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Richard F. Gunst and Molly I. Hartfield

Department of Statistical Science
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275-0332

SMU I DS I TR - 286
September 1996
Robust Semivariogram Estimation in the Presence of Influential Spatial Data Values

Richard F. Gunst and Molly I. Hartfield

Department of Statistical Science
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275-0332


Recent investigations have stimulated renewed interest in accommodating the effects of

influential observations in the estimation of semivariogram values. Because of the
increasing size and complexity of spatial data sets, it is not sufficient to rely solely on
graphical methods for detecting aberrant data values. Influence diagnostics have long been
used to identifjr influential observations in regression analyses and have recently been
adapted to the fitting of variogram and kriging models. Less emphasis has been placed on
the identification and accommodation of influential data in the estimation of the sample
semivariogram values that are used to fit these models. In this paper prior work on the
identification of influential observations is extended to robust estimation of semivariogram
values. We concentrate on robust semivariogram estimators that can be readily
implemented by modest adaptations of existing computer software. The robust estimators
evaluated in this paper are compared to classical semivariogram estimators and to one
another in terms of both accuracy and precision.

1. Introduction

Semivariogram modeling is central to the prediction of point values and areal averages of
geostatistical random fields. Additionally, estimates of semivariogram model parameters
themselves are of intrinsic interest because of the information they provide about spatial
dependence across a region. The fitting of semivariogram models is in turn critically
dependent on the shape of sample semivariogram plots. While this dependence has been
studied extensively (see Cressie 1991 for numerous citations), recent work by Basu et al.
(1995) documents that the presence of influential spatial data values can seriously distort
sample semivariogram plots, in some cases even when a robust estimator is used. These
distortions can critically affect both the choice of models that are fit to sample
semivariograms and the calculation of parameters for the chosen models. Basu et al.
(1995) also present graphical and numerical diagnostics that are highly effective for
identifjrlng influential spatial data values. In this paper, we discuss several robust
estimators of semivariogram values that aid in the identification of influential spatial data
values and that can be used as alternatives to the deletion of the observations from the
data base.

The need for hrther research into robust alternatives to the sample semivariogram stems
in part from the application of spatial methods to very large data sets and in part from the
observation that current robust methods are not highly effective in accommodating
influential data values. One application of interest in this work is to the modeling of
temperature anomaly trends over the last century. The data files used in these
investigations consist of monthly temperature readings fiom several thousand reporting
stations &-omapproximately 1850 to 1991. In ternis of resources and the time expended, it
would be prohibitive to graphically investigate the presence of influential observations for
each station in each of a number of regions of the globe for each month of each year
included in the data base. Thus, there is a well defined need both for influence diagnostics
and effective robust methods that can accommodate these large spatial data sets.
Moreover, the application of some of the more popular robust methods to these data files
did not satisfactorily accommodate some obvious influential observations. This latter
finding will be documented below, following a brief review of sernivariogram estimation.

We begin with the usual definition of semivariogram values:

where z(s) denotes a spatial variate measured at location s. Semivariogram values quantiG
the spatial covariance structure of the random variables in a fashion similar to covariances
and correlations. Under the second-order spatial stationarity assumptions stated below,
cov{z(s;) , ~(sj))= var{z(s)) - y{z(si) - z(sj)), where var{z(s)) is the common variance of
spatial variates. Many spatial measurements are characterized by variation that is a
fbnction of distance but not direction. These isotropic spatial variates have variograms
defined as

where d = I( Si - Sj (1 is the (Euclidean or great circle, as appropriate) separation distance

between the spatial locations. With irregularly spaced locations, pairs of locations are
ordinarily assigned to bins that are multiples of a nominal distance. In this case, d
represents the midpoint of the range of distances in a bin. Under intrinsic stationarity
assumptions, E{z(si) - ~(sj))= 0 and cov{z(si) , ~(sj))is a fbnction of only si - sj, SO that
for isotropic spatial variates (1) can also be expressed as

