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Cable Tray Catalogue 6th Edition (2018) PDF

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Firstly I would like to express my sincere

Letter from M D gratitude to those who have been with us for the
past 20 years since our inception. We reckon that
your constructive criticism, genuine ideas and
factory-site coordination has helped us to
develop a unique system for Middle East. As a
result, our cable management system has been
developed for quick installation and thereby
reducing the overall project cost for the contracts.
We used European technology to emerging
U.A.E markets and it did yield successful results.

We are proud to say that we are the first

manufacturer of cable support system in U.A.E
commercially and our products are installed in
various prestigious projects in and out of U.A.E
for the past 20 years.

Being an ISO 9001 company we believe that

quality is not a watchword, but a practical way
of engineering a product to perfection. We have
put sincere efforts to see that quality is assured
at each stage of production and till the final
product is delivered to customer. Not only we ensure
that we meet the customer specification, quality
and delivery, but even exceed beyond their

Our design department is consistently trying

to develop better designs which will make
installation very simple as well as aesthetic. In an
effort to satisfy the customer, we have started our
most modern in-house powder coating plant and
galvanizing plant which is custom made for Cable
management systems. This will ensure that you
will get a final product which is fully controlled
by us. This way we are able to supply quality
materials at a very reasonable price.

We are looking forward to your continued

patronage in the future also as you did in the past.

Yours Sincerely

Chris T Ruddle
Managing Director


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In-house Galvanizing Plant

In-house Powder Coating Plant

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Basic Concept
Cable Management Construction Environment in today’s modern
world demands the use of complex technologies
for effective use of resources. Hence Cable Man -
agement systems have become an integral part
of industrial, commercial and utility construction.
Cable Management system is a quick economical
and user friendly solution to most of the problems
faced during cabling in all sort of constructions.
This has greatly improved the aesthetic appear -
ances of cable routing inside Modern buildings,
Power Plants and Industrial Projects.

Cable Management systems are continuous

rigid Metal support systems designed to carry all
types of cables. They are used to support various
types of cables in Power sector, High rise building
as well as telephone cables in offices. They
provide a safe way to carry large number of
cables & wires over a considerable distance
between their starting and termination points.
Cable management systems carry a specific
number of cables of specific load safely over a
span between two supports.

Delta Cable Management - Speciality

Metallic Delta Cable management system is a range
of products from Transdelta Int’l Industries having
ISO 9001 : 2008, UL and SGS Certification. We
have fully equipped factory with Design, produc -
tion and Quality control Departments. The load
capabilities, Support span requirements, Deflection
considered by our design department while de -
signing the entire product range. All our products
are manufactured using the latest CNC technology
Our Product Range Robot assisted welding which help us to maintain
a unique quality product throughout manufacturing.
1. Delta Cable Trays Entire Delta Cable management system has been
2. Delta Cable Trunkings designed to minimize welding. Last 20 years of
3. Delta Cable Ladder research and development in this field has helped
us to develope a system which has taken into
4. Delta Strut Systems account all the requirements of construction sites
5. Delta Pull Boxes in the Middle East.


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Raw Material
CARBON STEEL pharmaceutical factories. Apart from the aesthetic
This raw material occupies 90% of Cable trays appearance it resist fire to a greater extend. Stain-
manufactured through out the world is low less steel can maintain its integrity even in a flame
carbon mild steel. It combines good strength temperature of 10000C. The main types available
economy and availability. It has got various coat- are the following,
ing on top of that to avoid corrosion.
COR-TEN A STEEL 304 is the normal grade used in stainless steel
COR-TEN A Steel is a high strength, low-alloy where as 316L is used in highly aggressive envi-
steel produced specially for achieving high galva- ronment with high chlorine contents like in marine
nized coating. It has got a high Silicon content due areas. With the presence of Molybdinum in 316L it
to which we can achieve a deep galvanizing com- has got an improved corrosion resistance against
pared to normal galvanizing. This is most favoured to chlorides.
for industrial plants, under pass and tunnels.
STAINLESS STEEL Aluminum is a rust free alternative to all other ba-
Stainless Steel products, manufactured in accor- sic raw materials. It has got a special superficial
dance with AISI 304, or in accordance with AISI coating of al2o3(alumina) to protect from rust. Due
316L are designed for use in highly aggressive to its good corrosion resistance, it can be used
environments. It has an extensive use in various in chemical environment. And light weightiness
areas like refineries, Chemical industries, Fertilizer is making it ideal for usage in marine vessels
factories and Industries where hygiene is a major and ships. It does not require any additional top
concern like dairies, Abattoirs food industries and coating to avoid rusting.


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Surface Coatings
(HDGAF) (Formerly BS 729)
This finish is having a considerably longer PRE GALVANIZED FINISH OR CONTINUOUSLY HOT
protection under normal industrial and commercial DIP GALVANIZED SHEET FINISH (HDGBF)
environments. Hot dip galvanizing is a process This finish is an economical solution in the normal-
where completely manufactured or roll formed ly dry indoor application where the atmosphere is
steel is chemically cleaned of all contaminants less corrosive .In this finish zinc coating is applied
and then dipped in molten zinc. This will allow on both sides of the steel sheet during manufac-
a coating consists of iron/zinc alloys which are turing itself, resulting in bright and smooth surface
usually over coated with a layer of almost pure finish. The base metal edges(cut edges) expos-
zinc. The thickness of zinc coating depends on ing in further manufacturing operations is not a
the thickness of the steel. Local coating thickness hindrance to the usage in the indoor dry atmo-
varies from 35µ-55µ depending on thickness. sphere application - even though the exposed
Please note that this is purely a mechanical oper- area may have a slight discoloration which can be
ation focusing on the degree of protection rather mistaken as rust - because of the self repairing ca-
thodic protective effect. Not suitable for any highly
than the aesthetic appearance. More thickness of
corrosive and high humidity atmospheric condi-
zinc can be achieved by this method compared to
any other process, leaving a light film of zinc on
the small holes on the surface of the product. British standard BS EN 10327
(Formerly BS 10143)
Corten A steel can be deep galvanized com- ELECTRO-GALVANIZING (EG)
pared to normal coating where the operation
In this finish a thin zinc layer is deposited in elec-
remain same as aforesaid. Grey coating is
trolysis process to product surface. Usage is lim-
expected due to the high silicon content of this
ited only to dry interior spaces due to very less
coating thickness.


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Delta Polyester Coating System (EPAG)
A cost effective alternative to stainless steel The final colour and gloss requirements (e.g. semi-
for cable support systems. matt black) is achieved through powder coating.
But since hot dip galvanizing is a mechanical
Delta Polyester Coating system consists of
process some uneven surface is expected in the
Hot-dip galvanized mild steel which is protect-
final product after powder coating. Also, the use of
ed by a cross-polymer coating. The polymer is
polyester in the specified colour creates maximum
applied in the form of a powder coating through
resistance to degradation by ultra-violet rays. The
electrostatic spray to ensure an even film build
specially formulated polyester has the required
up and good coverage on edges. Delta Polyester
flow properties to form a continuous layer which
Coating System is a cost effective alternative to
is impervious to moisture.
stainless steel and has greater resistance in corro-
sive environments especially where chlorides are
Polyester powder coatings are thermally cross-
linked to form a tough and resilient protective
film with high degree of mar-resistance. There-
Delta Polyester Coating System capitalizes on the
fore, there is no threat of the film losing mechan-
synergy between hot-dip galvanizing and powder
ical properties on exposure to elevated tempera-
coating. The results are long-term protection of
tures. In the event of a fire, there is no threat of
capital assets under harsh marine and chemically
running or dripping as in the case with thermoplastic
aggressive environments.
coatings. The combined zinc and polymer film
How the Delta Polyester Coating System build creates the desired protective properties
Functions without an excessively high loading of organic
substance. Delta Polyester Coating System does
Mild steel applied with Zinc galvanizing coun- not promote combustion. Therefore, on exposure
teracts corrosion through cathodic protection. to high temperature conditions, there is no libera-
The zinc plays the role of the sacrificial cathode tion of halogens.
which prevents the substrate from being corroded
and thus gradually consumed. Subsequently, an For further details on the features, performance
organic coating is applied over the zinc layer in and benefits of the Delta Polyester Coating
order to extend the life span of the zinc. This System, a comprehensive brochure is available
organic coating protects the zinc from attack by upon request.
corrosive chemicals, giving them a greater life
expectancy to the system. However, if the organic We have in-house powder coating plant to achieve
coating has imperfections (e.g. through mechani- high quality and faster deliveries. Our in house
cal damage), oxides will be formed by the zinc to quality person evaluates the lot before despatch.
seal the crevices thus arresting the advancement Mention the RAL colour and finish requirements
of corrosion. while ordering delta polyester coating system.


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Delta Cable Tray
As per BS EN 61537


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Delta Cable Tray
Metallic Delta cable trays are manufactured for the Types available
smooth and easy pulling of cable from one point
to another to BS EN 61537. We have designed 1. 12MM Side Height Cable Tray (P Type)
the best cable trays, by taking care of Cable loads 2. 25MM Side Height Cable Tray (M Type)
and practical site problems. Wherever possible
3. 50MM Side Height Cable Tray (R Type)
all fitting are made of state of art single piece
construction. Slotting Patterns are in such a way
that it enables the easy cutting and joining at any
Standard sizes available in heavy duty cable tray
point without drilling at site. Design allows greater
cable filling capacity and smooth turning at bends. Width x Height in MM

Product specification 50×50 200x50 600x50

Material and Finish (See Page No : 6 for details) 100x50 300x50 750x50

150x50 450x50 900x50

l Pre galvanized steel or Hot dip galvanized steel
Sizes other than this also available to customer request
before fabrication (HDGBF) as per BS EN
l Hot dip Galvanized after fabrication (HDGAF) Length
as per BS EN 1461
3 Meter as standard. Other lengths are also avail-
l Epoxy polyester Powder coating to any able.
RAL colour
l Aluminium Cable tray Slotting Pattern
l Stainless Steel cable tray to AISI 304 and Slots along the length (A) (Standard)
l Corten A Steel Cable Tray Non Perforated tray also available on request

Note: Dimension mentioned through out in the Catalogue is in mm, Unless otherwise stated.


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Standard Perforated Delta Cable Tray
The width and height are the inside dimension of the tray. Only straight length needs coupler to join.
Couplers Should be ordered separately.

12MM Side Height Cable Tray




25MM Side Height Cable Tray

12 t


50MM Side Height Cable Tray




Slotting Pattern Perforation Details

Type A


25 Perforation details remain

same for light duty, medium
duty and heavy duty cable


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 13 12/18/14 3:08 PM

Standard Size & Thickness
12MM Side Height Cable Tray (P-Type)
Width in Possible Thickness in mm
mm 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0

25MM Side Height Cable Tray (M-Type)

Width in Possible Thickness
mm 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0

50MM Side Height Cable Tray (R-Type)

Possible Thickness
1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0

l The Thickness mentioned are as per our l Commercial Tolerance on Thickness Apply.
standard thickness. However customer l Contact Sales desk for fitting thickness.
can order different thicknesses as per their

Handling and Storage

Cable tray cannot be used as a walkway, means All cut edges of cable tray at site should be pro-
not suppose to withstand unusual excessive point tected by applying Zinc rich paint to avoid further
loads. And not meant for torsional rigidity. corrosion.
Delta tray should store in site under the roof in dry, Order Zinc rich paint separately.
well ventilated conditions and away from dust to
preserve appearance for internal installations. And
to avoid wet storage stain.
Delta Cable Tray Fittings
All bends, tees (Except Vertical tee) and crosses shown are gusseted in shape and heavy duty in
construction - For Higher width and radius segmented construction method may be used.

