My Learning Episode Overview

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Episode 4:



Name of FS Student_Ernie P. Lino_____________________________________

Course_BSEd Mathematics__________ Year & Section_3rd year-WSED4______

Resource Teacher 1_Joey P. Agot____ Signature________Date_April 7, 2016_

My Learning Episode Overview

This Episode dwells on Bloom’s levels of cognitive processing and on the
new taxonomy of processing knowledge introduced by Kendall and Marzano.

My Intended Learning Outcomes

In this Episode, I must be able to identify teaching practice/s in the different
levels of processing knowledge based on Blooms’s revised cognitive taxonomy
and Kendall’s and Marzano’s new taxonomy.

My Performance Criteria
I will be rated along the following:
a. Quality of my observations and documentation,
b. Completeness and depth of my analysis,
c. Depth and clarity of my classroom observation-based reflections,
d. Completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
e. Time of submission of my portfolio
EPISODE 4: The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Levels of

My Learning Essentials

1. The Revised Bloom’s taxonomy identified 3 domains of learning –

cognitive, psychomotor and affective.


Cognitive – Facts, Affective – Values

Concepts, and Attitudes
Principles, etc. Bloom’s Domains of
Learning Activity

Figure 1. Bloom’s Domains of Learning Activity

2. Kendall and Marzano likewise identified 3 domains of knowledge taught

and learned namely: 1) information (declarative knowledge) 2) mental
procedures (procedural knowledge) and 3) psychomotor/motor
procedures. Mental Procedures

Kendall’s and (motor skills)
Marzano’s Domains
of Knowledge

Figure 2. Kendall’s and Marzano’s Domains of Knowledge

EPISODE 4: The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Levels of

3. These domains of learning and domains of knowledge are processed in

different levels. For the revised Bloom’s taxonomy, cognitive learning is
processed in six (6) different levels of processes from remembering to creating,
psychomotor learning in six (6) levels and affective in five (5) levels. Refer to the
Table below.

Bloom identified ‘domains’ of educational activities with categories of educational

activities within those domains:

Domain Categories of Activities/Levels of Processing

Cognitive 1.Remembering, 2. Understanding, 3.

4.Analyzing, 5.Evaluating, 6. Creating

Affective 1.Receiving, 2.Responding, 3. Valuing,

4.Organization, 5.Internalization

Psychomotor 1.Reflex movements, 2. Basic fundamental

3. Perceptual, 4.Physical Activities,
5. Skilled Movements, 6. Non-discursive
communication (Harlow, A.)

Table 1. Bloom’s Domain of Learning with Categories of Educational Activities






EPISODE 4: The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Levels of

4. For Kendall and Marzano, the three (3) domains – information, mental
procedures, and psychomotor procedures – are processed in six (6) different
levels. See Figure below.

Information  Self System

 Metacognitive System
Mental Procedures  Knowledge Utilisation (Cognitive)
 Analysis (cognitive)
 Comprehension (cognitive)
 Retrieval (cognitive)

Figure 4. Marzano’s and Kendall’s Domains of Knowledge and Levels of


Kendall’s and Marzano’s different levels of processing information, mental

and psychomotor procedures.

Each level of processing can operate within each of the three

domains – information, mental procedures, psychomotor procedures.

The first four levels of processing are cognitive, beginning with “Retrieval”
the least complex, then moving upward with increasing complexity through
“Comprehension”, “Analysis” and “Knowledge Utilization”.

The fifth level of processing, the Metacognitive System, involves the

learner’s specification of learning goals, monitoring of the learner’s own process,
clarity and accuracy of learning. Simply put involves the learner’s organization of
his/her own learning.

The sixth level of processing, the Self System, involves the learner’s
examination of the importance of the learning task and his/her self-efficacy. It
also involves the learner’s emotional response to the learning task and his/her
motivation regarding it.
EPISODE 4: The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Levels of

New Taxonomy

Bloom Kendall and Marzano

Domains of Revised Bloom’s New Taxonomy – Domains of
Learning Activities Taxonomy, Kendall and Knowledge
Cognitive Domain Marzano
6-Creating 6-Self System
5-Evaluating 5-Metacognitive
Psychomotor System Psychomotor
4-Analyzing 4-Knowledge
Affective Utilization – Mental Procedure
cognitive system
3-Applying 3-Analysis- Information
2-Understanding 2-Comprehension

1-Remembering 1-Retrieval
Table 2.A Comparison of Revised Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy and Kendall’s and
Marzano’s New Taxonomy
EPISODE 4: The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Levels of

My Map

I will observe two (2) different classes.

I will reflect on the guide questions given below.
To hit my target, I will follow these steps.

Read the Learning Essentials given above.

Step 1.

Observe at least four (4) class with a learning partner.

