Numerical Prediction of Sheet Cavitation On Marine Propellers Using CFD Simulation With Transition-Sensitive Turbulence Model
Numerical Prediction of Sheet Cavitation On Marine Propellers Using CFD Simulation With Transition-Sensitive Turbulence Model
Numerical Prediction of Sheet Cavitation On Marine Propellers Using CFD Simulation With Transition-Sensitive Turbulence Model
Alexandria University
VSE Corporation, Alexandria, Egypt
Dept. of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt
KEYWORDS Abstract One of the big challenges, yet to be addressed, in the numerical simulation of cavitating
CFD simulations; flow on marine propellers is; the existence of laminar and turbulence transition flows over the pro-
Marine propellers; peller’s blades. The majority of previous studies employed turbulence models that were only appro-
Cavitation; priate for fully turbulent flows. These models mostly caused high discrepancies between numerical
Multi-phase flow; predictions and experimental measurements especially at low rotational speeds where, Reynolds
Turbulence models; number decreases and laminar and transient flows exist. The present paper proposes a complete
Transition-sensitive models and detailed procedure for the CFD simulation of cavitating flow on marine propellers using the
‘K-Kl-x’ transition-sensitive model. Results are obtained using ‘ANSYS FLUENT 16’. The pro-
peller under consideration is the ‘INSEAN E779A’ propeller model. The fully turbulent standard
‘k-e’ model is also adopted for comparison. Obtained results, based on both turbulence models,
are validated by comparison with experimental data available in the literature. Predictions based
on the ‘K-Kl-x’ transition-sensitive model are found to be in better agreement with experiments
at lower rotational speeds i.e. at low Reynolds numbers.
Ó 2018 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
as; a decrease in produced thrust, an increase in required tor- merged super-cavitating propellers along with experimental
que, damage to the propeller’s material (erosion), strong vibra- measurements. Viscous flow methods for predicting cavitating
tions and, noise. Using photography–via– experiments to flows around two-dimensional foils started getting in use since
capture cavitation patterns and extents over marine propellers’ the 1990s.
blades is a very complex task. Experiments are, in general, Numerical cavitation methods based on Reynolds Aver-
expensive to setup and time consuming to conduct. aged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models have been developed to
Numerical predictions of cavitating flows over marine pro- deal with viscous flows and, are currently still an active topic
pellers’ blades using CFD simulations have become a good of research. The first results obtained through RANS simula-
alternative to experiments and subsequently, have become a tion of cavitating marine propellers were obtained by Mak-
trending research topic. Researchers nowadays may harvest soud [10] and watanabe et al. [11]. Salvatore et al. [12]
the great advancement of computer performance that has carried out computational predictions using the ‘INSEAN’
made these simulations possible; refer to Blazek [2] as well as propeller flow code. In addition, experiments were carried
Versteeg and Malalasekera [3]. out to validate the predicted cavitation under uniform flow.
Previously, flow about propellers had been predicted using Zhu and Fang [13] investigated the performance characteristics
the lifting-line theory with, a vortex line representing the pro- of propellers under cavitation using viscous multiphase flow
peller’s blade and helicoidal vortices representing the pro- methods based on Navier-Stokes and bubble dynamics equa-
peller’s wake. Numerical models developed swiftly starting tions. Pereira et al. [14] ran an experimental and theoretical
from the 1960s. Salvatore et al. [4] utilized the perturbation study of a cavitating propeller in uniform inflow. Advanced
methods to demonstrate the lifting-line theory. The lifting sur- imaging techniques were utilised to obtain quantitative data
face model was developed later on. Dang [5] and Vaz [6] pro- on the extent of the cavity. Pereira and Sequeira [15] developed
vided the possibility for boundary element methods (BEM), a turbulent vorticity confinement strategy for RANS based
also referred to as the boundary integral or panel methods, industrial propeller flow simulations. The aim of the study
to be considered for simulating the flow about two- was to improve the prediction of tip vortices.
dimensional geometrically complex bodies. The application In general and from the presented brief literature, it is
of BEM was first utilized for partially cavitating flows of apparent that many researchers have significantly contributed
two-dimensional foils by Uhlman [7] and then by Lee et al. to the prediction of propellers’ cavitating flow using CFD sim-
[8]. Kinnas and Young [9] introduced the ‘PROPCAV’ method ulations to address various aspects of the problem. Among
employing BEM for the numerical prediction of fully sub- several challenges, not yet fully investigated is; the existence
Please cite this article in press as: M.M. Helal et al., Numerical prediction of sheet cavitation on marine propellers using CFD simulation with transition-sensitive
turbulence model, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
Numerical prediction of sheet cavitation on marine propellers 3
Please cite this article in press as: M.M. Helal et al., Numerical prediction of sheet cavitation on marine propellers using CFD simulation with transition-sensitive