900 Bend 450 Bend

WIDTH Radius
w R
W 50mm W
to 150

R to 250
Bends are available in 30 and 60 degrees also Two 450 bends can be used to achieve offsets in horizontal direction.

Adjustable Horizontal Bend Horizontal Equal Tee

WIDTH Radius
w R
to 150
W 200mm

R to 250
Adjustable Horizontal Bends are available only up to and including
300mm width R

Horizontal Unequal Tee Vertical Tee

Straight Section


W1 W2
When ordering Horizontal Unequal Tee - Please order in the form
of W1-W2 to fill the width column.
For any unequal Tee order, maintaining width (W1) of the straight
section identical by adding appropriate reducer where ever
necessary. Width of the branches (W2) can be vary from straight

Radius type fittings are also available on request. Put R in the column of type of Curvature.
Contact sales desk for various light and medium duty fittings and large radius bends.

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Delta Cable Tray Fittings
Horizontal Cross Y Branch Left and Right

WIDTH Radius
w R W1 W1
W2 W2
to 150
W 200mm

300mm W1 W1
to 250 Right Left
R Cable is deviated to 450 from the main line

900 Riser Outside 900 Riser Inside

Radius 300mm

Radius 300mm
Inside and Outside Riser combination can be used to achieve
Risers are also available in 30, 45 and 60 degree vertical offsets.

Straight Reducer Right Reducer Left Reducer

W1 W1 W1


Note : Mention big dimension W1 first followed by W2 to fill the width column while ordering reducers.
Two 450 Inside and Outside riser combination can be used to achieve offsets in vertical direction.


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How to Order Perforated Cable Tray & Fittings
Base Metal Finish Type

1 Mild Steel P
Mild Steel 12MM Side Height P
Aluminium 2
S/Steel 316L 3 25MM Side Height M
Stainless Steel
S/Steel 304 4
Corten A Steel 5 50MM Side Height R
Normal Finish M 1

Pattern Thickness 2 Elements

Straight Section SS
900 Bend 9H
1.00 mm 1 900 Riser Inside 9RI
900 Riser Outside 9RO
Slots Along the 1.20 mm 2 Adj. Horizontal Bend AH
Length A Horizontal Tee HT
Horztl’ Unequal Tee HUT
(Standard) 1.50 mm 3 Vertical Tee VT
Horizontal Cross HC
2.00 mm 4 Straight Reducer RS 3
Y Branch Right RY
Y Branch Left LY

Width Side Height Length

Width Varies 50 12 mm 12
2000 2
from - 25 mm 25
50 mm - 50 mm 50
to - 75 mm 75 2440 2.44
900 mm 900 100 mm 100
125 mm 125
Please Refer to 3000 3
Page No: 12 150 mm 150

Type of curvature Epoxy finish if required

Gusset G 4

For Straight Length

Mention first 9 Columns Continuously and Epoxy finish if Required.
Eg. of Straight Section

1GRA-3SS300-50-3-E (If Required)

For Fittings
Mention first 4 Columns and then elements, width, side height type of curvature and thickness - Epoxy finish if
required. Eg. of fittings

1GRA-9H300-50-G-3-E (If Required)

1. As it is from the mill, without any further coating 3. For left reducer - LR. Right reducer - RR
2. For elements other than 900 use 3H - 300, 4H - 450, 6H - 600 4. See Page No : 13 for Gusset type construction


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Cable Tray Accessories
Couplers are supplied in pairs. Order eight sets of M6 x 16 mm roofing bolts, nuts & washers Separately.
Order the same fastenings to join fittings with cable tray.

Wrap over Coupler Bend Coupler Plate Coupler

Adjustable Horizontal Coupler Adjustable Vertical Coupler Blind End

For vertical change of direction.

Shown is one set of Coupler. Needs two sets For ordering mention Width and Height
For horizontal change of direction to join two trays of the Cable Tray

Fish Plate Drop out Hold Down Clip

Radius 300mm

Trays above 450mm wide need fish plates to

avoid sagging at joint Mention width of tray while ordering Fastenings order separately


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Cable Tray Accessories
Divider Fastenings Earth Continuity Connector

Hexagon Head Flat

Bolts Washers

Hexagon Nuts Shakeproof


Roofing Bolts
and Nuts Threaded Rods

Braided Copper, 4mm Conducting area,

100mm center to center

Supplied in single without fasteners in three meter long. Used to divide different types of cables inside
a single cable tray run. Order 5 Sets of M6 x 12mm roofing bolt, nut and washer per length.

Select various types of fastenings required from Page No : 22. Uses of threaded rod is limited to
a maximum of 12mm dia, if not using proper brackets in Delta Strut Channel.

Earth Continuity Connectors

Fastening not included. Use M6 x 16 mm roofing bolt, nut and washer. Copper braided and copper lugs,
both in electro tinned finish.
Length between centers: 100mm. Conductor area: 4mm2.


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 19 12/18/14 3:09 PM

How to Order - Accessories
Product Base Metal Finish Item Width Height
(1,2,3,4&5) (P,G,M) Description (50 - 900) (25 - 150) Length Abbreviation
Ref. Page 15 Ref. Page 15

Wrap over ü ü - ü - CS
Bend Coupler ü ü - ü - CC
Plate Coupler ü ü - ü - CP
Horizontal ü ü - ü - AHC
Adjustable A
Vertical ü ü - ü - AVC
Blind End ü ü ü ü - BE
Fish Plate ü ü ü - - FP
Drop Out ü ü ü - - DO
Hold Down Clip ü ü - ü - HDL
Divider ü ü - ü 3 DI

Tick mark shows the relevant parameters against each products.

Example for 300mm width Drop out

1GA-300-DO-E (If Required)

How to order Earth continuity connector

(100 mm long)

Manufacturer reserves the right to change the design without any notification.


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Support Systems for Delta cable tray
l While ordering cantilever bracket and cantilever arm a safe working distance of 30mm is to be added
to width of the tray. E.g : for 100mm tray DEB 130
Supplied without fastenings. Choose various types of fastenings from Page No : 22
More support options are available in Page No : 24

Cantilever Bracket Single Cantilever arm Double Cantilever arm

130 50
180 50
230 50
330 75
30 480 100
M6x12 Roof head bolt 630 125
Nut & Washer Tray fixed with
780 150 Spring Nut M6 &
Tray fixed with M6x20 Roof head bolt
Spring Nut M6 &
M6x20 Roof head bolt


2 Holes of 14mm dia 50 50

2 Holes of 14mm dia 2 Holes of 14mm dia
DEB 130 170 DEC 180 550 DED 180 750*
DEB 180 160 DEC 230 370 DED 230 660*
DEB 230 155 DEC 330 270 DED 330 600*
DEB 330 140 DEC 480 175 DED 480 380*
DEB 480 110 DEC 630 140 DED 630 305
DEB 630 100 DED 780 210
DEB 780 130 DED 930 175
L - Length of the arm *Slip limits loading capacity when using in
UDL - Uniformly distributed load in kgf Strut Channel as column. Refer Page No : 24

Stand off Bracket Trapeze Hanger I-Beam Cantilever arm

Use with 40mm wide I-Beam


2 Holes of 14mm dia

L 41 x 21 (DB 200 Series) Channel is L UDL

SEB 100 recommended for trays up to 200mm width. DEI 130 105
SEB 150 DEI 180 94
SEB 200 For 300mm onwards use 41 x 41
SEB 300 (DB 100 Series). Can be ordered in slotted DEI 230 90
SEB 450 profile in 3 meter. See delta strut Channel DEI 330 85
SEB 600 section for ordering information. DEI 480 74
SEB 750 DEI 630 68
SEB 900
For various threaded rods See Page No : 22

l Please note that above given loads are for general guidelines only.
l For Cable trays above 600mm width order double cantilever arm to increase safe working load.
l Trapeze Hanger is only shown to convey the idea of hanging tray from ceiling.


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Minimum possible width is100mm for straight section
&§ fittings
How to order Support system for Cable tray
Base Metal Finish Type
Mild Steel P DEB
Mild Steel 1
Aluminium 2 DED
S/Steel 316L 3 SEB
Stainless Steel
S/Steel 304 4 DB Series
Corten A Steel 5 DA Series
Normal Finish M DEI

Length Epoxy finish (If Required)

130 480
180 630 Epoxy (EPAG) E
230 780
330 930
Eg. of Support System for 300mm tray in 2mm thickness

1G-DEC330-4-E (If Required)

How to Order Straight Section and Fittings Cover

Base Metal Finish Design Type

Mild Steel 1 Mild Steel P

HDGBF Solid Cover SF
Aluminium 2
HDGAF G Louvered Cover LF Tray and
S/Steel 316L 3 Fittings A
Stainless Steel Ventilated Cover VF
S/Steel 304 4 Cover
Aluminium Dome Cover DF
Corten A Steel 5
Normal Finish M

Elements Width Length

2000 2
Refer Page
50 to 900 2440 2.44
No : 11
3000 3

Type of curvature Epoxy finish if required

Gusset G E (EPAG)

For Straight Length

Mention first 7 Columns Continuously and Epoxy finish if required.
Eg. of Straight Section Cover for 100mm Cable Tray in 2mm thickness

1GSFA-SS100-3-4-E (If Required)

For Fittings
Mention first 4 Columns and then elements, width, side height and type of curvature - Epoxy finish if required.
Eg. of Fittings Cover for 100mm Cable Tray in 2mm thickness

1GSFA-9H100-G-4-E (If Required)


