FIGURE 6.29 (Continued) : CHAPTER 6: Hydraulic Structure 251

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CHAPTER 6 : hydraulic Structure 251

River distance, ft

(b) Cypress creek, near downsville, lousiana

FIGURE 6.29 (continued)

showing an overall average of 2 percent less than measured backwater values, while
WSPRO gave computed values with an overall average of 31 percent greater than
measured backwater values, The HEC-2 special bridge method (Yarnell) and the
modified Bradley method both gave consistently low values of computed back
water. which is not too surprising. since neither method was developed for bridges in
wide. heavily vegetated floodplains. When the expansion ratio of 4:1 was applied in
the HEC-2 normal bridge method. the overall average of computed backwater
values was 36 percent higher than measured values and the computed water surface
elevations downstream of the bridge were significantly higher. It was concluded
that. although the WSPRO model gave backwater values that were somewhat high. it
provided an accurate representation of the downstream water surface elevations and
the water surface elevations in the immediate vicinity of the bridge.
In laboratory experiments conducted at Georgia Tech. water surface profiles
were measured in a large compound channel (4.3m (14 ft) wide by 18.3 m (60 ft)

CHAPTER 6: Hydraulic Structures 252

FIGURE 6.29 (continued)
(long) for which the Manning's n values were determined in uniform flow experi
ments t o be 0.0155 and 0.019 in the floodplain and main channel. respectively. for
compound channel flow. The compound channel was asymmetric with a floodplain
width of 3.66 m (12,0 ft) and a trapezoidal main channel bank-full width of 0.55 m
(1.8 ft). The measured water surface profiles for a bridge abutment in place are
compared with WSPRO results in Figure 6.30, in which the total depths relative to
the bottom of the main channel are given. The bank-full depth is 0.15 m (0.5 ft).
The abutment /embankment length for this case is 44 percent of the floodplain width
( La J B f =0.44 ) Almost exact agreement is found bet ween the WSPRO depth and the
measured depth at the downstream face of the bridge, while WSPRO depths
upstream of the bridge are approximately 2 to 3 percent high. Measured and com
puted velocity distributions arc superimposed on the shape of the compound chan nel
at the bridge approach section in Figure 6.31. The WSPRO velocities are corn-
CHAPTER 6: Hidraulic Structures 253


Comparison of measured depths and WSPRO computed depths in a laboratory

compound channel (Sturm and Chrisocholdes 1998). (source: Terry W. Sturm and
Antonis Chrisochoides.One-Dimensioonal and Two-Dimensional Estimates of
A b u m e n t Scour Prediction variables. In Transportation Research Record
1647. Transportation Research Board. National Research Council. Washington.
D.C .. 1998. Reproduced by permission of Trans portation Research Board.)
puted from the discharges in each of 20 Stream tubes having equal conveyance
divided by the flow area of each streamtube. Relatively good agreement between
measured and computed depth-averaged velocities is shown both in the floodplain
and main channel. However, WSPRO velocities computed in this way did not agree at
all with measured resultant velocities near the face of the abutment, where the flow
was not one-dimensional (Sturm and Chrisochoides 1998).
A user's instruction manual for WSPRQ was developed by Shearman(1990).
And it should serve as a source for more detailed information on using the computer
model. The application of the method is described briefly in the following sections
and an example is given.
WSPRO Input Data
All the input data records for WSPRO are identified by a two-letter code at the
beginning of each record. These codes. summarized in Table 6-9. Can be divided
into four groups: titles. job parameters (optional). profile control data. and cross
section definitions. The record identification codes must appear in the first two
columns of each input record. Data values are entered in free format CF as the first
data record) and can be separated by commas or blanks. Default values of certain
CHAPTER 6:Hydraulics Structures 254

