Infection Prevention in The Neurointensive Care Unit: A Systematic Review

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Neurocrit Care


Infection Prevention in the

Neurointensive Care Unit: A Systematic Review
Aaron Sylvan Lord1*, Joseph Nicholson2 and Ariane Lewis1

© 2018 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature and Neurocritical Care Society

Hospital-acquired infections are common in neurointensive care units. We sought to review interventions which may
reduce infection rates in neurocritically ill populations. We conducted a systematic review of studies targeting adult
patients in neuro-intensive care units (neuro-ICUs) with an intervention designed to prevent ICU-acquired infections.
Our outcome of interest was change in the prevalence or rates of infection between active and control arms of these
studies. We excluded studies based on the following criteria: no English full-text version available; pediatric popula-
tion; non-neurosciences ICU population; pre- or intraoperative methods to prevent infection; lack of discrete data
for infection rates/prevalence; studies that were purely observational in nature and did not test an intervention; and
studies performed in resource limited settings. We initially retrieved 3716 results by searching the following data-
bases: PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE via Ovid, and Cochrane CENTRAL via Ovid. No date or language limits were used
in the search. Computerized deduplication was conducted using EndNote followed by a confirmatory manual review
resulting in 3414 citations. An additional 19 manuscripts were identified through review of references. The screening
process followed a standard protocol, using two screeners at the title/abstract level to determine relevance and at
the full-text level to determine eligibility for inclusion. The 3427 titles/abstracts were independently screened by two
board-certified neurointensivists to determine relevance for full-text review, and 3248 were rejected. The remaining
179 abstracts were reviewed in full text using predetermined inclusion/exclusion criteria. Ultimately, 75 articles met
our inclusion criteria and were utilized in the final analysis. The reviewed literature highlights the need for collabora-
tive, multi-disciplinary, and multi-pronged approaches to reduce infections. Rates of VRI, SSI, VAP, CAUTI, and CLABSI
can approach zero with persistence and a team-based approach.
Keywords:  Hospital-acquired infections, Neurointensive care, Infection prevention, Care bundles, Surgical site
infections, Ventriculitis, Ventilator-associated pneumonia

Introduction pneumonias  (VAPs) in mixed medical and surgical ICU

Hospital-acquired infections are common in intensive patients [1–4]. However, patients in neurointensive care
care units (ICUs) including those dedicated to the care units may have distinct characteristics that predispose
of neurological patients. There is an extensive literature them to infections when compared to a general ICU
on preventing general ICU infections such as catheter- patient population including high utilization of external
associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs), central ventricular drains (EVDs), high rates of dysphagia and
line-associated blood stream infections (CLABSIs), sur- urinary retention, and the presence of stroke and brain
gical site infections (SSIs), and ventilator-associated injury-induced immunosuppression. Given the increas-
ing focus on reducing rates of hospital-acquired infec-
tions and the growing use of these metrics as proxies for
*Correspondence: [email protected] quality of care, we sought to review current interventions
Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery, New York University which may reduce rates of these infections in neurocriti-
School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article cally ill populations.
Methods dramatically decrease SSI rate. Le et  al. [7] reported a
This systematic review was conducted and reported in pre/post study on the effect of a perioperative care bun-
accordance with PRISMA statement [5]. This systematic dle to reduce SSI and other complications after cranio-
review protocol was registered in PROSPERO (Regis- plasty. The bundle included four doses of perioperative
tration Number: CRD42017057281) in February 2017. vancomycin, a barrier dressing through postoperative day
Search strategies were developed in collaboration with 3, and decolonization of the surgical incision using topi-
a medical librarian. The research question was framed cal chlorhexidine from postoperative day 4–7.
using the PICO format, and searches were developed In development of their bundle, the authors noted
using a combination of keywords and subject headings the high rate of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
specific to population and intervention terms (see Sup- aureus colonization compared to other patients in the
plemental Material for search terms). The population neurosciences ICU (19 vs. 6%). The care bundle led to
of interest was adult patients in neurosciences ICUs in decreased rates of SSI (24–3%, p = 0.02) and eliminated
developed countries. The studied interventions were the need for redo cranioplasty (19 vs 0%, p = 0.02). Hale
either (a) randomized-controlled trials (RCTs) or (b) et  al. [8] report on a pre- and postoperative bundle to
cohort studies with measurements before and after a reduce SSI. They introduced a “Craniotomy Checklist”
protocol change. We only selected studies with primary which included preoperative chlorhexidine gluconate
or secondary outcomes of prevention of ICU-acquired (CHG) shampoo, preoperative CHG-alcohol skin prep,
infections. Exclusion criteria for studies included: no postoperative incision care orders, and a new glycemic
English full-text version available; pediatric population; control protocol. Craniotomy SSI decreased from 4.4 to
non-neurosciences ICU population; pre- or intraopera- 1.2% (p = 0.03). As with other care bundles, it is difficult
tive methods to prevent infection; lack of discrete data to assess the efficacy of individual components, but the
for infection rates/prevalence; studies that were purely effectiveness of the bundles demonstrated here denotes
observational in nature (i.e., did not test a protocol that very low rates of SSI are possible.
change); and resource limited settings. In a slightly difference approach, Adogwa et  al. [9]
We initially retrieved 3716 results by searching the reported on use of negative pressure wound therapy on
following databases: PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE via patients undergoing long-segment thoracolumbar fusion.
Ovid, and Cochrane CENTRAL via Ovid. No date or In 46 patients, the device was left in place until postoper-
language limits were used in the search. Computerized ative day 3 compared with 114 controls. All patients had
deduplication was conducted using EndNote followed subfascial drains. The authors demonstrated a relative
by a confirmatory manual review resulting in 3414 cita- decrease of 30% in rates of SSI (11 vs. 15%, p = 0.04) as
tions. An additional 19 manuscripts were identified well as decreased rates of wound dehiscence (6 vs. 12%,
through review of references. The screening process fol- p = 0.02).
lowed a standard protocol, using two screeners at the
title/abstract level to determine relevance and at the Infection Prevention for Patients with External Ventricular
full-text level to determine eligibility for inclusion. The Drains (EVDs)
3427 titles/abstracts were independently screened by EVD Bundles
two board-certified neurointensivists to determine rel- Table  1 describes the protocol details of 18 different
evance for full-text review, and 3248 were rejected. The EVD bundles extracted from 17 manuscripts describ-
remaining 179 abstracts were reviewed in full text using ing 15 unique cohorts [10–26]. All of the manuscripts
predetermined inclusion/exclusion criteria. Ultimately, are quasi-experimental studies assessing the association
75 articles met our inclusion criteria and were utilized between implementation of an EVD protocol and the
in the final analysis. An additional six articles on glyce- rate of ventriculostomy-related infections (VRIs). The
mic control were added during the review process of this protocols focus on a number of key categories related
paper bringing total number of articles to 75. See Fig. 1 to EVD placement and maintenance including: (a) use
for PRISMA flowchart [5]. GRADE criteria were used of a checklist; (b) insertion setting (operating room vs.
to determine quality of evidence at the study level. After ICU); (c) strictness of sterility during the procedure; (d)
full-text review, studies were grouped based on type of hair removal; (e) catheter-type; (f ) tunneling; (g) use of
intervention [6]. occlusive dressings; (h) post-procedure prophylactic
antibiotics; (i) reduction in frequency of cerebrospinal
Results fluid (CSF) sampling; (j) aseptic technique for sampling
Methods to Reduce Surgical Site Infections or manipulation of drain; and k) routine EVD exchanges
The following studies demonstrated that attempts to for extended dwell times. All protocols were developed,
decrease SSI via vigilant adoptions of care bundles can implemented, and published by the multi-disciplinary
Idenficaon Records idenfied through Addional records idenfied
database searching through other sources
(n = 3716) (n = 13)

