Dissection Rubric
Dissection Rubric
Dissection Rubric
with Group
No participation; sits on Minimal Good Very good Shows outstanding
the sidelines with no participation; participation; participation; is leadership qualities through
interaction; disinterested; Shows little appears respectful of shared participation and
No stake in time interest; doesn't interested; others and their respect for others; keeps
management pay attention to enthusiastic but point of view; others on task, managing
other group talks over makes sure that time; Assumes
members; may teammates or everyone gets a responsibility for effective
argue to get may "hog" tasks; turn;conscious functioning of the group.
point trys to help of time
across;helps group complete
group only when tasks; somewhat
asked; fools conscious of
around;little time
emphasis on
Following Poor Fair Good Excellent Outstanding
Lacks the appropriate Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates superb
knowlege of the lab general good knowledge sound knowledge of the lab
procedures. Has no idea knowledge of of the lab knowledge of procedures.
what to do. lab procedures. procedures. lab procedures.
Has some idea of Willingly helps other
Often requires help from what to do. Will ask peers Will discuss students to follow and
the teacher to complete Asks questions for help with with peers to understand procedures.
basic procedures. to teacher that problems in lab solve problems
are answered in procedures, in procedures. Thoroughly and carefully
the procedure, before asking follows and checks off each
more than once. the teacher. Carefully step before movng on to
follows each next step and encourages
Works to follow step and checks other group members to do
each step before them off as they the same.
moving on to the are completed.
next step.
Lab Poor Fair Good Excellent Outstanding
Measurements, skills or Measurements, Measurements, Measurements, Measurements, skills or
techniques are skills or skills or skills or techniques are both accurate
incomplete, inaccurate techniques are techniques are techniques are and precise and may show
and/or imprecise. somewhat mostly accurate.accurate with innovation.
inaccurate and reasonable
Observations are very imprecise. Observations are precision. Observations are very
incomplete or not generally thorough and may recognize
included. Observations are complete. Observations possible errors in data
incomplete or are thorough. collection.
Symbols, labels, units recorded in a Work is
and significant figures confusing way. organized. Work is Work is neat and organized.
are not included where generally neat
appropriate. There are 3 or Only 2 or 3 and organized. Includes appropriate
more minor minor erroers symbols, labels, units and
errors using using symbols, Includes significant digits, where
symbols, labels, labels,units and symbols, units appropriate.
units and significant digits and significant
significant digits where digits, where
where appropriate. appropriate
Safety Poor Fair Good Excellent Outstanding
Proper safety precautions Proper safety Proper safety Proper safety Proper safety precautions
are consistently missed; precautions are precautions are precautions are are consistently used.
goggles are worn on top often missed, as generally used, consistently
of head or not at all; listed at left; One warning used. Thinks ahead to ensure
kneeling or standing on Two warnings given by teacher safety and reminds other
stool; sitting on feet; given by teacher. group members to do the
using equipment not for same.
intended purpose.
Three warnings given by
Clean-up Poor Fair Good Excellent Outstanding