Comparison of measured velocity and WSPRO computed velocity in a
laberatory compound channel (Sturm and Chrisochoides 1998). (Source: Terry W.
Sturm and Antonis Chrisochoides. One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional
Estimates of Abutmen: Scour Prediction voriables. In Transportation Research
Record 1647. Transponation Research Board. Notional Research: Council.
Washimgton.D.C.. 1998. Reproduced by permission of Trans portation
Research Board.)
parameters can be used by entering an asterisk or double commas. The input
data records are created easily using word- processing software that has a
text-file creation feature or within HYDRALN (Federal Highway Administration
1996). The input and output data can be in either SI or English units.
Profile control data consists primarily of Q. WS. SK. and EX records.The Q
record allows a whole series of discharges to be analyzed in a single computer
run. The starting water surface elevation can be specified directly for each Q
with a WS record. or the critical water surface elevatlon will be assumed if WS
has a value less than critical, such as the lowest ground elevation.
Alternatively. a slope of the energy grade line can be entered on an SK record
to obtain a starting water surface elevation by the slope- area method, The EX
record is used to specify a computa tion in the downstream direction
(supercritical) with a value of unity or an upstream (subcritical) computation
with a value of zero (default). The ER record ends the data input file.
Cross- section data constitute the bulk of the input data and include ground
elevations and locations. roughness coefficients. and bridge and spur dike
geometry, Header codes for cross-section data are given in Table 6·9. The
actual x-y coordinate data for each cross section are entered on GR records and
must be referenced

CHAPTER 6: Hydraulics Structure 255

WSPRO input data records
Tittle Information
T1.T2.T3—Alphanumeric title data for identification of output

Job Parameters
J1—error tolerances, test values, etc.
J2—input and output control parameters
J3—special tabling parameters

Profile control data

Q—discharge(s) for profile computation(s)
WS—Starting water surface elevation(s)
SK—energy gradient(s) for slope-conveyance computation
EX—execution instruction and computation direction(s)
ER—indicates end of input (end of run)

Cross-section definition
XS—regular valley section (including approach section)
BR—bridge-opening section
SD—spur dike section
XR—road grade section
CV—culven section
XT—template section

Cross-sectional geometry data

GR—x,y coordinates of ground points an a cross section (some exeption at bridges, spur
dikes,roads,culverts,and in data propagation)

Roughness data
N—roughness coefficients (Manning’s n values)
SA—x coordinates of sub-area breakpoints in a cross section
ND—depth break points for vertical variation of N values

Flow lenght data

FL—flow lenghts and/or friction slope averaging technique

Bridge section Data (M = mandatory: O = optional)

Design mode (no GR data) fixed geometry mode (requires Gr data)

BL—bridge lenght, location (M) CD—bridge opening type (M)
BC—bridge deck parameters (M) AB—abutment toe elevation (M, type 2)
AB—abutment slopes (M, type 3) PD—pier or pile data (O)
CD—bridge opening type (M) KD—conveyance breakpints (O)
PD—pier or pile data (O)
KD—conveyance breakpoints (O)

Approach section data

BP—horizontal datum correction between bridge an approach section

Template geometry propagation

GT—replaces GR data when propagating template section geometry
Source: Data from shearman (1990)
CHAPTER 6: Hydraulics structures 256

To a common datum. Roughness data are entered on N records and must

correspond to the subsection definitions given by SA records, The SA record gives
the right hand boundary as an x value for each subsection going from left to right.
except for the last one. Which is the limiting right boundary The Manning’s and
v alues then correspond to each subsection. The n values can vary with elevation
within each subsection by using an ND record. which gives the vertical
breakpoints for the additional values of nentered on the N record.
In what is called the design mode. Specific bridge parameters can be varied
on the BL. BC. and AB records. As shown in Table 6·9, Other bridge records
defining bridge a n d e m b a n k m e n t c o n f i g u r a t i o n (CD). pier or pile data
(PO). Spur d i k e s (SD). and road grades (XR) are discussed in more detail in the
user's manual Four bridge types are possible in the design mode. as shown
previously in Table 6-8. In the fixed geometry mode. the bridge section is entered
as a series of Stations and elevations as for natural channel sections. except that the
section must be "closed" by reentering the first geometric point at the left
abutment as the last geometric point.
Data propagation IS a very convenient feature of WSPRO. which avoids
reentering data that do not change from one cross section to the next. Data on N,
ND and SA records. for example, can be coded only once and propagated from
one section to the next until they change. A single cross section defined by GR
records also can be propagated by specifying only the slope and longitudinal
distance to each succeeding section or by defining a template section (XT).