Second-order spatial stationarity is slightly stronger than intrinsic stationarity since the
first assumption is replaced by E{z(s~))= p, a constant for all locations in the region of
interest, and the variance of individual spatial variates is assumed to be finite. With
intrinsic stationarity assumptions, the variance of differences of spatial variates is assumed
to be finite, even though the variance of an individual spatial variate need not be so.
Except where explicitly stated otherwise, we assume isotropic, second-order stationary
spatial variates in the remainder of this paper.
Although stationarity is assumed in this work, if the random field does not satisfjr
stationarity assumptions one ordinarily either (1) fits low-order polynomial models to the
data using the spatial locations as predictors, (2) fits local linear or quadratic models using
the spatial locations, (3) performs median polish, or (4) fits more complex models to the
spatial variables using both the spatial locations and other spatial covariates. The residuals
from such fits are then assumed to satisfjr stationarity assumptions and are used in the
calculation of sernivariogram values and in the fitting of semivariogram models. Although
the following discussion is framed in terms of the spatial variates z(s;), the methods
discussed may in practice be applied to residuals.

From (2), the classical method-of-moments semivariogram estimator (Matheron 1962) for
pairs of locations binned a distance d apart is

where N(d) denotes the set of all pairs of locations binned together at (nominal) separation
distance d and Nd is the number of such pairs of locations. For locations a fixed distance d
apart, this sample semivariogram estimator is unbiased for the semivariogram value y(d)
under either second-order or intrinsic stationarity.

Cressie and Hawkins (1980) introduced a robust estimator of semivariogram values that is
less susceptible to influential data values than the sample semivariogram estimator. Their
robust estimator is

This estimator was derived under the assumption that the differences ~(si)- z(sj) are
normally distributed for all station pairs (s; , sj). The square root transformation of the
differences was shown to have moments close to those of a normal distribution and the
denominator in (4) is a bias correction.

Basu, et al. (1995, Figure 1) demonstrate a variety of effects that can be induced on
semivariogram plots because of the presence of influential observations. The examples
presented in that paper include some in which a single influential observation causes
dramatic spikes in the semivariogram plot and others in which a small number of influential
observations cause a mound-shaped excitation crest. In the following example, we expose
yet another way in which influential observations can affect semivariogram plots, the
inducement of anisotropy.

The semivariogram plots in Figure 1 are of soil nitrate concentrations from core samples
taken from a 3 ha field. The sample locations were on a regular 9x7 grid with 25m spacing
between north-south and east-west grid locations. Bins for this semivariogram plot were
chosen to be multiples of 25m. The first bin includes all core sample locations that are
between 0 and 25m; the second, those between 25m and 50m; etc. Each symbol denotes a
different direction between pairs of locations on the grid. For example, the north-south
semivaiiogram values, identified by the triangles in Figure 1, include all grid locations
within each bin that are 90°f 22.5" from one another. Prior to calculating the
semivariogram values, median polish (e.g., Cressie 1984, 1986) was performed on the raw
nitrate concentrations in order to reduce the effects of any nonstationarity in directions
along the north-south and east-west grid lines. The median-polish residual pairs were then
binned and directional semivariogram values were calculated using the robust estimator
(4) with the median polish residuals inserted as the z ( s ~ ) .

Consider first the semivariograrn plots indicated by the various symbols connected with
solid lines. The semivariogram values for each of the four directions generally increase
throughout the range of distances plotted. However, the semivariogram plots for each
direction do not increase at the same rate. The least change in variability across the range
of distances occurs with pairs of grid locations that are in the northwest-southeast
direction from one another. The most striking change in variability occurs for location
pairs that are in the northeast-southwest direction from one another. When spatial
variability patterns change with direction, the spatial variability is called anisotropic. It is
highly desirable when fitting semivariogram models that the semivariogram plots be
isotropic and that the semivariogram values remain basically constant or increase smoothly
to a plateau, referred to as the sill of the semivariogram. This desirability is not simply
computational; in many instances the nature of the measurements strongly suggests that
variability should be isotropic. For example, the homogeneity of the soil treatments
applied to this field does lead one to expect isotropic spatial variability. The spatial
variability indicated by the symbols connected with solid lines in Figure 1 is clearly not
isotropic and the sills, if they exist, are quite different for the four directional
semivariogram plots.

