New Client Form: Owner Information

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New Client Form

(please print)

Owner Information
First Name: Last Name:

Street Address:

City: State: Zip Code:

Mobile Phone: Home Phone: Work Phone:

Email Address:

Secondary Owner Name: Phone: Email:

How did you hear about us? □ Google/Internet □ Yellowpages □ Other: _____________________
□ Friend (provide their name and they’ll receive $10 off!):
Emergency Contact
(someone we can release the dog to in the event you cannot pick up your pet)
Name: Phone: Email:

Veterinarian Information
Business Name: Veterinarian Name: Phone Number:

Pet Information
Pet Name: Type: Breed:
□ Dog □ Cat
Gender: Spayed/Neutered: Weight:
□ Male □ Female □ Yes □ No
Birth Date: Color/Markings:

Health & Grooming History

(leave blank if Unknown – use Other Information section to explain health conditions if Yes)
Yes No Yes No Yes No
(explain below) (explain below) (explain below)
Blind: Deaf: Heart Condition:
Diabetic: Epileptic: Musculoskeletal Issues:
Allergies: Sensitive Skin: Warts/Moles/Skin Tags:
Biter: Shy/Nervous: Comfortable in a Crate:
Barker: Hyper: Aggressive: □ Cages □ People
□ Other: ______ □ Animals
Sensitive Areas: Other Information
Professionally groomed before? (circle one) YES NO (use this space to explain health/behavior conditions)
Scared of hair dryer? (circle one) YES NO
May we give your dog treats? (circle one) YES NO
Shampoo preference? (circle one)
Deodorizing Oatmeal
Hypoallergenic Fun-Scented

©No Barks About It! 2017

Grooming Policies and Release
(please sign and initial as read and understood)

Your animal is very important to us and No Barks About It! would like to assure you that every effort will be made to
make your animal's grooming experience as safe and pleasant as possible. Safety comes first for everyone during the
grooming process: people as well as the animals. You are required to execute a Grooming Release form prior to any
services being performed.

Health or Medical Problems:

Occasionally grooming can expose a hidden medical problem or aggravate a current one. This can occur during or after
grooming. All medical expenses for veterinary care will be covered by the animal's owner upon signing this agreement.

Although accidents are very rare, there is a risk when handling pets. Although we use extreme caution and care in all
situations, grooming equipment is extremely sharp and possible accidents can occur, including (but not limited to): cuts,
nicks, scratches, or quicking of the nails. In most cases, this can happen when a pet is wiggling or moving around. Your
pet’s safety and comfort is our number one priority. In the event an accident does occur, you will be notified. If No Barks
About It! feels it is an accident requiring veterinary attention and the pet owner is not on-site, No Barks About It! will
seek immediate veterinary care for your animal.

Veterinarian Authorization -- Medical Emergencies:

This release gives No Barks About It full authorization to seek medical treatment from the nearest licensed veterinarian
in the case of any medical emergencies while the pet is in the care of No Barks About It!. All veterinary costs and
expenses will be the responsibility of the animal's owner.

I have reviewed this Service Contract for accuracy and understand the contents of this contract. I affirm that I am the
rightful legal owner of the dog(s) or cat(s) for which services are being rendered. I authorize this signed contract to be
valid approval for future grooming services, permitting No Barks About It! to accept telephone reservations or emails for
service without additional signed contracts or written authorization. I understand that pricing is subject to change. I have
read, signed, and agreed to the above.

Signature: Date:

(please initial each policy below as read and understood)

Current Vaccinations
All dogs being serviced in our grooming salon must be current on their rabies vaccination and provide
documentation of such. All puppies must be at least 12 weeks old and current on their puppy series vaccines with
documentation of such.

Cancellations/No call-No Show

(initial) Because we book on an hourly basis and cancellations can leave an empty block in the schedule that could
have otherwise been used by another customer, we ask that any rescheduling or cancellations be made at least 24
business hours in advance or a fee of $15 will apply. If you do not call to cancel and do not show up to your
appointment, this is considered a “no call, no show” and a fee of $20 will apply and is required to be paid before another
appointment may be scheduled.

©No Barks About It! 2017

Extended Stay
(initial) Dogs that are left in our care for more than 30 minutes before their scheduled appointment and/or for more
than one hour after we call you and/or leave a message that they are done will incur a charge of $5 per hour. Dogs that
soil their crate resulting in the need for an extra bath during their extended stay will incur a charge equal to 50% of their
regular bath price for this service.

(initial) Flea/tick treatment is required from April through November to enter our salon. If your pet has any fleas, they
will be given a flea bath at your expense of $5 in addition to the base cost of the bath or groom. If you do not want them
to receive one, you can re schedule your appointment after the fleas are resolved by you.

Dangerous or Aggressive Animals -- Refusal of Services

(initial)No Barks About It! has the right to refuse any services at any time. In the event that your animal is too stressed
or becomes dangerous to groom, No Barks About It! has the right to refuse services, stop grooming services, or cancel
services at any time before, during, or after grooming and client will be charged a grooming fee for the services
rendered until that point.

Sedated Pets
(initial) We do not work on sedated pets as there is a risk of side effects from the sedation that we are not medically
trained to handle. If you sedate your pet for its appointment and do not inform us of it, you understand that we will not
be held liable for any repercussions related to the sedation. If we believe your pet has been sedated, we will refuse
services or stop services and a fee will be charged for services rendered until that point.

Matted Coats
(initial) Pets with severely matted coats require extra attention. Mats in a pet’s coat grow tight, and can ultimately
damage and tear the pet's skin, which provides a breeding ground for parasite infestations and infections. No Barks
About It! will not cause serious or undue stress to your pet by de-matting excessively matted coats and may require the
pet to be shaved. Removing a heavily matted coat can cause nicks, cuts, or abrasions due to skin growths trapped in the
mats. Heavy matting can also trap moisture and urine near the pet's skin allowing mold, fungus or bacteria to grow,
producing skin irritations that exist prior to the grooming process. After-effects of mat removal procedures can include
itchiness, skin redness, self-inflicted irritations or abrasions, and failure of the hair to regrow. In some cases, pets may
also exhibit brief behavioral changes. If your pet needs to be shaved to remove matting, you acknowledge that you
agree to this procedure and any risk presented. There will be an additional charge for this process: it is very time-
consuming, and causes extra wear on grooming equipment. De-Matting will be charged at $1 per minute, and if we
must shave your dog, a Matted Shave Fee of $10-$50 will apply in addition to the cost of the groom.

Other Fees
Special Handling Fee – if your dog requires a second handler to be safely groomed, a fee of $10 or more will apply.
Expedited Groom Fee – if your dog needs to be groomed straight through (no cage, no breaks) for health, medical or
stress reasons, or it is requested by the owner, a $10 fee will apply.

(initial) Payment is due at time of pick-up. We accept cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and checks.

(initial) Your satisfaction is important to us. If you are unhappy for any reason, and would like something adjusted, we
will be happy to make any adjustments when you pick-up your pet from his/her appointment. We also understand that
your pet is excited to see you when you pick them up, making it hard to closely evaluate the haircut. If, once you get
home, you decide that you would like something adjusted, please call us and we’ll make arrangements. You must call us
and bring your pet in within 24 hours of picking them up from their appointment, otherwise a fee may apply.

©No Barks About It! 2017

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