenance manual RDS0120111CG/CMI-01
(latest version).

4. Check and mark the location of cross member to the RDSO drawing no. CG-
17037 (Item no.19 of CG-17035) required to be provided for as per location
shown in RDSO drawing no. CG-17035.
5. Check for infringement, if any with cross members to be provided and modify
the brackets, routing of air brake pipe etc to suit at site. Additional strengthening
brackets may also be provided if required.

6. Check, mark and tag weld the locations of the mounting brackets to the RDSO
drawing no. CG-17037, ensuring strict dimensional control of mounting holes of
brackets required for tank mounting using suitable jig/fixture.

7. Weld all mounting brackets on under frame as per location shown in RDSO
Drawing no.CG-17035 with the help of suitable jig/fixture and recommended
electrodes for welding with corten steel.

8. Load empty bio toilet retention tank assembly to the drawing no. MI006103 (to
be purchased without p-trap, ball valve and hose connector) with the help of fork
lifter or any other suitable arrangement.

9. Provide new lavatory chute bracket matching with s-trap mounting holes and
weld it to the under frame suit at site.

10. Align S-trap, PVC hose to the outlet of lavatory Pan and fix it, after fixing of S-
trap and PVC hose, it should be sealed with suitable sealant to make joint leak
proof. Similarly connect bend pipes (item no. 17, 18) to the tank and mount on
under frame and connect with PVC hose (item no. 11) as shown in drawing no.

11. Ail the Fasteners used should be to the specified size, material, grade
mentioned in the drawings and properly tightened.

12. Fix safety ropes on all tanks with the help of specified size, material, grade

13. Check all the modification done for fixing of bio toilet tanks and rectify if any
deficiency noticed before dispatch of the coach.

14. Fill bacterial inoculum in specified quantity, obtained from DRDE Gwalior or their
ToT holder before putting coach into service.

5.4 Procedure for Retro-fitment of IR-DRDO bio toilet on old BEML

Coaches as per RDSO design CG-18090

1. Remove lavatory chute and its mounting bracket on under frame provided for
mounting of the lavatory chute arrangement.

2. Coach should be thoroughly inspected for corrosion related problems on

structural members and If any corrosion is evident, it should be repaired as per
procedure laid down in RDSO maintenance manual RDSOI2011/CG/CMI-01
(latest version).
3. Check that adequate clearance between under-frame and tank is available
where lank has to be mounted. In some design of coaches water filling pipe for
overhead tank and air brake piping for passenger emergency alarm signal
device (PEASD) or any other item may infringe, should be relocated suitably.

4. Weld all strengthening I supporting brackets on outer and inner head stock of
under frame as per RDSO drawing no. CG-18095 with recommended electrodes
for welding with corten steel.

5. Check the alignment of all mounting brackets for each bio digester tank as per
RDSO drawing 'no. CG-18090 (latest alteration only). Mark the location of each
mounting bracket for making holes of specified size on inner and outer head
stock C channels as per RDSO drawing no. CG-18095.

6. Drill the holes required for mounting brackets of IR-DRDO bio digester on inner
and outer head stock of under frame as per ROSO Drawing no. CG-18095 with
the help of suitable jig I fixture and recommended drilling tools for in-position

7. Fix one end of safety ropes on inner head stock with specified size, material,
grade fastener only and properly tightened.

8. For fitment of S- Trap design following material shall be arranged as listed as

per option –l or II as below.

I. For 100 mm lavatory pan outlet coaches, all items of drawing CG-17064 except
item no. 11, 12.

II. For 150 mm lavatory pan outlet coaches, all items of drawing no. CG-17064
except item no. 1, 2.

9. Check the outlet of existing lavatory pan for any damage I any other surface
defects. Prepare the surface of neck of lavatory pan for fitment of rubber seal.

10. Insert rubber seal item no. 2 (for 100 mm outlet lavatory pan) or item no. 12 (for
150 mm outlet lavatory pan) on outlet of existing lavatory pan as per drg. No.

11. Align the S- Trap item no. 1 (for 100 mm outlet lavatory pan) or 11 (for 150 mm
outlet lavatory pan) and insert S-Trap on rubber seal provide on lavatory pan as
per drg.No. CG-17064.

12. Load empty bio digester tank assembly as per RDSO drawing no. CG-15029
with the help of fork lifter or any other suitable arrangement. All mounting
brackets should be properly fastened with specified size, material, grade
fastener only and properly tightened.

13. Check the location, position of the supporting bracket item no. 3 for resting of S-
Trap on top plate of bio digester tank and mark the location of stud’s item no. 10
to be welded on top plate of the tank as per drg. No. CG-17064.

14. Weld all studs of size M1 0 (item no.1 0) and fit the support bracket (item no.3)
and U bracket (item no. 5) of the drawing no. CG-17064.

15. Connect the Rubber hose item no. 4, along with hose clamp item nO.9 to S-Trap
and fix it to the bio digester tank as shown in the drawing no. CG-17064.

16. All the Fasteners used should be to the specified size, material, grade
mentioned in the drawings and properly tightened.

17. Fix second end of the safety ropes properly routed through bio digester tank
as shown in ROSO drawing no. CG-18090 (latest alteration).

18. Fill bacterial inoculum about 150 liters obtained from DRDE, Gwalior or their
ToT holder just before putting coach into service.

19.Ensure all safety measures has been taken and check all the modification done
for fixing of bio toilet tanks and rectify if any deficiency noticed before dispatch
of the coach.

5.5 Procedure / instructions for retro-fitment of IR-DRDO Bio Toilet

for in-service existing LHB type Passenger Coaches.
1. Ensure qualifying criteria of the coaches for retro-fitment of bio toilet as issued
for retro-fitment of bio toilet in ICF type coaches, unless it is specifically specified
for LHB type coaches.
2. Remove lavatory chute / CDTS tank and its mounting arrangement / brackets
on under-frame.
3. If any corrosion is evident on the structural members, it should be repaired as
per extant practice and procedures & guidelines issued for dealing such
4. Check that adequate clearances are available for mounting of bio digester tank.
Floor drain pipe of lavatory may be required to relocate.
5. Identify and mark all the location of welding parts on under frame as per Drawing
No. CG-18117.
6. Mark, align and full weld brackets item no. 5 &10 required for mounting of bio
digester of Drg. No. CG-18117. Manufacturing variation on coach structures
may suitably addressed and strengthened locally, if required.
7. Mark & Drill holes Ø18 mm at the location shown in the drawing no. CG-18117
required for mounting bracket on outer head stock using suitable Jig & fixtures
and with the help of recommended drilling tools for in-position drilling.
8. Bracket (Item No. 8 of Drawing No. CG-18117) to be pre-welded at the location
identified for welding of Z Section, for supporting of Z section (Item no. 1 & 2)
with recommended electrode / wire for welding with corten steel.
9. Mark, align and tag weld mounting brackets (item no.1 and 2) as per location
and distance specified in Drg. No. CG-18117. Ensuring the correct pitching of
holes by suitable jig/fixture. Full weld all the Brackets with recommended
Electrode / wire specified for Corten Steel, ensuring correct locations of
mounting holes of bio digester.
10. Mark, align and full weld brackets required for safety strap fixing arrangement to
the item no. 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9 of Drg. No. CG-18117.
11. All the newly added Z Section, C Bracket, Mounting Bracket and corrosion
repaired objects should be duly painted with anti-corrosion epoxy coating (two
packs) as per RDSO specification no. M&C/PCN/123/2012.
12. Check the outlet of the existing lavatory pan for any damage / surface defects,
prepare the surface of neck of lavatory pan for fitment of rubber seal/hose
13. Connect the lavatory pan with S-Trap and rubber seal for Bio Digester Tank in
LHB type coaches.
14. Load empty Bio digester tank to the RDSO Drg. No. CG-18101 or mirror
assembly with the help of fork lifter / lister or any other suitable mode. Bio
digester tank should be properly fastened to the mounting brackets with
specified make, size, material, grade fasteners only.
15. Connect the S-Trap with support bracket and its mounting on top plates of the
bio digester tank as per arrangement shown in the Drg. No. CG-18100.
16. Fix one end safety straps on inner side of the tank with specified make, size,
material, grade fasteners only.
17. Fix second end of safety strap on outer side of the tank with specified make,
size, material, grade fasteners only.
18. Fill the bio digester tank with 100 Ltrs. of Anaerobic Microbial Bacteria Inoculum
obtained from DRDE or their approved ToT holders before putting coach into
19. Put sufficient chlorine / KMnO3 tablets in the chlorine chamber of the tank.
20. Check and ensure bio digester tank is properly mounted and fastened, rectify it
if any deficiency noticed during check. Ensure all safety measure has been
taken for safe running of the vehicle during retro-fitment of bio digester.

List of drawings for retro-fitment of IR-DRDO Bio Toilet for in-
service existing LHB type Passenger Coaches: -

5.6 Procedure / instructions for retro-fitment of IR-DRDO Bio Toilet

for in-service existing LHB power car.
1. Ensure qualifying criteria of the coaches for retro-fitment of bio toilet as issued
for retro-fitment of bio toilet in ICF type coaches, unless it is specifically
specified for LHB type coaches.
2. Remove CDTS tank, its interfaces including mounting arrangement/brackets etc.
on under-frame.
3. If any corrosion is evident on the structural members, it should be repaired as
per extent practice and procedures issued for dealing such corrosion and
ensuring safety.
4. Check adequate clearances are available for mounting of bio digester tank.
5. Identify and mark all the location of welding parts on under frame as per RCF
drawing no LP11207.
6. Mark, align and tag weld all the brackets item no1, 2 and 3 as per location and
distance specified in drg no LP11207. Do full welding of all the integrated
brackets with recommended electrode/wire specified for corten steel, ensuring
correct locations of mounting holes of bio digester. Quality of welding to be
ensured for safe mounting of bio digester.
7. Mark, align and full weld brackets required for safety strap fixing arrangement to
the item no.4, 5 of the drawing no. LP11207.
8. Fix one end safety straps on inner side of the tank with specified make, size,
material, grade fasteners only as per arrangement shown in the drawing no
9. Check the outlet of the existing lavatory pan for any damage/surface defects,
prepare the surface of neck of lavatory pan for fitment of rubber seal/hose
10. Connect the lavatory pan with hose connector/rubber seal depending upon the
P-trap/S-trap version of bio-digester tank.
11. All the newly added Z section, C bracket, mounting bracket and corrosion
repaired objects should be duly painted with anti-corrosion epoxy coating (two
packs) as per RDSO specification No. M&C/PCN/123/2012.
12. Load empty bio-digester tank to the RCF Drg.No MI006418 with the help of fork
lifter/lister or any other suitable mode. Bio digester tank should be properly
fastened to the mounting brackets with specified make, size, material, grade
fasteners only.
13. Connect the hose connector or S-trap as per design applicable.
14. Fix second end of safety strap on outer side of the tank with specified make, size,
material, grade fasteners only.
15. Check and ensure bio digester tank is properly mounted and fastened, rectify it
if any deficiency noticed during check.
16. Fill the bio digester tank with 1/3rd volume of the tank with anaerobic microbial
bacteria inoculum obtained from DRDE or their approved ToT holders before
sending coach into service.
17. Fill sufficient chorine/KMnO3 tablets in the chlorine chamber of the bio digester.
5.7 Procedure / instructions for retro-fitment of IR-DRDO Bio-Toilet
for in-service existing Hybrid LHB type Passenger Coaches.
1. Ensure qualifying criteria of the coaches for retro-fitment of bio toilet as issued
for retro-fitment of bio toilet in ICF type coaches, unless it is specifically specified
for LHB type coaches.
2. Remove lavatory chute / CDTS tank and its mounting arrangement / brackets
on under-frame.
3. If any corrosion is evident on the structural members, it should be repaired as
per extant practice and procedures & guidelines issued for dealing such
4. Check that adequate clearances are available for mounting of bio digester tank.
Floor drain pipe of lavatory may be required to relocate.

5. Identify and mark all the location of welding parts on under frame as per Drawing
No. CG-18138.
6. Mark, align and full weld brackets item no. 5 &10 required for mounting of bio
digester of Drg. No. CG-18138. Manufacturing variation on coach structures
may suitably addressed and strengthened locally, if required.
7. Mark & Drill holes ɸ18 mm at the location shown in the drawing no. CG-18138
required for mounting bracket on outer head stock using suitable Jig & fixtures
and with the help of recommended drilling tools for in-position drilling.
8. Bracket (Item No. 8 of Drawing No. CG-18138) to be pre-welded at the location
identified for welding of Z Section, for supporting of Z section (Item no. 1 & 2)
with recommended electrode / wire for welding with corten steel.
9. Mark, align and tag weld mounting brackets (item no.1 and 2) as per location
and distance specified in Drg. No. CG-18138. Ensuring the correct pitching of
holes by suitable jig/fixture. Full weld all the Brackets with recommended
Electrode / wire specified for Corten Steel, ensuring correct locations of
mounting holes of bio digester.
10. Mark, align and full weld brackets required for safety wire fixing arrangement to
the item no. 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 11 of Drg. No. CG-18138.
11. All the newly added Z Section, C Bracket, Mounting Bracket and corrosion
repaired objects should be duly painted with anti-corrosion epoxy coating (two
packs) as per RDSO specification No. M&C/PCN/123/2012.
12. Check the outlet of the existing lavatory pan for any damage / surface defects,
prepare the surface of neck of lavatory pan for fitment of rubber seal/hose
13. Connect rubber seal and S-Trap (item no. 12, 11) to the outlet of lavatory pan
before mounting of Bio Digester Tank as per RDSO drg. No. CG-18126.
14. Load empty Bio digester tank to the RDSO Drg. No. CG-18127 or mirror
assembly with the help of fork lifter / lister or any other suitable mode. Bio
digester tank should be properly fastened to the mounting brackets with
specified make, size, material, grade fasteners only.
15. Connect the S-Trap with support bracket and its mounting on top plates of the
bio digester tank as per arrangement shown in the Drg. No. CG-18126.
16. Fix one end safety straps on inner side of the tank with specified make, size,
material, grade fasteners only.
17. Fix second end of safety strap on outer side of the tank with specified make,
size, material, grade fasteners only.
18. Fill the bio digester tank with 100 Ltrs. of Anaerobic Microbial Bacteria Inoculum
obtained from DRDE or their approved ToT holders before putting coach into
19. Put sufficient chlorine / KMnO3 tablets in the chlorine chamber of the tank.
20. Check and ensure bio digester tank is properly mounted and fastened, rectify it
if any deficiency noticed during check. Ensure all safety measure has been
taken for safe running of the vehicle during retro-fitment of bio digester.

List of drawings for retro-fitment of IR-DRDO Bio Toilet for in-service
existing Hybrid LHB type Passenger Coaches: -
S. Drawing Alt. Description
No. no.
1 CG-18126 Nil Mounting of IR-DRDO Bio-Digester System on hybrid
2 CG-18127 Nil Bio Digester tank complete for hybrid coaches
3 CG-18128 Nil Bio Digester for hybrid type coaches
4 CG-18129 Nil Top plate
5 CG-18130 Nil Tank part 1
6 CG-18131 Nil Tank part 2
7 CG-18132 Nil Tank part 3
8 CG-18133 Nil Rubber Sealing for Top Cover
9 CG-18134 Nil Partition 4
10 CG-18135 Nil Partition 5
11 CG-18136 Nil Partition 2
12 CG-18137 Nil Wire mesh
13 CG-18139 NIL Partition 3
14 CG-18141 Nil Bracket for mounting of S-trap
15 CG-11088 Nil Closing plate
16 CG-18097 Nil Chlorinator Complete
17 CG-18098 Nil Chlorination Chamber
18 CG-18099 Nil Top cover with Chlorine jacket
19 CG-18103 Nil Mounting Bracket RH for LHB type Coaches
20 CG-18104 Nil Mounting Bracket LH for LHB type Coaches
21 CG-18105 Nil Support Angle
22 CG-16035 NIL Sealing Rubber
23 CG-16009 Nil S-trap 100 mm
24 CG-16010 Nil Rubber seal for S-trap 100 mm
25 CG-16014 Nil U-bracket

5.8 Procedure for Retro-fitment of IR-DRDO bio toilet in MEMU/TC

as per drawing no. MI005854 & MI005987

1. Remove lavatory chute and its mounting bracket welded on under frame
provided for mounting of the lavatory chute arrangement.
2. If any corrosion is evident on the structural member it should be repaired as per
procedure laid down in· RDSO maintenance manual RDSO/2011/CG/CMI- 01
(latest version).
3. Check that adequate clearance between under-frame and tank is available.
Where tank has to be mounted. Water filling pipe for overhead tank and air brake
piping for passenger emergency alarm signal device (PEASD) or any other item
may infringe, should be relocated suitably.
4. Check the alignment of all mounting brackets for each bio digester tank as per
drawing no. ET -11157 (latest alteration only). Mark the location of each
mounting bracket for making holes of specified size on inner head stock and
welding of mounting brackets as per drawings.

5. Drill the holes required for mounting brackets of IR-DRDO bio digester on inner
head stock of under frame as per RCF Drawing no. ET-11157 with the help of
suitable jig I fixture and recommended drilling tools for in-position Drilling.
6. Weld all strengthening I mounting brackets on outer and inner head stock of
under frame as per drawing no. ET-11157 with recommended electrodes for
welding with corten steel. Fastening of mounting bracket on inner head stock
shall also be done as per drawing.
7. Fix one end of safety ropes on inner head stock with specified Size, material,
grade fastener only and properly tightened.
8. Check the outlet of existing lavatory pan for any damage I any other surface
defects. Prepare the surface of neck of lavatory pan for fitment of rubber seal.
9. Insert rubber seal item no. 13 on outlet of existing lavatory pan as per Drawing.
10. Align the S- Trap item no. 12 & insert on rubber seal provide on lavatory pan
as per drawing.
11. Load empty bio digester tank assembly as per drawing no. MI005854 with the
help of fork lifter or any other suitable arrangement. All mounting brackets should
be properly fastened with specified size, material, grade fastener only and
properly tightened.
12. Check the location, position of the supporting bracket item no. 14 for resting of
S-trap on top plate of bio digester tank and fasten all the support brackets and
U bracket as per drawing.
13. Connect the item no. 19 along with hose clamp to S-Trap and fix it to the bio-
digester tank as shown in the drawing.
14. All the Fasteners used should be to the specified size, material, grade
mentioned in the drawings and properly tightened.
15. Fix second end of the safety ropes properly routed through bio digester tank as
specified in drawing.
16. Fill bacterial inoculum about 150 liters obtained from DRDE, Gwalior or their
ToT holder just before putting coach into service.
17. Ensure all safety measures has been taken and check all the modification done
for fixing of bio toilet tanks and rectify if any deficiency noticed before dispatch
of the coach.

5.9 List of available design/drawings of IR-DRDO bio-digester
tanks for ICF/LHB coaches Annexure-I
S.No. Coach type and /or Applicable Applicable Capacity Remarks
description drawing of drawing of of tank
mounting Bio-tank (Approx)
arrangement in liter
ICF type conventional coaches
1. WGFAC (Ist AC) CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
2. WGACCW (2nd AC) CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
3. WGACCN (3rd AC) CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
4. WGFCWAC(FAC/2T) CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
5. GS CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
6. WGSCZAC (AC/CC) CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
7. WGSCN (SCN) CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
8. WGSCZ (GS/Day CC) CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
9. GSLRD (SLRD) CG-14105 MI006103 300 P-trap,
Conversion to
10. GSLR (SLR) CG-17035 MI006103 300 S trap version
11. WGCB (PC) CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
12. WFAC ( Fist AC EOG) CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
13. WACCW (2nd AC EOG) CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
14. WACCN (3rd AC EOG) CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
15. WCBAC CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
16. WFCZAC ( Ex. CC CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
17. WSCZAC CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
18. WGSCZACJ CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
19. SRJ CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
20. RA (Non AC) RCF Drg. No. ICF Drg. No. 30 Inbuilt S-trap
MI006935 RAAC 2-6-3-211
RAAC 2-6-3-219
21. RA AC RAAC 2-6-3- ICF Drg. No. 30 Inbuilt S-trap
221 RAAC 2-6-3-211
RAAC 2-6-3-219
LHB type coaches
22. LWFAC(Ist AC LHB) CG-18100 CG-18101 290 S trap version
23. LWACCW (2nd AC LHB) CG-18100 CG-18101 290 S trap version
24. LWACCN (3rd AC LHB) CG-18100 CG-18101 290 S trap version
25. LWFACCW (FAC/2T CG-18100 CG-18101 290 S trap version
26. LWFACCN CG-18100 CG-18101 290 S trap version
27. LWSCWNAC CG-18100 CG-18101 290 S trap version
28. LWCBAC CG-18100 CG-18101 290 S trap version
29. LWFCZAC CG-18100 CG-18101 290 S trap version
30. LWSCZAC CG-18100 CG-18101 290 S trap version
31. LWRRM LP11207 MI006418 135 S trap version
32. LWGFAC CG-18100 CG-18101 290 S trap version
33. LWGACCW CG-18100 CG-18101 290 S trap version

34. LWGACCN CG-18100 CG-18101 290 S trap version
35. LWGSCZAC CG-18100 CG-18101 290 S trap version
36. LWGSCN CG-18100 CG-18101 290 S trap version
37. LGS CG-18100 CG-18101 290 S trap version
38. LWGSCZ CG-18100 CG-18101 290 S trap version
39. Hybrid LHB CG-18126 CG-18127 260 S trap version
40. Old CBC fitted ICF type CG-15041 CG-15029 S trap version
passenger coaches
41. Retrofitted Head stock CG-16053 CG-16054 295 S trap version
for CBC fitted ICF type
passenger coaches
42. Old BEML passenger CG-18090 CG-15029 325 S trap version
43. RROW ---- CG-14019 & 160 In built S-trap
CG-14029 WC
44. MEMU/TC MI005854 MI005855 S trap version
45. DEMU CG-14053 CG-14054 310 S trap version
46. Deccan Odyssey C.Rly Drg. C.Rly Drg. Misc 50 WC with
Misc SK- SK-No.3950 direct pipe to
No.3949 tank
47. Guard Lavatory of MI006284 MI006289 30 Inbuilt Strap
48. Raised trough floor CG-18172 MI006103 300 S-trap version
49. Raised trough floor CG-18169 MI006103 300 S-trap
SLRD Version

Quality control of Anaerobic Microbial
Inoculum & effluent discharge
Parameters of IR-DRDO bio toilets
6.0 Significance of Quality Testing
According to ISO 8402-1986, quality is defined as "the totality of features and
characteristics of a product or service that bears its ability to satisfy stated or implied
needs”. The quality of given product is ensured by consistent endeavors to prescribed
standards for achieving uniformity of the product with a view to satisfy user/customer

Anaerobic Microbial Inoculum (AMI) is the heart of the Bio-digester Technology.

Poor quality of AMI will result into partial decomposition of human waste which in turn
will render the Bio-digester effluent unsuitable for discharge into the environment.
Hence, ensuring the quality of AMI is of utmost importance. For this purpose, testing
of AMI to ascertain its compliance to the prescribed standards and specifications is
carried out in the laboratory.

Similarly, testing the effluent quality gives us an idea about proper functioning of
Bio-digester. Testing laboratory should have capability in terms of infrastructure,
materials, equipment’s and qualified testing manpower to assess the prescribed
parameters for ensuring that the samples being tested correspond to the requirements
of the standards and specifications. As the Bio-digester Technology deals with human
waste, the effluent quality should be of acceptable standard from environmental
hygiene point of view. Testing helps us identify the quality problems and raise an alarm
signal for taking appropriate corrective measures in timely manner.

Here the role of quality testing personnel assumes utmost significance. Testing staff
must ensure that they follow the correct procedure as described in this manual while
determining the quality of AMI and effluent. This activity includes proper sampling,
reagent preparation, testing, recording the observations/readings, calculations,
deriving final results and reporting. An error committed at any of these steps may
defeat the entire purpose with misleading outcome. Testing staff must be very vigilant
in this regard. They should keenly observe any unusual readings and reconfirm them
through repetitions. Laboratory supervisor must cross check entire testing activities
being carried out by the testing staff and impart necessary instructions as per

6.1 Performance Parameters of Bio Toilet effluent & Inoculum:
As per minutes of meetings held on 06.07.2018 at DRDE Gwalior, it has been
decided that only three parameters, i.e.
i) pH
ii) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
iii) Fecal coliform count
would be taken into consideration with respect to effluent quality failure
For following lab tests of effluent, lab samples should be collected as
per testing scheme circulated by RDSO & results should be recorded in
prescribed Performa’s.

SN Parameter (as per APHA Test Recommended Values


1. pH 6 to 9

2. COD levels Max 1800 mgO2/Litre

3. Fecal Coli Forms count Less than 107/100 ml

Performance Parameters of Inoculum:

As per 24th JWG it is recommended to test inoculums at all coaching depots

on arrival. Record of these 04 tests should be maintained at Bacteria
Generation Plant-

SN. Parameter (as per APHA Test Method). Recommended Values

1. pH 6.5 to 7.5

2 Bio-Gas production test As per test scheme.

2. Percentage methane > 40%

3. MPN for methanogens count (MPN/ml) >103

6.2 Guidelines for Coaching Depots for handling of Bacteria

Following precautions should be taken by Coaching Depot staff during
handling of inoculum.
1. Wear gloves while handling bacterial culture
2. Store bacterial culture in containers with lid which can be closed
3. During transportation lids should be tightly closed.
4. During storage, lids should be kept loose so that the gas generated inside the
container can escape easily otherwise container will get damaged.
5. Do not mix detergents/acids with bacteria at any stage during use.
6. Toilets fitted with bio digesters/ bio toilets should preferably be cleaned by
pressurized water cleaning system so as to minimize the water usage.
7. Clean / sanitize hands with detergents/ soaps after handling of the bacteria.


