BSBINN601: Lead and Manage Organizational Change

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Lead and Manage Organizational Change

Anusha Kodithuwakku
[Date] Assesment01
1.Requirement for changes..........................................................................................1
2.Current Vs strategic goals (Refer to book page 7-9).................................................2
2a. people..................................................................................................................2
2b. Policies & processes...........................................................................................3
2c. Technology..........................................................................................................4
2d. Structure (Organizational structure)....................................................................4
3.External trends and impact (Refer to book page 11)................................................5
4b. Changes due to business opportunities..............................................................6
4c. Changes due to threats (economy, environmental, political, new rules and
regulations, legal, social, consumer behaviour changes etc.)..................................6
4d. Changes due to management decisions.............................................................6
5. Specialists to be consulted.......................................................................................6
5a. Who can you engage and consult to?.................................................................6
5b. Consultation model?............................................................................................6
6. Communication plan.................................................................................................6
1.Requirement for changes

Requirement for changes How the change link to organisation’s

strategic goals

 Install GPS and PDA system for To develop an integrated approach to

each truck and testing the distribution management, utilising
distribution system technology such as PDA devices and
 Expand the business by buying 8 To expand business in the metropolitan
more trucks area so that small to medium package
deliveries market share increases by
 Reduce workplace injury To develop and maintain a cohesive
and well-motivated workforce.

 Eliminate industrial action To develop and maintain a cohesive

and well-motivated workforce.
 Introduce professional To develop and maintain a cohesive
development and training and well-motivated workforce.

 Incorporating human resource To develop and maintain a cohesive

function to facilitate the changes and well-motivated workforce.
in workforce.

2.Current Vs strategic goals (Refer to book page 7-9)

2a. people

Who What changes? Current Status

Driver Introduction of GPS and Initially the company
PDA in industry to track followed the policy of two
distribution. drivers per truck
reduce the number of
drivers per truck.

Management team Changes are to be made in The General Manager of

the work force management the company is always on
the road because of which
he is not able to see the
working condition of the
company in real time and
thus based on the reports
sent by head office and
drivers, he manages to
build policies. No
administration, no control
over the workforce has led
to lack of motivation in
employees to work
Human resources Incorporating a Human Incorporating a Human
Resources function/task to Resources function
facilitate/make easy the
changes in workforce
Finance/ Accountant Eliminating industrial Having industrial relations
relations problems in the problems and union
financial year. Concluding problems
negotiations with
employees and union.

2b. Policies & processes

What processes What changes? Current Status

Distribution management Introduction of lifting The distribution process

system machines to speed up the of Fast Track Courier is
process and buying of slow because of which
more trucks to cover the company is not able
wider area to achieve shorter
delivery times. No
automatic lift gate which
delay the delivery time
due to man-handled
loading and unloading
Company policy Initially the company Initially the company
followed the policy of two followed the policy of two
drivers per truck but has drivers per truck
now changed it to one driver
per truck. This has result in
resistance by the drivers as
they were more comfortable
in working in twos as they
had company. Separating
them though for the benefit
of the company has resulted
in uncalled strikes. The
company decided to use
one driver per truck and
employ other drivers to drive
the new truck they were
going to purchase.

2c. Technology
What changes? Current Status
-PDA and GPS All trucks are fitted with
installation GPS and PDA systems.

Communication system  Policies and

procedures are
provided through
 Use of email for
head office
employees, and a
printed monthly
newsletter for

Lifting machines in each Currently not fitted and

truck are still two drivers per
truck to ensure they are
able to load and unload

2d. Structure (Organizational structure)

Department What changes? Current Status
Human resource Changes are to be made The General Manager of
department in the workforce
the company is always on
management the road because of
which he is not able to
see the working condition
of the company in real
time and thus based on
the reports sent by head
office and drivers, he
manages to build policies.
No administration, no
control over the workforce
has led to lack of
motivation in employees
to work effectively.
Warehouse and delivery Trucks fitted with lifting Trucks only currently
department system as well as GPS fitted with GPS and PDA
and PDA systems
3.External trends and impact (Refer to book page 11)
External trends What is the impact on organisation’s goal
1. Legal: Government legislation keeps changing all the time. Any
changes will have direct impacts on the company such as
tax rate, transportation charges. It can affect the cost of
company as well as the profit of the company. Hence, it is
necessary to follow legal requirements. Further
introduction of lifting machines in the truck and repair and
repair and maintenance of truck to achieve a better safety

1. Technological. Keep technology and computer system up-to-date, it will

have positive effects on the process of handling order,
dealing with order and tracing the order. It will increase
the efficiency and may increase market share. Expansion
of business as the trucks will be fitted with lifting system
to surplus drivers will drive the new trucks to be bought.
One driver per truck leads to reduction of time used to
deliver the items leading to cost cutting to achieve their
sales target.

4a. How to improve performance of individual/ departments

 Performance gaps:
Give proper training to staff and aware them with all new technology. Give ideas for
self-awareness and maintain relationships between employees. Also look forward for
company profits so instead of two delivery drivers for one truck arrange only one.
 Business opportunities/threats:
Buy some more trucks for better customers service and fast delivery. Need more
investment for buying trucks and installation for new technology. We don't know
about new technology how it's work and help to improvise or not.
 Threats in company:
After changes for driver one instead of two some drivers are not satisfied with this
change may be affected for them work. Company have heavy equipment and forklift
to transport products some time it's dangerous for staff for lifting and change to get
 Management decisions:
Expand business to deliver small to medium parcels into metro area. Reduce
workforce and buy more trucks. Improve more technology in delivery system and in
GPS service.
4b. Changes due to business opportunities

 What can be done in order to expand businesses?

