Notes 7 - Transmission Line Model

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Power System Analysis and Design

Transmission Line Models

Characteristics and Performance of
Transmission Lines
 A problem of major importance in power system is the flow
of load over transmission lines such that the voltage at
various nodes is maintained
 Transmission lines are normally operated in balanced three
phase load; so analysis can be done in per phase basis (single
phase analysis)
 A transmission line on a per phase basis can be regarded as a
two port network, where in the sending-end voltage Vs and
current Is are related to the receiving end voltage Vr and
current Ir through ABCD Constant
Two Port Equivalent of Transmission
Line and ABCD constants

A  VR | IR  0 B  VS | VR  0

IS  CVR  DIR C  VISR | IR  0 D IS

| VR  0
Transmission Line Nomemclature
 z = series impedance/unit length/phase
 y = shunt admittance/unit length/phase
 r = resistance/unit length/phase
 C = capacitance/unit length/phase to neutral
 l = transmission line length
 Z =zl total series impedance/phase
 Y = yl total Shunt admittance/phase
Short Line Approximation

1. The shunt capacitance is almost negligible
2. The impedance is lumped as shown

VS  VR  ZIR A  D  1,
IS  IR B  Z;C  0
 A single phase 50Hz generator supplies inductive load of
5000 kW at a power factor of 0.707 lagging by means of an
overhead transmission line 20km long. The line resistance and
inductance are 0.0195 ohm and 0.63 mH per km. The
voltage at the receiving end is required to be kept constant at
 a. Find the sending end voltage and voltage regulation
 b. Find the value of the capacitors to be connected in parallel
with the load such that the regulation is reduced to 50% of that
obtained in (a).
Effect of the Variation of Power Factor
on Voltage Regulation

1. The power factor of the load affects the amount of
sending end voltage to supply the load’s voltage
2. The voltage regulation is highest at lagging pf, and
least and even negative for leading power factor.
Medium Line Approximation: Nominal 

1. Lumped shunt admittance (half at sending and receiving)
2. Lumped Series impedance (in between the shunt admittance)

IS  I 1  I 2  I 1  I 3  IR
VS  ZI 2  VR
Medium Line Approximation: Nominal 

YZ YZ A  D  (  1)
VS  (  1)VR  Z (  1) IR 2
2 2 BZ
IS  YVR  (  1) IR YZ
C  Y (  1)
2 4
Medium Line Approximation: Nominal 

1. Lumped shunt admittance (place at the middle)
2. Lumped Series impedance (divided into 2 parts)

VS VM  YVM  VM  VR
Using KCL
2 2
Medium Line Approximation: Nominal 

YZ YZ A  D  (  1)
VS  (  1)VR  Z (  1) IR 2
2 2
B Y
IS  YVR  (  1) IR YZ
2 C  Z (  1)
Long Line
 This Linear differential equation whose general solution can be
written as follows:
V ( x)  C1ex  C 2e x
where :   yz
 Differentiate V(x) with respect to x

 C1ex  C 2e x  zIx
C1ex C 2e x
Ix   ; Zc  ( z / y )^1 / 2
Zc Zc
 From above equation solve for c1 and C2
Interpretation of Long Line Equation
(Additional Notes)

    j Alpha- attenuation constant ( nepers per unit length)

Beta – Phase Constant (radians/ unit length)

•Since the propagation is complex, below are the

methods in evaluating the hyperbolic functions of a
complex number.
1. Hyperbolic expansion
cosh(l  jl )  cosh l cos l  sinh l sin l
sinh(l  jl )  sinh l cos l  cosh l sin l
Note : Beta (Bl) should be converted to its equivalent degree value
Interpretation of Long Line Equation
(Additional Notes)

    j Alpha- attenuation constant ( nepers per unit length)

Beta – Phase Constant (radians/ unit length)

•2. Maclaurian Series

 ^ 2l ^ 2  ^ 4l ^ 4  ^6l ^6
cosh l  1     ..
2! 4! 6!
 ^3l ^3  ^5l ^5  ^7l ^7
sinh l  l     ..
3! 5! 7!
Interpretation of Long Line Equation
(Additional Notes)

    j Alpha- attenuation constant ( nepers per unit length)

Beta – Phase Constant (radians/ unit length)

l j l l  jl
e e e e 1 l
cosh(l  jl )   (e l  e l   l )
2 2
el e jl  e l e  jl 1 l
sinh(l  jl )   (e l  e l   l )
2 2
Interpretation of Long Line Equation
(Additional Notes)

    j Alpha- attenuation constant ( nepers per unit length)

Beta – Phase Constant (radians/ unit length)

• If the line is terminated in its characteristic impedance

(Zc)- the line is called “Flat Line” or “Infinite Line”
– this cannot have reflected wave

•Transmission line are not usually terminated on its

characteristic impedance, but communication lines are
frequently so terminated to avoid reflected wave.
Interpretation of Long Line Equation
(Additional Notes)
• Characteristic Impedance- sometimes called “Surge
•Surge Impedance – special case of lossless lines
z L
Zc  ;
y C
•For higher frequency (like lightning)- losses are
neglected and surge impedance becomes important

•SIL (Surge Impedance Loading)

•Is the power delivered by a line to a purely resistive
load equal to its surge impedance.
Interpretation of Long Line Equation
(Additional Notes)
•SIL (Surge Impedance Loading)
SIL  3 xVLxIL IL 
VL ^ 2 3x L C
SIL  ; MW

•A permissible loading of a transmission line may be

expressed as a fraction of its SIL
Interpretation of Long Line Equation
(Additional Notes)
•Distance along a line between two points of a wave which
differ in phase by 360 degrees of 2pi radians.
•If Beta is in radians per mile, wavelength is:
 ; mile

•The product of frequency and wavelength

V  f *
Interpretation of Long Line Equation
(Additional Notes)
•Voltage Regulation

%VR 
@ VNL _ IR  0;VR 
cosh l
Machine Problem 1
1. Develop a computer program that will solve for the
inductance and capacitance of the line the following data:
1. GMR of the conductor
2. Radius of the Conductor
3. Coordinates of the conductor
1. Your program should have an option for bundle conductor
and parallel circuit.
Machine Problem 2
1. Develop a computer program that will solve for the
1. Sending end voltage, current, power and power factor
2. Transmission Efficiency
3. % voltage regulation
1. Your program should be able to distinguish the different line
models depending on its length.

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