Requirements: Consumables Registers

Refrigerator for Apron, Tissue Paper, Gloves, Sample register

specimen storage Spirit, Marker, Autoclavable Acknowledgement slip
plastic (Polyethylene or
equivalent)/Glass container,
Marker pen

General requirements:
 Ensure all sample equipment and containers are clean and quality assured
before use.
 Use sample containers that are clean and free of contaminants.
 Leave an air space approximately 10% of the container volume to allow for
thermal expansion during shipment.
 Collect the sample only after 30 seconds of initial draining of the effluent. After
initial draining, take necessary amount and use it for analysis.
 Make record of every sample collected and identify every bottle with a unique
sample number, preferably by attaching an appropriately inscribed tag or label.
 In unique identification number write/mention name of the sampler, date of
sample collection, train No/Name of sample, coach no, toilet no.
 Use water proof ink to record all information (preferably with black, non-solvent
based ink).
 Maintain the sampling information in bound sample log book at the sampling site
at the time of sample collection.
 Fix the sampling numbers, points, particularly when sample results are expected
to be involved in litigation use formal “chain of custody” procedures.
 Always prohibit eating, drinking, or smoking near samples, sampling locations,
and in the laboratory.

Collection of samples:
1. Sampling methods
 Manual sampling involves minimal equipment may be used for routine and large
scale sampling programmes.

 Trained field technician is often necessary for regulatory and research
investigations for which critical appraisal of field conditions and complex sample
collection techniques are essential.
 Samples will be collected randomly- from lot of 5% coaches of the total coach
holding but minimum one coach of each type.
 Sampling will start after coach is put into passenger service for 10 days or more.
 Collect sample from the bio-digester 30 minutes after the train becomes stable.
 If water is not draining from sample port remove the debris which may plugged
the sample port by iron wire and let it drain for 30-45 seconds and collect the
 Even after cleaning of sampling port, if water is not draining from sample port,
flush mild stream of water with intermittent pause for 30 seconds into the bio-
 Too much of water also should not be flushed.
 Trained field technician is often necessary for sample collection.

2. Sample containers:
 Containers typically made of plastic (PTFE - PolyTetraFluoroEthylene) or glass
may be used.
 In rare situations it may be necessary to use containers not specifically prepared
for use, or otherwise unsuitable for particular situation.
 Please thoroughly document these situations.
 For QA purposes the inclusion of a bottle blank may be necessary.
 The containers cap should have made of foil or PTFE liners.

3. Sample volume:
 Collect 1 L of sample for most physical and chemical analyses.
 Always collect enough sample volume in appropriate container in order to comply
with sample handling, storage and preservation requirements.
4. Number of samples:
 Because of variability from analytical and sampling procedures (i.e. population
variability) small number of samples is insufficient to reach any reasonable
desired level of confidence.
 Minimum three consecutive sampling has to be done from same Bio-toilet to
draw conclusion.
5. Sample frequency:
 Frequency of effluent sampling and testing is fixed quarterly.
6. Disposal:
 Hold the samples for the prescribed amount of time for the project or untill the
data have been reviewed and accepted.
7. Person handling the sample:
 The person should wear the gloves, apron and handle the samples.

 Remove polythene bag with the specimen from the carrier and place on the paper
towel and unpack carefully.
 If leakage is observed, wipe the container with cotton soaked in spirit and transfer
the specimen into a new container, held by an assistant, Label the new container.
8. Storage and preservation:
 In general, shorter the time that elapses between collection of a sample and its
analysis, the more reliable will be the analytical results.
 Analyze the samples as quickly as possible on arrival at the laboratory.
 Samples should be stored in refrigeration (~4°C) but above freezing to avoid
changes caused by the growth of microorganisms.

9. Check the sample for the following:

 Quantity -Does the sample have sufficient quantity (500 -1000ml)
 Label -Label on the container should bear the following details:
Name of sample/train no, Date of collection, Sample no.
 Integrity of the seal across the sample should be checked.

10. Disposal of remaining sample & waste:

 Hold the samples for the prescribed amount of time for the project or until the
data have been reviewed and accepted.
 Discard the gloves, plastic bags, paper and cotton wool that were used for
receiving the specimen into the disposal bin.
 Discard the Faecal coli form growth after autoclaving.
 Discard the remaining samples after treatment with Bleaching powder/sodium
hypochlorite (5 -10 %).

6.3 Quality check and remedial action of the effluent discharged

from bio-toilet

6.3.1 Test Parameters:

For the quality check of effluent discharged from Bio-toilets, following
parameters shall be tested in the format given below.
SN Parameter (as per Recommended In-house/
APHA Test Method). Values Govt. approved Lab
1 pH 6 to 9 In-house /Govt.
approved Lab
2. Chemical Oxygen Max 1800 mg O2/ In-house / Govt.
Demand Litre (PPM) approved Lab
3. Faecal Coliform <107 CFU/100ml In-house/ Govt.
approved Lab

6.3.2 Remedial Action:

As per the instruction of 17th Carriage Maintenance Group meeting held at 22nd
& 23rd June 2018, it was instructed to revise the testing parameters. Hence a
meeting with DRDE Gwalior held on 06.07.2018 and it has been decided that
only three parameters, i.e. i) pH ii) Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and iii)
Faecal coliform count by MPN method would be taken into consideration.
But in case of a sample fails in effluent testing then following action will be
i) If a sample from a given bio-toilet fails to comply with revised targets in
respect of any of these three parameters (i.e. pH, COD and Faecal coliform),
the effluent quality should be tested twice more at monthly interval.
ii) If the sample fails on any of the two repeat occasions in any of the three
parameters, then corrective remedial measures should be taken by zonal
iii) In remedial action complete tank should be evacuated through evacuation
iv) After evacuation bio-digester should be charged with 120 litres of fresh
tested inoculums.
Consolidated all the test reports (In-House/Govt. Approved Labs) of effluent
discharge shall be submitted to RDSO on 06 monthly bases.

6.4 Performa for effluent discharged parameter testing from Bio-toilets

6.5 Abbreviations
AMI – Anaerobic Microbial Inoculum.
CFU – Colony Forming Units.
COD – Chemical Oxygen Demand.
FC – Fecal coliform count.
FRP – Fibre reinforced plastic.
HRT – Hydraulic Retention Time.
MPN – Most Probable Number.
MS – Mild steel.
PUF – Polyurethane foam.
RCC – Reinforced Cement Concrete.
SS – Stainless steel.
TC – Total coliform count.
TDS – Total Dissolved solids.
TS – Total solids.
VFA – Volatile Fatty Acids.
VS – Volatile solids.

6.6 Testing Scheme for Bio-Toilet Effluent in Coaching Depots.

Following tests and parameters have been recommended for effluent discharged
after bio degradation from the bio toilets of coaches in Indian Railways. As per 24 th
JWG meeting all depots have to develop facility to test all six parameters of effluent

1. pH Value Test:
To measure pH value of the effluent of bio toilets to ensure environmental

S. No. Description Details

1. Purpose of test To measure pH value of the effluent of bio
toilets to ensure environmental safety.
2. Target value 6 – 9 pH
3. Equipment’s Table top pH meter / Portable pH meter / pH
required indicator strips & magnetic stirrer
4. Consumables pH calibration buffers (4.0, 7.0, 10.0), and
magnetic stirrer bars
5. Quantity of sample 50-100 ml

6. Electricity Yes
7. Frequency of 90 days

8. Testing spot Railway laboratory

9. Staff required 1
10. Preservation Analyze immediately
11. Maximum Storage Recommended 15 min
Regulatory 15 min

 First of all, take 02 ltrs. Effluent sample in the bottle from bio-toilet tank.
 Take 50 – 100 ml of mixed effluent sample in a beaker.
 Put a magnetic bar and keep the beaker on a magnetic stirrer and switch “on” the
magnetic stirrer to mix it continuously.
 Wash the electrode and temperature compensation rod with distilled water and
wipe it with tissue paper.
 Put the electrode and automatic temperature compensation rod into the sample
and keep it until stable reading appears in the displays; note the reading.
 Discard the sample and wash the electrode and automatic temperature
compensation rod with distilled water and wipe it with tissue paper.
 Keep the electrode back in the container.

Precaution: Do calibration with appropriate buffers before taking readings.

2. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Test:

This test should be carried out to estimate COD of the effluent to ensure environmental

S. Description Details
1. Purpose of test To estimate COD of the effluent to ensure
environmental parameters.
2. Target value < 1800 mg O2 / Litre
3. Equipments COD digester along with digestion tubes and
condensers, Burettes, magnetic stirrer, magnetic

4. Consumable Sulphuric Acid, Silver sulphate, mercuric chloride,
required potassium dichromate, ferroin indicator, ferrous
ammonium sulphate.
5. Quantity of sample 5-10 ml of sample
6. Electricity Yes
7. Frequency of 90 days
8. Testing spot Railway Laboratory/Govt. approved Labs./DRDE
9. Staff required 02
10. Analyze immediately or add H2SO4 topH<2.0 and
refrigerate ( 4-7ºC)

11 Maximum Storage Recommended 7 days

Regulatory 28 days

A. Standard potassium dichromate solutions (0.04167M) – Dissolve 12.259 g

K2Cr2O7, previously dried at 150°C for 2 hours, in distilled water and dilute to
1000 ml.

B. Sulfuric acid reagent: Add Ag2SO4 crystals or power to concentrate H2SO4 at

the rate of 5.5 g Ag2SO4 / Kg of H2SO4. Let it stand 1 or 2 days to dissolve.

C. Ferroin indicator solution: Dissolve 1.485 g of 1, 10 – phenanthroline

monohydrate and 695 mg FeSO4 .7 H2O in distilled water dilute to 1000 ml.
D. Standard Ferrous ammonium Sulphate titrant (0.25) – Dissolve 98 g of
Fe(NH4)2 .6 H2O in distilled water. Add 20 ml con. H2SO4, cool and dilute to 1
litre standardize this solution on the day of estimation against Standard
potassium dichromate solution.

E. Mercuric sulphate - HgSO4 crystals or powder.

F. Sulfamic acid – interference of nitrates is to be eliminated.

G. Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate: lightly crush and then dry KHP to constant
weight at 110°C. Dissolve 425 mg in distilled water dilute to 1000 ml. KHP has
a theoretical COD of 1.176 mg O2 / mg and this solution has a theoretical COD
of 500µg O2 / ml.
 Take 5 ml of sample and dilute it to 50 ml. (Note: In case higher COD samples
dilute 100 times).
 Add 100 mg HgSO4, several glass beads/ Chemstones, and very slowly add 5.0
ml of sulfuric acid, with mixing to dissolve HgSO4.
 Cool while mixing to avoid possible loss of volatile materials.
 Add 25.0 ml 0.04167 M K2Cr2O7 solution and mix.
 Attach condenser to digestion tubes and cool the contents by swirling and
mixing in running tap water.
 Add sulfuric acid reagent (20 ml) through open end of condenser.
 Continue swirling and mixing while adding sulfuric acid reagent.
 Cover open end of condenser with a small beaker / aluminum foil to prevent
foreign material from entering refluxing mixture and to avoid possible loss of
volatile materials.
 Do reflux / digestion for 2 hours @ 150°C.
 Cool and wash down condenser with distilled water.
 Disconnect reflux condenser and dilute mixture to about twice its volume with
distilled water. Cool to room temperature.
 Titrate excess K2Cr2O7 with FAS, using 0.10 – 0.15 ml (2 – 3 drops) ferroin
 Observe sharp colour change from blue green to reddish brown that persists
for 1 min or longer.
 Duplicate determinations should agree within 5% of their average.

 In the same manner reflux and titrate a blank containing the regents and a
volume of distilled water equal to that of sample.

Determination of a Standard solution:

Evaluate the technique and quality of the reagents by conducting the test on a
standard KHP solution.

COD (mg/ ml) = (A-B) X N X 8000 X Dilution Factor / ml of sample
A – ml of FAS used for blank

B – ml of FAS used for sample
N – Molarity of FAS (0.25)
8000 – Mill equivalent weight of Oxygen.


1. Mix reflex mixture thoroughly before applying heat to prevent local heating of flask
bottom and a possible blowout of flask contents.
2. Make dilution according to the COD range of the samples.
3. Ensure complete dissolution of silver sulphate in sulphuric acid reagent.
4. Store sulphuric acid reagent in an amber colored bottle in dark or wrap it with
aluminum foil.
5. Wear lab coat and hand gloves during handling of acids.
6. Always add acid along the wall of the container to the water.
7. Do titration once the content reaches room temperature.

How to standardize FAS against standard K2Cr2O7

FAS being a secondary standard require fresh preparation and frequent
standardization against a primary standard. Standard FAS titrant of 0.25M molarity is
prepared as mentioned in the protocol above.

Procedure to standardize FAS

 Take 25 ml of standard K2Cr2O7 (0.04167M) as prepared following the
reagent preparation prescribed for the COD test.
 Dilute 25 ml of standard K2Cr2O7 to 100 ml.
 Add 30 ml concentrated H2SO4 and cool the solution.
 Label this solution (i.e. K2Cr2O7 + concentrated H2SO4) as Solution ‘A’.
 Titrate Solution ‘A’ with FAS titrant using 2 to 3 drops of ferroin indicator.

Molarity of FAS= Volume of K2Cr2O7 (0.04167M) titrated (ml) X 0.25
Volume of FAS used in titration (ml)
1) Volume of K2Cr2O7 (0.04167M) titrated here is 25 ml.
2) The actual molarity so determined should be used in COD calculation formula, in
place of N=0.25.

3. Fecal Coli forms count:

This test should be carried out to estimate the fecal coli form bacteria count on
bio toilet effluent. There are two methods for faecal Coliform count (MPN method and
CFU Method) which are described below:
Faecal Coliforms Count (MPN Method; Reference: APHA 9221 E.2; Ed. 2005)

S. N Description Details
To estimate the fecal coli form bacteria count
1. Purpose of test
on effluent.
2. Target value > 99% reduction ( Less than 107 MPN/100 ML )
3. Equipments Laminar Air Flow Chamber, Incubator
Test tubes, FC media plates, spreaders,
4. Consumables pipettes, conical flasks, Glass marker,
magnetic stirrer.
5. Quantity of sample 10 ml
6. Electricity requirement Yes
7. Frequency of sampling 90 days
Railway Laboratory/Govt. approved
8. Testing spot
9. Staff required 02
Add sodium thiosulphate and refrigerate (4-
10 Preservation

Maximum Storage Recommended 1 days

Time Regulatory 1 days

A. Media Composition (A-1 Medium):
Sl No Constituents Amount

(required for 1 Litre Medium)

1 Lactose 5.0 g

2 Tryptone 20 g

3 Sodium chloride 5g

4 Salicin 0.5 g

5 Polyethylene glycol p- 1.0 ml

isooctylphenyl ether

(Triton X-100 or equivalent)

6 Distilled water 1000 ml

 Heat to dissolve solid ingredients, add polyethylene glycol p-isooctylphenyl
ether, and adjust to pH 6.9 ± 0.1.
 Dispense 4.5 ml medium in each fermentation tube of 15 ml capacity.
 Put an inverted vial (i.e. Durham tube) in each fermentation tube.
 Close the fermentation tube with heat-resistant caps.
 Sterilize the fermentation tubes containing medium and inverted vial by
autoclaving them at 121°C for 10 min.
 Also sterilize with this lot eight additional fermentation tubes containing only
distilled water which will be used in subsequent steps for making dilutions. Put
autoclave tape (Brand HiMedia or Equivalent) on any one of the fermentation
tubes and check it after sterilization. Improper sterilization will result no change
in initial colour of the tape while proper sterilization will render the tape colour
brown from white.
 Store the properly sterilized tubes only in dark at room temperature for not
longer than 7 days. Improperly sterilized tubes should be discarded.

 Ignore formation of precipitate.
Note: Make A-1 broth of such strength that adding 10-mL sample portions to
medium will not reduce ingredient concentrations below those of the standard
B. Dilution preparation:
1. Label 9 ml water blank Falcon tube (autoclavable plastic test tube with cap) as
No. 1 (10-1) and subsequent 9 ml water blank tubes as No. 2 (10-2), No. 3 (10-
3), No. 4 (10-4), No. 5 (10-5), No. 6 (10-6), No. 7 (10-7), No. 8 (10-8) with a glass

2. Take 1 ml of well mixed effluent sample and add to 9 ml water blank Falcon
tube to make (10-1) dilution. (Note: Use sterile pipettes for transfer and carry out
dilution in laminar air flow chamber)

3. Vigorously shake the dilution in a magnetic stirrer for 2 minutes to obtain

uniform suspension.

4. Transfer 1 ml of suspension from No.1 into No.2 tube to make (10-2) dilution
and shake it vigorously for 1 min.

5. Make further dilutions upto tube No. 8 (i.e. 10-8) as prepared above.

C. Inoculation:
1. Arrange the sterilized fermentation tubes in row of five tubes each in the test
tube rack and label them as per dilution (10- 1 to 10-8). For one dilution, five
tubes (i.e. five replicates) will be required. For one sample (upto 10 -8), a total
of 40 tubes for medium and 8 tubes for water blank will be required.
2. Now, add 0.5 ml of sample from each dilution tube (i.e. Falcon tube) to
respective row of 5 tubes of each corresponding dilution.
3. Now, close the fermentation tubes with caps and incubate for 3hrs at 35±0.5 °C
in BOD incubator. Before placing the tubes in the BOD incubator, they should
be checked for presence of any bubbles in the Durham tube. If bubbles are
detected, they should be removed by gently inverting the fermentation tube.
Before inverting the tube, the cap should be checked and tightened in order to
avoid spillage of media.
4. Now further incubate these tubes for 21hrs at 44.5 ±0.2°C in the BOD

 Gas production in any fermentation tube within 24 h or less as visible in Durham
tube is a positive reaction indicating the presence of faecal coliforms. Make an
observation table as given below and fill (+) for presence of bubble and (-) for
absence of bubble in Durham tube:

 Dilution Tube 1 Tube 2 Tube 3 Tube 4 Tube 5 Total no of
factor positive
 10-1      
 10 -2      
 10 -3      
 10 -4      
 10-5      
 10-6      
 10 -7      
 10 -8      

Calculation: Calculate the MPN from the number of positive A-1 fermentation
tubes as described below taking an example:
 Example table
Dilution Tube 1 Tube 2  Tube 3  Tube 4 Tube 5  Representation of
factor total no of positive
 10-1  + + + + +  5

 10-2  + + + - +  4

 10-3  - + - + +  3

 10-4  + - + + -  3

 10-5  - + - + -  2

 10-6  -  -  -  +  -  1
 10-7  -  -  -  -  -  0
 10-8  -  -  -  -  -  0

 In the table above, take into account, last three positive values (i.e. 3-2-1) and
check the MPN index of this combination of positives from the MPN Index Table
as given below. As per this table, MPN index of 3-2-1 combination is 17. Now
consider the middle dilution of this positive combination (here it is 10 -5). So, the
faecal coliform count (MPN/100 ml) of the given sample will be 17x 105 or 1.7x 106.

Table: MPN index and 95 per cent confidence limits for various combinations
of positive results when five tubes are used per dilution
(Reference: Reference: APHA, 2005)

Confidenc Limits Combination MPN Index/ Confidence Limits
Combination MPN e
of Positives Index/ High of Positives 100 mL Low High
100 Low
0-0-0 <1.8 — 6.8 4-0-3 25 9.8 70
0-0-1 1.8 0.090 6.8 4-1-0 17 6.0 40
0-1-0 1.8 0.090 6.9 4-1-1 21 6.8 42
0-1-1 3.6 0.70 10 4-1-2 26 9.8 70
0-2-0 3.7 0.70 10 4-1-3 31 10 70
0-2-1 5.5 1.8 15 4-2-0 22 6.8 50
0-3-0 5.6 1.8 15 4-2-1 26 9.8 70
1-0-0 2.0 0.10 10 4-2-2 32 10 70
1-0-1 4.0 0.70 10 4-2-3 38 14 100
1-0-2 6.0 1.8 15 4-3-0 27 9.9 70
1-1-0 4.0 0.71 12 4-3-1 33 10 70
1-1-1 6.1 1.8 15 4-3-2 39 14 100
1-1-2 8.1 3.4 22 4-4-0 34 14 100
1-2-0 6.1 1.8 15 4-4-1 40 14 100
1-2-1 8.2 3.4 22 4-4-2 47 15 120
1-3-0 8.3 3.4 22 4-5-0 41 14 100
1-3-1 10 3.5 22 4-5-1 48 15 120
1-4-0 10 3.5 22 5-0-0 23 6.8 70
2-0-0 4.5 0.79 15 5-0-1 31 10 70
2-0-1 6.8 1.8 15 5-0-2 43 14 100
2-0-2 9.1 3.4 22 5-0-3 58 22 150
2-1-0 6.8 1.8 17 5-1-0 33 10 100
2-1-1 9.2 3.4 22 5-1-1 46 14 120
2-1-2 12 4.1 26 5-1-2 63 22 150
2-2-0 9.3 3.4 22 5-1-3 84 34 220
2-2-1 12 4.1 26 5-2-0 49 15 150
2-2-2 14 5.9 36 5-2-1 70 22 170
2-3-0 12 4.1 26 5-2-2 94 34 230
2-3-1 14 5.9 36 5-2-3 120 36 250
2-4-0 15 5.9 36 5-2-4 150 58 400
3-0-0 7.8 2.1 22 5-3-0 79 22 220
3-0-1 11 3.5 23 5-3-1 110 34 250
3-0-2 13 5.6 35 5-3-2 140 52 400
3-1-0 11 3.5 26 5-3-3 170 70 400
3-1-1 14 5.6 36 5-3-4 210 70 400
3-1-2 17 6.0 36 5-4-0 130 36 400
3-2-0 14 5.7 36 5-4-1 170 58 400
3-2-1 17 6.8 40 5-4-2 220 70 440
3-2-2 20 6.8 40 5-4-3 280 100 710
3-3-0 17 6.8 40 5-4-4 350 100 710
3-3-1 21 6.8 40 5-4-5 430 150 1100
3-3-2 24 9.8 70 5-5-0 240 70 710
3-4-0 21 6.8 40 5-5-1 350 100 1100
3-4-1 24 9.8 70 5-5-2 540 150 1700
3-5-0 25 9.8 70 5-5-3 920 220 2600
4-0-0 13 4.1 35 5-5-4 1600 400 4600
4-0-1 17 5.9 36 5-5-5 >1600 700 —
4-0-2 21 6.8 40

6.7. Technical specification for Chlorine tablets for use in IR- DRDO
Bio- Toilets.
[Specification No. MDTS-14274 Rev-00 dated 30.04.2015]
1.0 Scope:
1.1 The scope of this specification is to supply the chlorine tablets as per the
specified dimensions and properties. These will be used in IR-DRDO Bio-

Toilets (using anaerobic bacteria) for reduction of feacal coliforms of the
discharged effluent from the bio toilets.
2 Eligibility conditions:
2.1 The tenderer should be a reputed manufacturer of chlorine tablets and should
have all the requisite testing facilities or have authorization from reputed
manufacturer of chlorine tablets having requisite testing facilities. In absence
of above, offers shall be deemed as incomplete and may not be considered.
2.2 The tenderer must submit detailed clause wise comments on the specification
indicating manufacturing and testing facilities. In absence of above, offers
shall be deemed as incomplete and may not be considered.
3.0 Technical requirement:
3.1 The tablet size should be 78 mm diameter and weight should be of approx.
200 gms.
3.2 The tablet should have active molecule of 3, 5 di-chloro-iso-s-cyanuric-acid.
3.3 It should have effective chlorine of > 50% chlorine.
3.4 The tablet should be formulated for sustained release (should last for at
least 21 days in tap water).
3.5 Moisture content should be < 4%.
3.6 The tablet should be stable during storage for at least 01 years.
4.0 Identification marking:
Each chlorine tablet shall have manufacturers name /Logo, month and year of
5.0 Packing:
The packing should properly protect against moisture, rubbing, impact, and
scratches during handling, transportation and storage. Each package shall be
of convenient mass for easy handling.
6.0 Warranty:
The manufacturer shall warrant for conformance to quality for a period of 12
months from date of supply.

6.8 Technical specification for KMNO4 tablets for use in IR-DRDO
Bio- Toilet

6.9. Testing Scheme for Bacteria Culture (Microbial Inoculum).

Anaerobic Microbial Inoculum:

Microbial consortium developed by DRDE, Gwalior is a mixture of different types of

bacteria (hydrolytic, acidogenic, acetogenic and methanogenic groups) responsible for
breakdown of complex polymers into simple sugars which are further broken down
into low chain fatty acids and finally into biogas. The microbial consortium was
developed by enriching desired group of bacteria from mixture of microbes by natural
selection. The consortium was also augmented with Volatile Fatty Acids degraders.

The microbial consortium has been gradually adapted to grow even at 5°C so that it
can work 14 efficiently at mesophilic as well as psychrophilic temperature. Microbial
consortium efficiently degrades human waste at temperature as low as 5°C and as
high as 50°C.