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 23 12/18/14 3:09 PM

Delta Channel Support system
Hot Dip Galvanized
Standard fixing and fastenings M6 pack 500 HN06HG
Stainless Steel (A4)
Fastenings M6 pack 100 HN06A4
M8 pack 100 HN08A4
Roofing Bolts Spring
Hexagonal Head
M10 pack 100 HN10A4
Bolts and Nuts
M12 pack 100 HN12A4
Stainless Steel (A2)
M6 pack 100 HN06A2
Flat M8 pack 100 HN08A2
Hexagonal Nuts
Washers Threaded Rods M10 pack 100 HN10A2
M12 pack 100 HN12A2
Roofing Bolts
Electroplated Zinc
Hexagonal Head Bolts M6 x 12 pack 200 RB0612EG
Electro Plated Zinc M6 x 16 pack 200 RB0616EG
M6 x 16 pack 100 HB0616EG M6 x 20 pack 200 RB0620EG
M6 x 20 pack 100 HB0620EG M6 x 25 pack 200 RB0625EG
M6 x 25 pack 100 HB0625EG M6 x 30 pack 100 RB0630EG
M8 x 16 pack 100 HB0816EG M6 x 40 pack 100 RB0640EG
M8 x 20 pack 100 HB0820EG M6 x 50 pack 100 RB0650EG
M8 x 25 pack 100 HB0825EG Hot Dip Galvanized
M8 x 30 pack 100 HB0830EG M6 x 12 pack 100 RB0612HG
M8 x 35 pack 100 HB0835EG M6 x 16 pack 100 RB0616HG
M8 x 40 pack 100 HB0840EG
M10 x 20 pack 100 HB1020EG Stainless Steel (A4)
M10 x 25 pack 100 HB1025EG M6 x 12 pack 100 RB0612A4
M10 x 30 pack 100 HB1030EG M6 x 16 pack 100 RB0616A4
M10 x 35 pack 100 HB1035EG M6 x 20 pack 100 RB0620A4
M10 x 40 pack 100 HB1040EG Stainless Steel (A2)
M10 x 50 pack 100 HB1050EG M6 x 12 pack 100 RB0612A2
M12 x 20 pack 100 HB1220EG M6 x 16 pack 100 RB0616A2
M12 x 25 pack 100 HB1225EG M6 x 20 pack 100 RB0620A2
M12 x 30 pack 100 HB1230EG
M12 x 35 pack 100 HB1235EG
M12 x 40 pack 100 HB1240EG Flat Washers
M12 x 50 pack 100 HB1250EG Electro Plated Zinc
M6 pack 500 FW06EG
Hot Dip Galvanized M8 pack 500 FW08EG
M6 x 12 pack 100 HB0612HG M10 pack 500 FW10EG
M6 x 16 pack 100 HB0616HG M12 pack 200 FW12EG
M6 x 20 pack 100 HB0620HG
M6 x 35 pack 100 HB0635HG Stainless Steel (A2)
M6 pack 100 FW06A2
Stainless Steel (A4) M8 pack 100 FW08A2
M6 x 20 pack 100 HB0620A4 M10 pack 100 FW10A2
M6 x 25 pack 100 HB0625A4 M12 pack 100 FW12A2
M8 x 25 pack 100 HB0825A4
M8 x 35 pack 100 HB0835A4 Spring Washer
M8 x 40 pack 100 HB0840A4 Electro Plated Zinc
M10 x 16 pack 100 HB1016A4 M6 pack 400 SW06EG
M10 x 25 pack 100 HB1025A4 M8 pack 400 SW08EG
M10 x 40 pack 100 HB1040A4 M10 pack 400 SW10EG
M12 x 25 pack 100 HB1225A4 M12 pack 400 SW12EG
Stain less Steel (A2)
M6 x 20 pack 100 HB0620A2 Threaded Rods in 2 meters as standard
M6 x 25 pack 100 HB0625A2 Electro Plated Zinc
M8 x 25 pack 100 HB0825A2 M6 x 2m TR06EG
M8 x 35 pack 100 HB0835A2 M8 x 2m TR08EG
M8 x 40 pack 100 HB0840A2 M10 x 2m TR10EG
M10 x 16 pack 100 HB1016A2 M12 x 2m TR12EG
M10 x 25 pack 100 HB1025A2 Stainless Steel (A4)
M10 x 40 pack 100 HB1040A2 M6 x 2m TR06A4
M12 x 25 pack 100 HB1225A2 M8 x 2m TR08A4
M10 x 2m TR10A4
Hexagonal Nuts M12 x 2 m TR12A4
Electro Plated Zinc Stainless Steel (A2)
M6 pack 500 HN06EG M6 x 2m TR06A2
M8 pack 500 HN08EG M8 x 2m TR08A2
M10 pack 200 HN10EG M10 x 2m TR10A2
M12 pack 200 HN12EG M12 x 2m TR12A2
l For threaded rods of 2 meter length add /2 after the code. Eg. M6x2 Meters - TR 06EG /3

Product Guide-design-2015.indd 24 12/18/14 3:09 PM

Load Graphs for Cable Tray


Results shown is for continuous, horizontally run,
uniformly distributed load with a multiple span

12MM Side Height Cable Tray

The loads above the graph line is unacceptable
and below the line is safe.

Desired coupler location is one quarter of the
span length away from support point where ever


25MM Side Height Cable Tray

Should not extend the graph line to get another
span v/s load position.




50MM Side Height Cable Tray

Wider trays are tested with fish plate fitted at the
Load capacity shown excludes the weight of the



Note : For guidelines only. Any claim for varied performance is not accepted.


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 25 12/18/14 3:09 PM

More Support Systems
Details shown in more support options using DB100 (41 x 41mm) Series Channels as column.
All holes are 14mm in diameter to use 12mm hex bolt.
All support systems except DEB uses channel nut to fix tray to support. Ref. Page No : 19 for details.

Prod. Code L UDL * Weight in KG

DEA 130 312 0.41
DEA 230 156 0.60
DEA 330 104 0.81
DEA 480 78 1.02
DEB 130 170 0.30
DEB 180 160 0.40
41mm DEB 230 155 0.60 21mm
DEB 330 140 0.80
DEB 480 110 1.20
DEF DEB 630 100 2.40 DEA
DEB 780 130 3.90

DEC 180 550 a 0.64 L

DEC 230 370 0.80
DEC 330 270 1.10
DEC 480 175 1.50
41mm DEC 630 140 1.80

DED 180 750 a 1.20

DEG DED 230 660 a 1.60 DEB
DED 330 600 a 2.00
DED 480 380 2.80
DED 630 305 3.60
L DED 780 210 4.60
DED 930 175 5.40 L

41mm DEE 180 550 a 1.20 41mm

DEE 230 370 1.40
DEE 330 270 1.70
DEH DEE 480 175 2.10 DEC
DEE 630 140 2.40

DEF 180 390 a 0.54

DEF 230 310 0.70
L DEF 330 245 1.00 L
DEF 480 190 1.40

41mm DEG 180 550 a 0.84

DEG 230 370 1.00 82mm
DEG 330 270 1.30
DEG 480 175 1.70
DEJ DEG 630 140 2.00
DEH 180 550 0.64
L DEH 230 370 0.80
DEH 330 270 1.10
DEH 480 175 1.50 L
42mm DEH 630 140 1.80
DEJ 330 750 a 1.70
DEK DEJ 480 500 a 2.40
DEJ 630 375 2.80 DEE
DEJ 780 300 3.80
DEJ 930 200 4.50

DEK 330 454 a 1.20

DEK 480 320 1.60
DEK 630 246 1.90

* Uniformly Distributed Load in Kgf Note : Cantilever arms longer than 930mm is available with
a supporting members to increase safe working load. Contact Sale
Slip Limit Loading Capacity desk for details. Load Details shown is for guidance only.


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 26 12/18/14 3:09 PM

Delta Cable Surface Trunkings
To BS 4678 & BSEN 50085

We also offer:

Weather proof trunking | Light trunking | Raised floor trunking | Under floor trunking
Flush floor trunking | Skirting trunking | Dado trunking | Bench trunking


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 27 12/18/14 3:09 PM

Delta Cable Trunking
Metallic Delta cable Trunking is a quick econom- Sizes available
ical way of carrying electrical wires, telecom-
Width x Depth in MM
munication cables as well as computer cables.
Trans Delta offers a variety of trunkings ranging 50×50 150×50 200×100
from normal surface trunking to floor distribution 75×50 150×75 200×150
75×75 150×100 200×200
Delta cable trunking is made as per BS 4678 100×50 150×150 300×100
part-1. All the covers are fitted with quick
100×75 200×50 300×150
turnbuckle for fixing the cover. This enables easy
and quick way of fixing covers. All fittings have 100×100 200×75 300×300
integral coupler and gusseted construction to
allow smooth turning of wires. Where ever
possible all fittings are made of state of art single 3 mtr as standard. Other lengths are also available.
piece construction.
Product specification Single or multi compartment Trunking

Material and Finish (See Page No : 6 for details) Standard truking with single compartment

l Pregalvanized steel or hot dip galvanized be-

fore fabrication (HDGBF) as per BS EN 10327 TRUNKING COVER

l Hot Dip Galvanized after Fabrication (HDGAF)
as per BS EN 1461
l Epoxy polyester Powder coated to any RAL
l Aluminium Cable trunking
l Stainless Steel cable trunking to AISI 304 and
Aluminium and Stainless Steel Trunking are Studded type Coupling holes on trunking fittings is
available in Screw type lid with M4 Pan head available on request.


Supplied with cover, plate coupler in pairs and fastenings of M6x12mm roofing bolt, nut and washer.
Refer page No : 30 for multi compartment trunking

Customers who need any particular spangle design on galvanized sheet should mention it while ordering.

l Commercial Tolerance on Thickness Apply.

l Dimensional tolerance is applicable on all product dimensions


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 28 12/18/14 3:09 PM

Delta Cable Trunking
Cable Capacities of standard Delta Trunking

Trunking Conductor size sq. mm

Size 1.0 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 10.0 16.0 25.0 35.0 50.0 70.0 95.0
50 x 50 138 123 98 67 52 33 24 16 12 9 7 5
75 x 50 208 185 148 101 79 51 37 24 18 13 10 7
75 x 75 312 278 221 152 118 76 655 37 28 20 16 11
100 x 50 277 247 197 135 95 67 49 39 25 18 14 10
100 x 75 516 370 296 203 158 101 74 49 37 27 21 15
100 x 100 555 484 394 271 211 135 98 66 50 37 28 21
150 x 75 624 556 443 304 237 152 111 74 56 41 32 24
150 x 100 833 741 592 406 316 203 148 99 75 55 42 31
150 x 150 1250 1112 888 609 475 305 222 145 112 83 54 47

Material Gauges

DELTA - Cable Trunking DELTA - Cable Trunking


Trunking Size Min. Body Min. Cover Trunking Size Min. Body Min. Cover
mm Thickness Thickness mm Thickness Thickness
50 x 50 1.0 1.0 200 x 100 1.6 1.4
75 x 50 1.2 1.2 225 x 50 1.6 1.4
75 x 75 1.2 1.2 225 x 75 1.6 1.4
225 x 100 1.6 1.4
100 x 50 1.2 1.2
225 x 150 1.6 1.4
100 x 75 1.2 1.2
225 x 225 1.6 1.4
100 x 100 1.2 1.2
300 x 50 1.6 1.6
150 x 50 1.2 1.2 300 x 75 1.6 1.6
150 x 75 1.2 1.2 300 x 100 1.6 1.6
150 x 100 1.2 1.2 300 x 150 1.6 1.6
150 x 150 1.4 1.2 300 x 300 2.0 1.6

Subject to the customer requirement other thickness can be manufactured on requests.

Trunking system complies with BS 4678 for minimum thickness of body and cover.
For multi compartment trunking partitions normal thickness is 1.0mm
Commercial tolerance on Sheet thickness apply.
Contact Sales Desk for Various fitting thickness.


