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b2b Marketing Brand Strategy Template

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Brand strategy



A review of your brand strategy may seem like a huge undertaking, but it's necessary
if you want to keep up with your competitors and ensure your business continues
to evolve and grow. Use this template to make sure you tick every box when you’re
developing a new brand strategy.

Your business Engagement

1. 2.
1.1 What market are you in? What is the total size, Who are the key players in your market place? What
value and geography of your market? What is the does each one stand for and offer and how do they each
life-cycle stage of the market? How does the market position and differentiate themselves in the market?
segment? What are the natures, sizes and values of
each segment? »
1.2 SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities
and Threats) analysis: What are the specific
strengths and weaknesses of your business and Who is your target customer?
your brand. What are the specific current and future
opportunities and threats you face?
Customer traits and personas: Think in terms of both
the organisation they work for and of the individual they
are. What size and kind of business is it? What is their job
role and level? And what are their goals and challenges?
What are their motivators, barriers and frustrations? (See
our full Buyer Persona template here.)

» »

Brand strategy


Your product/service/solution Brand execution strategy

and your brand
4. 5.
4.1 What makes your brand different from your 5.1 Objectives: What do you want this branding exercise
competitors, and better? Think in terms of: to achieve for your business?
• The specific problem you solve for your
customer. 5.2 Metrics: How will you measure your success?
• The functional attributes and benefits of your
solution (e.g. it helps your customers double 5.3 Branding rollout plan and roadmap: Which areas
their productivity). of the business will need to change the way they
• The emotional benefits of your brand (e.g. it do things, in line with the brand position and brand
gives your customers confidence and kudos). promise? What changes will need to be made and by
when? Think in terms of:
4.2 Brand personality, values and relationships: • Communications strategy: brand identity, tone of
What are the key words that you want your customers voice, website and collateral.
to associate with your brand in terms of these three • Sales strategy: elevator and full sales pitch.
elements? This might include: • Product/service strategy.
• Personality: friendly and approachable. • Customer care strategy.
• Values: dedicated to customer care.
• Relationship: your customers’ mentor and

4.2 Brand positioning statement: What does your

business do for customers when it is at its very best?

4.2 Brand promise: Your brand promise is the unique

promise of value you make to your target market. It
should be the essence of what your brand has to offer.


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