Stanford University Press - Sociology 2020 Catalog
Stanford University Press - Sociology 2020 Catalog
Stanford University Press - Sociology 2020 Catalog
Table of Contents
General Interest..............................2
Race, Class, and Gender....... 3-4
Immigration and
Transnationalism....................... 4-5
Science and Technology....... 7-8
Social Movements
and Politics................................ 8-10
Global Issues and
Economics....................................... 11
Law and Society.....................12-13
Education and Society....... 13-14
Also of Interest.............................14
Dreams of the Overworked NEW SERIES
Digital Publishing Initiative..... 15
Living, Working, and Parenting Manifesto for a Dream
in the Digital Age Inequality, Constraint, and
O RDER ING Radical Reform
Christine M. Beckman and
Use code S20SOC to receive
Melissa Mazmanian Michelle Jackson
a 20% discount on all ISBNs
listed in this catalog. In Dreams of the Overworked, Although it is well known that the
Visit to order online. Visit Christine M. Beckman and Melissa United States has an inequality Mazmanian offer vivid sketches of problem, the social science community
for information on phone daily life for nine families, capturing has failed to mobilize in response.
orders. Books not yet published what it means to live, work, and Social scientists have instead adopted a
or temporarily out of stock will be parent in a world of impossible strikingly insipid approach, ostensibly
charged to your credit card when expectations, now amplified unlike science-based approach to policy
they become available and are in
ever before by smart devices. We are reform, which offers incremental and
the process of being shipped. narrow-gauge “interventions.” This
invited into homes and offices, where
we recognize the crushing pressure approach assumes that the best that we
of unraveling plans, and the healing can do is to contain the problem. It is warmth of being together. As tech- largely taken for granted that we will
stanforduniversitypress never solve it. In Manifesto for a Dream
nologies empower us to do more,
Michelle Jackson asserts that we will
Blog: stanfordpress. they also promise limitless avail-
never make strides toward equality if ability and connection. The stories
we do not start to think radically. It
in this book challenge the seductive
is the structure of social institutions
myth of the phone-clad individual,
Examination Copy Policy that generates and maintains social
by showing that beneath the plastic inequality, and it is only by attacking
Examination copies of select titles veneer of technology is a complex, that structure that progress can be
are available on hidden system of support —our made. Jackson makes a scientific case
To request one, find the book you dreams being scaffolded by retired for large-scale institutional reform,
are interested in and click Request in-laws, friendly neighbors, spouses, drawing on examples. She persuasively
Review/Desk/Examination Copy. and paid help. This book makes a argues that an emboldened social
You can request either a free compelling case for celebrating these science has an obligation to develop
digital copy or a physical copy structures by supporting public poli- and test the radical policies that
to consider for course adoption. cies and community organizations, would be necessary for equality to
A nominal handling fee applies challenging workplace norms, and be assured for all.
for all physical copy requests.
reimagining family. INEQUALITIES, a new series
312 pages, June 2020 edited by David B. Grusky
and Paula England
9781503602557 Cloth $ 28.00 $22.40 sale
208 pages, October 2020
9781503614154 Paper $ 25.00 $20.00 sale
The Lives and Deaths of Black Privilege Queer Palestine and the
Shelter Animals Modern Middle-Class Blacks with Empire of Critique
Credentials and Cash to Spend
Katja M. Guenther Sa’ed Atshan
Cassi Pittman Claytor
Monster is an adult pit bull, muscular Solidarity with Palestinians has
and grey, who is impounded in a Compared to other cities across become a salient domain of
large animal shelter in Los Angeles. the country, New York has one of global queer politics. Yet LGBTQ
Like many other dogs at the shelter, the largest populations of black Palestinians are themselves often
Monster is associated with mar- Americans, and a significant subjected to an “empire of critique”
ginalized humans and assumed to portion earn incomes that place that has led to an emphasis within
embody certain behaviors because them solidly in the middle-class. the movement on anti-imperialism
of his breed. And like approximately In Black Privilege, Cassi Pittman over the struggle against homopho-
1 million shelter animals each year, Claytor examines how this group bia. With this book, Atshan asks
Monster will be killed. of economically advantaged Blacks how social movements can balance
experience privilege, having struggles for liberation along more
The Lives and Deaths of Shelter credentials that grant them access than one axis. He explores critical
Animals, takes us inside one of the to elite spaces and luxuries, often junctures in Palestinian LGBTQ
country’s highest intake animal while confronting persistent activism, revealing a spirit of
shelters. Katja M. Guenther met anti-black bias and racial stigma. agency, defiance, and creativity,
countless animals, including Rich qualitative data and original despite daunting pressures and
Monster, and saw the dramatic analysis help account for this forces working to constrict it.
variance in the narratives assigned special kind of privilege Pittman Queer Palestine and the Empire of
them and, ultimately, their chances Claytor coins, and the entitlements Critique explores the necessity of
for survival. She argues that these it affords people—materially in connecting the struggles for
inequalities are powerfully linked terms of the clothes, homes, and Palestinian freedom with the
to human ideas about race, class, entertainment they consume, as struggle against homophobia.
gender, ability, and species. well as symbolically, as they strive
Unlocking the hidden world of “Sa’ed Atshan brilliantly weaves
to be unapologetically black in a together ethnography and personal
shelter politics, this book offers a racial consumer hierarchy.
radical rethinking of confinement experience in thoughtful, engaging,
“Black Privilege is an important and and emotionally captivating ways.
and death as it relates to the animals A tour de force and a remarkable
we claim as “best friends.” necessary addition to the literature
on consumption and inequality.” book for both its theoretical and
312 pages, August 2020 empirical contributions.”