Contrast the semivariogram values for the solid lines with those indicated by the dashed
lines in Figure 1. The latter semivariogram values are much smaller than the former ones.
They appear to be isotropic and the semivariogram plots are relatively flat, suggesting
white noise errors and a common sill. Figure 2 highlights the reason for the differences in
the two sets of semivariograrn values. Figure 2 is a three-dimensional smoothed plot (S-
PLUS, 1991) of the data. Strikingly evident in the plot are several pockets of very large
nitrate concentrations. The semivariogram values identified by the solid lines in Figure 1
were calculated using all the nitrate values while those indicated by the dashed lines were
calculated from a reduced data set in which the 8 largest nitrate values were removed.

It may be that one considers the large nitrate values the most important features of the
data. Nevertheless, they were unexpected and they cause severe problems when one
attempts to fit semivariogram models to the sample and robust semivariogram values. We
are not concluding that these data values are necessarily anomalous nor that they should
necessarily be eliminated from the data base. However, this example illustrates the
dramatic effect a small number of data values can have even on some robust estimators. If
these values are determined to be anomalous, neither the 'sample nor the robust
semivariogram values plotted in Figure 1 would properly characterize the spatial
variability of nitrate concentrations in this field. In addition, with data sets of the size of
global :temperature data sets, it is not likely that sufficient time and resources could be
relegated to construct perspective plots for each spatial variate of interest over all regions
of the globe for each month and each year contained in the data bases. Hence, there is a
need for more effective robust semivariogram estimators

2. Influence Functions

Influence Functions (e.g., Hampel et al. 1986) quantifjr the effects of influential data values
on an estimator. One can think of an influence fbnction as a measure of the change in an
estimator due. to the presence of a small number of data values fiom a specified
distribution that is different fiom the distribution of the bulk of the data. If F represents the
distribution (e.g., normal) generating the bulk of the data and G represents the distribution
of the influential observations (e.g., a very skewed distribution), then the distribution of all
the data can be represented as a mixture Fa of these two distributions: Fa = (1 - a)F + aG,
for 0 < a < 1. For a fixed separation distance d, the semivariogram parameter one wishes
to estimate can be represented as y(F) = y(d) = var{z(s) - z(s + d))/2. The influence of
outliers fiom the distribution G can then be quantified as IFy(G)= a(Fa) 1 &la, .

For illustration purposes, let F represent a second-order stationary spatial random field
with variance 0,. If G represents the presence of a single influential outlier of magnitude p
+6, at location s, in the domain D of the random field, and if location s, is one of the
locations in the sampled field, one can show that the influence fbnction for the sample
semivariogram estimator (3) is

Basu et al. (1995) demonstrate that influential spatial data values typically result in
overestimation by both semivariogram estimators. In particular, they show that for the
sample semivariogram (3), if there is an influential spatial variate at location s, then
E{q(d) ) = y(d) + (JY,,J2~d)62,.
Note that the second term of this expression is the value
of the influence fbnction (5).

Two features of this influence fbnction are important in the assessment of the effect of
extreme data values. First, as one might expect fiom the form of the estimator (3), the
influence of an extreme data value is proportional to the square of its magnitude. Second,
the influence of an extreme data value is attenuated by the proportion of pairs NJNd in the
bin that include the outlier. The fbll effect of the extreme data value is realized only if all
the pairs in a bin include the outlier, whereas the extreme data value has no effect if none
of the pairs include the outlier. The proportionality factor Nmmdexplains the spiking often
seen in semivariogram plots when anomalous data are present. There is a relatively high
proportion of outlier pairstinthe bins for which spiking is evident but relatively few in the
, .
bins immediately adjacent to them.

The influence function for the robust estimator (4) is expressible as

where fm= N m d , hm= 6: 12(2y(d)) , gj = hj(0), hj = hj(L),

and T(x) is the gamma function T(x) = Imwx-le-wdw.

The value of the influence function
(6) is defined to be zero if Nm= 0.

While this expression is far more complicated than the influence function for the sample
semivariogram, it, like the one for the sample semivariogram, enables one to quantitatively
evaluate the effect of extreme data values. To illustrate the effectiveness of these influence
functions on assessing the effects of influential observations, we calculated influence
function values for one of the more interesting semivariogram plots in Basu et al. (1995).
Figure l(c) in Basu et al. (1995) contains a mound-shaped semivariogram plot of nitrate
calculations from the same field as those used in the previous but from a different depth
and using nitrate concentrations from both the 25 meter grid and a smaller 6x6 5m grid in
the center of the larger grid.
The parameters needed to calculate the influence hnctions (5) and (6) were estimated
from the large- and small-grid data sets after an influential observation that was identified
in Basu et a1 (1995) in the large-grid data was removed. The variance o, was estimated to
be approhmately 40, using the average of variance estimates from the large-grid data and
the small-grid data. The influential observation's 6, effect was estimated from its median-
polish residual to be approximately 41. The values of N, and Nd for each bin were
determined from the location distances in the data file. Figure 3 is a display of the resulting
calculations for both the sample and the robust semivariogram estimators.