turbulence model, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
4 M.M. Helal et al.
5. Grid generation
Please cite this article in press as: M.M. Helal et al., Numerical prediction of sheet cavitation on marine propellers using CFD simulation with transition-sensitive
turbulence model, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
Numerical prediction of sheet cavitation on marine propellers 5
8. Frame of reference
Table 2 Flow parameters of each run. Reynolds number varies along each blade with variations in
n (rps) VA (m/s) J r
the rotational speed and at every radius ratio r/R. Subse-
quently, and along the blade, the flow could change from lam-
25 5.1 0.9 4.455 inar to transient to fully turbulent as Reynolds number values
30 5.65 0.83 2.063
increase. Reynolds number Re is defined as:
40 6.99 0.77 1.783
50 8 0.71 1.763 Ucharact Lcharact
Re ¼
For a propeller blade, Reynolds number may be estimated
Fig. 5. The continuum is chosen to be fluid with properties of based on several characteristic dimensions, refer to literature
water assigned to it. The propeller rotation is simulated using [22] and [23]. In this study, it has been opted for a Reynolds
the Multiple Reference Frame (MRF) approach [17]. For the number that is based on (Lcharct = r) and characteristic veloc-
stationary region (the outer far field wall), the governing equa- ity (Ucharct = 2npr) at each radius ratio, i.e. at each r/R. The
tions are solved in a fixed frame of reference while for all rotat- variation of Re with n for various blade sections (r/R = 0.3,
ing regions (blade, hub and fluid zone), the governing 0.5, 0.7 and 1) is presented in Table 4 and Fig. 7. According
equations are solved in a rotating frame of reference. to De Witt [24], the threshold for the turbulent region is at
A rotating frame of reference is assigned to the fluid at the Re = 0.5 106. It can be noted from Table 4 and Fig. 7 that
selected absolute speeds given earlier in Table 2. A relative the flow becomes fully turbulent as the rotational speed
rotational speed of zero –with respect to adjacent cell zones- increases and beyond a radius ratio of r/R = 0.5.
is prescribed to the walls of the propeller’s blade and hub. From that, the standard ‘k-e’ turbulence model is expected
The far field boundary is treated as an inviscid wall to which, to be more accurate for the higher rotational speeds at (r/R ˃
an absolute rotational speed of zero is prescribed. The four 0.5) since the flow is fully turbulent. On the other hand and for
blades of the propeller are set at a regular angular interval of the range of radius ratios (r/R < 0.5), transient flow takes
90° hence, the modeling of one angular sector of 90° and place and laminar flow exists specifically as the rotational
one blade will suffice in solving the entire flow domain as speed decreases i.e. at low Re. Over this range, the ‘K-Kl-x’
shown previously in Fig. 5. The fact that other blades are pre- transition model is expected to be well suited.
sent is taken into account by imposing periodic boundary con-
ditions on the two sides of the blade. On these periodic 10. Results and discussion
boundaries, rotational periodicity is ensured.
10.1. Prediction of cavitation patterns and extents
7. Solution and solver settings
In this section, predictions of the pressure distribution, based
The commercially available CFD software, ‘ANSYS FLU- on the ‘k-kl-x’ transition-sensitive turbulence model, is pre-
ENT 160 is adopted to solve the three- dimensional viscous, sented. This distribution plays a significant role in predicting
unsteady, cavitating problem. The equations are solved as the cavitation inception. Later on, cavitation patterns -at the
follows: selected conditions in Table 2 will be shown based on both tur-
bulence models. As mentioned earlier, the relevant experimen-
The pressure and velocity components are solved using cou- tal data of the cavitating flow for this propeller model can be
pled technique. found in the literature, Pereira et al. [14] and Salvatore et al.
The second order ‘QUICK’ scheme is applied for convec- [18]. It covers the following (for various advance coefficients
tion terms in all transport equations. and cavitation numbers):
Please cite this article in press as: M.M. Helal et al., Numerical prediction of sheet cavitation on marine propellers using CFD simulation with transition-sensitive
turbulence model, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
6 M.M. Helal et al.
Please cite this article in press as: M.M. Helal et al., Numerical prediction of sheet cavitation on marine propellers using CFD simulation with transition-sensitive
turbulence model, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
Numerical prediction of sheet cavitation on marine propellers 7
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turbulence model, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
8 M.M. Helal et al.
Fig. 11 Cavitation area over the blade suction side at (J = 0.71, n = 50 rps, r = 1.76 and H = 90°): (a) Experimental photograph of
the cavitation area (b) Predictions based on the ‘k-kl-x’ transition model and defined by (cp = r = 1.76).
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turbulence model, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
Numerical prediction of sheet cavitation on marine propellers 9
Fig. 12 Comparison of cavitation patterns, over the suction side of the blade, between experiments and predictions. Results are based on
the ‘k-e’ and the ‘k-kl-x‘ turbulence models for the same operational conditions and at a = 0.5.
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turbulence model, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
10 M.M. Helal et al.
Table 6 Numerical/Experimental results of the thrust (KT) and torque (KQ) coefficients.
J r R. error (%) for KT R. error (%) for KQ
k-kl-x k-e k-kl-x k-e
0.9 4.455 2.4 8.7 +1.5 +3.8
0.83 2.063 3.9 6.4 +2.2 +2.6
0.77 1.783 5.7 3.3 +2.8 +1.9
0.71 1.763 7.6 2.9 +3.2 +1.7
Please cite this article in press as: M.M. Helal et al., Numerical prediction of sheet cavitation on marine propellers using CFD simulation with transition-sensitive
turbulence model, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
Numerical prediction of sheet cavitation on marine propellers 11
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Please cite this article in press as: M.M. Helal et al., Numerical prediction of sheet cavitation on marine propellers using CFD simulation with transition-sensitive
turbulence model, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),