1. Requirements:

Equipment Consumables Registers

--- Tissue Paper, Gloves, Autoclavable plastic Sample register or
(polyethylene or equivalent)/Glass Acknowledgement
container, Permanent Marker pen. slip.

2. General Requirements:
 Use sample containers that are clean and free of contaminants.
 Leave an air space approximately 10 – 20 % of the container volume to allow
for thermal expansion during shipment.
 Collect samples 3 - 4 times from the same source with 10 minutes’ interval
between each of them and make composite sample, take necessary amount
and use it for analysis.
 Make record of every sample collected and identify every bottle, preferably by
attaching an appropriately inscribed tag or label.
 In unique identification number write/mention name of the sampler, Batch
Number, Date of sample collection, Name of ToT Holder.
 Use water proof ink to record all information (preferably with black, non-solvent
based ink).
 Maintain the sampling information for Individual ToT holder in bound sample log
book at the sampling site/Lab.
 Fix the sampling numbers, points, particularly when sample results are
expected to be involved in litigation use formal “chain of custody” procedures.
 Always prohibit eating, drinking, or smoking near samples, sampling locations,
and in the laboratory.

3. Collection of samples:
I. Type of Sample

a) Mix the AMI present in the generation plant homogenously by available mixing
arrangement before sampling.
b) Composite sampling may be done by combining small portions of multiple grab
c) Collect individual portions in a wide mouth bottle every 10 min and mix it at the
end of the sampling period or combine in a single bottle.
II. Sampling Methods:
a) Trained field technician is often necessary for regulatory and research
III. Sample Containers:
a) Containers typically made of plastic (PTFE - PolyTetraFluoroEthylene) or glass
may be used.
b) In rare situations it may be necessary to use containers not specifically prepared
for use, or otherwise unsuitable for particular situation.
c) Please thoroughly document these situations.
d) For QA purposes the inclusion of a bottle blank may be necessary.
IV. Number of Samples:
a) Minimum three numbers of samples has to be tested from same batch to draw
V. Sample Volume:
a) Collect 2 L of sample for most physical and chemical analyses.
b) Always collect enough sample volume in appropriate container in order to comply
with sample handling, storage and preservation requirements.
4. Disposal:
Hold the samples for the prescribed amount of time (30 days at 4 0C) for the project
or untill the data have been reviewed and accepted.
5. Person handling the sample:
a) The person should wear the gloves, apron and handle the samples.
b) If leakage is observed, wipe the container with cotton soaked in spirit and transfer
the specimen into a new container, held by an assistant, and Label the new
6. Storage and Preservation:
a) In general, shorter the time that elapses between collection of a sample and its
analysis, the more reliable will be the analytical results.
b) Analyze the samples as quickly as possible on arrival at the laboratory.
c) Samples should be stored in refrigeration (~40C) but above freezing to avoid
Changes caused by the growth of microorganisms.

6.9.1 Performance parameters for anaerobic microbial inoculum (AMI):

S No. Parameter (as per APHA Test Recommended Values

1. pH 6.5 – 7.5
2. Bio Gas >50 % of total volume of flask
after 48 hours
3. Inflammability Inflammable
4 Percentage methane >40 % after 72 hours
5 MPN for methanogens >103 / ml
6 Total solids 3–4%
6.9.10. Testing Scheme for Bacteria Culture (Anaerobic Microbial
Following parameters have been recommended for testing of Microbial Inoculum
produced in Inoculum Generation Plant.

1. pH Value Test:
This test should be carried out to measure pH value of the inoculum.

S. Description Details
1. Purpose of test To measure pH value of the inoculum.
2. Target value 6.5 – 7.5 pH
3. Equipments required Portable pH meter/Table top pH meter / pH
indicator strips, magnetic stirrer.
4. Consumables pH calibration buffer (4.0, 7.0, 10.0), magnetic
stirrer bars.
5. Quantity of sample 50 – 100 ml.
6. Electricity requirement yes
7. Frequency of sampling Daily (Real time)
8. Testing spot Railway laboratory
9. Staff required 01


 Take 50 – 100 ml of well mixed inoculum in a beaker.

 Put a magnetic bar and keep the beaker on a magnetic stirrer and mix it
 Wash the electrode and Temperature compensation rod with distilled water and
wipe it with tissue paper.
 Put the electrode and automatic temperature compensation rod into the sample
and keep it until stable reading appears in the display; note the reading.
 Discard the sample and wash the electrode and automatic temperature
compensation rod with distilled water and wipe it with tissue paper.
 Keep the electrode back in the container and put them in stand.
Precaution: Do calibration with appropriate buffers before taking readings.

2 Bio-gas Test:

This test should be carried out to measure amount of Biogas produced during
fermentation in the Inoculum generation plant.

S. Description Details
1. Purpose of test To measure amount of biogas produced during
2. Target value >50% of total volume of flask after 48 hours.
3. Equipments Gas flow meter / water displacement
4. Consumables Conical Flask, cork, Glass ‘L’ bends
5. Quantity of sample Not applicable
6. Electricity requirement No.
7. Frequency of sampling Daily/Real time
8. Testing spot On site/Railway site
9. Staff required 01

 Take 1000 ml of well mixed inoculum in a 2 Lts. beaker.

 Add 1000 ml of cow dung slurry mixed with water (1:1)
 Set the water displacement assembly.
 Incubate the set-up in BOD incubator @ 30 0C for 48 hours.
 The Bio-gas should be inflammable as blue flame.
 Measure the volume of water displaced.
 The amount of water displaced is equal to amount of gas produced.

Precaution: Make sure water column in the exit tube of the water beaker.

(Authority: DRDE/GWL letter No. BT/BKB/003/2013-2014 dated 28.08.2013)

Connect cork
Glass rods in
assembly by plastic pipe

Completed set up
Completed Set-up with inoculums+cow

3. Percentage Methane Test:
This test should be carried out to measure the methane content of biogas produced
during fermentation in the Inoculum generation plant.
S. N Description Details
1. Purpose of test To measure the methane content of biogas
produced during fermentation.
2. Target value 40 – 70 %
3. Equipments required Gas chromatograph / online gas analyzer.
4. Consumables Serum bottles, Aluminum crimp, Butyl rubber
septum, Gas tight syringe (50 – 250 µl),
Nitrogen cylinder, Zero air/O2 cylinder,
Hydrogen cylinder, standard methane gas.
5. Quantity of sample Not applicable
6. Electricity requirement Yes.
7. Frequency of sampling weekly
8. Testing spot Railway laboratory
9. Staff required 01

 Take 2000 ml of well mixed inoculum in a 2 L flask.
 Set the water displacement assembly.
 Incubate the set-up in BOD incubator @ 30 0C for 72 hours.
 Fill a 30 ml serum vial with water, put a butyl rubber septum, aluminum crimp and
crimp it all the side.
 Inject the biogas formed in the water displacement assembly into the serum vial
through a silicone tube fitted with needle.
 Allow the exit of water through another needle inserted in the butyl rubber
 Collect at least 15 ml of biogas.
 Store it in an inverted position until analysis.
 Note: Make sure, gas bubble should not be there in the serum bottle before
biogas collection.
 Inject 100 µl standard methane gas and record the elution time of the gas.
(Note: Elution time is the time elapsed between injection of sample and response of the peak at top).

 Inject 100 µl of the biogas sample. Record the % methane in biogas.



About the equipment

GC is used for separating and analysing compounds that can be vaporized without
decomposition. It has mobile phase and stationary phase. A mobile phase (or "moving
phase") is a carrier gas, usually an inert gas such as helium or a non-reactive gas such
as nitrogen. The stationary phase is a microscopic layer of liquid or polymer on an
inert solid support, inside GC Column. Compound of interest (herein Methane) is run
through the column which is made up of glass or metal tubing. The gaseous
compounds being analysed interact with the walls of the column, which is coated with
a stationary phase. This causes each compound to elute at a different time, known as
the retention time of the compound. Based on comparison of retention time, a
compound can be determined.

(Note: - While fundamental principles and basic operation may remain same,
nevertheless, operating procedure of the equipment and its software will vary
with manufacturer. With the model/brand different from TRACE GC ULTRA,
relevant operational manual/instructions provided by the manufacturer should
be consulted.)

Getting the Equipment Ready

 Switch on the equipment (Thermo GC ULTRA) and check for the gas flow/
pressure (Nitrogen, hydrogen, Zero air)
 Double click on ‘Chrom Card’ programme on the desktop. It will display
following window:

 Double click on ‘TRACE #1’. It will display following window:

 Click ‘OK’ for starting for TRACE#1. It will open following window :

 Go to ‘Edit’ > ‘Wizard method development’ (short key: ctrl+D)

 Tick the options as given in the screen below and click ‘next’

 All the sections selected will keep coming one by one. Keep clicking next and
fill required details
 1. Give method name. Then click ‘OK’
 2. Detection parameters – select minutes (in time base) and type sample
being acquired (50-100) as per requirement. Tick on ‘start acquisition when
GC starts’ and then click ‘OK’.

 3. Integration parameters > initially keep following settings and click ‘OK’.

 4. Calculation parameters > initially keep following settings and click ‘OK’.

 5. Report parameters > initially keep following settings and click ‘OK’.

 6. Report Strip Chart > initially keep following settings and click ‘OK’.

 7. Component table >

 Click ‘OK’. It will ask for saving the info. Click ‘Yes’.
 Sample Table> Fill the sample name in table and Click ‘OK’.
 7. Operator ID> Fill the details of operator. Click ‘OK’
 8. Analytical Info. Following window will be displayed:

 Click ‘OK’. Then click ‘FINISH’. (Method Development is complete).
 Open TRACE#1> Edit> Edit GC parameters. It will show GC configuration.
Click ‘Yes’.
 It will display Trace Method.
 Set following conditions for ‘Oven’:

 Set following conditions for ‘right Inlet’:

 Set following conditions for ‘right carrier’:

 Set following conditions for ‘left dect- FID’:

 Set following conditions for ‘Run Table’:

 Now Edit GC Parameters is complete.

 Go to the ‘TRACE#1’ and click on ‘file’ then select on ‘load method’ and then
select the method developed to ‘open’ the method.
 Now in ‘TRACE#1’ click the icon (Edit GC parameters). It will open the
‘TRACE method ‘which was saved earlier. Go to file>Open>method. Select
the developed GC parameters from folder. Then go to COMMAND> send
method to TRACE.
 Wait for GC oven temperature to reach at set temperature (e.g. 120°C).
 Now in TRACE#1, go to Edit>sample table. Fill the sample table as given

Note: Sample ID will be Actual sample being acquired. Assign sample name. Click
on filename and select it from Method developed earlier. Select sample ‘Type’.
Leave SA/IS/XF as blank. Select GC method file name from the saved method file

 Now in TRACE#1, go to Edit>Component table. Fill the ‘Component table’ as

given below:

Note: Initially, keep the settings as Time: 1.8, component name: methane, window:
0.09. Then click ’OK’.

 Now check the GC oven temperature on equipment digital display. Check
whether indicator of STANDBY PREPRUN is on. Now press ‘PREP RUN’
button of the equipment control panel. Now, the indicator of ‘READY TO
INJECT’ is on.

 Now equipment is ready for sample/reference standard loading.


 Inject 30 μl of standard methane (reference) using gas-tight syringe and

immediately, press the START button.
 Now in TRACE#1, go to view>sample being acquired (or short key Shift+F1).
Window will show chromatogram running.
 Once the run is complete, system will prompt for saving the acquired data.
Save the files in the desired folder and name it appropriately.
 Now go to ‘sample table’ and change the already run sample Type from ‘Unk’
to ‘Std’. Go to ‘Edit concentrations’>fill concentration. Set it to 100.
 Now in sample table, add names and particulars of unknown samples and
then, inject the 30 μl of unknown sample.
 Once the run is complete, check the chromatogram and compare the peak
area of reference with that of unknown sample and calculate the methane
percentage on relative basis.

4. MPN Count for Methanogens:

This test should be carried out to estimate the methane producing bacteria count in
S. Description Details
1. Purpose of test To estimate the methane producing bacteria count
in inoculum.
2. Target value >1000 / ml
3. Equipment’s required Gas chromatograph, Gassing manifold, hotplate
stirrer, laminar air flow chamber, incubator,
micropipettes, hand operated crimper, hand
operated Decapper.
4. Consumables Serum bottles, Aluminum crimp, Butyl rubber
septum, Gas tight syringe (50 – 250 µl), Nitrogen
cylinder, CO2 cylinder, Hydrogen cylinder, sterile
Disposable syringes, Resazurin and chemicals
listed below in the table.
5. Quantity of sample ~ 50 ml
6. Electricity requirement Yes.
7. Frequency of sampling Monthly
8. Testing spot Railway laboratory / In Govt. approved Laboratory.
9. Staff required 02


Growth medium preparation:

Sl Constituents Amount (g / L)
1 KH2PO4 0.3
2 K2HPO4 0.3
3 (NH4)2 SO4 0.3
4 NaCl 0.6
5 MgSO4.7H2O 0.13
6 CaCl2.2H2O 0.008
7 FeSO4 0.002
8 Yeast extract 2.0
9 Trypticase 2.0
10 Trace element solution 1.0 ml
11 Trace vitamin solution 1.0 ml
12 Sodium acetate 2.5
13 Sodium formate 2.5
14 Resazurin 1.0 ml
15 Reducing agent 12.5 ml
16 pH 6.8
17 Gas phase (N2:H2) 80:20

Trace Element Solution:

SN Constituents Amount (g / 100 ml)
1 Nitrilo triacetic acid 1.5
2 MgSO4.7H2O 3.0
3 MnSO4.2H2O 0.5
4 NaCl 1.0
5 CoCl2 0.1
6 FeSO4.7H2O 0.1
7 CaCl2.2H2O 0.1
8 ZnSO4 0.1
9 CuSO4.5H2O 0.01
10 AlK(SO4)2 0.01
11 H3BO3 0.01
12 Na2MoO4.2H2O 0.1
Note: Dissolve nitrilotriacetic acid with KOH to pH 6.5 and then add other salts.
Trace Vitamin Solution:
Sl Constituents Amount (mg / 100 ml)
1 Biotin 2.0
2 Folic acid 2.0
3 Vitamin B12 0.1
4 Pyridoxine HCl 10.0
5 Thiamine 5.0
6 Riboflavin 5.0
7 Nicotinic acid 5.0
8 D,L- Calcium pantothenate 5.0
9 p- aminobenzoic acid 5.0
10 Lipoic acid 5.0

Reducing Agent:
Sl Constituents Amount (g / 100 ml)
1 Cysteine hydrochloride 2.0
2 Sodium sulphide 2.0
Adjust pH of Cysteine hydrochloride to 9.0

Indicator Solution:
Sl No Constituents Amount (g / 100 ml)
1 Resazurin 0.10
1. All the ingredients of the medium were added in the required amount except the
heat labile components and half the volume (6.25 ml) of reducing agent.
2. Heat the medium on a hot plate or heating mantle at 70 0C and sparge the medium
continuously with O2 free N2 till the medium becomes colorless.
3. Take 60 ml serum vials and replace the air with nitrogen for 2 min.
4. Dispense media (22.5 ml) in individual vials and seal it with butyl rubber and
aluminum crimps and seal it tightly.
5. Do autoclaving for 15 min at 121 0C for 20 min.
6. Let the medium to cool to room temperature and add rest of the amount of
reducing agent (6.25 ml) with syringe and heat the butyl rubber seal for 10 secs
with a sprit lamp.

Note: The medium should be colourless.

Dilution Preparation:
1. Label 22.5 ml anaerobic diluent medium containing serum vials as No. 1 (10-1)
No. 2 (10-2), No. 3 (10-3), No. 4 (10-4), No. 5 (10-5), No. 6 (10-6), No. 7 (10-7), No.
8 (10-8) with a glass marker.
2. Take 2.5 ml of well mixed effluent sample and add to 22.5 ml water blank to make
10-1 dilution. Vigorously shake the dilution for 15 seconds to obtain uniform
3. Transfer 2.5 ml of suspension from No. 1 into No. 2 tube to make 10 -2 dilution with
a sterile syringe and shake it vigorously for 15 seconds.
4. Make further dilutions as prepared above.
 For each dilution prepare 5 replicate serum bottles for inoculation. Total 45
medium bottles are needed.
 Transfer 2.5 ml of suspension each from different dilutions into set of 5 serum
vials with medium by sterile syringe and heat the butyl rubber septum
 Incubate the serum vials in an upright position along with uninoculated control
in an incubator at 30 0C for 20 days.
 After 20 days, analyze the gas from the head phase for presence of methane
as described above with gas chromatograph.
 Note the number of positive and negative vials for each dilution.
 Methanogenic MPN is computed on the basis of bottles showing positive test.
Dilution factor is taken into consideration while calculating the MPN.
 Record your results

1. To calculate MPN of methanogens in the original sample

 Select as P1: the number of positive tubes in the least concentrated dilution in which
the greatest number of tubes is positive; and p2 and p3 represent the numbers of
positive tubes in the next two higher dilutions.
 Use table of MPN for use with 5 tubes per dilution, and then find the row of numbers
in MPN table in which p1 and p2 correspond to the values observed experimentally.
Follow that row of numbers across the table to the column headed by the observed
value of p3. The figure at the point of intersection is the most probable number of
organisms in the quantity of the original sample represented in the inoculum added
in the second dilution (p2). Multiply this figure by the appropriate dilution factor to
obtain the MPN for the original sample.

Suppose the following observations were made:

Dilution No. of positive

Neat 5
10-1 5
10-2 5
10-3 5
10-4 3
10-5 1
10-6 0

In this series, p1 = 5, p2 = 3, p3 = 1. For this combination of p1, p2 and p3, the MPN
table gives 1.1 as the most probable number of organisms in the quantity of the
inoculum applied in the10-4 (p2) dilution. Multiplying this number with dilution factor
104 gives 1.1 X 104 as the MPN for the original sample (2.5 ml). Convert the value to
1 ml by dividing with 2.5 i.e. 1.1 X 104/2.5 = 4.4 X 103


1. The sample should be mixed homogenously

2. Each dilution must be thoroughly shaken before removing an aliquot for
subsequent dilution
3. Use separate sterile pipettes or tips for each dilution
4. Use sterile pipettes for transfer,
5. Carry out dilution as quick as possible and immediately seal the butyl rubber
septum and aluminum crimps. Alternatively, the dilution can be done in
anaerobic glove box.
6. The Heat labile compounds should be added after autoclaving.
7. Trace element solution and reducing agent solution should be prepared
separately and should be autoclaved.
8. Trace vitamin solution should be sterilized by filtration.
9. At least three consecutive dilutions should be inoculated

6.10 Inoculum Generation Facilities On IR

1.0 General:
On the basis of MoU between Indian Railways and DRDO, the bio toilet trial on
IR is going on. For intensive monitoring of the Bio-Toilet system, a test scheme has
been developed for implementation on IR after formal approval of RDSO/LKO. As
per Railway Board’s guidelines, the bio-toilet tanks i.e. Bio digesters are being fitted
in the new coaches being turned out from RCF/ICF. At present, the initial charging
of bacterial culture in the coaches is being done by DRDE/Gwalior by providing
Inoculum in the barrels or by Bio-Toilet tank manufacturers. The quality check of the
product and bio toilet effluent is also recommended according to ALPHA testing
methods in DRDE/govt approved labs by collecting samples from coaching depots.

As per Railway Board’s guidelines, a 100 M3 capacity Inoculum generation plant

has been developed in the Motibagh workshop in S.E.C. Railway, Nagpur and in
future, similar plants may also be proposed to be developed in production units/zonal
Railways. Hence, it was felt necessary to develop lab sample testing facilities in
Railways for doing recommended testings in Railway premises/Railway Labs/
production units & major testings in Govt. approved labs. The abstract estimates for
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical & S&T works for Bacteria Generation plant in given for
assistance to Zonal Railways & Productions units.

Civil Work:
Inoculum Generation Facility -
S.No. Work Proposed
1. Excavation: Total Excavation in earth for foundation of Sump well i.e. dressing of
sides in all types of soil, rectangular storage tank, gas collection chamber, including
disposal of earth-
= 264.66 Cum

2. Foundation: Providing and laying plain cement Concrete mechanically mixed,

vibrated, M-15 grade with 20 mm, graded metal (Hard Metal B.T.) for foundation
course up to complete work.
= 12.50 Cum

3. Proving and laying M-20 reinforced Cement Concrete Mechanically mixed vibrated
with 20 mm, hard graded metal (B.T. Metal) excluding cost of reinforcement but i/c
form work propping bracing etc. complete
Bottom Slab = 3.43 Cum

i. Cylindrical Wall = 13.85 Cum

ii. Haunching = 0.18 Cum

iii. Top ring Beam = 0.75 Cum

iv. Top Dome = 2.45 Cum

S.No. Work Proposed
v. Total = 20.66 Cum.

4. Reinforcement for concrete work @ 2% of volume i.e. 37.15Cum => 0.75M3 x 7850
kg/Cum.= 5,832.55 kg. i/c cutting bending, centering, overlaps, wastage etc.

5. Provision of providing & fixing 4“pipes approx.120 feet for inlet, outlet, scour, overflow
including labour and material nut, bolts, valves, bends, transportation, testing etc. as
shown in the drawing

6. Provision for 20 feet long Aluminum ladder, ventilation shaft, manhole covers, water
gauge, water proofing treatment, back filling, site grading, plinth protection and
miscellaneous work.

7. FRP Lining inside the walls of tank for area approx.50 m2 and approx. 70 m2 P/U
insulation from outside the walls.

8. Water Chiller: Water cooled chiller of 20-ton capacity consisting of 10-ton

capacity Danfoss scroll hybrid compressors each with FRP cooling tower of 30 TR
capacity and 5 HP electrical motor with mono block pump with all fitting

9. Rectangular Storage Tank: Overflow chamber (Rectangular Storage Tank) of 32

M3 Capacity of Brick wall construction covered with 5 mm thick M.S. Sheet
fabricated cover with handle along with the provision of one end hinges.

10. Gas collection chamber: 1480 mm inner dia S.S./FRP floating dome (sheet
thickness size 1.5mm) volume approx. 500 ltrs capacity, round chamber for
methane gas collection with the provision of holding cantilever height approx.12
feet along with steel wire rope of suitable capacity & iron counter weight with

11. Mud Pump: Provision of one Mud pump of 5HP capacity for agitation of slurry
with 5 HP elect. motor with starter & other accessory.

12. Standby Mud Pump: Provision of one Mud pump of 5HP capacity for agitation of
slurry with 5 HP elect. motor with starter & other accessory.

13. Gas cooling coil: ¾” (19 mm Ø) Tin coated copper cooling coil fitted approx.
1000 feet inside the inoculums plant as per chiller capacity.

14. Covered shed: 12000 mm long X 9000 mm width X 3600 mm height M.S. Shed
with RCC foundation with 6” MS channels and jally & provision of Antilock tile
flooring at plant area.

15. Operators Cabin: Construction of RCC roof operators cabin size 3000 x 3000
mm (U/R pile foundation) with the provision of 02 nos. windows & one door &

16. Store & Bio Toilet: Construction of RCC roof store size 3000 x 3000 mm with
attached toilet (U/R pile foundation) size 2000 x 1800 mm with the provision of 02
nos. windows & one door & flooring

S.No. Work Proposed
17 Surrounding wall and chain link fencing: Construction of 2 feet high brick wall
and fitting of chain link fencing supported on iron angles height approx. 1.82
meters above the wall size 55 X 45 feet & fabrication of 12X6 feet size MS gate or
brick wall as shown in estimate.

