Spatial Databases: Concept, Design and Management
Spatial Databases: Concept, Design and Management
Spatial Databases: Concept, Design and Management
A spatial database system may be defined as a database system that offers spatial data types in its
data model and query language, and supports spatial data types in its implementation, providing at
least spatial indexing and spatial join methods.
Spatial database systems offer the underlying database technology for geographic information
systems and other applications. We survey data modeling, querying, data structures and algorithms,
and system architecture for such systems. The emphasis is on describing known technology in a
coherent manner, rather than listing open problems.
Characteristic for the technology emerging to address these needs is the capability to deal with
large collections of relatively simple geometric objects, for example, a set of 100 000 polygons.
Several terms have been used for database systems offering such support like pictorial, image,
geometric, geographic, or spatial database system. The terms “pictorial” and “image” database
system arise from the fact that the data to be managed are often initially captured in the form of
digital raster images (e.g. remote sensing by satellites, or computer tomography in medical
The term “spatial database system” has become popular during the last few years, and is associated
with a view of a database as containing sets of objects in space rather than images or pictures of a
space. Indeed, the requirements and techniques for dealing with objects in space that have identity
and well-defined extents, locations, and relationships are rather different from those for dealing
with raster images.
Nobody cares about a special purpose system that is not able to handle all the standard data
modeling and querying tasks. Hence a spatial database system is a full-fledged database system
with additional capabilities for handling spatial data. Therefore spatial indexing is mandatory. It
should also support connecting objects from different classes through some spatial relationship.
Almost all entities of geographic reality have at least a 3-dimensional spatial character, but not all
dimensions may be needed. E.g. a highway pavement actually has a depth which might be
important, but is not as important as the width, which is not as important as the length.
Representation should be based on the types of manipulations that might be undertaken. Map-scale
of the source document is important in constraining the level of detail represented in a database.
E.g. on a 1:100,000 map individual houses or fields are not visible
In order that the GIS database provides the best service it should be:
o Flexible and extensible so that additional datasets may be added as necessary for the
intended applications
§ the categories of information and subcategories within them should contain all of the
data needed to analyze or model the behavior of the resource using conventional
methods and models
o Positionally accurate – if for example the boundary between the residential and agricultural
land has changed, this may be incorporated with ease.
o Internally accurate, portraying the nature of phenomena without error - requires clear
definitions of phenomena that are included
1. Scale and rotate coordinate values for "best fit" projection overlays and changes.
2. Convert (interchange) between polygon and grid formats.
3. Permit rapid updating, allowing data changes with relative ease.
4. Allow for multiple users and multiple interactions between compatible data bases.
5. Retrieve, transform, and combine data elements efficiently.
6. Search, identify, and route a variety of different data items and score these values with
assigned weighted values, to facilitate proximity and routing analysis.
7. Perform statistical analysis, such as multivariate regression, correlations, etc.
8. Overlay one file variable onto another, i.e., map superpositioning.
9. Measure area, distance, and association between points and fields.
10. Model and simulate, and formulate predictive scenarios, in a fashion that allows for direct
interactions between the user group and the computer program.
Notes & Handouts The Himalayas Kumaon Himalayas Askot Basemetals University
S. Farooq
Department of Geology
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh - 202 002 (India)
Phone: 91-571-2721150
email: [email protected]