The horizontal line at a semivariogram value of 40 represents the theoretical value of the
sample semivariogram estimator (3) or the robust estimator (4) if the random field were a
white-noise process with variance o, = 40 and there were no influential data values. The
sample and robust semivariogram plots in Figure 3 with the effect of the influential
observation added are obtained by adding the influence hnction values calculated from (5)
and (6) to the white noise semivariogram value. The excitation crests in each of these
latter semivariograms are evident, as is the lesser effect of the influential data value on the
robust semivariogram values than on the sample semivariogram values.

The simple white-noise model is likely not the most appropriate model for the combined
large- and small-grid semivariogram model. In practice, each of these grids would be fit
separately and the resulting fitted semivariogram models would be combined to represent
the spatial variability of the field. The spatial variation in nitrate concentrations can be
modeled as separate white-noise processes with large-grid variance o, = 50 (with the
influential data value removed) and small-grid variance o, = 30. Reconstruction of Figure
3 with these estimates and separate estimates of the semivariogram values for each bin
with the influential data value removed produced crests more similar to those in Basu et al.
(1995) Figure l(c), but did not meaninghlly change the conclusions so clearly evident
from Figure 5. The importance of this illustration is that even under such a simple white-
noise model the influence hnctions adequately characterize the gross effects of the
influential data. One can perform similar computations from the European temperature
anomaly data to reproduce the spiking in Basu et al. (1995) Figure l(a) fiom influence
hnction calculations, as well as the anisotropic behavior in Figure 1 of this paper.

3. Robust Estimators

McBratney and Webster (1986) concluded that neither the sample semivariogram
estimator (3) nor the robust semivariogram estimator (4) could always be preferred to the
other. Our analyses of a variety of data sets and a number of simulations lead to the
conclusion that the robust sernivariogram is less sensitive to the effects of influential
observations than the sample semivariogram but it can still be seriously affected, as is
indicated in Figure 1. These analyses and simulations support the general conclusions
drawn from a comparison of the influence hnctions (5) and (6) and they reemphasize the
need for other robust alternatives to the sample semivariogram.
Prior to discussing possible alternative robust semivariograrn estimators, it is important to
recognize difficulties that arise as a result of unavoidable data reuse in the estimation of
semivariogram values. Regardless of the estimation scheme selected, each data value is
used many times in the calculation of sample and robust semivariogram values. For a
simple example of how this can exacerbate the influence of extreme data values, consider a
transect of length 2m+l. Suppose a single unusually large spatial variate occurs at the
middle location on the transect. If the bin distances are one unit, there will be 2m pairs of
locations in the first bin, of which 2 will include the influential spatial variate. In the
second bin, there will be 2m-1 pairs of locations, of which 2 again will include the
influential spatial variate. One can continue in this fashion and show that up until bin m
there are fewer and fewer pairs of locations, of which 2 always include the influential
spatial variate. Thus, the percentage of differences in a bin which include an influential
spatial data value increases with the bin number and can far exceed the percentage of such
influential data values in a data set. The percentage can increase even more rapidly if there
is more than one influential data value in the data set.

One can easily construct examples with irregularly spaced data for which a
disproportionate percentage of differences in a bin will contain influential observations but
many fewer or none of the differences in neighboring bins contain influential observations,
leading to spikes in the sample semivariogram. Depending on the proportions of pairs in a
bin that involve influential data, the excitation crests discussed previously are another
effect of data reuse. In addition, it is not necessarily true that robust methods operating on
differences of the pairs in a bin will operate only on the differences that contain influential
data values. Indeed, in bins that do not contain outliers, robust methods will often
downweight or eliminate differences involving pairs of valid data, thereby tending to
underestimate the variability for distances represented by those bins. Robust estimators
must accommodate all of these difficulties caused by data reuse. It is not at all clear that
robust estimators that operate on pairs of data values in each bin can satisfactorily do so.
This concern is part of the motivation for the following comparisons of robust estimators