Electrical Work:

SN Work proposed Load/ Estimated

quantity cost
( in lacks)
1. Installation and electrical connections to water cooled 15 kW --
chiller plant of 20 Ton capacity (with 02 compressors of
10Ton capacity each)
2. Installation and electrical connections to cooling tower 2 kW --
with 3 HP Motor & lifting Pump
3. Installation and electrical connections to agitation mud 2 kW --
pump with 3 HP low rpm Motor
4. Installation and electrical connections to 02 nos. Mud 2 kW --
Pump with 1.5 HP Motor
5. Installation and electrical connections to 02 nos. Mud 3.5 kW --
Pumps with 5 HP Motor
6. 100 Amp Main Distribution Board with TPIC switch and 1.50
Control Panel consists of 3-phase supply bus bar for mud
pumps, water pump, chiller and circulating pump etc.,
single phasing preventer, earth fault preventer,
distribution MCBs, phase indicators etc..
7. 05 No. Industrial out door type 2 x 36 Watt T5 FTL pole 0.5 kW 0.50
mounted fittings.
8. 03 Core 4 Wire 35 mm2 Armoured main service cable – 50 meters 0.75
Railway supply to plant MDB with standby cable.
9. 03 Core 4 Wire 10 mm2 cable from MDB to chiller and 5/3 50 Meters 0.30
HP pump motors.
10. 03 Core 4 Wire 06 mm2 cable from MDB to 1.5 HP pump 50 Meters 0.20
motors, room lights and area lights.
11. Maintenance free earthing arrangement 02 earthing 0.25
12. Light & Fan wiring with accessories in operator room, --- 0.10
store room and toilet
02 Fan, 04 F/T, 04 Sockets -05Amp, 02 Power Sockets -
15 Amp
13. Fire Extinguishers (DCP Type) 04 Nos. 0.10
Total Load 28.5 kW 03.70

Total Estimated Cost of work (Approximately) 3.70 Lacks

2. Abstract for quantities estimated approximately for INOCULUM
(Plant Capacity 100 M3)- Based on IR’s Unified Standard Schedule of Rates-2010
(i) Civil Work
Item No Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remar
Earth Work:

011010 Earth work in excavation as per approved

drawings and dumping at embankment
site of spoil heap, within railway land,
including 50m lead and 1.5m lift, the lead
to be measured from the centre of gravity
of excavation to center of gravity of spoil
heap; The lift to be measure from natural
ground level and paid for in layers of 1.5
mtrs. Each, including incidental work, as
per specification in-
011011 All kinds of soils Cum 264.66 85.54 22639.02
012040 Filling, watering and ramming earth in 15 Cum 112.06 19.20 2151.55
cm. layers in flows and foundations
including 50 M lead and 1.5 M lift.
Plain Concrete:
031010 Proving and laying in position cement
concrete of specified proportion
excluding cost of cement, centering and
shuttering – all works up to plinth level
031023 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 Sand : 4 graded stone Cum 12.50 1883. 23542.50 3.2
aggregate 20mm nominal size) 40 qtl/cum
Reinforced Cement Concrete:
041010 Providing and laying in position M-20
grade concrete for reinforce concrete
structural element but excluding cost of
centering, shuttering, reinforcement and
admixtures in recommended proportion
(as per IS: 9103) to accelerate, retard
setting of concrete, improve workability
without impairing strength and durability
as per direction of engineer in charge.
041011 All works up to plinth level, including raft Cum 29.30 2100. 61533.81 3.44
foundation of washable aprons, HS tanks , 13 qtl/cum
pile cap, footings of FOB and platform
shelter etc.
041012 All work in buildings above plinth level Cum 07.85 2309. 18130.20 3.44
up to floor two level. 58 qtl/cum
042010 Centering and shuttering including
strutting, propping etc. and removal of
form for :

042018 Arches, domes, vaults, up to 6M span Sqm 25.01 627.4 15691.27
042020 Centering and shuttering including
strutting, propping etc. and removal of
form for special shapes.
042021 Chimneys & Shafts Sqm 217.92 218.3 47571.93
042023 Extra for shuttering in circular work (20% Sqm 217.92 43.66 9514.38
of respective centering and shuttering
045010 Supplying reinforcement for RCC work
including straightening, cutting, welding,
placing in position and binding all
045014 High yield strength deformed bars Kg 5832.55 54.35 316999.10
Brick Work:
051010 Brick work with non-modular (FPS)
bricks of class designation 7.5 in
foundation and plinth in -
051014 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine Cum 8.04 2903. 23340.92 0.95
sand) 10 qtl/cum
051030 Brick work with machine moulded
perforated bricks of class designation 12.5
conforming to IS 2222 – 1991 in
superstructure beyond plinth level up to 6
M above plinth level in cement mortar 1:6
(1 cement : 6 coarse sand)
051032 With modular bricks Cum 39.42 3348. 132005.75 0.55
70 qtl/cum
Wood Work :
072150 Proving and fixing to IS: 2202 part –I
non-decorative type, core or block board
constructions with frame of first class
hard wood and well meshed commercial 3
ply veneering with vertical grains or cross
bands and face veneers on both faces of
072151 35 mm thick including ISI marked Sqm 6.0 1104. 6626.70
stainless steel butt hinges with necessary 45
075050 Providing and fixing M.S. sliding door
bolts generally confirming to IS: 281,
bright satin finish or black stone
enameled with nuts and screws etc.
complete of size.
075051 300 x 16 mm Each 6 107.7 646.74
075060 Providing and fixing M.S. tower bolts
generally confirming to IS: 204 (Part-I)
with necessary screws etc. complete of
075063 150 x 10 mm Each 12 29.64 355.68
075070 Providing and fixing M.S. door handles
with necessary screws etc. complete
075072 100 mm Each 6 15.58 93.48
Steel & Aluminium Work:
081030 Structural steel work welded in built up
sections, trusses and framed work,
girders, stagings, racks, etc including
cutting, bending, straightening, hoisting,
fixing in position , including applying a
primary coat of approved steel primer,
complete – 6 M height above G.L.
081031 In R.S.J., tees, angles and channels Kg. 4481.25 69.24 310281.75
081032 In flats, plates, round or square bars Kg 541.36 68.00 36812.48
081280 Providing and fixing pressed steel door
frames manufactured from commercial
mild steel sheet of 1.25 mm thickness
including hinges jamb , lock jamb, bead
and if required angle threshold of mild
steel angle of section 50 x 25 mm, or base
ties of 1.25 mm pressed mild steel welded
or rigidly fixed together by mechanical
means, adjustable lugs with split end tail
to each jamb including steel butt hinges
25 mm thick with mortar guard, lock
strike –plate and shock absorbers as
specified and applying a coat of approved
steel primer after pretreatment of the
surface as directed by the Engineer-in-
081282 Profile-B (125 x 60 mm) Single rebate Mtrs 16.5 2304. 38031.51
081320 Providing and fixing M.S. fan clamp of Each 2 94.99 189.98
16 mm dia M.S. bar bent to safe with
hooked ends in R.C.C slabs during laying
including painting the exposed portion of
loop, all as per standard design complete.
082030 Providing and fixing glazing in
aluminium door, window, ventilator
shutters and partitions etc. with PVC /
neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the
architectural drawings and the directions
of engineer-in-charge (Cost of aluminium
snap beading shall be paid in basic item)
082031 With float/ frosted glass panes of 4 mm Sqm 5.4 644.1 3478.57
thickness (weight not less than 10.0 Kg/ 8
Flooring, Paving & Dado:
096070 Kota stone slab flooring of size up to 60
x 60 cm over 20mm (average) thick base
of 1:4 cement mortar (1 cement: 4 coarse
sand) and jointed with grey cement
slurry mixed with pigment to match the
shade of the slab including rubbing and
polishing complete.
096072 25 mm thick Sqm 15.68 1049.88 16462.12
Roofs & Ceilings:
102010 Proving and fixing asbestos cement 6 Sqm 145.6 255.27 37167.31
mm thick corrugated / semi corrugated
sheet roofing up to any pitch and fixing
with polymer coated J of L hooks, bolts
and nuts 8 mm dia G.I plain and bitumen
washers complete excluding the cost of
purlins, rafters and trusses.
102040 Providing and fixing ridges and hips in
asbestos cement sheet roofing.
102041 One piece plain angular ridges Mtrs 14.00 160.05 2240.70
108160 Providing and fixing on wall face
unplasticised rigid PVC single socketed
rain water pipes conforming to IS: 13592
Type A including jointing with seal ring
conforming to IS: 532 leaving 10 mm
gap for thermal expansion.
108162 110 mm dia. Mtrs 45.00 196.24 8830.80
Finishing Masonry:
111010 12 mm cement plaster of mixed -
111011 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand) Sqm 484.84 62.37 30239.47 0.055
111090 12m cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 Sqm 360.57 75.38 27179.76 0.095
coarse sand) finished with a floating coat qtl/sqm
of neat cement
115010 White washing with lime to give an
even shade
115011 New work (three or more coats) Sqm 805.21 8.61 6932.85
115050 Distempering two or more coats on new Sqm 153.64 30.22 4643.00
work with 1st quality acrylic washable
distemper (ready mixed) of approved
manufacturer and of required shade and
colour complete as per manufacturer’s
116120 Extra for plastering on circular work not
exceeding 6 M in radius
116121 In one coat Sqm 270.27 9.77 2640.54

Painting, Polishing & Varnishing:
121061 Two or more coats on new work over an Sqm 8.00 66.08 528.64
under coat of suitable shade with ordinary
paint of approved brand and manufacture.
Pipe Work:
131120 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl
Chloride (CPVC) Large diameter pipes,
having thermal stability for hot and cold
water supply including all CPVC plain and
brass threaded fittings with one step CPVC
solvent cement, trenching, refilling and
testing of joints complete as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge. External work (higher
131122 100 mm nominal outer dia. Pipes Mtrs 40.00 2595.13 103805.20
Sanitary Installations:
151010 Providing and fixing water closet squatting
pan (India type W.C. pan) with 100 mm
sand cast iron P or S trap, 10 litre low level
white PVC flushing cistern with manually
control device (handle lever ) conforming to
IS: 7231, with all fittings and fixtures
complete including cutting and making
good the walls and floors wherever
151011 White Vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. Each 1.00 3313.12 3313.12
pan of size 580 x 400 mm with integral type
foot rests.
151040 Providing and fixing white vitreous china
flat back or wall corner type lipped front
urinal basin of 430x260x350 mm and
340x410x265 mm sizes respectively with
automatic flushing cistern, with standard
flush pipe and CP brass spreaders with brass
unions and GI clamps complete including
painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and
making good the walls and floors wherever
151041 One urinal basin with 5 litre white PVC Each 1.00 2580.95 2580.95
automatic flushing cistern
151070 Providing and fixing wash basin with CI/
MS brackets, 15 mm CP brass pillar taps, 32
mm CP brass waste of standard pattern,
including painting of fittings and brackets,
cutting and making good the walls wherever

151073 White vitreous china wash basin size 550 x Each 1.00 1898.79 1898.79
400 mm with a pair of 15mm CP brass
pillar taps
151190 Providing and fixing controlled flush, low
level cistern made of British China
conforming to IS: 7231, with all fittings
151191 10 ltrs (full flush) capacity - White Each 1.00 1770.13 1770.13
152080 Providing and fixing PVC waste pipe for
sink or wash basin including PVC waste
fitting complete
152082 Flexible pipe 32 mm dia Each 2.00 63.88 127.76
Miscellaneous Building Works:
171620 Boring, providing and installing cast-in-situ
single under reamed piles with bulb dia of
2.5 times the pile dia of any length in M-35
grade to carry a safe working load not less
than specified including cost of boring with
bentonite solution and pile to be embedded
in pile cap etc. all complete. Length of pile
for payment shall be measured up to the
bottom of pile cap. Payment for steel and
cement will be made separately
171621 300 mm dia piles Mtrs 117.00 1558.51 182345.67
171700 Post-construction anti-termite treatment to Sqm 20.40 64.64 1318.65
structure with application by trenching,
drilling holes, injecting of Imidacloprid
30.5% SC @ 0.075% concentration mixed
with water and ratio 1:475 along with
spraying of woodwork with termiseal (oil
based approved termiticide), as detailed in
Indian Railways Standards Specifications,
so as to create a chemical barrier below and
around the structure by an approved
professional agency. (Built up area shall be
considered for payment)
Fencing & Boundary Marks:
241018 M.S. angle posts / struts, of required size, Kg 109.20 48.39 5284.18
including bottom to be split and bent at right
angle in opposite direction for 10 cm length
and drilling holes up to 10mm dia etc.
242050 Providing 1.2 M high fencing with 1.8 M Mtrs 70.00 52.34 3663.80
angle iron 40 x 40 x 6 mm posts placed
every 3 M centre to centre embedded in
cement concrete blocks very 15th post (or
nearer if there is abrupt change of ground

slope) last but one end post and corner post
shall be strutted on both sides and end post
on one side only, and struts embedded in
cement concrete blocks, and provided with
5 horizontal lines and two diagonals
interwoven with horizontal G.I. barbed
wires, of barbed wire 9.38 kg per 100 M
(Min.) between the two posts fitted and
fixed with G.I staples, complete (cost of
posts, struts and concrete to be paid
242110 Fixing posts (M.S. angle / flat) of any shape Each 26.00 71.08 1848.08
over top of wall, including making holes in
masonry and fixing posts in cement
concrete. (cement concrete to be paid
Pakka Road/WBM:
231010 Preparation of sub grade by excavating Sqm 52.50 38.91 2042.77
earth up to 22.5 cm depth, dressing to
camber and consolidating with power road
roller of 8 to 12 tonne capacity including
making good the undulation etc and
disposal of surplus earth with lead up to 50
231041 Sub- base with stone aggregate 90 mm to 45 Cum 16.00 1003.48 16055.68
mm including stone screening 13.2 mm size

231043 Base course with 53 mm to 22.4 mm stone Cum 8.0 1114.45 8915.60
size 15x3.5x0.15 mm
231050 Providing and laying water bound macadam
sub base with aggregate and binding
material, earth/ moorum etc. including
screening, sorting and spreading to template
and consolidation with light power road
roller etc. complete.
231051 Over burnt (Jhama) brick aggregate 120 mm Cum 6.3 928.92 5852.19
to 40 mm.
033060 Supply and using cement at worksite:
033061 OPC 43 grade Tonne 25.81 5980.00 154343.80
Total Rupees in word Seventeen lakhs One thousand Six hundred Sixty Seven only. 1701667.94

(ii) Sump well (cylindrical tank) for Inoculum Generation

1. Excavation π/4 (7.0)2 x 6.0 = 242.45 Cum

2. PCC π/4 (7.0)2 x 0.15 = 5.77 Cm
3. R.C.C
a) Bottom Slab π/4 (5.4)2 x 0.15 = 3.43 Cm
b) Cylindrical Wall π (4.9) x 6.0 x 0.1 = 13.85 Cm
c) Hamching π (4.55) x 1/2 (0.25 x 0.1) = 0.18 Cm 20.66 m3
d) Top Ring Beam π (4.8) x 0.2 x 0.25 = 0.75 Cm
e) Top Dome π [(2.6)2 + π (0.8)2] x 0.1 = 2.33 Cm
2 x π (0.4) x 0.1 x 0.5 = 0.125 Cm
4. Form Work
a) Bottom Slab π (5.4) x 0.15 = 2.54 Sq. m
b) Cylindrical Wall 2 x π (4.9) x 6.00 = 184.72 Sq. m
c) Hamching 2 x π (5.0) x 0.25 = 7.85 Sq. m 220.12 Sq.m
d) Top Dome π (2.6)2
= 21.24 Sq. m
2 x 2 x π (0.5) x 0.6 = 3.77 Sq. m

5. Reinforcement@2% of 20.66 Cum x 7850 Kg/Cum = 3243.62 Kg

6. Plaster – same as form work = 220.12
- Ext dome = π (2.6)2 – 21.24 241.36 Sq.m
7. Back filling π (5.8) x 6.15 x 1.0 = 112.06 Cm

(iii) Rectangular Storage Tank

1. Excavation 1 x 4.0 x 4.3 x 1.05 = 18.06 Cum

2. P.C.C. 1 x 4.0 x 4.3 x 0.15 = 2.58 Cum
3. Brick Masonry 2 x (3.7 + 3.0) 3.0 x 0.2 = 8.04 Cum
4. Plaster -Wall 2 (3.0 +3.3) x 3.0 = 37.80
2 (3.7 +3.4) x 3.0 = 42.60 90.30 Sq.m
- Floor 1 x 3.3 x 3.0 = 9.9

5. Iron Cover (05 mm thick) 4 x 1.6 x 1.2 = 7.6 Sq.m

2 x 1.6 x 1.1 = 3.52

Weight of Iron Cover 5 mm thick @ 39.25 kg/Sq.m = 39.25 x 11.2 = 439.6 Kg

6. I- Section (100x75 mm) - 3.7 and 3.4 length

- 3.7 + 2 x 3.4 = 10.5 m
ISMB 100 X 75 weight @ 11.5 kg/ m = 10.0 x 11.5 = 120.75 Kg

(iv) Operator’s Cabin & Store with bio-toilet

1. Excavation 6 x π/4 (0.2)2 x 3.0 = 0.565 Cu.m

2. R.C.C. M-15
Pile 6 x π/4 (0.2)2 x 3.0 = 0.565 Cu.m
Column 6 x 0.2 x 0.2 x 3.0 = 0.72
Beams 7 x 3.0 x 0.2 x 0.3 = 1.26 Cu.m
Slab 2 x 4.0 x 4.0 x 0.1 = 3.2 Cu.m 6.855 Cu.m
Lintal 6 x 1.5 x 0.2 x 0.15 = 0.27 Cu.m
Plinth Beam 7 x 3.0 x 0.2 x 0.2 = 0.84 Cu.m
3. Reinforcement @ 2% - 2% of 6.855 0.1371 Cum @ 7850 Kg/ Cum = 1076.23 Kg
4 Centreing
Plinth Beam 7 x 2.8 x 3 (0.2) = 11.76
Columns 6 x 4 (0.2) x 3.0 = 14.4
Beams 7 x 2.8 x 3 (0.2) = 11.76

Slab 2 x 2.8 x 2.8 = 15.68 82.10 Sq.M

2 x 1.0 x 8.0 = 16.0
2 x 1.0 x 3.0 = 6.0
2 x 8.0 x 0.1 = 1.6
2 x 5.0 x 0.1 = 1.0
Lintel 6 x 1.0 x 0.2 = 1.2
6 x 2 x 1.5 x 0.15 = 2.7
3. Brick Masonry 7 x 2.8 x 2.7 x 0.2 = 10.58
Deduction -
Door 2 x 1.0 x 0.2 x 2.1 = 0.84
Lintel 2 x 1.0 x 0.20 x 0.15 = 0.06 1.98 8.60 Cum
Window 4 x 1.0 x 0.2 x 1.2 = 0.96
Lintel 4 x 1.0 x 0.2 x 0.15 = 0.12
4. Flooring 2 x 2.8 x 2.8 = 15.68 Sqm
5. Plaster- 1 x 7.4 x 4.6 = 34.04 36.64
Sides 2 (8+5) x 0.1 = 2.60
Wall 2 x 7 x 3.0 x 3.0 = 126.0 153.64 Sqm
Ded-Door 2 x 1.0 x 2.1 = 4.2
Window 2 x 2 x 1.0 x 1.2 = 4.8 9.0
6. White Washing = 153.64 Sqm
7. Door (02 No.) 1 x 2.1 x 1.0 = 2.1 Sqm
8. Window (04 No.) 1 x 1.2 x 1.0 = 1.2 Sqm

(v) Gas Collection Chamber

1. Excavation π/4 (2.3)2 x 1.0 = 4.15 Cu.m

2. P.C.C π/4 (2.3)2 x 1.0 = 4.15 Cu.m
3. R.C.C. M-20
Bottom Slab π/4 (2.5)2 x 0.15 = 0.74 Cu.m
Cylindrical Wall π (1.6) x 1.45 x 0.1 = 0.73 Cu.m 2.02 Cum
Water duct π (2.0) x 0.3 x 0.1 = 0.19 Cu.m
π (2.3) x 0.5 x 0.1 = 0.36 Cu.m

4. Reinforcement @ 2% 2 x 2.02 x 7850 = 317.34 Kg

5. Centreing
Circular π (1.5) x 1.45 = 6.83
π (1.35) x 1.45 = 6.15
π (2.0) x 0.3 = 1.89 22.81 Sq.m
π (2.3) x 0.6 = 4.33
π (2.3) x 0.5 = 3.61
6. Plaster - Same as Centering = 22.81
π (2.3) x 0.6 = 4.33 28.91 Sq.m
π/4 (1.50)2 = 1.77

(vi) Surrounding wall and Chain link fencing

1. Excavation 25 x π/4 (0.2)2 x 3.0 = 2.35

2. R.C.C.
a) Pile 25 x π/4 (0.2)2 x 3.0 = 2.35 Cu.m
b) Plinth Beam 72.0 x 0.2 x 0.2 = 2.88 Cu.m
3. Centering 72.0 x 3 (0.2) = 43.2 42. 42Sq.m
Ded. (-) 25 x π/4 (0.2)2 = (-) 0.78
4. R.C.C. Column (200x200) 25 x 0.2 x 0.2 x 2.4 = 2.4 Cu.m
Centering 25 x 4 x 0.2 x 2.4 = 48 Sq.m
5. Reinforcement @ 2% of Cone volume = 2% of (2.35 + 2.88 + 2.4) = 1201.0 Kg
Brick masonry 72 x 0.2 x 2.4 = 34.56
Ded. Column (-)25 x 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.24 = (-) 2.4 30.82
Brick masonry (-) 2.8 x 2.4 x 0.2 = (-) 1.34

7. Plaster 2 x 72.0 x 2.4 = 345.6

Ded (for gate) (-) 2 x 3.0 x 2.4 = (-) 14.4 331.20 Sq.m

8. White Washing - Same as plaster = 331.2 Sq. m

9. Angle Section 25 mm x 25 mm = 25 x 1.0 = 25 m.

Weight @1.1 Kg/m 1.1 x 25 = 27.5 Kg
Wire fencing length = 70.0 m.

WBM Road - 3.5 M wide & 15.0 M long

1. Excavation 1 x 3.5 x 15.0 = 52.50 Sqm

2. Sub-base with stone aggregate 1 x 3.5 x 15.0 x 0.09 = 4.725 Cum
90 mm to 45 mm
3. WBM with over burnt brick 1 x 3.5 x 15.0 x 0.12 = 6.30 Cum
aggregate 120 mm to 40 mm.


(viii) NS items:
S.No. Work Proposed Estimated Cost
1 Provision for 20 feet long Aluminum ladder, ventilation shaft,
manhole covers, water gauge, water proofing treatment, site grading, 105000.00
plinth protection and miscellaneous work-
2 FRP Lining inside the walls of tank for area approx.50 m2 and
approx. 70 m2 P/U insulation from outside the walls.
3 Gas cooling coil: ¾” Tin coated copper cooling coil fitted approx.
1000 feet inside the inoculums plant as per chiller capacity fitted with 92000.00
suitable supporting structure.
4. M.S. cantilever for SS/ FRP dome cover with the provision of suitable
chain, pulley and counter weight for approximately 100 Kg weight.
5. Rectangular M.S. covers: 5 mm thick size 1.2 x 3.0 M, 03 nos.
rectangular M.S. covers with the provision of handles and 02 nos. 40000.00
hinges in each cover.
6. Suitable size fabricated shed (to cover 12 ft. x 8 ft. size cow-dung
platform) made of M.S. channels and members with the provision of ---
fibre sheets at top for protection of cow-dung feeding unit.
7. Suitable size fabricated shed (to cover 1.5 M x 0.91 M size agitation
tank unit) made of M.S. channels and members with the provision of ---
fibre sheets at top for protection of agitation tank unit.
8 Covered shed approx. size 12192mm x 9144 mm x 3658 mm M.S
fabricated steel with RCC foundation with 6” MS channels and jally --
and provision of antilock tiles flooring at plant area.

Total: (Excluding Item No. 6, 7 & 8.) 344800.00

(viii) M&P Items:

S.No. Work Proposed Estimated Cost
1 Water Chiller: One water cooled chiller of 20 ton capacity consisting 8,20,000.00
of 10 ton capacity Danfoss scroll hybrid compressors each with FRP
cooling tower of 30 TR capacity and 3 HP electrical motor with mono
block pump with all fitting arrangements.
2 Mud Pump: Provision of one Mud pump of 5HP capacity for agitation 50,000.00
of slurry with 5 HP elect. motor with starter & other accessories.
3 Standby Mud Pump: Provision of one Mud pump of 5HP capacity ---
for agitation of slurry with 5 HP elect. motor with starter & other
4 Water Pipe Line Pump: Pump with 5 HP motor 20,000.00
5. Dispensing pump – 1.5 HP (02 nos) : 02 nos. 1.5 HP pumps, one for 41,000.00
Inoculum dispensing and another pump for cow dung feeding unit.
6 Bio-digester capacity 2 Cum: 1 unit of Bio-digester capacity 2 Cum 90,000.00
to be provided in Bio-toilets of the plant.

Total: Ten Lack Twenty-One Thousand Only. 1021000.00

(ix) Electrical Work:
SN Work proposed Load/ Estimated
quantity cost
1. Installation and electrical connections to water cooled 15 kW
chiller plant of 20 Ton capacity (with 02 compressors of 21000.00
10Ton capacity each)
2. Installation and electrical connections to cooling tower 2 kW
with 3 HP Motor & lifting Pump
3. Installation and electrical connections to agitation mud 2 kW
pump with 3 HP low rpm Motor
4. Installation and electrical connections to 02 nos. Mud 2 kW
Pump with 1.5 HP Motor
5. Installation and electrical connections to 02 nos. Mud 3.5 kW
Pump with 5 HP Motor
6. 100 Amp Main Distribution Board with TPIC switch and
Control Panel consists of 3-phase supply bus bar for mud
pumps, water pump, chiller and circulating pump etc., 50,000.00
single phasing preventer, earth fault preventer, distribution
MCBs, phase indicators etc..
7. 05 No. Industrial outdoor type 2 x 36 Watt T5 FTL pole 0.5 kW
mounted fittings.
8. 03 Core 4 Wire 35 mm2 Armoured main service cable – 50 meters
Railway supply to plant MDB with standby cable. 5,100.00
9. 03 Core 4 Wire 16 mm2 cable from MDB to chiller and 50 Meters
5/3 HP pump motors. * @Rs.62/m
10. 03 Core 4 Wire 16 mm2 cable from MDB to 1.5 HP pump 50 Meters
motors, room lights and area lights. * @Rs.62/m
11. Maintenance free earthing arrangement 02
Earthing 23,000.00
12. Light & Fan wiring with accessories in operator room, ---
store room and toilet
02 Fan, 04 F/T, 04 Sockets -05Amp, 02 Power Sockets -
15 Amp
13. Fire Extinguisher (DCP Type) 04 Nos. 10,000.00
Total Load 23.3 kW
Total Estimated Cost of work (Approximately) 195300.00
Note: Local market survey may be carried out before floating tender.

