WH - Questions and Reason For Traveling
WH - Questions and Reason For Traveling
WH - Questions and Reason For Traveling
1 Starter
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• Let’s Start! • Let’s Explore! • Let’s Practice! • Extension Activity• Target Words • Learning Points
Let’s Start!
Talk about the different types of tourism • I can talk about some reasons why
in a simple social situation. Interpret the people travel.
proper conceptualization to identify the • I can talk about the leisure/holiday
important elements of the tourism and business tourism.
industry. • I can express what cultural tourism is.
Takeaway What Do We Travel for? E S P > Tourism > Level A1.1 Starter
Let’s Explore!
Not all people travel for pleasure. Business people usually travel to large cities, which
are not usually tourist destinations, for important meetings and conferences. Travelers in
business tourism always expect a high standard in service. Cultural tourism is when
tourists want to learn the culture of a destination. These tourists love visiting museums
or historical attractions. Eco-tourism occurs when the main purpose of the traveler is to
be in contact with nature while promoting the conservation and protection of the natural
Finally, there are three specific but common reasons for people to travel. Those are
studying, religious pilgrimage and health tourism. Study tourism could be for short or
long vacation courses, sometimes in training centers or universities. Religious
pilgrimages have a long tradition; examples of these trips are when Muslims travel to
Mecca, or Christians to Jerusalem. Health tourism could vary from trips to spas in exotic
places or complex medical treatments people don't always find in their own countries. All
these purposes explain why tourism is one of the biggest industries in the world.
Takeaway What Do We Travel for? E S P > Tourism > Level A1.1 Starter
Let’s Practice!
Let’s Practice!
1. What characterizes cultural travelers? 4. What's true about tourism for
a. They like visiting the business centers. relaxation?
b. They love going to historical places. a. People travel to buy new nice
b. People go to the beach to relax
2. What's true about business tourism?
and enjoy the sun.
a. Sometimes people don't have time to
see the city. 5. Which of these attractions are part
b. People have fun, visiting historical of leisure tourism?
places. a. Most of the time people go visiting
historical attractions.
3. Which of these ideas are part of cultural b. People frequently visit places like
tourism? beaches.
a. Most of the time people enjoy to visit
historical attractions. 6. Which of these ideas is part of
b. People can observe the rituals of locals. business tourism?
a. People have to attend meetings.
b. People relax by the seaside.
Takeaway What Do We Travel for? E S P > Tourism > Level A1.1 Starter
Extension Activity
Make a conversation where two people say what they feel about holidays
Instructions: Complete the following steps. Fill in the Self-Assessment.
Target Words
Takeaway What Do We Travel for? E S P > Tourism > Level A1.1 Starter
Learning Points
Can and could are modal verbs we use to talk about abilities and probability.
Use the modal verbs can and could plus a verb in the base form without to express that
something is possible in the present or future. Use could when the probability is vague.
Use can when the probability is certain.
Tourists can visit the zoo in Cali.
If you are lucky, You could see the whales of the pacific ocean in May.
Takeaway What Do We Travel for? E S P > Tourism > Level A1.1 Starter
Learning Points
Expressions of Frequency.
Use adverbs of frequency to say the number of times something happens.
Adverbs of frequency say how repeatedly something happens. Let's take a look at some
of them:
These words usually come before the main verb, or after the verb to be:
I always jog in the morning.
They are never pleased to travel.