In the course of this research, several robust alternatives to (4) were evaluated. The
following estimators are typical of those investigated and include those found most

-- trim a fixed percentage of raw data values and then bin and apply the sample
semivariogram estimator (3) to the remainder of the data;
-- trim a fixed percentage of the differences in each bin and then apply (3) to the
remaining differences;
-- apply a robust m-estimator to the differences in each bin;
-- perform a preliminary test to identi@ and eliminate unusual data values in the data
set, then bin and apply (3) to the remaining data values;
-- perform a preliminary test on the differences in each bin to identifjl and eliminate
unusual differences, then apply (3) to the remaining differences in each bin.
Consideration was given to applying the robust estimator (4) rather than the classical
estimator (3) to the trimmed data. It was feared that trimming followed by the use of a
robust estimator would cause serious underestimation of the spatial variability, especially
when there were no extreme data values. Spot checks were made by rerunning some of
the simulations using (4) with the trimmed data. These simulations confirmed that
substantial underestimation often occurred. Consequently, the trimmed estimators used in
the simulations all use the classical estimator (3) with the trimmed data.

Because of the data reuse issues raised above, trimming afixed percentage of the raw data
values or trimming the differences in bins is likely to be problematic. In the investigations
discussed below, we include for comparison purposes one robust estimator that trims 5%
of the largest raw data values in a data set. Denote this estimator fT(d). For the reasons
cited above, trimming a fixed percentage of the binned differences was not regarded as a
viable estimation strategy and no such estimator was included in the simulations.

Two versions of a robust estimator which tests for influential observations are included in
the simulations reported below. The preliminary test is used to determine whether any of
the raw data values or, alternatively, any of the differences in a bin are influential. If the
preliminary test determines that some of the raw data values or some of the differences are
influential, then the robust estimator (4) is applied to the remaining data values or
differences. This robust estimation scheme is included so that, unlike trimming a fixed
percentage of the data values, the natural variability in the data can assist in determining
the number of possible influential observations. For the raw data values, the preliminary
test is a robust version of a t-test. Outliers are deleted if 3, where

M = median(z(s;)), and S is the median absolute deviation of the spatial variates: S =

median(lz(si) - M1}/0.6745. Denote this estimator f (d) . Differences in each bin were
also tested for their influence using (7) with obvious modifications. Denote this estimator

An alternative to trimming that does not require a preliminary test is a robust M-estimator
of location. Both from efficiency and bias considerations, Cressie and Hawkins (1980)
found M-estimators applied to the square root differences {lz(si) - z ( s ~ ) ~ to
}'~be among
the preferred robust alternatives in their simulations. The M-estimates used in our work
are calculated separately for each bin, similar to Cressie and Hawkins (1980). Let N,J
denote the number of pairs of locations binned a nominal separation distance d apart. Let
denote the median of the square-root differences in the bin with nominal separation
distance d and let S d be the corresponding median absolute deviation:

Md = median (1 z(si) - z(sj) l}"' , Sd = median (1 z(si) - z(sj) 1'" - Md} / 0.6745
bin d bin d
Although the M-estimator is ordinarily calculated iteratively until convergence, a one-step
iteration oRen is used. The one-step iterative estimate has been shown to give an excellent
approximation to the hlly iterated estimate and to be computationally expedient when
computational requirements are large. For our work the one-step robust M-estimator of
location was calculated as:

where yij = [{lz(s;) - z(sj)l)ln - &]/Sd, and y is the derivative of Tukey's biweight y
(Hampel et al. 1986, Staudte and Sheather 1990):

The bias correction in the denominator of (8) is the same as that in the robust estimator
(4) since both are based on estimating the center of the distribution of {Iz(si)- z(sj)l)ln.

3.1 Simulations

To assess the relative merits of these six sample and robust semivariogram estimators,
both simulations and analyses of actual data were conducted. The simulations consisted of
generating random field data using Gaussian and other random processes. Spatial
correlations were induced by specifllng covariance matrices calculated from Gaussian and
spherical, and white noise semivariogram models. Influential data were then added with
stipulated mixture probabilities so that the random field was a known mixture of a
specified random field process and influential data values. Very consistent results were
obtained over a wide range of models, model parameters, sample sizes and mixture
proportions on both transects and two-dimensional grids. A summary of the key results
and illustrative plots are now given.