* The rates are as per DGS&D Rate Contract no. UGAC-GP/FR/ES-3/RS-B1020000/ 110/ 33/
04358/ 3239 DTD. 23.07.2010

6.11 Approved Drawing for Inoculum Generation Facility.

6.12 Layout drawing showing Bacteria generation in plant

6.13. Instruments for analysis of Effluent parameters

Specifications and approximate cost

S.No Instrument Specifications Approximate

Cost (Rs)
1. Table top pH Ph accuracy – 0.01 units,
meter Calibration – up to 3 points with auto buffer
Display – large dual line,
Temperature compensation –
Automatic/manual 0 - 100°C, 35,000
Memory – 50 data sets,
Power requirements – 220 V
Warranty – 1 Year for instrument and 6 months for

Table top pH meter Portable pH meter

2. Portable pH pH accuracy – 0.01 units,

meter Calibration – up to 2 points with auto buffer
Temperature compensation –
Automatic/manual 0 - 100°C, 5000
Power requirements –Battery operated, Auto power
off for 10 minutes.
Warranty – 1 Year for instrument and 6 months for

3. Hot air oven Temperature – Up to 250°C,
Temp control – Thermostatic ± 2°C,
Oven – Double walled Aluminum/SS, outside MS
with epoxy coating.
Shelves –Wire mesh shelves. 50,000
Door – With synthetic rubber gasket.
Air circulation Fan – present.
Size – 455 mm x 455 mm x 455 mm (W x D x H)

Hot Air oven Filter flask assembly

Silica crucible Weighing balance

4. Filtering flask Assembly – SS/ Glass.

assembly Filter Dia- 47 mm.
Filtration area: 5 -10 cm2.
Size – 15-20 cm X 5-10 cm
Out let – No. 8 perforated silicone
Volume - 500 ml
Stopper – mounted on 1 L Glass vessel

5. Muffle Furnace Size – 125 mm x 125 mm x 300 mm (W x D X H)
Power – 3.0 KW
Temperature – Up to 900°C,
Outer Casting – MS with epoxy coating.
Temp Control – Digital Temperature controller cum 50,000
Heating element- Kanthal wire/ special high
temperature alloy


6 COD Digester Controller – Microprocessor Based Digital Temperature
Indicator cum Controller
Display – LED with set value (SV) and process value
Block Dimensions (WxDxH) in mm-
270 mm(L) x 150 mm(W) x 70 mm(D)
Heater Load – 1.0 KW
Tube cavity – 40 mm(Φ)x 65 mm (D)
No. of cavities – 15 holes to accommodate 15 samples
Glass Tube Size – Supplied with 15 Nos of glass tubes
of size 38 mm (Φ)x 200 mm (Length)
Glass Air Condenser Size – 15 nos. of air condensers
of 600 mm length each.
Temperature Range–Ambient+5°C to150 °C
Temperature Accuracy – +1 °C
Sensor – RTD (Pt- 100)
Material – External Power Coated CRC Steel
Block – Polished Aluminum
Tube Rack -1 No.
Power Supply – 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz.
Optional – spare digestion tubes (15 No.)
Tube rack (1 No.)
6a. Lab Coat and Hand Gloves 1000

7. Magnetic Mixing Maximum Stirring Capacity – 1 liter (0.26 gallons)
Speed Range – Min. 100 rpm, Max. 1000 rpm
Cover Material – ABS plastic
Dimensions – 137 mm (dia) x 51 mm (h)
Weight – 640 g (1.4lb)
Accessories: Micro Stir Bars for Magnetic Stirrers.

pH Equipments

Magnetic stirrer Magnetic bars pH indicator strips

8. Autoclave Material of vessel – inside – Stainless steel, outside

– epoxy coated MS
Effective volume – 22 L (250 mm x 450 mm; Dia x
Weight -15 - 25 Kg.
Power consumption – 2 - 3 KW.
Operating temperature Range – 120 ± 10°C
Keep warm temperature – 45 °C – 60 °C.
Safety device – Safety valve, over temperature &
over pressure limiter, Error indicators.
Accessories – 2/3 stainless steel baskets, indfoss
piezostat to adjust pressure between 15 to 22 PSI
9. Laminar air flow Size – 1200 mm x 600 mm x 600 mm (L X W X D)
Door – Acrylic
Light – Both UV and Flourescent
Outer casting – Duro board / SS 304. 1,70,000
Filter – HEPA with 0.3 μm pore size.
Accessories: Cock for Gas/vacuum line, Bunsen

Laminar air flow chamber

10. Incubator Temperature – Ambient to 60 °C.
Temp Control – Thermostatic ± 1°C
Size – 450 mm x 450 mm x 600 mm (LxWxD)
Heating elements: Bottom.
Casing – inside – Double walled
Aluminium/SS, outside – MS with epoxy coating 1,50,000
Door – Glass window and with synthetic rubber
Shelves – Wire mesh shelves,
Power – 240 V AC
Air circulation Fan – Present.


11 Burette Class – A class.

Make – PTFE pathway.
Capacity – 50 ml.
Graduation interval – 0.1 ml. 3000
Height – 720 mm.
Tolerance – 0.1 ml.
Accessories: leak proof stopcocks.
12 Fume Hood Internal size: L 1200 x D 600 x H 600 mm
System Make: wood
Working Space: Stainless steel 316, Acid resistant.
Wash basin size: 250 x 200 x 150 mm depth of
Stainless Steel 316.
Sliding slash: Glass make moves vertically up and
down with concealed counter balanced weight.
Exhaust system: Exhaust fan with stainless steel
deck & Duct to take out fumes.
Electrical: 1 fluorescent lamp, power socket (5/15
Accessories: Cock for Gas supply
13 Micropipettes Digital micropipette
Chemical resistant
Volume Range 50,000
20µl - 200 µl
100µl - 1000 µl
1 ml - 5 ml

14 General Graduated glassware 10,000
Facilities Sampling containers of plastic / Glass make 5,000
Required Refrigerator 15,000
Thermometer 1,000
Volumetric glassware 10,000
Magnetic bars all range 5,000
Tissue paper -
Blotting paper -
Para film -
Cotton -
Test tube bucket -
15 Gas Detecter type: Flame Ionisation Detector (FID)
Chromatograph Column: Capillary column suitable for methane
Accessories and consumables: Injectors/Gas-tight 4,50,000
Syringe, septa,
Gases: Air, Hydrogen and makeup gas; reference
pure methane gas

Gas Chromatograph

16. Pure methane 0.5 Litre Al canisters fitted with SS needle valve 9,000
(Reference) & pressure gauge and filled with pure methane
canister 500 ml at pressure of 20 Bar

Pure methane (Reference) canister 500 ml

17. Gassing Used typically for connecting inert gas and vacuum
Manifold sources
Fabricated from 0.5 in. medium-wall tubing 1,25,000
Upper left and lower right beams are open
Provided with Gas flow and pressure controller

Typical Gassing Manifold System

Sources of supply for Testing Equipments being used for testing

of bio-digester effluent.
S. Parameter Equipment Likely Source of supply
1 pH pH meter M/sThermo Scientific Instruments.
M/s Mettler toledo India (P) Ltd.
M/s Hanna Instruments.
M/s Labindia Analytical instruments (P) Ltd
M/s Bioscreen Instruments (P) Ltd.
M/ Systronic India Ltd, Ahmedabad
Magnetic stirrer & M/s Thermo Scientific Instruments
Magnetic stirrer M/s Labindia Analytical instruments (P) Ltd
bars M/s Bioscreen Instruments (P) Ltd.
M/s Remi Elektrotechnik Limited, Mumbai
M/s IKA Group, Bengaluru
M/s Labnet Inc
2 Solids Electronic weighing M/s Thermo Scientific Instruments.
(TS, TDS, VS) balance M/s Mettler toledo India (P) Ltd.
M/s Hanna Instruments.
M/s Labindia Analytical instruments (P) Ltd
M/s Bioscreen Instruments (P) Ltd.
M/s Advanced Technology, Ambala
M/s Avon Corporation Ltd, Mumbai

Pipettes M/s Eppendorf India (P) Ltd
M/s Labindia Analytical instruments (P) Ltd
M/s Bioscreen Instruments (P) Ltd.
M/s Genaxy scientific (P) Ltd,
M/s Thermo Scientific Instruments (P) Ltd
M/s Agile Lifescience Technologies India Pvt.
M/s Himedia Laboratories (P) Ltd.
Silica crucibles M/s Edutek instrumentation, Ambala
M/s Multilink marketing international, Chennai.
M/s Thermo scientific Instruments.
M/s Borosil Glass works Ltd
M/s Vensil Glass works Ltd
M/s Rivera Glass Private Ltd
M/s SCHOTT Glass India Pvt. Ltd
M/s Edutek instrumentation, Ambala
M/s Multilink marketing international, Chennai.
M/s Thermo scientific Instruments.
Hot air oven M/s Narang Scientific Works Ltd.
M/s Rodwell scientific instruments.
M/s Hindustan Apparatus Manufacturing
company, Mumbai.
M/s Labindia Analytical instruments (P) Ltd
M/s Bioscreen Instruments (P) Ltd.
M/s Thermo scientific Instruments.
Desiccators M/s Narang Scientific Works Ltd.
M/s Rodwell scientific instruments.
M/s Hindustan Apparatus Manufacturing
company, Mumbai
M/s Labindia Analytical instruments (P) Ltd
M/s Bioscreen Instruments (P) Ltd.
M/s Tarsons Products Pvt Ltd, Kolkat
Filter assembly M/s Millipore India (P) Ltd
M/s Labindia Analytical instruments (P) Ltd
M/s Bioscreen Instruments (P) Ltd.
M/s Thermo scientific Instruments
M/s Labnet Inc
Vacuum pump M/s Millipore India (P) Ltd
M/s Labindia Analytical instruments (P) Ltd
M/s Bioscreen Instruments (P) Ltd.
M/s Thermo scientific Instruments
M/s Labnet Inc
Glass wool filters M/s Whatman
M/s Thermo scientific Instruments (P) Ltd
M/s Millipore India (P) Lt
3 Chemical COD digester along M/s Narang Scientific Works Ltd.
Oxygen with digestion tubes M/s Rodwell scientific instruments.
Demand and condensers M/s Hindustan Apparatus Manufacturing
company, Mumbai
M/s Labindia Analytical instruments (P) Ltd
M/s GenNext Lab Technologies (P) Ltd, Delhi
M/s Biotechniques India, Mumbai
4 Total Fecal Total Fecal
Laminar Air Coli
Flow Laminar
M/s Air Flow
Thermo M/s Thermo (P)
scientific Instruments scientific
Coli forms Chamber
forms count M/s
Chamber Instruments
Narang Scientific Works Ltd. (P) Ltd
count M/s Narang Scientific
M/s Rodwell scientific instruments.
M/s Hindustan Apparatus Works Ltd.
company, Mumbai. M/s Rodwell scientific
Incubator instruments.
M/s Narang Scientific Works Ltd.
M/s REMI Sales & Eng M/s Ltd,Hindustan
M/s Rodwell scientific instruments.
M/s Hindustan Apparatus Manufacturing
company, Mumbai.
company, Mumbai
M/s Labindia Analytical instruments (P) Ltd
M/s GenNext Lab Technologies (P) Ltd, Delhi
M/s Hatch
M/s Biotechniques India, Mumbai
M/s Thermo scientific Instruments (P) Ltd
5 Methane Gas M/s Thermofisher Scientific Indian Pvt Ltd
estimations Chromatograph, A-34, Sector-2, Noida 201301
Gassing manifold M/s Accumax India, Janakpuri, Delhi
6 Sources for M/s HiMedia Laboratories, Mumbai (suitable for culture media and
Chemicals/re other AR grade reagents)
agents/consu M/s Sigma Aldrich Chemicals Pvt Ltd, Bangalore (suitable for
mables laboratory reagents)
M/s FINAR Limited, Ahmedabad (suitable for laboratory AR grade
Central Drug House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi (suitable for laboratory AR
grade reagents/chemicals)
M/s Sigma Gases & Services, New Delhi, Web: (for pure methane as reference standard
used in Gas Chromatograph)
M/s Borosil Glass Works Ltd, Ahmedabad (for all laboratory
M/s JSGW, Ambala (for all laboratory glasswares)

6.14 Central Pollution Control Board [CPCB] Annexure IV
(UPDATED UP TO 1ST March, 2018)
S.No Name of laboratory Group of Parameters Gazette Validity
Notification up
no. and date to
1. Quality Control Laboratory Physica,General and non-metallic, metals, Legal 42(3)/87 6th Mar.
Indian Oil Corporation organics, microbiological, toxicological, dated 7th 2021
Limited Bongaigaon P.O. and March,2016
Dhaligaon Dist. Chirang - Air pollution parameters for analysis of
783385 Assam ambient air, source emissions noise and
micrometeorological parameters.
2. Central Laboratory Physical, General and non-metallic, Legal 42(3)/87 3rd Dec.
Pollution Control Board metals, organics, microbiological, dated 4th 2022
Assam Bamunimaidam toxicological, biological, Hazardous December,201
Guwahati-781021 Kamrup waste, and air pollution parameters for 7
(M) Assam analysis of ambient air, source
emissions, noise and micrometeorological
3. Central Laboratory Central Physical, General and non-metallic, Legal 42(3)/87 10th Dec.
Pollution Control Board, metals, organics, microbiological, dated 11th 2020
Parivesh Bhawan East Arjun toxicological, biological, Hazardous December,
Nagar Delhi-110032 waste, soil, Sludge, Sediments, and air 2015
pollution parameters for analysis of
ambient air, source emissions, noise and
micrometeorological parameters.
4. Goa State Pollution Control Physical, General Chemical and non- Legal 42(3)/87 13th Aug.
Board metallic, metals, organics, microbiological, dated 14th 2019
Laboratory Dempo Towers toxicological, soil, Sludge, Sediments and August,
Ist Floor, EDC Patto Plaza, air pollution parameters for analysis of 2014
Panaji Goa-403001 ambient air, source emissions noise and
micrometeorological parameters.
5. Zonal Office (West) Physical, General and non-metallic, Legal 2nd Aug.
Laboratory Central Pollution metals, organics, microbiological, 42(3)/87 dated 2021
Control Board Parivesh toxicological, biological, soil, Sludge, 3rd
Bhawan, Opposite- VMC Sediments, and air pollution parameters August,2016
Ward office No.-10, for analysis of ambient air, source
Subhanpura, Vadodara- emissions noise and micrometeorological
390023 Gujarat parameters & vehicular emission
6. Gujarat Environment Physical, General and non-metallic, Legal 5th March
Management Institute metals, organics, microbiological, 42(3)/87 2022
(GEMI) Laboratory Gandhi toxicological, and air pollution parameters dated 6th
Nagar-382025 Gujarat for analysis of ambient air, source March
emissions, noise and micrometeorological 2017
7. Environmental Physical, General Chemical and non- Legal 13th
Engineering Laboratory metallic, metals, organics, microbiological, 42(3)/87 dated August,
MECON Ltd. toxicological, soil, 14th August, 2019
Vivekananda Path, sludge, sediments and air pollution 2014
Doranda Ranchi- 834002 parameters for analysis of ambient air,
Jharkhand source emissions, noise &
micrometeorological parameters.
8. Environmental Laboratory Physical, General Chemical and non- Legal 13th
Project and Development metallic, metals, organics, microbiological, 42(3)/87 dated August,
India Ltd. (PDIL) toxicological, soil, 14th August, 2019
P.O. Sindri- 828122 sludge and sediment, air pollution 2014
District Dhanbad parameters for analysis of ambient air,
Jharkhand source emissions noise and
micrometeorological parameters.
9. Environmental Laboratory Physical, General and non-metallic, metals, Legal 2nd August
Central Mine Planning & organics, microbiological, toxicological 42(3)/87 2021
Design Institute and dated 3
Limited (CMPDI) Air pollution parameters for analysis of August, 2016
Gondwana Place, Kanke ambient air, source emissions noise and
Road Ranchi- 834008 micrometeorological parameters.
10. Department of Physical, General and non-metallic, metals, Legal 18th
Environmental Science organics, microbiological, toxicological 42(3)/87 June,2012
and Engineering /Centre and dated 19th
of Mining Environment Air pollution parameters for analysis of June,2017
ISM Dhanbad-826004 ambient air, source emissions noise,
Jharkhand micrometeorological and vehicular
emission parameters .
11. Central Environmental Physical, General and non-metallic, metals, Legal 2nd August
Laboratory organics, microbiological, toxicological, 42(3)/87 2021
Karnataka State Pollution biological, Hazardous dated 3rd
Control Board Nisarga waste, soil, Sludge, Sediments, August,2016
Bhawan, ‘’B’’Block,7th and air pollution parameters for analysis of
‘D’ Main, Thimmaiah ambient air, source emissions, noise and
Road, Shivanagar, micrometeorological parameters
Bengaluru- 560058

12 Regional Physical, General and non-metallic, metals, Legal 5th March
Directorate(South) organics, microbiological, toxicological, 42(3)/87 2022
Central Pollution Control biological, Hazardous dated 6th
Board Bengaluru – 560079 waste, soil, Sludge, Sediments, and March
Karnataka air pollution parameters for analysis of 2017
ambient air, source emissions, noise and
micrometeorological parameters.

13 Central Laboratory M.P. Physical, General Chemical and non- Legal 42(3)/87 13th
Pollution Control Board metallic, metals, organics, microbiological, dated 14th August,
Paryavaran Parisar E-5, toxicological, soil, August, 2014 2019
Arera Colony, Bhopal- sludge, sediments and air pollution
462016 Madhya Pradesh parameters for analysis of ambient air,
source emissions,
noise, & micrometeorological parameters
14. Zonal Office Laboratory, Physical, General and non-metallic, metals, Legal 42(3)/87 10th
Central organics, microbiological, toxicological, dated 11th December,
Pollution Control Board, biological, Hazardous waste, soil, Sludge, December,201 2020
Central Zonal Office, Sediments, and air pollution parameters for 5
Sahkar Bhawan, 3rd Floor analysis of ambient air, source emissions
North T.T. Nagar Bhopal – noise and micrometeorological
462003 Madhya Pradesh parameters.
15. Regional Laboratory M.P. Physical, General and non-metallic, metals, Legal 42(3)/87 18th June
Pollution Control Board organics, microbiological, toxicological, dated 19th 2012
Vijay Nagar, Indore- biological, Hazardous waste, soil, June,2017
452010 M.P. Sludge, Sediments, and air pollution 18th
parameters for analysis of ambient air, June,2012
source emissions, noise and
micrometeorological parameters.
16. Central Laboratory Nirmal Physical, General Chemical and non- Legal 9th March,
Bhawan, Plot No.3 metallic, metals, organics, microbiological, 42(3)/87 2020
Maharashtra toxicological, biological, soil, Sludge, dated 10th
Pollution Control Board Sediments, Hazardous waste, and air March,2015
Shil-Mahape Road, Mahepe pollution parameters for analysis of ambient
Navi Mumbai 400710 air, source emissions noise and
Maharashtra micrometeorological parameters.
17. Regional Laboratory Physical, General and non-metallic, metals, Legal 10th
Maharashtra Pollution organics, microbiological, toxicological, 42(3)/87 December
Control Board, Jog Centre, biological, Hazardous waste, soil, Sludge, dated 11th ,
3rd Floor, Pune-Mumbai Sediments, and air pollution parameters for December,20 2020
Road, Wakdewadi Shivagi analysis of ambient air, source emissions 15
Nagar, Pune- 411003 noise and micrometeorological Parameters.

18. Regional Laboratory Physical, General and non-metallic, metals, Legal 5th March
Maharashtra Pollution organics, microbiological, toxicological and 42(3)/87 2022
Control Board Nagpur– air pollution parameters for analysis of dated 6th
440001 Maharashtra ambient air, source emissions noise and March 2017
micrometeorological parameters

19. Punjab Biotechnology Physical, General and non-metallic, metals, Legal 6th March
Incubator SCO: 7 & 8, organics, microbiological, toxicological, 42(3)/87 2021
Phase –V SAS Nagar biological, soil, Sludge, Sediments dated 7th
(Mohali) -160059 Punjab and air pollution parameters for analysis of March,2016
ambient air, source emissions noise and
micrometeorological parameters
& vehicular emission Parameters.
20. Head Office Laboratory Physical, General and non-metallic, metals, Legal 18th
Punjab Pollution Control organics, microbiological, toxicological, soil, 42(3)/87 June,2012
Board Vatavaran Bhawan Sludge, Sediments, and air pollution dated 19th
Nabha Road Patiala parameters for analysis of ambient air, June,2017
Punjab source emissions, noise micrometeorological
and vehicular emission parameters.
21. Environment Protection Physical, General and non-metallic, metals, Legal 6th March
Training and Research organics, microbiological, toxicological, 42(3)/87 2021
Institute (EPTRI) Survey biological, Hazardous waste, soil, Sludge, dated 7th
No.91/4, Gachibowli Sediments, and air pollution parameters for March,2016
Hyderabad- 500032 analysis of ambient air, source emissions,
Telangana noise and micrometeorological parameters.
22. Central Laboratory Physical, General and non-metallic, metals, Recognition
Telengana State Pollution organics, microbiological, toxicological, of the
Control Board biological, Hazardous waste, soil, laboratory is
Paryavarana Bhawan A- sludge/sediment and air pollution parameters approved in
III, Industrial Estate for analysis of ambient air, source the
Sanath Nagar, emissions, noise and micrometeorological 179th Board
Hyderabad-500018 parameters. Meeting and
is under

23. Pollution Control Physical, General and non-metallic, metals, Legal 10th
Research organic, microbiological, toxicological, 42(3)/87 December
Institute Bharat Heavy biological, soil, Sludg, Sediments and air dated 11th , 2020
Electricals Limited pollution parameters for analysis of ambient December,20
Ranipur Haridwar- air, source emissions noise and 15
249403 Uttarakhand micrometeorological parameters &
vehicular emission Parameters.
Note: The latest position of Govt. approved environmental lavoratories may be
seen at CPCB website: for analysis of effluent samples of Bio-

Maintenance Instructions on Bio-Toilet
System for Coaching Depot Staff
7.1 Instructions for pressurized cleaning of Bio-toilets.

The preventive maintenance schedule for maintenance of coaches being

followed in IR and time schedule to be followed for maintenance of the IR-DRDO
Bio-toilet system are issued by CAMTECH under Guidelines for AMOC for Bio-
7.2 List of cleaning agents being used in mechanized coach
cleaning in Bio-Toilet system
Following cleaning agents are being used for cleaning of bio-toilets in
NCR. These agents are considered to be suitable for IR-DRDO bio toilets.
SN Locations Name of chemicals used

1 PVC Floor Cleaning Spiral (Johnson Diversey) or Sigla Neutral of Eco

2 Ceramic Toilet fittings Taski R1/Taski R 6 (Johnson Diversey) or Sigla
cleaning Neutral of Eco Lab
3 Cleaning agent for Harpic/Retoil/Domex
commode pan & wall
4 Glass Cleaning Taski R3 (Johnson Diversey) or OC Glass cleaner
of Eco Lab or Collin

5 Laminated Plastic Sheet Taski R7 (Johnson Diversey) or OC Neutral

& Berth Rexene cleaner: cleaner of Eco Lab or Collin
6 Painted Surface Spiral (Johnson Diversey) or Absorbit of Eco Lab
or Collin
7 Stainless Steel Polisher Suma Inox (Johnson Diversey) or Chromol of Eco
Lab or Collin
8 Disinfectant Brands Stride (Johnson Diversey) or Antiback of
EcoLab or Collin or Lizol

Note: Revised specification/alternative brands can also be issued by Zonal

Railways for achieving better performance.
(Ref: DRM (M)’S/JHS Letter No. JHS/ M/ CW/ 130/OBHS dated 26.08.2010 to ED/ CAMTECH)

7.3 Evaluation of Cleaning Agents provided by Railways

The effect of cleaning agents was analyzed by DRDE/GWL. The results of 6
Chemicals are tabulated as under for information-

S No Treatments Cumulative Biogas pH % COD

42 days 42 days

1 control 16790 7.61 94.72

2 Harpic 100 ppm 15820 (94%) 7.54 84.08

3 Harpic 250 ppm 14750 6.50 76.28

4 Domex 100ppm 14660 7.23 93.55

5 Domex 250 ppm 13620 6.33 74.78

6 Lizol 100 ppm 14340 7.28 85.58

7 Lizol 250ppm 14250 6.27 58.38

8 R7 cleaner 100ppm 16030 7.20 77.77

9 R7 cleaner 250ppm 14210 6.26 45.29

10 PVC floor cleaner 14320 7.31 82.32


11 PVC floor cleaner 14070 (83%) 6.46 62.32


12 Toilet cleaner 100ppm 15450 7.50 77.92

13 Toilet cleaner 250ppm 14550 6.51 69.71

Conclusion: All the six chemicals do not show any deleterious effect on bio-
degradation up to 100 ppm during 42-day study period (30 ml/Toilet).

7.4 Mixing of Cleaning Agents.

7.5 Maintenance of the Bio-toilet systems and Guidelines for
handling of Bacteria-

 Visual inspection of complete toilets system including under slung equipment’s.

 Toilet chute to be cleared in bio-toilets if there is choking.
 Checking the toilets system for any deficiency.
 Collection and transportation of sample from retention tanks to DRDE, Gwalior
or any other nominated Govt. accredited lab as per the test scheme.
 Charging of chlorine/KMNO4 tables and examination of chlorinator.
 Checking of following equipments/repair/replacement for proper functioning:
i. Leakage in piping, flush system, tank, valves, pressurize, PLC,
pneumatic valves, etc.
ii. If there is ball valve (P-trap), replace it with S-trap on priority basis.
iii. Charging of Bio-culture if required (based on test reports). Culture will be
supplied by DRDE/GWL, MIBW/SECR/NGP or TOT partners of DRDE.

