Ideology: Teun A. Van Dijk
Ideology: Teun A. Van Dijk
Ideology: Teun A. Van Dijk
Whatever else ideologies may be or do, they are first of all a kind of belief, that is,
they are mental representations, as is also the case for forms of social cognition such as
knowledge, opinions, attitudes, norms, and values. But unlike personal opinions they
are essentially shared by social collectivities. They are a form of shared or “widespread”
ideas (Fraser & Gaskell, 1990). There are no such things as personal ideologies, in the
same way as there are no personal languages. Even when the original “ideas” that give
rise to an ideology have been developed by one or a few individuals, these ideas only
constitute an ideology as defined here when groups of people acquire, share, propagate,
and use them to promote their collective interests and to guide their social practices.
Yet, as is the case for languages, ideologies may be learned and used by individu-
als as group members in their everyday practices—thus bridging the well-known gap
between social structure and individual agency. This also guarantees that ideologies can
be (slowly) changed and adapted to new social and political situations.
The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication, First Edition. Edited by Gianpietro Mazzoleni.
© 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118541555.wbiepc011
2 ID E O L O G Y
As socially shared systems of ideas, ideologies are part of a very complex network of
neurologically based mental representations stored in the (so-called “semantic”) long-
term memory. As is the case for the socioculturally shared knowledge of communities,
they are slowly acquired and relatively stable in order to serve as a fundamental cogni-
tive basis for the everyday social conduct and discourse of group members. One does
not become a racist or feminist overnight, nor an antiracist or an antifeminist for that
Although, since the 1980s, there have been a large number of studies on various
forms of social cognition in social psychology (for an introduction and review see, e.g.,
Augoustinos, Walker, & Donoghue, 2006; Fiske & Taylor, 1991), sociocognitive studies
of ideology have been rare.
and social practices and in many different situations during a relatively long period, so
as to be able to maintain the identity and serve the interest of a group. In that sense
they represent general principles and guidelines rather than detailed instructions or
opinions on specific issues.
Thus, the mental models construed by group members (as group members) are the
ways in which ideologies are “lived” in the everyday experience of group members, and
explain why and how ideologies may show considerable personal variation, uses, and
manifestations. Based on socially shared attitudes, mental models thus feature person-
ally variable opinions on specific events. These mental models of personal experiences
are also the source of possible changes in ideology, for instance as new circumstances
may lead to different personal experiences shared by an increasing number of group
members—as we know from the historical development of racism, pacifism, or femi-
Models are subjective mental representations of specific events and situations and
share a fundamental cognitive schema defining all human experiences, organized by
such basic categories as setting (time, place), participants (and their identities, roles,
and relationships), ongoing events, actions, or situations, and goals. Such mental models
serve not only to represent past actions but also to control ongoing conduct and to plan
future actions of group members.
We can see that the combined social and personal influences on the mental models
of everyday experiences and practices define these mental models as the ideal inter-
face between social structure and individual agency. Thus, ideologically based mental
models allow people to understand and act as group members and in the interests of a
group. This also means that they serve as the basis for discourse and communication as
ideological practices of groups and their members.
Ideologies are not innate but learned. As briefly indicated above, they are gradually
acquired by people as members of social groups, mediated by personal experiences
(subjective mental models) instantiated by, or generalized as, socially shared attitudes
about relevant social or political issues. For such social attitudes and their underlying
ideologies to be acquired and shared in a group in the first place, they usually need
to be expressed, formulated, or otherwise communicated among group members or
defended or legitimated outside of the group. That is, ideologies are typically produced
and reproduced by talk or text by ideological discourse, such as party programs, parlia-
mentary debates, news reports and editorials, textbooks, bibles, pamphlets, or scientific
articles, as well as everyday conversations among or with people as group members (Van
Dijk, 1998, 2008b).
(positive) Us and (negative) Them. Indeed, these very pronouns are the prototypical
grammatical markers of underlying ideologies.
This polarization may affect all variable structures at all levels of discourse and its
communicative contexts, such as
and so on.
This discursive polarization is typically characterized by enhancing the positive prop-
erties of Us, the ingroup, and the negative properties of Them, the outgroup. At the
same time, the negative properties of the ingroup and the positive ones of the outgroup
are typically de-emphasized, toned down, mitigated, or simply ignored or hidden. We
thus obtain an ideological square (Van Dijk, 1998) that may be applied at all levels of
the discourse: positive topics about Us (how tolerant, modern, advanced, peaceful, or
intelligent We are), negative topics about Them (how intolerant, backward, aggressive,
etc. They are), and avoid negative topics about Us (e.g., our racism or our international
aggression, or their contribution to our economy and welfare). The same goes for the
words or metaphors we use, or what information is explicit or remains implicit, fore-
grounded or backgrounded, among many other discourse structures. Even the syntax
of active or passive sentences may thus be used to emphasize our good properties or to
hide or background the bad properties of people talked about.
Polarized ideological discourse is not only based on the polarized ideological mental
models of the speakers, but is also persuasively designed to help form or confirm sim-
ilar ideological models among the recipients of discourse and communication. It is in
this way that ideologies are slowly learned and reproduced by public ingroup discourse
of many types (from news in the media or school textbooks to everyday conversa-
tions). And once such ideological models of specific events are created by the recipients,
repeated communication may lead to the formation of socially shared ideological atti-
tudes and, finally, to general, underlying ideologies. We thus analyze and explain how
ideologies are formed and reproduced, and at the same time how they are used—and
thus at the same time reproduced—in social practices such as discourse and commu-
nication. And when the social or political attitudes thus communicated are in the best
interests of a dominant group and against the best interests of a dominated group and/or
the public at large, we are specifically dealing with the form of persuasion we call manip-
ulation (Van Dijk, 2005).