In order to increase the market share by 7.5%. One truck driver will be needed per truck and
the truck fleet will need to be expanded by 8 trucks and surplus drivers will be driving the
new trucks, this is to enable the company to extend its service to regional NSW, which also
expand the business from delivering medium to large size packages across metropolitan
Sydney to delivery small to medium packages to metropolitan Sydney and regional NSW as
well. Expand business in this time means need more investment and need extra
workforce so company need to be ready for more investment and need to higher
some staff for new sector. Need more customers for achieving target and get on
profits so focus more on customers service and delivery times. Always look for your
competitors and try to bit them strategies.
 What can be done in order to compete against competitors?
First, need to think innovative ideas. We must Know the competition and then Find
out who our competitors are, what they are offering, and what their strengths and
weaknesses are. We have to target them weakness and work on it to convert into
strength and apply in our business. In addition, need to know our customers’
expectations can change dramatically and fulfilled them conditions in any case. It's
essential to give our customers good reasons to come to you rather than arrival.
 what can be done in order to reduce threat from competitors
For reduce threat from competitors always look after quality what they are providing
and try to give best then them. Customers satisfaction is most important part so
always keep updating with customers feedback and try to improve customers service
in complaints factor. And most important is price need to reasonable for all
customers. Also company have to looking for them staff they should be happy for
them work and encourage to them work em early to get respect.

4c. Changes due to threats (economy, environmental, political, new rules and
regulations, legal, social, consumer behaviour changes etc.)

1) Economy:
If competitors change prices for customers so it's directly impacted on our company.
Because now a days every customer looking low cost rate to deliver parcels and it's
all available in online and easy to find for customers. So, we need to keep update
with market information and Survey. This can impact on business directly like losing
regular customers, less profits.
2) Environmental
Environment threats in the companies consider with two ways like internal
environment and external environment of the company. If inside of the companies
between managers and staff relationships are not good so it's impact on business.
As external if delivery.
4d. Changes due to management decisions

Manager affected by the How will the change Meeting with who
change affect these manager
Office team manager Allocation Office team manager, IT
Only one driver per truck manager
and using PDA device
and GPS for the truck
Chief financial officer Financial and resources CEO
allocations. Arrange
enough fund for installing
automatic lift gate and
IT Manager Provide IT training, Office team manager, IT
Provide training about manager
distribution system
utilising technology such
as PDA device and GPS
HR Manager Remuneration, allocation, HR manager
performance, training,
incorporate a human
resources function to
facilitate the changes in
workplace arrangements.

5a. Specialists to be consulted

I) Finance manager
Discuss to finance manager impact to financial structure after implementation of new
technology. How we got support from investors and they are ready to support or not.
What are the requirements for installing new system and how much cost required for
this system. Level of engagement required high for this service. And any risk for
having new system and company profits.
2) HR manager
Is there any impact on people and them performance? Need to increase payroll or
make sure they are happy with their duties. All employees and trucks driver support
with them all requirements or discuss if they want to change in some case.
3) IT manager
IT manager should able to access all requirements and operate system without any
trouble. Need to give proper training to deliver driver how to operate GPS and PDA
system to help them work fast and easy. Is there any new requirements for hardware
and software for the system.
4) Centre supervisor
Contact with centre supervisor and concerns any impacts on staff after changes.
Also ask him any impact on them work. Centre supervisors have much responsibility
for organise driver and store stock for delivery.
5b. Consultation model?
Process consultation
Under this model the consultant and organisation work together to identify the
problem and solution. This is a more cooperative approach compared to the two
models above.
This company get good survey with the help of consultation like help to find
customers first. We work together and divide work to find customers in two sectors
like home delivery and industrial delivery. They have much more information about
industrial companies and help us to make more customers. Also with the new
technology system if we are stuck with some kind of trouble such as delivery driver
stuck with lifting machines and it's not working properly so they can sed backup at
this place if our all trucks are busy and out for delivery. External consultation have
some good trainers to help us for improving customers service and how to deal with
customers and find out best solution for company.

6. Communication plan

(who) What When How to review Communicator

Stakeholders (date/time) (Communication (who is
affected by the methods) * responsible
change * for
Owners Entire After 1st Face to face Managing
information draft meeting director
related to issued

Managing Entire N/a Face to face N/a

director information meeting
related to
Expansion of
business to
Logistics Entire After Face to face Managing
manager information finalisation meeting director
related to of business
business plan
Expansion of
business to
Administration Entire After Face to face Managing
Officer information finalisation meeting director
related to of business
business plan
mission and
change in
Human Entire After Via email and Managing
resources information finalisation standard director
officer of of business documents Sales
Employee plan physical copy manager
training and
Finance ' Allocate After Via email and Sales
manager budget, take completion standard manager
care of costs of business documents
and plan physical copy
and manage

Sales manager Entire After Via email and Managing

information finalisation standard director
about sale, of business documents
customer plan physical copy
record of

Truck drivers provide N/a Job list copy Sales

courier on Physical or manager
door to door company
within application
of truck and
Account Clark Manage After Via email and Managing
accounts, finalisation standard director
payroll and of business documents
tax plan View

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