7.6 Check List for Bio-Toilets for Maintenance Staff

Check List of Items along with corrective actions for safe working of Bio-Toilets

Items to be
.N Items for checks Corrective actions

a. Check mounting bolts and J- Repair work to be done at

brackets for any welding washing/sick line as per
defects. conditions.

b. Check condition of safety Replacement to be done if

Mounting/ wire rope for proper securing strands are damaged.
Securing and any damage of strands.
t c. Check availability of Ensure recharging by
chlorine/KMNO4 tablets in chlorine/KMNO4 tablet when
chlorinator. required.
d. Condition of chlorinator Repair work to be done at
assembly for any tilling & washing line /sick line if
leakage from threads. required.

e. Check condition of flexible Repair /replacement to be
Rubber connector for any done as per conditions.
leakage, tearing and
securing of clamp.
Dismount the chlorinator at
f. Check over flow for fecal
washing line, remove the
material from Rubber gasket
choking at exit/outlet port
provided between tank body
and thus again mount the
and top plate of Bio-tank.
Functionality of flush valve, flush
Flushing Repair /replacement to be
2. pipe including fish tail for proper
Systems done as per condition.
flushing without leakage.
Check By-pass mechanism by Proper attention and
3. operation of paddle / Handle only replacement of spares to be
after removal of choking if any. done if required.
Choking on Choking of P-trap/S-Trap at inlet as All gadgets as advised by
arrival well as inside of it. CAMTECH should be used.
1. Topping up with
bacteria with check
after one week if
Any foul smell noticed after removal
5. Foul Smell required.
of choking and cleaning of toilet.
2. Send the sample for
lab testing after one

7.7 Standardization of sticker for inoculum storage:

As per RDSO letter MCCB/LF/Anaerobic dated 06.04.2018, a format of sticker
for containers having Anaerobic Microbial Inoculums in A5 page size, is
recommended where following information will be displayed.

 Manufacturers initial/trade mark

 Batch NO.

 QC/T.C. No & Date

 Month & Year of Prod.

 Date of expiry

Sample of sticker is shown below

7.8 Daily Maintenance proforma for bio-toilets.

On arrival all bio-toilets are need to be checked completely by
nominated staff. After complete inspection, proforma for on arrival will be
filled up by the concerned staff.

On checking the all deficiencies and cleaning of bio-toilet rake will be

inspected (jointly with contractual supervisor in case of AMOC) again
before departure from washing line.

The proforma of maintenance for bio-toilet is given below.

Coa Coach
ch No
Condition of lavatory Condition of lavatory
chocking chocking

Depot Name:-
Depot Name:-

Leakage from S-trap Leakage from S-trap

Availability of Dust Availability of Dust

bin/Stickers bin/Stickers
Condition of securing Condition of securing
bracket (J/C-channel)

Bio Toilet No 01
Bio Toilet No 01

bracket (J/C-channel)
Wire ropes condition
Wire ropes condition
Flush Status Flush Status
Condition of lavatory Condition of lavatory
chocking chocking

Leakage from S-trap Leakage from S-trap

Availability of Dust Availability of Dust
Bio Toilet No 02

bin/Stickers bin/Stickers

Condition of securing Condition of securing

bracket (J/C-channel /
Bio Toilet No 02

bracket (J/C-channel)

bolted design)
Wire ropes condition
Wire ropes condition
Flush Status
Flush Status
Condition of lavatory
chocking Condition of lavatory
Leakage from S-trap
Leakage from S-trap
Availability of Dust
bin/Stickers Availability of Dust
Bio Toilet No 03
Bio-Tanks Position on arrival

Condition of securing
Bio-Tanks Position on Departure

bracket (J/C-channel ) Condition of securing

Bio Toilet No 03

bracket (J/C-channel /
Wire ropes condition bolted design)

Flush Status Wire ropes condition

Daily Maintenance Proforma for Bio-toilets: On Arrival

Flush Status
Daily Maintenance Proforma for Bio-toilets: On Departure

Condition of lavatory
chocking Condition of lavatory
Train No:-
Train No:-

Leakage from S-trap

Leakage from S-trap
Availability of Dust
bin/Stickers Availability of Dust
Bio Toilet No 04

Condition of securing
bracket (J/C-channel) Condition of securing
bracket (J/C-channel /
Bio Toilet No 04

bolted design)
Wire ropes condition
Wire ropes condition

Flush Status
Flush Status
7.9 Welding Failure in J-Bracket mounting – Safety checks by staff

During Maintenance of the Rake, on duty rake maintenance supervisor should

personally inspect the mounting brackets for any weld failure or crack in the
supporting members.

Following are the critical vulnerable locations for weld failures-

Bracket 1

Bracket 1

location of

came out
due to weld

location of

Bracket came out

due to weld
failure 126
7.10 DO’s and DON’Ts for Bio-Toilet Maintenance in Open Line

SN Items
1. Ensure J-brackets/C-Type mounting is in sound condition & all fasteners are intact.

2. Ensure sound condition of Rubber connector and availability of 120 mm dia SS clamp.

3. Ensure intactness of chlorinator unit and its pipe.

4. Ensure chlorine jacket is free from scale formation. Clean it, if required.

5. Ensure availability of chlorine/Kmno4 tablets in each trip. Provide if required.

Check condition of 8/10 mm dia SS Safety wire rope for proper securing and any damage near
edges of Bio-Toilet tank. Maintain 5 mm gap between wire rope & tank body.
Ensure no leakage of fecal material from Rubber gasket/ Sealing due to blockage of inner pipe
of chlorinator.
8. Ensure functionality of flush buttons/ lever & water taps for adequacy of flushing in pan

9. Ensure no foul smell inside Toilet.

10. Ensure overall cleanliness level in the Bio-Toilet.
Ensure availability of Stickers/Notices for Users and Maintenance staff in Hindi/English &
regional language of the originating & destination station.

12. Ensure no choking in S-Trap.

13. Ensure S-trap in place of P-trap in all bio-digesters. If not available, then retrofit it.
Ensure cleaning of lavatory having bio-tank, with pressurize jet water only. Otherwise
14. inoculums may wash out with high volume of water, which may affect performance of bio-
15. Ensure no leakage from S-trap.
Ensure availability of sufficient choke remover devices in the depot for removing S-trap
17. Ensure that prescribed lab tests are being carried out timely and facilities are available
18. Ensure monitoring as per Instructions given in CAMTECH Bio-Toilet Hand Book.
Ensure availability of Evacuation machine in working order in Coaching depot & evacuation
record of tanks is being maintained properly.
Ensure availability of Dust bins in each Bio-Toilet as per RDSO Drg. No. CG-13031 & CG-

Ensure Broad-casting of short video film on Bio-Toilet at passenger station for awareness of
Ensure availability of sufficient garbage picking tongs for easy removal of garbage and to
avoid manual scavenging.
Check whether foul smell is coming in rolling-in and rolling-out examinations. Attend toilet in
Ensure whether sufficient staffs have been trained in Bio-Toilet maintenance at
Ensure Bio-Toilet tank height from Rail table is approx. 220 mm. Ensure Bio-Toilet tank is
secured properly.

26. Analyze condition of corrosion of head stock near welding joint of J-Bracket

27. Wear gloves while handling bacterial culture ( Inoculum)

28. Clean hands with detergent/soap after handling of the bacteria

During storage of bacteria in containers, lid should be kept loose so that gas generated inside
the container can escape easily.
Ensure AMOC guidelines are being followed strictly in the depot as recommended in
CAMTECH Doc. IRCAMTECH/GWL/M/Bio-Toilet/AMOC/1.0-Aug-2015
Ensure that consolidated Test Reports are being sent to Sr DME timely for further
communication to Railway Board & RDSO by Zonal Railways on 6 monthly basis.
Ensure that facilities required in coaching depot for maintenance of Bio-Toilet coaches are
available as per para 25.0 of hand book for open line staff.
Ensure use of proper cleaning agents as prescribed by RDSO to avoid any adverse effect on
bacteria in the Bio-Toilet tanks.

34. Ensure availability of sufficient consumables/spares as per the holding of Bio-Toilet coaches


SN Items
01 Do not mix detergents/Acids with Bacteria at any stage during use.
02 Do Not allow Bio-Toilet fitted coaches without ensuring charging of Inoculum
03 Do not allow choked Bio-Toilet tank in service
04 Do not allow by-passed bio toilet tank in service
05 Do not allow leakage from Rubber connector/colonized rubber gasket
06 Do not clean lavatory/pan with running pipe during washing and cleaning of coach.
07 Do not drain overhead tank drain/waste water inside the lavatory, otherwise inoculums may
wash out.

7.11 Facilities required in Coaching Depots for maintenance of
coaches fitted with Bio-toilets.

Consequent upon introduction of IR-DRDO bio-toilets in ICF/RCF design

coaches, it is felt necessary to develop facilities for dis-mounting, storing and
handling of bio-toilet tanks in coaching depots during IOH Schedule in case of
requirement. The following basic facilities are required for the coaches fitted with
IR-DRDO bio-toilets-

A. M&Ps required for Dismounting/Mounting & Evacuation of Tanks

S.N Name of item Total Capacity Purpose

1 Trolley mounted 02 1 Ton To facilitate
Low lift hydraulic Dismounting/Mounting
2 Fork lifter for 6 feet 01 5 Ton For transportation of
height lift tanks
3 Evacuation 01 As per To evacuate first
Machine spec. chamber of Bio-Toilet
(Spec. No. tank in IOH Sch.

B. Transportation facilities for bacteria Inoculum for Coaching Depots

S.N Name of items Total Capacity Purpose

1 Plastic/fiber As per 100 liters For
drums requirement collection/storing
of Innoculum
2 Truck 01 9t Transportation
facility for
Innoculum from
generation plant to
Coaching Depots

C. Infrastructure required for storing of bio toilet tanks in Depots:

a. – Racks: As per requirement
b. - Covered shed: As per requirement
c. - Other handling and maintenance Tools & Equipment’s

7.11.1 Infrastructure for unit exchange in Sick Lines for Bio-Toilets
As per 16th JWG meeting held at GWL on 03.07.2015, it was decided by members
vide item No.12 that Infrastructural facilities should be developed in coaching depots
for dismounting of Bio-Toilet tanks for repairs and washing/cleaning of tanks. For
above activities, following facilities are proposed –

1. Bio-Toilet CC Apron for unit exchange size 8M X 50M

2. Construction of Cleaning/Washing apron size 3m X 3m X 0.3m (H)
3. Water Jet Machine
4. Innoculum storage for charging in tanks
5. Scissor Platform Trolley for dismounting & Mounting of tank.
6. Covered Drainage Sump size 3m X 3m X 4m (Deep) with sewage connection
from cleaning apron.

7.11.2 Lay-out Drawing of Bio-Toilet Apron for Unit Exchange and

Washing/Cleaning in Coaching Depots.

7.12 Monitoring of IR-DRDO Bio-Toilets in Passenger Coaches

Now as per railway board guidelines all coaches turned out from production
units/workshops are fitted with bio-toilets. Now it has become essential to monitor bio-
toilets for trouble free journey of passenger and to achieve objectives of Indian railway.

On the basis of feedback and trials conducted by various railways to avoid proliferation
in bio-toilets following measures should be taken by coaching depots/workshops.

 No bio-toilet fitted coach should be allowed in service without charging with

anaerobic microbial inoculums.

 Use standard/prescribed cleaning agents as per list to avoid any adverse

effect on bacteria.

 All coaching depots should have enough spares, consumables of bio-tanks to

encounter any maintenance problem as per coach holding of bio-toilets.

 All production units/workshops depots doing retro-fitments should ensure that

only S-trap fitted coaches are allowed for services.

 All depots should test the samples (minimum of 5% of coach holding) and
should keep the record of the test reports.

 All depots should monitor the coaches which fail in sample test and repeat the
test in interval of 15 days.

 There should be proper housekeeping in depots/workshops for bio-toilet

spares/inoculums etc.

 Staff working for bio-toilet should have all precaution to avoid any contact of

 Inoculum must be tested at consignee end before use by depots/workshops.

 There should be timely inter railway/inter division/ audit or by different

agencies like RITES, CAMTECH, RDSO etc. to ensure proper functioning of

Public awareness campaign should be launched by railways at different level to

educate passenger how to use bio-toilets.



8.0 Trouble-shooting of Bio-Toilet System for Coaching Depots

A bio-toilets system is well designed for passengers of Indian Railways and is
one of the major contributor of “Swach Bharat” mission. It is also expected from
passengers to give their support for making this system successful.

Many awareness drives have been launched by Indian Railways by audio,

visual aids and also by putting stickers on the lavatory doors and inside the lavatory.

Dust bins are also provided inside the lavatory so that garbage’s and non-
biodegradable waste may be throwing inside the dustbin.

But even though bio-toilet gets chocked by garbage’s thrown by passengers. To

encounter this trouble shooting, following methods may be applied by enroute
cleaning staffs and housekeeping staffs.

8.1 Method of S-Trap Choke Removing

1. Flush the water in lavatory to make a water column.

2. Now apply “choke Remover” equipment in to the Pan with pressure 2-3 times,
due to this action, S-trap will be cleared of obstruction.

3. In case, S-trap is still having obstruction in side, the “choke Remover” Device
should be applied again in the Pan by flushing Bio-toilet.

S-Trap choke dks fudkyus dh fof/kA

1- फ्लश वाल्व को दबाये जिससे की पैन के उप्पर तक पानी भर िाए ।

2- इसके पश्च्यात बाल वाल्व को बंद करे एवं flusher को चलाए, यजद P-Trap
चोक है तो पानी उसमे ऊपर तक भर िाएगा ।

3- इस पानी भरी स्थिजत मे चोक ररमूवर यंत्र को प्रैशर के साि दबाएँ गे (यह यंत्र
वॉटर टाइट होना चाजहये) इस दबाव के कारण P-Trap खुल िाएगा ।
4-यजद नहीं खुलता है तो पुन: पानी भरें गे जिर प्रैशर से चोक ररमूवर को दबाएं गे ।
िब तक P-Trap खुल नहीं िाता , इस प्रजिया को दोहराते रहें गे ।

P-Trap/S-Trap Choke Removers

Choke Removing gadgets in use:

S.N. Name of Gadget Photo

1. Garbage Picking Tongs

2. Conventional Choke
Remover Device

8.2 Other general Process for choke removing: -

SN Problem in Steps to be taken


1 Choking of Bio- a) Display Laminated Stickers in the toilets for sensitizing the
toilets- Passengers “Not to throw foreign materials” in toilet.

Due to accumulation of
Garbage in toilet pan
thrown by passengers
i.e. plastic bottles,
newspapers, sanitary
pads and tea cup etc.

b) Provide Dust Bins in all Bio-Toilet coaches including Non-

AC coaches

c) Audio playing in Bio toilets fitted trains for the awareness

of passengers.- CAMTECH has prepared an audio clip
for awareness of passengers.

d) Broadcasting of Short Video films on Bio-Toilet at

Railway stations for awareness of passengers. -
CAMTECH has prepared video films of about 57 secs, 02
min. and 05 min.

2 Accumulation of Garbage Picking Tongs should be used to avoid manual
garbage in Toilet scavenging and also for easy removal of garbage from toilet
pan – pans.

Thrown by
passengers in Bio-

Garbage Picking Tongs

3 S-Trap Choking – Choke Remover Devices should be kept in Coaching depots
Due to stucking of tea & enroute stations to clear S-Trap jam. Procedure is given in
cups and other Compendium of Bio-Toilet.
garbage in P-Trap

100 mm/150 mm dia Conventional Choke remover devices

4 Pedals not operating A Universal pedal may be used by Coaching depots.

for operation of Ball
valve -

Due to defects in
different types of foot

5 Leakage from Rubber 125/150 mm dia SS clamp should be
connector- Due to used for proper clamping of rubber
uncoupling or rupturing hose connector with toilet pan. If
of rubber connector.
found ruptured, replace with new
rubber connector.

150 mm dia SS clamp

6 Non -functioning of a) Periodical check of individual parts (Ball valve lever,

Ball valve opening Mechanism and pedal connecting levers) of ball valve
Mechanism - opening mechanism (by disconnecting the link between ball
valve and mechanism and then mechanism to pedal).
Due to failure of b) Attend the necessary repairs by replacing the failed parts.
components in
c) Ensure free movement of Ball valve operating mechanism
operating mechanism
by clearing the obstructions if any in each round trip.
i.e. lever, foot pedal
d) If Clutch wire opening closing mechanism provided, check
etc. or lack of
tightness of wire if found loose, tight properly holding screw
by Alen key.

Holding Screw

Leakage of effluent a) Check rupturing of colonized
from colonized rubber gasket & replace if
rubber gasket of
Bio-toilet tank-
Colonized rubber
Due to rupturing of
rubber gasket or
choking in chlorinator
b) Remove chlorinator and clear the input hole of chamber
provided in bio-toilet tank.

c) Clean the chlorinator and chlorine jacket/Container.

d) Ensure free flow of water from toilet pan to overflow pipe of

chlorine chamber in each trip.

8 Tilting of chlorinator Anti-Rotation Clamp to be provided on the body of tank

chamber (in case of
vertical chlorinator)-
Anti-rotation clamp
Due to hitting of Ballast
or loose threads
caused by vibrations in
running train.

9 Scale formation on Periodical checking of chlorine jacket and clean the porous or
porous of chlorine replace if required.

10 Falling of water on Water outlet of lavatory push cock may be removed and proper
Bio-Toilet tank –Due slope should be provided for clearing water in to lavatory pan
to leakage from water as modified in RCF/ICF Coaches. For western style toilets
outlet of lavatory. (If lavatory outlet pipe to be extended away from Bio-Tank.
provided in BEML

In BEML Coaches

In ICF/RCF Coaches Extended pipe for western

style toilets

11 Foul smell coming in a) Check the leakage from Rubber Hose Connector due to
Rolling-in & Rolling- uncoupling from toilet pan due to loose SS-Clamp of
out Examinations- connector in bottom or rupturing on the body. Replace if
Due to leakage of

effluent from Rubber
Hose Connector or b) Check the leakage from colonized rubber gasket due to
breakage/rupturing. Attend or replace gasket if required.
Colonized Rubber

12 Bad smell coming (a) Check leakage of effluent in bottom of tank from main pipe
from Toilet- of pan due to defect in PTFE seal. Attend the same in sick
Due to non-availability
of water column due (b) Check whether flusher is working properly and sufficient
water is coming during flushing, if not, attend the same in
to leakage from PTFE
primary depot.
seal or partially open
ball valve. (c) Check for any choking in P-Trap. Remove internal choking
from P-Trap with the help of choke remover device as
Non-Flushing of toilet given at sr. no. 03.
by passengers.

P-Trap pipe short in

tank compartment No.
1 coupled with non-
availability of water

13 Failure of lab sample If parameters of any Bio-Toilet tank are not matching to the
during testing in defined levels, testing of the diseased tank should be made
Coaching depots- two more times at an interval of 30 days. If the test
parameters are beyond the permissible limits, even after 2
Due to non-matching consecutive testings of the effluent then evacuate the bio-
digester completely and charge the tank with 120 ltr fresh
of test parameters to
tested inoculums.
defined level.

14 Cutting of Strands of a) Use of min.08 mm dia SS safety wire rope with prescribed
SS Safety Wire spec. for securing Bio-toilet tanks.
Ropes of Bio-Toilet b) At least 5 mm gap should be maintained between safety
wire rope and tank body edges so that rubbing of wire rope
with tank can be avoided.
Due to rubbing action
with Bio-tank body
edges during running
of train due to non-
availability of 5 mm
gap in-between.

Min. 05 mm gap between edge of tank and wire rope

should be maintained.

8.3 Evacuation Machine: -
Many times it has been seen that even following above methods for blockage of
bio-toilets, choke or blockage which cannot be clear because of heavy obstacles or
garbage’s. So a need of clearing the blockage was desired.
To overcome this problem evacuation machine was trialed and found successes.
There is no any human involvement and it sucks the blockage through vacuum. The
particulars of evacuation machine are as follows.

8.3.1 Components of Evacuation Suction Machine:

Components of Suction Machines

Rack for Control Panel

holding Hose
Option for Single
Direct Phase
Discharge Geared
FRP Tank Power: 2.2
200 L kW
Quick Connect Rotary Lobe
Coupling for Pump
Hose VX100-45Q

8.3.2 Features of Trolley Mounted Suction Machine:

• The Trolley Mounted Suction Machine supplied by M/s Vogelsang

India, Noida UP and M/s Ultrmax Hydrojet pvt ltd. Chennai.
• It consists of a Retention tank (200 L) and Vacuum pump.
• This machine is mounted on a trolley.
• The vacuum pump can suck the slurry/garbage from the toilet
tank and can blow back bacterial culture through same pump.
• The system is provided with Reverse and Forward Switches,
which sucks the slurry and discharges through same pipe.
• The use of this machine is 100% human touch free.

8.3.3 Technical specification for “Trolley mounted mobile sewage
evacuation machine” for IR-DRDO bio-toilet waste disposal
from Indian railway coaches

(CAMTECH Doc. No. IRCAMTECH/GWL/M/Bio-Toilet/AMOC/1.0 August-2015)


1.1 The Annual Maintenance & Operation Contract (AMOC) entered between
Contractor and Base Railway will be inclusive of spares and consumables
required for maintenance and operation of Bio-Toilet system (Anaerobic
Technology herein after termed as Bio-toilet only). The AMOC scope of
work shall include supply/repair and fitment of defective components in
both kinds of coaches (i.e. coaches under warranty period and coaches
beyond warranty period) except supply of ball valve & its operating
mechanism, bio-toilet tank for which no trend of repair/replacement is
available and cost of which is very high. In case replacement is necessary,
ball valve, its operating mechanism, bio-toilet tank and safety wire rope will
be provided by Railways for which fitment would be done by AMOC
contractor without any extra payment.

1.2 Railways may suitably modify the scope of work as per local conditions
with the approval of concerned HOD/CME.

1.3 The AMOC will cover the maintenance (both preventive and break down)
of Bio-Toilet System along with the minor problems encountered and day-
to-day operation of Bio-toilet systems. It shall also cover the preventive and
break down maintenance of the Bio-Toilet System within warranty period.
Railways may include attention of the Bio-Toilets during periodical overhaul
(POH) of the coaches in the designated workshops at an interval of 18/24
months or Workshop may invite a separate tender for POH attention as per
requirement of the Railway.

2.1 This Annual Maintenance & Operation Contract (AMOC) is for trouble free
operation, maintenance and cleaning of Bio-Toilets System fitted in IR
coaches. The contract is comprehensive in nature wherein all the
Maintenance (Preventive and Breakdown) and day-to-day operation of the
Bio-Toilets fitted on IR coaches is to be done by the Contractor including
supply of spares/materials required for this AMOC. Except items
mentioned in Para 1.1 above.
2.2 Details of coaches fitted with IR-DRDO type Toilet system shall be provided
by the concerned Division/Zonal Railway of IR on the format given in
2.3 At present there is sufficient knowledge and expertise about bio-toilet.
Hence duration/period of contract may be decided by Zonal railways as per
their coach holding and local conditions.
2.4 Nodal Officer - will be responsible for operating the contract. In case of
breakdown of Bio-Toilets System, Nodal Officer will liaise with the firm and
inform the firm immediately by telephone/telex/e-mail/SMS or any other
suitable means, duly mentioning the coach numbers and location of the
coaches along with the time of call, when the breakdown maintenance is
to be attended to.

3.0 Definitions:

a) Base Railway – The Zonal Railway to who coach is allotted.

b) Nodal Officer – Sr.DME/ Dy.CME of the concerned division/ Workshop or
his nominated Coaching Depot/ Workshop Officer/Supervisor.
c) Contractor – Firm / Company on whom the order for the Annual
Maintenance and Operation of the Biological Toilets in passenger coaching
stock on IR has been placed.
d) Credentials: -Credentials shall be submitted by the tenderer as stipulated in
the revised GCC-2014 or latest.

e) Similar nature of work:

i) Since there is sufficient knowledge and expertise of bio-toilet, similar
nature of work may be decided by railways or following work may be
defined as
“Mechanized cleaning of coaches in Indian Railways or AMOC of Bio-
Toilets or supply/fitment of bio toilets in coaches of Indian Railways.
ii) Scope of work – As per Para 5.0 of this document.
iii) Penalty – As per Para 23.0 of this document.
iv) Eligibility criteria- As per Clause-10 of Annexure-I (Part-I) of
Standard General Condition of Contract 2014 or latest.
4.0 Technical:

4.1 System Installed shall comprise of the following:

i) Bio Digester Tank

ii) Chlorinator
iii) S-trap
iv) Flushing Unit/Pressuriser.
v) Piping system
vi) Pneumatic Valve – as applicable


5.1 Scope of work at Base Depot:

For the works to be carried out under supervision of nominated Railway

staff for the Annual Maintenance and Operation Contract (AMOC) of
complete Toilet System including following equipments:

i) All bio-toilets of the coach and its supporting systems like flushing
arrangement, piping etc.
ii) Pan outlet piping connection up to the retention tank etc.
iii) Existing plumbing fittings and its control systems etc.
iv) The maintenance work of S-trap and its fittings.
v) Exterior cleaning of tank.
vi) Cleaning of chlorinator unit, cleaning of chlorinator jacket and charging of
chlorine /KMnO4 tablets.
vii) Ensure no blockage/chocking of chlorinator unit.
viii) If required, evacuation of first chamber or whole tank as per effluent
sample reports. Bacteria may be arranged from DRDE/GWL or
MIBW/NGP/SECR or by any outside source approved by DRDE
ix) Evacuation of first chamber during IOH for removing non-bio degradable
x) Collection and transportation of samples from retention tanks to
nominated Govt. accredited lab as per the test scheme

(RDSO/2010/CG/TS-10 or any applicable test scheme) issued by RDSO.
The recent guideline is that every depot should develop facilities for
conducting all prescribed tests including that of Inoculum in depot itself.
xi) Any other job related to toilet system assigned to the contractor is to be
done by the contractor under the contract.