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 29 12/18/14 3:09 PM

Delta Cable Trunking Fittings
All fittings shown are gusset type construction
900 Bend

Cover on Top Cover on Outside Cover on Inside

50 85 35 50 85 35
50 85 35
100 110 35 100 110 35
100 110 35
150 185 35 150 185 35
150 185 35
200 235 35 200 235 35
200 235 35
300 335 35 300 335 35
B A 300 335 35

450 Bend

Cover on Top Cover on Outside Cover on Inside

50 35 50 35 50 35
75 35 75 35 75 35
100 35 100 35 100 35
150 35 150 35 150 35
200 35 200 35 200 35
300 35 300 35 300 35


Cover on Top Cover on Outside Cover on Inside

50 120 85 35 50 120 85 35 50 120 85 35
75 145 110 35 75 145 110 35 75 145 110 35
100 170 135 35 100 170 135 35 100 170 135 35
150 220 185 35 150 220 185 35
150 220 185 35
B 200 270 235 35 200 270 235 35 200 270 235 35
300 370 325 35 300 370 325 35 300 370 325 35

l Note 1 Square type fittings are also available on request.

l Note 2 Two 450 Bends can be connected to each other with a fitting Adaptor (Page No : 32) to get a big radius bend.

Product Guide-design-2015.indd 30 12/18/14 3:09 PM

Delta Cable Trunking fittings and Coupler details
Cross Horizontal Offset Vertical Offset


50 120 35
75 145 35
100 170 35
150 220 35
200 270 35
B 300 370 35
D - Offset Distance (Max 300mm) D - Offset Distance (Max 300mm)

While ordering horizontal and vertical offset mention distance ‘D’ required. Two 450 bends can be
connected together with a fitting adaptor (Page No: 32) to get an offset where offsetting distance is
very less. Contact Sales Desk for Long Offset Distance Solution.

Reducer Bell Mouth Change Face Right

el Bo

50 250
A B 75 250
100 250
150 250
Always mention big size first while Used to connect Trunking to Panel Board.
ordering For narrow size panel board give details of B

Change Face Left Coupler Details


50 mm height trunking joints

with 4 Numbers of m6 x 12mm
roofing bolt, nut and washer

75 mm height trunking joints
with 4 Numbers of m6 x 12mm
roofing bolt, nut and washer


l Note : Change face not available in 100 mm height trunking joints
Compartment Trunkings. with 8 Numbers of m6 x 12mm
roofing bolt, nut and washer


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 31 12/18/14 3:09 PM

Standard Multi compartment Trunkings
l Available in 2 or 3 or 4 compartments. Can be ordered with beading on divider strip.
l 100 mm Width trunking available only with 2 Divider thickness is 1mm.
compartments. For unequal compartment details of spacing is to
be given while ordering.




Various Multi Compartment trunking fittings are available on request.

Flyovers are recommended for compartment trunking tee and cross fittings. But should keep in mind that
cable carrying capacity is halved in flyovers. Contact sales desk for details.

Divider strips are spotted to body usually. Loose divider strips are also available for site fixing on special
request. Contact sales desk for any special design.


Divider can be fixed through new metal locking system where a little unevenness of the surface is not a
problem. This system is having less expose area.

Please specify the No. of Compartment in the Catalogue.

Example IPRTR /Y-3SS64-3

No. of Compartments.


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 32 12/18/14 3:09 PM

How to Order Straight Length & Fitting
Base Metal Finish Type

Mild Steel 1 Mild Steel P

Aluminium 2 HDGAF G Return edge R
S/Steel 316L 3 Stainless Steel Trunking
S/Steel 304 4
Normal Finish M

Item Thickness Elements

Straight Length SS
900 Bend 9H
1.00 mm 1 Tee HT
Unequal Tee HUT
1.20 mm 2 Cross HC
Trunking TR Unequal Cross HUC
1.50 mm 3 Horizontal Offset HOF
Vertical Offset VOF
Straight Reducer RS
2.00 mm 4 Bell Mouth BM
Change face right FR

Width Depth Length

50 2 50 2
75 3 75 3 2.44 Meter 2.44
100 4 100 4
150 6 3.0 Meter 3
150 6
200 8 200 8

Position of Cover
Epoxy finish if required
T Cover on Top
I Cover on Inside E (EPAG)
O Cover on Outside

For Straight Length Trunking

Mention first 9 Columns Continuously and Epoxy finish if required.
Eg. of Straight Section Trunking 50 x 50mm for 1.2mm thickness

1PRTR-2SS22-3-E (If Required)

For Fittings
Mention first 4 Columns and then elements, width, depth and position of cover - Epoxy finish if required.
Eg. of Trunking Fittings for 50 x 50mm in 1mm thick=ness

1PRTR-9H22-T-1-E (If Required)

Note 1. Please specify offset distance in inches within brackets at the end eg. 1PRTR / 3 - 2SS 64 - 3
while ordering offsets. Note 3. For elements other than 900 use 4H - 450
Note 2. In case of multi compartment trunking, Please mention the Note 4. For change face left - FL
number of compartments after RTR in cat. No with “/” and the “number”.


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 33 12/18/14 3:09 PM

How to Order - Accessories
Product Base Metal Finish Width Depth
(1,2,3,4&5) (P,G,M) Type Item (Ref. Page31) (Ref. Page31) Abbreviation
Ref. Page 15

Wall Flange ü ü ü ü WF

Socket Plate ü ü ü - SP

Fitting Adaptor ü ü ü ü FA

Hanger ü ü R TR ü ü SH

Connector ü ü - ü AC

Blind End ü ü ü ü BE

Cable Retainer ü ü ü - CR

Tick mark shows the relevant parameters against each products.

Example of Accessories
1PRTR-22-BE-E (If Required)

How to order Earth continuity connector


Manufacturer reserves the right to change the design without any notification.


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 35 12/18/14 3:09 PM

Weather proof and Lighting Trunking
Weather proof trunking and fittings are available where dust and water should be avoided from getting
into the system. This trunkings are fitted with gaskets and made with outward flange design enables
a tight sealing.

Weather Proof Trunking

Standard length : 3 Meter

Standard Finish : Pregalvanized Steel

As per BS EN 10142

Supplied in : Screw type fixing cover

For Ordering Weather proof Trunking add W P instead of T R in the coding of normal Trunking.
Various Weather Proof Trunking Fittings are available on request.
E.g of Straight Section

1PRWP-1SS44-3-E (If Required)


IP Ratings consist of 2 or 3 numerals. Each individual numeral indicates a protection level against certain
types of attacks. Each numeral is independent of the other. Consult the tables below for explanations of
the significance of the 1st Numeral and the 2nd Numeral.
IP 20 Protected against penetration by solid matter with dimensions greater than 12mm dia. It is not
protected against liquid penetration.
IP 23 Protected against penetration by solid matter with dimension greater than 12mm dia. Protected
against rain.
IP 40 Protected against penetration by solid matter with dimension greater than 12mm dia. It is not
Protected against liquid penetration.
IP 41 Protected against penetration by solid matter with dimension greater than 1mm dia. It is protected
against transverse rain up to a maximum of 15 degree.
IP 43 Protected against penetration by solid matter with dimension greater than 1mm dia. Protected
against rain.
IP 44 Protected against penetration by solid matter with dimension greater than 1mm dia. Protected
against sprays of water.
IP 54 Protected against quantities of dust that could interface with satisfactory operation. Protected against
sprays of water.
IP 65 Completely dust proof. Protected against jet of water.
IP 66 Completely dust proof. Protected against high pressure water jets.
IP 67 Completely dust proof. Protected against temporary immersion.
IP 68 Completely dust proof. Waterproof light fixtures for underwater lighting (Allowable depths given
in meters)


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 36 12/18/14 3:09 PM

Lighting Trunking
Lighting Trunking
Standard length : 5 Meter

Standard Finish : Pregalvanized Steel

As per BS EN 10142

: Epoxy Coated to any

RAL Color

Standard : 1 mm for Body and

Closure Strip
Thickness Closure strip

Standard Size : 50 x 50 mm

For Ordering Lighting Trunking add L T instead of T R in the coding of normal Trunking.

Closure strip is available in GI and PVC finish in 2 meter length.

E.g of Straight Section

1PRLT-1SS22-3-E (If Required)

Various Lighting Trunking Fittings are available on request.


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 37 12/18/14 3:09 PM

Raised Floor / Cavity Floor Trunking
Raised floor Trunking gives a high degree of flexibility and uses where frequent design changes and
maintenance comes.

Width Height Catalogue No.

100 50 RFT/*-100-50
150 50 RFT/*-150-50
200 50 RFT/*-200-50
300 50 RFT/*-300-50
450 50 RFT/*-450-50
*No of Compartment

Standard length: - 3 mtr.

Side Height:- 50 mm
No. of compartments:- 2, 3 & 4
knockout of 20 & 25mm can be manufactured to the customer requirement.

900 Horizontal Bend

Width Height Catalogue No.

100 50 RFT/*-9H 100-50
150 50 RFT/*-9H 150-50
200 50 RFT/*-9H 200-50
300 50 RFT/*-9H 300-50
450 50 RFT/*-9H 450-50
*No of Compartment

Horizontal Tee

Width Height Catalogue No.

100 50 RFT/*-HT 100-50
150 50 RFT/*-HT 150-50
200 50 RFT/*-HT 200-50
300 50 RFT/*-HT 300-50
450 50 RFT/*-HT 450-50
*No of Compartment

All Trunking and Components are manufactured from pre-galvanized sheet steel to BS EN 10142 in the
following thickness.
100 to 200mm width - 1mm thick body and cover.
300 to 450mm width - 1.2mm thick body and 1mm cover


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 38 12/18/14 3:09 PM

Raised Floor / Cavity Floor Trunking

Width Height Catalogue No.

100 50 RFT/*-HC 100-50
150 50 RFT/*-HC 150-50
200 50 RFT/*-HC 200-50
300 50 RFT/*-HC 300-50
450 50 RFT/*-HC 450-50
*No of Compartment

Junction Box

Width Height Catalogue No.

200 50 RFT/*-JB 200-50
300 50 RFT/*-JB 300-50
450 50 RFT/*-JB 450-50
*No of Compartment
A Junction Box can act as a bend, Tee and Cross with flyover system
fixed inside.
Minimum Material Thickness should be 1.2mm

Inside Riser

Width Height Catalogue No.

100 50 RFT/*-9RI 100-50
150 50 RFT/*-9RI 150-50
200 50 RFT/*-9RI 200-50
300 50 RFT/*-9RI 300-50
450 50 RFT/*-9RI 450-50
*No of Compartment

Tap of Box

Width Height Catalogue No.

100 50 RFT/*-TB 100-50
150 50 RFT/*-TB 150-50
200 50 RFT/*-TB 200-50
300 50 RFT/*-TB 300-50
450 50 RFT/*-TB 450-50
*No of Compartment

All Trunking and Components are manufactured from pre-galvanized sheet steel to BS EN 10142 in the
following thickness.
100 to 200mm width - 1mm thick body and cover.
300 to 450mm width - 1.2mm thick body and 1mm cover.