Step 2. Group 1 – Language/AralingPanlipunan/Science/Math

Group 2 – Physical Education, ICT, TLE

Group 3 – EdukasyonsaPagpapakatao/Literature
EPISODE 4: The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Levels of

My Learning Activities
I will observe four Resource Teachers with the use of an Observation
Sheets, analyze then reflect on my observation.


Resource Teacher: _Joey P. Agot_ Teacher’s Signature: _____________

School: _General Santos SPED Integrated school_______________

Grade/Year level: _Grade 10_______________ Subject Area: _Mathematics__

Date: _April 7, 2016________________

Bloom’s level of processing cognitive What learning activity/ies in the

activities classroom did I observe in each level?
1. Remembering e.g Students were asked to answer
the question:
“Who” was the first man to land on the

2. Comprehending Students were asked to give the

quadratic formula.

3. Applying The students were asked to give the

equivalent angles in a parallel line cut
by a transversal.
4. Analyzing The students were asked to analyze
and solve the linear equation

5. Evaluating The students were asked to evaluate

the differences between straight and
curve lines, flat and curve surfaces.

6. Creating Illustrate the points in the Cartesian



EPISODE 4: The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Levels of

Levels of Processing Write down instances where Teacher

made learners to do any of these.

1. Retrieval Write the formula for the mean

The mean of 2,4,6,7,8,5,4 is 18

Write the solution in step by step


4. Comprehension Define and draw the parallel and

perpendicular lines.

Find the angles in parallel lines cut by

a transversal

Levels of Processing Write down instances where Teacher

made learners to do any of these.

3. Analysis Determine the next term in a given

The students are asked to create a
narrative report about the event that
they attended.

Identify which of the following angles

are supplementary and

Arrange the following dissimilar

fractions in increasing or decreasing

Estimate the sums, differences,

products and quotients of fractions
and mixed numbers.

8. Knowledge Utilization Give examples of an arithmetic

EPISODE 4: The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Levels of

Make a simple predictions of events

based on a probability experiment.

Levels of processing Write down instances where Teacher

made learners to do any of these.

The sides of a box is 7 cm. What is the

area of the box?

Write yes if the figure is a polygon, if

not, write no.

9. Meta-cognitive system Students specified their learning goals.

If there is an allotted time, the students

will review their work.

Students monitored the clarity and

accuracy of their own learning process.

Levels of processing Write down instances where Teacher

made learners to do any of these.

6. Self – System If the students answers the teacher’s

questioned, then you have a new
knowledge attached in your mind.
EPISODE 4: The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Levels of

Students must participate in the


The motivation/activity is very important

to catch the attention of the students
and to become your lesson more

My Analysis
EPISODE 4: The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Levels of

1. Were all Bloom’s levels of processing information demonstrated by the

learners in class?


2. Which level/s of processing cognitive information in Bloom’s taxonomy

was most displayed? Least demonstrated? Give proofs.

The most displayed is the Applying and the least demonstrated is


3. Were all of Kendall’s and Marzano’s levels of processing of information,

mental and physical procedures demonstrated by the learners in class?
Why or why not?

Not all the time.

4. Which levels of Kendall’s and Marzano’s processing information was most

demonstrated? Least demonstrated? Give proof.

The most demonstrated level is knowledge utilization and the least

demonstrated is the self system thinking.

5. Are Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy of learning activities (cognitive, affective,

and psychomotor) very different from the new taxonomy of Kendall and
Marzano (informative, metacognitive procedures and psychomotor)?
Explain your answer.

Yes, and I think the new taxonomy of Kendall and Marzano is highly

My Reflections
EPISODE 4: The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Levels of

Analyzing the levels of processing that were demonstrated by students in

the classes that you observed, what conclusions can you draw regarding the
level of processing of information that takes place in schools? (Are all the higher
levels of processing information done in classrooms? Or are classroom limited
mostly to the lower levels of information processing such as remembering or

As I observed, not all higher levels of processing information is

done in classrooms but it is not meant that we are mostly to the lower
levels of information processing. For me, the processing information in
average as it is implemented in the classroom.

Write your reflections on the level of information processing among

students in class. Does teacher contribute to the level of processing that
students do in school? If students are engaged only in low level
information processing can teacher be blamed for such?

In the classroom, the blooms taxonomy and the Kendall and

Marzano’s processing information are implemented. As I observed, the
teacher contributes to the level of processing but not every day.

For me, it is okay to engage the students in low level information

process but not all time. But if that situation happened, then the blamed of
this activity is for the teacher.

Integrating Theory and Practice

EPISODE 4: The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Levels of

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Teacher Ruben wanted his students to rate their own work using the scoring
rubric which he explained to the class before the students began with their task.
Based on the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, in which level of cognitive processing
are the students?

A. Evaluating C. Applying

B. Synthesizing D. Analyzing

2. You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course,
The Teaching Profession. Based on Bloom’s revised taxonomy, in which level of
cognitive processing are you?