5.2 Details of Staff:

Site Supervisor:

The supervisor will organize the said operations, monitoring and

maintenance in the shift during which the trains with bio-toilet are
maintained in the depot. He will be reporting to nominated Railway
Representative and will be entirely responsible for all the activities as
mentioned. The supervisor should be acquainted with such types of jobs
with satisfactory working knowledge of the system and various accessories

5.3 Skilled staff:

5.3.1 Well trained staff with satisfactory working knowledge of the system and
working of Railway coaching depot who can handle and maintain the Toilet
system as mentioned in the scope assisting Railway staff in day to day
5.3.2 The staff pattern is illustrative only and not exhaustive. Over and above it,
the contractor is to ensure proper supervisory staff.
5.3.3 The contactor will furnish bio-data along with testimonials including
competency certificate issued by contractor for staff proposed to be
engaged to the nominated Railway representative at least two weeks
before the proposed date of employment and he will engage such staff after
screening and obtaining clearance from Nodal Officer. The clearance
issued by the office will not absolve/responsibility of the contractor for
misconduct of his staff members.
5.3.4 During the period of contract, nominated Railway person will have authority
to ask the contractor to remove/replace any staff members in the event of
any misconduct of the later. For this purpose, his decision will be final.
5.4 Man Power (minimum man power to be deployed)

5.4.1 Man Power required

1. Man Power (minimum man power to be deployed) in Coaching Depot:

a) The contractor shall provide trained man power for the prompt and
efficient maintenance (preventive as well as break down) and day to day
operation of the bio toilets as under.
The team of contract staff should consist of
1) Supervisor: 1 per shift.
2) Skilled technician: 1 for every 30 Bio toilets or part thereof.
3) Semi-skilled technician: 1 for every 30 Bio toilets or part thereof.
The above is bare minimum staff required. However, Zonal Railways may decide
the quantum of manpower required for each shift depending on the workload and
maintenance schedules.

b) A fortnightly planner for Daily and Non-daily/Special trains in the following

format shall be issued by CDO/SSE in-charge of the depot to the contractor
to arrange the above mentioned team of contract staff for attention of Bio-
Toilets. Every Bio toilet is to be checked as per the check sheet and jointly

A. Regular trains

Date Shift Train No of coaches No of Arrival Departure Maintenance Location

No. with bio Toilets Bio time
From To

2 nd

3 rd

B. Non-daily/Special Trains

Date Shift Train No of coaches No of Arrival Departure Maintenance Location

No with bio Toilets Bio time
From To


2 nd

3 rd

Note: Shift Timings as prevalent in the Coaching Depot.

1. Manpower for POH in Workshop.
Staff shall be deployed in General shift as per the following distribution during
attention of POH.

Schedule Supervisor Skilled Semi-skilled Total

POH 1 2 2 5

Note: Additional man power if required as per the workload as intimated by

Coaching Depot officer and Workshop shall be arranged by the contractor for
POH attention of Bio toilets so that cycle of POH activity is not delayed.
i) The manpower requirement given above is for current work load and is
indicative only. In case of increase in work load, the contractor shall provide
additional man power as deemed fit by CDO/SSE/In charge if required in future
at the same accepted rate.
ii) Manpower is to be deployed at various depots as per the orders of
Sr.DME/C&W in addition to depots mentioned in TS.
iii) The staff should be deployed as per the maintenance time of the train on
washing line/nominated line. The contractor’s Supervisor shall remain in touch
with the Railway representative to keep track of any change in the maintenance
time and adjust his time accordingly.
iv) The bidder should provide additional man power if required in future at the same
rate quoted.
v) The contractor shall submit a list of authorized persons deputed for carrying out
the repairs along with their contact numbers i.e. mobile numbers to concerned
CDO/SSE/In-charge(IC). The Supervisor nominated by the contractor for the
repair on the station /depot shall observe all safety and security rules prevailing
at the place of work. Railway shall not be responsible for any mishap resulting
out of non-observation of prevailing safety and security rules.
vi) The contractor shall comply all provision of minimum wages act, 1948,
Contractor labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 and rules frame there
under and other labour laws affecting contract labour that may be brought in to
time to time.

The availability of manpower has to be ensured in consultation with Nodal

officer and can be increased or decreased as per the workload on a particular
5.4.2 Man Power Deployment: -

Trains equipped with Bio-toilets are maintained at Coaching Depot as per

specified schedule. The staff should be deployed as per this maintenance
time of the train on washing line/Nominated line. The contractor’s
Supervisor shall remain in touch with the Railway representative to keep
track of any changes in the maintenance time and adjust his time

5.5 Place of work and Working hours for manpower deployed: –

5.5.1 Place of work will be washing line/Sick line/Coaching depot/Terminal

station/Workshops or any other maintenance point selected by the nodal
officer. Bio-toilet maintenance timing will depend on No. of trains and their
maintenance schedule. Contractor has to maintain the bio-toilet in the given
maintenance schedule of the respective trains. The manpower requirement
can be assessed by Nodal Officer and accordingly manpower deployment
may be increased or decreased.

5.5.2 It will be the responsibility of the contractor to clean the area after
completion of the work. Any refuse/garbage generated during the course of
work shall be disposed off by the contractor.
5.5.3 The manpower requirement above is indicative only. Bidders may suggest
additional man power if required. Bidder may assess the man power
required by visiting the site and familiarising themselves with the system of
working and Train timings.
5.5.4 The Bidder should provide additional man power if required in future at the
same rate quoted. The Contractor shall comply all provision of minimum
wages act, 1948, Contract labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 and
rules framed there under and other labour laws affecting contract labour
that may be brought in to time to time. Details of payment calculation should
be submitted with break up along with price bid. Necessary supporting
documents should be submitted with the tender.
5.6 Preventative Maintenance schedule:
The preventive maintenance schedule for maintenance of coaches being
followed in IR is given in ANNEXURE-III. However, following work schedule is
to be followed for proper maintenance of the Bio-toilet System under the


a. Examine the condition of bio-tanks on arrival like choking of bio-toilets,
condition of operating mechanism-lever handle, clutch wire.
b. Ensure working of operating mechanism by opening and closing of ball valve in
case of P-Trap.
c. Attend the daily routine complaints received through various modes.
d. Removal of choking from bio-toilet by picking tong, if any.
e. Check the condition of TPE connector. It should not be damaged, loose,
prominent and seepage from edges.
f. Flush water through push cock and check whether there is any
blockage/choking if any, in P-trap/S-trap. For any choking, clear the choking by
chock remover.
g. Check for fouling smell if any. In case of fouling smell check for bacterial culture.
Charge the tank with inoculums.
h. Ensure hose clamp must not miss nor loose.
i. Check chlorinator unit for any leakage, tilting, thread missing and it must be
charged with chlorine/kmno4 tablets.
j. Check securing arrangement of bio-tanks like J-brackets-type mounting
brackets, wire-rope.
k. Ensure Dust-Bin must be there in Bio-toilets.
l. Externally clean the bio-tanks thoroughly.


a. All works to be carried out as mentioned in daily schedule above;

b. Collection and transportation of samples from retention tanks to railway

labs,DRDE, Gwalior or any other nominated Govt. accredited lab as per the
test scheme (RDSO/2010/CG/TS-10 or any latest applicable test scheme)
issued by RDSO.

c. Visual inspection of complete Toilet system including under slung

equipments and mounting arrangements of Bio-Toilet system and attend if
found any deficiency.

d. Adequacy of the flushing of the pan

i. By using pressurized flushing
ii. By normal manual flushing
e. Check the condition of S-band in S-trap. It should not be
f. Functionality of flush buttons/lever & water tabs.
g. Examination of Chlorinator unit and topping up of Chlorine /KMNO4


a. All works to be carried out in Daily and Monthly schedules above;

b. Checking of following equipments/repair/replacement for proper

(i). Ball Valve/ Flapper/slider with operating mechanism

(ii). Leakage in piping, flush system, pneumatics, tank etc. Valves,
pressuriser, PLC, pneumatic valves (if applicable) etc.
(iii). Charging of Bio-culture if required (based on test reports).
Inoculum will be supplied by DRDE/GWL (MIBW/SECR, Nagpur)
and approved vendor of DRDE/GWL.
c. Check for water logging over floor area of toilet.
d. There should not be any overflow from first chamber/4 th chamber in
case of S-trap.
e. Take the sample of effluent and test all six parameters as per testing
procedure and check the result.
f. If sample fails, repeat the test two times in interval of 15 days.
g. If the sample fails again, change the complete inoculum.


b. All jobs as mentioned in the quarterly work schedule above;
c. Servicing of all PLCs if applicable.
d. Testing of complete Toilet system
e. Check the mounting arrangement of S-band.
f. Check the choking of S-band and ensure proper water column.
g. Check the leakage from the tank and its welding.
h. Application of evacuation machine for removing non-bio degradable
waste from first chamber of the bio-digester.
i. Drawing and delivering of samples as per requirement to Govt.
Accredited labs as advised by Railways. The cost of test will be
borne by Railways. As per latest guidelines of railway board all
depots should develop their own laboratories for sample testing of
all parameters.
j. Charging of Bio–culture (Inoculum) if required (based on test
All the works to be carried out as mentioned in POH instructions in
5.7 Detailed Terms and Conditions for providing Manpower

5.7.1 Contractors should provide a minimum of 2 sets of uniforms of approved

colour and one pair of safety shoes for each employee deputed in the
Depot. The cost of the material should be borne by the contractor. It is the
responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the staff deputed should be in
good uniform and wearing safety shoes.
5.7.2 Name of firm should be printed on uniform of firm’s employees.
5.7.3 In order to ensure the fulfilment of statutory obligations, contractor shall
ensure that the payment of wages of the workmen of the contractor is made
only through ECS facility in employee’s Bank account and submit detail to
nodal officer.
5.7.4 The contractor shall issue the identity cards to his workmen on his own cost
and shall duly be intimating in writing the nominated Railway person as and
when there is any change.
5.7.5 The contractor shall ensure to provide an alternate qualified manpower or
replace with a standby in case any of the regular staff deployed is absent
or on leave.
5.7.6 The contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all the items and other
fittings provided in the premises and shall be liable to make good of any
loss to the same if damaged during the execution of their duties. The cost
of the damage shall be recoverable from his monthly bill or other dues
payable to the contractor.
5.7.7 The monthly/quarterly bills for the work done shall be submitted by the
contractor in the following month.
5.7.8 The contractor shall ensure that the workmen deployed by him behave
decently and do not indulge themselves in any such activities, which are
unbecoming on the part of a person working in the Government Office.
5.7.9 The contractor shall be responsible for the good conduct and behaviour of
his employees. If any employee of the contractor is found misbehaving with
the supervisory staff or any other staff member, the contractor shall
terminate the services of such employees at their own risk and
responsibility on the recommendation of the Nodal Officer. The contractor
shall issue necessary instruction to their employees to act upon the
instructions given by the nominated Railway person at the Depot.

5.7.10 The contractor should provide masks, gloves and boots for his staff. The
contractor should also provide the following tools for removal of choke from
P-Trap i.e. bottle picker, choke remover, handle for foot paddle operation
and any other tools defined by Railways.
6.0 AMOC Charges: To be quoted in the tender for AMOC.

7.0 Authority for Signing and Operation of the Contract

The Nodal Officer of the concerned Division will be the authority for signing
the Contract. The Nodal officer shall be responsible for overall supervision
of the contractor’s work and issue of requisite certificate for performance of
the contractor for maintenance and operation of the Biological Toilets.

8.0 Responsibilities of Parties:

8.1 Base Railway:

8.1.1 Base Railway shall execute an agreement with the contractor at the
beginning of the contract.
8.1.2 The Nodal Officer shall permit the contractor to undertake AMOC for the
IR-DRDO Bio-Toilet system.
8.1.3 The Nodal Officer shall issue the necessary identity card or authority letter
to the contractor’s working staff/service engineer for their entry on the
platform and other Railway premises. However, this Identity Card will not
be taken as an authority to travel. Records of the persons who have been
issued with valid identity cards shall be maintained by Nodal officer.
8.1.5 The Bio-Toilets shall be attended to on the platform or washing line or Sick
line or coaching depot or the terminal stations/Workshop or any other
maintenance point. The Nodal Officer shall provide to contractor the
following facilities for AMOC:
a) Suitable room and workplace for accommodating the tanks etc.
located in the proximity of maintenance activity.
b) Suitable open space at convenient location for the storage of
residual waste which shall be removed and disposed of by the
contractor ensuring clean and hygienic environment in the depot.
c) Air pressure at 5 bar on “as is where is” basis for maintaining the
d) Power Supply at 110 V DC and 220 V AC on “as is where is” basis.
e) Water supply on “as is where is” basis.

8.1.6 In case of receipt of breakdown of Bio-Toilet in any coach, the nominated
nodal officer shall intimate the contractor by telephone/telex/e-mail/SMS or
in person mentioning the coach numbers and location of the coaches along
with the time of call. He shall maintain the register of such calls made for
reference of both the parties.
8.1.7 Nodal officer shall nominate supervisor(s) for joint inspection of the Toilets
maintained. Joint inspection shall be done as per scheduled maintenance.
8.1.8 The necessary records for the AMOC will be maintained with the nominated
officer for reference of both the parties.
8.1.9 The Nodal Officer should ensure that no maintenance schedule of Bio-toilet
system is allowed to run over due and offer the coaches accordingly to the
8.2 Contractor
8.2.1 The Contractor shall provide trained man power for the prompt and efficient
maintenance (preventive as well as Break down) and day to day operation
of the Bio toilets. The Contractor shall ensure that all necessary
consumables and spares required for the proper functioning and day-to-
day operation and maintenance / repairs for out of course defects of the
Bio toilets are available at site. The contractor shall also keep sufficient unit
exchange spares for replacement within reasonable time as considered
necessary by the Nodal Officer for repairing the defect.
8.2.2 The contractor shall submit a list of authorized persons deputed for
carrying out the repairs along with their contact numbers i.e. mobile
numbers, to Nodal Officer. The Supervisor nominated by the contractor for
the repair on the station/Depot shall observe all safety and security rules
prevailing at the place of work. IR shall not be responsible for any mishap
resulting out of non-observation of prevailing safety and security rules.
8.2.3 The contractor shall ensure that no toilet system remains out of operation
and the maintenance staff should report immediately after receipt of
breakdown call from Nodal officer.
8.2.4 The Contractor shall ensure that all chemicals and bacteria essentially
required for the proper functioning of the bio-toilet system are
supplemented for the waste treatment. He will ensure that emptying and
cleaning of the toilet tank including disposal of residual waste.
8.2.5 The contractor shall set-up the facility for servicing and bench testing with
effluent treatment plant at contractor’s cost at the place provided by the
Railway. The facilities will include skilled staff, tooling required for
dismantling, servicing, testing and assembling of various parts of the Bio

Toilets. The Contractor shall ensure that his staff does not spread filth/litter
around working area and it shall be the duty of the staff to maintain
cleanliness of the area. Besides, firm will keep all the testing and
maintenance facilities in working order at all times. Back-up of critical
machinery, tools etc. should be maintained to ensure un-interrupted
attention. Break down of such items should be reported to Nodal officer
8.2.6 Contractor shall be solely responsible for the safety of all the men and
equipment of the firm. Railways will not be responsible on this account in
any manner.
8.2.7 Boarding & lodging facilities to staff of firm to be made available at any
station shall be the responsibility of the contractor.
8.2.8 The Contractor shall ensure that there is no damage to the Railway
8.2.9 The contractor shall ensure that all employees/persons
engaged/authorized by him for carrying the work, behave properly with
Railway officers and staff. In the event of any misbehavior, reported by the
Nodal officer, the contractor shall immediately withdraw such
employee/person from the work.
8.2.10 The contractor will liaise with the Nodal officer for the AMOC and maintain
necessary records for reference of both the parties.
8.2.11 In case of any problem that the staff is unable to attend, he will advise
Nodal officer for urgent action to be taken.
8.2.12 In case of the coach requiring to go to a periodic repair workshop for any
reason the supplier shall, during warranty as also during operation of
AMOC, be responsible for evacuating and cleaning the tank before
workshop repairs are undertaken and also for re-commissioning the toilet
systems after the coach is attended in the workshop.
8.2.13 In case of any loss /damage to the firm/his men/machinery, the Railway
shall not be responsible and all claims placed on his account will be on the
contractor’s own risk and cost.

9.0 Warranty:

Warranty of Toilet system shall be as per the Purchase order.

10.0 Validity of contract: The AMOC for bio toilet may be decided by zonal
railways as per their requirement, coach holding and local conditions.

11.0 Ownership of the rejected or defective components/or parts:

Ownership of the rejected or defective components/or part is that of the

Contractor against the replacement made by them on the Bio-Toilet
System to make it operative except in case of warranty claims of OEM
agreed to by Railways.

12.0 Payments:
12.1 The payment for AMOC shall be made in installments on Monthly/Quarterly
12.2 Any excess/shortfall in the work actually carried out will be adjusted at the
time of 2nd installment and the last installment of the year.
12.3 The bills of the contractor for payment must accompany as under: -
a) The Bio-Toilet tank numbers and Coach Numbers.
b) Numbers of the Bio-toilets maintained by the firm for each
monthly/quarterly schedule covered under this AMOC.
c) A certificate of the satisfactory maintenance of the bio-logical toilets
as issued by Nodal Officer of Base Railway to be submitted to the
Paying Authority.

13.0 Paying Authority

The payment against this contract shall be made by the concerned
Account officer of the Division/workshops associated with the
Depot/workshop for maintenance of the coaches.

14.0 Records to be maintained by Maintenance Depots:

a) Depot shall maintain the coach numbers to be maintained under this
AMOC along with the date of inclusion/deletion of the coaches under
b) The Nodal officer or Nominated officer concerned shall keep the
register /records for the previous bills paid for each coach to avoid
duplicity of the payments at any time.
c) List of Plant & Machinery installed by the contractor and stock position
of the spares for execution of the AMOC.
d) In addition to the above the Nodal officer may keep records as per
required for effective monitoring of AMOC.
15.0 EMD and Security Deposit:
EMD and Security Deposit shall be submitted by the contractor as specified
in the contract.

16.0 Performance Guarantee – As per purchase order

a) The contractor shall submit Performance guarantee as per Clause

No. 16(4) of Standard General Conditions of Contract, July 2014 or
b) As and when an amendment is issued to the contract, the contractor
shall, within 15 days of receipt of such an amendment furnish to the
Nodal Officer an amendment to the Performance Guarantee Bond
rendering the same valid for the contract as amended.

17.0 Force Majeure Clause

This will be as per Clause 17 (Part-II) of Standard General Conditions of

Contract-2014 or latest.

18.0 Arbitration:
This will be as per clause 63 to 64 (Part-II) of Standard General
Conditions of Contract- 2014 or latest.
19.0 Laws Governing the Contract

This will be as per Clause 03. (1) (Part-II) of Standard General

Conditions of Contract 2014 or latest.
20.0 Determination:
This will be as per Clause 61 and 62 (Part-II) of Standard General
Conditions of Contract 2014 or latest.
21.0 Subletting and Assignment

This will be as per Clause 07 (Part-II) of Standard General Conditions of

Contract 2014 or latest.
22.0 Other terms and conditions as per Standard General Conditions of
Contract- 2014 or latest will apply.
23.0 Penalty:

The following penalties will be levied on contractor for bad workmanship and
penalty amount will be deducted from the on account bills.

SN Item Amount of Penalty

If the defective toilets are not The contractor shall be fined

attended before schedule Rs.2000/- per day (Excluding the
departure time of the train,
day of attention) per toilet till it is

A penalty of up to Rs.5000/- per

Complaint received from toilet shall be imposed on
2 inspecting officers /Passenger contractor. However choking of bio
compliant for unsatisfactory toilets due to misuse by passengers
maintenance of Bio Toilet. is exempted.
3 In case staff not turn up for A penalty of Rs 2500/- per person
AMOC on any day, per day shall be imposed.
The contractor shall be fined
4 If Charging of chlorine tablet in Rs500/- per trip per toilet till it is
chlorinator not done, provided.
Not carrying out sampling testing A penalty of Rs 5000/- per toilet
5 quarterly as per schedule shall be imposed.
As decided by the Nodal officer up
6 Any other deviation of Agreement to maximum of Rs 2000/- per
conditions instant.

Note: The Railway Administration will terminate the contract if the work executed by
the contractor is consistently unsatisfactory.


WITNESS: 1. _______________ WITNESS: 1. _____________

2.________________ 2. _____________


24.0 Instructions for POH of the Coaches fitted with Bio toilets.

1. Place the coach at maintenance workshop’s pit line, where fork lifter can be
placed under the tank.
2. External washing of the tank should be done by pressurized water hydrants.
3. Mark all the tanks with their respective coach number and lavatory number.
4. Remove all the nut bolts used for fastening of safety ropes and safety ropes
provided for IR-DRDE bio toilet retention tank.
5. Dismount hose clamp provided for securing of Rubber hose at Lavatory Pan.
In case of S-trap remove U clamp if fitted.
6. Remove all the pneumatic pipes for flapper valve if any.
7. Open all the nuts and washer with the help of suitable spanner/ wrench. At least
one bolt should remain in the holes of each mounting brackets and tank to avoid
accidental drop age of tank during placement and lifting of the tank.
8. Place the arms of fork lifter below tank and lift the tank slowly about half inch.
Remove remaining bolts carefully.
9. Take the sample of effluent of bio-tank and compare the parameters with the
target values as per testing scheme for bio-toilet effluent.
10. Remove all the tank with the help of fork lift for thorough external cleaning. Tank
and mounting brackets should be inspected for any damage, leakages etc.
11. Open the top cover plate for visual inspection of poly green grass mat and other
internal damage, if any. Evacuate the tank completely with the help of suction
machine and store the slurry in the clean and sanitized container.
12. Do not clean complete tank internally especially poly grass mat because
bacteria which has developed their colonies in between the fibers/threads of
poly grass mats which are fully adopted to the environment of bio-digester tank
and having high multiplying/reproduction rate as compared to fresh inoculums,
will wash out.
13. Poly grass mat should be changed only if it is torn/damaged or folded.
Replacement of poly grass mat with proper securing arrangement if needed.
14. The leakage test of 1st chamber of bio-toilet tank should be done by filling 55
ltrs of water. If there is any leakage, SS welding should be done.
15. If bio-digester is fitted with P-trap, then it must be changed to S-trap.
16. If there is any damage or leakage in the tanks or non-confirming results of
effluent discharges are being reported etc., these tanks should be drained out
at designated place having proper drainage, cleaned properly and tank should
be rectified for the deficiency noticed.

17. If parameters of any bio-toilet tank are not matching to the defined levels, testing
of the diseased tank should be made two more times at an interval of 30 days
if the test parameters are beyond the permissible limits, even after 2
consecutive testing’s of the effluent then evacuate the whole tank and charge
the tank with 120 Ltr tested fresh Anaerobic microbial Inoculum.
18. Hence all the depots are advised to send the details of failed samples of bio-
tanks to the workshop when coach is booked for POH so that workshop may
take corrective action as per reports.
19. Workshops are also instructed to send/past the sample testing parameters
reports with the coach so that depots may take corrective actions accordingly.
20. If no any parameters of sample fail, then evacuated slurry may be recycled to
the same tank with the help evacuation machine.
21. If there is no deficiency found, it should be stored after cleaning in the racks
(3tier stacks as suggested by CAMTECH / Gwalior) earmarked for bio toilets.
Racks should be placed in cool, safe area and without sunlight.
22. Ingress of water, chemicals or any other foreign object to the tank should be
prevented during storage of the bio toilet tanks.
23. The pan of bio-toilet should be 100 mm as per drawing number CG-14100.
Whenever new lavatory pan is provided during POH, it should be 100 mm drain
24. The outlet of horizontal chlorinator should be increased to 50 mm from existing
35mm as the chlorinator is choking by lids of the small bottles and garbage.
25. Then the coach should be sent to all regular stages of POH attention.
26. After completion of POH of the coaches, tanks marked with respective coach
number and lavatory number should be taken out from storage rakes and
restored in position. During loading of bio-tank, date of POH and coach number
must be stenciled.
27. The hole & size of rubber seal should be enhanced as per drawing no. CG-
28. Rubber hose between S-trap and tank should be as per drawing no. CG-16008
29. Nut, bolts and spring washers used for mounting bracket and securing of safety
rope should be checked for wear, tear or corrosion etc. and should be replaced
with same size material and grades if defective.
30. Check the safety rope before re-mounting for any defects.
31. Weld 15 mm thick wire rope holding plate on vertical member of end wall/panel
after cutting 2 mm thick sheet already welded on the member. The plate should
be strengthened properly and should not be welded on 2 mm sheet directly as
it is unsafe practice.
32. Ensure all the nuts and bolts used for mounting and securing of safety rope are
be properly tightened before dispatch of the coach.

33. NDT of J Brackets/Positive mounting bracket.
34. Tank should be refilled with the required level of bacterial inoculum (the life of
bacteria of inoculum is three month) before the outturn of coach from workshop.


S. COACH NO. TYPE BASE DEPOT Type of Discharge

S-Trap P-Trap


Preventative Maintenance schedules of IR Coaches

A. Maintenance Schedule in Depots

Type of Schedule Periodicity

(i) Trip Schedule At the end of each trip or as prescribed
(ii) Schedule ‘A’ or Monthly examination 1 month +/-3 days
(iii) Schedule ‘B’ or tri-Monthly 3 months +/-7 days
(iv) Special Schedule As prescribed by Zonal Railways
B. Periodicity of Maintenance Schedules [IOH & POH] for ICF/RCF design
S.N. Coach Categories Periodicity (Months)
1 New coach turned out by PU or a coach turned out by 12 24
2 Rajdhani/ Shatabdi 09 18
3 Mail Express, Garib rath, Jan-Shatabdi & OCVs 09 18
forming part of standard rake composition of M/E
4 Passenger 09 18
5 Other OCVs 12 24
1. Specified Scheduled Maintenance Periodicities are indicative in nature and subject to
change as per Railway requirements/rules.

2. Periodicity of Maintenance schedule for LHB coaches should be followed according to

CAMTECH Manual for LHB Coaches or latest instructions issued by RDSO/Railway

(A.R.Tupe) (A.S.Ganvir) (M.Amrendra) (Santosh Sinha) (K.S.Chandra)


(Manoj Biswas) (Sudhir Gupta) (S.K.Paswan)


Terminology and Question Bank
Important Definitions

1. Acetogenesis:
Acetogenesis is the third step of anaerobic digestion. Products from fermentation
(organic acids, alcohols) are converted into hydrogen (H2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and
acetic acid (CH3COOH).

2. Adsorption:
The process by which bacteria are attached/ immobilized on the surface of other
substance, such as a solid. The bacteria are attached to the surface but do not enter
the solid's minute spaces as in absorption.

3. Anaerobic Microbial Inoculum:

Anaerobic Microbial Inoculum are samples of living and active communities of
microorganisms used to seed fermentation / bio-digestion and responsible for the
metabolic degradation or elimination of pollutants in biological waste water

4. Anaerobic:
Anaerobic means completely deficient in oxygen and describes environments where
there is no molecular gaseous oxygen (O2), neither any other form of oxygen available
for metabolic activity.

5. Anaerobic Digestion:
Anaerobic digestion is the degradation of organic material by microbial activity in the
absence of air transforming it into biomass and biogas, i.e., a mixture of methane
(CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and some other trace gases.

6. Biodigester:
Anaerobic digesters are air-tight fermenter used to transform organic wastes (excreta,
faecal sludge, wastewater, organic fraction of municipal waste, garden, kitchen waste,
etc.) into biogas and water by a process called anaerobic digestion.

7. Biogas:
Biogas is the common name for the mixture of gases released from anaerobic
digestion. Typically, biogas is composed of methane (50–75%), carbon dioxide (25-
50%) and varying quantities of nitrogen, hydrogen sulphide (H 2S) and other

8. Chemical Oxygen Demand:
The oxygen required for a chemical oxidizing agent (e.g., potassium dichromate) to
break down organic waste in water, for example sewage effluent or decaying plant
and animal matter. COD is generally higher than BOD because more compounds can
be chemically oxidized than biologically oxidized by bacteria.

9. Chlorination:
Chlorination generally refers to the addition of chlorine to water or sewage in order to
kill pathogen and achieve disinfection.

10. Coliform Bacteria:

Coliform bacteria are defined as rod-shaped, Gram-negative organisms, which
ferment lactose and produce acids and aldehydes. The coliforms include Escherichia,
Kliebsiella, Enterobacter, Citrobacter, Serratia and Edwardsiella.

11. Colony Forming Unit (CFU):

Colony forming unit (CFU) is a measure indicating the number of microorganisms in a
sample capable of multiplying and forming a colony on cultivation plates.

12. Effluent:
Effluent is the liquid flowing out of a place or process from where it originated.

13. Escherichia coli:

It is a type of bacterium that inhabits the intestinal tract of humans and other mammals.
It is not necessarily harmful, but it is used as an indicator.

14. Faecal coliforms:

Faecal coliforms are a group of bacteria (e.g., Escherichia coli) present in excreta.
They are not necessarily harmful, but they are present in high numbers and relatively
easy to detect. Therefore, they are used to indicate the presence of other faecal
bacteria, which may be present in small numbers only, but associated to a high health

15. Fermentation/ Acidogenesis:

Fermentation is the second step of anaerobic digestion. Fermentative bacteria
transform sugars and other monomeric organic products from hydrolysis into organic
acids, alcohols, carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen (H2) and ammonia (NH3).

16. Hydraulic Retention Time:

Hydraulic retention time is a measure of the average length of time that a soluble
compound remains in a reactor. It is calculated by dividing the volume of a reactor (m3)
by the influent flow rate (m3/ day). The HRT influences the reduction of chemical and
microbiological pollutants in waste water treatment and is an important parameter with
respect to the desired degradation rate.

17. Hydrolysis:
Hydrolysis describes the cleavage of a chemical compound through the reaction with
water, thereby, a hydrogen atom (H) is added to one part of the split chain, while the
remaining hydroxyl (OH) group of the water is added to the other. Hydrolysis is the
first step of anaerobic digestion in which insoluble complex molecules such as
carbohydrates, proteins and fats are broken down to short sugars, fatty acids and
amino acids.

18. Indicator Organisms:

Indicator organisms are microorganisms or plants that serve as a measure of the
environmental conditions that exist in a given location. Typical indicator organisms
are faecal contamination indicators such as E. coli or coliforms.

19. Most Probable Number (MPN):

Most Probable Number is a method to estimate the amount of microorganisms in a


20. Methanogenesis:
Methanogenesis is the final and rate limiting step of anaerobic digestion.
Methanogenic bacteria (methanogens), which are strictly anaerobic, transform the
acetic acid (acetate), carbon dioxide and hydrogen into a mixture of methane and
carbon dioxide (biogas).

21. Pathogen:
Pathogens are microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi and helminths)
that are infectious and can cause disease or illness.

22. pH:
pH is the quantitative measure of the strength of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.
It is defined as the negative common logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions
[H+] in moles/L: pH = -log10 [H+].

23. Total solids:

Total solids refer to the residue remaining after a wastewater sample has been
evaporated and dried at a specific temperature (103–105 °C). It is generally measured
in mg/ L. TS is the sum of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Total Suspended Solids

24. Total Dissolved Solids:

The total dissolved solid is the content of all inorganic and organic substances
contained in a liquid in molecular, ionized or micro-granular (colloidal) suspended
form. Generally, the operational definition is that the solids must be small enough to
survive filtration through a sieve the size of two micrometres.

25. Volatile solid:

Volatile solid is the content of all solids lost on ignition at 550 °C.

26. Volatile Fatty Acids:

Volatile fatty acids are fatty acids with a carbon chain of six carbons or fewer. They
can be created through fermentation.
Question Bank on Bio-Toilet System
Q.1 What is Bio-Toilet?
Ans. A toilet in which an anaerobic biological degradation of human waste by
inoculums, which converts fecal metter into water and gases.

Q.2 What is the name of Bio-toilet Bacteria?

Ans. Anaerobic Bacteria

Q.3 What do you mean by 99% Pathogens inactivation in anaerobic bio-degradation?

Ans. It means out of 100 bacteria, only 1 bacterium will survive.

Q.4 Whether anaerobes can degrade detergents/ phenyl etc?

Ans. Yes.

Q.5 What are the steps in anaerobic digestion?

Ans. Large polymers are converted into simpler monomers called hydrolysis

Simple monomers are converted into volatile fatty acids called acidogenesis

Volatile fatty acids are converted into acetic acid CO2 & H2 called acetogenesis

Acetate & H2 are converted into CH4 & CO2 called methanogenesis

Q.6 What is the life of Anaerobic bacteria?

Ans. Their survival is linked with the availability of nutrients/ feed material. Even if
the feed material is not available, bacteria survive but do not multiply/reproduce.
And as soon as nutrients are available they again start multiplying. Without
feeding bacteria may last for 03 months.

Q.7 What is the doubling period for bacterial population?

Ans. Doubling time of bacteria in the bio-digester vary from 03 to 08 hours among
the bacteria involved in different steps of bio-degradation.

Q.8 Are coaches turned out from PUs filled with bacteria and how much quantity?
Ans. Must be turned out after filling 120 lts. Inoculum in the Bio-Toilet tank.

Q.9 Is there need to top-up bacteria in in-service coaches?

Ans. Generally, it is not required. Requirement can be assessed by sample repots.

Q.10 What is the frequency for doing sample testing of effluent?

Ans. 90 Days (minimum 5% of total coach holding)

Q.11 How much quantity of inoculum is charged initially in the Bio-Toilet tank?
Ans. 120 Lts Inoculum

Q.12 Whether Anaerobic bacteria are harmful to human beings or not?

Ans. No.It should not be consumed. Hands to be cleaned after charging of bacteria
in toilet.

Q.13 What are the tests to be carried out by depot and what is their frequency?
Ans. pH value test, COD and faecal coli form count tests to be carried out by
Coaching depots for effluent testing with the frequency of 90 days.

Q.14 What will be the effect if pH value of effluent is dropped between 1 to 5?

Ans. Discharged effluent will be Acidic & can cause corrosion on track fittings.

Q.15 How many tests to be carried out on Inoculum?

Ans. pH value test, Bio-Gas production, Methane % test & MPN count.

Q.16 Why is chlorinator provided?

Ans. Chlorinator is provided to disinfect the discharged water which reduces the E-
coli form present in the effluent.

Q.17 What is the weight of Chlorine tablet?

Ans. Weight approx.200 gms, dia 78 mm.

Q.18 What is the weight of KMnO4 tablet?

Ans. Weight 170 to 180 gms.

Q.19 What is the safe space available between two tanks to pass fitters?
Ans. Approx. 600 mm.

Q.20 What is the thickness of the body sheet for Bio-digester tank?
Ans. 3 mm S.S. Sheet.

Q.21 Thickness of sheet in inside partition is?

Ans. 2 mm S.S. Sheet.

Q.22 What is the weight of empty Bio-Toilet Tank?

Ans. Approx. 115 Kg.

Q.23 Flow of human waste from Ist and last chamber is passed through?
Ans. 80 mm dia/62.5 mm dia riser pipe only.

Q.24 What is the size of ICF coach Bio-digester?

Ans. 540 mm x 1150 mm x720 mm with 4 mounting brackets & 2 Nos. M16 bolts on
each bracket.

Q.25 What is the size of LHB coach Bio-digester?

Ans. 547 X 580 X 1680 mm (H X W X L)

Q.26 What is the total volume of RCF/ICF type coach Bio-Toilet tank?
Ans. 400 Lts.

Q.27 What is the effective volume of Bio-Toilet tank?

Ans. 300 Lts.

Q.28 What is the height of Bio-Toilet tank from Rail level?

Ans. 220 mm approx.

Q.29 Flow of human waste from Ist and last chamber is passed through?
Ans. Piping arrangement.
Q.30 What is the thickness of poly grass mat, provided on partition wall?
Ans. Approx. 10 to 15 mm.

Q.31 What is the size of compartment No.1?

Ans. 271 mm x 388 mm x 538 mm.

Q.32 What is the thickness of positive mounting bracket?

Ans. 05 mm thick

Q.33 What is full name of TPE connector?

Ans. Thermo-plastic Elastomeric material.

Q.34 What is the criteria for design of the Bio-Toilet tank?

Ans. 1/2 of volume of waste of total population in coach (Approx 250 gm human
waste +2.5 Lts flushing water per passenger).

100 passengers in one SCN (72) X (250 gms human waste) = 25Kg. +25 Lts.
Water=50 Lts.
Existing size of Compartment No. 1= 271 X 388 X 538 mm = 56 Lts. Volume
Proposed enhancement of Comp.1= 421 X 388 X 538 mm = 87.88 Lts. Volume
(The existing size of comp-4, 293 X 388 X 538 mm is proposed to be reduced)

Q.35 Which design of bio-digester tank to be followed by

Ans. 1. With J-Bracket type mounting- Fitted by RCF till December’13.
2. With C-type mounting brackets (mounting brackets integrated with
tank) - Cut-in by RCF since Jan’14.
3. Direct Mounting - Positive mounting with bolted fastening.

Q.36 What are the toilet cleaning instructions?

Ans. Given in AMOC Doc. No. RDSO/2010/CG/CMI-03 Rev-01 Dec.2011.

IRCAMTECH/GWL/M/Bio-Toilet AMOC/1.0 Aug-2015
Q.37 How to test leakage of first chamber of Bio-Tank.
Ans. Leakage test of first chamber of Bio-Tank should be done by filling 55 ltr of
water if there is any leakage SS Welding should be done.

Q.38 What is Bio Digester Technology?

Ans. Bio digester Technology is an ecofriendly human waste disposal technology. It
has two components; fermentation tank and the cold active Anaerobic Microbial
Inoculum (AMI) which is used as seed material. Both these components together carry
out biodegradation of human waste quickly

Q.39 Is it necessary to change the Polygrass mat?

Ans. No, it is not necessary to change Polygrass mat in any schedule nor in POH,
unless or until it got damage.

Q.40 What are the instructions for carrying out POH of Bio-Toilet Coaches?
Ans. Follow instructions given in POH guidelines given in this compendium.

Q.41 How does Bio-digester work or working principle of Bio-digester

Ans. Biodegradation is a natural process. Tank is designed in such a way that it
accelerates the biodegradation process. Microbial inoculum used is prepared to work
under extremes of temperature and other environmental conditions. Both these
components together carry out biodegradation of human waste rapidly and converts it
into biogas and water. The amount of sludge generated is very less because of lower
biomass produced in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic process).

Q.42 What is the identification of Bio-Toilet Coach?

Ans. Green band on exterior below toilet glass

Q.43 What is JWG. What is the frequency of meeting?

Ans. Joint Working Group. These are quarterly meetings. Convener is CDE/RCF.

Q.44 Why six compartments have been made in Bio-digester tank?
Ans. For giving sufficient time for growth of Bacteria in green grass pads.

Q.45 Whether any list of cleaning agents available for Bio-Toilet coaches?
Ans. Given in CAMTECH’s Compendium Page No. 25.

Q.46 How choking of S-Trap is removed?

Ans. With the help of Choke Remover device.

Q.47 Whether standardization of sticker for Bio-Toilet done or not?

Ans. Yes, Standardized, RDSO Drawing No. ICF/STD-6-4-048.

Q.48 How garbage of toilet pan is removed in case of pan choking?

Ans. With the help of “Garbage picking Tongs”.

Q.49. How garbage of Bio-Toilet Tank Compartment No.1 is removed in case of

blockage of compartment.1?
Ans. With the help of Trolley mounted “Evacuation machine” as per CAMTECH
spec no. CAMTECH’s/M/Suction system/03/11 dated 30.09.2011. [Re-
circulated vide CAMTECH Letter No. IRCAMTECH.M.GWL.Bio-Toilets
dated 16.03.2015]

Q.50 Why do bio toilets get choked?

Ans. Bio-Toilets get choked mainly on account of throwing of waste like tea cups,
water bottles, sanitary pads, napkin etc. inside toilet by travelling passengers.

Q.51 How to tackle the problem of choking in bio-toilets?

Ans. Chocking in bio toilets could be avoided by educating the travelling public about
Bio-toilet. A short film on bio toilet is developed by CAMTECH. This film should be
shown respectively at stations & waiting halls to educate passengers.

 Announcement to be made at regular interval at all stations requesting
passengers not to throw any waste material inside toilet as this result in
chocking of bio-toilets.
 Stickers as shown in compendium page No. 123 must be displayed in all bio
toilets to educate the passengers.
 Dust bin must be provided in all bio toilets so that passengers could dump waste
in the dustbin.

Q.52 What is S-Trap for Bio-Toilet Tanks?

Ans. Main feature of New Design S-Trap is –

1. Complete elimination of Ball valve, by-pass foot paddle, Linkage, P-trap and
flexible rubber hose connector is done in this system.

2. In place of existing 60 mm diameter P-trap, a ‘S’ band of 100 mm diameter is

directly coupled to commode pan thus increasing flow area and streamline the
waste flow into tank.

3. Size of First chamber is increased with fourth chamber to increase volume up

to 80 lts. and to accommodate ‘S’ band.

Q.53 What are the qualifying criteria for retro fitment of Bio-Tanks in existing
Ans. Reduction of cross section of outer & inner head stock beams may be allowed
up to 15% i.e. residual thickness 8.5 mm for inner head stock and 6.8 mm for
outer head stock. (RDSO letter no. MC/CB/LF/Aerobic dated 30.12.2015)

Q.54 What is Bio Digester Technology?

Ans. Bio digester Technology is an eco-friendly human waste disposal technology. It
has two components; fermentation tank and the cold active Anaerobic Microbial
Inoculum (AMI) which is used as seed material. Both these components
together carry out biodegradation of human waste quickly.
[ Q.55 How does Bio-digester work or working principle of Bio-digester
Ans. Biodegradation is a natural process. Tank is designed in such a way that it
accelerates the biodegradation process. Microbial Inoculum used is prepared to
work under extremes of temperature and other environmental conditions. Both
these components together carry out biodegradation of human waste rapidly
and converts it into biogas and water. The amount of sludge generated is very
less because of lower biomass produced in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic
Q.56 What is (Anaerobic Microbial Inoculum) AMI?
Ans. Microbial consortium developed by DRDE, Gwalior is a mixture of different types
of bacteria which have been developed by enrichment and acclimatization
process. It is added to Bio-digester (only once) during its installation. It works
in temperature range of 5 to 50 oC.

Q.57 What are simple tests for analysis of AMI’s functionality and what changes
are expected when it is no longer functional?
Ans. It should have pH around neutral range (6.5 - 7.5); when mixed with fresh waste
(cattle dung) and kept for 24 hours produces inflammable biogas.

Q.58 How bacteria degrades (process) the waste?

Ans. Stepwise degradation of organic waste into biogas

Q.59 What are different types of bacteria used in Bio-digester?

Ans. Anaerobic Microbial Inoculum contains mixture of anaerobic bacteria belonging
to four different groups namely hydrolytic, acidogenic, acetogenic and
methanogenic groups adapted to 5 oC and night soil. some of them are

Planococcus matriensis, Clostridium schirmacherense, Bacillus sp.,
Aeromonas hydrophila, Clostridium vincentii, Methanosaeta concilii.

Q.60 Are there any regulatory guidelines with respect to manufacturing of AMI
or disposing them?
Ans. No, But DRDE has GMP guidelines for manufacturing of quality inoculum, which
should be followed by the firm to get certification from DRDE.
Q.61 Can we use AMI in ETP (Effluent treatment plant)?
Ans. AMI is not recommended for ETP

Q.62 Is AMI available in the form of powder & Pellets?

Ans. No. Inoculum is liquid.

Q.63 The testing standards against which AMI is tested?

S No. Parameters Target value
1 pH 6.5 – 7.5
2 Biogas inflammability Inflammable
3 Methane content of biogas > 40 %
4 Total solid content 3–4%
5 Methanogens count (MPN/ml) > 103

Q.64 How much AMI is required to seed a Bio-digester for a household of 5

members? What is the approximate price if we get directly from DRDO/
license holder?
Ans.120 L of Inoculum is needed. The cost of inoculum is Rs 10/L in DRDO. License
holder’s price may vary according to the vendor.

Q.65 Is there any ratio in calculating bacteria required to decompose X waste at

Y rate?
Ans. No. The size and design of the tank depends upon the number of persons use,
nature of waste, geo-climatic conditions of the place, water usage. The inoculum
requirement is 30 % of working volume of the bio-digester.
Q.66 This bacterium is being projected mainly as a solution for handling waste.
Is this process less efficient in producing methane for alternate uses (as
compared to regular biogas technology)?
Ans. No, it is equally efficient; it needs less time for stabilization.

Q.67 What is the shelf life period of AMI?

Ans. AMI can remain for a period of 3 months if it is stored in ambient conditions.

Q.68 How can we store AMI?

Ans. The inoculum can be stored in bigger tanks. Preferably it should be kept in
shaded area, ambient conditions and loose shunted.

Q.69 What is minimum AMI requirement for seeding of Bio digester?

Biodigester Inoculum requirement
Volume (m )3
Plain areas High Altitude Areas
vary 30 % of working 40 % of working
volume volume

Q.70 What Kind of waste can be used for AMI multiplication?

Ans. Any ruminant animal dung can be used like buffalo, Cow, Horse, sheep, goats,
and camels.

Q.71 Does bacteria from Bio digester have any effect on human
Ans. Bacteria does not have any adverse effect on human health and environment.

Q.72 What is the effect of non-human waste in the form of chemicals (detergents/
shampoos/ soaps) which enters into Bio digester?
Ans. The population of bacteria is capable of developing the enzyme systems
necessary to degrade/digest the toxic organic compounds. Inoculum had been
screened against all commercially available chemicals and it tolerates these
chemicals up to 80 ppm.

Q.73 Can AMI be used in existing septic tank?

Ans. Inoculum won’t work in septic tank as it needs specialized design with respect to
strict anaerobic condition, sedimentation of solids and immobilization matrix for

Q.74 How this technology can be used in a commercially sustainable manner?

Ans. Demand worth crores of rupees has also been raised from civil sector like UT of
Lakshadweep and UT of Daman. Ministry of drinking water and sanitation has
also recommended the adoption of similar bio-toilets for rural households. There
are 6, 38,000 villages in our country. Indian railway has around 50,000
passenger coaches and each coach is fitted with four toilets making the total
requirement of ‘Bio digesters’ approximately 3 lakhs. Therefore, there is huge
demand for the ‘Bio digester’. In addition, railway produces at least 1000
passenger coaches per year which will consistently generate demand of 4000
‘Bio digesters’ per year in addition to regular maintenance and repairing.
Virtually, Bio digesters have the potential of human waste treatment in every
walk of life, be it private houses, public places, mobile vehicles like trains, buses,
ships, etc.

Q.75 What are the areas in which bio digester toilet can be used?
Ans. Bio digester Technology is applicable for high altitude Areas, glaciers, Islands,
high water table coastal areas, villages, seaports, mining area, industrial areas,
metro cities, mobile platforms (Railway coaches, Buses) etc. with slight tweaking
in its design.

Q.76 Does the bottom of tank requires a slope from inlet to outlet side for
movement of solid waste?
Ans. It is not necessary to provide a slope from inlet side to outlet side.

Q.77 Is a soak pit mandatory or discharge can be permitted in an open channel

Ans. Soak pit is not mandatory. The effluent can be discharged into open channel

Q.78 How often do we have to remove the sludge in Bio digester?

Ans. Sludge removal is not needed.

Q.79 How much time will it take to install?

Ans. It is very easy and quick process to install a Bio digester, because it does not
require any special equipment. It only needs to dig a trench (as per Bio-digester
size) in desired place and placement of bio-digester into it, further fixing of inter-
connections (i.e. from the commode’s outlet till the Bio-digester tanks outlet).

Q.80 How much time gap is required between installation of Bio-digester and its
Ans. Bio-digester can be used immediately after installation and seeding of Bio-
digester with AMI.

Q.81 What is the post installation maintenance of Bio-digester?

Ans. Bio digester does not require any maintenance. Routine cleaning of the Bio-toilet
commode and surface area would be needed.

Q.82 How much do they cost?

Ans. The cost of Bio digester may vary according to size, material, number of user.
Industrial partners of DRDE have to be contacted for the price. In general, cost
would be lesser than the septic tank.

Q.83 What are Advantages of Bio Digester Technology?

 Degrades organic waste in an ecological safe manner.
 Not require energy for waste treatment.
 Cost-effective.
 Wide applicability under different climatic conditions.
 Customized & easily adaptable.
 Maintenance free.
 Minimizes water consumption.
 Recycling of effluent water.
 Reduction in organic waste by more than 90%.
 More than 99% pathogens reduction.

Q.84 What are the advantages to the environment?

 It prevents human waste and untreated water from contaminating
 Pathogens reduction from effluent lead to reduction of water borne
 It offers an alternative to dumping of wastes into rivers, lakes and fields
in rural and semi-rural areas where there are no sewage systems.
 Resource recovery (Renewable energy in the form of biogas, water for
recycling) from by-products is also a practical reality.

Q.85 How the Bio digester is advantageous over septic tank?

Ans. The septic tank requires large space/volume in turn high cost for construction.
The fermentation of human waste is uncontrolled. The effluent is not treated and
the effluent water is not safe (microbiologically) to discharge into the environment
as it may contain pathogenic organisms which may contaminate the ground water
or nearby water sources. Septic tank is maintenance intensive and necessitates
periodic removal of sludge. These limitations of septic tanks can be overcome by
installation of bio digester.

Q.86 Can Bio digester be used in high water table areas?

Ans. Yes.

Q.87 Can Bio digester be used in coastal areas?

Ans. Yes, provided water used for flushing should not be sea water.

Q.88 if toilet was not used for 2 months, does bacteria recharge required?
Ans. No.

Q.89 whether biogas from single family Bio digester can be used?
Ans. Yes.


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