Product Guide-design-2015.indd 39 12/18/14 3:09 PM

Raised Floor / Cavity Floor Trunking Accessories
Give details of socket for which socket plate is to be manufactured. Normally available in epoxy finish.

Socket Plates

Type Catalogue No.

Data RFT / * - SP - D
Power RFT / * - SP - P
Communication RFT / * - SP - C

Blind End

Width Height Catalogue No.

100 50 RFT/*-BE 100-50
150 50 RFT/*-BE 150-50
200 50 RFT/*-BE 200-50
300 50 RFT/*-BE 300-50
450 50 RFT/*-BE 450-50

Wall Flange

Width Height Catalogue No.

100 50 RFT/*-WF 100-50
150 50 RFT/*-WF 150-50
200 50 RFT/*-WF 200-50
300 50 RFT/*-WF 300-50
450 50 RFT/*-WF 450-50

Service Outlet Box with Moulded Carpet Rim

Suitable for 3 compartment & 4 compartment Trunking. Have 7mm Recess on the lid for carpet.
Accommodate 87mm width 3 plates and 65mm width 4 plates. Provided with 20 and 25mm knockouts
for flexible conduits. Socket plates to be ordered separately.

No. of Comp. Catalogue No.

3 Comp. RFT / 3 - SB - M
4 Comp. RFT / 4 - SB - M


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 40 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Under Screed / Buried Screed Trunking
Under Screed Trunking is
use to supply power, data & Standard length: 3 mtr.
telecommunication cables Side Height: 38 mm
in a floor system where the No. of compartments: 3 & 4
cable layout is pre deter-
mined. Supplied with cover,
coupler and fastenings.

Size Catalogue No.

225X38 UFT / * - 225 - 38
*No of Compartment

Junction Box Vertical access box

Size Catalogue No. Size Catalogue No.

225X38 UFT/* - JB225-38 225X38 UFT/* - VAB-225-38

Blind End Coupler

Size Catalogue No. Size Catalogue No.

225X38 UFT/* - BE-225-38 225X38 UFT/* - CS-225-38

Service Outlet Box with Mould Carpet Rim Material Specification

Size Catalogue No.

All trunking and components are manufactured
225X38 UFT /* - SB - 225-38
from pre-galavanized sheet steel to BS EN 10142
in the following thicknesses.

Cover 1.00mm
Body 1.20mm
Socket plates to be Divider 1.00mm
ordered separately.

Junction Box can act as Bend, Tee, Cross and a Straight through connection as per situation

Product Guide-design-2015.indd 41 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Flush Floor Trunking
Flush floor Trunking is used
where Top of the Trunking Standard length: - 2.44 mtr.
will be in flush with Screed Cover : - 6 Numbers of modular
height and the position cover with size of 406 x 300mm
of Trunking and accesso- No. of compartments:- 3 & 4
ries are pre-determined.
Supplied with cover, plate
coupler and fastenings.

Size Catalogue No.

300X65 FFT / *-300-65
*No of Compartment

Inside Riser Service Outlet Box with Moulded Cover

Socket plates to be
ordered separately.

Size Catalogue No. Size Catalogue No.

300x65 FFT / *-9RI300-65 300x65 FFT / *-SB-M

*No of Compartment *No of Compartment

Junction Box Material specification

All trunking and components are manufactured

from pre-galavanized sheet steel to BS EN 10142
in the following thicknesses.

Cover 2.5 mm
Body 1.5 mm

Size Catalogue No. Divider 1.2 mm

300x65 FFT / *-JB300-65

*No of Compartment

Note : Junction box can act as tee, bend and cross and a straight through connector as per situation.


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 42 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Skirting / Dado / Bench Trunking
Skirting trunking
Skirting trunking is used to supply power, tele- The internal separators are provided with 20mm
phone and data services around the perimeter of knockouts at 200mm centers to allow access to
office accommodation. the middle compartment. This allows all socket
Supplied in standard 3 meter lengths in two and outlets from all compartments to be mounted at
three compartment options, each length is sup- the same level.
plied completed with connector, cover and cover The cover fixing straps allow for easy positioning
fixing strap. of socket outlet plates, eliminating the need for
drilling when on site cutting is required.

Width Depth Thickness Two Compartment Three Compartment

mm mm mm

150 38 1.20 ST / 2 - 150 - 38 ST / 3 - 150 - 38

200 38 1.20 ST / 2 - 200 - 38 ST / 3 - 200 - 38

Dado trunking
Dado trunking is used to supply power, telephone The internal separators are provided with 20mm
and data services around the perimeter of office knockouts at 200mm centers to allow access to
accommodation. the middle compartment. This allows all socket
Supplied in standard 3 meter lengths in two and outlets from all compartments to be mounted at
three compartment options, each length is sup- the same level.
plied complete with connector, cover and cover The cover fixing straps allow for easy positioning
fixing strap. of socket outlet plates, eliminating the need for
drilling when on site cutting is required.

Width Depth Thickness Two Compartment Three Compartment

mm mm mm

100 30 1.20 DT / 2 - 100 - 38 DT / 3 - 100 - 38

150 38 1.20 DT / 2 - 150 - 38 DT / 3 - 150 - 38
200 38 1.20 DT / 2 - 200 - 38 DT / 3 - 200 - 38

Bench trunking
Bench trunking is used to supply power services is supplied complete with connector, cover and
to remote bench units mainly in school, university, cover fixing strap.
laboratory and workshop environments. The cover fixing straps allow for easy positioning
Supplied in standard 3 meter lengths, each length of socket outlet plates and eliminates the need for
drilling when on cutting is required.

Width Depth Thickness Single Compartment

mm mm mm

90 90 1.20 BT / 1 - 90 - 90


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 43 12/18/14 3:10 PM

The Success Story


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 44 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Delta Cable Ladder
As per BSEN 61537


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 45 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Delta Cable Ladder
Metallic Delta cable Ladders are manufactured as per BSEN 61537 for the smooth and easy pulling of cable
from one point to another. We have designed the best cable ladders, by taking care of Cable loads and
practical site problems. The rungs are heavy duty strut channels which provides a heavy support to the
cables even in wider ladders. Delta cable ladder is having maximum Cable loading depth by fixing rungs
at the lowest point of side rails. Spacings of rungs are done in such a way that it enables the dropping of
any large diameter cables.

Product Specification

Material and Finish (See Page No : 6 for details)

l Pregalvanized Steel or hot dip galvanized before fabrication (HDGBF) as per BS EN 10142
l Hot dip Galvanized after fabrication (HDGAF) as per BS EN 1461
l Epoxy polyester Powder coated to any RAL colour,
l Aluminium Cable ladder
l Stainless Steel cable ladder to AISI 304 and AISI 316L (After welding passivation is done at weld area locally)

Types available
1. C Type
2. R Type
3. P Type
Standard Widths available in Cable Ladder
Width in mm
100 150 200
300 450 600
750 900 1000

Sizes other than this also available on customer request

Side Heights Available

50, 75, 100, 125, 150 mm

Loading Depth
To get a loading depth of a particular side height substract 25 mm. This is the usage height for the cable
laying. A clearance of + 3mm should be considered in loading depth dimension.

3 Meter as standard. Other lengths are also available.

Rungs Spacing
300 mm Standard, with slot size of 13 x 30 mm

Refer Page No: 49 for various other rungs spacing.

Note : Ladder is not meant for torsional rigidity. Cannot be used as a walkway. Aluminium ladders are available in riveted condition.

l Commercial Tolerance on Thickness Apply.

l Dimensional tolerance is applicable on all product dimensions


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 46 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Delta Cable Ladder
Couplers should be ordered separately. Available Thickness is 2mm
Type C

t Ld

Ld = Loading Depth (Usable Height)

Width and Height are the inside dimension of the ladder

Type R

t Ld

Ld = Loading Depth (Usable Height)

Minimum side height available is 100 mm

Type P

t Ld

Ld = Loading Depth (Usable Height)

Slot Size



Details of the rungs
Cross section of the rungs

Shown is a U type rung (Standard) C type rung

We have Marine Ladder also in our product range. Contact Sales Desk for Details


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 47 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Delta Cable Ladder Fittings
900 Horizontal Bend 450 Horizontal Bend


W 325

Horizontal Cross


W 325

900 Riser Outside 900 Riser Inside






Product Guide-design-2015.indd 48 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Delta Cable Ladder Fittings
Horizontal Tee Straight Reducer



W 325 W2

Left Hand Reducer Right Hand Reducer

W1 W1

W2 W2

450 Riser Outside 450 Riser Inside


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 49 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Delta Cable Ladder Fittings
900 Vertical Support Elbow Dropout

Radius 300mm

Give a rigid support to cable while dropping Material Thickness is 2 or 1.5 mm Depending
down through the wall on width

Vertical Tee 450 ‘Y’ Branch


Available Left & Right. Shown is a Left Y Branch


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 50 12/18/14 3:10 PM

How to Order Delta Cable Ladder and Fittings
Base Metal Finish Type

Mild Steel 1 Mild Steel P

HDGBF C Profile
Aluminium 2 (Standard)
S/Steel 316L 3
Stainless Steel R Profile
S/Steel 304 4 Aluminium
P Profile
Corten A steel 5 Normal Finish M

Type of Rung Thickness Elements 2

Straight Section SS
900 Horiz. Elbow 9H
U Type Rung U 900 Riser Inside 9RI
900 Riser Outside 9RO
(Standard) 1.50 mm 3 Horizontal Tee HT
Horizontal Unequal Tee HUT
2.00 mm 4 Vertical Tee VT
Horizontal Cross HC
C Type Rung C Straight Reducer RS 3

Y Branch Right RY
Y Branch Left LY

Width Side Height Rung Spacing

Width Varies 100 50 mm 2 250 mm 25
from -- 75 mm 3
100 mm -- 100 mm 4 300 mm (STD) 30
to --
125 mm 5
1000 mm 1000 450mm 45
150 mm 6
(Please refer to page no. 44)

Radius of curvature
Length Epoxy finish if required
300 3
3000 3
450 4.5 E (EPAG)
2440 2.44
900 9

`` For Straight Section

Mention first 10 Columns Continuously and Epoxy finish if required.
Eg. of Straight Section for 2mm thickness

1GCU-4SS300-4-30-3-E (If Required)

For Fittings
Mention first 4 Columns and then elements, width, side height and Radius of curvature - Epoxy finish if required.
Eg. of fittings for 2mm thickness

1GCU-9H300-4-3-4-E (If Required)

1. As it is from the mill, without any further coating.
2. For elements other than 900 use 4H - 450, 6H - 600
3. For left reducer - LR. Right reducer - RR


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 51 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Cable Ladder Accessories and Cover Fixing Arrangements
Couplers are supplied in pairs. Order 12 sets of M8 x 16mm Roofing bolt, Nut and Washer separately.
Standard Coupler Adjustable Horizontal Coupler

Divider Angle Connector

Raised Hold Down Clip Hold Down Clamp

Normally 5mm thick steel strip, 14mm hole

2mm thick steel strip, 14mm hole Contact Sales Desk for Stainless Steel & Aluminium Material
Fastenings order separately Thickness

Adjustable Vertical Connector Cover Fixing Arrangements

Side Cover Clamp should be

ordered separately. Ladder
< 300 needs 4 nos of
Clamps. 450 to 900mm
needs 6 nos
of Clamps.