Plotted on Figure 4 are the results from a simulation of 200 realizations of an ordinary
kriging model z(s) = p + e(s) with mean p = 0 and spatially correlated errors e(s)
generated by a spherical semivariogram model:
Each realization consisted of data along a transect of length 100. The spherical model had
a nugget 81 = 2, a range €I=310, and a sill 81 + €I=212. At location 20, an influential
observation of magnitude 6, = 25 or 50 was inserted in place of the randomly generated
data value with probability 0.1 or 1 as shown over each panel in the figure. The solid
curve in the figure is the theoretical semivariograh.' The calculated semivariogram values
averaged over the 200 realizations are indicated by the following symbols: sample (S),
Cressie-Hawkins robust (R), M-Estimator (M), sample estimate following a 5% trimming
of the raw data (T), sample estimate following a preliminary test for trimming anomalous
raw data values (P), and sample estimate following a preliminary test for trimming
anomalous binned differences @).

The strong positive bias of the sample semivariogram is evident in three of the four panels
of Figure 4. The sample semivariogram does not appear to be much affected in the first
panel, but in most of the simulations the positive bias was clearly evident. The Cressie-
Hawkins robust estimator does provide protection against the effects of the influential
observations, as is evident in Figure 4, but it too is generally biased upward. Typically the
Cressie-Hawkins robust estimator had less bias than the sample semivariogram but more
than some of the other robust estimators, notably the preliminary test estimators and the
M-estimator. The shift in the semivariogram plots for the sample and robust estimators
occurs because the influential data value was paired with two other observations for all
separation distances up to 20 and with only one thereafter. The 5% trimmed estimator
consistently had large negative bias in the simulations. This negative bias is evident in
Figure 4. The major result suggested in the figure and consistent throughout all the
simulations was that the preliminary test estimators 7, (d) and 7 (d) and the M-estimator
7 (d) suffered the least from the effects of the influential observations.
Figure 5 displays the sample standard deviations of the semivariogram estimates across the
200 realizations for the same model that was used in Figure 4. Across the many simulation
models examined, the sample semivariogram tended to be the most variable. This is
especially true when the probability of an outlier was less than 1, as in the two left-hand
panels of Figure 5. Thus, the sample semivariogram tends to have strong positive bias and
be highly variable. At the other extreme of variability is the fixed 5% trimmed mean. This
semivariogram estimator tends to have the least variability, although often by only a small
amount. In spite of its relatively smaller variation, the reduction in variability does not
offset its large negative bias. The preliminary test estimators not only have small bias, as
discussed above, they generally have the least variability of the remaining robust
estimators. The M-estimator usually has somewhat greater variability but it is not
substantially worse. The Cressie-Hawkins robust estimator often has substantially more
variability than the preliminary test estimators and the M-estimator.

Figures 6 and 7 show comparable results to Figures 4 and 5 for data that were generated
on a two-dimensional grid using the same spherical semivariogram model, but with the
range changed from 10 to 4. The influential data value was placed at the center of the 10 x
10 grid. The conclusions drawn from Figures 6 and 7 for the transect data remain basically
the same for the two-dimensional grid data.
Figure 8 displays average semivariogram values from a simulation in which no influential
observations were added to a random field. Data were generated fiom a normal random
field and,a highly skewed random field. the normal field data were generated using the
same spherical semivariogram model as in ~ i g u r e4'. The skewed data were generated by
squaring data values fiom this same normal field. To make the theoretical semivariograms
comparable in expectation, the squared normal values were location- and scale-adjusted.
As is suggested in Figure 8, the preliminary test estimators 7, (d) and f B (d) performed
comparably to the sample semivariogram estimator. Overall, these three estimators had the
least bias and small variability, but this finding was not consistent throughout a series of
simulations of skewed data with and without influential observations. The simulations with
influential observations showed that the robust estimators had far less bias than the sample
semivariogram estimator, but none of the robust estimators were uniformly superior to the
others. All the robust estimators were inferior to the sample semivariograrn estimator
when the data were highly skewed but contained no influential observations.