—Patricia A. Banks,
9781503612853 Paper $ 28.00 $22.40 sale Mount Holyoke College —Amaney A. Jamal,
Princeton University
Culture and Economic Life
240 pages, September 2020 296 pages, May 2020
9781503613171 Paper $ 26.00 $20.80 sale 9781503612396 Paper $ 28.00 $22.40 sale
The Power of Deserts Regulating Human Research The Costs of Connection
Climate Change, the Middle East, IRBs from Peer Review to How Data Is Colonizing Human
and the Promise of a Post-Oil Era Compliance Bureaucracy Life and Appropriating It
Dan Rabinowitz Sarah Babb for Capitalism
Hotter and dryer than most parts Institutional review boards (IRBs) Nick Couldry and
of the world, the Middle East could are committees that protect Ulises A. Mejias
soon see climate change exacerbate human research subjects from Just about any social need is now
food and water shortages, ag- ethical abuses. Regulating Human met with an opportunity to “connect”
gravate social inequalities, and Research provides a fresh look at digitally. But this convenience
drive displacement and political these influential and sometimes is not free—it is purchased with
destabilization. Amidst these im- controversial boards, tracing their vast amounts of personal data
minent risks is a call to action for historic transformation from transferred through shadowy back
regional leaders. Could countries academic committees to compliance channels to corporations using
such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and bureaucracies: non-governmental it to generate profit. The Costs of
the United Arab Emirates harness offices where specialized staff Connection uncovers this process,
the region’s immense potential oversee, define, and apply ambiguous
called “data colonialism,” and its
for solar energy and emerge as federal regulations. In opening the
designs for controlling our lives—
vanguards of global climate action? black box of contemporary IRB
our ways of knowing; our means of
The Power of Deserts surveys decision-making, increasingly orga-
production; our political participa-
regional climate models and nized like an assembly line, author
tion. This book provides by far the
highlights a potentially brighter Sarah Babb argues that compliance
bureaucracy is an adaptive response most detailed and historically rich
future—a recent shift across the exploration to date of the colonial
Middle East toward renewable to the dynamics and dysfunctions
of American governance. Yet this dimensions of what is happening
energy. With his deep knowledge with data and capitalism, pushing
solution of outsourcing has unintended
of the region and knack for pre- current debates in a radical new
consequences, including the creation
senting scientific data with clarity, direction and offering a genuinely
of profitable compliance industries.
Dan Rabinowitz makes a sober yet global perspective on today’s
surprisingly optimistic investiga- “If you have time for only one piece struggles for human freedom.
tion of opportunity arising from a on IRBs—or indeed on responses
to federal regulation—this book “Challenging, urgent, and
looming crisis. should be your hands-down choice. bracingly original.”
Or you could just read it because —Naomi Klein,
S TA N F O R D B R I E F S it’s a fantastic and elegant piece Rutgers University
of scholarship.” Culture and Economic Life
152 pages, August 2020 —Carol A. Heimer,
Northwestern University 352 pages, August 2019
9781503609983 Paper $ 14.00 $11.20 sale 9781503609747 Paper $ 30.00 $24.00 sale
184 pages, January 2020
9781503611221 Paper $ 22.00 $17.60 sale
Feral Atlas
The More-Than-Human Anthropocene
Edited by Anna L. Tsing, Jennifer Deger, Alder Keleman Saxena,
and Feifei Zhou
Feral Atlas offers an original and playful approach to studying the
Anthropocene. Focused on the world’s feral reactions to human
intervention, the editors explore the structures and qualities that lie
at the heart of the feral and make the phenomenon possible.
Black Quotidian
Everyday History in African-American Newspapers
Matthew F. Delmont
Black Quotidian explores everyday lives of African Americans in
the twentieth century. Drawing on an archive of digitized African-
American newspapers, Matthew F. Delmont guides readers through
a wealth of primary resources that reveal how the Black press
popularized African-American history and valued the lives of both
famous and ordinary Black people.
Explore now at
Filming Revolution
Alisa Lebow
Filming Revolution investigates documentary and independent
filmmaking in Egypt since 2011, bringing together the collective
wisdom and creative strategies of thirty filmmakers, artists, activists,
and archivists. Rather than merely building an archive of video
interviews, Alisa Lebow constructs a collaborative project, joining
her interviewees in conversation to investigate questions about the
Explore now at evolving format of political filmmaking.
20% D I S C O U N T O N A L L T I T L E S