3-A Sanitary Standards For Uninsulated Tanks For Milk and Milk Products, Number 32-03
3-A Sanitary Standards For Uninsulated Tanks For Milk and Milk Products, Number 32-03
3-A Sanitary Standards For Uninsulated Tanks For Milk and Milk Products, Number 32-03
A1 These standards cover the sanitary aspects of B1 Product: Shall mean milk and milk products.
uninsulated tanks, both open top and closed types,
and both single and multiple compartment types, B2 Uninsulated Tank: Shall mean a cylindrical,
that are intended to be used for one of the following rectangular, oval, or other equally satisfactorily
purposes: shaped tank that is not insulated and is used as
described in Sections A1.1 through A1.5 of these 3-
A1.1 Mixing of milk and milk products and ingredients. A Sanitary Standards.
A1.2 Storage of milk and milk products in uninsulated B3 Open Top Type Tank: Shall mean an uninsulated
tanks intended to be located in a room in which the tank that (1) can only be operated at atmospheric
air surrounding the tank will maintain the product pressure and (2) the opening(s) for inspection
temperature. and/or access for manual cleaning have removable
or hinged cover(s) other than pressure type cover(s).
A1.3 Storage of milk and milk products in uninsulated
tanks having heat exchange surfaces to maintain the B4 Closed Type Tank: Shall mean an uninsulated tank
product temperature. that (1) can be operated at atmospheric pressure or
at a pressure above or below that of the atmosphere
A1.4 As a raw product constant level tank in a and (2) the opening(s) for inspection and/or access
pasteurizing system. for manual cleaning is a manhole(s) with a pressure
type cover(s).
A1.5 As a product surge or feed tank within a milk or
milk products processing system, and farm milk B5 Surfaces
handling equipment.
B5.1 Product Contact Surfaces: Shall mean all surfaces
which are exposed to the product, or from which
A2 In order to conform with these 3-A Sanitary
liquids may drain, drop, or be drawn into the
Standards, uninsulated tanks shall comply with the
following design, material, and fabrication criteria.
B5.2 Nonproduct Contact Surfaces: Shall mean all other
exposed surfaces.
B6 Mechanical Cleaning or Mechanically Cleaned: C1.4 Plastic materials, when used for the above specified
Shall denote cleaning, solely by circulation and/or application(s), shall conform with the applicable
flowing chemical detergent solutions and water provisions of the 3-A Sanitary Standards for
rinses onto and over the surfaces to be cleaned, by Multiple-Use Plastic Materials Used as Product
mechanical means. Contact Surfaces for Dairy Equipment, Number 20-.
B7 Control Area(s): Shall mean the area(s) in which C1.5 Rubber and rubber-like materials and plastic
all appurtenances for the operation of the materials having product contact surfaces shall be of
uninsulated tank and vent lines terminate and shall such composition as to retain their surface and
be a part of one or more of the following: conformational characteristics when exposed to the
conditions encountered in the environment of
B7.1 A processing area. intended use and in cleaning and bactericidal
treatment or sterilization.
B7.2 An area in the plant at least the equivalent of a
processing area. C1.6 The final bond and residual adhesive, if used, on
bonded rubber and rubber-like materials and
bonded plastic materials shall be nontoxic .
C1 Product contact surfaces shall be of stainless steel C1.7 Where materials having certain inherent functional
of the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 300 properties are required for specific applications,
1 2
Series or corresponding Alloy Cast Institute (ACI) such as bearing surfaces and rotary seals, carbon
types (See Appendix, Section E), or metal which and/or ceramic materials may be used. Carbon
under conditions of intended use is at least as and/or ceramic materials shall be inert, nonporous,
corrosion resistant as stainless steel of the foregoing nontoxic, nonabsorbent, insoluble, resistant to
types, and is nontoxic and nonabsorbent, except scratching, scoring, and distortion when exposed to
that: the conditions encountered in the environment of
intended use and in cleaning and bactericidal
C1.1 Rubber and rubber-like materials may be used for treatment.