6 ID E O L O G Y
Context models
The expression and reproduction (or the challenge) of ideologies by discourse is not
only controlled by the underlying mental models of events and situations we write or
talk about. We also have mental models of the very communicative situation we partici-
pate in, such as a teacher talking in a classroom to her students, a politician addressing
other members of parliament, or a journalist writing a news report. Since these mod-
els define the context of discourse, we call them context models. They make sure that
discourse is appropriate in a given communicative situation—for example what can or
cannot be said in a parliamentary debate and how it should (or should not) be said (Van
Dijk, 2008a).
In a theory of ideology and its reproduction by discourse, we need to study not only
the structures of ideological text or talk, but also, especially, the mental context models
representing the definition of the communicative situation by the participants. Indeed,
the expression of ideologies is crucially dependent on context. Feminists will not always
speak as feminists, depending on the situation, to whom they are speaking, and what
the goal of the discourse is. Similarly, racists or male chauvinists may sometimes hide
their prejudices if, in their current discourse, it would be against their interests. On
the other hand, among group members, or in conflict discourse, ideological discourse
may be very explicit in order to teach, propagate, defend, or legitimate the ideology
or the practices of a group. Hence, a detailed analysis of the communicative situation is
necessary in order to be able to describe and explain the presence or absence and nature
of ideological discourse structures.
are expressed in, for example, systems of philosophical, political, or media discourses
during a given historical period. We also suggest a distinction be made between the
general notion of a “system of ideas” (including philosophical systems) and an ideol-
ogy. Thus, Marx developed a system of ideas, as did many philosophers, but (fragments
of) that system only became a (Marxist) ideology when it was acquired, spread, and
used by members of a collectivity. Kant also designed a system of ideas, but it would be
strange to talk of an ideology of Kantism. In other words, the history and the theory
of ideology (and of discourse for that matter) have shown a great deal of theoretical
confusion that we can clear up with more explicit analytical categories and distinctions
today, for example from contemporary discourse studies and cognitive science.
An example: Racism
By way of example, let us finally be more specific about racism as an ideology and how it
is discursively reproduced in society (for detail, see Van Dijk, 1991, 1993, 1998a, 1998b)
Racism is a social system of domination, in which “white” (European, etc.) groups
dominate “non-white” (non-European) groups. This overall system is implemented and
daily reproduced at the micro level in and by specific forms of racist practice and inter-
action, leading to discrimination. This system of domination or inequality and its dis-
criminatory practices are based on and legitimated by an underlying, socially shared
system of racist ideology, in which (white) ingroups are represented positively and (non-
white) outgroups are represented negatively.
This overall ideology is derived from and then again applied in the formation or con-
firmation of racist attitudes, for example about immigration, elections, busing, quotas,
intelligence, the labor market, and so on. These attitudes in turn are derived (bottom
up) from and again applied (top down) in the formation of, personally variable, racist
mental models of specific group members about specific “racial” or “ethnic” events in
specific situations. These various levels of racist mental representation are all involved
in the production of racist practices, for example exclusion, marginalization, and prob-
lematization of many different kinds.
One of these ideological racist practices, discourse or communication, has a double
function. On the one hand text and talk may be discriminatory practices like all others
(and exclude, problematize, and marginalize immigrants or minority members), and
thus reproduce the overall system of racist domination as explained above. On the other
hand, discourse is crucial in the development, and especially the reproduction, of the
underlying racist attitudes and ideologies that sociocognitively “ground” the system of
domination, and provide its rationale and legitimation. This is especially the case for
the role of public discourses, such as the discourses of politics and the bureaucracy, the
mass media and education.
10 ID E O L O G Y
However, only specific social groups, the symbolic elites, control and have preferen-
tial access to such public discourses, making them primarily responsible for the discur-
sive reproduction of racism, whether or not they are influenced by non-elite members
of the dominant group (influence that itself is discursively managed and controlled). At
the same macro level of the analysis of racism, we further need to examine the role of
(racist or antiracist) political parties, legislation, the courts, racist and antiracist orga-
nizations, and so on. Much of this analysis is again based on the public discourses (and
their cognitive and social consequences) of these groups and institutions.
In other words, a complex system of domination such as racism and its underlying
ideology needs to be studied in terms of the social, cognitive, and discursive analysis of
its development, reproduction, and change. Detailed, and systematic discourse analysis
can be used to study the empirical data at all levels and in each component.
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ID E O L O G Y 11
Teun A. van Dijk was professor of discourse studies at the University of Amsterdam
until 2004 and at Pompeu Fabra University until 2014. After earlier research on literary
theory, text grammar, discourse pragmatics, and the psychology of text processing, his
work since the 1980s has mainly been within the framework of critical discourse studies,
with special attention to the study of racism and discourse, news discourse, ideology,
context, and knowledge. His most recent publication is Discourse and Knowledge: A
Sociocognitive Approach (2014). Since 2014 he has lived and worked in Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil. For a list of his publications, consult his website: