Analysis of Rates

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Analysis of Rates

dk;Z dk uke& ftyk ;kstuk o"kZ 2012&2013 ds vUrxZr eusjh&tked eksVj ekxZ esa ,p0ih0 eksM+ksa dk
lq/kkj ,oa Mcyw0ch0,e0 dk;Z yEckbZ 1-00 fd0eh0 A

1 Providing, laying, spreading & compaction of stone aggregates of specific

sizes to WBM specifications including spreading in uniform thickness, hand
packing, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonn in stages to proper grade &
camber, applying & brooming requisite type of binding materials to fill up the
intristices of coarse aggregates,watering & rolling making necessary earthen
bund to protect edges lighting, guarding & barricatings, &maintenance of
diversions etc.[Grading of no-2] (45-63 mm size).

Rate as per SOR SL no -38948 1222.90 Per Cum

total 1222.90 per cum
2 Providing, laying, spreading & compaction of stone aggregates of specific
sizes to WBM specifications including spreading in uniform thickness, hand
packing, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonn in stages to proper grade &
camber, applying & brooming requisite type of binding materials to fill up the
intristices of coarse aggregates,watering & rolling making necessary earthen
bund to protect edges lighting, guarding & barricatings, & maintenance of
diversions etc.[Grading of no-3] (22.4 - 53 mm size).

Rate as per SOR SL no - 38949 1298.20 Per Sqm

total 1298.20 Per Sqm
3 Cleaning of the WBM surface and laying 2 cm thick premix carpet sq.m over a
WBM surface with graded proved grit and VG-10 grade bitumen including
heating the bitumen to the required temperature and mixing either in mixer
or in hand drums, including cartage of materials, maintenance of side patries,
watering them during operation for proper completion of the work as
directed by the engineer-in-charge.

Rate as per SOR SL no - 42851 238.50

(-) Deduction for maxphalt 2.46kg/Sqm @43.46+12.50%C.P. -120.28
Total 118.22 Per Sqm
4 Cleaning of premix surface and laying seal coat with approved coarse sand
and bitumin including heating to the required temperature and mixing in
hand drum or mixaul i/c supply of all material excluding cost of maxphalt
which shall be provided by the depa

Rate as per SOR SL no - 39037 53.70

(-) Deduction for maxphalt 0.68kg/Sqm @43.46+12.50%C.P. -33.25
Total 20.45 Per Sqm
5 Excavation in foundation for retaining & breast walls in all types of cu.m soils
and rocks including lead, lift and disposal of surplus material as per direction
of engineer - in - charge

Rate as per SOR SL no - 39453 188.20 Per cum

total 188.20 Per cum
6 Providing and laying of wire crates 3.00x1.50x1.50 in size with a cu.m 10
gauge BWG GI wire conforming to IS: 280 & IS:4826 in 150mm x 150mm
mesh laid with stone boulders weighing not less than 25 kg each.(As per PWD
Uttarakhand Specification)

Rate as per SOR SL no - 30436 921.20 Per cum

total 921.20 Per cum
Analysis of Rates
7 Excavation in soil in Hilly area in loose earth by Machnical means including
excavated earth with a lift upto 1.5m and disposal of earth upto a lead 20m.

Rate as per SOR SL no - 46542 45.70 Per Cum

total 45.70 Per Cum
8 Excavation in hilly areas in hard rock requiring blasting, by cu.m mechanical
means, lift upto 1.5 m and disposal of excavated rock upto a lead of 20 m

Rate as per SOR SL no - 46545 245.20 Per Cum

total 245.20 Per Cum
9 Max Phalt Drums for PC, Tack coat & Seal Coat (1.46+1.0+0.68 = 3.14 Kg Per
Sqm.) 171.50 Kg Per Drum
Rate as per Stock issue rates of PWD store Bhatwari Total 8600.00 Per Drum