For spatial data generated fiom normal random fields, both the preliminary-test estimators
7 (d) and 7, (d) and the M-estimator 7, (d) were much closer over a wide range of
models to the theoretical semivariogram than the other estimators studied in this
simulation. All three provided excellent protection against serious bias due to influential
observations. In addition, both provided informative diagnostics for influential
observations: the weights ~ ( t/ )t for the M-estimator and the t values for the preliminary-
test estimators. It was surprising to find that the preliminary test estimators performed as
well as is indicated in Figures 4-8. They were studied because other robust estimators,
including several that were not reported in this paper, did not accommodate the reuse of
influential observations in the binned differences used to estimate semivariogram values.

In addition to these robust location estimators, robust scale estimators were investigated,
including trimmed standard deviations (e.g. Bickel and Lehman 1976). None that were
examined in preliminary simulations performed better than the location estimators that
were included in the main simulations.

3.2 Spatial Data Analyses

The various semivariogram estimators were applied to the data sets discussed in Section 1.
The 5% trimmed estimator ?,(d) will not be discussed hrther because of its poor
performance in the simulations.

Figures 9 and 10 display directional semivariogram plots for the nitrate soil data discussed
in Section 1 for the M-estimator 7, (d) and the preliminary test estimator 9 , (d) ,
respectively. The M-estimator maintains much of the directional differences noted in the
Cressie-Hawkins robust estimates shown in Figure 1. On the other hand, the preliminary
test estimates f,(d) plotted in Figure 10 are directionally consistent and they are
comparable in magnitude to the sample semivariogram values obtained by the subjective
elimination in Figure 2 of the 8 largest nitrate values. The preliminary test identified 14 of
the 63 data values as having unusually large values, with the t values (7) ranging from 3.1
to 23.0. Nine of the 14 t values exceeded 5.0. .Thus, the preliminary test estimator is
achieving one of the goals of this work: the robust estimation of semivariogram values
without the labor-intensive investigation of graphical and numerical summaries of the data.
Note too that the t values (7) identify the influential observations and would thereby flag
them to an investigator who then could choose to graphically investigate the causes of the
large diagnostics.

Figure 11 compares semivariogram estimates for the European temperature anomalies

discussed in Basu et al. (1995). All the sample and robust estimates except f,(d) are
plotted. The M-estimator again performs similarly to the Cressie-Hawkins robust
estimator. The binned preliminary test estimator f (d) tracks the sample semivariogram
estimator and is virtually identical with it in most of the bins. The preliminary test
estimator f,(d) identifies (t = 5.9) and removes Copenhagen, as well as 6 other
influential data values that have t values ranging from 3.1 to 4.0. Copenhagen's t value
would certainly cause one to investigate it further. The 6 other temperature stations are all
clustered nearby one another just north of the Caspian Sea and might reflect some regional
anomaly. Perhaps the most striking feature of Figure 11 is that the preliminary test
estimator is the only estimator that plateaus, reaching a sill of about 0.8 at a range of
approximately 1,200-1,400 km.None of the other estimators in the figure show evidence
of having reached a sill.

Figure 12 is included only for completeness. The preliminary test estimator clearly
identifies the influential observation (t = 8.2) and as a result eliminates most of the
excitation crest that is so prominent in the sample and the other robust semivariograms.
The remaining portion of the excitation crest is due to the different magnitudes of
variability in the large and the small grid portions of the data. In practice, these would be
separately estimated.


The preliminary test estimator P was most effective overall in identifying and
accommodating highly influential spatial data values. The M-estimator and the preliminary
test estimator B also were generally effective, but occasionally, as in Figure 11, they did
not satisfactorily accommodate one or more influential data values. Perhaps the most
important conclusions from this work are that robust estimators are preferable to the
classical estimator and that estimators such as the preliminary test estimators and the M-
estimator are well-suited to large data sets because they efficiently identify highly
influential data.