Product Guide-design-2015.indd 52 12/18/14 3:10 PM

How to order Cable Ladder Accessories
Product Base Metal Finish Item Width Side Height
(1,2,3,4&5) (P,G,M) Description (100 - 1000) of Ladder Length Abbreviation
Ref. Page 49 Ref. Page 49 (50-150)
Standard ü ü - ü - CS
Angle Coupler ü ü - ü - FC
Adj. Horizontal
Coupler ü ü - ü - AHC
Adjustable U
Vertical Coupler ü ü - ü - AVC
Blind End ü ü ü ü - EC
Drop Out ü ü ü - - DO
Divider ü ü - ü 3 DI
Hold down Clip ü ü - ü - HDL
Hold down ü ü - - - HDC

Example for Accessories

1GU-300-DO-E (If Required)

How to Order Straight Section and Fittings Cover

Base Metal Finish Design Type

Mild Steel 1 Mild Steel P

Aluminium 2
HDGAF G Ladder U
S/Steel 316L 3 Solid Cover SF
Stainless Steel Cover
S/Steel 304 4 Aluminium
Corten A Steel 5 Normal Finish M

Elements Width Length

Refer Page 2440 2.44
100 to 1000
No : 49 3000 3

Radius of curvature
Epoxy finish if required
300 3
450 4.5 E (EPAG)
600 6
For Fittings
Mention first 4 Columns and then elements, width, side height and radius of curvature - Epoxy finish if required.
Eg. of Straight Section Cover for 300mm Cable Ladder

1GSFU-SS300-3-4-E (If Required)

Eg. of Fittings Cover for 300mm Cable Ladder

1GSFU-9H300-3-4-E (If Required)


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 53 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Delta Cable Ladder Support System
Cantilever arms
Note : While Ordering Cantilever arm for Ladder Add a Distance fo 150mm to the width of Ladder.
E.g : For 300mm Ladder DEC 450. More support options are available in
Page No: 24. Supplied without fastenings. Choose various type of fastenings from Page No: 61.

Type DEC (Single Cantilever arm)

Fixing Details Hold down clamp fixed
With spring nut m12 &
12 x 25 hex bolt & washer


2 Holes of 14mm to use 12mm hex bolt 50

Type DED (Double Cantilever arm)

Fixing Details Hold down clamp fixed
With spring nut m12 &
12 x 25 hex bolt & washer


2 Holes of 14mm to use 12mm hex bolt

How to order Support System for Cable Ladder

Base Metal Finish Type

Mild Steel 1 Mild Steel P

Aluminium 2
S/Steel 316L 3
Stainless Steel DB 100 Series
S/Steel 304 4
Corten A steel 5 DA 100 Series
Normal Finish M

Length Epoxy Finish (If Required)

300 750
350 900
Epoxy (EPAG) E
450 1050
600 1150

E.g. of Support System for 300mm Ladder

1G-DEC450-4-E (If Required)

How to order Earth Continuity Connector

ECC-200 (200 mm long)

Product Guide-design-2015.indd 54 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Load Graphs for Cable Ladder


Results shown is for continuous, horizontally run,
uniformly distributed load with a multiple span

C Type Cable Ladder

The loads above the graph line is unacceptable
and below the line is safe.

R Type Cable Ladder

Desired coupler location is one quarter of the span
length away from support point wherever possi-

Should not extend the graph line to get another

P Type Cable Ladder span v/s load position.

Load capacity shown excludes the weight of the


Note : For guidelines only. Any claim for varied performance is not accepted.


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 55 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Reaching beyond


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 56 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Delta Strut Systems
with Brackets
As per BS 6946


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 57 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Delta Strut Systems
Delta Strut Channels are cold rolled from strip steel in the range of 2.5mm and 1.5mm to BS 6946. The
profile remains through out the length to allow the use of channel nut in any position. This offers a simple,
rigid and economical frame work system with the help of Delta Strut Brackets and Channel nut which
avoids the welding at site.
Product Specification
Materials and Finishes available
l Pregalvanized Steel or hot dip galvanized before fabrication (HDGBF) as per BS EN 10327
l Hot dip Galvanized after fabrication (HDGAF) as per BS EN 1461
l Epoxy polyester Powder coated to any RAL colour,
l Aluminium Strut Channel
l Stainless Steel Strut Channel to AISI 304 and AISI 316L

Sizes available
l 41 x 21 mm and 41 x 41 mm
Other Profiles also can be achieved through varies combination of the above profiles. Refer Page No : 57
Standard Length 3 Mtr, 6 Mtr Channel also available on request

DA 100 DA 102

DA 200 DA 202

Product Code
DA 200 DA 201 DA 202 DB 200 DB 201 DB 202 DC 200 DC 202 DA 100 DA 101 DA 102 DB 100 DB 101 DB 102

Size 41x21 41x42 41x21 41x21 41x42 41x21 41x21 41x21 41X41 41X82 41X41 41X41 41X82 41X41

Thk. 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.00

Type Plain W.B.B* Slotted Plain W.B.B Slotted Plain Slotted Plain W.B.B Slotted Plain W.B.B. Slotted

How to order
Material & Slot / Plan Product Length Epoxy Finish
Finish (S) (P) Code in Meter If Required

Eg. of Channel

1GP-DB100-3-E (If Required)

l Commercial Tolerance on Thickness Apply.
l Dimensional tolerance is applicable on all product dimensions * W.B.B. means welded back to back.


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 58 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Delta Strut Systems
Slotting Pattern

Combination Channels in DB 100 Series

DB 100 DB 101 DB 103 DB 104 DB 105 DB 106 DB 107 DB 108

DB 109 DB 110 DB 111

The above combination can be applied to DB 200 series also.

Concrete Inserts
Standard Finish - Hot dip Galvanized after fabrication (HDGAF) as per BS EN 1461.
Standard Length - 3 Meter.
Supplying filled with Polystyrene in fill.

CB 100
CB 200







Size 41x41 41x41 41x21 41x21

Thickness 2.5 2 2.5 2
Catalogue No : 1GP-CA100-3 1GP-CB100-3 1GP-CA200-3 1GP-CB200-3


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 59 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Delta Strut Systems
Engineering Data
We have heavy gauged channels which are cold rolled from 2.5mm cold rolled steel under DA series
Light gauge channels are cold rolled from 1.5mm mild steel under DC series. However the profile will be
the same.
Other than this we have medium gauged channels which are cold rolled from 2.0mm thick cold rolled
steel under DB series
Back-to-back channels are formed by welding together two finished single channels under controlled
conditions. All welds are suitably protected.
Standard lengths for single or multiple channels are 3m and 6m

Section Properties


DA200 DA201 DA202
DA100 Y DA102

Elements of Section DA-100 DA-101 DA-102 DA-200 DA-201 DA-202

Axis x-x
Center of Gravity 1 (mm) 23.20 41.30 21.32 12.29 20.60 12.27
Center of Gravity 2 (mm) 18.02 41.30 20.02 8.35 20.62 8.35
Moment of Inertia (cm4) 7.20 36.28 6.11 1.19 0.64 0.98
Section Modulus (cm3) 3.11 8.78 2.87 0.96 2.72 0.88
Radius of Gyration (cm) 1.45 2.33 1.41 0.72 1.11 0.70
Moment (Nm) 496 1403 460 156 436 142
Axis y-y
Moment of Inertia 9.22 18.45 9.17 5.32 10.68 5.29
Section Modulus 4.46 8.94 4.45 2.59 5.19 2.56
Radius of Gyration 1.66 1.66 1.74 1.51 1.51 1.62

Weight of Channels in Kg/Mtr

Product Code DB 200 DB 202 DA 200 DB 100 DB 102 DA 100

Weight in Kg/Mtr 1.5 1.4 1.9 2.2 2.0 2.7


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 60 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Delta Strut Systems
Delta Strut Channel Load Capabilities

Delta Strut Channel Load Capabilities Column Load

Laterally Unlock Condition Fully Laterally Locked Condition a Maximum
Column Load
Safe Maximum Loads Maximum Deflection Safe Maximum Loads Maximum Deflection
of Span/200 of Span/200
Section Distance Uniformly Point Point Uniformly Point Point
Between Distributed Load at UD Load at Distributed Load at UD Load at Column
Supports Across Mid-Span Load Mid-Span Across Mid-Span Load Mid-Span Height
m Span kgf kgf kgf kgf Span kgf kgf kgf kgf m kgf

DA100 0.60 747 374 747 374 747 374 747 374 0.60 5982
DA200 226 113 226 113 228 114 228 114 2879
b b b b b
DA101 800 800 800 800 1017 973 1017 973 11041
DA201 603 302 603 302 608 304 608 304 7308
DA100 0.80 543 271 543 271 560 280 560 280 0.80 5640
DA200 164 82 134 82 170 85 134 84 1867
b b
DA101 800 708 800 708 1016 729 1016 729 10621
DA201 437 218 437 218 455 227 455 227 6348
DA100 1.00 419 210 419 210 447 223 447 223 1.00 5102
DA200 126 63 85 53 136 68 85 53 1253
b b b
DA101 800 548 800 548 1015 582 1015 582 10035
DA201 337 168 337 168 363 181 363 181 5010
DA100 1.20 336 168 336 168 371 186 371 186 1.20 4346
DA200 101 50 58 36 113 56 58 36 891
b b
DA101 800 440 800 440 969 484 969 484 9193
DA201 270 135 270 135 301 151 277 151 3803
DA100 1.40 275 138 271 138 317 159 271 159 1.40 3549
DA200 83 41 42 26 96 48 42 26 664
DA101 723 361 723 361 829 414 829 414 8088
DA201 221 111 202 111 257 128 202 126 2914
DA100 1.60 230 115 206 115 277 139 206 129 1.60 2872
DA200 69 35 31 19 83 42 31 19 513
DA101 604 302 604 302 723 362 723 362 6889
DA201 185 93 153 93 224 112 153 95 2289
DA100 1.80 194 97 162 97 245 123 162 101 1.80 2345
DA200 59 29 23 15 73 37 23 15 408
DA101 510 255 510 255 641 321 641 321 5792
DA201 157 79 119 74 198 99 119 74 1838
DA100 2.00 165 83 130 81 220 110 130 81 2.00 1938
DA200 51 25 18 11 66 33 18 11 a332
DA101 434 217 434 217 575 288 575 288 a4874
DA201 135 67 94 59 177 88 94 59 1506
DA100 2.20 142 71 106 66 199 100 106 66 2.20 1625
DA200 44 22 14 9 59 29 14 9 a276
DA101 371 186 371 186 521 261 521 261 a4131
DA201 116 58 76 47 159 80 76 47 1255
DA100 2.40 123 61 87 55 182 91 87 55 2.40 1381
DA200 38 19 11 7 53 27 11 7 a233
DA101 319 160 319 160 476 238 460 238 3534
DA201 101 50 62 39 145 72 62 39 1062
DA100 2.60 107 53 73 46 167 83 73 46 2.60 1186
DA200 33 17 8 5 49 24 8 5 a199
DA101 276 138 276 138 436 219 389 219 3051
DA201 88 44 51 32 133 66 51 32 910
DA100 2.80 94 47 61 38 154 77 61 38 2.80 1030
DA200 29 15 6 4 45 22 6 4 a172
DA101 240 120 240 120 405 202 333 202 2658
DA201 77 39 42 36 122 61 42 26 a788
DA100 3.00 82 41 52 33 143 71 52 33 3.00 902
DA200 25 13 4 3 41 21 4 3 a150
DA101 209 105 209 105 376 188 286 179 2335
DA201 68 34 34 21 113 56 34 21 a689

a Maximum axial load data is for pure axial load only.

b Load restriction due to slip.
Note : Values given in the safe maximum load column is having the deflection less than L/200. L is the distance between span.
Data shown is for pre galvanized channels only. For hot dip galvanized channel load carrying capacity is reduced to 80%
due to hot dipping Process.
All load shown are using M12 spring nut and hexagonal bolts for brackets.


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 61 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Delta Strut Systems
Channel Nuts (Spring Nut)
Channel Nuts are used in Delta Strut channel to achieve a weld less construction of frame works.
Available in sizes :- M6, M8, M10 and M12
Long Channel Nut is for 41x41 Channels and Short Channel Nut is for 41x21.
Available in different finishes like Electro plated Zinc (EG) & Stainless steel 316 grade (A4), 304 grade (A2)
& Hot dip galvanized (HG)
The safe working loads for zinc plated channels nuts.
Slip M12 : 4.0 kN
M10 : 3.0 kN
Pullout M12 : 8.0 kN
M10 : 6.0 kN
Torque Tightened to M12 : 7kgf.m
M10 : 5.5 kgf.m
Use M 12 Channel Nut for Maximum Capacity

Long Spring Nut Short Spring Nut

DEL 101 DEL 103

How to order
Product Dia. of
Code Thread

Eg. of Spring Nut

DEL101 - 06 - EG

Conduit Clamp Channel Cover

Catalogue No : CCL - Dia. of Conduit. Catalogue No : DA100-SF.

Channel End Cap

Delta offers both 41 x 41 and 41 x 21 End Caps.

Standard Color is Black.

Catalogue No. DA100-EC (41 x 41mm)

DB200-EC (41 x 21mm)


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 62 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Delta Strut Systems
Hot Dip Galvanized Catalogue No.
Standard Fixing and Fastenings M6 pack 500 HN06HG
Stainless Steel (A4)
Fastenings M6 pack 100 HN06A4
M8 pack 100 HN08A4
M10 pack 100 HN10A4
M12 pack 100 HN12A4
Stainless Steel (A2)
Hexagon Head Roofing Bolts Spring M6 pack 100 HN06A2
Bolts and Nuts Washer M8 pack 100 HN08A2
M10 pack 100 HN10A2
M12 pack 100 HN12A2

Roofing Bolts
Hexagon Nuts Flat Threaded Rods
Washers Electroplated Zinc
M6 x 12 pack 200 RB0612EG
Hexagonal Head Bolts M6 x 16 pack 200 RB0616EG
M6 x 20 pack 200 RB0620EG
Electro Plated Zinc Catalogue No. M6 x 25 pack 200 RB0625EG
M6 x 16 pack 100 HB0616EG M6 x 30 pack 100 RB0630EG
M6 x 20 pack 100 HB0620EG M6 x 40 pack 100 RB0640EG
M6 x 25 pack 100 HB0625EG M6 x 50 pack 100 RB0650EG
M8 x 16 pack 100 HB0816EG Hot Dip Galvanized
M8 x 20 pack 100 HB0820EG M6 x 12 pack 100 RB0612HG
M8 x 25 pack 100 HB0825EG M6 x 16 pack 100 RB0616HG
M8 x 30 pack 100 HB0830EG
M8 x 35 pack 100 HB0835EG Stainless Steel (A4)
M8 x 40 pack 100 HB0840EG M6 x 12 pack 100 RB0612A4
M10 x 20 pack 100 HB1020EG M6 x 16 pack 100 RB0616A4
M10 x 25 pack 100 HB1025EG M6 x 20 pack 100 RB0620A4
M10 x 30 pack 100 HB1030EG Stainless Steel (A2)
M10 x 35 pack 100 HB1035EG
M10 x 40 pack 100 HB1040EG M6 x 12 pack 100 RB0612A2
M10 x 50 pack 100 HB1050EG M6 x 16 pack 100 RB0616A2
M12 x 20 pack 100 HB1220EG M6 x 20 pack 100 RB0620A2
M12 x 25 pack 100 HB1225EG
M12 x 30 pack 100 HB1230EG Flat Washers
M12 x 35 pack 100 HB1235EG
M12 x 40 pack 100 HB1240EG Electro Plated Zinc
M12 x 50 pack 100 HB1250EG M6 pack 500 FW06EG
Hot Dip Galvanized M8 pack 500 FW08EG
M6 x 12 pack 100 HB0612HG M10 pack 500 FW10EG
M6 x 16 pack 100 HB0616HG M12 pack 200 FW12EG
M6 x 20 pack 100 HB0620HG Stainless Steel (A2)
M6 x 35 pack 100 HB0635HG M6 pack 100 FW06A2
Stainless Steel (A4) M8 pack 100 FW08A2
M6 x 20 pack 100 HB0620A4 M10 pack 100 FW10A2
M6 x 25 pack 100 HB0625A4 M12 pack 100 FW12A2
M8 x 25 pack 100 HB0825A4
M8 x 35 pack 100 HB0835A4 Spring Washers
M8 x 40 pack 100 HB0840A4
M10 x 16 pack 100 HB1016A4 Electro Plated Zinc
M10 x 25 pack 100 HB1025A4 M6 pack 400 SW06EG
M10 x 40 pack 100 HB1040A4 M8 pack 400 SW08EG
M12 x 25 pack 100 HB1225A4 M10 pack 400 SW10EG
Stainless Steel (A2) M12 pack 400 SW12EG
M6 x 20 pack 100 HB0620A2
M6 x 25 pack 100 HB0625A2 Threaded Rods in 2 meters as standard
M8 x 25 pack 100 HB0825A2
M8 x 35 pack 100 HB0835A2 Electro Plated Zinc
M8 x 40 pack 100 HB0840A2 M6 x 2m TR06EG
M10 x 16 pack 100 HB1016A2 M8 x 2m TR08EG
M10 x 25 pack 100 HB1025A2 M10 x 2m TR10EG
M10 x 40 pack 100 HB1040A2 M12 x 2m TR12EG
M12 x 25 pack 100 HB1225A2
Stainless Steel (A4)
Hexagonal Nuts M6 x 2m TR06A4
M8 x 2m TR08A4
Electro Plated Zinc M10 x 2m TR10A4
M12 x 2 m TR12A4
M6 pack 500 HN06EG
M8 pack 500 HN08EG Stainless Steel (A2)
M10 pack 200 HN10EG M6 x 2m TR06A2
M12 pack 200 HN12EG M8 x 2m TR08A2
M10 x 2m TR10A2
l For threaded rods of 3 meter length add /3 after the code. M12 x 2m TR12A2
e.g. M6x3 Meters - TR 06EG /3


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 63 12/18/14 3:10 PM

Anchor Bolts
Various type of Anchor Bolts are available in Electro plated zinc (EG) and Stainless Steel finish (A4 & A2)

Ceiling Anchor (Drop in Anchor)

Suitable for Ceiling Application. The Expansion of anchor is done through the hammering of the anchor
in the drilled hole.
Size Anchor Length Catalogue No.
M6 25 CLAB - 06 - 25 - EG
M8 30 CLAB - 08 - 30 - EG
M10 40 CLAB - 10 - 40 - EG
M12 50 CLAB - 12 - 50 - EG
M16 65 CLAB - 16 - 65 - EG
Shown is the assembly ceiling anchor
M20 80 CLAB - 20 - 80 - EG
Add A4 at the end of the Catalogue No. for Stainless Steel finish.

Sleeve Anchor (Rawl Bolt)

Sleeve Anchor with internal thread is suitable for using with hexagonal bolt. When bolt is tightened
the cone is pulled into expansion Sleeve and expand it against the hole wall.
Size Anchor Length Catalogue No.
M6 50 SLAB - 06 - 50 - EG
M8 60 SLAB - 08 - 60 - EG
M10 70 SLAB - 10 - 70 - EG
M12 90 SLAB - 12 - 90 - EG

Shown is the assembly Sleeve Anchor fixed with Hexagonal bolt Add A4 at the end of the Catalogue No. for Stainless Steel finish.

Stud Anchor (Through Bolt)

Stud Anchor with external thread expands when the hexagonal nut is tightened.

Size Anchor Length Catalogue No.

M8 80 STAB - 08 - 80 - EG
M8 100 STAB - 08 - 100 - EG
M10 80 STAB - 10 - 80 - EG
M10 100 STAB - 10 - 100 - EG
M10 120 STAB - 10 - 120 - EG
M12 80 STAB - 12 - 80 - EG
Shown is the assembly Stud Anchor fixed with Hexagonal nut M12 100 STAB - 12 - 100 - EG
M12 150 STAB - 12 - 150 - EG

Add A4 at the end of the Catalogue No. for Stainless Steel finish.


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 64 12/18/14 3:11 PM

Delta Strut Brackets
Delta Strut Brackets are made to BS 6946 : 1988
Channel Nuts and Fastenings are to be ordered separately.
Unless otherwise stated, all the M.S brackets are made from 6mm thick.
Contact Sales Desk for Stainless Steel Material Thickness
Hole size is 14 mm to allow 12 mm Hexagonal bolt.
Various other brackets can be manufactured to customer request. Refer Page No: 71

Material Properties

Minimum Yield Stress : 170 N/mm2

Maximum Loads

For Maximum capacity use Channel Nuts of M12 size. In most cases the mode of failure will be slippage
of the bracket along the channel. However there are few channel / bracket combinations where the
maximum load is dependent upon the strength of the bracket itself.
Commercial tolerance on dimensions apply.

Materials and Finishes Available

l Hot dip Galvanized after fabrication (HDGAF) as per BS EN 1461

l Stainless Steel finish to AISI 304 and AISI 316L
l Epoxy Polyester Coated to any RAL Color.

