Genefunk 2090 - Core Rulebook (v1) (5e) PDF

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Game Designer: James Armstrong Playtesting: 0) Jeremy Cannon, Joe Lorer, Eben
Editor: J. Boone Dryden McCrea, Jared Paddock 1) Bryce Holcomb, Jeff Mac,
Devin Martyniuk 2) Mike Armstrong, Aaron Bell,
Graphic Design and Layout: James Armstrong and Ryan Bruce, Kiara Calladine, Meghan Carr, Andrew
Simeon Cogswell Demoline, Mark Grover, Reed Houle, Robbie Keith,
Cover Art: William Liberto and Trung Tin Shinji Landon Perlett 3) Alex Curtis, DeltaCodex, Andrew
Variant Cover Art: Nate Artuz Jackson, Mail 540, Joshua McDermott, William
Poole, Chance Prestie, Cruise Slater, Scott Tulloch,
Interior Art: Nate Artuz, Abel Bardalez, Tony
Phillip Tyrson, David White, Andrew Wright 4) Ron
Carter, Cazrael, Shredder Dima, Shai Daniel, Wesley
Beament, Elijah Booth, Bronwyn Burr, Sam Hallett,
Gardner, William Liberto, Enmanuel Martinez, Eddie
Tyris Roberts, Ozzy Sanderson, Aimee Varga 5) All the
Mendoza, Brad Maesa, Hoang Nguyen, Trung Tin
wonderful Discord folk!
Shinji, Sonnaz, Dean Spencer
Chase Rules: adapted under CC from Geek Related
( Molecular Mentor: Dr. Neil Chilton
Creative Consultants: Mike Armstrong, Rafael RPG Godfather: Denis Benard
Dreher, Mark Grover, Jaimie Mack, Carson McGorry,
William Poole, Brian Shiel, David Winburn
Printing: Friesens (, One Printers
Custom Genomes: Robert McCavanagh Way, Altona, MB, R0G 0B0, Canada
(Coelhomortos) Chance Prestie (OsaLaska) Brian
Shiel (Leviathan) ISBN: 978-1-9992765-0-8

Custom NPCS: Mike Armstrong, Sean Armstrong, First Printing: January, 2020
Guillaume Carmes, Scott Dudiak, Dreyton Far, Mark Publisher: CRISPR Monkey Studios
Grover, Reed Houle, Andrew Jensen, Tor Oscar Worren
Introduction.....................................................4 Puppeteer......................................................... 74
Timeline.......................................................... 5 Synergist.......................................................... 75
Chapter 1: Character Creation...........................11 Crook................................................................... 76
Backgrounds.........................................................12 Dealer.............................................................. 79
Make Your Own.................................................12 Hitman.............................................................81
Academic..........................................................12 Robber..............................................................81
Artist.................................................................13 Engineer.............................................................. 83
Ideologue..........................................................14 Gadgeteer......................................................... 86
Investigator.......................................................15 Gearhead.......................................................... 87
Military Veteran............................................... 16 Roboticist......................................................... 88
Outlaw..............................................................17 Gunfighter............................................................91
Religious Disciple............................................. 19 Gunslinger....................................................... 93
Slum Dog......................................................... 20 Sniper.............................................................. 93
Stargazer...........................................................21 Soldier............................................................. 94
Technician........................................................ 22 Hardcase............................................................. 95
Trust Fund Kid.................................................. 23 Damage Sponge................................................ 99
Generating Ability Scores.................................... 24 Gangster........................................................... 99
Character Development........................................ 25 Unarmed Fighter............................................ 100
Beyond 1st Level................................................... 25 Samurai............................................................. 102
Multiclassing....................................................... 26 Suit.................................................................... 107
Feats.................................................................... 28 Commander.................................................... 113
Chapter 2: Genomes........................................ 33 G-Man............................................................. 113
Engineered.......................................................... 34 Shark.............................................................. 114
Canary.............................................................. 35 Chapter 4: Goods and Services........................117
Coelhomortos................................................... 36 Starting Equipment............................................. 118
Companion...................................................... 37 Armor................................................................. 118
Espion.............................................................. 38 Weapons............................................................. 123
Eucypher.......................................................... 38 Gear....................................................................134
Feral................................................................. 39 Services..............................................................139
Leviathan.........................................................40 Drugs..................................................................142
OsaLaska...........................................................41 Poison................................................................144
Sherlock........................................................... 42 Vehicles..............................................................146
Spartan - Infantry............................................. 43 Robots and AI..................................................... 151
Spartan - Naiad................................................. 43 Chapter 5: Upgrades.......................................155
Spartan - Wraith............................................... 44 Bioware Upgrades Table...................................... 157
Titan................................................................. 44 Cybernetic Upgrades Table..................................158
Traceur............................................................. 45 Daemon Upgrades Table......................................163
Mutts................................................................... 46 Chapter 6: Daemons...................................... 165
Genetic Enhancements Table............................ 47 Chapter 7: Using Ability Scores...................... 169
Genetic Flaws Table.......................................... 48 Ability Scores and Modifiers............................... 169
Optimized............................................................ 57 Advantage and Disadvantage.............................. 169
Transhuman........................................................ 58 Proficiency Bonus.............................................. 169
Unmodified.........................................................60 Ability Checks.....................................................170
Chapter 3: Classes........................................... 63 Contests..............................................................170
Biohacker............................................................ 65 Skills..................................................................170
Cytomancer...................................................... 67 Using Each Ability.............................................. 172
Dr. Frankenstein............................................... 68 Saving Throws.................................................... 177
Protean Grinder................................................ 69 Chapter 8: Completing Contracts.................... 179
Codehacker...........................................................71 Cadres.................................................................179
Cracker............................................................. 73 Mosaic................................................................179
Cadre Formation and Recruitment......................179 Appendix A: Conditions................................ 298
Taking Contracts................................................ 180 Appendix B: Bots..........................................300
Mosaic Score....................................................... 181 Appendix C: Bioengineered Bestiary............... 302
Lifestyle.............................................................. 181 Appendix D: Corporate Logos.........................308
Inspiration..........................................................182 License........................................................ 309
Movement..........................................................183 Character Sheet............................................ 310
The Environment................................................187
Vision, Light, and the Senses............................187
Food and Water...............................................188
Interacting with Objects..................................188
Story Hooks....................................................... 190
Chapter 9: Combat........................................ 193
The Order of Combat...........................................193
Your Turn........................................................193
Movement and Position......................................194
Actions in Combat...............................................196
Making an Attack................................................197
Attack Rolls.....................................................197
Unseen Attackers and Targets..........................198
Ranged Attacks...............................................198
Melee Attacks..................................................198
Damage and Healing...........................................199
Vehicle Combat.................................................. 203
Underwater Combat........................................... 205
Chapter 10: Hacking..................................... 207
Running a Hack................................................. 207
Hack Lists.......................................................... 210
Hack Descriptions............................................... 212
Chapter 11: Brave New World......................... 245
The Syndicates................................................... 245
Aegis and World Peace........................................ 251
Confederated Trade Blocs....................................252
The Argos Effect..................................................255
Cyberspace........................................................ 256
Biotech Revolution............................................. 263
Themes to Explore............................................. 269
Chapter 12: Non-Player Characters................. 273
Challenge Rating 1/8–2........................................ 278
Challenge Rating 3–7.......................................... 290
Challenge Rating 8–17........................................ 294
magine a world in the distant future, 2090: where of the world’s countries. Corporate executives have the

I technology has entirely shaped the very essence

of human nature, and where fiscal interests, the
international arms race, and consumerism have
power to shatter entire governments in the name of
their company’s share value and their own ambition.
Gangs and organized crime saturate every urban envi-
entirely shaped that same technology. This is the world ronment. This world, bloated from overpopulation and
of GeneFunk 2090. consumer greed, has become one of the most violent
eras in human history. The rich segregate themselves
Supercomputer in your Bloodstream from the poor, and the tension caused by this wealth
The human condition as a whole has become some- gap is causing the world to burst at the seams.
thing somewhat different. Almost every single human
has been modified to have a powerful supercomputer Virtual Immortality
coded directly into their DNA and physiology, one that Recent innovations have allowed the rich to undergo
has merged with their consciousness. The internet has a process that maps their entire nervous system, con-
become as real as the physical world, and hackers have nectome, endocrine complement, DNA and gene ex-
become manipulators of the very stuff of the human pression, and every other feature relevant to the hu-
psyche, probing and rearranging memory and mind man mind. This digitization of consciousness allows
the way a potter molds clay. the world’s wealthy and powerful to essentially live
forever, switching from one bioengineered shell to an-
Plasticity of Genes and Form other as they see fit.
Large sections of the human population have had their
genes chosen before birth to breed success, while oth- Cadre of Professionals
ers have had foreign DNA included to produce wholly You and your allies are a cadre, a lean start-up corpora-
different physical traits that were once thought inhu- tion that specializes in investigation, intelligence, pro-
man. On top of all the innate genetic tweaking, individ- tection, and violence. To keep their hands clean, the
uals modify themselves through cyberware surgeries syndicates often outsource this kind of work to smaller
and biohacks, to the point where some are considered outfits, like yours. Your cadre’s skill set is in high de-
entirely “posthuman”. mand in this intrigue-filled world, being sought after
by mega-corporations, nation-states, organized crime,
Violent, Shallow, and Unequal or wealthy individuals. As an autonomous entity, your
Multinational corporations have gobbled each other cadre of elite agents takes contracts as you see fit, navi-
up, producing ever larger entities until only nine re- gating the shadows of corporate espionage and savage-
main, each of which is a superpower bigger than most ry with competence and panache.

4 // Introduction //
What follows is an abbreviated account of some import-
ant technological and political events that occurred n
between now and the time the game takes place.

Genetic Revolution. Genetically optimized “design-
er” babies start to appear among the world’s financial
elite. The Genome Accord, a document forbidding any
modification of the human genome using non-human
DNA, is approved by the United Nations.
Aegis System Inception. In 2038, a terrorist group
launches a ballistic nuclear missile from Liberia aimed
at the USA. Luckily, the missile malfunctions and det-
onates 150 kilometers from the American East coast
in the Atlantic Ocean. In 2039, with the help of other
countries, the USA spearheads Aegis, a network of sat-
ellites armed with particle beam weapons. These satel-
lites are able to destroy threats such as enemy aircraft,
sea vessels and missiles, from orbit.
Fuel Breakthrough. The energy efficiency of hy-
drogen fuel cells breaks a threshold where it becomes
economically viable enough to change the fuel station
infrastructure and mass-produce fuel cell vehicles. By
2040, 1/20 of all of the earth’s land vehicles are pow-
ered by hydrogen fuel cells.
Biometrics Ubiquity. Facial, retinal, vocal, and DNA
recognition is incorporated into most security systems
and government identification methods.
Brain-Computer Interface. Seamless brain-comput-
er interfaces (BCIs) are developed and mass-marketed.
These devices can be worn as earpieces, headgear, or
collars, and they begin to replace keyboards, mice, and
even monitors to some extent with the assistance of
heads-up display goggles and contact lenses. It allows
for data to be perceived in the user’s field of vision rath-
er than on a monitor, revolutionizing communications
and the video game industry.
Drone Delivery Ubiquity. Delivery companies start
using drones more often than not for smaller items.
Rise of 3D Printing. 3D printing starts to become
widespread and mainstream as a method of creating
perfectly proportioned modular parts for both indus-
trial and biological applications.
Universal Translator. A real-time universal trans-
lation of all of the world’s major languages becomes
a regular feature on phones. By the end of the decade,
communication between people speaking different
languages becomes a non-issue, and by 2090, the
translators are able to recognize all known languages
and reproduce the speaker’s voice and translate tone
relatively well.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 5
Intro 2041-2050 Driverless Ubiquity. By the end of the decade, al-
Global Pandemic. In 2043, a massive avian influen- most all cars are driverless, and many countries start
Character za pandemic sweeps across the world, killing 5% of to put heavier restrictions on humans driving cars.
Creation the global population. Based on genetic analysis, it is
thought to be ancient, released from melting icecaps. 2051-2060
Genomes A vaccine is developed by Omnitech researchers in a Transgenic Rights. Transgenic humans around the
matter of months after the initial outbreak, putting an world start to demand universal human rights, fu-
end to the pandemic. eling riots and armed standoffs. In 2051, the UN and
Classes Economic Crash. The hysteria, riots, and chaos its member countries declare that transgenic humans
during the time surrounding the flu pandemic are have the same legal and political rights as naturally
Goods and monumental, causing economies to crash. To boost born people. Despite these measures, transgenic hu-
Services the world’s devastated post-plague economy, anti-trust mans remain the targets of violence from religious
laws are temporarily waived by most countries, and fundamentalists who see them as unnatural.
Upgrades businesses are given many governmental incentives. Genoism. A new term emerges to describe bigotry
Everything takes a back seat to rebuilding the economy. towards transgenic people, and favoritism towards
The Corporate Wars. A period of cutthroat com- genetically optimized people. Despite being illegal
Daemons petition between MNCs (multinational corporations) in most countries, genetic tests are illicitly obtained
during the post-plague years begins. This competition during hiring processes, court cases, and even the
Ability to absorb other companies and dominate internation- dating scene.
Scores al trade turns violent and causes countless small-scale Transcontinental Russian-American Railway. The
skirmishes, assassinations, and orchestrated proxy Bering Express is completed—a 103-kilometer under-
wars through sovereign nations. During its most in- ground high-speed railroad that connects Chukotka
tense periods, it drastically affects politics around (Russia) to Alaska (USA).
the world. Over the next 20 years, almost all smaller BCI Becomes the New Phone. Brain-computer in-
companies end up being annexed or acquired by 9 terfaces (BCIs) make keyboards, mouses, monitors,
megacorporations, or syndicates, who finally come and smartphones obsolete. Images generated by the
to agreements with each other in 2063, creating a BCI directly manifest in the user’s field of vision, dis-
global oligopoly. pensing of the use of even VR goggles or contact lens-
Medical Revolution. A series of important develop- es. Senses beyond mere audio and visual can now be
Brave New
ments in nanotechnology and biotechnology revolu- activated digitally, allowing for touch, taste, and smell
tionize medicine. New tissues and organs can be made sensations. People start to refer to BCIs as “phones” as
to order, nerve damage can be repaired and almost all older smartphones lose market share.
diseases can be cured. By 2045, cures have been found Age of Cyborgs. Fully functioning prosthetic limbs,
for AIDS and most types of cancer. eyes, and ears are mass-produced and relatively easy
Appendices Sleep Switch. Sleep-deprived people everywhere to obtain for those that require them. Though expen-
benefit from a device that activates the “sleep switch” sive, it becomes possible to have elective surgeries to
in the brain, causing deep slumber to commence with- incorporate prosthetic body parts that are superior to
in minutes of the device’s activation. The same device the originals—thus begins the age of cyborgs.
can also ensure operators of heavy machinery do not Ubiquity of Artificial Intelligence. Robots become
fall asleep and remain awake. increasingly popular among businesses, governments,
Aegis System Completed. A basic orbital satellite and the wealthy to act as secretaries, assistants, care
Aegis system is fully operational in 2049, protecting workers, and soldiers. Automated and remote-control
all its member countries from invasions and ballistic drone pilots almost completely replace traditional pi-
missile attacks. lots for combat aircraft and tanks.
Transgenic Discrimination. Despite the Genome Self-Repairing Synthetics. Automobiles and other
Accord, transgenic humans are created by many syn- impact-prone machinery are constructed with “smart”
dicates for cheap efficient labor, or as super soldiers. alloys and synthetics in their outer layer that naturally
This first occurs in China and Russia, but many other return to their original shape over time without repair.
countries allow companies to do this once it proves to Unification of Korea. In 2054, North Korea is peace-
be successful. Many are made to be sterile or infertile fully reunited with South Korea after a complete col-
and are often treated as subhuman. lapse of North Korea’s economy and a public revolt.
The new unified Korea suffers the expected economic

6 // Introduction //
drain as South Korea’s wealth is partially reallocated Anti-Trust Laws Reinstituted. In 2063, to maintain
to the integration of North Korea’s population. Many Pareto efficiency and stop cartels from forming, an-
of the alienated soldiers and secret service of former ti-trust laws are re-instituted in most countries, prohib-
North Korea constitute a new mafia, one of the world’s iting collusion, price-fixing or further mergers and ac-
largest crime syndicates. quisitions. By this time, 9 multinational corporations
Private Army Reaches One Million. By 2057, Ronin completely dominate global business, yet still compete
International, the biggest PMC (private mercenary with each other. They are dubbed “the syndicates”.
company) achieves a near-monopoly, and including Weaponization of Aegis System. A series of mo-
its subsidiaries, has an active roster of over one mil- tions are carried that allow the Aegis System to include
lion soldiers. weaponized satellites to defend member nations, and
Vegan Bioterror. An animal rights terrorist group orbital particle beam and mass driver satellites are
enacts a plot involving weaponized alpha-gal being put launched and activated throughout the decade. Al-
into several major cattle and pig processing plants, re- most every country seeks Aegis membership, fearing
sulting in hundreds of thousands of people developing the consequences of being excluded. This is hailed by
allergies to red meat. many as the “end of war”, or the “end of history”.
Moon Base. In 2059, a permanent international Specialized Police Forces. Due to the especially
moon base called Luna Armstrong is established as a dangerous nature of enhanced cyborg and genetical-
center for scientific research, with plans for including ly modified criminals, special police forces similar to
tourism in the future. SWAT are formed.

Creation of the World Digital Sea. As coders make
more sophisticated VR programs that cater to all
five senses through BCI phones, a new information
platform emerges that specializes in the storage and
placement of these shared hallucinations. Program-
mers at Omnitech create the World Digital Sea (WDS)
as an infrastructure made specifically for interfacing
with these new holistic VR apps and programs. This
user-friendly environment is designed to simulate
the real world, and data is accessed spatially and has
virtual 3D locations. The WDS becomes the preferred
way of using the internet for people seeking social or
cinematic experiences. The World Wide Web remains
popular and can be accessed while in the digital sea.
As years progress, so does the sophistication and viv-
idness of the WDS, to the point that some incarnations
are indistinguishable from reality.
Robot Relationships. Androids that appear and act
uncannily human start to take the place of more primi-
tive, boxy-looking or uncanny valley models. This also
creates a very large consumer market for androids as
sex toys, and even life partners. Towards the end of the
decade, some countries allow robot marriage.
Space Elevator. In 2061, construction begins on
“The Beanstalk”, a 1 km base tower with an attached
tether reaching up to a space station in orbit. The proj-
ect is completed by 2067, and it allows for the easy de-
livery of satellites and space exploration vessels beyond
earth’s atmosphere. Within the coming decades, space
stations are set up orbiting Mars, Titan, and Europa.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 7
Intro Lunar Tourism. By 2070, Luna Armstrong opens as Bushido Culture. A subsidiary of Ronin, Bushido,
a tourist destination for the rich, and is capable of sus- develops an advanced mercenary training program
Character taining up to 500 tourists in luxury accommodations. emphasizing complete loyalty to a contract, contraven-
Creation Hybrid air/space shuttles are produced that are able to ing the duplicitous reputation of mercenary corpora-
leave and enter the earth’s atmosphere as well as land tions. The graduates and employees of this subsidiary
Genomes on and take off from the moon. company are known as samurai and have become the
Nanobot Revolution. Technological developments most sought-after and elite mercenaries on the planet.
allow for programmable nanobots that can perform Enchanted Forest. A large area of forest in the Pe-
Classes specific processes at a microscopic or even molecular ruvian Amazon, protected by mountains, is found to
level. These nanobots are used industrially in the cre- contain hundreds of incredible and dangerous trans-
Goods and ation and maintenance of near-perfect constructions. genic flora and fauna. Its originator remains a mys-
Services This effectively allows mechanical objects to “heal” tery, though it is suspected that unofficial business by
damage, as the native nanobot colony recognizes de- Apollo Laboratories has something to do with it. The
Upgrades fects, and can restore the object to its original condition. forest, called Bosque Oscuro by the locals, has become
a hotbed of illicit biohacking experiments and drug
2071-2080 manufacturing. Attempts to control the forest by law
Daemons Internal Nanocomputers (Daemons). In the early 2070’s, enforcement have all been fruitless and have resulted
Omnitech develops and markets an internal nanocom- in many mysterious deaths.
Ability puter that is created and maintained by a complement Fountain of Youth. Life-prolonging science reaches
Scores of different nanobots. These nanobots lay down a net- an apex when Apollo Laboratories develops molecular
work of carbon nanotube filaments throughout the techniques that produce “immorbidity”; aka immor-
user’s entire body, from the tips of the fingers and toes tality. Age can no longer kill someone if they are rich
to the depths of the brain. They also create several pro- enough to afford a subscription to the monthly treat-
cessing cores throughout the brain and belly, consti- ments, and aging can even be reversed to a great extent.
tuting the network’s CPU. Finally, a DNA computer is Daemons Become Internal Doctors. In addition to
encoded directly into the user’s genome, allowing for being an internal computer and phone, daemon na-
Hacking powerful parallel computing. The capabilities of this nobot complements start to include medicinal com-
new computer greatly overshadow even the most so- ponents as different daemon manufacturers compete
phisticated BCIs. Market share is initially low, but by for market share. By the end of the 2070’s, it becomes
Brave New
the end of the decade, they begin to displace BCIs as the norm for daemons to include these medicinal na-
the main personal computer. It is not long before these nobots. They aid in tissue repair and immune system
internal computers become the new “phone”. The term function and have diagnostic elements that can mon-
“daemon” is used to refer to these internal computers, itor and regulate personal health, including hormone
and it catches on in the public.
Appendices VR Prisons. To save money and space, many pris-
ons house prisoners in small pods, where they are im-
mersed in a closed network VR environment for the
duration of their sentence. Nanobots prevent the pris-
oners' muscles and bodies from atrophy.
Underwater Settlements. Wide-scale work stations
and housing projects are developed in oceans, lakes,
and seas. Atlantis, the largest of these communities, is
based on mining, tourism, and scientific research and
was created off the coast of Brazil. It provides homes
and jobs for over 3,000 people.
Mind Hacks. The first “mind hacks” start to appear.
Because of the intimate relationship that now exists
between a person’s mind and their daemon, hackers
are able to manipulate thought processes, emotions,
and other bodily functions. This is immediately de-
clared a capital offense by almost every country, and
carries stiff penalties, even extending into execution.

8 // Introduction //
levels and gene expression. As a result, mortality Telepresence Sports. What started as daemon-con-
plunges, and people are able to heal from even very se- trolled drone racing has expanded into a variety of
rious injuries in just a day or two. other sports with remote-controlled automata as the
athletes. Fighting with giant mechs and bioengineered
2081-2090 beasts with remote human piloting are very popular in
Daemon Market Saturation. By the early 2080s, despite certain parts of the world.
the dangers of mind hacks, daemons achieve complete Uploading Consciousness. In 2086, a research
market saturation, with outlying holdouts who refuse team working for Hexie performs the first successful
to get one being considered neo-luddites. copy of a human consciousness from a biotic human
The Second Corporate Wars. The tensions between brain to a computer matrix in a prosthetic body. The
the big 9 syndicates begin to rise again as they start to owner of the original consciousness was a terminally
seek dominance over one another, with violence esca- ill patient who wished to live longer, and the copying
lating even more quickly and extremely than the first occurred mere hours before his death. The copy of this
corporate wars. man reports that he feels like he is the same person
Wealth Inequality. The stratification between rich and feels “human”. The world’s religious, social, and
and poor is staggeringly high, which has been exac- philosophical thinkers debate furiously about the im-
erbated by genetic and social stratification. Though plications of this new technology and the ways to deal
absolute poverty is low, wealth inequality has nev- with someone’s copied consciousness. In 2087, inter-
er been higher. national laws are enacted to prevent the activation of
Violence. Subsidiaries vying for market share hack, a copied human consciousness while the original, or
bomb, sabotage, and assassinate their competitors or another copy, is still alive. Almost all countries follow
even up their own corporate ladder. A great deal of suit by enacting their own laws restricting this be-
bloodshed occurs through proxy agents like organized havior with severe punishments. Most countries' le-
crime, gangs, and mercenaries. The wealth inequality gal systems consider a copied consciousness, dubbed
also fuels violence, with gangland shootings and terri- “psychomimes”, to be people. While most nations grant
torial disputes becoming so common that they barely psychomimes the same rights and duties as any oth-
even register as news. It is considered to be the most er person, some countries consider them just another
violent peacetime era in human history. program and grant no rights at all. Many religions con-
Rise of Cadres. Cadres are small start-up corpo- sider them soulless.
rations or groups of individuals that take syndicate Phoenix Unlimited. In 2086, a subsidiary of Hexie
money to perform tasks either too small or too politi- called Phoenix Unlimited offers a service of making
cally dangerous for the megacorps to undertake. Very monthly copies of your consciousness, to be activated
often the work involves intelligence, violence, or theft. in a VR world or prosthetic body of your choosing upon
Their niche is acting as proxy agents for the syndicates, your death. The psychomimes are free to explore the
providing a way for the syndicates to keep their hands WDS or be infused into a prosthetic body at a later time
clean. Many consider cadres to be little more than glo- of their choosing. The technology is extremely expen-
rified gangs, but their role in the corporate ecosystem sive and abhorrent to many. The mind digitization
is undeniable. process is the most coveted and heavily guarded trade
Mosaic Cadre App. A subsidiary of Ronin Interna- secret on the planet, with all of the other syndicates vy-
tional called Mosaic develops an app for cadres that be- ing to reverse engineer it. By 2090, Phoenix Unlimited
comes the industry standard. It mediates contract ne- has registered over 120,000 human minds within its
gotiations, has a cadre ranking system, and functions mainframe’s VR worlds.
as a platform for recruiting new members. World Population. There are over 11 billion people
on earth by 2090.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 9
Chapter 1: Character Creation
n the world of GeneFunk 2090, your character is a skilled mercenary, and along with a few other skilled

I mercenaries, you are owners of a small mercenary company called a cadre.

Cadres take contracts from corporations, governments, crime syndicates, or individuals. These contracts
may involve bodyguarding, couriering sensitive packages, espionage, investigation, assassination, heists, or any
other number of dangerous and violent activities. What kind of character are you?

1. Choose your Genome Stargazer. (pg. 21-22) Level Cash Level Cash
1 — 11 シ 800,000
Select one of the following genomes: Technician. (pg. 22-23)
2 シ 25,000 12 シ1,000,000
Engineered. (pg. 34-46) Trust Fund Kid. (pg. 23-24) 3 シ 50,000 13 シ1,200,000
Canary (pg. 35-36) 4 シ 100,000 14 シ1,500,000
Coelhomortos (pg. 36-37) 4. Choose your Class 5 シ 150,000 15 シ1,800,000
Companion (pg. 37-38) Select one of the following classes 6 シ225,000 16 シ2,100,000
Espion (pg. 38) (and archetypes if you are level 3+): 7 シ300,000 17 シ2,500,000
Eucypher (pg. 38-39) Biohacker. (pg. 65-70) 8 シ400,000 18 シ3,000,000
9 シ500,000 19 シ3,500,000
Feral (pg. 40) Cytomancer (pg. 67-68)
10 シ650,000 20 シ4,000,000
Leviathan (pg. 40-41) Dr. Frankenstein (pg. 68)
OsaLaska (pg. 41-42) Protean Grinder (pg. 69-70)
Sherlock (pg. 42-43) Codehacker. (pg. 71-76) 6. Character Details
Spartan – Infantry (pg. 43) Cracker (pg. 73-74) Fill in any of the remaining fields on
Spartan – Naiad (pg. 43-44) Puppeteer (pg. 74-75) your character sheet.
Spartan – Wraith (pg. 44) Synergist (pg. 75-76) Choose a name. Whatever sounds
Titan (pg. 44-45) Crook. (pg. 76-83) cool!
Traceur (pg. 45-46) Dealer (pg. 79-81) Record your maximum hit points.
Mutts. (pg. 46-57) Hitman (pg. 81) Determined by your Class, Con-
Optimized. (pg. 57-58) Robber (pg. 81-83) stitution modifier, and possibly
Transhuman. (pg. 58-59) Engineer. (pg. 83-90) other features.
Unmodified. (pg. 60-61) Gadgeteer (pg. 86-87) Record your initiative. Determined
Gearhead (pg. 87-88) by your Dexterity modifier, possibly
2. Generate Ability Scores Roboticist (pg. 88-90) modified by other features.
Choose one of the methods below, de- Gunfighter. (pg. 91-95) Record your speed. 9 base, possibly
scribed further on page 24, and then Gunslinger (pg. 93) modified by other features.
apply modifiers from your genome: Sniper (pg. 93-94) Record your Armor Class. Deter-
Specialized. 15, 15, 14, 10, 8, 8 Soldier (pg. 94-95) mined by your Dexterity modifier
Stratified. 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 Hardcase. (pg. 95-101) and/or armor, possibly modified by
Balanced. 14, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10 Damage Sponge (pg. 99) other features.
Odd Heavy. 14, 13, 13, 13, 13, 8 Gangster (pg. 99-100) Record your Damage Reduction.
Even Heavy. 14, 14, 14, 12, 10, 8 Unarmed Fighter (pg. 100-101) Determined by your armor, possibly
Random. 4d8, discard the lowest two Samurai. (pg. 102-107) modified by other features.
dice, six times. Suit. (pg. 107-115) Record your Proficiency Bonus.
Commander (pg. 113) Determined by your level.
3. Choose your Background G-Man (pg. 113-114) Character Development Questions.
Select one of the following back- Shark (pg. 114-115) Answer some or all of the questions
grounds, or make your own: on page 25 to flesh out your char-
Make your own. (pg.12) 5. Choose Equipment acter. (pg. 25)
Academic. (pg. 12-13) At First Level. Determined by your
Artist. (pg. 13-14) Background and Class. 7. Design your Cadre
Ideologue. (pg. 14-15) Beyond First Level. You gain Work with the other players to come
Investigator. (pg. 15-16) additional starting money based up with the details of your cadre.
Military Veteran. (pg. 16-17) on the table below. You can then (pg. 179) Record your Starting
Outlaw. (pg. 17-18) spend the money on the gear, Mosaic Score. Determined by your
Religious Disciple. (pg. 19-20) services, and upgrades described in level (pg. 180)
Slum Dog. (pg. 20-21) Chapters 4 and 5.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 11
Intro Backgrounds Additional L anguages
Every story has a beginning. Your character’s back- Everyone starts out being able to speak one language
Character ground reveals where you came from and how you be- of their choice, but some backgrounds also allow char-
Creation came enmeshed in cadre work. It also describes your acters to learn additional languages.
place in the world. Your gunfighter might have been
Genomes a grizzled soldier or paid mercenary. Your suit could Equipment
have been an academic or a wine entrepreneur. Your Each background provides a package of starting
crook might have gotten by as a street magician or equipment (in addition to the equipment provided
Classes a prostitute. by your class).
Choosing a background provides you with import-
Goods and ant story cues about your character’s identity. The most Suggested Characteristics
Services important question to ask about your background is, A background contains suggested personal character-
“What changed?” Why did you stop doing whatever istics based on your background. You can pick charac-
Upgrades your background describes and join a cadre? Where teristics, roll dice to determine them randomly, or use
did you get the money to purchase your starting gear, the suggestions as inspiration for characteristics of
or if you come from a wealthy background, why don’t your own creation.
Daemons you have more money? How did you learn the skills of
your class? What sets you apart from ordinary people Customizing a Background
Ability who share your background? You might want to tweak some of the features of a back-
Scores The sample backgrounds in this chapter provide ground so it better fits your character or the campaign
both concrete benefits (features, proficiencies, and setting. To customize a background, you can replace
languages) and roleplaying suggestions. one feature with any other one, and choose a total of
two skills, weapon groups, or armor groups, as well as
Skill , Weapon, and one vocational proficiency. Alternatively, you can swap
Combat Armor Proficiencies out one proficiency to learn two additional languages.
Each background gives a character proficiency in two Finally, choose two personality traits, one ideal,
Hacking skills, weapon groups, or armor groups. one bond, and one flaw. If you can’t find a feature that
If a character would gain the same skill, weapon, matches your desired background, work with your GM
or armor proficiency from two different sources (like to create one.
Brave New
class or genome), he or she can choose a different skill
proficiency from their class list instead. Sample Backgrounds
What follows are some examples of backgrounds that
NPCs Vocational Proficiency players might have.
In addition to the proficiencies described above, each
Appendices background also has an associated vocational profi- Academic
ciency, which describes general expertise associated You spent years in university studying your discipline.
with their profession. Books, research, and learning the mysteries of human
Vocational proficiency allows you to add your profi- nature and the universe are your life. You likely have
ciency bonus to any task that is directly related to your a masters or doctoral degree in some academic disci-
background. If a task is covered by both a skill and pline, and you may have even been a professor.
vocational proficiency, you may add your proficiency
bonus to your ability check twice. Proficiencies: Depending on your specialty (see
For example, if you choose the Artist background, below), pick two skills from the following: Bureau-
and select painter as your art medium, you can add your cracy, Life Science, Social Science, Physical Sci-
proficiency bonus from both your Performance skill ence, or Computers
and your Artistic Talent vocational proficiency when Vocational Proficiency: Academic Specialty
making checks related to painting art. Likewise, if you Languages: Two of your choice
choose the Ideologue background, and had proficien- Equipment: A vintage print of your favorite book, dig-
cy in Persuasion, any Charisma (Persuasion) checks in- ital library of 100’s of books, glasses, and シ1,000
volving your Personal Ideology vocational proficiency
would benefit from double your proficiency bonus.

12 // 1. Character Creation //
Specialty d6 Bond
To determine the nature of your academic training, roll 1 It is my duty to protect my mentor.
a d8 or choose from the options in the table below. 2 I know groundbreaking research that could
upset the very foundations of society.
d8 Specialty d8 Specialty
3 I am devoted to a library, university, or dig-
1 Anthropologist 5 Literature Scholar
ital site.
2 Biologist 6 Philosopher
4 My life’s work is a series of papers in a specific field.
3 Chemist 7 Physicist
5 I need to repay a major debt to a colleague.
4 Historian 8 Psychologist
6 I am deeply in student loan debt.

Feature: Research Focus d6 Flaw

You’ve spent thousands of hours on literature reviews, 1 My obsession with my research is unhealthy
so your search-fu is excellent when it comes to finding and all-consuming.
primary sources of research. If you are looking for in- 2 I have an attraction to all things grotesque and
formation even tangentially related to your specialty, disturbing, and am amused rather than horri-
you know exactly where to look and whom to speak to fied at life’s dark things.
if you want to go deeper. Your GM might rule that the 3 I would sell my own children to become a pres-
knowledge you seek is behind a paywall, or that it is in tigious intellectual in my field.
a classified database. 4 I over-engineer solutions, focusing on the inge-
nious method rather than the goal.
Suggested Characteristics 5 I am blunt to the point of being obnoxious.
Academics are single-minded and conscientious, per- 6 I can be arrogant and stubborn, especially
haps even obsessive, about their pursuit of knowledge relating to my field of study.
and expertise in their subject area.

d8 Personality Trait Artist

1 Verbose. I always use academic jargon.
You are a creative spirit, who needs to produce art for
2 Enthusiastic. I always bring up the latest
an audience. While the details of your art form can vary,
research I’ve been consuming.
you are possessed by the creative muse to bring beauty
3 Teacherly. I am a natural teacher of my disci-
and soul into this world. Bringing form to emotion and
pline and try to help explain things.
human experience is the essence of life for you.
4 Skeptical. I am a hardened skeptic.
5 Patient. I am slow to cast judgment and need Proficiencies: Performance, and either Acrobat-
to wait for evidence. ics for physical artists or Persuasion for visual or
6 Curious. I am obsessed with mystery. musical artists
7 Nerdy. I am very awkward in social situations. Vocational Proficiency: Artistic Talent
8 Career Minded. I’m incredibly ambitious and Equipment: Supplies necessary to create your art (mu-
want to succeed at everything I do. sical instrument, paints and canvasses, a portfolio, de-
sign software, etc.), a folder filled with fan mail, シ1,500
d6 Ideal
1 Truth. As a species, we are the universe’s way Medium Speciality
to examine itself. An artist works in particular mediums to evoke pathos
2 Humility. Knowing as much as you do, you in the audience.
realize how little you know. Choose one to three mediums you work with, or
3 Logic. There is an objective world out there, roll on the table below to define your specialties.
and feelings muddle it, you aim to avoid bias.
d10 Art Medium d10 Art Medium
4 Diligence. You only get what you want by
1 Actor 6 Author
putting your nose to the grindstone.
2 Painter 7 Poet
5 Power. Knowledge is a powerful currency, and
you seek it ravenously. 3 Comedian 8 Musician

6 Evolution. Knowledge is a tool for growth, you 4 Dancer 9 Director

use what you learn to improve yourself. 5 Singer 10 Acrobat

// GeneFunk 2090 // 13
Intro Feature: Limited Fame d6 Bond
For anyone interested in your medium, you are some- 1 I have a rival that some think is better than me.
Character thing of a celebrity. People that recognize you are in- I must destroy them.
Creation clined to help you for free, and you have advantage on 2 Worldwide fame is my goal, no matter what.
any Charisma checks made against them. Additionally, 3 Someone plagiarized my work, passing it off as
Genomes you can wrangle up a place to perform quite easily, as their own. I will get revenge.
long as it is a venue appropriate to your medium. 4 I am tight with a cohort of fellow performers
and would do anything for them.
Classes Variant: Professional Fighter 5 An AI is creating some amazing art, but it un-
Being a professional fighter has elements of perfor- dermines human creativity; it must be deleted.
Goods and mance, and you are trained to make the arts of combat 6 My magnum opus must be finished at all costs.
Services into a spectacle the crowd can enjoy, right down to the
smack talk during press conferences and weigh-ins. d6 Flaw
Upgrades Using your Limited Fame feature, you can find a place 1 I’m in it for the romantic opportunities, to my
to perform in highlights combat for entertainment— own detriment.
perhaps in an octagon, arena or secret pit-fighting club. 2 I take criticism far too personally.
Daemons You can replace Acrobatics with Athletics. 3 My work is heavily inspired by another, perhaps
it’s even derivative.
Ability Suggested Characteristics 4 I’ve trash-talked some nasty individuals, and
Scores Artists are exemplars of affect, intuitively knowing they want me dead.
the deep code to human emotion. They can pull on 5 I have extreme erratic mood swings.
heartstrings, bring tears to eyes, or enrage the audi- 6 My art is fueled by my dark and tragic past.
ence. They tend to appreciate beauty and the wonder
in the world.
Combat Ideologue
d8 Personality Trait
You have devoted your life to a specific cause, or ideolo-
1 Emo. I always bring up my feelings and ask
Hacking gy. It could be religious, political, or social in nature (or
how others are feeling.
all three). All of your goals are in some way colored by
2 Narcissist. I love to be the center of attention.
your passion of this ideology, using it as a lens through
Brave New 3 Shy. While I’m confident when I perform, I tend
which all truth must pass. Everything is a means to im-
World to be introverted outside of my performances.
plement the goals of your worldview. You aren’t nec-
4 Humorous. I love witty banter and roast- essarily religious, but you pursue your doctrine with a
NPCs ing people. religious zeal.
5 Elitist. I think people who don’t appreciate art Choose a specific religion or ideology when you se-
are dead inside and aren’t really conscious. lect this background. It could be a specific political party,
6 Perfectionist. I am my own harshest critic. social movement, cause, world religion, or philosophy.
7 Depressive. If I don’t produce art, I get sad. Were you raised with these views or recruited along the
8 Flakey. I am flighty and dance from idea way? Perhaps a mentor that you respect inducted you.
to idea. Maybe you are even the leader of a small cell of revolu-
tionaries, or a cult group devoted to the upcoming tech-
d6 Ideal nological singularity. Perhaps you are a transgenic or AI
1 Beauty. My art is a paraphrase of the wonder rights activist, or an anti-transgenic zealot.
already present in the world.
2 Imagination. Bringing novelty into the world is Proficiencies: Intimidation, Social Science
our role as a species. Vocational Proficiency: Personal Ideology
3 Pride. My art is fueled by my ego, I must show Equipment: Symbol of your ideology (necklace,
the world that I am the best. armband, tattoo), a manifesto or holy book of your
4 Greed. Riches and fame? Yes please. ideology, シ1,000
5 Service. It’s all about my fans, truly.
6 Honesty. Art is truth, truth is art. Feature: Group Power
As a collective, the devotees of your ideology are pas-
sionate about the cause and are enthusiastic about aid-

14 // 1. Character Creation //
ing any ally that promotes the one true way. You can d6 Ideals
call upon your group to provide shelter, protection, or 1 Purity. We shouldn’t be swayed by tempta-
to harass and attack your enemies, or provide informa- tions that would compromise our beliefs.
tion about them. Of course, sometimes this requires 2 Charity. We should always try to help those in
you to somehow advance the cause in return. need, no matter what the personal cost.
3 Passion. Endless energy can spring forth from
Suggested Characteristics conviction.
Ideologues are engaged, passionate, and righteous. 4 Honesty. I only tell the truth in almost every
Their characteristics tend to be geared towards zeal- circumstance.
otry, collective effervescence, and propagation of 5 Faith. I trust in my mentors, my other peers,
their world view. and my gut.

d8 Personality Trait 6 Aspiration. I’m not a perfect follower of my

dogma, but I am always becoming more devout.
1 Evangelical. I am evangelical about my cause,
injecting it into every conversation I can.
d6 Bond
2 Spartan. I tend to be a minimalist; material
1 I would die (or kill) to see my cause achieved.
things are distractions from the cause.
2 Someone deeply betrayed the cause, and I
3 Closed-minded. I get angry with anyone who
need to take care of them.
questions my world view.
3 I need to make enough money to fund a specif-
4 Sycophantic. I admire a leader of my
ic goal of my doctrine.
movement and often quote their teachings
4 I would do anything for the person who first
and ideas.
opened my eyes to the truth.
5 Persuasive. I persuade others to my beliefs by
5 The local cell of my movement is my family,
playing to their desires.
and I do what I can to help them.
6 Kin-focused. While my ideology is essential to
6 There is an opposing ideology out there, and I
me, friends and family come first.
need to fight it wherever it surfaces.
7 Opportunistic. I aim to turn my cadre into an
instrument for my cause, ideally willingly. d6 Flaw
8 Idealist. I’m a true optimist, believing the 1 I can’t help but be harsh towards nonbelievers,
world is progressing towards my doctrine. treating them unfairly.
2 My belief in my cause can make me blind
and foolish.
3 I put my ideology before myself and my
loved ones.
4 I will relentlessly try to destroy anything that
opposes my views.
5 I judge members of my own beliefs especially
harshly and will punish any deviation from
6 I need to constantly signal my devotion
and virtue.

Investigators are responsible for solving crimes after
the fact or determining if there even is a crime in the
first place. You might be a police officer, private detec-
tive, corporate intelligence agent, insurance fraud in-
vestigator, or any other trade that involves uncovering
potentially illegal mysteries.

Proficiencies: Insight, Investigation

// GeneFunk 2090 // 15
Intro Vocational Proficiency: Interrogation d6 Ideal
Equipment: A uniform in the style of your unit and 1 Utilitarianism. The ends justify the means, always.
Character indicative of your rank, a set of handcuffs, シ1,000 2 Punishment. Rules are there for a reason, and
Creation violators get what’s coming to them.
Feature: Seasoned Detective 3 Justice. Life is unfair, but I try to tip the scales
Genomes Your experience in enforcing the law and dealing with in the right direction.
lawbreakers gives you a feel for local laws and crimi- 4 Power. Being an enforcer in the system is
nals. You can easily spot and speak with law enforce- the best way to avoid being the victim of
Classes ment, and just as easily pick out the dens of criminal that system.
activity in a community, although you’re more likely 5 Truth. Investigation is about solving mysteries
Goods and to be welcome in the former locations rather than the and bringing truth to light.
Services latter. The GM might have law enforcement act more 6 Service. I serve my contract, city, country, cor-
favorably towards you. poration, or agency with everything I have.
Suggested Characteristics d6 Bond
Investigators are motivated by duty and curiosity, the 1 My honor is my life.
Daemons thrill of solving a riddle and ferreting out secrets. 2 An unsolved case forever haunts me.
3 My partner was killed in the line of duty, and I
d8 Personality Trait
Ability need to avenge them.
Scores 1 Perfectionist. I’m a consummate professional.
4 I know someone is guilty of the vilest of crimes,
2 Somber. I’ve seen some dark shit in my day,
but they got off scot-free.
Completing and now I’m not exactly “carefree”.
5 I still owe a debt to my old colleagues if they
Contracts 3 Edgy. My gallows humor is as dark as it comes.
ever call on me.
4 Ruthless. I prefer playing bad cop to good cop.
6 I have a soft spot for any victim who can’t
Combat 5 Cool. I’ve lost partners on the job, and now it
defend themselves.
takes a bit for me to warm up to my colleagues.
6 Violent. I use physical coercion, because it d6 Flaw
works and because it’s fun. 1 I am uncompromising to the extreme in my
7 Patronizing. Catching people in lies is sublime. application of the rules.
Brave New
8 Blunt. I have no time for pleasantries, I get 2 I am hypocritical and break the same laws
right to the point. I enforce.
3 I abuse my power, using my position for my
own benefit.
4 I am sadistic, and when I get a chance to pun-
Appendices ish others, I enjoy it immensely.
5 I follow the letter of the law and am blind to
the intention of the law.
6 I am ruthless.

Military Veteran
You’ve spent years working within a military operation.
You’ve seen battle and bloodshed, and you have been
trained and disciplined within your unit to be a lethal
killer. Work with your GM to determine the specific
military outfit you worked for. Was it a standing army,
a coast guard, or a militia? Or it might have been a syn-
dicate’s private army or a Ronin mercenary company.

Proficiencies: Choose two from Athletics, Drive, Me-

dium Armor, and Ranged Martial Weapons
Vocational Proficiency: Military Procedures
Equipment: An insignia of rank, a uniform, シ1,000

16 // 1. Character Creation //
Specialty d6 Ideal
During your time as a soldier, you had a specific role 1 Duty. When I have a mission, it gets done, end
to play in your unit or army. Your specialty will inform of story.
the scope of your Vocational Proficiency. Roll a d8 or 2 Friendship. When you’re in the shit, it’s just
choose from the options in the table below to deter- about the person next to you, that’s it.
mine your role: 3 Honor. Service has taught me the value of
integrity and character in the face of hardship.
d8 Specialty d8 Specialty
4 Power. The strong survive and prosper, the
1 Officer 5 Mechanic
weak perish.
2 Navy 6 Medic
5 Pacifism. I’ve seen enough death for a lifetime,
3 Infantry 7 Military Police
now I prefer to let people live if I have a choice.
4 Cavalry 8 Air Force
6 Service. I serve my contract, city, country, cor-
poration, or agency with everything I have.
Feature: Military Contact
You still have a good relationship with an old bud- d6 Bond
dy from your service years, and you can call upon 1 I would still lay down my life for the people I
them for help. served with.
Once per session, you can call upon the contact to 2 Someone saved my life on the battlefield. To
recruit their expertise, abilities, resources, or knowl- this day, I will never leave a friend behind.
edge, but they cannot be used to aid you in combat. 3 My honor is my life.
Contacts are described in greater detail in Chap- 4 I’ll never forget the crushing defeat my compa-
ter 3: Classes. ny suffered or the enemies who dealt it.
5 Those who fight beside me are those worth
Suggested Characteristics dying for.
Veterans are part of a band of brothers, they've served 6 I fight for those who cannot fight for
with men and women in battle, and have formed per- themselves.
manent ties with them. The horrors they've witnessed
are just as much a part of them as the comradery and d6 Flaw
the discipline of their training. 1 The monstrous enemy we faced in battle still
leaves me quivering with fear.
d8 Personality Trait
2 I have little respect for anyone who is not a
1 Fastidious. I’m always perfectly groomed.
proven warrior.
2 Tense. I’m always acting as though a fight is
3 I made a terrible mistake in battle that cost
about to happen.
many lives—and I would do anything to keep
3 High-strung. I’m a bit trigger happy, I’ve seen
that mistake secret.
too many people die from acting too slow.
4 My hatred of my enemies is blind and un-
4 Storyteller. I’m constantly telling stories
about my active duty.
5 I obey the law, even if the law causes misery.
5 Calm. I’m cool under pressure, and act like
6 I’d rather eat my armor than admit when
danger is no big deal.
I’m wrong.
6 Vulgar. I’m coarse in my demeanor and have
barracks humor. Outlaw
7 Arrogant. I tend to belittle people who have You have spent a large portion of your life making your
had a soft life. living on the wrong side of the law. You are no stranger
8 Unkempt. I have a disheveled appearance, and to theft, murder, fraud, and other felonies. Your mo-
only change clothes every few days. tives could be some combination of profit, desperation,
excitement, or power. You very likely are involved with
organized crime of some sort, be it bratva, yakuza, tri-
ads, Sicilian mafia, or local gangs.

Proficiencies: Intimidation, Streetwise

Vocational Proficiency: Underworld Etiquette
Equipment: A crowbar, prison tattoos, シ1,500

// GeneFunk 2090 // 17
Intro Specialty d6 Ideals
Within a criminal gang or similar criminal organiza- 1 Greed. Money first, everything else second.
Character tion, individual members have particular specialties. 2 Liberty. Laws are oppressive, no system has a
Creation How do you ply your illicit trade? Choose the role you right to tell me what to do.
played in your gangster life, or roll on the table below. 3 Equity. I redistribute wealth to where it needs
Genomes to go, the poor (and myself).
d8 Specialty d8 Specialty
4 Principled. I may not follow the law, but there
1 Dealer 5 Car Jacker
is another code I follow, the law of the streets.
Classes 2 Burglar 6 Hired Killer
5 Loyalty. I only break the law to benefit myself
3 Enforcer 7 Pickpocket
and my friends, who matter most to me.
4 Fence 8 Smuggler
Goods and 6 Redemption. One day I plan to leave this
lifestyle behind and settle down, maybe open
Feature: Shady Contact up a shop.
Upgrades You know a guy or gal deeply embedded in the crim-
inal underworld. This could be a fence, corrupt cop, d6 Bond
getaway driver, hitman, burglar, drug dealer, pimp, 1 There was a job that went sideways, and I was
Daemons prostitute, arms dealer, hacker, or any other person left for dead. Now I’m out for revenge.
operating on the wrong side of the law. 2 I’m saving up to get my dying family member a
Ability Once per session, you can call upon the contact to Phoenix Unlimited subscription.
Scores recruit their expertise, abilities, resources, or knowl- 3 I’m in love with an AI, and I heard a new chip is
edge, but they cannot be used to aid you in combat. being developed with sophisticated emotional
Contacts are described in greater detail in Chap- code: it will be mine.
ter 3: Classes. 4 In order to be number one, I need to surpass or
get rid of the competition.
Suggested Characteristics 5 I’ve committed a crime so serious, even I’m
Outlaws tend to follow a different set of rules than so- trying to hide it.
Hacking ciety at large dictates. That doesn’t mean they are with- 6 I am in deep with a criminal organization that
out scruples or sadistic, they simply don’t see the state won’t let me leave.
as a final arbiter of what is right and wrong. They may
Brave New
even have their own rigid moral code. d6 Flaw
1 I am very covetous of things my friends own.
d8 Personality Trait
2 I resent those that adhere too closely with law
NPCs 1 Vain. I always try to save face, and de-
and do my best to sabotage them.
mand respect.
3 I leap headfirst into danger, with reck-
2 Aggressive. I act alpha in every situation, un-
Appendices less abandon.
less someone puts me in my place.
4 My cadre's contract objectives take a back seat
3 Calculating. I constantly size up everyone and
to me getting rich if I see an opportunity.
everything, for threat level and value.
5 I break rules even when they would benefit me.
4 Optimistic. Conflicts are just business oppor-
6 I have no remorse or guilt.
tunities for me.
5 Cool. I try not to show emotions, and speak in
level tones even in intense situations.
6 Professional. I am a professional and treat
crime as a profession to be respected.
7 Opportunistic. I always am looking for oppor-
tunities to profit, side hustles are free money!
8 Vengeful. If someone disrespects me, I hold a
deep grudge.

18 // 1. Character Creation //
Religious Disciple Suggested Characteristics
You have spent your life in the service of a temple to a Religious disciples are shaped by their experience in
specific god or pantheon of gods. You act as an inter- temples or other religious communities. Their study of
mediary between the realm of the holy and the mortal the history and tenets of their faith and their relation-
world, performing sacred rites and offering sacrifices ships to temples, shrines, or hierarchies affect their
in order to conduct worshipers into the presence of the mannerisms and ideals. Their flaws might be some
divine. You are not necessarily a priest or cleric, but hidden hypocrisy or heretical idea, or an ideal or bond
you have strong ties to a formal faith. taken to an extreme.
Choose one of the world’s many religions when
d8 Personality Trait
you select this background. Were you a lesser func-
1 Fanatical. I idolize a particular hero of my faith
tionary in a temple, raised from childhood to assist
and constantly refer to that person’s deeds
the priests in the sacred rites? Or were you a Catholic
as example.
priest who suddenly experienced a call to serve your
2 Diplomatic. I can find common ground be-
god in a different way? Perhaps you were the leader of a
tween the fiercest enemies, empathizing with
small cult outside of any established structure or even
them and always working towards peace.
an occult group devoted to the upcoming technologi-
3 Superstitious. I see omens in every event and
cal singularity.
action. God tries to speak to us, we just need
to listen.
Proficiencies: Insight, Social Science
Vocational Proficiency: Religion 4 Optimistic. Nothing can shake my optimistic
Equipment: Religious paraphernalia (holy book, sym- attitude.
bol, prayer beads, yarmulke, etc.), vestments, シ1,500 5 Devoted. I quote (or misquote) sacred texts
and proverbs in almost every situation.
Feature: Shelter of the Faithful 6 Intolerant. I am intolerant of other faiths and
As a religious disciple, you command the respect of condemn the worship of other gods.
those who share your faith, and you can perform the 7 Hedonistic. I’ve enjoyed fine food, drink, and
religious ceremonies of your deity. You and your com- high society among my temple’s elite.
panions can expect to receive care at a temple, shrine, 8 Sheltered. I’ve spent so long in the temple
or other established presence of your faith. Those who that I have little practical experience dealing
share your religion will support you (but only you) at a with people in the outside world.
modest lifestyle.
You might also have ties to a d6 Ideals
specific temple or church dedi- 1 Tradition. The ancient traditions of worship
cated to your chosen faith, and and sacrifice must be preserved and upheld.
you have a residence there. This 2 Charity. I always try to help those in need, no
could be the temple where you matter what the personal cost.
used to serve, if you remain 3 Change. We must help bring about the chang-
on good terms with it, or a es the gods are constantly working in the world.
temple where you have 4 Power. I hope to one day rise to the top of my
found a new home. faith’s religious hierarchy.
While near your tem- 5 Faith. I trust that my deity will guide my
ple, you can call upon actions, I have faith that if I work hard, things
the priests for assis- will go well.
tance, provided the 6 Aspiration. I seek to prove myself worthy of
assistance you ask my god’s favor by matching my actions against
for is not hazard- their teachings.
ous and you remain
in good standing
with your faith.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 19
Intro d6 Bond Suggested Characteristics
1 I would die to recover an ancient relic of my Slumdogs have fought tooth and nail to survive, and this
Character faith that was lost long ago. can translate into harsh behaviors and language. They are
Creation 2 I will someday get revenge on the corrupt tem- damaged, and that damage manifests in their character.
ple hierarchy who branded me a heretic.
d8 Personality Trait
Genomes 3 I owe my life to the priest who took me in when
1 Guarded. I need always have my back to a wall,
my parents died.
and be near an exit.
4 Everything I do is for the common people.
Classes 2 Pragmatic. I eat anything, and never let things
5 I will do anything to protect the temple where
go to waste. Roadkill, old bottles? Throwing
I served.
that away is too Hollywood.
Goods and 6 I seek to preserve a sacred text that my ene-
Services 3 Hard. I still sometimes need to sleep outside
mies consider heretical and seek to destroy.
to get rest.

Upgrades d6 Flaw 4 Minimalist. I have two duffle bags and a back-

1 I judge others harshly, and myself even more pack that holds everything I own.
severely. 5 Blunt. Etiquette isn’t something I am aware of.
Daemons 2 I put too much trust in those who wield power I speak plainly.
within my temple’s hierarchy. 6 Extravagant. I try to hide my humble begin-
Ability 3 My piety sometimes leads me to blindly trust nings with lavish clothing and jewelry.
Scores those that profess faith in my god. 7 Uncouth. My hygiene and eating habits are
4 I am inflexible in my thinking. considered… base.
5 I am suspicious of strangers and expect the 8 Suspicious. I think there is danger around
worst of them. every door and corner.
6 Once I pick a goal, I become obsessed with it to
Combat d6 Ideal
the detriment of everything else in my life.
1 Grit. You need to get yourself some bootstraps,
and pull yourself up with them!
Slumdog 2 Compassion. You know suffering more inti-
You have spent a great deal of time living utterly desti- mately than others, and you do what you can
Brave New to prevent it.
tute in a transgenic ghetto, slum, or favela. You learned
to look out for number one during that time and to 3 Respect. When you are poor, sometimes it’s
value basic necessities. Maybe you were a beggar, thief, the only currency that matters.
street vendor, a prostitute, or a junkie (or some com- 4 Pragmatism. You get down to the nitty-gritty,
bination of the above). Your home has been rooftops, and can easily separate needs from wants.
Appendices shanties, alleyways, abandoned warehouses, or other 5 Loyalty. A friend who you can trust is worth all
such structures. Despite the harsh upbringing, you’ve the satoshi in the world.
survived this cutthroat environment, and somehow 6 Optimism. You’ve made it out of squalor,
ended up with the skills necessary for cadre work. what’s not to be happy about?!

Proficiencies: Stealth, Streetwise d6 Bond

Vocational Proficiency: Homeless Rapport 1 I will always defend the slum or favela in which
Equipment: A small knife, 1 gram of cocaine, シ1,000 I grew up.
2 My gang of friends from the slum days are
Feature: Slum Savvy like family.
You can navigate slums with ease, and you know the se- 3 A slum crime lord is the reason I’m still alive,
cret paths, places to avoid, and areas for shelter. While and I owe them a great debt.
traveling through a slum, you and your allies can move 4 The person who got me out of the slums is my
at double speed (when not in combat). You also get a +5 personal angel.
to Move checks in a Chase (see Chapter 8: Completing 5 I escaped poverty due to the big score I made,
Contracts) as long as it occurs in a slum. Additionally, stealing from one of the Big 9. I hope they don’t
you know of safe nooks and crannies to hide in, such as find out.
abandoned warehouses or building projects. 6 I’ve got a soft spot for the homeless.

20 // 1. Character Creation //
d6 Flaw the horrors of it. You have advantage on saving throws
1 I put myself first in survival situations. versus fear. Additionally, once per session, the GM can
2 I will do anything for money. give you a clue about a mystery you haven’t solved yet.
3 It takes me a long time to trust others.
4 I shoot first, ask questions later. Suggested Characteristics
5 I’m like Robin Hood, but I keep it for myself! Stargazers are primarily concerned with truth, and
6 I resent poor people who can’t escape their existence itself. They are examiners of life, and their
situation. characteristics relate to their ravenous curiosity. The
fatalism that tends to result from such serious reflec-
tion lends itself well to life in a cadre.
d8 Personality Trait
Your prime concern is the true nature of existence and
1 Aloof. I stare off into the distance with wonder
human nature. Philosophy, religion, neuroscience,
quite frequently.
cosmology, psychology, and other domains that ex-
2 Poetic. I use poetic language to summarize big
amine the universe and the human condition are your
picture takes on important events.
forte. While you may not be able to solve the puzzles of
3 Superstitious. I see signs and symbolism
life, the attempt itself is your true reward. You might
be a priest, shaman, philosopher, hallucinogenic drug
enthusiast, scientist, or some other vocation with a 4 Fatalistic. Realizing my insignificance, I can
penchant for soul searching. accept any fate life presents me.
5 Curious. I love to take mind-expanding drugs
Proficiencies: Insight, Social Science to get closer to the truth.
Vocational Proficiency: Introspection 6 Relaxed. I am as chill as they come, possessing
Equipment: Spiritual texts (holy book, philosophy text- a general and tranquil dispassion.
book, or science journal collection), and clothing or a 7 Intense. I sabotage small talk with heavy and
tattoo that captures your enlightened view, シ1,000 deep questions and musings.
8 Passive. Unless my skills are necessary, I’m
Feature: Comfort of the Enlightened more of an observer than a doer.
Your time examining and reflecting on the universe
and your relation to it has immunized you to some of

// GeneFunk 2090 // 21
Intro d6 Ideals lence in niche circles. You learned your skills through
1 Enlightenment. Expanding consciousness is formal schooling or informal apprenticeship to a mas-
Character why we are all here. ter of your craft. Technical detail, expertise, and dedi-
Creation 2 Compassion. When we are all one, cruelty cation to your craft are your hallmarks.
is absurd.
Genomes 3 Flexibility. There is no true nature, we must be Proficiencies: Choose two of the following, depending
like the reed that bends in the storm. on your business (see below): Computers, Insight, Life
4 Humility. I have no desire to put myself above Science, Physical Science, Mechanics, Performance
Classes others unless it is what needs to be done. We Vocational Proficiency: Technician, based on your
all have a role to play. business. For example, a barista would get the Tech-
Goods and 5 Wisdom. It is better to take a moment and nician - Barista proficiency
Services evaluate why we do what we do before rash Equipment: A set of tools that allow you to ply your
decisions. trade, a sample of your craft, シ1,500
Upgrades 6 Truth. To lie is to cast illusions within an illusion.
Variant Technician: Merchant
d6 Bond Instead of a technician, you might be the one market-
Daemons 1 I need to get a certain mind-expanding drug ing and selling the wares of said technicians.
legalized everywhere. You don’t craft items yourself, but earn a living by
Ability 2 There is a system of corruption that blinds peo- buying and selling the works of others (or the raw ma-
Scores ple to the truth, and I will bring it down. terials technicians need to ply their trade). Your skill
3 My mentor and guru is sacred and will be pro- proficiencies become Insight and Persuasion, and your
tected at all costs. vocational proficiency becomes Merchant, based on
4 The secret to enlightenment is in the genes, the types of wares you sell. For example, a barista mer-
and someone has been engineered with chant who sells coffee beans and espresso machines
it. I will sacrifice everything to make sure would get the Merchant – Barista proficiency.
they survive.
Hacking 5 I’ve seen the code for God, and it can’t fall into Business
the wrong hands. You can select your business from the Business table
6 I need to make enough money for an appropri- or roll randomly.
Brave New
World ate anthroid body for a conscious AI I met in d20 Business
the WDS, a digital spirit. 1 Web or WDS developer
NPCs 2 Locksmith or watchmaker
d6 Flaw
3 Brewers, distillers, and vintners
1 I get too caught up in the big picture, and the
important details, like surviving the next gun- 4 Barista or tea sommelier
fight, can get lost. 5 Carpenter
2 I don’t have a strong loyalty to those close to me, 6 Horticulturalist
we are all the same, expressions of the universe. 7 Chemist, lab tech, or pharmacist
3 I find it hard to kill, even when it is necessary. 8 Chef or baker
4 I am too accepting of my own fate, and won’t 9 Genome designer
fight tooth and nail to survive. 10 Engineer
5 I can be annoying and pretentious to people. 11 Movie or VR director
6 If the opportunity for enlightenment comes 12 Robotics designer
along, I would sacrifice everything for it. 13 Electrician
14 Construction
15 Graphic designer
16 Smith or materials scientist
You have dedicated a large portion of your life to a craft
17 Coder
or trade; be it brewing, genome design, electrician
18 Autobody work or mechanic
work, coding, carpentry, mechanics, or glass blowing.
19 Fashion or interior designer
You are a well-established tradesperson or profes-
20 Traditional artisan
sional technician, with a solid reputation for excel-

22 // 1. Character Creation //
Feature: Excellent Reputation d6 Bond
You have limited fame and perhaps even celebrity sta- 1 An early patron of mine has seen me through
tus surrounding your craft, and whenever you meet a the rough days, and I own them a great debt of
fan, they are much more willing to help you. gratitude.
2 My mentor gave me a gift of their own creation,
Suggested Characteristics and it was stolen from me. I will get it back.
Technicians are focused, conscientious, and exacting 3 I got into this biz because I fell in love, and they
when it comes to their trade, and they apply this work are really into my trade.
ethic to everything else they do as well. 4 My parents raised me in this trade, and I will
forever be indebted to them.
d8 Personality Trait
5 My special workspace is vital to my wellbeing,
1 Particular. I’m an elitist regarding my craft,
and an extension of myself.
no one is quite as sophisticated or cutting
6 It cost me a fortune to get educated and set
edge as I am.
up shop, and I owe some serious people some
2 Perfectionist. I only accept perfection, if it
serious money.
takes twice as long to get the last 5% perfect,
so be it. d6 Flaw
3 Obsessive. I use my craft to explain all of life, 1 I don’t waste my time on people who can’t
using metaphor and analogy endlessly. support me.
4 Judgemental. I have no patience for people 2 I endlessly criticize and badmouth others in
who lack dedication. my field.
5 Curious. I need to know the “how” of every- 3 My credentials are fake, and I only learned my
thing, knowing cause and effect is necessary. craft long after I got recognized for it.
6 Verbose. I like to talk at length about my 4 Unless my work is perfect, I destroy it and get
profession. depressed.
7 Enthusiastic. I am an evangelist for my craft in 5 I often copy the work of others as a time saver.
general, and for my work in particular.
6 If people don’t pay me enough, I purposefully
8 Disagreeable. I know my work is valuable, and botch their work.
I will make sure people pay what it is worth.

d6 Ideal Trust Fund Kid

1 Focus. I keep my eyes on the prize, distractions You understand wealth, power, and privilege. Your
are insidious and best avoided. family owns a great deal of wealth and wields signifi-
2 Fame. People across the world will know cant political influence. You’ve grown up in this social
of my work. class, and soaked in all the benefits, receiving a private
3 Kaizen. I am great, but can always get better. education and a life free of student loans.
There is a Platonic form of my craft to which Is your family wealth old and established, or was
I aspire. your family’s wealth only recently acquired? How
4 Service. My trade is for my audience and cli- much influence do they wield, and over what area?
ents, and their gratitude sustains me. What kind of reputation does your family have? What’s
5 Profit. Through my excellence, I expect to your position in the family? Are you the primary inher-
get rich! itor, or are you so far down the line of inheritance that
6 Mindfulness. Life’s not complicated, just be no one cares what you do, as long as you don’t embar-
present in what you are doing while you are rass the family? How does the head of your family feel
doing it. about your career? Are you in your family’s good grac-
es, or shunned by the rest of your family? These details
help establish your family as features of the world of
the campaign.

Proficiencies: Persuasion, Social Science

Vocational Proficiency: Highbrow Etiquette
Equipment: Fine clothes, シ3,000

// GeneFunk 2090 // 23
Intro Feature: Position of Privilege d6 Bond
Thanks to your privileged birth, people are inclined 1 My mother or father was the ultimate mentor, I
Character to think the best of you. Your family name precedes can never repay that debt.
Creation you, and you are welcome in high society, and people 2 My family gained wealth through their con-
assume you have the right to be wherever you are. You nection to a larger corporation, government, or
Genomes can secure an audience with celebrities and can get other organization. We owe everything to them.
into fine restaurants based on your name. 3 One day I will inherit my estate. It must be
cultivated and protected.
Classes Suggested Characteristics 4 I need to destroy the power my family has.
Trust fund kids are born and raised with a very dif- 5 I love a person of very low status and wealth; I
Goods and ferent lifestyle and their personalities reflect that up- would go to the ends of the earth for them.
Services bringing. Their elite upbringing can lead to feelings of 6 My public image must be pristine.
responsibility, or aloofness.
Upgrades d6 Flaw
d8 Personality Trait
1 I am an addict, be it drugs, or some other vice.
1 Egotistical. I’m the protagonist, others are
2 I know my family is deeply in debt to maintain
Daemons there to support me in my story.
their lifestyle.
2 Proud. My enlightened upbringing makes me
3 I am miserly to a fault.
an excellent leader and moral arbiter.
Ability 4 People are the rungs of a ladder I climb.
Scores 3 Humble. I realize my status is a matter of luck
5 I am consumed by guilt for being so fortunate.
and circumstance, and I’m no better than any-
6 I am the black sheep, my family either resents,
Completing one else. I am humble in every regard.
Contracts hates, or is embarrassed by me.
4 Vain. Designer clothing, custom made acces-
sories, my wealth and style are manifest in my
Combat appearance. Generating Ability Scores
5 Elitist. I avoid places that are too common To determine your base ability scores there are two
and lowbrow. methods, and your GM determines which one you will
6 Envious. I always have my eyes on who is rich- use when creating your character. Remember, your ge-
er and more privileged than me. nome will have modifiers to these ability scores as well!
Brave New
7 Tribal. I remember my friends, and never for-
give my enemies. Ability Arrays
8 Ambitious. Life is a game, and I started with a Choose one of the following five arrays, and assign
stacked hand. I will use it to win at any cost. each number to one of the six abilities as you see fit.
Specialized. 15, 15, 14, 10, 8, 8
d6 Ideal Stratified. 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8
1 Humility. I had fortunate birth; people Balanced. 14, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10
should be aware of the external forces that Odd Heavy. 14, 13, 13, 13, 13, 8
make them. Even Heavy. 14, 14, 14, 12, 10, 8
2 Power. Being born powerful is a trajectory, not
an inheritance. I will have it continue this path. Randomly Determined
3 Beneficence. I am a savior to the less fortu- Roll 4d8, discarding the two lowest dice, six times.
nate, and use my privilege to help them. Then, assign each of the numbers to each of the ability
4 Family. I am who I am because of my kin, and I scores as you see fit. If you don’t have at least two abili-
will pay it forward. ty scores above 13, or you have an ability score below 6,
5 Competitiveness. I will be number 1! you may roll your ability scores again.
6 Hedonism. I was born to have fun and experi-
ence pleasure, life is short!

24 // 1. Character Creation //
Character Development Motivations
Answer the following questions to flesh-out your char- 1. Why did you join this cadre?
acter, and provide a basis for why you do what you 2. What general goals motivate you (career, friend-
do. While your character will change as you play, it is ship, love, sex, ideals, justice, money, fame, etc.)?
still useful to have some scaffolding as a baseline. You 3. What short term specific goals motivate you (a
can answer as briefly as you like. The process of an- new car, put a wanted man in jail, get cyberoptics,
swering them is what will add color to your character destroy a rival cadre, etc.)?
and the story. 4. What long term specific goals motivate you? (De-
stroy a particular syndicate, have your cadre rise to
P ersonal History the top, etc.)
1. How old are you?
2. What ethnicity are you? Details
3. Where were you born? 1. What are your most hated food and drinks?
4. How religious are you? What religion? 2. What are your favorite activities?
5. Who are your parents, and where are they? 3. What are your most hated activities?
6. Do you have any siblings? 4. What kind of music do you like?
7. Have you ever committed serious crimes? What? 5. Do you have hobbies?
Been caught? 6. How do you feel about yourself?
8. Have you ever done violence to/killed another? 7. How is your sense of humor? What makes you laugh?
Many times? Why? 8. What are your favorite foods and drinks?
9. What are your secrets? 9. Do you have any pets?
10. What/where was your education? 10. Do you like to drink, or do any other drugs?
11. Do you have any enemies?
12. Do you have any rivals? Beyond 1st Level
13. Have you ever been seriously harmed? How? As your character goes on adventures and overcomes
14. How did you meet each of the other characters in challenges, they gain experience, represented by ex-
your cadre? perience points. A character who reaches a specified
experience point total advances in capability. This ad-
Ideals and Beliefs vancement is called gaining a level.
1. Is your character a hero? When your character gains a level, their class often
2. What are your vices? grants additional features, as detailed in the class de-
3. What are your virtues? scription. Some of these features allow you to increase
4. What do you fear? your ability scores, either increasing two scores by 1
5. What would you die for? each or increasing one score by 2. You can’t increase
6. What would you kill for? an ability score above 20 (unless you have an up-
7. Are you superstitious? grade or another ability that allows you to). In addi-
8. Are you merciful? tion, every character’s proficiency bonus increases at
9. Do you believe in absolute good and evil, or is it all certain levels.
relative? Each time you gain a level, you gain 1 additional Hit
10. What is your attitude towards the law? Die. Roll that Hit Die, add your Constitution modifier
11. Do you use your head or gut more? to the roll, and add the total to your hit point maxi-
12. How do you feel about friendship? mum. Alternatively, you can use the fixed value shown
13. How do you feel about your family? in your class entry, which is the average result of the
14. How do you feel about your country? die roll (rounded up).
15. What is your general political view? When your Constitution modifier increases by 1,
16. How do you feel about sex/relationships? your hit point maximum increases by 1 for each level
17. How do you feel about your daemon? you have attained. For example, if your 7th-level gun-
18. What are your attitudes towards digitizing and fighter has a Constitution score of 17, when he reaches
uploading the human mind to a computer? 8th level, he increases his Constitution score from 17 to
19. What are your attitudes towards the genetic engi- 18, thus increasing his Constitution modifier from +3
neering of humans? to +4. His hit point maximum then increases by 8.
20. How do you feel about the syndicates?

// GeneFunk 2090 // 25
Intro The Character Advancement table summarizes the enforcement, or major organized crime. The range of
XP you need to advance in levels from level 1 through your activity can reverberate through an entire megac-
Character level 20, and the proficiency bonus for a character of ity. VIPs are starting to pay attention to you.
Creation that level. Consult the information in your character’s National (Levels 11-15). Your cadre is among the
class description to see what other improvements you most dangerous and competent mercenaries in the en-
Genomes gain at each level. tire country. You are nationally famous, and even have
some international reputation. Most know not to mess
Character Advancement with you, and those that do are among the world’s
Experience Points Level Proficiency Bonus most dangerous people. Governments, corporations,
0 1st +2 and crime syndicates have people assigned to monitor
Goods and 300 2nd +2 your activity. You are big fish in a big pool, and even
900 3rd +2 large powers must take you seriously. Your work can
2,700 4th +2 involve intergovernmental plots, gang wars, the most
Upgrades highly guarded corporate trade secrets, and other con-
6,500 5th +3
tracts that might affect the fate of an entire country
14,000 6th +3
or large group.
23,000 7th +3
Daemons Global (Levels 16-20). Your cadre is among the
34,000 8th +3
world’s best. You have international notoriety as an
48,000 9th +4
Ability elite mercenary group, and only the richest entities
Scores 64,000 10th +4 can afford you. When you get work, it involves global
85,000 11th +4 conflicts, and the stakes can be world shaking. World
Completing 100,000 12th +4 leaders and the CEOs of the Big 9 have your cadre on
120,000 13th +5 speed dial. As individuals, each cadre member is likely
140,000 14th +5 capable of demolishing entire gangs, SWAT teams, or
Combat 165,000 15th +5 military squads.
195,000 16th +5
225,000 17th +6 Multiclassing
265,000 18th +6 Multiclassing allows you to gain levels in mul-
305,000 19th +6 tiple classes.
Brave New
355,000 20th +6 Doing so lets you mix the abilities of those classes to
realize a character concept that might not be reflected
in one of the standard class options.
NPCs Scope of Power by Level With this rule, you have the option of gaining a
Even at level 1, GeneFunk 2090 characters are elite level in a new class whenever you advance in level,
Appendices agents, capable of handling intense danger and in- instead of gaining a level in your current class. Your
trigue. As characters advance in levels, they are able to levels in all your classes are added together to deter-
handle plots and contracts of greater scope. mine your character level. For example, if you have
District (Levels 1-5). Your cadre is capable of han- three levels in hacker and two in gunfighter, you’re a
dling contracts that encompass events and people tak- 5th-level character.
ing part in neighborhood politics, business or criminal As you advance in levels, you might primarily re-
activity. You likely have niche reputation on certain main a member of your original class with just a few
turf in your home city based on your activity. You’ll levels in another class, or you might change course
likely interact with specific local gangs, other entry entirely, never looking back at the class you left be-
level cadres, beat cops, and maybe the occasional re- hind. You might even start progressing in a third or
gional boss. The repercussions of your work may not fourth class. Compared to a single-class character of
extend beyond certain areas of one city. the same level, you’ll sacrifice some focus in exchange
Megacity (Levels 6-10). Your cadre gains fame in for versatility.
your city of operations, and you are considered sig-
nificant operators, even in a megacity. You may even Prerequisites
have a bit of regional reputation extending into neigh- To qualify for a new class, you must meet the ability
boring cities. The contracts you deal with mix you up score prerequisites for both your current class and your
with government agents, corporate sharks, elite law new one, as shown in the Multiclassing Prerequisites

26 // 1. Character Creation //
table. For example, a hardcase who decides to multi- Proficiencies
class into the hacker class must have both Strength When you gain your first level in a class other than
and Intelligence scores of 13 or higher. your initial class, you gain only some of the new class’s
Without the full training that a beginning character starting proficiencies, as shown in the Multiclassing
receives, you must be a quick study in your new class, Proficiencies table.
having a natural aptitude that is reflected by higher
Multiclassing Proficiencies
than average ability scores.
Class Proficiencies Gained
Multiclassing Prerequisites Biohacker Life Science
Class Ability Score Minimum Codehacker Computers
Biohacker Intelligence 13 Crook One skill from the class’s skill list
Codehacker Intelligence 13 Engineer Mechanics
Crook Dexterity 13 Gunfighter Medium armor, ranged mar-
Engineer Intelligence 13 tial weapons
Gunfighter Dexterity 13 Hardcase Intimidation
Hardcase Strength 13 Samurai Martial melee weapons
Samurai Dexterity and Wisdom 13 Suit One skill from the class’s skill list
Suit Charisma 13
Class Features
Experience P oints When you gain a new level in a class, you get its fea-
The experience point cost to gain a level is always tures for that level. You don’t, however, receive the
based on your total character level, as shown in the class’s starting equipment, and a few features have ad-
Character Advancement table, not your level in a par- ditional rules when you’re multiclassing: Extra Attack
ticular class. So, if you are a crook 6/gunfighter 1, you and Unarmored Defense.
must gain enough XP to reach 8th level before you can
take your second level as a gunfighter or your seventh Extra Attack
level as a crook. If you gain the Extra Attack class feature from more
than one class, the features don’t add together. You
Hit Points and Hit Dice can’t make more than two attacks with this feature un-
You gain the hit points from your new class as described less it says you do (as the gunfighter’s version of Extra
for levels after 1st. You gain the 1st-level hit points for a Attack does). Similarly, the samurai’s Extra Attack fea-
class only when you are a 1st-level character. ture doesn’t give you additional attacks if you also have
You add together the Hit Dice granted by all your Extra Attack from gunfighter levels.
classes to form your pool of Hit Dice. If the Hit Dice are
the same die type, you can simply pool them togeth- Unarmored Defense
er. For example, both the gunfighter and the samurai If you already have the Unarmored Defense feature,
have a d10, so if you are a gunfighter 5/samurai 5, you you use whichever one gives you the highest bo-
have ten d10 Hit Dice. If your classes give you Hit Dice nus, not both.
of different types, keep track of them separately. If you
are a samurai 5/crook 5, for example, you have five d10 Hacking
Hit Dice and five d8 Hit Dice. Your capacity for hacking depends partly on your com-
bined levels in all your hacking classes and partly on
P roficiency Bonus your individual levels in those classes. Once you have
Your proficiency bonus is always based on your total the Hacking feature from more than one class, use the
character level, as shown in the Character Advance- rules below. If you multiclass but have the Hacking
ment table, not your level in a particular class. For ex- feature from only one class, you follow the rules as de-
ample, if you are a gunfighter 3/crook 2, you have the scribed in that class.
proficiency bonus of a 5th-level character, which is +3. Hacks Known. You determine what hacks you
know and can prepare for each class individually, as if
you were a single-classed member of that class. If you
are a biohacker 4/codehacker 3, for example, you know

// GeneFunk 2090 // 27
Intro five biohacker hacks based on your levels in the bio- Feats
hacker class. As 3rd-level codehacker, you know four A feat represents a talent or an area of expertise that
Character codehacker hacks. gives a character special capabilities. It embodies
Creation Hack Slots. You determine your available hack slots training, experience, and abilities beyond what a
by adding together all your levels in the biohacker, co- class provides.
Genomes dehacker, engineer classes, and 1/3 your levels (round- At certain levels, your class gives you the Ability
ed down) in the suit class if you happen to be the shark Score Improvement feature. Using the optional feats
archetype. Use this total to determine your hack slots rule, you can forego taking that feature to take a feat of
Classes by consulting the Multiclass Hacker table. your choice instead. You can take each feat only once,
If you have more than one hacking class, this ta- unless the feat’s description says otherwise.
Goods and ble might give you hack slots of a level that is higher
Services than the hacks you know or can prepare. You can use Ambidexterity
those slots, but only to run your lower-level hacks. If a You can use both of your hands with equal fluency,
Upgrades lower-level hack that you run, like nanodoc, has an en- gaining the following benefits:
hanced effect when run using a higher-level slot, you

can use the enhanced effect, even though you don’t •• When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you
have any hacks of that higher level. can add your ability modifier to the damage of the
For example, if you are the aforementioned bio- second attack.
Ability hacker 4/codehacker 3, you count as a 7th-level char- •• You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons
Scores acter when determining your hack slots: you have five when you would normally be able to draw or
1st-level slots and three 2nd-level slots. However, you stow only one.
don’t know any 3rd-level hacks, nor do you know any
2nd-level hacks. You can use the hack slots of those Armor Enthusiast
levels to run the hacks you do know—and potentially You’ve undergone intense combat training in the use of
enhance their effects. armors of all types, granting you the following benefits:

•• Increase your Strength or Constitution score by 1,

Multiclass Hacker Hack Slots
Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th up to your maximum.

Brave New
1 4 — — — — •• You gain proficiency with medium and heavy armor.
2 5 — — — —
3 6 — — — — Codehack Dabbler
4 7 — — — — You learn four 1st-level software hacks of your choice.
5 7 1 — — — If you have no hack slots, they must be run using the
6 7 2 — — — taking your time feature.
Appendices 7 7 3 — — —
Combat Hacker
8 7 4 — — —
Prerequisite: You possess at least 1 hack slot
9 8 5 1 — —
You’ve woven your hacks into your behavior as in-
10 8 5 2 — —
stincts in battle, and you gain the following benefits:
11 8 5 3 — —
12 8 5 4 — —
13 9 5 5 1 —
•• Whenever you have the chance to make an oppor-
tunity attack against a target, you can run a hack
14 9 5 5 2 — that targets them instead. The hack must have a
15 9 5 5 3 — launch time of 1 action, 1 bonus action, or 1 reaction,
16 9 5 5 4 — and must affect only the target that provoked the
17 10 5 5 5 1 opportunity attack.
18 10 5 5 5 2 •• If you have the Extra Attack feature, when you
19 10 5 5 5 3 run a hack on your turn, you can also make one
20 10 5 5 5 4 weapon attack.

28 // 1. Character Creation //
Deadeye Finesse Fencer
You have a knack for hitting the bullseye with ranged You are a phenom with one-handed dueling weapons,
weapons and can take advantage of any opening. You and short swords are deadly in your hands. As long as
gain the following benefits: you are wielding a light melee weapon and the rest of
your hands are free, you gain the following benefits:
•• Targets of your ranged weapon attacks do not bene-
fit from half cover or three-quarters cover. •• Your light melee weapons gain the quick property
•• Critical hits from your ranged weapons ignore when they are used to inflict slashing or pierc-
Damage Reduction. ing damage.
•• You gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class
Emotive Communicator
You are a master of using universally understood emo- Friends in L ow Places
tive cues, and your expressions carry you through lan- You’ve met more than your fair share of shady char-
guage barriers. You gain the following benefits: acters whom you can call upon when you’re in a bind.
You immediately gain two Illicit Contacts, as described
•• Increase your Charisma score by 1, up to in the crook class.
your maximum.
•• You do not suffer from disadvantage on Charisma Grappling Expert
checks when relying on your daemon’s universal You’ve developed the skills necessary to hold your
translator to speak a foreign language own in close-quarters grappling. You gain the fol-
lowing benefits:
You’ve honed a couple of skills to master-level com- •• You have advantage on attack rolls against a person
petency. Choose two of your skill proficiencies. Your you are grappling.
proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you •• You can use your action to try to pin a person
make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. grappled by you. To do so, make another grapple
check. If you succeed, you and the person are both
Explosives Wiz restrained until the grapple ends.
You know exactly where to place and how to construct •• You can initiate a grapple as a bonus action.
explosives, it’s deep in your muscle memory. You gain
the following benefits: Gun Fu Guru
You’re an expert at close quarters combat with pistols,
•• When you run an explosive hack, you can spend an mixing in some unarmed techniques as well, granting
extra シ500 so that the damage from the detona- you the following benefits:
tion is armor-piercing.
•• Your launch time for explosive hacks is cut in half. •• When you take the Attack action and attack with
•• You have advantage on saving throws versus explo- a firearm that has the close property, you can use a
sives of any type. bonus action to make a melee weapon attack with
the butt of your pistol, your elbow, or a knee. This
Eskrima Ace attack uses the Strength as an ability modifier, and
You’ve gotten deep into knife and stick fighting, grant- the damage for this attack is 1d4+Strength modifier
ing you the following benefits: bludgeoning damage.
•• When an enemy within 1.5 meters makes a weapon
•• You can draw or stow melee weapons with the attack against you, you may use your reaction to
light property as a free action twice per round shove or disarm them. This is resolved before their
instead of once. attack occurs.
•• You may use your reaction to make a melee attack •• After you have successfully shoved a target (either
with a light melee weapon against anyone who knocking them prone or pushing them back 1.5
makes a melee attack against you or an ally (if you meters) on your turn, you can use a bonus action
are within range). You gain a +5 bonus on your to make one weapon attack against them with a
attack roll with this attack. firearm that has the close property.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 29
Intro Hypospray Warrior •• If the attack reduces the target to 0 hit points,
You have martial training that allows you to use your the target immediately dies (or is destroyed) in a
Character hypospray to deliver drugs and poisons in the mid- graphically violent way, perhaps separating limbs or
Creation dle of combat. heads from bodies.
As an action, you can attempt to inject your target
Genomes with a drug or poison, using your proficiency bonus Networking H ustle
plus your Dexterity modifier versus your target’s AC. You play the social field, and have developed a few
You must load the hypospray with the poison or more relationships that you can leverage than most
Classes drug ahead of time. The hypospray must be reloaded people do. You gain the following benefits:
between uses, as a bonus action. This feat has no effect
Goods and on injection hacks, since they already allow you to use •• You immediately gain a Contact, as described in the
Services a hypospray during combat. suit class.
•• Once per session, you can use the Call in a Favor suit
Upgrades Kill Shot Training feature as if you were a suit of the same level. You
You’ve developed a talent for targeting the most vital can’t use this feature for the Resources favor. You
areas at the expense of accuracy, forgoing the center have one favor each session.
Daemons body mass target. You gain the following benefits:
Ability •• Before making a ranged weapon attack, you can You are an expert at multitasking, and you can run an
Scores choose to make the attack roll at a -5 penalty. If you additional hack or upgrade that requires concentration
do, add 3d6 to the damage roll (if you hit). (you may concentrate on one more effect than normal).
Contracts •• If the attack reduces the target to 0 hit points, the
target immediately dies (or is destroyed) in a graph- Parkour P ro
ically violent way. You are a skilled enthusiast of free running, flips, and
jumping. You gain the following benefits:
Martial Artist
Hacking You have martial training that allows you to perform •• You gain a +5 to Strength (Athletics) checks related
special combat maneuvers, and your unarmed strike to jumping.

Brave New
uses a d4 for damage. •• Climbing and difficult terrain don’t cost any
You learn three maneuvers of your choice from extra movement.
among those available to the Unarmed Fighter ar- •• You can make running jumps after 1.5 meters of
chetype in the hardcase class. If a maneuver you use movement (rather than 3).
requires your target to make a saving throw to resist •• You can make a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
the maneuver’s effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 to negate up to 10 points of falling damage.
Appendices + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity
modifier (your choice). Plastic Disposition
You can only perform these maneuvers 4 times be- Loss of humanity and the essence of human nature
fore you have to take a short or long rest to regain their are just social constructs as far as you’re concerned.
use. If the maneuver is an attack, you must declare Bring on the upgrades! You are unfazed by things
which maneuver that you are using before making that disgust, scare, or offend others. You gain the fol-
the attack roll. The maneuver is used whether or not lowing benefits:
the attack hits.
•• Your maximum number of upgrades is in-
Melee Monster creased by 1
You can put every ounce of your effort into your melee •• You gain advantage on any check to resist
attacks, sacrificing accuracy for damage. You gain the fear or horror
following benefits:
Point Blank Shot
•• Before making a melee weapon attack, you can Thanks to extensive practice with close-quarters
choose to make the attack roll at a -5 penalty. If you firearm techniques, being within 1.5 meters of an en-
do, add 3d6 to the damage roll (if you hit). emy doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged
attack rolls.

30 // 1. Character Creation //
P olyglot •• Your hit point maximum increases by an amount
You’ve studied a variety of different languages, per- equal to your level.
haps even working as an interpreter, granting you the •• Every time you gain a level after acquiring this feat,
following benefits: your hit point maximum increases by an addition-
al 1 hit point.
•• Increase your Intelligence by 1, up to •• When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not
your maximum. killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead.
•• You learn four languages of your choice. You can’t use this feature again until you fin-
ish a long rest.
Rugged Bodied
You’ve used resistance training to hone your body in Unflappable Talents
a particular area, making it especially resistant. You Your experience with a couple of skills is so baked into
gain the following benefits: you, screwing up just doesn’t happen in those domains.
Choose two of your skill proficiencies. Whenever you
•• Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution make an ability check that lets you add your proficien-
by 1, up to your maximum cy bonus from either of those skills, you can treat a d20
•• You gain proficiency in either Strength, Dexterity, or roll of a 9 or lower as a 10.
Constitution saving throws.
Virulent Toxicologist
Silver Tongue Whenever you inject a target with a home-brew toxin,
Your body language, tone, and prose tend to get people you always include a counter-defense complement of
to be a little looser with their spending. You gain the nanobots that disable your target’s immune system.
following benefits: Hacks you run that inflict poison damage gain the fol-
lowing benefits:
•• Increase your Charisma score by 1, up to
your maximum. •• Injection hack damage ignores poison resistance.
•• Clients always pay 10% more for contracts that •• If you roll a 1 on a damage die with an injection
you negotiate. hack, it is treated as a 2 instead.

Striker Weapon Enthusiast

Accustomed to rough-and-tumble fighting using You’ve undergone intense training in military weap-
whatever weapons happen to be at hand, you gain the ons of all kinds, granting you the following benefits:
following benefits:
•• Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, up to
•• Increase your Strength or Constitution score by 1, your maximum.
up to your maximum. •• You gain proficiency in all martial weapons.
•• You are proficient with improvised weapons.
•• Your unarmed strike uses a d4 for damage. Well H eeled
•• You can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action. You are wealthy, either through inheritance, lucky in-
vestments, or economic competence, and gain the fol-
Strong Minded lowing benefits:
You’ve trained your mind to be especially resistant to
trauma and attacks. You gain the following benefits: •• You count as one category higher for your lifestyle
granted by your Mosaic Score. For example, if your
•• Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma by Mosaic Score would normally grant you a lifestyle of
1, up to your maximum Middle Class, it instead grants you a lifestyle of Well Off.
•• You gain proficiency in either Intelligence, Wisdom, •• At 1st level, you start out with an additional シ
or Charisma saving throws. 1,000, and every time you gain a level you gain
your new level x シ1,000 in cash. If you acquire this
Unbreakable feat at higher levels, you may immediately gain
You simply refuse to die, and you gain the fol- an amount of money as though you had it starting
lowing benefits: from 1st level.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 31
Chapter 2: Genomes
hroughout the 21st century, breakthroughs in engineered in some way (or nearly all, if you consider

T biotechnology and genetic engineering were

common and revolutionary, and it wasn’t long
before people started tampering with the human
the daemon as genetic engineering).
You may choose from a great variety of genetic
templates when you create your character, with a di-
genome in order to make more “effective” humans. With versity of different traits. Each genome has separate
a greater understanding of DNA and the connection of advantages and disadvantages, described in their indi-
genotypes to phenotypes, major modifications to the vidual entries.
human genome became not a matter of if, but when. Different genomes are predisposed to certain types
Humanity’s obsession with self-improvement (and of behavior and have affinities for certain lifestyles
power) provides the will and the seemingly-mastered and jobs, but individuality and personal motivations
field of eugenics has paved the way for Homo sapiens can easily overcome genetic stereotypes. While ge-
to take control of their own biological evolution and netic engineering is mainstream, it is not perfect. The
change it to biological revolution. further away from the stable human stock a genome
By the year 2090, genetic engineering has become is, the more unforeseen problems occur as a result of
so prolific that there is a sizable population of altered genes that have been meddled with. Individuals from
genomes all over the earth. Out of the 11 billion people abnormal (transgenic) genomes are often subjected to
in the world, roughly 3 billion have been genetically “genoism”, a form of genetic discrimination.

GM Tool Kit: Engineering Your Own Genomes

There are 236 registered transgenic engineered genomes, and a host of others that are made off the books.
GMs can use the following rules as a rough guide in constructing their own genomes that players can use.

•• What is their purpose? Engineered transgenic genomes almost all have a very specific purpose for which
they were made. A job needed doing, and someone had an idea for a genetically modified specialist that
could do that job perfectly. Think of it like a hyper-specific caste system; what caste is your genome? What
were they designed for? How would the Don Draper of research and development pitch them to get funding
from corporate or government bean counters?
•• Give them a Backstory. Spring boarding from their purpose, decide what corporation, government, or crim-
inal cabal funded research and production of this genome? Are they affiliated with or mostly located in a
particular region of the world? How are they perceived by others?
•• What traits allow them to fulfill their purpose? Pick traits that make them excellent at their predetermined job.
•• Spend approximately 25 points on abilities and traits Traits Point Cost
shown in the table here to get an approximation of +1 to an ability score 2
their appropriate power level. Use the genetic en- +3 to an ability score, 7
hancement and flaw tables (see the Mutt genome). and 22 maximum
•• Power balance. Some feats may be a little more power- Feat 4 or 5
ful, so weight them with 5 points instead of 4. Likewise, Genetic Enhancement 4
some genetic flaws don’t hinder characters as much as Genetic Enhancement Amplified 10
others. For example, the Short Lived flaw might only
Genetic Flaw -1 to -4
be weighted as -1 point, since it likely won’t even come
up during gameplay, while Slow would certainly be -4 points. Also, ensure that no ability score ends up with
more than a +4 bonus by the end, since they can come from multiple sources. Strength is an exception to
this, which can end up with a +5 bonus, as it’s a little easier to increase.
•• There is no perfect formula for power balance here, so trust your gut. Genomes with lots of synergies might
be extremely powerful even at 22 points, while ones with less combos might not perform as well even at 28
•• Err on the side of not making them too powerful at first, since if they end up underperforming during play,
you can always beef them up after playtesting them. The player using your homebrew genome will be much
happier getting a boost than a reduction in their abilities if you decide it needs tweaking.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 33
Intro Looking Strange or Inhuman Engineered
Transgenic genomes (engineered and mutts) will of- Transgenic engineered humans have been modified
Character ten have genetic abnormalities that manifest in their with foreign or novel DNA sequences. They typical-
Creation appearance. Looking strange or inhuman has in-game ly have been designed to possess incredible quali-
effects as described below. ties, such as super strength, intelligence, perception,
Genomes or speed. Just as dogs are bred to have certain traits,
Strange Appearance transgenic humans have been designed to exempli-
While you appear human, you have certain features fy certain qualities. Transgenic humans often look
Classes that mark you as transgenic. While those features are strange and have abilities relating to the task they were
apparent, the following effects apply: designed for.
Goods and
•• You have disadvantage on Charisma checks involv- Origin
ing disguising yourself (unless you are disguised as The practice of cross-species human genetic modifi-
Upgrades someone with a similar strange appearance). cation became increasingly widespread during the
•• You have either advantage or disadvantage on cer- 2040's, 50's, and 60's. Though a violation of the Ge-
tain Charisma checks involving people with strong nome Accord, China enthusiastically pursued the sci-
Daemons feelings towards transgenic humans. ence and technology of introducing non-human DNA
sequences into human embryos, creating genetically
Ability Inhuman Appearance enhanced humans.
Scores Your transgenic genome is readily apparent at a Fearing becoming technologically obsolete more
glance and it’s impossible to hide short of a full body- than the ramifications of breaking the Genome Ac-
suit. While those features are apparent, the following cord, some other countries also initiated cross-species
effects apply: genetic enhancement programs. Since then, it has
broadened into a multi-trillion-dollar industry, pro-
•• It is impossible to disguise yourself unless you are ducing genetically specialized soldiers, miners, deep-
disguising yourself as someone with a similar inhu- sea divers, pilots, etc.
Hacking man appearance. As of the year 2090, there are roughly 600 million
•• You have disadvantage on certain Charisma checks transgenic individuals in the world.
involving people with strong feelings towards
Brave New Made Order
transgenic humans. to
Transgenic humans are specialized for one task or job
from the moment of birth and excel at this task be-
yond all others.
Some parents arrange to have their future child ge-
Appendices netically designed in hopes of guaranteeing them a job,
and corporations or governments interested in these
future productive and specialized employees often
foot the bill for the process.

Wards of the State or Corporation

Some countries have laws that allow nation-states to
be the legal guardians of transgenic children, or even
allow for corporations to fill this role. If a syndicate has
a problem, a brand new genetically modified solution
might be the answer.
As a result, sizable numbers of genetically-designed
children end up being raised in corporate or state-run
childcare facilities called crèches. Depending on the de-
mand for the particular genome, they are sometimes
birthed in cloned batches, with up to dozens of ge-
netically identical (or nearly identical) children being
raised as brothers and sisters.

34 // 2. Genomes //
Parents “ Freaks ”
Rules Variant:
Inevitably, transgenic humans fall in love with each
Custom Engineered
other, or any other type of human, and make babies
While the tried and true engineered genome tem-
the old-fashioned way. The resulting offspring aren’t
plates are the most common, experiments are
designed for any particular job, and the hodgepodge
constantly being done, testing the market with
of traits they inherit from their engineered parents is
new genomes. With the GM’s permission, a player
largely random. These genetic admixtures, or “mutt”
may design their own transgenic engineered ge-
children, are a new type of human, not designed with
nome. Custom engineered genomes can be made
purpose, but possessing unusual traits and appearanc-
using the following rules.
es, setting them apart from other humans.
Prototype Genome. During character creation
you can choose to have 6, 7, or 8 genetic en-
Specific Genetic Templates
hancements. You choose them from the genetic
In 2090, there are 236 registered and patented genet-
enhancement table (See the Mutt genome).
ically designed templates, the 14 most common being
You can’t select amplified enhancements
described below.
unless you buy them in pairs, and spend an extra
enhancement. For example, you could select
upgraded Enhanced Strength and amplified
Despite its gentle sounding name, the Canary genome
Enhanced Constitution for 5 (not 4) genetic en-
is made of the toughest stuff there is. This Hexie de-
signed genome was developed for working in deep
You also have a number of genetic flaws, deter-
mines doing heavy manual labor and is one of the ear-
mined by the number of genetic enhancements
liest genomes that is still in production. The oppressed
you take (as seen below).
laborers of the Canary genome were quite numerous
You may select one of your genetic flaws, but
among the transgenic uprisings in China.
are forced to roll additional genetic flaws on
Canaries have been designed to possess excellent
the genetic flaw table, until all of your flaws are
durability to better survive the harsh conditions present
accounted for. If you roll the same flaw twice, you
in deep mines and other blue-collar jobs where safety
must roll again.
regulations may have been lacking. Be it an injury from
Genetic Enhancements Genetic Flaws factory machinery or poisonous gas, the Canary genome
6 2 can handle it much better than unmodified humans.
7 3 While many do find employment in dangerous
8 4 mining or oil rig labor, others have found their talents
useful in alternate fields, such as professional fighting,
stunt acting, the military, or hired muscle.
Though completely free to choose their own desti- Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and your Con-
ny, most engineered humans end up deciding to stick stitution scores are increased by 4. Additionally, your
with the company or country that raised them and maximum Strength and Constitution scores are now 24.
work in the job they were created for. It’s what they are Healing Factor. You regain 1 hit point at the start of
designed to enjoy, and the state or corporation is often each turn, and you regain all of your hit points whenev-
their only family. er you take a short rest. Additionally, you always count
as having two fewer levels of exhaustion. You need ac-
Genetic Prejudice cess to extra food (calories) after a combat when this
While transgenic humans enjoy the same general feature is used, or it won’t function in the next combat.
rights as others, they are often the target of prejudice, Toxin Resilience. You have advantage on saving
being seen as unnatural, or non-human. They are par- throws against poison, and you have resistance against
ticular targets of religious zealots who view them as poison damage.
abominations not being made in God’s image. Even Tough as Nails. At first level, and whenever you
among those who accept them, they are often reduced gain a level, your hit point maximum increases by an
to the task they were designed for, stereotyped for life. additional 2 hit points.
Bioluminescence. Your skin produces blue fluores-
cent proteins and luciferin, making you glow in the
dark with a soft azure hue. You have disadvantage on

// GeneFunk 2090 // 35




Goods and






Dexterity (Stealth) checks unless you are covered from athletics and are fan-favorites in many of the tradi-
head to toe, and you have a strange appearance. tional team sports. Their short lifespan lends itself to a
Brave New
Musk. Your sweat glands produce a sharp-smell- more reckless lifestyle full of risk and adventure.
ing rusty odor. You have disadvantage on Dexterity Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Strength
(Stealth), Charisma (Persuasion), and Charisma (Per- scores are increased by 3. Additionally, your maximum
formance) checks if the target can smell you. Dexterity and Strength scores are now 22.
Athleticism. You gain proficiency in the Athletics
Appendices Coelhomortos and Acrobatics skills.
A result of the golden age of animal hybrid genomes Blind Loyalty. You have absolute devotion to a small
and enhanced sports, the rabbit-like Coelhomortos group you identify as your pack and will put yourself in
genome was illegally developed in the Bosque Oscuro, harm’s way to protect any one of them, even if you think
deep in the Amazon basin. it’s hopeless. This group is almost always your cadre.
At the time of their creation, an underground mar- Danger Sense. A mixture of excellent peripheral vi-
ket for transgenic blood sports was booming, and the sion and other sensory tweaks leaves you with an excel-
Coelhomortos were engineered to be prey for more lent sense for danger. You gain the following benefits:
predatory genomes in a brutal game of capture the flag. You gain a +5 bonus to initiative
They are designed to work well as a team and are fast, You can’t be surprised while you are conscious
agile, and alert. Other people don’t gain advantage on attack rolls
Earlier Coelhomortos incarnations tended to get against you as a result of being hidden from you.
uniformly slaughtered in the sport, but later pro- Pack Tactics. You gain advantage on attack rolls
duction lines were toughened up to make the events against a target if at least one of your allies is within
more sporting, and since then, they have developed a 1.5 meters of the target and that ally isn’t incapacitated.
fierce reputation. Prey Instincts. Your ancestral prey traits lend them-
Such blood sports are rare in 2090, but the Coelho- selves to quick thinking and agility. As a free action on
mortos genome is still popular for more mainstream your turn, you can take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide

36 // 2. Genomes //
action. After you use prey instincts, you can’t use it Simple Minded. Your Intelligence and Wisdom
again until you complete a short or long rest. scores are decreased by 2.
Rabbit Feet. It’s in your DNA to be fleet of foot and Inhuman Appearance. You are completely covered
nimble. You gain the following benefits: in soft fur, have a rabbit-like face, and digitigrade legs.
Upgrade Intolerant. Your body doesn’t take well to
•• Your speed increases by 3 meters. implants and biohacks, and as a result, the maximum
•• You can use the Dash action as a bonus action. number of upgrades you may have is limited to 6.
•• When you take the Dash action, difficult terrain
doesn’t cost you extra movement until the end of Companion
the current turn. The companion genome was designed for sex work,
•• You multiply the amount of distance you can jump entertainment, social manipulation, and media com-
by 3, and you can fall 9 meters without taking dam- munication. The great seductive powers of this ge-
age (instead of 3). This trait doesn’t stack with any nome enable them to induce cooperation and manip-
other ability that increases your jumping distance. ulate others. Their beauty is enough to drive men and
•• As a bonus action, you can try to shove a creature women mad with desire. Even those not attracted to
within 1.5 meters of you with a rabbit kick. If you them are overwhelmed by their amazing presence and
succeed, they take 2d6 bludgeoning damage. This charm. This genome has seen extensive use in high-
damage increases to 2d8 at level 6, 2d10 at level 11, class brothels, exotic dancing, the media, music, act-
and 2d12 at level 17. ing, and even politics.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence and Wis-
Short Lived. Your telomeres are shorter than dom scores are increased by 2, and your Charisma
they should be, and you suffer from age-related cel- score is increased by 4. Additionally, your maximum
lular damage earlier than most. Your expected life Intelligence and Wisdom Scores become 22, and your
span is from 25-30 years old, but you reach adult- maximum Charisma score becomes 24.
hood at 15 years.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 37
Intro Chemical Dependence. In addition to regular food, words. When words fail, the enhanced intellect and
you must consume a nutrient supplement called Medi- agility are usually enough to overcome obstacles. This
Character an every day. Failure to get this supplement counts as not genome sees plenty of action as assassins, spies, actors,
Creation eating at all. This supplement is available in most cities salespeople, lawyers, and police.
and is covered by your lifestyle (see Chapter 8: Complet- Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Intelli-
Genomes ing Contracts), but it might be a problem doing long gence scores are increased by 2, and your Wisdom and
term camping, and costs シ25 per day for field rations. Charisma scores are increased by 3. Additionally, your
Enchanting. People naturally like you and tend to ap- maximum Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Cha-
Classes preciate your opinion. You gain the following benefits: risma scores become 22.
Emotionally Intuitive. You are able to read people
Goods and •• You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill. If you like a book, knowing what they are thinking and feeling
Services are already proficient in this skill or gain proficien- before even they do. You gain the following benefits:
cy at a later time, you add double your proficiency
Upgrades bonus to checks you make with it. •• You gain proficiency in the Insight skill. If you are
•• You can charm a person, simply by having a brief already proficient in the skill or gain it at a later
conversation with them. After a conversation, time, you add double your proficiency bonus to
Daemons make a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by checks you make with it.
the target’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If your check •• You can use your action to get an emotional read on
Ability succeeds, the target is charmed by you for 1 min- one person you can see. Make a Wisdom (Insight)
Scores ute. This feature cannot be used on a target that is check contested by the target’s Charisma (De-
engaged in combat. ception) check. If your check succeeds, you have
advantage on attack rolls and ability checks against
Performance Artist. Be it dance, storytelling, paint- the target until the end of your next turn.
ing, or some other artform, your natural mastery of
performance allows you to command the attention of Social Chameleon. Skilled at impressions and mim-
others. You gain the following benefits: icry, you gain the following benefits:
•• You gain proficiency in the Performance skill. If you •• You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) and
are already proficient in the skill or acquire it later, Charisma (Performance) checks when trying to pass
Brave New
you add double your proficiency bonus to checks yourself off as a different person.
you make with it. •• You are excellent at impressions, and can easily

•• You can use performance to occupy a target’s mimic speech patterns and tone. After studying
attention, distracting them. Make a Charisma (Per- someone’s speech for a few minutes, you are able to
formance) check contested by the target’s Wisdom mimic it. Listeners must make a successful Wisdom
Appendices (Insight) check. If your check succeeds, the target (Insight) check contested by your Charisma (Decep-
makes Dexterity, Intelligence, and Wisdom ability tion) to see through the impression.
checks with disadvantage as long as they are per-
ceiving your performance. Eucypher
Eucyphers were originally engineered by Omnitech
Pheromones. You produce scents that make people to be the ultimate hackers. The augmented mental
trust you implicitly. Whenever you make a Wisdom abilities allow them to navigate code with uncanny
(Insight), Charisma (Deception), Charisma (Persua- ease. The Eucypher’s frail physique make violent cadre
sion), or Charisma (Performance) ability check, you work challenging, but their great intellect can usually
can roll with advantage as long as the target is within 6 compensate. In fact, due to their excellent brain, this
meters and can smell you. genome is useful in most professions.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increas-
Espion es by 1, your Intelligence score increases by 4, and your
The Espion genome was designed for covert intelli- Wisdom score increases by 3. Additionally, your maxi-
gence and to subvert rival syndicate employees. Indi- mum Intelligence score is now 24, and your maximum
viduals with this genome are expert actors and manip- Wisdom score is now 22.
ulators, being able to read exactly what people want Marfan Syndrome. You have a variant form of Mar-
and extract secrets from them with nothing more than fan, so your limbs and digits are extremely long and

38 // 2. Genomes //
you are unusually tall and slender. This gives you a es to 2d6, at level 11 it increases to 2d8, and at level 17
strange appearance. scores critical hits on a roll of 18-20.
Multitasker. You are an expert at multitasking, Enhanced Senses. You gain proficiency in the Per-
and you can run an additional hack or upgrade that ception skill and you can see in dim light within 18 me-
requires concentration (you may concentrate on one ters of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as
more effect than normal). if it were dim light.
Natural Coder. You learn four 1st-level software Natural Leaper. You multiply the amount of distance
hacks of your choice. Without hack slots, they must be you can jump by 3, and you can fall 9 meters without tak-
run using the taking your time feature (see Chapter 10). ing damage (instead of 3). This trait doesn’t stack with
Weak. Your Strength score decreases by 2. any other ability that increases your jumping distance.

Strength Long High

Feral (Athletics) Jump Distance Jump Distance
A variant of the Traceur genome, the Feral genome is
5 4.5 meters 0 meters
an attempt to stretch the limits of the border between
10 9 meters 1.5 meters
humans and mammalian carnivores. This genome is
15 13.5 meters 3 meters
the classic splice between human and wild animal that
20 18 meters 4.5 meters
has been seen in pulp science fiction. It was developed
25 22.5 meters 6 meters
in the early 2050's by a Russian company for both mil-
itary applications and to satisfy human curiosity. They 30 27 meters 7.5 meters
are completely covered in hair and sport vicious claws
and fangs like many other mammalian predators. Pounce. If you move at least 6 meters straight to-
They are stronger and faster than an average human, ward a large sized or smaller character and then hit it
but they sport a nasty temper. They often find work in with a claw attack on the same turn, you can make an
the military, as professional fighters, guides for hunt- attempt to shove that character as a free action.
ers, or even jobs in the entertainment industry. Simple Minded. Your Intelligence and Charisma
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Dexterity scores are decreased by 2.
scores are increased by 3. Additionally, your maximum Camouflage. Your biology is well equipped for con-
Strength and Dexterity scores become 22. cealing yourself, and moving quietly. You gain the fol-
Acute Olfaction. You have countless folds in your lowing benefits:
nose, to increase surface area. The result is that your
olfaction is now even more acute than a bear’s. •• You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. If you are
You can recognize people’s unique scent, track already proficient in the skill, or later gain profi-
them easily (as long as it hasn’t rained), and gain in- ciency, you add double your proficiency bonus to
credible details about anything you might eat or drink. checks you make with it.
While tracking people, you also learn their exact num- •• You can attempt to hide even when you are only
ber, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through lightly obscured.
the area. If you are downwind of someone, it is impos- •• If you are unseen, you can move up to 3 meters in
sible for them to hide from you, or keep themselves the open without revealing yourself if you end the
disguised without some major alteration of their scent. move in an area with cover of some type.
Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom (Percep-
tion) checks that rely on smell. Swift Feet. It’s in your DNA to be fleet of foot, and nim-
Animal Rage. When someone provokes you, you ble. You gain the following benefits:
can’t help but engage in obvious dominance play. You
must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 5-10 depend- •• When you use the Dash action, difficult terrain
ing on the provocation) and attack or shove the offend- doesn’t cost you extra movement and you don’t
er on a failed save. elicit opportunity attacks on that turn.
Carnivore. You are unable to digest plant-based sug- •• Your speed increases by 3 meters.
ars and must subside on a purely meat diet.
Claws. These razor-sharp retractable claws act as Predatory Form. You are completely covered in hair,
a light finesse simple melee weapon that does 2d4 ar- and have claws, fangs, and a canine nose. You have an
mor-piercing, slashing damage (plus Strength or Dex- inhuman appearance.
terity modifier). At level 6 your claws damage increas-

// GeneFunk 2090 // 39




Goods and






Leviathan score becomes 24, and your maximum Constitution
The Leviathan genome was developed by the Ronin score becomes 22.
Brave New
International J41 project, a biotech R&D initiative aim- Acute Senses. You gain proficiency in the Percep-
ing to produce specialist genomes for every security tion skill and you can see in dim light within 18 meters
and military application imaginable. Leviathans have of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if
a distinctly crocodilian appearance, complete with it were dim light. If you are already proficient in Per-
leathery scales, hulking frame, and frightening toothy ception, or later gain proficiency through other means,
Appendices maws designed to rip and tear flesh. you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you
Designed primarily for security and bodyguarding, make with it.
Leviathans capitalize on their terrifying appearance Carnivore. You are unable to digest plant-based sug-
to deter any potential interlopers based on fear alone. ars and must subside on a purely meat diet.
Their senses have been amplified to facilitate their role, Leathery Scales. Hard leathery plates protect your
and their brains have been made resistant to hacking. body’s vulnerable areas. Your AC can’t be less than 18
If intimidation doesn’t work to discourage their ene- and your DR versus slashing / piercing / bludgeoning
mies, brute strength, reptilian fortitude, and a power- can’t be less than 4, regardless of what kind of armor
ful bite are nice for a bit of ultra-violence. you are (or aren’t) wearing.
In addition to the security and bodyguard work they You also suffer from disadvantage on Dexterity
were designed for, Leviathans are commonly found (Stealth) checks. Additionally, you can’t add your Dex-
working as bouncers, mafia enforcers, professional terity modifier to your Armor Class, but it also does not
athletes, and even as samurai. Naturally, many Levia- penalize you for having a negative Dexterity modifier.
thans find themselves uniquely suited to cadre work. The minimum AC increases by 1 at levels 3, 6, 9,
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score is 12, 15, and 17, and the minimum DR increases by 2 at
increased by 4, and your Constitution score is in- levels 7 and 15.
creased by 2. Additionally, your maximum Strength Menacing Maw. Your mouth is large and filled with
razor-sharp and powerful teeth.