Basu, S., Gunst, R.F., Guertal, E.A., and Hartfield, M.I. (1995). "The Effects of
Influential Observations on Sample Semivariograms," submitted to the Journal of
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Bickel, P. and Lehrnann, E.L. (1976). "Descriptive Statistics for Nonparametric Models:
111. Dispersion," The Annals of Statistics, 4, 1139-1158.
Cressie, N. (1984). "Toward Resistant Geostatistics," in G. Verly, M. David, A.G.
Journel, and A. Marechal (eds.), Geostatisticsfor Natural Resource
Characterization. Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Cressie, N. (1986). "Kriging Nonstationary Data," Journal of the American Statistical
Association, 8 1, 625-634.
Cressie, N. (1991). Statisticsfor Spatial Data. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Cressie, N. and Hawkins, D.M. (1980). "Robust Estimation of the Variogram: I,"
Mathematical Geology, 12, 115- 125.
Hampel, F.R., Ronchetti, E.M., Rousseeuw, P.J., and Stahel, W.A. (1986). Robust
Statistics, New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Matheron, G. (1962). Traite de GeostatistiqueAppliquee, Tome I. Memoires du Bureau
de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, No. 14, Paris: Editions Technip.
McBratney, A.B. and Webster, R. (1986). "Choosing Functions of Semivariograms of Soil
Properties and Fitting Them to Sampling Estimates," Journal of Soil Science, 37,

Staudte, R.G. and Sheather, S.J. (1990). Robust Estimation and Testing. New York: John
Wiley and Sons, Inc.

S-PLUS (199 1). S-PL US Reference Manual, Version 3.0. Seattle, WA: Statistical
Sciences, Inc.
Fig. 1. Robust Nitrate Semivariogram Values.

Complete Data E-W

---- Infl.Obsns. Removed NE-SW

Core Separation Distance (m)

Fig. 4. Average Semivariogram Estimates, Transect Data
Magnitude = 25 , Prob. = 0.1 Magnitude = 25 , Prob. = 1
( U .


5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20
Separation Distance I Separation Distance

Magnitude = 50 , Prob. = 0.1 Magnitude = 50 , Prob.,= 1

- sS s


5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25
Separation Distance Separation Distance

m w I- . Ln
man I-
zn: mw I-
z l r m an I-
7 ~ m I- w 7
z m m I- . O
C U -
II Brm:m I- : II
a , . a,
Li zl cn I- 0 Li 0

scd ae- e tI
m m.I- a
+ L L
m a I- s m.g - C,

z a(r(LI-
me cn
C, C,

a, a, m m I-
, o z a,
m u mcm I- a O L
3 m a I- Q
a, .=
3 Q
s E m I-
m a I-
m a I-
* s CI)

a- - 2 mmI- Ln S m

cn e m
e m
W S'O P'O 6'0 2'0 1'0 0'0 8'0 9'0 P'O 2.0 0'0
uo!ge!~aap~epuegspalegs uo!ge!~aap~epuegspalegs
U )
2 c m - Ln cn m . m
.-> zn: c

E zn: rn I- cn-
a 7 zn: am I-
C/) X c m I- cnmn-
0zn:cm I- - (V0 0 cn- 0
+ CU
0 II z c - I- a, 11 cn ma- a,
zrr cnn I- 0 m w 0
- g m
,. a
s d cn
- .
C, C,

.- - ,,,zz n : c r ~ n ~ -
.. cn
m- -a
z rrvmh
I- 5
.- s cn
cn Dm-
- -
C, C,
ll zrrcnm I- II cn Dm- a
a, zn:cnm I- - 0a2 a, cn Dm- 0 L
uj u
3 arm I- a 2 cn m- .Q


x c n m I-
m a I-
a, C,

a cn

1 a m I-
cn H mI-
- Ln 2 cn
0 UB

cn Hm- 0 m
0 Pae 0 m
0 P EEt 0 m

S'O P'O 6'0 TO 1'0 0'0 0'2 S'L 0'1 FO 0'0

uo!ge!~aap~epuegsp a l e ~ s uo!ge!~aap~epuegsp a l e ~ s
Scaled Standard Deviation Scaled Standard Deviation
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6

Scaled Standard Deviation Scaled Standard Deviation

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
'ig. 8. Comparison of Semivariogram Estimators for Uncontaminated Distributions
Average Estimate by Lag for Normal Data Average Estimate by Lag for Skewed Data


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Separation Distance Separation Distance

Variability of Estimate by Lag for Normal Data Variability of Estimate by Lag for Skewed Data

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Distance Distance

I Ill
.a 4+

I Ill
/ /ii
i /ii'
.i 17' i
\ .'\'\ +\
\w a\

\ Y
w w

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