A. Analyzing C. Applying

B. Creating D. Evaluating

3. Teacher Danny requires his class to conduct research, write a research report
and defend the same before a panel of experts. In which level/s of processing will
the students be engaged?

I. Retrieval

II. Comprehension

III. Analysis

IV. Knowledge Utilization

A. I, II, III, and IV C. II, III, and IV

B. III and IV D. I, III and IV

4. Teacher Bing encourages her students to make intended learning outcome

their own and explained stat she expected them to monitor now and then their
own progress toward the intended learning outcome and act accordingly. In
which level of processing will Teacher Bing’s students act?

A. Cognitive C. Metacognitive system

B. Self-System D. Between cognitive and metacognitive system

EPISODE 4: The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Levels of

5. Teacher Ann sees to it her class sees the importance of the grammar lessons
in English and so gets intrinsically motivated to learn. In which level of processing
is the class expected to act?

A. Cognitive C. Metacognitive system

B. Self-System D. Between cognitive and metacognitive system

My Learning Portfolio

Based on the K to 12 Curriculum Guide, (for BEED students, subject of

your choice; BSEd, your specialization), write competencies that are fit for each
of the following:

A. Bloom’s levels of processing a learning activity.: (Just in case you can’t find
one, make one). Give the other levels of information processing not given.

1. Remembering

Defines parallel and perpendicular lines.

2. Understanding

Determines and proves the conditions under which lines and segments
are parallel or perpendicular.

3. Applying

Applies the concepts and laws involving positive integer exponents to

zero, negative and rational exponents.

4. Analyzing

Analyzes and solves word problems involving multiplication of whole

number including money using appropriate problem solving strategies.
5. Evaluating

Evaluates algebraic expressions involving one variable.

6. Creating

Describes and Illustrates well-defined sets, subsets, universal set and the
null set.
EPISODE 4: The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Levels of

My Learning Portfolio

B. Kendall’s and Marzano’s Levels of Processing Information (Just in

case, you can’t find one, make one)

1. Retrieval

Recalls the different kinds of quadrilaterals and identify those that are

2. Comprehension

Describes a set of data using measures of central tendency and measures

of variability.

3. Analysis

Reads and interprets data presented in a line graph and in its

corresponding table of data.

4.Knowledge Utilization

Solves problems involving rational expressions

5. Metacognitive system

Determines if a given relation is a function using a table of ordered pairs,

graphs and equations.

6. Self-System

Analyzes and solves problems involving series of operations.

My Learning Rubric
EPISODE 4: The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Levels of

Field Study 2, Episode 4 – The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The

Levels of Learning Activities
Focused on:
 Identifying the teaching practices/s in the different levels of processing
knowledge based on Bloom’s revised cognitive taxonomy and Kendall’s
and Marzano’s new taxonomy

Name of FS Student _Ernie P. Lino_______ Date Submitted: _April 8, 2016____

Year & Section:_3rd year-WSED4_______ Course: _BSEdMathamatics________

Learning Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs

Episodes 4 3 2 Improveme
All episodes All or nearly Nearly all Fewer than
were done with all episodes were done half of
Learning outstanding were done with episodes
Activities quality; work with high acceptable were done;
exceeds quality quality or most
expectations objectives
4 were met but
3 2 need

All Analysis Analysis Analysis
questions/episo questions questions questions
des were were were not were not
answered answered answered answered.
completely; in completely. completely.
Analysis of the depth answers; Grammar
Learning thoroughly Clear Vaguely and spelling
Episode grounded on connection related to unsatisfactor
theories. with theories. the theories y
grammar and Grammar Grammar
spelling and Spelling and Spelling
4 are superior. acceptable
3 1
Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection
statements are statements statements statements
profound and are clear, but are shallow; are unclear
clear; not clearly supported and shallow
Reflections/Insi supported by supported by by and are not
EPISODE 4: The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Levels of

ghts experiences experiences experiences supported by

from the from the from the experiences
learning learning learning from learning
episodes episodes episodes episodes
4 3 1
Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Analysis
complete, complete, incomplete; questions
Learning clear, well- clear, well- supporting were not
Portfolio organized and organized ; documentati answered
all supporting; most ons are
documentation supporting organized Grammar
s are located in documentati but are and Spelling
sections clearly ons are lacking unsatisfactor
designated available and y
4 logical and
clearly 2
marked 1
Submission of Submitted Submitted on Submitted a Submitted
Learning before the the deadline day after the two days or
Episode deadline deadline more after
3 2 the deadline
4 1
COMMENT/S Over-all score Rating:
(Based on


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13- 11 10 9-8 7-
18 12 belo
Grade 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.0 3.5 5.00
5 0
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-

____Joey P. Agot__________ ______April 7, 2016________

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

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