DLP PPT1112 2d 6.1
DLP PPT1112 2d 6.1
DLP PPT1112 2d 6.1
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016
DLP No. 1 Learning Area: Introduction to the Grade Level: 11 Quarter: Duration:
Philosophy of the Human Person (Senior High 2nd 1 hour
School) Date: 08/23/17
Realize that intersubjectivity requires accepting differences Code: PPT11/12-IIc-6.1.1
Learning and not imposing on others.
Key Concepts/
to be Developed
Explain the importance of understanding the person with disability and the underprivileged
Knowledge sectors of society
Demonstrate activity that shows PWD’s talents and skills
Serve as agent in understanding human relationship especially with PWD’s and the
Attitude underprivileged
Practice concern for others , respect for human rights and equality
CG, Multimedia, materials needed for the activity
4.1 Introductory The teacher show a movie regarding the PWD's
(5 mins)
The teacher divides the class into 4 groups. Each will be given different task to “ACT IT OUT”
4.2 Activity I-Painting/Draw ( Mouth/ Feet)
(13 mins) II-Dancing Crippled
III-Blind Waiter
IV-Singing Blind
1. Relevance
2. Creativity
3. Done Collaboratively
5- Outstanding
4-Very Satisfactory
2-Fairly Satisfactory
1-Needs improvement
After the activity the teacher will ask the following questions:
4.3 Analysis 1. What did you learn from the activity?
(10 mins) 2. How do you feel about the activity?
3. From the activity, how do you now see human relationship?
4. How do you appreciate the talents of person with disabilities?
5. If you are one of these PWD’s, how would you like to be treated?
4.8 Concluding
(5 mins)
Prepared by:
DLP No. 2 Learning Area: Intro to the Grade Level: 11 Quarter: Duration:
Philosophy of the Human Person (Senior High School) 2nd 1 hour
Date: 08/15/17
Learning PPT11/12-IIa-
Competency/ies Realize that “all actions have consequences.” Code: 5.1
Key Concepts/
Understandings All actions have consequences
to be Developed
Knowledge Discuss the meaning of the social contract theory in connection with freedom
Skills Produce a reflection paper that shows how one exercises his/her freedom
Values Act with solidarity towards achieving common good in the use of one’s freedom
3. LEARNING Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person by Christine Carmela Ramos
RESOURCES CG, Activity sheets, Laptop, LCD, speaker, video
4.1 Introductory The session will begin with a prayer, greetings, checking of attendance and refresher.
Activity The teacher will show a picture of Mahatma Gandhi or EDSA Revolution. Do you know
(5 mins) the story behind the EDSA Revolution?
4.2 Activity We will now watch a video presentation (video clips) of the EDSA Revolution or the life
( 20 mins) of Mahatma Gandhi.
What can you say about the movie?
Assessment Essay
Method Reflective Journal
(8 mins) 1. In your view, what consists free choice? Cite examples that happen in the current
2. What will you do in order to exercise freedom responsibly?
4.7 Assignment Research on an issue or recent event in the news and analyze it using the concepts and
( 2 mins) perspectives on human freedom.
4.8 Concluding Reflect on the following quotations by Nelson Nandela, “For to be free is not merely to
Activity cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that reflects and enhances the freedom of
( 2 mins) others.
Skills 5 4 3 2 1
Depth of reflection Demonstrate a Demonstrate a Demonstrate a Demonstrate a Demonstrate little
conscious and thoughtful basic understanding limited or no
thorough understanding of of the writing understanding of understanding of
understanding of the writing prompt and the the writing prompt the writing prompt
the writing prompt prompt and the subject matter. and subject matter. and subject
and the subject subject matter. This reflection matter. This
matter. This needs revision. reflection needs
reflection can be revision.
used as an
example for other
Use of textual evidence Use specific and Use relevant Use examples from Use incomplete or No examples from
convincing examples from the text to support vaguely developed the text are used
examples from the the texts studied most claims in your examples to only and claims made
texts studied to to support claims writing with some partially support in your own
support claims in in your own connections made claims with no writing are
your own writing, writing, making between texts. connections made unsupported and
making insightful applicable between texts. irrelevant to the
and applicable connections topic at hand.
connections between texts.
between texts.
Language use Use stylistically Use language that Use basic but Use language that Use language that
sophisticated is fluent and appropriate is vague or is unsuitable for
language that is original, with language, with a imprecise for the the audience and
precise and evident a sense of basic sense of audience or purpose, with little
engaging, with voice, awareness voice, some purpose, with little or no awareness of
notable sense of of audience and awareness of sense of voice, and sentence structure.
voice, awareness purpose, and the audience and a limited
of audience and ability to vary purpose and some awareness of how
purpose, and sentence attempt to vary to vary sentence
varied sentence structure. sentence structure. structure.
Conventions Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate partial Demonstrate Demonstrate little
control of the control of the control of the limited control of or no control of
conventions with conventions, conventions, the conventions, the conventions,
essentially no exhibiting exhibiting exhibiting frequent making
errors, even with occasional errors occasional errors errors that make comprehension
sophisticated only when using that do not hinder comprehension almost impossible.
language. sophisticated comprehension. difficult.
Prepared by:
DLP No. 3 Learning Area: Intro to the Grade Level: 11 Quarter: Duration:
Philosophy of the Human Person (Senior High School) 2nd 1 hour
Date: 08/16/17
Learning PPT11/12-IIa-
Competency/ies Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices. Code: 5.2
3. LEARNING Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person by Christine Carmela Ramos
RESOURCES CG, Activity sheets
4.1 Introductory The session will begin with a prayer, followed by the greeting, checking of attendance
Activity and energizer.