40 // 2. Genomes //
You can make Strength (Intimidation) ability OsaLaska
checks instead of Charisma (Intimidation) checks The OsaLaska genome, developed in Russia by Gen-
against targets within 6 meters. If you are grappling a STADA, is designed to carry out assassinations. They
target, you gain advantage on Strength (Intimidation) are immediately recognizable by their small size,
checks against them. snout-like nose and transparent skin, which gives
In addition, you can bite grappled targets, which them perhaps the most horrifying appearance out of
counts as a simple melee weapon with the ar- any genome. Muscle tissue and bone are laid bare be-
mor-piercing property that does 2d6 piercing damage neath a wet looking clear dermis.
(plus Strength modifier). At level 6 your bite damage To better eliminate their prey, they can climb walls
increases to 2d8, at level 11 it increases to 2d10, and at like a spider, paralyze enemies with a venomous touch,
level 17 it increases to 2d12. track like a bloodhound, and induce bursts of frenzied
Reptile Brain. The pathways in your brain are wired energy like a wolverine. If that wasn’t enough, they
a bit differently, and so is your interface with your can also change the color and texture of their normally
daemon. As a result, mind hackers have a hard time transparent skin to match their surroundings. It is said
cracking in. You gain advantage when making saving they possess genes from weasels, octopi, and jellyfish.
throws against any mind hacks. Some social scientists have controversially noted
Simple Minded. Your Charisma score is decreased that the representation of OsaLaska among serial kill-
by 2 and your Wisdom score is decreased by 1. ers is disproportionately large.
Slow. Your lumbering body shape simply isn’t Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score is in-
designed for quick movement, and your base creased by 3, and your Intelligence score is increased
speed is 6 meters. by 2. Additionally, your maximum Dexterity and Intel-
Crocodilian Form. You are completely covered in ligence scores are now 22.
hard leathery scales, have reptilian features, bright Acute Olfaction. You have countless folds in your
eyes with vertical slit pupils, and abnormally large and nose, which increases surface area. The result is that
toothy mouth. You have an inhuman appearance. your olfaction is now even more acute than a bear’s.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 41
Intro You can recognize people’s unique scent, track age earlier than most. Your expected life span is from 25-
them easily (as long as it hasn’t rained), and gain in- 30 years old, but you reach adulthood at 15 years.
Character credible details about anything you might eat or drink. Small Frame. Your body is much smaller in both size
Creation While tracking people, you also learn their exact num- and weight than normal, and your size is small instead
ber, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through of medium. You are less than 1.5 meters tall and weigh
Genomes the area. If you are downwind of someone, it is impos- less than 40 kilograms. Your maximum Strength score
sible for them to hide from you, or keep themselves is decreased by 6.
disguised without some major alteration of their scent. Terrifying Form. Your transparent skin and animal-
Classes Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom (Percep- istic snout leave you looking like a creature from a hor-
tion) checks that rely on smell. ror movie. You have an inhuman appearance.
Goods and Adrenaline Surge. Your adrenal system is amped Wall Crawling. Swathes of skin on your hands, feet,
Services through the roof, and floods your body with stimu- legs, and arms can shift into microscopic fractalling,
lants, dramatically increasing your reflexes and speed. allowing you to exploit Van der Waals forces to cling to
Upgrades Once per long rest, you can use a bonus action to acti- walls like a gecko. You can cause this effect to manifest
vate this ability, which lasts for one minute. as a free action, and you gain a climbing speed equal to
While active, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, have ad- your regular speed. Additionally, you can climb sheer
Daemons vantage on Dexterity saving throws, and you gain an surfaces without requiring a Strength (Athletics) check.
additional action on each of your turns. That action
Ability can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack Sherlock
Scores only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object actions. Named after Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s series of novels,
When the effect ends, you can’t move or take ac- this genome was designed for the same type of work
tions until after your next turn. as its fictional namesake. Sherlocks make excellent de-
Awkward. Social situations make you squirm. Your tectives or CSIs, their excellent senses combining with
Charisma score is decreased by 2. their powerful intellect to solve crimes much more
Chromatophores. Your genetic makeup has perfect- easily. Through analysis of pheromones and body lan-
ly suited you for hiding, and you are an expert at slink- guage they can also interrogate people much more
ing through shadows. You gain the following benefits: effectively. However, unlike the fictional Sherlock
Holmes, this genome produces people who are quite

Brave New
•• You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. If you are riddled with physical problems, making rough police
already proficient in the skill, or later gain profi- work less likely. This genome was produced by Omni-
ciency, you add double your proficiency bonus to tech as a variant of the Eucypher genome.
checks you make with it. Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence and Wis-
•• You can attempt to hide even when you are only dom scores are increased by 4, and your Dexterity
lightly obscured. score is increased by 1. Additionally, your maximum
Appendices •• If you are hidden, you can move up to 3 meters in Intelligence and Wisdom scores become 24.
the open without revealing yourself if you end the Astute Perception. You are mindful, present, and
move in a position where you’re not clearly visible. take in every detail. You gain the following benefits:

Nematocysts. Your hands are laden with stinging •• You gain proficiency in the Perception skill and add
cells that launch thousands of envenomed barbs into double your proficiency bonus to checks involving
your enemy’s skin, even navigating their way past ar- Perception.
mor. They can be triggered while grappling, making •• You gain proficiency in the Investigation skill. If you
unarmed strikes, or otherwise touching your target, as are already proficient in this skill or gain it at a later
a free action. A person subjected to this poison must time, you add double your proficiency bonus to
succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC equals 11 checks you make with it.
+ your proficiency bonus), becoming poisoned for 1 •• You can take the Search action as a bonus action.
hour on a failed save. If the save is failed by 5 or more, •• You can lipread. Distances greater than 12 meters
the subject becomes unconscious. If they fail by 10 or may require a Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence
more, they die. You can use this feature twice before (Investigation) ability check at the GM’s discretion.
having to take a short rest to recharge it. •• You have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Percep-
Short Lived. Your telomeres are shorter than they tion) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores.
should be, and you suffer from age-related cellular dam-

42 // 2. Genomes //
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 18 me- the syndicates, there is no shortage of work for a genet-
ters of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as ically designed super-soldier.
if it were dim light. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength, Dexterity,
Emotionally Intuitive. You possess a keen insight and Constitution scores are increased by 3. Addition-
into how other people think and feel. You gain the fol- ally, your maximum Strength, Dexterity, and Constitu-
lowing benefits: tion scores become 22.
Enhanced Senses. You gain proficiency in the Per-
•• You gain proficiency in the Insight skill. If you are ception skill and you can see in dim light within 18 me-
already proficient in the skill or gain it at a later ters of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as
time, you add double your proficiency bonus to if it were dim light.
checks you make with it. Inhuman Appearance. You are a deep maroon
•• You can use your action to try to get an uncanny in- color, have large ears, and sport bright yellow eyes
sight about one person you can see within 9 meters with no whites.
of you. Make a Wisdom (Insight) check contested Short Lived. Your telomeres are shorter than
by the target’s Charisma (Deception) check. If your they should be, and you suffer from age-related cel-
check succeeds, you have advantage on attack rolls lular damage earlier than most. Your expected life
and ability checks against the target until the end of span is from 25-30 years old, but you reach adult-
your next turn. hood at 15 years.
Tough as Nails. At first level, and whenever you
Albinism. Your skin and hair are completely white, gain a level, your hit point maximum increases by an
lacking any pigment. Your eyes are either pink or blue. additional 2 hit points.
You suffer from a level of exhaustion for each hour
spent in direct sunlight unless you are well covered or Spartan - Naiad
shaded. Additionally, you have a strange appearance. The Spartan Naiad genome was first developed as a
Hemophiliac. When you take any damage, you lose variant of the Spartan Infantry genome, with a focus
1 hit point at the start of each of your turns until an on making ideal soldiers for amphibious assaults.
ability, hack, item, or upgrade allows you to regain hit Naiads can breathe underwater and can swim like
points (which stops the bleeding). a fish. Their skin tone is light blue with mottled or
Musculoskeletal Misalignment. Your base speed is striped patterns, and they are completely hairless, like
6, and if you roll a 1 on any Strength or Dexterity ability a dolphin. They also have large pointed ears, bright
checks, or melee attack rolls, you are at a disadvantage blue eyes, and partially webbed hands and feet.
on all rolls until you take a short or long rest. Many Naiads find work with navies and marines, as
Weak. Your Strength score decreases by 2. lifeguards, professional surfers, or any other occupa-
tion that has them close to the water.
Spartan - Infantry Ability Score Increase. Your Strength, Dexterity,
The Spartan Infantry genome was created by Apol- and Constitution scores are increased by 3. Addition-
lo Laboratories to produce the ultimate soldier and ally, your maximum Strength, Dexterity, and Constitu-
is among the oldest designed genomes. They have tion scores become 22.
heightened motor skills, hand-eye coordination, sens- Aquatic. You are adapted to a marine environment,
es, and stamina. Many nations have mass-produced complete with webbed limbs and functional gills. You
this genome in vitro, and have raised them in state fos- gain a Swim speed of 6 meters and can breathe under-
ter homes (crèches), in an effort to seed their military water. When you surface, the lungful of water is ex-
with highly competent killers. Compared to unmodi- pelled through the mouth.
fied soldiers, Spartan Infantry can haul more gear, de- Enhanced Senses. You gain proficiency in the Per-
tect enemies more easily, shoot more accurately, and ception skill and you can see in dim light within 18 me-
can march longer distances before exhaustion. ters of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as
Spartan Infantry are immediately recognizable due if it were dim light.
to their maroon skin, bright yellow eyes that reflect Inhuman Appearance. Your completely hairless
light like a cat’s, and enlarged ears. This genome is skin is shades of light blue, you have pointed ears,
used widely in almost every military on the planet. It’s and your eyes are large and bright. Your hands and
a violent world, so if a Spartan chooses not to work for feet are webbed.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 43
Intro Short Lived. Your telomeres are shorter than to shadows like a nocturnal predator. You gain the fol-
they should be, and you suffer from age-related cel- lowing benefits:
Character lular damage earlier than most. Your expected life
Creation span is from 25-30 years old, but you reach adult- •• You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. If you are
hood at 15 years. already proficient in the skill, or later gain profi-
Genomes ciency, you add double your proficiency bonus to
Spartan - Wraith checks you make with it.
Wraiths are designed to act as advanced scouts, track- •• You can attempt to hide even when you are only
Classes ers, and snipers. They can spot enemies easily, track lightly obscured.
like a bloodhound, and run like a deer. Though they •• If you are unseen, you can move up to 3 meters in
Goods and often work alone, armies that use genetically designed the open without revealing yourself if you end the
Services soldiers often have one Wraith in every squad to bet- move in an area with cover of some type.
ter detect approaching enemies. Being mute makes •• You can use Dexterity (Stealth) to hide from some-
Upgrades it difficult for enemies to extract information from one when you are lightly obscured.
them even if they are captured. They have an enlarged •• When you are unseen from someone and make a
nose, charcoal grey skin, and large yellow eyes with a ranged weapon attack against them, your position
Daemons tapetum lucidum, which reflects light in the same way isn’t revealed unless you actually hit them.
a cat’s eyes do.
Ability Outside of the military scouting type work that Swift Feet. It’s in your DNA to be fleet of foot, and
Scores they are obviously designed for, Wraiths find work as nimble. You gain the following benefits:
hunters, guides, private investigators, and other lines
of work that their unique abilities lend themselves to. •• When you use the Dash action, difficult terrain
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score is doesn’t cost you extra movement on that turn.

increased by 3, and your Strength and Constitution •• Your speed increases by 3 meters.
scores are increased by 1. Additionally, your maximum
Dexterity, score becomes 22. Short Lived. Your telomeres are shorter than
Acute Olfaction. You have countless folds in your they should be, and you suffer from age-related cel-
nose, for increases surface area. The result is that your lular damage earlier than most. Your expected life
olfaction is now even more acute than a bear’s. span is from 25-30 years old, but you reach adult-
Brave New
You can recognize people’s unique scent, track hood at 15 years.
them easily (as long as it hasn’t rained), and gain in- Simple. Your Intelligence score is decreased by 2.
credible details about anything you might eat or drink. Tireless. You always count as having two fewer lev-
While tracking people, you also learn their exact num- els of exhaustion.
ber, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through
Appendices the area. If you are downwind of someone, it is impos- Titan
sible for them to hide from you, or keep themselves The Titan genome was designed by Unicom to partic-
disguised without some major alteration of their scent. ipate in strength-based sports and physical combat.
Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom (Percep- This genome produces gigantic, powerfully muscled,
tion) checks that rely on smell. extremely tough pounding machines. They can take
Inhuman Appearance. You have hairless skin in damage just as easily as they can dish it out. If they do
shades of charcoal grey to black, an enormous nose, not make a living through sports or professional fight-
and large bright yellow or golden eyes. ing, many Titans become bouncers, bodyguards, or
Mute. You have no voice box and are unable hired bone breakers.
to speak (though you can still speak wirelessly Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score is in-
through chat apps). creased by 5, your Dexterity score is increased by 1, and
Nocturnal Senses. You gain proficiency in the Per- your Constitution score is increased by 3. Additionally,
ception skill and you can see in dim light within 18 me- your maximum Strength score becomes 28, and your
ters of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if maximum Constitution score becomes 22.
it were dim light. Additionally, dim light doesn’t cause Chemical Dependence. In addition to regular food,
disadvantage on your Wisdom (Perception) checks. you must consume a nutrient supplement called Me-
Natural Scout. Your biology is well equipped for dian every day. Failure to get this supplement counts
concealing yourself and moving quietly. You can stick as not eating at all. This supplement is available in

44 // 2. Genomes //
most cities and is covered by your lifestyle (see Chap- Traceur
ter 8: Completing Contracts), but it might be a problem This genome was developed to make a human both
doing long term camping, and costs シ25 per day for extremely acrobatic and difficult to kill. Su rprisingly,
field rations. the Traceur genome is not made for war, but enter-
Goon Brain. Your Intelligence and Wisdom scores tainment. Unicom manufactured the Traceur genome
are decreased by 1. with these qualities to create the perfect action star,
Inhumanly Large. You are well over 2 meters tall ramping up their toughness and agility for breathtak-
and have a strange appearance due to your large size. ing stunt work. Genes associated with sex appeal, ex-
Sturdy Frame. Your entire skeleton is unusually troversion and charm were also included to add to the
strong, you gain resistance to bludgeoning damage, Hollywood image. Some of the most famous modern
and you add the hard-knuckle property to your un- action stars are members of this genome.
armed strikes (+2 damage). Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score is in-
Tough as Nails. At first level, and whenever you creased by 4, and your Strength, Constitution, and
gain a level, your hit point maximum increases by an Charisma scores are increased by 1. Additionally, your
additional 2 hit points. maximum Dexterity score becomes 24.
Action Star Brain. Your Intelligence and Wisdom
scores are decreased by 2.
Chemical Dependence. In addition to regular food,
you must consume a nutrient supplement called Me-
dian every day. Failure to get this supplement counts
as not eating at all. This supplement is available in
most cities and is covered by your lifestyle (see Chap-
ter 8: Completing Contracts), but it might be a problem
doing long term camping, and costs シ25 per day for
field rations.
Athletic Phenom. Your genes have been tweaked
for optimal athletic expression, and you gain the fol-
lowing benefits:

•• When you are prone, standing up uses only 1.5

meters of your movement.
•• Climbing doesn’t cost you extra movement.
•• You can make a running long jump or a running
high jump after moving only 1.5 meters on foot,
rather than 3 meters.
•• You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill. If you
are already proficient in the skill, you add double
your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.

Swift Feet. It’s in your DNA to be fleet of foot, and

nimble. You gain the following benefits:

•• When you use the Dash action, difficult terrain

doesn’t cost you extra movement and you don’t
elicit opportunity attacks on that turn.
•• Your speed increases by 3 meters.

Tough as Nails. At first level, and whenever you

gain a level, your hit point maximum increases by an
additional 2 hit points.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 45
Intro Mutts
Transgenic admixtures, or “mutts”, are born naturally
Character from genetically engineered parents, and their abilities
Creation are wide and varied. They often look strange, and they
lack the predetermined purpose their parents have,
Genomes making it difficult for people to form opinions about
them. Young, strange, and exceptional, these mutts
are still carving out a niche in this brave new world.
Goods and Transgenic admixtures are the offspring of one engi-
Services neered transgenic parent and one human parent, or
two genetically engineered transgenic parents. Since
Upgrades fertile transgenic humans have only been around since
the 2040's, and only became relatively common in the
2060's, all genetically deviant humans are quite young,
Daemons most under 20 years old. Children resulting from cross
genome relationships still occur with great frequency
Ability and these also add to the number of mutts. While born
Scores naturally, the genetic stock they have risen from is
that of the altered parent or parents. By the year 2090,
there are roughly 70 million transgenic admixture hu-
mans in the world.

Combat Young Biopunks

Youth is a marker of this genome, the oldest mutts be-
Hacking ing in their fifties, and extremely rare. The vast majority
are in their teens or early twenties. The combination of
wondrous features, youthful population, and oppres-
Brave New
sive environment is fertile ground for counterculture
and makes for a romantic and compelling story as far as
modern media is concerned. They are a pillar of urban
street culture and are featured frequently in modern
music and film. Looking strangely transgenic like mutts
Appendices often do has gained prominence in street culture, and
Natural Leaper. You multiply the amount of dis- many unmodified humans opt for cosmetic surgeries to
tance you can jump by 3, and you can fall 9 meters appear more transgenic to get this street cred.
without taking damage (instead of 3). This trait
doesn’t stack with any other ability that increases your Genetic P rejudice
jumping distance. Despite their popularity in media, they are subjected
to genoism more than any other genome. Many poli-
Strength Long High
(Athletics) Jump Distance Jump Distance ticians and other leaders paint them as gang leaders
and criminals (which is sometimes true as they are
5 4.5 meters 0 meters
poor and often live in slums). Likewise, activists and
10 9 meters 1.5 meters
transgenic advocacy groups use mutts as poster chil-
15 13.5 meters 3 meters
dren, their young and innocent faces often adorning
20 18 meters 4.5 meters
anti-genoism campaign media.
25 22.5 meters 6 meters
By 2090 many transgenic admixtures are finally
30 27 meters 7.5 meters entering the world of adulthood, forcing society to re-
evaluate them. While they have the same legal rights
Inefficient metabolism. You must consume 5 times as everyone else, they are reviled by some of the com-
the amount of food as most people to sustain yourself. mon population. They occupy the lowest level of so-

46 // 2. Genomes //
Genetic Enhancements
Roll Enhancement Amplify? Effect
1-2 Acute Olfaction No Sense of smell is as keen as a bloodhound’s
3-4 Acute Senses No You gain proficiency in the Perception skill, and low light vision
5-6 Adrenaline Surge No Temporary boost to your output
7-8 Agile No You gain bonuses to acrobatic maneuvers
9-10 Ambidexterity No Expert with both hands
11 Aquatic No Can breathe underwater and swim quickly
12 Breath Weapon No You can discharge a cone of poison, chemical heat, or acid at
your enemies
13-14 Chameleon No You gain advantages to hiding
15-16 Danger Sense No You are alert to danger of any kind
17-18 Efficient Respiration No You are less affected by exhaustion
19 Electric Organ No You can generate intense electrical shocks, like an electric eel
20-24 Enhanced Charisma Yes You gain a +2 bonus to Charisma
25-29 Enhanced Constitution Yes You gain a +2 bonus to Constitution
30-34 Enhanced Dexterity Yes You gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity
35-39 Enhanced Intelligence Yes You gain a +2 bonus to Intelligence
40- Enhanced Strength Yes You gain a +3 bonus to Strength
45-49 Enhanced Wisdom Yes You gain a +2 bonus to Wisdom
50 Extra Arms No An extra pair of fully functional arms
51-53 Healing Factor Yes You regain 1 hit point every turn, and auto-stabilize
54-55 Inscrutable Brain No Your weird brain is hard to hack, giving you advantage on saving throws
56 Large Frame No Your maximum Strength score becomes 26
57 Multitasker No You can concentrate on one additional hack or upgrade
58-59 Natural Coder No You have a natural affinity for hacking
60-61 Natural Empath No You can read people like a book
62-64 Natural Leaper No You jumping distances are tripled
65-66 Natural Weapon No You gain a natural light finesse melee weapon that does 2d4 damage
67-68 Nocturnal No You can easily live in the shadows
69 Noxious Spray No Like a skunk, you can spray a horrible odor on your enemies
70-71 Pheromones No You gain proficiency in Insight, Deception and Persuasion
72-73 Photosynthesis No The sun sustains you
74-75 Physical Phenom No You gain bonuses to athletic maneuvers
76-77 Prehensile Tail No Can function as another hand, and acts as a counterbalance
78-79 Quills Yes You are covered in sharp spines, spikes, or quills
80 Sclerotized Plates Yes You have hard armored plates in key spots around your body, pro-
tecting you
81 Slippery Slime No You spit out an ultra-slippery goo, causing your enemies to slip and fall
82-83 Spinnerets No You can make your own silk!
84-85 Sturdy Frame No Resistance to bludgeoning damage, and +2 damage to unarmed strikes.
86-88 Swift Yes Your speed increases by 3 meters and you can Dash as a bonus action
89 Thermal Tolerance No You gain resistance to cold and heat damage
90-91 Tough as Nails No You gain a hit point boost
92-93 Toxin Resilience No Resistance to poison damage, and advantage on saving throws
94-97 Venomous Yes You can produce venom
98 Wall Crawler No You can climb like a gecko or spider
99 Watchful No You miss nothing and pick up on fine details
100 Wings Yes You don’t take damage from falling and you can glide

// GeneFunk 2090 // 47
Intro Genetic Flaws
Roll Flaw Effect
Character 1-3 Albinism Your skin lacks melanin to protect you from sunlight.
4-5 Animal Rage You have a very short fuse
6-9 Awkward Your Charisma is reduced by 2
Genomes 10-13 Bioluminescent Disadvantage on Stealth ability checks
14-15 Blind You can’t see
Classes 16-17 Brittle Bones You have vulnerability to bludgeoning damage
18-19 Carnivore You can only eat meat
20-22 Chemical Dependency You require a nutrient supplement in addition to regular food
Goods and
Services 23-26 Clumsy Your Dexterity is reduced by 2
27-28 Daemon Barren Your body cannot house a daemon
Upgrades 29-30 Deaf You cannot hear
31-34 Frailty Your Constitution is reduced by 2
35-36 Hemophiliac When damaged, lose 1 hp/turn until healed, long/short rests do not restore hp
Daemons 37-40 Impulsive Your Wisdom is reduced by 2
41-45 Inhuman Appearance Disadvantage on certain Charisma ability checks
Ability 46-47 Inefficient Metabolism You require 5 times the normal amount of food
48-49 Lethargy On a roll of a 1, you cannot take bonus actions
50-52 Photosensitivity You burn easily, and bright light hurts your eyes
Contracts 53-54 Muscle Spasms On a roll of 1, disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls due to pain
55-57 Mute You can’t speak
Combat 58-59 Musk Disadvantage on Persuasion checks when you can be smelled
59-62 Poor Senses Disadvantage on Perception checks, and passive Perception is reduced by 5
63-64 Seizures In stressful situations, roll d20; on a 1, you go into a seizure
Hacking 65-66 Severe Allergy An allergen can cause death
67-71 Short Lived You only live to be 25-30 years old
Brave New 72-75 Simple Your Intelligence is reduced by 2
76-79 Slow Your base speed is 6 meters.
80-82 Small Frame You are shorter and smaller than average
NPCs 83-84 Unstable System Your body can undergo catastrophic failure under stress
85-88 Upgrade Intolerant You can only have 6 upgrades
Appendices 89-92 Weak Your Strength is reduced by 2
93-96 Weak Immune System Disadvantage on Constitution saving throws versus poison or disease,
and x2 damage
97-100 Weak Willed Disadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma saving throws

ciety as far as the general public is concerned. Many Rolling the same enhancement for the third time, even
have no other option than shanty towns or transgenic if it can be amplified, results in rerolling.
ghettos as a home. You also have a number of genetic flaws, deter-
mined by the number of genetic enhancements you
Mutt Traits take (as seen below).
Genetic Hodge-Podge. During character creation, you You are forced to roll genetic flaws on the Genetic
can choose to have 8, 10, or 12 genetic enhancements. Flaw table, until all of your flaws are accounted for. If
You must roll them randomly from the Genetic En- you roll the same flaw twice, you must roll again.
hancement table. If you roll the same enhancement
Genetic Enhancements Genetic Flaws
twice, you must roll again, unless the enhancement
8 0
can be amplified (noted in the table). If it can be am-
10 2
plified, you gain an additional effect when it is rolled
12 4
again (and it counts as a total of two enhancements).

48 // 2. Genomes //
Genetic Enhancements Acute Senses
Acute Olfaction Your senses are especially sensitive, and you have a
You have countless folds in your nose, which increas- high functioning tapetum lucidum. You gain proficien-
es surface area. The result is that your olfaction is now cy in the Perception skill and you can see in dim light
even more acute than a bear’s. within 18 meters of you as if it were bright light, and in
You can recognize people’s unique scent, track them darkness as if it were dim light.
easily (as long as it hasn’t rained), and gain incredible de- If you are already proficient in Perception, or later
tails about anything you might eat or drink. While track- gain proficiency through other means, you add double
ing people, you also learn their exact number, their sizes, your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
and how long ago they passed through the area. If you are
downwind of someone, it is impossible for them to hide Adrenaline Surge
from you, or keep themselves disguised without some Your adrenal system is amped through the roof and
major alteration of their scent. Additionally, you have ad- floods your body with stimulants, dramatically increas-
vantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. ing your reflexes and speed. Once per long rest,you can
use a bonus action to activate this ability,which lasts
for one minute.
While active, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, have ad-
vantage on Dexterity saving throws, and you gain an
additional action on each of your turns. That action
can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack
only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object actions.
When the effect ends, you can’t move or take ac-
tions until after your next turn, as the burst of speed
leaves you exhausted.

Your genetics grant you catlike agility, providing the
following benefits:

•• You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill. If you

are already proficient in the skill, or later gain pro-
ficiency through other means, you add double your
proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
•• Any time an effect would knock you prone, you can
spend your reaction to stay on your feet.
•• As a bonus action, you can make a DC 15 Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check. If you succeed, you treat difficult
terrain as regular terrain until the end of your turn.

You can use both of your hands with equal fluency,
gaining the following benefits:

•• When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you

can add your ability modifier to the damage of the
second attack.
•• You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when
you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.

You are adapted to a marine environment, com-
plete with webbed limbs and functional gills. You
gain a Swim speed of 6 meters and can breathe un-

// GeneFunk 2090 // 49
Intro derwater. When you surface, the lungful of water is •• You gain a +5 bonus to initiative.
expelled through the mouth. This also gives you a •• You can’t be surprised while you are conscious.
Character strange appearance. •• Other people don’t gain advantage on attack rolls
Creation against you as a result of being hidden from you.
Breath Weapon
Genomes You have specialized organs that produce destructive Efficient Respiration
acid, poison, or intense heat. You can use your action Thanks to specialized metabolic pathways and oxygen
to exhale these chemicals in a 4.5-meter cone. optimization in your physiology, you mobilize ener-
Classes Heat. Like a bombardier beetle, you store two vol- gy from respiration in a much more streamlined way,
atile chemicals in separate glands that violently and granting the following benefits:
Goods and exothermically react when they mix in the air after you
Services expel them, burning anything caught within. •• You can add your proficiency bonus to any Constitu-
Poison. You produce and expel tissue de- tion checks related to tiring or holding your breath.
Upgrades stroying venom. •• You always count as having two fewer levels
Acid. You can spew forth a highly corrosive acid. of exhaustion.
Roll a 1d6 to determine the type of breath weapon
Daemons you have (see the table below). When you use your Electric Organ
breath weapon, everything within the area of exhala- Like an electric eel or ray, you possess a transgenic or-
Ability tion must make a saving throw, the type of which is de- gan that can generate an electrical discharge. As an ac-
Scores termined by the type of breath. The DC for this saving tion, you can target anything within 1.5 meters with this
throw is 8 + your Constitution modifier + your profi- ability. The target takes 4d8 electrical damage, or half as
ciency bonus. An affected target takes 2d10 damage on much damage on a successful save. The DC for this saving
a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful throw is 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficien-
one. The damage increases to 4d10 at 6th level, 6d10 at cy bonus. The damage increases to 4d8+20 at 6th level,
11th level and 8d10 at 16th level. 4d8+40 at 11th level and 4d8+60 at 16th level. After using
After you use your breath weapon, you can’t use it this ability, you must take a short rest to regain its use.
again until you complete a short or long rest.
Enhanced Charisma
Roll Breath Weapon Save
The power of your personality is apparent. Your Cha-
Brave New 1-2 Heat Dex
risma score is increased by 2, and your maximum Cha-
World 3-4 Poison Con
risma score is increased to 22.
5-6 Corrosive Con
Amplify. Your Charisma score is increased by 4, and
your maximum Charisma score is increased to 24.
Appendices Your genetic makeup has perfectly suited you for hid- Enhanced Constitution
ing and you are an expert at slinking through shadows. You are a tough customer, with thick bones and robust
You gain the following benefits: stamina. Your Constitution score is increased by 2, and
your maximum Constitution score is increased to 22.
•• You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. If you are Amplify. Your Constitution score is increased by 4,
already proficient in the skill, or later gain profi- and your maximum Constitution score is increased to 24.
ciency, you add double your proficiency bonus to
checks you make with it. Enhanced Dexterity
•• You can attempt to hide even when you are only You have naturally good hand-eye-coordination and
lightly obscured. agility. Your Dexterity score is increased by 2, and your
•• If you are hidden, you can move up to 3 meters in maximum Dexterity score is increased to 22.
the open without revealing yourself if you end the Amplify. Your Dexterity score is increased by 4, and
move in a position where you’re not clearly visible. your maximum Dexterity score is increased to 24.

Danger Sense Enhanced Intelligence

A mixture of excellent peripheral vision and other sen- The genes associated with G factor have been upregu-
sory tweaks leaves you with an excellent sense for dan- lated to promote keen intellect. Your Intelligence score
ger. You gain the following benefits:

50 // 2. Genomes //
is increased by 2, and your maximum Intelligence Healing Factor
score is now 22. You regain 1 hit point at the start of each turn, and you
Amplify. Your Intelligence score is increased by 4, automatically stabilize when knocked unconscious
and your maximum Intelligence score is increased to 24. at 0 hit points. You need access to extra food
(calories) after a combat where it is used, or it won’t
Enhanced Strength function in the next combat.
You have reduced myostatin and increased musculo- Amplify. You regain 2 hit point at the start of each
skeletal growth. Your Strength score is increased by 3, turn and you regain all of your hit points whenever you
and your maximum Strength score is increased to 24. take a short rest.
Amplify. Your Strength score is increased by 5, and
your maximum Strength score is increased to 26. Inscrutable Brain
The pathways in your brain are wired a bit different-
Enhanced Wisdom ly, and so is your interface with your daemon. As a re-
Your prefrontal cortex and intuition centers are en- sult, mind hackers have a hard time cracking in. You
hanced, your Wisdom score is increased by 2, and your gain advantage when making saving throws against
maximum Wisdom score is increased to 22. any mind hacks.
Amplify. Your Wisdom score is increased by 4, and
your maximum Wisdom score is increased to 24. Large Frame
Your body has been swimming in all sorts of natural-
Extra Arms ly produced growth hormones since before birth, so
You have a fully functioning extra set of arms. You gain you now stand well over 2 meters tall. Your Strength
the following benefits: score increases by 1, your maximum Strength score is
increased to 28, and you have a strange appearance.
•• Your Strength score is increased by 1.
•• You add your proficiency bonus to any grapple Multitasker
checks or Strength ability checks to climb or lift Your brain is especially suited to multitasking, and you
things. This stacks with any bonuses you gain from can run an additional hack or upgrade that requires
Athletics or Acrobatics proficiency. concentration (you may concentrate on one more ef-
•• You are considered to have an extra pair of free fect than normal).
hands for holding weapons, grappling, or any other
purpose that required free hands. Natural Coder
Coding is second nature for you. You learn four 1st-lev-
These extra arms don’t provide additional attacks
el software hacks of your choice. Without hack slots,
each round, and give you an inhuman appearance.
they must be run using the taking your time feature.

Natural Empath
You are able to read people like a book, knowing what
they are thinking and feeling before even they do. You
gain the following benefits:

•• Your passive Wisdom (Insight) score increases by +5.

•• You gain proficiency in the Insight skill. If you are
already proficient in the skill or gain it at a later
time, you add double your proficiency bonus to
checks you make with it.
•• You can use your action to get an emotional read on
one person you can see. Make a Wisdom (Insight)
check contested by the target’s Charisma (De-
ception) check. If your check succeeds, you have
advantage on attack rolls and ability checks against
the target until the end of your next turn.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 51
Intro Natural Leaper are immune to poison automatically succeed on this
You multiply the amount of distance you can jump by saving throw.
Character 3, and you can fall 9 meters without taking damage (in- Additionally, even if the target succeeds on the sav-
Creation stead of 3). This trait doesn’t stack with any other abili- ing throw, they are covered in the obnoxious odor, and
ty that increases your jumping distance. any attempts made to track them or spot them via smell
Genomes are made with advantage, and they suffer disadvan-
Strength Long High
(Athletics) Jump Distance Jump Distance tage on any Charisma ability checks where the stink is
a factor. Two hours of dedicated scrubbing and clean-
5 4.5 meters 0 meters
Classes ing with soap and water is required to remove the stink.
10 9 meters 1.5 meters
After you use your noxious spray, you can’t use it
15 13.5 meters 3 meters
Goods and again until you complete a short or long rest.
Services 20 18 meters 4.5 meters
25 22.5 meters 6 meters
30 27 meters 7.5 meters You produce scents that make people trust you implic-
itly. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Insight), Charisma
Natural Weapon (Deception), Charisma (Persuasion), or Charisma (Per-
Daemons You have incredibly sharp and strong natural weapons, formance) ability check, you can roll with advantage as
be it huge bone spikes, claws, or some other feature. long as the target is within 6 meters and can smell you.
Ability They are a light, finesse, simple melee weapon that
Scores does 2d4 piercing or slashing, armor-piercing damage. Photosynthesis
Being a natural extension of your body, your fluen- You have the ability to synthesize food from sunlight,
cy with this weapon increases as you level up. At level 6 using adapted chloroplasts (which give you a green
your natural weapon damage increases to 2d6, at level hue, and a strange appearance).
11 it increases to 2d8, and at level 17 scores critical hits You must still drink water, but you can live without
on a roll of 18-20. tangible food for months before starving.
This natural weapon gives you a strange appearance.
Hacking Physical Phenom
Nocturnal Your genes have been tweaked for optimal athletic ex-
You have been bred for the night, giving you advantag- pression, and you gain the following benefits:
Brave New
es in shadows. You gain the following benefits:
•• Increase your Strength score by 1.
•• You can try to hide when you are lightly obscured •• Climbing doesn’t cost you extra movement.
from the person or thing from which you are hiding. •• You can make a running long jump or a running
•• When you are hidden from someone or something, high jump after moving only 1.5 meters on foot,
Appendices and miss it with a ranged weapon attack, making rather than 3 meters.
the attack doesn’t reveal your position. •• When you are prone, standing up only uses 1.5
•• Dim light doesn’t impose disadvantage on your meters of your movement.
Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on sight.
Prehensile Tail
Noxious Spray Be it smooth, scaly, or furry, you have a strong and nim-
Like a skunk, you can spray a 6-meter cone of noxious ble prehensile tail, and you gain a strange appearance
and irritating stinky chemicals at your enemies. When and the following benefits:
you first get this enhancement, you decide which body
part if comes from, but it can’t function if it’s cov- •• You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill. If you
ered by clothing. are already proficient in the skill, you add double
Each creature that is in the area of effect must make your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
a Constitution saving throw against poison. On a failed •• You gain advantage on any ability checks related to
save, the creature spends its action that turn retching climbing or Sleight of Hand.
and reeling, and must repeat the saving throw on each •• You can use your tail to use or hold objects that
of their turns until they succeed. The DC for this saving weigh less than 20 kg.
throw is 8 + your Constitution modifier + your profi- •• You can perform the Use an Object action with your tail.
ciency bonus. Creatures that don’t need to breathe or •• For weapons with the light feature, you can use it to
wield weapons as though it was your off-hand.

52 // 2. Genomes //
Quills Slippery Slime
You are covered in sharp quills, spines, or spikes. You You can spew forth a blast of slippery slime, causing
gain an inhuman appearance and the following benefits: those caught within to lose their footing. When you
first get this enhancement, you can choose where the
•• The quills are considered light, finesse, simple slime comes from (typically the mouth, but work with
melee weapons that do 1d6 armor-piercing, pierc- your GM for other body parts). As an action, you can
ing damage. spew the slime up to 18 meters, and the frictionless goo
•• You can make an opportunity attack with your covers the ground in a 3-meter radius and turns it into
quills whenever someone makes a melee at- difficult terrain for the 10 minutes.
tack against you. When the slime spreads, everything standing in
••Anyone grappling you automatically takes 1d6 its area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or
plus your Strength or Dexterity modifier piercing fall prone. Anyone that enters the area or ends its turn
damage when the grapple is first initiated, and there must also succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or
then again at the start of their turns they are grap- fall prone. The DC for this saving throw is 8 + your Con-
pling with you. stitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.
The damage (for both attack and grapple) increases to After you use your slippery slime, you can’t use it
1d8 at level 6, 1d10 at level 11, and 1d12 at level 16. again until you complete a short or long rest.
Amplify. The quills damage increases to 1d8 at lev-
el 1, 1d10 at level 6, 1d12 at level 11, and 3d4 at level 17. Spinnerets
Your quills also gain the thrown (range 6/12) property. You can spin incredibly strong silk from your spinner-
ets. When you first get this enhancement, pick a body
Sclerotized Plates part for these organs to be located. The spinnerets can
Your body’s vulnerable areas are protected by hard ar- be used in the following ways:
mor plates. The exact appearance of these plates is up
to you and your GM they could be shiny and black like •• You can produce up to 9 meters of 1 mm thick silk
a beetle’s, white and bony, or tough scales like a pango- each turn. This silk threads have 2 hp and can be
lin. In any case, you have an inhuman appearance. Your burst by a Strength check, with a DC of 8 + your
AC can’t be less than 16 and your DR versus slashing / Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.
piercing / bludgeoning can’t be less than 2, regardless •• Multiple layers of silk can be spun around a willing
of what kind of armor you are (or aren’t) wearing. subject or someone who has otherwise been inca-
The minimum AC increases by 1 at levels 3, 6, 9, pacitated. If this is done, any attempts to break free
12, 15, and 17, and the minimum DR increases by 2 at are made at disadvantage, and cutting someone free
levels 7 and 15. requires 15 hp of slashing damage.
Amplify. Your DR and minimum AC increase by 2, •• You can make an end of this silk adhesive, anchor-
but you suffer from disad- ing it to any surface, and can descend up to 9 meters
vantage on Dexterity (Stealth) downward each turn while still attached to the silk.
checks. Additionally, you can’t •• You can shoot gobs of silk at a target up to 9 meters
add your Dexterity modifier away that is large or smaller. The target must make
to your Armor Class, but it a Dexterity save with a DC of 8 + your Constitution
also doesn’t penalize you modifier + your proficiency bonus, or become re-
for having a negative Dex- strained. The restrained target can release itself by
terity modifier. using its action to attempt a Strength save against
the same DC, being freed on a success. After you
use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
complete a short or long rest.

Sturdy Frame
Your entire skeleton is unusually strong, you gain resis-
tance to bludgeoning damage, and add the hard-knuck-
le property to your unarmed strikes (+2 damage).

// GeneFunk 2090 // 53
Intro Swift Venomous
It’s in your DNA to be fleet of foot, and nimble. You You have a natural venom producing organ.
Character gain the following benefits: Nematocysts. An area of your hand, or even your
Creation tongue, is laden with stinging cells that send thou-
•• Your speed increases by 3 meters. sands of envenomed barbs into your enemy’s skin. If it
Genomes •• You can use the Dash action as a bonus action. is on your hand, it can be triggered while grappling or
making unarmed strikes.
This enhancement doesn’t stack with the sprint Venom Sac. Your venom is manufactured and
Classes boost upgrade. stored in a pouch somewhere on your body, often in
Amplify. Your speed increases by an additional 6 your mouth. This can be used to administer a “kiss of
Goods and meters (for a total 0f 9). death” or ooze poison onto a weapon. If applied to a
Services weapon, the poison washes off after one successful hit
Thermal Tolerance and must be reapplied for it to work again.
Upgrades Your cells and tissues have a very high buffering ability Natural Weapon. If you have the natural weapon
for thermal homeostasis, possessing functions for pro- enhancement, you may have your venom be directly
ducing heat or venting it off where necessary. You gain linked to it, allowing the venom to be delivered on suc-
Daemons resistance to heat and cold damage, and you can sur- cessful attacks.
vive in temperatures ranging from -40 to +60 degrees When you get this feature, roll a 1d6. On a 1-3
Ability Celsius without suffering from environmental damage. you produce neurovenom and on a 4-6 you produce
Scores hemovenom, which are described in the Poison sec-
Tough as Nails tion of Chapter 4: Goods and Services.
At first level, and whenever you gain a level, your hit You can activate this ability as a free action and
point maximum increases by an additional 2 hit points. must take a short rest before using it again.
If you gain this enhancement at higher levels, the in- Amplify. You can choose to secrete necrovenom in-
crease is retroactive. stead, and you can use this feature twice before having
to take a short rest to recharge it.
Hacking Toxin Resilience
Your immune system works overtime, and your liver Wall Crawler
can metabolize almost anything. You have advantage Swathes of skin on your hands, feet, legs, and arms can
Brave New
on saving throws against poison, and you have resis- shift into microscopic fractalling, allowing you to ex-
tance against poison damage. ploit Van der Waals forces to cling to walls like a gecko.
You can cause this effect to manifest as a free action,
and you gain a climbing speed equal to your regular
speed. Additionally, you can climb sheer surfaces with-
Appendices out requiring a Strength (Athletics) check.

You are mindful, present, and take in every detail.

•• While you are conscious, you can’t be surprised.

•• You can lipread. Distances greater than 12 meters
may require a Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence
(Investigation) ability check at the GM’s discretion.
•• You have a +5 bonus to your passive Perception score.

You have a pair of enormous wings coming out of your
back. They can be feathered, or leathery, their appear-
ance is up to you. They don’t allow you to take off from
the ground, but they give you a strange appearance and
provide the following benefits:

54 // 2. Genomes //
•• When falling, you can slow your descent down to 18 Corrective Gene Therapy
meters per round. You take no falling damage and
Using DNA editing tools, you are able to remove
can land on your feet when you fall at this speed.
genetic flaws. Receiving gene therapy to remove a
•• While falling, you can glide up to 18 meters hori-
genetic flaw follows the rules below.
zontally in a straight line on your turn. Changing
directions by 45 degrees requires a DC 15 Dexterity •• You must be in a medical facility.
(Acrobatics) check. •• Each genetic flaw removed costs シ50,000.
•• You can double your jumping distances. This trait •• It takes 1 week to take effect, and during this
doesn’t stack with any other ability that increases time, you suffer from one level of exhaustion
your jumping distance. that can’t be removed.
•• Each corrected genetic flaw counts as one of
Amplify Your body becomes optimized for flight, your maximum allowable upgrades.
making you about ½ your normal weight due to more
porous bones. You gain a flying speed of 15 meters, but
you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor, and your biohacking outfit. If this debt isn’t paid off in a timely
hit point maximum decreases by an amount equal to manner, repercussions can be expected.
your level when you gain this feat. Whenever you gain
a level thereafter, your hit point maximum increases Brittle Bones
by 1 less than normal. Your bones are more porous or brittle than normal,
and you have vulnerability to bludgeoning dam-
Genetic Flaws age as a result.
Your skin lacks any melanin, and you burn easily in the Carnivore
sun. You have a strange appearance and suffer from a You are unable to digest plant-based sugars and must
level of exhaustion for each hour spent in direct sun- subside on a purely meat diet.
light unless you are well covered or shaded.
Chemical Dependence
Animal Rage In addition to regular food, you must consume a nu-
When someone provokes you, you can’t help but en- trient supplement called Median every day. Failure to
gage in obvious dominance play. You must make a Wis- get this supplement counts as not eating at all. This
dom saving throw (DC 5-10 depending on the provoca- supplement is available in most cities and is covered
tion) and attack or shove the offender on a failed save. by your lifestyle (see Chapter 8: Completing Contracts),
but it might be a problem doing long term camping,
Awkward and costs シ25 per day if you are buying rations of it.
Social situations make you squirm. Your Charisma
score is decreased by 2. Clumsy
You are naturally uncoordinated. Your Dexterity score
Bioluminescent is decreased by 2.
Your skin produces tons of luminescent proteins. You
have a strange appearance and suffer from disadvan- Daemon Barren
tage on Dexterity (Stealth) rolls unless you are covered Your body’s immune system reacts to daemon tech-
from head to toe. nology as though it’s an invader, and as a result, you
cannot have a daemon (see playing without a daemon
Blind in Chapter 6).
You do not possess the sense of vision. Maybe your
lenses are opaque, or maybe you have no eyes at all. Deaf
You constantly have the blindness condition (see You have congenital deafness, making you constantly
appendix A). Since this flaw can seriously impair a have the Deafness condition (see appendix A).
planned character, you have the option of having pre-
viously undergone corrective surgery for this condi- Frailty
tion and start out the game シ50,000 in debt to a shady Your stamina isn’t what it could be, and your Constitu-
tion score is decreased by 2.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 55
Intro Hemophiliac Conflicting Genetic Advantages
You bleed uncontrollably when injured. When you take
and Flaws
Character any damage, you lose 1 hit point at the start of each of
It isn’t planned, but sometimes genetic advantag-
Creation your turns until the damage is healed by medicine of
es and flaws can be in opposition to each other,
some type. Additionally, both long and short rests do
such is the nature of unforeseen genetic interac-
Genomes not restore hit points until your bleeding has been
tions and the randomness of mutt genomes. You
treated by medicine or countered with an upgrade.
might have chameleon and bioluminescent, swift
and slow, or conflicting ability score modifications.
Classes Impulsive For example, you can have a genetic enhance-
You naturally lack foresight and often act without
ment that provides a +4 bonus to your Strength
Goods and thinking, your Wisdom score is decreased by 2.
score, and a genetic flaw that gives you a -2 penal-
ty to your Strength score. In such cases, you apply
Inefficient Metabolism both results, so in the above example, you would
Upgrades Your digestion is very poor, and you must consume
end up with a net +2 to your Strength score.
5 times the amount of food as most people to sus-
tain yourself.
Daemons voice. You cannot make anything more than a hoarse
Inhuman Appearance shriek (though you can still communicate with your
Ability The strangeness of your genetics manifests itself in daemon, using chat apps).
Scores your appearance. You might be completely hairless
and secrete jelly, have a trunk, vestigial wings, no lips, Photosensitive Eyes
mottled blue skin, and black eyes, or have 3 fingers and You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom
toes on the ends of your appendages. Work with the (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the
GM concerning the specifics of your strange appear- target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to per-
ance. If you already have an inhuman appearance, it ceive is in bright light, such as direct sunlight or even
simply becomes more inhuman, but you don’t suffer a brightly lit room.
Hacking from any additional in-game effects.
Poor Senses
Lethargy One or more of your senses are on the low end of the
Brave New
You may tire easily or just lack the force of will to go bell curve. You suffer disadvantage on Wisdom (Per-
the extra mile. Whenever you roll a 1 on a d20, you ception) checks, and have a -5 penalty on your passive
are unable to take any bonus actions until you have Wisdom (Perception).
a short rest.
Appendices Muscle Spasms Excess spikes of cortisol can cause you to go into sei-
Something isn’t right with your muscle attachments zures. In stressful situations, at the start of your turn,
and lactic acid metabolism. When you roll a 1 on a d20 roll d20. On a 1, you go into a seizure, making you inca-
while making an attack, or any Strength, Dexterity, or pacitated. At the end of every turn, you can make a DC
Constitution ability check, you suffer disadvantage 12 Wisdom save to come out of it.
on any more of those rolls for the next minute due to
crippling pain. Severe Allergy
You are allergic to a specific substance, deathly so. It
Musk could be peanuts, shellfish, alcohol, or some other rel-
Your sweat glands produce an unpleasant and notice- atively common substance. If you come into contact
able odor. You have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth), with that substance, you must make a DC 15 Constitu-
Charisma (Persuasion), and Charisma (Performance) tion save or take 3d10 poison damage (1/2 damage on
checks if the target can smell you. a successful save). If you remain in contact with this
substance, the effect happens again at the start of each
Mute of your turns until the substance is removed.
You lack the appropriate larynx or brain function to ar-
ticulate human speech. You can understand it and read
it just fine, but you cannot make the words with your

56 // 2. Genomes //
Short Lived Optimized
Your telomeres are shorter than they should be, and Your genes were selected from the very best your par-
you suffer from age related cellular damage earlier ents had to offer. As far as the latest science can tell,
than most. Your expected life span is for 25-30 years old. you possess of all of the good qualities of your ances-
tors but none of the poor ones. The children resulting
Simple from this process are generally healthier, longer-lived,
Your brain isn’t as sophisticated as it otherwise might faster, more attractive, stronger and smarter than
be given less genetic tweaking, and your Intelligence conventionally born children. Good genes and strong
score is decreased by 2. social status are the advantages of genetically op-
timized humans.
Your body shape simply isn’t designed for quick move- Origin
ment, and your base speed is 6 meters. Genetic optimization is a process first pioneered in the
late 2020s and has become hugely popular among the
Small Frame world’s wealthy. The parents pick and choose which
Your body is much smaller in both size and weight genes they will take from each DNA donor (usually the
than normal, and your size is small instead of medi- parents) and produce a diploid zygote (fertilized egg).
um. You are less than 1.5 meters tall and weigh less Hereditary diseases such as atherosclerosis, color
than 40 kilograms. Your maximum Strength score is blindness, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, etc. can be edited
decreased by 6. out, and positive qualities such as intelligence, a full

Unstable System
There is some catastrophic flaw in your body that oc-
casionally surfaces during physical activity. When-
ever you roll a 1 on a d20 while making an attack roll,
Strength ability check, or Dexterity ability check, roll
a 1d10. If the result of the 1d10 is a 1, you immediately
drop to 0 hit points and become unconscious.

Upgrade Intolerant
For whatever reason, your body just won’t take well to
implants and biohacks, and as a result, the maximum
number of upgrades you may have is limited to 6.

Your genes for musculoskeletal muscle are partial-
ly defective, and as a result, your Strength score is
decreased by 2.

Weak Immune System

Your white blood cells are misshapen and less effective,
and your liver isn’t pulling its weight when metaboliz-
ing toxins. As a result, you suffer disadvantage on sav-
ing throws against poison and disease, and you take
double damage from poison.

Weak Willed
You lack willpower and are easily swayed. You have
disadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma saving throws.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 57
Intro head of hair, and muscles can be selected for, well be- Silver Spoon. You are wealthy, having been born in
fore the child is even conceived. After the DNA selec- into privilege.
Character tion process, the pregnancy and birth proceed just as a
Creation traditional human pregnancy does. •• You count as one category higher for your lifestyle
By the year 2090, there are around 1.5 billion genet- granted by your Mosaic score. For example, if your
Genomes ically optimized humans on earth. Mosaic score would normally grant you a lifestyle of
Middle Class, it instead grants you a lifestyle of Well Off.
Genetic Elite •• At 1st level, you start out with an additional シ2,000,
Classes Your blood is the blood of the metaphorical kings and and every time you gain a level you gain your new
queens of the modern era. A simple DNA test will re- level x シ1,000 in cash.
Goods and veal you to be worthier of that promotion than Ed from
Services accounting, or a more desirable partner for any poten- Upgrade Tolerance. You are able to have up to
tial marriage. nine cyberware or biohack enhancements instead of
Upgrades This form of eugenics is less controversial than the usual eight.
transgenic human engineering. While transgenic ge-
nomes are considered abominations by some, the same Transhuman
Daemons cannot be said of the genetically optimized; the result- Whatever genome you were born with, you’ve since
ing child’s DNA is still entirely human, and theoretical- transitioned to an almost entirely biosynthetic body
Ability ly could have happened randomly…Only it didn’t. through a very modern body conversion procedure.
Scores Synthetic body conversions are the most serious mod-
Social Elite ification that a person can get. The vast majority of the
Some argue that the edited-out genes serve some un- original flesh, bone, and brain have been replaced with
known purpose and that in specializing a child this artificial analogues. Your body is a mix of biosynthet-
way true versatility is lost, but most scoff at these ideas. ics, plastics, and alloys. This near-total replacement of
They point to the fact that an overwhelming majority the original tissues makes you a transhuman in the
of genetically optimized humans live successful lives eyes of most people. A chance to be reborn, escaping
Hacking in the world’s top jobs. ailments of your original body, and the superior abil-
Their critics counter that this is more of a reflection ities granted by your high-tech chassis are what draw
of privileged upbringing and genoism than an indica- people to this procedure.
Brave New
tion of superior abilities. Nevertheless, the amount of
people seeking to have their children genetically op- Origin
timized is an ever-increasing percentage of the popu- Synthetic body conversion has only been going on for a
lation. They have little to fear from genoism and are little over a decade, so your rebirth into this new body
usually comfortable dealing it out to others. is a relatively recent one. Whatever your original ge-
Appendices nome was, after the surgery is completed only 5% of
Economic Elite your original body remains, such as parts of the brain
For the most part, if a family can afford it, they will and spinal column. Your transhuman body can look
genetically optimize their children. Genetically opti- any way you desire, allowing for any sex, size, or shape
mized humans are at home in the Machiavellian plots the human body can come in. This can include aesthet-
of the syndicates and come from an upbringing of fi- ically strange choices, though many simply choose ide-
nancial privilege. alized versions of their former bodies. What genome
was your original body?
Optimized Traits
Ability Score Increase. Three ability scores of your Biosynthetic Amalgams
choice increase by 2 and all of your other ability scores Despite all the high strength artificial materials incor-
are increased by 1. porated, your new body is still largely flesh, blood, and
Educated. You gain proficiency in two skills from bone. You have (synthetic) DNA, and are capable of all
the following list - Bureaucracy, Computers, Life Sci- the things a traditional human body is. This also means
ence, Mechanics, Performance, Physical Science, and that you still need to have food and water to survive.
Social Science.
Optimized Immune System. You gain advantage on
saving throws against poison or disease.

58 // 2. Genomes //
Same Same, but Different Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score is in-
You’ve been fundamentally changed by your body con- creased by 2. Additionally, your maximum Strength
version. In addition to the obvious physical changes, scores becomes 22.
your new body may allow you to think more or less Cosmetic Flexibility. While human in function
clearly than before, you may lose certain aptitudes, or and general appearance, many transhumans opt to
change from being socially reserved to outgoing and look different in some cosmetic way. Maybe you have
charming. It can cost a lot to preserve (or boost) an in- moving angel or bat wings, striped, color-shifting, or
tellect during the conversion process, and “anomalies” furry skin, a moving tail, extra eyes, or whatever else
occur during the transition. Moreover, parts of your you can imagine.
brain are also converted, meaning you're running on These aesthetic alterations have no in-game effect
different hardware. outside of their aesthetic, and helping you fit in with
While your memories are retained, your mind is no certain crowds. At your discretion, you may start with
longer quite the same as it was. It is not unusual for either a strange or inhuman appearance.
people who have undergone synthetic body conver-
sion to change jobs, hobbies, and even relationships
some time after the procedure. The riddle of human
nature is very real for transhumans, and one wonders
about the fidelity of your personal identity after you
switch from one body to another.

Harder, Better , Faster, Stronger

Your synthetic form is much faster, stronger, smart-
er, and tougher than an average human body. It takes
some serious coin to undergo the process, so it is much
more common for a company or government to pay for
the surgery than a private citizen. How did you come
about this money?

Transhuman Traits
Ability Score Purchase. Instead of generating your base
ability score the usual way, through arrays or randomly,
you purchase them as indicated on the table below.
You have シ400,000 to spend on your base abili-
ty scores. Any of this money that is not spent during
character creation is lost. Each ability score must be
purchased separately. Your body is factory made at the
time of creation, and you cannot buy higher ability
scores afterwards, unless it is through upgrades (see
Chapter 5: Upgrades).

Transhuman Ability Score Generation

Ability Score Cost
10 シ0
11 シ10,000
12 シ20,000
13 シ30,000
14 シ50,000
15 シ70,000
16 シ100,000
17 シ130,000
18 シ170,000

// GeneFunk 2090 // 59
Intro Unmodified Better Lucky Than Good. Fate seems to twist ran-
Conventionally conceived and born humans are by far dom change in a way that coincidentally ends up in
Character the most common genome on earth. Humans have your favor. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability
Creation carved out a niche in every possible walk of life, and check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must
despite the apparent advantages of the genetically en- use the new roll.
Genomes gineered, humans are as prosperous as ever. In addition, when an opponent rolls a 20 on an at-
tack roll or ability check against you, roll a d20. This
Origin new roll becomes the opponent’s roll instead of the 20.
Classes The last 200,000 years of history has seen humans Statistically Improbable. Once per session, when-
emerge from merely being a clever and successful su- ever you fail a roll of any type, you can automatically
Goods and per-predator to a world-shaping force. Conventionally make it a success.
Services born humans vastly outnumber all of the other ge- Uncanny Survival. Once per session, when a roll
nomes put together, representing roughly 9 billion of that targets you succeeds, you can automatically
Upgrades the 11 billion people on earth. make it fail.

Adaptable Cyborg
Daemons The only genoism that humans face is from the genet- You may have been born unmodified, but
ically optimized, thus many humans find it difficult since then you’ve undergone a great deal
Ability to succeed in the syndicate business world where of cybernetic and biological enhancement
Scores genetic optimization is common. Diversity is an to be on par with those born enhanced.
unmodified human’s biggest advantage. Hu- You’ve transitioned from a run-of-the-mill
mans tend to be curious, adaptive, flexible, human to an enhanced cyborg! Where
and passionate. Adopting biohack and cy- you got the money or favors get this
berware upgrades is par for the course. done can be worked out with your
GM, but it cost a pretty penny, and the
Unmodified Traits people you owe the debt to are sure to
Hacking Ability Score Increase. Two ability come calling at some point. Nobody
scores of your choice are increased by 1. gets something for nothing.
Diverse. You gain one feat of your Upgraded. You can select up to
Brave New
choice, and proficiency in one skill four different upgrades worth up to
of your choice. シ25,000 each. Additionally, when-
Upgrade Tolerance. You are able ever you are granted an upgrade
to have up to ten upgrades instead of through a class feature (such as
the usual eight. with the Bioware Upgrade fea-
Appendices Subtype. Humans are a diverse ture), you can replace one of
crowd, and exceptional characters the upgrades that you selected
take a variety of paths to compete with the Upgraded feature with
with the enhanced birth genomes. Un- another that you could acquire
modified humans can be cyborgs, veter- through the class upgrade fea-
ans, or destiny’s chosen. Choose one of ture (it doesn’t cost an addition-
the following subtypes. al upgrade to do this). In other words,
you can trade a cheaper upgrade for a
Destiny’s Chosen more expensive one.
You aren’t genetically modified, but you Debt. You owe whoever front-
aren’t just a regular human either! You ed the money for these upgrades
are an outlier, someone who seems to シ100,000, or more likely, a favor
succeed against all the odds, a statistical equalling that amount. They will
anomaly. Luck might not be an active come calling for it sooner or later.
force in the universe, but it can accu-
rately describe the outcomes for cer-
tain people who always seem to pros-
per and evade catastrophe.

60 // 2. Genomes //
Veteran Tools of the Trade. You’ve accumulated some gear
You may not have an engineered genome, or fancy cy- over the years. You can spend additional money on
bernetic upgrades (yet), but you are a seasoned veteran weapons, armor, gear, and other equipment before the
of some trade that lends itself to life in a cadre. You are first session begins, depending on your level during
probably a little older than your coworkers, but those character creation.
extra years translate into wisdom and experience For example, if you are level 2 during character cre-
beyond these slick youngsters. You’ve seen your fair ation, you may spend an additional シ25,000 on weap-
share of violence and conflict in your time, but you’re ons, armor, gear, and other equipment before the first
good at this kind of work, and maybe you can show session begins. Any money not spent is lost.
these kids a thing or three.
Tools of the Trade
Experienced. You have been working in your pro-
fession for years more than the others in your cadre, Cash Level Cash Level Cash
and you have much more experience. You start out at — — 11 シ800,000
a higher level than your compatriots and maintain this 2 シ25,000 12 シ1,000,000
head-start experience edge throughout the game, as 3 シ50,000 13 シ1,200,000
shown on the table below. 4 シ100,000 14 シ1,500,000
Veteran Advancement 5 シ150,000 15 シ1,800,000
6 シ225,000 16 シ2,100,000
Experience Points Level Proficiency Bonus
7 シ300,000 17 シ2,500,000
0 2nd +2
8 シ400,000 18 シ3,000,000
300 3rd +2
9 シ500,000 19 シ3,500,000
900 4th +2
10 シ650,000 20 シ4,000,000
2,700 5th +3
6,500 6th +3
14,000 7th +3
23,000 8th +3
34,000 9th +4
48,000 10th +4
64,000 11th +4
85,000 12th +4
100,000 13th +5
120,000 14th +5
140,000 15th +5
165,000 16th +5
195,000 17th +6
225,000 18th +6
265,000 19th +6
305,000 20th +6

Old School. You can select an additional Back-

ground, gaining all of the associated proficiencies
and traits. You can choose between either of the Back-
grounds when determining your personality, ideals,
bonds, and flaws. Also, you can’t be younger than
40 years old.
Contact. Earlier in your career, you formed a pro-
fessional relationship with a useful person. Once per
session, you can call upon your contact to recruit their
expertise, abilities, resources, or knowledge, but they
cannot be used to aid you in combat. Contacts are de-
scribed in greater detail in Chapter 3: Classes.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 61
Chapter 3: Classes
layer characters are extraordinary people, marizing the benefits you gain at every level, and a de-

P driven by a thirst for excitement into a life

that others would never dare lead. They are
risk-takers, compelled to mercenary work and to take
tailed explanation of each one.

Class Roles
on the challenges that lesser men and women can’t Gameplay in GeneFunk 2090 largely revolves around
stand against. acquisition, investigation, social interaction, and com-
Class is the primary definition of what your char- bat. The rough roles each class has during gameplay
acter can do. It’s more than a profession; it’s your char- are described below, but it is important to note that
acter’s calling. Class shapes the way you think about your choice of genome, ability scores, backgrounds,
the world and interact with it and determines your re- feats, and skill proficiencies can allow your character
lationship with other people and powers in the world. to fulfill any of these roles, regardless of class. General-
A gunfighter, for example, might view the world in ly, the fewer roles you have, the better you are at them,
pragmatic terms of strategy and maneuvering and see through specialization.
herself as just a pawn in a much larger game. A hacker, Buffs. Enhancing the abilities of yourself and the
by contrast, might see himself as a meddling troll, try- members of your cadre.
ing to mess with a corporation’s unfolding plan. While Damage. Taking out enemies in combat, be it
the gunfighter has contacts in a mercenary company through melee, ranged, or area-effect damage.
or army, the hacker might have links with the hacker Debuffs. Diminishing or neutralizing the abilities
underground, hardware manufacturers, chop shops, of your enemies and those you want to exploit.
or software engineers. Face Work. Expertise at social interaction and ma-
Your class gives you a variety of special features, nipulation, talking your way in and out of things.
such as a gunfighter’s mastery of firearms or a crook’s Healing. Restoring hit points and removing nega-
stealthy attacks. At low levels, your class gives you only tive conditions.
two or three features, but as you advance in level you Information. Retrieving and assessing knowledge
gain more and your existing features often improve. that is useful or essential to complete your jobs.
Each class entry in this chapter includes a table sum- Resources. Obtaining gear and equipment, either
through crafting or acquisition.

Class Summary
Hit Primary Save Armor/Weapon
Class Roles Die Abilities Proficiencies Proficiencies
Biohacker Buffs, debuffs, healing, melee & d8 Int Int & Dex Light armor, simple weapons
area damage, information
Codehacker Buffs, debuffs, infiltration, infor- d8 Int Int & Wis Light armor, simple weapons
mation, face work (synergist)
Crook Face work (dealer), Information, d8 Dex Dex & Int Light armor, simple weapons
single target damage, resources
Engineer Area damage, buffs, debuffs, d8 Int Con & Int Light armor, simple weapons
information, resources
Gunfighter Ranged damage, tanking d10 Dex Dex &Con All armor, simple weapons,
ranged martial weapons
Hardcase Melee damage, tanking d12 Str & Con Str & Con Light & medium armor,
simple weapons
Samurai Melee or range damage, tanking d10 Str or Dex Str & Dex Light & medium armor,
simple weapons, martial
melee weapons
Suit Buffs, face work, information, d8 Cha Wis & Cha Light armor, simple weapons

// GeneFunk 2090 // 63
Intro Tanking. Being excellent at taking damage to offer, or provide an option for people who just want
for the team. to get right to the gameplay.
Character Infiltration. Breaking into places and things to ob- The quick build stat blocks will give you a jump
Creation tain information or assets. This covers heists, unlock- start on your character sheet, but they don’t contain
ing doors, sneaking around, and getting into places every piece of information, and some of it is shorthand.
Genomes you’re not supposed to be in. For example, expertise is abbreviated as “exp” above
the skill, and there are no listed initiative, class fea-
Contacts tures, genome features, etc.
Classes As characters progress through their class levels, they No mutts were included
build connections in their profession that can give in the quick builds, since
Goods and them tips and information related to their specialty. randomly rolling genetic
Services Contacts should be given names and identities, enhancements and flaws
and interactions with them should be roleplayed. The is an essential feature of
Upgrades types of contacts each class gets are described sepa- that genome, but sub-
rately in each class, but all of them follow the general bing out one genome
rules described below. for another is a rel-
Daemons Non-combatants. Contacts will not aid characters atively easy step.
with anything involving violence or danger. If violence
Ability breaks out, they leave the scene as soon as they can.
Scores Can be used once per session. You can call upon the
contact to aid you no more than once per game session.
Information, access, and skills. Characters can
recruit a contact’s expertise, abilities, resources, or
knowledge. For instance, a biohacker’s forensic pathol-
ogist contact could give them access to a cadaver, help
heal injuries, sell them illegal pharmaceuticals, or get
them into a medical or police facility.
Skill aptitude. Contacts have proficiency in four
skills and use the modifier shown on the table below
Brave New
for Ability checks involving those skills.
Contact Skill Aptitude Advancement
NPCs Character # of Skill
Level Proficiencies Modifier
1-4 4 +5
5-8 4 +6
9-12 4 +7
13-16 5 +8
17-20 5 +9

Reciprocity. Your relationship with your contacts is

one of give and take and depending on the danger and
difficulty of your request, the GM may determine that a
contact requires payment or a favor in order to help you.

Quick Builds
At the end of every class, there is a quick build given for
each archetype, so players can jump right in and start
playing without having to spend an hour or so making
their character. These are a great way for new players
to get a sense of the kinds of builds that each class has

64 // 3. Classes //
The Biohacker
Hack Slots Per Level
Proficiency Hacks
Level Bonus Features Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Hacking, Life Scientist 3 4 — — — —
2nd +2 Conscientious Focus 4 5 — — — —
3rd +2 Biotic Aptitude 5 6 — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 6 7 — — — —
5th +3 Biohacker Contact 7 7 1 — — —
6th +3 Biotic Aptitude Feature 8 7 2 — — —
7th +3 Bioware Upgrade 9 7 3 — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 10 7 4 — — —
9th +4 Surgical Strikes 11 8 5 1 — —
10th +4 Biotic Aptitude Feature 12 8 5 2 — —
11th +4 Bioware Upgrade 13 8 5 3 — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 14 8 5 4 — —
13th +5 Biohacker Contact (2nd) 14 9 5 5 1 —
14th +5 Biotic Aptitude Feature 15 9 5 5 2 —
15th +5 Bioware Upgrade 16 9 5 5 3 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 17 9 5 5 4 —
17th +6 Biotic Aptitude Feature 17 10 5 5 5 1
18th +6 Bioware, Biohacker Contact (3rd) 18 10 5 5 5 2
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 19 10 5 5 5 3
20th +6 Double Helix Guru 20 10 5 5 5 4

Biohacker into genetically superior lifeforms, heal friends with

Biohackers are doctors, molecular biologists, genet- the latest in medical technology, or obliterate foes with
ic engineers, or any other type of person who has the hungry biobots from the inside out.
affinity and talent for modifying life forms, for better Curiosity, a desire to experiment with their biotech,
or worse. They understand the mysteries of the double seeking funds for research, or ambition is often what
helix, reading genetic code like it’s their native tongue. brings a hacker into a cadre.
They are able to use their knowledge of life to give it, or
to take it away, gurus of the human machine. Class Features
While biohackers that explicitly heal others are As a biohacker, you get the following class features.
viewed with respect and admiration, once they delve
into the manipulation of DNA, proteins, and the stuff Hit Points
of human nature, people start to get a little creeped out. Hit Dice: 1d8 per biohacker level
In the same way that automotive engineers like to Hit Points at 1st Level: 13 + your Constitution modifier
soup-up cars to their own specifications, biohackers Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Consti-
like to mold life to be something that is a little more tution modifier per biohacker level after 1st
ideal. Natural selection has taken life to a point of sur-
vival until reproduction, no further; a biohacker seeks Proficiencies
to take it far beyond this minimum bar that nature has Armor: Light armor
set out. Recognizing the appeal to nature as the canard Weapons: Simple weapons
it is, biohackers are aware of the unintended baggage Saving Throws: Intelligence, Dexterity
that evolution has left behind, machines full vestigial Skills: Life Science, and then choose two from Bu-
traits and ad hoc design that is anything but intelligent. reaucracy, Computers, Deception, Drive, Insight, In-
Biohackers use their technical expertise to en- vestigation, Physical Science, Mechanics, Social Sci-
hance the abilities of themselves or allies, riddle ene- ence, Survival
mies with diseases and poison, transform themselves

// GeneFunk 2090 // 65
Intro Equipment Biotic Aptitude
In addition to the equipment granted by your back- The Biotic Aptitude you choose reflects your approach
Character ground, you start with either シ5,000 or the follow- to biohacking. It grants you features at 3rd level and
Creation ing equipment: then again at 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level. The indi-
vidual abilities of this feature are detailed at the end of
Genomes •• 9mm, 10mm, or 11mm handgun this class description.
•• Biohacker’s pack
•• Reinforced clothing Ability Score Improvement
•• シ1,500 When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of
Goods and Hacking your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores
Services Starting at 1st level you are able to use hacks that alter of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an
physiology and anatomy the way a potter molds clay. ability score above your maximum using this feature.
Upgrades Intelligence is your hacking ability, and you use your
Intelligence whenever a hack refers to your hacking Biohacker Contact
ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier Starting at 5th level, you gain a contact with ties to the
Daemons when setting the saving throw DC for a hack you run medical or biohacker community. This could be an
and when making an attack roll with one. EMT, doctor, nurse, biologist, geneticist, bioengineer,
Ability or any other person you can think of that has ties to ge-
•• Hack save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your netic engineering or medicine. You get an additional
Intelligence modifier contact at level 13 and 18.
Contracts •• Hack Attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your Intelligence modifier Surgical Strikes
Starting at 9th level, your knowledge of anatomy and
Hack Slots physiology allows you to strike with surgical precision
The Biohacker table shows how many hack slots you on vital organs. Once on each of your turns when you
Hacking have. To use one of these hacks, you must expend a slot hit with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to
of the hack’s level or higher. You regain all expended deal an extra 1d8 damage of the same type dealt by the
hack slots when you finish a long rest. weapon. When you reach 15th level, the extra damage
Brave New
For example, if you know the 1st-level hack necrotic increases to 2d8.
injection and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level hack slot
available, you can run necrotic injection using either slot. Bioware U pgrade
At 7th level, you acquire an upgrade from Chapter 5:
Hacks Known Upgrades. You gain an additional upgrade at 11th, 14th,
Appendices At 1st level you know three 1st-level hacks of your and 18th level. You gain these upgrades through your
choice from the Biohacker hack list (Chapter 10: Hack- connection to possibly illicit circles, so you can get up-
ing), as well as the nanodoc and forensic scan hacks. You grades that are restricted or banned.
learn additional hacks as shown on the Biohacker table.
•• 7th level: You may select an upgrade worth up
Life Scientist to シ 50,000
You gain expertise in Life Science. Your proficiency •• 11th level: You may select an upgrade worth
bonus is doubled for any ability check you make using up to シ 100,000
this proficiency. Additionally, forensic scan can be run •• 14th level: You may select an upgrade worth
without expending a hack slot as long as you choose to up to シ 200,000
take 10 minutes longer to run it than normal. •• 18th level: You may select any upgrade

Conscientious Focus Additionally, at levels 11, 14, and 18, you can replace
At 2nd level, you’ve trained your mind to be especially one of the upgrades that you already have with another
disciplined. This enables you to run an additional hack that you could acquire at that level (it doesn’t cost an
or upgrade that requires concentration (you may con- additional upgrade to do this). In other words, you can
centrate on one more effect than normal). This feature trade a cheaper upgrade for a more expensive one. This
stacks with any other ability or implant that allows you
to concentrate on additional hacks or upgrades.

66 // 3. Classes //
can only be used to replace upgrades you have acquired
with this class feature, not those purchased with シ.
Cytomancer Quick Build
Genome: Engineered - Sherlock
As with any upgrade, you must be in an appropri-
Class: Level 1 Biohacker
ate facility, and it takes 24 hours to install a particular
Background: Investigator
upgrade, which results in one level of exhaustion until
Saving Throws: Dex and Int
you take a long rest.
8 14 10 19 18 10
douBle helix guru
HP: 13 Speed: 9 AC: 15 DR: 0
At 20th level, you have achieved such mastery
Skill Proficiencies: Insight +8exp, Investigation
over certain hacks that you can run them with ease.
+8exp, Life Science +8exp, Perception +8exp, Me-
Choose two 1st- and one 2nd-level hacks that you
chanics +6, Physical Science +6
know. You can run those hacks at their lowest level
Hacks Known: anesthetic, blood dope, nanodoc,
without expend-ing a hack slot.
forensic scan, necrotic injection
Attacks: 9mm Handgun. +7 to hit, 12/36 m., 2d6+2
Biotic Aptitude P damage (close, light, reload 15)
While all biohackers are good with altering biolo- Equipment: 10 mm handgun, armor vest, duffle
gy, different hackers choose different areas to focus bag, biohacking kit, breathing mask, drugs (angel
their hacking on. x2, nanodoc x3, nootro x2, perk x2) first aid kit,
flashlight, forensic field kit, hypospray, maga-
Cytomancer zines (9mm x2)
Cytomancers are experts at manipulating physiology
and DNA, and most are doctors, bioengineers or mo-
lecular geneticists, though they also might just be self- One For Me, One For You
taught bio-gurus. Cytomancers are to organisms what Beginning at 6th level, the healing hacks you perform
mechanics are to cars. They get into it, modifying and on others heal you as well, since you give yourself a
repairing, healing or destroying. Typically, they use little dose first. When you run a hack that restores hit
their biohacks on others more often than themselves. points to another creature, you regain hit points equal
to 4 + the hack’s level.
At 3rd level, you are able to draw upon your experience Poisoner’s Handbook
as a medic to act quickly under pressure. When you Beginning at 10th level, you have become very adept
run a hack that has a launch time of 1 action, you can at knowing precisely how to administer toxins and
launch it as a bonus action instead. You can use this pathogens for maximum effect. You learn the follow-
feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modi- ing hacks for free:
fier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses
when you finish a long rest. ••Anesthetize
Pharmacist ••Infect
Starting at 3rd level, you can employ your considerable ••Paralytic Infection
pharmaceutical expertise to make a variety of drugs.
You learn the following hacks for free: If you already know one or more of these hacks, you
may immediately select any other hack of your choice
•• Angel for each one you already know.
•• Blood dope Additionally, when you run the anesthetize, envenom,
•• Buddha infect, or paralytic injection hacks, you may have the tar-
•• Carnal get make their first saving throw at disadvantage. You
•• Perk must take a short rest before using this feature again.
•• Superman
Master of Life and Death
If you already know one or more of these hacks, you Starting at 14th level, your knowledge of cellular ma-
may immediately select any other hack of your choice chinery enables you to better preserve and destroy life.
for each one you already know. Any biohack you run that either reduces or restores hit

// GeneFunk 2090 // 67
Intro points, restores or reduces an additional amount equal Evolutionary Milestone
to your Intelligence modifier. After further experimentation, at 10th level your cre-
Character ation is even stronger, some would say too strong, but
Creation Persistent Chemistry they don’t understand. Your recombinant beast gains
At 17th level, the duration of all of your bio- the following benefits:
Genomes hacks is doubled.
•• Your beast gains two new genetic enhancements.
Dr. Frankenstein You can select one and randomly roll for the other,
Classes Like the classic mad scientist, you are obsessed but you must also randomly roll one more ge-
with creating your own lifeform, one that you can netic flaw.
Goods and control and enhance to your heart’s content. Some •• Your beast gains a bonus to damage rolls equal to
Services think you have a God complex, but they don’t under- your Intelligence modifier
stand your work.
Upgrades It takes one week for these abilities to take effect.
Transgenic Pet
Starting at 3rd level, you’ve begun your experiments Biological Paragon
Daemons in creating the ultimate lifeform, and you learn the re- At level 14, you have stretched the genome of your re-
combinant beast hack for free. In addition, the hack is combinant beast to its very limit, splicing in every advan-
Ability boosted in the following ways: tageous gene you can think of and upregulating them to
Scores 11! Your recombinant beast gains the following benefits:
•• You can run this hack using a 1st-level hack slot,
instead of a 2nd-level slot. •• Your beast gains two new genetic enhancements.
You can select two genetic enhancements and roll You can select one and randomly roll for the other,
for two genetic enhancements for the recombinant but you must also randomly roll one more ge-
beast instead rolling for all four randomly. netic flaw.
•• You may not choose to amplify an enhancement, •• Your beast benefits from the Surgical Strikes
Hacking though it can happen randomly feature in the same way you do, and can use
•• Your recombinant beast adds 3 hit points per bio- it separately.
hacker level to its maximum hit points.
Brave New
Your recombinant beast uses your proficiency bo- It takes one week for these abilities to take effect.
nus instead of its own

•• Your recombinant beast adds your proficiency Pygmalion’s Dream
bonus to its AC At 17th level, you’ve done it: you’ve created the ultimate
•• The first time you run this hack, it doesn’t cost any life form! By splicing in parts of your own genome,
Appendices money in materials (you’ve been scrounging them you’ve given your recombinant beast a human form.
up for a while now). Your recombinant beast gains the following benefits:

Tweaked Companion •• Your beast gains two new genetic enhancements.

At 6th level, you add further modifications to your re- You can select one and randomly roll for the other,
combinant beast, pushing the limits of its genome. It but you must also randomly roll one more ge-
gains the following benefits: netic flaw.
•• If you choose, you may have it become a human
•• Your beast gains two new genetic enhancements. of the same size, capable of wearing armor and
You can select one and randomly roll for the other, wielding weapons just as any other human could. It
but you must also randomly roll one more ge- has the same armor and weapon proficiencies that
netic flaw. you do. It still has physical features of its original
•• Whenever you can select a genetic enhancement genome present in its current appearance and
for your transgenic pet, you can instead choose to demeanor, but it can articulate speech (if it has the
amplify an existing enhancement. intelligence for it).
•• It gains proficiency in all saving throws. •• It gains proficiency in any two skills

It takes one week for these abilities to take effect. It takes one week for these abilities to take effect.

68 // 3. Classes //
Protean Grinder
Dr. Frankenstein Quick Build
You are extremely interested, perhaps even obsessed,
Genome: Optimized
with self-improvement through genetic enhance-
Class: Level 1 Biohacker
ments and cybernetic augmentation. You can see that
Background: Academic
post-humanity is on the horizon, and you’d like to get
Saving Throws: Dex and Int
there sooner rather than later. Conservative attach-
10 15 14 16 14 14 ment to what is “natural” are fear-based delusions,
HP: 15 Speed: 9 AC: 16 DR: 0 impediments to progress. Biological evolution had its
Skill Proficiencies: Bureaucracy +5, Computers heyday, now its time for the biological revolution.
+5, Deception +4, Investigation +5, Life Science
+7exp, Physical Science +5, Social Science +5 Transhumanist
Hacks Known: anesthetic, blood dope, enhance Beginning at 3rd level, you learn the following
ability, forensic scan, nanodoc hacks for free:
Attacks: 10mm Handgun. +4 to hit, 13/39 m.,
3d4+4 P damage (close, light, reload 12) •• Chitin
Equipment: 10 mm handgun, biohacking kit, •• Claws
duffle bag, drugs (nanodoc x2), hypospray, maga- •• Chromatophores
zines (10mm x2), nanofiber vest •• Dark vision
•• Gecko Skin
•• Gills
If you already know one or more of these hacks,
you may immediately select any other hack of your
choice for each one you already know.

Venomous Claws
Starting at 3rd level, your claws hack is especially ef-
fective, as you’ve modified them to vector a deadly poi-
son that dissolves flesh and bone. Once on each of your
turns, when you hit a creature with a melee attack us-
ing your claws hack, or another natural or retractable
weapon you gain through genetic enhancements or
upgrades, you can expend one hack slot to deal poison
damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s dam-
age. The extra damage is 3d12 for a 1st-level hack slot,
plus 2d12 for each hack slot level higher than 1st, to a
maximum of 11d12.

Vital Strike
At 6th level, you can call upon your biohacked fight or
flight response to go the extra mile and strike at your
enemies with greater intensity. When you use the At-
tack action, you can make one weapon attack as a bo-
nus action. You can use this feature a number of times
equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of
once). You regain all expended uses when you finish
a short rest.

Gene Splice Expertise

By 6th level, you learn the genetic enhancement hack.
Your competence and passion for genetic improve-
ment allows you to treat the genetic enhancement hack

// GeneFunk 2090 // 69
as though it were a 2nd-level hack when you perform
Protean Grinder Quick Build
it on yourself. This also applies to running it at higher
Genome: Unmodified - Cyborg (+1 Dex, +1 Int,
Character levels. For example, if you run it using a 3rd-level hack
Unbreakable feat, Stealth proficiency, chemical
Creation slot, you can reroll the genetic flaw, and if you run it
sensor - TruHound, cognitive boost – Hyperborea,
using a 4th-level hack slot, there are no genetic flaws
medicomp - Nightingale, motor chip – Hexie)
Genomes at all. This feature doesn’t work if you are using genetic
Class: Level 1 Biohacker
enhancement on others.
Background: Ideologue
Saving Throws: Dex and Int
Classes Enduring Changes
Starting at 10th level, you’ve tailor-made your body 10 18 14 16 8 12
Goods and morphing hacks to be especially effective on your HP: 16 Speed: 9 AC: 17 DR: 0
Services unique biochemistry. All biohacks that target yourself Skill Proficiencies: Computers +5, Intimidation
have their duration doubled. +3, Investigation +5, Life Science +7exp, Physical
Upgrades Science +5, Stealth +6
Hacks Known: chitin, claws, gecko skin, forensic
scan, nanodoc
Attacks: 10mm Handgun. +6 to hit, 13/39 m.,
3d4+4 P damage (close, light, reload 12)
Ability Claws. +6 to hit, melee, 2d4+4 P damage (ar-
mor-piercing, finesse, light)
Equipment: シ200, 10 mm handgun, armor vest,
Contracts biohacking kit, breathing mask, drugs (angel x2,
perk x2, nanodoc x2, nootro x2), duffle bag, first
aid kit, flashlight, goggles, hypospray, magazines
(10mm x2)

Killer Instinct
You’ve amped up lethal intuitions deep inside your
Brave New
reptile-brain, you know how to go for the kill. Starting
at 10th level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on
a roll of 19 or 20.

Fluidity of Form
Appendices Starting at 14th level, your affinity for transformation
is even greater, and your maximum number of up-
grades is increased by 2.

Posthuman Dream
At level 17, your personal biohacks are sublime and ap-
proaching perfection, just like you. When you run the
following hacks, their duration is permanent, unless
you will them to end.

•• Chitin
•• Claws
•• Chromatophores
•• Dark vision
•• Gecko Skin
•• Gills

70 // 3. Classes //
The Codehacker
Hack Slots Per Level
Proficiency Hacks
Level Bonus Features Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Adept Coder, Dataport, Hacking, 3 4 — — — —
2nd +2 Custom OS, Traumatize 4 5 — — — —
3rd +2 Hacker Archetype 5 6 — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 6 7 — — — —
5th +3 Cyber Contact 7 7 1 — — —
6th +3 Archetype Feature 8 7 2 — — —
7th +3 Pirate Upgrade 9 7 3 — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 10 7 4 — — —
9th +4 Cyber Contact (2nd), 11 8 5 1 — —
Targeting Firmware
10th +4 Archetype Feature 12 8 5 2 — —
11th +4 Pirate Upgrade 13 8 5 3 — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 14 8 5 4 — —
13th +5 Cyber Contact (3rd) 14 9 5 5 1 —
14th +5 Archetype Feature 15 9 5 5 2 —
15th +5 Pirate Upgrade 16 9 5 5 3 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 17 9 5 5 4 —
17th +6 Archetype Feature 17 10 5 5 5 1
18th +6 Pirate Upgrade, Cyber Contact (4th) 18 10 5 5 5 2
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 19 10 5 5 5 3
20th +6 Codemaster 20 10 5 5 5 4

Codehacker or little brother. All it takes is the right skills to find

Codehackers are technological wizards, utilizing the and crack it, and a hacker can seem near omniscient.
latest software and then modifying it to their own ends. Hackers are highly employable and can easily find jobs
They are digital alchemists, transmuting programs to as criminals or with a corporation or government.
their every whim. Before most people even recognize Possessing dangerous information or being needed
what new programs or app are, hackers have started de- to access such information is often what brings a hack-
riving new wares from them, fusions of the latest tech er into the story.
and their own creative skills and technical expertise.
Society at large is often unprepared for the abilities they Class Features
exploit, always a step behind these electronic explorers. As a codehacker, you get the following class features.
Hackers have adapted to computer consciousness
like a duck to water. Being born with an internal com- Hit Points
puter is as natural to them as walking and talking (for Hit Dice: 1d8 per codehacker level
some, even more so). Some hackers are notorious crim- Hit Points at 1st Level: 13 + your Constitution modifier
inals, funneling funds out of personal bank accounts, Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Consti-
accessing top secret information, or even hacking oth- tution modifier per codehacker level after 1st
er people’s minds to control or damage them. Mind
hacking is the most serious offense a hacker can com- Proficiencies
mit, but despite harsh laws against it in most countries, Armor: Light armor
it still occurs. Weapons: Simple weapons
If information is power, then hackers are very pow- Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
erful indeed. By the year 2090, information about near- Skills: Computers, and then choose two from Bureau-
ly everything and everyone is located somewhere on cracy, Deception, Drive, Investigation, Life Science, Me-
the internet, either recorded by big brother, business, chanics, Physical Science, Social Science, and Stealth

// GeneFunk 2090 // 71
Intro Equipment Custom OS
In addition to the equipment granted by your back- You’ve custom made your own OS, and it runs in-
Character ground, you start with either シ5,000 or the follow- credibly efficiently. This enables you to run an addi-
Creation ing equipment: tional program or upgrade that requires concentra-
tion (you may concentrate on one more effect than
Genomes •• 9mm, 10mm, or 11mm handgun normal). This feature stacks with any other ability or
•• Spy’s pack implant that allows you to concentrate on additional
•• Reinforced clothing hacks or upgrades.
•• シ1,000
Goods and Adept Coder
Services You gain expertise in Computers. Your proficiency
bonus is doubled for any ability check you make us-
Upgrades ing this skill.

Daemons You start with a dataport upgrade, and can hook up your
daemon directly to other devices that have jacks without
Ability using wireless. This is essential to interfacing with com-
Scores puters that lack wireless capability, which is common for
CCTV and databases containing sensitive data. This im-
plant bypasses attempts to jam or detect wireless signals.

Starting at 1st level, you are able to use hacks to cut
through anything that has a computer inside, which is
Hacking pretty much everything, including human minds.
Intelligence is your hacking ability, and you use
your Intelligence whenever a hack refers to your hack-
Brave New
ing ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence mod-
ifier when setting the saving throw DC for a hack you
run and when making an attack roll with one.

•• Hack save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your

Appendices Intelligence modifier
•• Hack Attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your Intelligence modifier

Hack Slots
The Codehacker table shows how many hack slots you
have. To use one of these hacks, you must expend a slot
of the hack’s level or higher. You regain all expended
hack slots when you finish a long rest.
For example, if you know the 1st-level hack sleep
and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level hack slot available,
you can run sleep using either slot.

Hacks Known
At 1st level, you know three 1st-level hacks of your
choice from the Codehacker hack list (Chapter 10), as
well as the decrypt and unlock hacks. You learn addi-
tional hacks as shown on the Codehacker table.

72 // 3. Classes //
Traumatize Additionally, at levels 11, 14, and 18, you can replace
At 2nd level, you developed a technique to inflict con- one of the upgrades that you already have with anoth-
fusion, pain, and psychic trauma on an individual. You er that you could acquire at that level (it doesn’t cost
hack their daemon and blast a cacophony of terrible psy- an additional upgrade to do this). In other words, you
chic noise into their head, burning out neurons and sur- can trade a cheaper upgrade for a more expensive one.
rounding tissue. As an action, target an enemy within 36 This can only be used to replace cyberware upgrades
meters that you can see. They must make a Wisdom save, you have acquired with this class feature, not those
and if they fail, they take 1d12 psychic damage. This dam- purchased with シ.
age increases to 2d12 at level 6, and 3d12 at level 11, and As with any upgrade, you must be in an appropri-
4d12 at level 17. This feature is considered a mind hack. ate facility, and it takes 24 hours to install a particular
enhancement, which results in one level of exhaustion
Hacker Archetype until you take a long rest.
The hacker archetype you choose reflects your ap-
proach to hacking. Your hacker archetype choice Codemaster
grants you features at 3rd level and then again at 7th, At 20th level, you have achieved such mastery over
10th, 15th, and 18th level. The individual features of this certain hacks that you can run them ease. Choose two
feature are detailed at the end of this class description. 1st- and one 2nd-level hacks that you know. You can
run those hacks at their lowest level without expend-
Ability Score Improvement ing a hack slot.
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of Hacker Archetype
your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores While all codehackers are good with computers,
of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an different hackers choose different areas to focus
ability score above your maximum using this feature. their hacking on.

Cyber Contact Cracker

Starting at 5th level, you gain a contact with ties to the Breaking through digital security is your forte. Crack-
hacker community. This could be a government white- ers tend to be on the wrong side of the law, since these
hat, criminal cracker, Silicon Valley coder, basement things are completely illegal unless you are working
troll, or any other hacker you can think of. You get an directly for a law enforcement agency.
additional contact at levels 9, 13 and 18.
Security Slicer
Targeting Firmware Beginning at 3rd level, whenever you make an Intelli-
At 9th level, you’ve developed firmware that optimizes gence (Computers) ability check to get past a system’s
your hand-eye coordination when aiming and firing. security, and you roll below a 6, the roll automatically
You gain a damage bonus to all Damage rolls equal to becomes a 10.
your Intelligence modifier. Additionally, you learn the following hacks for free:

P irate Upgrade •• Camfect

At 7th level, you acquire an upgrade from Chapter 5: •• Database Dip
Upgrades. You gain an additional upgrade at 11th, 14th, •• Detect security
and 18th level. You gain these upgrades through your •• Disable security
connection to pirate hacker circles, so you can get up- •• Encrypt
grades that are restricted or banned. •• Satellite imagery
•• 7th level: You may select an upgrade worth up If you already know one or more of these hacks, you
to シ 50,000 may immediately select any other hack of your choice
•• 11th level: You may select an upgrade worth for each one you already know.
up to シ 100,000
•• 14th level: You may select an upgrade worth Super Skim
up to シ 200,000 Starting at 3rd level, you automatically learn the skim
•• 18th level: You may select any upgrade hack. If you already know this hack, you may select any

// GeneFunk 2090 // 73
Cracker Quick Build Puppeteer Quick Build
Genome: Optimized Genome: Eucypher
Class: Level 1 Codehacker Class: Level 1 Codehacker
Background: Outlaw Background: Military Veteran*
Saving Throws: Con and Int Saving Throws: Con and Int
10 16 14 16 14 12 10 14 12 18 16 8
HP: 15 Speed: 9 AC: 16 DR: 0 HP: 14 Speed: 9 AC: 17 DR: 0
Skill Proficiencies: Computers exp +7, Investiga- Skill Proficiencies: Computers exp +8, Drive +4,
tion +5, Mechanics +5, Perception +4, Physical Insight +5, Mechanics +6
Goods and Science +5, Stealth +5, Streetwise +5 Hacks Known: camfect, cataracts, command, de-
Hacks Known: decrypt, detect security, disable crypt, ego flay, fear, mind reader, synergistic defense,
security, mind reader, unlock unlock
Upgrades Attacks: 10mm Handgun. +5 to hit, 13/39 m., Attacks: 10mm Handgun. +5 to hit, 13/39 m.,
3d4+3 P damage (close, light, reload 12) 3d4+3 P damage (close, light, reload 12)
Equipment: 10mm handgun, binoculars, armor Equipment: 10mm handgun, binoculars, breath-
vest, bug detector, caltrops, crowbar, drugs ing mask, caltrops, climbing gear, darkvision
(nanodoc x2), disguise kit, distance microphone, goggles, drugs (nanodoc x3, nootro x3) grap-
flashlight, magazines (10mm armor-piercing x3), pling hook, crowbar, flashlight, first aid kit,
tracking devices x2, wall microphone handcuffs, magazines (10mm armor-piercing
Completing x3), mini breather, plate vest, spike strip
Contracts *Medium Armor Proficiency from Military Veteran
other hack of your choice for free. Furthermore, any background
money you get from this hack is doubled.

Exploit Search History I Don’t %&*# Up!

Hacking Starting at 6th level, your information gathering ex- Starting at 14th level, your code hacking is in your
ploits have unearthed a great deal of useful informa- muscle memory, and you don’t make mistakes. When-
tion on the people and places of your current city. As ever a software hack requires a roll, either from you or
Brave New
an action, you can provide a bonus equal to your Intel- a target, you may force a reroll. The second roll is used
ligence modifier to yourself or an ally making a Cha- instead of the first.
risma (Intimidation) or Charisma (Persuasion) ability
checks on someone, as you have dirt on them that No Secrets
make manipulation easier. You can use this feature Starting at 17th level, you’ve got tabs on nearly every-
Appendices a number of times per session equal to your Intelli- thing of note that is happening in your city. When you
gence modifier. make an Intelligence (Investigation) check relating to
anything that can be found online, the check automat-
Traffic Exceptions ically succeeds. You must take a short rest before using
At level 6, you can hack the city traffic grid, so you and this ability again.
your allies are treated as emergency vehicles. When Additionally, the GM will provide you with all pub-
not in combat, you can travel twice as fast in a city, by- licly available information about any person, place, or
passing traffic jams with ease. Additionally, when you thing whenever you ask.
are in a chase (see Chapter 8), you can provide one vehi-
cle or person a +3 on their Move checks as a free action. Puppeteer
You are a master of manipulation, able to hack peo-
Effortless Cracking ple’s minds and control their behavior. Puppeteers are
Starting at 14th level, you’ve gotten very quick at hack- among the most feared people on the planet, casting
ing through security. When you run any software hack, doubt on agency and personhood as a whole. Modi-
you can use bonus action instead of a regular action. In fication of memories, compulsion of behaviors, and
addition, when using taking your time with these hacks, tweaking of emotions are all highly illegal, but you
it only takes 1 minute instead of the usual 10 minutes were born to do it.
(see Chapter 10).

74 // 3. Classes //
Mind Molder Processing Efficiency
At 3rd level, you have mastered some of the basics of Starting at 10th level, you’ve refined your custom OS
mind hacking, and gain the following hacks for free. even further, and its ability to multitask is almost poet-
ry. You can run an additional program or upgrade that
•• Cataracts requires concentration (you may concentrate on one
•• Charm more effect than normal). This feature stacks with all
•• Command other sources that allow you to concentrate on addi-
•• Fear tional effects.
•• Mind Reader
•• Sleep Mind Piercer
Starting at 14th level, cracking minds has become a
If you already know one or more specialty for you. When you run a mind hack that forc-
of these hacks, you may imme- es someone to make a saving throw to resist its effects,
diately select any other hack if you spend a hack slot one level higher than the hack
of your choice for each normally is, the target(s) have disadvantage on their
one you already know. saving throws.

Puppet Strike Tireless Coder

At 3rd level, you jack At level 17 your fluency with hacking is so great that
a target’s nervous when you take a short rest, you regain 1 hack slot for
system, turning them levels 1 through 5 (one hack slot of each level).
on your enemy. As an
action, target someone Synergist
within 36 meters The problem of other minds is less of a problem for
that you can see. you. You specialize in bridging the gaps between peo-
They must ple through their daemons. You bring their discrete
make a Cha- psyches into gestalt synergy, maximizing shared utili-
risma save, ty. Being students of the human mind, synergists tend
and if they fail, to be more socially savvy than other codehackers, and
they use their re- their melting of mental barriers makes them effective
action to make a weap- leaders. For small teams like cadres, bringing minds
on attack on another target together into a cohesive entity is especially effective.
of your choice. If they aren’t
wielding a weapon, they Mind Melder
make an unarmed strike. At 3rd level, you have mastered some of the basics of
If they cannot target any- synching minds, and gain the following hacks for free.
one from their position,
this feature has no effect. •• Detect Minds
This feature is consid- •• Linked Battlemind
ered a mind hack. •• Ventriloquist
•• Mind Reader
Brain Burner •• Synergistic Defense
By 6th level, your mind
hacks leave a wake of If you already know one or more of these hacks,
destruction in the tar- you may immediately select any other hack of your
get’s mind, in addition choice for each one you already know.
to any other effects. If
you choose, the target(s)
of your mind hacks take
additional psychic dam-
age equal to your Intel-
ligence modifier.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 75
Intro Psychic Bridger Synergist Quick Build
At 3rd level, you’ve refined your ability to link minds,
Genome: Companion
Character and you gain the following benefits:
Class: Level 1 Codehacker
Background: Stargazer
•• Any target of your linked battlemind or synergistic Saving Throws: Dex and Int
Genomes defense hacks gains temporary hit points equal to
your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). 8 14 10 16 14 18
•• At the start of each round, targets of the linked HP: 13 Speed: 9 AC: 14 DR: 0
Classes battlemind and synergistic defense hacks may trade Skill Proficiencies: Computersexp +7, Deception
initiatives. They retain their traded initiatives for +6, Insight +4, Mechanics +5, Performance +6,
Goods and the rest of the combat unless they are traded again Persuasionexp +8
Services at the start of next round. Hacks Known: decrypt, linked battlemind, mind
•• You may run the ventriloquist hack without spend- reader, synergistic defense, unlock
Upgrades ing a hack slot, and the host target of the ventril- Attacks: 9mm Handgun. +5 to hit, 12/36 m., 2d6+2
oquist hack gains proficiency in all skills that the P damage (close, light, reload 12)
guest is proficient in. Equipment: 9mm handgun, binoculars, bug detec-
tor, caltrops, crowbar, drugs (nanodoc x4, nootro
Combat LAN x2), disguise kit, distance microphone, flashlight,
Ability By 6th level, using the hive-mind in combat is second magazines (9mm armor-piercing x3), reinforced
Scores nature, and you gain the following abilities. clothing, tracking devices x2, wall microphone.
Contracts •• Your linked battlemind hack’s duration is increased
from 10 minutes to 1 hour. your linked battlemind or synergistic defense hacks can

•• You may use the Help action as bonus action, as use the highest Wisdom (Perception) and Wisdom (In-
long as you are helping someone under the effects sight) ability checks of any other target of the linked
of your linked battlemind or synergistic defense hacks. battlemind or synergistic defense hacks. This effect also
Hacking Additionally, when you use the Help action to aid applies to passive Insight and Perception scores.
an ally in attacking, you can use it as long as you are
within 72 meters rather than 1.5 meters and as long Effortless Gestalt
Brave New
as you can perceive the target. Your helping, in this At level 17 your fluency with grouping minds together
case, is more lending your cognitive resources than is so masterful that you no longer need to concentrate
it is distracting the target. on the effects of linked battlemind, synergistic defense, or
•• You may take the Attack action to allow someone under ventriloquist.
the effects of your linked battlemind or synergistic defense
Appendices hacks to make a single weapon attack, with a bonus Crook
to their attack roll equal to your Charisma modifier. Crooks are smugglers, thieves, drug dealers, hit-men,
mafia, and con artists. For whatever reason, destiny
Harmony has chosen a life outside of the law for them. In any
Starting at 10th level, the borders between your linked age, there has always been a niche for crime, and in
minds dissolve even more, and with greater ease. the consumerist, technology-fattened world of 2090,
crime can be very prosperous indeed.
•• Any target of your linked battlemind or synergistic The crook is the master of the seedier side of life, and
defense hacks gains temporary hit points equal to his skills are very much in demand. When a corporation
twice your Charisma modifier (minimum 2). doesn’t want to directly dirty its hands with theft, mur-
•• When combat begins, as a free action you may grant der or other criminal activities, they call upon a crook.
one target of the linked battlemind or synergistic The crook’s profession gets him into trouble fre-
defense hack the same initiative as another target of quently, so he naturally learns to be slippery and devel-
the linked battlemind or synergistic defense hack. ops strong self-preservation skills to temper his dan-
gerous work inclinations. The crook must be cunning,
Hivemind Perception fast, and adaptable to survive the harsh underworld
Starting at 14th level, the blend of your cadre’s senses that he lives in. When fighting, a crook usually uses
are sublime, achieving unity. As a result, any target of guile and sneak attacks to disable an opponent rather

76 // 3. Classes //
The Crook
Proficiency Sneak
Level Bonus Attack Features
1st +2 1d6 Expertise, Sneak Attack
2nd +2 1d6 Cunning Action
3rd +2 2d6 Crooked Path, Shady Contact
4th +2 2d6 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 3d6 Illicit Upgrade
6th +3 3d6 Uncanny Dodge
7th +3 4d6 Illicit Upgrade, Shady Contact (2nd)
8th +3 4d6 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 5d6 Crooked Path Feature
10th +4 5d6 Ability Score Improvement, Safe House
11th +4 6d6 Illicit Upgrade, Shady Contact (3rd)
12th +4 6d6 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 7d6 Crooked Path Feature
14th +5 7d6 Illicit Upgrade
15th +5 8d6 Shady Contact (4th)
16th +5 8d6 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 9d6 Crooked Path Feature
18th +6 9d6 Illicit Upgrade, Shady Contact (5th)
19th +6 10d6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 10d6 Infamous

than a frontal assault. Crooks make excellent spies, as- Proficiencies

sassins, burglars, and fences. If someone wants some- Armor: Light armor
thing that they are not supposed to have, the crook is Weapons: Simple weapons
the guy who can get it. Saving Throws: Intelligence, Dexterity
Operating outside of the accepted law is what usu- Skills: Choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics, Decep-
ally puts the crook in the role of a protagonist. Crooks tion, Drive, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Me-
are naturally rebellious and anti-authoritarian, and liv- chanics, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight
ing on the wrong side of authority is bound to drag one of Hand, Streetwise, Stealth, and Computers
into conflict. Some are thrill-seeking scoundrels who
are always in the wrong place at the wrong time, some Equipment
are simply looking for cash and a good time, while oth- In addition to the equipment granted by your back-
ers are good-hearted rogues and, in the spirit of Robin ground, you start with either シ5,000 or the follow-
Hood, are fighting against an oppressive regime. ing equipment:
Crooks can come from all walks of life, but often do ••9mm, 10mm, or 11mm handgun
not have a wealthy upbringing, and are raised among ••Gangster’s pack or merc’s pack
the dark alleys and streets of ground level. Slums and ••Reinforced clothing
ghettos are common places of origin for crooks. ••シ3,000

Class Features Expertise

As a crook, you get the following class features. Choose two of your proficiencies. Your proficiency bo-
nus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses
Hit Points either of the chosen proficiencies.
Hit Dice: 1d8 per crook level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 13 + your Constitution modifier Sneak Attack
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Consti- Beginning at 1st level, you know how to strike subtly
tution modifier per crook level after 1st and exploit a foe’s distraction. Once per turn, you can

// GeneFunk 2090 // 77
Intro deal an extra 1d6 damage to one person you hit with
an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The
Character attack must use a finesse or ranged weapon.
Creation You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if an-
other enemy of the target is within 1.5 meters of it, that
Genomes enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disad-
vantage on the attack roll.
The amount of the extra damage increases as you
Classes gain levels in this class, as shown in the Sneak Attack
column of the Crook table.
Goods and
Services Cunning Action
Starting at 2nd level, your quick thinking and agil-
Upgrades ity allow you to move and act swiftly. You can take a
bonus action on each of your turns in combat. This
action can be used only to take the Dash, Disengage,
Daemons or Hide action.

Ability Crooked P ath

Scores At 3rd level, you choose a path focuses on particular
techniques that lend to your chosen life of crime. Your
Crooked Path choice grants you features at 3rd level
and then again at 9th, 13th, and 17th level. The indi-
vidual features of this feature are detailed at the end of
this class description.

Shady Contact
Starting at 3rd level, you gain a contact with ties to
the criminal underground. This could be a fence, cor-
Brave New
rupt cop, getaway driver, hitman, burglar, drug dealer,
pimp, prostitute, arms dealer, hacker, or any other per-
son operating on the wrong side of the law. You get an
additional contact at levels 7, 11, 15, and 18.

Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th,
12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one abili-
ty score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two
ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t
increase an ability score above your maximum using
this feature.

Illicit Upgrade
At 5th level, you acquire an upgrade from Chapter 5:
Upgrades. You gain an additional upgrade at 7th, 11th,
14th, and 18th level. You gain these upgrades through
your connection to the underground, so you can get
upgrades that are restricted or banned.

•• 5th level: You may select an upgrade worth up

to シ 25,000

78 // 3. Classes //
•• 7th level: You may select an upgrade worth Crooked Paths
up to シ 50,000 There are many different types of criminals, and the
•• 11th level: You may select an upgrade worth path you choose reflects the types of crime you tend
up to シ 100,000 to be good at.
•• 14th level: You may select an upgrade worth
up to シ 200,000 Dealer
•• 18th level: You may select any upgrade You are a businessman, only your business involves
goods and services that are illegal, and you have a
Additionally, at levels 7, 11, 14, and 18, you can re- knack for finding sources of these illicit commodities.
place one of the upgrades that you already have with You use your cunning and social savvy to build a net-
another that you could acquire at that level (it doesn’t work suppliers and buyers of contraband. Smugglers,
cost an additional upgrade to do this). In other words, fences, drug lords, pimps, and arms dealers follow
you can trade a cheaper upgrade for a more expensive this path. Your business acumen, fearsome reputation,
one. This can only be used to replace upgrades you guile and streetwise are tools to build your lucrative
have acquired with this class feature, not those pur- criminal empire.
chased with シ.
As with any upgrade, you must be in an appropri- Fence
ate facility, and it takes 24 hours to install a particular Starting at 3rd level, whenever making any ability
upgrade, which results in one level of exhaustion until checks involving the finding, buying or selling of illicit
you take a long rest. goods or services, you have advantage.

uncanny dodge Underworld Connections

Starting at 6th level, when an attacker that you can see Starting at 3rd level, you can tap your criminal reputa-
hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to tion to obtain resources from the black market. The re-
halve the attack’s damage against you. sources can take the form of any combination of dirty
money, restricted or banned goods like drugs or weap-
S afe houSe ons, or any other form of goods and services available
Starting at 10th level, you have a safe house organized on the black market.
in your home city (or outside the city) that is off the Once per session you can make a Charisma (Per-
map and unknown to almost anyone. It could be an suasion) or Charisma (Intimidation) ability check to-
apartment, cabin, abandoned house, or some other ac- wards an appropriate criminal, and the シ value of the
commodation; you get to decide the specifics as long goods or services obtained equals your Crook level x
as it only provides basic amenities. It isn’t glitzy, but the result of your ability check x 50. For example, a 5th
it enough to get a good night sleep. It is stocked with level Crook that scored a 24 on their Charisma check
enough food and water for 5 people to live for 1 week. would get シ6,000 worth of illicit goods and services
While hiding in this space, any attempts to (5 x 24 x 50).
track you or your allies there are made at disadvantage. At 9th level, your Underworld Connections abili-
Once your Safe House is compromised, you can ty grants a シ value of illicit goods or services equals
au-tomatically gain a new one starting next session. your Crook level x the result of your ability check x 100,
at 13th level it equals your Crook level x the result of
Notorious your ability check x 200, and at 17th level it equals your
At level 20 you have become such an infamous figure Crook level x the result of your ability check x 400.
of the underworld that even the thought of causing The Fence class feature works in conjunction with
you harm makes people take pause. Any person wish- this ability check. The illicit goods or services are ob-
ing to attack you must make a successful Wisdom save tained at an in-game time determined by the Game-
against a DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Cha- master, appropriate to the context.
risma modifier. I f t hey f ail, t hey b ecome f rightened
and must take some other action (but do not lose their Minions
action). If successful, they are immune to this effect for At 9th level, you’ve amassed a solid reputation in the
the remainder of the combat. criminal underground. You can leverage this rep with
up-and-comers to gain some backup when you know
violence is on the horizon. As an action, you can send

// GeneFunk 2090 // 79
Intro a simple message for some muscle that will fight for
Dealer Quick Build
you in the next combat. They arrive at your designated
Genome: Espion
Character location in 15 + 1d20 minutes.
Class: Level 1 Crook
Creation The minions are NPC criminals (see Chapter 12), and
Background: Outlaw
you choose one of the following options:
Saving Throws: Dex and Int
•• One NPC of challenge rating 5 8 16 12 12 16 18
•• Two NPCs of challenge rating 2 HP: 14 Speed: 9 AC: 15 DR: 0
•• Four NPCs of challenge rating 1 Skill Proficiencies: Deception +8exp, Insightexp
+7, Intimidation +8exp, Persuasion +6, Stealth +5,
Goods and Roll initiative for the minions as a group, which Streetwise +3
Services has its own turns. They obey any verbal commands Attacks: 9mm Handgun. +5 to hit, 12/36 m., 2d6+3
that you issue to them (no action required by you). The P damage (close, light, reload 15)
Upgrades GM has the minions’ statistics. The minions will stick Nanoblade. +5 to hit, melee, 1d6+3 P damage
around until the completion of your next encounter, or (armor-piercing, finesse, light, thrown, quick)
for 6 hours, whatever comes first. When the protection Equipment: 9mm handgun, binoculars, bolt
Daemons arrives is up to the Gamemaster. cutters, breathing mask, crowbar, caltrops, drugs
Once you use this feature, (hype x2, nanodoc x2, nootro x6, wrath x2),
Ability you can’t use it again until duffle bag, first aid kit, flashlight, freezing spray,
Scores you finish a long rest. handcuffs, mini breather, magazines (9mm ar-
mor-piercing x2) reinforced clothing, spike strip

Credible Threat
At 13th level, your fluency with underworld bravado
and posturing are keen, and your words carry a deadly
Hacking threatening weight of violence and mayhem. As a bo-
nus action, you can target a number of people equal to
your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) and make a Cha-
Brave New
risma (Intimidation) ability check contested by their
Wisdom saves. If successful, the targets become fright-
ened until the end of the encounter. You must take a
long rest before using this ability again.