Records aer duplicates removed

(n = 3427)

Records screened Records excluded

(n = 3427) (n =3248)

Full-text arcles assessed

for eligibility Full-text arcles excluded

(n = 179) (n = 110)
Not Adult Neuro ICU specific: 38
Pre- or Intra-op: 21
Purely observaonal: 14
Meeng abstract later published
as full manuscript: 10
Insufficient Data: 9
No English or Full Text: 8
Guidelines/Reviews: 5
Not related to infecon
prevenon: 4

Resource Limited Se—ng: 1

Studies included in
qualitave synthesis 6 addional arcles added
(n = 75) in review process

Fig. 1  PRISMA 2009 flow diagram. Reproduced from: Moher et al. [77]

stakeholders in care for patients with EVDs. All protocols different phases provides evidence that a multi-pronged
involved staff education and many included implementa- approach is likely necessary to achieve very low rates of
tion of periodic infection control rounds. VRI.
The large number of interventions that occur with
implementation of each bundle makes it difficult to assess Silver and Antibiotic‑Impregnated EVDs
the effectiveness and necessity of each component of the A number of studies evaluated the benefits of antibiotic-
bundle. Additionally, the heterogeneous patient popula- impregnated EVDs as compared with standard catheters.
tions, variations in surveillance techniques, and unique Wong et  al. [27] conducted a prospective RCT compar-
definitions of VRI complicate comparisons of the preva- ing the infection rate in patients with standard EVDs
lence of VRI across institutions. However, these bundles (who received dual prophylactic systemic antibiotics) and
demonstrate that implementation of a comprehensive patients with EVDs impregnated with clindamycin and
EVD bundle that emphasizes aseptic technique through- rifampicin (who received only periprocedural systemic
out the entire lifespan of the EVD has the ability to signif- antibiotics). They found no ventriculostomy-related
icantly decrease rates of VRI and that rates approaching 0 infections in either group and no significant difference in
are possible. The incremental improvements seen in the the rates of extracranial infections (51 vs. 46%, p = 0.617).
studies which introduced aspects of their bundles over In a 2003 prospective RCT of 288 patients at six medical
Table 1  Characteristics of external ventricular brain bundles
Study Study Inser- OR Full Second Hair Iodine/ Anti- Tunneling Occlu- Routine Post- No Routine Other Pre- Post-
quality tion place- barrier pair removal chlo- biotic/ sive dress- proce- Daily EVD protocol protocol
check- ment pre- of gloves rhex- silver- dress- ing dure CSF exchange infection infection
list pre- cau- idine EVDs ing change antibi- sam- rate rate
ferred tions otics pling

Bader Very N Y Y N Shave Y N N Y N Y Y N No irriga- 5/9 (55.5%) 0/10 (0%)

et al. low tion or
[10] tubing
In lieu
of CSF
bag using
nique for
Korinek Low N Y N N Use Y N Y (3 cm) N Y (q72H) N Y N Send 16/161 10/216
et al. clippers drainage (9.9%) (4.6%)
[11] on full bag for
scalp infectious
and if pos-
itive do
an aseptic
draw from
Dasic Low N Y Y Y Shave Y N Y (mini- Y N N Y N 10 mg IT 14/51 (27%) 7/59 (12%)
et al. mum vanco
[12] 10 cm) after
Harrop Low N N Y N Use clip- Y N N Y N N Y N 22/327 23/281
et al. pers (6.7%) (8.2%)
Part 1
Table 1  continued
Study Study Inser- OR Full Second Hair Iodine/ Anti- Tunneling Occlu- Routine Post- No Routine Other Pre- Post-
quality tion place- barrier pair removal chlo- biotic/ sive dress- proce- Daily EVD protocol protocol
check- ment pre- of gloves rhex- silver- dress- ing dure CSF exchange infection infection
list pre- cau- idine EVDs ing change antibi- sam- rate rate
ferred tions otics pling
Harrop Low N N Y N Use clip- Y Y N Y N N Y N 22/327 2/195 (1.0%)
et al. pers (6.7%)
Part 2
Honda Low N N Y N Use clip- Y N N Y Y (q48H) N N N Cap and 3.56/1000 2/1000 EVD
et al. pers mask for EVD Days days
[14] everyone
Part 1 in room;
at inser-
tion site
Honda Low N N Y N Use clip- Y Y N Y Y (q48H) N N N Cap and 3.56/1000 0.87/1000
et al. pers mask for EVD Days EVD Days
[14] everyone
Part 2 in room;
at inser-
tion site
Lever- Very N Y N N Use N N Y (> 5 cm) N N N Y N Use aseptic 20–37% 9%
stein- low clippers tech-
Van on full nique for
Hall scalp sampling;
et al. Used
[15] algorithm
for diag-
nosis of
Table 1  continued
Study Study Inser- OR Full Second Hair Iodine/ Anti- Tunneling Occlu- Routine Post- No Routine Other Pre- Post-
quality tion place- barrier pair removal chlo- biotic/ sive dress- proce- Daily EVD protocol protocol
check- ment pre- of gloves rhex- silver- dress- ing dure CSF exchange infection infection
list pre- cau- idine EVDs ing change antibi- sam- rate rate
ferred tions otics pling
Amini Low Y N Y Y Use clip- Y Y N N Y (q72H) N N N Checklist 9.20% 0.46%
et al. pers devel-
[19] oped; RN
Rah- can stop
man procedure
et al. if not
[17] adher-
Kubilay ing to
et al. checklist;
[18] devel-
tion Team
Hill Low Y N Y Y Use clip- Y N Y Y N N N N Weekly 16/1000 1st year:
et al. pers infection EVD Days 4.5/1000
[19] control EVD days;
rounds; 2nd Year:
aseptic 1.3/1000
tech- EVD days;
nique for 3rd year
zeroing/ 0/1000
manipu- EVD days
Lwin Low N Y N N Not indi- N N N N N N Y Y (Day 10) Strict 5/82 (6.1%) 3/79 (3.8%)
et al. cated aseptic
[20] technique
Part 1 for all
Table 1  continued
Study Study Inser- OR Full Second Hair Iodine/ Anti- Tunneling Occlu- Routine Post- No Routine Other Pre- Post-
quality tion place- barrier pair removal chlo- biotic/ sive dress- proce- Daily EVD protocol protocol
check- ment pre- of gloves rhex- silver- dress- ing dure CSF exchange infection infection
list pre- cau- idine EVDs ing change antibi- sam- rate rate
ferred tions otics pling
Lwin Low N Y N N Not indi- N Y N N N N Y Y (Day 10) Strict 5/82 (6.1%) 0/73% (0%)
et al. cated aseptic
[20] technique
Part 2 for all
Flint Low N N Y N Use clip- Y Y Y (3–5 cm) Y N N Y N Strict 9/143 (6.3%) 1/119 (0.8%)
et al. pers on aseptic 7.35/1000 0.79/1000
[21] large technique EVD Days EVD Days
area for all
Cama- Low N Y Y N Use Y N Y (5 cm) Y Y (q24) Y Y N CSF draws 9.5% 4.8% 7/1000
cho clippers only from 14/1000 EVD days
et al. on full distal EVD Days
[22] scalp point
Zakaria Low N Y N N Not indi- Y Mix Y N N N Y N Weekly 54/234 18/132
et al. cated infection (23.1%) (13.6%)
[23] control 21.5/1000 13.7/1000
rounds; EVD days EVD days
nique for
Chatzi Low Y Y Y N Not indi- N N N N N N Y Y (Day 7) Unit-based 28% 10.6%
et al. cated reeduca- 18/1000 7.1/1000
[24] tion twice EVD days EVD days
Full barrier
the drain
Angulo Very N N N N Not indi- N Y N N N N Y N 2.6/1000 0.6/1000
et al. low cated EVD days EVD days
infection centers, Zabramski et  al. [28] compared standard EVDs
with minocycline/rifampin-impregnated EVDs and

found that the standard EVDs were twice as likely to


become colonized (37 vs. 18%, p < 0.0012). Many stud-

ies by other authors confirmed the findings by Zabram-

ski et  al., [29–31], but two retrospective observational


cohort studies found no significant difference in the rate



of infections for patients with standard EVDs and those

with antibiotic-impregnated EVDs [32, 33]. Although
prior rou-
2–3 days;

tine EVD
CSF draws


Mikhaylov et al. found that antibiotic-impregnated EVDs



were associated with lower 3-year mortality rate than

standard EVDs (15.8 vs. 24.6%, p = 0.21), Shekhar et  al.

found that 20% of patients with antibiotic-impregnated


EVDs died and 12% of patients with standard EVDs died.


The types of antibiotics in antibiotic-impregnated EVDs


vary, but in a study that compared the rates of infection



in patients with minocycline/rifampin-impregnated cath-


eters and clindamycin/rifampin-impregnated catheters,


Abla et al. [34] found no positive cerebrospinal fluid cul-



tures in either cohort.


Silver-bearing catheters have also been used to pre-



vent meningitis. One study of 164 patients that compared


standard EVDs with silver-bearing EVDs showed that


the occurrence of a positive cerebrospinal fluid culture,

Tunneling Occlu-


colonization of the catheter tip, or cerebrospinal fluid



white blood cell count > 4cells/μl was significantly less

in patients with silver-bearing catheters (18.9 vs. 33.7%,
CSF cerebrospinal fluid, EVD external ventricular drain, IT intrathecal, OR operating room, RN registered nurse

p = 0.04) [35].
While there are insufficient data to state whether silver-

bearing or antibiotic-impregnated catheters are superior


to one another, the above evidence suggests that both are


superior to standard EVDs with respect to infection pre-


vention. Silver- or antibiotic-impregnated catheters are


included in many EVD bundles in neurosciences ICUs


where the VRI rate approached zero. Additionally, use of


Not indi-

silver- or antibiotic-impregnated catheters may reduce


need for prolonged prophylactic systemic antibiotics.

of gloves

Prolonged Prophylactic Antibiotics for EVDs

The data as to whether prolonged prophylactic antibiotics
barrier pair

improve VRI rates are mixed. In one RCT of 255 patients

comparing single (cefepime) and dual (ampicillin/sulbac-

tam and aztreonam) antibiotics for the duration of EVD


presence, the authors found 12% of patients in the single



group and 6% of patients in the dual group developed


VRI (p = 0.7) [36]. In a separate RCT, Poon et  al. [37]


found rates of VRI and extracranial infections were lower

Study Inser-
quality tion

in patients who received ampicillin/sulbactam and aztre-

Table 1  continued


onam until EVD removal as compared with patients who

received periprocedural ampicillin/sulbactam (3 vs. 11%,

p = 0.01 for VRI and 20 vs. 42%, p = 0.002 for extracranial

et al.

