Answer: 4-Methyl-2-Pentene
Answer: 4-Methyl-2-Pentene
Answer: 4-Methyl-2-Pentene
Answer: 4-methyl-2-pentene
2. CH2=CH–CH=CH2
Answer: 1, 3-Butadiene
Answer: 2-methyl-1-cyclohexene
Answer: 3-phenylhexane
a. CH2=CH–CH2–CH3; 1-butene
b. CH3–CH=CH–CH3; 2-butene
c. CH3–CH2–CH=CH2; 3-butene
d. more than one correct response
e. no correct response
6. Characterize EACH of the three given statements as being TRUE or FALSE and then
indicate the collective true-false status of the statements using the choices:
(1) The molecule 1,3-butadiene contains eight hydrogen atoms. FALSE
(2) Two carbon rings that share a pair of carbon atoms are said to be fused. TRUE
(3) The prefix para- is used to indicate 1,3-disubstitution on a benzene ring. FALSE
a. All three statements are true.
b. Two of the three statements are true.
c. Only one of the statements is true.
d. None of the statements is true.
7. From the response list, select the correct molecular formula for 2,3-dimethyl-2-pentene.
a. C7H8 c. C7H12
b. C7H10 d. C7H14
8. From the response list, select the correct molecular formula for 1,3-heptadiene.
a. C7H8 c. C7H12
b. C7H10 d. C7H14
9. From the response list, select the correct molecular formula for 3-heptyne.
a. C7H8 c. C7H12
b. C7H10 d. C7H14
10. From the response list, select the correct molecular formula for 2-methylcyclohexene.
a. C7H8 c. C7H12
b. C7H10 d. C7H14
Draw the structure:
11. 3-methyl-1-hexyne
12. 1-pentyne
13. 2-hexyne
Answer: 1-pentyne
Answer: 2-hexyne