Anotações de Aula
Anotações de Aula
Anotações de Aula
Pearl Jam - last kiss
The truck was parked on the street. It wasn't in movement. He tried to dodge from the truck. he
crashed the truck. He crashed on the side of the truck, on the back of the truck
Was he emotionally shaken?
▪ Suden - de repente / suddenly - De repente
▪ Reckless – descuidado / Recklessness - descuido
For a writer is importante to grab the reader's attention
(to) live = morar, viver. Ex: I live my life the way I want
live = ao vivo
life = 1 vida - lives = vidas
lively = (adverb.) vivaz
lively = adjective - comparative - Livelier
▪ This car is fast – adjective / The bus goes very fast – adverb.
Will abreviations
I will= I'll You will = You'll
I'll see younext week You'll do it, right?
I'll go You'll cook tonight
I'll go to the grocery store You'll cook tonight, it's your turn.
I'll make it You'll get the drinks
I'll drive You'll buy the coke.
I'll take it
I'll take it to the hospital
He will = He'll She will = She'll
He'll com(e) to the party, don't worry She'll visit grandma
He'll go She'll study for the text tomorrow
He'll definitely go, he loves you She'll clean it up
He'll pick you up She'll tell you later
He'll be there
He'll talk to you later
He'll do whatever it takes to be there
He'll watch the movie with us.
It will = It'll We'll sleep at Mike's
It'll be a sunny day tomorrow We'll hang the clothes
It'll do for now We'll shower and we'll be ready to go
It'll make you happy
They will = They'll They'll play the piano
They'll sing for you They'll water your plants while you're
They'll bring you home traveling
▪ People should have good ▪ The drivers shouldn't drink ▪ Kids used to play outdoors a lot
posture. alcohol more, than kids do today.
▪ During the job interview, ▪ People shouldn't use their cell ▪ Children used to go to school on
people should make eye phones during meals. foot. Now they go by car or bus.
contact. ▪ People shouldn't talk loud on ▪ People used to tape in
▪ We should be careful not to the cell phone. typewriters, now people use the
crash the car. ▪ People shouldn't pick up computer.
(answer) in a the cinema(movie ▪ People used to have black and
theayer). White Tv, and now they have
▪ The drivers shouldn't drive too smart TVs.
fast, they respect the speed limit. ▪ In the past people use to write
letter, and now we text messages
on the cell phone.
In T-that accident the car spun across the road. The car turned over on the road. The car sweved to
the right and sideswept the other car.
Ex. 3 - Speaking (Life time experiences)
▪ Have you ever done a scary thing? / No, I haven't, but I would like to.
▪ Have you ever had a beautiful dream? / Yes, I have. I plan to take a romantic trip to Caribbean.
▪ Have you ever bought a valuable thing? / No, I haven't. / Not yet.
▪ Have you ever been to a wonderful a place? / Yes, I have. I have been to a beautiful beach
▪ Have you ever taken an incredible trip? / No, I haven't yet.
▪ Have you eaten a delicious dish? / Yes, I have.
▪ What was it? / Today for lunch.
▪ Have you ever seen a great movie? / Yes, I have many times.
▪ have you ever met an amazing person? / Yes, I have some people.
▪ Have you ever played an awesome game? / Yes, I have. I used to play a game called chocolatier.
▪ Have you ever done an unforgettable thing? / Yes, I have. Some good things.
▪ When did you do it? / Were you alone? / did you like it? / Would you like to do it again?
FOLLOW UP QUESTIONS (perguntas de sequencia)
They look like college students
▪ How can you descrivbe Picture 1? / What do they look like? / They seem to be in a party,
in a club. / It's possible; but I think they're boyfriend and girlfriend.
It's a pleasant situation, you feel happy
to notice - realize
love - gone - done
Money, Family, job, love, accomplishing your goals, religion.
▪ do you like to be with your Family? / Yes, I do.
▪ do you like Family gatherings? / We don't usually have Family gatherings, especially
because they in diferente states.
▪ Where do they live? / They live in MG
▪ Are your parentes working now? / My mother isn't. But, my father probably is.
▪ Are studying now? / No, I'm not.
▪ Did you work yesterday? / Yes, I did.
▪ What did you do at work yesterday? / I started to do an excel report, but I haven't finished
it yet.
▪ have you cooked lately? / Yes, I have. But not much.
Mixed verb tenses (S. Past, Present, Present Perfect, Present Continuous)
Have you attended university/college? / Have you been to college/university? / Where have
you gone? I've gone to UNESP.
Home office = work remotely from home.
home office = escritório de casa
outdoor = do lado de fora
billboard = "big poster" usually in the streets
prejudice: When people have prejudice against
marketing, the fashion industry.
▪ Talking about beauty, do you think things have changed about that recently? / Things have
changed a little, but it's difficult because it is a established mentality
I (really) think that …
I believe (that) …
I’m sure that …
In my opinion / My opinion is …
I feel that …
I guess/imagine …
I have no doubt that / I’m certain that …
I strongly believe that …
To be honest / In my honest opinion, …
It seems to me that …
It’s a complicated/difficult issue, but …
My (point of) view (on this) is …
It's importante to have money to at least get by.
I can get by. quo = "co" (pronunciation) Fling = not dating seriously.
Ad = Advertising (anúncio) quotes Teenager thing
Speaker = palestrante Vlog = vídeo log Not at all
Log = diário de bordo Log = tora de madeira
▪ The sooner, the better / as soon as better
▪ The author believes that happiness is enjoying the life. /The author believes ________. (object)
▪ Swimming is my favorite activity .(subject) _______ is my favorite activity.
▪ The author may use the sounds of the words to deliver a message, or to create rhythm, na impact,
a game with the words. They are usually intense and about emotions.
My mom laugh
She is always eating...
He's friends with everyone at Unesp. He is friend of all of us at Unesp.
▪ (to) be friends with....
▪ Don't (you) ever doubt that
The moms have their kids around and they are entertained by them. If something happens and it
makes her a full time mom, she will be unhappiest person in the world.
Don't get used to it!
▪ Do you know David Bowie? / David Bowie was a rock star, very famous at his time (70/80). He
is considered one of the greatest British rock artists of all times. He has a very cool song called:
Modern Love.
▪ Do you live a modern life? / Yes, I do.
She's wearing retro-strange clothes. / Alex and Luciana have common lives. / Tom has a surfing
lifestyle. / Brinn has a rock n' roll lifestyle. /
What do they do? / Alex and Lu they could work in na office. / They could be accountants = They
could work at an accountancy office. /Brinn could be a tattoo artist / Liza could be a dancer or
singer. / Tom could be a business man. / Liza probably has a health lifestyle and during the day
practices dancing and singing. At night she gives concerts, shows, presentations.
▪ He works in an office during the day. On the weekends he goes to the beach to surf.
▪ Professor is a master or PHD
▪ I like crafting. Crochet, knitting(tricô), making cards, boxes, gifts, etc. I'm into DIY.
It has been increasing the number of affected people. i'm astonished. There's a hospital, but it
doesn't have structure to treat this disease.
Language - important
to be aware - I'm aware of the consequences of not practicing the social distancing.
to be aware = to be conscious
to know
language awareness - pay attention to learn.
Buddhist = "Budist"
love = done = gone
hang clothes to dry
sweep the floor
broom = vassoura
I take the trash the out twice a week.
1x – once / 2x – twice / 3 thress times a day/ a week na hour/ a month /a year /often = frequently /
Rarely / Hardly ever / Almost never / Occasionally / Always
I frequently do it = Subject + adverb. freq. + verb + complement
I only iron the clothes I wear at work. I love wearing pyjs, but it's addicting, and maybe it's not
(P)sycho - latin word
(to) ache
We have so many things to do in a day, we get stressed
He lives in Campos do Jordão. If you ever want to come to Campos, I have a cottage here I can rent
it to you. Chalet: A charming house with a fireplace
Appointment book = agenda
Mr. (mister)
Miss (miS)
Mr - refer to a single/married man
Miss - refers to a single woman.
Mrs. (misses)
Mrs - refers to married woman.
Ms. (miz)
Ms. refers to single/married woman - MODERN
Marital status
Personal Titles
miss = moça
madam = ma'am (senhora)
miss - it's used to talk to a unifamiliar young woman (25)
Excuse me miss, can you help me?
Sir man - over 30
miss - S
mrs - misses
over 40 - respect
old fashion, outdated
Ms (z)
Are you there?
The Lord of the rings
SAPIENS by an Israeli author
▪ How often do you usually post? / I don't have a right frequency, maybe once a month.
You make craft, you make boxes
Many people has felt unwell during this quarantine
▪ Have you put on weight this year? / Have you gained weight this year?
1 kg = 2 pounds / 1 pound = 530 grams. I weight around 108 pounds
▪ The graph is about the changes of women workforce. The transition through time. It's about how
things have changed for women in the working environment. we work more, we should get paid
more. equal payment. That's the reason why women have unequal payment in comparison to men.
He does nothing. He doesn't help in anything (at all!). we share the responsabilities
sh - share, shame, shell, ship, shore
ch - chapatti, cheap, chop, chip,
ch = tch
sh = x
I tend to procrastinate things that don't a dealine. / Do you set a dealine for you to do things?
She hasn't taken the trash out yet. /She has just ironed the clothes. / she has just done the ironing. /
She has already made the lunch / She has just moppet the floor
In my work I send e-mails all day long. At work I send...
On WhatsApp I text.....
▪ When a person is rude to you. / When a person treats you badly/ rudely / When the person has no
kindness / The person is not polite
I've been anxious
When I was promoted.
You want to show to the team and to the directors that you can handle/manage the situation.
(to) Delegate
(to) demonstrate
You have to teach and train your team
and then delegate something
You could explain to her, why you work so hard.
You should spend some quality time with her.
You could try to make vídeo calls.
(to) think through
What can you can to improve your eating habits?
What else can you do on daily basis?
Can you take a lunchbox/ packed lunch? (marmita)
What kind of snack can you eat?
snack: lanche
fruits, nuts
You should eat fruits or nuts for snack
I have eaten greasy food a lot lately.
You can try to improve your diet. You should cut the sugar and fat, or try to eat less of it.
I have lost my temper a lot recently. I have been anxious and irritable
moody: de lua, humor oscilante
I'm not fully satisfied with my life lately
Can you give me a tip, na advice to start changing my life?
I tend to put off things
(to) put off: adiar. Procrastinate
you'd better be honest... / You ought to tell... / You had better be honest / You('d) better honest
Infinitive without to = Base form verb = Bare Infinitive
had better, ought to = Modal verbs
ought to = should
you should not be late = you ought not to be late
So, I can't call and warn them. (to) warn: avisar
So, I can't call and let them know this.
I am concerned about doing something / I am concerned about a situation
She could have crashed her car
He could have been fired
They have talked since 4pm
Sanjay has worked at the bank since 2010
(to) run into : cruzar com alguém por acaso
▪ (to) name. I was named after the character "Scarlett O'Hara" - I was named after this movie _
"Gone with the wind"
O'malley/O'brady/O'Hara/McAllister/McAdams/MacCartney/Scottish/ North of England
Last names have na ethimology/ history
▪ passionate story
What has been going on with these people? = What has been happening to these people?
What has he been doing? / he has been discussing with the salesclerk.
He has been waiting for her for a long time.
Let's see if your assumptions were correct!
She has been waiting for the traffic to move, to run.
He has been texting Sue for 20 minutes, She hasn't replied yet.
She has been stuck in traffic.
She has been waiting for call from a guy.
He has been waiting for Aileen for over an hour
She has been getting dressed.
We haven't seen eachother since February. It's been 4 months. = It has been 4 months.
How long have you been dating? / We've known eachother for almost 2 years.
How have you met? / We've met at university. We've chatted at a party (*talked)
Did you get along immediately right after you've met? / Yes, we did. After that we haven't stopped
talking. Since that we haven't stopped talking. / Itupeva is around 40 km (away) from SP.
How long have you been wearing these glasses? / I've been wearing these glasses for 3 years, I've
just changed the lenses. / How long have you been wearing your hair this style/fashion? / It used to
be longer than that. It used to be below my waist. It's not easy nor cheap.
Do you visit the doctor regurlaly? / Yes, I do. I have endometriosis. How long have you been
seeing the same gynecologist? / I have been seeing the same gynecologist for 2 years. / You'd
better have children in your late 20's or early 30's. / I had never had cramps. (cólicas). Until 2020.
Expressions/meanings: dump: garbage, trash / low blow: golpe baixo (boxing) / To be on
the edge: feel disappointed, stressed, desesperate. / Cliff: precipício / edge: limit / roof:
telhado / (to) play a prank: pregar uma peça.
Peter found his business partner was stealing from him, he suffered a a really low blow. / Maggie
lost all her Money for the bank, that's a low blow.
"This person is digging his place in hell"
...I hearsomething sexista.
What was the last time you...? / What was the last you were in cloud nine? / I was *on cloud nine in
Carnival. / When was the last time you were worried sick? / It was last Friday, because I wasn't
sure if my Excel table/chart was correct.
Have you had your roof repaired? / Did you have your roof fixed yesterday? / The roof is being
Muslim Arabic
It was nightmare
People from Araraquara are often strict and narrow-minded. / They had prejudice against Young
Try to understand the reason why you haven't got the reply or why you have been ignored.
How's everything? / Not bad. / I've swamped at work, I need a break. / I've been swamped at
work. / I don't know how to explain to my boss, that I need some time off. / I"ll try to talk to him,
to give a few days off. / Is your job at risk? / You ought to consult with a lawyer / You'd better talk
to a lawyer about it, and later when you return from your maternity they may want to fire you, so
you'd better be prepared.
TED Talks
I think his girlfriend broke up with him. ((to) break up: to end a romantic relationship).
I had two meetings today.
It's a movie from the early 2000's
In the end something is revealed
Invesgative kind of movie
It's such a blessing that you like to deal with people
you ought to see a doctor right now.
You ought not to wait too long.
you ought to talk with her and ask for the truth.
You'd better tell him what you did and pay for the servisse.
you'd better try to understand what is causing this (results) and ought to try to improve yourself.
Have you lost your temper this past week?
Have you watched any awful (really bad) movie?
He's a keeper - he's a nice guy
have you done any household chores?
Having a career, a good education.
Being financially indepependent.
Who in the world nowadays can afford not to have job
Nowadays nobody supports anybody
It's impossible to be with someone who can't keep up with you in life, because life becomes
she doesn't want to marry, because she wants to lose weight
She's 36 years old and she's pregnant with her 3rd child.
What was the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
Once when I've been to a private beach; the path (the way) to the beach was a steep hill.
What was the most delicious food you've (ever) eaten?
I'm a craving for dark chocolate cake.
The general's daughter
Gone with the Wind
The Good Wife
I don't watch dubbed movies