While these studies showed superiority of aggres- EVD Exchanges
sive antibiotic prophylaxis of EVDs, other studies found Only one study provides experimental evidence on
results questioning their efficacy [26, 38, 39]. One ret- the effect of routine EVD exchange on rates of VRI.
rospective study comparing 209 patients who received This small RCT of 103 patients compared regular EVD
cefuroxime for the duration of EVD placement and 99 exchange every 5  days to exchange only when clinically
patients who received it periprocedurally (for three or indicated [42]. Patients requiring a new catheter had it
less doses) found that the infection rates were nearly placed contralateral to existing catheter. The authors
identical (3.8 vs. 4.0%). The authors estimated that dis- found VRI in 8% of patients active arm versus 4% in the
continuation of prolonged prophylactic antibiotics would control arm (p = 0.44). The mean number of EVDs in
lead to a savings of $80,000 per year in direct drug costs the active group was 2.4, while only one patient needed
[38]. Additionally, in a prospective observational study of a catheter exchange in the control group (for occlusion).
866 patients with antibiotic-impregnated catheters, Mur- All infections occurred after day 10 in both groups.
phy et  al. found that there was no significant difference A small study of 32 patients investigated the effect of
in the rate of infection between patients who were given decreasing the frequency of changing the EVD drainage
cefazolin or vancomycin for the duration of EVD place- set [43]. They demonstrated a reduction in “evidence of
ment versus those who were given antibiotics peripro- ventriculitis” from 69 to 37% by changing the drainage set
cedurally (1.1 vs. 0.4%, p = 0.22). The authors noted that less frequently, from 3 to 7 days. However, the high rate
use of periprocedural antibiotics led to cost savings of of infection in this study makes generalization difficult.
$162,516 in drug costs and reduction in nosocomial
infections [39]. Dellit et  al. [40] also found that limiting Methods to Prevent VRI at the EVD Insertion Site
prophylactic antibiotic use to periprocedural adminis- In an effort to reduce infections with typical skin com-
tration decreased the incidence of Clostridium difficile mensals, Schodel et al. [44] examined the effect of using
infections. Of note, they used antibiotic-impregnated a bolt-kit to isolate the EVD as it traverses the skin upon
EVDs and there was no change in number of positive skull entry. In this pre/post study, the authors found a
CSF cultures after discontinuation of prolonged prophy- small but significant decrease in VRI using the bolt-kit
lactic antibiotics. system compared to traditional twist-drill hole only (4.9
These studies suggest that the utility of prolonged pro- vs. 6.8%, p = 0.034). The results remained significant after
phylactic antibiotics is dependent on a number of fac- controlling for patient age, drainage time, and number of
tors including background rate of VRI, concurrent use punctures.
of other infection prevention methods or “bundles,” and Drawing on parallel efforts to reduce CLABSIs, one
use of silver or antibiotic-impregnated EVDs. Notably, study examined the isolated effect of chlorhexidine-con-
decreased antibiotic use may be associated with lower taining dressings on rates of VRI [45]. The authors saw
rates of Clostridium difficile and growth of resistant a reduction from 6.98 to 1.70 VRI per 1000 EVD days,
bacteria. almost exclusively due to decreased infection with staph-
ylococcus species.
Frequency of CSF Sampling Similarly, another quasi-experimental study examined
One study directly addressed the effect of decreasing the the effect of a cyanoacrylate adhesive (Dermabond) on
frequency of CSF sampling on rates on frequency of VRIs rates of VRI in patients mostly suffering from non-trau-
[41]. In this quasi-experimental study of mostly suba- matic intracranial hemorrhage [46]. Dermabond, accord-
rachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and traumatic brain injury ing to the authors, is a “water-catalyzed adhesive that is
(TBI) patients with EVDs, the authors looked at the effect especially formulated for use on skin and indicated for
of daily CSF sampling versus every 3-day sampling on the primary closure of small, clean surgical wounds….
frequency of “suspected” VRI (defined as those who were and as a barrier against common bacterial microbes.” The
treated with antibiotics) and “proven” VRI (defined as authors showed a reduction in VRI frequency from 15 to
those who were treated and had positive CSF cultures). 4% (p = 0.002), mostly due to reduction in rates of staphy-
The incidence of “suspected” VRI decreased from 17 to lococcus infections. This reduction supports the authors’
11% and that of “proven” VRI from 10 to 3%. After con- conclusions that Dermabond reduces VRI by providing a
trolling for other factors associated with VRI, the authors barrier to the entry of gram-positive skin flora along the
found the odds ratio for VRI was 0.44 in the every 3-day EVD tract.
sampling group compared to daily.
Infection Prevention for Patients with Intracranial Pressure ICU-acquired infections, while two showed overall lower
Monitors rates of infections (in SAH and TBI populations). How-
Only one study examined the effect of prolonged pro- ever, the authors of the study that showed decreased rates
phylactic antibiotics in patients with parenchymal of infection with intensive insulin management in SAH
intracranial pressure (ICP) monitors [47]. This study of patients were unable to replicate their findings in a fol-
279 patients with TBI evaluated the effect of a protocol low-up study which on patients with TBI [53]. A recent
change from use of a broad-spectrum antibiotic (ceftri- meta-analysis pooled the rates of ICU-acquired pneumo-
axone) to a narrow-spectrum antibiotic (cefazolin) with nia and found no difference in pooled rates of pneumonia
the hypothesis that tailoring coverage would not change between different arms of glucose control across studies
overall central nervous system (CNS) infection rates (RR 1.04, 95% CI 0.82–1.32, p = 0.73) [49].
but would result in less resistant infections when they
occurred in both the CNS and systemically. The authors Infection Prevention after CNS Trauma
found an insignificant difference in CNS infections rate Five studies reported the results of RCTs examining the
between the narrow-spectrum group (1.7%) and the use of prophylactic antibiotics in patients with basilar
broad-spectrum group (4.4%). Of note, 19 out of 119 skull fractures and evidence of CSF leak [50–54]. Of note,
patients in the narrow-spectrum group received no anti- these five studies were the subject of a 2015 Cochrane
biotics for reasons not described. There was a higher pro- systematic review and meta-analysis which found no
portion of systemic infections arising from resistant gram benefit to prophylactic antibiotics for reducing the rates
negative species in the broad-spectrum group, especially of meningitis or meningitis-related mortality in this
in patients that developed infections later in the hospital population [55]. The studies are summarized in Table 2.
course. There were no experimental or quasi-experimen- None of the five studies found a significant reduction
tal studies investigating infection rates with and without in risk of meningitis with prophylactic antibiotic usage,
antibiotic prophylaxis for patients with ICP monitors. although one study did show a decreased rate of com-
bined meningitis and SSI. With one exception, the rates
Infection Prevention for Patients with Subdural or of meningitis in this clinical setting were low, and most
Subgaleal Drains authors recommended against use of prophylaxis based
One study from our group evaluated the effect of a pro- on their findings.
tocol change which eliminated the use of prolonged
prophylactic antibiotics (cefazolin or vancomycin) in Prophylactic Antibiotics to Prevent Hospital‑Acquired
postoperative neurosurgical patients with subdural and Infections in the Neurosciences ICU
subgaleal drains [48]. The 105 patients in the antibi- Prophylactic Antibiotics for Comatose Patients
otic group received 513 doses of cefazolin and 77 doses We identified three studies (2 RCTs, 1 quasi-experimen-
of vancomycin postoperatively until the time of drain tal) that examined whether prophylactic antibiotics were
removal, compared to six doses of cefazolin and one dose effective in lowering rates of ventilator-associated pneu-
of vancomycin postoperatively for the 80 patients in the monia (VAP) in patients presenting with coma [56–58].
no antibiotic group. The rates of SSIs in both groups were Sirvent et  al. [56] published an open-label RCT of 100
similar (1 superficial and 1 deep in the antibiotics group) patients in coma (mostly due to TBI (86%) with some
versus one infection in the no-antibiotics group. There stroke and post-neurosurgery patients) with Glasgow
were two cases of Clostridium difficile in the antibiotics Coma Score (GCS) ≤ 12 and expected mechanical venti-
group versus none in the no-antibiotics group, but this lation > 72 h. The experimental arm (n = 50) received two
was insignificant (p = 0.5). We also noted a cost savings doses of high-dose cefuroxime (1500 mg) 12 h apart com-
of $887.50 per patient in the no-antibiotics group, mostly pared to usual care for the control arm. The incidence of
due to increased costs of treating three patients with pneumonia in the experimental arm was 24% compared
resistant infections in the prolonged antibiotics group. to 50% in the control group (p = 0.007) with most pneu-
There were no resistant organisms grown in the no-anti- monia occurring within the first 4  days of mechanical
biotics group. ventilation. Despite the reduction in incidence of pneu-
monia, there was no difference in morbidity or mortal-
Glycemic Control to Reduce ICU‑Acquired Infections ity between groups. Acquarolo et  al. [57] performed
Six studies reported the results of RCTs on intensive a small randomized, open-label study using 3  days of
insulin therapy versus more liberal glycemic control ampicillin-sulbactam (3  g every 6  h) in 38 comatose
strategies and its effect on hospital-acquired infections patients (GCS ≤ 8) on mechanical ventilation in a mixed
in mixed groups of neurocritically ill patients [49–54]. TBI, stroke, and cardiac arrest population. A reduction
Four of the six studies showed no difference in rates of in early onset (within first 4  days) pneumonia was seen
(58% control vs. 21% prophylaxis, p = 0.02) without an

