The General Assembly is composed of all founding, associate, supporting and observing members and regulatory
and supervisory authorities.
Observer and supporting members have the right to participate in the meetings of the General Assembly but
without a right to vote. The General Assembly is the supreme authority and convenes at least once a year.
The conditions of electing these members are specified in Article 12 of AAOIFI Statute. They are that a
member shall be appointed to fill a vacant office by a majority of the votes of the General Assembly, and
shall belong to the same category of the member whose office has become vacant, and the term of office
of a member appointed to fill a vacancy shall terminate upon the expiry of the original term of the
member whose office had become vacant. The Board of Trustees meets at least once a year. With the
exception of the proposals to amend the statute of AAOIFI which requires the vote of three quarters of the
members of the Board of Trustees, decisions in all matters before the Board are adopted by the majority
of the members voting. In case of a tie, the Chairman shall have the casting vote. The powers of the
Board of Trustees include, among others, the following:
• Appointment of members of AAOIFI's Boards and termination of their membership, in accordance with
the provisions of the statute
• Arrangement of sources of finance for AAOIFI and investing those resources
• Appointment of two members from amongst the members of the Board of Trustees to the Executive
• Appointment of the Secretary-General
Notwithstanding the provisions of the statute concerning the Board of Trustees' powers and authorities,
neither the Board of Trustees nor any of its sub-committees including the Executive Committee, has the
right to interfere directly or indirectly in the work of the other Boards of AAOIFI or influence them in
any manner.
Dr. Mohamed Nedal Alchaar AAOIFI’s Secretary General
The powers of the Standards Board include, among others, the following:
(1) To prepare, adopt and interpret accounting and auditing statements, standards and guidelines for
Islamic financial institutions.
(2) To prepare and adopt code of ethics and educational standards related to the activities of Islamic
financial institutions.
(3) To review with the aim of making additions, deletions or amendments to any accounting and auditing
statements, standards and guidelines.
(4) To prepare and adopt the due process for the preparation of standards, as well as regulations and by-
laws of the Standards Board.
The Standards Board meets at least twice every year and its resolutions are adopted by the majority of the
votes of the members voting. In case of a tie, the chairman of the Standards Board shall have the casting
Vice Chairman of
Mr. Hamad Abdulla Eqab Senior Vice President, Head of
Accounting and
Financial Control, Albaraka Banking
Auditing Standards
Group, Bahrain.
Chairman of
Mr. Fawad Laique Partner, Ernst & Young, Bahrain
Chairman of
Head, Central Accounting Section, Auditing and
Mr. Jamil Darras Finance Department, Islamic Governance
Development Bank, Saudi Arabia Standards
The Shari’a Board is composed of not more than twenty members to be appointed by the Board of Trustees for a four-ye
term from among fiqh scholars who represent Shari’a supervisory boards in the Islamic financial institutions that are
members of AAOIFI, and Shari’a supervisory boards in central banks.
The powers of the Shari’a Board include, among others, the following:
(1) Achieving harmonization and convergence in the concepts and application among the Shari’a supervisory boards of
Islamic financial institutions to avoid contradiction or inconsistency between the fatwas and applications by these
institutions, thereby providing a pro-active role for the Shari’a supervisory boards of Islamic financial institutions and
central banks.
(2) Helping in the development of Shari’a approved instruments, thereby enabling Islamic financial institutions to cope wi
the developments taking place in instruments and formulas in fields of finance, investment and other banking services.
(3) Examining any inquiries referred to the Shari’a Board from Islamic financial institutions or from their Shari’a
supervisory boards, either to give the Shari’a opinion in matters requiring collective Ijtihad (reasoning), or to settle
divergent points of view, or to act as an arbitrator.
(4) Reviewing the standards which AAOIFI issues in accounting, auditing and code of ethics and related statements
throughout the various stages of the due process, to ensure that these issues are in compliance with the rules and principles
of Islamic Shari’a
Shaikh Dr. Abdel Sattar Abdel Karim Shari’a Consultant, Dallah Al Baraka
Abu-Ghuddah Group, Saudi Arabia