Detail of Measurements
dk;Z dk uke& ftyk ;kstuk o"kZ 2012&2013 ds vUrxZr eusjh&tked eksVj ekxZ esa
,p0ih0 eksM+ksa dk lq/kkj ,oa Mcyw0ch0,e0 dk;Z yEckbZ 1-00 fd0eh0 A
Sl no Particulars of Item Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Providing, laying, spreading & compaction of
stone aggregates of specific sizes to WBM
specifications including spreading in uniform
thickness, hand packing, rolling with power
roller 8-10 tonn in stages to proper grade &
camber, applying & brooming requisite type
of binding materials to fill up the intristices of
coarse aggregates,watering & rolling making
necessary earthen bund to protect edges
lighting, guarding & barricatings,
&maintenance of diversions etc.[Grading of
no-2] (45-63 mm size).

xs 0/1-0/3,0/9-0/12,0/15-0/18,0/21-
0/24,0/33-0/34 1 1 300.00 3.75 0.075 84.38
Extra 10% Of curve 8.44
Total 92.81 Cum
say 93.00 Cum
2 Providing, laying, spreading & compaction of
stone aggregates of specific sizes to WBM
specifications including spreading in uniform
thickness, hand packing, rolling with power
roller 8-10 tonn in stages to proper grade &
camber, applying & brooming requisite type
of binding materials to fill up the intristices of
coarse aggregates,watering & rolling making
necessary earthen bund to protect edges
lighting, guarding & barricatings, &
maintenance of diversions etc.[Grading of no-
3] (22.4 - 53 mm size).

xs 0/1-0/3,0/9-0/12,0/15-0/18,0/21-
0/24,0/33-0/34 1 1 300.00 3.75 0.075 84.38
Extra 10% Of curve 8.44
Total 92.81 Cum
say 93.00 Cum

Page 3 of 8
Sl no Particulars of Item Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3 Cleaning of the WBM surface and laying 2 cm
thick premix carpet sq.m over a WBM surface
with graded proved grit and VG-10 grade
bitumen including heating the bitumen to the
required temperature and mixing either in
mixer or in hand drums, including cartage of
materials, maintenance of side patries, and
watering them during operation for proper
completion of the work as directed by the

0/0-0/24 1 1 600.00 3.75 2250.00

10% Extra for curves 225.00
Total 2475.00 Sqm
4 Cleaning of premix surface and laying seal
coat with approved coarse sand and bitumin
including heating to the required
temperature and mixing in hand drum or
mixaul i/c supply of all material excluding
cost of maxphalt which shall be provided by
the depa

1 1 600.00 3.75 2250.00

10% Extra for curves 225.00
Total 2475.00 Sqm
5 Excavation in foundation for retaining &
breast walls in all types of cu.m soils and
rocks including lead, lift and disposal of
surplus material as per direction of engineer -
in - charge

Wire crates 1 1 18.00 1.50 1.00 27.00

Total 27.00 Cum
6 Providing and laying of wire crates
3.00x1.50x1.50 in size with a cu.m 10 gauge
BWG GI wire conforming to IS: 280 & IS:4826
in 150mm x 150mm mesh laid with stone
boulders weighing not less than 25 kg each.
(As per PWD Uttarakhand Specification)
I st Layer 1 6 3.00 1.50 1.50 40.50
II nd Layer 1 4 3.00 1.50 1.50 27.00
Total 67.50 Cum

Page 4 of 8
Bill of Quantity
dk;Z dk uke& ftyk ;kstuk o"kZ 2012&2013 ds vUrxZr eusjh&tked eksVj ekxZ
esa ,p0ih0 eksM+ksa dk lq/kkj ,oa Mcyw0ch0,e0 dk;Z yEckbZ 1-00 fd0eh0 A
Item of work Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
Providing, laying, spreading & compaction of stone aggregates
of specific sizes to WBM specifications including spreading in
uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with power roller 8-10
tonn in stages to proper grade & camber, applying & brooming
requisite type of binding materials to fill up the intristices of
1 coarse aggregates,watering & rolling making necessary earthen
bund to protect edges lighting, guarding & barricatings,
&maintenance of diversions etc.[Grading of no-2] (45-63 mm
93.00 Cum 1222.90 113729.70
Providing, laying, spreading & compaction of stone aggregates
of specific sizes to WBM specifications including spreading in
uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with power roller 8-10
tonn in stages to proper grade & camber, applying & brooming
requisite type of binding materials to fill up the intristices of
coarse aggregates,watering & rolling making necessary earthen
bund to protect edges lighting, guarding & barricatings, &
maintenance of diversions etc.[Grading of no-3] (22.4 - 53 mm