WSPRO Output Data

The user can specify certain types of data output. But of more interest is a
definition of the output variables that appear in the computer printouts shown here,
These definitions are summarized in Table 6·10. In general, the output consists
of an echo or input data and cross-section computation for each succeding cross
section followed by the water surface profile results. The bridge backwater is the
difference between the constricted and unconstricred water surface elevations at
the approach section.
EXAMPLE 6. 3 . A normal, single-opening bridge is to be constructed at
the cross section shown In FIgure 6.32. which show the subsection and
roughnesses. The average stream slope In the Vicinity of the bridge is 0.00052
ft/ft. The bridge opening begins at Station 230 ft (70 m ) and ends at Station
4 30 ft (131 m) for a total bridge opening lenght or 200 ft (61 m). It has
vertical abutment» and embankments (Type I bridge) and a bridge deck elevation
of 35.0 ft (10.7 m) with a low chord (or low steel elevation) of 32.0 ft (9,75 m).
The bridge has three piers with a spacing of 50.0 ft (15.2 m) and a width of
3,0 ft (0.91 m) each no overtopping is allowed. For a discharge of 20.000 cfs
(567 m3/s). calculate the backwater caused by the bridge and the mean
velocity at the bridge section using WSPRO.
Solution. The input data records are shown in Table 6·11. The specified
discharge of 20.000 cfs (567 m3/s) IS entered in the Q record, and the
corresponding watersurface elevation is obtained by the slope-area method
using the slope of 0.00052 on the SK record. The exit cross section is located
at station 1000 ft (305 m), and the ground points shown in Figure 6.32 are
entered in the GR records. This single cross section is propagated upstream In
this example. The bridge opening is 200 ft (61m), so
CHAPTER 6: hydraulics structures 257
TABLE 6.10
WSPRO definitions of output variables
ALPH Velocity headcorrection factor
AREA Cross-section area
BETA Momentum correction factor
BLEN Bridge opening lenght
C Coefissient of discharge
CAVG Average weir coefficient
CK Contraction lost coefficient (0.0 default)
CRWS Critical water-surface elevation
DAVG Average depth of flow over roadway
DMAX Maximum depth of flow over roadway
EGL Energy grade line
EK Expansion loss coefficient (0.5 default)
ERR Error in energy/discharge balance
FLEN Flow distance
FLOW Flow classification code
FR # Froude number
HAVG Average total head
HF Friction head loss
HO Minor head losses (expansion/constraction)
K Cross-section conveyance
KQ Conveyance of kq section
LEW Left edge of water or left edge of weir
LSEL Low steel (submergence ) elevation
M (K) Flow contraction ratio ( conveyance )
M (G) Geometric contraction ratio (width )
OTEL Road overtopping elevation
PPCD Pier or pile code
P/A Pier area ratio
Q Discharge
REW Right edge of water or rihgt edge of weir
SKEW Skew of cross section
SLEN Straight-line distance
SPLT Stagnation point, left
SPRT Stagnation point, right
SRD Section reference distance
TYPE Bridge opening type
VAVG Average velocity
VMAX Maximum velocity
VEL Velocity
VHD Velocity head
WLEN Weir lenght
WSEL Water-surface elevations
XLAB Abutment station, left toe
XRAB Abutment station, right toe
XLKQ Left edge of kq section
XRKQ Right edge of kq section
XMAX Maximum station in cross section
XMIN Minimum station in cross section
XSTW Cross-section top width
XSWP Cross-section wetted perimeter
YMAX Maximum elevation in cross section
YMIN Minimum elevation in cross section
Source: Data from shearman (1990)