cebo group and 0.9% in prophylaxis

Overall high rate of meningitis; inclu-

Three patients in placebo group and

were treated for suspected menin-

one patient in the penicillin group
effect on functional outcome, but the study was under-

2.1% in placebo / 0.0% in treatment If including scalp wounds, rates of

meningitis/SSI were 8.7% in pla-
toward more invasive, resistant

sion criteria required pneumo-

gitis but had negative cultures
powered for this outcome. A quasi-experimental study
Nasopharyngeal flora changed

of 129 ventilated patients (71 in prophylaxis group, 58

gram negative species

in control) with coma (GCS ≤ 8) compared a single dose

of ceftriaxone (2 g) to control in reduction in early onset
(within first 4  days) pneumonia [58]. The groups had
similar age (56 vs. 59), APACHE (17 vs. 18), and GCS

(5 for both groups) scores. The incidence of early onset


pneumonia was lower in the prophylaxis arm compared

to control (4.4 vs. 23.1/1000 days of mechanical ventila-
tion, p = 0.02). No mortality benefit was seen, though the
1/26 in placebo; 0/26 in treatment

21.5% in placebo / 18.9% in treat-

OR 1.0 (no infections in the three

prophylaxis group had lower mechanical ventilation and

OR 1.0 (no infections in either

ICU days (10 and 15 day control vs. 6 and 10 prophylaxis,

p = 0.01 and 0.02).
Rates of meningitis

Prophylactic Antibiotics for Patients with Severe Ischemic


While the majority of patients included in the seven


published RCTs on use of prophylactic antibiotics after

stroke had mild strokes and thus would not be admitted
to a neurosciences ICU, two studies evaluating the role
of prophylactic antibiotics in patients with severe stroke
Not specified; median 7.0 days

met our inclusion criteria [59, 60]. The Mannheim Infec-

Antibiotic duration (days)

tion in Stroke Study (MISS) was a RCT evaluating the

efficacy of prophylactic mezlocillin/sulbactam for 4 days
(range 4–21 days)

compared to usual care in patients with stroke who had

Table 2  Studies of prophylactic antibiotics in basilar skill fractures with CSF leak

modified Rankin scores > 3 [59]. The study enrolled 30

At least 5

patients in each group within 4  h of symptom onset.

Infections developed in 50% of patients with prophylaxis
Ampicillin or cephalothin 1 g IV q6H 10

and in 90% of patients with usual care in the first 10 days


(p = 0.002). The reduction was mostly due to decreased

157 Treatment group 1:  Ceftriaxone 1 g

 Ampicillin/Sulfadiazine 1 g/0.5 g

rates of urinary tract infections (UTIs). The authors

160 Treatment group 1:  Penicillin G

Treatment group 2:  Penicillin G

also note that while the infection rate in the prophylac-

Penicillin G 5 M units IV Q6H

tic group was high, most of these infections occurred

109 Ceftriaxone 1 g IV daily

after prophylactic antibiotics were stopped, with a mean

1.2 M units IV daily

20 M IV units daily

IV intravenous, OR odds ratio, Q6H every 6 hours, SSI surgical site infection
Treatment group 2:

day of infection of 5.1 compared to day 3.3 in the con-

trol arm (p = 0.003). Functional outcomes at 90  days

were improved in patients in the prophylaxis arm, with

IV daily


18 patients with mRS 3–4 versus 9 in the control group

p < 0.05).
The PANTHERIS trial randomized 80 patients with

Study quality N

severe middle cerebral artery infarcts to either 5 days of

prophylactic intravenous moxifloxacin (ppx) or placebo




within 36  h of symptom onset. Both intention-to-treat

(ITT) and per-protocol (PP) analyses were performed

due to early deaths, withdrawal of consent, and protocol

violations. The primary outcome was total infection rate
Demetriades et al. [53]

at day 11. In the ITT analysis (n = 79), the rate of infec-

Klastersky et al. [52]

