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Study About Scope of Nano Technology in Real World Past, Present and Future

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International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882 1050

Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2015

Study about Scope of Nano Technology in Real World

Past, Present and Future
Sheelesh Kumar, Arunoday Kumar, Shubham Kr. Sharma
EEE III Year, MIIT Meerut, India

Abstract  Chemical sensors together with Hydrogen and

Nanotechnology is like a toolkit for the electronics glucose sensors.
industry. It gives us tools that allow us to make  Optical sensors
nanomaterials with special properties modified by ultra-  Transistors and integrated circuits.
fine particle size, crystallinity, structure or surfaces.  Increasing the density of memory chips.
These will become commercially important when they  Reducing the size of transistors used in
give a cost and performance advantage over existing integrated circuits.
products or allow us to create new products. Over the  Improving display screens on electronics
next five years we will see significant introduction of devices.
nanomaterials and novel production processes based on
Nanotechnology which will address key issues of IV. APPLICATIONS IN TECHNICAL FIELD
importance to the electronics industry. Longer term the A. Nanoscale Transistors:
use of Nanotechnology will allow us to meet customer Transistors are electronic switching devices in which a
requirements by extending existing technologies or small amount of electricity is used at gate to control the
replacing them with new ones. flow of larger amount of charge carriers. In the hardware
of computers, more the number of transistors, the greater
Keywords: nano technology; environment; healthcare; the power obtained. With the development of
semiconductors. technologies the transistor’s sizes have been decreasing
continuously making the computer more powerful. So
I. INTRODUCTION long as now a days, the industry’s best mercantile
Nano technologies cover all technologies that deal with technology has been successful in developing computer
materials in nano - scale size. In a parochial sense, chips consisting of 45 transistors with nanometer
technologies that cover unique phenomena which arise in features. Recent declarations suggest that 32 nanometer
the components of 10 -to-100 –nm size range. Materials characteristics technology soon will be in the market.
used for such small sizes have been prepared using two
techniques, the top - down and the bottom-up methods B. Molecular Memory:
The top - down method is used to convert macro -scale A dielectric film for a DR A M*1 capacitor was
materials into smaller sizes as we use in the fabricated using the bottom - up method of
semiconductor process, whereas the bottom - up method nanotechnology. A primary cell of DRAM comprises a
is applied to commulate molecules or atoms into nano – pair, of a transistor and a capacitor, and the transistor (an
scale materials as has been observed in the synthesis of active element) can be developed based on the scaling
living organism. This paper discusses past and recent rule although the capacitor (a passive element)
progress and current trends in nanotechnology. cannot.The driver of the film deepness decreases.,
Capacitor leakage current increases, and decreases in the
II. THE PROMISES film, as the capacitance decreases. Prof. Werner G. Ku hr
Nanotechnology Can Offer Us: and his col leagues, University of California, Assembled
 Nano-structured materials such as tubes, balls, monolayer (S A M) and an electrolyte - which contains a
hooks, surfaces, etc. self-proposed a two -layered filmasad ielectric film. The
 Reactive particles film then its capacitance and electromotive force
 Identical particles like metals and their oxide, between Sam and the electrolyte can be controlled by a
ceramics, composite redox reaction that has been created.
 Uncommon optical, thermal and electronic
properties as found in phosphors, heat pipes,
percolation based conductors.

Various applications in the field of nano technology
comprises of:
 Read heads that are used in hard disk drives.
 Integrated circuit deposition control systems
Fig 1: Molecular memory applied to DRAM capacitors

International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882 1051
Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2015

C. Semiconductors: nanoparticles - such as paint - drug target. The drug

The most revolutionary applications of nanotechnology could therefore be a response action.
are in the semiconductor areas. Doping of a Carbon or
Silicon nanotube and coating it with differently doped B. Environment:
materials and further assembling it in an array. Creation In industrialized region, the air is filled with various
of quantum dots that can store a single electron charge pollutants caused by human activity or industrial
can also be implemented using nano technology. One activity, such as carbon monoxide (CO),
such application can be trapping atoms inside a nanotube chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), heavy metals (arsenic, chro-
and making use of electron spin to create a quantum mium, lead, cadmium, mercury, zinc), hydrocarbons,
computing device. nitrogen oxides, organic chemicals (volatile organic
One example of great interest in the field of compounds, known as VOCs, and dioxins), sulphur
semiconductor technology is the atomic cluster dioxide etc. The presence of oxide of nitrogen and
deposition technology implemented by Nano Cluster sulphur in the air causes acid rain that is responsible for
Devices (NCD). The technology is the result of the soil pollution. Water pollution is caused by various
convergence of two prior established technologies, factors like as-, oil spills, leaking of fertilizers, sewage,
atomic cluster deposition and the type of lithography pesticides from land and product of burned fossil fuels.
currently used in semiconductor manufacture of ICs. Contaminants are mostly measured in ppm (parts per
million) or ppb (parts per billion) and their toxicity level
V. APPLICATIONS IN NON TECHNICAL is defined by a ‘toxic level’ Nanotechnologies service
FIELD that can create materials with unique properties on the
A. Medicine And Healthcare: nano scale level case control functions defined by the
A nanotechnology for medical field is known as ability to provide. This is particularly important in
nanomedicine applications. In particular, the area of environmental issues where pollution arises from the
application for the diagnosis, monitoring, treating and presence of a specific contaminant that is in the form of
preventing diseases nanometer-scale materials and nano- solid, liquid or gas. Nano materials also actively interact
enabled technologies uses. These are heart disease, with the pollutants and less toxic species and can be
cancer, musculoskeletal and inflammatory conditions, engineered to decompose. Another application area exist
neurodegenerative and psychiatric disease, diabetes and simply because they resist the attack of pollution, rain
infectious diseases (bacterial and viral infections such as water are recycled and so is self-cleaning properties, the
HIV), and more. The probable rule of nanotechnologies less detergent is required to be washed that are nano
in the medical sector is that they must include new structured in this way coatings engineering.
dignostics tools; imaging agents and methods; drug
delivery systems and pharmaceuticals; therapies; C. Energy Generation:
implants and tissue engineered constructs. In addition to renewable sources of energy, solar energy
Health and medicine for the diagnosis of a suspected holds great potential. Solar light is available only during
disease is one of the most important steps. The part of the day and so is not stable, and it is
requirements are early diagnosis along with reliable geographically uneven. Some countries get more light
results, specific and precise, and with minimal risk of than others due to their proximity of equator. The second
false positives’. Nanomedicine has the potential to biggest problem is its storage and efficient
greatly improve the whole diagnostic process. Instead of transportation. A photovoltaic (PV) device is a device
collecting the blood sample in a vial (which can take that converts solar energy into electricity. The efficiency
days), send it to a special laboratory for testing, doctors of a PV device depends on the type of semiconductor,
are now capable of using in-vitro diagnostic devices. To and on its ability to absorb the amount of UV radiations.
enable the analysis of samples at the same time enables Nanotechnology supports these devices to absorb a large
very low concentrations and can quickly carry out portion of the solar spectrum and produce cells with the
several tests. These are small but highly integrated possibility of introducing alternative materials and
devices. Some small-vitro diagnostic devices are being construction methods. The cell is a standard silicon
already used in police alcohol screening devices and can cell.In one such example, the cell is based on
also be used by diabetics to take that breath alysers nanocrystals like silicon-based tandem solar cells.
portable glucose test. These devices help us in
measurements of ions, small molecules or proteins and D. Biomimetic approaches using nanotechnologies:
even DNAs for some specific diseases or medical Nature helps green plants in production of food through
condition. a process called photosynthesis. This process involves
Nanotechnologies for medical field have brought one of the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy that
the most exciting opportunities. Disease diagnosis, enables a ‘smart molecular machine ‘.Some researchers
treatment and follow-up are expected to get integrated. have undergone the study of this complex photosynthesis
This is known as theranostics, and can change some in spinach and made use of solid-state electronic devices
properties that can be activated by a drug inside to perform such function where power can be made

International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882 1052
Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2015

available for use. This represents an example of a

biomimetic solid-state photosynthetic solar cell. The
combinatorial biological protocols, that is, bacterial cell
surface and phage-display technologies is used in the
culling of short sequences that have closeness to (noble)
metals, semiconducting oxides and other scholarly
compounds. These genetically engineered proteins for
inorganics (GEPIs) can be encorporated in the assembly
of functional nanostructures. Based on the three basic
principles of molecular recognition, self-assembly and
DNA transaction, we accentuate successful uses of GEPI
in nanotechnology.. The device has conversion
efficiency of 12%.

E. Nanoyou Dilemma: REFERENCES

The use of nonmaterial in photovoltaic devices are [1] M Sarikaya, C Tamerler, AKY Jen, K Schulten,
responsible to improve the efficiency of these devices. Molecular Biomimetic Technology through Biology;
When nanomaterials are contained within a photovoltaic 2003
cell, the risk of coming into contact with the user is very [2] ChiiDong Chen, Institute of Physics, Academia
less. The problem may occur when the device is in its Sinica Introduction to Nanotechnology
last stage of its lifetime. Now the problem occurs with [3] Nanotechnologies, Principles, Applications,
the disposal of the device, especially when, the Implications and Hands-on Activities
regulation and control of these devices lags their [4] Dr. Prem Felix Siril, School of Basic Sciences;
development. In the NANOYOU a basic role-playing Nanotechnology and its application in renewable energy
model is ‘Nano-based solar cell’. [5] Atsushi Ogasawara, Hiroshi Komatsu; Applying
Nanotechnology to Electronics —Recent Progress in Si-
F. Information And Communication Technologies LSIs to Extend Nano-Scale.
Nanotechnology plays a vital role in the information and [6] Asim Kumar, Madan Jee; Nanotechnology: A
communication technology (ICT), research and Review of Applications and Issues, September 2013,
development, both in academic and industry. Computer (IJITEE)
microprocessors and memory storage devices have [7] Alan Rae, Real Life Applications of Nanotechnology
dimensions less than 100 nm. The naturally In Electronics
miniaturization of transistors has brought the past 20
years as a development spam. Experts say that Moore’s
law will lasts until the year 2015, perhaps a few years
beyond 2015. Finally, a time is expected to comes,
where transistor will be so small that quantum effects
may begin to prevail. Another issue is power
consumption and heat generation. Current transistors are
already below 100 nm, so technically the industry
already makes use of nanotechnologies. Continued
miniaturization of transistors using the CMOS
(complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) platform
(More Moore technology) has already produced
transistor less than 100 nm. This threshold was crossed
around year 2000, and today transistors are 45 nm.
Miniaturization of advancing Moore's Law is being
considered for a nano imprint lithography and nano
method. Although they provide various fabrication
techniques that can be used for making nanoscale
features of the semiconductor industry.


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