umbrellas, slingers, and drip shields for vertical
agitator assemblies, agitator seals, gaskets, seals, C1.8 In a processing system to be sterilized by heat and
caps, and parts having the same functional purposes. operated at a temperature of 250°F (121°C) or
higher, all materials having product contact
C1.2 Rubber and rubber-like materials, when used for the surface(s) used in the construction of uninsulated
above specified application(s), shall conform with tanks and nonmetallic component parts shall be
the applicable provisions of the 3-A Sanitary such that they can be (1) sterilized by saturated
Standards for Multiple-Use Rubber and steam or water under pressure (at least 15.3 psig or
Rubber-Like Materials Used as Product Contact 106 kPa) at a temperature of at least 250°F (121°C)
Surfaces in Dairy Equipment, Number 18-. and (2) operated at the temperature required for
C1.3 Plastic materials may be used in sight and/or light
openings and for umbrellas, slingers, and drip C2 Nonproduct contact surfaces shall be of
shields for vertical agitator assemblies, bearings, corrosion-resistant material or material that is
gaskets, seals, caps, outlet valves, direct reading rendered corrosion resistant. If coated, the coating
gauge tubes and parts having the same functional used shall adhere. Nonproduct contact surfaces
purposes. shall be relatively nonabsorbent, durable, and
cleanable. Parts removable for cleaning having
1 both product contact and nonproduct contact
The data for this series are contained in the AISI Steel surfaces shall not be painted.
Products Manual, Stainless & Heat Resisting Steels, November 1990,
Table 2-1, pp. 17-20. Available from the American Iron and Steel Society,
410 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15086 (412) 776-1535. 3
Adhesives shall comply with 21 CFR 175 - Indirect Food
2 Additives: Adhesives and Components of Coatings. Document for sale by
Steel Founders Society of America, Cast Metal Federation the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Building, 455 State Street, Des Plaines, IL 60016 (708) 299-9160. Washington, D.C. 20402 (202) 512-1800.
D2 All permanent joints in metallic product contact D8 Uninsulated tanks having an inside height of more
surfaces shall be continuously welded. Welded than 96 in. (2500 mm) shall be provided with means
areas on product contact surfaces shall be at least as that will facilitate manual cleaning and inspection of
smooth as a No. 4 ground finish on stainless steel all product contact surfaces (See Appendix, Section
sheets and be free of imperfections such as pits, J) or means shall be provided for mechanically
folds, and crevices. (See Appendix, Section F.) cleaning the product contact surfaces of the
uninsulated tank and all nonremovable
D3 Uninsulated tanks that are to be mechanically appurtenances thereto. (See Appendix, Section J.)
cleaned shall be designed so that the product
contact surfaces of the uninsulated tank, including D8.1 The top head of a vertical uninsulated tank of more
the product contact surfaces of the opening for a than 96 in. (2500 mm) in height, designed for
vertical mechanical agitator, and all nonremovable mechanical cleaning, shall be dished or otherwise
appurtenances thereto can be mechanically cleaned shaped so that it readily facilitates mechanical
and are accessible for inspection. cleaning.
D10 Radii D13 All sanitary tubing shall conform to the applicable
provisions of the 3-A Sanitary Standards for
D10.1 All internal angles of less than 135° on product Polished Metal Tubing for Dairy Products, Number
contact surfaces shall have radii of not less than 1/2 33-.
in. (13 mm), except that:
D14 An exception is made to D12 and D13 in that
D10.1.1 Smaller radii may be used when they are required materials conforming to C1.2 or C1.4 may be used
for essential functional reasons, such as those of for caps of sanitary design for the protection of
agitator shaft bottom supports or guides, if used, terminal ends of sanitary tubes, fittings, or vents.
and in covers and agitator assemblies. In no case
shall such radii be less than 1/8 in. (3 mm). D15 Covers
D10.1.2 The radii in gasket grooves, gasket retaining D15.1 Covers shall be furnished for all openings in the
grooves, or grooves in gaskets, except those for uninsulated tank except those fitted with
standard 1/4 in. (6 mm) and smaller O-rings, shall permanently attached sanitary fittings.
be not less than 1/16 in. (2 mm).
D15.2 Main covers for open top type uninsulated tanks
D10.1.3 The radii in grooves for standard 1/4 in. (6 mm) shall (1) be of a type which can be opened and
O-rings shall be not less than 3/32 in. (2 mm) and maintained in an open position, (2) be sufficiently
for standard 1/8 in. (3 mm) O-rings shall be not less rigid to prevent buckling, (3) be self-draining in the
than 1/32 in. (1 mm). closed position, (4) be provided with an adequate,
conveniently located and durable handle(s) of
D10.1.4 The minimum radii for fillets of welds in product sanitary design, which is welded in place or formed
contact surfaces shall be not less than 1/4 in. (6 mm) into the cover materials, (5) have downward flanges
except that the minimum radii for such welds may not less than 3/8 in. (10 mm) along all edges and (6)
be 1/8 in. (3 mm) when the thickness of one or both be close fitting. The design shall be such that when
parts joined is less than 3/16 in. (5 mm). raising the cover(s) any liquid on the top will not
enter the uninsulated tank. When the cover(s) is in
D11 There shall be no threads on product contact its fully opened position, the drops of condensate
surfaces. formed on the underside of the cover(s) shall not
drain into the uninsulated tank.
D12 All sanitary fittings and valves shall conform to the
applicable provisions of 3-A Sanitary Standards for D15.3 Bridges and fixed covers for open top type
Plug-Type Valves for Milk and Milk Products, uninsulated tanks shall pitch to the outside edge(s)
Number 51-, 3-A Sanitary Standards for of the uninsulated tank for complete drainage, and
Thermoplastic Plug-Type Valves for Milk and Milk shall have a raised flange not less than 3/8 in. (10
Products, Number 52-, 3-A Sanitary Standards for mm) in height where the edge(s) meets the main
Compression-Type Valves for Milk and Milk cover(s). The bridges and fixed covers shall be
Products, Number 53-, 3-A Sanitary Standards for integral with or continuously welded to the lining,
Diaphragm-Type Valves for Milk and Milk and shall be installed so the underside is accessible
Products, Number 54-, 3-A Sanitary Standards for for cleaning and inspection without completely
Boot Seal-Type Valves for Milk and Milk Products, entering the uninsulated tank.
as amended, Number 55-, 3-A Sanitary Standards
for Inlet and Outlet Leak-Protector Type Valves for D15.4 Manhole covers for closed type uninsulated tanks in
Milk and Milk Products, Number 56-, 3-A Sanitary the side walls and/or ends shall be either the inside
Standards for Tank Outlet Valves for Milk and Milk or outside swing type. If the cover swings inside, it
Products Equipment, Number 57-, and 3-A Sanitary shall also swing outside away from the opening.
Standards for Sanitary Fittings for Milk and Milk Threads or ball joints employed to attach the
Products, Number 63-. manhole cover(s) and its appendages shall not be
located within the lining. Covers for manholes in
D12.1 Sanitary fittings made of optional metal alloy shall the top of uninsulated tanks shall be of the outside
not be used. swing type and shall have downward flanges not
less than 3/8 in. (10 mm) along all edges and shall
be close fitting.
D15.5 Covers of raw product constant level tanks to be diameter that will provide a 1 in. (25 mm) minimum
used in pasteurizing systems that are 18 in. (460 annular cleaning space between the agitator shaft
mm) or more in diameter, or more than 2 sq ft (0.18 and the inside surface of the flanged opening on
sq m) in horizontal cross section area shall be uninsulated tanks which do not require removal of
provided with an inspection port or opening at least the agitator for cleaning.
4 in. (100 mm) in diameter. Opening(s) for
appurtenance(s) or sanitary pipe(s) in cover(s) for a D16.4.1 Uninsulated tanks with top mounted agitators which
raw product constant level tank used in a pasteurizer require removal or the agitator shaft for cleaning
system shall not be more than 1/4 in. (6 mm) larger shall have a maximum shaft length of 96 in. (2500
in diameter than the entering appurtenance(s) or mm) and a maximum diameter of 2 in. (50 mm).
sanitary pipe(s).
D16.5 A manhole opening shall be provided in closed type
D16 Openings uninsulated tanks. If there is more than one control
area, there shall be a manhole accessible from the
D16.1 Openings in fixed covers, or in bridges or main lowest control area. The inside dimensions of the
covers of open top type uninsulated tanks, except manhole(s) opening shall not be less than 15 by 20
those for agitators, and openings with permanently in. (380 by 510 mm) oval, or 18 in. (460 mm) in
attached sanitary pipeline fittings and thermometers diameter. The sleeve or collar of a manhole
that remain in place while product is in the opening for an inside swing type manhole cover
uninsulated tank, shall be provided with removable shall be pitched so that liquids cannot accumulate.
covers which are designed to make close contact Uninsulated tanks with a capacity of 300 gal (1125
with the upper edges of the opening or cover L) or less may have top opening manholes having a
surface. When the main cover is in an open diameter of not less than 16 in. (410 mm).
position, the removable cover(s) shall remain in
position. D16.5.1 A hand grip shall be mounted externally on the
uninsulated tank near the manhole in order to afford
D16.2 The edges of openings in the top enclosure, main easy access to the uninsulated tank’s interior.
cover, or bridge shall extend upward at least 3/8 in.
(10 mm) or be fitted with a permanently installed D16.6 Sight and light openings, when provided, shall be in
sanitary fitting. Openings that extend outward, the top enclosure and shall be of such design and
generally horizontal, shall be fitted with a construction that the inner surfaces drain inwardly
permanently installed sanitary fitting. and the plastic shall be removable for cleaning. If
the uninsulated tank is designed for mechanical
D16.3 All openings in the closed type uninsulated tank cleaning, the inner surface of the plastic shall be
shall be within a control area except as provided for relatively flush with the inner surface of the
in D19.6. Openings for cleaning, overflow, and/or uninsulated tank. The inside diameter of the
vent line(s) shall terminate in a control area. The opening(s) into the uninsulated tank shall not be less
terminal ends of the cleaning, overflow, and/or vent than 3 3/4 in. (95 mm).
line(s) in the control area shall be arranged or
means provided to prevent liquids or objects from D16.7 Instrument connections shall conform to the
being drawn into the vent and cleaning solution applicable provisions of the 3-A Sanitary Standards
line(s). Vent or overflow line(s) terminating in a for Sensors and Sensor Fittings and Connections
control area shall be provided with a perforated Used on Fluid Milk and Milk Products Equipment,
cover having openings not greater than 1/16 in. (2 Number 74-.
mm) diameter or slots not more than 1/32 in. (1
mm) wide. This cover(s) shall be designed so that D16.7.1 Tanks designed to be used in applications found in
parts are readily accessible and easily removable for A1.2 and A1.3 shall be provided with one or more
cleaning. Woven wire mesh shall not be used for fittings to accommodate indicating and/or recording
this purpose. thermometer temperature sensing devices.
D16.4 Agitator shaft openings through the bridge or top D16.7.2 When thermometers are installed through the side
enclosure shall have a minimum diameter of 1 in. wall, the location shall be such that the
(25 mm) on uninsulated tanks which require thermometer(s) is easily readable. Thermometer
removal of agitator shaft for cleaning, or be of a connections and/or openings shall be located so that
the thermometer is not influenced by the heating or outlet passage shall be lower than the lowest point
cooling medium. on the uninsulated tank.
D16.7.3 If the fittings for temperature sensing devices which D17.2 The outlet valve for an uninsulated tank shall
do not pierce the tank lining, either the temperature conform to the applicable provisions of the 3-A
sensing element receptacles shall be securely Sanitary Standards for Thermoplastic Plug-Type
attached to the exterior of the lining or means to Valves for Milk and Milk Products, Number 52-, 3-
attach temperature sensing elements securely to the A Sanitary Standards for Compression-Type Valves
exterior of the lining shall be provided. for Milk and Milk Products, Number 53-, 3-A
Sanitary Standards for Diaphragm-Type Valves for
D16.7.4 A pressure or level sensor, if provided, shall comply Milk and Milk Products, Number 54-, 3-A Sanitary
with the applicable provisions of the 3-A Sanitary Standards for Boot Seal-Type Valves for Milk and
Standards for Sensors and Sensor Fittings and Milk Products, as amended, Number 55-, 3-A
Connections Used on Fluid Milk and Milk Products Sanitary Standards for Inlet and Outlet Leak-
Equipment, Number 74-. If the uninsulated or Protector Type Valves for Milk and Milk Products,
constant level tank in which it will be used is Number 56-, and 3-A Sanitary Standards for Tank
designed for mechanical cleaning, the product Outlet Valves for Milk and Milk Products
contact surface of the device shall be relatively flush Equipment, Number 57-.
with the inner surface of the tank.
D18 Inlet and outlet connections on the uninsulated tank
D16.8 Pasteurized product inlets to raw product constant shall be provided with welded stub ends, bolted or
level tanks, if provided, such as recirculate, divert, clamp-type flanges, or 3-A sanitary threaded
and leak detection lines, shall terminate at the top or connections. The face of a bolted or clamp-type
side of the raw product constant level tank. These flange or a 3-A sanitary threaded connection below
lines shall terminate at a distance of at least two the maximum normal product level on uninsulated
times the diameter of the largest return pipeline tanks having heat exchange surfaces to maintain
above the maximum flood level of the tank. product temperature shall be as close as practical
but not to exceed the smaller of: (1) twice the
D16.8.1 The pasteurized pipeline(s) returning to the raw nominal diameter of the connection or (2) 5 in. (130
product constant level tank shall enter the top of the mm) to the wall of the uninsulated tank.
tank and shall be fabricated to prevent the back flow
of raw milk into the pasteurized milk pipeline. One D19 Agitation
method of complying with this is as follows:
(1) Determine the maximum flood level for the raw D19.1 When specified, means for mechanical and/or air
product constant level tank at an overflow agitation of product shall be provided. When
condition. This level may be the top of the highest operated intermittently or continuously, the
opening equivalent to, or greater than two times the agitation shall be sufficient to maintain the butterfat
diameter of the largest inlet (supply) pipeline. content of whole milk throughout the uninsulated
(2) The constant level tank design must provide for tank within a variation of ± 0.1% as determined by
all return pipelines to break to atmosphere at a 4
an official AOAC Milk Fat Test . The agitator, if
distance equal to or greater than two times the not designed for mechanical cleaning, shall be
diameter of the largest return pipeline above the located in such a manner that it shall be readily
maximum flood level. accessible and removable for manual cleaning.
Mechanical agitators may be of a vertical or
D17 Outlet and Outlet Valve horizontal type. They shall comply with the
applicable provisions of D19.2 and D19.3.
D17.1 The inside diameter of the outlet passage of
uninsulated tanks shall not be less than the nominal
inside diameter of a 1 1/2 inch (38 mm) [1.402 in.
or (35.61 mm)] 3-A sanitary fitting except for tanks
of 10 gal (38 L) or less, on which 1 in. (25 mm) The method of making this test will be found in the following
sanitary fittings may be used. The outlet shall be in reference: Official Methods of Analysis, available from AOAC
a position that will provide complete drainage of the International, 481 N. Frederick Rd., Suite 500, Gaithersburg, MD 20877-
2417, Ph: 301-924-7077; Fax: 301-924-7089; E-mail: [email protected].
uninsulated tank. The top of the terminal end of the
D19.2 If a vertical mechanical agitator is used, an umbrella D19.7 Any coil spring having product contact surfaces
or drip shield of sanitary design that can be raised shall have at least 3/32 in. (2 mm) openings between
or readily demounted, to permit cleaning of all of its coils, including the ends, when the spring is in the
surfaces, shall be provided to protect against the free position.
entrance of contaminants into the uninsulated tank
through the annular space around the agitator shaft. D20 If air agitation is used, equipment and means for
The agitator shaft, if removable, shall be provided applying air under pressure shall conform to the
with an easily accessible, readily demountable applicable provisions of the 3-A Accepted Practices
coupling of either a sanitary type located within the for Supplying Air Under Pressure in Contact with
uninsulated tank or a coupling located outside the Milk, Milk Products, and Product Contact Surfaces,
tank provided that it is above the umbrella provided Number 604-. Tubing and related connections
to protect the annular space around the shaft. within the uninsulated tank shall be of a sanitary
design and be readily demountable for cleaning
D19.3 For an agitator driving mechanism mounting, the outside the uninsulated tank or be designed for
driving mechanism shall be securely mounted in a mechanical cleaning. If designed for mechanical
position that will provide a minimum distance of 4 cleaning the tubing and all related connections shall
in. (100 mm) measured from the driving mechanism be self-draining. Permanently mounted air tubing
housing, excluding bearing bosses and mounting shall be constructed and installed so that it will not
bosses, to the nearest surface of the uninsulated sag, buckle, vibrate, or prevent complete drainage
tank; and in such a manner that all surfaces of the of the uninsulated tank or tubing and shall be
uninsulated tank under or adjacent to the driving located so that the distance from the outside of the
mechanism shall be readily accessible for cleaning tubing to the tank wall shall be at least 2 in. (5 cm),
and inspection. except at the point of entrance.
D19.4 When a seal is provided for vertical agitators, the D21 Closed type uninsulated tanks shall be provided
design shall be such that (1) all product contact with a hooded air vent of sufficient free open area to
surfaces can be mechanically cleaned and (2) the prevent back pressure during filling and to prevent
seal assembly is easily accessible and readily vacuum during emptying of the uninsulated tank. It
demountable for inspection, or (3) be such that the shall be located in the front head near the top or in
seal may be readily disassembled for manual the top of the uninsulated tank. (See Appendix,
cleaning and inspection. Section H.) The vent shall terminate in a processing
area or control area and shall drain into the
D19.5 A bottom support or guide, if used, shall be welded uninsulated tank. It shall be provided with a
to the tank and shall not interfere with drainage of perforated cover having openings not greater than
the uninsulated tank and the inside angles shall have 1/16 in. (2 mm) diameter, or slots not more than
minimum radii of 1/8 in. (3 mm). When the agitator 1/32 in. (1 mm) wide. Woven wire mesh shall not
shaft has a bearing cavity, the diameter of the cavity be used for this purpose. It shall be so designed that
shall be greater than the depth. When a bottom parts are readily accessible and readily demountable
support or guide is designed for mechanical for cleaning and inspection.
cleaning, provision must be made to permit
separating the mating guide/bearing surfaces to D22 Raw product constant level tanks to be used in a
permit inspection of such surfaces. pasteurizing system shall be designed to allow the
use of an automatic device to control the raw
D19.6 A seal for the agitator shaft, if provided, shall be of product level. This level control shall be
a packless type, sanitary in design and durable. A constructed to conform to the applicable provisions
seal shall be provided for (1) a horizontal agitator, of 3-A Sanitary Standards for Sensors and Sensor
(2) a vertical agitator when it is specified that the Fittings and Connections Used on Fluid Milk and
uninsulated tank is to be located so that the portion Milk Products Equipment, Number 74-.
of the shaft outside the uninsulated tank is not in a
processing or control area and (3) an agitator in an D23 A sample cock, if provided, shall be of a type that
uninsulated tank having means for mechanically has its sealing surface relatively flush with the
cleaning the uninsulated tank. product contact surface of the uninsulated tank and
have an inside diameter no less than that of 1 in. (25
mm) sanitary tubing.
D24 A direct reading gauge of the plastic tube type, if D25.1.2 When equipment is to be mounted on a slab or
provided, shall be sanitary in design and island, the base of the equipment shall be
construction and shall be readily accessible for designed for sealing to the slab or island surface.
cleaning or shall be designed for mechanical Information shall be provided to the user about
cleaning. If designed for mechanical cleaning, the construction requirements for the slab or island.
inside diameter of the gauge parts shall be (See Appendix, Section I.)
sufficiently uniform that all product contact surfaces
will be cleaned. It shall be designed and D25.1.3 Casters, when provided, shall be of sufficient size
constructed so that all product in the gauge will be to provide a clearance between the lowest part of
discarded. Means to accomplish this shall be the base and the floor of at least 4 in. (102 mm).
provided at the lowest point and in such a manner Casters shall be easily cleanable, durable under
that product in the gauge will not enter the conditions of intended use, including cleaning
uninsulated tank outlet line nor re-enter the and sanitizing, and of a size that will permit easy
uninsulated tank. The valve shall be close coupled. movement of the equipment.
The distance, measured along the passage for the
product in the uninsulated tank to the gauge valve, D25.1.4 When mounted directly on a wall or column, the
from the nearest point on the uninsulated tank to the area of attachment of the equipment to its
ferrule or flange for the valve shall not be more than mounting surface shall be designed for sealing to
the smaller of (1) twice the nominal diameter of the the wall or column. If the design of the
passage or (2) 5 in. (130 mm). equipment is to be mounted offset from a wall or
column, it shall provide at least a 4 in. (102 mm)
D24.1 Uninsulated tanks equipped with outside direct clearance between the outside of the equipment
reading gauges shall have a maximum height of 96 and the wall or column.
in. (2500 mm).
D26 Any guard(s) required by a safety standard(s) that
D25 Means of Supporting Uninsulated Tanks will not permit accessibility for cleaning and
inspection shall be designed so that it (they) can be
D25.1 The means of supporting an uninsulated tank shall removed without the use of tools.
be one of the following:
D27 Nonproduct contact surfaces shall be smooth, free
D25.1.1 When legs are used, they shall conform to the of pockets and crevices, and be readily cleanable.
applicable provisions of 3-A Sanitary Standard Surfaces to be coated shall be effectively prepared
for Machine Leveling Feet and Supports, Number for coating. Outside welds need not be ground.
88-, except that:
D28 Information Plate
D25.1.1.1 Adjustable legs shall be provided of sufficient
D28.1 Uninsulated tanks with a mechanical agitator shall
number and strength and so spaced that the filled
have an information plate in juxtaposition to the
uninsulated tank will be adequately supported.
name plate giving the following information or the
information shall appear on the name plate: “The
D25.1.1.2 Legs for uninsulated tanks, except those for raw
agitator of this tank is designed so that the portion
product constant level tanks to be used in a
of agitator shaft outside of the tank * in a processing
pasteurizing system and other balance tanks, shall
be such that the product outlet is sufficiently high
to allow for adequate cleaning and will provide * Insert one of the following:
an 8 in. (200 mm) minimum clearance to the (a) does not have to be
floor. Raw product constant level tanks and other (b) must be
balance tanks shall have a minimum clearance of D28.2 If the tank is designed for steam sterilization, the
4 in. (100 mm). information plate shall also contain the following
information: “This tank is designed for steam
D25.1.1.3 The legs of cylindrical horizontal uninsulated sterilization.”
tanks shall be installed so that the legs will be
vertical when the tank lining is pitched 1/4 in. per D28.3 All identification or information plate(s) affixed to
ft (20 mm per m) toward the outlet. uninsulated tanks shall be attached on the outside of
the tank in such a way as to be effectively sealed.
Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. Phone: (610) 832-9500.
For example, when a 6,000 gallon tank (with 800 cu. ft. of
135° F hot air after cleaning) is suddenly flash cooled by 50° F water
sprayed at 100 gpm the following takes place: Within 1 second, the 800
cu. ft. of hot air shrinks approximately 51 cu. ft. in volume. This is the
equivalent in occupied space of approximately 382 gallons of product. The
shrinkage creates a vacuum sufficient to collapse the tank unless the vent,
manhole, or other openings allow the air to enter the tank at approximately
the same rate as it shrinks. It is obvious, therefore, that a very large air
vent such as the manhole opening is required to accommodate this air