How to order
Material & Product
Finish Code

Eg. of Bracket



Product Guide-design-2015.indd 65 12/18/14 3:11 PM

Delta Strut Brackets
Wing Shape Fittings (For 41 mm Width Series Channel)

DEL 113 DEL 114 DEL 115 DEL 116

155 100
155 155
50 50
106 106
56 56

43 42 43 42 43 42
43 42

Wing Shape Fittings (For 41 mm Width Series Channel)

DEL 117 155 DEL 118 DEL 119 DEL 120

100 100
50 100

106 106

43 42 43 42

DEL 121 100

DEL 122 DEL 123
255 100

43 42 43 42

DEL 124 DEL 125 DEL 126 DEL 127

50 100
100 50

56 106

“U” And Wing Shape Fittings (For 41 mm Width Series Channel)

DEL 128 DEL 129 DEL 130 DEL 131

80 80

46 87
104 50
43 20
83 43
136 176


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 66 12/18/14 3:11 PM

Delta Strut Brackets
“U” And Wing Shape Fittings (For 41 mm Width Series Channel)

DEL 132 DEL 133 50



43 42

Post Bases (For 41 mm Width Series Channel)

DEL 134 DEL 135 DEL 136 DEL 137

125 125
125 20 50
125 6 6
20 80 125

DEL 138 DEL 139 DEL 140 DEL 141

50 100

150 160
6 0
6 20 12 85 5
150 5 12

DEL 252 DEL 253 DEL 254 DEL 255





15 0 0 13 0
15 10 5 10
20 0 0 17 10 0
20 0 14

“Z” Shape Fittings (For 41 mm Width Series Channel)

DEL 142 DEL 143 DEL 144 DEL 145

43 42 46 87 87
46 41 41 46
46 46

A M8
Tapping M8


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 67 12/18/14 3:11 PM

Delta Strut Brackets
DEL 146 DEL 147 DEL 148 DEL 149

20 40 20
25 25
8MM Hole
97 97

“Z” & “U” And Wing Shape Fittings (For 41 mm Width Series Channel)

DEL 150 DEL 151 DEL 152 DEL 153

20 40
25 42

97 126
25 55

Beam Clamps

DEL 154 DEL 155 DEL 156 DEL 157

M 10 M 10 M 10
Tapping Tapping Tapping
27 40
25 34

70 100

DEL 246 DEL 247 DEL 248 DEL 249

75 75 75
40 40 45
22 92


22 70



DEL 250 DEL 251

For beam clamps order Fasteners (Cone pointed
M10 U CLAMP Hexagonal Bolts, U Clamp) Separately.



Product Guide-design-2015.indd 68 12/18/14 3:11 PM

Delta Strut Brackets
“U” Shape Fittings (For 41 mm Width Series Channel)

DEL 158 DEL 159 DEL 160 DEL 161 DEL 162
41 41 136 136
43 40 43 40

150 200

DEL 163 DEL 164 DEL 165 DEL 166 DEL 256
136 136 150
43 20 43 40 155



“U” Shape Fittings (For 41 mm Width Series Channel)

DEL 167 DEL 168 DEL 169 DEL 170 DEL 171
136 178
136 40 176
48 40 40 43 10 95 83 40
2Nos 43

DEL 172 DEL 173 DEL 174 DEL 175 DEL 176
136 178 47
81 40
43 20 57
126 27
41 41


Angular Fittings (For 41 mm Width Series Channel)

DEL 177 DEL 178 DEL 179

45 0

40 27 53


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 69 12/18/14 3:11 PM

Delta Strut Brackets
“Z” Shape Fittings (For 41 mm Width Series Channel)

DEL 180 DEL 181 DEL 182 DEL 183

40 81
25 50
56 88
41 41

Flat Shape Fittings

DEL 184 DEL 185 DEL 186 DEL 187

88 41
40 82
40 40

DEL 188 DEL 189 DEL 190 DEL 191 122




DEL 192 DEL 193 DEL 194 DEL 195

100 82 232
184 41


DEL 196 DEL 197 DEL 198 DEL 199

136 90 136

100 100 100 125


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 70 12/18/14 3:11 PM

Delta Strut Brackets
DEL 200 DEL 201 DEL 202 DEL 203
150 136
90 150

100 100

DEL 204 DEL 205 DEL 206



Ninety Degree Angle Fittings (For 41 mm Width Series Channel)

DEL 207 DEL 208 DEL 209 DEL 210

90 82
40 41 42
42 82
90 28 41
90 50

DEL 211 DEL 212 DEL 213 DEL 214

82 50
50 41

41 41 50

DEL 215 DEL 216 DEL 217 DEL 218


90 90 90

90 50 136
50 50 90

DEL 219 DEL 220 DEL 221 DEL 222

106 106 41
41 41
100 36
41 36
56 106

100 100


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 71 12/18/14 3:11 PM

Delta Strut Brackets
Ninety Degree Angle Fittings (For 41 mm Width Series Channel)

DEL 223 DEL 224 DEL 225 DEL 226

47 41
47 106
100 100 91

100 136

DEL 227 DEL 228 DEL 229 DEL 230

136 91 100
36 57
106 100
18.5 80

DEL 231 DEL 232 DEL 233 DEL 234

100 102 102

20 136 100 20 20
102 22 22 102
20 48 40
36 106

DEL 235 DEL 236 DEL 237 DEL 238


40 41 100
40 56 47

DEL 239 DEL 240 DEL 241 DEL 242

41 66


47 14X20mm 47
47 47

DEL 243 DEL 244 DEL 245

100 66 90



Product Guide-design-2015.indd 72 12/18/14 3:11 PM

Delta Strut Brackets
Flat Brackets

DB 204 DB 205 DB 206 DB 207

82 368 316
266 215
79 111
95 30 161
30 155 30 95 30
152 101 101 152
40 40
40 40


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 73 12/18/14 3:11 PM

Delta Pull Boxes
Screw Cover Pull Box (Adaptable Boxes)
Available in Pre-Galvanized, Hot dip Galvanized and Stainless Steel Finish.
Standard knockout dimensions are 20, 25mm. For Weather proof boxes rubber gaskets are available.

Height (H)

Width (W) Length (L)


Size Thickness No. Of Screws

for Top Lid

100x100x50 1.0 2
100x100x100 1.0 2
150x100x50 1.0 4
150x150x150 1.0 4

Screw cover, without knockouts.


Screw cover, Weather - Proof, No Knockouts. Minimum Thickness is 1.5mm

Entirely seam welded with gasket

We make various enclosures and socket box according to customer requirement.

Other than this We do light engineering products such as custom made

brackets, Clamps and light structural frames.

Manufacturer reserves the right to change the design without any notification.


Product Guide-design-2015.indd 74 12/18/14 3:11 PM

Conversion Factors
To Convert Multiply To Convert Multiply
From To By From To By

Inch (in) Millimeter (mm) 25.400.000 Millimeter (mm) Inch (in) 0.039 370
Foot (ft) Meter (m) 0.304 800 Meter (m) Foot (ft) 3.280 840
Yard (yd) Meter (m) 0.9 14 400 Meter (m) Yard (yd) 1.093 613
Mile (U.S. Statute) (mi) Kilometer (kiss) 1.609 347 kilometer (km) Mile (US. Statute) (mi) 0.621 370

Square Inch (in2) Square Millimeter (mm) 645.16 Square Millimeter (mm2) Square Inch (in2) 0.001550
Square Foot (ft2) Square Meter (m) 0.092 903 Square Meter (m2) Square root (ft2) 10.763 915
Square Yard (yd2) Square Meter (rn) 0.836 127 Square Meter (m2) Square Yard (yd2) 1.195 991
Square Mile (m2) Square Kilometer (1cm2) 2.589 998 Square Kilometer (km2) Square Mile (mi2) 0.386 101
(U.S. Statute) (U. S. Statute)
Acre Square Meter (m2) 4046.873 Square Meter (rn2) Acre 0.000 247
Acre Hectare 0.404 687 Hectare Acre 2.471 046

Cubic Inch (in3) Cubic Millimeter (mm3) 16387.06 Cubic Millimeter (mm3) Cubic Inch (in3) 0.000061
Cubic Foot (ft3) Cubic Meter (m3) 0.028 317 Cubic Meter (m3) Cubic Foot (ft3) 35.3 14 662
Cubic Yard (yd3) Cubic Meter (m3) 0.764555 Cubic Meter (m3) Cubic Meter (m3) 1.307 950
Gallon (U.S. Liquid) (gal) Litre(l) 3.785 412 Litre (1) Gallon (U.S. Liquid) (gal) 0.264 172
Quart (.S. Liquid) (QT) Litre (1) 0.946 353 Litre (1) Quart (U.S. Liquid) (qt) 1.056 668

Ounce (Avoirdupois (oz) Gram (g) 28.349 520 Gram (g) Ounce (Avoirdupois) (oz) 0.035 274
Pound (Avoirdupois) (Ib) Kilogram (kg) 0.453 592 Kilogram (kg) Pound (Avoirdupois) ib) 2.204624
Short Ton Kilogram (kg) 907.185 Kilogram (kg) Short Ton 0.00110

Ounce -Force Newton (N) 0.278 014 Newton (N) Ounce -Force 3.596 941
Pound-Force (lbf) Newton (N) 4.448 222 Newton (N) Pound-Force (lbf) 0.224 809

Bending Moment
Pound-Force-Inch (lbf-in) Newton-Meter (N-rn) 0.112985 Newton-Meter (N-rn) Pound-Force-Inch (lbf-in) 8.850 7.35
Pound-Force-Foot (lbf-in) Newton-Meter (N-rn) 1.355 818 Newton-Meter (N-rn) Pound-Force-Foot (lbf-in) 0.737 562

Pressure, Stress
Pound-Force per Kilo pascal (kPa) 6.894 757 Kilo pascal (kPa) Pound-Force per 0.145 038
Square Inch (Ibfin2) Square Inch (Ibfin2)
Foot of Water (39.2F) Kilo pascal (kPa) 2.988 980 Kilo pascal (kPa) Foot of Water (39.2F) 0.334 562
Inch of Mercury (32 F) Kilo pascal (kPa) 3.386 380 Kilo pascal (kPa) Inch of Mercury (32 F) 0.295 301

Energy, Work. Heat

Foot-Pound-Force (ft-lbf) Joule (J) 1.355 818 Joule (J) Foot-Pound-Force (ft-lbf) 0.737 562
British Thermal Unit (Btu) Joule (J) 1055.056 Joule (J) British Thermal Unit (Btu) 0.000948
Calorie (cal) Joule (J) 4.186 800 Joule (J) Calorie (cal) 0.238 846
Kilowatt Hour (kW-h) Joule (J) 3600000 Joule (3) kilowatt Hour (kw-h) 2.78-7

Foot-Pound-Force watt(W) 1.355 818 Watt(W) Foot-Pound-Force 0.737 562
/Second (tool box/s) /Second (ft0lbs/s)
British Thermal unit Watt (W) 0.293 071 Watt (W) British Thermal unit 3.4 12 142
/Hour (Btulh) fHour (Btu/h)
Horsepower Kilowatt (kW) 0.745700 Kilowatt (kW) Horsepower 1.341 022
(550 Ft. Lbf/s) (hp) (550 Fi. Lbf/s) (hp)

degree Radian (rad) 0.0 17 453 radian (rad) Degree 57.295 788

Degree Fahrenheit (F) Degree Celsius (C) (F0-32)1 .8 Degree Celsius (C) Degree Farenheit (F) 1.8xC0+32


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