CHAPTER 6: Hydraulics structures 258

TABEL 6-11

WSPRO input data file for example 6.3

SI 0
T1 Example 6.3.—Normal Bidge Crossing
T2 Bed slope = 0.00052; LSEL = 32.0 ft; no ovetopping
T3 Bridge openig (type 1): X = 230 to 430 ft; 3 piers
* Discharge
Q 20000
* Slope for slope-area method
SK 0.00052
* EXIT section
* Section refference distance, skew (0), ek (0.5), ck (0.0)
XS EXIT 1000.
GR 0., 35,0 0,.28.0 140,.23.5 200,.21.5
GR 230,.21.0 250.20.5 280,.23.5 300,.20.0
GR 310,.19.0 330,.10.0 360,.3.0 380,8.0
GR 400.18.0 430,.21.0 450,.20.0 475,17.0
GR 500,.17.5 540,.18.0 600,.20.0 730,.28.0
GR 730,.35.0
* Subsection n values and subsection break points
N 0.045 0.07 0.035 0.045
SA 200. 300. 430.
* Propagate geometric data from exit section full valley
XS FULV 1200. * * * 0.00052
* Create bridge section
BR BRGE 1200
* Low chord elevation
BC 32.0
* Bridge lenght, left abut. sta. right abut. sta.
BL 0 200. 230. 430.
* Pier elev. Gross pier width, no of piers
PD 0 8.0,3.0,1 10.0,3.0,1 10.0,6.0,2 20.4,6.0,2 20.4,9.0,3
* Bridge type, bridge width
CD 1 40.0
* Approach section
XS APPR 1440.

CHAPTER 6: Hydraulics structures 259


Example 6.3 bridge cross section

both the full valley and bridge section are located at station 1200 ft(366 m) at
thedownstrearn face of the bridge. The approach section is one bridge opening
length or 200 ft (61 m ) upstream of the upstream face of the bridgde. As a result
the approach section at station 1440 taking into account the width of the bridge of
40.0 f t (12.2 m) as given on the BL record.
The bridge record (BR) is given in the design mode. In which the program
creates the bridge cross section from the succeeding records. The BC record
enters the low chord elevation of 32 ft(9.75 m), which is needed to determine
if the now is freesurface flow or orifice flow. The bridge lenght of 200 ft(61 m)
beginning at x = 2300 ft(70 m) and ending at x = 430 ft(131 m) is given in the
BL record. The elevations at the bottom of the piers and their cumulative widths
are shown in the PO record. Finally, the CO record indicates a Type 1 bndge
opening and a 40 ft (12.2 m) bridge width, No roughness data are given. so these
are propagated from the downstream station.
Sample output is shown in Table 6·12 for Q = 20,000 cfs(567 m3/s). Input
data echo has been suppressed for brevity, First, the water surface elevations for the
unconstricred now are given at the exit, full valley, and approach sections to
represent the water surface profile without the bridge in place. These results are
followed by the water surface elevations at the bridge section and the approach
section for constricted flow, or with the bridge in place. The critical water surface
elevations and Froude number at the bridge and approach sections both indicate
subcritical now a t these sections. The backwater of 1.12 ft(0.34 rn) is obtained by
subtracting the unconstricted water surface elevation at the approach sec tion from
rbe corresponding constricted value (29.37 - 28.25). The bridge opening velocity
is 8.34 f t / s (2.54 m/s), and the approach velocity is 3.16 ft/s (0.96 m/s). The flow
is Class I, or Type I in the output, which is free surface now through the bridge
opening without embankment overtopping. and the bridge discharge coefficient is
TABLE 6 – 12

Output data for example 6.3


Federal highway administration U.S. geological survey

Model for water-surface profile computation.

Input units: English / Output Units: English






--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Section: EXIT 28.008 350 20000.000 5512.029 ****** 100
Header Type: XS 28.358 **** 3.628 876862.20 ****** 730.000
SRD: 1200.000 21.895 **** .304 ***** 1.708 .004

Section: FULF 28.117 .349 20000.000 5512.029 200.000 .100

Header type: FV 28.466 .104 3.626 877547.80 200.000 730.000
SRD: 1200.000 21.999 .000 .304 .0005 1.708 .004
<<< The Preceeding Data Reflect The “Unconstricted” Profile >>>
Section: APPR 28.246 .349 20000.000 5512.029 240.000 .100
Header Type; AS 28.595 .125 3.624 878223.40 240.000 730.000
SRD: 1440.000 22.124 .000 .304 .0005 1.708 .004

<<< The Preceding Data Reflect The “unconstricted” Profile >>>

<<< The Following Data Reflect The “constricted” Profile >>>
<<< Beginning Bridge/Culvert Hidraulic Computations >>>
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Section: BRGE 27.435 1.947 20000.000 2398.501 200.000 230.042
Header type: BR 29.382 .189 8.339 510355.60 200.000 430.058
SRD: 1200.000 22.508 .835 .424 ******* 1.800 -.001

SpeciFic bridge information C P/A PFELEV BLEN XLAB XRAB

Bridge type I Flow type I ------ ------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
Pier/pile code 0 .7453 .055 32.000 200.000 230.000 430.000
------------------------------------------ ------ ------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Section: APPR 29.369 .254 20000.000 6338.016 200.000 .084
Header type: AS 29.623 .173 3.156 1058543.00 220.202 730.016
SRD: 1440.000 22.124 .069 .242 .0005 1.624 .004
Approach section APPR Flow Contraction information
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
.726 .398 636363.5 242.723 442.739 29.369


CHAPTER 6: Hydraulics Structures 261

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Christodoulou, G. C. "Energy Dissipation on Stepped Spillways." J. Hvdr. Engrg. ASCE I 19.
no. 5 (1993). pp. 644-49.
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1988. pp. 620-34,
Eichert. B. S. and J. Peters. "Computer Determination of flow Through Bridges." J. Hyd.
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Analvsis of Culverts. Washington, OC: Federal Highway Admimstrarion, 1979.
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Culverts Using' Programmable Calculators: Calculator Design series No. 4 . WaShing·
ton. DC: Federal Highway Administration, 1982.
Federal Highway Adnunistration. Hydraulic Design of Culverts. Report FHWA·IP·85·15.
Hydraulic Design Series 5 (HDS·5J. Washington. DC: Federal Highway Adrninistra
rion, U,S. Dept of Transportation. 1985.
Federal Highway Administration. User Manual for HYDRAIN :integrated drainage design
computer system (version 6,0). FHWA·SA·96·064. Washington. DC: Federal Highway
Administrution, 1996.
French. R. Opm-Channel Hydraulics. New York: McGraw·Hill. 1985.
Henderson. F. M. Open Channel Flow. New York: Macmillan. 1966.
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Keller. R. J.. and A, K. Rastogi. "Design Chart for Predicting Critical Point on Spillways:'
J. Hvd. Div ."ASCE 103, no. HYI2 (1977). pp. 1417-29.
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6.1. A high overflow spillway with PIH d 1.33 has a maximum discharge of 10.000 cfs
with a maximum head of 20 ft. Determine the design head. Spillway crest length and
the minimum pressure on the spillway. Plot the complete spillway erect shape for
a compound circular curve in the upstream quadrant of the crest

6.2. Repeat Example 6.1 for an elliptical approach crest. using a design procedure that
guarantees a minimum pressure head of -15 ft. Plot the head-discarge curve.