93.00 Cum 1298.20 120732.60

Cleaning of the WBM surface and laying 2 cm thick premix
carpet sq.m over a WBM surface with graded proved grit and
VG-10 grade bitumen including heating the bitumen to the
required temperature and mixing either in mixer or in hand
3 drums, including cartage of materials, maintenance of side
patries, and
watering them during operation for proper completion of the
work as directed by the engineer-in-charge.
2475.00 Sqm 118.22 292594.50
Cleaning of premix surface and laying seal coat with approved
coarse sand and bitumin including heating to the required
4 temperature and mixing in hand drum or mixaul i/c supply of
all material excluding cost of maxphalt which shall be provided
by the depa
2475.00 Sqm 20.45 50613.75
Excavation in foundation for retaining & breast walls in all
5 types of cu.m soils and rocks including lead, lift and disposal
of surplus material as per direction of engineer - in - charge
27.00 Cum 188.20 5081.40
Providing and laying of wire crates 3.00x1.50x1.50 in size with
a cu.m 10 gauge BWG GI wire conforming to IS: 280 &
IS:4826 in 150mm x 150mm mesh laid with stone boulders
weighing not less than 25 kg each.(As per PWD Uttarakhand
67.50 Cum 921.20 62181.00
Excavation in soil in Hilly area in loose earth by Machnical
7 means including excavated earth with a lift upto 1.5m and
disposal of earth upto a lead 20m. 267.36 Cum 45.70 12218.47
Excavation in hilly areas in hard rock requiring blasting, by
8 cu.m mechanical means, lift upto 1.5 m and disposal of
excavated rock upto a lead of 20 m 475.28 Cum 245.20 116537.43
9 Max Phalt Drums for PC, Tack coat & Seal Coat
(1.46+1.0+0.68 = 3.14 Kg Per Sqm.) 171.50 Kg Per Drum 45.00 Drum 8600.00
Total 1160688.85

Summary of Estimated Cost

dk;Z dk uke& ftyk ;kstuk o"kZ 2012&2013 ds vUrxZr eusjh&tked eksVj ekxZ esa
,p0ih0 eksM+ksa dk lq/kkj ,oa Mcyw0ch0,e0 dk;Z yEckbZ 1-00 fd0eh0 A

Sl no Item of Works Estimated cost in Rs.

1 2 3

1 eusjh tked eksVj ekxZ esa MCyw0ch0,e0 dk dk;ZA

2 vkdfLed O;; 4 izfr'kr
Total 1200116.40
Say in Lac 12.00

Junior Engineer Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer

Pron. Div. P.W.D. Pron. Div. P.W.D. Pron. Div. P.W.D.
Bhatwari Bhatwari Bhatwari
Extra Hill side cutting
dk;Z dk uke& ftyk ;kstuk o"kZ 2012&2013 ds vUrxZr eusjh&tked eksVj ekxZ esa ,p0ih0 eksM+ksa dk lq/kkj
,oa Mcyw0ch0,e0 dk;Z yEckbZ 1-00 fd0eh0 A



0/0-0/1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0/1-0/2 25.00 9.38 1.88 7.50 23.44 7.50
0/2-0/3 17.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 18.88 65.75
0/10-0/11 20.00 18.00 3.60 14.40 38.00 34.40
0/16-0/17 16.00 13.13 5.25 7.88 45.60 123.08
0/22-0/23 20.00 23.00 9.20 13.80 97.25 92.55
0/39-0/40 20.00 17.50 3.50 14.00 44.20 152.00
Total 267.36 475.28

E&B 267.36 Cum

VHR 475.28 Cum

Junior Engineer Assistant Engineer

P.D. P.W.D Bhatwari P.D. P.W.D, Bhatwari

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