Appendices Crime Lord

At 17th level, you have connections that run deep into a
vast criminal empire. You can recruit a bunch of expe-
rienced gangsters and thugs to do your bidding with a
simple phone call, or employ a single elite killer look-
ing to climb the ladder.
This ability functions like Minions, with the fol-
lowing options:

•• One NPC of challenge rating 10

•• Two NPCs of challenge rating 6
•• Four NPCs of challenge rating 2
Like Minions, once you use this feature, you can’t
use it again until you finish a long rest.
Additionally, you can boss around entry-level crim-
inals, sending them on errands or using them as mes-
sengers. These NPCs are challenge rating ¼ and are

80 // 3. Classes //
happy to serve. You can use this aspect of Crime Lord
Hitman Quick Build
as much as you like, without requiring a long rest in
Genome: Spartan – Wraith
between uses.
Class: Level 1 Crook
Background: Military Veteran*
Saving Throws: Dex and Int
You are a hunter of people, and you are good at find-
ing and killing them, simple as that. This path is ap- 11 18 14 12 14 8
propriate for contract killers, gangland execution- HP: 15 Speed: 12 AC: 16 DR: 0
ers, bounty hunters, or covert government assassins. Skill Proficiencies: Athletics +2, Investigation +3,
Stealth, surprise, and knowledge of your target are Perception +6exp, Stealthexp +8, Streetwiseexp +5,
your bread and butter. Sleight of Hand +6,
Attacks: 10mm Handgun (silenced). +6 to hit, 13/39
Assassinate m., 3d4+4 P damage (close, light, reload 15)
Starting at 3rd level, you are at your deadliest when 5.56 mm Assault Rifle*. +6 to hit, 100/300 m.,
you get the drop on your enemies. You have advantage 2d8+4 P damage (auto, reload 40, two-handed)
on attack rolls against any target that hasn’t taken a Equipment: 10 mm handgun, binoculars, bolt
turn in the combat yet. In addition, any hit you score cutters, breathing mask, caltrops, climbing gear,
against a target that is surprised is a critical hit. crowbar, drugs (nanodoc x3), duffle bag, grap-
pling hook, flashlight, first aid kit, handcuffs x2,
Prey Dossier mini breather, reinforced clothing, silencer, spike
Starting at 3rd level, you may target a particular indi- strip
vidual as your prey. While designated, you gain advan- *Martial Ranged Weapon Proficiency from Military
tage on any ability check involving gathering informa- Veteran background
tion about, spotting, or tracking your prey. After a long
rest, you may designate a new prey.
Apex Predator
Up Close and Personal At 13th level, you are a true master of dispatching your
Starting at 9th level, when you perform an attack with- specified target. When you are attacked by the target
in 1.5 meters of your target, your Sneak Attack damage specified by your Prey Dossier feature, the attack is
increases from d6s to d8s. This ability only works with made at a disadvantage. In addition, when your prey
weapons that have the light property. attacks you, you can use your reaction to immediate-
ly attack them.

Death Strike
Starting at the 17th level, you become a master of in-
stant death. When you attack and hit a target that is
surprised, it must make a Constitution saving throw
(DC 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bo-
nus.) On a failed save, double the damage of your attack
against the person. This ability stacks with Assassinate.

You develop a skill-set to take things that do not belong
to you and to break into things or places. This path ex-
emplifies bank robbers, jailbreakers, safecrackers, car
thieves, and burglars. Security systems are often run
by computer code and electronics, so your expertise
includes ways to bypass both mechanical and digital
security. You use your deft hands, quick wits, and trick-
ery to achieve your goals.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 81
Intro Pickpocket Robber Quick Build
At 3rd level, whenever you make a Dexterity (Sleight
Genome: Unmodified - Veteran (+1 Dex, +1 Int,
Character of Hand) ability check, you may make the roll
Expertise feat, Stealth proficiency)
Creation with advantage.
Class: Level 2 Crook
Background: Slum Dog, Technician
Genomes Safecracker Saving Throws: Dex and Int
Beginning at 3rd level, whenever you make an abili-
ty check to open or unlock a door, safe, or any other 10 16 14 14 12 8
Classes locked thing, and you roll below a 6, you may reroll. HP: 22 Speed: 9 AC: 17 DR: 2
You must take the result of the new roll, even if it is Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics +5, Athletics +2,
Goods and lower than the original roll. Computers +6 exp, Investigation +4, Mechanics +6
Services This ability can only be used once per ability check. exp
, Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +7 exp, Stealth
If you have advantage on the ability check and both +7 exp, Streetwise +4
Upgrades rolls are below 6, you may reroll both dice. Attacks: 10mm Handgun. +5 to hit, 13/39 m.,
Additionally, you learn the following hacks for free: 3d4+3 P damage (close, light, reload 12)
NanoEdge Kerambit. +5 to hit, melee, 1d8+3 P
•• Back Door damage (armor-piercing, finesse, light, quick)
•• Detect security Equipment: 10mm handgun, ball bearings,
Ability •• Decrypt binoculars, bug detector, bolt cutters, caltrops,
•• Unlock crowbar, distance microphone, flashlight, freez-
ing spray, frictionless spray, drugs (nanodoc x2),
If you already know one or more of these hacks, you goggles, magazines (10mm x2), mechanics tools,
may select different level 1 software hacks instead. If NanoEdge kerambit, 2 tracking devices, Spyder
you have no hack slots, these hacks will be run using Sylk outfit, wall microphone
the taking your time feature, meaning they will take
10 minutes longer than normal to run (see Chapter
Hacking 10: Hacking). Cat Burglar
At 13th level, you’ve mastered the physical aspect of
Security Infiltrator burglary. Whenever you make a Dexterity (Acrobatics)
Brave New
At 9th level, you have become an expert at spotting or Strength (Athletics) ability check, you can treat a
and bypassing security. Whenever you make an abili- d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.
ty check related to spotting or disabling security and
traps, you can use your Safecracker ability. Contingency Plan
Additionally, you learn the following hacks for free: At 17th level, you’ve reached such levels of detail in
Appendices your 4-dimensional crime chess, that you always
•• Database Dip have an ace up your sleeve. This ability allows you to
•• Camfect change the narrative of the game in one small but very
•• Disable security important way.
•• False ID As a reaction, when confronted with a situation
or combat that seems difficult to overcome you can
If you already know one or more of these hacks, you say “Good thing I planned for this, and…”, followed by
may select different level 1 or 2 software hacks instead. a declaration that alters the game in a way that helps
If you have no hack slots, these hacks will be run using you succeed in that sticky situation.
the taking your time feature Listed below are some examples of narrative
Quick Heist Good thing I planned for this, and…
At 9th level, when you use hacks acquired through the
Safecracker and Security Infiltrator features, it only ••...have an expert getaway driver parked outside in a
takes 1 minute to use the taking your time feature of souped-up Porsche!
software hacks instead of the usual 10 minutes. ••...planted an EMP trap around the corner, which will
trigger if the killer robot pursues us!

82 // 3. Classes //
••...know about a secret escape hatch in the next room, Engineer
it’s our best way out of here! Engineers are auto mechanics, MIT whiz kids, weap-
...brought breath masks and an antidote ons developers, , demolitions experts, electricians,
for this poison! or any other person that is obsessively talented
...knew this guy is a baseball card fanatic, so I “ac- with hardware.
quired” a Babe Ruth card to bribe him! Being able to create or modify gadgets, robots,
…put a tracking device on them before they escaped! bombs, and vehicles with creative expertise is what de-
...have a sniper positioned on a rooftop that will take fines an engineer. They love working with their hands
a shot if this person makes a move on me. and take great pride in their custom electronics, cars,
...called in some favors to have a drone strike hit drones, and gizmos.
their spot at exactly this time! Engineers are just as comfortable performing a
demolition as they are creating or repairing, having
This deus ex machina cannot save you from certain the chemical and electrical know-how to build a great
doom, but it certainly can make things easier. variety of different explosives, and destroy machines.
As far as the in-game effects go, they are deter- The tech-centric world of 2090 is the perfect play-
mined by the Gamemaster, using the rules below ground for engineers, with electronics and machines
as guidelines. being ubiquitous. Taking the latest models off the fac-
tory line and remodeling them to suit your own pur-
•• NPC Assistance: If it is used to involve the assis- poses is the engineer’s bread and butter.
tance of an NPC (like the sniper, or getaway driver Wanting to test out their custom machines, get
example), the NPC is up to challenge rating 7, and funds for further tinkering, or simply wanting some
acts on your behalf for the entire scene. adventure and excitement is what draws many engi-
•• Single Target Damage: If it is used to damage a neers into a cadre.
single target (like the EMP example), it does 6d10 +
40 damage on a failed save, or half as much damage Class Features
on a successful one. The save ability depends on As an engineer, you get the following class features.
the specific effect, but the DC = 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Intelligence modifier. Hit Points
•• Area Damage: If it is used to do area damage (like Hit Dice: 1d8 per engineer level
the drone strike example), it does 6d6 + 30 damage Hit Points at 1st Level: 13 + your Constitution modifier
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a suc- Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Consti-
cessful one. The save ability depends on the specific tution modifier per engineer level after 1st
effect, but the DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Intelligence modifier. It affects everything Proficiencies
in a 6-meter-radius sphere centered on a point of Armor: Light armor
your choosing. Weapons: Simple weapons
•• Equipment: If it is used to gain some convenient Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
equipment (like in the baseball card, breath masks, Skills: Mechanics, and then choose two from Bureau-
or tracking device example), the equipment can be cracy, Computers, Deception, Drive, Investigation, Life
worth up to シ100,000. Science, Physical Science, Social Science, and Stealth
•• Hidden Entrance/Exit: The Gamemaster deter-
mines how easy to get to, and how effective the Equipment
modification is. It shouldn’t be a get out of jail free In addition to the equipment granted by your back-
card, but it should make things much easier for you ground, you start with either シ5,000 or the follow-
to get out of a jam. ing equipment:

This ability can only be used once per long rest. •• 9mm, 10mm, or 11mm handgun
•• Tech’s pack
•• Reinforced clothing
•• シ1,500

// GeneFunk 2090 // 83
Intro The Engineer
Hack Slots Per Level
Character Proficiency Hacks
Creation Level Bonus Features Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Hacking, Technical Expertise 3 4 — — — —

2nd +2 Construct Gear 4 5 — — — —
3rd +2 Engineer Archetype 5 6 — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 6 7 — — — —
Classes 5th +3 Builder Contact 7 7 1 — — —
6th +3 Archetype Feature 8 7 2 — — —
Goods and 7th +3 Tech Upgrade 9 7 3 — — —
Services 8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 10 7 4 — — —
9th +4 Structural Exploit 11 8 5 1 — —
Upgrades 10th +4 Archetype Feature 12 8 5 2 — —
11th +4 Tech Upgrade 13 8 5 3 — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 14 8 5 4 — —
13th +5 Builder Contact (2nd) 14 9 5 5 1 —
14th +5 Archetype Feature 15 9 5 5 2 —
Scores 15th +5 Tech Upgrade 16 9 5 5 3 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 17 9 5 5 4 —
Completing 17th +6 Archetype Feature 17 10 5 5 5 1
Contracts 18th +6 Tech Upgrade, Builder Contact (3rd) 18 10 5 5 5 2
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 19 10 5 5 5 3
Combat 20th +6 Patented Hacks 20 10 5 5 5 4

Technical Expertise For example, if you know the 1st-level hack alert
You gain expertise in Mechanics. Your proficiency bo- and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level hack slot available,
Brave New
nus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses you can run alert using either slot.
this proficiency.
Hacks Known
NPCs Hacking At 1st level, you know three 1st-level hacks of your
Starting at 1st level you are able to use hacks to modify, choice from the engineer hack list (Chapter 10: Hack-
Appendices create, and enhance technology. ing), as well as the arc drone and tase hacks. You learn
Intelligence is your hacking ability, and you use additional hacks as shown on the Engineer table.
your Intelligence whenever a hack refers to your hack-
ing ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence mod- Construct Gear
ifier when setting the saving throw DC for a hack you You can fabricate your own devices and gadgets, either
run and when making an attack roll with one. repairing second-hand stuff that people have thrown
away or making it from scratch in a DIY fashion.
•• Hack save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Instead of buying any item listed in the gear section
Intelligence modifier of Chapter 4, you can make it yourself, paying only half
•• Hack Attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + of the money for it. Using this feature takes 1 hour for
your Intelligence modifier every シ1,000 in the listed price (minimum 1 hour).
The listed price of the gear may not exceed シ5,000 x
Hack Slots your engineer level. This feature can't be used to con-
The Engineer table shows how many hack slots you struct weapons or armor.
have. To use one of these hacks, you must expend a slot In addition, you must have access to an appropri-
of the hack’s level or higher. You regain all expended ate area to work, and the proper tools (you couldn’t use
hack slots when you finish a long rest. this feature while hiking in the mountains, unless the
GM rules otherwise).

84 // 3. Classes //
A side effect of this DIY gear is that you must roll a
1d20 every time you use it; on a roll of a 1, it malfunc-
tions and doesn’t work for 1 minute. You may attempt
another roll after this time has elapsed.

Engineer Archetype
The engineer archetype you choose reflects your ap-
proach to engineering. Your engineer archetype choice
grants you features at 3rd level and then again at 7th,
10th, 15th, and 18th level. The individual features of this
feature are detailed at the end of this class description.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th,
12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can in-
crease one ability score of your choice
by 2, or you can increase two ability
scores of your choice by 1. As nor-
mal, you can’t increase an abil-
ity score above your maximum
using this feature.

Builder Contact
Starting at 5th level, you gain a contact who is some-
how connected to mechanics, construction, or en-
gineering. This could be a street racer, autobody me-
chanic, electrician, contractor, junkyard tinkerer, or
anything else you can think of. You get an additional
contact at level 13 and 18.

Structural Exploit
At 9th level, you can see design flaws in machines, and
exploit them to your advantage. Any time you inflict
damage on a droid, drone, or vehicle, you inflict the
maximum damage instead of rolling dice for dam-
age. This ability works no matter what the source of
the damage is.

Tech Upgrade
At 7th level, you acquire an upgrade from chapter 5:
Upgrades. You gain an additional upgrade at 11th, 14th,
and 18th level. You gain these upgrades through your
connection to potentially illicit channels, so you can
get upgrades that are restricted or banned.

•• 7th level: You may select an upgrade worth up

to シ 50,000
•• 11th level: You may select an upgrade worth
up to シ 100,000
•• 14th level: You may select an upgrade worth
up to シ 200,000
•• 18th level: You may select any upgrade

// GeneFunk 2090 // 85
Intro Additionally, at levels 11, 14, and 18, you can replace you use the Construct Gear feature, you don’t need to
one of the upgrades that you already have with another roll a 1d20 to see if the equipment malfunctions.
Character that you could acquire at that level (it doesn’t cost an
Creation additional upgrade to do this). In other words, you can Demolitions Expertise
trade a cheaper upgrade for a more expensive one. This At 6th level, you gain fluency in setting and disarm-
Genomes can only be used to replace upgrades you have acquired ing explosives. You gain advantage on any Intelli-
with this class feature, not those purchased with シ. gence (Mechanics) ability check relating to explo-
As with any upgrade, you must be in an appropri- sives of any type.
Classes ate facility, and it takes 24 hours to install a particular
upgrade, which results in one level of exhaustion until Construct Explosives
Goods and you take a long rest. At 6th level, you gain expertise in constructing various
Services explosives. You learn the following hacks for free:
P atented H acks
Upgrades At 20th level, you have achieved such mastery over •• Concussion Bomb
certain hacks that you can run them with ease. Choose •• Smoke Bomb
two 1st- and one 2nd-level hacks that you know. You •• Flashbang Bomb
Daemons can run those hacks at their lowest level without ex- •• Fragmentation Bomb
pending a hack slot. •• Specialty Detonator
Scores Engineer Archetype If you already know one or more of these hacks, you
While all engineers are good with electronics and me- may immediately select any other hack of your choice
chanics, different engineers choose different areas to for each one you already know.
focus their hacking on.
Reliable Taser
Combat Gadgeteer Starting at 6th level, you’ve crafted a custom Taser. Us-
The tech-crazy gadgeteers are incredible at taking ex- ing the tase hack no longer expends a hack slot. Addi-
Hacking isting technology and adapting and enhancing it to tionally, you can run the tase hack as a bonus action.
suit their needs. Talent with all hardware is their hall-
mark with explosives, electronics, and bombs being a Bomberman
Brave New
particular specialty of this archetype. At 10th level, you’ve mastered the creation of even
more explosives. You learn the following hacks for free:
Upgrade Tech
Starting at 3rd level, you can modify much of the •• EMP Bomb
equipment that you purchase, upgrading it in some •• Incendiary Bomb
Appendices meaningful way. You learn the following hacks for free: •• Knockout Bomb
•• Poison Bomb
•• Armor Plating •• Shaped Charge Bomb
•• Armor Smith •• Sticky Bomb
•• Gunsmith
If you already know one or more of these hacks, you
If you already know one or more of these hacks, you may immediately select any other hack of your choice
may immediately select any other hack of your choice for each one you already know.
for each one you already know.
You can also think of other modifications to any Megataser
equipment at the GM’s discretion, usually involving a Starting at 10th level, the tase hack does an addi-
small bonus to the gear’s primary function, making it tional 1d10 electrical damage. This increases to 2d10
smaller, changing its appearance, adding an addition- electrical damage at level 14, and 3d10 electrical dam-
al function, etc. age at level 17.

Improved Construct Gear Blast Master

At 3rd level, you may use your Construct Gear feature Starting at 14th level, you can pack your explosives
to construct weapons and armor. In addition, when with extra punch. When you run a craft explosive

86 // 3. Classes //
Gadgeteer Quick Build Gearhead Quick Build
Genome: Optimized Genome: Spartan Naiad
Class: Level 1 Engineer Class: Level 1 Engineer
Background: Trust Fund Kid Background: Military Veteran*
Saving Throws: Con and Int Saving Throws: Con and Int
10 16 16 16 9 12 15 18 16 14 10 8
HP: 16 Speed: 9 AC: 17 DR: 0 HP: 16 Speed: 9 AC: 19 DR: 0
Skill Proficiencies: Computers +5, Investigation Skill Proficiencies: Athletics +4, Computers +4,
+5, Mechanicsexp +7, Persuasion +3, Physical Drive +6, Mechanicsexp +6, Perception +2
Science +5, Social Science +5, Stealth +5 Hacks Known: AP ammo, arc drone, gunsmith,
Hacks Known: arc drone, cushion, frictionless spray, linked battlemind, tase
noxious cloud, tase Attacks: 11mm Handgun. +6 to hit, 14/42 m.,
Attacks: 10mm Handgun. +5 to hit, 13/39 m., 2d8+4 P damage (close, light, reload 10)
3d4+3 P damage (close, light, reload 12) 10 gauge Shotgun. +6 to hit, 50/150 m., 2d10+4 P
Equipment: 10 mm handgun, dark vision goggles, damage (reload 8, shotgun, two-handed)
gadget hack kit, freezing spray, magazines Equipment: 10 gauge shotgun, 11 mm handgun,
(10mm x4), mechanics tools, nanofiber vest gadget hack kit, magazines (10 gauge x4,11mm
x4), mechanics tools, plate vest*
*Medium Armor Proficiency from Military Veteran
hack, you can either spend an extra シ500 to add background
your Intelligence modifier to the damage roll when
the explosive actually detonates, or another シ2,000
so that anyone caught in the blast radius must make Soup-Up
their saving throw at a disadvantage when they first Starting at 3rd level, you can modify vehicles, like
must make a save. cars, motorcycles, planes, etc. You learn the following
hacks for free:
Sublime Mods
Starting at 17th level, your tech upgrades are especially •• Armor Plating
potent. When you use the Armor Plating, Armor Smith, •• Tough Tires
or Gunsmith hacks, the effects are doubled if you spend •• Upgrade Vehicle Handling
twice as much money. •• Upgrade Vehicle Speed
•• Weapon Mount
Gearheads are obsessed with vehicles. They excel at If you already know one or more of these hacks, you
both the mechanical enhancement and piloting of. may immediately select any other hack of your choice
Racecar drivers, body shop grease monkeys, chop shop for each one you already know.
mechanics, and getaway drivers all find a home with Additionally, you can think of other modifications
this archetype. to vehicles at the GM’s discretion, usually involving a
small bonus to the vehicle’s function, changing its ap-
Driver pearance, adding an additional function, etc.
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Drive skill. If
you already have this proficiency, or you gain it at a Vehicular Restoration
later time, you can add twice your proficiency bonus Beginning at 3rd level, restoring cars, bikes, and oth-
to Drive ability checks. In addition, you get a +3 bonus er vehicles to pristine status is a passion and talent of
to Move checks in a Chase (see Chapter 8: Completing yours. You can use the Construct Gear class feature on
Contracts) while driving a vehicle, and the ram maneu- vehicles as well as gear, and there is no listed cost max-
ver in vehicle combat inflicts additional damage equal imum when you use it to construct vehicles (though it
to your proficiency bonus. still takes you the normal amount of money and time).
Additionally, vehicles acquired in this fashion do not
have to roll a 1d20 to see if they malfunction.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 87
Intro Extra Attack Merge with the Machine
Beginning at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of Starting at 10th level, when you drive, you take in the
Character once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. camera feed and other sensor information from the
Creation vehicle into your own consciousness. Essentially, you
Martial Weapon Proficiency take on the sense perceptions of the vehicle, making it
Genomes At level 6, you gain proficiency with martial weapons. a part of your body. In addition to your Dexterity modi-
fier, you can also add your Intelligence modifier to any
Action Surge Dexterity (Drive) checks. In addition, while piloting
Classes Starting at 10th level, you can push yourself beyond a vehicle, your bonus to Move checks during a Chase
your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you increases to +6, and the ram maneuver in vehicle com-
Goods and can take one additional action on top of your regular bat inflicts additional damage equal to your twice your
Services action and a possible bonus action. proficiency bonus.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short
Upgrades or long rest before you can use it again. Master Mechanic
Starting at 14th level, you gain advantage on all Intelli-
gence (Mechanics) ability checks dealing with vehicles.
Daemons In addition, when using your Construct Gear feature to
restore vehicles, you only need to pay ¼ of the vehicles
Ability listed cost, not ½.
Ultimate Pimp Out
At 17th level, your ability to soup-up vehicles has
reached near perfection. When you use the Armor
Plating, Nitro Boost, Upgrade Vehicle Handling, and Up-
grade Vehicle Speed hacks, the effects are doubled if you
spend twice as much money.
Robots are the air you breathe, and you relish con-
Brave New
structing marvels of technology, be it drones or droids.
You tinker with one prototype robot in particular, mak-
ing it the pinnacle of your talents, a perfect expression
of your mastery of robotics.

Appendices Drone Enthusiast

Beginning at 3rd level, the arc drone hack’s duration
is increased from 1 minute to 10 minutes. In addition,
you can launch this hack or inflict damage with it us-
ing your action instead of your bonus action.

Prototype Robot
At 3rd level, you can construct your own robot, based
on the blueprints of a base factory model, but im-
proved by your own ingenious modifications! With 1
week of work and the expenditure of シ 2,000 worth of
materials, you fabricate a robot of one of the following
types: a Eupro - Wadsworth, a Grease Monkey, a Lab Rat,
a Spot, a Tarantula MK I, or a Phantom MK I. If you have
another idea on building a base robot from scratch,
work with your GM based upon the robots above to
make your own base model. Your prototype robot has

88 // 3. Classes //
the same game statistics as the base model, except it
Roboticist Quick Build
uses your proficiency modifier rather than its own.
Genome: Eucypher
In combat, it takes its turn on your initiative. On
Class: Level 1 Engineer
your turn, you can verbally or wirelessly command the
Background: Technician
prototype robot where to move (no action required by
Saving Throws: Con and Int
you). You can use your bonus action to command it to
take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, or Help action. If you 6 13 12 18 18 10
don’t issue a command, the prototype robot takes the HP: 14 Speed: 9 AC: 16 DR: 0
Dodge action. Skill Proficiencies: Computers +6, Investigation
If you are incapacitated or absent, the prototype +6, Mechanicsexp +8, Physical Science +6,
robot acts on its own, focusing on protecting you and Hacks Known: anonymity, arc drone, decrypt,
itself. It never requires your command to use its reac- unlock, database dip, linked battlemind, noxious
tion, such as when making an opportunity attack. If cloud, tase, toxic jet
your prototype robot is destroyed beyond repair, you Attacks: Taser. +3 to hit, 3/6 m., 1 E damage, DC 13
can create another one. You can only have one proto- Con save or stunned until end of next turn (close,
type robot at once. light, reload 2)
Equipment: ball bearings, crowbar, bolt cutters,
Ingenious Improvements I drugs (nanodoc x3, nootro x3, perk x1), duffle
At 3rd level, your prototype robot gains two of the fol- bag, flash light, freezing spray, frictionless spray,
lowing improvements: gadget hack kit, goggles, and mechanics tools.

•• Tanky Boi. Your prototype robot adds your profi-

ciency bonus to its AC. •• Insulated. Your prototype robot no longer has
•• Redundancy Systems. Your prototype robot vulnerability to electrical damage.
adds 3 hit points per engineer level to its maxi- •• Reliable Systems. Your prototype robot gains
mum hit points. proficiency in all saving throws.
•• Savvy Boi. Your prototype robot gains proficiency •• Weapons Programs. Your prototype robot gains
in three skills and can speak every known language. proficiency in all weapons.
•• Olfactory Boost. Your prototype robot can recog- •• Smarty Boi. Your prototype robot increases their
nize people’s unique scent, track them easily (as Intelligence and Wisdom scores by 4 each (up to a
long as it hasn’t rained), and gain incredible details maximum of 20).
about an object based on its scent. While tracking •• Fierce Boi. Your prototype robot adds your profi-
people, your robot can learn their exact number, ciency bonus to its damage rolls.
their sizes, and how long ago they passed through
the area. If the robot is downwind of someone, it is Ingenious Improvements III
impossible for that person to hide, or keep them- At 10th level, your prototype robot gains two improve-
selves disguised without some major alteration of ments from the following list, or from Ingenious Im-
their scent. Additionally, your robot has advantage provements I or II.
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
•• Combat Firmware. Your prototype robot can
Robot Artisan attack twice, instead of once, whenever it takes the
Beginning at 6th level, your expertise at robotics Attack action on your turn.
grants you the upgrade robot hack for free. In addition, •• Turtle Boi. Your prototype robot increases their
you can run this hack using a 2nd-level hack slot, in- DR by your proficiency bonus but decreases their
stead of a 3rd-level slot. If used to enhance your proto- movement by 3 meters.
type robot, it costs シ2,000 rather than the cost listed •• Speedy Boi. Your prototype robot increases its
in the hack description. speed by 6 meters.
•• Inhuman Skill Software. Your prototype robot
Ingenious Improvements II gains expertise in two skills they are already profi-
At 6th level, your prototype robot gains two improve- cient in. Their proficiency bonus is doubled for any
ments from the following list, or from Ingenious Im- ability check made using either skill.
provements I.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 89
Intro Drone Master
Beginning at 10th level, you learn the drone swarm
Character hack for free. If you already know this hack, you may
Creation immediately select any other hack of your choice. In
addition, you can launch this hack or inflict damage
Genomes with it using either your action or your bonus action.

Master Craftsman
Classes At 14th level, your ability to take any factory model
robot and bring it to the next level is second nature.
Goods and When you run the upgrade robot hack, the effects are
Services doubled if you spend twice as much money. Addition-
ally, its maximum ability score for Strength and Dex-
Upgrades terity becomes 24 instead of 20.

Ingenious Improvements IV
Daemons At 17th level your prototype robot gains two improve-
ments from the following list, or from Ingenious Im-
Ability provements I, II, or III.

•• Bodyguard Software. Whenever
you are hit by a weapon or
unarmed strike, and
your prototype
robot is within
6 meters of you,
Hacking you can choose
for your robot to spend their reac-
tion to move adjacent to you, ignoring opportunity
Brave New
attacks, and take the damage instead of you.
•• Effortless Commands. As long as you don’t move
this turn, you can command your prototype robot
to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, or Help action
without spending your bonus action.
Appendices •• Sensor Overhaul. Your prototype robot gains
blindsight within 9 meters, and spectrum vision
within 18 meters, as well as advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks.
•• Sacrificial Bomb-Boi. Your prototype robot can
overload its power systems, self-destructing and
doing massive damage. As an Attack action, your
prototype robot explodes, inflicting 50 heat damage
and 10d10 piercing damage to everything in a 6-me-
ter radius. As a result, your prototype robot drops
to 0 hit points and becomes irreparable, since it is a
molten collection of slag and shrapnel.

90 // 3. Classes //
The Gunfighter the story. Some gunfighters decide to be crusaders for
Proficiency justice, creating a story of their own, while others are
Level Bonus Features gunfighters just because they’re good at it.
1st +2 Fighting Style, Take Cover Many gunfighters are genetically designed specifi-
2nd +2 Action Surge (one use) cally for combat, bred and trained to be perfect weap-
3rd +2 Way of the Gun ons, but they can come from any genome as long as
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement they are skilled enough. You may not be the wealthi-
5th +3 Extra Attack est or most educated person, but in a gunfight, no one
6th +3 Military Upgrade wants to be your enemy.
7th +3 Way of the Gun Feature, Mili-
Class Features
tary Contact
As a gunfighter, you get the following class features.
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Military Upgrade, Evasion
Hit Points
10th +4 Way of the Gun Feature
Hit Dice: 1d10 per gunfighter level
11th +4 Military Upgrade, Take Cover
Hit Points at 1st Level: 16 + your Constitution modifier
(two uses)
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Con-
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
stitution modifier per gunfighter level after 1st
13th +5 Action Surge (two uses), Mili-
tary Contact (2nd) Proficiencies
14th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Armor: All armor
Military Upgrade Weapons: Simple weapons, martial ranged weapons
15th +5 Way of the Gun Feature Saving Throws: Dexterity, Constitution
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Comput-
17th +6 Military Upgrade ers, Drive, Insight, Intimidation, Mechanics, Perception,
18th +6 Way of the Gun Feature Stealth, Streetwise, and Survival
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Action Surge (three uses), Equipment
Take Cover (three uses) In addition to the equipment granted by your back-
ground, you start with either シ5,000 or the follow-
ing equipment:
Gunfighters are masters of all firearms, unleashing •• 9mm, 10mm, or 11mm handgun
storms of bullets at their enemies. They use a lethal •• Gangster pack or merc pack
combination of skill, discipline, and weaponry to bring •• Reinforced clothing
an opponent down as fast as possible. Weapon tech- •• シ3,000
nology has never been better and the potent variety of
ammunition and firearms available are a virtual play- Fighting Style
ground of opportunity for the gunfighter. Gunfighters You adopt a particular style of fighting as your special-
may also have a few other tricks up their sleeves as ty. Choose a Fighting Style below. You can’t take the
well, but if Murphy’s Law has taught us anything it’s same Fighting Style option more than once, even if you
better to have a gun and not need one than need a gun get to choose again.
and not have it.
Most gunfighters have had at least some military •• Marksman: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you
training, though a rare few are self-taught. Gunfight- make with ranged weapons.
ers are soldiers, police officers, assassins, syndicate •• Defense: While you are wearing armor, you gain a
shock troops, or freedom fighters. Finding work is nev- +1 bonus to AC.
er hard for the gunfighter, as syndicate or government •• Machine Gunner: You reduce recoil by 3 when you
armies are always looking for another skilled gun. use the auto feature of a firearm.
Every story must have a conflict, and many con- •• Pistoleer: You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with
flicts in the world of GeneFunk 2090 involve violence. firearms with the “close” property.
Often, these conflicts are what draw gunfighters into

// GeneFunk 2090 // 91
•• Shotgun Specialist: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a Military Upgrade
damage die for an attack you make with a shotgun, At 6th level, you acquire an upgrade from Chapter 5:
Character you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, Upgrades. You gain an additional upgrade at 9th, 11th,
Creation even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. 14th, and 18th level. You gain these upgrades through
•• Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage in your connection to either private, municipal or nation-
Genomes two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability mod- al military forces, so you can get upgrades that are re-
ifier to the damage of the second attack. stricted or banned.

Classes Take Cover •• 6th level: You may select an upgrade worth up
When the bullets start flying, you know how to avoid to シ 30,000
Goods and them. When a ranged weapon attack hits you, you can •• 9th level: You may select an upgrade worth
Services use your reaction to reduce the damage inflicted by up to シ 75,000
an amount equal to 1d10 + twice your gunfighter level. •• 11th level: You may select an upgrade worth
Upgrades You must decide whether or not to use this ability be- up to シ 100,000
fore the damage is rolled. •• 14th level: You may select an upgrade worth
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short up to シ 200,000
Daemons or long rest before you can use it again. Starting at 11th •• 17th level: You may select any upgrade
level, you can use it twice before a rest, and at 20th lev-
Ability el, you can use it three times before a rest. Additionally, at levels 6, 9, 11, 14, and 17, you can re-
Scores place one of the upgrades that you already have with an-
Action Surge other that you could acquire at that level (it doesn’t cost
Starting at 2nd level, you can push yourself beyond an additional upgrade to do this). In other words, you can
your normal limits for a moment. On Your Turn, you trade a cheaper upgrade for a more expensive one. This
can take one additional action on top of your regular can only be used to replace upgrades you have acquired
action and a possible Bonus Action. with this class feature, not those purchased with シ.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short As with any upgrade, you must be in an appropri-
Hacking or long rest before you can use it again. Starting at 13th ate facility, and it takes 24 hours to install a particular
level, you can use it twice before a rest, but only once upgrade, which results in one level of exhaustion until
on the same turn. At 20th level, you can use it three you take a long rest.
Brave New
times before a rest.
Military Contact
Way of the G un Starting at 7th level, you gain a contact with ties to law
At 3rd level, you choose what type of gunfighter you enforcement, the military, or a mercenary company.
want to be. Your Way of the Gun choice grants you fea- This could be a cop, FBI agent, marine, merc, or any
Appendices tures at 3rd level and then again at 7th, 10th, 15th, and other gun-toting person. You get an additional con-
18th level. The individual features of this feature are tact at level 13.
detailed at the end of this class description.
Ability Score Improvement Beginning at 9th level, you can nimbly dodge out of
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, the way of certain area effects, such as a grenade blast
14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one abili- or a falling object. When you are subjected to an effect
ty score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to
ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t take only half damage, you instead take no damage if
increase an ability score above your maximum using you succeed on the saving throw, and only half dam-
this feature. age if you fail.

Extra Attack Way of the Gun

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of Yes, you’re good with guns, but what types of guns, and
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. in what ways? Are you a quick draw desperado type, or
an army ranger?

92 // 3. Classes //
“close” property) whenever you take the Attack action
Gunslinger Quick Build
on your turn.
Genome: Unmodified - Cyborg (+1 Dex, +1 Con,
At 18th level, the Attack action grants you four at-
Gun Fu Guru feat, Stealth proficiency, medicomp
tacks when used in the way described above.
– Nightingale, motor chip – Hexie, subdermal
plates – Ronin, targeting computer – Ronin)
Class: Level 1 Gunslinger
Superior Handgun Critical
Beginning at 15th level, when you attack with a firearm
Background: Military Veteran
with the “close” property, attacks with that weapon
Saving Throws: Dex and Con
score a critical hit on a roll of 18, 19, or 20.
14 18 14 10 12 8
HP: 18 Speed: 9 AC: 19 DR: 0
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics +4, Drive +6, Per- You master the skills of the sniper, taking your time
ception +3, Stealth +6, Streetwise +5 to make the perfect shot. Snipers favor precision
Attacks: 12mm Handgun. +8 to hit, 15/45 m., marksmanship, putting their bullets exactly where
3d6+6* P damage (close, reload 6) they want them.
10mm Handgun. +8 to hit, 13/39 m., 3d4+6 P dam-
age (close, light, reload 12) Deadly Aim
Equipment: 10 mm handgun, 12 mm handgun Starting at 3rd level, if you take an entire turn to aim at
binoculars, breathing mask, caltrops, climbing a target, they are “marked” at the end of your turn. If
gear, drugs (nanodoc x5), grappling hook, crow- the marked target disappears from your view, they are
bar, flashlight, first aid kit, handcuffs, magazines no longer marked. Keeping a target marked requires
(12mm armor-piercing x3), mini breather, spike concentration. When you make an attack roll against a
strip, 10mm armor-piercing magazines target that you have marked, you have advantage.
*+2 damage from pistoleer Additionally, you can target specific areas of an in-
dividual’s body, as described in the Deadly Aim Tar-
gets table below.
Gunslinger Once you have made an attack against a marked
Like desperados of yore, the handgun is your specialty. target, they are no longer marked (whether or not you
Gunslingers excel at quick draw, rapid attacks in suc- hit with the attack). Additionally, you cannot use the
cession, and deadly accuracy. Extra Attack feature with Deadly Aim (the extra at-
tacks cannot be used for those turns that you are us-
Improved Handgun Critical ing deadly aim).
Beginning at 3rd level, when you attack with a firearm
Deadly Aim Targets
with the “close” property, attacks with that weapon
score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. Target Effect
Opening This attack hits a weak spot in the armor,
Quickdraw making the damage armor-piercing. If
Starting at 3rd level, you’ve developed a canny ability the damage is already armor-piercing,
to draw your weapon and attack before your opponent the attack completely ignores damage
has even had a chance to react. You have advantage on reduction.
attack rolls against any target that hasn’t taken a turn Headshot If it hits, the attack is automatically
in the combat yet. Additionally, you gain a +5 bonus a critical hit and does extra damage
to initiative. equal to twice your Gunfighter level.
Hand The attack does half damage, but the
Pistoleer target drops their weapon (or whatev-
At 7th level, you gain Fighting Style: Pistoleer. If you er else they are holding) and for the
already picked this feature at level 2, you may select an rest of combat they have disadvantage
additional Fighting Style. on attack rolls with that hand.
Foot The attack does half damage, and the
Extra Handgun Attack target is knocked prone, and for the rest
At 10th level, as long as you are attacking with a fire- of the combat they move at half speed.
arm with the “close” property, you can make three at- Centre Mass You get a +10 bonus to your Attack roll.
tacks with that weapon (or another firearm with the

// GeneFunk 2090 // 93
Intro Improved Deadly Aim
Sniper Quick Build
At 7th level you have become such a fluid shot that
Genome: Spartan – Wraith
Character you can use your Deadly Aim feature to mark a target
Class: Level 1 Gunfighter
Creation with a bonus action instead of your entire turn, mean-
Background: Slum Dog
ing you can make an attack the same turn you mark
Saving Throws: Dex and Con
Genomes a target. This feature only works if you don’t move
13 18 14 8 14 8 during your turn.
HP: 18 Speed: 12 AC: 19 DR: 0
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics +3, Perception +4, Marksman
Stealth +8 exp, Streetwise +1, Survival +4 At 10th level, you gain Fighting Style: Marksman. If
Goods and Attacks: 7.62mm sniper rifle. +8* to hit, 300/900 m., you already picked this feature at level 2, you may se-
2d10+4 P damage (reload 5, two-handed) lect an additional Fighting Style.
Knife. +6 to hit, melee, 1d4+4 P damage (finesse,
Upgrades light, thrown, quick) Crack Shot
Equipment: 7.62mm sniper rifle, binoculars, At 15th level your marksmanship has achieved levels
breathing mask, caltrops, climbing gear, grap- where you can calculate for the Coriolis Effect, the cur-
Daemons vature of the earth, and your own heartbeat, granting
pling hook, crowbar, flashlight, first aid kit, hand-
cuffs, knife, magazines (7.62mm armor-piercing the following benefits:
x3), mini breather, plate vest, spike strip ••Attacking at long range doesn’t cause disadvantage
*+2 to hit from marksmen on attack rolls.

••Your ranged attacks ignore cover unless it is
complete cover.
Whenever you have advantage on a ranged attack
roll, you can reroll one of the dice once.

Superior Deadly Aim

Hacking At 18th level, taking aim with lethal accuracy is second
nature, and you can use your Deadly Aim feature to
mark a target by using your bonus action, and you are
Brave New
free to use your movement as well.

Your training and experience reflect the life of a soldier,
and you are at home using armor, automatic firearms,
Appendices explosives, and military cyberware. Armed forces,
SWAT, or any other regimented combatants are exem-
plified by this.

Soldier Military Upgrade

At 3rd level, you acquire an upgrade from Chapter 5:
Upgrades. The upgrade can cost up to シ20,000. This
feature uses the same rules as the Military Upgrade
class feature, first obtained at level 6, and explained
later in this class description. The upgrade obtained
through this feature can be traded in for a more ex-
pensive one when you reach level 6, as described in the
Military Upgrade class feature.

Armored Comfort
At 3rd level, you are used to wearing a heavy combat
kit and armor. As such, you don’t suffer disadvantage
when making Stealth checks in any type of armor.

94 // 3. Classes //
Soldier Quick Build Machine Gunner
At 7th level, you gain Fighting Style: Machine Gunner.
Genome: Spartan – Infantry
If you already picked this feature at level 2, you may se-
Class: Level 1 Gunfighter
lect an additional Fighting Style.
Background: Military Veteran
Saving Throws: Dex and Con
Demolitions Expertise
17 18 16 10 12 8 At 10th level, you gain fluency in the creation, setting,
HP: 19 Speed: 9 AC: 19 DR: 0 and disarming of explosives. You gain advantage on
Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics +6, Athletics +5, any Intelligence (Mechanics) ability check relating to
Drive +6, Perception +3, Stealth +6 explosives of any type.
Attacks: 7.62mm assault rifle. +8* to hit, 13/39 m.,
2d10+4 P damage (close, light, reload 12) Demolitionist
11mm Handgun. +8* to hit, 14/42 m., 2d8+4 P dam- At 10th level, you learn the flashbang bomb, fragmenta-
age (close, reload 6) tion bomb and concussion bomb hacks. You can use any
Equipment: 7.62mm sniper rifle, binoculars, of these hacks as though you had the appropriate hack
breathing mask, crowbar, flashlight, first aid kit, slot available to launch it at the minimum level. In ad-
handcuffs, magazines (7.62mm armor-piercing x2, dition, you can throw grenades as a bonus action.
11mm armor-piercing x2), mini breather, plate vest
*+2 to hit from marksmen Uncanny Dodge
Starting at 15th level, when an attacker that you can
see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction
to halve the attack’s damage against you.

Superior Machine Gunner

At 18th level, you are fitted with shock-absorbing cy-
berware to reduce recoil by 6 (instead of 3) when you
use the auto feature of a firearm.

It’s a hard knock life. Hardcases are goons, gangsters,
pit-fighters, hired muscle, or just plain tough grizzled
bastards. When the shit goes down, the hardcase is
right there in the front lines, fighting tooth and nail.
When your specialty is busting heads it’s rare to find
employment on the right side of the law, so many hard-
cases have at least some contact with the underworld.
The syndicates have armies of trained soldiers for of-
ficial business, but the hardcase is often contracted
when the syndicate is unable to directly exercise brute
force due to politics. In the rare instances when the
hardcase decides violence isn’t the best option, intim-
idation, guile and street smarts are his back up tools.
Hardcases are often made protagonists because
most stories, whether it’s planned or not, involve vio-
lence. When diplomacy, subterfuge and other meth-
ods fail, it’s always nice to have a human wrecking ball
to fall back on. A hardcase may follow a strict code of
honor, seek vengeance against a particular syndicate,
or maybe he just doesn’t take any shit. Whatever the
motivation, the road a story takes is full of bumps, and
the hardcase helps pound them out.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 95
Intro The Hardcase
Level Bonus Pugilist Features
Creation 1st +2 1d4 Unarmored Defense, Second Wind, Pugilist, Brutal Focus (d4)
2nd +2 1d4 Fighting Style
Genomes 3rd +2 1d4 Brute Specialty
4th +2 1d4 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 1d6 Extra Attack
Classes 6th +3 1d6 Shady Contact, Heavy Hands, Brutal Focus (d6)
7th +3 1d6 Illicit Upgrade, Specialty Feature
Goods and 8th +3 1d6 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 1d8 Indomitable, Specialty Feature
10th +4 1d8 Relentless Stamina, Second Wind (2 uses)
Upgrades 11th +4 1d8 Illicit Upgrade, Scary, Brutal Focus (d8)
12th +4 1d8 Ability Score Improvement,
13th +5 1d10 Indomitable (2 uses), Shady Contact (2nd)
14th +5 1d10 Specialty Feature
15th +5 1d10 Second Wind (3 uses), Illicit Upgrade
Scores 16th +5 1d10 Ability Score Improvement, Brutal Focus (d10)
17th +6 1d12 Indomitable (3 uses), Shady Contact (3rd)
Completing 18th +6 1d12 Unwavering Might, Illicit Upgrade
19th +6 1d12 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 1d12 Rampage, Brutal Focus (d12)

Hacking A hardcase often comes from a poor background, Equipment

as most wealthy individuals with a talent for violence In addition to the equipment granted by your back-
become corporate samurais or officers in an army. A ground, you start with either シ5,000 or the follow-
Brave New
harsh, unforgiving upbringing is what usually produc- ing equipment:
es a hardcase. Understanding how to use violence and
withstand it were the basic tools for survival in their •• 9mm, 10mm, or 11mm handgun
childhood stomping grounds. Crooks and hardcases •• Gangster pack or merc pack
often come from similar backgrounds but deal with •• Reinforced clothing
Appendices their environment differently. •• シ3,000
Class Features Unarmored Defense
As a hardcase, you get the following class features. Starting at level 1, while you are not wearing any armor,
your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier +
Hit Points your Constitution modifier.
Hit Dice: 1d12 per hardcase level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 19 + your Constitution modifier Second Wind
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Consti- You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw
tution modifier per hardcase level after 1st on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you
can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to
Proficiencies 1d10 + your hardcase level.
Armor: Light armor, medium armor Once you use this feature, you must finish a short
Weapons: Simple weapons or long rest before you can use it again.
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Drive, Pugilist
Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Starting at level 1, you are trained in unarmed combat,
Streetwise, and Stealth and your unarmed strikes hit like clubs.

96 // 3. Classes //
•• You can make one unarmed strike or initiate a grap-
ple as a bonus action.
•• Your unarmed strikes do extra damage as shown on
the Hardcase table.
•• You can use your action to try to pin a person
grappled by you. To do so, make another grapple
check. If you succeed, you and the person are both
restrained until the grapple ends.

Brutal Focus
Starting at 1st level, as a bonus action you can choose
a target you can see within 18 meters and single it out
as the total focus of your violent tendencies. You deal
an extra 1d4 damage to the target whenever you hit
it with a weapon attack. This ability requires con-
centration. In combat, all of your attacks must be
directed towards the target of your Brutal Focus.
Area effect attacks can be performed, but only if
the target of your Brutal Focus is affected. You
can stop using Brutal Focus as a free action.
The bonus damage granted by Brutal Fo-
cus increases to 1d6 at level 6, 1d8 at level 11,
1d10 at level 16, and 1d12 at level 20.

Fighting Style
At 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as
your specialty. Choose a Fighting Style below. You can’t
take the same Fighting Style option more than once,
even if you get to choose again.

•• Marksman: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you

make with ranged weapons.
•• Defense: While you are wearing armor, you gain a
+1 bonus to AC.
•• Pistoleer: you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with
firearms with the “close” property.
•• Shotgun Specialist: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a
damage die for an attack you make with a shotgun,
you can reroll the die and must use the new roll,
even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2.
•• Striker: Your unarmed strikes score a critical hit on
a roll of 18, 19, or 20.
•• Dueling: When you are wielding a melee weapon
in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2
bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
•• Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2
on a damage die for an attack you make with a me-
lee weapon that you are wielding with two hands,
you can reroll the die and must use the new roll,
even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon
must have the two-handed or versatile prop-
erty for you to gain this benefit.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 97
Intro Brute Specialty As with any upgrade, you must be in an appropri-
Your Brute Specialty choice grants you features at 3rd ate facility, and it takes 24 hours to install a particular
Character level and then again at 7th, 9th, and 14th level. The in- upgrade, which results in one level of exhaustion until
Creation dividual features of this feature are detailed at the end you take a long rest.
of this class description.
Genomes Indomitable
Ability Score Improvement Beginning at 9th level, you can reroll a saving throw
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, that you fail. If you do so, you must use the new roll,
Classes and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of and you can’t use this feature again until you fin-
your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores ish a long rest.
Goods and of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an You can use this feature twice between long rests
Services ability score above your maximum using this feature. starting at 13th level and three times between long
rests starting at 17th level.
Upgrades Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of Relentless Stamina
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Starting at 10th level, your grit can keep you fighting
Daemons despite grievous wounds. If you drop to 0 hit points
Shady Contact and don’t die outright, you can make a DC 10 Consti-
Ability Starting at 6th level, you gain a contact with ties to tution saving throw. If you succeed, you drop to 1 hit
Scores the criminal underground. This could be a fence, cor- point instead.
rupt cop, getaway driver, hitman, burglar, drug dealer, Each time you use this feature after the first, the DC
pimp, prostitute, arms dealer, hacker, or any other per- increases by 5. When you finish a short or long rest, the
son operating on the wrong side of the law. You get an DC resets to 10.
additional contact at level 13 and 17.
Combat Scary
Heavy H ands Beginning at 11th level, you can use your action to
Hacking Starting at 6th level, whenever you score a critical hit frighten someone with your menacing presence.
against an opponent large sized or smaller with an un- When you do so, choose one person that you can see
armed strike, you knock them prone. within 6 meters of you. If the person can see or hear
Brave New
you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC
Illicit U pgrade equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma
At 7th level, you acquire an upgrade from Chapter 5: modifier) or be frightened of you until the end of your
Upgrades. You gain an additional upgrade at 7th, 11th, next turn. On subsequent turns, you can use your ac-
15th, and 18th level. You gain these upgrades through tion to extend the duration of this effect on the fright-
Appendices your connection to the underground, so you can get ened person until the end of your next turn. This effect
upgrades that are restricted or banned. ends if the person ends their turn out of line of sight or
more than 12 meters away from you.
•• 7th level: You may select an upgrade worth up If the person succeeds on its saving throw, you can’t
to シ 50,000 use this feature on that person again for 24 hours.
•• 11th level: You may select an upgrade worth
up to シ 100,000 Unwavering Might
•• 15th level: You may select an upgrade worth Starting at 18th level, whenever you make a Strength
up to シ 200,000 check, if your result is less than your Strength score,
•• 18th level: You may select any upgrade you can use your Strength score in place of rolled result.

Additionally, at levels 11, 15, and 18, you can replace Rampage
one of the upgrades that you already have with another Starting at 20th level, you can enter a state of crazed but
that you could acquire at that level (it doesn’t cost an controlled fury, all directed towards the target of your
additional upgrade to do this). In other words, you can Brutal Focus. All successful attacks made against the
trade a cheaper upgrade for a more expensive one. This target of your Brutal Focus are considered critical hits,
can only be used to replace upgrades you have acquired and as long as you have a target for your Brutal Focus,
with this class feature, not those purchased with シ. you gain a +5 bonus to your Relentless Stamina checks.

98 // 3. Classes //
Brute Specialty
Damage Sponge Quick Build
Are you better at beating people up, taking a punch, or
Genome: Traceur
instilling fear in your enemies with your criminal rep-
Class: Level 1 Hardcase
utation? Your specialty embodies your particular type
Background: Athlete
of badassery.
Saving Throws: Str and Con


15 19 16 8 6 9
Nobody can take a hit like you, and you are always HP: 24 Speed: 12 AC: 17 DR: 0
ready to come back for more. A combination of grit, Skill Proficiencies: Acrobaticsexp +8, Athletics
luck, will, and toughness keeps you up and ready no +4, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +6
matter how much damage you take. This specialty is Attacks: 12mm Handgun. +6 to hit, 15/45 m.,
for anyone that can take a licking and keep on ticking. 3d6+6 P damage (close, reload 6)
Equipment: 12mm handgun, binoculars, breath-
Soak it Up ing mask, caltrops, climbing gear, drugs (mars
Starting at 3rd level, you have a knack for rolling with x3, nanodoc x5, perk x3) grappling hook, crowbar,
the punches and getting lucky with “flesh wounds”. As flashlight, first aid kit, handcuffs, knife, maga-
a bonus action, you gain resistance to all damage for zines (12mm armor-piercing x6), mini breather,
one minute. This ability cannot be used again until you spike strip
take a long rest.

Beginning at level 7, you can use your fortitude to with-
stand forces that others try to evade. When you are
subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dex-
terity saving throw to take only half damage (like from
grenades), you can instead choose to use your Consti-
tution saving throw.

Mental Grit
Starting at 7th level, you gain proficiency in Wis-
dom and Charisma saving throws.

Reservoir of Vitality
At 9th level, your Second Wind
ability restores 4d10 + your
hardcase level.

for Punishment
Starting at 14th level, when
you use your Relentless Stami-
na class feature, you can roll your Constitution save
with advantage.

You have a degree from the school of hard knocks,
and the street has taught you how to survive in a kill
or be killed world. This specialty is appropriate for
street enforcers, mafia hitmen, and, well, gangsters!
Like a true alpha wolf, you capitalize on a reputation
for ultraviolence and a scorched earth attitude to get
what you want.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 99
Gangster Quick Build Unarmed Fighter Quick Build
Genome: Leviathan Genome: Titan
Class: Level 1 Hardcase Class: Level 1 Hardcase
Background: Ideologue Background: Pro Fighter
Saving Throws: Str and Con Saving Throws: Str and Con
19 8 16 12 12 8 19 14 18 7 9 12
HP: 22 Speed: 6 AC: 18 DR: 4 HP: 25 Speed: 9 AC: 17 DR: 0
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics +6, Intimidation +1 Skill Proficiencies: Athletics +6, Intimidation +3,
(+6 if within 6m.), Perception +5, Streetwise +3 Performance +3, Stealth +4
Goods and Attacks: Nanoblade. +6 to hit, melee, 1d6+4 P/S Attacks: 10 gauge Shotgun. +4 to hit, 50/150 m.,
damage (armor-piercing, finesse, light, thrown 2d10+2 P damage (reload 8, shotgun, two-handed)
6/18, quick) Unarmed strike. +6 to hit, melee, 1d4+6 B damage
Upgrades Bite. +6 to hit, melee, 2d6+4 P damage (ar- Equipment: 10 gauge shotgun, binoculars, breath-
mor-piercing, can only be done on grappled ing mask, caltrops, climbing gear, drugs (mars
targets) x6, nanodoc x9, perk x6) grappling hook, crowbar,
Unarmed strike. +6 to hit, melee, 1d4+4 B damage flashlight, first aid kit, handcuffs, knife, magazines
Equipment: bolt cutters, crowbar, drugs (mars x2, (10 gauge x4), mini breather, spike strip
nanodoc x3, perk x1), freezing spray, handcuffs,
nanoblade x4
your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) and make a Cha-
risma (Intimidation) ability check against their Wis-
Sneak Attack dom saving throws. If successful, the targets become
Beginning at 3rd level, you know how to strike subtly frightened until the end of the encounter. You must
and exploit a foe’s distraction. Once per turn, you can take a short or long rest before using this ability again.
deal an extra 1d6 damage to one person you hit with
Hacking an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The Bravado
attack must use a finesse or ranged weapon. At 9th level, your reputation and your ego cannot let
You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if an- you back down or be scared. You gain advantage on
Brave New
other enemy of the target is within 1.5 meters of it, that all saving throws that would result in you becom-
enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disad- ing frightened.
vantage on the attack roll.
Your sneak attack damage increases to 2d6 at level Retaliation
7, 3d6 at level 9, and 4d6 at level 14. Starting at 14th level, when you take damage from
Appendices someone that is within 12 meters of you, you can use
Martial Weapon Proficiency your reaction to make an attack against that them.
At level 3, you gain proficiency with ranged
martial weapons. Unarmed Fighter
You have a knack for using your body to inflict devas-
Reckless Attack tating violence on people. You spend countless hours
Starting at 7th level, you can throw aside all concern at the gym, sparring and mastering every martial art
for defense to attack with fierce desperation. When that ups your fight game. Bouncers, kung-fu movie
you make your first attack on your turn, you can de- stars, bodyguards, MMA teachers, and especially pro-
cide to attack recklessly. Doing so gives you advantage fessional fighters make up the bulk of this specialty.
on all of your attacks, but attack rolls against you have
advantage until your next turn. Mixed Martial Arts
Beginning at 3rd level, you become skilled in a va-
Credible Threat riety of martial arts maneuvers that you can use in
At 9th level, your fluency with underworld bravado unarmed combat.
and posturing are keen, and your words carry a deadly You learn four maneuvers from the ones listed be-
threatening weight of violence and mayhem. As a bo- low. You may only use one maneuver every time you
nus action, you can target a number of people equal to take the attack action. You learn two additional ma-

100 // 3. Classes //
neuvers of your choice at 7th, 9th, and 14th level. Each •• Sting like a Bee: This unarmed strike does an
time you learn new maneuvers, you can also replace additional 1d8 damage.
one maneuver you know with a different one. •• Superman Punch: You can move up to 3 meters
It takes a lot out of you to perform these techniques, (in addition to your speed) before making an
so you can only perform these maneuvers a number of unarmed strike.
times equal to your Constitution modifier + 3 before •• Takedown: In addition to the regular damage
you have to take a short or long rest to regain their use. from an unarmed strike, you and the target both
If the maneuver is an attack, you must declare which become prone, and you may initiate a grapple as
maneuver that you are using before making the Attack a free action.
roll. The use of the maneuver is expended whether or •• Trip: In addition to the regular damage from an
not the attack hits. unarmed strike it also acts as a shove (using the
If a maneuver requires a saving throw, the DC is 8+ shove rules).
your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity •• Wrist Strike: In addition to the regular damage the
modifier (your choice). unarmed strike, you can disarm the target. If you
hit, the target must make a Strength saving throw.
•• Block: When another person damages you with a On a failed save, it drops an object of your choice.
melee attack, you can use your reaction to reduce The object lands at its feet.
the damage by half your level + your Dexterity
modifier. Submission Artist
•• Choke: You can only use this maneuver if you begin At 7th level, you have advantage on attack rolls against
your turn having your target grappled. The target the target you are grappling, and they have disadvan-
must succeed at a Constitution saving throw, or tage on attack rolls made against you.
they become unconscious. They regain conscious-
ness 1 full round after you release the choke. Famous
•• Counterpunch: When someone misses you with a At 9th level, you count as one
melee attack, you can use your reaction and make more category higher for
an unarmed strike against them. your lifestyle granted by
•• Feinting Attack: In addition to the regular dam- your Mosaic score. For
age from the unarmed strike, you have advantage example, if your Mo-
on your next attack roll against that person. saic score would nor-
•• Float like a Butterfly: You can spend a bonus mally grant you a life-
action to gain a + 5 bonus to your AC against melee style of Middle Class,
attacks until the start of your next turn. it instead grants you
•• Leg Kick: In addition to the regular damage from a lifestyle of Well Off.
an unarmed strike, your target takes a 3-meter pen- Additionally, you im-
alty to their Speed for one minute. mediately receive シ
•• Maneuvering Attack: In addition to the regular 50,000 from an adver-
damage from the unarmed strike, one of your tising contract. Lastly,
allies that can see you moves up to half their Speed you gain advantage on
without provoking opportunity attacks. They must Charisma ability checks
spend their reaction to do so. with people the GM de-
•• Menacing Attack: In addition to the regular termines as your fans.
damage from the unarmed strike, the target must
make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it is Knock Out Artist
frightened of you until the end of your next turn. At 14th level, when you
•• Penetrating Strike: This unarmed strike is roll a natural 20 on an
armor-piercing. unarmed strike (in-
•• Rattling Blow: In addition to the regular dam- cluding MMA unarmed
age from the unarmed strike, the next attack roll strikes), it results in the
against the target (from you, or anyone else) has target being knocked
advantage, as long as the attack is made before the unconscious until the
start of your next turn. end of your next turn.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 101

Intro Samurai
Samurai are trained soldiers, bodyguards and assas-
Character sins produced and contracted out by Bushido, a sub-
Creation sidiary company of Ronin International, the world’s
largest private mercenary company. They are trained
Genomes in melee weapons, unarmed combat, and pistol use.
Samurai are highly prized by the rich business class
as bodyguards as their training not only emphasizes
Classes combat and alertness, but also an ethic of duty being
the highest priority. To die while completing your
Goods and contract is the highest honor a samurai can
Services achieve in life. Unlike the traditional sa-
murai of ancient Japan, modern samurai come from a
Upgrades variety of ethnic backgrounds. Another difference is
that samurai are bound to serve their employer only by
contract. The contract may be 1 day, 1 job, 1 year, or a
Daemons lifetime. Though duty is the core ethic of their training,
it is not unusual for a samurai to only pay lip service to
Ability this or have a unique interpretation of duty.
Scores Samurai are the most specific of the starting class-
es. While the other classes allow for a variety of char-
acter concepts, samurai all have at least one thing in
common: their specific training. While their race, na-
tionality, and personal history can vary, all samurai
have gone through Bushido’s training program and
emerged as a focused and disciplined fighter.
Class Features
As a samurai, you get the following class features.
Brave New
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per samurai level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 16 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 7) + your Consti-
Appendices tution modifier per samurai level after 1st

Armor: Light armor, medium armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial melee weapons
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Athletics, Drive,
Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Social
Science, Streetwise, and Stealth

In addition to the equipment granted by your back-
ground, you start with either シ7,000 or the follow-
ing equipment:

•• 9mm, 10mm, or 11mm handgun

•• Gangster pack or merc pack
•• Reinforced clothing
•• シ5,000

102 // 3. Classes //
The Samurai
Proficiency Martial
Level Bonus Arts Ki Features
1st +2 1d4 1 Unarmored Defense, Martial Arts, Ki
2nd +2 1d4 2 Fighting Style
3rd +2 1d4 3 Bujutsu Training
4th +2 1d4 4 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 1d6 5 Extra Attack, Senshi Upgrade
6th +3 1d6 6 Bujutsu Training
7th +3 1d6 7 Senshi Upgrade, Samurai Contact
8th +3 1d6 8 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 1d8 9 Bujutsu Training
10th +4 1d8 10 Calm the Hungry Ghost
11th +4 1d8 11 Senshi Upgrade
12th +4 1d8 12 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 1d10 13 Bujutsu Training
14th +5 1d10 14 Senshi Upgrade, Samurai Contact (2nd)
15th +5 1d10 15 Bujutsu Training
16th +5 1d10 16 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 1d12 17 Bujutsu Training
18th +6 1d12 18 Senshi Upgrade
19th +6 1d12 19 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 1d12 20 Extra Attack (2), Bujutsu Training

Ki •• Flurry of Blows: Immediately after you take the

Starting at 1st level, your training allows you to harness Attack action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki point
the ki energy, which you can view as mystical energy, to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.
or simply extra effort, depending on your worldview. •• Patient Defense: You can spend 1 ki point to take
Your access to this energy is represented by a number the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn.
of ki points. Your samurai level determines the num- •• Step of the Wind: You can spend 1 ki point to take
ber of points you have, as shown in the Ki column of the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action on
the Samurai table. your turn, and your jump distance is doubled for
You can spend these points to fuel various ki fea- the turn. The extra jumping distance does not stack
tures. You start knowing three such features: Flurry with upgrades or genetic enhancements.
of Blows, Patient Defense, and Step of the Wind. You
learn more ki features as you gain levels in this class. Unarmored Defense
When you spend a ki point, it is unavailable until Starting at 1st level, while you are not wearing any ar-
you finish a short or long rest, at the end of which you mor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity mod-
draw all of your expended ki back into yourself. You ifier + your Wisdom modifier.
must spend at least 30 minutes of the rest meditating
to regain your ki points.
Some of your ki features require your target to
make a saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The
saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Ki save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your

Wisdom modifier

// GeneFunk 2090 // 103

Intro Martial Arts If a bujutsu training feature has prerequisites, you
Starting at level 1, your practice of martial arts gives must meet them to learn it. You can learn the bujutsu
Character you mastery of combat styles that use unarmed strikes feature at the same time that you meet its prerequisites.
Creation and melee attacks. The level prerequisite refers to your samurai class level.
You gain the following benefits while you are unar- Each time you get new Bujutsu Training (at level 6,
Genomes mored or wearing light or medium armor. 9, 13, 15, 17, and 20), you may also replace one feature
you know with a different one.
•• You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the
Classes attack rolls of your unarmed strikes Evasion
•• Your unarmed strikes inflict increased damage, as Prerequisite: Level 9
Goods and shown on the samurai table. You can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area ef-
•• You can make an unarmed strike or initiate a grap- fects, such as a grenade blast or a falling object. When
ple as a bonus action. you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make
Upgrades •• You can use your action or a bonus action to try to a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you
pin a person grappled by you. To do so, make anoth- instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving
er grapple check. If you succeed, you and the person throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Daemons are both restrained until the grapple ends.
Ability Fighting Style Prerequisite: Level 9
Scores At level 2, you adopt a particular style of fighting as You are at your deadliest when you first draw your
your specialty. Choose a Fighting Style below. You can’t weapons. If you spend a ki point, any hit you score
take the same Fighting Style option more than once, against a target that hasn’t taken a turn in combat yet
even if you get to choose again. is a critical hit.

•• Marksman: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you Hard Adept
make with ranged weapons. Prerequisite: Striker (Fighting Style)
Hacking •• Dodger: While you are not wearing armor, you gain You can spend a ki point to perform any of the follow-
a +1 bonus to AC. ing unarmed melee attacks.
•• Pistoleer: you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with
•• Leg Kick: In addition to the regular damage from
Brave New
firearms with the “close” property.
•• Striker: Your unarmed strikes score a critical hit on the unarmed strike, your target takes a 3-meter
a roll of 18, 19, or 20. penalty to their Speed for one minute.
•• Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage in •• Float like a Butterfly: You can spend your reaction
two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability mod- to gain a + 5 bonus to your AC against melee attacks
Appendices ifier to the damage of the second attack. until the start of your next turn.
•• Dueling: When you are wielding a melee weapon •• Sting like a Bee: This unarmed strike does an addi-
in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 tional 1d8 damage.
bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. •• Counterpunch: When someone misses you with a
•• Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on melee attack, you can use your reaction and make
a damage die for an attack you make with a melee an unarmed strike against them.
weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you
can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even Hard Master
if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have Prerequisite: Level 9, Hard Adept
the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain When you roll a natural 20 on an unarmed strike, you
this benefit. can spend a ki point to render the target unconscious
until the end of your next turn.
Bujutsu Training
Bujutsu training teaches you to master techniques for Iaijutsu Adept
war, violence, and self-defense. At 3rd level, you can Through iaijutsu training, you have developed a can-
choose one bujutsu training feature from the list below. ny ability to draw your weapon and attack before your
You can choose an additional bujutsu training feature opponent has even had a chance to react. You have ad-
at level 6, 9, 13, 15, 17, and 20. vantage on attack rolls against any target that hasn’t

104 // 3. Classes //
taken a turn in the combat yet. Additionally, you gain a
Iaijutsu Quick Build
+5 bonus to initiative
Genome: Optimized
Class: Level 1 Samurai
Iaijutsu Master Background: Pro Fighter
Prerequisite: Iaijutsu Adept
Saving Throws: Str and Dex
Your iajutsu training has developed to a point where
you are constantly on guard against danger. You gain 14 16 14 11 16 11
the following benefits: HP: 24 Speed: 9 AC: 18 DR: 0
Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics +5, Athletics +4,
•• You can’t be surprised while you are conscious. Insight +5, Perception +5, Stealth +5
•• You gain a +5 bonus to initiative. Attacks: 12mm Handgun. +5 to hit, 15/45 m.,
•• Enemies don’t gain advantage on attack rolls 3d6+3 P damage (close, reload 6)
against you as a result of being unseen by you. Unarmed strike. +5 to hit, melee, 1d4+2 B damage
Equipment: 12mm handgun, binoculars, breath-
Ittōjutsu Adept ing mask, caltrops, climbing gear, crowbar, drugs
Prerequisite: Level 3, Great Weapon Fighting (nanodoc x2), flashlight, first aid kit, grappling
(Fighting Style) hook, handcuffs, magazines (12mm armor-pierc-
When making damage rolls with a melee weapon that ing x2), mini breather, spike strip, nanoblade,
you are wielding with two hands, you can spend a ki plate vest
point to inflict an extra 2d8 damage. This ability can
be used after you make your attack roll, but before you
know it hits. At level 6 you can spend 2 ki points to in- •• Wrist Strike: When you make a successful un-
flict an extra 3d8 damage, at level 11 you can spend 3 ki armed strike, in addition to the regular damage,
points to inflict an extra 4d8 damage, and at level 16 the target must make a Strength saving throw. On
you can spend 4 ki to inflict an extra 5d8 damage. a failed save, it drops an object of your choice. The
object lands at its feet.
Ittōjutsu Master
Prerequisite: Level 9, Ittōjutsu Adept Jujutsu Master
When wielding a melee weapon with two hands, you Prerequisite: Jujutsu Adept
gain +2 AC. In addition, you may use your reaction You have advantage on attack rolls against the target
and spend a ki point to make a weapon attack with a you are grappling, and they have disadvantage on at-
two-handed weapon against anyone within 1.5 meters tack rolls made against you.
who makes a weapon attack against you.
Ninjutsu Adept
Jujutsu Adept Prerequisite: Sneak Attack
You can spend a ki point to perform any of the follow- Your bujutsu training focuses on stealth and
ing unarmed melee attacks. subtelty, and you gain the following benefits:

•• Trip: In addition to the regular damage from the •• You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. If you are
unarmed strike, it also acts as a shove (using the already proficient in the skill, or later gain profi-
shove rules). ciency, you add double your proficiency bonus to
•• Takedown: In addition to the regular damage checks you make with it.
from the unarmed strike, you and the target both •• If you are unseen, you can move up to 3 meters in
become prone, and you may initiate a grapple as the open without revealing yourself if you end the
a free action. move in an area with cover of some type.
•• Choke: You can only use this maneuver if you
begin your turn having your target grappled. The Ninjutsu Master
target must succeed at a Constitution saving Prerequisite: Level 17, Ninjutsu Adept
throw, or they become unconscious. They regain You become a master of instant death. When you at-
consciousness at the end of their turn after you tack and hit a target that is surprised, if you spend a
release the choke. ki point, it must make a Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save, double the damage of your attack
against the target.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 105

Ittōjutsu Quick Build Ninjutsu Quick Build
Genome: Canary Genome: Coelhomortos
Class: Level 1 Samurai Class: Level 1 Samurai
Background: Ideologue Background: Slum Dog
Saving Throws: Str and Dex Saving Throws: Str and Dex
19 13 18 10 12 8 15 18 14 8 11 8
HP: 22 Speed: 9 AC: 18 DR: 2 HP: 18 Speed: 12 AC: 19 DR: 0
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics +6, Insight +3, Per- Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics +6, Athletics +4,
ception +3, Social Science +2, Streetwise +2 Drive +6, Insight +2, Perception +2, Sleight of
Goods and Attacks: Greatsword. +6 to hit, melee, 2d6+4 P Hand +6, Stealth +6
damage Attacks: 12mm Handgun. +6 to hit, 15/45 m.,
Nanoblade. +6 to hit, melee, 1d6+4 P/S damage 3d6+4 P damage (close, reload 6)
Upgrades (armor-piercing, finesse, light, thrown 6/18, quick) Nanoblade. +6 to hit, melee, 1d6+4 P/S damage
Unarmed strike. +6 to hit, melee, 1d4+4 B damage (armor-piercing, finesse, light, thrown 6/18, quick)
Equipment: binoculars, breathing mask, caltrops, Equipment: 12mm handgun, binoculars, breath-
climbing gear, crowbar, flashlight, first aid kit, ing mask, caltrops, climbing gear, crowbar, drugs
grappling hook, greatsword, handcuffs, kevlar body (nanodoc x2), flashlight, first aid kit, grappling
armor, mini breather, nanoblade x2, spike strip hook, handcuffs, magazines (12mm armor-pierc-
ing x3), mini breather, spike strip, nanoblade,
plate vest
Nitōjutsu Adept
Prerequisite: Level 9, Two-Weapon Fighting
(Fighting Style) Your sneak attack damage increases to 2d6 at level
When you take the Attack action and attack with a me- 6, 3d6 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 13, 5d6 at level 17, and
lee weapon or firearm with the “close” property that 6d6 at level 20.
Hacking you’re holding in one hand, if you spend a ki point, you
can use a bonus action to make two attacks with a dif- Stunning Strike
ferent light melee weapon or firearm with the “close” Prerequisite: Level 6
Brave New
property that you’re holding in the other hand. You know several nerve points and muscle attach-
ments that you can exploit with your strikes. When
Nitōjutsu Master you hit someone with a melee attack, you can spend 1
Prerequisite: Level 17, Nitōjutsu Adept ki point to attempt a stunning strike. The target must
When you take the Attack action and attack with a me- succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be stunned
Appendices lee weapon or firearm with the “close” property that until the end of your next turn.
you’re holding in one hand, if you spend two ki points,
you can use a bonus action to make three attacks with a Uncanny Dodge
different light melee weapon or firearm with the “close” Prerequisite: Level 13
property that you’re holding in the other hand. When an attacker that you can see hits you with an
attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack’s
Sneak Attack damage against you.
You know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s dis-
traction. Once per turn, if you spend a ki point you can Ability Score Improvement
deal an extra 1d6 damage to one person you hit with When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of
attack must use a finesse or ranged weapon. your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores
You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if an- of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an
other enemy of the target is within 1.5 meters of it, that ability score above your maximum using this feature.
enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disad-
vantage on the attack roll. Senshi U pgrade
At 5th level, you acquire an upgrade from Chapter 5:
Upgrades. You gain an additional upgrade at 7th, 11th,

106 // 3. Classes //
14th, and 18th level. You gain these upgrades through In other words, you can trade a cheaper upgrade for a
your connection to either private, municipal or nation- more expensive one. This can only be used to replace
al military forces, so you can get upgrades that are re- cyberware upgrades you have acquired with this class
stricted or banned. feature, not those purchased with シ.
As with any upgrade, you must be in an appropri-
•• 5th level: You may select an upgrade worth up ate facility, and it takes 24 hours to install a particular
to シ 25,000 upgrade, which results in one level of exhaustion until
•• 7th level: You may select an upgrade worth you take a long rest.
up to シ 50,000
•• 11th level: You may select an upgrade worth Extra Attack
up to シ 100,000 Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead
•• 14th level: You may select an upgrade worth of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your
up to シ 200,000 turn. At 20th level, you can attack three times whenev-
•• 17th level: You may select any upgrade er you take the attack action.

Additionally, at levels 7, 11, 14, and 18, Samurai Contact

you can replace one of the upgrades that Starting at 7th level, you gain a contact that has gone
you already have with another that you through the Bushido training academy. It could be a
could acquire at that level (it doesn’t samurai working directly for Bushido, either as a mer-
cost an additional upgrade to do this). cenary, instructor, or administrator, or a free-lance sa-
murai. You get an additional contact at level 14.

Calm the Hungry Ghost

By 10th level, you have reduced the nagging effect of
your ego, recognizing its emptiness. You gain profi-
ciency in Charisma saving throws.

Suits are educated and trained professionals. They
are smooth talkers, intelligence agents, corporate
climbers, detectives, spies, ideological leaders, mili-
tary captains, and political operatives. Suits organize
government coups, shatter groups to accommodate
their fiscal and personal desires, and lead groups of
As expected, diplomacy, information gathering, and
financial ability are areas of a suit’s expertise. Black-
mail, deception, manipulation, and even murder can
be the regular tools of this class. Being a suit doesn’t
necessarily mean they are dressed in one (though
they often are), since the acceptable attire of different
groups and power structures varies. Suits might be
more comfortable wearing military fatigues or punky
leathers depending on their network’s social norms.
The espionage, social savvy, and intelligence inher-
ent to the suit’s training make them ideal spies, inves-
tigators, or assassins. They would rather defeat some-
body by destroying them financially or ruining their
reputation, but when violence is necessary, they usual-
ly try for subtlety rather than an obvious confrontation.
Their aggressive personality and training make them
natural leaders.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 107

Intro Most suits who become protagonists do so out of
ambition. They are young up-and-comers wanting to
Character prove themselves to the world, settling for nothing
Creation less than being the best. Guile, wealth, power and
status are the bread and butter of the suit. To achieve
Genomes these goals, suits are always looking for the next chal-
lenge to dominate.

Classes Class Features

As a suit, you get the following class features.
Goods and
Services Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per suit level
Upgrades Hit Points at 1st Level: 13 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Consti-
tution modifier per suit level after 1st

Ability Armor: Light armor
Scores Weapons: Simple weapons
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics, Bu-
reaucracy, Computers, Deception, Drive, Insight, Intim-
idation, Investigation, Life Science, Mechanics, Percep-
tion, Performance, Persuasion, Social Science, Stealth

Hacking Equipment
In addition to the equipment granted by your back-
ground, you start with either シ7,000 or the follow-
Brave New
ing equipment:

•• 9mm, 10mm, or 11mm handgun

•• Spy pack
•• Reinforced clothing
Appendices •• シ2,500
P ower Network
Suits are always backed by a powerful organization of
some sort. It could be a government agency, a branch
of the military, a powerful corporation, an ideological
group, or a shadowy crime syndicate. At level 1, decide
which power network you associate with and have
power in. Listed below are some examples, but you can
choose another powerful group if you like.
Government or Military Agency. The details are up
to you, including imagining an agency with your GM
that fits the world. Below are some examples:
FBI, CIA, NSA, MI5, INTERPOL, Ministry of Security,
Mossad, Intelligence Bureau, Joint Cipher Bureau, Finan-
cial Intelligence Unit, Cyber Security Bureau, Department
of Defense, Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms

108 // 3. Classes //
The Suit
Proficiency Sneak
Level Bonus Favors Attack Features
1st +2 2 — Inspiration (d6), Power Network, Call in a Favor
2nd +2 2 1d6 Moxy, Sneak Attack
3rd +2 3 1d6 Career Path, Contact
4th +2 3 1d6 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 3 2d6 Promotion, Inspiration (d8)
6th +3 4 2d6 Career Path Feature, Contact (2nd)
7th +3 4 2d6 Contagious Moxy, Adaptive Learning
8th +3 5 3d6 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 5 3d6 Career Path Feature, Contact (3rd)
10th +4 5 3d6 Ability Score Improvement
11th +4 6 4d6 Promotion, Inspiration (d10)
12th +4 6 4d6 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 7 4d6 Career Path Feature
14th +5 7 5d6 Promotion, Easy Inspiration,
15th +5 7 5d6 Inspiration (d12), Contact (4th)
16th +5 8 5d6 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 8 6d6 Career Path Feature
18th +6 9 6d6 Promotion, Contact (5th)
19th +6 9 6d6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 10 7d6 Superior Inspiration

Corporations. Each megacorporation has dozens of these favors have a suit level prerequisite that must
of subsidiaries devoted entirely to intelligence, securi- be met in order to use them.
ty, or financial espionage. You can imagine a mandate The number of favors you have is shown on the Suit
and name of one of these to fit your campaign with table. At the start of each game session, you regain all
your GM. Below are the “big nine” syndicates that con- of your favors.
trol over half of the world’s business:
Apex International, Apollo Laboratories, Ronin, Cornu- Aegis Particle Beam
copia, Worldgroup Holdings, Infinity Industries, Unicom, Prerequisite: Level 17
Omnitech, Hexie. As an action, you can use the orbital Aegis network to
Crime Syndicates. The world’s larger organized rain hot death upon your enemies. The particle beam
crime syndicates have sophisticated intelligence and does 20d6 + 70 heat damage on a failed Dexterity sav-
business wings, providing a good ecosystem for suits. ing throw, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Below are some examples: The save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Cha-
Camorra (Italian mafia), North Jopok (North Korean risma modifier. You choose the size of the beam, it can
mafia), Ndrangheta (Italian mafia), Sinaloa (Mexican anywhere from a 1.5 to 12-meter radius cylinder cen-
cartel), Solntsevskaya Bratva (Russian mafia), Yamaguchi tered on a point of your choosing.
Gumi (Yakuza). If the target area involves individuals that are in-
Alternatively, your patron could be an up-and-com- doors, the GM determines how much of the damage is
ing smaller, but hungry and capable, corporation or mitigated by the buildings’ structure (often ½).
crime syndicate. Calling in a favor to use an AEGIS particle beam
costs three favors instead of one.
Call in a Favor
As an important asset, you can tap your relationship Background Check
with your power network to pull strings to tilt things in Prerequisite: Level 5
your favor. It pays to have friends in high places. Some You can contact your patron to ferret out any information
that exists on a person you inquire about, either on pub-

// GeneFunk 2090 // 109

Intro lic records or even in private databases like AFIS, DMV, Clean Up Crew
police DNA databanks, etc. Your patron automatically Prerequisite: Level 5
Character succeeds at an Intelligence (Investigation) check against Sometimes, life is messy, especially if violence is in-
Creation your target, but you need some way to identify your tar- volved. You can call in a favor to clean up a bloody
get to provide the basis for the search, such as a photo- scene, dispose of a body or vehicle, or any other cover
Genomes graph, fingerprint, DNA sample, name, address, etc. up that needs doing. The time it takes for the clean up
The GM determines exactly what information can to take place is determined by the GM.
be found out, but it can be quite extensive, including
Classes present and past addresses, phone number, criminal Disable Vehicle
records, health records, employment past and present, Prerequisite: Level 9
Goods and family, education, social media presence, etc. The in- As an action, you can get law enforcement agencies to
Services formation can arrive instantly, or it can take up to an remotely shut down a target’s vehicle, making it pull
hour to be retrieved at the GM’s discretion. over to the side of the road. The effect takes place at
Upgrades the start of the following round. You must have the
Bodyguard vehicle’s license plate or have it in line of sight to use
Prerequisite: Level 3 this ability.
Daemons Your patron sends you a bodyguard to protect you, one
of their important assets. As an action, you can send a Extraction Vehicle
Ability simple text for some muscle that will fight for you in As an action, you can contact your people to arrange a
Scores the next combat. nearby autonomous car, boat, or airbus to pop by and
The bodyguard can be an NPC of your choice with a pick you up in a jiffy. If you happen to be in an area
CR up to ⅓ of your suit level (round down), (see Chapter where a vehicle can’t reach you (like inside a build-
12). Roll initiative for your bodyguard, which has their ing), it waits in the street (or water body), by the near-
own turns. They obey any verbal commands that you est exit. If you are in an area with a high frequency of
issue to them (no action required by you). The body- the type of vehicle you are arranging for extraction, it
guard will stick around until the completion of your arrives in 2d10 rounds. Otherwise, the GM determines
Hacking next encounter, or for 6 hours, whatever comes first. when it arrives.
When the protection arrives is up to the Gamemaster. The vehicle is a “burner”, and after dropping you
off at your desired destination, it can’t easily be traced
Drone Snipe
Brave New
back to you, presumably being chopped up and recon-
Prerequisite: Level 8 stituted into other vehicles.
As an action, you order a drone to take a shot at a spec- Your suit level determines the types of extraction
ified target. The drone snipe makes an attack roll with vehicle that you may select from.
a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus + your Charis-
Appendices ma modifier. If it hits, it does 1d10 piercing damage for •• Level 1-5: Basic sedan, motor boat
every suit level, and it is armor-piercing. •• Level 6-13: Luxury sedan/truck, personal helicop-
This ability can only be activated if you are out- ter, sports boat
doors, know where your target is, and your target is •• Level 14-20: Air-bus, mini-sub, sports car
visible from a bird’s eye view.
You may make a successful Charisma ability check
Drone Strike where applicable to use extraction vehicle as though
Prerequisite: Level 8 you were 5 levels higher.
As an action, you order a drone to strafe an area with
a hail of gunfire. The drone strike does 1d10 piercing Guest Pass
damage for every two suit levels, or half as much dam- You can call in a favor to get into places that you
age on a successful Dexterity saving throw. The save wouldn’t normally be allowed. After contacting your
DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma mod- patron, they can arrange for the proper clearance re-
ifier. It affects everything in a 6-meter-radius sphere quired within mere moments.
centered on a point of your choosing. Your suit level determines how secure a location
This ability can only be activated if your targets are you can get access to, and at the GM’s discretion, the
outdoors and have line of sight on your target area. visit will be supervised.

110 // 3. Classes //
•• Level 1-5: A business after-hours, concerts, onto a Resources
sold-out plane, or private clubs. You can contact your power network for financial sup-
•• Level 6-13: Morgues, crime scenes, backstage at port. You put out the call, and the cash appears in your
concerts, research facilities, restricted areas in pris- account, no questions asked.
ons or hospitals, other people’s budget hotel rooms To use this ability, you must make a Charisma (Per-
or apartments when they are out. suasion) ability check towards your patron, and the
•• Level 14-20: Pretty much anywhere, as long as it is money obtained equals your suit level x the result of
a place where someone has clearance, and it’s not a your ability check x 100. For example, a 5th level suit
privately-owned place. that scored a 24 on their Charisma (Persuasion) ability
check would get シ12,000 (5 x 24 x 100).
You may make a successful Charisma ability check
where applicable to use guest pass as though you were Safe House
5 levels higher. Your power network hooks you up with a safe house
that is off the map and unknown to almost anyone. It
Harassment could be an apartment, cabin, abandoned house, or
Prerequisite: Level 5 some other accommodation; your GM decides the
You can arrange for a target to be inconveniently specifics as long as it only provides basic amenities.
stopped by police, security, or some other enforcement It isn’t glitzy, but it enough to get a good night sleep.
body with institutional power. As an action, you can It is stocked with enough food and water for 5 people
send a simple text to arrange this harassment, though to live for 1 week. While hiding in this space, any at-
the effect occurs 2d10 minutes after you arrange it. tempts to track you or your allies there suffer are made
The target can be on foot, or in a vehicle when ha- at disadvantage.
rassed. This essentially stops the target in their tracks
and ties them up for 3d10 minutes. If the target hap- Tail
pens to be involved in something illegal at the time Prerequisite: Level 2
(like carrying banned weapons, blood-stained clothing, Your power network hooks you up with an investigator
or driving a stolen car), then the harassment is espe- to follow a person you are interested in. As an action,
cially effective, possibly outright putting the target you can send a simple text to recruit an investigator’s
under arrest. help, who will follow your target of choice and report
back with any information they find.
Legal Aid The investigator is an NPC with a CR equal to one
This favor allows you to get yourself out of a sticky situ- half of your suit level, and the GM has their statistics.
ation with the law. The severity of the situation you can They will follow the target for up to 24 hours, after
escape from depends on your suit level. The aid can which time you must use another favor to keep them
occur at the level of an arresting officer who is told by tailing the target.
your patron not to pursue it, or even in the courtroom.
•• Level 1-5: Misdemeanors like drugs, traffic tickets, You can inspire others through stirring words or lead-
simple assault, or minor theft. ership. To do so, you use a bonus action on your turn to
•• Level 6-10: Felonies like possession of a banned choose one person other than yourself within 12 me-
firearm, theft, aggravated assault, manslaughter. ters of you who can hear you. That person gains one
•• Level 11-15: Major felonies like stolen cars, major Inspiration die, a d6.
arson, bank robberies, murders. Once within the next 10 minutes, the person can
•• Level 16-20: Mass murders, major thefts or incred- roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability
ible property damage. check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The person
can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to
You may make a successful Charisma ability check use the Inspiration die, but must decide before the GM
on the applicable law enforcement agent to use legal says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once the Inspi-
aid as though you were 5 levels higher. ration die is rolled, it is lost. A person can have only
one Inspiration die at a time.
You can use this feature a number of times equal
to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You
regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 111

Intro Your Inspiration die changes when you reach cer- Upgrade
tain levels in this class. The die becomes a d8 at 5th lev- You acquire an upgrade from chapter 5: Upgrades. You
Character el, a d10 at 10th level, and a d12 at 15th level. gain these upgrades through very powerful people, so
Creation you can get upgrades that are restricted or banned.
Genomes Starting at 2nd level, your confidence, competitive •• 5th level: You may select an upgrade worth up
drive, ambition, and unwillingness to fail is apparent. to シ 25,000
Whenever you must make a saving throw, you gain •• 11th level: You may select an upgrade worth
Classes a bonus to the saving throw equal to your Charisma up to シ 100,000
modifier (with a minimum bonus of +1). You must be •• 14th level: You may select an upgrade worth
Goods and conscious for this feature to be active. up to シ 200,000
•• 18th level: You may select any upgrade
Sneak Attack
Upgrades Beginning at 2nd level, you know how to strike subtly Additionally, at level 11, 14, and 18, you can replace
and exploit a foe’s distraction. Once per turn, you can one of the upgrades that you already have with anoth-
deal an extra 1d6 damage to one person you hit with er that you could acquire at that level (it doesn’t cost
Daemons an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The an additional upgrade to do this). In other words, you
attack must use a finesse or ranged weapon. can trade a cheaper upgrade for a more expensive one.
Ability You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if an- This can only be used to replace cyberware upgrades
Scores other enemy of the target is within 1.5 meters of it, that you have acquired with this class feature, not those
enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disad- purchased with シ.
vantage on the attack roll. As with any upgrade, you must be in an appropri-
The amount of the extra damage increases as you ate facility, and it takes 24 hours to install a particular
gain levels in this class, as shown in the Sneak Attack upgrade, which results in one level of exhaustion until
column of the Suit table. you take a long rest.

Career Path Extra Attack
At 3rd level, you choose a career that reflects the type You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you
of patron you have. Your Career Path choice grants you take the Attack action on your turn.
Brave New
features at 3rd level and then again at 6th, 9th, 13th,
and 17th level. See the end of this class section for de- Expertise
tails on the individual paths. Choose two of your proficiencies. Your proficiency bo-
nus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses
Contact either of the chosen proficiencies.
Appendices Starting at 3rd level, you gain a contact of any type you
can imagine, as suits make connections with all walks Weapon Master
of life to further their goals. You get an additional con- You adopt a particular style of fighting as your special-
tact at level 6, 9, 15, and 18. ty. Choose a Fighting Style below. You can’t take the
same Fighting Style option more than once, even if you
Ability Score Improvement get to choose again.
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of •• Marksman: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you
your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores make with ranged weapons.
of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an •• Pistoleer: you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with
ability score above your maximum using this feature. firearms that have the “close” property.

P romotion Contagious Moxy

Achieving 5th level represents another step up in your When you reach 7th level, your Moxy ability also ap-
hierarchy, and you acquire special training or cyber- plies to every ally within 3 meters of you. At 18th level,
netic upgrades to reflect this. Choose one of the pro- it applies to every ally within 6 meters.
motion abilities from the following list. You gain an
additional promotion at level 11, 14, and 18.

112 // 3. Classes //
Adaptive Learning Commander Quick Build
At 7th level, you’ve learned a thing or two from your
Genome: Espion
experience, and you gain proficiency with one skill
Class: Level 1 Suit
of your choice.
Background: Investigator
Saving Throws: Wis and Cha
Easy Inspiration
At 14th level, you may use your Inspiration ability as 10 16 12 10 16 18
a free action. HP: 14 Speed: 9 AC: 16 DR: 0
Skill Proficiencies: Deception +6, Insightexp +7,
Superior Inspiration Intimidation +6, Perception +5, Persuasion +6,
At 20th level, when you roll initiative and have no uses Stealth +5
of Inspiration left, you regain one use. Attacks: 9mm Handgun. +5 to hit, 12/36 m., 2d6+3
P damage (close, light, reload 15)
Career Path Equipment: 9mm handgun, armor vest, binoc-
Your career path scaffolds what kind of professional ulars, bug detector, caltrops, crowbar, distance
environment you’ve trained for and thrive in best. Are microphone, disguise kit, flashlight, tracking
you a military, corporate, or government suit? devices x2, wall microphone

You are a born tactical leader, and likely have some mil- Tactical Inspiration
itary training under your belt. Your strategic planning At 9th level, people that have your Inspiration die may
covers both the boardroom and the battlefield. Mili- use it as extra movement. The die result × 2 is added to
tary officers, SWAT captains, intelligence agency field the user’s Speed until the end of their turn, and they
operatives, and mercenary squad leaders are all exam- may take the Disengage action as a free action.
ples of the kind of career covered by this path.
Violent Moxy
Armor and Weapon Proficiency At 13th level, your Moxy feature provides a bonus to
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor weapon damage rolls equal to your Charisma modifi-
and martial weapons. er (minimum of +1). This works in conjunction with
Contagious Moxy, providing this bonus to allies with-
Combat Inspiration in range. A person can benefit from this feature from
Beginning at 3rd level, you learn to inspire others in only one commander at a time.
battle. Someone that has an Inspiration die from you
can roll that die and add the number rolled to a weapon Squad Leader
damage roll it just made. Alternatively, when an attack At 17th level, when you use your Inspiration feature
roll is made against them, they can use their reaction you may give an Inspiration die to two different allies.
to roll the Inspiration die and add the number rolled
to their AC against that attack, after seeing the roll but G- Man
before knowing whether it hits or misses. You are a capable and elite agent with training from a
corporate or government intelligence agency. Espio-
Strategic Attack nage and assassination are your bread and butter, and
Starting at 6th level, when you use the Attack action, you are an incredible sleuth. Corporate or governmen-
you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action. tal spies, detectives, and other intelligence agents are
You can use this feature a number of times equal to all examples of a G-man.
your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You re-
gain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Authority Figure
Starting at 3rd level, when you use Call in a Favor as a
Fierce Inspiration background check, disable vehicle, harass, guest pass,
At 9th level, when someone that has your Inspiration or legal assistance, you count as three suit levels high-
die uses it, they may roll it twice, keeping the higher of er, both for the effect and the prerequisite.
the two results.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 113

Intro Detective G-Man Quick Build
At 3rd level your training allows you to pick up on the
Genome: Optimized
Character smallest of details. You gain the following benefits:
Class: Level 1 Suit
Background: Stargazer
•• You are automatically considered to be taking the Saving Throws: Wis and Cha
Genomes Search action at all times, and your GM may call for
Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) 10 14 12 14 16 16
ability checks whenever there is a clue that the HP: 14 Speed: 9 AC: 16 DR: 2
Classes cadre has missed. Skill Proficiencies: Computers +4, Deception
•• Whenever you make an Intelligence (Investiga- +5, Insight +5, Intimidation +5, Mechanics +4,
Goods and tion) ability check, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or Perception +5, Persuasion +5, Stealth +4
Services lower as a 10. Attacks: 9mm Handgun. +5 to hit, 12/36 m., 2d6+2
•• Increase your Intelligence score by 1, up to P damage (close, light, reload 15)
Upgrades your maximum. Equipment: 9mm handgun, binoculars, bug
detector, caltrops, crowbar, distance microphone,
Jack of all Trades disguise kit, flashlight, nanofiber vest, tracking
Daemons Starting at 6th level, you can add half your proficiency devices x2, wall microphone
bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make
Ability that doesn’t already include your proficiency bonus.
Scores Protection
Discerning Aim At 17th level, whenever you use your Call in a Favor
Beginning at 6th level, once per turn, you can ability for a safe house, it is also guarded by your
add your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier choice of two bodyguards that may be up to CR 6
(your choice) to both the attack and damage each (see Chapter 12). Additionally, the safe house
rolls of a single attack. When you reach 13th is equipped with cameras, reinforced security
level, the damage bonus increases to double doors, bulletproof glass windows, and an
Hacking your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier. alarm system that triggers if any unau-
thorized people enter the abode. The
Assassinate DC to get by any of these security mea-
Brave New
At 9th level, you are at your deadliest sures is 8 + your proficiency bonus +
when you get the drop on your enemies. your Charisma modifier.
You have advantage on attack rolls
against any target that hasn’t taken a Shark
turn in the combat yet. In addition, You are the classic social predator,
Appendices any hit you score against a target mercilessly climbing the ladder of
that is surprised is a critical hit. whatever hierarchy you happen to be
in. Master manipulation, wealth, and
Elite Detective networking are your tools to achieve
At 13th level, you’ve your ends. Hungry executives, spiritual
honed your perceptions leaders, Wall Street phenoms, and savvy
to a razor’s edge, granting the fol- smooth talkers exemplify this path.
lowing benefits:
Strings Attached
•• Whenever you make a Wisdom (Per- At 3rd level, thanks to your savvy net-
ception) or Wisdom (Insight) ability working and social acumen, you can
check, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or use your Call in a Favor feature three
lower as a 10. additional times per session.
•• You have a +5 bonus to your passive
Wisdom (Perception), passive Wisdom Rich
(Insight), and passive Intelligence At 3rd level, you count as one category high-
(Investigation) scores. er for your lifestyle granted by your Mosaic
•• Increase your Wisdom score by 1, score. For example, if your Mosaic score
up to your maximum.

114 // 3. Classes //
would normally grant you a lifestyle of Middle Class, it
Shark Quick Build
instead grants you a lifestyle of Well Off.
Genome: Companion
Additionally, you immediately receive シ10,000
Class: Level 1 Suit
from an investment that pays of big.
Background: Ideologue
Saving Throws: Wis and Cha
Starting at 6th level, you are able to use hacks to aid 8 14 10 16 14 18
you in your climbing of the ladder, in a similar way to HP: 13 Speed: 9 AC: 15 DR: 0
the Codehacker class. Skill Proficiencies: Computers +5, Deception
Intelligence is your hacking ability, and you use your +6, Insight +4, Performance +6, Perception +4,
Intelligence whenever a hack refers to your hacking Persuasion +8exp, Stealth +4
ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier Attacks: 9mm Handgun. +4 to hit, 12/36 m., 2d6+2
when setting the saving throw DC for a hack you run P damage (close, light, reload 15)
and when making an attack roll with one. Equipment: 9mm handgun, armor vest, binoc-
ulars, bug detector, caltrops, crowbar, distance
•• Hack save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your microphone, disguise kit, flashlight, tracking
Intelligence modifier devices x2, wall microphone
•• Hack Attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your Intelligence modifier
Filthy Rich
Hack Slots At 9th level, you count as one more category higher for
The Shark Hacking table shows how many hack slots your lifestyle granted by your Mosaic score (stacking
you have. To use one of these hacks, you must expend a with the Rich feature). For example, if your Mosaic
slot of the hack’s level or higher. You regain all expend- score would normally grant you a lifestyle of Middle
ed hack slots when you finish a long rest. Class, it instead grants you a lifestyle of Affluent.
For example, if you know the 1st-level hack sleep Additionally, you immediately receive シ50,000
and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level hack slot available, from an investment that pays off big.
you can run sleep using either slot.
Credible Threat
Hacks Known At 13th level, your status and power precede you, and it
At 6th level you know three 1st-level hacks of your is known that you can ruin careers and lives with a few
choice, from the codehacker hack list. You learn addi- words to the right people. You can leverage this reputa-
tional hacks as shown on the Shark Hacking table. tion to strike fear in the hearts of your enemies.
You can target a number of people equal to your
Shark Hacking Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and make a Charis-
Suit Hacks Level 1 Level 2 ma (Intimidation) ability check contested by their Wis-
Level Known Slots Slots dom saves. If successful, the targets become frightened
6 3 3 — until the end of the encounter. You must take a long
7 3 4 — rest before using this ability again.
8 4 4 —
9 4 4 — Corporate Hit Squad
10 5 5 — At 17th level, when you use your Call in a Favor abil-
11 5 5 — ity to recruit a bodyguard, you recruit two NPCs
12 6 5 — instead of one.

13 6 6 1
14 7 6 1
15 7 6 2
16 8 7 2
17 8 7 3
18 9 7 3
19 9 8 4
20 10 8 4

// GeneFunk 2090 // 115

Chapter 4: Goods and Services
his chapter deals with some of the equipment and
Drone Delivery
T services that a character might want to procure to
aid in their adventures. Almost every commodity
imaginable is available through ordering and drone
If you happen to be in a city, equipment can be
purchased on-the-go, with extremely efficient
delivery. You can be on a stake-out in a downtown
delivery, legal or illegal.
subway station and decide you need some bolt
The list of equipment provided is only a small
cutters, and after a quick online purchase the
fraction of what is on the market and is meant to be a
bolt cutters will be delivered to you by a whirring
guideline for the power level of the technology of 2090.
aerial drone in under an hour. If the local laws
If a player wants to buy something that is not listed in
allow for it, even firearms and ammunition can be
the book, GMs are encouraged to create the rules for
delivered this way!
it, decide how potent it will be based on the items list-
As long as the item you are purchasing is in a
ed in this chapter, and determine how available it is.
warehouse somewhere reasonably close, drone
Remember, if your player wants something, even if it
delivery can get it to you incredibly quickly, to al-
sounds ridiculous, the odds are thousands or millions
most any public space. Larger items are delivered
of others want it as well, and the free market has taken
via driverless wheeled drones. The GM deter-
care of every niche for something to sell.
mines the exact time it takes for an item to arrive,
and drone delivery doesn’t operate nearly as well
if you are in a hard to get to area, or far away from
In order to buy any of the wonderful equipment listed
where the item is being delivered. Below are
in this chapter, you actually need the cash to buy it.
guidelines for drone delivery in a megacity.
While almost all of the world’s countries have their
own currencies, bitcoin (B) is the currency that most of Item Availability Delivery Time
the world agrees upon as a global standard. However, Very Common 1d20 minutes
one single bitcoin is worth so much that transactions Common 5d10 minutes
are usually measured in satoshi (シ), or 1/100,000,000 Uncommon 1d4 hours
of a bitcoin. Rare 1d20 hours
For instance, buying a meal might cost シ10, while
buying a new car might cost シ30,000. Only the most
lavish of mansions would approach the value of a sin- Contract Completion
gle bitcoin. The price of all of the equipment in this When cadres complete contracts, they are paid the ne-
chapter is measured in satoshi (シ). gotiated amount. Contracts can range from thousands
to millions of satoshi, depending on the cadre’s Mosaic
Bitcoin Conversions
score, and the negotiation of the contract (see Chapter
Denomination Bitcoin (B) Bit (μB) Satoshi (シ) 8: Completing Contracts).
Bitcoin (B) 1 1,000,000 100,000,000
Bit (μB) 0.000001 1 100 Session H ustle
Satoshi (シ) 0.00000001 0.01 1 During the course of a gaming session, your cadre is
likely to come across some cash in the form of goods
Characters earn satoshi during the course of a you can sell, or “appropriated” funds from your ene-
game session and by completing contracts (see Acquir- mies. Add this to the bank!
ing Money below).
Money Generating Feature
Acquiring Money Several classes, genomes, feats, and hacks can also
Characters can acquire money in one of three ways: grant extra funds each session. For example, suits have
completing contracts, obtaining it during gameplay, the Call in a Favor feature that can be used to get finan-
or through features granted to them by their genome, cial resources, and codehackers have the skim hack.
class, or feats.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 117

Intro Equipment Regulations Cash Starting at Higher Levels
Some equipment and cyberware are deemed too dan- Level Starting Cash
Character gerous for public consumption, at least without regu- 2 シ25,000
Creation lation. Laws regarding enhancements vary from coun- 3 シ50,000
try to country, but you can use the following as a rough
4 シ100,000
Genomes guide for regulations. Generally, the more dangerous
5 シ150,000
something is, the more regulations it has. For instance,
6 シ225,000
a machine gun will be banned pretty much everywhere,
7 シ300,000
Classes while a pistol might only be restricted. The GM is the
one who decides which category a particular item falls 8 シ400,000
Goods and under, depending on where your cadre is. 9 シ500,000
Services 10 シ650,000
•• None. These items are freely available, without any 11 シ800,000
Upgrades restriction 12 シ1,000,000
•• Monitored. Records are kept in government 13 シ1,200,000
databases about where, when, and for whom these 14 シ1,500,000
Daemons enhancements were performed. 15 シ1,800,000
•• Restricted. Some form of registration and licens-
16 シ2,200,000
Ability ing is required for these, which are relatively easy
17 シ2,500,000
Scores to obtain, as long as you don’t have a criminal
18 シ3,000,000
record. At the Gamemaster’s discretion, there may
be a price for this license, up to 10% of the en- 19 シ3,500,000
hancement cost. 20 シ4,000,000

•• Banned. Banned equipment is reserved for the mil-
itary or other state entities and cannot be obtained
by private citizens under normal circumstances, Armor
Hacking though they enjoy a high demand on the black With all the big nasty guns and such out there, the
market. At the Gamemaster’s discretion, these need for armor is paramount for those who live dan-
items can cost up to 50% more than the listed price gerous lifestyles or want to ease their paranoia. The
Brave New
if obtained through the black market. quality of armor available in the world of GeneFunk
2090 has vastly increased compared to previous de-
Starting Equipment cades. Material that is protection against small arms
When you create your character, you receive equip- fire has become nearly as light and comfortable as
ment based on a combination of your class, back- regular clothing, and military-grade heavy armor can
Appendices ground, and genome or feat. Before the first game make its wearer a walking tank. Of course, quality ar-
session, during character creation, you can spend the mor can be extremely expensive and for the heavier
money granted by all of these features. types, conspicuous a well.
After spending this starting money on your desired The Armor table collects the most commonly avail-
equipment, you retain any money that you don’t spend. able types of armor found in the game and separates
You decide how your character came by this start- them into three categories: light armor, medium ar-
ing equipment. It might have been an inheritance or mor, and heavy armor. The Armor table shows the cost,
goods that the character purchased during their up- mass, and other properties of the common types of ar-
bringing. You might have been equipped with a weap- mor used in the world of 2090.
on, armor, and a backpack as part of military service.
You might even have stolen your gear. Armor Proficiency
Anyone can put on a suit of armor, but only those profi-
Equipment Starting at Higher L evels cient in the armor’s use know how to wear it effectively.
Some games will start at higher levels. If this is the case, Your class gives you proficiency with certain types of
your character has already acquired some gear and up- armor. If you wear armor that you lack proficiency with,
grades earlier in their career. To reflect this, use the you have disadvantage on any ability check, saving
table below to determine a character’s starting money. throw, or attack roll that involves Strength or Dexterity.
The cash can be spent prior to the first gaming session.

118 // 4. Goods and Services //

Armor Class (AC) L ight Armor
Armor protects its wearer from attacks. The armor you Light armor is supple, flexible, and feels and looks the
wear determines your base Armor Class. same as regular clothing, only it’s more durable. It of-
ten comes as suits, trench coats, or leather jacket and
Damage Reduction (DR) pants. It’s the protection of choice for people looking to
If attacks do get through your armor, the armor can maintain maximum mobility or hide the fact that they
lessen the damage taken by slowing down or partial- are battle-ready. If you wear light armor, you add your
ly cushioning the blow. Damage Reduction applies to entire Dexterity modifier to the base number from the
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. armor when determining your Armor Class.
Armor Vest. A basic ballistic vest, providing some
Conspicuous much-needed protection for the vitals in your torso.
Walking around in medium and heavy armor attracts Atomos Outfit. Atomos is the pinnacle of light
attention; it lets people know that potential violence is personal protection for the fashion conscious. The
in the air and heads start to turn. In warzones, this is outfits are entirely custom made to fit the wearer and
par for the course and expected, but in an urban night- are manufactured with only the most precision mo-
club or while riding a taxi, things can get weird. lecular nanofiber engineering. Expensive, stylish, and
Antagonists are alerted. If members of the cadre are almost bulletproof.
spotted wearing combat armor, potential antagonists Bushiweave Outfit. Bushiweave is a fabric corpora-
are alerted through their information networks. This tion that designs protective gear marketed towards sa-
means enemies gear up with armor-piercing or HEAP murai. Their products are for elite customers who can
ammunition, their own armor, they call in extra mus- afford premium brands.
cle or hackers to bypass armor, or whatever else the Durile Outfit. Durile is the most common manu-
GM feels is appropriate. facturer of protective clothing, and weaves composite
Police get suspicious. Likewise, being spotted in carbon nanofiber to great effect. It’s light, cheap, and
combat armor makes characters more likely to have al- may save your life.
tercations with law enforcement. It isn’t illegal to wear Heavy Clothing. Thicker clothing like leather or
in almost any country, but it tends to get you pulled heavy denim; it’s better than nothing.
over and questioned more frequently, which can lead Nanofiber Vest. Made of high-end protective fibers,
to the discovery of things the cadre has that are illegal. this vest is a step up from standard-issue light armor.
Can blow cover. If the cadre is undercover or main- Reinforced Clothing. Some of the cheapest protec-
taining a low profile, being spotted in combat armor tive clothing around, it’s common among street toughs
may put an extra layer of scrutiny on them. and is standard issue for low-end police and secu-
Covering Armor. Medium armor can be concealed rity companies.
with heavy clothing like trench coats, and requires a
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot. Heavy armor
is obvious cannot be concealed.

Heavier armor interferes with the wearer’s ability to
move quickly and freely. If the Armor table shows “Str
13” or “Str 15” in the Strength column for an armor type,
the armor reduces the wearer’s speed by 3 meters un-
less the wearer has a Strength score equal to or higher
than the listed score.

If the Armor table shows “Disadvantage” in the Stealth
column, the wearer has disadvantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 119

Intro Spyder Sylk Outfit. Made from actual transgenic Durile Plate Body Armor. A heavier version of the
spider silk, the threads in this armor are both stronger Durile assault suit, it provides more protection at the
Character and lighter than steel. It’s soft, elegant, and protective cost of mobility.
Creation and has a certain style that only something that comes Kevlar Body Armor. It may be a little bulky, but it
from spiders could have. Its a little pricy, but many can protect wearers from small arms fire and is a staple
Genomes suits wear it for the menacing subtext. among poorer police and military forces.
SharkSkin Outfit. SharkSkin has made a name for Plate Vest. A ballistic vest lined with armor plates,
itself as extremely high-end personal protection, wo- lightweight, sturdy, and affordable.
Classes ven carbon nanofiber tailored to the customer’s specifi- SharkSkin Assault Suit. SharkSkin offers this
cations. They are second only to Atomos in the quality form-fitting bodysuit, vest, and light helmet to
Goods and of their work. wealthier customers. It’s pricy but extremely effective
Services SharkSkin Vest. The best protective vest money against pistols.
can buy, stylish and light-weight carbon nanofiber tor- Spyder Sylk Assault Suit. Made from their patented
Upgrades so protection. transgenic spider silk, this whole-body suit, vest, and
helmet offers lightweight protection that many of the
Medium Armor world’s elite military operations can find affordable.
Daemons Medium armor is explicitly for combat and offers high-
er protection than light armor at the expense of mobil- Heavy Armor
Ability ity and subtlety. It includes the majority of armor worn Heavy armor offers the best protection, but its bulk
Scores by the world’s military forces. limits mobility and requires special training to use it
Medium armor typically consists of a blend of re- effectively. It is commonly used by well-entrenched
inforced fabrics, an armored vest, and headgear. It is heavy infantry.
obvious to anyone that you are wearing medium armor Heavy armor covers your entire body with thick re-
unless it is covered by a thick outer layer of clothing, inforced fabric and heavy plates, providing protection
like a trench coat. Spotting it under a trench coat re- against almost all small arms fire.
quires a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. Heavy armor doesn’t allow you to add your Dex-
Hacking Instead of adding your entire Dexterity modifier to terity modifier to your Armor Class, but it also doesn’t
the base number from the armor when determining penalize you for having a negative Dexterity modifier.
your Armor Class, you only add up to +3 or +4 of it, as Artemis Battle Suit. The Artemis Corporation uses
Brave New
listed on the Armor table. the best available materials and manufacturing tech-
Atomos Assault Suit. The top of the line tactical niques to produce this marvel of engineering. It is
assault armor is offered by Atomos, and only especial- only used by the wealthiest of armies or other equal-
ly well-banked police, soldiers, or cadres can afford ly well-financed groups for their elite heavy infantry.
them. It’s a light nanofiber jumpsuit and mask with Most of the wearer’s body is covered by high-density
Appendices a nanocarbon plated vest. Molecular manufacturing nanotube plating, with only the joints and rotation
at its finest. points of the body being protected with the less sturdy
Ceramic Plate Body Armor. This generic light- but more flexible nanofiber weave. This armor's ap-
weight armor is made by a variety of manufacturers, pearance is not unlike a futuristic version of medieval
and consists of durable fabrics with high strength ce- full plate. The heavy layering of plates is limiting to the
ramic plates embedded in all of the hotspots. It sees wearer’s movement, but that is the price to pay for be-
wide use in police and military operations throughout ing a walking tank.
the world, a nice blend of affordability and efficacy. Atomos Battle Suit. While being second to the Ar-
Bushiweave Body Armor. Bushiweave body ar- temis line of heavy battle armor, Atomos is still a top-
mor offers maximum protection while maintaining notch brand, and their battle suit is still an elite piece
fluid movement and a quiet step. For those who can of manufacturing that is only available to well-funded
afford it, it’s a great compromise between protection consumers. Anyone rich or lucky enough to have a set
and mobility. is pretty much immune to small arms fire.
Durile Assault Suit. A step up from ceramic plate Ballistic Plate Suit. This economy generic heavy ar-
armor in terms of flexibility, Durile has captured a sol- mor is composed of interlinked hard plates. It’s bulky,
id amount of market share with this lightweight nano- but cheap and highly effective.
fiber composite blend suit and vest. Ballistic Shield. A ballistic nanocarbon alloy shield,
while a dead giveaway that you’re ready for a fight, can

120 // 4. Goods and Services //

mean the difference between life and death. When you Turtletek Battle Suit. Turtletek produces armor
are targeted with an attack while wielding a shield on composed of a thick nanofiber-Kevlar composite jump-
one arm, you can use your reaction to increase your Ar- suit with nanotube composite plates covering the tor-
mor Class by 2 until the start of your next turn. so, neck and groin, as well as a partial covering of the
Hard Shell Suit. Looking like a beetle carapace, the arms and legs. A full helmet protects the head. It is not
hard shell suit is a mainstay for budget heavy infantry. often used in invasion armies due to its poor mobility
Heavy Battle Suit. Heavy battle suits are produced but sees extensive use in armies in defensive positions.
by a variety of different corporations to protect heavy
infantry. It is a combination of thickly-layered nano- Armor U pgrades
fiber, spider-silk composite with nanotube composite In addition to the protection it provides, armor can
plating over most of the body, and a full helmet pro- also be fitted with other options that augment the
tects the head. It is widely used around the world, be- wearer’s capabilities.
ing a balance of cost and quality.

Armor Cost Mass Conspicuous Strength Stealth Armor Class (AC) DR
Light Armor
Heavy Clothing シ200 2 — — — 11 + Dex modifier 0
Reinforced Clothing シ600 2 — — — 12 + Dex modifier 0
Armor Vest シ2,500 2 — — — 13 + Dex modifier 0
Nanofiber Vest シ6,000 3 — — — 14 + Dex modifier 0
Durile Outfit シ7,000 6 — — — 13 + Dex modifier 2
Bushiweave Vest シ12,000 3 — — — 15 + Dex modifier 0
Spyder Sylk Outfit シ15,000 2 — — — 14 + Dex modifier 2
SharkSkin Vest シ35,000 2 — — — 16 + Dex modifier 0
Bushiweave Outfit シ60,000 5 — — — 15 + Dex modifier 4
SharkSkin Outfit シ100,000 3 — — — 16 + Dex modifier 4
Atomos Outfit シ300,000 5 — — — 17 + Dex modifier 6
Medium Armor
Kevlar Body Armor シ2,500 10 Concealable 13 Disadvantage 17 + Dex modifier (max 2) 2
Plate Vest シ2,500 5 Concealable — — 15 + Dex modifier (max 4) 0
Durile Assault Suit シ15,000 8 Concealable — — 16 + Dex modifier (max 4) 2
Ceramic Plate シ18,000 12 Concealable 13 Disadvantage 17 + Dex modifier (max 2) 4
Body Armor
Durile Plate Body Armor シ30,000 12 Concealable 13 Disadvantage 18 + Dex modifier (max 2) 4
Bushiweave Body Armor シ75,000 8 Concealable — — 18 + Dex modifier (max 4) 4
Spyder Sylk シ75,000 11 Concealable 13 Disadvantage 19 + Dex modifier (max 3) 6
Assault Suit
SharkSkin Assault Suit シ150,000 9 Concealable 13 Disadvantage 20 + Dex modifier (max 3) 6
Atomos Assault Suit シ450,000 12 Concealable 13 Disadvantage 21 + Dex modifier (max 3) 8
Heavy Armor
Worn Plate Suit シ3,000 16 Obvious 15 Disadvantage 18 4
Ballistic Plate Suit シ10,000 16 Obvious 15 Disadvantage 20 4
Ballistic Shield シ10,000 5 Obvious 15 Disadvantage +2 on reaction —
Hardshell Suit シ20,000 18 Obvious 15 Disadvantage 21 4
Heavy Battle Suit シ60,000 16 Obvious 13 Disadvantage 22 6
Turtletek Battle Suit シ170,000 21 Obvious 15 Disadvantage 23 8
Atomos Battle Suit シ500,000 23 Obvious 15 Disadvantage 24 10
Artemis Battle Suit シ950,000 25 Obvious 15 Disadvantage 25 10

// GeneFunk 2090 // 121

Armor Uprgades
Upgrade Cost Mass Prerequisite Effect
Artificial Muscles シ15,000 2 — +2 to Strength
Autonomous Environment シ8,000 5 Medium Armor A sealed environment keeps you safe
Chromomorphic シ300 — — Can change color at will
Cloak シ50,000 — — Can turn invisible
Electric Discharge, Basic シ10,000 4 Medium Armor Use reaction for 5d8 E damage to melee attacker
Classes Electric Discharge, Premium シ50,000 6 Medium Armor Use reaction for 6d10 E damage to melee attacker
Electrical Insulation シ5,000 12 Medium Armor Resistance to electrical damage

Goods and Exoskeleton, light シ75,000 10 Medium Armor 22 Strength

Services Exoskeleton, heavy シ300,000 20 Heavy Armor 28 Strength
Hyper Jumping, Basic シ20,000 3 Medium Armor Triple jumping, can fall 10 meters with no damage

Upgrades Hyper Jumping, Premium シ100,000 6 Heavy Armor Jumping x6, can fall 20 meters with no damage
Mechanical Capacitor シ20,000 5 Medium Armor Store energy for super jump or attack
Medicomp シ35,000 1 Medium Armor Dispenses medicine automatically
Daemons Speed Upgrade, Basic シ20,000 4 Medium Armor Speed becomes 12
Speed Upgrade, Premium シ70,000 7 Medium Armor Speed becomes 15
Ability Sprint Upgrade, Ultimate シ250,000 10 Medium Armor Speed becomes 18
Scores Thermal Insulation シ5,000 12 Medium Armor Resistance to heat and cold damage

If you chose armor to obtain an upgrade for your ar- Cloak. Your armor surface receives light from its
mor, refer to the Armor Upgrade table for details about environment and then transmits it in a fashion that
the various upgrades you can purchase. mimics nothing being in the way of the light at all. The
Some upgrades require larger armor, as indicated effect is perfect camouflage, rendering you invisible.
on the prerequisite column. If medium armor is a pre- The cloak has no effect on anything outside of the ar-
requisite, the upgrade cannot be added to light armor. mor (such as weapons), which must be stowed inside
Only heavy armor can have an upgrade with the heavy the armor, or be upgraded with their own cloak.
Brave New
armor prerequisite. Upgrades with no prerequisite can Electric Discharge, Basic. If someone makes a me-
even be added to regular clothing. lee attack against you or physically grabs you, you can
Artificial Muscles. These form-fitting fabrics can use your reaction to discharge a large dose of electrici-
be designed to act in tandem with the existing mus- ty into their body. They must make a DC 15 Constitution
culature of the wearer, effectively boosting the wear- saving throw. On a failed save, they take 5d8 electrical
Appendices er’s strength. damage, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Autonomous Environment. The armor is completely Your shocking field must recharge (through your
sealed from the outside environment. Air filters pro- movement) after using it, and you must wait 1 hour be-
tect the wearer from disease, heavily polluted air, or fore using this ability again.
tear gas. The skin is likewise protected by a selectively Electric Discharge, Premium. This functions exactly
permeable nanofiber. Wearers are immune to any ef- as the basic version, only it does 6d10 electrical damage.
fects from breathable or contact poison (but can still be Electrical Insulation. Fibers that insulate you from
poisoned by injections and other means). electricity give you resistance to electrical damage
The filters also act as “gills” in water and extract while wearing this armor.
breathable oxygen, allowing you to breathe underwater. Exoskeleton, Light. A powered exoskeleton is built
Chromomorphic. This armor is capable of changing into armor that has incredible strength. While wearing
colors and patterns to any specifications, even trans- this armor, your Strength score changes to a 22. If your
parency. The main reason for this technology is for Strength is already equal to or greater than 22, the pow-
aesthetic or style, but the transparency is also useful ered exoskeleton has no effect on you.
if you happen to have the Crpytek Cloakers upgrade, Exoskeleton, Heavy. This even more powerful exo-
so the armor doesn’t get in the way of invisibility. The skeleton follows the same rules as the light one but
desired color pattern instantly shifts according to the grants a Strength score of 28.
intention of the wearer.

122 // 4. Goods and Services //

Hyper Jumping. Through specialized alloys and Weapon Proficiency
plastics, this armor upgrade allows you to leap great Your background, class, and feats can grant you profi-
distances, tripling the distance you can jump. Addi- ciency with certain weapons or categories of weapons.
tionally, these fibers absorb shock from falling, allow- The two categories are simple and martial. Most peo-
ing you to fall 9 meters (instead of 3) without taking ple can use simple weapons with proficiency. These
damage. This upgrade doesn’t stack with any other weapons include clubs, knives, handguns, and other
ability that increases your jumping distance. weapons often found in the hands of regular citizens.
Mechanical Capacitor. The fabric of the armor Martial weapons, including assault rifles, nanoswords,
stores mechanical energy generated from the wearer’s and grenade launchers, require more specialized train-
regular movements. This energy may then be released ing to use effectively.
in an explosive kinetic burst, manifesting either as an Proficiency with a weapon allows you to add your
extremely high jump or a powerful strike such as a proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you
kick, punch, or other melee attack. make with that weapon. If you make an attack roll us-
As a free action, you can decide to use this before ing a weapon with which you lack proficiency, you do
making a melee attack roll or making a jump. If you not add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll.
use it on a melee attack roll, the damage of the attack’s
damage roll is increased by 2d10. If you use it on a jump, Weapon Damage
it multiplies the amount of distance you can jump by 6. The type of damage a weapon inflicts is abbreviated on
This upgrade doesn’t stack with any other ability that the tables in the damage columns.
increases your jumping distance.
Your mechanical capacitor must recharge (through •• B – bludgeoning
your movement) after using it, and you must wait 1 •• C – cold
hour before using this ability again. •• E – electrical
Medicomp. Can store up to a total of 20 doses of •• H – heat
drugs (see the Drugs section). One dose of any of these •• P – piercing
drugs can be released into your body and activated as •• Po – poison
a bonus action. •• S – slashing
Speed Upgrade, Basic. A powered exoskeleton does
the running for you, increasing your speed to 12 me- Weapon Properties
ters. If your speed is already equal to or greater than 12 Many weapons have special properties related to their
meters, the speed upgrade has no effect on you. use, as shown in the Weapons table.
Speed Upgrade, Premium. Functions as the basic Armor-piercing. Weapons with this property are
version but it increases your speed to 15 meters. able to cut through armor like butter. When you make
Speed Upgrade, Ultimate. Functions as the basic a damage roll using a weapon with armor-piercing, the
version but it increases your speed to 18 meters. target only gets to apply half of their damage reduction
Thermal Insulation. Thermally resistant materials (round down).
insulate the wearer from temperature changes, provid- Auto. In addition to regular single-shot attacks, a
ing resistance to heat and cold damage. weapon that has the auto property can make three dif-
ferent special attacks, which involve holding down the
Weapons trigger for fully automatic fire. The auto feature can
Your class grants proficiency in certain weapons, reflect- only be used once per turn.
ing both the class’s focus and the tools you are most like-
ly to use. Whether you favor a handgun or a nanosword, •• Concentrated Burst. You rain a hail of bullets
your weapon and your ability to wield it effectively can down, making up to 10 attack rolls against the same
mean the difference between life and death. target. These attacks end when you miss with one
The different weapons tables show the most com- of the attack rolls, forgoing the rest of the attack
mon weapons used in GeneFunk 2090, their price and rolls. Each attack after the first adds 4 recoil. This
mass, the damage they deal when they hit, and any spe- action uses ten rounds of ammunition.
cial properties they possess. Every weapon is classified •• Suppressing Fire. You can shoot an empty area in
as either melee or ranged. A melee weapon is used a line up to your firearm’s maximum range. Until
to attack a target within 1.5 meters of you: whereas, a the start of your next turn, anyone entering that
ranged weapon is used to attack a target at a distance. line or starting their turn there must succeed on

// GeneFunk 2090 // 123

Intro a Dexterity saving throw with a DC = to 8 + your character must then reload it using an action or a bo-
proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier, or take nus action (the character’s choice).
Character the weapon’s normal damage. This action uses 20 You can use a weapon that has the reload property
Creation rounds of ammunition. to make a ranged attack only if you have ammunition
•• Three-Shot Burst. You fire a 3-shot burst from to fire from the weapon. Each time you attack with the
Genomes your weapon, making up to 3 attack rolls against weapon, you expend one round of ammunition. Using
the same target. These attacks end when you miss the ammunition is part of the attack.
with one of the attack rolls, forgoing the rest of the Recoil. Each point of recoil results in a -1 penalty
Classes attack rolls. Each attack after the first adds 4 recoil. to your attack rolls. When you engage in two-weap-
This action uses three rounds of ammunition. on fighting, use the recoil from the firearm you are
Goods and •• Wide Burst. You can spray a 3-meter-cube area attacking with. Recoil does not stack between attacks,
Services within normal range with shots. Each person in the except for as noted in the Auto property. Recoil can be
area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw with reduced in the following ways:
Upgrades a DC = to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexter-
ity modifier, or take the weapon’s normal damage. •• Strength. Your Strength modifier is subtracted
This action uses 10 rounds of ammunition. from the firearm’s recoil, but a negative Strength
Daemons modifier is treated as a 0.
Close. Ranged attacks made with this weapon don’t •• Two hands. Using a one-handed weapon with two
Ability suffer from disadvantage due to an adjacent enemy. hands reduces the recoil by 2.
Scores Finesse. When making an attack with a finesse •• Prone. Being prone reduces recoil by 2

weapon, you use your choice of your Strength or Dex- •• Bipod. Being prone while using a bipod reduc-
terity modifier for the attack and damage rolls. You es recoil by 4
must use the same modifier for both rolls. Weapon Mount. Using a large tripod or vehicle
Hard-Knuckle. A weapon with this property rein- mount completely eliminates recoil
forces your fists with weight and strength, increasing
the damage of your unarmed strikes by +2. Shotgun. A weapon with the shotgun property has
Hacking Light. A light weapon is small and easy to handle, a -2 penalty to damage if shooting at long range due
making it ideal for use when fighting with two weapons. to the scatter-shot, but doesn’t suffer from the usual
Mount. These powerful and heavy weapons must disadvantage penalty. If the target is within 10 meters,
Brave New
be used with a while prone using a bipod, or standing damage is increased by +2.
but using a tripod, vehicle mount or building mount. If any non-regular type of ammunition is used
Any attempts to use them under different conditions (such as armor-piercing or explosive), then the ammu-
results in a -10 on the attack roll. nition is a slug, not a scatter-shot, and the above me-
Quick. You can use a bonus action to make an at- chanic doesn’t apply.
Appendices tack with this weapon. Silenced. The sound produced from a silenced
Rapid Fire. A weapon with rapid fire shoots out pro- weapon can only be detected by people with a 15 pas-
jectiles at incredible speed. It allows the auto feature to sive Wisdom (Perception) score (modified by distance,
be used twice in a single turn, as long as the attacker walls, etc.).
has another feature that allows them to make an addi- Special. A weapon with the special property has un-
tional attack. usual rules governing its use, explained in the weap-
Range. A weapon that can be used to make a ranged on’s description.
attack has a range in parentheses after the thrown Thrown. If a weapon has the thrown property, you
property, or listed on the Firearms table. The range lists can throw the weapon to make a ranged attack. If the
two numbers. The first is the weapon’s normal range weapon is a melee weapon, you use the same ability
in meters, and the second indicates the weapon’s long modifier for that attack roll and damage roll that you
range. When attacking a target beyond normal range, would use for a melee attack with the weapon.
you have disadvantage on the attack roll. You can’t at- Two-Handed. This weapon requires two hands
tack a target beyond the weapon’s long range. when you attack with it.
Reload. A limited number of shots can be made Versatile. This weapon can be used with one or two
with a weapon that has the reload property, listed by hands. A damage value in parentheses appears with
the number in parentheses after the reload property. A the property, and indicates the damage dealt when the
weapon is used with two hands to make a melee attack.

124 // 4. Goods and Services //

Generic Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Mass Damage Properties
Simple Melee Weapons
Axe シ40 3 1d6 S Versatile (1d8)
Brass Knuckles シ20 2 Unarmed Hard-knuckle
Club, small シ20 2 1d4 B Light
Club, large シ40 3 1d6 B Versatile (1d8)
Chainsaw シ300 10 2d10 S Armor-piercing, two-handed, no Strength bonus to damage rolls
Knife シ20 0.5 1d4 P or S Finesse, light, thrown (6/18), quick
Machete シ40 1 1d6 S Light
Nanoblade シ1,000 0.5 1d6 P or S Armor-piercing, finesse, light, thrown (6/18), quick
Sledge Hammer シ50 6 1d10 B Two-handed
Stun Baton シ3,000 3 1B Finesse, light, DC 10 Con save, or stunned until end of next turn
Martial Melee Weapons
Nanosword, long シ8,000 2 2d6 S Armor-piercing, versatile (2d8)
Nanosword, short シ4,000 1 1d10 P or S Armor-piercing, finesse, light
Sword, great シ2,000 3 2d6 S Two-handed
Sword, long シ1,000 2 1d8 S Versatile (1d10)
Sword, short シ500 1 1d6 P or S Finesse, light

Premium Melee Weapons

Weapon Cost Mass Damage Properties
Simple Melee Weapons
Jötunn Sap Gloves シ25,000 3 Unarmed Hard-knuckle, DC 10 Con save, or stunned
Jötunn Shock Club シ15,000 4 1d6 B Light,1d6 E damage
Jötunn Storm Maul シ60,000 6 1d10 B Versatile (2d6), DC 10 Con save, or stunned, 1d6 E damage
Jötunn Stun Hammer シ20,000 6 1d10 B Versatile (2d6), DC 10 Con save, or stunned
Jötunn Thunder Gloves シ100,000 3 Unarmed Hard-knuckle, DC 10 Con save, or stunned, 1d6 E damage
NanoEdge Kerambit シ10,000 0.5 1d8 P or S Armor-piercing, finesse, light, quick
Martial Melee Weapons
Ronin Long-blade シ30,000 1 2d8 S Armor-piercing, versatile (2d10)
Ronin Short-blade シ20,000 2 2d6 P or S Armor-piercing, finesse, light
NanoEdge Temno シ100,000 1 2d10 S Armor-piercing, versatile (2d12)
NanoEdge Gladius シ60,000 1 2d8 P or S Armor-piercing, finesse, light
Masamune Katana シ300,000 1 2d10 S Armor-piercing, versatile (2d12), critical on 18-20
Masamune Wakizashi シ200,000 1 2d8 P or S Armor-piercing, finesse, light, critical on 18-20

// GeneFunk 2090 // 125

Intro Melee Weapons Baton. Damage done with this ammunition is blud-
Melee weapon descriptions are listed on the Generic geoning instead of piercing, allowing you to knock peo-
Character Melee Weapons and Premium Melee Weapons ta- ple out with it. This type of ammunition costs シ150.
Creation bles below. Melee weapons can only be used to make Cryo. This type of ammunition is only available
attacks on adjacent targets, unless they have the for firearms with the shotgun property. Damage done
Genomes thrown property. with this ammunition is cold instead of piercing. This
type of ammunition costs シ5,000, and is banned in
Firearms most countries.
Classes Firearm descriptions are listed on the Generic Fire- Explosive. When you roll damage with this ammu-
arms and Premium Firearms tables below. All firearms nition, you may treat any 1 or 2 on a damage die as a 3.
Goods and also have the ranged and reload property, described This type of ammunition costs シ1,000, and is banned
Services above and listed on the tables. in almost every country.
HEAP. High Explosive Armor-piercing rounds
Upgrades Ammunition are the ultimate in anti-personal ammunition. Once
Firearms and other weapons with the reload proper- the realm of larger anti-vehicle guns, innovations
ty must have ammunition to be used. Firearms come and demand have miniaturized this technology for
Daemons with one free magazine of regular ammunition with personal arms.
their purchase, and extra magazines cost シ25 each. Damage done with this ammunition gains the ar-
Ability Additionally, magazines with specialty ammunition mor-piercing property, and when you roll damage with
Scores may be purchased, as described below. this ammunition, you can treat any 1 or 2 on a damage
Armor-piercing. Damage done with this ammu- die as a 3. This type of ammunition costs シ3,000, and
nition gains the armor-piercing property. This type is banned in almost every country.
of ammunition costs シ200, and is banned in almost Incendiary. Combustible materials hit by this am-
every country. munition will catch fire at the GM’s discretion, taking
1d6 heat damage per turn until it is put out.

Generic Firearms
Weapon Cost Mass Damage Recoil Range Properties
Brave New Simple Ranged Weapons
Handgun, 9mm シ600 1 2d6 P 1 12/36 Close, light, reload (15)
Handgun, 10mm シ700 1 3d4 P 2 13/39 Close, light, reload (12)
NPCs Handgun, 11mm シ900 1.5 2d8 P 3 14/42 Close, reload (10)
Handgun, 12mm シ2,000 2 3d6 P 4 15/45 Close, reload (6)
Hunting Rifle, 5.56mm シ1,000 3 2d8 P 0 100/300 Reload (6), two-handed
Hunting Rifle, 7.62mm シ1,200 3 2d10 P 1 120/360 Reload (5), two-handed
Hunting Rifle, 9.5mm シ2,000 4 2d12 P 2 150/450 Reload (4), two-handed
Shotgun, 12 gauge シ600 4 2d8 P 1 40/120 Reload (8), shotgun, two-handed
Shotgun, 10 gauge シ800 5 2d10 P 2 50/150 Reload (8), shotgun, two-handed
Martial Ranged Weapons
Assault Rifle, 5.56mm シ2,000 3 2d8 P 0 150/450 Auto, reload (40), two-handed
Assault Rifle, 7.62mm シ2,000 4 2d10 P 1 180/540 Auto, reload (30), two-handed
CAW, 12 gauge シ2,000 6 2d8 P 1 40/80 Auto, reload (12), shotgun, two-handed
Machine Gun, 7.62mm シ5,000 9 2d12 P 3 300/900 Auto, reload (200), two-handed
Machine Gun, 12.7mm シ20,000 60 3d12 P 4 1km/2km Auto, mount, reload (200), two-handed
Sniper Rifle, 5.56mm シ1,500 3 2d8 P 0 250/750 Two-handed, reload (5)
Sniper Rifle, 7.62mm シ2,000 3 2d10 P 1 300/900 Two-handed, reload (5)
Sniper Rifle. 12.7mm シ10,000 14 3d12 P 4 1km/2km Mount, two-handed, reload (4)
SMG, 4.6mm シ1,200 2 1d10 P 0 20/60 Auto, close, light, reload (50)
SMG, 5.7mm シ1,600 3 1d12 P 0 40/120 Auto, close, reload (50)
SMG, 9mm シ2,000 3 2d6 P 0 70/210 Auto, close, reload (40)

126 // 4. Goods and Services //

Shock. This type of ammunition is only available hit someone with an unarmed attack, the target must
for firearms with the shotgun property. Damage done make a DC 10 Constitution save, or be stunned until
with this ammunition is cut in half, and is electrical in- the end of their turn.
stead of piercing. Additionally, the target must make a Jötunn Shock Club. This short but heavy club de-
DC 10 Constitution save, or is stunned until the end of livers an additional 1d6 electrical damage on top of its
their turn. This type of ammunition costs シ1,000. regular damage.
Jötunn Stun Hammer. This long-handled warham-
Ammunition Costs for Firearms
mer delivers a muscle paralyzing shock. In addition
Magazine Cost Effect to the damage from the attack, the target must make
Armor-piercing シ200 Armor-piercing a DC 10 Constitution save or be stunned until the end
Baton シ150 Bludgeoning damage of their turn.
Cryo シ5,000 Cold damage, Jötunn Storm Maul. This massive maul is charged
shotgun only with electrical power that activates on intense kinetic
Explosive シ1,000 1s / 2s become 3s impact, delivering an extra shock to the target. It de-
HEAP シ3,000 Armor-piercing, 1s / 2s livers an additional 1d6 electrical damage on each suc-
become 3s cessful hit. In addition to the damage from the attack,
Incendiary シ500 Combustible materials the target must make a DC 10 Constitution save or be
catch fire stunned until the end of their turn.
Shock Shotgun only, ½ damage, Jötunn Thunder Gloves. These hard metal alloy
electrical, DC 10 Con gloves carry the characteristic electrical charge that
save, or stunned until all Jötunn products do, and deliver an additional 1d6
end of next turn electrical damage on each successful unarmed strike.
In addition to the damage from the attack, the target
Regular シ25 —
must make a DC 10 Constitution save or be stunned un-
til the end of their turn.
P remium Weapons
Personal weapons have never been as advanced as
they are in 2090. The existence of the Ae-
gis orbital satellite weapons network
has put an end to state versus state war.
As a result, the military shifted its fo-
cus to domestic threats and terrorism.
Budgets shifted from tanks, jets, and
ships into individual infantry soldiers
and special police forces. As a result of
this new niche, R&D fueled massive
innovations in small arms and per-
sonal defense.
Premium weapons are niche
products for discerning consum-
ers, with the lifestyle and cash to
warrant paying top dollar. They are
nanoengineered, and made from
expensive materials to give them
an edge on more widely produced
weapons. Wealthy cadres, elite military
forces, and special police are their tar-
get demographic.

Premium Melee Weapons

Jötunn Sap Gloves. These weighted gloves deliver a
muscle paralyzing shock. Whenever you successfully

// GeneFunk 2090 // 127

Intro NanoEdge Gladius. These short swords are typical- eties of long sword as well. Active nanocolonies live on
ly modeled after the classical Roman weapons, though this weapon, constantly maintaining its sharpness to a
Character other shapes are also available. They are common me- molecular level after each cut. This blade is incredibly
Creation lee weapons for those wanting a light and concealable strong and never dulls. While extremely expensive to
option. Like all NanoEdge weapons, it is made of a manufacture, there remains an elite market for it.
Genomes state-of-the-art metallic glass alloy that always main- Masamune Wakizashi. The Masamune wakizashi
tains a razor edge down to a near molecular level. is the shorter counterpart to the katana. Any samurai
Masamune Katana. Marketed as the ultimate that practices Nitōjutsu has getting this blade some-
Classes weapon for the Ittōjutsu master, the Masamune katana where on their bucket list.
is the most coveted blade for any samurai. While the NanoEdge Kerambit. These scary little metallic
Goods and katana form is the most popular, it comes in other vari- glass knives are a nightmare in melee combat; they are

Premium Firearms
Weapon Cost Mass Damage Recoil Range Properties
Simple Ranged Weapons
Daemons Ballista 12 gauge シ18,000 5 2d12 P 3 50/150 Reload (8), shotgun, two-handed
Black Widow 9mm シ10,000 1 2d6 P 0 12/36 Close, light, reload (15), silenced

Ability Drake Gas Gun シ10,000 1.5 — 0 12 Reload (4), special

Scores GI Python 12mm シ30,000 2 2d12 P 4 15/45 Close, reload (8)
Urban Ranger 10mm シ18,000 1 2d8 P 1 13/39 Close, light, reload (13)
Completing ZQ Monkey King 11mm シ25,000 1.5 3d6 P 2 14/42 Close, reload (12)
Martial Ranged Weapons
Ballista 10 gauge シ60,000 7 4d6 P 4 50/150 Reload (8), shotgun, two-handed
Combat Boss Killer 12.7mm シ250,000 14 4d10 P 4 1km/2km Mount, two-handed, reload (4)
Bushwhacker 7.62mm シ25,000 3 2d12 P 0 120/360 Reload (5), two-handed
Bushwhacker Bola Gun シ10,000 3 — 0 20 Reload (1), special
CinderPro Flamethrower シ15,000 10 4d6 H 0 9m Two-handed, Reload (3), special
Cypher MK II 5.56mm シ25,000 3 2d12 P 0 250/750 Two-handed, reload (7), silenced
Brave New
Diablo 7.62mm シ50,000 3 4d6 P 2 300/900 Two-handed, reload (5)
DragonBreath 12 gauge シ16,000 4 2d8 P 1 40/120 Reload (8), shotgun, two-handed,
1d6 H damage
FS-3 Laser Cannon シ200,000 80 7d10 H 0 1km/2km Reload (10), mount
GI Viper 4.6mm シ25,000 2 2d6 P 0 20/60 Auto, close, light, reload (50)

Appendices M2 Maxim 12.7mm シ300,000 60 4d10 P 4 1km/2km Auto, mount, two-handed, re-
load (200)
Manticore Bolter シ120,000 5 1d12 P 0 12/24 Auto, reload (26), 3d6 Po damage
M2 Rocket Launcher シ15,000 8 7d10 P 2 50/100 Armor-piercing, reload (1), special,
Nova Microwaver シ25,000 7 — 0 20 Reload (10), special, two-handed
Ravager 10 gauge シ50,000 6 2d12 P 1 40/80 Auto, reload (12), shotgun,
SK Grenade Launcher シ3,000 6 — 0 40 Reload (6), two-handed, special
Stingray Shock Rifle シ100,000 6 2d6 P 1 15/30 2d6 E damage
Tiamat 10 gauge シ50,000 4 2d10 P 2 50/150 Reload (8), shotgun, two-handed,
1d6 H damage
XM Spitfire 5.56mm シ100,000 9 2d12 P 3 300/900 Auto, rapid-fire, reload (200),
ZQ Blitzer 7.62mm シ60,000 4 2d12 P 1 180/540 Auto, reload (30), two-handed
ZQ Timberwolf 9mm シ50,000 3 3d6 P 0 70/210 Auto, close, reload (40)
ZQ Wolverine 5.56mm シ40,000 3 2d10 P 0 150/450 Auto, reload (40), two-handed

128 // 4. Goods and Services //

easily hidden, strong, and maintain an edge down to
A Note on Big Guns and Armor
the molecular level. They also tend to be status sym-
While it might seem likes it’s always a good idea
bols in criminal circles.
to be carrying around laser cannons and powered
NanoEdge Temno. Marketed towards samurai and
armor, characters should be wary! Often, a con-
other longsword enthusiasts, the Temno is the best
tract calls for pistols, knives, and fists more than it
metallic glass sword on the market. They are available
calls for bazookas.
in all popular long sword designs, though a katana is
They lack subtlety. If the characters are investigat-
the most common. It’s German engineering and near
ing something, the last thing they want is everyone
molecular sharpness makes it a highly prized tool for
in the neighborhood on high-alert due to the cadre
any graduate of Bushido.
armed to the teeth that has been going around
Ronin Long-Blade. A high value carbon steel long-
asking questions. A group of people in military grade
sword with a razor’s edge, made with precision indus-
equipment tends to arouse a great deal of suspicion
trial techniques.
and elicits investigation into whomever is toting that
Ronin Short-Blade. A high value carbon steel
gear. It’s a good way to lose the element of surprise.
shortsword with a razor’s edge, made with precision
They are often illegal. As noted above, military
industrial techniques.
grade weapons are often highly regulated or even
banned. The last thing a cadre wants is the local
Premium Ranged Weapons law enforcement breathing down their neck.
Ballista 10 gauge. Ballista specializes in high-end com-
The arms race. If they have the means, nothing
bat shotguns, and their 10 gauge packs about as much
gets potential enemies motivated to gear up in
power as is possible in a shotgun. It’s designed specifi-
military equipment like seeing a heavily armed
cally to take out heavily upgraded goons and see regu-
cadre looking for them. For example, a crime lord
lar use by special police forces tasked with this job.
might hire another heavily armed mercenary
Ballista 12 gauge. The Ballista 12 gauge shotgun is
group if he hears word that people with heavy ar-
the smaller and easier to use cousin of the Ballista 10
mor and assault rifles have been looking for him.
gauge. It still packs a mighty wallop, has a little less re-
coil, and is a fraction of the cost.
Black Widow 9mm. This compact pistol is often wide. Any target caught within the flame must make
marketed towards wealthy women as a form of per- a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. Cover of any type pro-
sonal protection, coming in a variety of stylish colors. vides advantage on this save. On a failed save they take
However, it sees just as much play in the hands of 4d6 heat damage and catch fire, taking 1d6 heat dam-
stealthy assassins looking for an easily concealed si- age at the end of each of their turns until the fire is ex-
lenced handgun with no recoil. tinguished. Features that allow you to take multiple at-
Boss Killer 12.7mm. This anti-material and an- tacks a round, such as the Extra Attack feature, do not
ti-personnel high-powered sniper rifle was designed allow you to make multiple attacks with this weapon.
for military and special police to deal with heavily up- Cypher MK II 5.56mm. This compact sniper rifle is
graded criminals and terrorists. Of course, this doesn’t designed or assassins who want to carry a long-range
stop it from being used by criminals against the people weapon with them inconspicuously. It’s recoilless and
it was designed for. silenced shots have tied many a loose end.
Bushwhacker 7.76mm. This devastating hunting Diablo 7.62mm. The Diablo 7.62 is a powerful
rifle was designed to take down dangerous transgenic sniper rifle, aimed at elite sharpshooters. It is porta-
big game, including quillions and predo-bears. ble and lethal.
Bushwhacker Bola Gun. This weapon launches DragonBreath 12 gauge. This German-designed
weighted bolas that trip up and restrain the target. shotgun uses specialty incendiary ammunition that
As an action, you can target anything within 20 sears targets with intense heat as well as the trauma
meters. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity from the impact. It deals an additional 1d6 heat dam-
saving throw or be restrained by the bola. A restrained age alongside its regular piercing damage. Magazines
target can use its action to make a DC 15 Strength (Ath- for this weapon cost シ100 each.
letics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) to free itself. Drake Gas Gun. The Drake Gas Gun launches special-
CinderPro Flamethrower. This special weapon ly designed canisters of gas that explode upon impact,
launches a gout of hot flame in a stream. As an action, rapidly releasing their contents. As an action, you can tar-
you can launch a 6-meter line of fire that is 1.5 meters

// GeneFunk 2090 // 129

Intro get one creature within 12 meters. The effects of the can- Nova Microwaver. The microwaver emits a 20-me-
ister depend on the type of gas within it, described below: ter cone of electromagnetic radiation. Anyone caught
Character in the cone experiences incredible pain, everyone
Creation •• Tear gas. The target must make a DC 15 Constitu- within the cone must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
tion saving throw. On a failed save they are blind throw. On a failed save, people stop running any hacks
Genomes and poisoned until the end of their next turn. or upgrades that require concentration, and have dis-
•• Knock-out gas. The target must make a DC 15 advantage on ability checks and attack rolls until the
Constitution saving throw, falling unconscious on a end of their next turn.
Classes failed save. An unconscious person wakes up in 10 Ravager 10 gauge. This fully automatic combat
rounds, or if they take damage, or someone uses an shotgun delivers intense waves of destruction to en-
Goods and action to shake or slap the sleeper awake. emies within close quarters. A favorite amongst sol-
•• Poison gas. The target must make a DC 15 Constitu- diers who can handle the recoil.
tion saving throw. They take 5d4 poison damage on SK Grenade Launcher. This weapon operates as
Upgrades a failed save and are poisoned until the end of their a firearm, though instead of making an attack roll,
next turn. If they succeed on their save, they take each attack launches a loaded grenade (the effects of
half as much damage and are not poisoned. which are described under Explosives). The Extra At-
Daemons tack and Two-Weapon Fighting feature cannot be used
Naturally, if the target is wearing a gas mask or with a grenade launcher, and only one grenade may be
Ability some other similar protection, the gas gun has no ef- launched per turn.
Scores fect. Magazines for the Drake Gas Gun cost シ100 each. Stingray Shock Rifle. The ammunition of this rifle
FS-3 Laser Cannon. These modern military weap- delivers intense electric shocks alongside the kinetic
ons are powered by enormous batteries and are nor- energy of the projectile itself. It deals an additional 2d6
mally either stationary or mounted on vehicles. electrical damage alongside its regular piercing dam-
GI Python 12mm. This hand-cannon of a pistol is age. Magazines for this weapon cost シ100 each.
meant for people with the strength to handle the re- Tiamat 10 gauge. The Tiamat 10 gauge is the Drag-
coil, and is especially effective at chewing through ar- on Breath’s bigger brother, delivering the same incen-
Hacking mored targets. diary ammunition, but with greater punch. It deals
GI Viper 4.6mm. The GI Viper is an ultralight SMG an additional 1d6 heat damage alongside its regular
and generates very little recoil. It is perfect against piercing damage. Magazines for this weapon cost an
Brave New
numerous unarmored enemies, mowing them additional シ100 each.
down with ease. Urban Ranger 10mm. This low-recoil pistol still
M2 Maxim 12.7mm. This big daddy heavy ma- packs a big punch, and is a good compromise between
chinegun is a belt-fed, anti-personnel or anti-light power and wide utility.
vehicle weapon, but if it’s loaded with armor-piercing XM Spitfire 5.56mm. This fully automatic rotary
Appendices ammunition, it’s powerful enough to be a threat to microgun delivers an incredible number of projec-
more heavily armored targets as well. tiles per second, obliterating lightly armored targets
M2 Rocket Launcher. In addition to the regular with ease. Its appearance alone is enough to generate
damage from this attack, the M2 Rocket Launcher also fear and awe.
creates a blast of concussive force that radiates out- ZQ Blitzer 7.62mm. The ZQ Blitzer is the most pop-
ward in 3-meter radius sphere centered on the point of ular assault rifle for elite military units that is current-
the detonation. Everyone within the blast (include the ly on the market. It’s easily carried, packs a punch that
target of the rocket, whether it hits or not) must make can damage even the most upgraded cyborgs or mili-
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6 bludgeon- tary robots, and has a reasonable level of recoil. Own-
ing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage ing one is a symbol of elite skill as a soldier (or lots of
and no stun effect on a successful one. The secondary disposable income).
blast is not armor-piercing. Only one rocket may be ZQ Monkey King 11mm. The Monkey King is a
launched each turn. Rockets cost シ100 each. powerful heavy pistol that has become a symbol of
Manticore Bolter. This fully automatic needle gun status and swagger in the underworld, often gold-plat-
is designed to deliver poison through its specialized ed or engraved.
flechette ammunition. It inflicts 3d6 poison damage in ZQ Timberwolf 9mm. This SMG is meant for
addition to its regular piercing damage. It also operates close-quarters urban combat, and has all the feature of
normally underwater, except its range is cut in half. the larger assault rifles in a more compact size.

130 // 4. Goods and Services //

// GeneFunk 2090 // 131
Intro ZQ Wolverine 5.56mm. The light assault rifle is Explosive Effects
another favorite of elite militaries around the world, Explosives can have any of the following effects, re-
Character being more effective than most due to its high-quality gardless of detonation type, and their costs are listed
Creation materials and nano-engineering. on the Explosives table.
Concussion. Concussive force radiates outward in
Genomes Explosives 3-meter radius sphere centered on the point of the det-
These devices detonate given certain conditions and onation. Everyone within the blast must make a DC 15
can produce a variety of effects, usually involving an Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 bludgeoning dam-
Classes explosion of some type. age and becoming stunned until the end of their next
turn on a failed save, or half as much damage and no
Goods and Detonation stun effect on a successful one.
Services The detonation type is fixed at the time of purchase, EMP. The detonation creates a burst of electro-
and the types of detonation are described below. magnetic radiation in a 3-meter radius. All electronics
Upgrades must make a DC 15 saving throw. On a failed save, the
•• Grenades. Grenades are explosives that detonate on electronics stop working until they are repaired. Re-
impact, or seconds after pulling the pin. As an action, pairing electronics damaged by an EMP blast requires
Daemons a character can throw a grenade at a point up to 15 a DC 10 Intelligence (Mechanics) ability check and 10
meters away. With a grenade launcher, the character minutes. Things affected include cars, elevators, com-
Ability can propel the grenade up to 40 meters away. The puters (including daemons), etc.
Scores detonation is at the point the grenade lands. The saving throw bonus the device gets depends on

•• Mines. These explosives are triggered by either a the amount of insulation they have from the blast, and
tripwire or a pressure plate. The detonation point is high-quality electronics have Faraday shielding, which
in the square the mine is placed in. The base Wisdom can provide from a +5 to +15 bonus to this saving throw
(Perception) DC to spot a mine is 10. A mine can (see Faraday shielding in the gear section). Daemons
be camouflaged and hidden, increasing the DC to have a +5 bonus to this saving throw, and if they fail,
spot the mine to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your they can make the saving throw at the end of each turn
Hacking Wisdom modifier. as they attempt to self-repair.
•• Timer. A set time limit, which you can determine Flashbang. The detonation produces an ul-
when you set the explosive as an action, will deter- tra-bright blinding flash of light and an intensely loud
Brave New
mine when the explosive detonates. The timer can “bang”. Everyone within 3-meter radius sphere cen-
be set to mere seconds, or even days. tered on the point of the detonation must make a DC

•• Special. Certain other detonators and hacks can create 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, people
specialized conditions under which the explosive det- become blind, deaf, and are stunned until the end of
onates, such as facial recognition, DNA analysis, etc. their next turn.
Appendices See the specialty detonator hack for more information.

Bombs, Explosives, and Grenades

Explosive Cost Mass Effect Summary
Concussion シ500 2 3-meter radius, DC 15 Dex save, 4d6 B and stun on fail, half on successful.
EMP シ2,000 2 3-meter radius, DC 15 save, electronics break down and need to be repaired
Flashbang シ300 2 3-meter radius, DC 15 Con save, blind, deaf, stun on fail
Fragmentation シ400 1 6-meter radius, DC 15 Dex save, 5d6 P on fail, half on successful
Incendiary シ600 2 6-meter radius, DC 15 Dex save, 5d6 H on fail, half on successful, lasts 3 rounds
Knockout シ700 2 4-meter radius, DC 15 Con save, unconscious on fail, gas lasts 3 rounds
Poison シ800 2 6-meter radius, DC 15 Con save, 5d4 poison + poisoned on fail, half on successful
Shaped Charge シ900 2 2-meter cone, DC 15 Dex save, 7d10 B on fail, half on successful, armor-piercing
Smoke シ100 2 6-meter radius, heavily obscured area, smoke lasts 6 rounds
Sticky シ800 2 3-meter radius, DC 15 Str save, restrained on fail, lasts 1 hour
Sting シ200 2 6-meter radius, DC 15 Con save, disadvantage on rolls for 1 turn
Tear Gas シ200 2 6-meter radius, DC 15 Con save, blind on fail, gas lasts 5 rounds

132 // 4. Goods and Services //

Fragmentation. Shrapnel flies outward in 6-meter
Rules Variant: Grenade Accuracy
radius sphere centered on the point of the detonation.
To be consistent with other 5e games, area effect
Everything within the blast must make a DC 15 Dexteri-
mechanics typically allow you to perfectly target
ty saving throw, taking 5d6 piercing damage on a failed
the point of impact. However, if you want to intro-
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
duce a touch more realism and drama to grenade
Incendiary. A swirling shower of white-hot phos-
accuracy, use the rules below.
phorus embers appears in a 6-meter-radius sphere cen-
Make a 1d10 roll. On a roll of a roll of a 5 or a 6,
tered on the point of detonation. The shower spreads
the grenade lands where you intend it to. If the
around corners and is heavily obscured, lasting for
d10 rolls a 1-4 or a 7-10, it lands in an off-target
the 3 rounds. Everything within the fiery shower must
square, as shown below, with the top row being
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6 heat
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
Engineers and anyone with martial ranged
a successful one. People must also make this saving
weapon proficiency can add or subtract up to 2
throw when they enter the area for the first time on a
from their roll.
turn or ends their turn there. Any combustible materi-
al catches fire at the GM’s discretion.
Knockout. This device emits a 4-meter-radius
sphere of anesthetic gas centered on the point of det-
1 2 3
onation. It lasts for 3 rounds or until strong wind dis-
perses it. When someone enters the gas for the first
time on a turn or starts their turn there, they must
4 5-6 7
make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. They fall
unconscious on a failed save. An unconscious person 8 9 10
wakes up in 10 rounds, or if they take damage, or some-
one uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake.
Poison. This explosive creates a 6-meter-radius
sphere of poisonous fog centered on the point of det- A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses
onation. The fog spreads around corners. It lasts for the smoke in 4 rounds; a strong wind (20 or more miles
10 rounds, or until strong wind disperses it. Its area per hour) disperses it in 1 round.
is heavily obscured. When someone enters the fog for Sticky. This explosive sprays a mass of thick and
the first time on a turn or starts their turn there, they sticky goo. The goo fills up to a 3-meter radius sphere
must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. They centered on the point of detonation. The strands of goo
take 5d4 poison damage for every on a failed save and are difficult terrain and remain for 1 hour.
are poisoned until the start of their next turn. If they Each person that starts their turn in the goo or who
succeed on their save, they take half as much damage enter it during their turn must make a DC 15 Strength
and are not poisoned. saving throw. On a failed save, they are restrained as
The fog moves 3 meters away from you at the start long as they remain in the goo or until they break free
of each of your turns, rolling along the surface of the Someone restrained by the goo can use their action to
ground. The vapors, being heavier than air, sink to the make another DC 15 Strength saving throw. If they suc-
lowest level of the land, even pouring down openings. ceed, they are longer restrained.
Shaped Charge. This explosive detonates in a partic- Sting. Tiny hard rubber balls fly outward in 6-meter
ular direction, doing more damage to a more focused radius sphere centered on the point of the detonation.
area. Shrapnel explodes outward from the explosive in Everything within the blast must make a DC 15 Con-
a 2-meter cone centered on the point of the detonation stitution saving throw. On a failed save, creatures stop
(the direction of the cone is determined by the detona- running any hacks or upgrades that require concen-
tion device, often directed upward). Everything within tration, and have disadvantage on ability checks and
the blast must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, attack rolls until the end of their next turn.
taking 7d10 piercing damage on a failed save, or half Tear Gas. The explosive creates a fog of noxious
as much damage on a successful one and irritating gas that burns the eyes and lungs of
Smoke. One round after a smoke grenade lands, it those inside. The explosive creates a 6-meter-radius
emits a cloud of smoke that creates a heavily obscured sphere of tear gas centered on the point of detonation.
area in a 6-meter radius. The smoke lasts for 6 rounds. The fog spreads around corners. It lasts for 6 minutes,

// GeneFunk 2090 // 133

Character Gear Cost Mass Effect Summary
Creation Anti-Surveillance Kit シ30,000 5 Detects/shuts down wireless transmissions, finding bugs, microphones, etc.
Ball Bearings シ 25 2 DC 10 Dex save or fall prone in 2-meter area
Binoculars シ100 1 Zoom up to 1.5 km away
Biohacking Kit シ1,000 2 Contains reagents you need to run injection hacks
Bolt Cutters シ100 1 Cuts wires, padlocks, fences
Classes BCI シ200 0.5 External wearable computer for those who lack a daemon
Breathing Mask シ300 1 30-minute breathable air, and provides poison gas protection
Goods and Bug Detector シ1,500 1 Wand that detects recording devices
Services Caltrops シ150 0.5 DC 15 Dex save or take 1 piercing damage, and slowed, in 1-meter area
Climbing Gear シ200 3 Rope, rappelling harness, and other gear helpful for climbing
Upgrades Cloaking Coating シ3,000/kg - The object can become invisible
Collapsible Ladder シ50 5 4-meter ladder, can collapse into backpack-size
Crowbar シ25 2 Advantage on Strength checks when a lever would help
Disguise Kit シ400 4 Makeup, prosthetics, and wigs provide ability to impersonate or hide identity
Distance Microphone シ500 2 Can listen in on a conversation up to 5 meters
Ability Faraday Shielding Varies Varies Protects electronics against electromagnetic radiation
First Aid Kit シ50 2 Stabilize a person without needing to make a Life Science check
Flashlight シ25 1 Provides bright light in a 6m radius and dim light for an additional 6 meters.
Contracts Forensic Field Kit シ500 2 Fingerprint tape, chemicals that detect blood, semen, GSR, other small tools
Forensic Scanner シ20,000 2 Can determine chemical makeup and DNA sequence of samples
Freezing Spray シ800 2 Liquid nitrogen freezes things, making them easier to break
Frictionless Spray シ1,000 1 A near frictionless polymer makes slippery patches, or disarms enemies
Gadget Hack Kit シ1,000 2 Contains the consumable parts, batteries, and solutions for gadget hacks
Hacking Gecko Gear シ15,000 2 Gain climbing speed equal to your regular speed, and climb sheer surfaces

Brave New
or until strong wind disperses it. Its area is heavily ob- tions of some of the equipment available in the year
scured. When someone enters the fog for the first time 2090 are listed below.
on a turn or starts its turn there, they must make a DC Anti-Surveillance Kit. This device appears to be a
15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save they are large briefcase but inside are a variety of counter-sur-
Appendices blind and poisoned until the start of their next turn. veillance measures. It automatically detects the pres-
The fog moves 3 meters away from you at the start ence of wireless transmitters, amplified microphones,
of each of your turns, rolling along the surface of the and other comparable electronic devices that may
ground. The vapors, being heavier than air, sink to the be hidden in walls, ceiling, chairs, briefcases, con-
lowest level of the land, even pouring down openings. ference tables, plants, etc., even when those are not
in operation.
Gear The kit locates any wireless transmissions occur-
Where there’s a demand that technology can accom- ring in the area. It can then block the selected wireless
modate, there’s also a supply. Technology is a wholly frequencies in a 5-meter radius around the kit, or en-
pervasive force, so this is only a very small list of the able the user to manually find the bug and dispose of it.
myriad of technological gadgets available. GMs are en- Ball Bearings. As an action, you can spill these tiny
couraged to work with players to create rules for other metal balls from their pouch to cover a level, square
appropriate technologies that are not listed here. As area that is 2 meters on a side. A person moving across
with other types of technology, the gear someone car- the covered area must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity
ries speaks to their sense of style, the latest and most saving throw or fall prone. A person moving through
expensive being the coolest. Refer to the Gear table for the area at half speed doesn’t need to make the save.
other details about the various types of gear. Descrip- Binoculars. They can zoom in up to 1.5 kilometers
away. In addition to this basic function, all of the ex-

134 // 4. Goods and Services //

Gear Continued
Gear Cost Mass Effect Summary
Goggles シ25 1 Protects from bright light, and gases that inflict blindness
Dark シ500 - See in darkness normally.
Macroscopic シ100 - Zoom up to 1.5 km away
Penetration シ5,000 - See through walls
Spectrum シ5,000 - See invisible things
GPS Tracking Device シ75 - Track the location of the device within a 2-meter radius
Grappling Hook シ25 1 Secured to protrusions, such as rooftops, walls, and balcony or window ledges
Grapnel Launcher シ1,000 3 Can launch grappling hook up to 30 meters, and has motor to lift up to 200kg
Handcuffs シ50 1 Binds hands, DC 30 Strength or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to escape
Hypospray シ500 1 Administer drugs through the skin
Jammer Disrupts cellular, radio, television, and wireless internet connection
Mini シ1,500 1 Jam wireless communications up to a 4-meter radius
Low シ3,000 2 Jam wireless communications up to a 10-meter radius
Medium シ12,500 5 Jam wireless communications up to a 30-meter radius
High シ50,000 15 Jam wireless communications up to a 100-meter radius
Lock Picks シ50 0.5 Tools to pick mechanical locks
Mechanic’s Tools シ1,000 6 Hammer, tape, pliers, multi-tool, mini torch, and various other tools.
Micro-Drone シ3,000 - An insect sized and shaped drone can record up to 30 hours of audio/vi-
sual info.
Mini-Breather シ300 1 Provides 10 minutes of breathable air
Metal Detector シ200 1 Can detect metals in a 1-meter radius.
Parachute Set シ3,000 20 No damage from falls over 50 meters, ½ damage from falls less than that
Rope (15 m) シ25 4 Rope!
Scuba Gear シ400 10 4 hours of oxygen
Silencer シ500 0.5 Less sound from gunfire
Sleeping Bag シ250 2 Warm and cozy
Spike Strip シ300 6 Shreds vehicle tires
Tent シ250 10 Keeps you dry and out of the wind
Wall Microphone シ500 0.5 Hear through walls up to 50 cm thick
Wingsuit シ1,000 1 Can glide incredible distances

tra functions available to goggles (see below) are also metically available as earpieces, headbands, hats, and
available for binoculars for the same cost. other headgear.
Biohacking Kit. This kit contains dozens of differ- Breathing Mask. This plastic helmet and mask cov-
ent chemical and biological agents and nanobots that ers the entire head and provides breathable air for 30
are required to run injection hacks. Each kit contains minutes. In addition, by filtering air, the mask also
20 uses worth of reagents before running out. protects your eyes and lungs from some harmful gases,
Bolt Cutters. An exceptionally heavy wire cut- such as tear gas, even when the air supply has run out,
ter, a bolt cutter can snip through padlocks or making you immune to these effects. The air comes
chain-link fences. from a pop-can sized tank. Extra tanks are often car-
BCI. A Brain Computer Interface is a wearable ried, costing シ50 each.
technology for people without daemons, providing For twice the cost, the breathing mask’s filters have
many of the same functions. It allows regular comput- an additional selectively permeable membrane. The
er functions, Mind’s Eye Windows, thought to speech chat, filters act as “gills” in water and extract breathable ox-
sensory recording and playing, telepresence, and diving in ygen for the wearer up to a depth of 15 meters.
the WDS as described in Chapter 6: Daemons. It is cos- Bug Detector. This wand can be waved around the
room to help search for wireless recording devices by

// GeneFunk 2090 // 135

Intro making audible or visual signals when it approaches emitted by EMPs. By enclosing an electric device in a
such a device. It provides advantage on Intelligence special conductive material, electromagnetic radia-
Character (Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) rolls made to tion is repelled from sensitive electronics. For the most
Creation look for these devices. expensive shielding, it costs 1/2 more money than a de-
Caltrops. As an action, you can spread a single bag vice would normally cost to “harden” it. It is often used
Genomes of caltrops to cover a 1-meter-square area. Anything to protect computers, cars, and other expensive equip-
that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexter- ment, especially in the military. It provides a +15 bonus
ity saving throw or stop moving and take 1 piercing to the item’s saving throw against electromagnetic
Classes damage. Until the person regains at least 1 hit point, radiation. A cheaper shielding costs 1/4 more money
its walking speed is reduced by 3 meters. Someone than the item’s original cost, and provides a +10 bonus.
Goods and moving through the area at half speed doesn’t need to The cheapest shielding gives a +5 bonus and only costs
Services make the saving throw. 1/10 the original items cost.
Climbing Gear. A climber’s kit includes special pi- First Aid Kit. This kit includes bandages, adren-
Upgrades tons, boot tips, gloves, rappelling gear, and a harness. alin, painkillers, coagulants and other useful materi-
You can use the climber’s kit as an action to anchor als. The kit has ten uses. As an action, you can expend
yourself; when you do, you can’t fall more than 8 me- one use of the kit to stabilize someone who has 0 hit
Daemons ters from the point where you anchored yourself, and points, without needing to make an Intelligence (Life
you can’t climb more than 8 meters away from that Science) check.
Ability point without undoing the anchor. Flashlight. They come in various sizes and power.
Scores Cloaking Coating. You can coat other gear with a Pocket-sized flashlights illuminate up to 5 meters, the
surface receives light from their environment and forearm sized ones illuminate up to 10 meters, and the
then transmits it in a fashion that mimics nothing be- larger spotlight style illuminate up to 15 meters. In ad-
ing in the way of the light at all. The effect is perfect dition to the handheld lights, head or weapon-mount-
camouflage, rendering you Invisible. The cloak has no ed lights are available.
effect on anything outside of the coated gear. You can Forensic Field Kit. This is a standard field kit for
deactivate the cloaked gear wirelessly by using the In- many law enforcement agencies. This kit includes
teract with Object action. fingerprint tape, various chemicals that detect blood,
Collapsible Ladder. This 4-meter ladder can be easi- semen, or gunshot residue, small brushes, UV lamp,
ly carried in a standard backpack or sports bag, taking magnetic and fluorescent powders as well as vari-
Brave New
up no more room than a few sets of clothes. With rela- ous other small tools to help with investigation. This
tive ease, the collapsed ladder can reach its full stature. kit provides the character the ability to detect blood,
It takes a full turn to assemble the ladder. bodily fluids, GSR and fingerprints, and might give
Crowbar. Using a crowbar grants advantage
to Strength checks where the crowbar’s leverage
Appendices can be applied.
Disguise Kit. This case contains everything some-
one needs to look like someone they are not, such as
skin pigments, hair dyes, prosthetics, and hair. You can
use Charisma (Deception) or (Performance) to imper-
sonate people or mask your identity using this kit.
Distance Microphone. These recording devices are
for listening to events from afar, targeting a 5-meter
radius area to listen to. Long-range recorders come
in two types: shotgun and parabolic. The shotgun re-
corder is shaped like a long-barrelled pistol and can
record clearly at distances up to 100 meters. The par-
abolic recorder is larger, utilizing a ½ meter reflective
dish attached to a handgrip. It can achieve up to a
300-meter range.
Faraday Shielding. This is not a specific gear so
much as a process that protects any electrically based
gear from electromagnetic radiation, such as that

136 // 4. Goods and Services //

advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks at the are attracted to surfaces by an intermolecular force
GM’s discretion. known as “van der Waals force”. You gain a climbing
Forensic Scanner. This relatively recent technology speed equal to your regular speed. Additionally, you
was first used by forensic investigators at crime scenes can climb sheer surfaces without requiring a Strength
but it has since become more available to the public. It (Athletics) check.
can pick up and record the chemical composition and Goggles. There are many different types of goggles,
amount of everything in an area up to a cubic meter or the most common being merely for protection. All
as fine as a cubic centimeter. This includes solids, liq- goggles protect against eye-damaging gases and bright
uids, and gases. It is so finely tuned it can even pick out flashes, rendering you immune to the blinding effects
and sequence individual DNA samples if any are pres- of these weapons. Many kinds of vision technologies
ent. If the proper authority is possessed (or the proper can be incorporated into the goggles.
hacking skills) it can identify the person the DNA be-
longs to by checking government databases. •• Dark. You can see normally in darkness up to a
Freezing Spray. This liquid nitrogen spray jets out range of 36 meters.
much more than just a standard wart remover, and can •• Macroscopic. The goggles function as binoculars
make breaking padlocks, doorknobs, or other materi- Macroscopic goggles can zoom in to a distance of
als much more brittle, allowing them to be broken with 1.5 kilometers. This ability can be activated or de-
a hammer. If used as a weapon, it can inflict 1d6 cold activated as an action. The exact distance of viewed
damage on one target with 1.5 meters (Dexterity saving objects is displayed in meters in the goggles display.
throw for half damage). Obviously, the character should only activate this
Frictionless Spray. This spray-can resembles a ability when conventional vision isn’t needed.
household cleaner or spray paint, but it contains a liq- •• Penetration. Penetration vision is the fabled “x-ray
uid lubricant that generates very little friction. If used vision” out of comic book myth. Using radar prin-
to escape bonds (like handcuffs or ropes) it provides a ciples and various low-frequency energies such as
+10 bonus to Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to es- Trays, infrareds, ultrasounds and microwaves the
cape bonds. If sprayed on the body, the person gains a goggles internal microcomputer produces a single
+10 bonus to escape grabs. coherent image feed for the character. You can
As an action it can be sprayed on the ground, cover- clearly see through smoke, clothes, flesh and even
ing a 1-meter area. Anyone passing over that area must walls up to a range of 30 meters. Penetration vision
make a DC 14 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or they fall even cancels all bonuses given to characters using
prone to the ground and take 1d4 damage from the high tech camouflage such as Cryptek Cloakers and
fall. Getting up requires an additional DC 14 Dexterity other obfuscation equipment or genetic enhance-
(Acrobatics) check, failure results in falling prone and ments. It is disorientating to use penetration vision
taking the damage again. If it is sprayed on an incline, and find the right wavelengths to see through the
it is impossible to climb the incline. object you want to. You suffer disadvantage on
The spray may also be used on an enemy’s hands. attack rolls and Dexterity ability checks. In addition,
They must make a DC 10 Dexterity save or they drop they can only move at 1/2 their normal Speed. This
their weapon. They must make this save at the start ability can be activated or deactivated as an action.
of each of their turns until they wash the frictionless •• Spectrum. Your vision is greatly enhanced by both
polymer off their hands (which takes 1 action). Each increasing the intensity of visible light received
can contains 10 uses. This chemical is often regulated and making use of non-visible lights and other
or even banned in many countries. energies such as infrared, ultraviolet, sound, and
Gadget Hack Kit. This kit contains dozens of differ- microwaves. The goggle’s microprocessor triangu-
ent stem nanobots, batteries, chemical solutions, and lates all the data from these receptions into a single
other consumable materials required to run gadget coherent image feed. This ability can be activated
hacks. Each kit contains 20 uses worth of reagents be- or deactivated by using an action. You treat lightly
fore running out. obscured areas as completely visible, and heavily
Gecko Gear. This recently-marketed climbing gear obscured areas as lightly obscured. You can see
utilizes the same method of surface adhesion that people and things that are invisible (people using
geckos use to climb walls. Gloves, knee pads, foot- cloakers for instance).
gear and lengths of fabric along the forearms and
shins are lined with artificial setae, micro-hairs that

// GeneFunk 2090 // 137

Intro Handcuffs. These tools are still commonplace and
Equipment Packs
used by law enforcement officials as well as other con-
The starting equipment you get from your class
Character sumers interested in bondage. If the hands are bound
includes a collection of useful gear, put together
Creation behind the back of the subject then their hands are
in a backpack or duffle bag. The contents of these
near useless. To escape from a standard pair of hand-
packs are listed here. If you are buying your start-
Genomes cuffs requires a successful DC 30 Strength or Dexterity
ing equipment, you can purchase a pack for the
(Acrobatics) check. Someone else can free a bonded
price shown, which might be cheaper than buying
individual with the keys, or by making a successful DC
the items individually.
Classes 20 Intelligence (Mechanics) check. Handcuffs have DR
Biohacker’s Pack (シ2,600). Includes a backpack of 10 and 15 hit points. Extra security handcuffs can be
Goods and or duffle bag, 2 doses of angel, 2 doses of nano- purchased for 10 times the price to add an extra 5 to the
Services doc, 2 doses of nootro, 2 doses of perk, biohack- DC of the Ability checks required to be free and 5 DR.
ing kit, breathing mask, first aid kit, flashlight, Hypospray. This small gun-shaped device has largely
Upgrades forensic field kit, goggles, and a hypospray. replaced hypodermic needles and despite the many dif-
Gangster’s Pack (シ1,400). Includes a backpack ferent brand names, the “hypospray” name first coined
or duffle bag, drugs (hype x2, nanodoc x2, wrath in sci-fi literature seemed to stick the most. It can send
Daemons x2), bolt cutters, crowbar, freezing spray, and drugs into a person’s muscles or circulatory system.
handcuffs. The ultra-strong monomolecular tip of the hypospray
Ability Merc’s Pack (シ1,300). Includes a backpack or gets through almost any material, allowing it to affect
Scores duffle bag, binoculars, breathing mask, caltrops, targets wearing heavy armor. Unless it is used with an
climbing gear, drugs (nanodoc x2), grappling injection hack or you have the hypospray warrior feat, it
Completing hook, crowbar, flashlight, first aid kit, handcuffs, can only be used on a willing subject or a subject that is
mini breather, and spike strip otherwise helpless, immobilized, or unaware.
Spy’s Pack (シ4,000). Includes a backpack or Jammer. Jammers paralyze wireless communica-
Combat duffle bag, disguise kit, drugs (nanodoc x2), bin- tions, such as cellular frequencies, radio signals, tele-
oculars, bug detector, caltrops, crowbar, distance vision signals, and wireless internet connection. The
microphone, flashlight, 2 tracking devices, and a jammer can be set to block all, or some of these fre-
wall microphone. quencies. Smaller jammers can be purchased normally
Tech’s Pack (シ3,700). Includes a backpack or but larger jammers are typically regulated and moni-
Brave New duffle bag, ball bearings, bolt cutters, crowbar, tored (or even banned).
drugs (nanodoc x2) flash light, freezing spray,
frictionless spray, gadget hack kit, goggles, and •• Mini. This jammer is wallet-sized and can easily fit
NPCs mechanics tools. in a pocket. When turned on it is able to jam wire-
less communications up to a 4-meter radius.
Appendices •• Low Power. Low power jammers are often used
GPS Tracker. This dime-sized device is used to track in office meetings, churches or other places where
the location of someone and is accurate within a 2-me- silence or discretion are required. It is roughly the
ter radius. It is often placed on an unwitting person to size of a hardcover book and can fit in most hand-
track their movements. It has an adhesive coating on bags or briefcases. It can jam wireless communica-
one side and can easily be attached to any surface. The tions up to a 10-meter radius.
Wisdom (Perception) DC to spot the device is 18 if it’s •• Medium Power. These devices are large brief-
in a visible location, or a DC 20 Intelligence (Investiga- case-sized boxes that can jam an entire building.
tion) roll if someone is searching for one. They are portable but conspicuous. They can jam
Grappling Hook. When attached to a rope, it can be wireless communications up to a 30-meter radius.
thrown and secured to most protrusions, such as roof- •• High Power. These jammers are used for military
tops, walls, and balcony or window ledges. A grappling installations or other complexes with multiple
hook may be thrown vertically 5 meters, +1 additional buildings (or one very tall building). They utilize a
meters for every point of Strength modifier. masted omnidirectional antenna and can jam a 1
Grapnel Launcher. This forearm sized launcher is km radius. Without the antenna, it can only jam a
aimed like a gun and can propel a grappling hook up to 100-meter radius.
30 meters. It is also fitted with a motor capable of hoist-
ing 200 kilograms 2 meters every 6 seconds (1 turn).

138 // 4. Goods and Services //

Lock Picks. A set of tools to pick mechanical locks, Silencer. Silencers are attached to guns in order
but they can’t be used to unlock electrical locks. to muffle the sound of the weapons discharges. The
Mechanics Tool Kit. This box of tools contains the sound produced from a silenced weapon can only be
basics needed for repairing electrical or mechanical detected by people with a 15 Passive Wisdom (Percep-
equipment, such as a tape, hammer, pliers, a mini tion) score (modified by distance, walls, etc.).
torch and various other tools. This kit also allows you Sleeping Bag. It’s a nice cozy and insulated place
to pick both electrical and mechanical locks. to sleep when one lacks a tent. For 5 times the cost it
Metal Detector. This 1.5 meter long device can auto- can have state of the art thermal insulation to keep the
matically detect metals that it passes over. user warm in even the harshest winter conditions, in-
Micro-Drone. These drones are “bugs”, cluding a breath friendly pull-down cover for the head.
taken to the next level. They are either ge- Spike Strip. This device is designed to help the po-
netically engineered organisms with an lice end car chases. The strip comes rolled in a
implant, or robots that look and emulate spool about the size of a small suit-
the actions insects and arachnids. They case. Deploy it by rolling it across
roughly follow a simple direction such as a roadway, where it lies like a flat,
“follow person X”, or “stay and watch this segmented belt. (The user can roll
room”. They can record 30 hours of footage it out onto the road without entering the
before running out of memory. Upon lane of traffic). Until the strip is activated,
finishing recording they return to a pre- the spikes do not protrude, and cars can pass
determined area (or before finishing if safely over it. When the user manually or
directed to). They can also be direct- wirelessly activates it, the spikes extend.
ed to transmit a live feed, but this Wheeled vehicles passing over the strip suffer
can be more easily detected. Flies punctured tires, making them move at half speed until
are a very common model for the the tires are repaired.
done, since these organisms can Tent. A tent keeps a character warm and dry in se-
be found almost anywhere. vere weather, providing shelter.
Mini-Breather. This apparatus Wall Microphone. This device, the size of a wallet,
fits over the mouth and nose, providing 10 minutes of can be attached to any surface up to 50 cm thick and
breathable air to the wearer. The air comes from a bev- hear what is going on the other side of the surface
erage-sized canister, and extra canisters cost シ50. (usually a wall). This is most often used to eavesdrop
Parachute Set. A parachute is made from thin, light- on conversations in a neighboring room or inside a
weight fabric, support tapes, and suspension lines. It building from the outside.
negates all falling damage that would normally occur Wingsuit. Your falling speed drops to 36 meters
to someone falling. To work successfully it should be each round. Your speed while gliding is 18 meters. You
deployed at least 50 meters above the ground, however still need a parachute to drop safely for the final 50 me-
even if it is deployed after this, it halves falling damage. ters, or you take falling damage as per usual. Changing
Rope. Ropes come in various materials, the cheap- directions by 45 degrees requires a DC 15 Dexterity (Ac-
est being nylon, while the most expensive is Spyder robatics) check.
Sylk. Spyder Sylk costs 10 times as much but it’s also a
tenth of the standard weight. Rope has 2 hit points and Services
can be burst with a DC 17 Strength check. While the gear section describes some of the items
Scuba Gear. Scuba (self-contained breathing ap- that are used as tools to help the character, this section
paratus) gear includes an air tank, buoyancy control describes special services they may require. Much of
device, flippers, wet/dry suit, snorkel, mask, and re- the value of a commodity comes from the labor in-
breather. Full tanks allow the wearer of the gear to stay volved in making it, likewise, the various services that
underwater for up to 4 hours. In addition, the wearer characters often require have costs. These range from
gains a +5 bonus to swim related Strength (Athletics) mundane things such as getting a haircut to more ex-
checks. For twice the cost the scuba gear’s filters have otic things like a virtual afterlife. Of course, there is a
an additional selectively permeable membrane. The multitude of services that are not mentioned here, but
filters act as “gills” in water and extract breathable ox- this should be a rough guide to the standard prices.
ygen for the wearer down to a 15-meter depth. Ambulance. Even mercenaries sometimes have to
call the paramedics! While in a city, an ambulance ar-

// GeneFunk 2090 // 139

Intro rives in 1d6 minutes after being called, usually by an paying the funds). Membership costs for this service is
airbus. They won’t enter an area while combat is occur- シ3,000 a month.
Character ring, and will likely leave if bullets start flying. They will Flight. International travel is normal, and crossing
Creation treat any injured people present with restorative drugs, vast distances requires flying. Though prices vary by
and/or a +5 Intelligence (Life Science) ability check, destination and season, it is generally around シ50 for
Genomes though the drugs are added to the シ500 base cost. every 1 hour of flight time.
Auto Repair. Even in regular life car accidents are Transhuman Body Conversion. Transhuman body
relatively common. In the course of a story, if the char- conversions replace your original flesh, bone, and even
Classes acter owns a car it is likely that it may get damaged at parts of your brain biosynthetic, plastic, and metal an-
some point. Auto repair is required to restore the car’s alogues. Your new body can look any way you desire,
Goods and lost hit points. The cost includes both the cost for the allowing for any sex, size, or shape the human body
Services professional service and the parts. Every 1 hit point of can come in, including aesthetically strange choices.
damage repaired costs シ100 and requires 1 hour at a After the transition, your personality and mental life
Upgrades mechanic shop. may change as described under the transhuman ge-
Bodyguard. Unlike other professional labor, there nome description.
is an implicit acknowledgment of danger on the part Transhuman body conversion uses the
Daemons of the bodyguard. They are expected to increase your following rules:
safety at the expense of their own. This added danger
Ability increases the cost to employ them and cost also varies •• All features granted by your original genome are
Scores based on the skill of the bodyguard. Joe Schmoe with a removed. This includes ability score modifica-
firearms certificate may come cheap but an elite samu- tions, genetic enhancements, skill proficiencies and
rai costs a fortune. Ronin International has thousands bonuses, feats, and any other genome feature. Your
of bodyguards that can be leased out hourly, or by a genome changes to transhuman, and you gain all
monthly contract. of the features of this genome instead, including
The hourly price of a bodyguard is the bodyguard’s completely revising your ability scores (see Chapter
CR x シ200. The monthly salary of a bodyguard is the 2: Genomes).
bodyguard’s CR x シ20,000. Of course, these prices •• All permanent injuries are removed.
assume no extra level of danger (for example, if the •• Unlike selecting the transhuman genome during
character wanted to employ the bodyguard while go- character creation, you may spend additional satoshi
Brave New
ing into a combat zone, or under death threats from an to upgrade ability scores beyond spending the base
international crime syndicate, the price may increase シ400,000 when you first transition to your transhu-
by up to ten times). man body. Your new body is made at this time, and
Car Rental. If your character cannot afford a car, you cannot buy higher ability scores afterwards, un-
or is in a region where he doesn’t have access to the less it is through upgrades (see Chapter 5: Upgrades).
Appendices one he owns, car rental is always an option. In gener- •• You may have all of your existing upgrades trans-
al, it costs around 100 dollars a day to rent a standard ferred over to your new transhuman body at no
4-door car. If extra style, protection, or luxury is added extra cost, applying any of the relevant bonuses
(let’s say a Ferrari, armored hummer, or limousine) the and features.
cost can be anywhere from シ1,000 to シ5,000 a day. •• You retain all class features and levels (unless you
Escort. The world’s oldest profession is still alive are the unmodified – veteran genome, in which
and well in 2090. Whether it’s for company, sex, or case you will subtract one level due to losing your
both, the paid escort is available to most clients for an genome features).
expensive price. Unlike other professional services, •• The Ability Score Increase feature granted to you by
because the service is so intimate the price is usually your class can be reapplied to the same abilities (or
higher. It generally costs from シ50 to シ5,000 an hour feats) that you originally chose.
for an escort.
Eternity. This service offers immortality. Cellular Hospital. While in a hospital you are treated for
repair, hormonal rebalancing, and restoration of mu- any diseases, poisons, or other damage you have. Each
tated somatic cells can be used to stave off, or com- day you spend in the hospital costs from シ500-5,000
pletely reverse the aging process. This can effectively a day, depending on the quality of the facilities. Any
be used to stay young forever (as long as you continue condition you suffer from involving diseases, poisons,
or serious trauma can be resolved in just a day or two.

140 // 4. Goods and Services //

Service Cost Service Summary
Transhuman Body Conversion シ400,000+ Your brain and daemon are transferred to a prosthetic anthroid body
Ambulance シ500 Paramedics show up and take you to a hospital, providing medical care
Auto Repair シ100/hp Your vehicle is repaired after taking damage
Bodyguard Varies Hired protection for a limited duration
Car Rental シ100/day Basic car or truck rental, cost is higher for armored or luxury vehicles
Escort シ50-5,000 Paid company
Eternity シ3,000/month Anti and reverse aging therapy
Flight シ50/hour Travel the world!
Hospital シ500-5000/day Treatment of severe wounds, diseases, and poisons
Hotzone Rescue シ20,000/month Militarized ambulance rescues you
Lab Work シ1,000 Analyze a chemical or biological sample
Mass Transport シ25/100km Gets you to where you need to go
Phoenix Unlimited シ500,000 Your mind is digitized, enabling a virtual afterlife
Professional Varies Skills for hire!

Hot Zone Rescue. A more unusual medical service chemical composition and amount of everything in an
is offered by a company called Hot Zone Rescue. A Ro- area up to a cubic meter or as fine as a cubic centimeter.
nin International Subsidiary, they are a corporation This includes solids, liquids, and gases.
that specializes in airlifting people that are wounded Any DNA contained within the samples are fully
out of sticky situations. A character who subscribes to sequenced if any are present, but labs don’t have ac-
this service has a chip implanted that monitors their cess to the databases necessary to identify particular
health and location at all times. If the character is crit- people based on their DNA. They can, however, give a
ically injured an airbus crewed with paramedics and rough description of sex, appearance, and genome.
soldiers is immediately sent to the character’s location. Mass Transportation. People often have to get from
Even if it is in the middle of a firefight, the sky ambu- point A to point B, but it's too far and they don’t own
lance will land, retrieve the character, and fly him to a vehicle. Luckily, nearly every metropolis has an ad-
the hospital (for a reasonable price). This service coop- vanced mass transit infrastructure to use in just such
erates with local police departments, so it knows not to cases. Generally, mass transportation costs シ25 per
help criminals in gunfights with police or other law en- 100 km or so, though this can double or triple depend-
forcement agencies. In certain areas, this service is il- ing on if you have luxury seating.
legal or restricted to law enforcement personal or VIPs. Phoenix Unlimited. A subsidiary of Hexie, Phoenix
If you ever reach 0 hit points an airborne ambu- Unlimited uses this recent and incredible process to
lance is immediately dispatched to your location. The copy the human mind from an analog body into entire-
airbus is crewed by five CR 4 NPCs (see Chapter 12). ly digital code. The client enters a Phoenix Unlimited
One is a driver, and four are soldiers with paramedic facility every month to upload their memories. The
training. To the best of their ability, they attempt to first upload takes around 3 days, but the monthly up-
rescue the character. Coverage is international and all loads take mere hours.
metropolises have outlets for this service so the arrival Nanobots map the customer’s entire nervous sys-
time is 2d10 minutes in big cities. However, in small tem, connectome, endocrine complement, DNA and
towns or the wilderness, the arrival time may be much gene expression, as well as other pieces of data rele-
later, even hours. Short of the local government out- vant to the human mind. Then, these nanobots com-
right ordering the ambulance away, they will make an municate this map to an external computer. In this
attempt to extract you. computer, a complete analog of the mapped human’s
It costs シ20,000 a month for this service, and if consciousness is formed. Every function down to a mo-
the ambulance is actually called upon, you are charged lecular level is reproduced. The result is a perfect copy
an additional シ200,000. of a mind, called a “psychomime”.
Lab Work. You submit a chemical or biological sam- International law unanimously decided that a cop-
ple to a lab to get it analyzed. The lab informs you of the ied mind cannot be legally activated until the original

// GeneFunk 2090 // 141

Intro donor dies. After a subscriber’s death, they awaken in Drugs
a VR utopia world designed by Phoenix Unlimited. A While some things change with time, other things stay
Character customer service representative contacts them within the same, and drug use is one of the latter. There is still
Creation moments of their activation and explains their options. a booming market for pharmaceutical or recreational
At this point, the copied consciousness exists as a mind drugs fueling massive industries both legitimate and
Genomes without a body (though technically the databanks illegal. Drugs are used for medicine, enhanced abilities,
in Phoenix Unlimited are the body) and becomes the and for fun. Due to the many advances in pharmaceu-
same legal entity as the original person. ticals and their delivery, many modern drugs now have
Classes The character can continue living as their original a much greater effect than the traditionally used drugs.
legal identity. They can live as pure data in heaven pro- Drugs are usually administered through hypospray but
Goods and grams of Phoenix Unlimited, roam the vast internet as needles, patches, pills, and smoking are still all ways to
Services a “bodiless mind”, be transferred to a cloned version take drugs. The drugs listed below are merely a sample
of their original body, or be transferred to a prosthetic of the multitude of designer pharmaceuticals available
Upgrades body. See Chapter 11 for more information on Phoe- and should be used as guidelines by the GM and the
nix Unlimited). players to create the mechanics for other drugs. Despite
A character subscribing Phoenix Unlimited uses the proliferation of new designer drugs, traditionally
Daemons the following rules: used drugs still permeate much of society as they are
generally cheaper, less severe, or more available.
Ability •• If you are killed, your mind is preserved from the
Scores moment of your last upload, memories intact Drug Mechanics
•• You mind can be transferred to a cloned version The following rules apply to using drugs:
of your previous body, containing duplicates of all
•• Their effects do not stack. For example, if you are
of your lost upgrades (thanks to Phoenix Limited’s
mandatory insurance policy, included in their fee). on both mars and hype, you only get a +2 bonus to
It is identical in every mechanical way to your pre- Dexterity, not a +4.
vious body, only it has no mind until your psycho- •• You can’t increase your ability scores beyond
Hacking mime is inserted into it. their maximum. For example, if you have a 20
•• Alternatively, you can opt to be injected into a trans- Strength score, and your ability score maximum
human body, as described under the transhuman is 20, you gain no benefit from drugs that increase
Brave New
body conversion service. Phoenix Unlimited insur- your Strength score.
ance covers the base cost of the transhuman body •• Addiction. Each time you take a drug, roll 1d20. On
conversion, as well as replacement of all upgrades a 1, you become addicted. You need to take this drug
lost from your original body, which are included in at least once each day, or you suffer disadvantage
your new biosynthetic frame. on all ability checks and attack rolls until you take
Appendices •• The next time you need to have your psychomime the drug again. In order to break this addiction, you
inserted in a body (either cloned or transhuman), it must refrain from taking the drug for one week,
costs you a シ100,000 deductible. This deductible and succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom save. You can make
increases by and additional シ100,000 each and a new Wisdom save for each week you go without
every time you need this service. taking the drug again.

Professional. Sometimes a character needs some Antipoison. Anti-poison is a colony of adaptive

professional help. This service might be from a law- nanobots that determine the poison the subject is suf-
yer, hacker, P.I., or any other professional job that a fering from, then transforms into cells that produce a
character can imagine and require services from. Very chemical to neutralize the poison or bind to and carry
often when the character needs a professional it is out toxic chemicals.
because of their expertise at a skill, or set of related A poison in your system is neutralized and you are
skills. A professional’s services generally cost their CR now immune to that same poison for 1 hour after ad-
x 100 every hour. ministration. This does not cure damage already done
by the poison, only stops further damage. If you antic-
ipate being poisoned, you can inject yourself with this
drug as a safety precaution. After 1 hour, you suffer dis-
advantage on ability checks and attacks rolls for 1 hour
due to nausea.

142 // 4. Goods and Services //

Angel. This drug is often used by paramedics, med- drug and one of the most addictive drugs out there.
ics, or street docs to save the lives of those bleeding to You gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity for 30 minutes but
death. Though classified as a drug, it is actually a short- suffer from 1 level of exhaustion afterward.
lived colony of biobots that help coagulate blood at a Mars. Mars is a drug that puts a person into over-
wound site and suture the fissure. They also devour in- drive for a brief time, giving them increased coordi-
fectious bacteria at the wound site. For one hour, you nation and strength. Mars usually promotes a very
regain 2 hp every turn. This drug leaves the body very paranoid and wary feeling in its users, causing them
taxed, and you suffer from one level of exhaustion af- to size everything and everyone up, judging their
ter being administered. level of threat. You gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity and
Buddha. This chemical earned its name by stimu- Strength for 30 minutes, but suffer 1 level of exhaus-
lating the parts of the brain associated with empathy tion afterward.
and compassion, as well as abstract thinking. For 1 Nanodoc. A cocktail of adrenalin, suturing and co-
hour you gain a +2 bonus to Wisdom and Charisma. agulating nanobots, and blood analog restores 2d6 hp.
The tranquility you feel makes it so that you must Nootro. Nootro is the street name for this nootropic
make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw each turn to take (cognitive enhancement) drug. It increases the brain’s
any violent action while this drug is active. Violence is metabolism and circulation as well as the connection
just so meaningless… speed between firing neurons to make you think faster
Carnal. Carnal causes your senses to become more and better. It is highly popular among hackers, as they
acute and generates a feeling of euphoria. Things can navigate cyberspace and dive through code more
smell, feel, taste, look and sound better on this drug. It easily. You gain a +2 bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom,
is a very popular street drug and is commonly used at and Charisma for 1 hour, but suffer 1 level of exhaus-
dance clubs, parties, or any other sensual activity. You tion afterward.
gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and (Insight) Perk. This nanocolony clears out lactic acid in your
checks for 2 hours but suffer from 1 level of exhaus- muscles, restores and balances your neurotransmit-
tion afterward. ters and hormones, and generally refreshes you. Using
Conventional Drugs. Alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, this drug removes 1 level of exhaustion, but you can
MDMA, LSD, and heroin are still very common drugs. only benefit from its use once per long rest. Perk isn’t
At the GM’s discretion and the level of inebriation of addictive, so you don’t need to make the addiction roll.
your character, these drugs can cause disadvantage or Shark. This drug heightens your empathy but re-
advantage on a variety of rolls. Depending on the drug, duces your compassion. Shark helps user’s read peo-
each “dose” can cost from シ5 to シ50. ple, and this increases their social skills significantly.
Euvigil. This drug allows you to focus more easily, Your Charisma increases by +2 for 30 minutes, and you
keeping distractions like pain at bay. For 1 hour you don’t have to roll for addiction. Because of its few neg-
gain advantage on Constitution saving throws to ative side effects, this drug is highly prized in the
maintain your concentration on hacks business world as an effective tool.
and upgrades. Superman. This stimulant and
Hype. This stimulant targets euphoric drowns out the pain
the pleasure, coordination, and centers of the brain and lets the
reaction centers of the brain, subject fight till death’s door.
heightening all of them. For one hour, if you drop
Hype is accompanied to 0 hit points while you’re
by a euphoric feeling amped up on this drug, and
where everything don’t die outright, you can
seems manageable. make a DC 15 Constitu-
However, once the tion saving throw. If you
primary effect is fin- succeed, you drop to 1 hit
ished the drug has a point instead.
severe impact on an Each time you use this
individual, making feature after the first, the DC
them feel apathetic, increases by 5, and the amount
depressed and exhaust- it takes for you to die from mas-
ed. It is a popular street sive damage is reduced by 5.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 143

Character Drug Cost Effect Summary
Creation Antipoison シ100 You become immune to poison, disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until short rest
Angel シ100 Stabilize dying person, regain 2 hp/turn for 1 hour, 1 level of exhaustion after
Buddha シ100 +2 Wis and Cha, DC 10 Wis saving throw to take a violent action
Carnal シ100 Advantage on Perception and Insight checks for 2 hours, 1 level of exhaustion after
Conventional Drugs Varies Varies
Classes Euvigil シ100 You gain advantage on concentration checks
Hype シ100 +2 Dex for 30 minutes, 1 level of exhaustion after
Goods and Mars シ300 +2 Dex and Str for 30 minutes, 1 level of exhaustion after
Services Nanodoc シ100 Regain 2d6 hp
Nootro シ100 +2 Int, Wis, and Cha for 1 hour, 1 level of exhaustion after
Upgrades Perk シ300 Remove one level of exhaustion
Shark シ500 +2 Cha for 30 minutes, and you don’t have to roll for addiction
Superman シ50 If 0 hp, DC 15 Con saving throw, on success drop to 1 hp instead,1 level of exhaustion after
Wrath シ50 +4 Str, -2 Int and Wis for 30 minutes, 2 levels of exhaustion after

Scores Wrath. This drug is a stimulant that increases phys- resulting cloud dissipates immediately afterward.
ical strength. It is less expensive and more available Holding one’s breath is ineffective against inhaled
than Mars making it a popular drug among street thugs poisons, as they affect nasal membranes, tear ducts,
and professional fighters. A side effect of wrath is that and other parts of the body. Multiple doses can be
it makes you angry and diminishes your patience. You put in gas grenades, increasing the area affected by
gain a +4 Strength, -2 Intelligence and Wisdom for 30 1 cube per dose.
minutes, and suffer 2 levels of exhaustion after. •• Injury. Injury poison can be applied to weapons,
Hacking hyposprays, syringes, and other objects that deal
Poison piercing or slashing damage and remains potent
Poison can be harvested from animals, plants, or they until delivered through a wound or washed off.
Brave New
can be synthesized chemicals. If a poison is applied to Someone that takes piercing or slashing damage
a weapon, such weapon attacks become deadlier, and from an object coated with the poison is exposed to
corporate espionage often involves poisoned food or its effects. If a poison is delivered with a hypospray
drinks. Given their insidious and deadly nature, poi- or syringe, it’s save DC becomes +5, and its effect is
sons are illegal in most societies, and range from mon- doubled (duration, damage, penalty, etc.).
Appendices itored to banned depending on how toxic they are.
Poisons come in the following four types: Anesthetic. This poison describes any variety of
chemicals that produces a loss of consciousness and
•• Contact. Contact poison can be smeared on an can be administered as a gas, or ingested. Halothane,
object and remains potent until it is touched or propofol, ketamine, and many other drugs fall into
washed off. A person that touches contact poison this category. A person subjected to this poison must
with exposed skin suffers its effects. succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be
•• Ingested. A person must swallow an entire dose of poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or
ingested poison to suffer its effects. The dose can be more, the person is also unconscious while poisoned
delivered in food or a liquid. You may decide that a in this way. The person wakes up if it takes damage or
partial dose has a reduced effect, such as allowing if another person takes an action to shake it awake. If
advantage on the saving throw or dealing only half administered via injury, the DC drops to 10 (though it is
damage on a failed save. Multiple doses can be add- still a 15 with a hypospray or syringe).
ed to a drink or food, and each extra dose applies Botulinum. The most toxic substance produced by
the effect an additional time. nature, BTX is produced by a species of bacteria. A per-
•• Inhaled. These poisons are powders or gases that son subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 16
take effect when inhaled. Blowing the powder or Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If
releasing the gas through a grenade affects anyone the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the person is also
in a 1-meter cube from the point of detonation. The paralyzed while poisoned in this way, and it the saving

144 // 4. Goods and Services //

Poison Cost Type Effect Summary
Anesthetic シ1,000 Ingested, Inhaled, Injury DC 10/15 Con save, poisoned and unconscious
Botulinum シ6,000 All DC 16 Con save, poisoned/paralyzed/possible death
Cyanide シ50 Ingested, Inhaled DC 16 Con save, 4d6 poison damage and poisoned
Grey Goo シ20,000 All DC 19 Con save, 12d6 poison damage, ½ damage on success
Heavy Metal シ50 Ingested DC 16 Con save, 1d12 poison damage and poisoned, repeat each day
Hemovenom シ1,000 Injury DC 11 Con save, 3d6 poison damage failed save, and poisoned
Necrovenom シ2,000 Injury DC 11 Con save, 6d6 poison damage, ½ damage on success
Neurovenom シ1,000 Injury DC 13 Con save, poisoned, if fail by 5 or more, unconscious
Paralytic シ1,000 Injury DC 13 Con save, poisoned + paralyzed
Ricin シ100 Ingested, Inhaled DC 17 Con save, 3d6 poison damage and poisoned
Nerve Agent シ5,000 Ingested, Inhaled DC 18 Con save, poisoned/paralyzed/unconscious/death
Wendigo シ10,000 All DC 17 Con save, 9d6 poison damage, ½ damage on success

throw fails by 10 or more the person dies. If adminis- If the save is failed by 5 or more, the subject becomes
tered via injury, the DC drops to 10. unconscious. If they fail by 10 or more, they die.
Cyanide. A classic poison, often administered via Paralytic. A neuromuscular-blocking drug, paralyt-
inhalation or ingestion. People subjected to this poi- ic poison makes the subject’s muscles become useless.
son must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. The A person subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC
subject takes 14 (4d6) poison damage and is poisoned 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 min-
for 1 hour on a failed save, or half as much damage and ute. The poisoned person is paralyzed. The person can
no poisoned effect on a successful save. repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
Grey Goo. A colony of self-replicating nanobots di- ending the effect on itself on a success.
gests the subject’s tissues, spreading throughout the Ricin. Harvested from the castor bean, ricin is often
body and wreaking havoc. A person subjected to this put into someone’s food or drink. A person subjected
poison must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw, to this poison must make a DC 17 Constitution saving
taking 42 (12d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half throw. On a failed save, it takes 10 (3d6) poison dam-
as much damage on a successful one. age and is poisoned for 24 hours. On a successful save,
Heavy Metal. A person subjected to this poison the person takes half damage and isn’t poisoned. If you
must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed your first saving throw, you must make it again 24
failed save, it takes 6 (1d12) poison damage and is poi- hours later, and suffer the effects again on a failed save.
soned for 24 hours. On a successful save, the person
takes half damage and isn’t poisoned.
Hemovenom. This blood-cell destroying poison
must be harvested from a snake or spiders. A person
subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Consti-
tution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a
failed save and becoming poisoned for 1 hour, or half as
much damage and no poison effect on a successful one.
Necrovenom. This tissue-destroying venom is har-
vested from snakes and spiders. A person subjected to
this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution sav-
ing throw, taking 21 (6d6) poison damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Neurovenom. This neurotoxic venom is harvested
from snakes and spiders. A person subjected to this
poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw, becoming poisoned for 1 hour on a failed save.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 145

Intro Nerve Agent. Nerve agents are poisons like VX and Vehicle Properties
sarin gas. A person subjected to this poison must suc- Autopilot. Every vehicle that has been manufactured
Character ceed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be poi- has come with autopilot software. It is essentially an
Creation soned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, AI that knows how to do only 1 thing: operate the vehi-
the person is also paralyzed while poisoned in this way, cle. The autopilot has proficiency in Drive and a +6 on
Genomes and it the saving throw fails by 10 or more the person Drive checks. These autopilots can be hacked and, like
dies. If administered via injury, the DC drops to 10. any other software, are considered bots. The basic au-
Wendigo. This hungry colony of nanobots bursts topilot software may be replaced by a more effective AI
Classes cells as they swarm through the body. A person sub- driver (see the Robots section in this chapter, or Appen-
jected to this poison must succeed on a DC 17 Constitu- dix B: Bots) to create a much more intelligent vehicle.
Goods and tion saving throw, taking 31 (9d6) poison damage on a Cargo. This is the volume of space that is available
Services failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. for transporting goods, not including the number of
passengers listed.
Upgrades Vehicles Fuel. This is the distance the vehicle can go before
While communication technology provides instant needing to refuel.
worldwide transmissions of information, to actually take Handling. This is how maneuverable a vehicle is.
Daemons people across wide spaces, vehicles are just as necessary This number is added Dexterity (Drive) checks (includ-
as ever. Vehicles can range from poverty line mopeds to ing those made by the autopilot) and to the vehicle’s
Ability mobile weapons delivery systems. AC. If the vehicle is not moving, it does not benefit
Scores from handling.
Vehicle Type On-Board Computer. All vehicles have an on-board
Vehicles fall into seven types which define their move- computer with a HUD on the windshield (or your
ment and combat speed. Maximum speed and combat mind’s eye), GPS, temperature sensor, etc.
speed for vehicles are different due to the nature of Hit Points. Just like characters, a vehicle can be
maneuverability during combat versus long-distance damaged by attacks or crashes. If it is lowered to half its
travel. The entries in the chart below are non-combat hit points, the GM may penalize it in some way, such as
Hacking speeds, while the description for each vehicle type in- a loss of speed or maneuverability. Damaged vehicles
dicates its speed during combat. can be repaired (see Mechanics skill or Services), but if
its hit points are reduced to 0 it becomes non-function-
•• Air vehicles can’t fly in place and must remain
Brave New
al. A vehicle can fall below 0 hit points, and if it falls
moving to stay in the air, unless they have the hover below -½ its hit point maximum, it becomes useless
feature (listed in their individual descriptions). scrap and cannot be repaired.
Their combat speed is 200 meters. Seats. This is the number of passengers that can
•• Legged vehicles have the same movement, be it normally comfortably fit in the vehicle (not including
Appendices on a street, or craggy rocks. Their combat speed the driver or pilot). Additional passengers may be car-
is 15 meters. ried if the vehicle’s cargo is large enough or the seating
•• Submersible vehicles can operate underwater or gets creative. If fewer than the listed number of pas-
above water, but move at half speed while underwa- sengers are carried, more cargo can be carried.
ter. Their combat speed is 18 meters. Damage Reduction. This is the DR that the vehicle
•• Treaded vehicles can go off-road without penalty, has, and it also provides this to the vehicle occupants.
but still suffer penalties for difficult terrain, and This stacks with any other DR the occupant has.
tend to be slower. Their combat speed is 18 meters. Speed. This is the top speed of the vehicle. In one
•• Water vehicles operate only in water. Their combat turn a vehicle can go from not moving to one quarter
speed is 18 meters. top speed, and each turn the vehicle can gain an addi-
•• Wheeled vehicles are meant for roads, and they tional quarter until full speed is reached after 4 turns
are the fastest land vehicles. Unfortunately, when (24 seconds). Combat speed works differently, since
they are off-road their speed (including combat control and maneuvering are more of a priority, and it
speed) is cut in half and they suffer disadvantage is defined by the vehicle type (see above).
to any Dexterity (Drive) ability checks. In addition,
they suffer the regular penalties for going over diffi-
cult terrain. Their combat speed is 45 meters.

146 // 4. Goods and Services //

Vehicle Cost Size Mass Handling AC DR HP Speed Seats Cargo
Air Vehicles
Air-Bus シ750,000 G 1,300 kg +1 12 8 70 500 kph 5 3,000 kg
Attack Helicopter μB15,000 G 8,000 kg +1 16 12 120 300 kph 1 200 kg
Fighter Jet B1.6 G 17,000 kg +5 12 8 100 3,000 kph 0 100 kg
Military Air-Bus μB4,500 G 2,800 kg +1 20 16 100 400 kph 8 3,000 kg
Personal Helicopter シ400,000 H 900 kg +2 12 5 50 250 kph 4 600 kg
Small Private Jet μB1,200 G 2,200 kg +2 10 5 80 800 kph 4 2,500 kg
Transport Helicopter μB10,000 G 24,000 kg 0 16 12 150 320 kph 42 10,000 kg
Legged Vehicles
Spider Tank μB4,500 G 80,000 kg 0 28 24 150 20 kph 10 2,000 kg
Submersible Vehicles
Mini-Sub シ400,000 G 3,600 kg 0 10 6 70 70 kph 5 4,000 kg
Treaded Vehicles
Light Tank μB3,000 G 35,000 kg 0 24 20 100 70 kph 10 2,000 kg
Water Vehicles
Fishing Boat μB4,000 G 125 t 0 10 6 200 40 kph 7 135 t
Jet Ski シ10,000 M 130 kg +2 13 3 20 110 kph 1 0 kg
Motor Boat シ5,000 L 150 kg 0 11 3 20 50 kph 3 1,000 kg
Sports Boat シ45,000 H 2,800 kg 0 12 6 50 70 kph 5 5,000 kg
Wheeled Vehicles
AFV μB1,500 G 16,000 kg 0 20 16 90 100 kph 10 2,000 kg
Moped シ1,000 M 80 kg +2 13 3 20 50 kph 1 0 kg
Motorbike, Basic シ5,000 M 180 kg +2 13 3 30 200 kph 1 0 kg
Motorbike, Premium シ12,000 M 220 kg +2 13 3 35 300 kph 1 0 kg
Truck シ40,000 H 3,800 kg 0 13 7 70 200 kph 4 8,000 kg
Sedan, Basic シ15,000 L 1,250 kg 0 13 5 50 200 kph 4 1,000 kg
Sedan, Luxury シ80,000 L 1,800 kg +1 12 6 60 250 kph 4 1,000 kg
Sports Car シ450,000 L 1,350 kg +2 13 5 60 330 kph 4 600 kg

// GeneFunk 2090 // 147

Intro Air-Bus Hit Points 100 Fuel 2,400 km
Gargantuan air vehicle Passengers 0 Length 15 m
Character Armor Class 12 Handling +1 Cargo 100 kg Width 10 m
Creation Damage Reduction 8 Speed 500 kph Mass 17,000 kg Height 5 m
Hit Points 70 Fuel 1,000 km 25mm Gatling Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: us-
Genomes Passengers 5 Length 9 m er’s ranged attack bonus to hit, range 3/6 km, ar-
Cargo 3,000 kg Width 4 m mor-piercing, automatic, no recoil. Hit: 38 (7d10) +
Mass 1,300 kg Height 3 m the user’s Dexterity bonus piercing damage.
Classes Hover. Can fly in place, holding position in the air. Butterfly Missiles. Range 12 km, 3-meter radius, DC
15 Dex save, 7d10 + 40 bludgeoning damage on fail
Goods and Airbuses are produced by Infinity Industries and are (78), half as much (39) on success. The damage is ar-
Services the first sky car to see such proliferation. It uses four mor-piercing at the center of the radius. 10 ammunition.
mobile ducted rotor engines to provide thrust and
Upgrades looks like a big aerodynamic van. Though it is illegal Fighter jets boast amazing speeds and armaments that
for use by a private citizen, most countries and cities can cripple targets anywhere on the sea, land or sky. Its
allow it to be used in luxury high-speed taxi services, Butterfly missiles morph shape, propulsion, and tar-
Daemons catering to the rich and impatient. Its primary use is geting system upon acquiring a target making them
in the emergency service industry, providing excel- effective against all targets. The only downside of this
Ability lent mobility for firefighters, paramedics, and police. machine is its price tag.
Scores It is never bogged down by traffic, due to the ban on
civilian sky cars and can reach its destination fast- Military Air-Bus
er than any other form of urban transport, making it Gargantuan air vehicle
high in demand. Armor Class 20 Handling +1
Damage Reduction 16 Speed 350 kph
Attack Helicopter Hit Points 100 Fuel 1,500 km
Gargantuan air vehicle Passengers 8 Length 9 m
Hacking Armor Class 16 Handling +1 Cargo 3,000 kg Width 5 m
Damage Reduction 12 Speed 300 kph Mass 2,800 kg Height 3 m
Hit Points 120 Fuel 1,500 km Hover. Can fly in place, holding position in the air.
Brave New
Passengers 1 Length 18 m 12.7 mm Gatling Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: user’s
Cargo 200 kg Width 5 m ranged attack bonus to hit, range 1/2 km, armor-pierc-
Mass 8,000 kg Height 5 m ing, automatic, no recoil. Hit: 22 (4d10) + the user’s
Hover. Can fly in place, holding position in the air. Dexterity bonus piercing damage.
30mm Chain Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: user’s
Appendices ranged attack bonus to hit, range 3/6 km, armor-pierc- This is essentially a heavy modification of the Air-
ing, automatic, no recoil. Hit: 38 (7d10) + the user’s bus, used as a military transport and by the Hot Zone
Dexterity bonus piercing damage. Rescue company. It has sacrificed speed and economy
Hydra Missiles. Range 6 km, 6-meter radius, DC 15 Dex for armor. For people that purchase service from Hot
save, 7d10 (38) bludgeoning damage on fail, half as Zone Rescue, nothing is more welcome than the heavy
much (19) on success. 6 ammunition. thrum of its engines coming closer.
Inferno Missiles. Range 10 km, 3-meter radius, DC 15 Dex
save, 7d10 + 40 bludgeoning damage on fail (78), half Personal Helicopter
as much (39) on success. The damage is armor-pierc- Huge air vehicle
ing at the center of the radius. 8 ammunition. Armor Class 12 Handling +2
Damage Reduction 5 Speed 250 kph
Attack helicopters are primarily used as an anti-vehicle Hit Points 50 Fuel 500 km
mobile weapons platform, and as air to ground support. Passengers 5 Length 9 m
Cargo 600 kg Width 3 m
Fighter Jet Mass 900 kg Height 3 m
Gargantuan air vehicle Hover. Can fly in place, holding position in the air.
Armor Class 12 Handling +5
Damage Reduction 8 Speed 300 kph Personal helicopter, used by enthusiasts, media com-
panies, tour companies, and police units.

148 // 4. Goods and Services //

Small Private Jet This tank is the biggest and baddest a tank has ever
Gargantuan air vehicle been. Its modern and unconventional design came
Armor Class 10 Handling +2 from the minds of the Hexie corporation, being the
Damage Reduction 5 Speed 800 kph first tank ever built to incorporate pedal motion. It
Hit Points 80 Fuel 2,500 km sports 4 huge spider-like legs, each with wheels on the
Passengers 4 Length 15 m bottom. When it is one the road the wheels take over
Cargo 2,500 kg Width 10 m giving it speed, and when the terrain gets rough it has
Mass 2,200 kg Height 5 m even more mobility than a treaded tank.

As a lightweight private jet, it has become something Mini-Sub

of a status symbol for the wealthy. Gargantuan submersible vehicle
Armor Class 10 Handling 0
Transport Helicopter Damage Reduction 6 Speed 20 kph
Gargantuan air vehicle Hit Points 70 Fuel 500 km
Armor Class 16 Handling +1 Passengers 5 Length 18 m
Damage Reduction 12 Speed 300 kph Cargo 4,000 kg Width 5 m
Hit Points 150 Fuel 1,500 km Mass 3,600 kg Height 5 m
Passengers 42 Length 30 m Autonomous Environment. The 10-hour air supply
Cargo 10,000 kg Width 6 m at maximum passenger capacity, and can descend to
Mass 24,000 kg Height 6 m a depth of 200 meters. In addition, it has mechanical
Hover. Can fly in place, holding position in the air. “gills” that can extract oxygen from seawater up to a
20mm Vulcan Cannon. Ranged Weapon Attack: depth of 30 meters.
user’s ranged attack bonus to hit, range 1/2 km, ar-
mor-piercing, automatic, no recoil. Hit: 33 (6d10) + This modern horseshoe crab looking submersible boat
the user’s Dexterity bonus piercing damage. is used for marine research and tourism.

This twin-rotor transport helicopter sees use both in Light Tank

and outside of the military. It has enough power and Gargantuan treaded vehicle
lift to carry over 40 passengers, making it an excellent Armor Class 24 Handling 0
troop transport into a hot zone. It is so stable it can Damage Reduction 20 Speed 70 kph
even make water pickups, dinghies driving directly Hit Points 100 Fuel 500 km
into the cargo hold. Passengers 10 Length 7 m
Cargo 2,000 kg Width 4 m
Spider Tank Mass 35,000 kg Height 3 m
Gargantuan legged vehicle 25mm Chain Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: us-
Armor Class 28 Handling 0 er’s ranged attack bonus to hit, range 3/6 km, ar-
Damage Reduction 24 Speed 20 kph mor-piercing, automatic, no recoil. Hit: 27 (5d10) +
Hit Points 150 Fuel 500 km the user’s Dexterity bonus piercing damage.
Passengers 10 Length 18 m TOW Missiles. Range 4 km, 3-meter radius, DC 15 Dex
Cargo 2,000 kg Width 5 m save, 7d10 + 40 bludgeoning damage on fail (78), half
Mass 80,000 kg Height 5 m as much (39) on success. The damage is armor-pierc-
Road Wheels. On paved roads can deploy wheels on ing at the center of the radius. 2 ammunition.
the bottom of each leg to allow for speeds up to 90 kph.
25mm Gatling Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: us- This tank is a mixed anti-personal and anti-tank vehi-
er’s ranged attack bonus to hit, range 3/6 km, ar- cle. Its no-nonsense design is strictly utilitarian, all its
mor-piercing, automatic, no recoil. Hit: 38 (7d10) + angles resulting from ballistics physics considerations.
the user’s Dexterity bonus piercing damage. It has a crew of three, one pilot, one chain gunner, and
120mm Canon. Range 4 km, 3-meter radius, DC 15 Dex one rocker operator. In addition, it can carry 8 other
save, 7d10 + 40 bludgeoning damage on fail (78), half passengers, making it an excellent troop transport ve-
as much (39) on success. The damage is armor-pierc- hicle. Both the gun turret and the TOW launcher are
ing at the center of the radius. 8 ammunition. armored and operated internally.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 149

Intro Fishing Boat Partial Open Seating. The damage reduction does
Gargantuan water vehicle (monitored) not protect the drivers or passengers, unless they
Character Armor Class 10 Handling 0 duck below the partial cover.
Creation Damage Reduction 6 Speed 40 kph
Hit Points 200 Fuel 800 km Zipping across the open waters at high speed is what
Genomes Passengers 7 Length 40 m this vehicle is all about, a sign of wealth and status.
Cargo 135,000 kg Width 9 m
Mass 125,000 kg Height 6 m AFV
Classes Gargantuan wheeled vehicle
These ships are all custom made rather than being a Armor Class 20 Handling 0
Goods and specific brand. They consume ridiculous amounts of Damage Reduction 16 Speed 100 kph
Services fuel and have impressive engines. This is a home on Hit Points 90 Fuel 300 km
the sea, and only the incredible profits made from fish- Passengers 10 Length 7 m
Upgrades ing make it a viable purchase. Cargo 2,000 kg Width 3 m
Mass 16,000 kg Height 3 m
Jet Ski 14.5 mm Machine Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack:
Daemons Medium water vehicle user’s ranged attack bonus to hit, range 1.5/3 km, ar-
Armor Class 13 Handling +2 mor-piercing, automatic, no recoil. Hit: 22 (4d10) +
Ability Damage Reduction 3 Speed 50 kph the user’s Dexterity bonus armor-piercing damage.
Scores Hit Points 20 Fuel 110 km
Passengers 1 Length 2 m AFVs can handle heavy infantry and light vehi-
Cargo 0 kg Width 1 m cles with ease.
Mass 130 kg Height 1 m
Open Seating. The damage reduction does not pro- Moped
tect the drivers or passengers. Medium wheeled vehicle
Armor Class 13 Handling +2
Hacking Jet skis are quite popular for those who live by the coast Damage Reduction 3 Speed 50 kph
and have enough disposable income to afford one. Hit Points 20 Fuel 200 km
They go very fast and can be used for racing, stunts, or Passengers 1 Length 2 m
Brave New
just showing off. Cargo 0 kg Width 1 m
Mass 80 kg Height 1 m
Motor Boat Open Seating. The damage reduction does not pro-
Large water vehicle tect the drivers or passengers.
Armor Class 11 Handling 0
Appendices Damage Reduction 3 Speed 50 kph Mopeds are great for zooming around the city and cost
Hit Points 20 Fuel 50 km a fraction of the price of other methods of personal
Passengers 3 Length 4 m transportation, making them a great choice for the fi-
Cargo 1,000 kg Width 2 m nancially impoverished. It’s the vehicle for many east
Mass 150 kg Height 1 m Asian countries.
Partial Open Seating. The damage reduction does
not protect the drivers or passengers, unless they Motorbike, Basic
duck below the partial cover. Medium wheeled vehicle
Armor Class 13 Handling +2
A staple of basic transportation on the water. Damage Reduction 3 Speed 200 kph
Hit Points 30 Fuel 250 km
Sports Boat Passengers 1 Length 2 m
Huge water vehicle Cargo 0 kg Width 1 m
Armor Class 12 Handling 0 Mass 180 kg Height 1 m
Damage Reduction 6 Speed 70 kph Open Seating. The damage reduction does not pro-
Hit Points 50 Fuel 50 km tect the drivers or passengers.
Passengers 5 Length 8 m
Cargo 5,000 kg Width 4 m Motorbikes are cherished for their style, speed, and rel-
Mass 2,800 kg Height 3 m ative affordability.

150 // 4. Goods and Services //

Motorbike, Premium Sports Car
Medium wheeled vehicle Large wheeled vehicle
Armor Class 13 Handling +3 Armor Class 13 Handling +2
Damage Reduction 3 Speed 300 kph Damage Reduction 5 Speed 330 kph
Hit Points 35 Fuel 350 km Hit Points 60 Fuel 500 km
Passengers 1 Length 2 m Passengers 4 Length 4.5 m
Cargo 0 kg Width 1 m Cargo 600 kg Width 1.5 m
Mass 220 kg Height 1 m Mass 1,350 kg Height 1.2 m
Open Seating. The damage reduction does not pro-
tect the drivers or passengers. Sports cars are marvels of engineering, gripping the
road tightly as they take corners at breakneck speed.
Like the basic model, only showier, and much faster. It’s a great car to race, or to impress people, unfortu-
nately, it costs more than most houses.
Huge wheeled vehicle Robots and AI
Armor Class 13 Handling 0 Robots are self-directed machines that interact with
Damage Reduction 7 Speed 200 kph their surroundings in ways according to their pro-
Hit Points 70 Fuel 500 km gramming. By 2090, robots and artificial intelligence
Passengers 4 Length 6 m (AI) see use in a wide range of activities. Because they
Cargo 8,000 kg Width 2 m do not tire or complain as much as humans, they
Mass 3,800 kg Height 2 m make ideal workers. Jobs hazardous to humans have
also seen robots dominate the field, though unlike the
Heavy-duty trucks are favorite for people like farmers versatility of the human consciousness robots usually
who actually need the power and space to transport only excel in the one task they were created for.
heavy materials, or for people who just like the idea of The tables below describe just a few of the many
having a big truck. kinds of robots available in the global
market. Of course, some robots with
Sedan, Basic combat abilities or sexually-overt
Large wheeled vehicle design are often restricted or
Armor Class 13 Handling 0 banned in some countries.
Damage Reduction 5 Speed 200 kph See Chapter 12: Non-Play-
Hit Points 50 Fuel 500 km er Characters for more
Passengers 4 Length 4.5 m detailed descriptions
Cargo 1,000 kg Width 1.5 m of these robots.
Mass 1,250 kg Height 1.5 m

This 4-door car is cheap, has good performance, and

has comfortable space for its passengers.

Sedan, Luxury
Huge wheeled vehicle
Armor Class 12 Handling +1
Damage Reduction 6 Speed 250 kph
Hit Points 60 Fuel 500 km
Passengers 4 Length 5 m
Cargo 1,000 kg Width 2 m
Mass 1,800 kg Height 1.5 m

This comfy 4-door luxury sedan is purchased by any-

one wishing to ride in style or announce their personal
wealth. It only performs moderately better than a bud-
get car, but the reputation, comfort, and appearance is
what people pay for.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 151

Intro Robots can come in a variety of different forms, as
Are Robots People?
described below:
Some seem like it. Artificial intelligence can be
programmed to act very lifelike, and anthroids in
Creation •• Anthroids. The bodies of these robots are construct- particular can emote very convincingly through
ed from a combination of bioengineered tissues
facial expressions and gestures. Passing the
Genomes and blood, as well as durable prosthetic fibers and
Turing test is easy for AI with social programming,
bones. They appear just like regular humans and
and this has led to a great many philosophers and
can function in every way a regular human body
machine intelligence experts to ponder if these
Classes can. It is sustained by food, gets rid of bodily wastes
robots are conscious or not.
in the same way, and has functioning sexual organs.
AI passing as humans. Robots attempting to
Goods and •• Droids. Droids are anthropomorphic but don’t really
pass themselves off as humans must make a
Services look like humans upon closer inspection. Their spe-
Charisma (Deception) check against someone’s
cific form varies, but all droids have two legs, two
passive Wisdom (Insight) score.
Upgrades arms, a torso, and a head. They are made of metal
Not people under the law (yet). Currently
alloys, synthetic polymers, and don’t have a spec of
there are no countries that consider artificial
biology in them. Their form allows them to better
Daemons intelligence as people, despite their convincing
interact a world designed for humans.
demeanor. There are AI right’s activists who advo-
•• Drones. Drones are far removed from a human
cate for the rights of any form of artificial intelli-
Ability shape and can appear more like vehicles or animals.
gence, and more progressive countries are in the
Scores Their form depends on their function; some are
midst of working out possible laws recognizing
airborne, some are quadrupeds, while others might
Completing personhood in certain types of AI.
be shaped like a spider.
Robot-Romance. It is not uncommon for people
Bots. With the vastness of the internet, who needs
to become romantically attached with their
a body? Bots are AI that exist as pure data (unless
Combat robots, especially anthroids, or even their own
you consider the hardware they are on as a body).
daemons (see Chapter 6: Daemons). Marriage and
Their function is almost exclusively to provide
civil unions for robots occur in certain countries,
knowledge, expertise, and social engagement. If a
Hacking despite the absence of legal personhood granted
character has the custom daemon upgrade (see Chap-
to the AI.
ter 5: Upgrades), bots can be used as a daemon’s
Brave New
AI, replacing the basic AI described in Chapter 6:
Daemons. A character cannot have multiple bots
running on their daemon at one time. Bots can also
be installed as the AI in a vehicle, instead of using
the factory-installed AI. For more information on
Appendices bots, and their stat blocks, see Appendix B: Bots.

Robot Cost Size Description Summary
Alpha V 3.1 シ20,000 M General purpose robot, with a sophisticated learning AI
Alpha V 3.3 シ250,000 M General purpose robot, with a sophisticated learning AI
Alpha V 3.5 シ2,000,000 M General purpose robot, with a sophisticated learning AI
Arnold MK I シ100,000 M Both form and AI are optimized for warfare and assassination
Arnold MK III シ1,000,000 M Both form and AI are optimized for warfare and assassination
Arnold MK V シ6,000,000 M Both form and AI are optimized for warfare and assassination
Cherry シ50,000 M Basic pleasure model, specialized in social skills and seduction
Cherry Deluxe シ100,000 M Premium pleasure model, specialized in social skills and seduction
Little Alex シ15,000 S Child robot, marketed as a friend for lonely children, or grieving parents

152 // 4. Goods and Services //

Robot Cost Size Description Summary
Eupro, Riff Raff シ10,000 M General purpose servant robot, with a sophisticated learning AI
Eupro, Jeeves シ50,000 M General purpose servant robot, with a sophisticated learning AI
Eupro, Alfred シ100,000 M General purpose servant robot, with a sophisticated learning AI
Grease Monkey シ25,000 M Robot specialized for working with electronics and vehicles
Grease Monkey Pro シ75,000 M Robot specialized for working with electronics and vehicles
Lab Rat シ75,000 M Robot specialized for working in research laboratories
M.E.A MK I シ50,000 M Military Enforcement Automatons, used as soldiers and police
M.E.A MK III シ300,000 M Military Enforcement Automatons, used as soldiers and police
M.E.A MK V シ3,000,000 M Military Enforcement Automatons, used as soldiers and police
UCWAR MK I シ8,000,000 L Military robot inspired by manga
UCWAR MK II シ12,000,000 H Military robot inspired by manga

Robot Cost Size Description Summary
Fenris シ150,000 M Four-legged dog-like drone, designed to hunt and kill
Phantom MK I シ25,000 S Small flying drone, primarily for surveillance, protection, or assassination
Phantom MK II シ250,000 S Small flying drone, primarily for surveillance, protection, or assassination
Rex 4.0 シ25,000 M Robotic guard dog
Rex 4.1 シ75,000 M Robotic guard dog
Spot シ8,000 M Robotic guard dog
Stirge MK I シ15,000 T Tiny assassin drone, designed to quietly fly through windows and vents
Swoop シ1,000 T Tiny flying drone, mostly for surveillance and enjoyment
Tarantula MK I シ20,000 S Anti-personnel spider drone
Tarantula MK II シ200,000 M Anti-personnel and light vehicle spider drone

Robot Cost Size Description Summary
Driver 3.4 シ12,000 - Advanced driving skills, more sophisticated than factory autopilot
Friendo シ2,000 - Specialized in social skills and bonding
Friendo Ultra シ10,000 - Specialized in social skills and bonding
Paragon 4 シ6,000 - A general purpose, sophisticated intelligent AI
Paragon 5 シ15,000 - A general purpose, sophisticated intelligent AI
Paragon 6 シ30,000 - A general purpose, sophisticated intelligent AI
Net Monkey シ500 - Guide to navigating the internet, and understanding programs
Net Monkey Pro シ4,000 - Guide to navigating the internet, and understanding programs
Science Guy I シ5,000 - Specialized for knowledge in science and engineering
Science Guy II シ15,000 - Specialized for knowledge in science and engineering

// GeneFunk 2090 // 153

Chapter 5: Upgrades
n 2090, many people opt to include as many a supporting role. The Bioware Upgrades table shows

I functioning technologies within themselves as

possible. Modifications to an individual’s genome
or other biological modifications are referred to as
the cost and other properties of common bioware in
GeneFunk 2090.

biohacks, while mechanical implants and alterations Cybernetic U pgrades

tend to be called cyberware; both are subtle, effective Cybernetic upgrades generally involve surgical im-
and stylish. Many opt to get a new upgrade instead plants or robotic parts, including prosthetic limbs.
of a new car. Plastics and metal are typical in cybernetic upgrades.
Non-genetically-modified humans in particular The Cybernetic Upgrades table shows the cost and oth-
have taken to upgrades, perhaps to feel more on par er properties of common cyberware in 2090.
with transgenic people. Beyond the obvious specific
utilities of upgrades, being cybered up proves that you Daemon U pgrades
have cash and having cash, and the status associated Daemon upgrades always directly interface with your
with it is what it’s all about. internal supercomputer. They are typically chip im-
Upgrades are of particular social importance plants or nanocolonies that augment the way your
among criminals and soldiers, soldiers often being up- daemon functions, often providing improved mental
graded for free during their military service. Because capabilities.
of this, law enforcement in 2090 has special agencies People without a daemon are unable to acquire
with heavy firepower and resources to deal with en- these upgrades.
hanced criminals or ex-soldiers who have lost their
way. High-end upgrades are available in almost all me- Upgrade Brands
tropolises, though some of the more combat-based up- The same upgrade comes in a variety of qualities, de-
grades are monitored, restricted, or outright banned. pending on the manufacturer and brand. For instance,
Vitruvian is a more budget brand for cybernetic up-
Maximum Number of Upgrades grades, while Omnitech and Apollo spare no cost for
Characters cannot have more than eight different up- premium quality, and cater to a very wealthy clientele.
grades. There is only so much space to cram technolo- A character can’t have the same upgrade from two
gy in the human body. However, you are able to remove different brands. For instance, a character can’t have
one and add a different one. medicomps from both Apollo and Nightingale at
the same time.
To purchase and install an upgrade you must be in an Bioware Upgrades
appropriate facility, which are common in large cities.
It typically takes 24 hours to install a particular up- Olfactors
grade, and you suffer 2 levels of exhaustion until you Your sense of smell has been biohacked by TruHound
take a long rest. to have countless folds for increased surface area. The
result is that your olfaction is now even more acute
Upgrade Types than a bear’s.
Upgrades are generally categorized into three groups: You can recognize people’s unique scent, track
bioware upgrades, cybernetic upgrades, and daemon them easily (as long as it hasn’t rained), and gain in-
upgrades. The lines between these three groups are a credible details about anything you might eat or drink.
little fuzzy, since many upgrades tend to incorporate While tracking people, you also learn their exact num-
elements of all three. ber, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through
the area. If you are downwind of someone, it is impos-
Bioware Upgrades sible for them to hide from you, or keep themselves
Bioware upgrades involve genetic manipulation or disguised without some major alteration of their scent.
modification of living tissues. While some bioware up- Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom (Percep-
grades involve synthetic materials, they are primarily tion) checks that rely on smell.
biological in nature, with artificial elements playing

// GeneFunk 2090 // 155

Intro Amped Senses Electric Organ
All of your senses have been biohacked by Sentinex to Like an electric eel or ray, you possess a transgenic or-
Character get a boost, providing you with much more empirical gan that can generate an electrical discharge, boosted
Creation information about your environment. You gain advan- even further by an accompanying implant. As an ac-
tage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investi- tion, you can target anything within 1.5 meters with
Genomes gation) ability checks. this ability.
Additionally, your passive Perception and Investi- Vitruvian. The target takes 10d6 electrical damage
gation gain a + 5 bonus. on a failed Dexterity save (DC = 16), or half as much
Classes damage on a successful one. After using this ability,
Cellular R ejuvenators you must take a short rest to regain its use.
Goods and These handy little biobots swim around your body and Tezla. The target takes 10d6+25 electrical damage
Services streamline the efficiency of rest, speeding along all of on a failed Dexterity save (DC = 19), or half as much
the biochemical processes accomplished during sleep. damage on a successful one. After using this ability,
Upgrades Proteon. You only need to spend 4 hours of down you must take a short rest to regain its use.
time to take a long rest. Apollo. The target takes 10d6+50 electrical damage
Hexie. You only need to spend 2 hours of down time on a failed Dexterity save (DC = 21), or half as much
Daemons to take a long rest. damage on a successful one. After using this ability,
Apollo. You only need to spend 2 hours of down you must take a short rest to regain its use.
Ability time to take a long rest, and you may take 2 long rests
Scores in a 24 hour period. Envenomers, Basic
This augmentation is a colony of bioengineered cells
Completing Cloakers that manufacture a virulent toxin, and populate an
Cloakers are a biohacked chromatophores manufac- area of your body.
tured by Cryptek, and reside in every visible surface of There are a variety of different choices for how
your body. They receive light from their environment you want your venom to be administered, and you
and transmit it in a fashion that mimics nothing being must pick one from the list below when you acquire
Hacking in the way of the light at all. The effect is perfect cam- this bioware.
ouflage, rendering you Invisible. Your outer surface

Brave New
must not be covered for the cloakers to be effective (i.e. •• Nematocysts. An area of your hand, or even your
you must be naked or be wearing clothing with trans- tongue, is laden with stinging cells that send thou-
parency capability), and cloakers have no effect on any sands of envenomed barbs into your enemy’s skin.
of your equipment. If it is on your hand, it can be triggered while grap-
pling or making unarmed strikes, as a free action.
Cosmetic Alteration You must take a short rest before using it again.
Appendices The increased technological capacity for body alteration •• Venom Sac. Your venom is manufactured and
has opened up new creative realms for the same niche stored in a pouch somewhere on your body, often
that was interested in piercings and tattoos in previous in your mouth. This can be used to administer
generations. The latter are still popular but exist along- a “kiss of death”, or ooze poison onto a weapon. If
side drastic surgical options such as moving angel or bat applied to a weapon, the poison washes off after one
wings, color-shifting skin or hair, a moving tail, extra successful hit and must be reapplied for it to work
eyes or whatever else the consumer can imagine. This again. You can activate this ability as a free action
trend has become even more prolific due to the popu- and must take a short rest before using it again.
lar media’s glamorization of transgenic humans. Their •• Retractable or Natural Weapon. If you have the
wondrous abilities and poor social standing make for a retractable weapon or natural weapon feature, you
compelling story and there are a lot of over-privileged may have your envenomers built directly into the
wannabes who aim to look the part. These upgrades weapon, allowed the venom to be delivered on
have no in-game effect outside of their aesthetic, and successful attacks, as a free action. You must take a
helping you fit in with certain crowds. At the player's short rest before using it again.
discretion, it can either give you a strange or inhuman
appearance. Additionally, it doesn’t count as one of your You can dispense any of the following venoms:
maximum allowed number of upgrades. Hemovenom. A person subjected to this toxin must
succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking

156 // 5. Upgrades //
Bioware Upgrades
Upgrade Brand Cost Effect Summary
Olfactors TruHound シ100,000 Able to discern scent to minute detail, and track by scent
Amped Senses Sentinex シ40,000 Bonuses to Perception and Investigation
Cellular Rejuvenators Proteon シ50,000 It only requires 4 hours to obtain the benefits of a long rest
Cellular Rejuvenators Hexie シ200,000 It only requires 2 hours to obtain the benefits of a long rest
Cellular Rejuvenators Apollo シ600,000 It only requires 2 hours to obtain the benefits of a long rest, and can do 2/day
Cloakers Cryptek シ60,000 Become invisible
Cosmetic Alteration Varies シ5,000 Alter your appearance
Electric Organ Vitruvian シ30,000 10d6 damage, DC 16 Dexterity save for ½, once/short rest
Electric Organ Tezla シ100,000 10d6 + 25 damage, DC 19 Dexterity save for ½, once/short rest
Electric Organ Apollo シ300,000 10d6 + 50 damage, DC 21 Dexterity save for ½, once/short rest
Envenomers Proteon シ60,000 Produce and administer cheap venoms, once/short rest
Hyper Reflexes Vitruvian シ40,000 +2 AC, advantage on Dexterity saves, additional action
Hyper Reflexes Apollo シ100,000 +2 AC, advantage on Dexterity saves, additional action
Medicomp Nightingale シ25,000 Autostabilize, advantage and resistance to poison
Medicomp Apollo シ150,000 Store and release drugs into your system, regain all hit points on short rest
Pheromones Guanxi シ50,000 Bonuses to Deception, Insight, and Persuasion skills
Photosynthesizers Proteon シ20,000 Only need sun, CO2 and water to survive
Respirators Proteon シ25,000 Immune to Exhaustion
Synth Organs Nightingale シ10,000 +5 hit point maximum
Synth Organs Proteon シ30,000 +10 hit point maximum
Synth Organs Hexie シ100,000 +25 hit point maximum
Synth Organs Apollo シ400,000 +45 hit point maximum
Wall Crawling GekTek シ30,000 Climb even vertical walls like a gecko
Genetic Tweak Proteon シ100,000 You gain a genetic enhancement of your choice
Genetic Tweak Apollo シ300,000 You gain an upgraded genetic enhancement of your choice

10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save and becoming Hyper Reflexes

poisoned for 1 hour, or half as much damage and no This implant and biohack rewires your nervous system,
poison effect on a successful one. and floods your body with stimulants, dramatically in-
Necrovenom. A person subjected to this toxin must creasing your reflexes and speed.
succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 21 You can use a bonus action to activate this ability,
(6d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much which lasts for one minute.
damage on a successful one. While active, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, have ad-
Neurovenom. A person subjected to this toxin must vantage on Dexterity saving throws, and you gain an
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, becom- additional action on each of your turns. That action
ing poisoned for 1-hour damage on a failed save. If the can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack
save is failed by 5 or more, the subject becomes uncon- only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action.
scious. If they fail by 10 or more, they die. When the effect ends, you can’t move or take ac-
tions until after your next turn, as a wave of lethargy
Genetic Tweak sweeps over you.
You undergo intense gene enhancement therapy, Vitruvian. You must take a long rest before using
granting yourself a beneficial change. this ability again.
Proteon. You may select any genetic enhancement Apollo. You must take a short rest before using this
from the genetic enhancement table. ability again.
Apollo. You may select any upgraded version
of any genetic enhancement from the genetic en- Medicomp
hancement table. This system of implants and transgenic nanobots func-
tions as an internal doctor. It staunches bleeding, re-

// GeneFunk 2090 // 157

Cybernetic Upgrades
Upgrade Brand Cost Effect Summary
Chemical Sensor TruHound シ25,000 Able to discern chemical compositions, including DNA
Cyberoptics Vitruvian シ30,000 Micro, macro, and darkvision, requires concentration
Cyberoptics Sentinex シ150,000 X-ray vision, and ability to see invisible, requires concentration
Cybernetic Arm Vitruvian シ25,000 You have 14 Strength in this arm, and your unarmed strikes do 1d4 damage
Cybernetic Arm Hexie シ150,000 You have 22 Strength in this arm, and your unarmed strikes do 1d6 damage
Classes Cybernetic Arm Omnitech シ500,000 You have 28 Strength in this arm, and your unarmed strikes do 1d8 damage
Dermal Weave Vitruvian シ8,000 Reduce B, P, and S damage by 2, doesn’t stack with armor
Dermal Weave Hexie シ35,000 Reduce B, P, and S damage by 4, doesn’t stack with armor
Goods and
Services Dermal Weave Validerm シ150,000 Reduce B, P, and S damage by 6, doesn’t stack with armor
Gills Triton シ25,000 Breathe underwater
Hyper Jumping Vitruvian シ40,000 Triple jumping distances, can fall 9 m. with no damage
Hyper Jumping Thumper シ120,000 Triple jumping distances, can fall 9 m. with no damage, 20+ on jump checks
Muscle Weave Vitruvian シ20,000 +2 Strength, 22 maximum Strength
Daemons Muscle Weave Ronin シ75,000 +4 Strength, 24 maximum Strength
Muscle Weave Hexie シ200,000 +6 Strength, 26 maximum Strength
Ability Muscle Weave Omnitech シ500,000 +8 Strength, 28 maximum Strength
Scores Polyguise Omnitech シ30,000 Can alter your face and voice as a disguise
Reinforced Skeleton Hexie シ75,000 Resistance to bludgeoning damage, hard-knuckle
Retractable Blade Vitruvian シ25,000 Slashing/piercing light finesse melee weapon, 2d4 AP damage
Retractable Blade Ronin シ50,000 Slashing/piercing light finesse melee weapon, 2d6 AP damage
Retractable Blade Hexie シ100,000 Slashing/piercing light finesse melee weapon, 2d8 AP damage
Retractable Blade Excalibur シ300,000 Slashing/piercing light finesse melee weapon, 2d8 AP damage, crit. on 18-20
Shock Core Tezla シ75,000 When activated, your melee attacks do electrical damage

Hacking Shock Core Omnitech シ200,000 When activated, your melee attacks do even more electrical damage
Sprint Boost Vitruvian シ20,000 Increase Speed by 3 meters
Sprint Boost Thumper シ60,000 Increase Speed by 6 meters
Brave New
World Sprint Boost Omnitech シ175,000 Increase Speed by 9 meters
Sprint Boost Blitz-Cat シ500,000 Increase Speed by 12 meters
Stun Knuckles Tezla シ25,000 Hard-knuckle, DC 10 Con save, or stunned
Subdermal Plates Vitruvian シ5,000 + 3 AC, doesn’t stack with armor
Subdermal Plates Ronin シ25,000 + 5 AC, doesn’t stack with armor
Appendices Subdermal Plates Validerm シ120,000 + 7 AC, doesn’t stack with armor

duces exhaustion, repairs damaged tissues, and fights Apollo. In addition to all of the effects of the Night-
of toxins and disease at rates far exceeding your natu- ingale medicomp, you also gain the following effects:
ral immune system healing rate.
Nightingale. The Nightingale medicomp provides •• Can store up to a total of 20 doses of drugs (see Drugs
you with the features listed below: under Goods and Services). One dose of any of these
drugs can be released and activated as a bonus action.
•• Automatic stabilization when knocked unconscious •• All of your hit points are restored when you take
at 0 hit points. a short rest.
•• When you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, the
minimum number of hit points you regain from Pheromones
the roll is 5. You’ve been biohacked to produce chemical messen-
•• You have advantage on saving throws against poi- gers that have beguiling effects on people who are
son, and you have resistance against poison damage within smelling range. You gain proficiency in the In-
sight, Deception and Persuasion skills. If you’re already
proficient in these skills or take any of them at a later

158 // 5. Upgrades //
time, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any check Cybernetic Arm
you make with that skill. This effect doesn’t work un- One of your arms and the surrounding tissue is re-
less the target of these skills is able to smell you. placed with a prosthetic version, firmly anchored into
your body. The Strength score provided by these up-
P hotosynthesizers grades only applies to checks that involve one arm, in-
Each transgenic cell of this biohack is loaded with chlo- cluding reducing recoil for one-handed firearms, and
roplasts and other cellular machinery that allows you to applying an ability modifier for melee attacks with
make your own food from sunlight, water, and carbon one-handed weapons.
dioxide. As long as you drink water and have at least one- Vitruvian. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 damage,
hour exposure to the sun each day they do not need to eat. have the hard knuckle trait, and your Strength ability
score is considered to be 14 for purposes and checks
Respirators that only involve one arm.
You are biohacked with specialized cells that metabolize Hexie. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 damage, have
lactic acid, reduce muscle exhaustion, and aid respira- the hard knuckle trait, and your Strength ability score
tion and circulation throughout the entire body. The re- is considered to be 22 for purposes and checks that
sult is a much more aerobically efficient body, and you only involve one arm.
can run marathons on an off day with ease. This upgrade Omnitech. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 damage,
allows you to ignore 2 levels of exhaustion and gives you have the hard knuckle trait, and your Strength ability
advantage on Constitution checks involving endurance. score is considered to be 28 for purposes and checks
that only involve one arm.
Synth Organs
Most of your essential organs are now backed up by ar-
Two Cybernetic Arms
tificial parallels. Thus, a bullet to the heart triggers the
Having two cybernetic arms is possible, but each
backup heart rather than assuring your death.
is treated as a separate upgrade and must be paid
Nightingale. Your hit point maximum increases by 5
for separately. It is also possible for one arm to be
Proteon. Your hit point maximum increases by 10
better than the other, mixing and matching them.
Hexie. Your hit point maximum increases by 25
If you have two cybernetic arms, use the
Apollo. Your hit point maximum increases by 45.
following table to determine your combined arm
strength for purposes that mostly involve arms
Wall Crawling
(including reducing recoil for two-handed fire-
Swathes of skin on your hands, feet, legs, and arms
arms, and two-handed melee attacks).
have been modified to be able to shift into a micro-
scopic fractalling surface, allowing you to exploit Van Combined
der Waals forces to cling to walls like a gecko. You can Arm Combination Arm Strength
cause this effect to manifest as a free action, and you Two Vitruvian 14
gain a climbing speed equal to your regular speed. Vitruvian and Hexie 18
Additionally, you can climb sheer surfaces without re- Two Hexie 22
quiring a Strength (Athletics) check. Vitruvian and Omnitech 22
Hexie and Omnitech 26
Cybernetic Upgrades Two Omnitech 28

Chemical Sensor
On some location of the body a sensor manufactured
by TruHound samples all of the chemicals that come
into contact with it (be it solid, liquid or gas). This is
commonly placed on one of the fingertips or the tongue.
Poisons, DNA and all other chemical compositions sam-
pled can be discerned with this chip. With the proper
authorization or hacking ability, the sampled DNA can
even be looked up in governmental databases to check
for further information. This upgrade requires concen-
tration, and is activated by the Use an Object action.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 159

Intro Cyberoptics penetration vision and find the right wavelengths
Replaces your original eyes with superior artificial eyes. to see through the object you want to. You suffer
Character Vitruvian. Your artificial eyes have the following disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity ability
Creation types of vision. checks. In addition, they can only move at 1/2 their
normal Speed. This ability can be activated or deac-
Genomes •• Darkvision. By using wavelengths of light outside tivated as a free action. Requires concentration.
of the visible spectrum and employing a reflective
tapetum lucidum (like cats do), you can see normal- Dermal Weave
Classes ly in darkness up to a range of 36 meters. This biohack produces high strength synthetic fibers sim-
•• Microvision. Utilizes multiple convex lenses ilar to spider silk which are woven throughout your skin.
Goods and within the artificial eye that can be activated with Vitruvian. You gain 2 Damage Reduction versus
Services conscious thought to magnify an image up to 40 bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing.
x their actual size. This is powerful enough to Hexie. You gain 4 Damage Reduction versus blud-
Upgrades easily see minute traces of fibers, blood, or even geoning, slashing, and piercing.
make out individual cells in rough detail. Requires Validerm. You gain 6 Damage Reduction versus
concentration. bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing.
•• Macrovision. Essentially built-in binoculars, you
can see clearly up to 2 kilometers away, even able Gills
Ability to discern even fine details as though looking at Though somewhat different in structure than a fish’s,
Scores something no more than 30 meters away from you. these artificial gills allow for oxygen consumption from
Requires concentration. water. A selectively permeable membrane encases the
Contracts •• Protection. All cyberoptics use polarized “smart” lungs, extracting oxygen from water and allowing gas-
lenses that are used to automatically darken accord- es associated with respiration through but keeping
ing to the amount of light present. This happens in water out. The effect is that you can breathe underwa-
an instant, so it even protects against the blinding ter, as long as it is oxygenated. When you surface, the
effect of flashbangs and other bright light weapons lungful of water is expelled through the mouth.
Hacking that would otherwise blind you.
Hyper J umping
Sentinex. In addition to all of the abilities of Vit- This biohack adds extra spring to your leg muscles
Brave New
ruvian cyberoptics, Sentinex cyberoptics also provide through resilin and specialized synthetic muscles.
the following abilities: This upgrade doesn’t stack with any other ability
that increases your jumping distance.
•• Spectrum Vision. Your vision is greatly enhanced Vitruvian. Your jumping distance is tripled. Addi-
by both increasing the intensity of visible light tionally, these fibers absorb shock from falling, allowing
Appendices received and making use of nonvisible lights and you to fall 9 meters (instead of 3) without taking damage.
other energies such as infrared, ultraviolet, sound,
Strength Long High
and microwaves. Your daemon triangulates all the (Athletics) Jump Distance Jump Distance
data from these receptions into a single coherent
5 4.5 meters 0 meters
image feed. You treat lightly obscured areas as com-
10 9 meters 1.5 meters
pletely visible, and heavily obscured areas as lightly
15 13.5 meters 3 meters
obscured, and you can see people and things that
20 18 meters 4.5 meters
are invisible (people using cloakers for instance).
25 22.5 meters 6 meters
Requires concentration.
•• Penetration Vision. This is the fabled “x-ray vision” 30 27 meters 7.5 meters
out of comic book myth. Using radar principles
and various low-frequency energies such as certain Thumper. You gain all the benefits of the Vitruvian
T-rays, infrareds, ultrasounds, and microwaves, hyper jumping, and any Strength (Athletics) checks re-
your daemon triangulates a single coherent image lated to jumping that are below 20 are automatically
feed. Characters using penetration vision can clear- raised to 20.
ly see through smoke, clothes, flesh and even walls
up to a range of 12 meters. It is disorientating to use

160 // 5. Upgrades //
Muscle Weave cles that can be rearranged with conscious thought.
The muscle weave biohack is a network of ultra-strong Artificial hair is made to turn any uniform color and
musculoskeletal fibers that support and enhance can switch between any length, from baldness up to 1
muscle contractions, as well as lessening any stress meter. The hair can even turn from straight, to wavy or
placed on bones. curly. Skin pigment can change to any uniform color.
Vitruvian. Your Strength score is increased by +2, It a full turn of concentration and to initiate a change
and your maximum Strength score is now 22. in appearance. You can even use this to mimic another
Ronin. Your Strength score is increased by +4, and specific person’s face.
your maximum Strength score is now 24. To discern that you are disguised, a person can use
Hexie. Your Strength score is increased by +6, and its action to inspect your appearance and must suc-
your maximum Strength score is now 26. ceed on an Intelligence (Investigation) check against
Omnitech. Your Strength score is increased by +8, a DC of 16, but even this doesn’t reveal your true
and your maximum Strength score is now 28. identity. If speaking to subjects who know you (or the
person you are imitating), you must succeed at a Cha-
P olyguise risma (Deception) ability check against their passive
This biohack enables you to adopt any number of hu- Insight score.
man appearances and voices. Your face and larynx are
reconstructed with artificial bones, cartilage, and mus- Reinforced Skeleton
Your skeleton is reinforced with high strength synthet-
ics and metallic alloys, rendering your bones as strong
as nanocarbon steel. This cyberware grants resistance
to bludgeoning damage, and grants the hard-knuck-
le property to your unarmed strikes (+2 damage).

Retractable Blade
You get an implanted nanoblade that
springs out from your wrist, or claws
that unsheathe from your fingertips.
The details are up to you, but you
can unsheathe them as a free action,
and they are a light finesse simple
melee weapon.
Vitruvian. The blade does 2d4 pierc-
ing or slashing, armor-piercing damage.
Ronin. The blade does 2d6 piercing
or slashing, armor-piercing damage.
Hexie. The blade does 2d8 piercing
or slashing, armor-piercing damage.
Excalibur. The blade does 2d8
piercing or slashing armor-piercing
damage, and  attacks with it score a
critical hit on a roll of 18–20.

Shock Core
You are wired with an internal bat-
tery and wiring that allows you to
discharge intense electrical shocks
through your melee attacks. You can
activate your shock core as a bonus ac-
tion, and it remains active for 1 minute.
You must take a long rest before using

// GeneFunk 2090 // 161

Intro this ability again. The following effects apply for the Satori. This increases your Intelligence score by +4,
duration of its activation: and your maximum Intelligence score is now 24
Character Tezla. Your melee attacks do an additional 1d4 elec-
Creation trical damage, or 1d8 electrical damage if they are un- Custom Daemon OS
armed strikes. Your daemon has been upgraded to accommodate
Genomes Omnitech. Your melee attacks do an additional 1d6 different AI, allowing you to house superior AI than
electrical damage, or 1d12 electrical damage if they are the base one.
unarmed strikes. Hexie. You can purchase an install any of the bot
Classes AI described in the Robots section of Chapter 4: Goods
Sprint Boost and Services. Only one bot may be installed as your AI
Goods and This augmentation strengthens fast-twitch muscles at any given time.
Services in your legs. Omnitech. In addition to having the benefits de-
Vitruvian. Your Speed increases by 3 meters. scribed in the Hexie custom daemon OS, your daemon
Upgrades Thumper. Your Speed increases by 6 meters. has been upgraded with firmware that allows it to take
Omnitech. Your Speed increases by 9 meters. control of your motor functions, essentially making
Blitz-Cat. Your Speed increases by 12 meters. your body a robot frame for it.
Daemons The firmware is coded with combat abilities to
Stun Knuckles make your daemon AI competent in a fight. Possession
Ability Your knuckles, elbows, shins, and other useful impact by your daemon AI follows the following rules:
Scores areas are reinforced with high strength conductive

materials that can deliver muscle paralyzing shocks. •• It takes 1 action to transfer control of your body to
Whenever you successfully hit someone with an your daemon.
unarmed attack, they must make a DC 10 Constitution It can take actions normally (movement, reaction,
save, or be stunned until the end of their turn. bonus, etc.).
•• It uses your proficiency bonus and STR/
Subdermal Plates DEX/CON scores.
Hacking Vital areas of your body are protected by nanocarbon •• It cannot use any of your skill proficiencies, but it
plates placed under your skin, replacing bone in some can fully use its own skill proficiencies.
cases. These incredibly strong but flexible plates count •• It cannot use any of your class features.
Brave New
as wearing Light Armor. If you suit up in armor, you It has the Extra Attack feature (as described in the
use whatever bonus is higher, they do not stack. Gunfighter class).
Vitruvian. Your AC increases by 3. •• It has proficiency in all weapons.
Ronin. Your AC increases by 5. •• When it uses the Attack action, it can make one un-
Validerm. Your AC increases by 7. armed strike as a bonus action. Additionally, the un-
Appendices armed strike does 1d4 + Strength modifier damage.
Daemon Upgrades •• Mind hacks still affect both you and your daemon
AI, and still use your saving throws.
Amped Confidence •• You can still sense the world as you normally would.
Your brain chemistry is biohacked to provide you with •• You are free to take your actions that don’t require
optimal self-assuredness, charm, and debonair. your motor skills. For example, you can launch
Hyperborea. Increases your Charisma score by +2, hacks, use telepresence, dive in the WDS, or com-
and your maximum Charisma score is now 22. municate with others.
Guanxi. Increases your Charisma score by +4, and
your maximum Charisma score is now 24. Daemon Firewall
You have some protection versus mind hacking.
Cognitive Boost Hexie. While active, you gain a +2 bonus on any
Your general intellect is enhanced by rewiring key neu- saving throws made to resist mind hacks. Requires
ral pathways, in conjunction with a brain-computer concentration.
interface chip. Omnitech. While active, you gain advantage on any
Hyperborea. Your Intelligence score is increased by saving throws made to resist mind hacks. Requires
+2, and your maximum Intelligence score is now 22. concentration.

162 // 5. Upgrades //
Daemon Upgrades
Upgrade Brand Cost Effect Summary
Amped Confidence Hyperborea シ25,000 +2 Charisma, 22 maximum Charisma
Amped Confidence Guanxi シ150,000 +4 Charisma, 24 maximum Charisma
Cognitive Boost Hyperborea シ25,000 +2 Intelligence, 22 maximum Intelligence
Cognitive Boost Satori シ150,000 +4 Intelligence, 24 maximum Intelligence
Daemon Firewall Hexie シ5,000 A +2 bonus against mind hacking
Daemon Firewall Omnitech シ30,000 Advantage against mind hacking
Custom Daemon Hexie シ40,000 Your daemon is modded to run various bot AI
Custom Daemon Omnitech シ250,000 Your daemon is modded to run combat firmware, taking control of your body
Dataport Varies シ3,000 Hardline port to daemon for when there is no wireless
Heightened Focus Hyperborea シ25,000 +2 Wisdom, 22 maximum Wisdom
Heightened Focus Satori シ150,000 +4 Wisdom, 24 maximum Wisdom
Motorchip Hexie シ25,000 +2 Dexterity, 22 maximum Dexterity
Motorchip Omnitech シ150,000 +4 Dexterity, 24 maximum Dexterity
Multitasking Omnitech シ75,000 You may run an additional program that requires concentration
Skill Chip Hyperborea シ25,000 Can run 1 skillsoft, requires concentration
Skill Chip Omnitech シ100,000 Can run 2 skillsoft, requires concentration
Targeting Computer Ronin シ25,000 +2 to Attack rolls
Targeting Computer Hexie シ100,000 +3 to Attack rolls
Targeting Computer Omnitech シ400,000 +4 to Attack rolls

Dataport Multitasking Chip

You can hook up your daemon directly to other devices You add a general brain-computer interface processor,
that have jacks without using wireless. This is essen- enabling you to run an additional program or upgrade
tial to interfacing with computers that lack wireless that requires concentration (you may concentrate on
capability, which is common for CCTV and databases one more effect than normal).
containing sensitive data. This implant bypasses at-
tempts to jam or detect wireless signals. Skill Chip
This chip implant allows you to run skillsoft, special-
Heightened Focus ized software that grants you competency in a skill.
You biohack your brain, augmenting pathways and Particular Skillsoft must be purchased separately, and
amplifying neurotransmitters and hormones relat- each one costsシ1,000.
ing to conscious awareness. As a result, you are more Hyperborea. While running a particular skillsoft,
mindful, alert, and aware. you gain proficiency in that skill. It takes 10 minutes to
Hyperborea. Your Wisdom score increases by +2, load up a particular skillsoft. Requires concentration.
and your maximum Wisdom score is now 22. Omnitech. This upgrade functions like the Hyper-
Satori. Your Wisdom score increases by +4, and borea skill chip, but you can run two skillsoft at once.
your maximum Wisdom score is now 24.
Targeting Computer
Motorchip You get a targeting implant and software that increases
This implant optimizes your motor skills, giving you your accuracy.
greater balance and hand-eye coordination. Ronin. You gain a +2 bonus to all attack rolls.
Hexie. Your Dexterity score is increased by +2, and Hexie. You gain a +3 bonus to all attack rolls.
your maximum Dexterity score is now 22. Omnitech. You gain a +4 bonus to all attack rolls.
Omnitech. Your Dexterity score is increased by +4, and
your maximum Dexterity score is now 24.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 163

Chapter 6: Daemons
aemons are internal supercomputers, flowing
Modern Medicine and
D through your bloodstream, running on your
nervous system, and channeling data through
a nanofiber mesh that extends to every corner of the
Renewed Vice Culture
Medical technology in GeneFunk 2090 is a marvel
to behold, and the personal diagnostic and ther-
body. Working in tandem with the functioning of the
apeutic functions of the daemon are a major part
biological brain, daemons facilitate interaction with
of that.
computer software in ways previous eras never could
Many of the unhealthy vices of the 20th and
have imagined. Gone are the archaic and clunky
early 21st centuries now have medical treatments
keyboards and mice of the past, replaced by the
that either mitigate or completely remedy the
daemon’s seamless, thought-to-computer interface.
negative effects on the body. STDs, lung cancer,
They are the new phone, fully integrated into the body.
heart disease, and liver disease all have treat-
Daemons are also endogenous doctors, supple-
ments or cures that are available to most people
menting the body’s natural healing process with me-
at reasonable costs.
dicinal nanobots, making tissue repair and immune
As such, a culture of smoking, free-love, drinking
response more effective.
and drug-use have made a huge comeback, and so-
A Brief History of Daemons cial taboos around them have softened. If it wasn’t
for the ever-present violence, economic stratifica-
In the 2070s, innovations in nanotechnology and com-
tion, and corporate supremacy, comparisons to the
puter engineering led to the development of an inter-
hippy culture of the 1960s would be apt!
nal nanocomputer that directly interfaced with the hu-
man brain, body systems, and even individual genomes.
The computer was created and maintained by diagnostic elements that could monitor and regulate
a complement of specialized nanobots that wire a personal health, including hormone levels and gene
branching network of carbon nanotube filaments expression. As a result, mortality plunged, and people
throughout the entire body. The data flowing through were able to heal from even very serious injuries in just
these filaments was mediated by processing cores in a day or two.
key locations around the body, such as in the brain and By 2090, over 96% of the globe’s population have
belly; these processing nodes were the computer’s CPU. daemons, and some philosophers and social commen-
As a supplement to the central processors, a DNA com- tators believe that daemons have changed human na-
puter was encoded into the individual’s genome, which ture so much that society has entered a “posthuman
aided in parallel computing and gene regulation. By age”, marking the end of traditional humanity.
the end of the 2070's, these internal computers began
to eclipse all other mobile devices and brain-comput- My Daemon and Me
er interfaces in terms of sales, due to their incredible Daemons are ubiquitous, and having an internal su-
speeds and capabilities. percomputer with an intelligent OS has changed the
The term “daemon” was long used to refer to com- human condition.
puter background processes, originating from the An-
cient Greek term for spirits, or minor deities. This term The Digital World at Y our Fingertips
also started being applied to these internal phones, This constant access to information and communi-
an especially apt moniker, considering the anthropo- cation with other people has led to some interesting
morphic nature of most daemon operating systems. changes in how society operates. When bored in office
Many people opted to choose an OS for their daemon meetings or class, people can secretly be watching
that was very conversational in nature, acting as an movies in a mind’s-eye window, chatting with their
AI inner voice. friends, or having virtual sex with their lover. This has
Before long, daemon manufacturers started to led to serious inefficiency problems in business and ac-
include medicinal nanobots in their complement in ademic settings, causing many schools and businesses
order to compete for market share. This medicinal to jam wireless signals in certain rooms, both for secre-
component became a ubiquitous feature of daemons. cy and to limit distractions.
They aided in tissue repair, immune function, and had

// GeneFunk 2090 // 165

Intro Constant Companions
Daemon AI
Each human consciousness, in a certain way, is never
Just like any other computer, daemons have their
Character alone; their well-spoken and learned OS is always with
own AI. The AI of a daemon acts independently
Creation them. Daemons are often programmed to be socially
from the character, often under the narration of
human and are more than capable of passing the Tur-
the GM. It gives advice, looks up information, or
Genomes ing test, easily presenting as humans if they want to.
simply provides companionship. Just like other AI
They remind you if you are running late, wake you up
bots, it cannot use applied skills: it can’t use In-
in the morning, can monitor your general health and
telligence (Mechanics) to fix a car without hands,
Classes push you to eat better, tell you when you are sick or
but it can use the Help action with non-combat
how drunk you are. This is all done verbally inside your
related Intelligence ability checks.
Goods and own head, and this constant artificial human interac-
The basic daemon AI has the following features:
Services tion has led many to anthropomorphize the daemon.
It is usually given a male or female persona, though INT WIS CHA
some choose to leave it gender neutral, giving it a his- 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
torically “robot” voice, or even an animal persona, like Skills Computers +2, Insight +2
a pet dog. The only limit to the daemon’s AI personality Languages Unlimited
Daemons is the user’s imagination. Calculator. The daemon AI can perform mathe-
Unsurprisingly, a large portion of the population matical calculations instantly.
Ability have entered into romantic relationships with their Eidetic memory. The daemon AI has virtually
Scores own daemon, and plugins to facilitate daemon-user ro- unlimited capacity for memory, and it is able to
mantic relations are remarkably popular. Some blame record experiences whenever the user directs it.
this for the falling birthrate and reduction in tradition-
al romantic relationships. If a character possesses the custom daemon up-
grade (see Chapter 5), they are able to use other
Combat A Daemon Never Forgets bots as their daemon’s AI (the prices for the bots
Given the daemon’s ability to record and replay any are listed in chapter 4, and the statistics of the
Hacking sensory experience, becoming lost in nostalgia has be- bots are listed in Appendix B: Bots).
come a common occurrence.
Getting over broken relationships has never been
Brave New
more difficult, thanks to the ability to live inside one’s ly effective puppet hacks erase an individual’s entire
own memories of the good times. Likewise, constantly lifetime, replacing it with artificial memories. Sleeper
reliving the “glory days” of youth, enjoyable drug trips, puppet hacks lay dormant until a specific stimulus ac-
scoring the winning touchdown, or swimming with tivates them. Murder and other crimes by proxy are of-
dolphins, are hard lures to resist for most people. ten the goals of these vicious programs. While a hacker
Appendices The tendency for people to spend large amounts of may lack martial skills, they can just puppet hack some
time in their most enjoyable memories has become so newb who does and have them do the dirty work.
commonplace that it is considered a mental disease,
much like drug addiction. Daemon Abilities
Regular Computer Functions. Anything that you
Mind Hacking and The Law could imagine doing on a PC or phone in the early 21st
As wonderful and useful as daemons are, they are not Century can also be done through your daemon. It runs
without their perils. Hackers used to be at best a nui- software programs such as word processors, multime-
sance and at worst a financial or informational danger. dia editors, video games, VR, or any other computer
In 2090, with nearly everyone being constantly online application you could imagine. Over 100 petabytes can
through their daemon, hackers can be downright dev- be stored on your daemon, not including cloud storage.
astating through mind hacks. The most frightening Mind’s Eye Windows. Rather than using a mon-
mind hacks completely wipe out a person’s daemon. itor or other external display, your daemon opens up
Death is a very real consequence of getting hacked by two-dimensional MEWs (mind’s eye windows) that
the wrong mindcoder. hang in your field of vision. They operate just like
Perhaps even more disturbing are puppet hacks. windows on a computer or phone and can be opened,
Viruses that put the victim under the direct control of closed, minimized, or expanded with a mere thought.
a hacker are both insidious and effective. Particular-

166 // 6. Daemons //
Thought-to-Speech Chat. Chat programs have been things wirelessly, a remote user can operate them
around for decades, but through the daemon, these and experience the world through the vehicle’s or
programs are essentially a kind of telepathy. People can robot’s senses.
have private conversations “in their minds” without Run Software. Upgrades often require the process-
anyone else (except skilled hackers) being able to hear. ing power of your daemon, along with concentration.
Sensory Recorder and Player. Your daemon can re- For example, if you have a skill chip installed, you can
cord more than just audiovisual experiences; it can run skillsoft using your daemon, granting you profi-
accurately record and transmit all five senses. Sensory ciency in a skill. Without a daemon, you are unable to
data can even be livestreamed for others to experience run any daemon upgrades or other upgrades that re-
in real-time, allowing others to “ride” their senses. quire concentration.
Playing recorded (or live streamed) sensory data stim- Dive in the WDS. The WDS is a fully immersive VR
ulate all five senses and seems as real as the first time cyberspace that stimulates all five senses. It is the pre-
it occurred. It enables people to relive any past expe- ferred way to interact socially on the net, play video
rience, or the experience of another (if it is available). games, and a good place to bend the laws of physics or
Replaying your own experiences, or the experiences do or see fantastical things that could never occur in
of others, are first-person and hyper-vivid, just as if physical reality.
it were actually happening. Limiting certain Hacking. If skilled enough, you can use your dae-
senses like touch from being recorded is also mon to hack a computer system, or even someone
possible, and audio-visual recordings are else’s daemon. See the codehacker class, Computers
still common. skill, and Chapter 10: Hacking for more details on this.
Telepresence. Vehicles and robots Internal Doctor. Daemons include medicinal and
come equipped with audiovisual diagnostic nanobots that suture wounds, isolate and
sensors, or even touch and ol- neutralize poisons, and repair bone damage. As a re-
factory sensors in a robot’s sult, even incredibly serious injuries can be healed in
case. By connecting mere hours or days (see Chapter 9).
to these Universal Translator. Daemons have software with
over 100 languages loaded into their firmware. They
automatically translate any of the world’s major lan-
guages in real-time, allowing users to understand well
enough to have conversations.
However, it does lack some of the nuance present
in natural fluency, so any Charisma ability checks that
involve mastery of language, like verbal persuasion,
are made with disadvantage.

Playing Without a Daemon

Immune to Mind Hacks. The character cannot be
mind hacked, which is the clear (and only) advantage
of not having a daemon.
Slow Healing. Without the medicinal nanobots
of the daemon, characters only heal 1 hit point every
day. They can still take healing drugs and apply their
effects normally.
Loss of Daemon Abilities. All of the daemon abili-
ties (described above) are unavailable to the character.
By using a BCI described in the Gear section of Chapter
4 they can still gain access to some of these abilities.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 167

Chapter 7: Using Ability Scores
ix abilities provide a quick description of To determine an ability modifier without consult-

S everybody’s personal physical and mental

ing the table, subtract 10 from the ability score and
then divide the total by 2 (round down). Because ability
•• Strength, measuring physical power modifiers affect almost every attack roll, ability check,
•• Dexterity, measuring agility and saving throw, ability modifiers come up in play
•• Constitution, measuring endurance more often than their associated scores.
•• Intelligence, measuring reasoning and memory
•• Wisdom, measuring perception and insight Advantage and Disadvantage
•• Charisma, measuring force of personality Sometimes a special ability or hack tells you that you
have advantage or disadvantage on an ability check,
Is a character muscle-bound and insightful? Brilliant a saving throw, or an attack roll. When that happens,
and charming? Nimble and hardy? Ability scores define you roll a second d20 when you make the roll. Use the
these qualities—a person’s assets as well as weaknesses. higher of the two rolls if you have advantage, and use
The three main rolls of the game—the ability check, the lower roll if you have disadvantage. For example, if
the saving throw, and the attack roll—rely on the six you have disadvantage and roll a 17 and a 5, you use the
ability scores. The basic rule behind these rolls is roll a 5. If you instead have advantage and roll those num-
d20, add an ability modifier derived from one of the six bers, you use the 17.
ability scores, and compare the total to a target number. If multiple situations affect a roll and each one
grants advantage or imposes disadvantage on it, you
Ability Scores and Modifiers don’t roll more than one additional d20. If two favor-
Each of a person’s abilities has a score, a number that able situations grant advantage, for example, you still
defines the magnitude of that ability. An ability score roll only one additional d20. If circumstances cause a
is not just a measure of innate capabilities, but also en- roll to have both advantage and disadvantage, you are
compasses a person’s training and competence in ac- considered to have neither of them, and you roll one
tivities related to that ability. d20. This is true even if multiple circumstances im-
A score of 10 or 11 is the normal human average, but pose disadvantage and only one grants advantage or
cadre mercs and many NPCs are a cut above average in vice versa. In such a situation, you have neither advan-
most abilities. A score of 18 is the highest that a per- tage nor disadvantage.
son usually reaches. Unmodified humans with no up- When you have advantage or disadvantage and a
grades can have scores as high as 20, but giant robots, feature in the game, such as the unmodified human’s
genetically engineered humans, and other technologi- Lucky trait, lets you reroll the d20, you can reroll only
cally boosted individuals can possess abilities that can one of the dice. You choose which one. For example, if
go as high as 30. a samurai has advantage or disadvantage on an ability
Each ability also has a modifier, derived from the check and rolls a 1 and a 13, the samurai could use the
score and ranging from -5 (for an ability score of 1) to Lucky trait to reroll the 1.
+10 (for a score of 30). The Ability Scores and Modifiers You usually gain advantage or disadvantage
table notes the ability modifiers for the range of possi- through the use of special abilities, actions, or hacks.
ble ability scores, from 1 to 30. Inspiration can also give a character advantage. The
GM can also decide that circumstances influence a roll
Ability Scores and Modifiers
in one direction or the other and grant advantage or
Score Modifier Score Modifier impose disadvantage as a result.
1 -5 16-17 +3
2-3 -4 18-19 +4 Proficiency Bonus
4-5 -3 20-21 +5 Characters have a proficiency bonus determined by
6-7 -2 22-23 +6 level. NPCs also have this bonus, which is incorporated
8-9 -1 24-25 +7 in their stat blocks. The bonus is used in the rules on
10-11 0 26-27 +8 ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls.
12-13 +1 28-29 +9 Your proficiency bonus can’t be added to a single
14-15 +2 30 +10 die roll or other number more than once. For example,

// GeneFunk 2090 // 169

Intro if two different rules say you can add your proficiency Typical Difficulty Classes
bonus to a Wisdom saving throw, you nevertheless add Task Difficulty DC
Character the bonus only once when you make the save. Very Easy 5
Creation Occasionally, your proficiency bonus might be Easy 10
multiplied or divided (doubled or halved, for example) Medium 15
Genomes before you apply it. For example, the Crook’s Exper-
Hard 20
tise feature doubles the proficiency bonus for certain
Very Hard 25
ability checks. If a circumstance suggests that your
Nearly Impossible 30
Classes proficiency bonus applies more than once to the same
roll, you still add it only once and multiply or divide
Goods and it only once. To make an ability check, roll a d20 and add the
Services By the same token, if a feature or effect allows you relevant ability modifier. As with other d20 rolls, ap-
to multiply your proficiency bonus when making an ply bonuses and penalties, and compare the total to
Upgrades ability check that wouldn’t normally benefit from your the DC. If the total equals or exceeds the DC, the ability
proficiency bonus, you still don’t add the bonus to the check is a success—the person overcomes the chal-
check. For that check your proficiency bonus is 0, giv- lenge at hand. Otherwise, it’s a failure, which means
Daemons en the fact that multiplying 0 by any number is still 0. the character makes no progress toward the objective
For instance, if you lack proficiency in the Social Sci- or makes progress combined with a setback deter-
Ability ence skill, you gain no benefit from a feature that lets mined by the GM.
Scores you double your proficiency bonus when you make In-
telligence (Social Science) checks. Contests
In general, you don’t multiply your proficiency bo- Sometimes one character’s efforts are directly opposed
nus for attack rolls or saving throws. If a feature or ef- to another’s. This can occur when both of them are
fect allows you to do so, these same rules apply. trying to do the same thing and only one can succeed,
such as attempting to snatch up a gun that has fallen on
Ability Checks the floor. This situation also applies when one of them
Hacking An ability check tests a character’s innate talent and is trying to prevent the other one from accomplishing
training in an effort to overcome a challenge. The GM a goal—for example, when an NPC tries to force open a
calls for an ability check when a character attempts door that a cadre merc is holding closed. In situations
Brave New
an action (other than an attack) that has a chance of like these, the outcome is determined by a special form
failure. When the outcome is uncertain, the dice de- of ability check, called a contest. Both participants in a
termine the results. For every ability check, the GM contest make ability checks appropriate to their efforts.
decides which of the six They apply all appropriate bonuses and penalties, but
abilities is relevant instead of comparing the total to a DC, they compare
Appendices to the task at hand the totals of their two checks. The participant with the
and the difficulty higher check total wins the contest. That character or
of the task, repre- NPC either succeeds at the action or prevents the other
sented by a Diffi- one from succeeding.
culty Class (DC). If the contest results in a tie, the situation remains
The more difficult a the same as it was before the contest. Thus, one contes-
task, the higher its DC. tant might win the contest by default. If two characters
The Typical Difficulty tie in a contest to snatch a ring off the floor, neither
Classes table shows the character grabs it. In a contest between an NPC trying
most common DCs. to open a door and a player character trying to keep the
door closed, a tie means that the door remains shut.

Each ability covers a broad range of capabilities, in-
cluding skills that a character or an NPC can be pro-
ficient in. A skill represents a specific aspect of an
ability score, and an individual’s proficiency in a skill
demonstrates a focus on that aspect. (A character’s

170 // 7. Ability Scores //

starting skill proficiencies are determined at character reasonably apply to a different kind of check. In such
creation, and an NPC’s skill proficiencies appear in the cases, the GM might ask for a check using an unusual
NPC’s stat block.) combination of ability and skill, or you might ask your
For example, a Dexterity check might reflect a char- GM if you can apply a proficiency to a different check.
acter’s attempt to pull off an acrobatic stunt, to palm an For example, if you have to swim from an offshore is-
object, or to stay hidden. Each of these aspects of Dex- land to the mainland, your GM might call for a Consti-
terity has an associated skill: Acrobatics, Drive, Sleight tution check to see if you have the stamina to make it
of Hand, and Stealth, respectively. So, a character who that far. In this case, your GM might allow you to apply
has proficiency in the Stealth skill is particularly good your proficiency in Athletics and ask for a Constitution
at Dexterity checks related to sneaking and hiding. (Athletics) check.
The skills related to each ability score are shown in So if you’re proficient in Athletics, you apply your
the following list. See an ability’s description in the lat- proficiency bonus to the Constitution check just as you
er sections of this section for examples of how to use a would normally do for a Strength (Athletics) check.
skill associated with an ability. Similarly, when your Canary hardcase uses a display of
raw strength to intimidate an enemy, your GM might
Strength Wisdom
ask for a Strength (Intimidation) check, even though
Athletics Insight
Intimidation is normally associated with Charisma.
Dexterity Perception
Acrobatics Survival Passive Checks
Drive Charisma A passive check is a special kind of ability check that
Sleight of Hand Deception doesn’t involve any die rolls. Such a check can repre-
Stealth Intimidation sent the average result for a task done repeatedly, such
Intelligence Performance as searching for secret doors over and over again, or
Bureaucracy Persuasion can be used when the GM wants to secretly determine
Investigation whether the characters succeed at something without
Life Science rolling dice, such as noticing a hidden NPC.
Mechanics Here’s how to determine a character’s total for a
Physical Science passive check:
Social Science
Streetwise 10 + all modifiers that normally apply to the check
If the character has advantage on the check, add 5. For
Sometimes, the GM might ask for an ability check disadvantage, subtract 5. The game refers to a passive
using a specific skill—for example, “Make a Wisdom check total as a score.
(Perception) check.” At other times, a player might ask For example, if a 1st-level character has a Wisdom
the GM if proficiency in a particular skill applies to a of 15 and proficiency in Perception, he or she has a pas-
check. In either case, proficiency in a skill means an sive Wisdom (Perception) score of 14.
individual can add their proficiency bonus to ability The rules on hiding in the “Dexterity” section be-
checks that involve that skill. Without proficiency in low rely on passive checks, as do the exploration rules.
the skill, the individual makes a normal ability check.
For example, if a character attempts to climb up a Working Together
dangerous cliff, the GM might ask for a Strength (Ath- Sometimes two or more characters team up to attempt
letics) check. If the character is proficient in Athlet- a task. The character who’s leading the effort—or the
ics, the character’s proficiency bonus is added to the one with the highest ability modifier—can make an
Strength check. If the character lacks that proficiency, ability check with advantage, reflecting the help pro-
he or she just makes a Strength check. vided by the other characters.
In combat, this requires the Help action. A charac-
Skills with Different Abilities ter can only provide help if the task is one that he or
Normally, your proficiency in a skill applies only to a she could attempt alone. For example, trying to open a
specific kind of ability check. Proficiency in Athlet- lock requires proficiency with mechanics, so a charac-
ics, for example, usually applies to Strength checks. ter who lacks that proficiency can’t help another char-
In some situations, though, your proficiency might acter in that task.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 171

Intro Moreover, a character can help only when two or •• You try to jump an unusually long distance or pull
more individuals working together would actually be off a stunt mid-jump.
Character productive. Some tasks, such as threading a needle, •• You struggle to swim or stay afloat in treacher-
Creation are no easier with help, and others would require both ous currents, storm-tossed waves, or areas of
to have relevant skill proficiencies. thick seaweed. Or another person tries to push or
Genomes pull you underwater or otherwise interfere with
Group Checks your swimming.
When a number of individuals are trying to accom-
Classes plish something as a group, the GM might ask for a Other Strength Checks. The GM might also call for a
group ability check. In such a situation, the charac- Strength check when you try to accomplish tasks like
Goods and ters who are skilled at a particular task help cover the following:
Services those who aren’t.
To make a group ability check, everyone in the •• Force open a stuck, locked, or barred door
Upgrades group makes the ability check. If at least half the •• Break free of bonds
group succeeds, the whole group succeeds. Otherwise, •• Push through a tunnel that is too small
the group fails. •• Hang on to a car while being dragged behind it
Daemons Group checks don’t come up very often, and they’re •• Tip over a statue
most useful when all the characters succeed or fail as •• Keep a powered door from closing
Ability a group. For example, when characters are navigating
Scores a known yakuza bar, the GM might call for a group Attack Rolls and Damage
Intelligence (Streetwise) check to see if the charac- You add your Strength modifier to your attack roll and
ters can avoid gangland taboos, or other pitfalls of your damage roll when attacking with a melee weapon
the environment. such as a bat, a nanoblade, or a katana. You use me-
If at least half the group succeeds, the successful lee weapons to make melee attacks in hand-to-hand
characters are able to guide their companions out of combat, and some of them can be thrown to make a
danger. Otherwise, the group stumbles into one of ranged attack.
these hazards.
Lifting and Carrying
Using Each Ability Your Strength score determines the amount of weight
Brave New
Every task that a character or NPC might attempt in the you can bear. The following terms define what you can
game is covered by one of the six abilities. This section lift or carry.
explains in more detail what those abilities mean and Carrying Capacity. Your carrying capacity is your
the ways they are used in the game. Strength score multiplied by 7. This is the weight (in

Strength measures bodily power, athletic training, and
the extent to which you can exert raw physical force.

Strength Checks
A Strength check can model any attempt to lift, push,
pull, or break something, to force your body through a
space, or to otherwise apply brute force to a situation.
The Athletics skill reflects aptitude in certain kinds of
Strength checks.
Athletics. Your Strength (Athletics) check covers
difficult situations you encounter while climbing,
jumping, or swimming. Examples include the follow-
ing activities:

•• You attempt to climb a sheer or slippery cliff, avoid

hazards while scaling a wall, or cling to a surface
while something is trying to knock you off.

172 // 7. Ability Scores //

kilograms) that you can carry, which is high enough
that most characters don’t have to worry about it.
Push, Drag, or Lift. You can push, drag, or lift a The GM decides when circumstances are appro-
weight in pounds up to twice your carrying capacity (or priate for hiding. When you try to hide, make a
14 times your Strength score). While pushing or drag- Dexterity (Stealth) check. Until you are discovered
ging weight in excess of your carrying capacity, your or you stop hiding, that check’s total is contested by
speed drops to 1.5 meters. the Wisdom (Perception) check of any person that
Size and Strength. Persons who are Large size can actively searches for signs of your presence.
bear more weight: whereas, persons who are Tiny can You can’t hide from a person that can see you
carry less. For each size category above Medium, dou- clearly, and you give away your position if you
ble the person’s carrying capacity and the amount it make noise, such as shouting a warning or knock-
can push, drag, or lift. For a person considered Tiny, ing over a vase.
halve these weights. An invisible person can always try to hide. Signs
of its passage might still be noticed, and it does
d exterity have to stay quiet.
Dexterity measures agility, reflexes, and balance. In combat, most persons stay alert for signs of
danger all around, so if you come out of hiding
Dexterity Checks and approach a person, it usually sees you. How-
ever, under certain circumstances, the GM might
A Dexterity check can model any attempt to move nimbly,
allow you to stay hidden as you approach a person
quickly, or quietly, or to keep from falling on tricky foot-
that is distracted, allowing you to gain advantage
ing. The Acrobatics, Drive, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth
on an attack roll before you are seen.
skills reflect aptitude in certain kinds of Dexterity checks.
Passive Perception. When you hide, there’s a
Acrobatics. Your Dexterity (Acrobatics) check cov-
chance someone will notice you even if they aren’t
ers your attempt to stay on your feet in a tricky situa-
searching. To determine whether such a person
tion, such as when you’re trying to run across a sheet
notices you, the GM compares your Dexterity
of ice, balance on a tightrope, or stay upright on a rock-
(Stealth) check with that person’s passive Wisdom
ing ship’s deck. The GM might also call for a Dexterity
(Perception) score, which equals 10 + the person’s
(Acrobatics) check to see if you can perform acrobatic
Wisdom modifier, as well as any other bonuses
stunts, including dives, rolls, somersaults, and flips.
or penalties. If the person has advantage, add 5.
Drive. All characters start out being able to drive
For disadvantage, subtract 5. For example, if a
a car, but this skill represents advanced training with
1st-level character (with a proficiency bonus of +2)
cars, and the ability to pilot helicopters and planes.
has a Wisdom of 15 (a +2 modifier) and proficiency
Racecar drivers, police, or stuntmen are all usually
in Perception, he or she has a passive Wisdom
trained in this skill. A Dexterity (Drive) check might
(Perception) of 14.
be required when the character is attempting to do
What Can You See? One of the main factors
amazing car stunts that you only see in the movies, and
in determining whether you can find a hidden
engage in the ever-classic car chase, either as the pur-
person or object is how well you can see in an area,
suer or escapee (see the chase section in Chapter 8, or
which might be lightly or heavily obscured, as
vehicle combat in Chapter 9). This check applies to any
explained in “The Environment.”
vehicle, including airborne ones.
Sleight of Hand. Whenever you attempt an act of leg-
erdemain or manual trickery, such as planting something Other Dexterity Checks. The GM might call for a
on someone else or concealing an object on your person, Dexterity check when you try to accomplish tasks like
make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. The GM might the following:
also call for a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to deter-
mine whether you can lift a wallet off another person or
•• Pick a manual lock
slip something out of another person’s pocket.
•• Disable a manual trap
Stealth. Make a Dexterity (Stealth) check when you
•• Securely tie up a prisoner
attempt to conceal yourself from enemies, slink past
•• Wriggle free of bonds
guards, slip away without being noticed, or sneak up
•• Play a stringed instrument
on someone without being seen or heard.
•• Craft a small or detailed object

// GeneFunk 2090 // 173

Intro Attack Rolls and Damage Intelligence
You add your Dexterity modifier to your attack roll and Intelligence measures mental acuity, accuracy of recall,
Character your damage roll when attacking with a ranged weap- and the ability to reason.
Creation on, such as a pistol or a rifle. You can also add your
Dexterity modifier to your attack roll and your damage Intelligence Checks
Genomes roll when attacking with a melee weapon that has the An Intelligence check comes into play when you need
finesse property, such as a knife or a nanoblade. to draw on logic, education, memory, or deductive rea-
soning. The Bureaucracy, Computers, Investigation,
Classes Armor Class Life Science, Mechanics, Physical Science, and Street-
Depending on the armor you wear, you might add some wise skills reflect aptitude in certain kinds of Intel-
Goods and or all of your Dexterity modifier to your Armor Class. ligence checks.
Services Bureaucracy. Your Intelligence (Bureaucracy) check
Initiative covers knowledge about law, the syndicates and all
Upgrades At the beginning of every combat, you roll initiative by their subsidiary corporations, and accounting. Almost
making a Dexterity check. Initiative determines the or- all uses of this skill concern knowledge about the rules
der of persons’ turns in combat. of a particular organization. It allows the character to
Daemons know the connections between various governments,
Constitution multi-national-corporations, criminal organizations,
Ability Constitution measures health, stamina, and vital force. and other NGOs. Other uses of this skill could be to
Scores set up legal structures, or review documents and con-
Constitution Checks tracts to search for loopholes or exploitation.
Constitution checks are uncommon, and no skills ap- Computers. This skill represents training in using
ply to Constitution checks, because the endurance this computers of any kind, which is almost always your
ability represents is largely passive rather than involv- daemon, your personal biocomputer. It also signifies
ing a specific effort on the part of a character or NPC. knowledge in coding, and internet and hacking culture.
A Constitution check can model your attempt to push This skill alone is not enough to hack a computer,
Hacking beyond normal limits, however. though an Intelligence (Computers) check is required
The GM might call for a Constitution check when for many hacks, breaking through computer securi-
you try to accomplish tasks like the following: ty, figuring out someone’s IP address, or knowing the
Brave New
latest cyberspace buzz (see Chapter 10: Hacking). The
•• Hold your breath decrypt hack is commonly used to slice through com-
•• March or labor for hours without rest puter security to access the information inside, and the
•• Go without sleep unlock hack is often used for electronic locks.
•• Survive without food or water
Appendices •• Guzzle an entire pint of beer in one shot
Hit Points
Your Constitution modifier contributes to your hit
points. Typically, you add your Constitution modifier
to each Hit Die you roll for your hit points.
If your Constitution modifier changes, your hit
point maximum changes as well, as though you had
the new modifier from 1st level. For example, if you
raise your Constitution score when you reach 4th lev-
el and your Constitution modifier increases from +1 to
+2, you adjust your hit point maximum as though the
modifier had always been +2. So, you add 3 hit points
for your first three levels, and then roll your hit points
for 4th level using your new modifier.
Similarly, if you are 7th level, and some effect low-
ers your Constitution score so as to reduce your Con-
stitution modifier by 1, your hit point maximum is
reduced by 7.

174 // 7. Ability Scores //

together a computer from parts, disarm (or make) a
No Tool Proficiencies?!
bomb detonator, pick a manual lock, or disable elec-
Right, you noticed! A GM is free to use the rules
tronic security. Possessing the proper tools (a mechan-
for tool proficiencies outlined in the System Ref-
ics tool kit) is often required to use this skill.
erence Document if they still wish to use them.
Picking manual locks will usually involve a Dexter-
As outlined in this game, for mechanically use-
ity (Mechanics) check rather than an Intelligence (Me-
ful tool proficiencies, skill proficiencies can cover
chanics) check.
their function, as outlined in the table below. You
Disarming electronic security, or opening electron-
will still need the physical tools, but the proficien-
ic locks can be done with this skill, usually involving
cy in them is covered by the skill.
getting into the circuit boards and wires of the system,
As for the tool proficiencies that are only for
and requiring some time (minutes to hours, deter-
roleplaying flavor, simply say it’s a hobby or talent
mined by the GM).
for your character in your notes! You want your
Repairing electronics damaged by an EMP blast is
character to be able to be good at brewing, or
also covered by this, being a DC 10 Intelligence (Me-
wood carving? Boom, just say so, and include it in
chanics) ability check and 10 minutes.
your background story.

Tool Proficiency Skill Proficiency Used

Chemist supplies Physical Science
Disguise kit Deception or Performance
Forgery kit Deception or Computers
Smith’s tools Mechanics
Herbalism kit Life Science
Musical Instrument Performance
Poisoners kit Life or Physical Science
Thieves Tools Mechanics or Computers

Investigation. When you look around for clues and

make deductions based on those clues, you make an
Intelligence (Investigation) check. You might deduce
the location of a hidden object, discern from the ap-
pearance of a wound what kind of weapon dealt it, or
determine the weakest point in a tunnel that could
cause it to collapse. Poring through pages of search en-
gine results or figuring out someone’s IP address might
also call for an Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Life Science. You have been formally educated in
a university in the subjects of biology, anatomy, pa-
thology, genetics, and any other scientific endeavor
concerning life. An Intelligence (Life Science) check
enables the character to identify various animals and
plants, diagnose and treat medical problems, stabilize
dying characters, and discern information about an
individual based on their genetic profile. This knowl-
edge extends to all of the various patented transgen-
ic genomes, enabling you to identify most of them
based on appearance and all of them if you analyze
a DNA sample.
Mechanics. You are trained with everything elec-
tronic or mechanical. With an Intelligence (Mechan-
ics) check you can fix a car engine, rewire a robot, put

// GeneFunk 2090 // 175

Intro Physical Science. You have been formally educat- Insight. Your Wisdom (Insight) check decides
ed in a university in the subjects of chemistry, physics, whether you can determine the true intentions of a
Character mathematics, geology, or other scientific endeavor person, such as when searching out a lie or predict-
Creation concerning non-living systems. Your character can ing someone’s next move. Doing so involves gleaning
make an Intelligence (Physical Science) checks to iden- clues from body language, speech habits, and changes
Genomes tify chemical compounds and elements, create toxins, in mannerisms.
explosives, or powerful solvents, solve complex mathe- Perception. Your Wisdom (Perception) check lets
matical puzzles, and explain anomalous natural events. you spot, hear, or otherwise detect the presence of
Classes Social Science. You have been formally educated something. It measures your general awareness of your
in a university in the subjects of history, psycholo- surroundings and the keenness of your senses. For ex-
Goods and gy, philosophy, anthropology, or other academic field ample, you might try to hear a conversation through a
Services concerning the human condition. Your character can closed door, eavesdrop under an open window, or hear
explain different aspects of cultures such as clothing, NPCs moving stealthily in the forest. Or you might try
Upgrades food, artifacts, or practices. They can also discern men- to spot things that are obscured or easy to miss, wheth-
tal conditions and argue about the fundamentals of er they are hitmen lying in ambush in the next room,
human nature and existence. thugs hiding in the shadows of an alley, or the sound
Daemons Your Intelligence (Social Science) check measures of footsteps behind a closed secret door.
your ability to recall lore about historical events, men- Survival. The GM might ask you to make a Wis-
Ability tal diseases, legendary people, ancient kingdoms, past dom (Survival) check to follow tracks, hunt wild game,
Scores disputes, wars, countries, cultures, religions, psycho- guide your group through frozen wastelands, identify
logical conditions, or any other area related to the hu- signs that bears live nearby, predict the weather, or
manities and social sciences. avoid quicksand and other natural hazards.
Streetwise. When in a city you can make an Intelli- Other Wisdom Checks. The GM might call for a
gence (Streetwise) check to find out what’s going on in Wisdom check when you try to accomplish tasks like
Combat the following:
the criminal underworld, who the movers and shakers
are, where to get what you need (and how to get there), •• Get a gut feeling about what course of ac-
and where not to go. It lets you know how to find the tion to follow
right people if you want illicit substances such as •• When a deal seems to good to be true
weapons, drugs, or other illegal wares. It also lets you
Brave New
know who the local gang leaders and crime bosses are.
Other Intelligence Checks. The GM might call for an
Intelligence check when you try to accomplish tasks
like the following:

Appendices •• Communicate to someone without using words

•• Estimate the value of a precious item
•• Pull together a disguise to pass as a police officer
•• Forge a document
•• Recall lore about a craft or trade
•• Win a game of skill
Wisdom reflects how attuned you are to the
world around you and represents perceptiveness
and intuition.

Wisdom Checks
A Wisdom check might reflect an effort to read body
language, understand someone’s feelings, notice
things about the environment, or care for an injured
person. The Insight, Perception, and Survival skills re-
flect aptitude in certain kinds of Wisdom checks.

176 // 7. Ability Scores //

Charisma Saving Throws
Charisma measures your ability to interact effectively A saving throw—also called a save—represents an at-
with others. It includes such factors as confidence and tempt to resist a hack, a trap, a poison, a disease, or a
eloquence, and it can represent a charming or com- similar threat. You don’t normally decide to make a
manding personality. saving throw; you are forced to make one because your
character is at risk of harm. To make a saving throw,
Charisma Checks roll a d20 and add the appropriate ability modifier. For
A Charisma check might arise when you try to influ- example, you use your Dexterity modifier for a Dexter-
ence or entertain others, when you try to make an ity saving throw.
impression or tell a convincing lie, or when you are A saving throw can be modified by a situational bo-
navigating a tricky social situation. The Deception, In- nus or penalty and can be affected by advantage and
timidation, Performance, and Persuasion skills reflect disadvantage, as determined by the GM.
aptitude in certain kinds of Charisma checks. Each class gives proficiency in at least two saving
Deception. Your Charisma (Deception) check de- throws. The hacker, for example, is proficient in In-
termines whether you can convincingly hide the truth, telligence and Wisdom saves. As with skill proficien-
either verbally or through your actions. This deception cies, proficiency in a saving throw lets a character add
can encompass everything from misleading others their proficiency bonus to saving throws made using a
through ambiguity to telling outright lies. Typical sit- particular ability score. Some NPCs have saving throw
uations include trying to fast-talk a police officer, con proficiencies as well.
a businessman, earn money through gambling, pass The Difficulty Class for a saving throw is deter-
yourself off in a disguise, dull someone’s suspicions mined by the effect that causes it. For example, the DC
with false assurances, or maintain a straight face while for a saving throw allowed by a hack is determined by
telling a blatant lie. the hacker’s hacking ability and proficiency bonus.
Intimidation. When you attempt to influence some- The result of a successful or failed saving throw is
one through overt threats, hostile actions, and physi- also detailed in the effect that allows the save. Usually,
cal violence, the GM might ask you to make a Charisma a successful save means that a person suffers no harm,
(Intimidation) check. Examples include trying to pry or reduced harm, from an effect.
information out of a prisoner, convincing street thugs
to back down from a confrontation, or using the edge
of a broken bottle to convince a sneering bureaucracy
to reconsider a decision.
Performance. Your Charisma (Performance) check
determines how well you can delight an audience with
music, dance, acting, storytelling, or some other form
of entertainment.
Persuasion. When you attempt to influence some-
one or a group of people with tact, social graces, or
good nature, the GM might ask you to make a Charis-
ma (Persuasion) check. Typically, you use persuasion
when acting in good faith, to foster friendships, make
cordial requests, or exhibit proper etiquette. Examples
of persuading others include convincing a front desk at-
tendant to let your cadre see a room, negotiating peace
between rival gangs, or inspiring a crowd of activists.
Other Charisma Checks. The GM might call for a
Charisma check when you try to accomplish tasks like
the following:

•• Find the best person to talk to for news, rumors,

and gossip
•• Blend into a crowd to get the sense of key topics
of conversation

// GeneFunk 2090 // 177

Chapter 8: Completing Contracts
ames will often begin with a representative
Creating a Cadre
G from a syndicate, criminal cartel, government,
individual, or group approaching the characters
with a contract, which they can negotiate. In the
The characters are encouraged to flesh out their
cadre with some details before (or during) the first
gaming session.
course of completing their contracts, they might travel
What is it called? Like any other company, a
through various countries, pass through harsh jungle
cadre needs a name. It could be corporate sound-
terrain, swim through storm drains, or break into
ing (Rineva Multinational), gang-like (The Blood
heavily guarded vaults. This chapter describes some of
Takers), or mom-and-pop (Troubleshooters R’ Us).
the rules relating to life on the job.
Where is it? Is there a physical space for the
office, or is it located in the WDS (or both)? What
kind of neighborhood?
The characters are all members of a cadre, a small mer-
What kinds of contracts do you take? Does your
cenary group of elite agents that specialize in investi-
cadre have a reputation for anything in particular?
gation, intelligence, protection, and violence.
How and when was it formed? The characters
Historic rise. Cadres rose to prominence during the
can tie their background stories together so that
first and second corporate wars, when corporations
they already know each other if they choose.
needed “dirty work” accomplished, tasks too illegal
Alternatively, they can say the cadre was formed
or precise for large bureaucracies to handle. By hiring
through the matching feature of Mosaic.
cadres as independent contractors, there was a veil of
Does it have a logo? The characters are free
plausible deniability maintained. As the scale of the
to come up with a nice logo to capture their new
corporate wars ramped up, so did the use of cadres as
cadre. Perhaps it’s a flaming skull, coiled snake, or
chess pieces in conflicts of international intrigue. By
maybe it’s simply abstract and geometric.
2090 cadres are essential players with the best ones
being highly sought after.
Effective but disposable. Being in a cadre is typi- cruit members into cadres. It out-competed other cad-
cally very dangerous, with expectations of lethal vio- re apps in the early 2080's due to a seemingly ironclad
lence as a real possibility. The life of an elite mercenary encryption system that as of 2090, hasn’t been hacked.
can be rough.
Small and independent. Most cadres number less Cadre Formation and R ecruitment
than 6 and are usually friends as well as business part- In order to be on the Mosaic system, a cadre must reg-
ners. Part of the draw to hiring cadres is their lack of ister their name and have at least one founding mem-
connections to larger groups. The larger mercenary ber. Very often, a cadre is formed with each individual
groups are more often part of Ronin International, who knowing each other beforehand. It might be a retired
employs companies of thousands. infantry squad, former police partners, or former
Reputations and specializations. While all cadres gangsters. Cadres need a name, summary of skill sets,
are expected to be effective at violence and intelligence, and possibly a logo.
different cadres build reputations for different skill Mosaic Merc Matching. Not every cadre is formed
sets and tactics. Will the character's cadre be heroic but with an entire group ready to operate, so the Merc
brutal? Ruthless but subtle? Non-violent but compe- Matching feature is very popular. The Merc Matching
tent? The direction the cadre takes is up to the players. function is similar to a dating app, only it’s for mer-
Organized through Mosaic. Cadres run their oper- cenaries looking to join a cadre. Resumes,
ations through an app called Mosaic (see below). The complete with skill sets, equipment, and
app acts as an escrow agent, rating system, negotia- upgrades are posted on Mosaic. When
tion platform, and recruitment system. enough people give the thumbs up to
each other, a cadre is born. This feature
Mosaic is also useful to recruit new members af-
Over the past few years, Mosaic arose as the go-to app ter an old one has died on the job, which
for cadre management. It is used to negotiate and pay is common in cadre work.
contracts, rate cadre performance, find cadres, and re-

// GeneFunk 2090 // 179

Intro Taking Contracts plish might count as multiple completions. If a cadre
Mosaic has a job board that advertises open con- doesn’t complete the contract to satisfaction, or be-
Character tracts available for any cadre to apply for. It also al- trays their employer, the cadre score may drop (at the
Creation lows customers to approach individual cadres to hire discretion of the GM).
them directly. The Mosaic score determines how well employ-
Genomes The GM will often start out a session with some- ers are willing to pay to employ the cadre, and higher
one looking to hire the character’s cadre for some scores generally mean richer clients and bigger jobs.
task, be it the guarding of a CEO’s incompetent son, The suggested contract payments are listed on the Mo-
Classes the assassination of a rogue transgenic soldier, or the saic Score table, though negotiations can sway these
“acquisition” of a gene patent stored in a rival corpora- numbers (see above).
Goods and tion’s datacentre.
Mosaic Score
Services It may take several sessions to complete a contract,
depending on its scale. Expected Suggested
Negotiation. The characters are encouraged to ne- Score Lifestyle Level Contract Payments
gotiate the terms of the contract, trying to get as good a 1 Struggling 1-2 シ25,000-100,000

deal as possible. Payment for a contract depends on the 2 Middle Class 3-4 シ50,000-200,000
Daemons cadre’s Mosaic score, difficulty of the task, and danger. 3 Middle Class 5-6 シ75,000-300,000
Charisma checks and roleplaying can alter the con- 4 Well Off 7-8 シ100,000-400,000
Ability tract rewards during negotiations, and contracts that 5 Well Off 9-10 シ150,000-600,000
Scores involve multiple game sessions can reward more than 6 Affluent 11-12 シ200,000-800,000
the suggested payment. You can use the Negotiation ta- 7 Affluent 13-14 シ250,000-1,000,000
ble to determine what kind of effect a Charisma check 8 Wealthy 15-16 シ350,000-1,500,000
might have on contract payment. Effective roleplaying 9 Wealthy 17-18 シ500,000-3,000,000
may grant advantage or disadvantage on the roll, and 10 Lavish 19-20 シ1,500,000-6,000,000
some contract offers are simply non-negotiable.

Contract Negotiation Lifestyle

Charisma Check Payment Modifier While cash is used to buy equipment that has in-game
1-5 -20% mechanics, more mundane purchases are handled “off-
Brave New
6-10 -10% screen”. Your lifestyle (shown on the Mosaic Score table)
11-15 No change determines the clothes you can afford, your accommo-
16-20 +10% dations, utility bills, furnishings and appliances, enter-
21-25 +20% tainment electronics, and other luxury items. It also
26-30 +30% determines how often and where you eat out.
Appendices 31-35 +40% You determine the specifics within the constraints
36-40 +50% of your lifestyle. For role playing reasons a character
can opt to forgo any number of the luxuries available
Other rewards. Occasionally, money won’t be the to them for personal style or ethics (though there is no
carrot that the cadre is looking for. Expunged crimi- financial compensation or bonus given for this sacri-
nal records, government recognition, a rare upgrade, fice). It could be explained as a gambling problem, giv-
information, freeing a loved one from prison, or other ing to charity, dependents, or other such actions and
forms of currency can be negotiated. circumstances.

Mosaic Score •• Impoverished. You are homeless, or if you are

Cadres are rated on a scale of 1-10 within the Mosaic lucky, you own a shanty. You have improvised or
App, based on the amount and size of the contracts second-hand eating utensils and most things you
they have completed. Cadres with a score of one are en- own have been in someone’s trash at some point.
try-level, while the handful of cadres with a score of 10 All of your possessions could fit in one shabby suit-
are the world’s most elite mercenaries, and have com- case or backpack. You dress in second hand clothes,
pleted dozens or even hundreds of dangerous contracts. and depend upon social welfare, charity, or friends
A cadre’s Mosaic score increases by one for ev- for food.
ery four successful contracts they complete, though •• Struggling. You likely have a bachelors suite or
larger contracts that take several sessions to accom- 1-bedroom apartment in a low-income neighbor-

180 // 8. Completing Contracts //

hood. It’s furnished but mostly with second-hand likely equipped with a luxury installation such as a
items and the same is true of your appliances, hot tub or sauna. You eat out often, and for special
electronics and clothes. Duct tape may hold some events, you can go to high dining restaurants.
things together. Your formal wear is likely very •• Affluent. You have a huge apartment with a great
limited and also second-hand. Eating out usually view in a highly desired location or a large subur-
means a fast food restaurant. ban house with multiple floors. It is furnished with
•• Middle Class. You can afford a 2- or 3-bedroom excellent designer furniture or antiques and every
apartment or small house in a middle-income area. appliance or piece of electronics is this or last year's
It is equipped with store bought furniture, appli- model. You probably have a housekeeper or other
ances and electronics, though some of the items server. Silverware and fine china are the norm and
are likely become rather old or shabby. You have a all of your clothes are either designer brands or
variety of clothes, all store bought and a few formal tailored. You can wear a different outfit every day of
outfits as well. Eating out at mid range restaurants the year. Your accommodations likely have multiple
is a regular luxury. luxury installations such as saunas, hot tubs, pools,
•• Well Off. You can have a large apartment with 4 or or bars. You may own a cottage or summer/winter
5 rooms or a medium sized house. You are able to home in a different area for vacations. All of your
live in a prime location, or suburbia and may have food is likely prepared for you by fancy restaurants
a housekeeper. All your furniture is new, and the or a personal chef.
appliances and electronics are upper-end mer- •• Wealthy. You might live on an entire floor of an
chandise. Your wardrobe is mostly comprised of apartment building in a prime location or own a
this year’s fashions with some designer outfits and mansion somewhere beautiful. All your furnish-
a variety of formal wear. Your accommodation is ings are the best on the market and your wardrobe

// GeneFunk 2090 // 181

Intro is endless and lavish. Every luxury you desire is at
Why Can’t My Rich Character
your disposal instantly, and you likely have several
Buy Tanks?!
Character employees who serve you. In addition to your main
Once your character gets to high Mosaic ratings,
Creation home, you likely have one or two other homes
their lifestyle reflects millions of satoshi. So why
in different areas. Eating out at a fancy restau-
couldn’t your character simply liquidate all their
Genomes rant or having a professional chef prepare food is
lifestyle assets to buy a bunch of fighter jets and
normal for you.
killer robots?
•• Lavish. You could own the top floor of a quality
It’s not fun. While having carte blanche to buy
Classes apartment with an amazing view or a magnificent
armies of mercenaries and fighter jets might
mansion with a well landscaped yard. In addition
seem like a blast, it takes away from the personal
Goods and to your regular elite wardrobe, you have several
abilities of your character. Sitting at home and
Services custom-made outfits from the world’s top designers
calling in airstrikes to demolish your enemies is a
for any major event. Your cleaning and top-notch
different kind of game, and it would end up feeling
Upgrades kitchen staff get paid more than most people. You
like God Mode, where it would be fun for a bit, but
can live in a different one of your lavish homes
then get boring.
every season if you desire.
It’s not balanced. It would drastically tilt the
•• Rich. At this level of wealth, you have achieved a
game towards the classes and genomes that are
plateau of luxury enjoyment in most regards. Every-
the richest, when liquid cash endowments are
Ability thing you own can be of the highest quality possible
plenty generous as they are when it comes to
Scores to buy or custom made, the only difference now
buying upgrades and equipment.
is the quantity or pure decadence of it. You likely
Completing It’s not realistic. The lifestyle aspect of your
own an island somewhere tropical or maybe even a
Contracts Mosaic score is meant to reflect the psychological
small castle or palace. You may have rooms in your
reality that rich people spend most of their money
home that you have never been in.
on luxury, or savings and investments to get more
•• Very Rich. The same as rich, but even more ex-
money in the future. Your character is living a life
cessive. Why not two tropical islands? Why not a
outside of the game sessions, and this is where
different car for every day of the month? If you want
Hacking they are spending all of the extra cash, as part of
something, you can likely buy it.
their lifestyle description (or gambling, charity,
Brave New
•• Obscenely Rich. You are among the world’s richest
friends and family, if your character wishes).
people, and this likely even gives you limited fame.
You live like a king or queen, wealth groupies seek-
ing your favor like remoras on a shark. Eccentricity character in a compelling way. Your GM will tell you
at this level of wealth is common as more mundane how you can earn inspiration in the game.
luxuries may have lost their appeal. Many consider You either have inspiration or you don’t—you can’t
Appendices your wealth to be truly disgusting in its amount. stockpile multiple “inspirations” for later use.

Inspiration Using Inspiration

Inspiration is a rule the game master can use to reward If you have inspiration, you can expend it when you
you for playing your character in a way that’s true to make an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check.
their personality traits, ideal, bond, and flaw. By using Spending your inspiration gives you advantage
inspiration, you can draw on your personality trait of on that roll.
compassion for the downtrodden to give you an edge Additionally, if you have inspiration, you can re-
in negotiating with an activist leader. Or inspiration ward another player for good roleplaying, clever think-
can let you call on your bond to the defense of your ing, or simply doing something exciting in the game.
home town to push past the effect of a hack that has When another player character does something that
been laid on you. really contributes to the story in a fun and interesting
way, you can give up your inspiration to give that char-
Gaining Inspiration acter inspiration.
Your GM can choose to give you inspiration for a vari-
ety of reasons. Typically, GMs award it when you play
out your personality traits, give in to the drawbacks
presented by a flaw or bond, or otherwise portray your

182 // 8. Completing Contracts //

Time Travel Pace
In situations where keeping track of the passage of While traveling on foot, a cadre can move at a normal,
time is important, the GM determines the time a task fast, or slow pace, as shown on the Travel Pace table.
requires. The GM might use a different time scale de- The table states how far the party can move in a peri-
pending on the context of the situation at hand. In a od of time and whether the pace has any effect. A fast
tense cat-and-mouse chase, the cadre’s movement pace makes characters less perceptive, while a slow
happens on a scale of minutes. It takes them about a pace makes it possible to sneak around and to search
minute to creep down a long hallway, another minute an area more carefully.
to check for traps on the door at the end of the hall, and Forced March. The Travel Pace on Foot table assumes
a good ten minutes to search a suspect’s room for any- that characters travel for 8 hours in a day. They can push
thing interesting or valuable. on beyond that limit, at the risk of exhaustion. For each
In a city or wilderness, a scale of hours is often additional hour of travel beyond 8 hours, the characters
more appropriate. Cadres looking to travel from Seoul cover the distance shown in the Hour column for their
to Busan, a journey of 300 km, can do it in a few hours pace, and each character must make a Constitution sav-
via train or car. ing throw at the end of the hour. The DC is 10 + 1 for each
For long journeys, a scale of days works best. In- hour past 8 hours. On a failed saving throw, a character
ternational flights, hiking through the forest to cross suffers one level of exhaustion (see Appendix A).
the border between Columbia and Brazil, or traveling Vehicles. Most of the traveling that characters will
across the Gobi Desert via jeep are all examples of jour- do will be by car, motorcycle, boat, plane, subway, or
neys measured in days. some other vehicle. The speed of these methods of
In combat and other fast-paced situations, the travel are outlined in the Vehicles and Services sec-
game relies on rounds, a 6-second span of time. tions in Chapter 4.

Movement Travel Pace on Foot

Swimming across a rushing river, sneaking down a Per Per Per

datacentre’s corridor, scaling a skyscraper’s wall—all Pace Minute Hour Day Effect

sorts of movement play a key role in gaming adventures. Fast 120 m 7 km 50 km -5 penalty to passive
Wisdom (Perception)
The GM can summarize the cadre’s movement
without calculating exact distances or travel times:
Normal 90 m 5 km 35 km ­—
“You travel from Tokyo to New York and find Harmo-
Slow 60 m 3 km 20 km Able to use stealth
dyne’s corporate headquarters late in the evening of
the third day.” Even while infiltrating a skyscraper,
the GM can summarize movement between encoun- Difficult Terrain
ters: “After killing the security droids at the entrance The travel speeds given in the Travel Pace on Foot table
to the elevator, you conjure up a map in your mind’s assume relatively simple terrain: roads, open plains, or
eye, which leads you, to the sealed security doors of the clear office hallways. But cadre mercs often face dense
Technology Director’s office.” forests, cluttered streets, trash-filled slums, , and ice-cov-
Sometimes it’s important, though, to know how ered ground—all considered difficult terrain.
long it takes to get from one spot to another, wheth- You move at half speed in difficult terrain—moving
er the answer is in days, hours, or minutes. The rules 1 meter in difficult terrain costs 2 meters of speed—so
for determining travel time depend on two factors: the you can cover only half the normal distance in a min-
speed and travel pace of the people moving and the ter- ute, an hour, or a day.
rain they’re moving over.
Special Types of Movement
Speed Movement through hidden bases or wilderness ar-
Every character and NPC has a speed, which is the dis- eas often involves more than simply walking. Cadres
tance in meters that the character or NPC can walk in 1 might have to climb, crawl, swim, or jump to get where
round. This number assumes short bursts of energetic they need to go.
movement in the midst of a life-threatening situation.
The following rules determine how far a character Climbing, Swimming, and Crawling
or NPC can move in a minute, an hour, or a day. While climbing or swimming, each meter of move-
ment costs 1 extra meter (2 extra meters in difficult

// GeneFunk 2090 // 183

Intro terrain), unless a person has a climbing or swimming Make a Strength (Athletics) roll or use your pas-
speed. At the GM’s discretion, climbing a slippery ver- sive Strength (Athletics) score. You jump 0.5 meters
Character tical surface or one with few handholds requires a suc- for every 5 points on the check above 5 (see the Jump
Creation cessful Strength (Athletics) check. Similarly, gaining Distance table).
any distance in rough water might require a successful When you make a standing high jump, you can
Genomes Strength (Athletics) check. jump only half that distance. Either way, each meter
you clear on the jump costs a meter of movement. In
Jumping some circumstances, your GM might allow you to
Classes Your Strength determines how far you can jump. make a Strength (Athletics) check to jump higher than
Long Jump. You make a long jump if you cover a move you normally can.
Goods and at least 3 meters on foot immediately before the jump. You can extend your arms half your height above
Services Make a Strength (Athletics) roll, or use your passive yourself during the jump. Thus, you can reach above
Strength (Athletics) score. You jump 1.5 meters for ev- you a distance equal to the height of the jump plus 1.5
Upgrades ery 5 points on the check (see the Jump Distance table). times your height.
When you make a standing long jump, you can leap
Jump Distance
only half that distance. Each meter you clear on the
Daemons jump costs a meter of movement. This rule assumes Strength Long High
that the height of your jump doesn’t matter, such as a (Athletics) Jump Distance Jump Distance
Ability jump across a stream. At your GM’s option, you must 5 1.5 meters 0 meters
Scores succeed on a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check to clear a 10 3 meters 0.5 meters
low obstacle (no taller than a quarter of the jump’s dis- 15 4.5 meters 1 meter
tance), such as a hedge or low wall. Otherwise, you hit it. 20 6 meters 1.5 meters
When you land in difficult terrain, you must suc- 25 7.5 meters 2 meters
ceed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to land on 30 9 meters 2.5 meters
your feet, otherwise, you land prone.
High Jump. You make a high jump if you move at
least 3 meters on foot immediately before the jump.

Brave New



184 // 8. Completing Contracts //

Chase Track Positions
Leading. You either are the leader, or neck and neck with the leader.
Point Blank. Right on their heels, within a few meters, but outside of melee range.
Close. Within 10 meters of the leader.
Behind. Well behind the leader, roughly 25 meters away.
Distant. Barely in sight, roughly 100 meters away.
Lost. You have completely lost track of the leader. If you have allies still in the chase you can arrive on the
scene once the chase is over, but you can’t get back into the actual chase proper.

Chase Track

Lost Distant Behind Close Point Blank Leading

Chases The Chase Track

Often, cadres find themselves trying to chase down or Participants in a chase will be represented on a chase
escape their enemies while going about their chosen track (see above) reflecting how far back a given pur-
profession. Chases can be with vehicles, on foot, or a suer is are relative to the leader. The chase track is split
combination of both. up into six abstract positions reflecting the distance
Fast and furious. Chases need a dynamic, busy en- from the leader. You can use beads, miniature, or any
vironment to be exciting, and if the cadre happens to other marker to show where the characters and NPCs
be in an open field, there will be no chase scene, it will are on the chase track.
simply be whomever is faster succeeds. Chases should
be non-stop speed with many cinematic obstacles for Starting the Chase
both the pursuers and the pursued. Chase participants start at a chase track position that
Consider chase participants to be moving at max- makes sense to the GM.
imum speed – the Dash actions are not used in chase
rules. A GM can make exceptions if characters have •• The initial leader in a chase is whoever first makes a
particular abilities that can help them in a chase. run for it with the intention of leaving the area.
Relative distances. Rather than keeping up •• If a pursuer is right next to the leader and takes off
with specific distances moved, a chase is after them immediately on their turn, they can start
more concerned with relative distance— in the Point Blank position.
who is keeping up or falling behind. You •• If a chase begins before combat is underway, de-
don’t want the excitement of a chase to termine surprise and initiative as normal. Chase
get bogged down in detailed measure- participants continue to act in their initiative order.
ments, it should be quick! Therefore, •• Rank each participant’s speed relative to each other;
a chase is a bit like a mini-game, us- this will be either their foot speed (meters per turn),
ing somewhat separate rules than or vehicle speed (kilometers per hour). The fastest
those described for combat. participant gets a +9 on Move checks, the second
fastest gets a +6, and the third fastest gets a +3
(there are no bonuses below that). There can be ties
for first, second, and third fastest.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 185

Intro Move Checks are some common checks to avoid obstacles. It is im-
On their turn, each chase participant makes a move portant to note that there may be more than one way
Character check using a 1d20 + their speed bonus (see above) to of dealing with the obstacle, so the GM should let the
Creation see if they change positions on the Chase Track. players explain how they can use their skills and abili-
••The leader’s check sets the DC for all the other ties to overcome them.
Genomes participants. If there is more than one person in the
lead position, it is the person who started the chase. •• Dexterity (Acrobatics)
••For every 5 points by which a pursuer beats the •• Dexterity (Drive)
Classes leader’s move check result, they close by one cate- •• Dexterity saving throw
gory on the track; similarly, they slip back by one •• Intelligence (Streetwise)
Goods and category on the track for every 5 points by which •• Strength (Athletics)
Services they roll under the leader’s Move check result. •• Wisdom (Perception)
••A pursuer can move up or down multiple levels •• Wisdom (Survival)
Upgrades on the track in a single round. A participant in the
chase can always choose to slow down and drop In general, the checks to pass these obstacles are
back on the chase track if they desire. DC 15, and most often involve Strength (Athletics),
Daemons Dexterity (Acrobatics), or Dexterity (Drive) checks, The
For example, Kumail, a samurai, is in the lead and GM may also lower the DC for participants lower on the
Ability has the fastest speed, so he gets a +9 to his Move check. Chase Track, since they have more warning of the ob-
Scores He rolls a 12 on his Move check, for a total of 21. stacle, or the obstacle may even have been dissipated/
A pursuer making a Move check against this DC of destroyed by the front runners.
21 and getting a Move check result of 17 to 25 would stay Failing obstacle checks. If you fail the check, you
in the same position they started in during their turn. drop back one level on the chase track; if you fail the
They would move up a position on the chase track check by 5 or more you also take 1d6 bludgeoning
if their result was a 26 or more, and fall back a position damage from a collision or similar mishap if it is a foot
on the chase track if their result was a 16 or less. chase, or 5d6 damage if it is a vehicle chase. Depending
Hacking on the obstacle, it may have different effects (see below)
Other Actions
The Move checks in a chase assume a full round of Specific Obstacles
Brave New
movement, including Dashes. If a participant pauses You should come up with obstacles relevant to where
and uses an action to perform some other task (like an the characters are located. You can select specific ob-
attack, grapple, hack, or ram if they are in a vehicle), stacles to present to them, or if you choose you can
they move one step lower on the Chase Track at the end roll on a random chart like the following. You want
of their turn. to make sure and have a variety of obstacles so that
Appendices There are no attacks of opportunity for movement chases do not become repetitive. The GM can assem-
on the chase track, all combatants are assumed to be ble them in order ahead of time, roll for one, or select
moving all-out. one each round.

Obstacles Sample Urban Chase Obstacles

In a chase, there are many different kinds of obstacles Roll (1d12) Obstacle
and complications that can come up. A lot of the fun 1 Open manhole
of cinematic chases is in the obstacles and maneuvers 2 Heavy traffic
the participants engage in to get past them. E v e r y 3 Dead end wall
round, the GM may place an obstacle in the path of 4 Tight squeeze alley
chase participants. The chase leader can also decide to 5 Water fountain
deliberately look for obstacles and head for them, guar- 6 Oil slicked surface
anteeing the chase participants all run into an obstacle. 7 Group of gangsters
8 Dumpsters on fire
Avoiding Obstacles 9 Thrown rock
To avoid obstacles, the GM will call for either an abil-
10 Fruit Truck
ity check or a saving throw of some type. Depending
11 River
on the nature of the chase, and the obstacle, below
12 Moving Train

186 // 8. Completing Contracts //

Ending a Chase Suffocating
All chases have to end sometime, be it reaching the A human can hold their breath for a number of min-
destination, or capturing the quarry. utes equal to 1 + their Constitution modifier (minimum
In some cases, a chase has a goal—a finish line, or of 30 seconds).
somewhere the participants are trying to reach. Deter- When the human runs out of breath or is choking,
mine how many rounds of chase are required to get it can survive for a number of rounds equal to its Con-
there. The leader determines what general direction stitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start
he’s going. “Back towards the surface,” “east into the of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points and is dying,
dock district,” or “towards a waiting helicopter on a and it can’t regain hit points or be stabilized until it can
launchpad” are possible examples. breathe again.
In many cases, the goal is more vague—“get away” For example, someone with a Constitution of 14 can
or “don’t let that guy get away”—in which case the hold its breath for 3 minutes. If it starts suffocating, it
chase proceeds until one of those two things happen has 2 rounds to reach air before it drops to 0 hit points.
Participants who are killed, knocked out, exhaust-
ed, or otherwise rendered incapable of continuing Vision, Light , and the Senses
drop out of the chase. The chase ends when no one The most fundamental tasks of adventuring—noticing
wants to chase anyone else anymore. danger, finding hidden objects, hitting an enemy in
combat, and targeting a hack, to name just a few—rely
Different Chase Dynamics heavily on a character’s ability to see. Darkness and
These chase rules work in an obvious manner when there other effects that obscure vision can prove a signifi-
is a single chase dynamic; the cadre is chasing someone. cant hindrance.
Some judgment is required when that’s not the case. A given area might be lightly or heavily obscured.
If, for example, a giant UCWAR mech is chasing the In a lightly obscured area, such as dim light, patchy
cadre, there may be one leader, but the other PCs aren’t fog, or moderate foliage, persons have disadvantage on
really pursuing them so much as trying to become the Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
leader themselves (to escape the mech). A heavily obscured area—such as darkness,
The general rule to apply is that people in positions opaque fog, or dense foliage—blocks vision entirely.
of the chase track are moving relative to each other as A person effectively suffers from the blinded condi-
if they were in their own chases. So, if the mech and tion (see Appendix A) when trying to see something
the slowest PC are in the "Behind" position on the in that area.
Chase Track compared to the chase leader, they are The presence or absence of light in an environment
within mere meters of each other. creates three categories of illumination: bright light,
A group being pursued can always decide to split up by dim light, and darkness.
any participant running off in some direction other than Bright light lets most persons see normally. Even
the leader’s and becoming a leader in their own chase. gloomy days provide bright light, as do torches, lan-
If no one chooses to pursue those splitting off from the terns, fires, and other sources of illumination within a
chase, they become "Lost"; if they do, you simply split the specific radius.
chase into multiple sub-chases with their own chase tracks. Dim light, also called shadows, creates a lightly ob-
scured area. An area of dim light is usually a boundary
The Environment between a source of bright light, such as a torch, and
By its nature, adventuring involves delving into places surrounding darkness. The soft light of twilight and
that are dark, dangerous, and full of mysteries to be ex- dawn also count as dim light. A particularly brilliant
plored. The rules in this section cover some of the most full moon might bathe the land in dim light.
important ways in which cadre mercs interact with the Darkness creates a heavily obscured area. Charac-
environment in such places. ters face darkness outdoors at night (even most moon-
lit nights), within the confines of an unlit alley, or in
Falling any other area without a source of light.
A fall from a great height can come up as cadres navi-
gate skyscrapers and high rises. At the end of a fall, the Acute Olfaction
person takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 3 me- A character with acute olfaction can recognize people’s
ters they fell, to a maximum of 20d6. The person lands unique scent, track them easily (as long as it hasn’t
prone, unless it avoids taking damage from the fall. rained), and gain incredible details about anything

// GeneFunk 2090 // 187

Intro they might eat or drink. While tracking people, they Water
can also learn their exact number, their sizes, and how A character needs three liters of water per day, or six
Character long ago they passed through the area. If the character liters per day if the weather is hot. A character who
Creation is downwind of someone, it is impossible for them to drinks only half that much water must succeed on a
hide, or keep themselves disguised without some ma- DC 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of
Genomes jor alteration of their scent. Additionally, the character exhaustion at the end of the day. A character with ac-
has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that cess to even less water automatically suffers one level
rely on smell. of exhaustion at the end of the day. If the character al-
Classes ready has one or more levels of exhaustion, the charac-
Blindsight ter takes two levels in either case.
Goods and A person with blindsight can perceive their surround-
Services ings without relying on sight, within a specific radius. Interacting with Objects
Incredible sensory technologies can provide blindsight. A character’s interaction with objects in an environ-
Upgrades ment is often simple to resolve in the game. The player
Darkvision tells the GM that their character is doing something,
Either through anatomy, biohacks, or other forms of such as moving a lever, and the GM describes what, if
Daemons technology, some individuals are able to see more eas- anything, happens.
ily in darkness. For example, a character might decide to push
Ability Within a specified range, an individual with dark- a button, which might, in turn, open some elevator
Scores vision can see in darkness as if the darkness were dim doors. Occasionally, the GM might call for an ability
light, so areas of darkness are only lightly obscured as check based on the difficulty of the task (while there
far as that individual is concerned. However, they can’t might be no check for pushing a button, there might be
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. for holding a heavy security door open as it is closing).
Characters can also damage objects with their
Spectrum Vision weapons and hacks. Objects are immune to poison and
Spectrum vision is a technology that allows seeing psychic damage, but otherwise they can be affected
Hacking the unseen. It increases the intensity of visible light by attacks much like NPCs can. The GM determines
received and makes use of non-visible lights and oth- an object’s Armor Class and hit points, and might de-
er energies such as infrared, ultraviolet, sound, and cide that certain objects have resistance or immunity
Brave New
microwaves. It then triangulates data from these re- to certain kinds of attacks. (It’s hard to cut a rope with
ceptions into a single coherent image feed. Lightly a club, for example.) Objects always fail Strength and
obscured areas as completely visible, and heavily ob- Dexterity saving throws, and they are immune to ef-
scured areas as lightly obscured, and you can see peo- fects that require other saves. When an object drops to
ple and things that are Invisible (people using cloakers 0 hit points, it breaks.
Appendices for instance). A character can also attempt a Strength check to
break an object. The GM sets the DC for any such check.
Food and Water
Characters who don’t eat or drink suffer the effects of Resting
exhaustion (see Appendix A). Exhaustion caused by Amazing though they might be, cadre members can’t
lack of food or water can’t be removed until the charac- spend every hour of the day in the thick of explora-
ter eats and drinks the full required amount. tion, social interaction, and combat. They need rest—
time to sleep and eat, tend their wounds, refresh their
Food minds and spirits for conflict, and brace themselves
A character needs 0.5 kg of food per day and can make for further contracts. Characters can take short rests
food last longer by subsisting on half rations. Eating in the midst of an adventuring day and a long rest
0.25 kg of food in a day counts as half a day without food. to end the day.
A character can go without food for a number of
days equal to 3 + their Constitution modifier (min- Short Rest
imum 1). At the end of each day beyond that limit, a A short rest is a period of downtime, at least 1 hour
character automatically suffers one level of exhaustion. long, during which a character does nothing more
A normal day of eating resets the count of days strenuous than eating, drinking, reading, and tend-
without food to zero. ing to wounds.

188 // 8. Completing Contracts //

A character can spend one or more Hit Dice at the
Make Sure to Give Characters
end of a short rest, up to the character’s maximum
number of Hit Dice, which is equal to the character’s
While one session often leads directly into the
level. For each Hit Die spent in this way, the player rolls
next, particularly if there is a deadline for com-
the die and adds the character’s Constitution modifier
pleting the contract or the previous session ended
to it. The character regains hit points equal to the total.
in a cliff-hanger, characters should have regular
The player can decide to spend an additional Hit Die
down time.
after each roll. A character regains some spent Hit Dice
The reason for this is that upgrades, tech hacks,
upon finishing a long rest, as explained below.
and other activities often require multiple days
Long Rest of recovery or construction. Characters need to
shop, make things, develop their character, and
A long rest is a period of extended downtime, at least
pursue non-cadre business! They can’t do this
8 hours long, during which a character sleeps or per-
if 5 sessions in a row are one constant adrenalin
forms light activity: reading, talking, eating, or stand-
fueled action sequence.
ing watch for no more than 2 hours. If the rest is in-
In general, players should have an opportunity
terrupted by a period of strenuous activity—at least 1
to get upgrades every second session or so.
hour of walking, fighting, hacking, or similar cadre ac-
tivity—the characters must begin the rest again to gain
any benefit from it. it might be easier for you to influence the upper crust
At the end of a long rest, a character regains all lost of the city than if you live in poverty.
hit points. The character also regains spent Hit Dice,
up to a number of dice equal to half of the character’s Downtime Activities
total number of them (minimum of one die). For ex- Between adventures, the GM might ask you what your
ample, if a character has eight Hit Dice, he or she can character is doing during their downtime. Periods of
regain four spent Hit Dice upon finishing a long rest. downtime can vary in duration, but each downtime ac-
A character can’t benefit from more than one long tivity requires a certain number of days to complete be-
rest in a 24-hour period, and a character must have at fore you gain any benefit, and at least 8 hours of each
least 1 hit point at the start of the rest to gain its benefits. day must be spent on the downtime activity for the
day to count. The days do not need to be consecutive.
Between Contracts If you have more than the minimum amount of days
Between evading corporate hit squads and battles to spend, you can keep doing the same thing for a lon-
against criminal empires, cadres need time to rest, recu- ger period of time, or switch to a new downtime activ-
perate, and prepare for their next contract. Many cadre ity. Characters might spend their downtime carousing,
agents also use this time to perform other tasks, such as modifying their equipment (if they have the expertise),
hacking equipment, getting cyberware upgrades, per- making explosives, getting upgrades, practicing the vi-
forming research, or spending their hard-earned satoshi. olin, brewing beer, or any other hobby or interest that
In some cases, the passage of time is something they might happen to have.
that occurs with little fanfare or description. When
starting a new contract, the GM might simply declare Games Without Cadres
that a certain amount of time has passed and allow Cadres are a part of the world of GeneFunk 2090, but
you to describe in general terms what your character that doesn’t mean that a gaming group has to be one.
has been doing. At other times, the GM might want to While cadres are a natural fit for a small band of mercs
keep track of just how much time is passing as events doing exciting and dangerous work, there are plenty
beyond your perception stay in motion. of other ways to accomplish that. Perhaps the charac-
ters are all part of the same criminal organization and
Lifestyle E xpenses are aiming to make their faction expand their territory
The type of lifestyle your character leads is deter- and take out rival gangs. On the opposite side of the
mined by their Mosaic score (see Chapter 8: Mosaic spectrum, they could be a small elite unit of law en-
Score). Living a particular lifestyle doesn’t have a forcement or intelligence operatives for either a gov-
huge effect on your character, but your lifestyle can ernment or corporation. As long as there is a narrative
affect the way other individuals and groups react to framework for them doing exciting things, their back-
you. For example, when you lead a luxurious lifestyle, ground context can be anything!

// GeneFunk 2090 // 189

Intro Story Hooks Sentinex provides surveillance services to individuals,
Thinking of your own initial plots is fun, but some- companies, and governments around the world. Yer-
Character times you can get writer’s block! Listed below are some lan wants all of the recorded CCTV surveillance drone
Creation writing prompts, hooks for contracts that a GM can use data from October 27th completely wiped from the
episodically, or as tie-ins to a larger storyline. Some of data center, with no possibility of recovery. The details
Genomes these hooks can be strung together as contracts being of how it is accomplished are irrelevant to the patron,
offered from the same patron. but the data centers in Drumpf Tower are extremely
well guarded, and there is no way to access the data
Classes The Island of Dr . Goudeau other than physically getting inside.
A project lead biotech engineer working for Vitigene,
Goods and a subsidiary of Apollo Laboratories, hasn’t Purity Terrorists
Services shown up for work for over two An active cell of Tzelem Elohim, a
weeks. Being that he has access religious extremist group appalled
Upgrades to confidential research secrets at the directions human nature and
and is under a non-disclosure technology has taken, and have
agreement, Vitigene is very been injecting seemingly random
Daemons anxious to find him and re- people with an engineered virus
trieve him (alive if possible). that corrupts their daemon. Vic-
Ability The first cadre hired to re- tims afflicted with this virus
Scores trieve him tracked him to become violent and aggressive.
a small island off the coast The intelligence division of
of Venezuela, but Vitigene Apollo Laboratories is worried
lost contact with them a few that the terrorists will come up
days ago. Their last corre- with a way to make the virus air-
spondence included record- borne. They are developing a vac-
ings of strange and dangerous cine, but in the meantime, you have
transgenic lifeforms in the island been contracted to find this terrorist cell, appre-
jungle, both animal and plant, that haven’t been seen hend them, and bring back any information you can
before. You are tasked with finding what happened to about how and where they are developing this virus.
Brave New
the previous cadre and retrieving Dr. Goudeau.
A Simple Milk Run
Genoist Killer You’ve been contracted to deliver a package to Kuala
A string of related homicides has occurred over the Lumpur, a nondescript but expensive locked securi-
past few months, all of the victims being transgenic. ty briefcase weighing around 6 kilograms. The plane
Appendices Each of the bodies have had their obviously transgen- tickets are included, and it seems like free money!
ic organs and parts surgically removed before being What could go wrong?
killed. The local law enforcement isn’t exactly keen on
making this case a high priority, attributing the deaths Protect and Serve
to standard transgenic gang violence. The sister of one The city is in the middle of a violent crime wave caused
of the victims, Abira Belin, believes her brother Gabe by competing crime families that deal with illicit
to be the victim of something more sinister, a target- drugs, firearms, and upgrades. The local law enforce-
ed murder based on his transgenic heritage. She has ment is hiring out cadres and deputizing them to take
hired you to track down the killer of her brother and on the overflow work. You’ve been contracted by Com-
bring them to justice. Though perhaps there is more missioner Fitzpatrick to stop the gang war, in any way
to this killer than there first appears. This hook can tie you can. The police will give you a lot of leeway while
into the Purity Terrorists story. you are under this contract, and a hefty bonus awaits if
you can resolve this crime wave.
Data Heist
A very concerned potential patron named Yerlan Ka- Bodyguards R’ Us
banov is looking for a cadre to break into Drumpf Francesca Fiore, the owner of a small anthroid compa-
Tower, the headquarters that houses the data centers ny called Nuform, is worried that her life is in danger.
for a drone surveillance company named Sentinex. She suspects she is being followed, and just yesterday

190 // 8. Completing Contracts //

her vehicle’s autopilot malfunctioned while someone own the land and are unwilling to sell it, so Heliox has
was trying to run her off the road. Nuform is releas- given them 7 days to vacate, under threat of force. He-
ing their new anthroid model in a few days, one that liox has contracted out a private military corporation
uses a novel general AI architecture, and Francesca is called Ravage to remove the Hutterites by force, and
worried that someone is trying to prevent the release. the local law enforcement seems willing to turn a blind
You have been contracted to keep her safe until after eye to the situation. You’ve been contracted to defend
the new anthroid model’s release. It would be easy if the Hutterite community from potentially dozens of
it wasn’t for her penchant for being a public spectacle. violent trained killers, and have 1 week to prepare.

Who Killed me ? Too Many Cooks

Yang Yifei, a wealthy heiress of a Hexie electronics The director of the Phoenix Unlimited facility in Mos-
company, was violently murdered just a day ago. Lucki- cow, Sergei Petrov, is worried that his personal chef
ly for her, she had an active Phoenix Unlimited account. and bodyguard has stolen the facility’s security codes.
Her last upload was over two weeks ago, so she has no The chef, Peter Vasiliev, is a former Russian secret ser-
memory of the events leading up to her death. She has vice, and his financial records indicate he has recently
contracted you to find out who murdered her and why. purchased twelve anthroid bodies made in his image.
Sergei is worried that Peter has been illegally down-
Chupacabra loading himself into these bodies. If word got out that
In the rural area outside of Mexico City, cattle farm- multiple copies of the same psychomime were run-
ers are reporting that their livestock have been being ning around Moscow, the consequences would be dire!
torn apart by some wild best. Witnesses have said the You’ve been contracted to find each and every copy
beast looks demonic, unlike any animal they know of. of Peter, and “retire” them. The original Peter is to be
A wealthy ranch owner named John Garcia has con- brought back to Sergei.
tracted you to find out whatever this beast is, and kill it,
bringing back proof of the deed. This contract can lead Goodbye Moon Man
into The Island of Dr. Goudeau story hook. A German ambassador named David Gruber, stationed
on the international Moon Base, is worried that some-
Rogue Squad one is spying on him. Dissatisfied with the protection
A squad of commandos, elite soldiers of UNASUR’s and intelligence his own government provides, he has
military division, has gone rogue. The squad members contracted you to act as his security detail and to dis-
are all genetically identical, batch brothers resulting cover who these spies are. It turns out he was right to
from the July 2071 model of the Spartan Infantry ge- be paranoid, by the time you arrive: David is dead in an
nome, and raised by the state. They’ve been holed up apparent suicide! It appears he locked himself outside
in the jungles of Columbia, and hijacking Omnitech of an airlock and froze to death! It will be another sev-
cargo trucks for weeks. UNASUR has contracted you to en days before the next shuttle arrives to take people
find the rogue squad, and either bring them back for back to earth, and your contract stipulates that you are
justice in the courts, or execute them on the spot. only paid if David’s contract attorney deems that you’ve
done your due diligence investigating the existence of
Crush the Resistance possible spies and killers who would wish David harm.
A group of violent transgenic rights activists in Indo-
nesia called At Any Cost (AAC) have kidnapped sev- Crazy Evil
eral executives working for Omega-Man, a transgenic Phillipe Lagrange, a famed French VR film director, has
birthing service. They are asking for a hefty ransom approached you to help his son Eli. Eli, a 16-year-old
for the return of the executives. Omega-Man has con- kid, has gotten mixed up with a hyperviolent Satanic
tracted you to find the kidnappers, wipe them out, and grinder cult of bikers. They’re obsessed with hallucino-
return the kidnapped executives. gens, and biohacking their own bodies and minds into
the various types of demons depicted in Pseudomonar-
Fight the Power chia Daemonum, a demonology text from the 16th Cen-
A group of Hutterite farmers in South Africa is being tury. The last message Phillipe received from Eli was a
forced out of their land by Heliox, a solar power com- simple text reading “Goodbye father, King Baël is soon
pany, who wants to demolish the farm and lay down upon us.” Phillipe has contracted you to rescue his son
hundreds of enormous solar panels. The Hutterites from the biker cult.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 191

Chapter 9: Combat
onflict is the bread and butter of stories, and
Combat Step by Step
C often that conflict is violent and literal. Mono-
molecular blades slashing, bullets whizzing
overhead, concussion grenades exploding, and
1. Determine surprise. The GM determines
whether anyone involved in the combat encoun-
ter is surprised.
genetically modified beasts rending flesh from
bone are all part and parcel of being a merc for hire. 2. Establish positions. The GM decides where all
Given the nature of cardre work, combat is a pillar of the characters and NPCs are located. Given the
GeneFunk 2090. While every game session is different, cadre’s marching order or their stated positions
it is expected that most will involve combat at least in the room or other location, the GM figures out
once. This chapter is an overview of the rules you need where the adversaries are, how far away and in
when your cadre gets into a bit of the old ultraviolence! what direction.
3. Roll initiative. Everyone involved in the com-
The Order of Combat bat encounter rolls initiative, determining the
A typical combat encounter is a clash between two order of combatants’ turns.
sides, a flurry of punches, feints, gunshots, footwork,
4. Take turns. Each participant in the battle takes
and hacking. The game organizes the chaos of combat
a turn in initiative order.
into a cycle of rounds and turns. A round represents
about 6 seconds in the game world. During a round, 5. Begin the next round. When everyone in-
each participant in a battle takes a turn. The order of volved in the combat has had a turn, the round
turns is determined at the beginning of a combat en- ends. Repeat Step 4 until the fighting stops.
counter, when everyone rolls initiative. Once everyone
has taken a turn, the fight continues to the next round
if neither side has defeated the other. The GM ranks the combatants in order from the
one with the highest Dexterity check total to the one
Surprise with the lowest. This is the order (called the initiative
A cadre sneaks up on a data center's security guards, order) in which they act during each round. The initia-
springing from the shadows to attack them. An assas- tive order remains the same from round to round.
sin drone glides through an open window, unnoticed If a tie occurs, the GM decides the order among tied
by the cadre until the drone injects one of them with NPCs, and the players decide the order among their
poison. In these situations, one side of the battle gains tied characters. The GM can decide the order if the tie
surprise over the other. is between an NPC and a player character. Optionally,
The GM determines who might be surprised. If nei- the GM can have the tied characters and NPCs each roll
ther side tries to be stealthy, they automatically notice a d20 to determine the order, highest roll going first.
each other. Otherwise, the GM compares the Dexteri-
ty (Stealth) checks of anyone hiding with the passive Your Turn
Wisdom (Perception) score of each combatant on the On your turn, you can move a distance up to your
opposing side. Anyone that doesn’t notice a threat is speed and take one action. You decide whether to
surprised at the start of the encounter. move first or take your action first. Your speed—some-
If you’re surprised, you can’t move or take an action times called your walking speed—is noted on your
on your first turn of the combat, and you can’t take a character sheet.
reaction until that turn ends. One member of a group The most common actions you can take are de-
can be surprised even if the other members aren’t. scribed in the “Actions in Combat” section. Many class
features and other abilities provide additional options
Initiative for your action. The “Movement and Position” section
Initiative determines the order of turns during combat. gives the rules for your move.
When combat starts, every participant makes a Dexterity You can forgo moving, taking an action, or doing
check to determine their place in the initiative order. The anything at all on your turn. If you can’t decide what
GM makes one roll for an entire group of identical NPCs, to do on your turn, consider taking the Dodge or Ready
so each member of the group acts at the same time. action, as described in “Actions in Combat.”

// GeneFunk 2090 // 193

Intro Bonus Actions On your turn, you can move a distance up to your
Various class features, upgrades, and other abilities let speed. You can use as much or as little of your speed
Character you take an additional action on your turn called a bonus as you like on your turn, following the rules here. Your
Creation action. The Cunning Action feature, for example, allows movement can include jumping, climbing, and swim-
a crook to take a bonus action. You can take a bonus ac- ming. These different modes of movement can be com-
Genomes tion only when a special ability, hack, or other feature of bined with walking, or they can constitute your entire
the game states that you can do something as a bonus move. However you are moving, you deduct the dis-
action. You otherwise don’t have a bonus action to take. tance of each part of your move from your speed until
Classes You can take only one bonus action on your turn, so it is used up or until you are done moving.
you must choose which bonus action to use when you
Goods and have more than one available. Breaking U p Your Move
Services You choose when to take a bonus action during your You can break up your movement on your turn, using
turn, unless the bonus action’s timing is specified, and some of your speed before and after your action. For
Upgrades anything that deprives you of your ability to take ac- example, if you have a speed of 9 meters, you can move
tions also prevents you from taking a bonus action. 3 meters, take your action, and then move 6 meters.

Daemons Other Activity on Your Turn Moving Between Attacks

Your turn can include a variety of flourishes that re- If you take an action that includes more than one
Ability quire neither your action nor your move. weapon attack, you can break up your movement even
Scores You can communicate however you are able, further by moving between those attacks. For example,
through brief utterances, texts, chat, or gestures, as a gunfighter who can make two attacks with the Extra
you take your turn. Attack feature and who has a speed of 12 meters could
You can also interact with one object or feature move 3 meters, make an attack, move 9 meters, and
of the environment for free during either your move then attack again.
or your action. For example, you could open a door
during your move as you stride toward a foe, or you Using Different Speeds
Hacking could draw your weapon as part of the same action you If you have more than one speed, such as your walking
use to attack. speed and a flying speed, you can switch back and forth
If you want to interact with a second object, you between your speeds during your move. Whenever
Brave New
need to use your action. Some gear always requires an you switch, subtract the distance you’ve already moved
action to use, as stated in their descriptions. from the new speed. The result determines how much
The GM might require you to use an action for any farther you can move. If the result is 0 or less, you can’t
of these activities when it needs special care or when use the new speed during the current move.
it presents an unusual obstacle. For instance, the GM For example, if you have a speed of 9 and a climbing
Appendices could reasonably expect you to use an action to open a speed of 6 because of the wall-crawling upgrade, you
stuck door or pry a crate open with a crowbar. could climb 6 meters, and then walk 3 meters.

Reactions Difficult Terrain

Certain special abilities, hacks, and situations allow Combat rarely takes place in bare rooms or on fea-
you to take a special action called a reaction. A reaction tureless plains. A bar filled with tables and chairs, al-
is an instant response to a trigger of some kind, which leys littered with garbage bins and junk, treacherous
can occur on your turn or on someone else’s. The op- staircases—the setting of a typical fight contains dif-
portunity attack is the most common type of reaction. ficult terrain.
When you take a reaction, you can’t take another Every meter of movement in difficult terrain costs 1
one until the start of your next turn. If the reaction in- extra meter. This rule is true even if multiple things in
terrupts another person’s turn, that person can contin- a space count as difficult terrain.
ue their turn right after the reaction. Low furniture, rubble, undergrowth, steep stairs,
snow, and shallow bogs are examples of difficult ter-
Movement and Position rain. The space of another person, whether hostile or
In combat, characters and NPCs are in constant mo- not, also counts as difficult terrain.
tion, often using movement and position to gain
the upper hand.

194 // 9. Combat //
Being Prone
Interaction With Objects
Combatants often find themselves lying on the ground,
Around You
either because they are knocked down or because they
Here are a few examples of the sorts of thing you
throw themselves down. In the game, they are prone, a
can do in tandem with your movement and action:
condition described in Appendix A.
You can drop prone without using any of your •• draw or holster a pistol
speed. Standing up takes more effort; doing so costs an •• open or close a door
amount of movement equal to half your speed. For ex- •• withdraw a hypospray from your pack
ample, if your speed is 9 meters, you must spend 4.5 me- •• pick up a dropped nanoblade
ters of movement to stand up. You can’t stand up if you •• take a bag of drugs from a table
don’t have enough movement left or if your speed is 0. •• remove a ring from your finger
To move while prone, you must crawl. Every me- •• stuff some food into your mouth
ter of movement while crawling costs 1 extra meter. •• fish a thumb drive from your pocket
Crawling 1 meters in difficult terrain, therefore, costs •• down a pint of beer
3 meters of movement. •• press a button

Moving Around Others

•• turn on a light
•• take a book from a shelf you can reach
You can move through a non-hostile NPC’s space. In •• extinguish a small flame
contrast, you can move through a hostile NPC’s space •• don a mask
only if the NPC is at least two sizes larger or smaller •• pull a hood over your head
than you. Remember that another NPC’s space is dif- •• put your ear to a door
ficult terrain for you. Whether an NPC is a friend or an •• kick a dropped weapon or other object 3
enemy, you can’t willingly end your move in its space. meters away
If you leave a hostile NPC’s reach during your move, •• turn a key in a lock
you provoke an opportunity attack. •• hand an item to another character

Flying Movement
Flying things, like aerial-drones, enjoy many benefits dimensions. A typical Medium person isn’t 1.5 me-
of mobility, but they must also deal with the danger of ters wide, for example, but it does control a space that
falling. If a flying NPC is knocked prone, has its speed wide. If a Medium anthroid stands in a 1.5-meter-wide
reduced to 0, or is otherwise deprived of the ability to doorway, other people can’t get through unless the an-
move, the NPC falls. throid lets them.
Someone’s space also reflects the area they need to
Size fight effectively. For that reason, there’s a limit to the
Each character and NPC takes up a different amount number of people that can surround another person in
of space. The Size Categories table shows how much combat. Assuming Medium combatants, eight people
space an NPC of a particular size controls in combat. can fit in a 1.5-meter radius around another one.
Objects sometimes use the same size categories. Because larger entities take up more space, fewer
of them can surround someone. If five Large entities
Size Categories
crowd around a Medium or smaller one, there’s little
Size Space room for anyone else. In contrast, as many as twenty
Tiny 0.75 by 0.75 meters Medium people/things can surround a Gargantuan one.
Small 1.5 by 1.5 meters
Medium 1.5 by 1.5 meters Squeezing into a Smaller Space
Large 3 by 3 meters An entity can squeeze through a space that is large
Huge 4.5 by 4.5 meters enough for something one size smaller than it. Thus,
Gargantuan 6 by 6 meters a Large entity can squeeze through a passage that’s
only 1.5 meters wide. While squeezing through a space,
a person must spend 1 extra meter for every meter it
Space moves there, and it has disadvantage on attack rolls
A person’s space is the area in feet that it effectively and Dexterity saving throws. Attack rolls against the
controls in combat, not an expression of its physical person have advantage while it’s in the smaller space.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 195

Intro Actions in Combat incapacitated (as explained in Appendix A) or if your
When you take your action on your turn, you can take speed drops to 0.
Character one of the actions presented here, an action you gained
Creation from your class or a special feature, or an action that Help
you improvise. Many NPCs have action options of their You can lend your aid to another person in the com-
Genomes own in their stat blocks. When you describe an action pletion of a task. When you take the Help action, the
not detailed elsewhere in the rules, the GM tells you person you aid gains advantage on the next ability
whether that action is possible and what kind of roll check it makes to perform the task you are helping
Classes you need to make, if any, to determine success or failure. with, provided that it makes the check before the start
of your next turn.
Goods and Attack Alternatively, you can aid a friendly person in at-
Services The most common action to take in combat is the At- tacking someone within 1.5 meters of you. You feint,
tack action, whether you are slashing with a knife, fir- distract the target, or in some other way team up to
Upgrades ing a pistol, or brawling with your fists. make your ally’s attack more effective. If your ally at-
With this action, you make one melee or ranged at- tacks the target before your next turn, the first attack
tack. See the “Making an Attack” section for the rules roll is made with advantage.
Daemons that govern attacks.
Certain features, such as the Extra Attack feature Hide
Ability of the fighter, allow you to make more than one attack When you take the Hide action, you make a Dexteri-
Scores with this action. ty (Stealth) check in an attempt to hide, following the
rules for hiding. If you succeed, you gain certain ben-
Completing Run a H ack efits, as described in the “Unseen Attackers and Tar-
Certain classes have access to hacks, and can use them gets” section.
to great effect in combat. Each hack has a launch time,
which specifies whether the hacker must use an ac- Ready
tion, a reaction, minutes, or even hours to run the hack. Sometimes you want to get the jump on an enemy or
Hacking Running a hack, is therefore, not necessarily an action. wait for a particular circumstance before you act. To do
Most hacks do have a launch time of 1 action, so a hack- so, you can take the Ready action on your turn, which
er often uses their action in combat to run a hack. lets you act using your reaction before the start of
Brave New
your next turn.
Dash First, you decide what perceivable circumstance
When you take the Dash action, you gain extra move- will trigger your reaction. Then, you choose the action
ment for the current turn. The increase equals your you will take in response to that trigger, or you choose
speed, after applying any modifiers. With a speed of 9 to move up to your speed in response to it. Examples
Appendices meters, for example, you can move up to 18 meters on include “If the cultist drops the Molotov cocktail, I’ll
your turn if you dash. pull the fire alarm,” or “If the street thug steps next to
Any increase or decrease to your speed changes me, I move away.”
this additional movement by the same amount. If your When the trigger occurs, you can either take your
speed of 9 meters is reduced to 6 meters, for instance, reaction right after the trigger finishes or ignore the
you can move up to 12 meters this turn if you dash. trigger. Remember that you can take only one reac-
tion per round.
Disengage When you ready a hack, you run it as normal but
If you take the Disengage action, your move- hold its launch, which you release with your reaction
ment doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks for the when the trigger occurs. To be readied, a hack must
rest of the turn. have a launch time of 1 action, and holding onto the
hack requires concentration. If your concentration
Dodge is broken, the hack dissipates without taking effect.
When you take the Dodge action, you focus entirely on For example, if you are concentrating on the freeze
avoiding attacks. Until the start of your next turn, any hack and ready Aegis particle beam, your freeze hack
attack roll made against you has disadvantage if you ends, and if you take damage before you launch Aegis
can see the attacker, and you make Dexterity saving particle beam with your reaction, your concentration
throws with advantage. You lose this benefit if you are might be broken.

196 // 9. Combat //
total of the roll plus modifiers equals or exceeds the
Contests in Combat
target’s Armor Class (AC), the attack hits. The AC of a
Battle often involves pitting your prowess against
character is determined at character creation, whereas
that of your enemy. Such a challenge is repre-
the AC of an NPC is in its stat block.
sented by a contest. This section includes the
most common contests that require an action in
combat: grappling and shoving others. The GM
Modifiers to the Roll
When a character makes an attack roll, the two most
can use these contests as models for improvising
common modifiers to the roll are an ability modifier
and the character’s proficiency bonus. When an NPC
makes an attack roll, it uses whatever modifier is pro-
Search vided in its stat block.
When you take the Search action, you devote your at- Ability Modifier. The ability modifier used for a me-
tention to finding something. Depending on the na- lee weapon attack is Strength, and the ability modifier
ture of your search, the GM might have you make a used for a ranged weapon attack is Dexterity. Weapons
Wisdom (Perception) check or an Intelligence (Inves- that have the finesse or thrown property break this
tigation) check. rule. Some hacks also require an attack roll. The ability
modifier used for a hack is Intelligence.
Use an Object Proficiency Bonus. You add your proficiency bonus
You normally interact with an object while doing to your attack roll when you attack using a weapon
something else, such as when you draw a gun as part with which you have proficiency, as well as when you
of an attack. When an object requires your action for attack with a hack.
its use, you take the Use an Object action. This action is Rolling 1 or 20Sometimes fate blesses or curses a com-
also useful when you want to interact with more than batant, causing the novice to hit and the veteran to
one object on your turn. miss. If the d20 roll for an attack is a 20, the attack hits
regardless of any modifiers or the target’s AC. This is
Making an Attack called a critical hit.
Whether you’re striking with a melee weapon, firing a If the d20 roll for an attack is a 1, the attack misses
weapon at range, or making an attack roll as part of a regardless of any modifiers or the target’s AC.
hack, an attack has a simple structure.

1. Choose a target. Pick a target within your attack’s

range: a person, an object, or a location.
2. Determine modifiers. The GM determines
whether the target has cover and whether
you have advantage or disadvantage against
the target. In addition, upgrades, special
abilities, and other effects can apply penal-
ties or bonuses to your attack roll.
3. Resolve the attack. You make the attack roll.
On a hit, you roll damage, unless the particular
attack has rules that specify otherwise. Some
attacks cause special effects in addition to or
instead of damage.

If there’s ever any question whether something

you’re doing counts as an attack, the rule is simple: if
you’re making an attack roll, you’re making an attack.

Attack Rolls
When you make an attack, your attack roll determines
whether the attack hits or misses. To make an attack
roll, roll a d20 and add the appropriate modifiers. If the

// GeneFunk 2090 // 197

Intro Unseen Attackers and Targets head-butt, or similar forceful blow (none of which
Combatants often try to escape their enemy’s notice by count as weapons, but unarmed strikes are considered
Character hiding, using cloakers, or lurking in darkness. weapon attacks). On a hit, an unarmed strike deals
Creation When you attack a target that you can’t see, you have bludgeoning damage equal to 1 + your Strength modi-
disadvantage on the attack roll. This is true whether fier. You are proficient with your unarmed strikes.
Genomes you’re guessing the target’s location or you’re targeting
a thing you can hear but not see. If the target isn’t in the Opportunity Attacks
location you targeted, you automatically miss, but the In a fight, everyone is constantly watching for a chance
Classes GM typically just says that the attack missed, not wheth- to strike an enemy who is fleeing or passing by. Such a
er you guessed the target’s location correctly. strike is called an opportunity attack.
Goods and When a person can’t see you, you have advantage You can make an opportunity attack when an ene-
Services on attack rolls against it. If you are hidden—both un- my that you can see moves out of your reach. To make
seen and unheard—when you make an attack, you the opportunity attack, you use your reaction to make
Upgrades give away your location when the attack hits or misses. one melee attack against the provoking enemy. The at-
tack occurs right before the enemy leaves your reach.
Ranged Attacks You can avoid provoking an opportunity attack by
Daemons When you make a ranged attack, you fire an assault taking the Disengage action. You also don’t provoke
rife or a pistol, hurl a hatchet, or otherwise send pro- an opportunity attack if someone or something moves
Ability jectiles to strike a foe at a distance. you without using your movement, action, or reaction.
Scores For example, you don’t provoke an opportunity attack
Range if an explosion hurls you out of a foe’s reach or if gravi-
You can make ranged attacks only against targets with- ty causes you to fall past an enemy.
in a specified range.
If a ranged attack, such as one made with a hack, has Two-Weapon Fighting
a single range, you can’t attack a target beyond this range. When you take the Attack action and attack with a
Some ranged attacks, such as those made with light weapon that you’re holding in one hand, you
Hacking firearms, have two ranges. The smaller number is the can use a bonus action to attack with a different light
normal range, and the larger number is the long range. weapon that you’re holding in the other hand. You do
Your attack roll has disadvantage when your target is not add your ability modifier to the damage of the bo-
Brave New
beyond normal range, and you can’t attack a target be- nus attack, unless that modifier is negative.
yond the long range.
Ranged Attacks in Close Combat When you want to grab someone or wrestle with them,
Aiming a ranged attack is more difficult when a foe is you can use the Attack action to make a special melee
Appendices next to you. When you make a ranged attack you have attack, called a grapple. If you’re able to make multi-
disadvantage on the attack roll if you are within 1.5 me- ple attacks with the Attack action, this attack replac-
ters of an enemy who can see you and who isn’t inca- es one of them.
pacitated. If a ranged weapon has the close feature, like The target of your grapple must be no more than
pistols do, you avoid this penalty. one size larger than you and must be within your reach.
Using at least one free hand, you try to seize the target
Melee Attacks by making a grapple check instead of an attack roll:
Used in hand-to-hand combat, a melee attack allows a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target’s
you to attack an enemy within your reach. A melee at- Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
tack typically uses a handheld weapon such as a sword, (the target chooses the ability to use). If you succeed,
a hammer, or an axe. you subject the target to the grappled condition (see
Most people have a 1.5-meter reach and can thus Appendix A). The condition specifies the things that
attack targets within 1.5 meters of them when making end it, and you can release the target whenever you
a melee attack. Certain entities (typically those larger like (no action required).
than Medium) have melee attacks with a greater reach Escaping a Grapple. A grappled person can use
than 1.5 meters, as noted in their descriptions. its action to escape. To do so, it must succeed on a
Instead of using a weapon to make a melee weapon Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
attack, you can use an unarmed strike: a punch, kick, contested by your Strength (Athletics) check.

198 // 9. Combat //
Moving a Grappled Person. When you move, you covered by an obstacle. The obstacle might be a large
can drag or carry the grappled person with you, but dumpster, a truck, building walls while shooting from
your speed is halved, unless the person is two or more a window, or a thick tree trunk.
sizes smaller than you. A target with total cover can’t be targeted directly
by an attack. A target has total cover if it is completely
Shoving and Disarming Others concealed by an obstacle.
Using the Attack action, you can make a special melee
attack to either shove or disarm a target. If you’re able Damage and Healing
to make multiple attacks with the Attack action, this at- Injury and the risk of death are constant companions
tack replaces one of them. for cadres that take on dangerous contracts. The thrust
Shove. You shove the target, either to knock it prone of a knife, a well-placed bullet, or a blast of flame from
or push it away from you. The target must be no more an incendiary grenade all have the potential to damage,
than one size larger than you and must be within your or even kill, the hardiest of characters.
reach. Instead of making an attack roll, you make a
Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target’s Hit Points
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check Hit points represent a combination of physical and
(the target chooses the ability to use). If you win the mental durability, the will to live, and luck. Things
contest, you either knock the target prone or push it 1.5 with more hit points are more difficult to kill. Those
meters away from you. with fewer hit points are more fragile.
Disarm. You can make an unarmed melee attack to A person’s current hit points (usually just called hit
knock any item (including a weapon) from your target’s points) can be any number from the person’s hit point
hand. The target must be no more than one size larger maximum down to 0. This number changes frequently
than you and must be within your reach. Instead of mak- as a character takes damage or receives healing.
ing an attack roll, you make a Strength (Athletics) check Whenever something takes damage, that dam-
contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity age is subtracted from their hit points. The loss of hit
(Acrobatics) check (the target chooses the ability to use). points has no effect on someone’s capabilities until
The target has advantage on this check if they are holding they drop to 0 hit points.
the object with two hands. If you win the contest, the tar-
get drops an object of your choice. The object lands at its
feet. You can then kick the object up to 3 meters away by How Lethal is Your Game?
using your interact with object for that turn. At your table, you should discuss how likely
character death should be before the first session.
Cover If you want to run a high-stakes lethal game, have
Walls, cars, trees, people, and other obstacles can pro- your antagonists target characters at 0 hit points.
vide cover during combat, making a target more diffi- This makes it very likely that characters will be
cult to harm. A target can benefit from cover only when killed in combat. Use the following guidelines to
an attack or other effect originates on the opposite side moderate lethality.
of the cover. Non-lethal. Enemies never attack unconscious
There are three degrees of cover. If a target is behind player characters, and unconscious player charac-
multiple sources of cover, only the most protective de- ters don’t take area-effect damage.
gree of cover applies; the degrees aren’t added together. Toned-Down. Enemies never attack uncon-
For example, if a target is behind someone that gives scious player characters.
half cover and a tree trunk that gives three-quarters Standard. Enemies attack unconscious player
cover, the target has three-quarters cover. characters if they don’t have another conscious
A target with half cover has a +2 bonus to AC and target in range, and major antagonists or special
Dexterity saving throws. A target has half cover if an enemies may target unconscious player characters.
obstacle blocks at least half of its body. The obstacle Charnel House. Enemies always finish off
might be a low wall, a car, large piece of furniture, a unconscious player characters if they can. It’s rec-
narrow tree trunk, or a person, whether that person is ommended that players always have a premade
an enemy or a friend. second character using this level of lethality, so
A target with three-quarters cover has a +5 bo- their new merc can be incorporated into game-
nus to AC and Dexterity saving throws. A target has play as soon as possible, recruited through Mosaic.
three-quarters cover if about three-quarters of it is

// GeneFunk 2090 // 199

Intro Damage Rolls Psychic. Certain mind hacks and demoralizing
Each attack specifies the damage it deals. You roll words deal psychic damage.
Character the damage die or dice, add any modifiers, and ap- Slashing. Swords, axes, and claws deal
Creation ply the damage to your target. Special abilities, and slashing damage.
other factors can grant a bonus to damage. With a
Genomes penalty, it is possible to deal 0 damage, but never Damage Resistance and Vulnerability
negative damage. Some people and objects are exceedingly difficult or
When attacking with a weapon, you add your abil- unusually easy to hurt with certain types of damage.
Classes ity modifier—the same modifier used for the attack If a person or an object has resistance to a damage
roll—to the damage. A hack tells you which dice to roll type, damage of that type is halved against it. If a per-
Goods and for damage and whether to add any modifiers. son or an object has vulnerability to a damage type,
Services If a hack or other effect deals damage to more than damage of that type is doubled against it.
one target at the same time, roll the damage once for Resistance and vulnerability are applied after all
Upgrades all of them. For example, when a gadgeteer hacker other modifiers to damage. For example, a person has
tosses a grenade, the damage is rolled once for every- resistance to bludgeoning damage and is hit by an at-
thing caught in the blast. tack that deals 25 bludgeoning damage. They are also
Daemons wearing armor that reduces all damage by 5. The 25
Critical Hits damage is first reduced by 5 and then halved, so the
Ability When you score a critical hit, you get to roll extra dice target takes 10 damage.
Scores for the attack’s damage against the target. Roll all of Multiple instances of resistance or vulnerabil-
the attack’s damage dice twice and add them together. ity that affect the same damage type count as only
Then add any relevant modifiers as normal. To speed one instance.
up play, you can roll all the damage dice at once.
For example, if you score a critical hit with a na- Damage Reduction
noblade, roll 2d6 for the damage, rather than 1d6, and Genomes, armor, and upgrades can all provide dam-
then add your relevant ability modifier. If the attack age reduction (DR) to various types of damage. Dam-
Hacking involves other damage dice, such as from the crook’s age cannot be reduced to 0, people taking at least 1
Sneak Attack feature, you roll those dice twice as well. damage from a successful attack unless the GM rules
otherwise for rare exceptions. For example, if a com-
Damage Types
Brave New
mon person punches a tank, the GM may rule that it
Different attacks and other harmful effects deal differ- won’t even d0 1 damage. Armor-piercing damage cuts
ent types of damage. Damage types have no rules of CR in half (round down).
their own, but other rules, such as damage resistance,
rely on the types. The damage types follow, with exam- Healing
Appendices ples to help a GM assign a damage type to a new effect. Unless it results in death, damage isn’t permanent.
Bludgeoning. Blunt force attacks—hammers, falling, Even death is reversible through powerful technolo-
constriction, and the like—deal bludgeoning damage. gy. Rest can restore someone’s hit points, and modern
Corrosive. The corrosive spray of a chemical weap- medical nanobots, methods such as a nanodoc can re-
on, be it acid, base, nanobots, or digestive enzymes move damage in an instant.
deal corrosive damage. When someone receives healing of any kind, hit
Cold. The utter chill of liquid nitrogen, the vacuum points regained are added to its current hit points. A
of space, or a frigid tundra all deal cold damage. person’s hit points can’t exceed its hit point maximum,
Electrical. Arcs of electricity leaping from powered so any hit points regained in excess of this number are
weapons, lightning bolts, and genetically engineered lost. For example, a hardcase takes a hit of nanodoc,
eels deal electrical damage. and heals 8 hit points. If the hardcase has 14 current hit
Heat. The searing energy of laser beams, fire, na- points and has a hit point maximum of 20, the hard-
palm, and lava deal heat damage. case regains 6 hit points, not 8.
Piercing. Puncturing and impaling attacks, includ- A person that has died (and hasn’t been reactivated
ing knives and bullets, deal piercing damage. though Phoenix Unlimited) can’t regain hit points.
Poison. Venomous stings and the toxic gas of a
chemical explosive deal poison damage.

200 // 9. Combat //
Dropping to 0 Hit Points Brain trauma III. You suffered some brain trau-
When you drop to 0 hit points, you either die outright, ma, and as a result, you have an extremely short fuse.
fall unconscious, or suffer a permanent injury as ex- When someone antagonizes you socially, you must
plained in the following sections. make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 5-10 depending on
the provocation) or attack the offender.
Instant Death You can negate this injury by undergoing neurore-
Massive damage can kill you instantly. When damage generative surgery costing シ50,000.
reduces you to 0 hit points and there is damage re- Disfigurement. You have been seriously disfigured,
maining, you die if the remaining damage equals or be it massive amounts of scar tissue, a missing ear, or
exceeds your hit point maximum. For example, a suit some other traumatic alteration of your face. You suf-
with a maximum of 12 hit points currently has 6 hit fer disadvantage on any Charisma checks where look-
points. If she takes 18 damage from an attack, she is re- ing good would help.
duced to 0 hit points, but 12 damage remains. Because You can negate this injury by undergoing cosmetic
the remaining damage equals her hit point maximum, surgery, costing シ10,000.
the suit dies. Lost eye. One of your eyes is ruined, and you suffer
disadvantage on ranged attack rolls and Wisdom (Per-
Falling Unconscious ception) checks that rely on sight.
If damage reduces you to 0 hit points and fails to kill Full functionality can be restored by getting the cy-
you, you fall unconscious (see Appendix A). Being un- beroptics upgrade (see Chapter 5: Upgrades).
conscious ends if you regain any hit points. Lost eyes. Both of your eyes are ruined, and
you are blinded.
P ermanent Injuries Full functionality can be restored by getting the cy-
When damage from a critical hit reduces you to 0 hit beroptics upgrade (see Chapter 5: Upgrades).
points, or if the remaining damage equals or exceeds 10, Maimed arm. One of your arms lacks the strength
you suffer a permanent injury. Roll on the Permanent and dexterity it once had. Your off-hand attacks are
Injuries table to determine the nature of the trauma. made with disadvantage, and you are at disadvantage
on any Strength checks that would benefit from two
Permanent Injuries
arms (such as grappling or climbing).
Roll Injury Effect Summary Full functionality can be restored by getting a cy-
1 Brain trauma I Intelligence reduced by 2 bernetic arm upgrade (see Chapter 5: Upgrades).
2 Brain trauma II Wisdom reduced by 2 Maimed leg. Your leg doesn’t work like it is supposed
3 Brain trauma III Fly into rages when provoked to, leaving you with a noticeable limp. Your speed is re-
4-5 Disfigurement Disadvantage on Charisma checks duced by 3 meters. You can restore full functionality by
6-7 Lost eye Disadvantage on ranged attacks purchasing a cybernetic leg for シ25,000, but it counts
8 Lost eyes Blinded as one of your maximum allowable upgrades. Your un-
9-10 Maimed arm Disadvantage on offhand attacks armed strikes with this leg do 1d8 damage.
11 Maimed leg Speed reduced by 3 meters Mangled arm. Your arm is horribly mangled and
12-13 Mangled arm Arm must be amputated has to be amputated, leaving you with one functioning
14 Mangled foot Foot must be amputated arm. In addition, you suffer disadvantage on Strength
15 Mangled hand Hand must be amputated checks that would benefit from two arms (such as grap-
16 Mangled leg Leg must be amputated pling or climbing).
17-18 Niggling pain Recurring pain when active Full functionality can be restored by getting a cy-
19-20 Scarred Gnarly looking scar bernetic arm upgrade (see Chapter 5: Upgrades).
Mangled hand. Your hand is horribly mangled
Brain trauma I. You suffered some brain trauma, and has to be amputated, leaving you with one func-
and as a result, your Intelligence score is reduced by 2. tioning hand.
You can negate this injury by undergoing neurore- Full functionality can be restored by getting a cy-
generative surgery costing シ50,000. bernetic hand costs シ10,000, but it counts as one of
Brain trauma II. You suffered some brain trauma, your maximum allowable upgrades.
and as a result, your Wisdom score is reduced by 2. Mangled leg. Your leg is horribly mangled, and
You can negate this injury by undergoing neurore- has to be amputated, leaving you with only one func-
generative surgery costing シ50,000. tioning leg. You need a cane or crutches to move, your

// GeneFunk 2090 // 201

Intro speed and jumping distance are cut in half, you suffer
disadvantage on any Dexterity checks involving bal-
Character ance, and you can’t apply your Dexterity modifier to
Creation your Armor Class.
You can restore full functionality by purchasing a
Genomes cybernetic leg for シ25,000, but it counts as one of your
maximum allowable upgrades. Your unarmed strikes
with this leg do 1d8 damage.
Classes Mangled foot. Your foot is horribly mangled, and
has to be amputated, leaving you with only one func-
Goods and tioning foot. You require a cane or simple prosthet-
Services ic foot, and your speed and jumping distance are
cut in half.
Upgrades You can restore full functionality by pur-
chasing a cybernetic foot for シ10,000,
but it counts as one of your maximum
Daemons allowable upgrades.
Niggling pain. You’ve suffered a
Ability painful internal injury that flares
Scores up on occasion when you’re get-
ting physical.
When you roll a 1 on a d20
while making a weapon attack, or
any Strength, Dexterity, or Consti-
tution ability check, you suffer
disadvantage on any more of
those rolls for the next min-
ute due to crippling pain.
Full functionality can
Brave New
be restored by getting
an expensive surgery
where nanobots clear out the inter-
nal scar tissue and correct the prob-
lem This surgery costs シ25,000.
Appendices Scarred. Luckily, no major dam-
age was done, but you are left with
some gnarly looking scars.

Death Saving Throws

Whenever you start your turn with 0
hit points, you must make a special
saving throw, called a death saving
throw, to determine whether you
creep closer to death or hang onto
life. Unlike other saving throws,
this one isn’t tied to any ability
score. You are in the hands of
fate now, aided only by features
that improve your chances of
succeeding on a saving throw.
Roll a d20. If the roll is 10
or higher, you succeed. Oth-

202 // 9. Combat //
erwise, you fail. A success or failure has no effect by Temporary H it P oints
itself. On your third success, you become stable (see Some special abilities confer temporary hit points.
below). On your third failure, you die. The successes Temporary hit points aren’t actual hit points; they are a
and failures don’t need to be consecutive; keep track buffer against damage, a pool of hit points that protect
of both until you collect three of a kind. The number of you from injury.
both is reset to zero when you regain any hit points or When you have temporary hit points and take dam-
become stable. age, the temporary hit points are lost first, and any left-
Rolling 1 or 20. When you make a death saving over damage carries over to your normal hit points. For
throw and roll a 1 on the d20, it counts as two failures. example, if you have 5 temporary hit points and take
If you roll a 20 on the d20, you regain 1 hit point. 7 damage, you lose the temporary hit points and then
Damage at 0 Hit Points. If you take any damage take 2 damage.
while you have 0 hit points, you suffer a death sav- Because temporary hit points are separate from
ing throw failure. If the damage is from a critical hit, your actual hit points, they can exceed your hit point
you suffer two failures instead. If the damage equals maximum. A character can, therefore, be at full hit
or exceeds your hit point maximum, you suffer points and receive temporary hit points. Healing can’t
instant death. restore temporary hit points, and they can’t be added
together. If you have temporary hit points and receive
Stabilizing Someone more of them, you decide whether to keep the ones you
The best way to save someone with 0 hit points is to have or to gain the new ones. For example, if an ability
heal them. If healing is unavailable, they can at least grants you 12 temporary hit points when you already
be stabilized so that they aren't killed by a failed death have 10, you can have 12 or 10, not 22.
saving throw. If you have 0 hit points, receiving temporary hit
You can use your action to administer first aid to points doesn’t restore you to consciousness or stabilize
an unconscious person and attempt to stabilize them, you. They can still absorb damage directed at you while
which requires a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Life you’re in that state, but only true healing can save you.
Sciences) check. Unless a feature that grants you temporary hit
A stable individual doesn’t make death saving points has a duration, they last until they’re depleted
throws, even though it has 0 hit points, but it does or you finish a long rest.
remain unconscious. The person stops being stable,
and must start making death saving throws again, if Vehicle Combat
it takes any damage. A stable person that isn’t healed A gearhead Tokyo drifting into battle in a souped-up
regains 1 hit point after 1d4 hours. street racer, or a samurai swinging his katana from the
back of a motorbike both enjoy the benefits of speed
NPCs and Death and mobility that a vehicle can provide. For more in-
Most GMs have an NPC die the instant it drops to 0 formation on vehicles, see the vehicle section of Chap-
hit points, rather than having it fall unconscious and ter 4: Goods and Services.
make death saving throws. Note that this section describes direct combat be-
Mighty villains and special nonplayer characters tween vehicles, people in vehicles, and people on foot,
are common exceptions; the GM might have them not chases. Chases involve one or more people trying
fall unconscious and follow the same rules as play- to escape, or racing to a destination. Chases have their
er characters. own special rules described in the chase section of
Chapter 8: Completing Contracts.
Knocking Someone Out
Sometimes an attacker wants to incapacitate a foe, Getting In and Out
rather than deal a killing blow. When an attacker re- Once during your move, you can enter a vehicle and
duces someone to 0 hit points with an attack that does start it. Doing so costs an amount of movement equal to
bludgeoning, electrical, or psychic damage, the attack- half your speed. For example, if your speed is 9 meters,
er can knock them out. The attacker can make this you must spend 4.5 meters of movement to get into a
choice the instant the damage is dealt. The target falls car and start it. Therefore, you can’t do this if you don’t
unconscious and is stable. have 4.5 meters of movement left or if your speed is 0.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 203

Intro Attacking from a Vehicle or human) can Dash, Disengage, and Dodge, as per the
Characters and NPCs can attack from their vehicles at normal rules, only it applies to the vehicle instead.
Character the GMs discretion, depending on the nature of the ve-
Creation hicle. Shooting guns out of a car window and swinging Turning
a sword from a motorcycle are reasonable, but firing Turning a vehicle is harder than a character
Genomes your shotgun from the cockpit of a jet makes less sense. turning around.
90° Turns. It costs ½ the vehicle’s combat move-
Vehicle Combat Speed ment to turn left or right, up to 90°.
Classes Vehicle combat speed works differently than the max- 180° Turns. It costs all of the vehicle’s combat move-
imum speed of a vehicle, since the driver is focusing ment to turn completely around, up to 180°.
Goods and on maneuverability and control rather than maximum If a driver wants to turn the vehicle more
Services speed. Vehicle combat speed is determined by the ve- quickly, then can attempt a sharp turn or bootleg
hicle’s type (not its individual maximum speed), and is turn (see below).
Upgrades described below.
Vehicle Maneuvers
Combat Speed by Vehicle Type
Vehicles can attempt special maneuvers when in com-
Daemons Vehicle Combat Movement bat. Only one maneuver can be attempted per turn.
Type Speed Properties
Air 204 m. Can’t fly in place, unless they Vehicle
Maneuver DC Movement Properties
Scores have the hover feature
Bootleg Turn 15 The vehicle does a 180° turn,
Legged 15 m. Ignore penalties for
Completing costing no extra movement.
rough terrain
Contracts Ram *
Submersible 18 m. ½ speed underwater
Sharp Turn 10 The vehicle does a 90° turn,
Treaded 18 m. —
Combat costing no extra movement
Water 18 m. —
Wheeled 42 m. ½ speed, and disadvantage on
Hacking Drive checks when off-road Bootleg Turn
This maneuver, a specialized type of drifting, was first
Controlling a V ehicle perfected by bootleggers during prohibition era. It can
Brave New
The vehicles AI can operate it (either the native autopi- completely turn the vehicle around, without spend-
lot or an installed bot), acting completely independent- ing any movement. If the maneuver fails, the vehicle
ly of you. In this case, the AI’s Dexterity (Drive) check is loses the rest of their movement, and if it fails by 5
used instead of the character’s. Alternatively, a charac- or more, it crashes into something, taking 5d6 blud-
ter can pilot a vehicle, using their own Dexterity (Drive). geoning damage.
Appendices At the start of the character’s turn, they make take con-
trol of the vehicle as a free action. Drivers (be they AI

204 // 9. Combat //
Ram Bootleg Turn
This maneuver is simply ramming the vehicle into This maneuver turns the vehicle up to 90° left or right,
someone or something else (often another vehicle). without spending any movement. If the maneuver
Ramming abides by the following rules: fails, the vehicle loses the rest of their movement, and
if it fails by 5 or more, it crashes into something, taking
•• Ramming requires an action to initiate, 5d6 bludgeoning damage.
•• It requires that the vehicle travel at least 12 meters
toward the target. Underwater Combat
•• The DC of the maneuver is the target’s Dexterity When cadres mount amphibious assaults on an ocean
saving throw + 10. liner with precious cargo, they may have to fight off an
•• Both the vehicle and the target inflict damage on antagonist or two, be it transgenic sharks, naiad com-
each other. The amount of damage inflicted on mandos, or others.
both the vehicle and the target depends on their When making a melee weapon attack, someone
respective sizes. that doesn’t have a swimming speed has disadvantage
•• If the maneuver fails, the vehicle misses the target, on the attack roll unless the weapon is a knife, nano-
and if it fails by 5 or more, it crashes into some- blade, claws or spear.
thing, taking 5d6 bludgeoning damage. A ranged weapon attack automatically misses a
•• If the vehicle is larger than the target, the target is target beyond the weapon’s normal range. Even against
pushed 3 meters, and must make a DC 15 Strength a target within normal range, the attack roll has dis-
(Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, or be advantage and does ½ damage, unless the weapon is
knocked prone. specifically designed to work underwater.
•• If target is another vehicle and is the same size or People and objects that are fully immersed in water
smaller, both drivers must make a DC 15 Dex- have resistance to heat damage.
terity (Drive) check or lose their movement on Droids and drones fully immersed in water take 1
their next turn. damage at the end of each of their turns unless they
have been specifically designed or modified to oper-
Ram Damage
ate underwater.
Size Damage Inflicted
Tiny None
Small 1d8 B
Medium 3d8 B
Large 6d8 B
Huge 9d8 B
Gargantuan 13d8 B

// GeneFunk 2090 // 205

Chapter 10: Hacking
acking generally refers to the modification or When a character runs a hack, they expend a slot

H manipulation of technology to benefit the user

in an ingenious way.
It can be used to describe souped-up cars, cracking
of that hack’s level or higher, effectively “filling” a slot
with the hack. You can think of a hack slot as a groove
of a certain size — small for a 1st-level slot, larger for a
through electronic security, modification of firearms, hack of higher level. A 1st-level hack fits into a slot of
augmenting code to better suit your purposes, genet- any size, but a 5th-level hack fits only in a 5th-level slot.
ic enhancement, messing with physiology, or running So, when Gozer runs charm, a 1st-level hack, she spends
programs to influence another person’s mind. one of her five 1st-level slots and has four remaining.
Finishing a long rest restores any expended hack slots.
Hack Level
Every hack has a level from 1 to 5. A hack’s level is a Running a Hack at a Higher Level
general indicator of how powerful it is. The higher a When a hacker runs a hack using a slot that is of a
hack’s level, the higher level a hacker must be to use higher level than the hack, the hack assumes the high-
that hack. Hack level and character level don’t corre- er level for that run. For instance, if Umara runs charm
spond directly. using one of her 2nd-level slots, that charm is 2nd level.
Effectively, the hack expands to fill the slot it is put into.
Hacks Known Some hacks, such as charm and freeze, have more
Hacking takes specific expertise, and hackers can only powerful effects when run at a higher level, as detailed
run hacks that they have acquired from their class list, in the hack’s description.
as described in their individual class entries. The ex-
ception to this if they are winging it, as described below. Running a Hack
When a character runs any hack, the same basic rules
Winging It are followed, regardless of the character’s class or the
Experienced hackers can try out hacks on the fly, im- hack’s effects.
provising using their wide general expertise to pro- Each hack description in the Hack Listing begins
duce a desired effect. with a block of information, including the hack’s name,
A hacker can run a hack from their class hack list level, type, launch time, and duration. The rest of a
that they do not know, but only if they spend a hack hack entry describes the hack’s effect.
slot of one level higher than the hack they are at-
tempting to run. L aunch Time
In addition, they must roll a 1d10; on a result of a 1, This is how long it takes before the hack takes ef-
the hack fails and produces no effect. fect. While some hacks require a single action to run,
For example, the 6th-level codehacker Gozer others require a bonus action, a reaction, or much
doesn’t know the 1st-level command hack, but they more time to run.
want to give it a try. Winging it, they spend a 2nd-lev-
el hack slot, and roll a 1d10. They roll a 3, so the hack Bonus Action
runs normally. A hack run with a bonus action is especially swift. You
must use a bonus action on your turn to run the hack,
Hack Slots provided that you haven’t already taken a bonus ac-
Regardless of how many hacks a hacker knows, he tion this turn.
or she can run only a limited number of hacks before
needing to rest. Reactions
Manipulating such complex code and using inge- Some hacks can be run as reactions. These hacks take
nious engineering techniques is taxing. Thus, each a fraction of a second to bring about and are run in
class capable of hacking includes a table showing how response to some event. If a hack can be run as a re-
many slots of each hack level a character can use at action, the hack description tells you exactly when
each character level. For example, at 6th-level, the co- you can do so.
dehacker, Gozer, has seven 1st-level hack slots and two
2nd-level hack slots.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 207

Intro Longer running Times Do I Know If I’m Being
Certain hacks require more time to run: minutes or
Mind Hacked?
Character even hours. When you run a hack with a running time
Unless the hack has an obvious effect on the
Creation longer than a single action or reaction, you must spend
target (psychic damage is being inflicted, the
your action each turn running the hack, and you must
target loses their eyesight, etc.), or it says in the
Genomes maintain your concentration while you do so.
hack’s description that the target is aware, targets
of mind hacks are unaware they are being hacked.
Even in cases where hacking does damage, it’s un-
Classes A hack’s duration is the length of time the hack per-
clear who is launching the hack unless the mind
sists. A duration can be expressed in rounds, minutes,
hacker is within sight of the target, and the target
Goods and hours, or even years.
succeeds at a Wisdom (Insight) check against the
hacker’s Charisma (Deception) check.
Upgrades Many hacks are instantaneous. The hack harms,
helps, creates, or alters a person or an object in an Saving Throw
immediate way. Hacks specify if a target can make a saving throw to
Daemons avoid some or all of a hack’s effects. The hack specifies
Concentration the ability that the target uses for the save and what
Ability Some hacks require you to maintain concentration in happens on a success or failure.
Scores order to keep them active. If you lose concentration, The DC to resist one of your hacks equals 8 + your
such a hack ends. Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus + any
If a hack must be maintained with concentration, special modifiers.
that fact appears in its Duration entry, and the hack If ever a hack targets a computer but requires the
specifies how long you can concentrate on it. You can computer to make a saving throw, unless otherwise
end concentration at any time (no action required). stated, the computer rolls a d20 with no bonus.
Normal activity, such as moving and attacking,
Hacking doesn’t interfere with concentration. The following
factors can break concentration:

•• Running another hack that requires concentration.

Brave New
You lose concentration on a hack if you run another
hack that requires concentration. You can’t concen-
trate on two hacks at once unless you have an ability,
feat, or upgrade that allows you to do so.
Appendices •• Taking damage. Whenever you take damage while
you are concentrating on a hack, you must make
a Constitution saving throw to maintain your
concentration. The DC equals 10 or half the damage
you take, whichever number is higher. If you
take damage from multiple sources, such as
a bullet and punch to the face, you make a
separate saving throw for each source of
damage. If you are concentrating on more
than one effect, you only make one saving
throw for all of them.
•• Being incapacitated or killed. You lose concen-
tration on a hack if you are incapacitated or if
you die. The GM might also decide that certain
environmental phenomena, such as a wave
crashing over you while you’re on a storm-tossed
ship, require you to succeed on a DC 10 Constitution
saving throw to maintain concentration on a hack.

208 // 10. Hacking //

Types of Hacks Craft Explosive H acks
Hacks come in a variety of flavors, ranging from influ- These hacks are the fruits of demo-
encing another’s mind, to altering DNA, to feats of en- litions expertise and involve bombs
gineering. The different categories are described below. of all types. They typically have a
long launch time and have a financial
Injection Hacks cost associated with them. Crafting explosives is al-
Injection hacks depend on a syringe ways done outside of combat, but the results can be
or hypospray to be effective and typ- used in combat.
ically involve poisons, nanobots, or In order to construct the explosives, the hacker
pharmaceuticals. These hacks are of- must have access to mechanics tools and be able to ob-
ten used in combat to damage enemies or buff allies. tain chemical and material reagents (i.e. you couldn’t
You must be within 1.5 meters of the target of any easily create an explosive while hiking in the moun-
injection hack. Running injection hacks requires a bio- tains). If these hacks are performed during down time,
hacking kit and hypospray (wielded in one hand), each spending the hack slot will be inconsequential.
is described in the Gear section of Chapter 4: Goods These devices detonate under certain conditions
and Services. and can produce a variety of effects.
The ultra-strong monomolecular tip of the hypo- The detonation type is fixed at the time of creation,
spray gets through almost any material, allowing it to and the types of detonation (grenades, mines, timers,
affect targets wearing heavy armor. or special) are described below.

Gadget H acks •• Grenades. Grenades are explosives that detonate on

These hacks involve small but inge- impact or seconds after pulling the pin. As an action,
nious technological devices to func- a character can throw a grenade at a point up to 15
tion, and the hacker must have at least meters away. With a grenade launcher, the character
one free hand to activate the gadget. can propel the grenade up to 40 meters away. The
These gadgets are typically one-shot use (described un- detonation is at the point the grenade lands.
der the specific hacks) or have to be recharged between •• Mines. These explosives are triggered by either a
uses. They are typically useful to use in combat. tripwire or a pressure plate. The detonation point
Canisters that dispense clouds of nanobots, devic- is in the square the mine is placed in. The base
es that discharge electricity, and small short-range Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation)
drones are all examples of gadget hacks. Running gad- DC to spot a mine is 10. A mine can be camouflaged,
get hacks requires the gadget kit described in the Gear increasing the DC to spot the mine to 8 + your profi-
section of Chapter 4: Goods and Services. ciency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.
•• Timer. A set time limit, which you can determine
Craft Tech Hacks when you set the explosive as an action, will deter-
These hacks involve the creation or mine when the explosive detonates. The timer can
modification of electronic, mechan- be set to anything from mere seconds, to days.
ical, or biological technology. They •• Special. Certain other detonators and hacks can
typically take longer than 1 action to create specialized conditions under which the
launch, often taking hours, and always have some fi- explosive detonates, such as facial recognition,
nancial cost associated with them. The tech crafting DNA analysis, etc. See Chapter 4, or the specialized
is always done outside of combat, but the crafted tech detonator hack for specialized detonators.
can be used in combat. Weapon upgrades, armor aug-
ments, genetic enhancements, and vehicle mods are Bot H acks
all examples of this type of hack. Bot hacks refer to simple AI programs
In order to perform tech hacks, the hacker must that the hacker constructs for spe-
have access to either a biohacking kit or mechanics cific purposes. These AI are without
tools, and be able to obtain the necessary material a physical body but can act inde-
reagents (i.e. you couldn’t upgrade your car while pendently of the hacker who creates
stranded in the middle of the forest with no materials). them, as described in their individual entries. There is
If these hacks are performed during down time, spend- no target for these hacks, as they exist independently
ing the hack slot will be inconsequential. on the internet.
Bots often have set durations, as automated anti-vi-
rus and security software find and delete rogue code.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 209

Intro Mind H acks Hack Lists
Some people have become skilled in
Character slicing through a daemon’s security Biohacker Hacks Clone
Creation protocols and meddling with individ- 1st level Daemon Killer
uals’ minds through their brain-com- Anesthetize Diagnose Weakness
Genomes puter. As a result, they can exert different forms of sen- Biofilm Digest
sory meddling or mind control, wreaking havoc on the Blood Dope Ferocity
target’s mental state. Mind hacking is the most serious Blood Fake Genetic Enhancement
Classes offense a hacker can commit, but despite harsh laws Buddha Wendigo
against it in most countries, it still occurs. Carnal
Goods and Mind hacks can be performed when the following Chromatophores 4th Level
Services conditions have been met: Claws Daemon Betrayal
Must target either a person with a daemon or an AI. Consume Evidence Perfume
Upgrades Mind hacks specifically target the mental functions of Chitin Neurotoxic Nightmare
individuals, be they human or artificial intelligence. Ar- Cushion
tificial intelligence includes all kinds of robots, includ- Darkvision 5th Level
Daemons ing bots. If the target is a person, both the person and Detect Biohazards Grey Goo
the person’s daemon AI are affected. Detoxify
Ability Must be aware of the target. While you don’t need to Enhance Ability Codehacker H acks
Scores physically see the target, you must be able to connect to Extrapolate Form 1st level
them online. Line of sight works, but being connected Fireflies Alert
through any other online means works as well. Finding Forensic Scan Anonymity
someone’s IP address is described under the Computers Gecko Skin Babel Frog
and Investigation skills, and hacks like detect minds can Gills Back Door
be used for this purpose as well. Heat Stabilize Bot Lackey
While you can connect with anyone across the globe, Nanodoc Camfect
sophisticated internet security nodes filter out mind Necrotic Injection Cataracts
hacks beyond certain distances, so they have a range Noxious Cloud Charm
limit of 72 meters. Perk Command
Brave New
Post Mortem Database Dip
Software Hacks Shark Decrypt
These hacks modify the code of Superman Defensive Feedback
non-thinking things and typically in- Toxic Jet Detect Minds
volve the modification of digital devic- Treat Malady Detect Security
Appendices es. The targets of these hacks are always Disable Security
electronic devices with a computer of some kind. Un- 2nd Level Deep Fake
less explicitly given, software doesn’t have any bonus to Amygdalic Jet Erase Memories
their saving throw: it is simply a d20 roll. Amygdalic Mist Ego Flay
Taking your time. Software hacks can be run with- Bring ’Em Back Encrypt
out expending a hack slot if you choose to take 10 min- CNS Stim Fear
utes longer to run it than normal. For hacks that are Enamoring Cloud Invisibility
software hacks, as well as being another type, you can Envenom Killer Joke
only use this feature if the hack is specifically directed Infect Linked Battlemind
at software. For example, if you use camfect, you could Nootro Mind Reader
use taking your time to hack a webcam (since it would Mars Pain
be a software hack), but not a person’s eyes (a mind Paralytic Injection Probability Analysis
hack). Winging it cannot be used in conjunction with Poisonous Aura Skim
taking your time. Razor Cloud Sleep
Recombinant Beast Sloth
Satellite Imagery
3rd Level Surveillance Skim
Burning Blood Synergistic Defense

210 // 10. Hacking //

Unlock AP Ammo 3rd Level 4th Level
Ventriloquist Arc Drone Autoturret EM Barrier
Armor Plating Booby Traps Napalm Bomb
2nd Level Armor Smith Drone Swarm
Bloodhound Babel Frog EMP Bomb 5th Level
Calm Emotions Baton Ammo Incendiary Bomb Nanite Bomb
Compulsion Biofilm Knockout Bomb Predictive Algorithms
Delusions Camfect Nanoprint
Disable Vehicle Consume Evidence Shaped Charge Bomb
Drone Snipe Cushion Shocking Field
False ID Decrypt Sticky Bomb
Freeze Detect Security Upgrade Robot
Getaway Car Disable Security
Highlight Encrypt
Modify Memory Extinguish
Oracle Forensic Scan
Pierce Jamming Frictionless Spray
Pinball Wizard Gunsmith
Runover Incendiary Ammo
Secure Home Linked Battlemind
Seeming Noxious Cloud
Stunner Probability Analysis
Suggestion Smoke Bomb
Summoning Specialty Detonator
3rd Level Tough Tires
DDR Toxic Jet
Direct Unlock
Dominate Upgrade Handling
Ferocity Upgrade Speed
Hallucination Weapon Mount
Manchurian Trigger
Mind Killer 2nd Level
Subtle Charm Amygdalic Jet
Concussion Bomb
4th Level Daemon Disruption
Daemon Betrayal Disable Vehicle
Feeblemind Explosive Ammo
Mass Suggestion Foam Wall
Suicide Flashbang Bomb
Fragmentation Bomb
5th Level Getaway Car
Aegis Particle Beam Highlight
Blank Slate Nitro Boost
Mind Maze Poison Bomb
Predictive Algorithms Poisonous Aura
Puppeteer Razor Cloud
Engineer Hacks Tear Gas Bomb
1st level Secure Home

// GeneFunk 2090 // 211

Intro Hack Descriptions At the end of each of their turns, an affected crea-
ture can make an additional Constitution saving throw.
Character Aegis Particle Beam On a successful save, the hack ends for that creature.
Creation 5th-level software hack
Launch Time: 1 action Amygdalic Mist
Genomes Duration: Instantaneous 2nd-level gadget hack
As an action, you can hack the orbital Aegis network to Launch Time: 1 action
rain hot death upon your enemies. The particle beam Duration: 1 minute
Classes does 20d6 + 70 heat damage on a failed Dexterity sav- You release a cloud of nanobots around you that you
ing throw, or half as much damage on a successful one. can direct to target the fear centers of your enemies’
Goods and You choose the size of the beam, and it can anywhere brains. Living creatures of your choice within 9 me-
Services from a 1.5- to 12-meter radius cylinder centered on a ters of you that don’t have an independent air supply
point of your choosing. must make a Charisma save. Targets that fail the save
Upgrades If the target area involves individuals that are in- become frightened for the hack’s duration.
doors, the GM determines how much of the damage is
mitigated by the buildings’ structure (often ½). Use of Anesthetize
Daemons this power always elicits investigations into the hack 1st-level injection hack
by government agents. Launch Time: 1 action
Ability Duration: Instantaneous
Scores Alert You inject an enemy with a dose of anesthetic. Make
1st-level bot hack a melee hack attack against a creature you can reach.
Launch Time: 1 action On a hit, the target must make a Constitution save or
Duration: 24 hours become poisoned and unconscious for 1 hour. The per-
You create a program to alert you when certain condi- son wakes up if they take damage or if another person
tions arise. This alarm must be used on a video camera takes an action to shake them awake.
network or some other type of sensor that can detect
Hacking the trigger you set. Until the hack ends, you are alerted Angel
whenever your triggering condition is detected. 1st-level injection hack
The alarm itself is only audible to you and people Launch Time: 1 action
Brave New
you invite to this hack trigger. The hack alerts you with Duration: 1 hour
a ping in your mind when the triggering condition is You inject a short-lived colony of biobots that help co-
sensed. This ping awakens you if you are sleeping. agulate blood at a wound site and suture the fissure.
Triggers are typically linked to video feeds, often They also devour infectious bacteria at the wound site.
using facial recognition, or a general “no one is allowed For one hour, the target regains 2 hit points at the start
Appendices inside X” type command. This hack only affects one of every turn. When the hack ends, the drug leaves you
sensor (such as a camera or door). Attempts to evade very taxed, and you suffer from one level of exhaus-
trigger recognition require a Charisma (Deception) or tion. Unlike most angel, your concoction has nanobots
Dexterity (Stealth) ability check against your hack DC. that negate any chance of addiction.
At Higher Levels. When you launch this hack using
Amygdalic Jet a hack slot of 2nd level or higher, the target regains an
2nd-level gadget hack additional 1 hit point at the start of your turn for each
Launch Time: 1 action for every slot above 1st.
Duration: 1 minute
You activate a device that jets a high-pressure cone of Anonymity
mist containing nanobots and pharmaceuticals that 1st-level software hack
directly target the fear centers of the brain, hyper-ac- Launch Time: 1 action
tivating them. Duration: Concentration, up to 24 hours
Each living creature in a 9-meter cone that doesn’t For the duration, you are able to avoid detection
have an independent air supply must succeed on a through digital means. Any digital attempts to find
Constitution saving throw or drop whatever it is hold- you (such as with detect minds, or digital lackey) must
ing and become frightened and poisoned. succeed at an Intelligence ability check versus your
hacking DC before completing the rest of the attempt

212 // 10. Hacking //

as per normal. This hack doesn’t prevent cameras can add an additional 1 damage reduction and armor
from seeing you. class for each hack slot level beyond 1st.

AP Ammo Armor Smith

1st-level craft tech hack 1st-level craft tech hack
Launch Time: 1 hour Launch Time: 8 hours
Duration: Permanent Duration: Permanent
You create a magazine of armor-piercing ammunition Armor can be reinforced to provide +1 AC. It costs 1/4
for one firearm. You need to have mechanic’s tools and of the initial armor’s price to perform this upgrade.
the proper materials (worth シ50) to create this mag-
azine, consuming the materials in the process. This Autoturret
hack can be combined with the explosive ammo and in- 3rd-level craft tech and bot hack
cendiary ammo hacks. Launch Time: 8 hours
Duration: Permanent
Arc Drone You mount a machine gun on a mechanical turret that
1st-level gadget hack can rotate 360 degrees. The weapon is autonomous,
Launch Time: 1 bonus action possessing targeting software, audiovisual sensors,
Duration: 1 minute and limited AI. It is not connected to the internet to
You release a cat-sized hovering drone that can deliver avoid the danger of wireless hacking. The autoturret is
arcs of intense electrical shocks to targets. When you 1 meter long and weighs 200 kg. It is immobile.
first launch this hack, you can throw the drone into As an action, you can give directions to the autotur-
the air anywhere you can see within 12 meters. You can ret about when and who to attack. It can recognize peo-
then immediately make a hack attack against a target ple and follow orders, behaving as you program it to.
within 1.5 meters of the arc drone. On a hit, the target The cost to create an autoturret is シ10,000, and
takes electrical damage equal to 1d8 + your Intelli- has the following stats.
gence modifier.
As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the
drone up to 6 meters and repeat the attack against a
target within 1.5 meters of it. The drone does not move
or make any attacks on its own.
The arc drone has the following stats:

Arc Drone
Size: Tiny HP: 20 AC: 18 Str: 4 Dex: 18

At Higher Levels.  When you launch this hack

using a hack slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage
increases by 1d8, and the hit points increase by 10,
for every slot above 1st.

Armor Plating
1st-level craft tech hack
Launch Time: 8 hours
Duration: Permanent
You add armor plating to a wall, door, or vehicle.
This modification adds an extra 6 armor class
and damage reduction versus bludgeoning,
slashing, and piercing damage to the thing be-
ing armored. You must pay ¼ of the object’s
original cost to perform this upgrade.
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack
using a hack slot of 2nd level or higher, you

// GeneFunk 2090 // 213

Intro 3rd Level Autoturret Back Door
INT WIS CHA 1st-level mind hack or software hack
Character 6 6 6 Launch Time: 1 action
Creation Armor Class 12 Duration: Permanent, until detected
Hit Points 25 The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the
Genomes Initiative +4 target fails the saving throw, you create a security
Skills Perception +3 workaround for future hacks. The next hack you make
7.76mm Machine Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to against the target automatically succeeds (the target
Classes hit, range 300/900 m, auto, no recoil. Hit: 17 (2d12+4) gets no saving throw). Anytime you hack the target with
piercing damage. 100 ammunition. an automatic success, the target can make another Wis-
Goods and dom saving throw to detect and purge the back door.
Services At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a Additionally, the target can actively use an action
hack slot of 4th level, the autoturret has the following to look for back doors and must succeed on an Intelli-
Upgrades stats, and costs シ20,000. gence (Investigation) check against your hack save DC
to detect and purge the back door.
4th Level Autoturret
INT WIS CHA Baton Ammo
6 6 6 1st-level craft tech hack
Ability Armor Class 12 Launch Time: 1 hour
Scores Hit Points 30 Duration: Permanent
Initiative +5 You create a magazine of baton ammunition for one
Skills Perception + firearm. Firearms using this ammo inflict bludgeoning
12.7mm Machine Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to damage, allowing you to knock people out. You need to
hit, range 1 km/2 km, auto, no recoil. Hit: 25 (3d12+6) have mechanic’s tools and the proper materials (worth
piercing damage. 100 ammunition. シ50) to create this magazine, consuming the materials
in the process.
Hacking When you run this hack using a hack slot of 5th
level, the autoturret has the following stats, and Biofilm
costs シ30,000. 1st-level gadget hack
Brave New
Launch Time: 1 action
5th Level Autoturret Duration: 10 minutes
INT WIS CHA You have a pre-prepared slick gel of extracellular ma-
6 6 6 trix that is almost impossible to maintain your bal-
Armor Class 12 ance on. You can throw a container with the gel up to
Appendices Hit Points 35 18 meters, and the slick grease covers the ground in
Initiative +6 a 3-meter radius and turns it into difficult terrain for
Skills Perception +5 the duration.
14.5mm Machine Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to When the biofilm spreads, everything standing in
hit, range 1 km/2 km, auto, no recoil. Hit: 29 (4d10+7) its area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or
piercing damage. 100 ammunition. fall prone. Anyone that enters the area or ends its turn
there must also succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
Babel Frog or fall prone.
1st-level software hack
Launch Time: 1 action Blank Slate
Duration: Concentration, 1 hour 5th-level mind hack
While the factory universal translator software in dae- Launch Time: 1 action
mons is fine for regular conversation, this hack trans- Duration: Permanent, until data restored
lates nuance and emotive cues, making your speech The target makes a Charisma saving throw against
seem as though you are a native speaker. You do not your hack DC. If they fail, they lose all memories of
suffer from disadvantage when making Charisma who they are, their life, and what they are doing. This
checks that involve language aptitude, even if you complete amnesia can only be countered by thorough
don’t speak the language. data retrieval, requiring a success against your hack DC

214 // 10. Hacking //

with an Intelligence (Computers) ability check, requir- It tracks a target through their online presence,
ing 1 hour of time per check, until a success is achieved. such as credit card transactions, social media posts,
If this is used in combat, the combatant will stop fight- video camera footage, and other digital clues to hone
ing and seek cover, until someone attacks them. in on the target’s physical location.
You can only have one bloodhound hack
Blood Dope running at once.
1st-level injection hack At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
Launch Time: 1 action hack slot of 3rd level or higher, the bloodhound gains
Duration: 1 hour a +1 bonus to skills for each hack slot above 2nd level.
You bolster yourself or another creature with a med-
ley of modified erythrocytes, leucocytes, platelets, and Bot Lackey
other cells, granting 1d10 + 5 temporary hit points to 1st-level bot hack
the recipient for the hack’s duration. Launch Time: 1 action
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a Duration: Permanent
hack slot of 2nd level or higher, you gain 10 additional You create a limited bot AI that can be used to relay
temporary hit points for each slot level above 1st. messages, do online searches, investigate things, per-
suade, seduce, intimidate, or deceive others. The bot
Blood Fake AI has the following attributes:
1st-level injection hack
Launch Time: 1 action Bot Lackey AI
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour INT WIS CHA
You inject yourself or another target with nanobots de- 6 6 8
signed to trick DNA and blood tests. These nanobots Skills Deception +3, Intimidation +3, Persuasion +3,
proliferate throughout your tissue, fooling any tests Investigation +2, Insight +2, Computers +2
that would identify you based on your biological signs.
Instead of presenting your own life signs, you can di- You can only have one bot lackey running at once.
rect these nanobots to provide whatever life signs you At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
wish, including faking the life signs of another person hack slot of 2nd level or higher, the bot lackey gains a
(assuming you have had access to their DNA informa- +1 bonus to skills for each hack slot above 1st level.
tion at some point). In order to detect this fraud, the
person investigating the blood or tissue sample must Booby Traps
succeed in an opposed Intelligence (Life Science) 3rd-level craft tech hack
roll against you. Launch Time: 1 week
Duration: Permanent
Bloodhound You install potentially lethal security measures that
2nd-level bot hack protect up to a 500 square meters (5,400 square feet)
Launch Time: 1 action of floor, across several floors of if you so wish it. This
Duration: Permanent can include homes, offices, garages, or any other
You create a bot AI that is specialized in tracking peo- space. You can specify individuals that do not set off
ple down, and it is equipped with facial/body recogni- the alarms if you choose. You can also specify a pass-
tion software and data pattern algorithms. The bot AI word, fingerprint, retinal, DNA, or any other type (or
has the following attributes: combination of types) of security clearance measures
to avoid setting off the alarms.
Bloodhound AI Every corridor and room is monitored by alarms
INT WIS CHA (silent or audible), motion detectors and cameras. It is
8 8 6 up to you if you want the cameras to be closed-circuit
Skills Insight +4, Investigation +4, Perception +4, (so they can’t be remote hacked), or livestreamed to
Computers +4 a private server (so you can see through them at any
Camfect. The bloodhound can slice through most time). All attempts to spot secret doors, open locks, or
camera security, using them as its senses. The blood- spot cameras is made against your hack DC. All doors
hound has no hack slots, so it must use it as a software are locked, and any attempt to unlock them must suc-
hack (see taking your time under software hacks) ceed against your hack DC. In addition, you can make

// GeneFunk 2090 // 215

Intro up to ten doors hidden, to appear as plain sections of The target must make a Constitution saving throw.
wall. Every wall and door is reinforced, having an extra On a failed save, the target takes 10d6 heat damage and
Character 5 DR and double hit points. suffers from two levels of exhaustion. On a successful
Creation Up to 10 different locations can have any of the ex- save, the target takes half damage and suffers from one
plosive hacks from level 1-3 with specialty detonators, level of exhaustion.
Genomes even if you don’t otherwise know these hacks.
Launching this hack requires シ10,000 in materi- Calm Emotions
als and a mechanic’s kit. 2nd-level mind hack
Classes Launch Time: 1 action
Bring ’em Back Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Goods and 2nd-level injection You attempt to suppress strong emotions in a group of
Services Launch Time: 1 action people. Each person in a 6-meter-radius sphere cen-
Duration: instantaneous tered on a point you choose within range must make a
Upgrades You inject a target that was killed in the last minute Charisma saving throw; a person can choose to fail this
with restorative nanobots that oxygenate the blood saving throw if they wish. If a person fails its saving
and repair dead tissue before brain death happens. throw, choose one of the following two effects.
Daemons They return to life with 1 hit point at the start of their You can suppress any effect causing a target to be
next turn, but acquire a permanent injury (see Chapter charmed or frightened. When this hack ends, any sup-
Ability 9: Combat). This hack has no effect on targets that have pressed effect resumes, provided that its duration has
Scores been dead longer than 1 minute. not expired in the meantime.
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using Alternatively, you can make a target indifferent
a 3rd-level hack slot or higher, the target returns to about people or things of your choice that it is hostile
life with an additional 10 hit points for each hack slot toward. This indifference ends if the target is attacked
above 2nd level. or harmed, or if it witnesses any of its friends being
harmed. When the hack ends, the targets become hos-
Buddha tile again, unless the GM rules otherwise.
Hacking 1st-level injection hack
Launch Time: 1 action Camfect
Duration: 1 hour 1st-level mind hack or software hack
Brave New
You inject a mixture of chemicals that stimulate the Launch Time: 1 action
parts of the brain associated with empathy and com- Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
passion, as well as abstract thinking. The target gains You can hack directly into an audiovisual feed, such as
a +2 bonus to Wisdom and Charisma. The tranquility a camera or even someone’s eyes and ears. You can see
the target feels makes it so that they must make a DC and hear a particular target you choose. If you prefer
Appendices 10 Wisdom saving throw to take a violent action while not to directly livestream the AV feed, you can have
this drug is active. If this is used on an unwilling per- it upload to a cloud for later viewing. The target must
son, a successful melee hack attack is required. Unlike make a Wisdom saving throw to avoid this hack.
most buddha, your concoction has nanobots that ne- At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using
gate any chance of addiction. a 2nd-level hack slot, the duration is concentration,
At Higher Levels.  When you run this hack using up to 1 hour. When you use a 3rd-level hack slot, the
a hack slot of 2nd level or higher, the target gains an duration is up to 24 hours. When you use a 4th-level
additional +1 bonus to your Wisdom and Charisma for hack slot, the duration is up to 7 days. When you use a
every slot above 1st. 5th-level hack slot, the duration has no time limit.

Burning Blood Carnal

3rd-level gadget hack 1st-level injection hack
Launch Time: 1 action Launch Time: 1 action
Duration: instantaneous Duration: 2 hours
You throw a packet of nanobots at one living target You inject yourself or another creature with a drug
within 9 meters. The packet bursts upon impact, and causing senses to become more acute and generating
the nanobots instantly proliferate and burn all the ATP a sensation of euphoria. Things smell, feel, taste, look
in every cell they come into contact with, exhausting and sound better on this drug. It is a very popular street
the target and potentially even boiling their blood. drug and is commonly used at dance clubs, parties, or

216 // 10. Hacking //

any other sensual activity. You gain advantage on Wis- Chromatophores
dom (Perception) and (Insight) checks but suffer from 1st-level injection hack
1 level of exhaustion afterward. Unlike most carnal, Launch Time: 1 minute
your concoction has nanobots that negate any chance Duration: 10 minutes
of addiction. Biobots embed themselves throughout a living tar-
get's skin, making their cells function like those of hy-
Cataracts per-camouflaged octopi. The target's entire outer sur-
1st-level mind hack face must not be covered for this hack to be effective
Launch Time: 1 action (i.e. they must be naked or be wearing clothing with
Duration: Concentration, up to one minute transparency), and it has no effect on any other equip-
You can blind a foe. The target must make a Wisdom ment. Until the hack ends the target is invisible.
saving throw. If it fails, the target is blinded for the du- At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
ration. At the end of each of its turns, the target can hack slot of 2nd level or higher, the hack's duration in-
make a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the hack creases by 20 minutes for each hack slot above 1st-level.
ends. This blindness works even on cyberoptics by tar-
geting the visual cortex directly. Claws
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a 1st-level gadget hack
hack slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target two ad- Launch Time: 1 minute
ditional people for each slot level above 1st. Duration: 8 hours
You dip your fingers into a biobot gel, which is pro-
Charm grammed to construct an ultra-sharp nanocarbon set
1st-level mind hack of claws attached to your fingertips. The claws are
Launch Time: 1 action a light, finesse, simple melee weapon that does 2d4
Duration: Concentration, up to one hour slashing, armor-piercing damage. When the hack
You attempt to charm the target, and it must make a ends, the claws fall off.
Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails the hack slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases
saving throw, it is charmed by you until the hack ends as shown on the table below.
or until you or your companions do anything harmful
Slot Level Damage
to it. The charmed target regards you as a friendly ac-
2 2d6
quaintance. When the hack ends, the target knows it
3 2d8
was charmed by you.
4 2d10
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
hack slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one per- 5 2d12
son or AI for each slot level above 1st.
Chitin 3th-level craft tech hack
1st-level injection hack Launch Time: 120 days
Launch Time: 1 minute Duration: Permanent
Duration: 1 hour This biohack grows a fully grown duplicate of a living
You inject a willing creature with a nanocolony that creature. This clone forms inside a sealed incubator
secretes form-fitting enhanced chitin over the body, and grows to full size and maturity after 120 days; you
which sclerotizes and becomes hard plates. Until can also choose to have the clone be a younger version
the hack ends, the target’s skin has a dark, hard, and of the same creature. It remains inert and endures in-
shiny appearance, not unlike a beetle. In addition, the definitely, as long as its incubator remains undisturbed.
target’s AC can’t be less than 18, and their DR versus The clone is physically identical to the original, but
slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning can’t be less than none of the original’s equipment or upgrades. It also
2, regardless of what kind of armor they are wearing. has no experience or memories and needs to have a
After the hack’s duration, the plates fall off. psychomime or AI implanted in it to function, other-
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a wise, it is in a catatonic state.
hack slot of 2nd level or higher, the minimum AC and The incubator and other materials required to run
DR increase by 1 per hack slot above 1st. this hack costs シ10,000

// GeneFunk 2090 // 217

Intro CNS Stim action on each of your turns to designate a direction
2nd-level injection hack that is horizontal to you. Each affected target must use
Character Launch Time: 1 action as much of its movement as possible to move in that
Creation Duration: Up to 1 minute direction on its next turn. It can take its action before
You flood a willing recipient with a bunch of stimu- it moves. After moving in this way, it can make another
Genomes lants that jack the central nervous system into over- Wisdom saving to try to end the effect.
drive. Until the hack ends, the recipient gains a +2 bo- A target isn’t compelled to move into an obviously
nus to AC, advantage on Dexterity saving throws and deadly hazard, such as freeway traffic or off a cliff, but
Classes an additional action on each of its turns. That action it will provoke opportunity attacks to move in the des-
can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack ignated direction.
Goods and only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action.
Services When the hack ends, the target can’t move or take Concussion Bomb
actions until after its next turn, as a wave of lethargy 2nd-level craft explosive hack
Upgrades sweeps over it. Launch Time: 2d4 hours
Duration: Permanent, until detonated.
Command Concussive force radiates outward in a 3-meter radius
Daemons 1st-level mind hack sphere centered on the point of the detonation. Ev-
Launch Time: 1 action eryone within the blast must make a Dexterity saving
Ability Duration: 1 round throw, taking 4d6 bludgeoning damage and becoming
Scores You speak a one-word command to a person or AI. The stunned until the end of their next turn on a failed
target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or save, or half as much damage and no stun effect on a
follow the command on its next turn. The hack has no successful one. You must spend シ500 on materials to
effect if your command is directly harmful to it. construct this explosive.
Some typical commands and their effects follow. At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
You might issue a command other than one described hack slot of 3rd level or higher, the bomb does an ad-
here. If you do so, the GM determines how the tar- ditional 3d6 damage and costs an additional シ200 in
Hacking get behaves. If the target can’t follow your command, materials for each hack slot level beyond 2nd.
the hack ends.
Approach. The target moves toward you by the Consume Evidence
Brave New
shortest and most direct route, ending its turn if it 1st-level gadget hack
moves within 1 meter of you. Launch Time: 1 action
Drop. The target drops whatever it is holding then Duration: Instantaneous
ends its turn. You direct biobots loaded with DNases and other di-
Flee. The target spends its turn moving away from gestive enzymes to target and destroy small amounts
Appendices you by the fastest available means. of DNA evidence of any profiles you like in a 36-meter
Grovel. The target falls prone then ends its turn. area. You must have the DNA information of the target-
Halt. The target doesn’t move and takes no actions. ed evidence destroy it, or simply choose to destroy all
A flying target stays aloft, provided that it is able to do DNA in the area. This hack doesn’t harm people, only
so. If it must move to stay aloft, it flies the minimum loose cells. It takes 10 minutes for the process to be
distance needed to remain in the air. completed, but you don’t have to be present while the
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a biobots are doing their thing. After they complete their
hack slot of 2nd level or higher, you can affect two ad- job, they disperse self-destruct, leaving no evidence
ditional targets for each slot level above 1st. they ever existed. A DC 15 Intelligence (Life Science) or
DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) ability check reveals
Compulsion that DNA evidence was destroyed, but it doesn’t reveal
2nd-level mind hack the original DNA source.
Launch Time: 1 action At Higher Levels. When you launch this hack using
Duration: Concentration, up to one minute higher level hack slots, the biobots are able to digest
You can target a number of people or AI equal to your large amounts of tissue, even entire bodies. Each hack
Intelligence modifier. Targets must make a Wisdom slot above level 1 allows the biobots to consume an ad-
saving throw. On a failed save, a target is affected by ditional 80 kilograms of tissue and DNA.
this hack. Until the hack ends, you can use a bonus

218 // 10. Hacking //

Cushion Darkvision
1st-level gadget hack 1st-level injection hack
Launch Time: 1 action, or reaction Launch Time: 1 action
Duration: 2 rounds Duration: 8 hours
You’ve prepared a tube containing a potential chemi- You’ve concocted a colony of nanobots that form a
cal reaction that when activated, deploys a rapidly-ex- temporary tapetum lucidum in the target’s eyes, as well
panding and shock-absorbing foam. The tube can be as acting as especially potent rod cells. For the hack’s
thrown up to 18 meters, and the foam instantly ex- duration, the target creature has darkvision out to a
pands to a 6-meter radius. This foam acts as a safety range of 18 meters.
net if you happen to find yourself falling great distanc-
es, negating any damage you or anyone else would re- Database Dip
ceive. After the hack ends, the cushion dissolves into a 1st-level software hack
salty liquid. Launch Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous
Daemon Disruption You can bypass the firewalls of a particular database
2nd-level mind hack to retrieve data on one subject, be it a person, place,
Launch Time: 1 action thing, or event. Doing this only gets you by the secu-
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute rity for just that one pilfering of data and nothing else.
You hack someone’s daemon, shutting it down for a This hack retrieves all relevant data on the target that
time. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. would be available to a mid-ranking employee that
On a failed save, they cannot use their daemon for any works there. For example, this hack could be used to
function for the hack’s duration. This includes any up- crack into the LAPD database to find out all informa-
grades, hacks, or features that require a daemon. tion about a particular criminal, officer, or case file.
This hack doesn’t give information so confidential that
Daemon Killer regular employees don’t have access to it.
3rd-level injection hack To use this hack, make an Intelligence (Comput-
Launch Time: 1 action ers) ability check with the DC being determined by the
Duration: Instantaneous GM. On a success, the relevant information is instantly
You’ve concocted a solution of nanobots that seek out downloaded. Failing by 5 or more alerts the owners of
and destroy daemon parts, from the network filaments the database they are being hacked, and failing by 10 or
to the individual daemon nanobots. Make a melee more gives them your identity.
hack attack against a creature you can reach. On a hit,
the target must make a Constitution save or their dae- DDR
mon is destroyed, including any AI attached to it. They 3rd-level mind hack
cannot use any daemon abilities, including features, Launch Time: 1 action
hacks, or upgrades that requires a daemon. Getting a Duration: Concentration, up to one minute
new daemon costs シ2,000 and requires a long rest be- The target begins a comic dance in place: shuffling,
fore it becomes active. tapping its feet, and capering for the duration.
The dancer must use all its movement to dance
Daemon Betrayal without leaving its space and has disadvantage on Dex-
4th-level mind hack terity saving throws and attack rolls. While the target
Launch Time: 1 action is affected by this hack, other people have advantage
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute on attack rolls against them. As an action, the dancer
You hack someone’s daemon, getting the medical com- can make a Wisdom saving throw to regain control of
ponents of it to target its host body, attacking it on a themself. On a successful save, the hack ends.
cellular level, lysing them indiscriminately. The target
must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,
they take 6d10 corrosive damage. On a successful save,
they take half as much damage. The damage occurs at
the end of each of your turns until the hack ends.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 219





Goods and






Hacking Decrypt Deep Fake

1st-level software hack 1st-level mind hack and software hack
Launch Time: 1 minute Launch Time: 1 action
Brave New
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You can crack through encryption quickly and easily You make yourself—including your clothing, armor,
(countering the encrypt hack and other security proto- weapons, and other belongings on your person—look
cols). You must make an Intelligence (Computers) abil- different to one target (person, robot, or video camera)
ity check against the encryption DC to break through it. until the hack ends or until you use your action to dis-
Appendices If the check fails by 5 or more, the owner of the system miss it. You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller and can
is alerted to the hack, and if it fails by 10 or more your appear thin, fat, or in between. You can’t change your
identity is revealed to the target. body type, so you must adopt a humanoid form, even
This hack is most commonly used to hack into peo- if it looks strange. Otherwise, the extent of the illusion
ple’s accounts for social media, security passwords for is up to you.
electronic locks, IMs, and other protected accounts. If you use this hack to appear as another specific
This hack cannot be used to hack into someone’s person, you must succeed at a Charisma (Deception)
daemon directly, so it does not allow mind-reading ability check against the target’s passive Perception.
or control of any type. It does, however, allow you to To discern that you are disguised, an individual can
hack into their email, stored images and video, and pri- use its action to inspect your appearance and must suc-
vate messages. ceed on an Intelligence (Investigation) check against
Unless a target has been specifically encrypted or your hack save DC.
has a firewall from an upgrade, class feature, or other At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using
ability, the base DC is 10. Secure emails and cloud ser- a hack slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target two
vices that store video, images, and other data typically additional people (or camera system) for each slot
have a DC of 15-20, while military and other highly se- level above 1st.
cure servers can have a DC of 20-25.

220 // 10. Hacking //

Defensive Feedback You release a microscopic cloud of nanobots that de-
1st-level mind hack tect poison and disease, reporting back on the nature
Launch Time: 1 reaction, which you take in response and the source of the toxins. For the duration, you can
to being mind hacked sense the presence and location of poisons, poisonous
Duration: instantaneous creatures, and diseases within 9 meters of you. You
When you are the target of a mind hack, you have an also identify the kind of poison, poisonous creature,
automated defense program kick in, sending damag- or disease in each case. The hack can penetrate porous
ing feedback to the mind hacker. The attacker must barriers, but cannot pass through anything airtight.
make a Wisdom saving throw. It takes 2d12 psychic
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a Detect Minds
successful one. 1st-level mind hack
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a Launch Time: 1 action
hack slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
by 2d12 for each slot level above 1st. You use this hack to detect the presence of thinking
things you can’t see. When you run this hack, you can
Delusions search for people within 9 meters of you. All people in
2nd-level mind hack this radius are revealed, and their location is narrowed
Launch Time: 1 action down to a 1.5-meter radius. It doesn’t reveal any oth-
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute er information about them other than their presence
This hack assaults and twists the target’s mind, spawn- and rough location. This hack is often used to detect
ing delusions and provoking uncontrolled action. The people for follow-up mind hacks. If this hack reveals
target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw when people that are invisible, they remain invisible, but you
you run this hack or be affected by it. know their general location (as described above), and it
An affected target can’t take reactions and must roll allows you to target them with mind hacks.
a d10 at the start of each of its turns to determine its At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
behavior for that turn (using the chart below). hack slot of 2nd level or higher, it reveals people within
At the end of each of its turns, an affected tar- an additional 3 meters of you per hack level above 1st.
get can make a Wisdom saving throw. If it succeeds,
this effect ends. Detect Security
1st-level software hack
d10 Behavior
Launch Time: 1 action
1 The target uses all its movement to move in a
Duration: Instantaneous
random direction. To determine the direction,
Choose a door, area, safe, window, vehicle, or any other
roll a d8 and assign a direction to each die face.
object that might have electronic security associated with
The person doesn’t take an action this turn.
it. This hack reveals whether or not the target has securi-
2-6 The target doesn’t move or take actions
ty, and some details regarding the security feature (such
this turn.
as if it is an audible alarm, silent, damaging trap, etc.).
7-8 The target uses its action to make a melee
attack against a randomly determined person
within its reach. If there is no person within its
1st-level injection hack
reach, the person does nothing this turn.
Launch Time: 1 action
9-10 The target can act and move normally. Duration: 1 hour
You inject a creature (or food/drink) with specialized
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a detoxification nanobots that metabolize poisons. If it is
hack slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target two ad- poisoned, you neutralize the poison. If more than one
ditional people for each slot level above 1st. poison afflicts the target, you neutralize one poison that
you know is present, or you neutralize one at random.
Detect Biohazards For the duration, the target has advantage on sav-
1st-level gadget hack ing throws against being poisoned, and it has resis-
Launch Time: 1 action tance to poison damage.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

// GeneFunk 2090 // 221

Intro Diagnose Weakness Duration: Instantaneous
3rd-level gadget hack Choose an object that has digital security, such as a
Character Launch Time: 1 action door, window, car, or even a bomb with an electron-
Creation Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes ic detonator. This hack disables the security. If the
You release an invisible cloud of bioactive nanobots object has multiple security measures, only one of
Genomes that enter the bodies of your enemies, ferreting out them is disabled.
weaknesses and reporting the information back to you You must succeed at an Intelligence (Computers)
and your allies. ability check against the security DC for this hack
Classes The cloud is a 9-meter radius sphere centered on you, to take effect.
and any attacks made on enemies that are within this
Goods and cloud score critical hits on attack rolls of 18, 19, and 20. Disable Vehicle
Services 2nd-level software hack
Digest Launch Time: 1 action
Upgrades 3rd-level gadget hack Duration: Concentration, up to one minute
Launch Time: 1 action You can hack into a vehicle’s onboard computer to re-
Duration: instantaneous motely shut it down, making it pull over to the side of
Daemons You toss a ball of virulent short-lived nanobots at a target the road, land, hover in place, or otherwise stop. The
that you can see within 18 meters, where it erupts into a effect takes place at the start of the following round.
Ability hungry cloud of cytolyzing micromachines. The target You must have the vehicle’s license plate or have it in
Scores must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, line of sight to use this ability.
it takes 10d10 corrosive damage, or half as much dam- The vehicle must succeed at a Wisdom saving
age on a successful save. If the target fails the saving throw to bypass this effect. The vehicle may attempt
throw, its hit point maximum is reduced for 1 hour by an additional saving throw at the start of each round.
an amount equal to the corrosive damage it took. Any
effect that removes a disease allows someone’s hit point Dominate
maximum to return to normal before that time passes. 3rd-level mind hack
Hacking At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a Launch Time: 1 action
hack slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases Duration: Concentration, up to one minute
by 2d10 for each slot level above 3rd. You attempt to take control of the target. It must suc-
Brave New
ceed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you
Direct for the duration. If you or people that are friendly to
3rd-level mind hack you are fighting it, it has advantage on the saving throw.
Launch Time: 1 action While the target is charmed, you have a chat link
Duration: Concentration, up to 3 hours with them. You can use this link to issue commands
Appendices The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. If they to the person while you are conscious (no action re-
fail, you implant a compulsion inside your target, quired), which it does its best to obey. You can specify
making them move towards any location you desire a simple and general course of action, such as “Attack
as quickly as they normally travel, without rushing that man,” “Run over there,” or “Fetch that object.” If
(though using their car, public transportation, or even the target completes the order and doesn’t receive fur-
a plane ticket is reasonable if they have the cash). If ther direction from you, it defends and preserves itself
the location is dangerous, such as heavy traffic or the to the best of its ability.
caldera of a volcano, the hack ends when they reach You can use your action to take total and precise
the edge of the danger. They are unaware of why they control of the target. Until the end of your next turn, the
are moving towards your location, rationalizing away target takes only the actions you choose and doesn’t do
their travel choices. anything that you don’t allow it to do. During this time,
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a you can also cause the target to use a reaction, but this
hack slot of 4th level or higher, you can target two addi- requires you to use your own reaction as well.
tional people or AI for each slot level above 3rd. Each time the target takes damage, it makes a new
Wisdom saving throw against the hack. If the saving
Disable Security throw succeeds, the hack ends.
1st-level software hack At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
Launch Time: 1 action 4th-level hack slot, the duration is concentration, up

222 // 10. Hacking //

to 10 minutes. When you use a 5th-level hack slot, the Drone Swarm
duration is concentration, up to 1 hour. Size: Tiny HP: 20 AC: 18 Str: 4 Dex: 18
Attack. +8 to hit, 1d4 + 4 electrical damage
Drone Snipe
2nd-level mind hack At Higher Levels. When you launch this hack using
Launch Time: 1 action a hack slot of 4th level or higher, you can launch four
Duration: Instantaneous additional drones for each slot above 3rd.
As an action, you hack into one of the many drones fly-
ing overhead and command it to take a shot at a spec- Ego Flay
ified target. The drone snipe makes an attack roll with 1st-level mind hack
a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus + your Intelli- Launch Time: 1 action
gence modifier. If it hits, it does 6d12 armor-piercing, Duration: instantaneous
piercing damage. You unleash a wave of data that slams your target right
This ability can only be activated if you are out- in their sense of self. The target must succeed on a Cha-
doors, know where your target is, and your target risma saving throw or take 1d12 psychic damage and
is visible from a bird’s eye view. Yes, aerial drones have disadvantage on the next attack roll they make
are everywhere. before the end of their next turn.
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
Drone Strafe hack slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target two ad-
3rd-level mind hack ditional people for each slot level above 1st.
Launch Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous EM Barrier
You hack into a nearby aerial drone and command it 4th-level gadget hack
to strafes an area with a hail of gunfire. It affects ev- Launch Time: 1 reaction when you are the target of a
erything in a 6-meter-radius sphere centered on a melee attack or touched
point of your choosing. The drone strafe does 6d10 ar- Duration: 1 round
mor-piercing, piercing damage, or half as much dam- You’ve made a device that emits incredible levels of elec-
age on a successful Dexterity saving throw. tromagnetic energy the moment before dangerous met-
This ability can only be activated if your target area als impact against your body, deflecting them. If you are
is outdoors, you have line of sight on it, and it is visible attacked and the source of the attack is metal (such as
from a bird’s eye view. Yes, aerial drones are everywhere. bullets, knives, swords, etc.), then you can use your re-
action to gain +10 AC against that attack, and any other
Drone Swarm attack that uses metal until the end of the round.
3rd-level gadget hack
Launch Time: 1 action EMP Bomb
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute 3rd-level craft explosive hack
You throw a ball of ten microdrones into the air, which Launch Time: 2d6 hours
disperses into a weaponized swarm, each drone be- Duration: Permanent, until detonated.
ing capable of delivering a nasty electric shock. The The detonation creates a burst of electromagnetic ra-
drones are under your control until the hack ends or diation in a 3-meter radius. All electronics must make
until reduced to 0 hit points. a saving throw. On a failed save, the electronics stop
As a bonus action, you can digitally command any of working until they are repaired. Repairing electronics
these drones within 150 meters of you (you can com- damaged by an EMP blast requires a DC 10 Intelligence
mand any or all of them at the same time, issuing the (Mechanics) ability check and 10 minutes. Things af-
same command to each one). You decide what action fected include cars, elevators, computers (including
each drone will take and where it will move during its daemons), etc. The saving throw bonus the device gets
next turn, or you can issue a general command, such depends on the amount of insulation they have from
as to guard a particular room or corridor. Once given the blast, and high-quality electronics have Faraday
a command, the drones follow it until they are given shielding, which can provide from a +5 to +15 bonus
another command. to this saving throw (see Faraday shielding in the
Each drone has the following stats: gear section). Daemons have a +5 bonus to this saving
throw, and if they fail, they can make the saving throw

// GeneFunk 2090 // 223

Intro at the end of each turn as they attempt to self-repair. Envenom
You must spend シ1,000 on materials to construct 2nd-level injection hack
Character this explosive. Launch Time: 1 action
Creation Duration: Instantaneous
Enamoring Cloud You inject an enemy with a dose of venom. Make a me-
Genomes 2nd-level gadget hack lee hack attack against a creature you can reach. On a
Launch Time: 1 action hit, the target must make a Constitution save, or suffer
Duration: 10 minutes one of the following effects (your choice, before the
Classes You release a cloud of bioactive nanobots that distract save is rolled).
and enthrall anyone who breathes them in. Living Haemovenom. This blood-cell destroying poison
Goods and creatures within 18 meters that don’t have an indepen- causes 5d10 poison damage on a failed save, and the
Services dent air supply must make a Wisdom saving throw or target becomes poisoned for 1 hour, or half as much
become charmed by you. damage and no poison effect on a successful one.
Upgrades If you or your companions are fighting a creature, Necrovenom. This tissue destroying venom causes
it has advantage on the save. On a failed save, the tar- 10d10 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much
get has disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks damage on a successful one.
Daemons made to perceive any creature other than you until the Neurovenom. This neurotoxic venom causes the
hack ends or until the target can no longer hear you. target to become unconscious for 1 hour. If the subject
Ability The hack ends if you are incapacitated. fails by 5 or more, they die.
1st-level software hack
Launch Time: 1 action
Duration: Permanent
You protect data with encryption, be it a video feed,
currency, text, or any other type of data. Only you and
Hacking those you give access can open the encrypted data with-
out hacking it (see Computers skill or the decrypt hack).
The DC to decrypt your encryption is your hacking DC.
Brave New
Enhance Ability
1st-level injection hack
Launch Time: 1 action
Duration: 30 minutes
Appendices You inject a creature with performance enhancing
drugs. Choose one of the following effects; the target
gains that effect until the hack ends.
Hyperglobin Endurance. The target has advantage
on Constitution checks. It also gains 2d6 temporary hit
points, which are lost when the hack ends.
Fast Twitch Strength. The target has advantage on
Strength checks, and their carrying capacity doubles.
Proprioception Boost. The target has advantage on
Dexterity checks. It also doesn’t take damage from fall-
ing 6 meters or less if it isn’t incapacitated.
Jacked Confidence. The target has advantage on
Charisma checks.
Juiced Cunning. The target has advantage on Intel-
ligence checks.
Zen Mindfulness. The target has advantage on
Wisdom checks.

224 // 10. Hacking //

Erase Memory ance of the generated image and the originator of the
1st-level mind hack DNA sample. For example, scars, dyed hair, or tattoos
Launch Time: 1 action won’t be shown on the generated image.
Duration: Instantaneous
You can erase a target’s memories of recent events. The False ID
target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a suc- 2nd-level software hack
cessful save there is no effect, but on a failed save, the Launch Time: 1 action
last 1 minute of the target’s memories are erased. Duration: 1 hour
This doesn’t affect the emotional centers of the When you run this hack, you change the way someone
brain, so the target still feels the same way about you or something appears on government databases, such
regardless of their memory. If used in combat, the tar- as police checks, credit rating reviews, and social me-
get still treats you as hostile, but their next attack roll dia accounts. The change could be something you cre-
or ability check is made with disadvantage as they deal ate from scratch or an impersonation.
with the disorientation. This can be used on a person (including yourself) or
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a a thing, like a car or a handgun. This hack can be used
2nd level hack slot 10 minutes of memories are erased, to get you into exclusive clubs, get someone temporar-
1 hour for a 3rd level slot, 1 day for a 4th level slot, and 1 ily detained or arrested, falsify firearm registration, etc.
week for a 5th level slot. An Intelligence (Investigation) or Intelligence
(Computers) ability check against your hacking DC can
Explosive Ammo reveal the forged ID. Once the hack is discovered, its ef-
2nd-level craft tech hack fect is nullified. If the ruse is discovered, it could have
Launch Time: 1 hour legal or social consequences for the hacker.
Duration: Permanent
You create a magazine of explosive ammunition for Fear
one firearm. While using this ammunition, you can 1st-level mind hack
treat any 1 or 2 on a damage die as a 3. You need to have Launch Time: 1 action
mechanic’s tools and the proper materials (worth シ Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
500) to create this magazine, consuming the materials You project a phantasmal image of the target’s worst
in the process. This hack can be combined with the AP fears (this does not work on AI). Up to two people that
ammo and incendiary ammo hacks. can see you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a or drop whatever they are holding and become fright-
hack slot of 3rd level or higher, you can treat any 1, 2, or ened for the duration.
3 on a damage die as a 4. While frightened by this hack, a person must take
the Dash action and move away from you by the safest
Extinguish available route on each of its turns, unless there is no-
1st-level gadget hack where to move. If the target ends its turn in a location
Launch Time: 1 action where it doesn’t have line of sight to you, the target can
Duration: instantaneous make a Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, the
You carry around an especially effective fire extinguish- hack ends for that target.
er that puts out any flame in a 3-meter radius sphere. At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
hack slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target two ad-
Extrapolate Form ditional people for each slot level above 1st.
1st-level software hack
Launch Time: 1 action Feeblemind
Duration: instantaneous 4th-level mind hack
If you get a DNA sample of any kind, you are able to Launch Time: 1 action
generate a 3D image of whatever specific organism the Duration: Instantaneous
DNA came from, at any age. This hack is mostly used to You blast the mind of your target, attempting to shatter
generate accurate facial images to visually identify the intellect and personality. The target takes 4d6 psychic
DNA’s originator, but it can work on any species. De- damage and must make an Intelligence saving throw.
pending on the lifestyle of the DNA’s originator, there On a failed save, the target’s Intelligence and Cha-
may be some small differences between the appear- risma scores become 1. They can’t understand lan-

// GeneFunk 2090 // 225

Intro guage, run hacks, use ranged attacks, or communicate Flashbang Bomb
in any intelligible way. The target can, however, identi- 2nd-level craft explosive hack
Character fy its friends, follow them, and even protect them with Launch Time: 2d4 hours
Creation melee attacks. Duration: Permanent, until detonated.
At the end of every 30 days, the person can repeat The detonation produces an ultra-bright blinding flash
Genomes its saving throw against this hack. If it succeeds on of light and an intensely loud “bang”. Everyone within
its saving throw, the hack ends. Alternatively, this re- 3-meter radius sphere centered on the point of the det-
duced mental state can be countered by another coder, onation must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
Classes requiring a success against your hack DC with an Intel- failed save, people become blind, deaf, and are stunned
ligence (Computers) ability check, requiring 1 hour of until the end of their next turn. You must spend シ300
Goods and time per check. on materials to construct this explosive.
Ferocity Foam Wall
Upgrades 3rd-level injection hack 2nd-level gadget hack
Launch Time: 1 action Launch Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Duration: 1 hour
Daemons You inject yourself with a mixture of stimulants and A device you’ve constructed triggers an explosive
other compounds, launch military skillsoft containing chemical reaction after being thrown, one that releas-
Ability combat training into your daemon, as well as channel es a nanobot directed polymer-foam that solidifies on
Scores your daemon to direct all of your mental power towards contact with the air. The device can be thrown up to
fight or flight. While this hack is active you appear like 18 meters, and at the point of impact, makes an enor-
a seething creature of pure rage and intensity, muscles mous foam wall that is 30 cm thick, and 3 x 9 meters.
taut and breathing heavily. Until the hack ends, you If the wall cuts through someone’s space when it ap-
can’t launch any other hacks, or initiate Charisma or pears, the person is pushed to one side of the wall
Intelligence ability checks other than Charisma (In- (your choice).
timidation). You gain the following benefits: The wall doesn’t need to be vertical or rest on any
Hacking firm foundation. Thus, you can use this hack to bridge
•• You gain 50 temporary hit points. If any of these a gap between buildings or create a ramp. You wireless-
remain when the hack ends, they are lost. ly direct the wall in regards to the direction it expands
Brave New
You have advantage on attack rolls that you make from the point of impact when you launch this hack.
with weapons and unarmed strikes. If you are jammed, the point of impact is the center

•• When you hit a target with a weapon or unarmed of the wall, though you can still direct if it is vertical
strike, that target takes an extra 2d12 damage of or horizontal.
same type as that attack. The wall has an AC of 15, and can take 200 hit points
Appendices •• You have proficiency with all armor and weapons. of damage before a human sized hole is opened. The
•• You have proficiency in Strength and Constitution wall disappears when the hack ends, dissolving.
saving throws. At Higher Levels. Each hack slot above 2nd level
•• You attack twice, instead of once, when you take the increases the wall by another 3 x 3 meters. For exam-
Attack action on your turn. You ignore this benefit ple, a 3rd level hack slot would produce a 6 x 12-me-
if you already have a feature, like Extra Attack, that ter wall, and a 4th level hack slot would produce a 9 x
gives you extra attacks. 15-meter wall.

After the hack ends, you suffer from two levels Forensic Scan
of exhaustion. 1st-level gadget hack
Launch Time: 1 minute
Fireflies Duration: Instantaneous
1st-level gadget hack You analyze material, discerning it’s chemical and bi-
Launch Time: 1 action ological nature. This hack can pick up and record the
Duration: 1 hour chemical composition and amount of everything in an
You deploy thousands of bioluminescent insects that area up to a cubic meter or as fine as a cubic centimeter.
illuminate a 9-meter radius. As an action, you can This includes solids, liquids, and gases. It is so finely
move the illuminated area by 9 meters. tuned it can even pick out and sequence individual

226 // 10. Hacking //

DNA samples if any are present. If the proper authority Frictionless Spray
is possessed (or the proper hacking skills) it can identi- 1st-level craft tech hack
fy the person the DNA belongs to by checking govern- Launch Time: 2 hours
ment databases. Duration: Permanent, can be used 10 times
You create a spray can of a liquid lubricant. If used to
Fragmentation Bomb escape bonds (like handcuffs or ropes) it provides a +10
2nd-level craft explosive hack bonus to Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to escape
Launch Time: 2d4 hours bonds. If sprayed on the body, the person gains a +10
Duration: Permanent, until detonated. bonus to escape grabs.
Shrapnel flies outward in 6-meter radius sphere cen- As an action it can be sprayed on the ground, cov-
tered on the point of the detonation. Everything within ering a 1-meter area. Anyone passing over that area
the blast must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking must make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or they fall
6d6 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much prone to the ground and take 1d4 bludgeoning damage
damage on a successful one. You must spend シ400 on from the fall. Getting up requires an additional DC 20
materials to construct this explosive. Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, failure results in falling
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a prone and taking the damage again. If it is sprayed on
hack slot of 3rd level or higher, the bomb does an ad- an incline, it is impossible to climb the incline.
ditional 3d6 damage and costs an additional シ200 in The spray may also be used on an enemy’s hands.
materials for each hack slot level beyond 2nd. They must make a DC 10 Dexterity save or they drop
their weapon. They must make this save at the start
Freeze of each of their turns until they wash the frictionless
2nd-level mind hack polymer off their hands (which takes 1 action). Each
Launch Time: 1 action can contains 10 uses.
Duration: Concentration, up to one minute It costs シ300 to make one can of this spray.
The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw
or be paralyzed for the duration. At the end of each of Gecko Skin
its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving 1st-level gadget hack
throw. On a success, the hack ends on the target. Launch Time: 1 minute
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a Duration: 1 hour
hack slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target two ad- Biobots secrete specialized polymers over the sur-
ditional people for each slot level above 2nd. face of your hands, feet, legs, and arms, so it mimics
a gecko’s skin, allowing you to cling to walls. Until the
hack ends, you are able to move up, down, and across
vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while
leaving its hands free. You also gain a climbing speed
equal to your walking speed. After the hack ends, the
adhesive dissolves.

Genetic Enhancement
3rd-level craft tech hack
Launch Time: 1 week
Duration: Permanent
This biohack genetically enhances you, or one of your
living allies, permanently. You use molecular tools to
excise parts of a target genome, replacing it with cod-
ing bits that introduce wondrous traits, making a novel
phenotype. Unfortunately, there may be unpredictable
side-effects to this procedure.
You can select any genetic enhancement from the
Genetic Enhancement table shown in the mutt section
of Chapter 2. The target must also roll on the Genetic
Flaw table, acquiring whatever flaw is rolled.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 227

Intro It takes a full week for this hack to take effect, and Getaway Car
during this time, the target is poisoned, even if they 2nd-level software hack
Character would normally be immune to that effect. After this Launch Time: 1 action
Creation week, the target’s genome has been permanently Duration: instantaneous
changed, and the novel genes have expressed proteins You hack into a car within 36 meters and get it to drive
Genomes to make the new trait. If the target wants an upgraded to your location. If possible, the car arrives at your loca-
version of the genetic enhancement, they must use this tion with unlocked doors at the start of your next turn.
hack a second time and go through the process again. If you happen to be in an area where a car can’t reach
Classes It costs 20,000 in materials to perform this hack, you (like inside a building), it waits in the street by the
and the genetic enhancement counts as one of the tar- nearest exit. Roll a 1d20 to determine the type of car.
Goods and get’s maximum allowable 8 upgrades. If you remove or
Roll Car
Services substitute this genetic enhancement, you also remove
1-10 Sedan, Basic
the associated genetic flaw.
11-14 Sedan, Luxury
Upgrades At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
4th level hack slot, you can roll the genetic flaw twice, 15-19 Truck
and choose the result. When running this hack using 20 Sports Car
Daemons a 5th level hack slot, you don’t have to roll the genet-
ic flaw at all. The car is a stolen one, and there will be legal ques-
Ability tions, and possible law enforcement consequences at
Scores the GM’s discretion.

1st-level injection hack
Launch Time: 1 minute
Duration: 10 hours
You inject yourself or an ally with a symbiotic bacteri-
Hacking al culture that coats your bronchioles with a gel-like
intracellular matrix that is capable of extracting ox-
ygen from the water just as easily as extracting it
Brave New
from the air. As a result, you are able to breathe
underwater for the duration of the hack.

Grey Goo
5th-level injection hack
Appendices Launch Time: 1 action
Duration: 1 minute
You inject an enemy with a colony of self-repli-
cating nanobots that digests the subject’s tissues,
spreading throughout the body and wreaking
havoc. Make a melee hack attack against a crea-
ture you can reach. On a hit, they must make
a Constitution save, taking 12d6+50 corrosive
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
on a successful one. If the target fails the saving
throw, they suffer the same effect next round, re-
quiring an additional save. The effect continues
each round until they make a successful save.

1st-level craft tech hack
Launch Time: 2d4 hours
Duration: Permanent

228 // 10. Hacking //

You can modify a firearm to increase one of its ca- save DC. If a target discerns the hallucination for what
pabilities. To do so, you must pay ½ of the firearm’s it is, they can block it from their senses.
original cost.
Increased Damage. When rolling damage, all 1's au- Heat Stabilize
tomatically become 2's. 1st-level injection hack
Increased Range. A ranged weapon’s range may be Launch Time: 1 action
increased by 50%. Duration: 1 hour
Shock Absorption. A firearm’s recoil is reduced by 1. You inject a living thing with a mixture of chemicals
If it already has 0 recoil, this reduction applies to recoil and nanobots that keeps their tissues heat stable, pro-
resulting from the auto feature. ducing heat or venting it off where necessary. This
A weapon can only have one gunsmith modifica- hack grants the target with resistance to heat and cold
tion active at once. damage, and enables them to survive in temperatures
ranging from -40 to +60 degrees Celsius without suf-
Hallucination fering from environmental damage.
3rd-level mind hack and bot hack
Launch Time: 1 action Highlight
Duration: Permanent 2nd-level mind hack
You create an AI that appears as a hallucination of an Launch Time: 1 action
object, a person, or some other visible phenomenon Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
within range that activates when a specific condition You can force people to outline themselves in bright
occurs. The illusion is imperceptible until then. It must color via the augmented reality of the Veil (the color
be no larger than a 9-meter cube, and you decide when is your choice).
you run the hack how the hallucination behaves and You can target a point up to 72 meters away, and all
what sounds it makes. You can make the AI engage people within a 3 meter radius (even if you don’t know
in a scripted performance, or it can act autonomously they are there) are outlined in light if they fail a Wis-
following general protocols. Once activated, the bot is dom saving throw. For the duration, affected targets
interactive for one hour. shine brightly to anyone you choose to share this aug-
When the condition you specify occurs, the AI hal- mented reality with (a free action).
lucination springs into existence and performs in the Any attack roll against an affected target has advan-
manner you described. Once the hallucination finish- tage if the attacker can see it, and the affected target
es performing, it disappears and remains dormant for can’t benefit from being invisible.
10 minutes. After this time, the hallucination can be
activated again, though it has no memory of the ear- Incendiary Ammo
lier encounter. 1st-level craft tech hack
The triggering condition can be as general or as de- Launch Time: 1 hour
tailed as you like, and it is commonly based on visual Duration: Permanent
or audible conditions tied to a sensor of some type, like You create a magazine of incendiary ammunition for
a camera. It can also be triggered by connecting to par- one firearm. At the GM’s discretion, targets will catch
ticular websites, opening particular messages, or con- fire, taking 1d6 heat damage per turn until it is put out.
necting with particular people. You need to have mechanic’s tools and the proper ma-
For example, you could create a hallucination terials (worth シ100) to create this magazine, consum-
of yourself appear and warn off others who attempt ing the materials in the process. This hack can be com-
to open your door, or you could set the hallucina- bined with the AP ammo and explosive ammo hacks.
tion to trigger only when someone says the correct
word or phrase. Incendiary Bomb
You could even make the hallucination distract 3rd-level craft explosive hack
someone through seduction, harassment, or some Launch Time: 2d4 hours
other method. If you do, the AI’s Charisma checks Duration: Permanent, until detonated.
are 1d20 + 5. A swirling shower of white-hot phosphorus embers ap-
The target can use their action to ponder the hallu- pears in a 6-meter-radius sphere centered on the point
cination to determine that it is not real, with a success- of detonation. The shower spreads around corners,
ful Intelligence (Investigation) check against your hack and the area becomes heavily obscured, lasting  for

// GeneFunk 2090 // 229

Intro the 3 rounds. Everything within the fiery shower must Invisibility
make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 heat dam- 1st-level mind hack
Character age on a failed save, or half as much damage on a suc- Launch Time: 1 action
Creation cessful one. People must also make this saving throw Duration: Concentration, up to one hour
when they enter the area for the first time on a turn or The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. If it
Genomes ends their turn there. Any combustible material catch- fails, the target is unable to see you or target you for
es fire at the GM’s discretion. You must spend シ600 the hack’s duration. The hack ends if you interact with
on materials to construct this explosive. the target in any way.
Classes At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
hack slot of 4th level or higher, the bomb does an ad- hack slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target two ad-
Goods and ditional 3d6 damage and costs an additional シ200 in ditional people for each slot level above 1st.
Services materials for each hack slot level beyond 3rd.
Killer Joke
Upgrades Infect 1st-level mind hack
2nd-level injection hack Launch Time: 1 action
Launch Time: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to one minute
Daemons Duration: 7 days The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or
You inject a deadly virus or bacteria culture into the tar- fall prone, and they are riddled with fits of laughter if
Ability get. Make a hack attack against a creature within your the hack succeeds. They become incapacitated and un-
Scores reach. On a hit, you afflict the creature with a disease able to stand up for the duration.
of your choice from any of the ones described below. At the end of each of its turns, and each time it takes
At the end of each of the target’s turns, it must damage, the target can make another Wisdom saving
make a Constitution saving throw. After failing three throw. The target has advantage on the saving throw if
of these saving throws, the disease’s effects last for the it’s triggered by damage. On a success, the hack ends.
duration, and the creature stops making these saves.
After succeeding on three of these saving throws, the Knockout Bomb
Hacking creature recovers from the disease, and the hack ends. 3rd-level craft explosive hack
Blinding Sickness. Pain grips the creature’s mind, Launch Time: 2d4 hours
and its eyes turn milky white. The creature has disad- Duration: Permanent, until detonated
Brave New
vantage on Wisdom checks and Wisdom saving throws This device emits a 4-meter-radius sphere of anesthet-
and is blinded. ic gas centered on the point of detonation. It lasts for 3
Delirium Tremens. The creature is overcome with rounds or until strong wind disperses it.
shaking. The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity When someone enters the gas for the first time
checks, Dexterity saving throws, and attack rolls that on a turn or starts their turn there, they must make a
Appendices use Dexterity. Constitution saving throw. They fall unconscious on
Epidermolysis. The creature’s flesh becomes pa- a failed save. An unconscious person wakes up in 10
per-thin and easily torn. The creature has disadvantage rounds, or if they take damage, or someone uses an
on Charisma checks and vulnerability to all damage. action to shake or slap the sleeper awake. You must
Haemorrhagic Fever. The creature begins to bleed spend シ700 on materials to construct this explosive.
uncontrollably. The creature has disadvantage on Con-
stitution checks and Constitution saving throws. In Linked Battlemind
addition, whenever the creature takes damage, it is 1st-level mind hack
stunned until the end of its next turn. Launch Time: 1 action
Toxic Psychosis. The creature’s mind becomes fe- Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
verish. The creature has disadvantage on Intelligence You link up to three willing people of your choice that
checks and Intelligence saving throws. In combat, at are within 72 meters of you, enriching their percep-
the start of each turn, the afflicted rolls a 1d20; on a tions and hand-eye-coordination through group intel-
1-10, they stare blankly ahead, and take no actions. lect. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving
Wasting Fever. A raging fever sweeps through the throw before the hack ends, the target can roll a d4 and
creature’s body. The creature has disadvantage on add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw.
Strength checks, Strength saving throws, and attack
rolls that use Strength.

230 // 10. Hacking //

At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a You can also specify conditions that will trigger a
hack slot of 2nd level or higher, you can link two addi- special activity during the duration. For example, you
tional people for each slot level above 1st. might suggest that a taxi drive give their car to the first
person she meets. If the condition isn’t met before the
Manchurian Candidate hack expires, the activity isn’t performed.
3rd-level mind hack If you or any of your companions damage a target
Launch Time: 1 action affected by this hack, the hack ends for that target.
Duration: Permanent, until triggered At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
The target must make a Charisma saving throw. If 5th-level hack slot, the duration is 10 days.
they succeed, they are unaffected, but if they fail, you
implant a command inside of their mind that will be Mending Nimbus
triggered by conditions you specify. The trigger can 3rd-level gadget hack
be anything you like, as long as it can be sensed or dis- Launch Time: 1 action
cerned by the target. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You script the command when you implant the hack. You release a cloud of short-lived bioactive nanobots
The target must do as you have directed for one turn, that immediately detect and treat tissue trauma to any-
and the command can involve any and all of the actions one you’ve identified as an ally within 6 meters of you.
they could do on their turn normally. The actions can All allies (including you) within this radius regain 1d6
even involve making attacks on the target’s allies. hit points at the end of their turns.

Mars Mind Killer

2nd-level injection hack 3rd-level mind hack
Launch Time: 1 action Launch Time: 1 action
Duration: 30 minutes Duration: 1 minute
You inject a drug that put a person into overdrive for a You strike directly into the core of your target’s ego,
brief time, giving them +2 Strength and Dexterity. Un- bringing forth every existential dread, possibly even
like most mars, your concoction has nanobots that ne- killing them with fright. The target must make a Wis-
gate any chance of addiction, and you don’t suffer from dom saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes
exhaustion afterward. frightened for the duration. At the end of each of the
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a target’s turns before the hack ends, the target must
hack slot of 3rd level or higher, you gain an addition- succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 4d10 psy-
al +1 bonus to your Strength and Dexterity for every chic damage. On a successful save, the hack ends.
slot above 2nd. At Higher Levels. When you launch this hack using
a hack slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases
Mass Suggestion by 1d10 for each slot level above 4th.
4th-level mind hack
Launch Time: 1 action Mind Maze
Duration: Concentration, up to 24 hours 5th-level mind hack
You suggest a course of activity (limited to a sentence or Launch Time: 1 action
two) and digitally influence up to twelve targets of your Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
choice. The suggestion must be worded in such a man- You project a truly mysterious riddle into your target’s
ner as to make the course of action sound reasonable. mind, rendering them paralyzed for the duration of
Asking the target to stab itself, throw itself into traffic, the hack or until they solve the puzzle.
immolate itself, or do some other obviously harmful The target can use its action to attempt to solve the
act automatically negates the effect of the hack. riddle. When it does so, it makes a DC 25 Intelligence
Each target must make a Wisdom saving throw. check. If it succeeds, it escapes, and the hack ends.
On a failed save, it pursues the course of action you
described to the best of its ability. The suggested Mind Reader
course of action can continue for the entire duration. 1st-level mind hack
If the suggested activity can be completed in a shorter Launch Time: 1 action
time, the hack ends when the subject finishes what it Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
was asked to do.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 231

Intro For the duration, you can read the thoughts of the tar- liefs. An illogical modified memory, such as implant-
get. You initially learn the surface thoughts of the tar- ing a memory of how much the target enjoyed dousing
Character get—what is most on its mind at that moment. As an itself in acid, is dismissed, perhaps as a bad dream. The
Creation action, you can attempt to probe deeper into the same GM might deem a modified memory too nonsensical
target’s mind. If you probe deeper, the target must to affect the target in a significant manner.
Genomes make a Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, you gain in- At Higher Levels. If you run this hack using a hack
sight into its reasoning (if any), its emotional state, and slot of 3rd level or higher, you can alter the target’s
something that looms large in its mind (such as some- memories of an event that took place up to 14 days ago
Classes thing it worries over, loves, or hates). If it succeeds, the (3rd level), 1 year ago (4th level), or any time in the tar-
hack ends. Either way, the target knows that you are get’s past (5th level).
Goods and hacking into its mind, and they can use their action on
Services their turn to make an Intelligence (Computers) check Nanite Bomb
contested by your Intelligence (Computers) check; if 5th-level craft explosive hack
Upgrades they succeed, the hack ends. Launch Time: 2d4 hours
Questions verbally directed at the target naturally Duration: Permanent, until detonated.
shape the course of its thoughts, so this hack is partic- This explosive creates a 6-meter-radius sphere of hun-
Daemons ularly effective as part of an interrogation. gry nanites that devour protein and fat, centered on
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a the point of detonation. The nanite fog spreads around
Ability hack slot of 3rd level or higher, the target is unaware corners. It lasts for 10 rounds, or until strong wind dis-
Scores they have had their mind read, and cannot make an In- perses it. Its area is heavily obscured.
telligence check to escape the mind reading. When someone enters the fog for the first time on
a turn or starts their turn there, they must make a Con-
Modify Memory stitution saving throw. They take 6d10 corrosive dam-
2nd-level mind hack age for every on a failed save. If they succeed on their
Launch Time: 1 action save, they take half as much damage.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute The fog moves 3 meters away from you at the start
Hacking You attempt to reshape the target’s memories, and they of each of your turns, rolling along the surface of the
must make a Wisdom saving throw. If you are fighting the ground. The vapors, being heavier than air, sink to the
target, it has advantage on the saving throw. On a failed lowest level of the land, even pouring down openings.
Brave New
save, the target becomes charmed by you for the duration. You must spend シ5,000 on materials to construct
The charmed target is incapacitated and unaware of its this explosive.
surroundings, though it can still hear you. If it takes any
damage or is targeted by another hack, this hack ends, Nanodoc
and none of the target’s memories are modified. 1st-level injection hack
Appendices While this hack lasts, you can affect the target’s Launch Time: 1 action
memory of an event that it experienced within the last Duration: Instantaneous
24 hours and that lasted no more than 10 minutes. You You treat a living an animal or human with a cocktail
can permanently eliminate all memory of the event, of specially prepared nanobots that suture lacerations
allow the target to recall the event with perfect clarity and act as highly effective blood cell analogs. The tar-
and exacting detail, change its memory of the details get regains a number of hit points equal to 2d6 + your
of the event, or create a memory of some other event. hacking ability modifier.
You must speak (audibly or wirelessly) to the target At Higher Levels. When you launch this hack using
to describe how its memories are affected, and it must a hack slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases
be able to understand your language for the modified by 2d6 for each slot level above 1st.
memories to take root. Its mind fills in any gaps in the
details of your description. If the hack ends before you Nanoprint
have finished describing the modified memories, the 3rd-level gadget hack
target’s memory isn’t altered. Otherwise, the modified Launch Time: 1 action
memories take hold when the hack ends. Duration: Instantaneous
A modified memory doesn’t necessarily affect how You release a programmable swarm of biotic nanobots
the target behaves, particularly if the memory contra- that take raw materials and convert them into prod-
dicts the target’s natural inclinations, alignment, or be- ucts of the same material. For example, you can fab-

232 // 10. Hacking //

ricate a wooden bridge from a clump of trees, a rope Neurotoxic Nightmare
from a patch of hemp, and clothes from flax or wool. 4th-level injection hack
Choose raw materials that you can see within 9 meters. Launch Time: 1 action
You can fabricate a large or smaller object (contained Duration: 1 hour
within a 3-meter cube, or eight connected 1.5-meter You inject an enemy with a dose of neurotoxic com-
cubes), given a sufficient quantity of raw material. If pounds. Make a melee hack attack against a creature
you are working with metal, stone, or another miner- you can reach. On a hit, the target becomes poisoned
al substance, however, the fabricated object can be no for one hour. In addition, they must make a Constitu-
larger than Medium (contained within a single 1.5-me- tion save, or die.
ter cube). The quality of objects made by the hack is
commensurate with the quality of the raw materials. Nitro Boost
Creatures or robots can’t be created with this hack. 2nd-level craft tech hack
However, you can use it to create items that ordinarily Launch Time: 8 hours
require a high degree of craftsmanship, such as jewelry, Duration: Permanent
weapons, glass, or armor. You mod a car or other land vehicle with a nitrous ox-
ide device, to grant temporary speed boosts. It costs シ
Napalm Bomb 5,000 to modify a vehicle with nitro boost.
4th-level craft explosive hack As a free action, the driver of a vehicle modified
Launch Time: 2d4 hours with nitro boost can increase the speed by ¼. The ef-
Duration: Permanent, until detonated. fect lasts until the end of the driver’s next turn.
A burst of fiery gel coats everything in a 6-meter-radi- There is enough nitrous oxide for 5 boosts before it
us sphere centered on the point of detonation. Every- must be recharged.
thing within the radius must make a Dexterity saving
throw, taking 10d8 heat damage on a failed save, or Nootro
half as much damage on a successful one. A failed save 2nd-level injection hack
indicates that they are covered in the napalm and take Launch Time: 1 action
an additional 5d8 heat damage every turn, for 1 min- Duration: 30 minutes
ute, unless it is extinguished with a fire extinguisher You inject a drug jacks-up brain metabolism, circula-
or they are entirely immersed in water. Someone that tion and the connection speed between firing neurons
enters the affected 6-meter radius for the first time on to make you think faster and better, giving them +2
a turn or ends its turn there takes 5d8 heat damage au- Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Unlike street
tomatically. The napalm burns for 1 minute before the Nootro, your concoction has nanobots that negate
fuel runs out. the exhaustion normally caused by this narcotic, but
Any combustible material catches fire at the GM’s you must still check to see if you become addicted (see
discretion. You must spend シ1,000 on materials to Chapter 4: Drugs).
construct this explosive. At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using hack slot of 3rd level or higher, you gain an additional
a hack slot of 5th level, the initial detonation of the +1 bonus to your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
bomb does an additional 2d8 damage, and the burning for every slot above 2nd.
does an additional 1d8 damage. It costs an additional
シ200 in materials. Noxious Cloud
1st-level gadget hack
Necrotic Injection Launch Time: 1 action
1st-level injection hack Duration: 1 minute
Launch Time: 1 action Your culture of bioengineered bacteria produces the
Duration: Instantaneous most foul-smelling chemicals on the planet; a grab
You inject an enemy with a dose of cell lysing enzymes. bag of cadaverine, putrescine, sulfides, and other
Make a melee hack attack against a creature you can odious fumes. You can throw this vial of nastiness up
reach. On a hit, the target takes 4d10 poison damage. to 18 meters, and at the point of impact, it releases a
At Higher Levels. When you launch this hack using 6-meter-radius sphere of colorless nauseating gas. The
a hack slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases cloud spreads around corners, and it lingers in the air
by 3d10 for each slot level above 1st. for the duration.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 233

Intro Each creature that is completely within the cloud when you make a Charisma check against a target
at the start of its turn must make a Constitution sav- that can smell you, you can replace the number you
Character ing throw against poison. On a failed save, the creature roll with a 15.
Creation spends its action that turn retching and reeling. Crea- Additionally, no matter what you say, effects that
tures that don’t need to breathe or are immune to poi- would determine if you are telling the truth indicate
Genomes son automatically succeed on this saving throw. that you are being truthful.

Oracle Perk
Classes 2nd-level bot hack 1st-level injection hack
Launch Time: 1 action Launch Time: 1 action
Goods and Duration: Permanent Duration: 1 hour
Services You create a bot AI that has an incredible database of You inject a nanocolony that clears out lactic acid in
knowledge, and a canny search engine. The Bot AI has your muscles, restores and balances your neurotrans-
Upgrades the following attributes: mitters and hormones, provides nutrition, and gener-
ally refreshes you. Using this drug removes 1 level of
Oracle AI exhaustion. Unlike street perk, you can benefit from
Daemons this hack multiple times per long rest.
10 6 6 At Higher Levels. When you launch this hack using
Ability Skills. Bureaucracy +5, Life Science +5, Mechanics +5, a hack slot of 2nd level or higher, you can remove an ad-
Scores Social Science +5, Computers +5 ditional level of exhaustion for each hack slot above 1st.

Pain Pierce Jamming
1st-level mind hack 2nd-level mind hack
Launch Time: 1 action Launch Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to one minute Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a You can temporarily cut through wireless jamming sig-
Hacking failed save, they stop running any hack or upgrade nals, allowing you to use mind hacks and other actions
that requires concentration, and have disadvantage that require wireless signals normally.
on ability checks and attack rolls until the hack ends.
Pinball Wizard
Brave New
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
hack slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target two ad- 2nd-level mind hack
ditional people for each slot level above 1st. Launch Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to one minute
Paralytic Injection You can blind and deafen a foe. The target must make
Appendices 2nd-level injection hack a Charisma saving throw. If it fails, the target is blind-
Launch Time: 1 action ed, deafened, and mute for the duration. At the end
Duration: Instantaneous of each of its turns, the target can make a Charisma
You inject an enemy with a neuromuscular-blocking saving throw. On a success, the hack ends. This blind-
paralytic chemical. Make a melee hack attack against a ness works even on cyberoptics, or any other way of
creature you can reach. On a hit, the target must make bypassing the effect, by targeting the visual and audi-
a Constitution save or their muscles become useless, tory cortex directly. The mute effect includes cutting
becoming poisoned for 1 minute. The poisoned per- off all forms of instant messaging through daemon
son is also paralyzed. The person can repeat the saving communication.
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
on a success. hack slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target two ad-
ditional people for each slot level above 2nd.
4th-level gadget hack Poison Bomb
Launch Time: 1 action 3rd-level craft explosive hack
Duration: 1 hour Launch Time: 2d4 hours
You release a melange of bioactive pheromones that Duration: Permanent, until detonated.
make people implicitly trust you. Until the hack ends,

234 // 10. Hacking //

This explosive creates a 6-meter-radius sphere of poi- coax whatever information it can find from the now
sonous fog centered on the point of detonation. The fog dead brain, channeling the degraded memories into
spreads around corners. It lasts for 10 rounds, or until something you can ask questions to.
strong wind disperses it. Its area is heavily obscured. The corpse must be relatively fresh for this hack
When someone enters the fog for the first time to work (less than 48 hours, depending on the condi-
on a turn or starts their turn there, they must make a tions), and can’t have massive head trauma.
Constitution saving throw. They take 5d4 poison dam- Until the hack ends, you can ask as many questions
age on a failed save, and are poisoned until the start of as you like, and the corpse knows what it knew in life.
their next turn. If they succeed on their save, they take Due to the degradation of the brain, answers are usual-
half as much damage and are not poisoned. ly brief, cryptic, or repetitive, but it tells the truth to the
The fog moves 3 meters away from you at the start best of its ability.
of each of your turns, rolling along the surface of the This hack can only be done once, as the extraction
ground. The vapors, being heavier than air, sink to of the information from the dead brain cells com-
the lowest level of the land, even pouring down open- pletely destroys them and any remnants of informa-
ings. You must spend シ800 on materials to construct tion they hold.
this explosive.
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a Probability Analysis
hack slot of 4th level or higher, the bomb does an ad- 1st-level software hack
ditional 3d4 damage and costs an additional シ200 in Launch Time: 1 minute
materials for each hack slot level beyond 3rd. Duration: Instantaneous
You run a stochastic based analysis of a proposed ac-
Poisonous Aura tion you are going to take in the next 30 minutes, to
2nd-level gadget hack predict its likelihood of success. The GM chooses from
Launch Time: 1 action the following possible results:
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You run a cloud of airborne microscopic nematocysts •• Likely to succeed
in the area around, stinging enemies that dare to get •• Unlikely to succeed
close. Anyone within 6 meters of you that you identify •• Likely to succeed, but also likely negative outcomes
as an enemy takes 2d6 poison damage upon entering •• Indeterminate
the cloud, or beginning their turn in it.
At Higher Levels. When you launch this hack using The hack doesn’t consider any possible circum-
a hack slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases stances that might change the outcome.
by 2d6 for each slot level above 2nd.
Predictive Algorithms 5th-level mind hack
5th-level mind hack Launch Time: 1 turn (including all actions)
Launch Time: 1 action Duration: 1 round
Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours The target makes a Wisdom saving throw against your
Your run a highly intensive probability calculating hack DC, and if they fail, you take total control of the
software that gives you, or another willing target, a target for one turn, directing them as you see fit. You
limited ability to see into the immediate future. For the have complete control of the target’s next turn. You
duration, the target can’t be surprised and has advan- direct them however you see fit, up to and including
tage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws. making them jump off a building.
Additionally, others have disadvantage on attack rolls
against the target for the duration. Razor Cloud
2nd-level gadget hack
Post Mortem Launch Time: 1 action
1st-level injection hack Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Launch Time: 1 action You disperse a glowing nimbus of nanobots around
Duration: 10 minutes you that ravage and harass your enemies that get too
You inject a dead body with a blend of nanobots that close. The cloud occupies a 4.5-meter area around you
hack into their daemon and memories, getting it to for the hack’s duration.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 235

Intro When you launch this hack, you can designate any Genetic Enhancement Changes
number of creatures you can see to be unaffected by it. Enhancement Effect
Character An affected enemy’s speed is halved in the area, and Aquatic If the base animal already has a swim
Creation when the enemy enters the area for the first time on speed, roll again.
a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Constitu- Large Frame The base animal increases one size cate-
Genomes tion saving throw. On a failed save, the individual takes gory up to a maximum of Huge (increas-
3d8 armor-piercing slashing damage. On a successful ing their hit die, as described in Chapter
save, they take half as much damage. 12: NPCs), their Dexterity score decreases
Classes At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a by -4, and their Strength score increases
by +4. Large sized creatures have a max-
hack slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases
imum Strength score of 24, and Huge
Goods and by 2d8 for each slot level above 2nd.
sized have a maximum of 28.
Multitasker Animals can’t hack, roll again
Recombinant Beast
Natural Coder Animals can’t hack, roll again
Upgrades 2nd-level craft tech hack
Wall Crawler If the base animal already has a climb
Launch Time: 1 week
speed, roll again.
Duration: Permanent
Daemons Wings If the base animal already has a fly speed,
You create your own transgenic lifeform, in a nutrient roll again.
incubator, based on the genome of a non-GMO animal
Ability of your choice that is CR ¼ or lower (see Appendix C: Genetic Flaw Changes
Scores Bioengineered Beasts). Enhancement Effect
The recombinant beast has the statistics of the base
Completing Carnivore If the base animal is already a carnivore,
animal, and it acts independently of you, but it always it becomes a herbivore instead, and
obeys your commands. In combat, it takes its turn on cannot eat meat
your initiative. On your turn, you can verbally or wire- Inhuman The recombinant beast looks espe-
lessly command the recombinant beast where to move Appearance cially aberrant when compared to the
(no action required by you). You can use your bonus base animal

Hacking action to command it to take the Attack, Dash, Disen- Short Lived The animal only lives to be 2 years old
gage, or Help action. If you don’t issue a command, the Small Frame The base animal decreases one size
recombinant beast takes the Dodge action. If you are category, down to a minimum of Tiny
Brave New
incapacitated or absent, the recombinant beast acts on (decreasing their hit die, as described in
its own, focusing on protecting you and itself. It nev- Chapter 12: NPCs), their Dexterity score
er requires your command to use its reaction, such as increases by +4, and their Strength score
NPCs decreases by -4.
when making an opportunity attack.
When the recombinant beast drops to 0 hit points,
Appendices it follows the normal rules for death and recovery. Your
recombinant beast has a mini-daemon inside it as well,
so it can communicate wirelessly and you perceive the
world through your recombinant beast’ senses, gain-
ing the benefits of any special senses that it has. Like
sharing senses with other people, you can share AV as
a MEW, but if you want the full sensory immersion, you
are deaf and blind with regard to your own senses.
As a result of your genetic experimentation, a
recombinant beast has four genetic enhancements
and one genetic flaw, rolled randomly on the Genetic
Enhancement and Genetic Flaw tables (see the mutt
genome in Chapter 2). The recombinant beast is con-
sidered to be your character level for any genetic en-
hancements that depend on level.
The following genetic enhancements and flaws are
modified as described below for the recombinant beast.

236 // 10. Hacking //

Though you can create as many recombinant beasts You install security measures that protect up to a 275
as you can afford and house, you may not have control square meters (3,000 square feet) of floor, across sever-
of more than one recombinant beast at once, and any al floors of it if you so wish. This can include homes, of-
beasts beyond the first one will act as a wild and unpre- fices, garages, or any other space. You can specify indi-
dictable animal if not contained. It costs シ10,000 in viduals that do not set off the alarms if you choose. You
materials to produce a recombinant beast. can also specify a password, fingerprint, retinal, DNA,
or any other type (or combination of types) of security
Runover clearance measures to avoid setting off the alarms.
2nd-level mind hack Every corridor and room is monitored by alarms (si-
Launch Time: 1 action lent or audible), motion detectors and cameras. It is up
Duration: Instantaneous to you if you want the cameras to be closed-circuit (so
You hack into a nearby vehicle and ram it into your ene- they can’t be remote hacked), or livestreamed to a pri-
mies. Unlike most mind hacks, this hack can only target vate server (so you can see through them at any time).
vehicles. The target vehicle can be moving or stationary, All attempts to spot secret doors, open locks, or spot
and it rapidly accelerates in a direction of your choice. cameras is made against your hack DC. All doors are
You must succeed at an Intelligence (Computers) check locked, and any attempt to unlock them must succeed
against the vehicle’s security DC. On a success, the vehi- against your hack DC. In addition, you can make up to
cle travels 30 meters in a straight line, doing damage do ten doors hidden, to appear as plain sections of wall.
everything in its path. At the GM’s discretion, the vehi- Launching this hack requires シ1,000 in materials
cle stops moving if it hits enough large obstacles. and a mechanic’s kit.
Both the vehicle and the targets inflict damage on
each other. The amount of damage inflicted on both Seeming
the vehicle and the target depends on their respec- 2rd-level mind hack
tive sizes. Motorbikes are Medium, cars are Large, and Launch Time: 1 action
trucks are Huge. Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours
This hack allows you to change the appearance of any
Vehicle Size Damage Inflicted
number of people and things within the target’s field of
Tiny None
vision. You can affect up to four targets, and they must
Small 1d8 B
make Intelligence saving throws against your hack DC,
Medium 3d8 B
being affected by the hack if they fail. You decide on
Large 6d8 B the specifics of the illusory appearances that appear
Huge 9d8 B to the targets.
Gargantuan 13d8 B The hack can disguise physical appearances com-
pletely, including clothing, armor, weapons, and equip-
Satellite Imagery ment. The extent of the illusion is up to you. The hack
1st-level software hack lasts for the duration, unless you use your action to
Launch Time: 1 action dismiss it sooner.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
You gain a live bird’s eye video feed of up to 5 square hack slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target two ad-
kilometers. To see detail, you must zoom in to view a ditional people for each slot level above 2nd.
30 square meter radius (the highest zoom resolution).
The video feed floats as a mind’s eye window in your Shaped Charge Bomb
field of vision. Any obstruction to the satellite visual 3rd-level craft explosive hack
feed, like forest canopy or a building roof, blocks your Launch Time: 2d4 hours
view. You can use the Interact with Object action to Duration: Permanent, until detonated.
change the zoom, or the area you are getting the im- This explosive detonates in a particular direction, do-
age feed from. ing more damage to a more focused area. Shrapnel
explodes outward from the device in a 2-meter cone
Secure Home centered on the point of the detonation (the direction
2nd-level craft tech hack of the cone is determined by the detonation device, of-
Launch Time: 48 hours ten directed upward). Everything within the blast must
Duration: Permanent make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 9d10 piercing

// GeneFunk 2090 // 237

Intro damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
successful one. You must spend シ900 on materials to hack slot of 2nd level or higher, you gain a +20 bonus
Character construct this explosive. to your Intelligence (Computers) ability check for each
Creation At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a slot level above 2.
hack slot of 4th level or higher, the bomb does an ad-
Genomes ditional 3d10 damage and costs an additional シ300 in Sleep
materials for each hack slot level beyond 3rd. 1st-level mind hack
Launch Time: 1 action
Classes Shark Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
1st-level injection hack This hack sends persons into a digital slumber. The
Goods and Launch Time: 1 action target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or falls
Services Duration: 30 minutes unconscious for the duration. Someone wakes if when
You inject a drug that heightens empathy but reduces the hack ends, the sleeper takes damage, or someone
Upgrades compassion. Shark helps user’s read people and this uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake.
increases their social skills significantly. The target At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
gains a +2 Charisma for 30 minutes. hack slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target two ad-
Daemons At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a ditional people for each slot level above 1st.
hack slot of 2nd level or higher, you gain an additional
Ability +1 to Charisma for each slot level above 1st. Sloth
Scores 1st-level mind hack
Shocking Field Launch Time: 1 action
3rd-level gadget hack Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Launch Time: 1 reaction when you are the target of a You alter time around up to three targets of your choice.
melee attack or touched Each target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or
Duration: Instantaneous be affected by this hack for the duration.
You’ve rigged a device to discharge a massive amount An affected target’s speed is halved, it takes a −2 penal-
Hacking of electricity into an attacking enemy, or anyone else ty to AC and Dexterity saving throws, and it can’t use
who dares touch you without permission. If someone reactions. On its turn, it can use either an action or a
makes a melee attack against you, or physically grabs bonus action, not both. Regardless of the target’s abil-
Brave New
you, you can use your reaction to force them to make a ities, it can’t make more than one melee or ranged at-
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they take tack during its turn.
10d10 electrical damage, or half as much damage on a If the target attempts to run a hack with a launch
successful one. time of 1 action, roll a d20. On an 11 or higher, the hack
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a doesn’t take effect until the target’s next turn, and the
Appendices hack slot of 4th level or higher, the damage is increased target must use its action on that turn to complete the
by 3d10 for each hack slot above 3rd. hack. If it can’t, the hack is wasted.
A target affected by this hack makes another Wis-
Skim dom saving throw at the end of its turn. On a successful
1st-level software hack save, the effect ends for it.
Launch Time: 1 hour At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
Duration: instantaneous hack slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target three
You are able to hack into financial systems and skim additional people for each slot level above 1st.
tiny fractions of money off of thousands of transac-
tions without anyone noticing. Smoke Bomb
To use this hack, you must make a Computers abili- 1st-level craft explosive hack
ty check, and the money skimmed equals your Hacker Launch Time: 2d4 hours
level x the result of your ability check x 20. For exam- Duration: Permanent, until detonated.
ple, a 6th level hacker that scored a 24 on their Intel- One round after a smoke grenade lands, it emits a
ligence (Computers) ability check would get シ2,880 cloud of smoke that creates a heavily obscured area in
(6 x 24 x 20). a 6-meter radius. The smoke lasts for 6 rounds. A mod-
This hack cannot be run more than once per game erate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the
session without alerting authorities. smoke in 4 rounds; a strong wind (20 or more miles per

238 // 10. Hacking //

hour) disperses it in 1 round. You must spend シ100 on Someone restrained by the goo can use their action
materials to construct this explosive. to make another Strength saving throw. If they suc-
ceed, they are no longer restrained. You must spend シ
Specialty Detonator 800 on materials to construct this explosive.
1st-level craft tech hack
Launch Time: 1 hour Stunner
Duration: Permanent, until destroyed 2nd-level mind hack
You are able to make detonators that trigger explosive Launch Time: 1 action
devices using specialized conditions beyond those of Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
just simple timers, pressure plates, or tripwires. You You present an all-consuming logic puzzle to the tar-
can select one of the detonators described below, or get, compelling them to solve it before doing anything
work with your GM to come up with an alternative det- else. The target must succeed on an Intelligence sav-
onation trigger. The detonator must still be attached to ing throw or be stunned for the duration. At the end
an explosive device to have any effect. of each of its turns, the target can make another In-
telligence saving throw. On a success, the hack ends
•• AV Detonator. The detonator triggers the explo- on the target.
sive based on some audiovisual clue, such as facial At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
recognition, incorrect verbal passcodes, or voice hack slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target two ad-
analysis. ditional people for each slot level above 2nd.
•• Specific Weight Detonator. A variation of a pres-
sure plate, this detonator activates the explosive Subtle Charm
when specific weights are placed on it, specified by 3rd-level mind hack
you at the time of creation. Launch Time: 1 action
•• Wireless ID Detonator. The detonator is sup- Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
pressed by specific wireless passwords that only You attempt to charm the target, and it must make a
you know, but triggers the explosive under any Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if
other conditions. you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails the
•• Temperature Detonator. The explosive is detonat- saving throw, it is charmed by you until the hack ends
ed when certain temperature ranges are reached. or until you or your companions do anything harm-
•• Biometric Detonator. Fingerprint, retina, and ful to it. The charmed target regards you as a friendly
DNA analysis are required to bypass the explosive. acquaintance. When the hack ends, the target has no
idea it was charmed by you.
To deactivate a detonator, someone must succeed At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
in an Intelligence (Mechanics) ability check against hack slot of 4th level or higher, you can target two peo-
your hack DC, and if the explosive is hidden, the Wis- ple or AI for each slot level above 3rd.
dom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) DC for
them to spot your bomb is 8 + your proficiency bonus + Suggestion
your Intelligence modifier. 2nd-level mind hack
Launch Time: 1 action
Sticky Bomb Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
3rd-level craft explosive hack You suggest a course of activity (limited to a sentence
Launch Time: 2d4 hours or two) and digitally influence someone. The sugges-
Duration: Permanent, until detonated. tion must be worded in such a manner as to make the
This explosive sprays a mass of thick and sticky goo. course of action sound reasonable. Asking the person
The goo fills up to a 3-meter radius sphere centered on to stab itself, throw itself into traffic, immolate itself, or
the point of detonation. The strands of goo are difficult do some other obviously harmful act ends the hack.
terrain and remain for 1 hour. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On
Each person that starts its turn in the goo or that a failed save, it pursues the course of action you de-
enters it during their turn must make a Strength sav- scribed to the best of its ability. The suggested course
ing throw. On a failed save, they are restrained as long of action can continue for the entire duration. If the
as they remain in the goo or until they break free. suggested activity can be completed in a shorter

// GeneFunk 2090 // 239





Goods and







Brave New

time, the hack ends when the subject finishes what it drop to 0 hit points while this hack is active and don’t
was asked to do. die outright, you can make a DC 10 Constitution saving
You can also specify conditions that will trigger a throw. If you succeed, you drop to 1 hit point instead.
Appendices special activity during the duration. For example, you Each time you use this feature after the first, the DC
might suggest that a taxi driver give their car to the increases by 5, and the amount it takes for you to die
first person she meets. If the condition isn’t met before from massive damage is reduced by 5.
the hack expires, the activity isn’t performed.
If you or any of your companions damage the tar- Suicide
get, the hack ends. 4th-level mind hack
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a Launch Time: 1 action
hack slot of 3rd level or higher, the target is unaware Duration: 1 round
they have been manipulated, as they rationalize away You take total control of the target’s motor functions,
their actions as being their own choice. making them attempt to kill themselves. On their next
turn, the target uses their action to make an attack on
Superman themselves. The attack automatically hits and is au-
1st-level injection hack tomatically a critical hit. If they are holding a weapon,
Launch Time: 1 action they use this weapon. If they have a weapon in their
Duration: 1 minute possession, they draw it and use it. If they have special
You inject a cocktail of stimulants and euphorics that attacks bonuses, such as sneak attack or extra attack,
drown out the pain centers of the brain and lets the they use all of the bonuses they normally can, attempt-
subject fight till death’s door. For one 1 minute, if you ing to do maximum damage. They must perform this

240 // 10. Hacking //

attack at the very start of their turn. The target takes You coordinate the defensive potential of your allies
the rest of their turn, including bonus action, reaction, by linking their combat awareness together. Choose
and movement, normally, doing nothing else. up to three people within 72 meters. Each target’s hit
point maximum and current hit points increase by 5
Summoning for the duration.
2nd-level mind hack At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a
Launch Time: 1 action hack slot of 2nd level or higher, each target’s hit points
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour increase by an additional 10 for each slot level above 1st.
The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. If they
fail, you implant a compulsion inside your target, mak- Tase
ing them move towards you as quickly as they normal- 1st-level gadget hack
ly travel, without rushing (though using their car or Launch Time: 1 action
public transportation is reasonable). They are unaware Duration: Instantaneous
of why they are moving towards your location, ratio- Make a ranged hack attack on a target within 6 meters.
nalizing away their travel choices. On a hit, they take 1 electrical damage and must make
At Higher Levels. When you run this hack using a a successful Constitution save or be stunned until the
hack slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target one per- end of their next turn.
son or AI for each slot level above 2nd.
Tear Gas Bomb
Surveillance Skim 2nd-level craft explosive hack
1st-level software and mind hack Launch Time: 2d4 hours
Launch Time: 1 minute Duration: Permanent, until detonated.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour The explosive creates a fog of noxious and irritating
You launch thousands of feelers out into cyberspace, gas that burns the eyes and lungs of those inside. The
hacking into live surveillance footage of drones and explosive creates a 6-meter-radius sphere of tear gas
any other recording device wherever it is found, all in centered on the point of detonation. The fog spreads
order to identify a particular person, place, or object. around corners. It lasts for 6 minutes, or until strong
This hack is based on visual recognition, so you wind disperses it. Its area is heavily obscured.
need to know what your target looks like in order to When someone enters the fog for the first time on
run this hack, and they need to appear distinctive in a turn or starts its turn there, they must make a Consti-
some way. Make an Intelligence (Computers) abil- tution saving throw. On a failed save they are blind and
ity check against a DC 10, or the target’s Dexterity poisoned until the start of their next turn.
(Stealth) check if they are actively attempting to con- The fog moves 3 meters away from you at the start
ceal their whereabouts. of each of your turns, rolling along the surface of the
Success gives you a live video feed of where the tar- ground. The vapors, being heavier than air, sink to
get currently is, anywhere on the planet. If the target is the lowest level of the land, even pouring down open-
not currently in a place where they are being surveilled, ings. You must spend シ200 on materials to construct
which is almost nowhere, there are no results. If the this explosive.
target does not look unique (perhaps they are a clone),
then each result that appears identical to the target is Tough Tires
revealed, with no visual way to differentiate them. 1st-level craft tech hack
As long as this hack remains active, if the target Launch Time: 8 hours
leaves one surveillance feed, but are captured by an- Duration: Permanent
other, you still have surveillance on them but you must You modify the tires of a wheeled vehicle to be punc-
succeed at another Intelligence (Computers) ability ture-proof, preventing spike-strips and bullets from
check against a DC 10, or the target’s Dexterity (Stealth) damaging them as they instantly reseal after being
check to switch to the new feed. punctured. Your modified wheels do not take piercing
damage, and spike-strips have no effect. You must pay
Synergistic Defense 1/10 of the original vehicle’s cost in order to add this
1st-level mind hack modification.
Launch Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours

// GeneFunk 2090 // 241

Intro Toxic Jet If the object has multiple electronic locks, only one
1st-level gadget hack of them is unlocked.
Character Launch Time: 1 action You must succeed at an Intelligence (Comput-
Creation Duration: Instantaneous ers) ability check against the lock’s DC for this hack
You activate an air-jet device filled with toxic gas, and to take effect.
Genomes the concentrated spray is directed at a creature you can
see within 3 meters. The creature must succeed on a Upgrade Robot
Constitution saving throw or take 3d12 poison damage. 3rd-level craft tech hack
Classes At Higher Levels. When you launch this hack using Launch Time: 8 hours
a hack slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases Duration: Permanent
Goods and by 2d12 for each slot level above 1st. You modify a robot, upgrading one of its characteris-
Services tics. You can choose any one of the following upgrades.
Treat Malady These upgrades have no effect on bots.
Upgrades 1st-level injection hack
Launch Time: 1 action •• Upgraded Strength: +2 Strength
Duration: Instantaneous •• Upgrade Dexterity: +2 Dexterity
Daemons You inject a creature with a mixture of nanobots that •• Upgraded Hit Points: +2 hp for tiny robots, +5 for
can end either one disease, poison, or one condition Small, +10 for Medium, +15 for Large, +20 for Huge,
Ability afflicting it. The condition can be blinded, deafened, and +25 for Gargantuan
Scores paralyzed, or poisoned. •• Upgraded Defense: +1 AC and +1 DR

Unlock To upgrade the robot, you must spend ¼ of their
1st-level software hack original cost. A robot can be upgraded multiple times,
Launch Time: 1 action but not the same upgrade more than once.
Duration: Instantaneous
Choose an electronically locked object that you can see Upgrade Vehicle Handling
Hacking within range. The object can be a door, a box, a safe, a 1st-level craft tech hack
padlock, or another object that contains an electronic Launch Time: 8 hours
lock that prevents access. Duration: Permanent
Brave New
A vehicle’s handling can be increased, providing a +2
bonus. You must pay ¼ of the original vehicle’s cost in
order to add this modification.


242 // 10. Hacking //

Upgrade Vehicle Speed Make a melee hack attack against a creature you can
1st-level craft tech hack reach. On a hit, they must make a Constitution save,
Launch Time: 8 hours taking 9d6+60 corrosive damage on a failed save, or
Duration: Permanent half as much damage on a successful one.
A vehicle’s speed can be increased by up to ¼ (round At Higher Levels. When you launch this hack using
down). You must pay ¼ of the original vehicle’s cost in a hack slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases
order to add this modification. by 20 for each slot level above 3rd.

Weapon Mount Ventriloquist

1st-level craft tech hack 1st-level mind hack
Launch Time: 8 hours Launch Time: 1 action
Duration: Permanent Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You can mount a weapon, usually a firearm, on a ve- Taking a cue from Cyrano de Bergerac, you channel a
hicle, or some other structure. This has the benefit of socially savvy person’s social presence and actions into
absorbing all recoil from the firearm (reducing it to 0). another person’s body. For the duration of the hack, the
You can either mount the weapon on the front of a ve- host target can use another willing person’s Charisma
hicle, or mount it on a rotating turret (which can be on ability and skill proficiencies for any socializing.
a vehicle or some other structure). Both the host and the guest must be willing to
Front of vehicle. The weapon can be operated by the allow this to happen. The host is still aware of their
driver, but can only target things that could be hit in a surroundings, but they have no control over their ges-
straight line from the front of the vehicle. Additionally, tures, facial expressions or speech (though they can
attack rolls are made at disadvantage. still transmit speech wirelessly). If either party wishes
Turret. The weapon can rotate 360 degrees and can this hack to end, it does immediately. While this hack
be used by a passenger, but it cannot be operated by is active, the host body cannot take the Attack action
the driver (unless they stop driving). or otherwise participate in physical conflict. The body
Putting a weapon on a mount costs シ10,000. of the guest using their Charisma score is unconscious.

3th-level injection hack
Launch Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous
You inject an enemy with a hungry colony of nanobots
that burst cells open as they swarm through the body.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 243

Chapter 11: Brave New World
The Syndicates istered to everyone, rebuilding the economy was the
The syndicates are the 9 globally-integrated enterpris- top priority. The US temporarily abolished antitrust
es that have world oligopolies in every market for ev- laws and enacted major business incentives such as
ery commodity. These powerful multinational corpo- extreme tax breaks for big business. Immediately, mul-
rations affect nearly every facet of life in the world of tinational corporations (MNCs) swarmed to the fertile
GeneFunk 2090. Their economies dwarf those of most soils of the US to set up production centers and other
nations, and the worldwide political sway they have business projects. Other countries and the EU began to
is enormous, with many social theorists claiming that feel the sting as companies pulled out of their regions
they completely determine society. By 2090 syndicate for the greener American pastures. Thus, nations be-
influence on society is an all-pervasive presence, color- gan competing for the fruit of corporate favor and tem-
ing every aspect of life. porarily reduced competition laws and raised foreign
investment incentives.
The Rise of the Syndicates The unpredicted effect of this was a feeding frenzy
Multinational corporations have always been powerful for monopoly. This consolidation of corporate powers
political and economic forces, and well into the 21st was counter to the trend that was occurring before the
Century, there were tens of thousands of them. They pandemic. Corporations began to engage in mergers
were prevented from getting too large or cornering and acquisitions like never before, creating monsters
markets through antitrust (competition) laws and na- of capitalism. Within 5 years there were fewer than
tionalization measures. 10,000 MNCs, within 10 years, fewer than 1,000: and
This temporarily changed in the wake of the 2043 by 2063, there were 9. By 2090, due to the reinstate-
flu pandemic that wiped out 5% of the global popula- ment of competition laws in 2063, this number has
tion. The massive number of fatalities and resultant risen back to around 1,000. On the other hand, the 9
chaos severely crippled many national economies, par- megacorporations still dominate all markets by vol-
ticularly in North America where the casualties were ume and could squash any up-and-coming corpora-
the highest. After a vaccine was developed and admin- tion if they wanted to.

Setting Variant: Fantasy Cyberpunk

For some players, the world of swords and sorcery is just too appealing to drop, but they may still want it set in a
technologically dominated future. A GM can run a game adding a fantasy element to the setting by adapting the
core rules presented in the SRD to the world of GeneFunk 2090 as follows.

•• Each of the base SRD races (dwarves, elves, dragonborn, halflings, gnomes, half-elves, half-orcs, and tief-
lings) gain the Subtype and Upgrade Tolerance traits, as described under the unmodified genome.
•• Engineered, optimized, and mutt genomes can have SRD races as the base race, it doesn’t have any me-
chanical effect, but it affects their back story.
•• Each of the base SRD classes (barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, paladin, ranger, rogue, sorcerer,
warlock, and wizard) gains the Upgrade class feature at 5th, 11th, 14th, and 18th levels, as described under
the suit class.
•• Each SRD class gets extra hit points at level one based on their hit die type; 4 for d6, 5 for d8, 6 for d10, and
7 for d12.
•• The base SRD classes can also choose Bureaucracy, Computers, Life Science, Mechanics, Physical Science,
Social Science, and Streetwise as a skill.
•• From levels 1-9, NPCs and monsters should be treated as two challenge steps lower than they are listed.
For example, the oni is challenge 7, but it should be treated as challenge 5. Likewise, a gelatinous cube is
challenge 2, but it should be treated as challenge rating ½. From levels 10-20, NPCs should be treated as
three steps lower, so the oni would be challenge 4, and the gelatinous cube would be challenge ¼.
•• For damage types, fire=heat, acid=corrosive, lightning=electrical, and the other damage types remain the
•• 5 feet = 1.5 meters.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 245

Intro The First Corporate Wars GeneFunk 2090 Glossary
The corporate wars is the popular name given to the A few new terms used in this brave new world.
Character period of hyper acquisitions and mergers amongst Aegis System. A satellite network of orbital
Creation MNCs that occurred from 2044 to 2063. At first, these weapons and surveillance that prevents war.
struggles for monopoly were no different than any Anthroid. A biological robot with largely human
Genomes other time period, ruthless and cutthroat but general- physiology.
ly non-violent. Argos Effect. Describes how nearly everything
As the competition grew fiercer, the tactics used and everyone is being recorded by something at
Classes by these companies became more sinister. Bribery, all times.
blackmail, sabotage, and threats transformed into BCI. Brain Computer Interface, dispensing the
Goods and conventional tools of the trade, and soon after that need for keyboards, mice, and screens.
Services assassination was just another method of getting the Cadre. A small but elite mercenary group that
desired result. The covert operations and intelligence specialize in investigation, intelligence, protection,
Upgrades networks employed by the larger MNCs rivaled that of and violence.
any nation in the peak of war. Crèche. A corporate or state foster home that
The espionage was especially important for corpo- raises batches of engineered transgenic children.
Daemons rations depending upon trade secrets, research, and Daemon. Internal supercomputers, flowing
development. Backroom alliances with organized through your bloodstream, running on your nervous
Ability crime, gangs, and even military VIPs were all made system, and channeling data through a nanofiber
Scores with the intent of achieving fiscal mastery. The spill- mesh that extends to every corner of the body
over from this intense competition into politics and Genoism. Discrimination based on your genetic
Completing makeup.
other realms affected the whole world in ways too nu-
merous to list. MEW. Mind’s Eye Window, a two-dimensional
By 2063, nine MNCs emerged as victors, and graphical display that hangs in your field of vision.
Combat They operate just like windows on a computer or
these “Big Nine” megacorporations sat down came
to important trade agreements with each other in phone, and can be opened, closed, minimized, or
2063, creating a global oligopoly, sharing the pie expanded with a mere thought
between them. Magway. High speed maglev freeways that has
centralized AI run cars in a chain, like a train.
Brave New The Second Corporate Wars Meatspace. The term for physical reality.
Conflict between the Big Nine is ramping up, and in the Megacity. A city exceeding 10 million people.
past decade, the violence between the megacorpora- Mosaic. A cadre industry standard app that me-
NPCs diates contract negotiations, has a cadre ranking
tions has been escalating to levels surpassing even the
first corporate wars. This is perhaps due to the larger, system, and functions as a platform for recruit-
more powerful, and monolithic natures of the modern ment of new members.
syndicates; they can break more rules now that their Psychomime. A digital copy of a person, created
influence is that of major nations. through the Phoenix Unlimited service.
It has gotten to the point that corporate hit squads Telepresence. Remotely wiring your perceptions
and paramilitary groups take out major targets on a (and possibly actions) to another entity, usually a
regular basis, sometimes killing hundreds at a time. It robot or vehicle.
is not uncommon for corporate wet works operations The Veil. An augmented reality sensory overlay
to mow down entire board rooms with submachine that blankets meatspace, often used for advertis-
guns or take out a floor of an office building with a ing, cosmetics, and games.
bomb. The once coveted office with windows from Transgenic. An organism that has foreign DNA
floor to ceiling has become feared because of potential incorporated into its genome.
snipers in neighboring skyscrapers. Executives now Transhuman. A human that has been modified
often decline refreshments at inter-corporate meet- through technology, be it cybernetic or genetic, to
ings, and business lunches often end with full plates have abilities beyond that of an ancestral human.
and hungry bellies due to the precedents of poisonings. Often reserved for those who have had synthetic
Whenever it can be, these violent events, done in the body conversions.
name of the shareholder, are disguised as criminal or WDS. World Digital Sea, a full immersion VR
terrorist acts. world for all five senses, used for recreation, art,
education, gaming, and social media.

246 // 11. Brave New World //

By 2090, the second corporate wars are shaping up Primary Industries. Motor vehicles, aerospace and
to be a potentially catastrophic global conflict, a bru- defense, railways, transport and freight, airlines, met-
tal war without borders, where nine behemoth profit als, and industrial and farm equipment.
making machines rip apart anything they can if it
makes their quarterly earnings jump up a notch. Apollo L aboratories
This syndicate is the result of numerous pharmaceuti-
The Subsidiaries cal, biotechnology, and chemical companies merging.
Each syndicate has hundreds of subsidiary compa- It also incorporated many of the world’s agricultural
nies, which in turn often have hundreds of their own. corporations, creating an overlap with their biotech-
The ultimate parent company is, of course, the syndi- nology departments. This company likely would have
cate, but at times the corporate lineages of all smaller been absorbed by one of the other 8 had it not been
companies are so complicated it becomes confusing for their research and development departments pi-
to even the savviest CEO. Most laypeople have no in- oneering fully functioning prosthetics limbs and oth-
terest in corporate family trees and often have no idea er organs. They produced many of the genome tem-
which syndicate they work for. This complicated in- plates for transgenic modification. Their star took off
frastructure is the way the syndicates are able to have even more once transgenic body conversions became
their hands in so many seemingly unrelated cookie elective surgeries. As far as biotech goes, no company
jars. Many subsidiaries run somewhat autonomously is as powerful as Apollo Laboratories.
as long as their profit margin stays high. Primary Industries. Pharmaceuticals, biotech-
In addition to inter-syndicate subsidiary conflicts, nology, chemicals, medical equipment, agriculture,
there is even infighting and competition that occurs and cybernetics.
between subsidiaries under the same parent syn-
dicate. In fact, due to the competition laws in place Cornucopia
subsidiary companies of a syndicate can only ever Most of the chemical companies merged in 2035 to
merge with and acquire companies under that same form United Chemical. This corporation then merged
parent company. with the world's largest general merchandising and
agricultural companies, giving birth to Cornucopia.
The Big Nine Considered the world's bread-basket company, Cornu-
After the first corporate wars, the following megacor- copia controls global food security. The products sold
porations emerged victorious. While each has indus- by this syndicate’s subsidiaries are for the most general
tries they specialize in, each is also so enormous that of consumers, their retail outlets found in every city in
they have subsidiaries in almost every market. Now the world. This syndicate is the third richest syndicate
that these colossal bureaucratic machines are starting in the world, next to Omnitech and Hexie.
to battle once again, the very foundations of the world Primary Industries. General merchandising, chem-
are beginning to shake. icals, agriculture, biotechnology, food and beverage
production, and apparel.
Apex International
Very early in the corporate wars, US automotive com- Hexie
panies merged, and started acquiring many smaller Out of all of the syndicates, Hexie has the most na-
automotive companies. Soon after they began to di- tional ties. Its name means “harmony” in Mandarin,
versify and gather more transportation and defense an apt name for the merger of companies from Chi-
subsidiaries, such as aeronautics companies involved na, Japan, and Korea, three nations with historically
in making war-machines. Their dominance in motor rocky relations.
vehicles became solidified in 2051 once they merged Nationalism remains such a large part of this syn-
with european automotive companies, and became dicate that the three nations still have their distinct
Apex International. All of these industries required a voices on the board of directors. Coming from merg-
lot of metal in their production, so in order to become ers of the Asian economic powerhouses in electronics
more vertically integrated and less dependent on other and automobiles.
companies they acquired various metal industry cor- Hexie formed to become the world’s second largest
porations. Though primarily American and German in corporation. The mergers began when Japanese auto-
origin, Apex lacks any true national ties. motive companies merged with each other, and then
with Korea's. This huge motor vehicle conglomerate

// GeneFunk 2090 // 247

Intro then merged with the electronics giants in China, Ja-
pan, and Korea. They are also the parent company of
Character Phoenix Unlimited, the sole company that has the
Creation technology to digitize the human mind. Concordant
with their tri-nationalistic theme, their production
Genomes centers mostly remain in East Asia. The trade confed-
eration in East Asia, the Tri Nation Union, is so con-
flated with Hexie that it is mostly just a governmental
Classes wing of the syndicate.
Primary Industries. Motor Vehicles, electronics, cy-
Goods and bernetics, biotechnology, internet services, software,
Services and telecommunications.

Upgrades Infinity Industries

The oil companies and petroleum refining industries
have long been accused of ruling political projects.
Daemons For years, these energy corporations have topped the
list for the world’s richest companies, and energy has
Ability seemed to play a part in many of the world’s wars.
Scores When these MNC’s started gobbling each other up, the
already significant influence the energy industry pos-
sessed increased exponentially. Their power dipped
only slightly during the period of global fuel infra-
structure change, as they had prepared for decades
to make the switch to hydrogen processing and fuel
cell technology.
Hacking Primary Industries. Hydrogen and petroleum
processing, energy, solar panels, wind turbines,
and pipelines.
Brave New
Of all the syndicates, Omnitech is the largest and the
most diversified, having subsidiaries in nearly all
industries. It began as mergers of the software com-
Appendices panies and snowballed from there. By 2090 it has a
dominant presence in software, cybernetics, telecom-
munications, and other technology-based corpora-
tions but lacks total control in any one industry, rather
representing generalization in all of them. Being the
biggest of all the syndicates, it is often the brunt of an-
ti-corporate attacks in the media. It does not have ties
with any nation in particular, as its subsidiary compa-
nies come from all nations.
Primary Industries. Software, telecommunications,
internet services, and cybernetics. However, all indus-
tries have a strong Omnitech presence.

Ronin International
In the beginning of the 21st Century, private military
companies (PMCs) started to become more and more
lucrative. During the corporate wars, private military

248 // 11. Brave New World //

firm’s business skyrocketed. Some cities even began
to have the majority of their police forces made up
from these firms. The larger PMCs merged, and be-
gan acquiring the smaller ones. They eventually ac-
quired some large defense manufacturing companies,
and formed Ronin International. They produce the
most weapons out of any of the syndicates. They later
diversified to include sizable automotive companies,
cybernetics, and other fields somewhat related to vi-
olent conflict. Ronin International is the smallest of
all the syndicates, but with a standing army of over
one million soldiers, it is respected. It's rumored that
Ronin has been vying to acquire Mosaic, to approach
a monopoly on mercenary work, but no deals have
been made as of yet.
Primary Industries. Police and security, aerospace
and defense, motor vehicles, cybernetics, robots, and

For many people, the purpose of life is pleasure seek-
ing, and that is the reason why Unicom exists. Once
the big television and media corporations started
combining, they set their eyes on other entertainment
industries such as resorts and publishing. They even
acquired most of the tobacco and alcohol companies.
Social media, WDS sites, video games, and user gen-
erated content platforms are all bread and butter for
Unicom. They say who controls the media controls the
people, if this is true then Unicom runs society.
Their public relations capabilities are unparalleled.
This company thrives on the consumer spending their
money on their base desires.
Primary Industries. Entertainment, hotels, casinos,
resorts, publishing, telecommunications, advertising,
internet services, cannabis, alcohol, and tobacco.

Worldgroup H oldings
This commercial banking and savings syndicate can
trace its origins to a cluster of mergers between most
of the world's major banks. These mergers and acqui-
sitions continued until Worldgroup Holdings owned
80% of the global banking, financial securities, and
insurance industries. As currency switched more
and more to a digital system this syndicate’s portfolio
branched out to include telecommunications, real es-
tate and software. If money is power, this syndicate is a
force to be reckoned with.
Primary Industries. Commercial banking, crypto-
currencies, telecommunications, software, financial
data services, insurance, and real estate.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 249

Intro The Syndicates and Sovereignty try to move to a more corporate-friendly nation, its
While multinational corporations have always had host country will bend every rule in the book to retain
Character a hand in politics, never have their actions and pow- Apex International’s favor.
Creation er been so focused and pervasive. This corporate in- Another factor fueling the race to the bottom is
terference threatens the sovereignty of nations, but their utter lack of a home nation. In the 20th century,
Genomes it is impossible to be a successful nation without the corporations were all closely tied to the countries in
cooperation of these economic giants. Be it vying for which they originated. Regardless of the incentives
investment, bribery, blackmail, or assassination, the offered by other countries, traditional US companies
Classes syndicates apply whatever leverage they can to manip- would never pull all of their production out of their
ulate government politics. home nation, nor would German companies pull the
Goods and production from their origin nation. Though profit
Services The Race to the Bottom was the main goal on paper, a sentimental loyalty to
To have viable economies, nations all vie to have the the home nation still permeated even the most prof-
Upgrades syndicates place their manufacturing establishments it-obsessed CEO. In the year 2090, Hexie (a geograph-
within the nation’s borders. This competition creates ically and racially Asian based syndicate) is the only
a scenario where countries “race to the bottom” in re- syndicate to have geographic and national ties to its
Daemons gards to labor standards, pollution controls, corporate home nations, but the other 8 syndicates have com-
taxes and other areas to make their region more ap- pletely transcended permanent national ties, putting
Ability pealing to the syndicates. their centers of production wherever makes the most
Scores This mad dash to get the favor of a syndicate largely economic sense.
results in the destruction of welfare mechanisms and
other social institutions that protect the citizenry and Money in the Right Hands
land from exploitation. This has been the case since A more direct and focused way for syndicates to influ-
the earliest days of MNCs; however, it used to be mu- ence politics is through their heavily funded lobbying
tually competitive. If a company pulled its production groups and campaign contributions. The syndicates
out of a country then a rival company would often fill sponsor hundreds of different groups that petition
Hacking the empty niche. If one company moved out, another legislators to make desired changes in government.
would move in. This two-way street competition miti- They fund the lobby groups that they know desire the
gated the effect of MNCs on state sovereignty. Howev- same changes that a particular syndicate wants. In ad-
Brave New
er, in the year 2090, there are only 9 major MNCs, the dition to petitioning elected officials, syndicates hand
syndicates, and they have near complete monopoly pick new ones.
in their respective productions. If Apex International Because of the great variety of politicians, direct
(the syndicate that produces 70% of the world’s auto- bribery is rarely necessary. A syndicate will pour mon-
mobiles) threatens to pull its production out of a coun- ey into a third party they know will give massive cam-

250 // 11. Brave New World //

paign contributions to a political candidate that has Creation and Membership
an agenda that coincides with the syndicate. No one Spearheaded as an international partnership, mem-
is betraying their ideals, it’s just that the syndicates bership in this project was completely voluntary. De-
pick and choose which politician to fund based on spite the hesitation of most countries to join, the fear
whether or not the politician’s ideals jive with the syn- of being left out of this security net was even greater,
dicate’s goals. as they saw the weapons system as inevitable. Though
It is rare that a governmental policy is desired by primarily funded and initiated by the USA, Aegis re-
all 9 syndicates (excluding tax breaks and cheap labor), ceived financial support from every country in the
so often they all sponsor different politicians based on world. The Aegis charter, drawn up in the UN, states
their specific interests. PR campaigns to either pro- that no member country can launch a nuclear strike
mote or vilify certain ideals, people, or institutions are against another member country under any circum-
also a major part of their game. This phenomenon that stances. It also states that any invasion that is not valid
occurs between the Big 9 is a hidden financial war to af- under just war theory will be impeded by the power of
fect politics. Countless board room meetings are spent the Aegis’ orbital weapons. Due to the nature of Aegis’
discussing strategies and inter-syndicate alliances defensive measures, it was decided that pre-emptive
and betrayals involving the decisions on which future reasons can never be the grounds for just war, only re-
world leaders to sponsor or sink. taliation. The opinion on whether an invasion is just or
not is debated by the UN Security Council.
Bribery, Blackmail, and Assassination In the past unilateral projects such as this failed
If more subtle methods of manipulation are ineffective, (Star Wars, the missile defense shield) due to techno-
and the stakes are high enough, more criminal meth- logical restrictions and lack of public support, but Ae-
ods are employed. gis had both thanks to the failed attempt by a terror-
Bribery is an age-old practice of coercing someone ist group to launch a nuclear missile against the USA
in power to bend it in the way you desire, and the world from Liberia in 2038.
of GeneFunk 2090 is no different. Numerous cases of
political corruption occur worldwide, and sometimes The End of H istory
they are even successfully prosecuted, though it is al- As of the year 2090, no invasion has been authorized
ways the politician and an insignificant fall guy that against any country, leading some optimists heralding
bites the bullet. it as the age of world peace. This opinion is common
If bribery isn’t an option, then the grounds for despite rampant violence occurring domestically from
blackmail are either obtained or manufactured. If the warlords ruling non-sovereign territories, the second
government official is too pure to be affected by either corporate wars, criminal groups, authoritarian govern-
of these methods, then physical threats towards them ments, and terrorist organizations around the world.
and their loved ones is an option. The implementation of Aegis alleviated the arms
If the official is so pure and brave (or foolish) that race between industrialized countries to some extent,
all the previous methods fail, then assassination is a as the danger of being invaded or attacked with a nu-
perfectly acceptable alternative, though it is usually a clear weapon was reduced to almost zero. Security
last resort. No good deed goes unpunished. paradigms held since the cold war, such as the mutu-
ally assured destruction (MAD) policy of defense, were
Aegis and World Peace somewhat retired. Nations became less fearful of other
Aegis is the name for a political body and their associat- nations and instead focused almost entirely upon ter-
ed orbital weapons network. It is based around protect- rorist organizations and internal threats.
ing its member nations from ballistic missile attacks
and invasion forces using space stations and satellites Shift in Military Function
equipped with directed energy weapons (DEWs), such Military technology also shifted from massive mobile
as particle beams, EMPs, and lasers. Every square ki- invasive/defensive forces to a more precise and urban
lometer of the Earth can be targeted at any given time specialized structure. Infantry squads are the focus of
by the Aegis satellite weapons. Military spacecraft and most new militaries as they can provide the most sur-
various countermeasures to anti-satellite weapons gical strikes, thus the modern infantryman is equipped
protect the system. with gear far surpassing any previous historical period,
in both cost and efficacy.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 251

Intro Confederated Trade Blocs EU
Just as the European Union was formed in the 20th Cen- ( European U nion )
Character tury to create a more solidified economic power, other This tight confederacy of European countries has its
Creation international organizations have been created to achieve own currency, regulatory system, and competition laws.
similar goals all over the word. The impetus for many of Though it’s had some rough patches since its inception,
Genomes these confederations was the growing political clout of it is the most stable trade confederation going, and has
the syndicates. A multinational voice is able to mitigate a great deal of both economic and social regulations,
the influence of the syndicates on national levels. Thus, as well as a military and intelligence department.
Classes ironically, membership in a confederation actually lends Member Nations. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
itself to more sovereignty than remaining a politically Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Germa-
Goods and individual nation. These intergovernmental agreements ny, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Services involve economic matters, but others include social or Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal,
military wings as well. What follows is a list of the more Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and the UK.
Upgrades powerful confederations in the world of GeneFunk 2090. Currency. Euro.
Laws. Production of transgenic humans is banned in
UNASUR member nations, though there is a policy to take in any
Daemons (Union of South American Nations ) transgenic refugee or immigrant from other countries,
This body started as an economic union in 2007 be- meaning there are still many transgenic humans in EU
Ability tween two other trade alliances, Mercosur and the countries. Firearms are heavily regulated and mostly
Scores Andean Community. Though it almost completely dis- banned, and narcotics are legal but heavily regulated.
solved in the early 21st Century, the rise of megacorpo-
rations reinvigorated interest in this union. NAC
As time progressed, the economic ties strength- ( North American Community)
ened, and the mutual recognition of certain social After the catastrophic loss of population due to the
values were incorporated into the confederation. plague of 2043, Canada, Mexico, and the USA agreed
They have their own joint military and intelligence upon a more extensive implementation of the now de-
Hacking agencies as well. funct NAFTA. NAC was drafted in 2044 to rebuild the
Member Nations. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ec- damaged economy of each member nation and protect
uador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. the North American continent from hostile powers. An
Brave New
Currency. Unasuros. integrated defensive military structure and shared cur-
Laws. Firearms and narcotics are restricted, but com- rency was established as part of the treaty, and while there
mon. Only military-grade weapons are outright is no military wing, there is an intelligence department.
banned, and even they are easy to come by. Produc- Member Nations. Canada, Mexico, and the USA.
tion of transgenic humans is rampant, but requires Currency. Amero
Appendices companies to bid for government contracts. Laws. Production of transgenic humans is banned in
member nations, though there are still many trans-
4NLC genic humans in NAC countries as first or second-gen-
(4 Nations L eague of Commerce) eration immigrants. Firearms and narcotics are wide-
In 2059, after a series of successful multilateral free ly available, and mostly legal with some paperwork.
trade agreements, India, South Africa, New Zealand,
and Australia drafted an unlikely economic confed- AU
eration to compete against other growing economic ( African U nion )
powers. At present, the former colony commonwealth Established in 2001, the name hasn’t changed but it
nations have very few non-economic rules incorporat- has seen constant progressive integration, despite the
ed in the alliance and they each retain their individu- departure of South African to join the 4NLC in 2059.
al currencies. Although it has the lowest GDP per capita out of any
Member Nations. India, South Africa, New Zealand, trade bloc, the African Union as a singular economy
and Australia. is a respectable economic force. It has 53 member-na-
Currency. No official shared currency. tions, more than any other confederation in the world.
Laws. Production of transgenic humans is banned in It has incorporated a large amount of human rights
member nations, but other laws are up to the individ- regulations, has its own currency, and guides an inte-
ual sovereign nations. grated defensive military force and intelligence agency.

252 // 11. Brave New World //

Member Nations. Except for South Africa, the entire after the Hexie nations. Narcotics and firearms are re-
continent of Africa. stricted, but even military weapons are available with
Currency. Neodinar. the proper paperwork.
Laws. Production of transgenic humans is left up to
the individual nations. Basic firearms are restricted, ASEAN
and military weapons are banned, but common. Nar- ( Association of Southeast Asian N ations )
cotics are also largely banned. This “Tiger Club” of South East Asia consists mostly of
economic ties, though it also acts as a mechanism for any
NC intergovernmental projects between the member nations.
(Nordic Coalition ) Member Nations. Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos,
This intergovernmental agreement includes Estonia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thai-
Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. The NC land, and Vietnam.
was implemented in 2049. It is primarily an economic Currency. Riel.
treaty, though has some social policies embedded as well. Laws. The production of transgenic organisms is per-
Member Nations. Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Finland, mitted, but only through limited government con-
Norway, Sweden. tracts. Firearms and narcotics are either restricted or
Currency. No official shared currency. banned, though both are common.
Laws. Production of transgenic humans is banned in
member nations, though there is a policy to take in TNU
any transgenic refugee or immigrant from other coun- ( Tri N ation Union )
tries, meaning there are still many transgenic humans This supranational union coincides perfectly with
in NAC countries. Firearms and narcotics are widely the three nations that power the Hexie syndicate, and
available, and mostly legal with some paperwork. many consider it more of a governmental front of that
megacorporation than anything else. The familial con-
RC nections between Hexie and the TNU run deep, mak-
(Russian Coalition ) ing this union intensify corporate control rather than
This supranational organization is also called the Com- mitigating it.
monwealth of Independent States, and is comprised Member Nations. China, Japan, Korea.
mostly of former Soviet Union nations. Currency. Hexie.
Member Nations. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Ka- Laws. As the mecca of altered human genomes, the
zakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova,  Russia, Tajikistan, TNU has the most liberal policies in the world regard-
Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. ing the production of transgenic life. Even basic fire-
Currency. No official shared currency. arms require registration here, and military weapons
Laws. Production of transgenic humans is wide open are banned. Narcotics, while common, are mostly il-
to any business, being the second biggest producer legal here as well.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 253

Intro Megacities In the case of favelas and shantytowns, often the
By the year 2090, 90% of the world’s population resides slums are not even an official part of the city but rath-
Character in cities. Through urbanization, almost all smaller vil- er the property is owned by some third party and oc-
Creation lages and towns have become extinct, with rural areas cupied unofficially. Yet another hotspot for slums are
primarily just being used for farming and ecotourism. massive junkyards and landfill areas with technolog-
Genomes Megacities are metropolitan areas with populations ical waste (which is an increasingly massive amount).
exceeding 10 million people. In 1950 New York became The local inhabitants make use of yesterday’s trash for
the first megacity. At the turn of the 21st Century there building materials and tools. This type of slum is often
Classes were 20 megacities, and in the year 2090 there are 56. called a scavenger colony.
These cities are centers for international com-
Goods and merce, diplomacy, and industrial production. It is in Ghettos
Services these places that cybernetics are the most common- A ghetto is an area of a city where a single race, eth-
place, being seen as cutting edge and stylish as well nicity, or genome predominates. This is usually by
Upgrades as useful. Megacities are entire worlds, containing re- choice (or lack on an alternative in the case of slums).
gions of every culture within their neighborhoods and It is often a result of a fear of mixing with other cul-
multicultural markets. It is in these pinnacles of urban tures, dependence upon your ethnicity's traditional
Daemons development that global culture fuses the most. family structure, or racism (genoism in the case of
Often megacities occur as part of a megalopolis, transgenics). Chinatowns or Little Italy are examples
Ability mergers of many metropolitan areas. Such is the case of ghettos. Though much less than it has been in the
Scores with Bajalta (the metropolitan area of Los Angeles past (partly due to an intermixing of races), racism still
and San Diego as well as surrounding municipalities exists. This is in part to the continuing economic gap
in South West California), BosWash (The chain of between races.
metropoli and megacities extending along the North Genoism is still a fresh prejudice and alive and well
East coast from Boston to Washington), and Pyong- in the minds of many. Regions inhabited by transgen-
bus (the chain of metropoli in Korea extending from ics tend to cause the neighbors to live elsewhere, cre-
Pyongyang down to Busan in the South East coast). ating a ghetto inhabited only by transgenics. These
Hacking transgenic ghettos have their own subcultures, often
Slums involving rebellious attitudes, punk style, and a dis-
One of the results of advanced urbanization was an dain for the current political system.
Brave New
even bigger increase in slum areas. These low-income
residential areas are typified by intense crime and drug Transportation
problems as well as gang subcultures. The personal automobile is still the primary method of
Employment opportunities in slums are often very transportation inside and outside of cities. To relieve
limited. A city’s most recent immigrants, displaced traffic congestion, most cities (especially megacities)
Appendices populations, and transgenic minorities are often the have constructed numerous massive freeway systems
inhabitants of slums, creating an overlap with ghettos. that propel cars in a train format with maglev technol-
It is not unheard of for people to be murdered for their ogies. While on these “magways” the drivers are not
cyberware or gear in slums, and there are many illegal in direct control of their vehicle until they reach their
chop shops where one can integrate cheap “used” cy- desired destination. Magway travel speeds are usual-
bernetics from street docs. The real underworld of the ly around 150 kilometers per hour. Also, by scanning
city occurs in its slums. Slums are particularly massive internet auto traffic networks, mass transit systems
in megacities, often comprising hundreds of thou- have also become more numerous. Lastly, emergency
sands of people. vehicles in developed countries with developed infra-
In many North American cities, slums are caused structure are airborne, and it is not uncommon to hear
by high income families moving to newer suburban the roar of overhead ambulance, firetruck, or police
areas along the edge of the city. The inner-city resi- engines during a crisis.
dential areas of their previous homes often become di-
lapidated and become low income. The reverse is true Drone Ubiquity
in many other parts of the world, where high income Drones are part of what make megacities function,
housing is found throughout the city while slums they are everywhere, acting as delivery systems, senso-
comprised of shanty towns or favelas surround the ry organs, and weapons.
outskirts of the city.

254 // 11. Brave New World //

Big Brother is Watching Y ou
Because of the monumental power of IT, the ability of
governments, corporations, and other large institu-
tions to monitor and record individual behavior has
reached unprecedented levels. Now that interstate war
has seemed to come to an end, terrorism and crime
are the number one threats for most nations. Informa-
tion is the main weapon to combat these, and the gov-
ernment spares no expense in ferreting out as many
details as possible about suspected terrorists. Taking
a cue from London, many megacities have cameras
Aerial Drone Traffic. Aerial drones at every intersection that record everything that hap-
flood the skies of megacities, and there pens with an audio-visual feed to a central database.
are dedicated aerial traffic lanes for Even if they don’t have these CCTV networks, legions
them. Any glance upward will include of surveillance drones hover above, constantly record-
a criss-cross of drones zipping around. A ing and transmitting a bird’s eye view from the open
shared traffic network keeps crashes from hap- sky. Facial recognition software can locate and track
pening, and people have become accustomed to these individual’s movements within these cities through
airborne robots as a staple of city life. such surveillance.
Delivery drones. Online commerce is bigger than Internet activity is cataloged and reviewed, and in
ever, and delivery drones are the backbone of this mas- most countries each citizen has lengthy profiles with
sive market. Aerial drones deliver small packages, and all the details gathered from the various government
driverless wheeled drones transport bigger items. organizations.
Surveillance drones. While satellite surveillance is Moreover, government-employed hackers are giv-
still heavily used, it is supplemented by aerial drone en special rights to hack people’s daemons if there is
networks coordinated by government agencies and sufficient reason to believe evidence of terrorism may
private security companies. If you are under the open be found. This has given the term “thought police” a
sky and in a city, dozens of drones are recording you frighteningly literal sense. Though privacy watchdog
through a bird’s eye view. For more targeted surveil- groups have protested this, most countries continue to
lance, fly-sized drones can be deployed to monitor spe- allow legitimized mind hacks in attempts to find crime.
cific people or rooms. Corporations also take great interest in observing
Security drones. Be it robotic guard dogs, eight- individuals. They have set up systems that track a
legged spider drones, or larger aerial drones, attaching person’s internet activity and online and credit card
a weapon to an automated drone for protection or en- purchases, monitoring which
forcement is common. Police use aerial drone snipers sites appeal most to them
to take out threats from above, and robotic dog-like and sending targeted and
drones are often used by individuals, law enforcement, personalized ads based
and commercial security services. on the information they
have gathered.
The Argos Effect
The Argos Effect, named after the giant with 100 eyes
of Ancient Greek mythology, is a term coined by social
science academics in the 2030's to describe how almost
everything is being recorded, through multiple ave-
nues, at any given time. In between governmental and
corporate surveillance programs (both sanctioned and
not), and self-published social media, nearly every cor-
ner of the earth is being recorded, all of the time. This
feeling of constantly being observed causes anxiety in
a great number of people.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 255

Intro Little Brother is Watching Too battery. Seasites and other virtual property are covered
“Little Brother” is a term used to refer to the phenome- in property law as if they were physical.
Character non of the ubiquitous recording technology that each Unique cybercrime. Some new laws have had to be
Creation individual carries with them: their own daemons. Even enacted with certain cybercrimes. Puppet hacks, mod-
before internal nanocomputers became commonplace, ifying memories, and other mind hacks are entirely
Genomes most everyone had smartphones, and sites like You- new forms of crime. Performing puppet hacks is usu-
tube swelled with the volume of privately recorded ally punishable by a few years in jail in addition to be-
data. Now that everyone has phones weaved through- ing charged with whatever crime the puppet commit-
Classes out their bodies, and their entire sensory input can ted. Memory modification can be anywhere from 1-20
be recorded, the amount that little brother sees is far years in jail depending on how severe the hack.
Goods and more than big brother does. Nosy neighbors, curious
Services individuals, peeping Toms, and others have uploaded The World Wide Web
reams of data. Incredibly, by 2090 the WWW is still very popular,
Upgrades Everything everywhere is being recorded at all and the main method of obtaining quick information
times by something. The amount of information in a 2D format, through an audiovisual or text for-
someone can discover uploaded to the internet is mat. The WWW is similar to its form in the early 21st
Daemons simply staggering and much of modern research and century, only with some multimedia containing con-
investigation currently relies on this. Googling some- tent that triggers additional sense beyond sight and
Ability one for information is almost certain to come up sound (for example, a recipe site might contain scent
Scores with something. and taste data).

Completing Cyberspace Interface

Loosely used, cyberspace is the environment of all The WWW is mostly accessed through Mind’s Eye
information technologies, often used synonymous- Windows (MEWs), which are audiovisual pop-ups in
ly with the internet. It includes the World Wide Web the user’s field of vision, a screen of information that
(WWW), World Digital Sea (WDS), files-haring, IM, and appears to be hanging in the air, and only visible to the
Hacking any other use of interconnected information technol- user (unless voluntarily shared). MEWs are conjured
ogy. People use cyberspace with their daemons, or a up by the user’s Daemon, and people without Daemons
brain computer interface (BCI) if they are a rare soul need a BCI, old-school phone, or some other way of ac-
Brave New
who doesn’t have one. cessing the WWW.

Cybercrime and L aw Benefits

While each country has its own laws regarding cy- Faster information than the WDS. The World Wide
bercrime, there are also international laws that gov- Web is still a very convenient place to search for data,
Appendices ern them, and most countries have followed suit and the vast array of information is truly staggering.
with these laws. You could spend your whole life processing informa-
Specialized cybercrime agencies. Most countries tion at top speeds and you wouldn’t even begin to crack
have specialized law enforcement departments that the surface. Its encyclopaedias, dictionaries, and other
deal specifically with internet-based criminals. These databases make it a good resource for quick and easy
hackers fight a ceaseless war against each other on both information. In many ways, because it lacks all the
sides of the law. Investigators follow digital crumbs to bells and whistles of the WDS, it is easier to find basic
their suspects and employ the latest in computer tech- information as the fully immersive and social environ-
nology and skills to bring the perpetrators to justice. ment of the WDS can be distracting.
Analogs to meatspace crimes. Most cybercrime di- Can still sense meatspace. Another desirable aspect
rectly corresponds to laws committed in physical space. of the WWW is that it can be accessed while multi-
Hacking an online bank account is theft: deleting a tasking in the physical world. It is also often accessed
digital consciousness or snow crashing someone is while diving in the WDS, with MEWs being conjured
murder: and groping an avatar’s butt is sexual assault. up while in a VR experience. Just like in the early 21st
Even though sense organs can be shut down and pain Century, many people surf while driving, speaking, sit-
thresholds can be set to a minimum, attacking some- ting in class, or eating.
one’s avatar with your avatar is considered assault and

256 // 11. Brave New World //

old building, or any other type of available information
Diving Mechanics
is right at the Veil user’s fingertips.
The following rules apply when diving:

•• It takes one action to enter or leave the WDS. The World Digital Sea VR
•• MEWs can be accessed while in the WDS. In 2061 Omnitech released an online platform spe-
•• While diving, the physical body is treated as cifically designed for 3D VR interface. This milestone,
unconscious (see Appendix A). called the World Digital Sea (WDS) was created in re-
•• Anyone diving can set an alert to take them sponse to increasing sophistication of brain computer
out of the WDS if they are jostled, someone interface (BCI) technology. The WDS is a domain driv-
says their name, or some other specified con- en by 3D space, and individual places, called seasites,
dition, though it still takes one action to leave. have fixed locations on a gigantic and ever-expand-
•• A DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that ing geography.
someone is diving. As far as experience goes, the WDS is a superior
platform to the hypertext-based World Wide Web in
its social and VR capabilities. Sites in the WDS offer
The Veil AR perceptions of length, width, and height, and all of the
While augmented reality has had some traction for al- human senses can be stimulated. Once daemon tech-
most a century, and gained even more popularity with nology developed, the WDS became a near perfect ap-
smart glasses and BCIs in the mid 21st Century, dae- proximation of physical space, and WDS experiences
mons really kicked AR into high gear. Various games are indistinguishable from meatspace. Given its fully
and information technology emerged to create an immersive capabilities, it quickly became the pre-
overlay of sensory experiences on top of the physical ferred platform for interactive media and “in person”
world. The one that truly took root as the main shared socializing online.
augmented reality is called the Veil.
Overlay of Digital Hallucinations Unlike interactions with the WWW, where text and
One of the main uses of the Veil is to create full sensory other media can be viewed peripherally through Minds
experiences that would otherwise be impossible. Eye Windows, the WDS is fully immersive. The user’s
Next level marketing. Advertisements take full perceptions are entirely rooted VR, being only mini-
advantage of the Veil’s capabilities, luring buyers in mally aware of physical reality. When someone is using
with full sensory immersion. Looking at a Vietnamese the WDS, they are said to be netdiving or just diving.
restaurant can automatically conjure up floating hal- Unaware of meatspace. While diving, the user is un-
lucinations of the dishes served, including the sizzling able to do complex tasks such as making lunch, or even
sound and aroma of ginger beef on a hot plate, to at- walk the streets safely. To an observer, a diver appears
tract diners. This style of compelling advertising caus- to be “zoned out”, or sleeping with their eyes open.
es many people to use ad-block software or simply turn
of the Veil when walking through commercial areas. A Digital Geography
Digital landscaping. The Veil turns drab concrete The WDS is a massive virtual area, that exists in three
buildings into glowing palaces, covered with bright dimensions, and it has its own unique and ever-ex-
neon signs and gigantic animated imagery, all with panding virtual geography.
minds-eye programmed hallucinations. There is no Organized spatially, by content. The geography of
cheaper or more efficient way to spice up a business or the WDS is organized into neighborhoods, streets and
home than by decorating it with augmented reality art. addresses based on content, not unlike a shopping
There is even digital graffiti done by counter-culture market or book store. The larger content regions of the
hackers, painting targeted homes and businesses with digital sea are called neighborhoods. The neighbor-
whatever cultural reference they want. hoods have a near infinite degree of varying specifici-
Topical information. Data pop-ups about people, ty. More general neighborhoods include more specific
places or things are available with a mere thought, ones. The most specific location is a seasite (the WDS
providing Veil users with all sorts of relevant informa- equivalent of a website). This content-based internet
tion about whatever they are looking at. Calories in the zoning is both for convenience of navigation and to
taco they are holding, customer reviews about a lawyer prevent certain people from being exposed to violent,
they are speaking with, historical relevance about an pornographic, or other controversial media.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 257

Intro Locations are fixed, just like meatspace. Each neigh-
borhood, street, and seasite has 3D spatial coordinates
Digital Prisons
Almost every country makes use of WDS technol-
Character just like physical locations do (though the same se-
ogy in their prison system. To save space and mon-
Creation asite can exist in multiple neighborhoods. The porn
ey, prisoners are often kept in small, life-providing
neighborhood sprawls over hundreds of kilometers,
pods, and serve their sentence in VR. Depending
Genomes dwarfing the relatively small moral philosophy neigh-
on the individual prison’s rules, these VR prison
borhood. Neighborhoods that end up being more pop-
environments are most often closed systems,
ular than expected build vertically, having skyscrapers
to prevent any interaction with the main WDS.
Classes hundreds or even thousands of stories tall. As a result
These closed VR prison systems are relatively
of this massive VR realm, digital architecture and ge-
cheap and keep prison riots at near 0.
Goods and ography has become a new field of study and develop-
Services ment in academia.
Seasites are like VR websites. Seasites are particular
Upgrades addresses designated to one or more neighborhoods they enter, unless the site is so saturated with other
(or nethoods as they are sometimes called) based on users they are in different mirrors.
the content of the seasite. A particular address or sea-
Daemons site is designated to one or more of these areas by zon- Physics in the WDS
ing programs seconds after its creation. A site devoted For the most part the physics in the WDS is made
Ability to recipes for delicious Thai food will be alongside a to be the same as the physical world, but there are
Scores plethora of other addresses dedicated to Thai recipes, some notable exceptions. Spatial transportation is
which in turn will be on blocks adjacent to Cambodi- one difference.
an and Burmese food, all of which will be in the recipe Like meatspace (mostly). WDS neighborhoods in
neighborhood, which can be found in the larger food particular all have real world physics. They are meant
neighborhood. for the general public, and the VR user interface is
meant to make people comfortable by providing con-
Navigating the Digital Sea venience with familiarity. Through their avatar a user
Hacking Because the WDS is a virtual realm, the user’s avatar feels weight, sunlight, and can perceive information
can travel around it just as they would meatspace, with all of their other senses as well. To move around
through walking, running, flying, or driving. Conjur- one must put one foot in front of the other, just as in
Brave New
ing up a method of transportation is as easy as tex- the physical realm. It is possible to run, jump, or even
ting an emoji. trip on a virtual object. Unless the user is in ghost mode,
Digital teleportation is possible. Unlike meatspace, they can touch other avatars. Avatars can even push or
travel in the WDS is much easier and can essentially be pushed by other users, though under law this is con-
be done via digital teleportation—like changing web- sidered assault by most countries (see below).
Appendices site URLs. Simply knowing the WDS coordinates or Seasites can have unique physics. Unlike neigh-
content neighborhood is all you need. That being said, borhoods, strange physics can come into play when
some prefer to browse the WDS by walking around as visiting seasites. Since individual sites are construct-
their avatar, for a more organic exploratory experience. ed by people, they often have unique and sometimes
Entering a seasite. The user simply opens a virtual very creative sets of physics. The exact nature of the
building’s door to enter the specific address. The ap- physical laws governing a specific address is entirely
pearance of the door is entirely up to the site designer. up to the owner and designer. Some sites may allow all
Alternatively, a user can teleport to a particular seasite avatars to fly and have information stored at various
from anywhere. heights. Others may impose a purple hue on all avatars
Seasites have multiple entrances. Seasites often or cause squeaky-toy sounds whenever someone takes
exist simultaneously in a variety of neighborhoods at a step. Perhaps everyone sounds like they are breath-
once, breaking laws of physical space that don’t apply ing helium when speaking, or avatars must swim
in the WDS. The same seasite address can be accessed around an entirely underwater site. The only limit to
via whatever neighborhood street that is relevant to the nature of a seasite is the creative and technical ex-
the site. For example, that same Thai recipe site men- pertise of the designer, though most business and high
tioned above could be found in the Thailand neighbor- traffic sites have real world physics so as not to alienate
hood. Two users could enter the same site from differ- the users, and appear professional.
ent neighborhoods and see each other in the site once

258 // 11. Brave New World //

Why use the WDS? read information about dinosaurs; the WDS is where
Though the WDS has more complex programming, you are a Pteranodon seeing a tyrannosaurus sink his
accessing some quick general information is usual- teeth into a triceratops from overhead, or a red blood
ly faster on the WWW because of its more direct text cell soaring through the circulatory system. On the
and audiovisual format. So why would someone want WDS, people can experience their wildest fantasies, no
to engage in an experience less convenient than the matter how outlandish. Hollywood and other creators
WWW if they are simply looking up information? They produce stories to be experienced from within, as one
wouldn’t. The WDS has many advantages, but being of the characters. These fully immersive movies are
convenient for quick data searching isn’t one of them. extremely popular and can’t be had on the web.
A sensory experience. People use the WDS because The ultimate social media. People might have quick
the experiences of a 3D realm that triggers all of your chats through MEWs, but they actually hang out in
senses, so it is more immersive and engaging than the the WDS. There are a variety of social forums where
web. The WWW is usually where you download or groups of like-minded people meet to socialize. Many
parties occur entirely online, as do business meetings
in virtual boardrooms. The social power of all five of
the senses are utilized, touch being an especially val-
ued feature that is absent in the WWW.
The pinnacle of gaming. VR video games have
taken on such a degree of sophistication that
people sometimes spend days at a time im-
mersed in their fully 3D sensory rich envi-
ronments. Gamers can play the role of a
Roman Centurion, perceiving seamless
recreations of ancient battlefields, or
other equally impressive scenarios.
Digital sex trade. The internet sex
trade is alive and well in 2090. AI
sexbots are plentiful, because of the
voracious demand. Consumers are
able to fulfill any and all particular
fetishes, both legal and illicit.
Cutting edge culture. The glob-
al music industry still flourishes,
though there are fewer superstars
and thousands more niche per-
formers with cult followings. Digital
artwork is everywhere on the WDS,
many cutting-edge artists producing
work for VR only.

On the WDS, people appear as their
digital avatars, 3D representations that
users act through. Functioning through
avatars in the sea is particularly appeal-
ing to those with physical disabilities as
it provides a means to move and func-
tion in ways impossible when not
diving. Even blindness and deafness
can be alleviated providing they are
not innate conditions (as in these

// GeneFunk 2090 // 259

Intro cases the brain has not developed the capacity to use guides, teachers, secretaries for virtual businesses, sex
those senses). workers, and comedians. The AI behind these bots has
Character A malleable appearance. Users can adjust their av- become sophisticated enough to easily pass the Turing
Creation atar settings in a variety of ways, such as shutting off test, and unless they advertise, often it is difficult to tell
particular senses, activating ghost mode, or chang- the difference between a user’s avatar and a bot. Some
Genomes ing their pain threshold. Though it’s possible to have hackers create bots to act as bodyguards, programming
a different avatar every day, most people tend to favor them to release viruses to attack enemies. The degree
one in particular, the one they identify most with. Cre- of complexity behind a bot’s program varies widely.
Classes ating an avatar can be accomplished with a variety of Some are created to perform simple tasks while other’s
different user-friendly software. In the shared WDS programs are so intricate, they are near indistinguish-
Goods and neighborhoods, avatars can be any shape or size with- able from humans.
Services in relatively human limits. Though most users fashion
themselves human avatars (often idealized versions Other Divers
Upgrades of themselves), others create more original and out- Unlike navigating the WWW, which is a solo endeav-
landish virtual bodies. NPCs, cartoons, ghosts, ani- or unless the user actively seeks out forums or chat
mals, mythological beasts and other unorthodox ava- rooms, the persistent and realistic world of the digital
Daemons tars are all relatively commonplace, especially among sea displays other user’s avatars in whatever neigh-
younger divers. borhood and site they are in. If someone is at a sea site
Ability Perfect for socializing. As a social platform, the learning about the Serengeti they can see many other
Scores WDS is unparalleled, and avatars reflect that. All of users who are perceiving the same thing.
the traditional non-lingual forms of communica- Mirrors. Often, the users at one particular site are
tion exist there, through avatars. Emotive cues such too numerous to fit in the virtual space, so mirror
as subtle facial expressions, blushing, sweating, and sites are instantly created once the population ca-
other body language can all be emulated. At the pacity of one room is reached. For instance, if Myung
user’s discretion the avatar can be edited to not dis- Soo is supposed to meet his friend Shanti at a virtual
play certain cues, but the default settings are set to a cinema in wds.optroniscinemaclassic.ent at 7:00 EST
physical human’s. and the cinema is full, there may well be hundreds of
other mirrors of this site, so she can just enter the one
Bots he is in after a quick search or by asking him through
Brave New
There is a myriad programs in both neighborhoods chat where he is.
and sites that appear to act autonomously. Bots per- Ghost mode. If users do not want to be perceived
form a variety of tasks, but often acting like humans they can dive anonymously, this is called being in
or animals is one of their functions. Some bots work as “ghost mode”. For the even more xenophobic, “shy


260 // 11. Brave New World //

mode” can be activated, which is ghost mode as well
Phoenix Unlimited Facilities
as eliminating other’s avatars from your perception by
Phoenix Unlimited has data centers and upload-
always having your own mirror created for you of any
ing facilities in the following locations:
site you visit. Of course, skilled hackers might still be
able to perceive people diving in ghost mode. •• Beijing, China
•• Berlin, Germany
Narrating in the WDS •• Johannesburg,
It is inevitable that the players will end up cavorting South Africa
in the WDS at one point, and this can be an exciting •• Moscow, Russia
experience but can also be tricky to narrate. Some •• New York, USA
gaming sessions may occur entirely in the sea, mak- •• Seoul, Korea
ing it necessary to provide a rich description of the •• Santiago, Chile
digital realm. •• Sydney, Australia
It is for social encounters. The primary reason to •• Tokyo, Japan
visit the WDS is to meet someone, or some group. Con-
Each of these locations is heavily guarded, both
tract negotiation, meeting an information source, or
by hackers and armed security.
interviewing people of interest are all reasons to have
a scene in the WDS.
Requires separate scenes. The internet will likely be
used every game session, but many times it will mere- Immortality
ly be to communicate or download some information. Immortality is achievable through modern technology
It will probably be the WWW that will be accessed in and a lot of money by the year 2090, either through
these cases. When a character uses cyberspace in this digitization of the human mind or consistent an-
way, it does not have to be narrated in a very descrip- ti-aging therapy.
tive way and usually just requires a roll rather than a
scene. For example, if Ahmed wants to search for drug Eternity
gangs in Bolivia locals, he only has to make an Intelli- A subsidiary of Apollo Laboratories, Eternity is a com-
gence (Investigation) check using the WWW. However, pany that stops, or even somewhat reverses, the aging
when the character dives into the digital sea to negoti- process, through technology developed and marketed
ate a contract, scenes are required. in the late 2070's. The client is given treatments with
Cadres that dive together, thrive together. It is rec- specialized nanobots that correct cell pH, restore telo-
ommended that all of the players netdive together as meres, adjust hormones, and repair other degradation.
it quickly becomes a tediously boring game if the one With these regular treatments, cells can divide indef-
character spends an hour doing his personal social- initely, ignoring the Hayflick limit. This fountain of
izing in cyberspace while the other players twiddle youth technology is relatively affordable if you hap-
their thumbs. pen to well off, but out of reach for most of the world’s
Neighborhoods are thematic. When narrating in population. Around 1% of the world’s population uses
WDS neighborhoods, describe the setting to match this service, and there are now a great number of 100+
the neighborhoods content. The same is true of the year old people who look like they are in their thir-
human traffic in these neighborhoods, the avatars of- ties or forties.
ten matching the neighborhood or sites theme. When
walking in a seedy strip club neighborhood, think neon Phoenix Unlimited
signs, posters of nudes, and bot and avatar prostitutes Phoenix Unlimited is a business owned by Hexie that
beckoning from balconies or windows. When explor- offers a very unique service. In the year 2086 research-
ing a social forum neighborhood for goth-punks, think ers and were able to copy the consciousness of a hu-
leather bound pierced vampire avatars, bats, and misty man being into a computer matrix. Digital copies of a
cobblestone streets. person are called “psychomimes” and are legally seen
Seasites can be exotic and fantastic. The sites them- as identical to the original human. As of 2090, Phoenix
selves can even be more themed, being as alien and Unlimited has over 12,000 customers and is the only
weird as the narrator wishes. The mood of cyberspace company offering such a service, owning the patent on
should be sleek and exotic. the technology.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 261

Intro How Copying Works
Over a period of days, nanobots circulate through-
Character out the brain and body, and scanning the biological,
Creation chemical, and electrical activity throughout. The data
is then transmitted to a computer, and the brain con-
Genomes nectome, endocrine system, and every other thing rel-
evant to what is considered a “mind” is emulated per-
fectly. The result a thinking, acting, speaking person, a
Classes seemingly perfect digital copy of the person who has
been scanned. The subscriber of this service goes into
Goods and a Phoenix Unlimited facility every month to upload
Services their memories. The initial upload takes up to 3 days,
while the monthly updates can be done in a few hours.
Upgrades Protecting digital lives. Not everyone is ok with dig-
ital copies being seen as people, and there is constant
danger of terrorist attacks on Phoenix Unlimited data
Daemons centers. There are nine different Phoenix Unlimited
facilities located across the globe, and after an unfor-
Ability tunate terrorist attack, the company started making
Scores inactive redundancy copies of each psychomime. Cop- Psychomimes have human rights. Nearly every
ies are now stored in at least three different facilities to country treats a digital copy of a mind as the same per-
ensure an accident or terrorist attack doesn’t perma- son who uploaded, even though the uploader's original
nently delete the data of any one copy. Each of these body suffered meatdeath. They own the same property,
facilities is heavily guarded by elite security teams. have the same legal obligations, stay in the same mar-
Activation of the copy. If the subscriber dies at any- riage, and are guardians of the same kids. This doesn’t
time the contract stipulates that the psychomime is to sit well with every group, especially those more reli-
be activated. Their most recent memory will always be gious in nature, who view the soul as residing in the
the time of their last upload. original body, not in the copy.
New body or avatar only? Typically, psychomimes
Sociopolitical Effects
Brave New
want to be put into a biosynthetic or cloned body,
though they are free to remain on the Phoenix Unlim- In addition to its prohibitive cost, another reason for
ited servers, a bodiless mind that can spend their digi- its relative unpopularity is just how alien and strange
tal life diving in the WDS. the idea seems. It is a very new technology and society
is not quite ready for it just yet.
Appendices Psychomimes and the Law Soulless digital zombies? For many, the idea of
Given the monumental nature of this technology, phi- copying a human consciousness onto hardware is
losophers and legal scholars from around the world so abhorrent they would never consider it. Some re-
hotly debated how to treat copied minds. The debate is ligious groups have declared these “digital spirits”
ongoing, though a general consensus has been settled soulless, being nothing more than a collection of data.
on in international law that is mirrored by the laws of Though international law and most countries have
most nations as well. granted these mind emulations human rights, some
There can be only one. It is illegal to have more than refuse to recognize the ethical legitimacy of copied
one active mind of the same person at one time, so consciousnesses. The philosophical problem of oth-
legally there cannot be multiples of the same person. er minds is even more pernicious with psychomimes,
Phoenix Unlimited is under close scrutiny by regulato- and many aren’t certain there is any experience being
ry agencies, and if a copy (or copies) and original person had by them at all; no consciousness, just a clever in-
are found to be active at the same time, massive fines put/output box.
are levied. That being said, it is not illegal to upload Terrorism. Some opponents of this technology pos-
a human consciousness into storage. This is exactly sess so much anger towards this technology that they
the service that Virtual Afterlife provides. This copied resort to terrorism to prevent it. In 2087 a multifaith
mind is to be activated pending the death of the origi- religious terrorist group called Tzelem Elohim success-
nal (or copy, if the consumer has already died once). fully detonated an explosive device in a Phoenix Un-

262 // 11. Brave New World //

limited facility located in Austin, Texas. They coordi- headway as been made. Genetic engineering and other
nated the bomb attack with targeted assassinations of forms of biotechnology has transformed from an alien
people subscribing to the service. They killed 15 people and exotic field to the norm.
during the attack and 11 digital consciousnesses were
lost, suffering permanent death. Three of the perpetra- Bioengineered Tools
tors were killed in gunfights with the police while the Creating specialized plants and animals is an ancient
other 5 were tried and convicted for first degree mur- biotechnology, stretching back thousands of years.
der. Since that incident, psychomimes are backed up Dogs, horses, and other animals have been bred for
and stored at a variety of facilities, so losing a single centuries for a variety of purposes, constituting a ge-
facility doesn’t result in the loss of digital life. netic modification based on observable traits. Selec-
Fodder for the corporate wars. Some consider the tive breeding processes have also been used on crop
development and patent of this technology as the plants for hundreds of years. By the year 2090, engi-
flashpoint that started the second corporate wars. neering life to suit human purposes is ubiquitous, with
Hexie, the second most powerful of the Big 9, are the technicians organizing genes and codons the way a
sole owners of this highly-coveted technology. Each mason uses bricks.
of the other megacorps (especially Omnitech) kicked Transgenic food. Taking genes (or parts of genes)
espionage into high gear to try and obtain the secrets from one species and inserting it into another is what
to the mind-copying process, which is seen as an es- makes an organism transgenic. Transgenic food crops
pecially juicy research secret. Across the globe, re- have become the norm and everything from wheat to
searchers are working hard to reverse engineer it, or meat has likely grown from the result of a patented ge-
come up with it independently. The kidnapping and nome (probably from Cornucopia or one of its subsid-
assassinations of scientists and engineers, hacking iaries). Extremely lean meat livestock, hyper produc-
of databases, and other vicious corporate shenan- tive dairy cows, and gigantic super nutritious tomatoes
igans is on a constant increase to obtain the secret are just some of the myriad of altered organisms.
of immortality. New life for a new climate. Some animals and plants
have been “recreated” to fill the niche of an animal that
Biotech Revolution went extinct. After honey bee populations were greatly
Over the last century, biotechnology has gone through diminished due to various pests, pesticide, and climate
major leaps of innovation. Molecular tools like CRISPR change related factors, many crops had very little pol-
and other even more advanced techniques have made lination occurring. Climate tolerant transgenic honey
gene editing easy and affordable, and after decades of bees were engineered and cultivated to alleviate the
science and engineering plugging away at the myster- problem in the late 2040's. Bioengineered “super-trees”
ies of the relationships between genes and traits, major started being planted, ones that produce more oxygen
and eliminate more carbon dioxide. A plethora of oth-
er lifeforms have all been created to adapt to changes
in the environment.
Living factories. Transgenic bacteria and fungi are
often manipulated to produce fabrics, medicine, and
other materials. For example, recombinant bacteria
infused with spider silk genes churn out meters of ul-
tra-strong and sensuous gossamer every day through
their cell membranes. These valued fibers are refined
and woven into lightweight but durable ropes and lux-
urious clothing that is strong enough to stop knives
and bullets. The mark of a successful corporate is one
who dresses in spider silk power suits.
Living clothing. Plant matter apparel has been de-
veloped that survives off moisture and detritus from
the wearer’s skin, cleaning the wearer as it “eats”. Dif-
ferent clothing lines can be purchased to produce dif-
ferent perfumes as one of the biotic clothing’s wastes.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 263

Intro Entertainment. The last and most questionable perceived flaws, like baldness, deafness, or myopia.
modification of flora and fauna is for human enjoy- From there, it was only a hop, skip, and a jump to se-
Character ment or whimsy. Exotic “teddy” animals have been lecting genes associated with intelligence, strength,
Creation produced as household pet, even mythical animals looks, and whatever other desirable trait to be found
have been designed for the more classically minded. within one of the two parent’s genomes. By 2090, if a
Genomes These range from 20 cm pink mini-cats and talking family can afford to optimize their child, they general-
dogs, to “unicorn” horses and everything else the hu- ly will do so.
man imagination can fathom. Though generally illegal
Classes in most countries, genetically-designed fighting dogs, History of Transgenic Genomes
cats, roosters, snakes, and mongooses can all be found In the 2040's, China began doing experiments involving
Goods and if looking in the right places. the transfusion of non-human DNA into the human ge-
Services Cleaners. Oil spills, atmospheric toxins, and even nome at the embryonic stage. Many of the experiments
radioactive waste can be cleaned up by transgenic bac- were abject failures, producing fetuses that usually mis-
Upgrades teria that target specific compounds and areas. carried, and those aberrations that were brought to term
rarely lived more than a few days. Of course, these tests
Gene Therapy and Biohacking
Daemons Gene therapy started as a way to treat genetic diseas-
es, curing people of various diseases and hereditary
Ability afflictions. By locating a maladaptive gene that is caus-
Scores ing a problem and then replacing it with a functional
version of that same gene, or even merely rearranging
it, doctors were able to eliminate diseases that previ-
ously had been incurable. In contrast to pre-embryon-
ic genetic modification which occurs before pregnancy,
gene therapy is used to modify developed organisms
(almost always humans).
Hacking Human enhancement. As the understanding
of the link between specific genes and physical
traits became more lucid, gene therapy has
Brave New
been able to all but completely wipe out he-
reditary disease, even well after someone
has been born. Once the applications of
medicinal gene therapy had matured, tech-
nologists started using it for enhancement
Appendices purposes (see Chapter 4: Upgrades).

Bioengineered H umans
One might consider human mate selec-
tion, which has been happening since
there have been humans, a form of se-
lective breeding. However, this pales in
comparison to the selective engineering
that takes place in 2090. For more infor-
mation on modified human genomes
see the Genomes section.

Optimized Genomes
In the 2020's and 30's, technology be-
came available that allowed parents to
purposefully select the “best” genes from
each parent. What started out as removing
genetic diseases progressed to removing

264 // 11. Brave New World //

were done in secret, as the international public outcry of them, as they lack the predetermined function that
against this would have been great. As eugenic knowl- their parent(s) had, yet still manifest the weirdness of
edge increased, so did China’s success rate. Genotype a transgenic genome.
combinations to produce certain desired phenotypes
were discovered. By the early 2050's, a company called Biopunk counterculture
Yanzhou Life started manufacturing thousands of trans- With all of the different ways to modify oneself, it is no
genic zygotes for incentivized parents. surprise that a strong culture of body modification has
Workers and Soldiers. The initial batches were made emerged among the counterculture.
to be workers with extraordinary stamina or soldiers
with amazing combative abilities. International espio- Freak Chic
nage discovered China’s breach of the Genome Accord, While appearing like you are transgenic might alien-
but the international community was reluctant to can- ate you from genetic purists, theocratic cultures, and
cel trade agreements or make military threats against certain jobs, it is trendy and edgy in other social are-
China’s massive economy or army. nas! Biopunk culture is particularly popular with
If you can’t beat them join them. For some nations, young people, and the killer music and art scene asso-
the fear of being left in technological obsolescence ciated with this movement are part and parcel with the
was greater than the fear of transgressing ethical lines bohemian lifestyle in 2090.
against human nature, so many countries rapidly al- People born with an unmodified or even optimized
lowed companies to set up their own transgenic hu- genome sometimes cover themselves in outlandish
man production facilities, tattoos and piercings, or biohack themselves to have
Not every nation is on board. Some nations and con- glowing green skin, elf ears, tails, or any other num-
federations enacted laws against creating transgenic ber of biological traits that would give them cred in
humans, most notably the European Union, the Nordic biopunk culture.
Coalition, Australia, USA, and Canada. Many Islamic
countries also decided not to initiate these programs, Gangsta
as fatwas were made to forbid genetic modification of Transgenic biopunk style is often a romantic reflection
any kind (even optimization). of the reality of transgenic people. As such, the emer-
Major production centers. In addition to China, gent music, fashion, and art scene have themes of ur-
Russia also became a major center for the transgenic ban violence, anti-authoritarianism, poverty, crime,
human industry, while many other countries govern- blue-collar angst, and inequality. It is a boogeyman
ments merely purchased the finished products from for upper-crust society and edgy ambrosia for young
the main producers. Given that the first corporate wars rebels and street culture. Biopunk gangs, while not as
were occurring at this time, the demand for genetical- common as conservative media report, still permeate
ly designed soldiers and workers was high and this the vast slums of megacities and profit o ff of il legal
further fueled future production. By 2090 Japan and arms, drugs, and biohack upgrades.
Brazil have also become major
centers for the transgenic Example Biopunk
human industry. Subcultures
Their children. Nat- You can split 11 billion people a lot
urally, engineered of different ways, and biohacking
transgenic humans fell and the internet have allowed bio-
in love, and had chil- punks to sort themselves into a
dren of their own. plethora forever-branching iden-
The first of these children tities and world views, trans-
started being born in the early forming their body to match
2060's, and most are under 20 years whenever they can. Listed
old. These transgenic admixtures, or below are just a small sam-
mutts as some callously call them, ple of the myriad of bio-
have unpredictable and strange punk subcultures.
traits, but usually inherit similar Androgynes. Taking a cue
phenotypes to their parents. from Ziggy Stardust, androgyne
People aren’t sure what to make culture embraces the somewhat

// GeneFunk 2090 // 265

Intro fuzzy border between the sexes, firmly planting them- appearances, common to all is an extreme commit-
selves in the middle. Using biohacks, any secondary ment to upgrading their body. An outright rejection of
Character sexual characteristics are muted or removed, leaving the concept of “natural” as being valuable is common
Creation androgynes visually ambiguous. in this culture.
Dolls. Living adjacent to the uncanny valley, doll Mythpunks. Elves, dwarves, and orcs, oh my! This
Genomes subculture involves biohacking yourself to appear like subculture is like fantasy cosplay brought to life. Any
a Barbie or anime character. Large cartoonish eyes and sort of fictional fantasy race is represented by this very
exaggerated (often sexualized) features are the hall- sizable group, which has more specific subgroups:
Classes marks of this culture. They are very popular with a cer- Tolkeiners, faefolk, monsters, vampires, and more. A
tain fetishist non-doll crowd as well. love of fantasy fiction is very common in this subcul-
Goods and Dreamers. This psychedelic obsessed group bio- ture, but some are a part of it just for aesthetics.
Services hack their brains to produce high baseline endoge- Primals. Exploring what we may have lost, primals
nous DMT, and less monoamine oxidase, making them mod their genomes to be more like our ancestors, and
Upgrades constantly hallucinating a euphoric and dreamlike many of them code in as much earlier Homo sapiens or
reality. They can direct their daemons to dial it down Neanderthal DNA as they can. Others incorporate cer-
when they want to be more lucid, but many spend the tain sequences found in chimpanzees, orangutans, or
Daemons majority of their waking hours in a psychedelic trip. gorillas. Camping is pretty common with these folks.
Furries. Taking cosplay to the next level, furry bio-
Ability punk culture involves making the fantasy reality, get- Cloning
Scores ting biohacks to incorporate animal like features. The The duplication an organism’s DNA to produce an
extent of these modifications range from a bit of extra identical copy of that organism is a staple of biotech!
fur and a tail to full on human-animal hybrids. People Though twins, triplets and the like are not cloned, the
engineered with the Feral genome are very popular results of the cloning process are the same. Cloning
with this subculture. bacteria occurs in every country, and cloning of other
Grinders. This transhumanist culture is all about organisms, including humans, occurs in any country
using biohacking to take humanity to the next level, with laws permissive enough to allow it. Hexie has fa-
and see enhancement as the proper aim of biohacking cilities that offer the service of cloning any living thing
technology. While there is great diversity among their the customer desires it (though the red tape for cloning

Brave New
World Economics of Transgenic Foster Homes (Crèches)
Why do corporations and government programs run transgenic birthing facilities and crèches? On it’s face, the
NPCs cost of birthing and raising genetically engineered humans, who may or may not end up working for you, seems
like a poor investment. However, due to cheap production, cultivated loyalty, and consumer returns, transgenic
birthing facilities and foster homes are still a net positive investment.
Economy of Scale. The global average cost to raise a child until they are 18 years old is roughly シ150,000.
However, it is much cheaper to raise entire batches of children in state or corporate crèches that are special-
ly designed for one particular genome. Food, housing, education, and every other good and service that is
required by law and necessary for a child to flourish can be acquired in bulk, or obtained in-house. As a result,
the average cost to engineer and raise a cohort of transgenic children in a crèche can be as little as シ25,000 a
person. This can be mitigated even more if the foster facility qualifies as a charitable tax write-off.
High Rate of Return. While engineered transgenic people are free to do as they please once they reach
maturity, most end up working for the government or corporation that raised them anyway. They have jobs
waiting for them that they are genetically predetermined to be good at, and enjoy. On top of that, many also
feel a sense of loyalty to their adoptive family. A sizeable number of their brothers, sisters, and friends also end
up being coworkers. Their batch cohort is their family, and taking a job along side them is not only the path of
least resistance, but a place of total belonging.
Captive Consumer Marketing. Every single person raised in a crèche is subject to ubiquitous marketing, edu-
cation, and propaganda. Everything from food, to clothes, to toys are purposefully branded. Transgenic foster
children are loyal customers for life, locked into products and services of nostalgia and familiarity. Studies have
shown that transgenic engineered individuals have higher than average warmth and loyalty to their corporate
or government benefactors, even if they don’t end up working for them.

266 // 11. Brave New World //

a human is sizable), and it has facilities in Japan, China, of brothers and sisters can be a half dozen, or even
and Korea. Cloned humans are carried to term either hundreds, the scale of the production based on the
in an artificial womb, or the womb of a volunteer (often demand of the job market the engineered genome is
the patron). However questionable the motive to clone being created for.
is, the method is there for those with enough money.
Your own best friend. Some patrons of this service Anti- biotech Sentiments
are narcissistic and choose to raise 1 or more versions Biotechnology and its various applications are some of
of themselves as children in hopes of achieving a kind the most furiously debated technological domain out
of immortality. Even slightly modified clones can be there. There is something about meddling with the
purchased for extra cost. For example, a female cus- very essence of life and creating organisms never be-
tomer may clone themselves but change the second X fore seen for the advantage of humans that makes peo-
chromosome with a Y chromosome, producing a male ple’s hair stand on end, and elicits a major “yuck” factor.
child rather than a female child. The yuck factor. The moral panic and purity fear
A different way of grieving. Other customers are surrounding biotechnology dates back to the early
people who have lost a child due to an accident or oth- 20th Century with vaccinations, following with con-
er tragedy and want a second chance to raise them. The troversies in the early 21st Century regarding GM food.
most common customers are those that want to “resur- Once eugenic procedures such as genetic optimization
rect” a dead pet they have loved. started, legions of protesters arose to meet it. Seeing
Crèches - cloned transgenic batches. Transgenic hu- biotechnology as unnatural is not uncommon, even by
mans designed for specific purposes are almost always 2090, causing a great deal of angst in the humans that
developed and raised in batches of genetically iden- happen to be a result of biotechnology.
tical (or similar), “families”. These state or corporate Eugenics is for Nazis. Some drew parallels to the
foster families are called crèches. Just like makes of eugenics program in Nazi Germany and accusations
cars, models of genomes may vary from year to year, of trying to produce a “master race” were directed at
and specific ones are mass produced. These batches countries using genetic optimization techniques. The
very powerful history with non-consensual eugenics,
and forced sterilizations of the early 20th Century
have echoes that reverberate all the way to 2090.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 267

Intro Blasphemous. Others used religious criticisms Stereotypes of engineered genomes. Engineered
against eugenics, objecting to humans “playing God”. transgenic humans also suffer from genoism when it
Character The latter group became even more incensed as eugen- comes to jobs. Though it is incredibly easy to get a job
Creation ics began to include transgenic techniques, seeing the in the field they were designed for, someone GM for
inclusion of non-human DNA in the human genome soldiering or swimming will have a hard time getting a
Genomes as particularly blasphemous. Cloning is another bio- job as a lawyer or office manager.
technology that some groups consider to be among the Hard-knock life for the mutts. Transgenic admix-
worst crimes against nature or God. tures (mutts) are the most affected in the job market,
Classes Activism and terrorism. Demonstrations both vi- employers rarely risk hiring them for anything but
olent and peaceful have occurred worldwide by var- blue-collar work, even that being a stretch. Though
Goods and ious groups. Some terrorist organizations have even strange, at least their transgenic parents were a known
Services formed that specifically target facilities that practice quantity, their traits designed from the ground up. Ge-
genetic engineering, or even genetically altered hu- netic admixtures, on the other hand, are an unknown
Upgrades mans themselves. With the growing number of bioen- quantity, and people are very apprehensive about these
gineered products and humans, the controversy will “mutants”. Mutts are usually stereotyped into the role
likely continue to rage. of upstart youth criminal with random and dangerous
Daemons abilities and behavior.
Genoism General genetic preference. In addition to employ-
Ability Genoism is a form of prejudice based on your genetic ment woes, genoism carries with it strong stereotypes
Scores makeup. It is very similar to racism, and some intel- in other areas. Generally, a genetically optimized hu-
lectuals argue it’s a redundant term as racism is also man’s word will count more than anyone else’s and a
a form of genoism. However, the term remains a pop- transgenic’s word will matter the least. People just
ular way to reference the phenomenon of bias for or don’t trust what appears to be different. The conviction
against people based on their type of genetic modifi- rating of transgenics is much higher than that of others,
cation (if any). mutts in particular. The existence of transgenic ghet-
The privilege of genetic optimization. The only peo- tos in some cities tells of the segregation that occurs
Hacking ple who don’t really suffer from any negative genoism due to most people’s fear of these new kinds of people.
are genetically optimized humans. People tend to place The general perception of genetically designed people
more value on optimized humans as professional em- is that they are single minded and robot like, complete-
Brave New
ployees, giving them an edge over unmodified humans ly obsessed with the task they were designed for.
and transgenics. If both an unmodified and optimized Hate crimes. An even more dangerous form of
human are going for the same job, the odds are slim genoism is the violence that has occurred against
that the unmodified human will get it. many transgenics, both engineered and admixtures.
Some religious groups have a special hatred for peo-
Appendices ple with non-human DNA. They see them as abomi-
nations of nature. At best they pity them and wish for
“merciful” sterilizations; at worst they want them com-
pletely annihilated, euthanized to remove the blight
against God, whose image they are most certainly not
made in. Drunken attacks and angry mobs have left
many transgenic humans hospitalized or dead. Some
terrorist organizations have formed that target trans-
genic humans or groups sympathetic towards them.
Humans have always feared and hated the out-group,
and the humans of 2090 are no exception.

Bioengineering and the L aw

When biotechnology first came into the limelight
during the early 21st Century it raised many people’s
hackles. People weren’t sure just how comfortable to
be with the idea of changing the DNA of living things
for profit. Various laws restricting or even banning

268 // 11. Brave New World //

GM food were enacted in many countries. Enforced la- over the coming decades it is expanded to include lu-
beling of GM products was a minimum safeguard for nar tourism for the wealthy, and by 2090 it can accom-
many countries, most notably EU countries. modate up to 500 people in luxury. Hybrid aerospace
Genetic optimization is kosher. Genetic engineer- shuttles are designed to taxi people from the moon to
ing became even more controversial when the process earth on a weekly basis. Vacationing on the moon be-
to genetically optimize a human became available. comes a status symbol among the wealthy, keeping the
The world’s general consensus was that it was accept- business flush.
able as long as it included no non-human DNA and it
was merely genetic selection from both parents, pro- The Beanstalk
ducing a baby that may have even occurred random- Coinciding with the development of Luna Armstrong,
ly. For many countries, this became a line in the sand in 2061, construction begins on the “The Beanstalk”,
as to how far the genetic modification of humans was a space elevator designed to make carrying materials
allowed to go. into orbit much easier. The 1 km base tower is con-
The Genome Accord. The UN passed the Genome structed near Quito, Ecuador, and has a great deal of
Accord in 2036, a document forbidding the inclusion funding from UNASUR, but it is an international proj-
of non-human DNA into the human genome. Other ect with funding from many agencies across the globe.
countries enacted their own legislation restricting The tower itself becomes a symbol for global unity, and
transgenic human experiments as well. a base for the United Nations as well. Attached to the
The Biotech Wild West. Other than the genome base tower is a tether reaching up to a space station in
accord, it seemed that there was no international con- orbit. The project is completed by 2067, and it allows
sensus on what amount of genetic modification was for the easy delivery of satellites and space exploration
acceptable. Each country made its own laws regarding vessels beyond earth’s atmosphere.
genetic engineering based on their cultures and reli-
gions. Islamic countries largely banned genetic engi- Intrasolar Stations
neering of any kind, and the EU generally made con- The Beanstalk fueled renewed interest in space explo-
servative laws. On the other hand, countries like Japan, ration, and within the coming decades, space stations
Russia, China, and America seemed to implement ev- are set up orbiting Mars, Titan, and Europa. None of
ery bit of biotechnology that was available. Once Chi- them are capable of housing colonies, but each accom-
na started producing transgenic humans in the 2050s modate over a dozen researchers.
other countries followed suit. Although this was in
clear violation of the Genome Accord, nations feared Themes to Explore
being left in the dust technologically and didn’t want Listed below are some themes that lend themselves
to handicap themselves by not taking advantage of an particularly well to GeneFunk 2090
effective technology.
Transgenic people are people. By 2090, transgenic Camaraderie
humans are legally treated exactly like other humans As anyone who has served in the military can attest
internationally and in most countries’ domestic laws to, the bonds formed under pressures of stress and
as well. The members of the EU, NAC, and other coun- violence are some of the tightest bonds that a person
tries still forbid the production of transgenic humans can make. The cadre ends up being a surrogate fam-
(except those born naturally, namely genetic deviants), ily to each of the members, and the interdependence
as does the UN. The production of most transgenic hu- and emotional connection that cadre members feel
mans occurs in Japan, Russia, China, and Brazil. with each other is a major theme that can be explored.
Friendship, self-sacrifice, loyalty, and fellowship can
Outer Space emerge amongst the characters, and it can be explored
While the human race is still bound to its solar system as story arcs for characters who initially come from di-
as far as colonization is concerned, some major mile- vergent worldviews and backgrounds.
stones in space exploration have been achieved by 2090.
Fluidity of Human Nature
The Moon This is perhaps the biggest and most obvious theme of
Luna Armstrong, a permanent international moon GeneFunk 2090, permeating the entire world. Whether
base, was constructed in 2059. It initially is built to or not there even is an objective human nature is called
house a few dozen astronauts and researchers, but into question by the existence of transgenic humans,

// GeneFunk 2090 // 269

Intro mind hacking, AI, and mind uploading. Being that the shared experience of a common human nature is
much of ethics rests on the boundaries of personhood, less solid than it has been for 200,000 years. The fluid-
Character these questions are bound to be a source of debate ity of identity, while a manifestation of great freedom
Creation and conflict. and choice, seems to have lent itself to a world with a
Malleable form. Transgenic genomes and person- diminished shared identity of humanity.
Genomes alized biohack upgrades result in people who might Further exacerbating this are the endless fractall-
only loosely appear human. When the human form ing branches of identity easily available online. The
becomes malleable like clay, the foundations of what WDS allows for groups of mere thousands across the
Classes it means to be a human being are thrown into deep globe to align themselves socially, and create their own
question, and the phrase “made in God’s image” needs subcultures, value systems, and identities. The phrase
Goods and another look. Concepts that appeared quite firm as dis- “birds of a feather flock together” has never been more
Services crete categories in the distant past, like sex and species, relevant, and any world view or identity you can imag-
are now entirely open to technological manipulation, ine, no matter how strange, exists.
Upgrades with transitions occurring relatively easily as often as Subcultures of biohacked Barbie dolls, furries,
an individual wants (and can afford). cannibals, toons, vampires, transgenic anarchocom-
Malleable mind. What it means to be a person, and mufeminists, and any other group identity you could
Daemons what an individual is further blurred by the existence imagine is out there, firmly embedded in their partic-
of mind hacks and mind uploading. When hackers ular tribe. Exploring the collapse of a common shared
Ability can erase or implant memories, influence emotions identity and rise of tribal tensions can fit well into
Scores and personality, what constitutes personal identity is many game sessions.
about as solid as silt. When a mind is copied via Phoe-
nix Unlimited, is a new person being created? Is delet- Economic Inequality
ing a stored backup when you make your next mind The Gini Coefficient is atrocious in pretty much ev-
upload murder? In what sense are you the same person ery country on the planet, meaning that inequality of
after resurrection, and in what sense are you someone wealth is enormous. Strangely, absolute pover-
entirely different? These are questions that so- ty is at an all time low. Nearly everyone
ciety is grappling with in 2090, and mind has food, water, and basic health
uploading technology is so new that care, but those that are rela-
social norms regarding psycho- tively poor compared to the
Brave New
mimes are still being negotiated. ridiculously rich are still
Artificial Intelligence. AI often angry, miserable,
created from the ground up and hungry for social
to appear human is becom- change. It turns out that
ing increasingly sophis- the human spirit craves
Appendices ticated. While society at more than just the
large (including laws) essentials to survive,
still treats AI as tools, they need wealth and
the question of some status comparable
type of AI conscious- to their neighbors
ness is open. If Phoenix as well. The absurd
Unlimited were to ever wealth disparity between
develop AI based on poor and rich is causing
data from uploaded absurd amounts of violence
human minds, this and crime as people clamor to
question would be climb the socioeconomic ladder
even more significant. with tooth and nail. Exploring why
the inequality exists, questions of justice, and why
Fractured Shared Identities the elimination of absolute poverty doesn’t satisfy peo-
Many of the larger unifying identities of the past have ple can all be aspects to explore during a game.
dimmed, and people have fallen into smaller and more
specific tribes. Patriotism and religious unity are low
in most countries, and due to prolific biohacking, even

270 // 11. Brave New World //

Genetic Discrimination Technological Wonder
In GeneFunk 2090, your genome is just as important as A Narrating just how fantastic and strange technolo-
your education and social class (though it’s correlated gy has made the world is a great way to get characters
with both). Though on paper it’s an equal society in to get a sense of the setting of GeneFunk 2090. Bizarre
many countries, the reality is that the genetically op- transgenic organisms, resurrected dinosaurs, daemon
timized are at the top, and transgenics, especially the AIs, marvelous WDS sites, strange prosthetic bodies,
mutts, are at the bottom. Having NPCs (or PCs) that and legions of drones filling the sky are just some of
are explicitly bigoted towards transgenics, transgenic the things that can add to the tech-saturated world.
rights activists or gangs, and getting into sociogenetic
tensions is a great way to get into the setting. Nature and N urture
The nature versus nurture dichotomy plays out right
Crime and Violence before your eyes in GeneFunk 2090. Your birth ge-
Because there are no state on state wars nome affects the role you play in society, and
anymore (courtesy of AEGIS), fewer your abilities. Some of this is due to phenotypes
people are dying violently than (like your genome bonuses), but another part also
ever before! The cloud to that comes from cultural reinforcement, making the
silver lining is that crime descriptive become prescriptive; you are ge-
and violence outside of netically modified to be a soldier, so you
war have never been high- should be a soldier. Untangling genet-
er than they are in 2090. ic predispositions to certain abilities
This is a dark but exciting and desires from cultural norms
theme to explore, lending it- and expectations can be one of the
self to an action-oriented game themes explored. Maybe a char-
with lots of combat! Murders acter with the Spartan Infantry
have increased by twentyfold, genome is a shark, bucking the
with especially crime-ridden trend and society’s expecta-
areas having a rate of violent tions. Perhaps a Sherlock ends
death being 1/100 every year. up being a detective and loves
Crime syndicates, the sec- the job, but resents his genetic
ond corporate wars, socio- affinity for the profession and
genetic tensions, tribalism, questions his free will.
and the extreme wealth gap are
all culprits in this astronomical
crime and violence. Areas where
extreme wealth is juxtaposed with
relative poverty are some of the big-
gest hotspots. Everyone locks their doors
and carries a weapon if they can find one. People have
become numb to the endless headlines about murders,
and it completely permeates society. Delving into this
violence is a good theme to explore in games.

A cadre can easily be seen as a plucky band of misfits
up against “the man”, be it big government, the Big 9,
autocratic NGOs, or crime syndicates. There are a great
many rules that authoritarian forces could be impos-
ing on the characters, either legal or social. Being a
band of freedom loving cyberpunk cowboys is a grand
idea, and going against the grain is a good way to gen-
erate interesting conflicts.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 271

Chapter 12: Non-Player Characters
ach player (usually) only controls one character,
Armor, Weapon, and
E but as anyone knows, a story involves
many characters, most of which will be
controlled by the GM.
Tool Proficiencies
Assume that an NPC is proficient with its armor,
weapons, and tools. If you swap them out, you
The player characters are the protagonists of the
decide whether the NPC is proficient with its new
story, but neutral characters and antagonists are all
NPCs (non-player characters) controlled by the GM.
See the Chapter 4: Goods and Services for rules
NPCs have special abilities, just like PCs do, but of-
on using armor or weapons without proficiency.
ten their statistics are much more simplified.
This appendix contains statistics for various non-
player characters that the protagonists might encoun- have the following feature, unless stated otherwise in
ter during a story, including lowly randos and mighty their individual entries:
super soldiers. Daemonless. Animals typically lack a daemon, and
An NPC’s statistics, sometimes referred to as its stat gain none of the associated advantages, but they are
block, provide the essential information that you need also immune to mind hacking.
to run the NPC.
Size Anthroids are constructed from a combination of
An NPC can be Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, or bioengineered tissues and blood, as well as durable
Gargantuan. The Size Categories table shows how biosynthetic fibers and bones. They appear just like
much space someone of a particular size controls in regular humans, and can function in every way a reg-
combat. See Chapter 9: Combat for more information ular human body can. It is sustained by food, gets rid
on NPC size and space. of bodily wastes in the same way, and has functioning
sexual organs.
Size Categories
All anthroids have the following features:
Size Space Calculator. They can perform mathematical calcu-
Tiny 0.75 by 0.75 meters lations instantly.
Small 1.5 by 1.5 meters Eidetic memory. They have a virtually unlimited ca-
Medium 1.5 by 1.5 meters pacity for memory and are able to record experiences
Large 3 by 3 meters whenever they choose.
Huge 4.5 by 4.5 meters
Gargantuan 6 by 6 meters Droid
Droids are anthropomorphic, but don’t really look
like humans upon closer inspection. Their specific
Type form varies, but all droids have two legs, two arms, a
An NPC’s type speaks to its fundamental nature. Cer- torso and a head. They are made of metal alloys, syn-
tain hacks, class features, and other effects in the game thetic polymers, and don’t have a spec of biology in
interact in special ways with NPCs of a particular type. them. Their form allows them to better interact with
For example, an upgrade robot only works on anthroids, a world designed for humans. All droids have the fol-
drones, and droids. The game includes the follow- lowing features unless stated otherwise in their indi-
ing NPC types. vidual entries:
Calculator. They can perform mathematical calcu-
Animal lations instantly.
Animals are nonhumanoid NPCs that are a natural Eidetic memory. They have a virtually unlimited ca-
part of ecology; yes, technically humans are animals pacity for memory and are able to record experiences
too, but this type only includes non-human animals, whenever they choose.
including everything from insects to blue whales. This Damage Vulnerabilities. Electrical
type also includes transgenic animals. All animals Damage Immunities. Poison

// GeneFunk 2090 // 273

Intro Drone Speed
Drones are far removed from a human shape, and can An NPC’s speed tells you how far it can move on its turn.
Character appear more like vehicles or animals. Their form de- For more information on speed, see Chapter 8: Com-
Creation pends on their function; some are airborne, some are pleting Contracts.
quadrupeds, while others might be shaped like a spider. All NPCs have a walking speed, simply called the
Genomes All droids have the following features unless stated NPC’s speed. NPCs that have no form of ground-based
otherwise in their individual entries: locomotion have a walking speed of 0 feet.
Calculator. They can perform mathematical calcu- Some NPCs have one or more of the following addi-
Classes lations instantly. tional movement modes.
Eidetic memory. They have a virtually unlimited ca-
Goods and pacity for memory and are able to record experiences Burrow
Services whenever they choose. An NPC that has a burrowing speed can use that speed
Damage Vulnerabilities. Electrical to move through sand, earth, mud, or ice. An NPC can’t
Upgrades Damage Immunities. Poison burrow through solid rock unless it has a special trait
that allows it to do so.
Daemons Humans are the type you are most familiar with. Climb
Be it unmodified, optimized, or transgenic, they An NPC that has a climbing speed can use all or part
Ability are all humans. of its movement to move on vertical surfaces. The NPC
Scores doesn’t need to spend extra movement to climb.
Armor Class
An NPC has an Armor Class (AC) that takes its armor, Fly
upgrades, and Dexterity into account. Otherwise, an An NPC that has a flying speed can use all or part of its
NPC’s AC is based on its Dexterity modifier and natu- movement to fly. Some NPCs have the ability to hov-
ral armor, if any. If an NPC has natural armor, or wears er, which makes them hard to knock out of the air (as
armor, this is noted in parentheses after its AC value. explained in the rules on flying in Chapter 9: Combat).
Hacking Such an NPC stops hovering when it dies.
Hit Points
An NPC usually dies or is destroyed when it drops Swim
Brave New
to 0 hit points. For more on hit points, see the Chap- An NPC that has a swimming speed doesn’t need to
ter 9: Combat. spend extra movement to swim.
An NPC’s hit points are presented both as a die
expression and as an average number. For example, Ability Scores
an NPC with 2d8 hit points has 9 hit points on av- Every NPC has six ability scores (Strength, Dexterity,
Appendices erage (2 × 4½). Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma)
An NPC’s size determines the die used to calculate and corresponding modifiers. For more information
its hit points, as shown in the Hit Dice by Size table. on ability scores and how they’re used in play, see
An NPC’s Constitution modifier also affects the Chapter 7: Using Ability Scores.
number of hit points it has. Its Constitution modifier is
multiplied by the number of Hit Dice it possesses, and Saving Throws
the result is added to its hit points. For example, if an The Saving Throws entry is reserved for NPCs that are
NPC has a Constitution of 12 (+1 modifier) and 2d8 Hit adept at resisting certain kinds of effects. For example,
Dice, it has 2d8 + 2 hit points (average 11). an NPC that isn’t easily charmed or frightened might
gain a bonus on its Wisdom saving throws. Most NPCs
Hit Dice by Size
don’t have special saving throw bonuses, in which case
Size Hit Die Average HP per Die this section is absent.
Tiny d4 2.5 A saving throw bonus is the sum of an NPC’s rele-
Small d6 3.5 vant ability modifier and its proficiency bonus, which
Medium d8 4.5 is determined by the NPC’s challenge rating (as shown
Large d10 5.5 in the Proficiency Bonus by Challenge Rating table).
Huge d12 6.5
Gargantuan d20 10.5

274 // 12. Non-Player Characters //

Proficiency Bonus by Challenge Rating wind of someone, it is impossible for them to hide, or
Proficiency Proficiency keep themselves disguised without some major alter-
Challenge Bonus Challenge Bonus ation of their scent. Additionally, the NPC has advantage
0 +2 14 +5 on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
1/8 +2 15 +5
1/4 +2 16 +5 Blindsight
1/2 +2 17 +6 An NPC with blindsight can perceive its surroundings
1 +2 18 +6 without relying on sight, within a specific radius.
2 +2 19 +6 NPCs with echolocation or heightened senses have
3 +2 20 +6 this sense, such as bats and people with advanced
4 +2 21 +7 sensory upgrades. If an NPC is naturally blind, it has
5 +3 22 +7 a parenthetical note to this effect, indicating that the
6 +3 23 +7 radius of its blindsight defines the maximum range of
7 +3 24 +7 its perception.
8 +3 25 +8
9 +4 26 +8 Darkvision
10 +4 27 +8 An NPC with darkvision can see in the dark within a
11 +4 28 +8 specific radius. The NPC can see in dim light within the
12 +4 29 +9 radius as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if
13 +5 30 +9 it were dim light. The NPC can’t discern color in dark-
ness, only shades of gray.
The Skills entry is reserved for NPCs that are proficient Macrovision
in one or more skills. For example, an NPC that is very Essentially built in binoculars, the NPC can see clearly
perceptive and stealthy might have bonuses to Wis- up to 2 kilometers away, and even able to discern even
dom (Perception) and Dexterity (Stealth) checks. fine details as though looking at something no more
A skill bonus is the sum of an NPC’s relevant abili- than 30 meters away.
ty modifier and its proficiency bonus, which is deter-
mined by the NPC’s challenge rating (as shown in the Microvision
Proficiency Bonus by Challenge Rating table). Other The NPC can magnify an image up to 40 x their actual
modifiers might apply. For instance, an NPC might have size. This is powerful enough to easily see minute trac-
a larger-than-expected bonus (usually double its profi- es of fibers, blood, or even make out individual cells in
ciency bonus) to account for its heightened expertise. rough detail.

Vulnerabilities, Resistances, Penetration Vision

and I mmunities This is the fabled “x-ray vision” out of comic book myth.
Some NPCs have vulnerability, resistance, or immunity NPCs using penetration vision can clearly see through
to certain types of damage (see Chapter 9: Combat). In smoke, clothes, flesh and even walls. While using pen-
addition, some NPCs are immune to certain conditions. etration vision, an NPC suffers disadvantage on attack
rolls, and Dexterity ability checks. In addition, they
Senses can only move at 1/2 their normal Speed. This sense
The Senses entry notes an NPC’s passive Wisdom (Per- can be activated or deactivated as a free action.
ception) score, as well as any special senses the NPC
might have. Special senses are described below. Spectrum Vision
An NPC with spectrum vision can, out to a specific
Acute Olfaction range, treat both lightly and heavily obscured areas as
An NPC with acute olfaction can recognize people’s completely visible and can see people and things that
unique scent, track them easily (as long as it hasn’t are Invisible (people using cloakers for instance).
rained), and gain incredible details about anything they
might eat or drink. While tracking people, the NPC can L anguages
also learn their exact number, their sizes, and how long The languages that an NPC can speak are listed in al-
ago they passed through the area. If the NPC is down- phabetical order. Sometimes an NPC can understand

// GeneFunk 2090 // 275

Intro a language but can’t speak it, and this is noted in its Actions
entry. A “—” indicates that an NPC neither speaks nor When an NPC takes its action, it can choose from the
Character understands any language. options in the Actions section of its stat block or use
Creation one of the actions available to all NPCs, such as the
Challenge Rating Dash or Hide action, as described in Chapter 9: Combat.
Genomes An NPC’s challenge rating (CR) tells you how great
a threat the NPC is. An appropriately equipped and Melee and Ranged Attacks
well-rested cadre of four characters should be able to The most common actions that an NPC will take in
Classes defeat an NPC that has a challenge rating equal to its combat are melee and ranged attacks. These can be
level without suffering any deaths. For example, a party hack attacks or weapon attacks. For more information
Goods and of four 3rd-level characters should find an NPC with a on different kinds of attacks, see Chapter 9: Combat.
Services challenge rating of 3 to be a worthy challenge, but not NPC vs. Target. The target of a melee or ranged at-
a deadly one. tack is usually either one NPC or one target, the differ-
Upgrades NPCs that are significantly weaker than 1st level ence being that a “target” can be an NPC or an object.
characters have a challenge rating lower than 1. NPCs Hit. Any damage dealt or other effects that occur as
with a challenge rating of 0 are insignificant except a result of an attack hitting a target are described after
Daemons in large numbers; those with no effective attacks are the “Hit” notation. You have the option of taking average
worth no experience points, while those that have damage or rolling the damage; for this reason, both the
Ability attacks are worth 10 XP each. Some NPCs present a average damage and the die expression are presented.
Scores greater challenge than even a typical 20th-level cadre Miss. If an attack has an effect that occurs on a miss,
can handle. These NPCs have a challenge rating of 21 or that information is presented after the “Miss” notation.
higher and are specifically designed to test player skill.
Experience Points An NPC that can make multiple attacks on its turn has
The number of experience points (XP) an NPC is worth the Multiattack action. An NPC can’t use Multiattack
is based on its challenge rating. Typically, XP is award- when making an opportunity attack, which must be a
Hacking ed for defeating the NPC, although the GM may also single melee attack.
award XP for neutralizing the threat posed by the NPC
in some other manner. Ammunition
Brave New
An NPC carries enough ammunition to make its ranged
World Experience Points by Challenge Rating
attacks. You can assume that an NPC has unlimited
Challenge XP Challenge XP ammunition, or you can make it have to reload or run
NPCs 0 0 or 10 14 11,500 out whenever it would add drama to the encounter.
1/8 25 15 13,000

1/4 50 16 15,000 Reactions
1/2 100 17 18,000 If an NPC can do something special with its reaction,
1 200 18 20,000 that information is contained here. If an NPC has no
2 450 19 22,000 special reaction, this section is absent.
3 700 20 25,000
4 1,100 21 33,000 L imited Usage
5 1,800 22 41,000 Some special abilities have restrictions on the number
6 2,300 23 50,000 of times they can be used.
7 2,900 24 62,000 X/Day. The notation “X/Day” means a special abili-
8 3,900 25 75,000 ty can be used X number of times and that an NPC must
9 5,000 26 90,000 finish a long rest to regain expended uses. For example,
10 5,900 27 105,000 “1/Day” means a special ability can be used once and
11 7,200 28 120,000 that the NPC must finish a long rest to use it again.
12 8,400 29 135,000 Recharge X–Y. The notation “Recharge X–Y” means
13 10,000 30 155,000 an NPC can use a special ability once and that the abili-
ty then has a random chance of recharging during each
subsequent round of combat. At the start of each of the
NPC’s turns, roll a d6. If the roll is one of the numbers

276 // 12. Non-Player Characters //

Legendary NPCs
Grapple Rules for NPCs
A legendary NPC can do things that ordinary
Many NPCs have special attacks that allow them
NPCs can’t. They can take special actions outside of
to quickly grapple. When an NPC hits with such
their turn, and tend to be famous (or infamous).
an attack, it doesn’t need to make an additional
ability check to determine whether the grapple
L egendary Actions
succeeds, unless the attack says otherwise.
A legendary NPC can take a certain number of special
Someone grappled by the NPC can use its
actions—called legendary actions—outside their turn.
action to try to escape. To do so, it must succeed
Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
on a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
and only at the end of another character’s turn. A leg-
check against the escape DC in the NPC’s stat
endary NPC regains its spent legendary actions at the
block. If no escape DC is given, assume the DC is
start of its turn. It can forgo using them, and it can’t
10 + the NPC’s Strength (Athletics) modifier.
use them while incapacitated or otherwise unable to
take actions. If surprised, it can’t use them until after
in the recharge range, the NPC regains the use of the its first turn in the combat.
special ability.
Recharge after a Short or Long Rest. This notation Making an NPC Legendary
means that an NPC can use a special ability once and If a GM wants to make an NPC particularly tough, they
then must finish a short or long rest to use it again. can make it legendary by adding the following effects.
Max hit dice. The NPC’s hit dice are all maximum
Customizing NPCs (not ½) for determining the legendary NPC’s hit points.
There are many easy ways to customize the NPCs in For example, a legendary NPC with 10d8 hit dice would
this section for your home campaign. receive 80 hit points from them, not 45.
Legendary actions. The NPC gets 3 legendary actions,
Genome Traits as described above, which they can use to take special
You can add genome traits to an NPC. For example, a actions. The GM can design their own appropriate ac-
Titan hitman might have +4 to their Strength score and tions, or they can be as simple as taking an attack action.
the Sturdy Frame trait. Adding genetic traits to an NPC Legendary saving throw. Once per day, the legendary
alters its challenge rating, increasing it by one step. NPC automatically succeeds on a failed saving throw.
For example, the Thug NPC has a challenge rating Legendary attack. The legendary NPC deals maxi-
of 1/2. If you were to make it a Titan Thug, and give it mum damage on their damage roll (recharge 4-6).
+4 Strength and additional damage to unarmed strikes, Increased Challenge. The legendary NPC’s chal-
and resistance to bludgeoning damage, giving it a chal- lenge rating is increased by 3 steps.
lenge rating of 1.

Hack Swaps Rules Variant: Minions

One way to customize an NPC hacker is to replace one
If a GM want combat to speed along, having the
or more of its hacks. You can substitute any hack on
cadre mow down dozens of enemies in an encoun-
the NPC’s hack list with a different hack of the same
ter, normally they can simply use low challenge
level. Swapping hacks in this manner doesn’t alter an
rating NPCs.
NPC’s challenge rating.
Alternatively, if the GM wants the NPCs to have
glass jaws but still pack a serious punch, they can
Armor and Weapon Swaps use the following rules for minions.
You can upgrade or downgrade an NPC’s armor, or add
or switch weapons. Adjustments to Armor Class and •• The NPC’s hit points are reduced to 1.
damage can change an NPC’s challenge rating, and the •• The NPC’s challenge rating is reduced by 3 steps.
degree of the change is at the GM’s discretion.
This can result in extremely short but violent
high-stakes combat, with characters and NPCs
dropping like flies.
The more powerful an NPC, the more likely it has one
or more biohack enhancements. Giving an NPC bio-
hacks can adjust their challenge rating, just like giving
them armor and weapons.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 277

Intro Challenge Rating 1/8–2 Tested Skill Software. If Alpha rolls below a 10 on an
ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10.

Character Adept Hacker Actions

Medium human Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 5 (1+4) bludgeoning
Genomes Armor Class 15 (Spyder Sylk clothing)
Damage Reduction 2
Hit Points 33 (6d8+6) Alpha anthroids are the dominant model for gener-
Classes Speed 9 m. ic anthroids. They are physically indistinguishable
from normal humans unless examined in detail. They
Goods and 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) are general purpose anthroids and often work in the
Services service industry, or as companions and servants for
Skills Computers +8, Investigation +6, Mechanics +8
lonely people. They are more expensive than their
Senses Passive Perception 11
Upgrades more mechanical looking counterparts (like Eupro) so
Languages Any one language
usually only see use in high end businesses and rich
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
households where the completely human
Daemons appear-ance is worth the cost to the consumer.
Hacking. The adept hacker is a 5th-level hacker. Its

Alpha v3.3
hacking ability is Intelligence (hack save DC 14, +6 to
hit with hack attacks). The adept hacker knows the
following hacks: Medium Anthroid
Completing 1st level (7 slots): command, decrypt, detect security, Armor Class 17 (subdermal plating)
Contracts killer joke, mind reader, pain, sleep, sloth, unlock Damage Reduction 4
2nd level (1 slot): disable security, freeze Hit Points 51 (6d8+24)
Combat Speed 9 m.
9mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
20 (+5) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)
Hacking range 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 8 (2d6+1) piercing
damage. Skills Drive +6, Insight +4, two other skills
Damage Resistance bludgeoning
Brave New Adept hackers are competent in their craft, making
Senses Passive Perception 12
World an excellent career out of cracking and hacking. Their
Languages Any nine
skills are in high demand, and they are commonly
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
NPCs found in all areas of power.

Alpha v3.1
Reinforced Skeleton. +2 damage to unarmed strikes
Appendices (included in the attack).
Medium Anthroid Tested Skill Software. If alpha rolls below a 10 on an
Armor Class 14 (subdermal plating) ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10.
Damage Reduction 2
Hit Points 22 (4d8+4)
Speed 9 m. Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
1.5 m., one target. Hit: 8 (1+7) bludgeoning damage.
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) Alpha v3.3 is like Alpha v3.1, only more advanced.

Skills Drive +3, Insight +2

Damage Resistance bludgeoning
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Any three
Challenge 1/4 (450 XP)

Reinforced Skeleton. +2 damage to unarmed strikes

(included in the attack).

278 // 12. Non-Player Characters //

Arnold MK I Languages Any one language
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Medium Anthroid
Armor Class 14 (subdermal plating) Actions
Damage Reduction 2 9mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
Hit Points 27 (5d8+5) 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 8 (2d6+1) piercing damage.
Speed 9 m.
Beat cops are the basis of most law enforcement, and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA run-ins with them can be common.
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Skills Athletics +4, Perception +2 Corporate Executive
Damage Resistance bludgeoning
Medium human
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Any three Armor Class 14 (Spyder Sylk clothing)
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Damage Reduction 2
Hit Points 33 (6d8+6)
Reinforced Skeleton. +2 damage to unarmed strikes Speed 9 m.
(included in the attack). STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Tested Skill Software. If Arnold rolls below a 10 on an 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10. Saving Throws Str +3, Dex +6, Con +4, Int +5, Wis +5,
Cha +6
Actions Skills Bureaucracy +4, Deception +5, Insight +4,
Multiattack. Arnold makes two melee or ranged
Persuasion +7
Senses Passive Perception 12
11mm handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, Languages Any two languages
range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 10 (2d8+1) piercing Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Retractable Nanoblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to Glib. If the corporate executive spends 1 minute
hit, reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 7 (2d4+2) armor talking to someone who can understand what they
piercing, piercing or slashing damage. say, the corporate executive can make a Charisma
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, (Persuasion) check contested by the person’s
reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 5 (1+4) bludgeoning Wisdom (Insight) check. If the check succeeds, the
damage. target is charmed for 1 minute thereafter.

Arnold MK I is designed for military use, these an- Inspiration (3/encounter). As a bonus action, grant 1
throids excel at passing themselves off as humans. target ally a d8 inspiration die. The ally can use this
They are programmed to seek and destroy their target die once to add the result to one ability check, attack
at all costs. Their flesh and blood composition allow roll, or saving throw it makes.
them to blend, and their enhanced physique, targeting Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The corporate executive deals
computer, combat programming, and internal weapon an extra 7 (2d6) damage when it hits a target with a
allows them to function as excellent assassins. weapon attack that has advantage on the attack roll,
or when the target is within 1.5 meters of an ally of
Beat Cop the corporate executive that isn’t incapacitated and
the corporate executive doesn’t have disadvantage
Medium human on the attack roll.
Armor Class 14 (Durile clothing)
Damage Reduction 2 Actions
Hit Points 16 (3d8+3) 9mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
Speed 9 m. 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) piercing damage.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Corporate executives rule from boardrooms and
13 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) high-rise offices, trading money and people’s lives
Skills Insight +2, Intimidation +2, Perception +2 with equal ease. The fiscal world of 2090 is more vi-
Senses Passive Perception 12 olent that eras past, and modern corporate executives
are a result of this murderous natural selection.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 279

Intro Captain Reinforced Skeleton. +2 damage to unarmed strikes
(included in the attack).
Medium human
Seductive. If Cherry spends 1 minute talking to
Creation Armor Class 19 (Durile assault suit) someone who can understand what they say, and
Damage Reduction 2 is of a receptive sexual orientation, Cherry can
Hit Points 33 (6d8+6) make a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested
Speed 9 m. by the person’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If the
check succeeds, the target is charmed for 1 minute
Classes 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) thereafter.
Tested Skill Software. If Cherry rolls below a 10 on an
Skills Intimidation +5, Insight +3, Persuasion +5
ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10.
Goods and Senses Passive Perception 11
Services Languages Any two languages
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 5 (1+4) bludgeoning
Inspiration (4/encounter). As a bonus action, grant 1
target ally a d8 inspiration die. The ally can use this
die once to add the result to one ability check, attack Cherry is a basic pleasure model anthroid. Using data
roll, or saving throw it makes. gathered from hundreds of surveys and studies on
Ability Tactics. The captain can use their movement beauty and sexuality, designers crafted various frames
action to give one of their allies an immediate free to represent multiple models from every ethnicity
movement action instead. and sex. Each model has its own name, but the brand
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The captain deals an extra 7 name Cherry is applied to all of them. Though a variety
(2d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon of personalities is available, all of them are geared to-
attack that has advantage on the attack roll, or wards pleasing the consumer. They are also often pro-
when the target is within 1.5 meters of an ally of the grammed with knowledge of world events, cooking,
captain that isn’t incapacitated and the captain history, and music to better engage.
doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Cherry Deluxe

Brave New
Actions Medium Anthroid
World 12 Gauge Shotgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Armor Class 16 (subdermal plating)
range 40/120 m., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8+3) piercing
Damage Reduction 2
NPCs Hit Points 26 (4d8+8)
Captains are tactical leaders of police, military, or Speed 9 m.
mercenary squads.
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)
Skills Deception +6, Insight +6, Performance +6,
Medium Anthroid
Persuasion +6, Social Science +4, plus one other skill
Armor Class 15 (subdermal plating) Damage Resistance bludgeoning
Damage Reduction 2 Senses Passive Perception 12
Hit Points 16 (3d8+3) Languages Any fifteen
Speed 9 m. Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)


14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) Reinforced Skeleton. +2 damage to unarmed strikes
(included in the attack).
Skills Deception +5, Insight +5, Performance +5,
Seductive. If Cherry spends 1 minute talking to
Persuasion +5, Social Science +2
someone who can understand what they say, and
Damage Resistance bludgeoning
is of a receptive sexual orientation, Cherry can
Senses Passive Perception 11
make a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested
Languages Any twelve
by the person’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If the
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
check succeeds, the target is charmed for 1 minute

280 // 12. Non-Player Characters //

Tested Skill Software. If Cherry rolls below a 10 on an Aggressive. As a bonus action, the enforcer can move
ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10. up to its speed toward an enemy that it can see.
Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its
Actions damage when the enforcer hits with it (included in
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, the attack).
reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 7 (1+6) bludgeoning
damage. Actions
Cherry Deluxe is similar to Cherry, only more sophis- Baseball Bat. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
ticated (and expensive)! 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8+3) bludgeoning
damage. The target must succeed on a DC 10
Dealer Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the
end of the enforcer’s next turn.
Medium Human
11 mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Armor Class 14 (reinforced clothing) range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 11 (2d8+2) piercing
Damage Reduction 0 damage.
Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Enforcers are hired bone-breakers, mob muscle, or
Speed 9 m.
other violent antagonists. It’s usually a bad day when
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA you interact with one.
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Skills Intimidation +2, Stealth +4 Eupro–Alfred
Senses Passive Perception 10
Medium Droid
Languages Any one language
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Armor Class 20 (armor plating)
Damage Reduction 6
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The dealer deals an extra 3 Hit Points 45 (6d8+18)
(1d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon Speed 12 m.
attack that has advantage on the attack roll, or STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
when the target is within 1.5 meters of an ally of 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)
the dealer that isn’t incapacitated and the dealer
Skills Drive +5, Insight +5, three other skills
doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Senses Darkvision 18 m., Passive Perception 15
Languages Any twelve
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
9mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
range 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) piercing
Insulated. Unlike most droids, the Eupro–Alfred
doesn’t have vulnerability to electrical damage.
Dealers are businessmen of the black market, usually Tested Skill Software. If Eupro rolls below a 10 on an
dealing in drugs, weapons, biohacks, or sex. ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10.

Enforcer Actions
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
Medium Human
reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) bludgeoning
Armor Class 14 (reinforced clothing) damage.
Damage Reduction 0
Eupro–Alfred is a representative of the most ubiqui-
Hit Points 27 (5d8+5)
tous class of droids, the helper droid. The Alfred model
Speed 9 m.
is the most expensive and competent Eupro and is only
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA found in wealthier homes and businesses. Eupro can
17 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
be found in many middle-class homes or working in
Skills Intimidation +2 the service industry. It can do basic cleaning, cooking,
Senses Passive Perception 10 driving, and other menial tasks. Its human-like frame
Languages Any one language is composed primarily of plastics and other synthetics.
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Though humanoid, Eupro looks almost like a classic
robot out of older science fiction.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 281

Intro Eupro–Jeeves Fenris
Medium Droid Medium Drone
Creation Armor Class 18 (armor plating) Armor Class 17 (armor plating)
Damage Reduction 4 Damage Reduction 6
Hit Points 30 (4d8+12) Hit Points 39 (6d8+12)
Speed 9 m. Speed 15 m.

Classes 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Skills Drive +4, Insight +4, two other skills Skills Perception +3
Goods and Senses Passive Perception 12 Senses Darkvision 36 m., Passive Perception 13
Services Languages Any nine Languages Any three
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Tested Skill Software. If Eupro rolls below a 10 on an Keen Hearing and Smell. Fenris has advantage on
ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10. Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or
Actions Pack Tactics. Fenris has advantage on an attack
Ability Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, roll against a target if at least one of Fenris’s allies
Scores reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4+3) bludgeoning is within 1.5 meters of the target and the ally isn’t
damage. incapacitated.
Contracts Eupro–Jeeves is exactly like the Alfred model, only it
is second to top of the line. Actions
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one
Eupro–Riff Raff
target. Hit: 10 (2d4+5) piercing damage. The target
must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be
Medium Droid knocked prone, and it becomes grappled by Fenris.
Armor Class 15 (armor plating) Pneumatic Gun. If Fenris has something grappled, it
Damage Reduction 2 can use a bonus action to use the pneumatic gun.
Brave New
World Hit Points 13 (2d8+4) Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one
Speed 9 m. target. Hit: 12 (2d6+5) piercing damage.

NPCs STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Fenris drones are nightmarish, four-legged robots
14 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) that move and act like a large robotic canine or cat, ap-
Skills Drive +3, Insight +1 pearing like some chrome and plastic cousin of a large
Appendices mammalian predator. Primarily used by the military,
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Any three they hunt down their targets and usually are tasked
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) with killing them. When one gets a hold of their prey,
they employ a powerful pneumatic gun to slam a metal
Tested Skill Software. If Eupro rolls below a 10 on an spike into the unfortunate victim.
ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10.
Medium Human
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) bludgeoning Armor Class 11
damage. Damage Reduction 0
Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Eupro–Riff Raff is the basic, budget Eupro model
Speed 9 m.
found in most homes that can afford one.
12 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0)
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Any one language
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

282 // 12. Non-Player Characters //

Pack Tactics. The gangbanger has advantage on
an attack roll against a target if at least one of the
gangbanger’s allies is within 1.5 meters of the target
and the ally isn’t incapacitated.

9mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
range 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 8 (2d6+1) piercing
Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 1.5 m.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d4+1) piercing damage.
Gangbangers are members of a violent street gang.
Oppression, drought, disease, or poverty can often
lead to more people seeking power and wealth through
crime, a path that can lead to becoming a gangbanger.

Gang Leader
Medium Human
Armor Class 17 (Durile clothing)
Damage Reduction 2
Hit Points 65 (10d8+20)
Speed 9 m.


17 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Any two languages
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Pack Tactics. The gang leader has advantage on an

attack roll against a target if at least one of the gang
leader’s allies is within 1.5 meters of the target and
the ally isn’t incapacitated.

Violent Influence . The gang leader grants allies

within 9 m. a +2 bonus on their damage rolls.

Multiattack. The gang leader makes two melee or
ranged attacks.
ZQ Monkey King. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6+4) piercing
NanoEdge Kerambit. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to
hit, reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) armor
piercing, piercing or slashing damage.
Gang leaders have a strong personality, ruthless cun-
ning, and a silver tongue. More than money, a gang
leader seeks power, status, and respect. Someone who
appeals to the gang leader’s vanity or ego is more likely
to be treated fairly than someone who does not.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 283

Intro Grease Monkey Tested Skill Software. If Grease Monkey rolls below
a 10 on an ability check, the roll automatically
Medium Droid becomes a 10.
Creation Armor Class 15 (armor plating) Tools. Grease Monkey has all the tools in the
Damage Reduction 2 mechanics kit built directly into the body, including
Hit Points 13 (2d8+4) a drill, saw, blow torch, soldering iron, and other
Speed 9 m. relevant tools.


Classes 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) Actions
Blow Torch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 1.5
Skills Physical Science +4, Mechanics +6
m., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) heat damage.
Goods and Senses Passive Perception 11
Services Drill or Saw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
Languages Any three
1.5 m., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing or slashing
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Insulated. Unlike most droids, the Grease Monkey Grease Monkey Pro is like the baseline Grease Mon-
doesn’t have vulnerability to electrical damage. key, only more advanced.
Tested Skill Software. If Grease Monkey rolls below
a 10 on an ability check, the roll automatically Grunt
Ability becomes a 10.
Medium Human
Tools. Grease Monkey has all the tools in the
Armor Class 19 (kevlar body armor)
mechanics kit built directly into the body, including
Completing Damage Reduction 2
Contracts a drill, saw, blow torch, soldering iron, and other
Hit Points 11 (2d8+2)
relevant tools.
Speed 9 m.
Blow Torch. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 1.5 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Hacking m., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) heat damage. Skills Athletics +3, Intimidation +2
Drill or Saw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach Senses Passive Perception 10
Brave New 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing or slashing Languages Any one language
World damage. Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Grease Monkey droids are designed specifically for
NPCs mechanics, auto body shops and welders. Possessing Actions
an internal toolkit, they are near ubiquitous in larger 5.56 Assault Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
chain car repair shops. range 150/450 m., one target. Hit: 11 (2d8+2) piercing
Grease Monkey Pro 3 Shot Burst. Make up to three 5.56mm Assault Rifle
attack rolls against the same target. This attack
Medium Droid
action ends when you miss with one of the attack
Armor Class 17 (armor plating) rolls, forgoing the rest of the attack rolls. Each
Damage Reduction 4 attack roll after the first takes a -4 penalty.
Hit Points 19 (3d8+6)
Wide Burst. Grunts can spray a 3-meter-cube area
Speed 9 m.
up to 150 meters away. Each target in the area must
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 2d8+2 piercing damage.
Skills Physical Science +7, Mechanics +7 Grunts are marines, army infantry, mercenaries,
Senses Passive Perception 11 SWAT, or any other entry level military or paramilitary
Languages Any six combatants. Well equipped and trained to kill, they are
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) only around when violence is afoot.

Insulated. Unlike most droids, the Grease Monkey

doesn’t have vulnerability to electrical damage.

284 // 12. Non-Player Characters //

Hitman Ittojutsu. Once per encounter, the kensei samurai
can inflict an extra 3d6 damage after they hit with a
Medium Human melee weapon.
Armor Class 17 (Spyder Sylk clothing) Counter Attack (1/turn). The kensei makes melee
Damage Reduction 2 attack with a nanosword against anyone who makes
Hit Points 38 (7d8+7) a melee attack against them.
Speed 9 m.
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) Multiattack. The kensei makes two melee attacks.
Nanosword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
Skills Investigation +2, Perception +3, Stealth +5
1.5 m., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4) armor piercing,
Senses Passive Perception 13
slashing damage.
Languages Any one language
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Kensei are samurai that focus almost exclusively on
swordsmanship and use their razor-sharp blade (usu-
Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the hitman can ally a katana) to great effect. Like other samurai, they
use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or are almost always in the employ of a nation, corpora-
Hide action. tion, or other wealthy patron.
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The hitman deals an extra 10
(3d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon
attack that has advantage on the attack roll, or
when the target is within 1.5 meters of an ally of
the hitman that isn’t incapacitated and the hitman
doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.

Multiattack. The hitman makes two melee or ranged
11mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8+3) piercing
NanoEdge Kerambit. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) armor
piercing, piercing or slashing damage.
Dealers are businessmen of the black market, usually
dealing in drugs, weapons, biohacks, or sex.

Medium Human
Armor Class 18 (ceramic plate body armor)
Damage Reduction 4
Hit Points 58 (9d8+18)
Speed 9 m.


18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)
Skills Athletics +6, Insight +3, Perception +3
Senses Passive Perception 13
Languages Any two languages
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

// GeneFunk 2090 // 285

Intro Lab Rat Actions
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach
Medium Droid
Character 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 3 (1+2) bludgeoning damage.
Armor Class 16 (armor plating)
Creation Little Alex is an anthroid child that is designed to be
Damage Reduction 2
a play pal for neglected children, or to alleviate grief
Hit Points 13 (2d8+4)
Genomes from a parent who lost a child.
Speed 9 m.

12 (+1)
16 (+3)
14 (+2)
16 (+3)
12 (+1)
10 (+0)
Medium Droid
Skills Life Science +7, Physical Science +7
Goods and Senses Passive Perception 11 Armor Class 14 (armor plating)
Services Languages Any three Damage Reduction 4
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Hit Points 11 (2d8+2)
Upgrades Speed 9 m.
Lab Tools. Lab Rat has all the tools of the forensic STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
field kit and forensic scanner, as well as other 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0)
essential lab tools like micropipettes, syringes, mass
Skills Insight +2, Investigation +2, Intimidation +2
spectrometers, etc.
Senses Passive Perception 10
Ability Tested Skill Software. If Lab Rat rolls below a 10 on an Languages Any three
ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10. Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Actions Tested Skill Software. If the M.E.A rolls below a 10 on
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, an ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10.
reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4+1) piercing or
bludgeoning damage. Actions
Lab Rats are droids used in science and engineer- 9mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
Hacking ing laboratories across the world. They can analyze 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) piercing damage.
data, test DNA and chemical compositions, as well as Taser. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 3/6 m.,
Brave New other lab work. one target. Hit: 1 (1) piercing damage, and the target
World must make a DC 12 Constitution save, or is stunned
Little Alex until the end of their next turn.
NPCs Medium Anthroid The M.E.A. MK I (military enforcement automaton)
is a law enforcement and military droid meant to re-
Armor Class 14 (subdermal plating)
place flesh and blood soldiers. The use is especially
Appendices Damage Reduction 2
popular when the loss of human life would cause so-
Hit Points 9 (2d6+2)
cial unrest; nobody likes seeing body bags come home.
Speed 9 m.

12 (+1)
12 (+1)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
12 (+1)
Medium Droid
Skills Drive +3, Insight +2
Damage Resistance bludgeoning Armor Class 19 (armor plating)
Senses Passive Perception 10 Damage Reduction 6
Languages Any three Hit Points 32 (5d8+10)
Challenge 1/4 (450 XP) Speed 9 m.


Reinforced Skeleton. +2 damage to unarmed strikes 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)
(included in the attack).
Skills Insight +4, Investigation +4, Intimidation +4,
Tested Skill Software. If Little Alex rolls below a 10 on Perception +4
an ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10. Senses Darkvision 18 m., Passive Perception 14
Languages Any nine
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

286 // 12. Non-Player Characters //

Tested Skill Software. If the M.E.A rolls below a 10 on Actions
an ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10. 7.62mm Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
60/120 m., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10+4) piercing
Actions damage.
11mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range
14/42 m., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4) piercing damage. The Phantom MK II functions like the MK I, only bet-
ter, and with a larger gun!
Taser. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 3/6 m.,

Rex 4.0
one target. Hit: 1 (1) piercing damage, and the target
must make a DC 12 Constitution save, or is stunned
until the end of their next turn. Medium Drone
The M.E.A. MK III functions like the MK II, only it is Armor Class 16 (armor plating)
more effective, and expensive. Damage Reduction 2
Hit Points 22 (4d8+4)
Phantom MK I Speed 12 m.


16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Armor Class 16 (armor plating)
Damage Reduction 2 Skills Perception +3
Hit Points 9 (2d6+2) Senses Darkvision 36 m., Passive Perception 13
Speed fly 18 m. Languages Any one
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
Keen Hearing and Smell. Rex has advantage on
Skills Investigation +4, Perception +5, Stealth +5 Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or
Senses Darkvision 36 m., Passive Perception 15 smell.
Languages Any three Pack Tactics. Rex has advantage on an attack roll
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) against a target if at least one of Rex’s allies is
within 1.5 meters of the target and the ally isn’t
Actions incapacitated.
9mm Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
18/54 m., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) piercing damage. Actions
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one
The Phantom MK I is a flying anti-personnel drone
target. Hit: 8 (2d4+3) piercing damage. The target
that is used by military and law enforcement agencies
must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be
to both monitor areas, and enforce the peace, or will
knocked prone, and it becomes grappled by Rex.
of whomever owns the drone. Counterculture is filled
with stories of criminals, rebels, or other undesirables Rex 4.0 is a robotic quadrupedal dog like drone, com-
who have been sniped by these robots. plete with pack programming and a vicious bite. They
are sold as complements to police and military, and are
Phantom MK II experts at tracking down and tearing apart their targets.

Small Drone
Rex 4.1
Armor Class 19 (armor plating)
Medium Drone
Damage Reduction 4
Hit Points 25 (4d6+8) Armor Class 17 (armor plating)
Speed fly 21 m. Damage Reduction 4
Hit Points 34 (5d8+12)
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) Speed 15 m.

Skills Investigation +4, Perception +6, Stealth +6 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Senses Darkvision 36 m., Passive Perception 15
Languages Any three Skills Perception +3
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Senses Darkvision 36 m., Passive Perception 13
Languages Any one

// GeneFunk 2090 // 287

Intro Challenge 1 (200 XP) Languages Any one
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Keen Hearing and Smell. Rex has advantage on Wis-
dom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. Keen Hearing and Smell. Spot has advantage on Wis-
Pack Tactics. Rex has advantage on an attack roll dom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
against a target if at least one of Rex’s allies is Pack Tactics. Spot has advantage on an attack roll
within 1.5 meters of the target and the ally isn’t against a target if at least one of Spot’s allies is
incapacitated. within 1.5 meters of the target and the ally isn’t
Classes incapacitated.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one Actions
Goods and
target. Hit: 9 (2d4+4) piercing damage. The target Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one
must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) piercing damage. The target
be knocked prone, and it becomes grappled by Rex. must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be
Rex 4.1 functions exactly like Rex 4.0, only it is knocked prone, and it becomes grappled by Spot.
more advanced. Spot is a robotic quadrupedal dog like drone, complete
Daemons with pack programming and a vicious bite. They are
Security Guard sold as protection for private individuals, and are often
Ability enough to scare off intruders.
Medium human
Armor Class 13 (reinforced clothing) Stirge
Completing Damage Reduction 0
Contracts Hit Points 11 (2d8+2) Tiny Drone
Speed 9 m. Armor Class 16 (armor plating)
Combat Damage Reduction 2
13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) Hit Points 7 (2d4+2)
Speed fly 12 m.
Hacking Skills Intimidation +2
Senses Passive Perception 10 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Languages Any one language 4 (-3) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
Brave New
World Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Skills Investigation +3, Perception +5, Stealth +8
Senses Darkvision 36 m., Passive Perception 15

Actions Languages Any one
Baton. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 1.5 m., Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) bludgeoning damage.
Hypodermic Injection. The syringe can be loaded with
Appendices 9mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
any poison, drug, or medicine. The Stirge can carry
12/36 m., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
up to 5 doses, but must take an action to switch to a
The cheapest security and enforcement that life has to new poison or drug.
offer, security guards are privately employed, and can
be found anywhere from markets, to warehouses. Actions
Cyanide Injection, 1/reload. Melee Weapon Attack:
Spot +6 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: Target must
make a DC 21 Constitution saving throw. The subject
Medium Drone
takes 8d6 poison damage and is poisoned for 1 hour
Armor Class 15 (armor plating) on a failed save, or half as much damage and no
Damage Reduction 2 poisoned effect on a successful save.
Hit Points 11 (2d8+2)
Stirges are manifestations of a basic flying drone that
Speed 12 m.
have been modified for murder. They are tiny enough
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA to fly through a window, and quiet enough to hover
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
within injection-range, and administer a lethal dose
Skills Perception +3 of poison. They cause many people in dangerous jobs
Senses Darkvision 36 m., Passive Perception 13 to lose sleep.

288 // 12. Non-Player Characters //

Swoop Tarantula MK II
Tiny Drone Medium Drone
Armor Class 13 (armor plating) Armor Class 18 (armor plating)
Damage Reduction 2 Damage Reduction 4
Hit Points 2 (1d4) Hit Points 32 (5d8+10)
Speed fly 18 m. Speed 9 m., climb 9 m.

4 (-3) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Senses Darkvision 36 m., Passive Perception 10 Skills Athletics +5, Investigation +2, Perception +3
Languages Any one Senses Darkvision 36 m., Passive Perception 13
Challenge 0 (10 XP) Languages Any two
Challenge 2 (50 XP)
None. Insulated. Unlike most droids, the Tarantula MK II
doesn’t have vulnerability to electrical damage.
Swoops are your basic flying drone, meant for fun, rac-
Spider Climb. The Tarantula MK II can climb difficult
ing, or surveillance.
surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without
needing to make an ability check.
Tarantula MK I
Small Drone Actions
9.5mm Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
Armor Class 16 (armor plating)
75/150 m., one target. Hit: 16 (2d12+3) piercing
Damage Reduction 2
Hit Points 11 (2d8+2)
Speed 9 m., climb 9 m. Megataser. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
4/8 m., one target. Hit: 3 (3) electrical damage, and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the target must make a DC 14 Constitution save, or is
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
stunned until the end of their next turn.
Skills Athletics +3, Investigation +2, Perception +2
The Tarantula MK II is the MK I’s larger cousin,
Senses Darkvision 36 m., Passive Perception 12
packing a larger punch and is used for more danger-
Languages Any one
ous operations..
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Spider Climb. The Tarantula MK I can climb difficult

surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without
needing to make an ability check.

5.56mm Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
50/100 m., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8+3) piercing damage.
Taser. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 3/6 m.,
one target. Hit: 1 (1) piercing damage, and the target
must make a DC 12 Constitution save, or is stunned
until the end of their next turn.
The Tarantula MK I is a basic eight-legged spider
drone, requisitioned by the military for anti-personnel
operations. The Tarantula MK I can also be used as au-
tonomous guards for secure areas.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 289

Intro Wrath Tweaker Actions
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach
Medium Human
Character 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 12 (1+11) bludgeoning damage.
Armor Class 11 (reinforced clothing)
Creation Alpha v3.5 is like Alpha v3.1, only more advanced.
Damage Reduction 0
Hit Points 22 (4d8+4)
Speed 9 m.
Arnold MK III
Medium Anthroid
Classes 17 (+3) 12(+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) Armor Class 19 (subdermal plating)
Skills Intimidation +2 Damage Reduction 4
Goods and Senses Passive Perception 10 Hit Points 85 (10d8+40)
Services Languages Any one language Speed 12 m.
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Upgrades 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the wrath tweaker can
Skills Athletics +7, Deception +4, Perception +9, Stealth +6
move up to its speed toward an enemy that it can see.
Daemons Damage Resistance bludgeoning
Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its Senses Darkvision 36 m., Passive Perception 19
damage when the wrath tweaker hits with it Languages Any six
Ability (included in the attack). Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Actions Hyper Jumping. Arnold MK III’s jumping distances are
Multiattack. The wrath tweaker makes two melee tripled, and they can fall 9 meters without taking
attacks any damage.
Machete. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 1.5 m., Reinforced Skeleton. +2 damage to unarmed strikes
one target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) slashing damage. (included in the attack).
Wrath tweakers are poor unfortunate souls have be- Tested Skill Software. If Arnold rolls below a 10 on an
Hacking come junkies to wrath, an addictive stimulant. All they ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10.
care about is the next fix, and if that means a machete
Brave New in your head, so be it. Actions
World Multiattack. Arnold makes two melee or ranged
Challenge Rating 3–7 attacks.
NPCs ZQ Monkey King Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack:

Alpha v3.5 +8 to hit, range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6+4)
piercing damage.
Appendices Medium Anthroid Retractable Nanoblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to
Armor Class 24 (subdermal plating) hit, reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 10 (2d4+5) armor
Damage Reduction 6 piercing, piercing or slashing damage.
Hit Points 92 (8d8+56) Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach
Speed 9 m. 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 8 (1+7) bludgeoning damage.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Arnold MK III functions similarly to the MK I, only at
28 (+9) 24 (+7) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) a more advanced (and expensive) level.
Skills Drive +7, Insight +6, three other skills
Damage Resistance bludgeoning
Senses Passive Perception 14
Languages Any fifteen
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Reinforced Skeleton. +2 damage to unarmed strikes

(included in the attack).
Tested Skill Software. If Alpha rolls below a 10 on an
ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10.

290 // 12. Non-Player Characters //

Commander it hits a target with a weapon attack that has
advantage on the attack roll, or when the target
Medium human is within 1.5 meters of an ally of the captain that
Armor Class 22 (Spyder Sylk assault suit) isn’t incapacitated and the captain doesn’t have
Damage Reduction 6 disadvantage on the attack roll.
Hit Points 78 (12d8+24)
Speed 9 m. Actions
Multiattack. The commander makes two ranged
14 (+2) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)
Tiamat 10 Gauge Shotgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8
Skills Deception +7, Intimidation +7, Insight +6,
to hit, range 40/120 m., one target. Hit: 14 (2d10+3)
Persuasion +7,
piercing damage and 3 (1d6) heat damage.
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Any two languages Commanders are elite strategic leaders, greatly bol-
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) stering their allies in combat.

Inspiration (1/Turn). As a bonus action, grant 1 target

ally a d12 inspiration die. The ally can use this die
once to add the result to one ability check, attack
roll, or saving throw it makes.
Tactics. The commander can use their movement
action to give one of their allies an immediate free
movement action instead.
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The captain deals
an extra 14 (4d6) damage when

// GeneFunk 2090 // 291

Intro Elite Agent Actions
Multiattack. Heavy infantry make two ranged
Medium human
Character attacks.
Creation Armor Class 21 (SharkSkin clothing) 7.62 Assault Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to
Damage Reduction 4 hit, range 180/540 m., one target. Hit: 14 (2d10+3)
Hit Points 65 (12d8+11) piercing damage.
Speed 9 m.
3 Shot Burst. Make up to three 7.62mm Assault Rifle
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA attack rolls against the same target. This attack
Classes 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) action ends when you miss with one of the attack
Skills Computers + 7, Deception +7, Insight +7, rolls, forgoing the rest of the attack rolls. Each
Goods and Investigation +7, Perception +9, Persuasion +7, attack roll after the first takes a -4 penalty.
Services Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8 Wide Burst . Heavy Infantry can spray a 3-meter-cube
Senses Passive Perception 19 area up to 180 meters away. Each target in the area
Upgrades Languages Any three languages must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) take 2d10+3 piercing damage.
Fragmentation Grenade . Ranged Attack: 15 m.
Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the elite agent Shrapnel flies outward in 6-meter radius sphere
can use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, centered on the point of the detonation. Everything
Ability or Hide action. within the blast must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
Discerning Aim (1/Turn). The elite agent gains a +3 throw, taking 17 (5d6) piercing damage on a failed
bonus to the attack and damage roll of a single attack. save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Contracts Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The elite agent deals an extra Heavily armed and armored, heavy infantry are a sta-
14 (4d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon ple of any fighting force.
attack that has advantage on the attack roll, or
when the target is within 1.5 meters of an ally of
the elite agent that isn’t incapacitated and the elite
L33T Hacker
Hacking agent doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. Medium human
Armor Class 18 (SharkSkin clothing)
Brave New
Actions Damage Reduction 4
World Multiattack. The elite agent makes two ranged attacks. Hit Points 80 (10d8+35)
Urban Ranger 10mm. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to Speed 9 m.
hit, range 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8+3) armor
piercing, piercing damage. 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)
Elite agents are highly motivated and trained intelli- Skills Computers +11, Investigation +8, Mechanics +11
gence operatives working for any organization. They Senses Passive Perception 12
include elite detectives, spies, and operatives working Languages Any one language
with sensitive information. Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Heavy Infantry Hacking. The l33t hacker is a 9th-level hacker. Its

Medium Human hacking ability is Intelligence (hack save DC 16, +8
to hit with hack attacks). The l33t hacker knows the
Armor Class 21 (hardshell suit)
following hacks:
Damage Reduction 4
1st level (8 slots): camfect, command, decrypt, detect
Hit Points 65 (10d8+20)
security, killer joke, mind reader, pain, sleep, sloth,
Speed 9 m.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 2nd level (5 slot): disable security, drone snipe, freeze,
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) modify memory, summoning
Skills Athletics +3, Intimidation +2 3rd level (1 slot): drone strafe
Senses Passive Perception 10 Targeting Firmware. The l33t hacker gains a damage
Languages Any one language bonus to attacks equal to their intelligence modifier
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) (already included in the attack).

292 // 12. Non-Player Characters //

Actions Professional Fighter
9mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
Medium Human
range 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6+7) armor
piercing, piercing damage. Armor Class 18 (subdermal plates)
Damage Reduction 4
L33t hackers slice through the thickest security and
Hit Points 142 (15d8+75)
get themselves involved in high level shenanigans of
Speed 9 m.
all kinds. The can be legally employed as government
white hats, but they have dealings with the under- STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
world more often than not. 24 (+7) 16(+3) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 15 (+2)
Skills Athletics +10, Intimidation +6
M.E.A MK V Senses Passive Perception 11
Languages Any one language
Medium Droid
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Armor Class 22 (armor plating)
Damage Reduction 8 Choke. If the professional fighter begins their turn
Hit Points 85 (10d8+40) having their target grappled, the target must
Speed 9 m. succeed at a Constitution saving throw, or they
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA become unconscious. They regain consciousness 1
26 (+8) 22 (+6) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) full round after the choke is released.

Skills Athletics +11, Insight +7, Investigation +7, Grappler. The professional fighter can initiate a
Intimidation +7, Perception +7 grapple as a bonus action.
Resistances Bludgeoning Heavy Hands. Critical hits from unarmed strikes
Senses Darkvision 36 m., Passive Perception 15 knock the target prone.
Languages Any fifteen Leg Kick (3/encounter). The target takes a 3-meter
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) penalty to their Speed for one minute.
Penetrating Strikes. The professional fighter’s
Forensic Scanner. The M.E.A. MK V has an onboard unarmed strikes are armor-piercing.
forensic scanner (described in gear section). Reinforced Skeleton. +2 damage to unarmed strikes
Insulated. Unlike most droids, the M.E.A MK V (included in the attack).
doesn’t have vulnerability to electrical damage.
Tested Skill Software. If the M.E.A V rolls below Actions
a 10 on an ability check, the roll automatically Multiattack. The professional fighter makes three
becomes a 10. melee attacks
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit,
Actions reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 13 (1d8+9) armor
Multiattack. The M.E.A MK V make three ranged piercing, bludgeoning damage.
Professional fighters are elite martial artists, who
GI Python 12mm. Ranged Weapon Attack: +11 to hit,
battle each other for the entertainment of raucous
range 15/45 m., one target. Hit: 19 (2d12+6) armor
crowds and glory, becoming celebrities in the process.
piercing, piercing damage.
Megataser. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range
4/8 m., one target. Hit: 1d6 (3) electrical damage,
and the target must make a DC 14 Constitution save,
or is stunned until the end of their next turn.
The M.E.A. MK V functions like the MK I, only it is
more effective, and expensive.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 293

Intro Challenge Rating 8–17 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
28 (+9) 24 (+7) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4)
Character Arch-Hacker Skills Athletics +13, Deception +8, Drive +11,
Creation Perception +13, Stealth +11
Medium human
Damage Resistance bludgeoning
Genomes Armor Class 20 (Atomos clothing) Senses Darkvision 36 m., Passive Perception 23
Damage Reduction 6 Languages Any twelve
Hit Points 129 (18d8+48) Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Classes Speed 9 m.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Deadly Accuracy. Arnold MK V can take a -5 penalty
Goods and 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) to the attack roll to gain a +10 on the damage roll.
Skills Computers +15, Investigation +11, Mechanics Hyper Jumping. Arnold’s jumping distances are tripled,
+15, Perception +8 and they can fall 9 meters without taking any damage.
Upgrades Senses Passive Perception 17 Reinforced Skeleton. +2 damage to unarmed strikes
Languages Any two languages (included in the attack).
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Tested Skill Software. If Arnold rolls below a 10 on an
ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10.
Hacking. The arch-hacker is an 18th-level hacker. Its
hacking ability is Intelligence (hack save DC 19, +11 to Actions
hit with hack attacks). The arch-hacker knows the Multiattack. Arnold makes three attacks.

following hacks: GI Python 12mm. Ranged Weapon Attack: +14 to hit,
Contracts 1st level (10 slots): camfect, command, decrypt, detect range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 20 (2d12+7) armor
security, killer joke, mind reader, pain, sleep, sloth, piercing, piercing damage.
Combat unlock Retractable Nanoblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to
2nd level (5 slots): disable security, drone snipe, freeze, hit, reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 18 (2d8+9) armor
modify memory, summoning piercing, piercing or slashing damage.
3rd level (5 slots): DDR, dominate, drone strafe, Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach
programmed hallucination 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 12 (1+11) bludgeoning damage.
Brave New 4th level (5 slots): mass suggestion, suicide, feeblemind Arnold MK V functions similarly to the MK I, only at a
5th level (2 slots): Aegis particle beam, blank slate, more advanced (and expensive) level.
Targeting Firmware. The arch-hacker gains a damage Omega Commando
bonus to attacks equal to their intelligence modifier Medium Human
Appendices (already included in the attack).
Armor Class 24 (Atomos battle suit)
Actions Damage Reduction 10
Black Widow 9mm. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, Hit Points 150 (16d8+78)
range 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 17 (2d6+10) armor Speed 9 m.
piercing, piercing damage. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
28 (+9) 20 (+5) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1)
Arch-hackers are the world’s most skilled hackers,
and within their circles, they are almost considered Saves Con +7, Wis +5
gods. Their ability to manipulate data, and minds, Skills Athletics +13, Intimidation +5, Perception +5
make them universally respected and feared. Senses Passive Perception 15, Spectrum Vision 36 m.
Languages Any one language
Arnold MK V Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Medium Anthroid Cloak. As a free action, the Omega commando can

Armor Class 24 (subdermal plating) become invisible.
Damage Reduction 6 Electric Discharge. If someone makes a melee attack
Hit Points 185 (14d8+122) against the Omega commando, or physically grabs
Speed 15 m. them, they attacker must make a DC 15 Constitution

294 // 12. Non-Player Characters //

saving throw. On a failed save, they take 33 (6d10)
Skills Acrobatics +12, Athletics +10, Insight +10,
electrical damage, or half as much damage on a
Investigation +7, Perception +10, Stealth +12
successful one.
Senses Passive Perception 20, Spectrum and
Hyper Jumping. The Omega commando’s jumping Penetration Vision 36 m
distances are multiplied by 3, and they can fall 9 Languages Any two languages
meters without taking any damage. Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
Mechanical Capacitor (1/encounter). As a free action,
the Omega commando’s melee attack’s damage roll Counter Attack (1/turn). The samurai legend makes
is increased by11 (2d10). melee attack against anyone who makes a melee
attack against them.
Actions Deadly Accuracy. The samurai legend can take
Multiattack. Omega commandos make three attacks. a -5 penalty to the attack roll to gain a +10 on the
7.62 Machine Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, damage roll.
range 300/900 m., one target. Hit: 18 (2d12+5) armor Execute. Any hit the samurai legend scores against
piercing, piercing damage. a target that hasn’t taken a turn in combat yet is a
3 Shot Burst. Make up to three 7.62mm Machine Gun critical hit.
attack rolls against the same target. This attack Hyper Jumping. The samurai legend’s jumping
action ends when you miss with one of the attack distances are multiplied by three, and they can fall 9
rolls, forgoing the rest of the attack rolls. Each meters without taking any damage.
attack roll after the first takes a -4 penalty.
Iaijutsu. The samurai legend can’t be surprised while
Wide Burst. Omega commandos can spray a 3-meter- conscious, they gain a +5 bonus to initiative, and
cube area up to 180 meters away. Each target in the enemies don’t gain advantage on attack rolls against
area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw them as a result of being unseen by you.
or take 2d12+5 piercing damage.
Ittojutsu. Once per encounter, the samurai legend
NanoEdge Gladius. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to can inflict an extra 3d6 damage after they hit with a
hit, reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 18 (2d8+9) armor melee weapon.
piercing, piercing or slashing damage.
Sneak Attack. Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The samurai
Incendiary Grenade (2/encounter) . Ranged Attack: legend deals an extra 21 (6d6) damage when it hits
15 m. A swirling shower of white-hot phosphorus a target with a weapon attack that has advantage
embers appears in a 6-meter-radius sphere centered on the attack roll, or when the target is within 1.5
on the point of detonation. The shower spreads meters of an ally of the samurai legend that isn’t
around corners and is heavily obscured, lasting for incapacitated and the samurai legend doesn’t have
the 3 rounds. Everything within the fiery shower disadvantage on the attack roll.
must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking
5d6 heat damage on a failed save, or half as much Actions
damage on a successful one. People must also make Multiattack. The samurai legend makes four attacks.
this saving throw when they enter the area for the
GI Python 12mm. Ranged Weapon Attack: +16 to hit,
first time on a turn or ends their turn there.
range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 20 (2d12+7) armor
Omega is a top-tier mercenary company, and its com- piercing, piercing damage.
mandos are the most well trained, well equipped, elite Masamune Wakizashi. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to
group of soldiers out there, each commando sporting hit (crit. on 18-20), reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 16
millions of satoshi in gear and upgrades. (2d8+7) armor piercing, slashing damage.
Samurai legends are the top few dozen samurai on
Samurai Legend the planet, their names are at once feared and admired.
Medium Human
Armor Class 24 (Atomos clothing)
Damage Reduction 6
Hit Points 195 (20d8+105)
Speed 9 m.


20 (+5) 24 (+7) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 14 (+2)

// GeneFunk 2090 // 295

Intro UCWAR MK I area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw
or take 3d12+5 armor piercing, piercing damage.
Large Droid
Nanoblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach
Creation Armor Class 26 (armor plating) 3 m., one target. Hit: 20 (2d10+9) armor piercing,
Damage Reduction 12 piercing or slashing damage.
Hit Points 204 (17d10+119) TOW (2/encounter). Ranged Weapon Attack: +14 to
Speed 15 m. hit, range 1 km./2km., one target. Hit: 43 (7d10+5)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA armor piercing, piercing damage. Anything within
Classes 28 (+9) 20 (+5) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) a 3-meter radius sphere centered on the point of
the attack (include the target of the TOW, whether
Saves Con +12, Wis +9
it hits or not) must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
Goods and Skills Athletics +14, Intimidation +9, Perception +9
Services throw, taking 5d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed
Senses Passive Perception 19, Spectrum Vision 36 m.
save, or half as much damage and no stun effect on a
Languages Any 12 languages
successful one.
Upgrades Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)
The UCWAR MK I, or Urban Combat Wearable Ar-
Cockpit. A pilot can enter the UCWAR MK I’s torso, mored Robot, functions as a highly mobile and precise
and it has the following properties: It is a completely light tank. It is roughly humanoid in shape, though
autonomous environment, complete with its own the ballistic armor makes it look more like a 12-foot an-
Ability 10-hour air supply, which can be refilled using gular giant wearing bulky sports equipment. The phi-
Scores atmospheric air. A hardline neural interface to the losophy behind the design is that no matter how well
UCWAR MK I’s sense input, and functions. The trained a pilot or driver becomes in operating their
pilot’s proficiency bonus, skills,mental abilities (Int/ vehicle, they can’t possibly be better at doing it than
Wis/Cha), feats, saves, and class abilities can all be piloting their own body. Every human starts training at
used instead of the UCWAR. MK I’s, whenever the operating a bipedal humanoid from the moment they
pilot chooses. The pilot takes all damage UCWAR can walk: themselves. The result of this shift in design
MK I takes, but it provides an extra 18 DR to the philosophy led to a new breed of armored “vehicles”.
Hacking pilot, which stacks with the pilots DR. Intravenous The line between vehicle and robot is clearly blurred
nutrition for 1 week. with designs like this, even more so as the UCWAR MK
Hyper Jumping. The UCWAR MK I’s jumping distances I can operate autonomously with very sophisticated AI
Brave New
World are multiplied by 3, and they can fall 9 meters or it can be operated locally by a pilot encased within
without taking any damage. and directly connected to the sensor systems through
Insulated. The UCWAR MK I doesn’t have their daemon.
vulnerability to electrical damage. The UCWAR MK I is much more agile than any other
Large Frame. The UCWAR MK I has advantage on heavy machine, able to evade attacks much more easi-
Appendices Strength ability checks. ly than other vehicles. It is meant to be deployed in ur-
Mechanical Capacitor (1/encounter). As a free action, ban areas and cannot cross great distances on its own.
the UCWAR MK I ’s melee attack’s damage roll is
increased by16 (3d10).

Multiattack. The UCWAR MK I makes three attacks.
12.7mm Machine Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +14
to hit, range 1 km./2km., one target. Hit: 24 (3d12+5)
armor piercing, piercing damage.
3 Shot Burst. Make up to three 12.7 mm Machine Gun
attack rolls against the same target. This attack
action ends when you miss with one of the attack
rolls, forgoing the rest of the attack rolls. Each
attack roll after the first takes a -4 penalty.
Wide Burst. Omega commandos can spray a 3-meter-
cube area up to 180 meters away. Each target in the

296 // 12. Non-Player Characters //

UCWAR MK II Large Frame. The UCWAR MK II has advantage on
Strength ability checks.
Large Droid
Mechanical Capacitor (1/encounter). As a free action,
Armor Class 27 (armor plating) the UCWAR MK I ’s melee attack’s damage roll is
Damage Reduction 14 increased by16 (3d10).
Hit Points 243 (18d12+119)
Speed 15 m. Actions
Multiattack. The UCWAR MK I makes three attacks.
30 (+10) 20 (+5) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 14.5mm Gatling Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +15 to
hit, range 1 km./2km., one target. Hit: 27 (4d10+5)
Saves Con +12, Wis +9
armor piercing, piercing damage.
Skills Athletics +16, Intimidation +10, Perception +10
3 Shot Burst. Make up to three 14.5 mm Gatling Gun
Senses Passive Perception 20, Spectrum Vision 36 m.
attack rolls against the same target. This attack
Languages Any 12 languages
action ends when you miss with one of the attack
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP)
rolls, forgoing the rest of the attack rolls. Each
Cockpit. A pilot can enter the UCWAR MK I’s torso, attack roll after the first takes a -4 penalty.
and it has the following properties: It is a completely Wide Burst. UCWAR MK II can spray a 3-meter-cube
autonomous environment, complete with its own area up to 180 meters away. Each target in the area
10-hour air supply, which can be refilled using must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or
atmospheric air. A hardline neural interface to the take 4d10+5 armor piercing, piercing damage.
UCWAR MK II’s sense input, and functions. The Nanoblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +20 to hit, reach
pilot’s proficiency bonus, skills,mental abilities (Int/ 3 m., one target. Hit: 23 (2d12+10) armor piercing,
Wis/Cha), feats, saves, and class abilities can all be piercing or slashing damage.
used instead of the UCWAR. MK II’s, whenever the Laser Cannon. Ranged Weapon Attack: +14 to hit,
pilot chooses. The pilot takes all damage UCWAR range 1 km./2km., one target. Hit: 43 (7d10+5) armor
MK II takes, but it provides an extra 18 DR to the piercing, heat damage.
pilot, which stacks with the pilots DR. Intravenous
Standing at over 16 feet, the UCWAR MK II is the MK
nutrition for 1 week.
I’s bigger and badder cousin. It can access less confined
Hyper Jumping. The UCWAR MK II’s jumping urban areas, but packs more punch.
distances are multiplied by 3, and they can fall 9
meters without taking any damage.
Insulated. The UCWAR MK II doesn’t have
vulnerability to electrical damage.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 297

Appendix A: Conditions
Creation onditions alter a person’s capabilities in a variety Incapacitated

C of ways and can arise as a result of a hack, a
class feature, an NPC’s attack, or other effect.
Most conditions, such as blinded, are impairments,
•• An incapacitated person can’t take actions
or reactions.

but a few, such as invisible, can be advantageous. A Invisible

Classes condition lasts either until it is countered (the prone •• An invisible person is impossible to see without the
condition is countered by standing up, for example) aid of a special sense. For the purpose of hiding, the
Goods and or for a duration specified by the effect that imposed person is heavily obscured. The person’s loca-
Services the condition. tion can be detected by any noise it makes or any
If multiple effects impose the same condition on a tracks it leaves.
Upgrades person, each instance of the condition has its own du- •• Attack rolls against the person have disadvantage,
ration, but the condition’s effects don’t get worse. and the person’s attack rolls have advantage.
A person either has a condition or doesn’t. The fol-
Daemons lowing definitions specify what happens to a person Paralyzed
while it is subjected to a condition. •• A paralyzed person is incapacitated (see the condi-
Ability tion) and can’t move or speak.
Scores Blinded •• The person automatically fails Strength and Dexter-
•• A blinded person can’t see and automatically fails ity saving throws.
any ability check that requires sight. •• Attack rolls against the person have advantage. Any
Attack rolls against the person have advantage, and attack that hits the person is a critical hit if the
the person’s attack rolls have disadvantage. attacker is within 1.5 meters of the person.

Charmed Poisoned
Hacking •• A charmed person can’t attack the charmer or tar- •• A poisoned person has disadvantage on attack rolls
get the charmer with harmful abilities. and ability checks.
•• The charmer has advantage on any ability check to
Brave New
interact socially with the person.
•• A prone person’s only movement option is to crawl,
Deafened unless it stands up and thereby ends the condition.
•• A deafened person can’t hear and automatically •• The person has disadvantage on attack rolls.
fails any ability check that requires hearing. •• An attack roll against the person has advantage if
Appendices the attacker is within 1.5 meters of the person. Oth-
Frightened erwise, the attack roll has disadvantage.
•• A frightened person has disadvantage on ability
checks and attack rolls while the source of its fear is
within line of sight.
•• The person can’t willingly move closer to the
source of its fear.

•• A grappled person’s speed becomes 0, and it can’t
benefit from any bonus to its speed.
•• The condition ends if the grappler is incapacitated
(see the condition).
•• The condition also ends if an effect removes
the grappled person from the reach of the
grappler or grappling effect, such as when a
person is hurled away by a shove.

298 // Appendices //
Restrained Exhaustion
•• A restrained person’s speed becomes 0, and it can’t Some special abilities and environmental hazards,
benefit from any bonus to its speed.
such as starvation and the long-term effects of
•• Attack rolls against the person have advantage, and
freezing or scorching temperatures, can lead to a
the person’s attack rolls have disadvantage.
special condition called exhaustion. Exhaustion is
•• The person has disadvantage on Dexterity
measured in six levels. An effect can give some-
saving throws.
one one or more levels of exhaustion, as specified
in the effect’s description.
•• A stunned person is incapacitated (see the condi- Level Effect
tion), can’t move, and can speak only falteringly. 1 Disadvantage on ability checks
•• The person automatically fails Strength and Dexter- 2 Speed halved
ity saving throws. 3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and
•• Attack rolls against the person have advantage. saving throws
4 Hit point maximum halved
Surprised 5 Speed reduced to 0
•• If you’re surprised, you can’t move or take an 6 Death
action on your first turn of the combat, and you
can’t take a reaction until that turn ends. A mem- If an already exhausted person suffers another
ber of a group can be surprised even if the other effect that causes exhaustion, its current level of
members aren’t. exhaustion increases by the amount specified in
the effect’s description.
Unconscious A person suffers the effect of its current level of
•• An unconscious person is incapacitated (see the exhaustion as well as all lower levels. For example,
condition), can’t move or speak, and is unaware of a person suffering level 2 exhaustion has its speed
its surroundings. halved and has disadvantage on ability checks.
•• The person drops whatever it’s holding An effect that removes exhaustion reduces its
and falls prone. level as specified in the effect’s description, with
•• The person automatically fails Strength and Dexter- all exhaustion effects ending if a person’s exhaus-
ity saving throws. tion level is reduced below 1.
•• Attack rolls against the person have advantage. Finishing a long rest reduces a person’s exhaus-
•• Any attack that hits the person is a critical hit if the tion level by 1, provided that the person has also
attacker is within 1.5 meters of the person. ingested some food and drink.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 299

Appendix B: Bots
Driver 3.4
Creation ots are AI that exist as pure data (unless you

B consider the hardware they are on as a body).
Their function is almost exclusively to provide
knowledge, expertise, and social engagement. Bots are
- - - 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 11 (+0)
like NPCs except for as noted below.
Skills Computers +7, Drive +10, Mechanics +10
Classes Daemon AI. If a character has the custom daemon
Languages Any three
upgrade (see Chapter 5: Upgrades), Bots can used as a
Proficiency Bonus +3
Goods and daemon’s AI, replacing the basic AI described in Chap-
Services ter 6: Daemons. A character cannot have multiple bots Driving Software. Driver 3.4 uses Intelligence (Drive)
running on their daemon at one time. Bots can also be instead of Dexterity (Drive).
Upgrades installed as the AI in a vehicle, instead of using the fac-
tory installed AI. Tested Skill Software. If Driver rolls below a 10 on an
Vehicle AI. Bots can be installed as the AI in a vehi- ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10.
Daemons cle, using the skill listed in their stat block. If the bot
A favorite among fast car enthusiasts, Driver 3.4 is
is already your daemon AI, it takes one full round to
an expert stunt driving bot, far superior to factory AI
Ability connect to the vehicle.
for vehicles.
Scores Calculator. All bots can perform mathematical cal-

culations instantly.
Cannot use applied skills. Bot’s skill proficiencies
can’t be applied, due to their lack of a body. For ex- Bot
ample, bots can’t use Intelligence (Mechanics) to fix a STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
car without hands, but it can use the Help action with - - - 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
non-combat related Intelligence ability checks. Skills Computers +3, Deception +3, Insight +3, Social
No senses. Bots don’t have any sense (since they Science +3
don’t have bodies), however when connected to a Languages Any three
vehicle or camera, they can use that as their sen- Proficiency Bonus +2
Brave New
sory apparatus.
No physical Ability Scores. Bots don’t have any STR, Friendo is your basic friendship/lover AI.
DEX, or CON scores.
Proficiency Bonus. Bots don’t have a challenge Friendo Ultra
rating, so their proficiency bonus is listed directly in Bot
their stat block.
Upgrades. Bots can be modified to have higher abil- - - - 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)
ity scores, or additional skill proficiencies. Each addi-
Skills Computers +4, Deception +4, Insight +6,
tional +2 to an ability score (to a maximum of 18), or
Persuasion +4, Social Science +6
skill proficiency adds シ5,000 to the price of the bot.
Languages Any three
Abilities. All anthroids, drones, and droids have the
Proficiency Bonus +3
following abilities:
Calculator. The AI can perform mathematical calcu- Friendo Ultra is the extra step up for people wanting
lations instantly. particularly life-like AI.
Eidetic memory. The AI has virtually unlimited ca-
pacity for memory, and it is able to record experiences
whenever the user directs it.
Listed below are some of the various bots available
on the market in GeneFunk 2090.

300 // Appendices //
Paragon 4 Net Monkey
Bot Bot
- - - 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) - - - 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Skills Computers + 4, Drive +4, Insight +4, Persuasion Skills Computers +5, Mechanics +3
+4, Social Science +4 Languages Any three
Languages Any six Proficiency Bonus +2
Proficiency Bonus +2
A basic helper for navigating the net, and using software.
Driving Software. Paragon 4 uses Intelligence (Drive)
instead of Dexterity (Drive). Net Monkey Pro
Paragon 4 is a general-purpose AI that is good at a Bot
great deal of things. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
- - - 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Paragon 5 Skills Computers +8, Mechanics +6
Bot Languages Any three
Proficiency Bonus +2
- - - 16 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)
A more advanced helper for anything computer related.
Skills Computers + 6, Drive +6, Insight +6, Persuasion
+6, Social Science +6 Science Guy I
Languages Any nine
Proficiency Bonus +3
- - - 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Driving Software. Paragon 5 uses Intelligence (Drive)
instead of Dexterity (Drive). Skills Life Science +6, Mechanics +4, Physical Science
Tested Skill Software. If Paragon 5 rolls below a 10 on +6, Social Science +4, Computers + 4
an ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10. Languages Any three
Proficiency Bonus +2
Paragon 5 is even better than 4!
A mainstay of researchers and science enthusiasts.
Paragon 6
Bot Science Guy II
- - - 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4)
Skills Computers + 8, Drive +8, Insight +8, Persuasion - - - 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
+8, Social Science +8 Skills Computers + 7, Life Science +10, Mechanics +10,
Languages Any twelve Physical Science +10, Social Science +7
Proficiency Bonus +4 Languages Any three
Proficiency Bonus +3
Driving Software. Paragon 6 uses Intelligence (Drive)
instead of Dexterity (Drive). A nerd-bot found in R+D departments.
Tested Skill Software. If Paragon 6 rolls below a 10 on
an ability check, the roll automatically becomes a 10.
Paragon 6 is even better than 5!

// GeneFunk 2090 // 301

Appendix C: Bioengineered Bestiary
Keen Smell. Dinocrocuta has advantage on Wisdom
Creation ioengineered beasts are NPCs that characters

B may come across as either friends or foes.
Transgenic Frankenstein’s monsters, or lovable
wondrous pets, depending on your disposition (and
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Rampage. When the Dinocrocuta reduces a target
to 0 hit points with a melee attack on its turn, the
Dinocrocuta can take a bonus action to move up to
the disposition of the beast itself). Listed below are
half its speed and make a bite attack.
Classes just a few of the hundreds of bioengineered beats that
might be encountered.
Goods and
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 1.5 m.,
Services Deinonychus+ one target. Hit: 12 (2d6+5) armor piercing, piercing
Medium Animal damage.
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Dinocrocuta is a resurrected prehistoric giant hye-
Hit Points 13 (3d8) na-like predator, with jaws easily capable of crushing
Daemons Speed 15 m. bone like twigs. There are transgenic wildlife pre-
serves where it is hunted as large game, but there are
Ability 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) stories of populations getting into the wild as well.
Skills Perception +2
Completing Senses Passive Perception 12
Contracts Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Medium Animal

Pounce. If the deinonychus moves at least 6 meters Armor Class 11 (natural armor)
Combat straight toward a character and then hits it with Damage Reduction 2
a claw attack on the same turn, that target must Hit Points 15 (6d10+18)
succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be Speed 9 m., burrow 1.5 m.
knocked prone. If the target is prone, the deinonychus STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action. 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 13 (+1) 5 (-3)
Brave New
Skills Perception +3
World Actions
Senses Acute Olfaction, Darkvision, Passive
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one
Perception 13
NPCs target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage.
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 1.5 m.,
one target. Hit: 8 (1d10+3) slashing damage, or 12 Keen Smell. The dire-skunk has advantage on
(2d8+3) if the attack is used with pounce. Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
A bioengineered predatory dinosaur. Rampage. When the dire-skunk reduces a target to
0 hit points with a melee attack on its turn, it can
Dinocrocuta take a bonus action to move up to half its speed and
make a bite attack.
Large Animal
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Actions
Damage Reduction 2 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one
Hit Points 51 (6d10+18) target. Hit: 12 (2d6+5) piercing damage.
Speed 15 m. Spray (1/encounter). The Dire-Skunk can spray a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 6-meter cone in front of them, and each creature
20 (+5) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 13 (+1) 7 (-2) that is in the area of effect must make a DC 13 Con
Skills Perception +3 save against poison. On a failed save, the creature
Senses Acute Olfaction, Passive Perception 13 spends its action that turn retching and reeling, and
Challenge 1 (200 XP) must repeat the save on each of their turns until
they succeed. Creatures that don’t need to breathe
or are immune to poison automatically succeed on

302 // Appendices //
this saving throw. Additionally, even if the target
succeeds on the saving throw, they are covered
in the obnoxious odor, and any attempts made to Tiny Animal
track them or spot them via smell are made with Armor Class 11
advantage, and they suffer disadvantage on any Hit Points 1 (1d2)
Charisma ability checks where the stink is a factor. Speed 3 m., climb 3 m.
Two hours of dedicated scrubbing and cleaning with
soap and water is required to remove the stink. 1 (-5) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
Dire-Skunks are the results of crossing skunks, wol- Skills Stealth +5
verines, and plenty of myostatin and growth hormone Senses Passive Perception 10
gene tweaks. They are wolf sized predators that can Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
douse you with noxious spray, and are prized as home
defense pets. Burrow. When a psymicid succeeds at a bite attack,
they may burrow into the flesh of a living creature as
Occisorsaurus Rex a bonus action. After they burrow, they make their
Huge Animal way to the brain in 2d6 rounds. Removing a burrowed
psymicid requires an action from an adjacent ally, and a
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Life Science) check. They
Damage Reduction 2
cannot be removed after they make it to the brain. Once
Hit Points 136 (13d12+52)
in the brain, a surgery costing 10,000 satoshi is required
Speed 15 m., climb 9 m.
to remove the psymicid. If it is not removed from
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the brain in 1d4 days, the infected creature has their
29 (+9) 14 (+2) 19 (+4) 2 (-4) 13 (+1) 9 (-1) Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores reduced to 6,
Skills Perception +4 and a pair of blue-banded horns form on their head over
Senses Acute Olfaction, Passive Perception 14 the course of the following day. In addition, the infected
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) creature becomes incredibly violent towards any other
creature that is not infected with a psymicid, attacking
Keen Smell. Occisorsaurus rex has advantage on even their own friends and family on sight. There is no
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. cure at this point of the infection.

Actions Actions
Multiattack. The Occisorsaurus rex makes two Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one
attacks: one with its bite and one with its tail. target. Hit: 1 (1) piercing damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 3 m., one Psymicids are the result of a biological weapons
target. Hit: 35 (4d12+9) piercing damage. program initiated in the Bosque Oscuro, though the
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 3 m., one project was aborted due to the indiscriminate nature
target. Hit: 22 (3d8+9) piercing damage and 6 (1d12) of the psymicids. While some memories and personal-
poison damage. ity of their former selfs remain, infected people act so
Occisorsaurus rex, meaning “king killer reptile”, came violently that they are usually put down. The victims
from the imaginations of researchers who felt that of psymicids still roam the Bosque Oscuro, and these
a Tyrannosaurus rex was too weak. Why not add a bugs are traded on the biohack blackmarket.
venomous barb to the tail, elongated arms for climb-
ing, and increased agility? It is illegal in almost every
country, and is used in transgenic blood-sports, pri-
marily produced through the Bosque Oscuro in
South America.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 303

Intro Quillion Rad-Scorp
Large Animal Large Animal
Creation Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Damage Reduction 2 Damage Reduction 4
Hit Points 52 (7d10+14) Hit Points 59 (7d10+21)
Speed 15 m., climb 9 m. Speed 15 m.

Classes 20 (+5) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 4 (-2) 13 (+1) 9 (-1) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 1 (-5) 9 (-1) 3 (-4)
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +7 Senses Blindsight 18m., Passive Perception 9
Goods and Senses Acute Olfaction, Passive Perception 13 Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Services Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Scary Kills. When the Rad-Scorp reduces a target to 0
Upgrades Cloakers. As a free action, the quillion can become hit points with a melee attack on its turn, everyone
invisible. within 9 meters must make a DC 12 Charisma saving
Keen Smell. The quillion has advantage on Wisdom throw or become frightened until the end of their
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. next turn.
Pounce. If the quillion moves at least 6 meters
toward a target and then hits it with a claw attack
Scores Multiattack. The Rad-Scorp makes three attacks:
on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC
two with its claws and one with its sting.
Completing 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the
target is prone, the quillion can make both one bite Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one
and one quill attack against it as a bonus action. target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) bludgeoning damage and the
target is grappled (escape DC 14). The Rad-Scorp has
Combat Quilled. Any melee attack against the quillion allows
two claws, each of which can grapple only one target.
it to make a quill attack as a reaction (see below).
Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 3 m., one
Hacking Actions target. Hit: 9 (1d10+4) piercing damage and 11 (2d10)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one poison damage.
Brave New target. Hit: 10 (1d10+5) piercing damage. Rad-Scorps are an homage to post-apocolyptic fiction,
World Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 1.5 m., a product to meet the demand people had to make
one target. Hit: 12 (2d6+5) slashing damage. theoretical sci-fi a reality. Though they appear like the
NPCs Quills. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 1.5 m., arthropod we know and love, their physiology is quite
one target. Hit: 8 (1d6+5) piercing damage and 5 different, and they possess a closed circulatory system
(1d10) poison damage. and powerful lungs to accommodate their large size.
Quillions result from military technology, an attempt
to weaponize large cats for guerrilla warfare. It ended Recombinant Ape
up being a disaster, but the genome is still sometimes Medium Animal
used to produces these monstrosities covered in black
Armor Class 13
venomous quills. Oh, and they can blend perfectly
Hit Points 15 (3d8+2)
with their environment thanks to rapid-response chro-
Speed 9 m., burrow 1.5 m.
matophores that mimic their environment.
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 13 (+1) 7 (-2)
Skills Athletics +6, Perception +3
Senses Passive Perception 13
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Furious Fists. If the ape hits with their punch attack,

they may immediately make one other punch attack
on the same target. This ability can only be used
once per turn.

304 // Appendices //
Actions Relentless (1/encounter). If the boar takes 7 damage
Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 1.5 m., or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is
one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) bludgeoning damage. reduced to 1 hit point instead.

A bioengineered ape, be it a chimpanzee, gorilla, Actions

or orangutan. Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one
target. Hit: 11 (1d8+4) piercing damage.
Recombinant Bird of Prey A bioengineered boar, fierce and tough.
Small Animal
Armor Class 14 Recombinant Canine
Hit Points 9 (2d6+2) Medium Animal
Speed 3 m., fly 21 m.
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit Points 13 (2d8+4)
6 (-2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 14 (+2) 7 (-2)
Speed 12 m.
Skills Perception +4
Senses Passive Perception 14 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Skills Perception +3
Keen Sight. The bird of prey has advantage on Senses Acute Olfaction, Passive Perception 13
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Dive Bomb. If the bird of prey moves at least 9 meters
Keen Hearing and Smelling. The recombinant canine
straight toward a character, the bird of prey can
has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
make a claw attack with advantage. If it hits it with
rely on hearing or smelling.
a claw attack on the same turn, that target must
succeed on a DC 8 Strength saving throw or be Pack Tactics. The recombinant wolf has advantage on
knocked prone. If the target is prone, the bird of prey an attack roll against a target if at least one of their
can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action. allies is within 1.5 meters of the target and the ally
isn’t incapacitated.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 1.5 m.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d4+4) piercing damage, or 11 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one
(2d6+4) if the attack is used with dive bomb. target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) piercing damage. The target
must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be
A bioengineered raptor, be it a large eagle, hawk, or owl.
knocked prone.

Recombinant Boar A bioengineered canine, including large dogs, hye-

nas, and wolves.
Medium Animal
Armor Class 11 (natural armor)
Hit Points 15 (3d8+3)
Speed 12 m.


19 (+4) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 3 (-4) 9 (-1) 7 (-2)
Senses Passive Perception 14
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Charge. If the recombinant boar moves at least 6

meters straight toward a target and then hits it with
a tusk attack on the same turn, the target takes
an extra 4 (1d8) slashing damage. If the target is
a character, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength
saving throw or be knocked prone.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 305

Intro Recombinant Constrictor Keen Hearing and Sight. The recombinant canine has
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely
Large Animal on hearing or sight.
Creation Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Pounce. If the feline moves at least 6 meters straight
Hit Points 14 (2d10+3) toward a character and then hits it with a claw
Speed 9 m. attack on the same turn, that target must succeed
on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked
18 (+4) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) prone. If the target is prone, the feline can make one
Classes bite attack against it as a bonus action.
Skills Perception +3
Senses Blindsight 1.5 m, Passive Perception 10 Actions
Goods and Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Services Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage.
Actions Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 1.5 m., target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage.
one target. Hit: 6 (1d4+4) bludgeoning damage, the
A bioengineered large cat, including panthers, lions,
Daemons target suffers a level of exhaustion, and is grappled
cougars, and tigers.
(escape DC 16). Until this grapple ends, the character
is restrained, and the recombinant constrictor can’t
Scores constrict another target. Recombinant Lizard
A bioengineered constrictor snake, including pythons Large Animal
Completing and anacondas. Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Hit Points 19 (3d10+3)
Recombinant Equine Speed 9 m.
19 (+4) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 15 (2d10+4) Senses Passive Perception 10
Speed 18 m. Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Brave New
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 7 (-2) Actions
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one
Senses Passive Perception 10
NPCs target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) piercing damage and 1d4 (2)
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
poison damage.

Appendices Actions A bioengineered large reptile, like a Komodo dragon

or crocodilian.
Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 1.5 m.,

Swarm of Super Rats

one target. Hit: 9 (2d4+4) piercing damage.
A bioengineered horse, pony, mule, or zebra.
Medium Swarm of Tiny Animals

Recombinant Feline Armor Class 13

Hit Points 31 (7d8)
Medium Animal
Speed 9 m.
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 13 (3d8)
9 (-1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
Speed 15 m., climb 12m.
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Grappled, Paralyzed, Prone, Restrained, Stunned
16 (+3) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) 14 (+2) 7 (-2)
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +7 Damage Vulnerability Any damage that affects more
Senses Darkvision, Passive Perception 14 than a 1.5 meter square
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Senses Darkvision, Passive Perception 10
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

306 // Appendices //
Keen Smell. The rats has advantage on Wisdom Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. Damage Vulnerability Any damage that affects more
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another character’s than a 1.5 meter square
space and vice versa, and the swarm can move Senses Darkvision, Passive Perception 10
through any opening large enough for a Tiny rat. Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain temporary
hit points. They heal by breeding, and recover 5 hit Swarm. The swarm can occupy another character’s
points every long rest. space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
through any opening large enough for a Tiny bird.
Actions The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain temporary
Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 1.5 m., hit points. They heal by breeding, and recover 5 hit
one target. Hit: 13 (3d8) piercing damage, or 9 (2d8) points every long rest.
piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit
points or fewer. Actions
Beaks. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 1.5 m.,
A swarm of dozens of bioengineered rats.
one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) piercing damage, or 7 (2d6)
piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit
Swarm of Terror Birds points or fewer.
Medium Swarm of Tiny Animals A swarm of dozens of bioengineered birds, like ra-
Armor Class 13 vens or pigeons.
Hit Points 31 (7d8)
Speed 3 m., fly 15 m.


6 (-2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened,
Grappled, Paralyzed, Prone, Restrained, Stunned

// GeneFunk 2090 // 307

Appendix D: Corporate Logos



Goods and







Brave New



308 // Appendices //
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// GeneFunk 2090 // 309




STR Martial Melee Medium
CLASS Martial Ranged Heavy



DEX Acrobatics
Sleight of Hand
Bureaucracy HIT POINTS

Life Science


SCORE Physical Science
MOD Social Science
SAVE Streetwise

SCORE Intimidation

MOD Performance




Acute Olfaction Darkvision Macrovision MOSAIC
Microvision Penetration Spectrum















N avigate a biopunk world with your
allies, a group of transhuman mercs
specializing in investigation and violence.

Plasticity of genes and form redefine

human nature. A supercomputer flows
through your blood and mind-hacking
runs amok. Do you have what it takes to
survive? Get upgraded or get ganked.

This book contains everything you need

to create characters and battle vicious
cyborgs, run heists, or maneuver
corporate intrigue in the world of
GeneFunk 2090.


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