6.3. An ogee spillway has a crest height of 50 ft above the toe and a maximum head of
15ft. A minimum pressure of -- 1.5 psi is allowed. The maximum discharge
16.000 cfs..
(a) Determine the crest length of the spillway assuming a compound Circular curve
for the upstream crest shape. What is the pressure at the crest for the
maximum discharge?
(b) If the spillway is designed as a stepped spillway. With each step 2 ft high by 1.5 ft
Long what is the energy dissipation in feet of water at the maximum discharge?
CHAPTER 6: Hydraulics Structures 263

6.4. An existing ogee spillway with an elliptical crest has a crest height of 7.0 m a n d a
crest length or 15.2 m. A minimum gage pressure o f zero (atmospheric pressure)
occurs at a head of 14.0 m. What maximum head and discharge would you
recommend for this spillway?

6.5. A 0.91 In diameter corrugated metal pipe culvert ( n = 0.024) has a length of 90 m and a
slope of 0.0067. The entrance has a square edge in a headwall.At the design discharge of
1.2 m3/s . the tailwater is 0.45 m above the outlet invert. Determine the head on the
culvert at the design discharge. Repeat the calculation for head if the culvert is concrete.

6.6. Show that equation 6.10a for a box culvert i n inlet control with the entrance unsub
merged can be placed in a form in which Q is proportional to the head. HW. to the
3/2 power.

6.7. A 3 ft by J fl concrete (n = 0.012) box culvert has a slope of 0.006 and a length of 250
ft. The entrance is a square edge in a headwall. Determine the head on the culvert for
a discharge of 50 cfs and a discharge of 150 cfs. The downstream tailwater elevation is
0.5 ft a b o v e the outlet invert for 50 cfs and 3 ft above the outlet invert at 150 cfs,

6.8. Design a box culvert to carry a design discharge of 600 cfs. The culvert invert elevation
is 100 ft nod the allowable headwater elevation is 114 ft, The paved roadway is 500 ft
long and overtops at 115 ft. The cullen lenglh is 200 ft with a slope of 1.0 percent. The
following tailwater elevations apply up to the maximum discharge of 1000 cfs:
Q, ets TW,ft

200 1014
400 102.6
600 103.1
8oo 103.8
1000 104. 1

Prepare a performance curve for the culvert design by hand and compare with the results
of HY8. Also use HY8 10 prepare a performance curve if the slope is 0.1 percent,

6.9. A circular concrete culvert has a diameter of 5 ft with a square-edged entrance in a

headwall. The culvert is 500 ft long with a slope of 0.005 and an inlet invert elevation
of 100.0 ft. The downstream channel is trapezoidal with a bottom width of 10 ft. side
slopes of 2: 1. Slope = 0.005. and Manning's n = 0.025. The paved roadway has a
constant elevation of 130 ft With a length of 100ft and a width of 50 ft. The design
discharge is 250 cfs and the maximum discharge is 500 cfs. Use HY8 to construct and
plot the performance curve for these data. and compare this w ith the performance
curve for a 5 ft diameter corrugated steel pipe. Also compare. this with the
performance curve for the 5 ft diameter concrete culvert with a side-tapered inlet,

6.10. Prove that a 3 in the WSPRO methodology where a 3 = kinetic energy flux
correction coefficient at section 3 and C = USGS bridge discharge coefficient.

6.1 J. Apply the HDS·I method 10 the data given in Example 6.3. and compare the back
Water to that obtained from WSPRO.

6.12. Using the USGS width-cotrraction curves in Figures 6.23 and 6.23. verify the
value of the bridge discharge coefficient and the discharge ratio m (= M(K) given
in the WSPRO output for Example 6.3.
CHAPTER 6: Hydraulics Structures 264

6.13. Change the bridge type to Type J for the WSPRO example (Example 6.3).
and determine the backwater for Q values ranging from 5.000 to 25.000 cfs,.
Plot the results in n graph comparing the Type 1 and Type 3 bridges in
this range of di-charges for a bridge length of 200 ft

6.14. For a bridge length of 200 ft and a Type 1 bridge. change the low chord
elevation in the WSPRO example to 28 ft with a constant roadsway elevation of
31 ft. Allow overtopping to occur and determine the backwater for the same
range of discharges as in discharges 6.13. Plot the results in comparison with
example 6.3 Note: The XR header record is required to locate the centerline
of the roadway followed by GR records to give the roadway profite for
overtopping analysis.

6.15. For Example 6.3. reduce the bridge length to 150 ft (with two bridge piers). and
intro duce a relief bridge with a length of 50 ft at a location of your choice
in one of the floodplains. Plot the results for backwaters over the same
range of discharge as In Exercise 6.13 in comparison with the results from
Example 6..3.

6.16. Analyze the existing bridge over Duck Creek using WSPRO or HEC-
RAS (WSPRO option) and the following table of cross-section data, Use
the fixed geometric mode for the bridge section. The bridge is Type 4 with a
width of 30 ft. embankment side slopes of 2:1 embankment elevation of 790 ft,
and wingwall angel of 30'. The low chord ele vation is 788 ft. The design
discharge is 6850 cfs with a water surface elevation of
784.66 in the exit cross section. The full valley ....crion ,hQuld ~ Identical to
the bridge section over the bridge opening width and essentially is the same
as the exit section in both flood plain
(a) Determine the backwater for the existing
(b) Design a new bridge to replace the old one so that the backwater is
<0. 25 ft.

Duck Creek cross section

Exit, station 1000

Point Distance Elevations
1 -150 792
2 -105 780
3 -70 780
4 -28 778
5 -24 774
6 -20 773
7 18 772
8 22 772
9 35 780
10 50 780
11 210 779
12 600 779
13 860 780
14 1005 782
15 1050 784
16 1112 786
17 1260 788
18 1310 789
CHAPTER 6: Hydraulics Structures 265

subsection X subsection Manning’s n

1 -28 0.08
2 35 0.04
3 210 0.08
4 600 0.05
5 860 0,08
6 1310 0,05

Bridge, station 1100

point distance Elevation
1 -71 788
2 -71 778.2
3 -30 776
4 -15 772.5
5 16 772.5
6 25 775
7 25 788
subsection X subsection Manning’s n
1 25 0.04
Approach, station 1230
point distance Elevation
1 -480 796
2 -440 788
3 -420 786
4 -305 784
5 -175 782
6 -95 780
7 -50 778
8 -30 776
9 -25 774
10 2 772
11 17 772
12 20 774
13 28 780
14 50 780
15 670 780
16 990 782
17 1070 784
18 1120 786
19 1260 810
Subsection Distance Elevation
1 -50 0.10
2 28 0.04
3 670 0.08
4 1260 0.05
CHAPTER 6: Hydraulics Structures 266

6.17. Apply HEC·RAS to Example 6.3 using the energy. momentum, and yarnell
methods.Set up the cross sections in the schematic layout starting at the
upstream station of 1450. Use a constant slope of 0.00052 and add the
appropriate amount to all eleva. tions given for station 1000 in Example 6.3.
Then in the geometric data editor, copy the cross sections downstream
adjusting the elevation downward according to the slope and distance between
stations. Use values of 0.3 and 0.1 for the expansion and contraction loss
coefficients. respectively. Establish stations at 1250. 1200 and 1000 to
correspond with the WSPRO sections. Add a br idge at station 1225 using the
geo metric data editor. In the bridge/culven editor. enter the deck and
roadway data. pier data. and check the boxes for all three methods of
computation as well as the box choosing the highest energy answer in the
bridge modeling approach window, Also enter a pier drag coefficient of 2.0
and a Yarnell pier coefficient of 0.9. In the cross section data editor, add
ineffective flow areas at stations 1250 and 1200 to the left and right of the
bridge opening specified at elevationabove the low chord elevation but below
the top of the roadway, In the steady flow data menu. enter the discarge of
20.000 cfs and choose normal depth as the downstream control with a
slope of 0.00052. Finally. choose steady flow analysis and click the compute
button. Compare the results With WSPRO. and then make a second run with
the exit section at station 800 instead of 1000. Discuss the results.


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