Industrial Disputes: Unit 1 Section
Industrial Disputes: Unit 1 Section
Industrial Disputes: Unit 1 Section
RELATIONS Unit 1, section 5: Industrial disputes
The main objective of this session is to provide the major forms of industrial
disputes at the workplace. After a successful completion of the session, the
student is expected to:
Understand the general principles, and concepts underlying industrial
action in Ghana;
Recognise the main industrial actions that are commonly undertaken by
employers and employees
Comprehend the legal framework within which industrial action can be
undertaken in Ghana
Unit 1, section 5: Industrial disputes INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS
In a sit down strike, the strikers sit inside the factory, refusing to work and
preventing other people from performing their jobs.
Other types of strike include the rotation and the intermittent. The rotation
strike is the strike that occurs in one or certain sections or sectors of an
organization or economy at any given time, then moves to another or other
sections/sectors. An intermittent strike is a repeat of strikes, each lasting for
a short time, e.g. a few hours each day or during each shift.
Under the labour Act of Ghana, a person who declares, instigates or incites
others to take part in a strike or lockout or acts in furtherance of a strike or a
lockout shall be liable for any damage, loss or injury suffered by any other
person as a result of the illegal strike or lockout. A worker who takes part in
an illegal strike may have his or her services terminated by the employer
without notice for breach of his or her contract of employment or may
forfeit his or her remuneration in respect of the period during which he or
she is engaged in the illegal strike. Contrarily, an employer who resorts to
illegal lockout is liable to pay the unpaid remuneration of the workers.
INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Unit 1, section 5: Industrial disputes
An employer may not employ any person to perform the work of a worker
participating in a lawful strike unless the work is necessary to secure
essential minimum maintenance services at the undertaking. Minimum
maintenance services are those services in an undertaking the interruption of
which would result in material damage to equipment and machinery and
which by agreement between the workers and the employer under a
collective agreement should be maintained during strike or lockout. A
worker has the right to refuse to do any work normally performed by the
worker who is participating in lawful strike except that the worker shall not
refuse to perform the work if it is necessary to secure minimum
The regulatory system in the Ghanaian industrial law has its roots in the
collective agreement or the employment contract. The terms in these two
documents contain clauses whereby disputes may be resolved by
negotiation. When negotiation fails between the employer and the
employee, various dispute resolution alternatives like mediation and
arbitration may be considered. However, if a dispute cannot be resolved by
mediation or arbitration, employees and employers may resort to industrial
action in the form of strikes or lockout to showcase their demands. In order
to maintain industrial peace in the country, the Labour Act has a list of
provisions for guiding unnecessary industrial disputes that may distort
productivity in Ghana.
Self-assessment questions
(1) Explain how mediation and arbitration may be used to reduce the current
industrial unrest in Ghana
Unit 1, section 5: Industrial disputes INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS