4) In July 2019, CAP, INC. sold to its president for P125 per share, 3,000
Robusta Company ordinary:
ordinary shares of Bulik Company, for which the president gave his
30,000 shares, purchased in June 2016, P20 per share…….………………..….…
check for P262,500 and a letter in which he agreed to pay the
balance upon demand of the treasure of the company.
60,000 shares, purchased in August 2017, P16 per share……………………......
5) On August 1, 2019, CAP, INC., sold its Gudo Company 15% bonds at
45,000 shares, purchased in May 2018 , P22 per share……………………….......
110 plus accrued Interest
During the year 2021, Santol sold all the Kelly, Inc. shares for P2,300,000
5. What cumulative amount of unrealized gain should be reported as
and 15,000 shares of Kongga Company at a loss of P90,000. On December
component of other comprehensive income in the statement of
31, 2021, Santol’s portfolio of non-trading equity securities consisted of the
changes in equity on December 31,2021?
a. P1,505,000 b. P1,960,000 c. P1,480,000
Investee Shares Cost Market Value d. P3,440,000
Problem 5
Yogi Enterprises 60,000 P2,160,000 P4,200,000
Kongga 15,000 260,000 180,000 Coolong co. holds debt securities within a business model whose objective is
Company achieved both by collecting contractual cash flows and selling the debt
Totals P2,420,000 P4,380,000
securities. The contractual cash flows are solely payments of principal and
interest on specified dates.
The following amortization schedule relates to its 5 –year P1,000,000, 7%
1. What total amount should be credited to retained earnings as a bonds purchased on December 31, 2016, for P1,086,565. The bonds were
result of the sale of Eloy Corp. securities in 2020? purchased to yield 5% interest.
a. P200,000 b. P110,000 c. P90,000
d. P20,000
Date Interest Interest Premium Amortized
2. What unrealized loss on the remaining financial assets should be Received Income Amortization Cost
reported in the 2020 statement of comprehensive income as 12.31.16 P1,086,565
component of other comprehensive income? 12.31.17 P70,000 P54,328 P15,672 1,070,893
a. P1,600,000 b. P1,640,000 c. P1,415,000 12.31.18 70,000 53,545 16,455 1,054,438
d. P1,300,000 12.31.19 70,000 52,722 17,728 1,037,160
12.31.20 70,000 51,858 18,142 1,019,018
12.31.21 70,000 50,982 19,018 1,000,000
*Adjustment due to rounding 5. What amount of unrealized gain should be shown in the 2020
statement of changes in equity?
The following schedule presents the amortized cost and fair value of the
a. P26,455 c. P25,233
bonds at year-end.
b. P16,883 d. P10,990
Fair Value Amortized Cost
December 31, 2017 P1,065,000 P1,070,893
December 31, 2018 1,075,000 1,054,438
December 31, 2019 1,056,500 1,037,160
December 31, 2020 1,030,000 1,019,018
December 31, 2021 1,000,000 1,000,000