Eftekhar et al. [54]

Ignelzi et al. [50]

tion was 15% in the treated group and 33% in the placebo
Hoff et al. [51]

group (p = 0.1). In the PP analysis (n = 66), the infection

rate was 17% in the treated group and 42% in the con-

trol group (p = 0.03). In contrast to the MISS study, the

rate of UTIs was similar between groups (ITT: 7.7% ppx to be higher in head trauma versus vascular patients.
vs. 12.5% control, p = 0.7; PP 8.6% ppx vs. 16.1% con- There was no difference in mortality between groups.
trol, p = 0.5). The rates of pneumonia were reduced to a Hammond and Potgieter [65] conducted a smaller RCT
greater extent but did not reach statistical significance of SDD on 33 patients with mostly non-surgical neurolog-
(ITT: 7.7% ppx vs. 20% control, p = 0.2; PP: 8.6% ppx vs. ical issues (Guillain-Barré syndrome, meningoencepha-
25.8% control, p = 0.1). Of note, only 9% of patients in the litis, status epilepticus, and myasthenia gravis) who were
trial received mechanical ventilation (1 ppx, 6 control). expected to remain intubated for at least 48 h and remain
Survival curve analysis over the first 180 days showed no in ICU for at least five  days. The SDD consisted of the
survival difference between groups (p = 0.6). same agents as in the Korinek study; however, both SDD
and placebo arms received three days of intravenous cefo-
Prevention of VAP in the Neurosciences ICU taxime. There was an overall higher infection rate in the
Ventilator‑Associated Pneumonia Bundles SDD group (46 vs. 32%, no p value reported). The authors
Weireter et  al. [61] performed a quasi-experimental did not publish data on mortality or functional outcomes.
study evaluating the efficacy of a VAP bundle in reduc- The study is flawed by the use of intravenous cefotaxime
ing rates of VAP in a neurotrauma ICU. The interven- in both arms, which the authors state was added because
tion instituted a weekly multi-disciplinary team meeting, “the use of an intravenous placebo might have resulted in
standardized weaning protocols (including empower- the withdrawal of an excessive number of cases from the
ment of respiratory therapists and nursing to proceed study because the need for antibiotics would have led to
with extubation if all protocol criteria were met), an oral unblinding.” However, given that prophylactic intravenous
care regimen, protocols for patient positioning, subglot- antibiotics for mechanical ventilation are not standard of
tic suctioning for patients with endotracheal tubes, and care, the authors dilute the effect of SDD by their design.
aggressive antibiotic stewardship. VAP rates dropped A brief conference abstract reported the results of a
from 21/1000 patient days to  < 1/1000 patient days. quasi-experimental study on the effect of oral and enteral
Mechanical ventilation time also decreased from 5.8 to SDD with intravenous cefotaxime on rates of nosocomial
4.75 days over a 10-year period. pneumonia in a neurotrauma ICU [66]. They demon-
Two additional conference abstracts reported on the strated a significant decrease in rates of pneumonia, but
efficacy of multi-intervention performance improvement additional details were not available in the abstract.
projects in reducing rates of VAP in the neurosciences
ICU [62, 63]. Both reports showed improvement in VAP. Oral Hygiene
Interventions included use of multi-disciplinary work Three articles discussed the use oropharyngeal decon-
groups, VAP bundles, hand hygiene, oral care, and reduc- tamination to prevent VAP in patients with neurotrauma
tion in transport of patients. or severe stroke.
Seguin et al. [67] performed a single-center RCT with
Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract 110 patients to evaluate the efficacy of regular oro-
In 1993, two trials reported conflicting results on the pharyngeal application of povidone-iodine in closed
effect of selective decontamination of the digestive tract head trauma patients with GCS ≤ 8 after initial resus-
(SDD) to prevent pneumonia in mechanically ventilated citation and expected need for mechanical ventilation
neurosciences ICU patients. for ≥ 2  days. The incidence of VAP in the decontamina-
Korinek et  al. [64] performed a double-blinded RCT tion group was 8 vs. 39% in the active control (saline,
of SDD on 123 comatose patients intubated for at least p = 0.003) and 42% in the negative control (no oral appli-
5 days after emergent admission to a neurosurgical ICU cation, p = 0.001). Pneumonias occurred earlier (median
for mostly trauma and vascular insults. The study period day 3) in the povidone-iodine group compared to the
consisted of up to 15 days of a suspension of polymyxin E control group (median day 8). There was no difference in
100 mg, tobramycin 80 mg, and amphotericin B 500 mg length-of-stay or mortality between groups.
via nasogastric tube as well as oral application of a paste Based on these results, a multicenter, placebo-con-
consisting of a 2% mixture of the above antimicrobials trolled randomized double-blind trial was performed
and 4% vancomycin. The primary outcome was incidence to evaluate the same research question in an expanded
of bronchopneumonia. Patients were excluded for infec- patient population that included patients with hemor-
tion, extubation, or death prior to day five. The authors rhagic stroke in addition to neurotrauma patients [68].
found a decrease in the rates of both bronchopneumo- In the 150 patients in the intention-to-treat analysis, they
nia (42 vs. 24%, p < 0.04) and total infections (82 vs. 46%, found VAP rates of 31% in the povidone-iodine group
p < 0.001). The authors found the reduction in infection versus 28% in the control group (RR 1.11, CI 0.67–1.82).
Of note, there were five cases of acute respiratory distress
syndrome in the povidone-iodine group and none in the CAUTI rate in the neurosciences ICU decreased from 3
control arm. There were no differences in ICU and Hos- to 1% (p = 0.001) and length-of-stay decreased from 3 to
pital length-of-stay or ICU and 90-day mortality. 2 days (p = 0.02) though mortality and post-ICU disposi-
Wagner et al. [69] performed a quasi-experimental study tion did not change.
to evaluate whether a protocol for oral hygiene care was Patel et  al. [75] reported on a physician-directed daily
effective in reducing rates of pneumonia in both intubated checklist to assess whether a urinary catheter was still
and non-intubated patients admitted with acute ischemic needed and a nursing-directed protocol to utilize bladder
stroke or intracerebral hemorrhage. After instituting the scanning and clean intermittent catheterization prior to
protocol which consisted of campus-wide nursing educa- insertion of a urinary catheter. They found a nonsignificant
tion to perform systematic assessment of oral health and decrease in CAUTI rate from 3.8 to 2.9 infections/1000 cath-
use of Sage Oral Care kits (0.05% cetylpyridinium chloride eter days (p = 0.8) and a decrease in the percentage of cath-
and 1.5% hydrogen peroxide and suction toothbrush, rates eter days in the ICU (69–50%, p = 0.02). Lusby et al. reported
of VAP decreased from 14 to 10% (p = 0.022). Although on a similar protocol which also utilized chlorhexidine baths
there was a higher proportion of intracerebral hemorrhage and reflex cultures only after positive urinalysis. CAUTI rates
patients in the pre-protocol cohort (47 vs. 31%), a post hoc decreased from 8.6 to 3.7/1000 patient days (p = 0.001) [76].
analysis showed no effect modification by stroke subtype
on the efficacy of intervention. Conclusion
Preventing hospital-acquired infections is an impor-
Prevention of Central Line‑Associated Blood Stream tant focus in neurosciences ICUs. There are numerous
Infections in the Neurosciences Intensive Care Unit infection prevention strategies available. The reviewed
In two reports, Fukunaga et  al. [70, 71] reported on the literature highlights the need for collaborative, multi-dis-
efficacy of povidone-iodine ointment and gauze dress- ciplinary, and multi-pronged approaches. Rates of VRI,
ings in reducing rates of CLABSI in a mixed neurologi- SSI, VAP, CAUTI, and CLABSI can approach zero with
cal ICU population. They showed that application of a persistence and a team-based approach. Given the impact
10% povidone-iodine ointment covered with gauze and preventing these infections may have on patient-centered
a Tegaderm resulted in less CLABSI and central line outcomes as well as their use as important benchmarks
colonization than use of Tegaderm alone (0/1000  days for regulatory agencies and payers on measuring the
CLABSI, 0.6/1000  days colonization vs. 5.22/1000  days quality of care, developing protocols and auditing com-
CLABSI, 9/1000 days colonization, both p < 0.05). pliance for prevention infection should be standard prac-
Elsayed et  al. [72] reported on the efficacy of a multi- tice in modern neurosciences ICUs.
intervention approach in reducing CLABSI rates in a
Electronic supplementary material
mixed neuro-ICU population through use of prepacked The online version of this article (https​://​8-018-0568-y)
central line kits including all necessary sterile equipment, contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
campus-wide education, a central line bundle, antisep-
tic coated catheters, and biopatches. The CLABSI rate Author details
decreased from 6.24 to 3.7 per 1000/catheter days in the 1
 Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery, New York University School
first year (no p-value reported). Continued enforcement of Medicine, New York, NY, USA. 2 NYU Health Sciences Library, New York
University School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA.
of the intervention led to 0 CLABSIs by year 4.
Author Contributions
Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections in the Neurosciences Dr. Lord was involved with all aspects of the study including conception
and design, acquisition of data, analysis, interpretation, and drafting. Joseph
Intensive Care Unit Nicholson was involved in the conception and design. Dr. Lewis was involved
Wisniewski et al. [73] reported on the efficacy of a nurs- with all aspects of the study including conception and design, acquisition of
ing driven protocol in a neurosurgical ICU to perform data, analysis, interpretation, and drafting.
meatal and foley care using chlorhexidine wipes to reduce Source of Support
rates of catheter-associated urinary tract infections Dr. Lord was supported by CTSA award to NYU School of Medicine
(CAUTIs). The CAUTI rate decreased from 5.8/1000 to (1UL1TR001445).
0/1000 device days (p < 0.001). Compliance with Ethical Standards
Samuel et  al. [74] described a protocol that included
daily assessment of catheter need according to preset cri- Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
teria, urine culture only with a positive urinalysis if other
causes of fever were excluded, nursing foley maintenance
strategies, and compliance audits. After implement-
ing the protocol with a 6-month education phase, the
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