( 5 mins)
4.3 Analysis Group Activity: The class will be divided into groups. Each group will make a graphic
(10 mins) organizer.
Direction: Think of a present situation which you need to make a decision. Evaluate the
possible consequences of such actions.
4.4 Abstraction The teacher will discuss important points about the topic.
(15 mins) Genuine freedom involves our responsibility to justify our choices as proportionate
responses to the varying demands of different situations. It also involves the careful
consideration of the short-term and long-term consequences of our actions, not just our
lives, but also on the lives of others.
4.5 Application Being free necessitates that we exercise prudence in making decisions. Being free
( 5 mins) bestows us with the capacity to change the course of our lives and of others.
From the decisions you made in the past, which of these would you like to change and
improve to ensure that you are using freedom responsibly and correctly? Fill in the table
Decisions that I’d like to Concrete actions that I Effects on myself and to
change need to do other people
4.6 Assessment
2. You are at a party where alcoholic drinks are being served. Will you accept the drink
offered to you?
4.7 Assignment Name specific people in your life that were able to use their freedom to make the best of
( 3 mins) their situation.
Relates to audience
Varies intonation.
Prepared by:
Position/Designation: Teacher II Division: CEBU PROVINCE
Contact Number: Email address:
DLP No. 4 Learning Area: Intro to the Grade Level: 11 Quarter: Duration:
Philosophy of the Human (Senior High 2nd 1 hour
Person School) Date: 08/17/17
Learning PPT11/12-IIa-5.2
Competency/ies Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices. Code:
Knowledge Identify significant events in life when one made life-changing decisions
3. LEARNING Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person by Christine Carmela Ramos
RESOURCES CG, Activity sheets
or Picture Analysis
What can you say about the pictures below? Have you been in this kind of
situation? What are the things that you considered in making choices?
How did you make your decision? What were the consequences?
Do you have any regret with your past decisions?
What did you learn from such decisions?
As a grade 11 student, you have made some important life decisions in the past. Make
4.2 Activity a time-line of major decisions in your life and below the line then write down the
(15 mins) consequence of those particular decisions.
Life decisions
4.4 Abstraction The teachers will emphasize key points on making decisions through discussion.
(13 mins)
Being prudent in your decisions reflects how you value your life project as well as the
life projects of other people. Critical reflection and analysis of the values at stake and
the possible repercussions of our decisions is part and parcel of being free.
How will you show practice prudence in the choices you make? What will you do to
develop this value?
4.5 Application If you are to go back to your past, what decision did you make which you would like to
(10 mins) change? Why would you change it? (Dyad)
This will be based on the output of the time line.
4.6 Assessment
Assessment Put in a check in the box if the scenario described shows responsible use of freedom.
Method Put an X if otherwise.
(5 mins) ______ 1. While his parents were on vacation Donald invited his schoolmates over to
their house for an overnight party. Neighbors called the police to complain about the
noise made by the partygoers, while a bonfire on the yard almost burned down part of
the house.
______ 2. Instead of spending her excess allowance on new shoes, Rayna decided to
open a bank account and start saving up for her future.
______ 3. A woman used the internet to humiliate her ex-boyfriend by spreading lewd
photos of him on social media.
4.7 Assignment Create a comic strip that reflects prudence in making decisions.
(3 mins)
Prepared by:
DLP No. 5 Learning Area: Intro to the Grade Level: 11 Quarter: Duration:
Philosophy of the Human Person (Senior High School) 2nd 1 hour
Date: 08/16/17
Learning PPT11/12-IIa-
Competency/ies Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices. Code: 5.2
Values Perform actions that show respect for human rights in the choices one makes
3. LEARNING Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person by Christine Carmela Ramos
RESOURCES CG, Activity sheets
4.1 Introductory Think about a past experience and identify a moment when you believed you had “no
Activity choice” regarding your actions or decisions. What did you do?
4.2 Activity What particular situations in our society which shows the same?
The class will conduct a debate on the following situation:
“Do we have the freedom to kill the people who are involve into drugs in order to solve
the problems in our country?”
4.4 Abstraction The following statements will summarize the days’ activity.
a. To be a free individual is to be responsible not only for one’s self but also for all.
b. The individual should be disciplined from within rather than have fear of an authority
4.6 Assessment
Essay writing.
Assessment Expound the following quotation:
Method The future is fixed, how one’s life unfolds is a matter of destiny. Agree or disagree?
4.7 Assignment Look for a passage or quotations about freedom. Make a slogan on that quotation. Be
creative and informative.
4.8 Concluding Sing the song “Freedom is at Hand.”
Idea Idea is present Idea is present Idea is present Idea is vague Lacks
Development and directly and most points but vague; with little organizing idea.
(5 points) supported supported. support may support or (1 point)
throughout (4points) stray from strays from
essay. (5 points) thesis. thesis.
(3 points) (2 points)
Elaboration Well written, Well written, Adequately Awkward writing Poor writing
(10 points) fully elaborates most points written essay; style, points are style with little or
points elaborated with some points general, factual no specific
addressed with clear and elaborated; may errors present, details, off topic,
clear, accurate, detailed contain factual and may stray factual errors
and detailed information to errors or from thesis. present. (2 - 1
information to support thesis; irrelevant (4-3 points) points)
support thesis. may contain information.
(10-9points) minor factual (6-5) points)
(8-7 points)
Prepared by: