Case Digest For Default
Case Digest For Default
Case Digest For Default
Aquino vs Aure Complaint for We do not agree. It is true that the precise technical
ejectment effect of failure to comply with the requirement of
Aure and E.S. Aure Lending Section 412 of the Local Government Code on barangay
Investors, Inc. (Aure Lending) filed a conciliation is much the same effect produced by non-
Complaint for ejectment against The only issue to be exhaustion of administrative remedies -- the complaint
Aquino. Aure and Aure Lending resolved is whether becomes afflicted with the vice of pre-maturity; and the
alleged that they acquired the subject non-recourse to the controversy there alleged is not ripe for judicial
property from spouses Aquino. Aure barangay determination. The complaint becomes vulnerable to a
claimed that after the spouses Aquino conciliation process motion to dismiss.
received substantial consideration for is a jurisdictional
the sale of the subject property, they flaw that warrants in the landmark case of Royales v. Intermediate
refused to vacate the same. the dismissal of the Appellate Court: Ordinarily, non-compliance with the
In her Answer, Aquino countered that ejectment suit filed condition precedent prescribed by P.D. 1508 could affect
the Complaint, Aure and Aure with the MeTC. the sufficiency of the plaintiff's cause of action and make
Lending do not have any legal right his complaint vulnerable to dismissal on ground of lack
over the subject property. of cause of action or prematurity; but the same would
MeTC rendered a Decision in favor of not prevent a court of competent jurisdiction
Aquino and dismissed the Complaint from exercising its power of adjudication over
for ejectment of Aure and Aure the case before it, where the defendants, as in
Lending for non-compliance with the this case, failed to object to such exercise of
barangay conciliation process, among jurisdiction in their answer and even during the
other grounds. entire proceedings a quo.
RTC - RTC affirmed the dismissal of
the Complaint on the same ground In the case at bar, we similarly find that Aquino cannot
CA- Court of Appeals rendered a be allowed to attack the jurisdiction of the MeTC over
Decision, reversing the MeTC and Civil Case No. 17450 after having submitted herself
RTC Decisions and remanding the voluntarily thereto. We have scrupulously examined
case to the MeTC for further Aquino’s Answer before the MeTC in Civil Case No.
proceedings and final determination 17450 and there is utter lack of any objection on her part
of the substantive rights of the to any deficiency in the complaint which could oust the
parties. MeTC of its jurisdiction
respondents filed a Second We likewise cannot approve the trial court’s act of
Supplemental Motion to Dismiss entertaining supplemental motions to dismiss which
raise grounds that are already deemed waived. To do so
In all of these petitioners filed their would encourage lawyers and litigants to file piecemeal
answer and comments to MTD and objections to a complaint in order to delay or frustrate
Supplemental MTD the prosecution of the plaintiff’s cause of action.
Dico vs Vizcaya Management action for the We find and hold that the action of the Dicos for
Corporation annulment and reconveyance was properly dismissed.
cancellation of the
Dicos commenced an action for the titles of VMC. Although defenses and objections not pleaded in a
annulment and cancellation of the motion to dismiss or in an answer are deemed waived, it
titles of VMC. was really incorrect for the Dicos to insist that
whether prescription could not be appreciated against them for
They averred, among others, that they prescription that reason. Their insistence was contrary to Section l,
were the registered owners of Lot No. already barred Rule 9 of the Rules of Court, which provides as follows:
486 and the possessors-by-succession petitioners’ cause of
of Lot No. 1412 (formerly Lot No. action Section 1. Defenses and objections not pleaded.-
1118) and Lot No. 489; that VMC had Defenses and objections not pleaded either in a motion
land-grabbed a portion of their Lot to dismiss or in the answer are deemed waived.
No. 486 totaling 111,966 square However, when it appears from the pleadings or the
meters evidence on record that the court has no jurisdiction
over the subject matter, that there is another action
Ruling of the RTC - rendered in favor pending between the same parties for the same cause, or
of the plaintiffs and against the that the action is barred by a prior judgment or by
defendants statute of limitations, the court shall dismiss the claim.
(2a) Under the rule, the defenses of lack of jurisdiction
Ruling of the CA - the CA reversed the over the subject matter, litis pendentia, res judicata, and
RTC prescription of action may be raised at any stage of the
proceedings, even for the first time on appeal, except
that the objection to the lack of jurisdiction over the
subject matter may be barred by laches.
Heirs of Medrano vs Estanislao We sustain the CA’s ruling that the trial court gravely
De Vera Complaint for abused its discretion in refusing to allow De Vera to
quieting of title, participate in the case and requiring him to file a motion
Flaviana died intestate, leaving her reconveyance, to intervene.
half-sisters (Hilaria) and (Elena) as reformation of
her compulsory heirs. Hilaria and instrument, and/or The trial court’s approach is seriously flawed because De
Elena, by virtue of a private document partition with Vera’s interest is not independent of or severable from
waived all their hereditary rights to damages the interest of the named defendants. De Vera is a
Flaviana’s land in favor of Francisca transferee pendente lite of the named defendants His
Medrano (Medrano). In the same rights were derived from the named defendants and, as
year, Medrano built her concrete transferee pendente lite, he would be bound by any
bungalow on the land in question judgment against his transferors under the rules of res
without any objection from Hilaria judicata. Thus, De Vera’s interest cannot be considered
and Elena or from their children. and tried separately from the interest of the named
Hilaria and Elena died. Due to the defendants.
refusal of the other children to sign a
similar renunciation, Medrano filed a It will be remembered that the trial court had already
Complaint. De Vera presented himself admitted De Vera’s answer when it declared the original
as the real party-in-interest on the defendants in default. As there was a transferee
ground that some of the named pendente lite whose answer had already been admitted,
defendants had executed a Deed of the trial court should have tried the case on the basis of
Renunciation of Rights in his favor. that answer, based on Rule 9, Section 3(c):
The trial court admitted De Vera’s
Answer with Counterclaim. In the Effect of partial default. – When a pleading asserting
same Order, the court declared the a claim states a common cause of action against several
named defendants in default for not defending parties, some of whom answer and the others
answering the complaint despite valid fail to do so, the court shall try the case against all upon
service of summons. Thus, it appears the answers thus filed and render judgment upon the
that the court a quo treated the evidence presented.
named defendants and De Vera as
distinct and separate parties. Thus, the default of the original defendants
Medrano asked the court to order De should not result in the ex parte presentation of
Vera to file a pleading in-intervention evidence because De Vera filed an answer. The
so that he could be properly named as trial court should have tried the case based on
a defendant in the case. De Vera did De Vera’s answer, which answer is deemed to
not comply with the court’s order have been adopted by the non-answering
despite service upon his lawyer defendants
With a motion for new trial, the defendant must file the
motion within the period for taking an appeal123 or
within 15 days from notice of the default judgment.
Although a default judgment has already been rendered,
the filing of the motion for new trial tolls the
reglementary period of appeal, and the default judgment
cannot be executed against the defendant.
Otero vs Tan A party in default loses his right to present his defense,
Complaint for control the proceedings, and examine or crossexamine
Complaint for collection of sum of collection of sum of witnesses. He has no right to expect that his pleadings
money and damages was filed by money and would be acted upon by the court nor may be object to
Roger Tan in MTCC for the reason damages or refute evidence or motions filed against him.
that Otero purchased on credit
petroleum products from his Petron In Lina v. CA, et al.,this Court enumerated the
outlet. Despite receipt of the whether Otero, remedies available to party who has been declared in
summons and a copy of the said having been default, to wit:
complaint Otero failed to file his declared in default a) The defendant in default may, at any time after
answer with the MTCC. by the MTCC, may, discovery thereof and before judgment, file a motion,
Tan filed a motion with the MTCC to in the appellate under oath, to set aside the order of default on the
declare Otero in default for his failure proceedings, still ground that his failure to answer was due to fraud,
to file his answer. Otero opposed raise the failure of accident, mistake or excusable neglect, and that he has
Tan’s motion, claiming that he did not Tan to authenticate meritorious defenses; (Sec 3, Rule 18)
receive a copy of the summons and a the statements of b) If the judgment has already been rendered when the
copy of Tan’s complaint. Otero failed account which he defendant discovered the default, but before the same
to appear at the next scheduled adduced in has become final and executory, he may file a motion for
hearing, and the MTCC issued an evidence new trial under Section 1(a) of Rule 37;
order declaring him in default. A copy c) If the defendant discovered the default after the
of the said order was sent to Otero on judgment has become final and executory, he may file a
May 9, 2006. Tan was then allowed to petition for relief under Section 2 of Rule 38; and
present his evidence ex parte. d) He may also appeal from the judgment rendered
against him as contrary to the evidence or to the law,
MTCC - rendered a Decision directing even if no petition to set aside the order of default has
Otero to pay Tan his outstanding been presented by him. (Sec. 2, Rule 41)
RTC - rendered a Judgment affirming a defending party declared in default retains the right to
the MTCC Decision appeal from the judgment by default. However, the
grounds that may be raised in such an appeal are
CA - denied the petition for review restricted to any of the following: first, the failure of the
filed by Otero plaintiff to prove the material allegations of the
complaint; second, the decision is contrary to law; and
third, the amount of judgment is excessive or different
in kind from that prayed for.